Parts of the bay area. Some from as far away as san joaquin county. The county wanted the company to take the temperature of all its workers at each bus stop. Instead of waiting until workers arrived in fremont. But then after a couple of back and forths, they said yeah, were going to do that. Hagerty says the company and the county were making progress, until today. I wish elon would have waited one more week. So we could have just done this in a methodical fashion that really put people back to work safely. Even governor gavin newsom was caught by surprise saying today he just spoke to musk days ago. I cant attest to the fact that hes reopened today. Not aware of the details of that. Musk has an an lie in washington, d. C. , treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin told cnbc this morning california needs to stand by tesla because thousands of jobs and billions of tax dollars are on the line. California should prioritize doing whatever they need to do to solve those Health Issues so that he can open quickly and safely or theyre going to find that as threatened he will move his production to a different state. The county Health Department issued a statement saying, it will respond to teslas actions. The same way it would any other business, who violated their order. But gave no specifics. In fremont, melissa colorado, nbc bay area news. Whether tesla or any other business will reopen, the reopening of the bay area hinges on five key indicators. Here is the checklist put together by the chronicle. Think of this as a report card for counties. Almeda, San Francisco, and san mateo counties, how are they doing . Are they able to meet their goals right now . In order to enter phase two, each county must see a decrease in new cases, and hospitalizations. They also have to test 200 people out of every 100,000 people. Increased contact tracer staffing. And have a 30 day supply of ppe. And thats one of the problem spots now. None of the counties, you can see here, xxx, they havent done it, none of the counties have reached their supply of ppe. When it comes to contact tracing, only almeda county at the top has done that. So counties have a long way to go in terms of San Francisco and san mateo. Switching gears and what youre looking at is time lapse video from the san rafael camera from this afternoon it shows a band of rain moving through and there is more over the bay area right now. And lets bring in chief meteorologist jeff ranieri, can we expect even more and more widespread . I certainly do think so. Over the next two to four hours, well continue to see this move off towards the south, and even beyond that, we could have more lateseason rain chances, into june, so definitely some unusual activity happening right now, at least with the strength of the storm. Now as we get a look at the rainfall totals today, you head up well north of us, another the northern coastline, guerneville with 0. 87. The Higher Elevations around guerneville helping to play into that number. Mill valley, a quarter of inch. And pacifica, 0. 20. San jose, no measurable rainfall just yet. So what were seeing here right now is this main storm front over the bay area. And that will continue to move to the south through tonight. And right now, were tracking some of these pocks of rainfall off to the north and east. Rain in napa. 6 01 tonight. For the east bay, would he have seen it pick up as the showers move from San Francisco over to orinda, concord and danville. We will see that over the next 30 to 45 minutes. And for the south bay, not much happening right now. But we will likely see some of these showers over the santa cruz mountains, hopefully hold up here to give you some rainfall there in sunnyvale as we head through 5 30 and 6 00 tonight. We will talk about these continuing shower chances for tonight, and two more chances, yes, two more chances ahead this week, ill have details in 15 minutes. Well see you shortly, thanks, jeff. A cry for help today from governor newsom. California is asking the federal government for 1 trillion. The money would be shared not just here in california, it would be shared with five states in the western pact, oregon, washington, colorado, nevada, and here in california. Today, the governor sent a letter to the federal government, asking for that aid. The money will be used to protect schools, and public health. This is the requirement of this moment. These are, you can just sense the thrust of the needs that we are all feeling, as states, as regions, as cities that are required to get through this pandemic. Now, also from his briefing today, the governor said tomorrow, he will announce guidelines for even more businesses to reopen. For example, dinein restaurants, offices, and shopping malls, are expected to be next on the list. Okay, america leads the world in testing. That is the message from the white house today. President trump announced the federal government will be giving states 11 billion to increase testing efforts. The u. S. Conducting about 300,000 tests a day. However, the Health Experts say this is well below whats needed to actually reopen the