Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20180112 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20180112

district attorney. also killed josephine gower. we interviewed her son as she frantically searched for his mother. you saw the tearful interview here yesterday. as janelle mentioned four children died in the slides. >> among the survivors is the i.c.e. family they documented their experience as they documented the experience. they had to evacuate during the thomas fire last month. nbc bay area's reporter covers the story. . >> reporter: that's right today we get a closer look at parts of the area we couldn't get to where this street where every home is damaged and two people trapped under all the debris had to be rescued this morning. >> you never truly think it's happening to you. >> reporter: they are mothers, fathers, siblings and friends. >> it's just devastating. >> the families who once called properties like this home, now homeless. their houses in ruins after giant boulders and powerful mudslides swept them away. >> my friend who lived here i played tennis with him. here is a trophy he got. it's devastating. >> reporter: 17-year-old kaye wilkinson is one of the lucky ones. >> i thought i was going to die for sure. >> >> reporter: his family is alive and home intact process they are helping a community that's been like fully. >> i thought there was people trpd trapped in-houses. >> the they have decided to stay behind in the glenn observings community but it hasn't been easy. even after workers tirelessly clean out the debris and clear the roads. >> we got pool water from the neighbors to flush the toilets. there is no flowing wert or gas. tonight is the interesting night. it's the iris first night without gas. 80s supposed to be cold. >> reporter: the county fire department urging residents to pack up and move out of the disaster zone. even if your home isn't destroyed. >> this is an ongoing emergency, an ongoing disaster that's going to take weeks if not months and months to clean up. >> reporter: and speaking of cleanup, here is the silver car you saw in the story. it was wrapped around the tree earlier today. and we saw somebody in a bulldozer come by and push it off. incredible images down the street here. coming up at 6:00 we are following a search and rescue people as they traveled through the area. reporting live in montecito, nbc bay area news. >> and our reporter has been uploading videos to the social media account showing destruction from the mudslides including this one showing mangled cars. you is can see the content and more on twitter. the handle is @nbc bay area. >> the mountains of mudder to through everything. including many multimillion dollar estates. the two most famous people to suffer damage. oprah winfrey and ellen degeneres and before this newscasts they talked about it. >> lost so many lives and it's such a tiny community and nobody would have expected certainly i did not that after they survived the fire. >> yes. >> and the rain came who would have expected we would have had this devastation. >> ellen became emotional at one point telling the audience she needs to lean on them after this. and oprah is doing her best to remain positive too. >> we're going to do what we do. >> yes. >> what we do. we're coming together and do what great americans do all the time. we're going to help each other. >> the women also interviewed firefighters on the sand and repeatedly told them how thankful they were to all the fire crews working during the tragedy agency well as all the work they did before during the thomas fire. well a san francisco police officer is in the hospital tonight after a motorcycle crash in oakland. happened around 5:30 this morning on i-880 near 7th street. the officer wasn't on daut at the time. the sf p. d. says no unusual circumstances surrounding the crash. the officer though does- has suffered life threating injury. >> for the fourth time a sea lion has attacked a swimmer. the latest incident at acquatic park. paramedic rushed to the woman to the hospital. nbc bay area kristy smith in the park. >> brian heard a swimmer in stress. she tried to help. >> she had a bite out of her leg by the sea lion. >> she is with the rowing club and she was alert and talking when taken to the hospital. this is the fourth bite recently. in mid-december the area was closed for swim after back-to-ba back-to-back bites. food everything is hope but. >> last time we had a serial biter. we assumed it was the same bad actor. three bites in a short period. this time a one bite. hoping it's isolated. >> lynn believes it's likely a different sea lion. a vet says while it may seem it happens a lot they're rare. and experts say there isn't a clear answer to oh or easy way to tell why it's happening. is is it sickness injury or something else. >> there is a chance of them potentially biting out of curacaoty or their perception as feeling threatened. >> today swimmers are staying away from the ugt mouth of cove where they're bitten. but they plan to keep swimming and advised to stay close to the shore and maybe with a friend. >> i'll keep swimming until we get a biting closer to shore but at that i'll have to stop. >> reporter: and on that note the park service says they may of course