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received it, and how to find out when you get yours crisis at the border new video of crowds waiting to cross the rio grande into the u.s. the dramatic rescues from border patrol the influx so great immigrations and customs enforcement now asking for volunteers to help. out-of-control spring breakers across florida sparking new superspreader fears. and the monumental challenge ahead. will the government be ready to start vaccinating all adults by may? the shocking murder of a young british woman. the global movement it started. and the vigil tonight suddenly broken up by police. and remembering breonna taylor one year after her death. stirring tributes across the country today. >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good evening parts of the country bracing tonight for what may be the worst snowstorm in years. the system throwing off a wide and dangerous variety of weather already. in utah cars were trapped on the highway for hours. in california mudslides pouring into back yards. and in texas tornadoes tearing across the panhandle the storm stretching from there all the way to wyoming with blizzard warnings across three states gadi schwartz is on the ground for us in denver >> reporter: tonight the rocky mountain states bracing for a winter blast the storm already wreaking havoc. drivers caught in whiteout conditions several tornadoes churning in the texas panhandle, snapping cell towers in half, pulling down poles after mudslides in california the storm stretching from wyoming, colorado, to utah and arizona while millions in cities like denver are hunkering down for a long night of heavy snowfall >> so i am a little bit nervous. especially the fact that you never know that the power could cut off. >> reporter: with up to several feet in higher elevations and a foot or more in some metro areas like denver, the massive slow-moving storm is expected to be one of the worst in years. >> the original forecast was like anywhere from two feet to five feet of snow. i was like, oh, boy. >> reporter: at denver's airport nearly 2,000 flights have been canceled, stranding travelers trying to make it home >> i had a couple flights cancel >> reporter: colorado's governor activating the national guard, ready to make the same type of rescues the state saw during its bomb cyclone in 2019. >> you don't want to have to be one of those that's searched for and rescued. better to be safe at home >> reporter: while in the back country avalanche danger grows with every new foot of snow during an already deadly season. avalanches responsible for 11 deaths this winter alone. the severe weather now threatening millions is expected to last through monday >> and gadi now joins us from denver gadi, how concerned are officials tonight about power outages? >> reporter: jose, we've already started to see some sporadic power outages reported, affecting about a couple of thousand people here in the denver area. crews working extremely quickly to get power restored before the worst of it hits tonight. back to you. >> gadi schwartz in denver, thank you. the massive covid relief bill was signed into law just two days ago, but this weekend americans started receiving those checks some totaling thousands of dollars. kelly o'donnell is at the white house with when your money will arrive >> reporter: covid relief is now showing up as money in the bank and lighting up social media. $1,400 for steve martinez in san antonio. >> it was a nice surprise to see that it came so soon, and it couldn't come at a better time. >> reporter: the key to fast delivery, this first wave of direct payments going to qualified americans who filed tax returns that linked their bank accounts to the irs. >> my phone got a notification saying that the irs had direct deposited. i was on the phone with my mom. i'm like, mom, i got money. >> reporter: $5,600 for 25-year-old mom brianna raines, who is out of work in casper, wyoming. >> i have some bills that are behind obviously so those are all already caught up i got all of those caught up this morning >> reporter: in springfield, missouri the covid relief math means faith perdue's family of five qualified for $7,000 they received today >> to have a little bit of weight lifted off of our shoulders, to not have to worry as much as maybe what the next few months hold. >> reporter: but the rollout of deposits, paper checks, and debit cards is expected to take weeks. >> 85% of households in america will be getting this money. >> reporter: to track your check the irs says its website will provide daily updates with its get my payment feature. >> we're going to be traveling the country to speak directly to the american people about how this law is going to make a real difference in their lives. >> reporter: that biden team road trip begins monday with the first lady, vice president, and second gentleman also making stops to promote the relief package. >> and kelly, why such a big push to sell a bill that already passed >> reporter: well, it's promotion and politics they want to be certain americans know about the real-world impact that will affect them, and they want to