Focused on health. This mother and daughter experimenting with the watch for cnbc. Im not sure that i understand how to use it well look, what time is it . How many steps did i walk today . And then, this is always curious. Your heart rate. Are you stressed right now . The watch is stressing me out. The latest technology is for the unhealthy. A Company Called alive core has approved the first medical accessory for the apple watch. Hardware that allows it to perform regular ekgs on the wearer. We have the ceo of live core, the cop that makes the device. He is a former google Vice President where he ran the companys social efforts joined by Mike Sullivan of fast company and Michael Koran of quartz, wiki said you are widely believed to be the man behind google plus. We can fix wikip empedia right right here, are you behind google plus . Yes. I was. Lets talk about the new company. Did you go from google to doing this . First of all, scott, thank you for having me on the program. I wanted to do something that was very meaningful. I had spent 24 years at microsoft, at google, and i had the unique opportunity to retire, and i retired for about a year and i realized i had to do something. My father had two heart attacks, and when you see that person going through a heart attack, its like a horror movie. More people die of heart attacks than all things combined. I had to work tools that help people take care of their heart. How, did you right now, personalized medicine is not quite mainstreamed. How are you going get it to be the mainstream use . Thats a great question. Because, today, theres a wide gulf between fitness products that measure things like heart rate or step count and then real medical devices that doctors can use for diagnosis. Doctors dont ask you, what is your step koucount and heart ra . We are trying to build tools. For when you got fda approval. What about your invention, or did you need an fda approval . It turn s out of the ecg is o critical, that the government regulate it. Its that important. They did not want consumers to misinterpret something with that much rich data. We were able to convince them that our ecg was as accurate as the medical device in the hospital and that it could interpret the ekg and tell an untrained consumer that it was normal or it detected an arryhmia, so that has never been possible before. Are you anticipating heart attack or giving information to the doctor to prevent it in the future . People often have aarythmias and when they go to the hospital they get an ecg, they appear neurosurgery and the medical reserve shows that people go undiagnosed for 1. 7 years before its caught in the hospital. Its the number one cause of stroke. For 1. 7 years do you want your loved one to walk around with the condition or do you want it caught at home . To michaels point, does my watch go off and say, you are in danger, you may be having a heart attack soon . What we built for the apple watch is an Artificial Intelligence system that runs every five seconds and analyzes your heart rate data and when your heart rate does not match our prediction and our predictions are complex. It uses Artificial Intelligence, takes in to account like your activity. We know you are walking up a hill. We know you are sitting at a table. When your heart rate does not match what we think it should. It prompts you and says, hey, this is a good time to take an ekg, now we have the world of fitness to clinical quality ekg that, could save your life. That is what is impressive about what his company has done. The fda is extremely sensitive about, i mean, taking a measurement is one thing but offering an interpretation, a sort of clinical interpretation of the data is quite another. And the fda is naturally sensitive about that. So, they went through a lot of work with the fda to get them to see that the interpretations are valid. Im a keiser patient, so my doctor is transparent. Here is your blood test. I have no idea. The interpretation is far more important with Something Like that. You will get to the point where you have saved somebody. You Just Announced this. There will be a point when somebody sends you an email and it will say, you saved my dad. We get them every day. I was reading an amazon review that was just posted and it was saying just this, this device saved my life. It makes it rewarding. You ask me why did i go to alive core. Its a great way to start a week, biby reading the emails. It has taken a while for people to warm up to the watch. How long do you think Personalized Health is standard for most people. I think it will take longer than people think. As of now, we are the only, the one and only, the first and only fda cleared accessory for the apple watch. So, i think slowly, as real medical devices come to market and patients learn from each other, and from their doctors that its a life saving device. They will be used to it. Today, unfortunately we live in the world of step counts and heart rate that, is not useful. But that is quickly changing. Lets squeeze in a question. The fda thing creates a mote for you, if we are looking at it from a health point of view but an investor point of view. You have something that no one else has. How difficult is it if my company is trying to catch your company. Our company has gone through 40 million of start up investment. If you are a investor in health care, you have to think very longterm. And fortunately the investors behind our company has given us the opportunity to have the break throughs. Your new device is called did . Cardia band, it goes on the apple watch. Thank you. . Up next, a former green beret on business strategy, when press here continues. Rjtsz welcome boss may have told you about business, Strategic Thinking in your marketing campaign. All of it causes manny to roll his eyes a bit many many he is a businessman and a go to market consultant for a Management Consulting firm and he is a former green beret, two deployments and combat missions. Thank you for being with us. Thanks for having