Transcripts For KNTV The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Transcripts For KNTV The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20240714

[ cheers applause ] it is an honor for you to be here welcome to the white house or as i call it maralago north [ laughter ] i have to tell you i was up all night tossing and turning and trying to answer the questions on everyones mind who is the mask singer i mean it could benbe anyone. I could be shannon dorothy lets get to it. It is time for my least favorite part any questions . Whos the whistleblower did you get my story straight . Mike pence in the back room is saying mother, things are looking great. Hes hiding some where in the car. Who would have thought this huge hand would be caught in the cookie jar i know i took your vape pen weeks ago but now i need a hit i really would love one. Between the whistle blowing and my twitter over flowing, i feel like i am standing in deep and you know it is in the word but i could not. If there is a chance, pelosi comes up short i might stay afloat tonight [ applause ] i am not done, only i can say fired there is no fired, possibly Rudy Giuliani, there were none tonight, tonight, we are live [ cheers applause ] we are here in new york today and we are live we are live [ cheers applause ] so lets start the show tonight [ cheers applause ]. Announcer live here in new york city, it is the tonight show starring jimmy fallon and now here is your Host Jimmy Fallon [ applause ] [ cheers applause ]. Jimmy thank you very much everybody, welcome [ cheers applause ]. Oh, my goodness welcome the tonight show everybody. Jimmy please, have a seat, enjoy yourself, we are live. What a great crowd [ cheers applause ]. Guys, it was an absolute gorgeous day here in new york city, was it not because of the weather but because President Trump finally went back to washington. Y yes go, we are good. Hes been three days in the u. N. Assembly, trump finally returned to washington. A little awkward when he got to the oval office and saw mike pence sitting behind his desk. I didnt know you are coming back so soon let me get the photos from my family after that. A lot of people are happy after trump is back to d. C Rudy Giuliani barking and scratching at the window come here, come here boy oh, no oh no. Look at his embarrassed face, his embarrassed face it is a rough couple days for r t the president. Even ecigarette trump is having a bad week. I am reporting an urgent concern. The president , good god, this could be anything. What did he do now pick up that joke . You got that did we cut that joke [ laughter ] i guess we cut that joke i love that joke [ cheers applause ]. Jimmy all right, all right yeah, the whistleblower said there is approximately a dozen white house officials who listened to the call and this guy was like the baker did not the biggest section was the section claimed officials locked down all record of the phone call trump is being accused of a cover up why would anyone think that trump is the type of guy who would cover something up i mean i dont see it personally but the transcript was loaded into a separate Electronic System thats otherwise used to store and handle classified information. She saw that Hillary Clintons apple watch, yo your heartbeat is off the chart rightow [ laughter ] jimmy the nba just told. Business news, i like this one [ laughter ] jimmy marshal Just Launched its first ever online store. To make shoppers feel like theyre in a real marshal, all the clothes are balled up and thrown on the floor. [ applause ] jimmy yeah and this is on sale. Yeah, it is completely off the rack [ laughter ] jimmy i saw that Japan Airline is letting passengers know ahead of time that a baby is sitting near them on a flight and giving them chance to move seats. Meanwhile on Spirit Airlines if you are near a baby you just got a text that says lol suckaaa. [ laughter ] jimmy a new coffee shop just opened called dream boys you can order your coffee tall, grande or magic mike or xx tall. [ applause ] jimmy, jimmy. [ cheers applause ]. Jimmy whats going on . Coffee shop with shirtless baristas and thats the best you got . Jimmy you think you can do better than that oh, we know we can probably jimmy you know what it means . It is time for a good old fashion tonights show joke off you a. You all know the rules jimmy go beep, beep, beep it is 3 bucks for ra coffee and 50 bucks for them to grind your beans you dont want to see how they draw a heart in your foam [ laughter ] jimmy every customer was like i will take one cup of joey. All the baristas are buff guys, i cant wait to check it out says the health inspector. Please dont tell scarlett you saw me here. Jimmy the wifi password is bow wow. I dont recommend this place if you have a nut energy [ cheers applause ]. Oh jimmy all right, all right i will give you that one here is the next story. Several big Alcohol Companies say theyre developing drinkable marijuana. Go somehow it still gives you t cotton mouth all marijuana is drinkable when the cops pull you over. Jimmy naturalized and theyre trying to develop drinkable beers. They got a catchy name for ii it, snoop dogs your rain. If you want to know what marijuana tastes like, take a sip out of ches mug right now [ applause ] jimmy jost, you got that one. Iggy says her upcoming show will have a twerk fit. I entered the twerk fit and nine months later, you are born. Thats insane, iggy, got upcoming shows jimmy fans are like, of course, the person with the tallest ass is in front of me. Twerk fit is cool but i bet it smells terrible sure, when i started twerk pit, i am banned from Chuck E Cheese michael che everybody thank you guys [ cheers applause ]. Lets start the show. Give it up for the roots there jimmy thank you very much. [ cheers applause ]. Jimmy we have a fun show, we are live tonight have fun michael che and colin jost from saturday night live. [ applause ] jimmy also, dove cameron is here [ applause ] and robert