make sure democrats get credit for it politically jose >> kelly o'donnell at the white house, thank you the president's other big promise, that all adults will be eligible for the vaccine by may it's a massive logistical challenge. not just building up the supply of vaccine but the means to administer it. morgan chesky on what needs to be done. >> reporter: tonight a rush to return to normal life fueling a massive vaccine rollout where not everyone is waiting. in florida spring break chaos. two officers injured as they try to enforce rules and break up a crowd. >> just trying to have a good time spring break >> reporter: others pushing back this video in texas showing police arrest a woman inside a bank after she refused policy to mask up. >> not wearing a mask, people >> reporter: nationwide the u.s. just hit 100 million shots in arms the current rate, vaccinating 2.2 million americans every day. president biden promising to make every adult eligible by may. >> let me be clear that doesn't mean everyone's going to have that shot immediately but it means you'll be able to get in line beginning may 1. >> reporter: the plan includes doubling the number of retail pharmacies and federally backed vaccination sites as well as deploying an additional 4,000 active duty military >> they have enrolled tens of thousands of vaccine providers since the fall and have basically turned on only a fraction of those individuals or facilities so we have them in a stand ready mode so as more vaccine becomes available they'll be turned on. >> reporter: the biggest challenge, demand is currently greater than supply. many states don't have enough professionals to administer doses. appointments can be hard to find and vaccine hesitancy is still an issue but state leaders on the optimistic >> we're very competitive and we do expect and are ready to announce today we expect we'll be there by mid april. >> reporter: multiple states already making millions more eligible by monday kentucky, florida, texas, california and georgia will all expand eligibility. and in north carolina and minnesota dentists now authorized to administer covid vaccine. others boosting vaccination stats also part of biden's plan >> and morgan joins us now from dallas you're at a mass vaccination site where supply is an issue >> reporter: jose, you're exactly right. in fact, county leaders say this site can do 6,000 shots each and every day, and it was supposed to be open today but it to be shut down because they ran out of vaccine which is why local leaders are now pleading with the state to keep those shipments coming jose >> morgan chesky in dallas thank you. now to the growing humanitarian crisis at the southern border. the situation so dire for so many they're literally lining up to make the dangerous journey to america. ali vitali has more. >> reporter: a winding line of migrants waiting to cross the rio grande, crowding into small rafts, then being pulled onto u.s. soil the dramatic new video comes as migrant crossings are on the rise and harrowing images of rescues on the water migrants pulled toward america due to worsening conditions in their home countries and the perception of more tolerant policies from the new biden administration some like jose chacon asking biden for help and a better future for him and his children the number of unaccompanied kids in border patrol custody now at a record high. texas democratic congressman henry cuellar posted that video you first saw, not yet verified by nbc news. this past week and i said what messages are you hearing? do you hear the president say don't come now, come later? they said no i said do you hear the neighbor, friends, family network hey, i'm coming over, cross over they said yes. so they said hey, we could come across >> reporter: the biden administration scrambling to find more shelter facilities to house them while the "washington post" reports i.c.e. agents are urgently asking for volunteers to help handle the surge at the border. >> this administration has made clear that we are going to pursue an effective and humane immigration policy and we've made clear that now is not the time to come to the united states >> biden hoping to succeed where presidents of both parties have failed, urging congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, which would include a path to citizenship. all the while thousands of migrants wait. >> and ali, there's news coming just in the last half hour from the department of homeland security >> reporter: yeah, that's exactly right, jose. in response to that surge in unaccompanied minors crossing into the u.s., we're learning tonight that homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas is directing fema to help, looking at things like expanding capacity and appropriate shelters as well as security and other support measures jose >> ali vitali in washington, thank you very much. friends, family, and supporters of breonna taylor united to celebrate her life today. it's been a year since she was killed by louisville police her death changing the conversation about racial injustice and renewing calls for accountability antonia hilton reports. >> reporter: an