revisit the idea of closing the area to swimming if there is another bite. i'm also told that the woman who was bitten this morning has been released from the hospital. reporting live in san francisco, kristy smith, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, kristy. we have some rattled nerves at sfo following at aeromexico incident when the pilot nearly landed onle wrong runway. now learn with a go around involving a dealt aifr plane yesterday that some passengers found too close for comfort. this is animation of the dealt aif flight arriving from jfk last night around 9:00 p.m. attempting to jan as a jet blue flight was taking off. in this animation from the website you can see the jet blue plane pass in front of the delta flight triggering the go around. it's important to note the planes were roughly a mile apart and about a 20 foot difference in altitude when the delta plane was ordered to begin ascending the f. a. a spokesman says there was no danger. this is what they call a routine go around and notes they happen at major airports daily for the passenger, he feels it wasn't routine. >> okay we are ready doing the final approach but suddenly we noticed the flight pulled up really fast and with all the engines working and that. he noticed there were another plane taking off below us. so it was scarey appear and i said what is happening mere. >> aviation experts tell us bau because the parting plain was accelerating faster than the delta flight was slowing down passengers were never in danger. but since the two planes appear to be much closer than normal protocol. >> well it appears the recall movement aamodt at a judge is headed to a fight. this morning sorters of the recall against the dysas you know sentenced former swimmer brock turner to a lenient sentence turned in 11 boxes of petitions. some 95,000 signatures more than needed to qualify for the ballot. nbc bay area robert handa joins you live from san jose where the petitions were submitted this is a volatile climate right now robert. >> reporter: that's right. there was a lot going on here at the register of voters. both sides are gearing up for an election day battle. the supporters of the recall against judge aaron persky are not taking chances. the 95,000 signatures submitted are for marni the 58,000 or so needed for the june ballot. persky became a target when in 2016 he sentenced former stanford swimmer to brock turner to six months in jail for sexually assaulten an intoxicated unconscious woman near a campus party. >> with the me too campaign and times up there's been a cultural shift people are starting to hear victims and believe them. >> reporter: the group voices against recall supports pesk%ry saying the recall over unpopular but legal decision is inappropriate. retired judge le doris cordell says recall supporters are exploiting the social climate. >> they're using this kind of atmosphere and this climate to do in to this very good and decent judge. >> reporter: legal analyst stephen clark says the social climate has an impact. >> and there is a tremendous negative effect on the people associated with sexual assault and sexual harassmenten and brock turner in his sentence was a pivot point in that discussion. >> reporter: now registrar of voters has until march to verify signatures but officials say it could happen faster. live in san jose, robert handa nbc bay area news. >> still to come james franco accused of sexual misconduct by five women. how the golden globe winning actor is addressings the allegation. >> plus the surf competition could happen as as soon as monday. there is one thing standing in the way. after sunshine today more of a partly sunny sky and 59 in san jose. we are tracking the new change for the weekend and when some rain is expected to return over the next ten days. that's coming up in about nine minutes. charges are dogging actor and palo alto native, "james here goes another one. sexual misconduct charges dogging palo alto native james franco. days after winning a golden globe, franco is in the position of fielding tough questions on talk shows. last night setting myers pressed him about miss conduct allegations made online. franco is also being accused of hypocrisy after wearing a times up pin at the golden globe to support women speaking out about sexual assault. now franco is disputing the ac accusations but he says he does support the movement. >> that i will you know hold back things that i could say just because i believe in it that much. and if i have to take a knock because i'm not going to try and you know actively refute things, thenally. because i believe in it that much. >> most of the allegations come from his former acting students who complained they didn't want to appear topless him in the film that is yet to be released. >> the l.a. times reports other students of frank p.o.'s called his acting class a positive experience. the mavericks surf contest could be a go this monday. sources say the world surf league has a meeting throughout the day deciding if the waves will be big enough at pillar point near half moon bay. they are eyeing the martin luther king who willdy to as the day. we are told emergency response agencies are on the alert prepared for the possibility of a contest. sources say a