me. Now, you can talk about some of these missions, right, in general form. What did you do, what was your job in the missions . Me specifically, i was a 18 charlie, which means special forces engineer and primarily i handled demolitions, so, i would be specifically in charge for, you know, prepping demolitions, but that was just one element of what i did. We still, like the main effort was working by with, and through our local forces. Mostly you blew stuff up . I would love to be in a bar with you and some guy showing you have, i was an engineer as well. A little different context, yeah, 100 . Now, let me followup with one our question, how do i know somebody is a green bere tt, wh people say, i did this important secret stuff, how do i know you are a green beret . In general, we are not going around and saying that we are a green beret in a bar. But, i mean, its easy. At the end of the day, green berets are consultants. Warrior diplomats is a name given to a green beret, if you ask them this general, what was your mission or what did you do, it would be along those lines. I worked with a post nation, forces and i directed them. Its a component of what we did. And we are teachers. Theres a sustainability, humanitarian effort peace to it. Its not just guns and explosions like you said. So, were there routines that you kept up since you left the service that you do daily now . It provides a Good Business frame work. You are able to analyze problems strategically, theres a huge parallel between special forces and silicone valley that i like explaining. Its a ever changing, environment, right t scant conc of the concept of being agile is something that we have been living and breathing since day one. You have an Employee Owned business . Im a consultant for future state. They are Employee Owned. Im not the founder. I dont own it. But they are a Management Consulting change management. And its customer facing. I think green be are bere the that seems like something that is you know, sitting at the nexus with tech, its valuable in a tech company. I can think of other traits, you know, toughness. I have heard that, you know, people in the military, they fight for a cause and they really fight for each other. Hmmm. Are those type of things, are those what you discuss with Tech Companies . Hmmm, yeah, i mean, creating a strong team, right. I think today in todays day and age, right, its the age of the conscious consumer. People are caring more. Its a value like prove your worth first, right . And i think its both internally and externally. So i think that type of mentality is something that you have to foster within the organization in order to sell your product today to customers. Manny, we have talked about what soldiers can bring to a company. What can a company do to make more conducive to veterans coming home and hiring veterans. A lot of it is a translation, right . I think we are still having. We are still at the beginning of veterans in silicone valley and we are working with a lot of Tech Companies and you are seeing a lot of verticals go up, between facebook, linkedin, and sales force, all of them are starting to put dedicated v verticals up. Thats the mission of the green beret foundation. Their Transition Foundation is with the grid line. We will work with the companies and then do our test here and then we will expand and go across the country. But, i think Tech Companies themselves, you know, can first, invite us to, you know, recognize that we are here in silicone valley and partner with the green beret foundation. One of the things you deal with is a skills gap. You know, what can green berets or military people do to gain the skills they need to come in to a workforce here in silicone valley and the tech world . Thats the thing about green berets, we are able to rapidly adapt. Me as 18 charlie, overseeing demolitions at the same time i was training our 18 delta, they were training us on medical 101, or 18 bravo, all the things about weapons. Right . So, i think in general, if we can partner with training partners here, whether its hey, product schools, whether its coding boot camps. If you give us the opportunity. We can rapidly accelerate our own learning process. When you were going through school, you were doing a full course load and a full job. Silicone valley is known for burn out. What is your work balance . When people say, what do you do for fun . I say work. I still trying to understand the balance. Im here for a reason and i want to accelerate my own learning curve and career ladder. Im still working on work life balance. You sound excited about what you do, as a marketing consultant, right . But, and this is, you know, us sounds boring, compared to blowing stuff up. How do you transition from you blue stuff you blew stuff up, to markets consultant. I think you still get the same, or at least for me, i get the same rush trying to figure out a new market. Bringing a product to market, right . It has the same type of rush, right. At the end of the day, right, you can raise money and you can sell. Thats true. A lot of companies do it, right . Trying to find a Product Market fitting in a Product Marketing, i get the same type of get out of bed, right, and blowing stuff up. Thank you for being us with. He takes on the patriarchy when press here continues. And back to tracking our next chance for rain. Kari dissects the newest weather models coming in overnight. Plus rocking the south bay. The small art projects popping up, and how you can get involved. today in the bay monday 4 30 to 7. Monday, its ba. Welcome back press here, sarah lacy is a fire brand, a bomb thrower. A journalist who i like very, very much. She is incredibly talented on tv and she and matt from the New York Times helped me create the pilot for this Television Show and then appeared with Steve Wazniak on episode one. Here she is talking to waz about his personal life and showing him how many twitters she has. I had 8,000 followers and i asked what do i ask waz and they said, ask about she has