emotional day as hundreds gathered in downtown louisville and across the country to honor the memory of breonna taylor one year ago today the 26-year-old was shot and killed by louisville metro police officers, who executed a no-knock warrant and broke through her front door with a battering ram. >> breonna taylor! >> reporter: renewed calls for action six months after a grand jury declined to hold any of the officers directly responsible for breonna's death. at today's rally hannah drake, a local poet and activist, says this case has forever changed her. >> i'm a mother of a daughter named breonna. and i worry about her every day. i worry about myself every day. this city took something from me it took something from black people >> reporter: and breonna taylor's death has now transformed the city at large, leading louisville to pass breonna's law, banning no-knock warrants, and a series of reforms addressing police community relations. attica scott was instrumental in that work. >> when you look around, has much changed in six months >> not as far as policies not as far as practices with the police department. but what has changed is the people >> reporter: taylor's mother, tamika palmer, says the fight isn't over >> for me it's still about these officers being arrested it's still about somebody paying for the crimes that were committed against her. >> reporter: for hannah drake -- >> my only hope is to do something that makes this city better and this world better >> reporter: fears that taylor's case won't be the last of its kind antonia hilton, nbc news, louisville, kentucky up next, the murder of another young woman is sparking a new movement across the globe. a shocking murder in london is sparking international outrage. today thousands gathered to grieve the 33-year-old including the duchess of cambridge, kate middleton. it's all started a global movement about the everyday threats facing women molly hunter reports >> reporter: today thousands came out in london to honor sarah everard, the 33-year-old marketing executive who was found dead earlier this week. even kate middleton paying her respects >> it could have been me it could have been my friend >> reporter: an elite male police officer, 48-year-old wayne couzens, has been charged with sarah's murder. and tonight police seen arresting women for showing up to this unauthorized vigil. surveillance video shows sarah walking home in london around 9:30 p.m. on march 3rd, just before she disappeared. a week later her body found buried here about 90 minutes outside of london. in a statement her family writes, "she was strong and principled and a shining example to us all. and now women in london and around the world are outraged but not surprised. the "post "text me when you get home" going viral. women sharing their own familiar nighttime routines keys in hand, on the phone, sharing uber details just in case activist jamie klingler helps lead the movement reclaim these streets. why is it resonating with women all over the world i mean, my friends in the u.s., my friends across europe and asia are posting >> i think part of it is it's the worst case scenario it's the bogey man it's the absolute fear that you could do everything right and still end up in the worst situation because a man perpetrated this violence on you. >> reporter: around the world six women are killed every hour by men and for women of color their cases rarely in the headlines. >> and it's not about what we do like women taking self-defense classes, what you're wearing, if you're drinking. it's we've got to teach boys and men not to attack. >> reporter: it happens everywhere but tonight on doorsteps in london candles to remember sarah. molly hunter, nbc news, london still ahead, has the pandemic changed parenting forever? the lessons learned during a most challenging year. an oklahoma high school an oklahoma high school girls' basketball team is in the spotlight again tonight. this time for all the right reasons. today the norman high lady tigers won a state title game it comes after controversy at a game earlier in the week when an announcer made racist comments over an open microphone when the team kneeled during the national anthem we're now a year into covid lockdown, and getting a much clearer picture of the profound impact on families living under one roof, in particular the psychological and economic toll on parents with young kids at home rehema ellis reports >> reporter: no matter where you're from, parenting during the year of covid has turned life upside down >> my wife and i were scrambling >> this is the most challenging time as a parent >> this is very, very stressful. >> reporter: in washington, d.c. lynita law has gone through a lot. >> it's definitely nonstop. there's barely time to, you know, just unwind. >> reporter: bar because in addition to having her own three kids at home with managing a childcare center, giving other parents something they desperately needed >> there were cashiers or working in the fast food industry and so they -- if they didn't go to work they didn't get paid >> reporter: mothers have been especially hard hit with parenting responsibilities in 2020 about 700,000 with young children left the workforce. 