Well see you tomorrow goodnight, everybody announcer tonight on late night with seth meyers. Jake tapper, from hbos succession, Matthew Macfadyen, music from foster the people featuring the 8g band with Thaddeus Dixon and now, Seth Meyers Seth welcome to late night, everybody. Theres a Tropical Storm battering the east coast right now, which means that finally, finally, i have a reason to stay inside lets get to the news. When asked in a new interview how history will remember late civil rights leader congressman john lewis, President Trump said he did not know because he doesnt know john lewis. I guess in the same way republicans suddenly wont know trump after november 4th oh, donald trump tall guy golfer in a new interview, President Trump said the coronavirus pandemic is, quote, under control as much as you can control it. What youre not controlling it at all. Youre handling the pandemic the way parents handle a third child. Eh, got to get tired eventually. Just turn the tv up. In the same interview, President Trump said the coronavirus death toll, quote, is what it is. God, hes like the last resort friend you confide in during a breakup yeah, yeah, yeah, no, its sad, its sad but it, uh it is what it is can we get back to me . New York Governor Andrew Cuomo yesterday legalized the sale of ice cream made with liquor [ slurring ] good, cause thats what youre gettin, said this drunk cow. [ light laughter ] that was a very, very unconvincing drunk cow voice mooo today was former president obamas 59th birthday. He received thousands of cards wishing him happy birthday and one card that just said, prove it. President Trumps Campaign manager bill stepien said yesterday that he wants more debates with former Vice President joe biden while trump says he wants more debates with hillary clinton. Why jinx why jinx something thats working for you . Fox news host sean hannity has released a new book entitled live free or die america and the world on the brink, so look for it wherever books are sold, or when youre cleaning out your grandpas house. A florida man oh. Oh, we had one of these. This explains a lot. A florida man was arrested last week after he allegedly purchased a porsche with a fake check printed from his home mon ink. Printer ink is expensive, everyone after mississippi announced it would retire its flag because it features a confederate symbol, the state said yesterday it has received almost 3,000 proposals for the redesign, including some that featured elvis presley, kermit the frog and beer cans. Added officials, plus some other ones, but, you know, those three were definitely the best. Today was National Chocolate chip cookie day. Celebrate by having one and, you know, then shrugging and then having a second one and then having a third one, but swearing thats it. Then having a fourth one, then sealing the bag up with tape because that will do it. Then breaking the seal and eating five more and then realizing there were only three left, so you may as well just, you know, finish the whole bag then going to the store and buying another bag and sneaking it back into the cupboard so your wife doesnt know what youve done, because she doesnt appreciate National Chocolate chip cookie day. According to a new survey, the average American Household argues 217 times a year about washing the dishes, and this is weird, even people who live alone. What do you mean its time to wash the dishes again . And finally, a woman in North Carolina reported seeing a black bear over the weekend with a trump 2020 sticker on his tracking collar and, you guessed it, no mask. Thats the news, everybody we got a great show for you tonight. Ill be talking to our friend jake tapper, and from hbos succession, Matthew Macfadyen will be here he just received a welldeserved emmy nomination for that show. Plus, music from foster the people but first, a Norwegian Cruise Line has halted operations after 36 crew members and four passengers tested positive for coronavirus this week, which brings us to a segment we call, really . With seth and oh, this cant be right, the sea captain . Seth really . Norway youre running a cruise line already . I know things are better in europe than they are here but a cruise line is the last thing you should reopen. Right after cuddle parties and harmonica rentals. Really i mean, a ship itself is bad enough but cruises also stop and drop off the virus in every coastal town like a giant motley crue tour bus really . Everyone knows that sailing and sickness go hand in hand whenever i got orders to arrive at port with 50 men, id always set sail with 100 and hope for the best i once lost half my crew to scurvy seth oh my god, half your crew how did that happen . I dont know. I gave them plenty of apples seth oh, i think youre supposed to give them lemons to prevent scurvy oh, crap. How do you like them apples . Seth and really . Cruise ships are already teeming with viruses are you sure its a good idea to invite coronavirus on board like its some corporate mixer where it could network and learn from the other viruses . Coronavirus, this is norovirus. Its foodborne. Oh, ive been dying to get into food. Well, wait till you meet rhinovirus hes everywhere. I mean, really and really, you just couldnt wait to sail up the coast of norway really what do you expect to see but a couple of lighthouses and some narwhal carcasses . Have you seen norway oh, thats norway. Thats amazing seth yeah, i mean, thats really beautiful wow. I havent seen anything that beautiful since i was three sheets to the wind on pirate brandy and slept with a mermaid. Seth oh, sea captain, i dont think mermaids are real. Oh, man oh man, seth, i think i boned a shark in a wig seth really . No. It boned me. Dont judge. Seth dont judge really, norway, youve got to be better than us youre one of the places americans dream of moving to after our country collapses. We think of you as a fancier canada with nice furniture dont tell me youre just frozen orlando. Really . Seth really. Really . Seth really. Really. Announcer this has been really . With seth and the sea captain. Seth well be right back with jake tapper wow. Hundred bands in my pocket, its on me on me yeah, your grandmama probably know me know me get more bottles, these bottles are lonely its a moment when i show up, got em sayin wow wow, wow hundred bands in my pocket, its on me on me yeah, your grandmama probably know me come on man. Wow. New doritos flamin hot limon. til everyone can enjoy a professional clean feel. Mon. At home. