Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20240709

and we'll see high clouds again. hazy sunshine today. right now in san jose it's about 49 degrees. if you look at the icons, eventually we start to sort of clear out a little bit so we'll get a little more visibility today and also slight warming. we've got high pressure rebuilding in the area, so i'll talk about what that means coming up in just a few minutes. >> all right, we'll see you soon, thanks. we have a follow-up in the south bay. two people are dead and another person injured after a car hit them in san jose. it happened around 8:30 last night near capital expressway. police say the driver did stay on the scene. no word on what caused that crash. people in new york city and here in the bay area are honoring a woman killed after she was pushed onto an oncoming subway train in new york. this was a random attack that happened last saturday, but it touched a nerve on both coasts. 40-year-old michelle go grew up in fremont before she moved to new york. she was an american high school cheerleader and an honor student and got her mba. in san francisco, former co-workers were among those who gathered to remember her. they called her an instant friend. >> i knew her for six months and she had such an impact on my life. i can't imagine how her family is feeling right now. >> a suspect in the attack is in custody and right now police are not classifying it as a hate crime. wrapping up his first year in office, president biden today holds his second formal news conference. he's expected to highlight administration accomplishments, but he's also bracing for tough questions on white house shortfalls, including what seems like doomed voting rights legislation. brie jackson is live from washington. good morning. what can we expect from the president today? >> reporter: good morning. we're expecting the president to really focus on touting his accomplishments, suches athe bipartisan infrastructure law, but facing record high inflation as well as a covid surge, the president is also plotting to hit the reset button heading into his second year. president biden rounding out his first year in office. with poll numbers down, the president is eager to make a shift. >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments and things we haven't gotten done. >> reporter: instead the administration is touting legislative successes so far, pointing to strong job growth and other policies aimed at helping americans. >> it's the direct result of actions taken by president biden and democrats in congress, including the american rescue plan. the vaccination effort helped fund and now the bipartisan infrastructure law. >> reporter: the white house is bracing for key questions on setbacks, like the voting rights push in the senate. >> once again, no one denies the path ahead is an uphill struggle. >> reporter: republicans argue democrats' policies have made matters worse. >> we have inflation, a pandemic, rampant, violent crime, a border crisis. >> reporter: senior administration officials say the president plans to focus less on conversations with congress and speaking more directly to the public. >> the environment has to improve and the major thing there is people feeling better about the pandemic. >> reporter: supporters of the re action. ant less talk and >> he's a single person that can't do it by himself, but his job is to surround himself with people that can do it records part of the white house's strategy, showcasing what they see as the president's greatest strengths. his empathy and ability to connect with everyday people. now, there's also disappointment, foreign policy disappointments. members of congress as well as the public were not happy with how president biden had the pullout of u.s. troops from afghanistan. kira. >> brie jackson for us this morning. brie, thanks. today is the day cell phone companies start rolling out their new faster 5g technology, but it will be on hold near airports with the faa, airlines and pilots all warning of potential catastrophic disruptions. what does that mean if you are flying any time soon? i talked with aviation expert, mike mccarron. for travelers is this a matter of my phone is not going to work, i'm not able to watch my movie or is this a matter that the plane that i'm on might not be safe. >> i think the real issue is your plane may not be flying because airlines have some concerns right now and they haven't been convinced by the telecommunications industry that all their concerns have been addressed. so they are threatening to cancel or delay a lot of flights. >> the faa has said they're concerned about altimeters which i understand to mean the equipment we use for takeoff and landing. so if this is a concern that the faa is voicing, why can't the government hit pause? >> there's the radio altimeter which tells the pilot how high they are above the ground and that's the one used for landing, particularly in bad weather so they know how high they are above the terrain. there's concerns between the fcc and the faa as to whether the new 5g technology will interrupt that signal from aircraft to the ground so that's what the big concern is right now. >> airline ceos have asked that 5g sites be turned off within two miles of airports. they are prohibiting pilots from using altimeters at 88 airports. cell phone companies are saying they have launched 5g services in almost 40 countries without any problem. so if we are flying out of san jose, sfo or oakland, should we be thinking about rebooking? >> the telecommunications companies are correct, it is in existence at 40 countries. it is at lower power and designed differently. the u.s. also has a lot more aircraft in the airspace than the european union does. the issue is how they can shut off the antennas within a two-mile buffer. that's a huge ring around three airports in the bay area. if you're in san jose, that would take it as far north as levi's stadium there wouldn't be 5g service. >> january 19th has been on the calendar for a very long time. so what happens on january 19th? >> these are two very powerful, lucrative lobbying groups, airline industry and telecommunications industry. one thing to keep in mind who's got more power here, is not everyone flies but nearly everyone has a cell phone. >> as you mentioned, we don't all floi but we get goods but we get goods that are transported commercially -- >> there's a lot of freight flown in and out. many years ago i said how many people ship or receive overnight mail and about three-quarters in the room raise their hand. the reason they call it overnight is because it flies overnight. >> thank you, mike, for helping put it in perspective so we can understand the bigger picture. >> so that rollout of 5g technology also signals the gradual elimination of 3g technology. that may impact everything from your phone to the features we rely on in our cars. check out the full story on >> great interview, kris. we'll take a look at the san jose skyline. there is that fog that vianey was warning us about as you head out on the roads and head out for your wednesday. it was ladies morning. kris, vianey and i. i hear that we have mike inouye joining us now to bring us the traffic. >> he's a ladies man, though. >> he is a ladies man. it's the perfect fit. >> well, he is -- >> our work husband. >> a favorite of the ladies. >> sorry, tracy. >> we know what you meant. we knew what you meant. we'll get to mike in a second and see how the roads are doing. forecasted highs for today will be in the 60s. 63 degrees in san jose, 64 in milpitas, cupertino 64 so our temperatures will be a little bit warmer today. we've got high pressure rebuilding in the area. it never fully went away, we just had a system cut in from the south and one to our north but haven't seen real rain in quite some time. we'll be in the upper 50s for the peninsula. daytime highs if you're heading to the city, mid-50s as well. the biggest change you'll notice heading into friday, saturday is going to be the wind picking up, especially for the higher elevation areas. 62 in santa rosa, 59 in novato and this is where our most dense fog is right now. up through the north bay, less than a quarter of a mile in visibility. so let's see how those folks are doing on the roads with mike this morning. good morning. >> good morning. that was a little microcosm of a high school and elementary back there, the little friend zone. let's look out to the zone in the tri-valley where we do have that fog that vianey has been talking about. the dublin camera can't see much past that lowe's sign there. despite whatever place you go, you can't see the signs. look at the map that is lit up with yellow on the map. some slowing as you come down 84. there's a construction zone there as well as over in union city over on the left side. those crews should be clearing shortly but not looking at any delays reported there or for much of the rest of the map. fog in the north bay, usual spot. check this out, gilroy, 101 into morgan hill, there may be some slowing there. >> thank you, mike. you're our favorite. still ahead on "today in the bay" the pushback state leaders are facing after warning that they may overhaul the state's solar incentive program. economists have taken a closer look and figured out or at least predict that many of the people who work from home will forever stay at home. and the plans to stop wildfires has critics speaking out. right now on nbc bay, why conservationists don't agree that thinning forests will solve the issue. we'll be right back. hello there, it's 5:13. if you live in the north bay you're waking up to pretty dense fog. it's going to be a little warmer today compared to yesterday. mild in the 60s still. i'll have a look at your full forecast coming up in just a few minutes. mike. >> vianey, you mentioned it, some dense fog. it's marked on the map. 680 coming down through pleasanton into fremont, 880 through fremont there's not a problem for visibility. crews are still on the southbound side of the nimitz. we'll track that and anything else that pops up as chp tells me what's going on. well, good morning, mike. good morning, everyone. happy wednesday to you as well. economists studying the work-from-home phenomenon say right now about 42% of us are still working from home and that's total u.s. population so that includes all of the workforce. if you take out the people who can't work from home, say, restaurant chefs or firefighters, that sort of thing, then the remaining percent goes way up. and those economists say making that study say it looks pretty permanent. they expect this to last even after the pandemic is over. they're calling for about 30 or 40% of us, they're predicting this, will not work regularly in offices ever again. some traders on wall street probably wish they could have stayed home. markets plunged tuesday as traders were tempted