decision could be made as early as this evening. and as we've been telling you, the world surf league brought the rights to the surf contest after the previous organizers declared bankruptcy. well 28 days and counting. the winter olympics fast approaching. coming down to the wire for the athletes trying to qualify. one south lake tahoe gold medallist looking to compete. but as successful as she has been been she has never forgotten her roots. tell us more, garvin about the humanitarian zbleefrt hannah is not only a gold medal but silver too. the last time around in 2014 she came up shy of the podium. hannah says that motivated her to try one more time. while that and the knowledge of the good that comes from her success. when hannah teeter looks back on childhood in rural vermont, support is a word that comes to mind. she says her parents were always sportive of her dreams. emotionally. financially, well hannah says that really wasn't possible. >> we were definitely tight on the budget growing up. >> did the mowing of the lawns all summer. i worked at a few different restaurants when i was young. and then it was like well i want to do snow boarding so i don't have to to do this. >> is this is a nine hundred here it is. >> do well hannah did. winning a gold medal in snow board half pipe in italy. but instead of reaping the financial benefits of her success for herself, hannah remembered and honored a promise she made years ago. >> it was like if i make it big i'm giving back as much as i can. >> hannah te. ter. >> she donated all winning for the next five years to charity. >> so yesterday was our first day out in the field. >> she started hannah's fwoel, a non-profit dedicated to bringing clean drinking water to a village in kenya and then valve to see the results firsthand. >> it's amazing. it really is life changing, you know. and it makes me realize all the little problems we have here we stress about it this it's really nothing. it's not a problem. like think about the kids in africa who have to walk 20 miles to get a jug of clean water. like that will change your perspective. >> reporter: which is not to say that hannah doesn't think snow boarding matters anymore. she knows the only reason she gets to do those things is because she is so good at this. hannah has her sights on earning a spot on the team for pyeongchang. winning the gold and once again sharing the rewards. >> what can i say she has a great personality. >> she does. >> she is fun, certainly a lot of fun to sit and talk to. like so many northern california athletes we are routing for her. >> totally. >> to make the team. >> the great sense of relativity about life. garvin heading out to south korea soon and it's going to be cold. >> yes. >> it's cold here now but nothing. >> mountain venues with morning temperatures in the teens. >> good for you. >> day time highs in the 20s and 30s. >> yes definitely very chilly out there for the olympics. and garvin we'll have full coverage of course at let's get to you the microclimate forecast. and we have been recovering from all of that wet weather most recently. and we actually did manage some sunshine today. but right now we do have some fog that's also trying to rebuild near the coastline. that's the biggest thing for tomorrow morning's forecast. right now, 58 degrees. you'll notice we keep dry conditions all the way through 11:00 p.m. tonight. let's go ahead and get a closer look at tomorrow morning. again, the biggest thing will be the low clouds. also some colder temperatures with 48 expected in the south bay peninsula at 49. and you'll need to also watch out for some central valley fog in the tri-valley that could get thick. be on oorlt for tomorrow morning. plan extra time. you're good to go. san francisco start off at 55 and the north bay at 46. despite the clouds for tomorrow morning to begin we are on for a major rebound of sunshine on your friday forecast. in fact some of the most sunshine we have seen in about six days coming our way. there is the 6:00 a.m. forecast with the patchy areas of low clouds. by the afternoon here is that full on sunshine we expect to build as we head throughout the afternoon. so with that sunshine we see warmer temperatures for tomorrow. right across the south bay that puts us at 66 in downtown san jose. also under the sunny skies some of the mildest weather in danville and 68 dree draegs. 65 in redwood city. san francisco for the most part in the 50s. but the mission could get just a little bit warmer at 60 degrees. throughout marine and napa and sonoma we have 60 in mill valley and of 66 in the napa. the next three days dry weather into the upcoming weekend. because high pressure is building in. it's keeping the storm track and all the wet weather well off to the north. on the extended you can see right through sunday's forecast we'll be starm free. but then monday on martin luther king day clouds increase. and the first system on tuesday. but better chance by thursday. for the inland valleys you notice the chance of rain returns by next tuesday. and then another chance into next thursday. well have a quick closer look here at the totals and we have seen things stay just about the same as we had seen yesterday in the forecast. about a quarter to a half inch for most of the bay. maybe closer to that one inch total up here for the north bay at this point. so you need to think about that if you live in the mudslide zones. the thing that we're watching and learning more about with the mudslides is after fires it can put a waxy layer on the ground. that's why a lot of the water runs off fast. so we'll be monitoring that. >> really dangerous. thank you, jeff. still to come, we're show you these next. ♪ there are 7 continents. 