country. One model from harvard suggests the country should be conducting 900,000 daily tests by may 15th. During the news conference, reporters pushed the president on the daily testing of white house staffers when most americans are still not able to get tested at all. If people want to get tested, they can get tested, but for the most part they shouldnt want to get tested. There is no reason. They feel good, they dont have sniffles, they dont have sore throats, they dont have any problem. Also today, the white house mandated that all west wing staffers must wear a mask. This comes after the president s purge valet and an aide to the Vice President tested positive for coronavirus. Here is Something Interesting from stanford. If you have covid19, stanford might be able to help you right away. Theyre looking for volunteers to take part in the new trial. Stanford health wants to treat patients almost immediately after testing positive. So whats the treatment, and how do you sign up . With us tonight, one of the lead investigators of the trial, doctor, thanks for your time this evening, tell us, in a best case scenario, what do you hope this treatment does . Thanks, raj. Yes, the best case scenario, we want to offer treatment for folks who are infected with covid and might have symptoms, and might be at risk of spreading the virus to family members and others at home, so what we would like to do is find drugs or find agents that could reduce the amount of time that theyre sick and reduce the amount of time that theyre infective toward others. Right now is, it a pill or an injection . Do you know what form of help is coming . Yes, so this first trial that were doing, it is a trial of a drug that has been an injection, a onetime injection, that is given under the skin, and then the individuals may receive a placebo, to detect whether or not it works. At what point do you know it is working . For example, if i get it, you want me to come in right away, within two or three day, how do you know if it is working on me or someone else . So we have folks, that within two to three days, will be given an injection and followed very closely after that, and well check their nose and throat to see if they have evidence of virus there on a daily basis, between the time we randomized it, to the first days and see how theyre feeling. How do they sign up . People who are watching, if they have infected, how do you get the sample . Two ways. One on the web site, treat covid. Stanford. Edu, or send us an email treat covid stanford. Edu. And the placebo or drug you will be using is available . Yes. And it is something we plan over the next several months. At the end of the month or next month, we will have you back on to see how this all went . Thanks, raj. Thanks for the opportunity. We appreciate it. Following other big headlines tonight. The deadly shark attack, a shark killed this 26yearold surfer, off the state beach south of santa cruz over the weekend. Marianne favro has more on why the attack is so unusual. Reporter ben kelly lived and saturday, he was catching waves with two friends off Sand Dollar Beach when a shark attacked and killed him. We lost a nice person. He had traveled the world surfing and recently moved to santa cruz to start his own boardshaving business. He was known for biving back, helping group, giving back, helping groups in kenya and here in his backyard. He would donate surfboards for the raffles and always for a good cause, like giving back to families. As the memorial honoring ben grow, the beaches one mile north and south of where the attack happened are now closed until thursday. Shark experts suspect a white shark killed ben but have not confirmed it yet. Dr. Dave ebert with the Pacific Research center says shark attack are rare and this one is especially unusual. Usually most of them occur between about july and november. May is definitely not a month we see many shark attacks. Today, at Pleasure Point in capitola, suvers are still hitting the waves with increased awareness. If i see a fin, of course i pay more attention today, than i usually do. Researchers say sharks are most active in the Early Morning and the evening. So they say it is very nourish that this shark attacked around 1 30 in the afternoon. In santa cruz county, marianne favro. A wrong way chase in vallejo. Watch the arrows. This is video from the chp helicopter friday night. Police say it began when they started chasing that car. The driver went the wrong way, on the carquinez bridge. From there, the suspect led police on several freeways, and city streets before he finally surrendered in a backyard, some 30 minutes later. Up next, here at 5 00, baseball coming this july. Major League Baseball owners reportedly approve a plan and well tell you why it is far from a done deal. Not willing to wait it out. The two east bay Restaurant Owners explain why theyre holding their grand opening in the middle of a pandemic. Im chief meteorologist jeff ranieri, tracking a late season storm, bringing rainfall right now, and two more chances ahead in the sevenday forecast. Ill get you updated here in about seven