out of stocks by coming interest rate hikes. the nasdaq, which has a lot of speculative tech stocks on it, is down more than 7% so far this year, and that's a good reminder that while people can make or lose money, money itself just moves around. if you want a good return, you put it, say, in a tech stock because those tend to move higher faster than other traditional stocks. but then when it looks like growth is slowing and interest rates are going up, people move that money out of tech stocks to something with a better return. that's why when we talk about interest rate hikes and interest rate worries, companies like netflix often see their shares fall really hard. the iea, the international energy agency, predicts the demand for oil in 2022 will surpass the demand for oil pre-pandemic. that means higher oil prices, north of $100 a barrel because of demand. that's because the economy continues to strengthen. we have higher low prices when things are going well, lower oil prices when the economy is slow. these are temporary bumps that we see along the way as well. an attack on an oil field or pipeline problem will cause brief spikes but generally trends follow the economy and that's the give and take of business, kris and kira. we all wanting a strong economy, but it will bring us interest rate hikes and higher energy prices. always has, always will. >> and you've been telling us to watch for that too, so hopefully people did listen. thanks, scott. >> let's hope. developing this morning, state energy leaders are considering rolling back incentives for homeowners who install solar panels. the proposal would add a monthly fee to participate and maintain the power grid and so-called solar tax. the state public utilities commission says the measure creates a fairer system in sharing basic power costs. but solar advocates say homeowners with solar would pay about $700 more per year than they do right now. not only that, but it may have a negative impact on climate change. a vote is scheduled next week. trending this morning, kris and i are both moms. most of the time we get it right. >> most of the time. >> or we claim to get it right. >> i don't know. i think i very rarely get it right. >> so listen to what this one minnesota mother is sharing on tiktok. she got something very wrong two years in a row and she says it started with a billing issue at her son's pediatrician's office telling her her son's birthday was february 25th. >> so i'm about to call my insurance company to let them have it. i say maybe i should scroll back facebook to look at the birth announcement years ago to make sure. i just got done doing that. and his birthday is indeed the 25th. for two years i've been celebrating his birthday on the 26th. >> oh, no! >> so her little guy is only 3 years old. >> he has no idea. >> she's just done it twice. >> and he doesn't know. >> the due date was the 26th so maybe that's what led to the confusion. and it's her middle child. oh, lord, the middle children, yeah. she says it might have just also been exhausted. i can say -- sympathize because just the other day we were talking about kids and i said i have a 14-year-old. i don't. i have a 15-year-old. >> maybe you missed her birthday. >> oh, my goodness. >> it's exhaustion, it's that lady having three kids. it's so many variables. >> that's kind of a big one. i wouldn't have posted it, though, because now it's forever. >> and i'm not coming for you, mike, but i tried asking my dad when all of our birthdays are, there's four of us, and he has no idea. he said that's what the emergency contact information for my little sister is for. >> vianey, at some point you start forgetting names. >> you run through all the kids' names and the dog's name. >> let's get to your weather in case you're throwing a birthday party for one of your children today. it is going to be a little cloudy again to start. we've had these high clouds lingering, you know, for the past several days. that's what we're going see again today. a beautiful shot of san francisco. you can see some of those clouds starting to roll through, starting to block the line of sight to some of our beautiful buildings. currently the temperatures are in the 30s, 40s right now. 49 degrees in san jose. 39 in novato. napa 42. and in through concord, 43 degrees. so fog and visibility is also down to about a quarter of a mile up through santa rosa, novato, napa, and it's moving into san jose, creeping into hayward and in concord and livermore as well. it's getting pretty dense down through oakland, down to 5 miles visibility. when is this going to clear out? it's going to be slow to clear but we're going to get some slight warming today and a little bit of afternoon sunshine as well. oakland, a high of 57. san jose a high of 63. 56 in san francisco. napa 61. santa rosa 62. now, your air quality forecast is also going to remain moderate. we're keeping a close eye on this because thanks to that high pressure there's not much of this air mixing out, so it's keeping our conditions moderate but at times maybe unhealthy for sensitive groups because we just got this dry air mass sitting over the bay area. as far as your long range outlook goes, we have this dry pattern through the end of january, so no real rain in sight. we'll see the wind pick up heading in towards friday and saturday, especially for some of the higher elevation areas. that high pressure will continue to build. this is going to lead to even more warming towards the weekend. your seven-day outlook, you're notice the warming in san francisco. look at friday, saturday and sunday. we bump up into the mid-60s. on saturday we're in the upper 60s on saturday and it is going to start to get breezy, especially tomorrow into early saturday morning. wind gusts possible 20 to 40 miles per hour for some of our local mountain areas. let's get a check of the roads with mike. >> thank you, vianey. we're looking over to the maps where a couple of things stand out on the map. the green stands out because it's early, light traffic flow. over on the right side notice over in the tri-valley there's that blob of yellow. we talk about that fog and lower visibility really hitting 580 and 680 around the dublin interchange. that's one issue. the area over on the left that's improving, the crews just cleared on the caltrans grid southbound 880 should have quick recovery by the time you get over there. even if you're in union city, you should be cleared. a little fog there and more fog in the north bay as well as over in novato. and we're looking at a smooth flow of traffic down the east shore freeway but you do see low clouds hovering. back to you. >> thank you, mike. extension denied. coming up on "today in the bay" the legal loopholes east bay residents say their landlord is using to try to evict them. as we head to break, we want to share these pictures and video our laura garcia shared on instagram. she took some time off and hilt the slopes. laura loves tahoe. don't forget, you can keep up with laura by following her on instagram, twitter and facebook. you're watching "today in the bay." new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. uc berkeley police issued a new warning to students about this man here on your screen. they say he was likely responsible for three aggravated assaults on the campus in the last 36 hours. thef business. officers urging people to use caution and they say if you see him, call police if you can do so safely. an eviction battle now playing out in the east bay may be headed to the courtroom. tenants in a san pablo complex say they received eviction notices after the state moratorium ended last year. the landlord says he needs the units to be vacant to make renovations. residents say he's using a loophole to bring in new higher paying tenants. last night the city council rejected the request for a eviction moratorium. those tenants are considering taking the battle to court. as parents watch their children get older, the joys and challenges of parenting and grandparenting continues to evolve. >> nbc's maria shriver met with experts on what to know about being a grandparent in the 2020s. >> how do you manage that two years of parenting experience up against 30? >> i think the classic line every mom gets from grandparents is i raised you and look at you. but it's also, science evolves and new things work that people didn't maybe know about before. >> the challenges of being a grand parent and how different generations can work together coming up on the "today" show at 7:00 right after "today in the bay." it is 5:27. up next, top stories we're following today, including one east bay city making a new push to halt the surge in violence. the new plan to crack down on untraceable weapons and jail time violators may face. plus -- >> reporter: and that post-holiday omicron surge seems to be tapering off but hospitalizations across the bay area continue to rise. coming up we'll break down those numbers. right now at 5:30, while you were sleeping, new help coming from the white house to stop the spread of the omicron variant, but bay area hospitalization are still on the rise. plus, nbc bay area responds. >> the site is live for you to order free at-home covid-19 tests from the federal government. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. we'll walk you through the steps to sign up. san francisco's main library facing tough questions this morning. a shocking dog attack caught on camera that triggered it all. this is "today in the bay." >> we are broadcasting to your television and you can also watch us live on your roku, your amazon fire, your apple tv and online, which i have to say my mother always watches us online from los angeles. hi, mom. >> hi, mom. >> good wednesday morning, i'm kira klapper. >> and i'm kris sanchez. laura and marcus both have the day off. now, we want to get you started with a look at the forecast. vianey is tracking a lot of fog. >> i want to say hi to my mom too, hola! look at the fog, it's really rolling in right now, not just for the north bay. i noticed it coming in through hayward, look at san carlos, half moon bay down through san jose, morgan hill, livermore. a quarter of a mile through livermore so definitely going to keep this fog lingering through your morning commute. slow it down out there. remember, don't use your high beams, that will make it worse. it reflects off the fog and makes you get that reflection, which is hard to see, so just use your regular headlights, air quality today will be moderate. 49 in san jose right now. and if you look at the temperature trend, we'll bump up and get a little bit warmer into the afternoon. >> thank you very much, vianey. this morning it appears the bay area's post-holiday omicron surge is finally starting to taper off. however, hospitalizations continue to rise. >> today in the bay's cierra johnson joins us live to break down the new data. hi, sierra. >> reporter: yes, good morning. well, i can tell you that california has hit quite the milestone. 