And we will miss him so much my thoughts go to his family and sheila and arlo. And everyone just take care of each other and stay safe and were going to get through this, you know, together lets talk and help each other out whenever we can. I will talk more about how as the as the weeks go on, obviously. But that was its kind of a im happy that today our guests on the show are friends of mine. Justin timberlake is my guest tonight. Ive known him for seems like forever. Here is his charity hes working with its gofundme. Com americas food fund. Thats where hes asking everyone to donate theyre splitting their money from feeding america and world center kitchen, which is very theyre both two Amazing Things which is also what Russell Wilson and ciara, their charity is feeding america as well we have music from the Avett Brothers who want to give to directrelief. Org all right. Everyone, the show must go on. Monologue. T the show with the jimmy welcome tohe tonight show at me edition re is some good news today is national be day [ applause ] americans celebrated with national br breakfast, National Beer lunch, and National Beer dinner did i everell you that sry about my dad when he was getting my dad had Prostate Cancer he beat it but he was getting checked out and he w like, wanted to stay local. Were from upstate new york and he was like, did i ever tell you this i don think so. Jimmy you know my dad. He used to drink a lot of er going to get checked out. m hes a good doctor. Y. E you sure hes good have you checked the references . Yea all right, whats his name so i n check him out . His name is dr. Beer. Yeah if irony if ironyxists, you cant there is no way you can let dr beer kl you. Were not letting at happen. But we did not see i dont , believe we saw dr. Beer. Dr. Beer he was going to go see. Oh, my goodness. Love you, dad. I know youre watching this. And he probably did go see dr. Beer and didnt tell me. Maybe he saw his son, dr. Light beer guys, after 11 seasons, tomorrow is the Series Finale of modern family. Thats right they were fine for 11 years. And then after just four weeks of quarantine, its over thats what it takes well this isnt good the ceo of seaworld has resigned after just five months on the job even crazier, today he was charged with hiring a hitman to take out Carole Baskin gosh. Poor carole. Some entertainment news. There is a new show on quibi called murder house flip where people renovate notorious homicide homes but im more excited for the spinoff show. Tiny murder house flip. Some sports news ufc president dana white said he is securing a private island so fights can continue yeah, people fighting on a a private island, or as i call it every movie starring Jean Claude Van damme. I saw a lot of people are calling for the s. A. T. To be completely online. If this happens, testing boards are asking kids to make sure they use a number two computer during quarantine, Many Americans have been studying their family genealogy i guess after spending a month ago everyone is thinking, am i really related to these people i read that some people are taking this time at home to learn an instrument. Yeah, cuz being quarantined with your family wasnt stressful enough lets throw in learning an instrument to the mix. [ off tune violin ] you sound great, honey yeah always wanted to learn the violin is that right . I dont know about this. Theres now an online recipe for peepsinfused vodka. Its fun, except for the three hours you got to listen to a a marshmallow bunny keep asking, do you think im a a pretty peep . And finally, a triathlete was competing in a virtual ironman when she said her idiot husband tripped over the power cord. If you want to hear more on this story tune in to next weeks episode of murder house flip. There you go everyone. That is my monologue woo he have a new show as i mentioned. From the new Trolls World Tour movie, Justin Timberlake is here. We also have Russell Wilson, superstar quarterback and ciara, superstar singer on the show and music by the Avett Brothers guys, being quarantined you dont get to see many people outside of who you are staying with so it is good to communicate with people through devices and just, through vibes. Heres me and Justin Timberlake speaking to each other jimmy yo yo. You home jimmy im home you home . Im home. Are you home jimmy im home are you home im home. Jimmy im home. Hello yo shades shades shade shades shades shades shades the smallest shades shades shades tiny tiny goggles shades shades shades shade whoo im home gross im home are you home oh, yeah im home are you hom what do i want to eat im hom what im home are you hom im home jimmy now it is time for askthefallons jimmy like Michael Myers from halloween like the mask, i look like the masked version. And i look like Jamie Lee Curtis. Honey. Jimmy Jamie Lee Curtis is beautiful. [ light laughter ] okay all right. Welcome back are you changing again is there Something Else . Its a sign. It was an animal oh, lord. Jimmy there was an animal, a white animal following us. Gary. So we have good news winnie lost a tooth today. Yes youll see it, though, in the interview. H, oh rats i forgot sorry. Jimmy spoiler alert. Okay. Ed in stuflike what do you eat and all this stuff that you you wouldnt care. Olives. Im obsessed with olives jimmy well i mean, yes jalapeno stuffed olives jimmy you love olives. Yeah. Jimmy how did you art with graver olives gravers have be in our family for a hundred years its a great