irwin is here tonight [ applause ] and we got great music from carole king, the one and only. [ applause ] jimmy how was rehearsal today . Amazing, shes unbelievable shes a legend. Jimmy it was her and goffin king up on the roof yeah. Jimmy i am excited shes here earlier i was hanging out with my buddy jack white. [ applause ] jack white jimmy his album right there. Yeah, hes a good dude i love jack. I was hanging out with him not only hes an amazing rock star but hes really good at all sports, like all sorts of game yeah, every now and then we like to get together for a spirit evening of games tonight things got interesting check it out [ cheers applause ] jimmy check check mate, see you next week [ applause ] jimm is that great chess jimmy my thanks to jack white, i love that dude. Latest album is called help us stranger, it is out now stick around, well be right back with more with the tonight show everybody. Back with more with the tonight show everybody. Our camera traps allow us to have and eye in the mountains, taking thousands of pictures. Microsoft ai scans through all these images, and separates Snow Leopards from everything else, in ten minutes instead of ten days. [ applause ] try target same day delivery. Delivered to your door so you can do more. Feels so good feels so good feels so good target run and done. [ the roots jimmy our first guest tonight are on saturday night live returns this saturday at 11 30 p. M. On nbc, everybody welcome michael che and colin jost [ cheers applause ] [ cheers applause ]. Look at that, they love you so much. Jimmy i just saw you and they gave you a standing ovation. It is like someone told them to jimmy no thank you for doing that joke. So much fun jimmy i know saturday night live is happening this saturday why are we doing this show we got work to do. This gets us out doing the work jimmy oh yeah, you got Woody Harrelson and billy eilish thats a great show. They always travel together jimmy they really do the season premier i remember i was excited and nervous, whats going to happen and what new things we got cooked up . Thats always scary woody has been there a few seasons ago. He has a comedy background jimmy i forgot that. Like in cheers. Jimmy thats amazing another big news that we i just want to say cheers jimmy i want to say another big news is that this summer, colin, you got engaged to scarlett johanson. [ cheers applause ]. Jimmy you have been dating forever. Thats a big deal. It is very exciting i am almost like an adult. It is great. [ laughter ] jimmy it is a big step were you nervous did you cry . No, i was nervous, of course, but i didnt cry oplery jimmy it was an emotional thing. I feel like guys hype it up in their head and i got to do it and all these big steps. I am half german and catholic people dont cry but they dont married avengers. Jimmy you got a wedding gift i didnt give you a gift yet but i cant wait to get to that wedding and hear sweet, sweet beautiful words. Did anybody object jimmy thats your cue . [ laughter ] i am going to talk. Jimmy give me the mic. I am going to come and dress like eight miles coming it hot like eminem jimmy are you planning a Bachelor Party at some point i am hoping that michael will take the rain. Jimmy i got to do it man, because if you do it, it is going to be boring it will be definitely the daytime. [ laughter ] jimmy scarlett will certainly be there [ laughter ] jimmy what would you plan . Something dirty [ laughter ] jimmy have you planned a Bachelors Party before . For che, i wanted to do, there was this bar in jersey that was was like hooters but it was butt theme which was so much worst than hooters it was called bottoms up jimmy oh my gosh you are not going to believe this but it closed [ laughter ] jimm how is it not called butters . It is right there bottoms up was the name of the bar. Jimmy i know bottoms up. That place is a hole [ laughter ] oh my god jimmy i cant believe you made that crack. [ laughter ] jimmy we went there together and we had to exit the back. Oh yeah [ laughter ] drawers full of fudge i was going to say it was right around the corner where i was born [ laughter ] jimmy oh my god. Wow, wow [ laughter ] jimmy oh my god. [ laughter ] jimmy well, we love you guys last time you were here on our show you were talking about how you are going to wrestlemania were you nervous for that . Yes jimmy colin, did you cry yes i remember the doctor talked to us before. Everyo everyo even the doctor is like jack any advice just dont get any head injury. Jimmy here is you entering and this is a giant stadium. Metlife jimmy here is what you are wearing. [ laughter ] the giants had traded Odell Beckham jr. Like the week before so i wore odell jersey into the stadium and they booed jimmy turned out they did not appreciate that joke a lot of people dont know this but when you get booed by 85,000 people, it hurts your feeling. You make eye contact, you hear specifically what they dont like about you i dont recommend it jimmy you are wearing these leggings with your face on it. They gave them these tights and we didnt want to wear them and they suggested that we wear them and you know what, i like tights now. [ laughter ] jimmy they suggest it, you have to do it. I wear it all the time. Work out and on the elevator jimmy go back to snl, big sketches, i heard a couple of ideas. Any sketches that you tried to write but never could do we had a couple i remember my first year i over lapped with horatio. Jimmy thats my man. We were talking about something that had a live chimp in it. That week there was a story in the news that i guess the chimp had ripped off a mans genitals and he threw them the chimp is smart enough strategically, he through the genitals into a field or where eve so th he intuitively knew they could not reattach them. Jimmy i heard that so horatio was like maybe i dont want to do that. I dont want to work with a chimp. I explained it, what was the situation where he was able to easily access to guys genitals. Probably not through pants the pants are probably down. Probably ran into he didnt go for it. [ laughter ] he said no. [ laughter ] jimmy you are thinking how would he go through his pants . But your pants are fine, i dont know what happened jimmy colin jost and michael che everybody. [ laughter ] [ applause ] this is just garbage. Saturday night live returns this saturday on nbc well be right back with dove cameron. [ cheers applause whats the score . No idea. Abominable has an incredible score on rotten tomatoes. Wow. Its one of the years very best animated adventures. Woo this is amazing woo hold it in. You got a Little Something right here. The amazing new iphone has arrived. And so has tmobiles newest signal. No signal goes farther or is more reliable. Get up to 50 off the new iphone, on a single line or a family plan. Only at tmobile. 