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, plus savings for everyone in your stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. police standoff in santa rosa. police say a man barricaded hi happening now on the twitter feed we are being raying a police stand off in santa rosa. a man barricading himself inside his home. we will bring you updates. on the home page, the santa clara county d.a. is investigating the death of an inmate. correctional officers found him in his cell this morning in milpitas. he committed suicide they say. woman: so, greg, it's a lot to take in. woman 2: and i know that's hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. hi, blake! my dad has cancer. woman: and i know how hard that is to hear. but you're in the right place. man: and dr. pascal and her team, they know what to do. they know what to do. the doctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away) first off, we're going to give you all... season, and not just for humans. the flu outbrea we are in the middle of a particularly dangerous flu season and not just for humans. the flu outbreak among dogs is so bad that vets are sending notes to clients. they recommend vac seen. we broke the story on monday. some owners weren't aware dog could gets the flu. not only can they catch it. it's highly contagious. if the dog is coughing it's too late for the vaccine. but if not get the sacks vaccine. >> enchts and we have seen this week in las vegas technology can be cool but consumer want it helpful. we found a company at the show that may make commutes shorter. this is air tax y from this the 18 rotter drone can zip over grade lock on battery power alone. >> by carlh:ñ oar public transp takes about an hour 1/2 you'll be there 15 minutes. you'll be willing to pay more money. that being said we do not want this a hcmpl person's toy. we want this an addition to the public transport. >> backed by intel, the captorer has been taking et test runs and can travel 30 minutes at a trech process he expect them in the a air in three to five years. >> a bay area veteran surprisewood brand-new car. we'll show it to you next. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. schools. and it comes after our coming up tonight at 6:00 a major change at south bay high schools when it comes to our investigative reports. the reason the top cop says officers no longer police schools and focus on safety. that story is coming up tonight at 6:00. a bay area veteran got a big surprise today. take a look. [ applause ] he is starting off the new year with a new car. craig served 13 years in the marines. he is transitioning back to civilian life. and to to help two companies teamed up to thank him for service. he got the car as part of the recycled rides program. this is the equivalent modern equivalent of a horse, right take away a man's horse he dies. take away the car it means everything to me. >> allstate insurance company and a south bay auto repair shop donated the car in the past few years that program has donated 200 cars to active duty service members and veterans. well deserved. >> yes thank you for service. >> before we go one last check of the forecast. some of the most sunshine we have seen since last saturday coming our way. you need the sunglasses. 6 of for the high. up to milder 70 by sunday. by tuesday another chance of rain moves in. but the more moderate storm of the week next week at least at this point on next thursday. overall totals from both of those could range from a quarter to half inch on average. and some spots in the north bay may get coalescer to an inches. more on that at 6:00. >> but we'll enjoy the 70s first. >> yes. >> thank you jeff and thanks for joining us. >> "nightly news" is next. see you at 6:00. bye-bye. breaking news tonight. shocking comments from president trump in the oval office. sources tell nbc news he attacked immigrants from africa and haiti using vulgar language to describe their countries. asking why do we want them here. the grim search in california to find people buried alive. tonight the new view of the sudden force of nature. >> a flash flood right there! get out of here. go. >> as the water rushed in. a new alert about your taxes. why you need to pay extra close attention to your paycheck to make sure you're getting the right amount. the sex scandal swirling around a gop rising star governor admitting he cheated on his wife but denying explosive allegations he threatened to blackmail the other woman. and when every second counts, why can't 911 tell exactly where you are when you

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Kenya , Alameda County , California , United States , Oakland , Vermont , Italy , South Lake , Central Valley , Montecito , Haiti , Hospital Bay , Artibonite , San Francisco , Americans , Haitians , Oprah Winfrey , Kristy Smith , Josephine Gower , Las Vegas ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20180112 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20180112