7 million people have been infected with covid since the start of the pandemic and the number of folks hospitalized here in the bay area with covid has also begun to rise. now, take a look at your screen. as of monday, across the bay area there were 1,881 hospital patients infected, with 309 of those covid patients in intensive care units. to put that in perspective, the bay area's highest number of hospitalizations was last january when there were 2,200 patients hospitalized. here in san francisco, there were 256 covid patients on monday, just three fewer than its all-time record high of just over a year ago. and sonoma county also really seeing a surge. the official number of confirmed active covid-19 cases in sonoma county has skyrocketed to over 18,000. take a look at this graph. that plot of those cases, there was a jump, you can tell just this month. a year ago there were nearly 5,000 active cases. but as we've mentioned before, state leaders and local health leaders have shared with us that they do believe this particular strain of the virus is tapering off. just last week the governor shared his thoughts at san jose state explaining the state will get through this variant and it's expected to last just a few more weeks. that's a sentiment shared by ucsf and disease specialty dr. monica gandhi. in the endemic phase, you treat it like a flu. that was a conversation we had last week. so believe it or not, despite the high number of hospitalizations and the cases we're seeing, scientists are actually using wastewater to get a better perspective of where we are in terms of cases. so researchers at uc berkeley say they're seeing a sharp decline in the coronavirus rna in sewage in certain communities. they're taking a look at san francisco, marin county as well as contra costa counties. now, the researchers say although the rna coronavirus in those samples are still higher than they were in december, they are drastically seeing a decline. so a lot to keep a close look on, but all indicators are pointing that the omicron variant is declining, but we are still seeing a good number of folks there in hospitals. we're live in san francisco, cierra johnson for "today in the bay." >> a glimmer of hope there. new this morning, the white house plans to provide 400 million free n-95 masks to people across the country. it will include working with pharmacies and health centers to distribute the masks in thousands of locations. the administration will begin shipments this week and they hope to have the program fully operational by next month. the federal government's new free at-home covid-19 program is now up and running. >> consumer investigator chris chmura is here to walk us through how to get those four free tests for your household. >> signing up is super simple. you start at and click on that blue button. that will take you to the post office website where they really only need your name and address. one quick hiccup some people are running into, if you live in an apartment or condominium with a unit number, if you're not putting it right here which is to the right of the street address box, it might not work so look out for that. once you fill it out, click the green button which says check out now. you'll verify your order, which it says free at-home covid-19 tests. everybody gets four and zero dollars. you place your order and get a confirmation page. you're expected to get these beginning toward the end of the month and that's it. it's just that simple. if you run into trouble call us at 888-996-tips or go to and click the responds option. >> it actually works, i ordered mine. as more people try to get tested, that website is experiencing some hiccups. social media has people struggling to place their orders especially at apartment buildings where other tenants placed their orders. there's only one order per household allowed and the website does not recognition apartment complexes or multi-family dwellings. if your order is not going through, the white house says you can email the postal service or call the usps help desk. we tried to make it easy for you to order your at-home covid test. go to, click on the link in the trending bar and you'll find information about the free tests and a link to order. the san francisco main library is now rethinking its policies for pets in public places after a vicious dog attack that was caught on camera. >> so this happened when security guards tried to roust somebody who was sleeping around closing time. we have to warn you, this video is pretty graphic. you can see the dog biting one guard while another uses a stick and pepper spray to subdue the animal. neither of these things were working. the attack only stopped when the dog's owner woke up and got the animal under control. the dog was seriously injured and library staff say something like this has never happened before. >> we are going to exhaust every option we have to prevent this from ever happening again. >> the dog owner has been cited for failure to control his animal and the dog is now in the custody of animal care and control. new this morning, the city of oakland is cracking down on so-called ghost guns. as expected, councilmembers yesterday passed a new ordinance banning not only untraceable guns but the possession of unfinished ghost gun parts. violators can face up to six months in jail and fines up to $5,000. nearly one in four firearms oakland police seized last year were ghost guns. okay, let's take a live look at fremont here. it looks nice and clear there, but we know there has been fog moving all around the bay area this morning. mild conditions to start says the gal who wore a jacket to work, so maybe that's not fully true, vianey. >> i'm wearing a sweater. it's always cold in the studio. like always cold in the studio. >> it is. it is always cold in the studio. >> so let's get to your daytime highs because it's actually going to be a little bit warmer today in the south bay because of high pressure, so let's see how our daytime highs will shape out today. 65 degrees through gilroy, 63 in morgan hill, 63 degrees in san jose, and in through the east bay here's a closer look at your daytime highs. 62 for antioch. oakland 57. hayward 59. vallejo 58. around the peninsula expect upper 50s. san mateo 57. if you're heading to the city today, also upper 50s and it will be a little slower to clear when it comes to the high clouds. hazy sunshine for the afternoon, 62 degrees in santa rosa. 59 for novato. 60 degrees in sonoma. i'll talk about your extended out look in my full forecast. first let's check in with mike. >> all right, light traffic flow as it has been all week, as it has been for weeks. we're looking out to fog is the issue that vianey has been talking about. the north bay in novato to santa rosa, across highway 37 into vallejo, that's the highlighted yellow. rio vista, anything north of the delta and the waterways. the bay bridge is also clear. the yellow highlighting moving over towards castro valley, dublin, pleasanton. slowing as folks are heading down towards sunol. that fog is likely a factor. union city over on the left, that has cleared the area. this is our dublin camera. we talked about the fog moving around. getting a little tougher to see our roadway. on the roadway you can still see. >> oh, my gosh. it looks like a blank screen. be careful out there, everyone. thanks, mike. possible new legal troubles for former president donald trump. coming up on "today in the bay" the deepening investigation into the trump organization and questions about the way it received tax breaks. as of tomorrow, president biden will have been in office one year. we'll take an honest look back at that year coming back. plus, the dubs shake off their losing streak, finally. highlights from last night's game, and they're good. the outlook for draymond green and when he might return to the court too. wow! no braces, everything's hands-free. i wasn't so lucky... invis is not your parents' braces. invis is faster than braces and the clear aligner brand most trusted by doctors. invisalign good morning. it is 5:43, 41 degrees in walnut creek. and we do have those clouds and of course early morning fog that's going play a factor in your forecast for today. we'll eventually bump up into the 50s and even a couple of mid-60s. i'll take you through your daytime highs and your air quality report coming up in my full forecast. >> yeah, vianey, you talked about the fog there and we have that issue. we couldn't really see the shot from dublin because that shot rolled in. the shot is okay. the traffic on the roadways is much lower than our rooftop cameras so that's why you can see when you're driving. this is emeryville with the clouds involve and the folks driving below the clouds. you will find fog in many places. we'll talk about that coming up. president biden will mark his one-year anniversary as president today, with a speech and press conference at the white house. >> and that's going to happen at 1:00 this afternoon our time. scott mcgrew, the president is expected to highlight some of his accomplishments, but what a rough year to be a first-time president. >> it has been very rough. yes, accomplishments and i suspect as you do, kris, he will acknowledge where his administration has fallen short. he needs to be realistic. mr. biden's approval rating is down significantly. and two of his signature efforts, voting rights and build back better, are stuck and probably will not go anywhere. here's a brief look at the first year of the 46th president of the united states. >> i, joseph robinette biden jr. do solemnly swear. >> reporter: his first actions came just moments after he said "so help me god." returning the u.s. to the paris climate accords, halting funding of the wall on the mexican border and repealing the travel ban all within the first days of his presidency. high points of his first year, the american rescue plan and its child tax credit lifted millions of american children out of poverty for the first time. the new president signed a massive infrastructure bill into law. hundreds of billions of dollars in funding for roads and bridges. america saw record job growth, record stock markets, and biden ended the longest war america ever fought. a rocky and disorganized withdrawal, but an end nonetheless. >> 245 years ago we declared our independence from a distant king. today we are closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus. >> reporter: we hoped the president's fourth of july declaration of independence from covid marked the beginning of the end of the pandemic, but the nonmasked and the nonvaccinated frustrated those efforts. >> i know we all wish that we could finally be done with wearing masks. i get it. >> reporter: in fact in nearly every address this year, president