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In a vast desert completely wdevoid of basset hounds. [ back in babys arms by patsy cline ] then, it appeared a beacon of hope. Im back in babys arms more glorious than a billion sunsets. We were found. Im back where i belong found by the hounds. Back in babys arms the juul record. They took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. Five million kids now using ecigarettes. The fda said juul ignored the law with Misleading Health claims. Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn san franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. Jimmy our next guest is a talented singer and actress who stars in the movie descendant iii please welcome dove cameron everybody. [ cheers applause ]. Oh my god jimmy first of all, i want to say welcome back to the show. You looked fantastic are you excited right now . I am so excited jimmy i can tell, i can look at the computer for the first time, it is past midnight, your new music is available right now. Download it. Dove cameron [ applause ] jimmy this is your album cover. Off song called bloodshot and ways, it is finally out. Go to apple or spotify or whatever you want, dove cameron. What is the music like what does it sound like . It is two different songs theyre both very much like vibe songs, mood songs and one is incredibly romantic and very much about a very like passionate love and intense love the other one is a bit more about lost a lot of variations. Jimmy like a yingyang we had you on the show before and we played some games with you. I know you are a great actor i love you from everything you done including descendants. I am a fan sorry to fangirl out. You also do impressions. Impression that is are not the most popular jimmy not as usable as you think. [ laughter ] jimmy right . Could you give me one or two examples i heard you did the minions. Oh yeah i have been preparing this all day. This is by far jimmy i do love them, i am going to close my eyes be with me, you are within the film now jimmy we are all in the trip together, hold hands if anyone sitting next to you. Experience this together jimmy babaa pototada oh my god jimmy it is october 31st, kids are going to be dressed up as you so surreal. You must have seen kids dressed up as you before, right . The film is so stylized that it blends itself in costumes it is the most surreal thing to see. Jimmy this is you there. I have a picture of you dressed up when you were a kid for halloween. Oh no i think i know what this is. This was not for halloween, it was like for a wednesday jimmy this is you as jack sparrow. [ applause ] jimmy i think it is a great costume. Thank you jimmy who dressed you up like this . I did jimmy of course. I think i utilized a lot of sharpy jimmy how long was that on your face . Probably weeks. I was definitely i was way more into like, thats why i think it is so amazing somebody dressed up like mau. The weird girl or the ones that feel like a creature or thats like indicative of who i have always been. Jimmy set it up for anyone who have not seen the film these are like villains . It is basically focuses on the children of the original disney heritage characters, all the good guys and bad guys a centric around the villains and their journey into finding themselves outside where they came from or who their parents were jimmy is it fun doing this or is it work . Oh no, it is so much fun doing it you get to live in this alternate reality and you get to do it with a bunch of your friends and wear wigs and dress up and dance jimmy i am sorry about hearing cameron boy that we love, thats tough on you. It was. It was amazing to go through that with it is a worldwide loss jimmy is terrible jimmy it is been amazing because we were able to go through it together. Jimmy i want to show everyone a clip. Here is dove cameron in descendants iii. You take the strategy you take a left and the rest of you can follow me this is my turf jimmy dove cameron listen to it right now it is available. Descendants iii is available robert irwin joins me next. Hes one of my favorites, stick around everybody hes one of my favorites, stick around everybody oooooooooo. Ill show you something neeeeeewwww. Ill show you something, ill show you something. New. [ cheers applause i miss this place. I miss being here. I miss my partners. Who here will speak up for me . Anybody . No . Wow [upbeat action music] pilot were going to be on the tarmac for another 45 minutes or so. Full of flavor. Texture. Color. Full of energy. Full of. Woo its fresh and filling. This bowl is full of good. So you can be too. Try a new baja or mediterranean warm grain bowl today. Panera food as it should be. You have power over pain, so the whole world looks different. The unbeatable strength of advil. What pain . You are a good man. But you have not always been. Here i go again on my own goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone . Barb you left me hangin on the high harmony there. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military f

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