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district attorney. also killed josephine gower. we interviewed her son as she frantically searched for his mother. you saw the tearful interview here yesterday. as janelle mentioned four children died in the slides. >> among the survivors is the i.c.e. family they documented their experience as they documented the experience. they had to evacuate during the thomas fire last month. nbc bay area's reporter covers the story. . >> reporter: that's right today we get a closer look at parts of the area we couldn't get to where this street where every home is damaged and two people trapped under all the debris had to be rescued this morning. >> you never truly think it's happening to you. >> reporter: they are mothers, fathers, siblings and friends. >> it's just devastating. >> the families who once called properties like this home, now homeless. their houses in ruins after giant boulders and powerful mudslides swept them away. >> my friend who lived here i played tennis with him. here is a trophy he got. it's devastating. >> reporter: 17-year-old kaye wilkinson is one of the lucky ones. >> i thought i was going to die for sure. >> >> reporter: his family is alive and home intact process they are helping a community that's been like fully. >> i thought there was people trpd trapped in-houses. >> the they have decided to stay behind in the glenn observings community but it hasn't been easy. even after workers tirelessly clean out the debris and clear the roads. >> we got pool water from the neighbors to flush the toilets. there is no flowing wert or gas. tonight is the interesting night. it's the iris first night without gas. 80s supposed to be cold. >> reporter: the county fire department urging residents to pack up and move out of the disaster zone. even if your home isn't destroyed. >> this is an ongoing emergency, an ongoing disaster that's going to take weeks if not months and months to clean up. >> reporter: and speaking of cleanup, here is the silver car you saw in the story. it was wrapped around the tree earlier today. and we saw somebody in a bulldozer come by and push it off. incredible images down the street here. coming up at 6:00 we are following a search and rescue people as they traveled through the area. reporting live in montecito, nbc bay area news. >> and our reporter has been uploading videos to the social media account showing destruction from the mudslides including this one showing mangled cars. you is can see the content and more on twitter. the handle is @nbc bay area. >> the mountains of mudder to through everything. including many multimillion dollar estates. the two most famous people to suffer damage. oprah winfrey and ellen degeneres and before this newscasts they talked about it. >> lost so many lives and it's such a tiny community and nobody would have expected certainly i did not that after they survived the fire. >> yes. >> and the rain came who would have expected we would have had this devastation. >> ellen became emotional at one point telling the audience she needs to lean on them after this. and oprah is doing her best to remain positive too. >> we're going to do what we do. >> yes. >> what we do. we're coming together and do what great americans do all the time. we're going to help each other. >> the women also interviewed firefighters on the sand and repeatedly told them how thankful they were to all the fire crews working during the tragedy agency well as all the work they did before during the thomas fire. well a san francisco police officer is in the hospital tonight after a motorcycle crash in oakland. happened around 5:30 this morning on i-880 near 7th street. the officer wasn't on daut at the time. the sf p. d. says no unusual circumstances surrounding the crash. the officer though does- has suffered life threating injury. >> for the fourth time a sea lion has attacked a swimmer. the latest incident at acquatic park. paramedic rushed to the woman to the hospital. nbc bay area kristy smith in the park. >> brian heard a swimmer in stress. she tried to help. >> she had a bite out of her leg by the sea lion. >> she is with the rowing club and she was alert and talking when taken to the hospital. this is the fourth bite recently. in mid-december the area was closed for swim after back-to-ba back-to-back bites. food everything is hope but. >> last time we had a serial biter. we assumed it was the same bad actor. three bites in a short period. this time a one bite. hoping it's isolated. >> lynn believes it's likely a different sea lion. a vet says while it may seem it happens a lot they're rare. and experts say there isn't a clear answer to oh or easy way to tell why it's happening. is is it sickness injury or something else. >> there is a chance of them potentially biting out of curacaoty or their perception as feeling threatened. >> today swimmers are staying away from the ugt mouth of cove where they're bitten. but they plan to keep swimming and advised to stay close to the shore and maybe with a friend. >> i'll keep swimming until we get a biting closer to shore