place out of mid california, the graver olive coany. And they are delicious. Jimmy the graver olive the graver jimmy its the graver Olive Company and they make graver olives i just meant to say graver. Graver olives. Anyway, the best olives jimmy all right, this ones from this one is from jaco1948 jaco it says who did all that amazing art work on the walls of your house . Thats definitely a question for you. Yes however, who did it is hilarious, unless theyre speaking about one thing because it is a lifetime of collecting heirlooms like my grandparents stuff, my dads stuff, my moms stuff, and then a lot of flea market digging and tiny little shops in New Hampshire and the Hudson Valley and palm springs has got amazing goody thrift shops and nothings antique oh, ebay. Tons on ebay i really love finding great old paintings, vintage paintings, and our style, i say ours because it is ours now. Jim is anything of mine hanging on the walls a little. Is like original the ceiling. The ceiling room jimmy thats true. Yeah, yeahyeah i do have some ship paintings. Ship paintings. Jimmy we dont have any but i love it jimmy we dont have any famous paintings no. Anyone yeah if you came in to steal our art work youd have to steal like 2,000 paintings to add up to anything and that would be so hard to steal. Jimmy yeah we dont actually have much we just have things from the heart. Things we love yeah. Jimmy valuable which is invaluable jimmy invaluable this one is from livinginfallony livinginfallony what is the story behind getting a slide in your house . Everyone is asking about the slide. Is there a real story . Yeah. Well, the slide is in an old barn and the only thing i knew that we wanted to do with the barn was put a slide down the middle of it and i have a very curious jimmy did i know that . Yeah. Remember tt drawing . It didnt come out quite as cute as it should have jimmy usually things start with a drawing on an index card everything is on index cards. No lin jimmy with that black pen that black ink. No lines. Black flair pen jimmy yeah i drew that slide coming down and then once you draw it, i think you can bring it to life so the point of it was because how cool and fun is that i dont know it just is so fun. I go down that slide usually all the time i go down with tons of laundry i go down with anything. And i use the slide. Jimmy kids, ults, everne uses the slide. Shoot my way out and en, yeah, walk up the stairs jimmy you remember the first time when we were dating and you saw my apartment and you re like oh, this cool whatshat . Ani go, i want that to a a secret room. Yes jimmy like, behind the wall youre like, yeah. Why . I did no oh, that, you had like a closet or a pantry or something. Jimmy no it was the pantry it is now where like the pantry is, but at some point i had something designed where if you sit on the chair the wall spins. Yes jimmy james bond im surprised i said why. Maybe you jimmy like what are you hiding from . Why would you need a hiding place . Well, im sorry oldr saying that, in former form before we were married you jimmy and then i had another idea to have a door thats in the cabinet of under our sink in the bathroom that you can go through the cabinet and come out the other bedroom and then go to and then, like leave the apartment. I wanted to say like why, but i would totally do it. So im in. Jimmy yeah, i have no idea why. Im glad we didnt i like it jimmy but we did put like a secret book case in the play room for the kids and we have a slide now. Yes jimmy there you go yes hi jimmy hi, guys ooh, new shades. Trying them out . Look good, bud cute. Jimmy any other questions . I was thinking maybe i should interview you next week jimmy all right. Here we go back to the show bye, everyone. Ha ha. Thank you so much to my wife for answering those questions. Thank you for asking us all those questions. Keep them coming and maybe next week well have the kids ill ask the kids questions. Yeah really change . 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Michael, you didnt have to. And, were going to need some help with the rest. Youve worked so hard to achieve so much. Perhaps its time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. [ cheers and applause jimmy guys, today i got to talk to my pal justin this is not Justin Timberlake but this is the movie he is in Trolls World Tour. We got to talk about family, music, and just kind of reminisce. Heres me and Justin Timberlake. Jimmy buds, thank you so much for doing this. I appreciate this, man i know we checked in a couple times and thank you for doing the quarantine video have you seen it yet yeah. I saw i just saw it [ laughter ] jimmy yeah thank you for doing that gross jimmy gross is good. I like goggles too, it was really funny you know, honestly because we had to film our parts so far away, i think, you know, not knowing after all these years of friendship that you could do hand farts, i feel like i dont even know you anymore. Jimmy come on. You think you even thought twice in your head that i could not do a hand fart i mean if the question would have come up i would have been like well of course jimmy can probably do hand farts and now the world knows. [ talking over each other jimmy im doing good man i miss you you know the last time you were on my show you couldnt talk you lost your voice. Oh, yeah. Thats right thats right jimmy and now this time were a thousand miles away. And now i have so many things to say and nobody to