biden reminded us to wear a mask and get a shot. >> when you're indoors in public places, you should wear the mask. >> reporter: there was a lot of frustration. a member of the president's own party stood in the way of building back better. republicans blocked his party's voting right bills designed to push back against red states and their efforts to restrict voting. the president spoke with an unusual anger, comparing those who stood in the way of modern voting rights with racists and supremacists of the past. >> do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull conner. do you want to be on the side of abraham link up or jefferson davis? this is the moment to decide to defend our elections, to defend our democracy. >> reporter: unusual anger and unusual change of mind from a man who spent decades in the senate. after years of opposition, biden now supports exceptions to the filibuster in order to get the voting rights bills passed. only once again, though, to run into opposition from a member of his own party. in that case kyrsten sinema. now, history teaches us not to judge a president by his first year. franklin roosevelt's first year, the great depression got worse, not better, but roosevelt of course ended up saving the united states. president trump's first year was quite the roller coaster, but in that first year the world had never heard the words coronavirus or kn-95. so we don't know what challenges are ahead in the second year for the biden presidency. but we may be remembered for what he may be remembered for in four ways but we expect we know one and that is the midterm elections which are looking very grim indeed for democrats. well, what did you think of our list? did we miss one? let me know as we discuss it further online. on twitter you will find me @scottmcgrew. developing this morning, new york's attorney general is pushing ahead with requiring donald trump and other family members to comply with her investigation into the trump organization. new court papers filed yesterday suggest the company overvalued multiple assets for economic benefit, including tax breaks. the filing hints at fraudulent statements made to banks and the irs and singles out donald trump jr. and ivanka trump. the attorney general is not saying whether this will lead to any legal action. neither the trump organization nor family attorneys responded to nbc's requests for comment. the warriors might have needed this one after losing five of their last seven games. >> so last night at the chase center they hosted the lowly pistons. no draymond green, who's out for the next couple of weeks. but this time it didn't matter. klay thompson hit a three-pointer before halftime and the warriors were rolling. klay had 21 as the warriors beat the pistons 102-86. >> nbc bay area's winter olympics coverage starts february 3rd. one legendary 49er will be front and center cheering for his favorite team. we're not just talking about team usa, but usa's curling team. did you know vernon davis is one of the world's biggest curling fans? >> yeah. >> he's a leading booster, he's an honorary captain at three winter olympics games and he's pretty passionate. >> i think when it comes to football and curling, they're both strategic. you know, especially offensively. you're setting it up. you're running this way to set up the run for the other way or you're running to set up the big play down the field. >> davis says he was first introduced to curling back when he played for the niners and he loves it to this day. again, our coverage begins february 3rd. the opening ceremony is february 4th. you can watch it all right here on nbc bay area and streaming on apple tv and amazon fire. and be sure to listen to the full interview with davis by downloading the podcast from nbclx called "my favorite olympian." you can start listening right now wherever you get your podcasts. >> one of our directors, gabrielle coleman, also a big curler. i'm not sure that she's doing it anymore but she did it for a very long time. >> i didn't know that. >> when i got to try it, i thought it was really fun. although cold, vianey. a cold sport. >> i know, that's the thing. i lived in boston for one year and that was -- that was a lot for me. i'm from california. that was a lot. nor'easters are a whole other monster. all right, look at this. now our san francisco camera is starting to get blocked out by the fog. you can't even see the buildings behind it. we're definitely noticing that dense fog also starting to build through parts of the tri-valley. a live look at walnut creek. our current temperatures in the 40s and, yes, still some 30s out here. look at this, novato 39, fairfield 37. and it is going to bump up a little bit into the afternoon, but i do want to show you some more fog and visibility. down to a quarter of a mile. look at livermore in through parts of morgan hill and the south bay. forecasted highs for today, once we get some of this fog to clear out, it will be slightly warmer into the afternoon. here's a look at your daytime highs, 63 for san jose, 57 in oakland, 61 in napa. san francisco 56 and concord 64. now, as far as your air quality outlook, we're remaining within that moderate air quality range, but might even get unhealthy for sensitive groups at times for parts of the east bay. because of this high pressure we don't have anything that's mixes out any of the gunk in the air so we'll keep a close eye on that because high pressure is going to dominate not just today but the next several days. take a look at your seven-day forecast. we notice a bump in those temps heading into friday and saturday. into the 60s for san francisco and upper 60s for inland areas, but also the wind will start to become a factor for the north bay mountains, east and higher elevation areas. first, let's check in with mike. >> vianey, you're talking about the fog. illustrates some of the issues there. when you're looking at the south bay map, unlike yesterday north 101 showed quite a bit of slowing, this morning it's started to clear already. that's a pretty typical pattern. a little more volume than we saw the last few weeks. also more slowing into morgan hill. we did see that yesterday. also folks will get that fog coming across 162 between gilroy over there. so that is another note for the south county. the rest of the bay, everything moves smoothly all the way to the bay bridge toll plaza where low clouds are hovering around. not so much an issue for fog here but the north bay really getting hit as well. be careful. back to you. happening now, walnut creek city leaders unanimously approve buffer zones for the area surrounding planned parenthood clinic locations in their city. police last year responded to dozens of calls at the facility on oakland boulevard and made four arrests. there were also numerous harassment complaints from staffers and patients trying to head into that clinic. the new ordinance will take effect once it receives final approval. still ahead on "today in the bay," new revelations in the britney spears conservatorship legal battle. unsealed court documents indicating the shocking amount of money her father made and the tv deal he tried to get for himself. plus, all new at 6:00, the impact of learning from home. what a brand new study is finding about your child's mental health impact from pandemic changes. stay with us, you're watching "today in the bay." welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." there are new revelations after britney spears won her battle to regain control of her life. >> her lawyers claim that her father, jamie spears, received and spent $36 million while he was in charge of her estate. that includes $6 million he was paid as conservator, but then also $30 million in fees to dozens of law firms between 2008 and 2020. this is among the items unsealed in court documents tied to a request from jamie for his daughter to pay his legal fees. it also reveals he originally tried to pitch a cooking show to networks in 2015. a former fbi special agent and forensic investigator says the singer's cell phone was also monitored up until last year. nbc news has reached out to jamie spears about the claims. so far no comment. an absolute legend of the fashion world has passed away. andre leon talley died yesterday at the age of 73. he was an influential journalist who worked at several magazines including "vogue." he was promoted to creative director and was a regular in the front row of fashion shows in new york and across europe. there is no word yet on a cause of death. a bagel shop in vacaville is going viral on tiktok right now because the entire staff just up and quit. the video shows 16 employees meeting at noah's bagels, putting in their notice at the same time. they say this is because a manager there was unjustly fired, and that video now has more than 3.6 million views. >> we're not replaceable, we're not disposable and you can't just fire somebody and not let them know. >> that shows you how tight our bond is and how close we are together, not just as a team but as a family. >> noah's bagels says it will look into the matter as it, quote, takes the treatment of our team members very seriously. right now at 6:00, two people in the south bay struck and killed by a car. a third person seriously injured. we'll tell you what we're learning about this overnight investigation. plus -- >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments and things we haven't gotten done. >> marking one year in office, a live report from washington on the highs and the lows of the biden presidency and what we're expecting to hear from the president today. plus, put on hold the rollout of the new 5g wireless service will be delayed near u.s. airports today. ahead, the catastrophic disruptions airlines say it could create. and we ask our aviation expert about the impacts. this is "today in the bay." good morning. thank you for joining us on this wednesday. i'm kira klapper. >> and i'm kris sanchez. don't forget if you're on the go, you can take us with you. we are broadcasting on tv but also on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. we want to get a start with a look at the forecast because it could impact what time you leave the house today. >> absolutely. the fog is going to play a big factor this morning in your commute. look at this. this is a live look at what's supposed to be san francisco. but you can't really see it otherha

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Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20240709 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20240709