but at that i'll have to stop. >> reporter: and on that note the park service says they may of course revisit the idea of closing the area to swimming if there is another bite. i'm also told that the woman who was bitten this morning has been released from the hospital. reporting live in san francisco, kristy smith, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, kristy. we have some rattled nerves at sfo following at aeromexico incident when the pilot nearly landed onle wrong runway. now learn with a go around involving a dealt aifr plane yesterday that some passengers found too close for comfort. this is animation of the dealt aif flight arriving from jfk last night around 9:00 p.m. attempting to jan as a jet blue flight was taking off. in this animation from the website you can see the jet blue plane pass in front of the delta flight triggering the go around. it's important to note the planes were roughly a mile apart and about a 20 foot difference in altitude when the delta plane was ordered to begin ascending the f. a. a spokesman says there was no danger. this is what they call a routine go around and notes they happen at major airports daily for the passenger, he feels it wasn't routine. >> okay we are ready doing the final approach but suddenly we noticed the flight pulled up really fast and with all the engines working and that. he noticed there were another plane taking off below us. so it was scarey appear and i said what is happening mere. >> aviation experts tell us bau because the parting plain was accelerating faster than the delta flight was slowing down passengers were never in danger. but since the two planes appear to be much closer than normal protocol. >> well it appears the recall movement aamodt at a judge is headed to a fight. this morning sorters of the recall against the dysas you know sentenced former swimmer brock turner to a lenient sentence turned in 11 boxes of petitions. some 95,000 signatures more than needed to qualify for the ballot. nbc bay area robert handa joins you live from san jose where the petitions were submitted this is a volatile climate right now robert. >> reporter: that's right. there was a lot going on here at the register of voters. both sides are gearing up for an election day battle. the supporters of the recall against judge aaron persky are not taking chances. the 95,000 signatures submitted are for marni the 58,000 or so needed for the june ballot. persky became a target when in 2016 he sentenced former stanford swimmer to brock turner to six months in jail for sexually assaulten an intoxicated unconscious woman near a campus party. >> with the me too campaign and times up there's been a cultural shift people are starting to hear victims and believe them. >> reporter: the group voices against recall supports pesk%ry saying the recall over unpopular but legal decision is inappropriate. retired judge le doris cordell says recall supporters are exploiting the social climate. >> they're using this kind of atmosphere and this climate to do in to this very good and decent judge. >> reporter: legal analyst stephen clark says the social climate has an impact. >> and there is a tremendous negative effect on the people associated with sexual assault and sexual harassmenten and brock turner in his sentence was a pivot point in that discussion. >> reporter: now registrar of voters has until march to verify signatures but officials say it could happen faster. live in san jose, robert handa nbc bay area news. >> still to come james franco accused of sexual misconduct by five women. how the golden globe winning actor is addressings the allegation. >> plus the surf competition could happen as as soon as monday. there is one thing standing in the way. after sunshine today more of a partly sunny sky and 59 in san jose. we are tracking the new change for the weekend and when some rain is expected to return over the next ten days. that's coming up in about nine minutes. charges are dogging actor and palo alto native, "james here goes another one. sexual misconduct charges dogging palo alto native james franco. days after winning a golden globe, franco is in the position of fielding tough questions on talk shows. last night setting myers pressed him about miss conduct allegations made online. franco is also being accused of hypocrisy after wearing a times up pin at the golden globe to support women speaking out about sexual assault. now franco is disputing the ac accusations but he says he does support the movement. >> that i will you know hold back things that i could say just because i believe in it that much. and if i have to take a knock because i'm not going to try and you know actively refute things, thenally. because i believe in it that much. >> most of the allegations come from his former acting students who complained they didn't want to appear topless him in the film that is yet to be released. >> the l.a. times reports other students of frank p.o.'s called his acting class a positive experience. the mavericks surf contest could be a go this monday. sources say the world surf league has a meeting throughout the day deciding if the waves will be big enough at pillar point near half moon bay. they are eyeing the martin luther king who willdy to as the day. we are told