minutes. Is major League Baseball returning in july . The answer will be determined by money and health. The mlb owners approving a proposal today that the commissioner will present to the players tomorrow. Instead of 162 games, it is an 82game season that begins in july and the playoffs would be expanded from 10 to 14 teams. Major hurdles remain though. Like how much the players will be paid. And more importantly, keeping the players and coaches healthy. If approved, the giants and as might have to play at their spring training home, down in arizona, because california, as you know, has stricter guidelines for reopening. I talked with the commissioner of major League Baseball and he says we wont do anything that is not consistent with state guidelines. So im not concerned about what they do, as long as its consistent with state guidelines. Well see where we will be in july. And again, that could lead to all games to be played in arizona, and in florida, experts say reaching a deal though, financially, is the biggest factor in whether there is a season or not. Well, caravans for a cause is what theyre calling it, dozens of ride share drivers protested outside of uber headquarters demanding better pay and protection. And they circled their cars as the company had a virtual Stockholder Meeting and told the drivers to stop supporting a Ballot Initiative to repeal Assembly Bill five and it affords basic rights and protections. If were an employee, we have benefits. We have benefits. Sick days. And you know, things that we really need. We are fighting for this each day. And now with the pandemic, it is more crucial for us to have all of these benefits. We reached out to uber and lyft for a response but have yet to hear back from either company. Tonight, in fremont, dismantling a local landmark and the teardown is under way. We told you last week, that saddle rack announced it is shutting down for good, a victim of the coronavirus shutdown. Line dancing and singing cowboys, no more. The furniture about to be sold off. The saddle rack closed in march along with most other businesses and the owner says they just cant find a way to reopen. And to see it go away, it does feel bad, and especially i have employees who have been at saddle rack longer than i have. Quite a family. Owners say they are keeping that famous mechanical bull and some of the racks other popular features saying there is a chance that they may be able to reopen some day. It could happen. They already moved once from san jose to fremont. Back in 03. A legendary spot. Most restaurants are holding on for dear life. We know that. But one bay area eatery is just now opening. This oakland restaurant is rolling the dice on its future. Heres nbc bay area joe rosato jr. Reporter anyone who follows restaurant survival statistics knows any time is a tough time to open one. Dpif under the best of circumstances, difficult under the best of circumstances with doors closed, the brand new palmetto restaurant is opening their doors for the first time. Trying our best to move forward in the environment we find ourselves right now. The restaurant was two weeks from the grand opening when california issued its shelter at home order. The bar was remodeled. The staff hired. Business came crashing down. But after securing a loan from the payroll protection program, the restaurant will open its doors today, for takeout cocktails, wine, and food. Its stressful. There is a lot of anxiety. And it is also a desire to do the best we can, for as many of the employees. But owners, philip and chris, say it is an especially difficult time because no one knows what the Restaurant Business will look like once they are allowed to fully open. I dont expect things will go back to normal any time soon. And i dont even know what the new normal is going to look like. For now, the kitsch en is bustling. Hopes are high. And the mission clear. To provide hope and a good meal to people. Joe rosato jr. , nbc bay area news. We wish them the best of luck. Of course. Lets send things over to jeff ranieri. And here we go. Starting another week. This one is finally going to be a little different because we may anticipate some rain, were seeing it coming in, and it was so windy today. Yes, weve definitely had a little bit of everything and welcome news for a lot of you, when you feel like the days have been running together, and leave it up to moernt to, to switch it up for us, yesterday was different than today, mentally for us all. Lets go to the doppler radar. We will start off with this first. And i did want to show you the main storm front is actually over us, right now. So were dealing with the worst of the conditions. With this storm front on top of the bay area that this has to offer at the current moment. And it has held together pretty good here. We have seen moderate and a few isolated heavier downpours and take to you the north bay first. Where it is beginning to calm down. And this is moving off to the north and the east. So we will likely keep some of this rain in napa, certainly through 6 00 tonight. And then off to the south, were seeing this rainfall moving into