worked at business week and tech crunch and her own tech blog, panda. The creepine just how many calories we want to make things old people on paper relevant. She has written a book, a uterus is a feature not a bug. You are in the rare position of being the interviewee, you are in the wrong seat. I dont luke it. I like the green room. Who is the patriarchy . It all of us, its the general organizing principal of our societies and almost all modern societies. And its a general organizing principal that gives men the advantage in everything. We are all part of it. Its men getting the advantage and menace well. Every breath that we have drawn is in the patriarchy, its why woman sabotage sometimes other women. Do you think we are Getting Better in silicone valley . Or are we regressing . Its both. Theres a duality that you have to accept with all movements of quality. Its uncomfortable and you have to accept it. Things are better and worse at the same time. And the reason that things are Getting Better is because they have gotten so much worse. Because we hit a point where it was not just about, can we make small progress, it was, oh, our rights are getting taken away from us. Oh, immigrants may have to leave this country. Oh, kkk folks are marching in the streets again. Like the progress we thought we had made, we realized z it had to get that bad for everyone to unite. Its the first time in my lifetime, that women across racial group, demographic and income group all being united for a solid ten, 11 months in thinking and talking about it and fighting for women every day. We were kind of the silent feminists generation, we thought everything had been done for us. It took something this bad to shake us. Millennials were there, and the older generation was there had, the big shift is genx, as bad as it is and we see it in the news every day. Its also astounding change. I have been in the valley for 20 years, i do not know a single entrepreneur that thought someone would get fired for propositioning an entrepreneur. That was just what happen said. Yeah, it is taking off like wild fire. I started my own secret dinner series every month in my home that a hundred women are in. It seems like not that powerful to get people together and talk. This is what men in working business all the time. Frequently working mothers and women are isolated, when you are isolated, guilt seeps in, you are not enough are magnified in your head and its, you know, the biggest way to change social revolution, its small groups of people getting in the same room, talking, comparing notes and realizing how similar their lives and struggles are. And i think its so powerful. Women seeing like, oh, i did not dress provokatively, this is not why this happened to me. He had a real problem and he was a predator. When you see what is happening, we dont talk about wall street as much, it doesnt get as much press, do you feel its being ignored or things are better there . Because wall street is more older company, larger company. They had had more hr systems in place and certainly the venture industry does. Which is usually five guys that are sitting around and dont have a lot of structure and are controlling billions of dollars and what gets developed and what doesnt. Certainly, you are not having investment banks growing at the speed of Something Like uber, writs fine for them to treat women horribly and then suddenly they are a company and had thats a problem. The other thing that is important is tech is one of the biggest. It pretends to be ameritocracy, and its less than 3 of ceos getting venture backing and 90 of the companies are led by men. You are locking women and minorities out of the wealth generation. The first statement is sort of this idea and this frame work, being build in to the dma of the organizations. In to the dna of organizations where its controlled by white males. We are going through a painful reckoning and i think organizations are looking inward. What do you think it will look like down the road when somebody of it is, when the payoff happens and organizations start to change . Its hard to be optimistic that theres going to be dramatic change down the road. We are not seeing it in congress on either side of the aisle, we are seeing it in some cases, look, what we are talking about mostly right now is extreme examples of Sexual Assault and harassment, we are not talking about unconscious bias and maternal discrimination, which is the most overt form of sexism that women face in the workplace. Theres been a lot of discussion of Sexual Harassment in the news, as there should be. But your work is primarily about a working mom and what it is. If i could ask you, the best passage in the book is this one. In which you describe, i will have you read it. In which you describe that being a working mom actually convinced you that you had the power to be a ceo, can you read it . The irony is if i had known i was going to start a company, i would never have gotten pregnant. But without my son, i would not have had the conviction, and confidence. I have given birth, i would tell myself in scary moments and none of the men have done that. I was told it was a career killer and it would make me weak and oh, the second you hold the baby, your brain and personality would be wiped clear and the opposite happened to me. You know, i have been on the show, you have seen all the haircuts. I started my own company, i was more combative, i was more of a bomb thrower. You become more productive. You are a more empathatic manager. You cannot yell at a 5yearold to do something, you have to learn to incentivize, you dont care about the bs anymore. Somebody would want to run me out of the valley and my 5yearold tells me he hates me when i punish him. You think i care what you say . I guess theres similarities between your son and dont insult my son. He is a feminist. We will have on to leave it there that somehow your son is more mature at age what . 6. Than uber. We will live it there. Her book is your uterus is a feature n