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and we'll see high clouds again. hazy sunshine today. right now in san jose it's about 49 degrees. if you look at the icons, eventually we start to sort of clear out a little bit so we'll get a little more visibility today and also slight warming. we've got high pressure rebuilding in the area, so i'll talk about what that means coming up in just a few minutes. >> all right, we'll see you soon, thanks. we have a follow-up in the south bay. two people are dead and another person injured after a car hit them in san jose. it happened around 8:30 last night near capital expressway. police say the driver did stay on the scene. no word on what caused that crash. people in new york city and here in the bay area are honoring a woman killed after she was pushed onto an oncoming subway train in new york. this was a random attack that happened last saturday, but it touched a nerve on both coasts. 40-year-old michelle go grew up in fremont before she moved to new york. she was an american high school cheerleader and an honor student and got her mba. in san francisco, former co-workers were among those who gathered to remember her. they called her an instant friend. >> i knew her for six months and she had such an impact on my life. i can't imagine how her family is feeling right now. >> a suspect in the attack is in custody and right now police are not classifying it as a hate crime. wrapping up his first year in office, president biden today holds his second formal news conference. he's expected to highlight administration accomplishments, but he's also bracing for tough questions on white house shortfalls, including what seems like doomed voting rights legislation. brie jackson is live from washington. good morning. what can we expect from the president today? >> reporter: good morning. we're expecting the president to really focus on touting his accomplishments, suches athe bipartisan infrastructure law, but facing record high inflation as well as a covid surge, the president is also plotting to hit the reset button heading into his second year. president biden rounding out his first year in office. with poll numbers down, the president is eager to make a shift. >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments and things we haven't gotten done. >> reporter: instead the administration is touting legislative successes so far, pointing to strong job growth and other policies aimed at helping americans. >> it's the direct result of actions taken by president biden and democrats in congress, including the american rescue plan. the vaccination effort helped fund and now the bipartisan infrastructure law. >> reporter: the white house is bracing for key questions on setbacks, like the voting rights push in the senate. >> once again, no one denies the path ahead is an uphill struggle. >> reporter: republicans argue democrats' policies have made matters worse. >> we have inflation, a pandemic, rampant, violent crime, a border crisis. >> reporter: senior administration officials say the president plans to focus less on conversations with congress and speaking more directly to the public. >> the environment has to improve and the major thing there is people feeling better about the pandemic. >> reporter: supporters of the re action. ant less talk and >> he's a single person that can't do it by himself, but his job is to surround himself with people that can do it records part of the white house's strategy, showcasing what they see as the president's greatest strengths. his empathy and ability to connect with everyday people. now, there's also disappointment, foreign policy disappointments. members of congress as well as the public were not happy with how president biden had the pullout of u.s. troops from afghanistan. kira. >> brie jackson for us this morning. brie, thanks. today is the day cell phone companies start rolling out their new faster 5g technology, but it will be on hold near airports with the faa, airlines and pilots all warning of potential catastrophic disruptions. what does that mean if you are flying any time soon? i talked with aviation expert, mike mccarron. for travelers is this a matter of my phone is not going to work, i'm not able to watch my movie or is this a matter that the plane that i'm on might not be safe. >> i think the real issue is your plane may not be flying because airlines have some concerns right now and they haven't been convinced by the telecommunications industry that all their concerns have been addressed. so they are threatening to cancel or delay a lot of flights. >> the faa has said they're concerned about altimeters which i understand to mean the equipment we use for takeoff and landing. so if this is a concern that the faa is voicing, why can't the government hit pause? >> there's the radio altimeter which tells the pilot how high they are above the ground and that's the one used for landing, particularly in bad weather so they know how high they are above the terrain. there's concerns between the fcc and the faa as to whether the new 5g technology will interrupt that signal from aircraft to the ground so that's what the big concern is right now. >> airline ceos have asked that 5g sites be turned off within two miles of airports. they are prohibiting pilots from using altimeters at 88 airports. cell phone companies are saying they have launched 5g services in almost 40 countries without any problem. so if we are flying out of san jose, sfo or oakland, should we be thinking about rebooking? >> the telecommunications companies are correct, it is in existence at 40 countries. it is at lower power and designed differently. the u.s. also has a lot more aircraft in the airspace than the european union does. the issue is how they can shut off the antennas within a two-mile buffer. that's a huge ring around three airports in the bay area. if you're in san jose, that would take it as far north as levi's stadium there wouldn't be 5g service. >> january 19th has been on the calendar for a very long time. so what happens on january 19th? >> these are two very powerful, lucrative lobbying groups, airline industry and telecommunications industry. one thing to keep in mind who's got more power here, is not everyone flies but nearly everyone has a cell phone. >> as you mentioned, we don't all floi but we get goods but we get goods that are transported commercially -- >> there's a lot of freight flown in and out. many years ago i said how many people ship or receive overnight mail and about three-quarters in the room raise their hand. the reason they call it overnight is because it flies overnight. >> thank you, mike, for helping put it in perspective so we can understand the bigger picture. >> so that rollout of 5g technology also signals the gradual elimination of 3g technology. that may impact everything from your phone to the features we rely on in our cars. check out the full story on >> great interview, kris. we'll take a look at the san jose skyline. there is that fog that vianey was warning us about as you head out on the roads and head out for your wednesday. it was ladies morning. kris, vianey and i. i hear that we have mike inouye joining us now to bring us the traffic. >> he's a ladies man, though. >> he is a ladies man. it's the perfect fit. >> well, he is -- >> our work husband. >> a favorite of the ladies. >> sorry, tracy. >> we know what you meant. we knew what you meant. we'll get to mike in a second and see how the roads are doing. forecasted highs for today will be in the 60s. 63 degrees in san jose, 64 in milpitas, cupertino 64 so our temperatures will be a little bit warmer today. we've got high pressure rebuilding in the area. it never fully went away, we just had a system cut in from the south and one to our north but haven't seen real rain in quite some time. we'll be in the upper 50s for the peninsula. daytime highs if you're heading to the city, mid-50s as well. the biggest change you'll notice heading into friday, saturday is going to be the wind picking up, especially for the higher elevation areas. 62 in santa rosa, 59 in novato and this is where our most dense fog is right now. up through the north bay, less than a quarter of a mile in visibility. so let's see how those folks are doing on the roads with mike this morning. good morning. >> good morning. that was a little microcosm of a high school and elementary back there, the little friend zone. let's look out to the zone in the tri-valley where we do have that fog that vianey has been talking about. the dublin camera can't see much past that lowe's sign there. despite whatever place you go, you can't see the signs. look at the map that is lit up with yellow on the map. some slowing as you come down 84. there's a construction zone there as well as over in union city over on the left side. those crews should be clearing shortly but not looking at any delays reported there or for much of the rest of the map. fog in the north bay, usual spot. check this out, gilroy, 101 into morgan hill, there may be some slowing there. >> thank you, mike. you're our favorite. still ahead on "today in the bay" the pushback state leaders are facing after warning that they may overhaul the state's solar incentive program. economists have taken a closer look and figured out or at least predict that many of the people who work from home will forever stay at home. and the plans to stop wildfires has critics speaking out. right now on nbc bay, why conservationists don't agree that thinning forests will solve the issue. we'll be right back. hello there, it's 5:13. if you live in the north bay you're waking up to pretty dense fog. it's going to be a little warmer today compared to yesterday. mild in the 60s still. i'll have a look at your full forecast coming up in just a few minutes. mike. >> vianey, you mentioned it, some dense fog. it's marked on the map. 680 coming down through pleasanton into fremont, 880 through fremont there's not a problem for visibility. crews are still on the southbound side of the nimitz. we'll track that and anything else that pops up as chp tells me what's going on. well, good morning, mike. good morning, everyone. happy wednesday to you as well. economists studying the work-from-home phenomenon say right now about 42% of us are still working from home and that's total u.s. population so that includes all of the workforce. if you take out the people who can't work from home, say, restaurant chefs or firefighters, that sort of thing, then the remaining percent goes way up. and those economists say making that study say it looks pretty permanent. they expect this to last even after the pandemic is over. they're calling for about 30 or 40% of us, they're predicting this, will not work regularly in offices ever again. some traders on wall street probably wish they could have stayed home. markets plunged tuesday as traders were tempted out of stocks by coming interest rate hikes. the nasdaq, which has a lot of speculative tech stocks on it, is down more than 7% so far this year, and that's a good reminder that while people can make or lose money, money itself just moves around. if you want a good return, you put it, say, in a tech stock