San Francisco, and this will continue to keep rainfall in places like berkeley, lafayette and concord, as we head through the next 30 to 45 minutes. Remember, im doing all of this tracking from our weather computers, right here, in my living room. Same tools. Just a different location. And showers over the bay right now. Continuing to push into fremont. Through 5 47. Pleasanton, 6 09 tonight. So what happens after this early evening . By 8 00, we have the scattered rain, lingering with us. And by 11 30, i see a few spotty showers for the south bay. And were going to hold on to this on again, off again chance into tomorrow morning, and even into tomorrow afternoon. Nothing too heavy. Nothing too widespread. But do expect those on and off shower chances. Temperatures tomorrow, low to mid 50s to start. So if youre up early and need the jacket and the umbrella if you dont want to get wet. 55 in the east bay. North bay at 49. And the temperatures tomorrow, really no big difference as we move across our micro climates. We see this very often, when a storm system moves in, it levels us all out. So we get rid of the temperature extremes. And 68 for san jose. A bit breezy for the east bay. 10 to 20 miles an hour. 68 in concord. 65 in hayward. Were looking at 68 on the forecast for palo alto. 65 san mateo. San francisco, 59 for the outer sunset. And 61 for the embarcadero. In the north bay, were going up to 67 in napa. Thats my warmest there. And 63 mill valley. My extended forecast for San Francisco, notice spotty chance of that shower activity tomorrow. Wednesday offers a better possibility. With trace amounts to. 15. And then were going to see another storm by sunday. 05 to. 35 of an inch. For the inland valleys, temperatures all over the place, from 68, tomorrow, up to 80 on fridays forecast. And then by sunday, 72, and a closer look at that time line, it shows that we will start to see those showers move in, once we hit sunday, right around 7 00 in the morning. And well have a closer look at that coming up at 6 00 p. M. Right now, i got to say, lucy, shes off to the side, shes anxious to get out there, in the sprinkles, a little bit muddy, ill have to see if i will let that one go. She needs a rain coat. She does. Yes. Totally. Thanks, jeff. See you later on. All right. Coming up, keeping the facts straight. The steps twitter is taking to keep people from spreading misinformation about covid19. Were all doing our part by staying at home. That could mean an increase in energy bills. You can save by using a fan to cool off. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or closing your shades during the day. Stay well and keep it golden. Today, we have some answers to that explosive device found in marin county. Yesterday, a hiker found the explosives on eagle trail, above homestead valley, in marin county. A bomb squad was called in and safely destroyed them. Today, the sheriff says they were old ammo cans that still had explosive material inside. Okay, on twitter, with tweets on the covid19, the web site will not allow misleading messages or disputed or unverified messages. In a blog post titled updating our approach to misleading information, twitter outlined the new policy. The labels will also link to a trusted source for information on the virus. Twitter also warned that in extreme cases, the potentially dangerous tweets may be removed outright. Well, something good on the peninsula today. Police officers escorted the delivery of 500 meals for front line workers, including nurses, police, and firefighters. The lunches and dinners were whipped up by the kitchen staff over at palo altos asian Box Restaurant and paid for by facebook. Absolutely. It helps me of course and facebook is giving back, and obviously, the most important thing is to help the First Responders that are on the front. Cool to see these restaurants clipping in and like so many restaurants, asian box has shifted its Business Model to include more catering and familystyle meals. Super nice. When we come back, putting a spotlight on the graduating class of 2020. Were honoring the grads next. And. Lets get started. music fades in hey hi tonight at 6 00, to prosecutor not prosecute, thats the decision for district attorneys as businesses violate shelter orders and how do they decide which to cite and which to warn . Coming up on the 6 00 newscast. Finally at 5 00, jessica, our favorite part of the newscast, something good. Absolutely. It is a time to honor our graduates from the class of 2020. This is our gift to you. Well see you at 6 00. Tonight the race to con. Tain the outbreak in the white house. President trump not wearing a mask at an event late today and the president saying we have prevailed, but what did he mean as the death toll tops 81,000 tonight, three top u. S. Health officials in quarantine also, signs of hope at the epicenter. Governor cuomo saying new york is on the other side of the mountain and other places reopening, cases surging. Play ball, news tonight on when baseball can start. The discomforting scenes planes packed. What happened to

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