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Ok, so, magnificent mile for me i thought i was managing. My moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Yes until i realized something was missing. Me. You ok, sis . My symptoms kept me from being there for my sisters. Flight boarding for flight 2007 to chicago. So i talked to my doctor and learned. Humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor. If youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your doctor about humira. With humira, remission is possible. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. If you cant afford your medicine, cheei must be dreaming. Read. No, no. Its actually a real thing. You should try it. Its delicious. Mmmm. New stuffed crazy bread with crazy sauce, just 3. 49 its not a dream pizza pizza red, blue, 16 percent undecided. Here we are a nation divided. But 2020 had us shook. So we gave the world another look. And saw a future of differences celebrated. Every voice heard and advocated. Where everyone can show their pride. cause love should never have to hide. Theres a world of possibility that cant exist with you versus me. But oh man it could be beautiful. This world where we are we. seth guest drummer Thaddeus Dixon is sitting in with the 8g band this week hes a platinumselling producer and drummer whos worked with everyone from 21 savage to ariana grande. His new single baby is out now and available on all platforms welcome back to the show, thaddeus our first guest tonight is cnns chief washington correspondent who hosts the lead weekday afternoons, as well as the networks sunday show state of the union. The film adaptation of his book, the outpost, is available in select theatres and on demand now, lets take a look you ever heard of captain bostick or colonel fenty . No, sir theyre two commanders who lost their lives in this [ bleep ]hole before keating and yllescus okay. This commander is a 37yearold captain who has a whole lot of death in iraq before he got here and hes probably seen more fire fights than youve seen in the movies despite all that, despite the [ bleep ] odds stacked against him, hes here anyway. People much smarter than you or i put him here and thats it seth heres my conversation with jake tapper seth jake, welcome back. How are you . Im good. Im casual, because you caught me on vacation and this is seth i love it ive been on your show so many times, this is all i wear for two weeks straight is seth myers shirts. Seth its a classic. Thats an early seth myers logo right there. Oh, yeah, i have seth myers in d. C seth mey i mean, i have the one thats like a times square logo i got them all seth you dont have do you have the lead shirts do those exist no. Were a serious News Organization [ laughter ] seth come on, tshirts dont mean a lack of gravitas. Theyre very helpful i think we have mugs. Thats as far as we go, mugs seth this is your first visit since we left the studio, but your last visit was right around the end of normal times, february 24th, and i feel like every time you have been on the show since 2016, we have made light of the fact that the whole world changes in between your visits and yet, this time, outdid itself. Yeah, i mean, every time its dystopic, right . Every time, its something horrible has happened. Seth yeah. But last time, it was, i guess we were discussing impeachment and ukraine, and the new precedent that had been set about how its acceptable, i guess, for a u. S. President to ask a foreign country for help which we now have found out since you and i spoke that john bolton says it happened a different time with china. Seth yep so three now russia, ukraine, china and now its not just about, you know, things being norms and standards being eroded, its about actual death and sickness and health and economy cratering and its much, much worse. Every ti so i guess the lesson is, either i should stay on your show forever, and never get off. Seth right never leave and allow things to get worse, right yeah, because then i cant come back and talk about how much worse it was than last time seth right you mentioned youre on vacation how does jake tapper consume the news when on vacation . Do you try to give yourself a break from it or is that professionally irresponsible its difficult to keep away from it, just because, i mean, i am such a news junkie that any attempt to not have my phone, like, right nearby will not work im already up to speed on the interview that axios did and the horrible tragedy in lebanon and President Trump flipflopping on, you know, vote by mail, as long as its in the state he thinks he can win. Vote by mail in florida. So yeah, its i cant stop seth yeah. Does your family wish you could stop or at this point, have they just given up on, like, unplugged jake yeah, i think theyve given up [ light laughter ] i think that i think they this is dad. This is who he is. Seth well, even this is a weird thing to say, because you have created what is a piece of entertainment, the film, the outpost, which i want to talk to you about obviously