because those tend to move higher faster than other traditional stocks. but then when it looks like growth is slowing and interest rates are going up, people move that money out of tech stocks to something with a better return. that's why when we talk about interest rate hikes and interest rate worries, companies like netflix often see their shares fall really hard. the iea, the international energy agency, predicts the demand for oil in 2022 will surpass the demand for oil pre-pandemic. that means higher oil prices, north of $100 a barrel because of demand. that's because the economy continues to strengthen. we have higher low prices when things are going well, lower oil prices when the economy is slow. these are temporary bumps that we see along the way as well. an attack on an oil field or pipeline problem will cause brief spikes but generally trends follow the economy and that's the give and take of business, kris and kira. we all wanting a strong economy, but it will bring us interest rate hikes and higher energy prices. always has, always will. >> and you've been telling us to watch for that too, so hopefully people did listen. thanks, scott. >> let's hope. developing this morning, state energy leaders are considering rolling back incentives for homeowners who install solar panels. the proposal would add a monthly fee to participate and maintain the power grid and so-called solar tax. the state public utilities commission says the measure creates a fairer system in sharing basic power costs. but solar advocates say homeowners with solar would pay about $700 more per year than they do right now. not only that, but it may have a negative impact on climate change. a vote is scheduled next week. trending this morning, kris and i are both moms. most of the time we get it right. >> most of the time. >> or we claim to get it right. >> i don't know. i think i very rarely get it right. >> so listen to what this one minnesota mother is sharing on tiktok. she got something very wrong two years in a row and she says it started with a billing issue at her son's pediatrician's office telling her her son's birthday was february 25th. >> so i'm about to call my insurance company to let them have it. i say maybe i should scroll back facebook to look at the birth announcement years ago to make sure. i just got done doing that. and his birthday is indeed the 25th. for two years i've been celebrating his birthday on the 26th. >> oh, no! >> so her little guy is only 3 years old. >> he has no idea. >> she's just done it twice. >> and he doesn't know. >> the due date was the 26th so maybe that's what led to the confusion. and it's her middle child. oh, lord, the middle children, yeah. she says it might have just also been exhausted. i can say -- sympathize because just the other day we were talking about kids and i said i have a 14-year-old. i don't. i have a 15-year-old. >> maybe you missed her birthday. >> oh, my goodness. >> it's exhaustion, it's that lady having three kids. it's so many variables. >> that's kind of a big one. i wouldn't have posted it, though, because now it's forever. >> and i'm not coming for you, mike, but i tried asking my dad when all of our birthdays are, there's four of us, and he has no idea. he said that's what the emergency contact information for my little sister is for. >> vianey, at some point you start forgetting names. >> you run through all the kids' names and the dog's name. >> let's get to your weather in case you're throwing a birthday party for one of your children today. it is going to be a little cloudy again to start. we've had these high clouds lingering, you know, for the past several days. that's what we're going see again today. a beautiful shot of san francisco. you can see some of those clouds starting to roll through, starting to block the line of sight to some of our beautiful buildings. currently the temperatures are in the 30s, 40s right now. 49 degrees in san jose. 39 in novato. napa 42. and in through concord, 43 degrees. so fog and visibility is also down to about a quarter of a mile up through santa rosa, novato, napa, and it's moving into san jose, creeping into hayward and in concord and livermore as well. it's getting pretty dense down through oakland, down to 5 miles visibility. when is this going to clear out? it's going to be slow to clear but we're going to get some slight warming today and a little bit of afternoon sunshine as well. oakland, a high of 57. san jose a high of 63. 56 in san francisco. napa 61. santa rosa 62. now, your air quality forecast is also going to remain moderate. we're keeping a close eye on this because thanks to that high pressure there's not much of this air mixing out, so it's keeping our conditions moderate but at times maybe unhealthy for sensitive groups because we just got this dry air mass sitting over the bay area. as far as your long range outlook goes, we have this dry pattern through the end of january, so no real rain in sight. we'll see the wind pick up heading in towards friday and saturday, especially for some of the higher elevation areas. that high pressure will continue to build. this is going to lead to even more warming towards the weekend. your seven-day outlook, you're notice the warming in san francisco. look at friday, saturday and sunday. we bump up into the mid-60s. on saturday we're in the upper 60s on saturday and it is going to start to get breezy, especially tomorrow into early saturday morning. wind gusts possible 20 to 40 miles per hour for some of our local mountain areas. let's get a check of the roads with mike. >> thank you, vianey. we're looking over to the maps where a couple of things stand out on the map. the green stands out because it's early, light traffic flow. over on the right side notice over in the tri-valley there's that blob of yellow. we talk about that fog and lower visibility really hitting 580 and 680 around the dublin interchange. that's one issue. the area over on the left that's improving, the crews just cleared on the caltrans grid southbound 880 should have quick recovery by the time you get over there. even if you're in union city, you should be cleared. a little fog there and more fog in the north bay as well as over in novato. and we're looking at a smooth flow of traffic down the east shore freeway but you do see low clouds hovering. back to you. >> thank you, mike. extension denied. coming up on "today in the bay" the legal loopholes east bay residents say their landlord is using to try to evict them. as we head to break, we want to share these pictures and video our laura garcia shared on instagram. she took some time off and hilt the slopes. laura loves tahoe. don't forget, you can keep up with laura by following her on instagram, twitter and facebook. you're watching "today in the bay." new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. uc berkeley police issued a new warning to students about this man here on your screen. they say he was likely responsible for three aggravated assaults on the campus in the last 36 hours. thef business. officers urging people to use caution and they say if you see him, call police if you can do so safely. an eviction battle now playing out in the east bay may be headed to the courtroom. tenants in a san pablo complex say they received eviction notices after the state moratorium ended last year. the landlord says he needs the units to be vacant to make renovations. residents say he's using a loophole to bring in new higher paying tenants. last night the city council rejected the request for a eviction moratorium. those tenants are considering taking the battle to court. as parents watch their children get older, the joys and challenges of parenting and grandparenting continues to evolve. >> nbc's maria shriver met with experts on what to know about being a grandparent in the 2020s. >> how do you manage that two years of parenting experience up against 30? >> i think the classic line every mom gets from grandparents is i raised you and look at you. but it's also, science evolves and new things work that people didn't maybe know about before. >> the challenges of being a grand parent and how different generations can work together coming up on the "today" show at 7:00 right after "today in the bay." it is 5:27. up next, top stories we're following today, including one east bay city making a new push to halt the surge in violence. the new plan to crack down on untraceable weapons and jail time violators may face. plus -- >> reporter: and that post-holiday omicron surge seems to be tapering off but hospitalizations across the bay area continue to rise. coming up we'll break down those numbers. right now at 5:30, while you were sleeping, new help coming from the white house to stop the spread of the omicron variant, but bay area hospitalization are still on the rise. plus, nbc bay area responds. >> the site is live for you to order free at-home covid-19 tests from the federal government. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. we'll walk you through the steps to sign up. san francisco's main library facing tough questions this morning. a shocking dog attack caught on camera that triggered it all. this is "today in the bay." >> we are broadcasting to your television and you can also watch us live on your roku, your amazon fire, your apple tv and online, which i have to say my mother always watches us online from los angeles. hi, mom. >> hi, mom. >> good wednesday morning, i'm kira klapper. >> and i'm kris sanchez. laura and marcus both have the day off. now, we want to get you started with a look at the forecast. vianey is tracking a lot of fog. >> i want to say hi to my mom too, hola! look at the fog, it's really rolling in right now, not just for the north bay. i noticed it coming in through hayward, look at san carlos, half moon bay down through san jose, morgan hill, livermore. a quarter of a mile through livermore so definitely going to keep this fog lingering through your morning commute. slow it down out there. remember, don't use your high beams, that will make it worse. it reflects off the fog and makes you get that reflection, which is hard to see, so just use your regular headlights, air quality today will be moderate. 49 in san jose right now. and if you look at the temperature trend, we'll bump up and get a little bit warmer into the afternoon. >> thank you very much, vianey. this morning it appears the bay area's post-holiday omicron surge is finally starting to taper off. however, hospitalizations continue to rise. >> today in the bay's cierra johnson joins us live to break down the new data. hi, sierra. >> reporter: yes, good morning. well, i can tell you that california has hit quite the milestone. 