emergency response agencies are on the alert prepared for the possibility of a contest. sources say a decision could be made as early as this evening. and as we've been telling you, the world surf league brought the rights to the surf contest after the previous organizers declared bankruptcy. well 28 days and counting. the winter olympics fast approaching. coming down to the wire for the athletes trying to qualify. one south lake tahoe gold medallist looking to compete. but as successful as she has been been she has never forgotten her roots. tell us more, garvin about the humanitarian zbleefrt hannah is not only a gold medal but silver too. the last time around in 2014 she came up shy of the podium. hannah says that motivated her to try one more time. while that and the knowledge of the good that comes from her success. when hannah teeter looks back on childhood in rural vermont, support is a word that comes to mind. she says her parents were always sportive of her dreams. emotionally. financially, well hannah says that really wasn't possible. >> we were definitely tight on the budget growing up. >> did the mowing of the lawns all summer. i worked at a few different restaurants when i was young. and then it was like well i want to do snow boarding so i don't have to to do this. >> is this is a nine hundred here it is. >> do well hannah did. winning a gold medal in snow board half pipe in italy. but instead of reaping the financial benefits of her success for herself, hannah remembered and honored a promise she made years ago. >> it was like if i make it big i'm giving back as much as i can. >> hannah te. ter. >> she donated all winning for the next five years to charity. >> so yesterday was our first day out in the field. >> she started hannah's fwoel, a non-profit dedicated to bringing clean drinking water to a village in kenya and then valve to see the results firsthand. >> it's amazing. it really is life changing, you know. and it makes me realize all the little problems we have here we stress about it this it's really nothing. it's not a problem. like think about the kids in africa who have to walk 20 miles to get a jug of clean water. like that will change your perspective. >> reporter: which is not to say that hannah doesn't think snow boarding matters anymore. she knows the only reason she gets to do those things is because she is so good at this. hannah has her sights on earning a spot on the team for pyeongchang. winning the gold and once again sharing the rewards. >> what can i say she has a great personality. >> she does. >> she is fun, certainly a lot of fun to sit and talk to. like so many northern california athletes we are routing for her. >> totally. >> to make the team. >> the great sense of relativity about life. garvin heading out to south korea soon and it's going to be cold. >> yes. >> it's cold here now but nothing. >> mountain venues with morning temperatures in the teens. >> good for you. >> day time highs in the 20s and 30s. >> yes definitely very chilly out there for the olympics. and garvin we'll have full coverage of course at let's get to you the microclimate forecast. and we have been recovering from all of that wet weather most recently. and we actually did manage some sunshine today. but right now we do have some fog that's also trying to rebuild near the coastline. that's the biggest thing for tomorrow morning's forecast. right now, 58 degrees. you'll notice we keep dry conditions all the way through 11:00 p.m. tonight. let's go ahead and get a closer look at tomorrow morning. again, the biggest thing will be the low clouds. also some colder temperatures with 48 expected in the south bay peninsula at 49. and you'll need to also watch out for some central valley fog in the tri-valley that could get thick. be on oorlt for tomorrow morning. plan extra time. you're good to go. san francisco start off at 55 and the north bay at 46. despite the clouds for tomorrow morning to begin we are on for a major rebound of sunshine on your friday forecast. in fact some of the most sunshine we have seen in about six days coming our way. there is the 6:00 a.m. forecast with the patchy areas of low clouds. by the afternoon here is that full on sunshine we expect to build as we head throughout the afternoon. so with that sunshine we see warmer temperatures for tomorrow. right across the south bay that puts us at 66 in downtown san jose. also under the sunny skies some of the mildest weather in danville and 68 dree draegs. 65 in redwood city. san francisco for the most part in the 50s. but the mission could get just a little bit warmer at 60 degrees. throughout marine and napa and sonoma we have 60 in mill valley and of 66 in the napa. the next three days dry weather into the upcoming weekend. because high pressure is building in. it's keeping the storm track and all the wet weather well off to the north. on the extended you can see right through sunday's forecast we'll be starm free. but then monday on martin luther king day clouds increase. and the first system on tuesday. but better chance by thursday. for the inland valleys you notice the chance of rain returns by next tuesday. and then another chance into next thursday. well have a quick closer look here at the totals and we have seen things stay just about the same as we had seen yesterday in the forecast. about a quarter to a half inch for most of the bay. maybe closer to that one inch total up here for the north bay at this point. so you need to think about that if you live in the mudslide zones. the thing that we're watching and learning more about with the mudslides is after fires it can put a waxy layer on the ground. that's why a lot of the water runs off fast. so we'll be monitoring that. >> really dangerous. thank you, jeff. still to come, we're show you these next. ♪ there are 7 continents. 