2/3 of them were mothers. studies also show one in three mothers have considered downshifting their careers. >> i have to roll with the punches, take it day by day >> reporter: in new york alissa ehrlich is one of them, with two young daughters this pr consultant dramatically reduced her business >> the choice was obvious to us because i'm a freelancer and my husband's job brings in our health insurance it's just every day can be challenging for me >> reporter: how would you rate your stress? >> my own stress has been pretty high the unknown was a lot for me to get adjusted to. not knowing what school would look like in the next month, not knowing if i'd be on a phone call and someone would burst in asking me to print a worksheet. >> reporter: some fathers are home more too. >> is it difficult on with the mask on and learning >> reporter: in seattle will station used to travel for work a lot and his wife handled school concerns. not anymore. what did you notice about how your kids were handling remote learning >> they were not too excited about it >> reporter: so he got creative >> j.j., welcome to your first day of school. >> reporter: to get his kids more engaged >> does it feel like a heavy lift >> you do your work. you're overseeing your kids' work you're trying to make sure you cook them lunch. you've got to be the janitor and clean up after them each day i'm exhausted when i hit the pillow at night. >> reporter: still, he pleads innocence. >> this is bonus time. i don't know what things are going to look like when the pandemic is over but i sure hope we have flexibility. >> reporter: flexibility essential in a critical course on parenting during a pandemic. rehema ellis, nbc news when we come back, the family that went all in to save these miracle puppies amid an unfolding disaster there's good news tonight about nature's challenges and nature's wonders and how one family overcame an unfolding disaster to bring new lives into the world. aubrey morgan has always loved animals. so in january when a pregnant shepherd mix ended up at a local shelter, aubrey's family decided to foster the dog they named maggie >> you know, she's become family to us. >> reporter: making her cozy and safe in their san antonio home a new mom herself, aubrey knew she had to help. >> i started researching and figuring out what all it entails to foster a pregnant dog and to help her have her puppies. >> reporter: but last month when it was finally time, disaster struck >> millions in texas tonight are living a freezing nightmare. >> reporter: a deadly winter storm slammed into texas. >> and then all of a sudden the power goes out >> so i was already nervous. >> reporter: nervous because maggie was in labor. >> mama is panting and resting. >> reporter: with temperatures plunging and four puppies already out, aubrey's husband, chris, came up with a plan >> he ran out to the car in the snow he got a tarp and blankets down, got the heat cranking. and we moved her and the four puppies into the car and that's where she had her last three puppies and we stayed in there the next day. >> reporter: parked in the driveway, it was a 12-hour mission in their suv >> they're still in the car. still no electricity >> reporter: each taking turns to keep maggie's little ones alive, while the other stayed indoors with their own kids >> make sure the puppy was breathing well and we'd keep kind of try to warm her up as mama was licking her and stuff. >> reporter: debbie runs the hill country spca shelter where maggie first landed. now she's even more moved by aubrey's compassion in the midst of the family's own crisis >> we were just so proud of her and her family for going above and beyond >> yeah. >> reporter: the puppies, seven strong some might even say lucky seven. how are the puppies and the mom doing? >> they're growling and barking and starting to get a little playful with each other. so the next hurdle will be finding all of them their forever homes and, you know, matching them with their perfect family >> mama maggie and her seven puppies will stay with aubrey's family for a few more weeks to get stronger before heading back to the shelter and ready for adoption and a final note don't forget to spring ahead for most of the country overnight. daylight savings time kicks in, pushing the clocks ahead by one hour that's nbc "nightly news" for this hour. i'm jose diaz-balart thank you for the privilege of your time. and good night right now at 6:00, stand up and stop the hate. rallies across the bay area are calling for an end to the violence against asian americans. the news at 6:00 starts right now. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm terry mcsweeney. tonight, it was stop the hate. and one of the many speakers was just 13 years old and she is ashleyne who organized a rally. >> and why is this happening? i started to look into this and i found out that many of to cases are not reported as hate crimes, and this wasn't okay. >> a string of local and state leaders denounced the spike of hate crimes across area. one of them was yvonne lo who represents much of the south bay. >> he had been victimized just last week in mountain view. just