7 million people have been infected with covid since the start of the pandemic and the number of folks hospitalized here in the bay area with covid has also begun to rise. now, take a look at your screen. as of monday, across the bay area there were 1,881 hospital patients infected, with 309 of those covid patients in intensive care units. to put that in perspective, the bay area's highest number of hospitalizations was last january when there were 2,200 patients hospitalized. here in san francisco, there were 256 covid patients on monday, just three fewer than its all-time record high of just over a year ago. and sonoma county also really seeing a surge. the official number of confirmed active covid-19 cases in sonoma county has skyrocketed to over 18,000. take a look at this graph. that plot of those cases, there was a jump, you can tell just this month. a year ago there were nearly 5,000 active cases. but as we've mentioned before, state leaders and local health leaders have shared with us that they do believe this particular strain of the virus is tapering off. just last week the governor shared his thoughts at san jose state explaining the state will get through this variant and it's expected to last just a few more weeks. that's a sentiment shared by ucsf and disease specialty dr. monica gandhi. in the endemic phase, you treat it like a flu. that was a conversation we had last week. so believe it or not, despite the high number of hospitalizations and the cases we're seeing, scientists are actually using wastewater to get a better perspective of where we are in terms of cases. so researchers at uc berkeley say they're seeing a sharp decline in the coronavirus rna in sewage in certain communities. they're taking a look at san francisco, marin county as well as contra costa counties. now, the researchers say although the rna coronavirus in those samples are still higher than they were in december, they are drastically seeing a decline. so a lot to keep a close look on, but all indicators are pointing that the omicron variant is declining, but we are still seeing a good number of folks there in hospitals. we're live in san francisco, cierra johnson for "today in the bay." >> a glimmer of hope there. new this morning, the white house plans to provide 400 million free n-95 masks to people across the country. it will include working with pharmacies and health centers to distribute the masks in thousands of locations. the administration will begin shipments this week and they hope to have the program fully operational by next month. the federal government's new free at-home covid-19 program is now up and running. >> consumer investigator chris chmura is here to walk us through how to get those four free tests for your household. >> signing up is super simple. you start at and click on that blue button. that will take you to the post office website where they really only need your name and address. one quick hiccup some people are running into, if you live in an apartment or condominium with a unit number, if you're not putting it right here which is to the right of the street address box, it might not work so look out for that. once you fill it out, click the green button which says check out now. you'll verify your order, which it says free at-home covid-19 tests. everybody gets four and zero dollars. you place your order and get a confirmation page. you're expected to get these beginning toward the end of the month and that's it. it's just that simple. if you run into trouble call us at 888-996-tips or go to and click the responds option. >> it actually works, i ordered mine. as more people try to get tested, that website is experiencing some hiccups. social media has people struggling to place their orders especially at apartment buildings where other tenants placed their orders. there's only one order per household allowed and the website does not recognition apartment complexes or multi-family dwellings. if your order is not going through, the white house says you can email the postal service or call the usps help desk. we tried to make it easy for you to order your at-home covid test. go to, click on the link in the trending bar and you'll find information about the free tests and a link to order. the san francisco main library is now rethinking its policies for pets in public places after a vicious dog attack that was caught on camera. >> so this happened when security guards tried to roust somebody who was sleeping around closing time. we have to warn you, this video is pretty graphic. you can see the dog biting one guard while another uses a stick and pepper spray to subdue the animal. neither of these things were working. the attack only stopped when the dog's owner woke up and got the animal under control. the dog was seriously injured and library staff say something like this has never happened before. >> we are going to exhaust every option we have to prevent this from ever happening again. >> the dog owner has been cited for failure to control his animal and the dog is now in the custody of animal care and control. new this morning, the city of oakland is cracking down on so-called ghost guns. as expected, councilmembers yesterday passed a new ordinance banning not only untraceable guns but the possession of unfinished ghost gun parts. violators can face up to six months in jail and fines up to $5,000. nearly one in four firearms oakland police seized last year were ghost guns. okay, let's take a live look at fremont here. it looks nice and clear there, but we know there has been fog moving all around the bay area this morning. mild conditions to start says the gal who wore a jacket to work, so maybe that's not fully true, vianey. >> i'm wearing a sweater. it's always cold in the studio. like always cold in the studio. >> it is. it is always cold in the studio. >> so let's get to your daytime highs because it's actually going to be a little bit warmer today in the south bay because of high pressure, so let's see how our daytime highs will shape out today. 65 degrees through gilroy, 63 in morgan hill, 63 degrees in san jose, and in through the east bay here's a closer look at your daytime highs. 62 for antioch. oakland 57. hayward 59. vallejo 58. around the peninsula expect upper 50s. san mateo 57. if you're heading to the city today, also upper 50s and it will be a little slower to clear when it comes to the high clouds. hazy sunshine for the afternoon, 62 degrees in santa rosa. 59 for novato. 60 degrees in sonoma. i'll talk about your extended out look in my full forecast. first let's check in with mike. >> all right, light traffic flow as it has been all week, as it has been for weeks. we're looking out to fog is the issue that vianey has been talking about. the north bay in novato to santa rosa, across highway 37 into vallejo, that's the highlighted yellow. rio vista, anything north of the delta and the waterways. the bay bridge is also clear. the yellow highlighting moving over towards castro valley, dublin, pleasanton. slowing as folks are heading down towards sunol. that fog is likely a factor. union city over on the left, that has cleared the area. this is our dublin camera. we talked about the fog moving around. getting a little tougher to see our roadway. on the roadway you can still see. >> oh, my gosh. it looks like a blank screen. be careful out there, everyone. thanks, mike. possible new legal troubles for former president donald trump. coming up on "today in the bay" the deepening investigation into the trump organization and questions about the way it received tax breaks. as of tomorrow, president biden will have been in office one year. we'll take an honest look back at that year coming back. plus, the dubs shake off their losing streak, finally. highlights from last night's game, and they're good. the outlook for draymond green and when he might return to the court too. wow! no braces, everything's hands-free. i wasn't so lucky... invis is not your parents' braces. invis is faster than braces and the clear aligner brand most trusted by doctors. invisalign good morning. it is 5:43, 41 degrees in walnut creek. and we do have those clouds and of course early morning fog that's going play a factor in your forecast for today. we'll eventually bump up into the 50s and even a couple of mid-60s. i'll take you through your daytime highs and your air quality report coming up in my full forecast. >> yeah, vianey, you talked about the fog there and we have that issue. we couldn't really see the shot from dublin because that shot rolled in. the shot is okay. the traffic on the roadways is much lower than our rooftop cameras so that's why you can see when you're driving. this is emeryville with the clouds involve and the folks driving below the clouds. you will find fog in many places. we'll talk about that coming up. president biden will mark his one-year anniversary as president today, with a speech and press conference at the white house. >> and that's going to happen at 1:00 this afternoon our time. scott mcgrew, the president is expected to highlight some of his accomplishments, but what a rough year to be a first-time president. >> it has been very rough. yes, accomplishments and i suspect as you do, kris, he will acknowledge where his administration has fallen short. he needs to be realistic. mr. biden's approval rating is down significantly. and two of his signature efforts, voting rights and build back better, are stuck and probably will not go anywhere. here's a brief look at the first year of the 46th president of the united states. >> i, joseph robinette biden jr. do solemnly swear. >> reporter: his first actions came just moments after he said "so help me god." returning the u.s. to the paris climate accords, halting funding of the wall on the mexican border and repealing the travel ban all within the first days of his presidency. high points of his first year, the american rescue plan and its child tax credit lifted millions of american children out of poverty for the first time. the new president signed a massive infrastructure bill into law. hundreds of billions of dollars in funding for roads and bridges. america saw record job growth, record stock markets, and biden ended the longest war america ever fought. a rocky and disorganized withdrawal, but an end nonetheless. >> 245 years ago we declared our independence from a distant king. today we are closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus. >> reporter: we hoped the president's fourth of july declaration of independence from covid marked the beginning of the end of the pandemic, but the nonmasked and the nonvaccinated frustrated those efforts. >> i know we all wish that we could finally be done with wearing masks. i get it. >> reporter: in fact in nearly every address this year, president biden reminded us to wear a mask and get a shot. >> when you're indoors in public places, you should wear the mask. >> reporter: there was a lot of frustration. a member of the president's own party stood in the way of building back better. republicans blocked his party's voting right bills designed to