7 seas. but at celebrity cruises we'd argue, more than 7 wonders. for a limited time, enjoy two free perks like complimentary wifi and drinks, plus savings for everyone in your stateroom, when you book now. during the celebrity cruises sail beyond event. police standoff in santa rosa. police say a man barricaded hi happening now on the twitter feed we are being raying a police stand off in santa rosa. a man barricading himself inside his home. we will bring you updates. on the home page, the santa clara county d.a. is investigating the death of an inmate. correctional officers found him in his cell this morning in milpitas. he committed suicide they say. woman: so, greg, it's a lot to take in. woman 2: and i know that's hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. hi, blake! my dad has cancer. woman: and i know how hard that is to hear. but you're in the right place. man: and dr. pascal and her team, they know what to do. they know what to do. the doctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away) first off, we're going to give you all... season, and not just for humans. the flu outbrea we are in the middle of a particularly dangerous flu season and not just for humans. the flu outbreak among dogs is so bad that vets are sending notes to clients. they recommend vac seen. we broke the story on monday. some owners weren't aware dog could gets the flu. not only can they catch it. it's highly contagious. if the dog is coughing it's too late for the vaccine. but if not get the sacks vaccine. >> enchts and we have seen this week in las vegas technology can be cool but consumer want it helpful. we found a company at the show that may make commutes shorter. this is air tax y from this the 18 rotter drone can zip over grade lock on battery power alone. >> by carlh:ñ oar public transp takes about an hour 1/2 you'll be there 15 minutes. you'll be willing to pay more money. that being said we do not want this a hcmpl person's toy. we want this an addition to the public transport. >> backed by intel, the captorer has been taking et test runs and can travel 30 minutes at a trech process he expect them in the a air in three to five years. >> a bay area veteran surprisewood brand-new car. we'll show it to you next. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. schools. and it comes after our coming up tonight at 6:00 a major change at south bay high schools when it comes to our investigative reports. the reason the top cop says officers no longer police schools and focus on safety. that story is coming up tonight at 6:00. a bay area veteran got a big surprise today. take a look. [ applause ] he is starting off the new year with a new car. craig served 13 years in the marines. he is transitioning back to civilian life. and to to help two companies teamed up to thank him for service. he got the car as part of the recycled rides program. this is the equivalent modern equivalent of a horse, right take away a man's horse he dies. take away the car it means everything to me. >> allstate insurance company and a south bay auto repair shop donated the car in the past few years that program has donated 200 cars to active duty service members and veterans. well deserved. >> yes thank you for service. >> before we go one last check of the forecast. some of the most sunshine we have seen since last saturday coming our way. you need the sunglasses. 6 of for the high. up to milder 70 by sunday. by tuesday another chance of rain moves in. but the more moderate storm of the week next week at least at this point on next thursday. overall totals from both of those could range from a quarter to half inch on average. and some spots in the north bay may get coalescer to an inches. more on that at 6:00. >> but we'll enjoy the 70s first. >> yes. >> thank you jeff and thanks for joining us. >> "nightly news" is next. see you at 6:00. bye-bye. breaking news tonight. shocking comments from president trump in the oval office. sources tell nbc news he attacked immigrants from africa and haiti using vulgar language to describe their countries. asking why do we want them here. the grim search in california to find people buried alive. tonight the new view of the sudden force of nature. >> a flash flood right there! get out of here. go. >> as the water rushed in. a new alert about your taxes. why you need to pay extra close attention to your paycheck to make sure you're getting the right amount. the sex scandal swirling around a gop rising star governor admitting he cheated on his wife but denying explosive allegations he threatened to blackmail the other woman. and when every second counts, why can't 911 tell exactly where you are when you

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