say them to. Ive been hanging out in montana. This is my quarantine beanie jimmy yeah i mean, how is the family . How is everyone being safe at the house, everyones quarantined, everyone good yeah. Everybodys good here, man were you know. I mean, it sounds funny that we have to cover it because were on your show now because we speak to each other every other day, but, yeah you know were just weve just been trying i mean, well honestly, just been trying to do our part stay in and jimmy exactly. I was looking at all these notes and something just to interview you and all this stuff started coming up. I dont know, have we ever talked about do you remember the first time we actually ever met . I mean jimmy was it at snl . Was it at snl . Jimmy or was it vmas i dont remember. Jimmy i remember back stage with you at the vmas when we shared dressing rooms kind of. We were almost connected our dressing rooms were in the was it in the basement of radio city maybe . Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which was that jimmy it was 2002. This is when you came out of the boom box this is your debut oh, right right. My debutt jimmy your debutt, man. I remember i was pacing down stairs and i think i was dressed as a a super hero or something. And i was like pacing. And im like, im so nervous now. I hope this hosting thing goes well because you know, if i host this and thats my career, im a comedian and you go, yeah well, this is my first solo thing ever [ laughter ] so i guess its the same no, no, no. Didnt you do was that the year that you did the whole medley at the begi jimmy yeah oh, yeah, yeah that was it. Yeah, yeah you did the nelly bandaid and everything jimmy yeah, yeah, yeah that was a good joke. I liked that one jimmy that was like, i remember you going, like cause this was back in the day when you didnt release your songs. No one even heard what you sounded like as a solo artist. Yeah. That was the first yeah, in retrospect maybe not the greatest decision. Maybe i should have put the song out first so people knew who what jimmy its a gamble, man thats a risky move. You know what happens though is back then the people at the vmas hype you up like, this is going to be crazy, man youre going to debut your song and everybody was watching but they didnt know the song so they were just kind of like [ laughter ] jimmy i get thats what he sounds like thats good. Dude, you crushed it it was legendary well, thanks, man i remember we were both nervous. I dont remember everything we were saying to each other. But the funny thing about our friendship even when it first started is that i just remember that like what you were talking about, nothing was that serious. We were kind of like, you were like, oh, man im hosting. Im hosting. Im like, yeah, well im kind of like this is my first solo thing so whatever with your hosting and we kind of like, we started doing bits back and forth. You know, and thats all we do now. Jimmy thats actually all we do. Yes jimmy do you remember going to africa together yes yes. Jimmy what do you remember about that the most . We talked about this before but it is funny to bring up again, i remember you just drinking so many protein shakes jimmy dude, that was insane dude, that was seriously ive never recovered i remember i was kind of rubbing it in your face because we were on safari or something and it was hot and we were going and i just looked at you and i was like, and i had a packet and im like, i poured it in this shaker and i was like shaking it up and im like, sorry dude i thought ahead. First of all, also, do you remember i was all i wore was khaki clothing yes you came yeah you had one of the like, you had one of the hats that was one side went up and the other side [ laughter ] and the best part was the best part was it was like after day two of you wearing that outfit i was like, is he being ironic or is he really invested in this . cause it was an mtv show and they sent me a contract and they said, get all these shots and then, you know, make sure you wear light khaki clothing. I was like i dont have anything khaki clothing so i went to the Sporting Goods store and i bought like cargo shorts and cargo shirts almost like i had shirts that had pockets everywhere yes jimmy and then i had a hat to cover me from the sun or whatever i go with the little strap under here and then when i got to the airport, you were there and you were just wearing a baseball hat and tshirt and sneakers i went, you cant wear that. Like what are you talking about . And youre like, yeah. Thats what im wearing. You dont have any khaki does any of your clothes wick . Do you have any wicking . Yeah. Is the material on your clothing actually 90,000 spf jimmy can you use your clothing as fuel like i can . I went to some outdoorsy shop. Yeah. Can you chop up your cargo shirt and make corn bread out of it . I dont think so [ laughter ] jimmy but then i started drinking these protein shakes and kind of waving it at you like i dont know dude, check it out and you go after like the third day or something you go, hey, dude, you know like you drink that after you work out all day. I go, what do you mean youre like, i mean wed been together all day and havent been really been working out you cant keep drinking those or youre going to gain like 20 pounds. Im like, what [ laughter ] also, too, i remember being like if youre not working out, if youre not working out then theyre basically like meal replacements im li