this a very serious piece of entertainment, but it is also i mean, it is a fantastically wellrealized action film. Your director rod lurie did a great job, but this is a real battle battle of kamdesh. Am i saying that right yep seth so this is a battle that took place in 2009. You wrote the book in 2012, and now its a movie how what was the process like of seeing it go from book to film well, i didnt to be completely honest, i never really had any hopes that it would be made into a film. I gave the rights to the screen writers, paul tamasy and eric johnson, to try to write a screenplay pretty sure it was free. Pretty sure i didnt get anything [ light laughter ] and then we had one director, and then he walked away, and then rod came along, and you know how the business is its your business, not mine its just so fickle, so mercurial. You have no idea whether or not its going to happen but then they started making it and, you know, thank god we had rod lurie, the director, who is a west point graduate and came to it with the same basic approach that i came to with the book, which is, this is just thats what its about its not about bush. Its not about obama its not about politics. Its not ab you know, all of that stuff can be part of the conversation when people talk about it afterwards, but this is just about these guys trying to survive. And i think he just he and the cast and crew just did a masterful job. So whatever concerns i had, have pretty much evaporated seth you mentioned its not about about bush, and its not about obama. And as im thinking about it, i realize that when you see a film about our troops in afghanistan, its almost impossible to pinpoint who was the president at any given time. Because this is obviously, at this point, be it a democratic president or republican president s, weve been there for what seems like an incredibly long time. The axios interview you mentioned, it seems like donald trump doesnt have much of a plan to get our troops out of it. Is that part depressing to you, the very fact that a book that you wrote almost a decade ago now, is still a place where troops are serving in the same sort of situations that the film depicts . It is depressing. And it actually makes me angry, because i just think the inertia of decisionmaking by all president s, by bush, by obama, by trump, by the pentagon, i mean, it just i think the question that the film illustrates is, why are they there . Are they doing . Are we doing everything we can to make sure that the men and women we send over there are safe and protected . And i think, you know, the answer to the last question is, obviously, were not there are policy questions about decisions that were made by bush that ultimately ended up resulting in the outpost being built where it was, but the attack took place, you know, in 2009 when obama was president and had been for nine months so, you know, i think one of the lessons that ive learned from researching the book is, the military, if you ask them to do something, they will say yes, we can do it. Yes, sir the question is, what are our leaders asking them to do . Because they will say they can do anything, because thats their attitude thats the spirit, thats why the u. S. Military is the greatest in the world. But what are we asking them to do, and is it worth it thats the question. Seth i want to ask, because i know you had three of the actual soldiers who served there were on set both as consultants and actors in some cases what was their sense what was it like for them to return to a set that was built to look like this place they had gone to, this incredibly dramatic battle . Really freaky really weird for them, because rod lurie and the Production Team recreated this entire outpost, that by the way, hasnt existed since october 2009 so even though i wrote the book and went to afghanistan twice to research the book, i wasnt able to go there, because it didnt exist anymore. The u. S. Blew it up after they abandoned it so it was weird for me to visit this site that obviously, i had thought about so much but never it didnt exist anymore. And then freaky and surreal and cathartic, though, in some ways, for the three guys who you mentioned, the three veterans who consulted on the film, and also played roles in the film. Ty carter, the medal of honor recipient, played by Caleb Landry Jones, who has a cameo in the film, but was a really big consultant. Hank hughes, who served there in 2007 and went on to become a filmmaker after he left the army and he was a consultant. He also plays brad larson, one of the guys stuck in the humvee with Caleb Landry Jones and then the third guy, Dan Rodriguez who plays himself in the movie and so they all said it was very cathartic but obviously eerie, because this was a recreation of the worst place they had ever been for the worst days of their lives. Seth well be right back with more from jake tapper cheezit snapd. How does it taste . Its so thin, crispy and cheesy. And i just want to keep eating it. Ive done it and eating it. they love em snapd. So good, we may run out of cheese. Yeah, im married. Youd do that for me . Really . Yeah, id like that. Who are you talking to . Uh, its jake from state farm. Sounds like a really good deal. Jake from state farm at 3 in the morning . Who is this . Its jake from state farm. What are you wearing, jake from state farm . Uh. Khakis. Hey, do they ever ask you what youre wearing . Uh. Yeah. Red sweater, button down shirt. Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. A mobile plan that blows away all of those highpriced plans introducing boost mobiles all new hrinkit plan the longer you stay, the less you pay. Start at just 45 per month. After 3 ontime payments, your bill shrinks to 40 per month. Then bam. After 3 more ontime paymen