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Video , Maki , Zoo , Maki Celebrating , Folks , Church , Kidnapping , Lemur , Age , Daly City , 22 , Snow , Feet , Blizzard Warnings , Part , Highways , Toast , Brace , Rockies , 6 , 00 , Flights , Bank Accounts , Thousands , Relief , Tornadoes , Tornado , Covid , Guard , Payday , Storm Spawning , 000 , 7000 , Two , It Couldn T , It , Border , Rescues , Challenge , U S , Volunteers , Crisis , Spring Breakers , Crowds , Superspreader Fears , Influx , Florida , Immigrations And Customs Enforcement , Rio Grande , Border Patrol , Woman , Police , Adults , Murder , Movement , Vigil , Government , May , British , Country , Death , Remembering Breonna Taylor , Tributes , One , Weather , Announcer , Parts , Nightly News , Jose Diaz Balart , Snowstorm , Highway , Nbc , System , Variety , Cars , Utah , Storm , Texas Tornadoes , Mudslides , Panhandle , California , Reporter , Denver , Conditions , Tornadoes Churning , Havoc , Way , Drivers , Rocky Mountain States , Wyoming , Winter Blast , Ground 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Big Push , Lives , Vice President , Bill , Stops , Road Trip , Relief Package , Gentleman , Difference , That Biden Team , Democrats , Impact , Credit , Promotion , Politics , Vaccine , President , Promise , Supply , Morgan Chesky , Life , Mask , Officers , Everyone , Texas , Policy , Spring Break , Bank , Vaccine Rollout , Crowd , Others , Rules , Tonight A Rush , Florida Spring Break Chaos , Shots , Rate , Arms , 100 Million , 2 Million , Plan , Biden , Shot , Number , Adult , Vaccination Sites , Doesn T , Retail Pharmacies , 1 , May 1 , Facilities , Individuals , Military , Vaccine Providers , Stand , Mode , Tens Of Thousands , Fraction , 4000 , Issue , States , State Leaders , Appointments , Hesitancy , Demand , Doses , Professionals , Eligibility , Monday Kentucky , Georgia , North Carolina , Minnesota , Site , Vaccination Stats , Vaccination , Dallas , Leaders , County Leaders , In Dallas , Shipments , 6000 , Line , Situation , Ali Vitali , Journey , Migrants , Crossings , Soil , Rise , Water , Rafts , Images , Administration , Policies , Children , Home , Countries , Help , Perception , America Due , Chacon , Nbc News , Kids , Henry Cuellar , Custody , Record , Messages , Neighbor , Say Don T , Shelter Facilities , Network , I M Coming Over , Scrambling , Surge , Immigration Policy , Agents , Ice , Washington Post , Parties , Presidents , Immigration Reform , Citizenship , Path , Congress , News , Response , Minors , Department Of Homeland Security , Things , Alejandro Mayorkas , Support , Supporters , Shelters , Security , Capacity , Washington , Homeland Security , Fema To Help , Calls , Accountability Antonia Hilton Reports , Injustice , Conversation , Louisville , Downtown Louisville , Police Officers , Breonna Taylor One , Action , Door , No Knock Warrant , Memory , Battering Ram , Many , Grand Jury , Louisville Metro , 26 , Six , Named Breonna , Rally Hannah Drake , Case , Mother , Activist , Something , City , Reforms , Warrants , Police Community Relations , Series , Pass Breonna , Attica Scott , Fight Isn T Over , Tamika Palmer , Somebody , Police Department , Practices , Crimes , Hope , World , Last , Globe , Case Won T , Antonia Hilton , Up Next , Doorsteps In London , Threats , Women Molly Hunter , International Outrage , Duchess Of Cambridge , 33 , Sarah Everard , Today Thousands Came Out , Elite Male , Women , Surveillance Video , Wayne Couzens , 48 , Body , Sarah Walking , On March 3rd , 90 , March 3rd , 9 , 3 , 30 , Wall , Statement , Principled , Example , Friends , Jamie Klingler , Nighttime , Streets , Keys , Hand , Posting , Routines , Details , Asia , Europe , Cases , Men , Violence , Everything , Color , Oman , Bogey Man , Fear , Worst Case Scenario , Headlines , Around The World , Self Defense Classes , Drinking , Boys , Candles , Pandemic , An Oklahoma High School , Lessons , State Title Game , Basketball Team , Controversy , Game , Spotlight , Reasons , Oklahoma , Norman High Lady Tigers , High School Girls , Team , Comments , Picture , Anthem , Microphone , Clearer , Covid Lockdown , Matter , Parents , Home Rehema Ellis , Families , Roof , Toll , Lot , Wife , Parent , Lynita Law , Washington D C , Addition , Bar , Mothers , Cashiers , Responsibilities , Childcare Center , Fast Food Industry , Hit , 2020 , 700000 , Daughters , Punches , Careers , New York , Alissa Ehrlich , Studies , 2 3 , Aubrey S , Pr Consultant , Choice , Job , Freelancer , Business , Health Insurance , School , Stress , Unknown , Learning , Worksheet , Someone , Phone Call , School Concerns , Fathers , Seattle , It Reporter , Lift , Creative J , Lunch , Janitor , Pillow , Parenting , Flexibility , Innocence , Flexibility Essential , Course , Disaster , Miracle Puppies , Nature , Challenges , Wonders , Aubrey Morgan , Animals , Dog , Shelter , Each Taking Turns To Keep Maggie S , Pregnant Shepherd , Puppies , Nightmare , Safe , Deadly Winter Storm , Mama , Panting , Labor , Resting , Temperatures , Four , Car , Blankets 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