push back against red states and their efforts to restrict voting. the president spoke with an unusual anger, comparing those who stood in the way of modern voting rights with racists and supremacists of the past. >> do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull conner. do you want to be on the side of abraham link up or jefferson davis? this is the moment to decide to defend our elections, to defend our democracy. >> reporter: unusual anger and unusual change of mind from a man who spent decades in the senate. after years of opposition, biden now supports exceptions to the filibuster in order to get the voting rights bills passed. only once again, though, to run into opposition from a member of his own party. in that case kyrsten sinema. now, history teaches us not to judge a president by his first year. franklin roosevelt's first year, the great depression got worse, not better, but roosevelt of course ended up saving the united states. president trump's first year was quite the roller coaster, but in that first year the world had never heard the words coronavirus or kn-95. so we don't know what challenges are ahead in the second year for the biden presidency. but we may be remembered for what he may be remembered for in four ways but we expect we know one and that is the midterm elections which are looking very grim indeed for democrats. well, what did you think of our list? did we miss one? let me know as we discuss it further online. on twitter you will find me @scottmcgrew. developing this morning, new york's attorney general is pushing ahead with requiring donald trump and other family members to comply with her investigation into the trump organization. new court papers filed yesterday suggest the company overvalued multiple assets for economic benefit, including tax breaks. the filing hints at fraudulent statements made to banks and the irs and singles out donald trump jr. and ivanka trump. the attorney general is not saying whether this will lead to any legal action. neither the trump organization nor family attorneys responded to nbc's requests for comment. the warriors might have needed this one after losing five of their last seven games. >> so last night at the chase center they hosted the lowly pistons. no draymond green, who's out for the next couple of weeks. but this time it didn't matter. klay thompson hit a three-pointer before halftime and the warriors were rolling. klay had 21 as the warriors beat the pistons 102-86. >> nbc bay area's winter olympics coverage starts february 3rd. one legendary 49er will be front and center cheering for his favorite team. we're not just talking about team usa, but usa's curling team. did you know vernon davis is one of the world's biggest curling fans? >> yeah. >> he's a leading booster, he's an honorary captain at three winter olympics games and he's pretty passionate. >> i think when it comes to football and curling, they're both strategic. you know, especially offensively. you're setting it up. you're running this way to set up the run for the other way or you're running to set up the big play down the field. >> davis says he was first introduced to curling back when he played for the niners and he loves it to this day. again, our coverage begins february 3rd. the opening ceremony is february 4th. you can watch it all right here on nbc bay area and streaming on apple tv and amazon fire. and be sure to listen to the full interview with davis by downloading the podcast from nbclx called "my favorite olympian." you can start listening right now wherever you get your podcasts. >> one of our directors, gabrielle coleman, also a big curler. i'm not sure that she's doing it anymore but she did it for a very long time. >> i didn't know that. >> when i got to try it, i thought it was really fun. although cold, vianey. a cold sport. >> i know, that's the thing. i lived in boston for one year and that was -- that was a lot for me. i'm from california. that was a lot. nor'easters are a whole other monster. all right, look at this. now our san francisco camera is starting to get blocked out by the fog. you can't even see the buildings behind it. we're definitely noticing that dense fog also starting to build through parts of the tri-valley. a live look at walnut creek. our current temperatures in the 40s and, yes, still some 30s out here. look at this, novato 39, fairfield 37. and it is going to bump up a little bit into the afternoon, but i do want to show you some more fog and visibility. down to a quarter of a mile. look at livermore in through parts of morgan hill and the south bay. forecasted highs for today, once we get some of this fog to clear out, it will be slightly warmer into the afternoon. here's a look at your daytime highs, 63 for san jose, 57 in oakland, 61 in napa. san francisco 56 and concord 64. now, as far as your air quality outlook, we're remaining within that moderate air quality range, but might even get unhealthy for sensitive groups at times for parts of the east bay. because of this high pressure we don't have anything that's mixes out any of the gunk in the air so we'll keep a close eye on that because high pressure is going to dominate not just today but the next several days. take a look at your seven-day forecast. we notice a bump in those temps heading into friday and saturday. into the 60s for san francisco and upper 60s for inland areas, but also the wind will start to become a factor for the north bay mountains, east and higher elevation areas. first, let's check in with mike. >> vianey, you're talking about the fog. illustrates some of the issues there. when you're looking at the south bay map, unlike yesterday north 101 showed quite a bit of slowing, this morning it's started to clear already. that's a pretty typical pattern. a little more volume than we saw the last few weeks. also more slowing into morgan hill. we did see that yesterday. also folks will get that fog coming across 162 between gilroy over there. so that is another note for the south county. the rest of the bay, everything moves smoothly all the way to the bay bridge toll plaza where low clouds are hovering around. not so much an issue for fog here but the north bay really getting hit as well. be careful. back to you. happening now, walnut creek city leaders unanimously approve buffer zones for the area surrounding planned parenthood clinic locations in their city. police last year responded to dozens of calls at the facility on oakland boulevard and made four arrests. there were also numerous harassment complaints from staffers and patients trying to head into that clinic. the new ordinance will take effect once it receives final approval. still ahead on "today in the bay," new revelations in the britney spears conservatorship legal battle. unsealed court documents indicating the shocking amount of money her father made and the tv deal he tried to get for himself. plus, all new at 6:00, the impact of learning from home. what a brand new study is finding about your child's mental health impact from pandemic changes. stay with us, you're watching "today in the bay." welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." there are new revelations after britney spears won her battle to regain control of her life. >> her lawyers claim that her father, jamie spears, received and spent $36 million while he was in charge of her estate. that includes $6 million he was paid as conservator, but then also $30 million in fees to dozens of law firms between 2008 and 2020. this is among the items unsealed in court documents tied to a request from jamie for his daughter to pay his legal fees. it also reveals he originally tried to pitch a cooking show to networks in 2015. a former fbi special agent and forensic investigator says the singer's cell phone was also monitored up until last year. nbc news has reached out to jamie spears about the claims. so far no comment. an absolute legend of the fashion world has passed away. andre leon talley died yesterday at the age of 73. he was an influential journalist who worked at several magazines including "vogue." he was promoted to creative director and was a regular in the front row of fashion shows in new york and across europe. there is no word yet on a cause of death. a bagel shop in vacaville is going viral on tiktok right now because the entire staff just up and quit. the video shows 16 employees meeting at noah's bagels, putting in their notice at the same time. they say this is because a manager there was unjustly fired, and that video now has more than 3.6 million views. >> we're not replaceable, we're not disposable and you can't just fire somebody and not let them know. >> that shows you how tight our bond is and how close we are together, not just as a team but as a family. >> noah's bagels says it will look into the matter as it, quote, takes the treatment of our team members very seriously. right now at 6:00, two people in the south bay struck and killed by a car. a third person seriously injured. we'll tell you what we're learning about this overnight investigation. plus -- >> there's a lot of talk about disappointments and things we haven't gotten done. >> marking one year in office, a live report from washington on the highs and the lows of the biden presidency and what we're expecting to hear from the president today. plus, put on hold the rollout of the new 5g wireless service will be delayed near u.s. airports today. ahead, the catastrophic disruptions airlines say it could create. and we ask our aviation expert about the impacts. this is "today in the bay." good morning. thank you for joining us on this wednesday. i'm kira klapper. >> and i'm kris sanchez. don't forget if you're on the go, you can take us with you. we are broadcasting on tv but also on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. we want to get a start with a look at the forecast because it could impact what time you leave the house today. >> absolutely. the fog is going to play a big factor this morning in your commute. look at this. this is a live look at what's supposed to be san francisco. but you can't really see it otherha

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Fremont , California , United States , New York , Oakland , Washington , Vacaville , Sonoma , Boston , Massachusetts , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Morgan Hill , Dublin , Ireland , San Francisco , Marin County , Berkeley , Emeryville , New Court , Cork , Castro Valley , Sonoma County , San Carlos , Americans , America , American , Maria Shriver , Kris Sanchez Laura , Kira Klapper , Kira Klapper Laura , Joseph Robinette Biden Jr , Monica Gandhi , Cierra Johnson , Kyrsten Sinema , Los Angeles , Klay Thompson , Laura Garcia , Novato Napa , Francisco Napa , Scott Mcgrew , Mike Mccarron , Gabrielle Coleman , Kris Sanchez , Vernon Davis , Franklin Roosevelt ,

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