Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20171230 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20171230

technology of a clean room. employees even suit up like techies to keep the product pristine. also leave your credit cards at home. this is a cash only business. so there is beefed up security to go along with the new paint job. >> we have both external and internal security. here in san jose we are monitored by the police department 24 hours a day. >> reporter: having already serve medicinal users they are readying to main stream process. as a growth industry, caliva has hired 45 people over the last month. they still have 40 job openings. in san jose, scott budman. following up on that story, the chp getting ready to crackdown on a different type of dui. driving while high. chp putting up signs warning drivers more than 1,700 officers have been trained to recognize the physical signs of drug impairment on the roads. and expected to play a larger role in the new year. >> they will check eyes, different writing conditions. and also take pulses at three different intervals. blood pressure, as well as a series of questions. >> these officers received more than 100 hours of training out in the field and in the classroom. specifically on spotting drivers impaired by something other than alcohol. . to help you navigate the new world of legal pot we created a special section on the website. go to to read about marijuana in the golden state and beyond. we continue to follow a deadly scene in lange bech. a sister station in l.a. says someone shot and killed someone in a law office and turned the gun on himself. if you're familiar with the area this happened in the bixby knowles area. near the airport. you see video of people gathering at a hoe mel across the street. no word on the relationship between the victim and the gunman. turning to the weather, a live look at san jose this evening. we are dealing with poor air quality throughout the bay area. our meteorologist joins us now. rob, the big question, will the sky be clear for fireworks. we'll see the smoke around the bay area. that's why we have the spare the air. from the bay to the coast. in terms of viewing conditions as we approach midnight high clouds and patchy low clouds around san francisco. temperatures should be close to 50 degrees. we don't think we'll see widespread fog. that should be good news for the fireworks at midnight. on monday notice increasing clouds through the afternoon. tooling temperatures early next week. as for the rain is up near the pacific northwest makes a come back heading our direction. over the next five days we see increasing clouds over the weekend. and the rain returns midweek. what's more promising is the climate prediction center for the first time in almost a month is giving us above average rain chances for the first week of january. we'll show you the impact ahead on the seven-day forecast in ten minutes. back to you. thank you, rob. tracking any changes in the microclimate forecast for free. just download the nbc bay area app. can you get personalized updates including new weather alerts as they are issued. new details in a deadly scene in san jose. a teenager stabbed to death near guadalupe church overnight. the latest in a surge of violent crime in san jose. robert handa live at police headquarters with the latest on what's a troubling trend, robert. >> reporter: well that's right, the police department is still putting together the final crime figures for the year. but the two homicides and other violent crimes are a reminder it takes more than numbers for homeowners to regain a sense of safety. >> i grew up here, you know, 41 years here being a kid and things changing. >> san jose homicide count is down from last year but that's not comfort for friends and families of victims. police trying to find out why a 17-year-old was stabbed and died here on sunset avenue. a grieving family friend lamented to us in spanish, the boy was ready to graduate. the killing followed another unsolved homicide wednesday night when a man was shot on nearby van wingle drive. robert campos was sad but not surprised. >> scarey, like they said bullets don't have names. it could have been anybody kids. >> campos and others in the roosevelt park neighborhood had another close call on wednesday the home security camera caught a possible shooting suspect armed fleeing downtown through the neighborhood right past them. >> and being close to you like this it's scarey. you know my son is right there. you don't know if a stray bullet could have came in our direction, hit one of us. >> police violent crimes for the year show a drop in homicide but increase in other categories but numbers don't mean much when crime is so close. >> the guy is running right by. so, yeah, it sends chills up your pine because he was holding onto the gun. didn't want to lose that while running away. >> reporter: now police say at this point they have not made any arrests in these recent crimes but sources say investigators do have strong leads. now the neighborhood association is also considering setting up citizen patrols if they can get guidance from the police. live in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, robert. usually mets meth is at ticket to jail. this was meth was he had he had to jail. the man was arrested for sending to fives31e millimeters. all women inzde)s&" 01[u(qq' g6ñ rearrested while in custody onx other charges. all are accused of accepting an officer virus detected the letters that led to the man in daly city. >> criminals are always looking for ways to smuggle drugs nnlds. we're constantly training and changing ways to minimize the impact that drugs have. >> deputies say there are four suspects till trying to track down. celebration on the mind of many bay area residents this evening. but with the new year's eve holiday around the corner so is is the safety. sam brock joins us live from the embarcadero in san francisco. sam with the foiled terror plot at pier 39 last week the city is trying to offer reassurance, right. >> reporter: terry good evening quite a showing today. you had the acting mayor, police chief with, five chief talking about resources deployed every member of the san francisco police force is on duty this weekend. but as important, every corner of the law enforcement community is communicating. with mass celebration in store for new year's eve, the advice from key authorities, ranging from the annual heads up >> if you want to see fireworks go to the show along the embarcadero. leave it to the professionals. >> to the acutely specific oh after a foiled terror plot on pier 39. >> there are no known credible threats to the city. however we know large events with large amounts of people we recalls are have to provide additional police support. >> that event is a good reminder the threat is real. and it's a shared responsibility for local, state and federal law enforcement to work together. >> marie space the fbi guarding against possible threats is a 24/7/365 day a year mission made possible by open channels of communication with local police and others. as the threats evolve to cut off aching or techniques like holding up in a hotel room. it's important to remember that plans don't hatch overnight. >> what he we learned from the incident in las vegas every act of violence has an process that precede it it. >> here in san francisco officials stress you are safe. officers on moot and marine units at sea are watching over revellers. be sure to report activity that seems out of the ordinary. as for some of the other nuts and bolts that are being taken care of here to help people in san francisco enjoy the holiday, the emergency operations center is being activated. there is actually a medical bus that will drive around and take care of people on-site. that's new tk÷h( year. additionally-free transportation after 8. take advantage of that. reporting live from san francisco this evening, sam brock nbc bay area news. >> thank you sam. do you have the new year's plans set. go to our webt. we listed an events guide on there for the bay area. knocked over with a light smash .search for vandals that damage in a menorah this in a bay area community. and right now 5 a degrees in san jose. dry this evening. but that may not be staying that way much longer. we have rain in the pacific northwest and with the new year comes the new weather forecast that can yous rain and sierra snow. the to my knowledge on that when with he come back. are you feeling lucky? the hundreds of millions up for grabs in separate lottery drawings this weekend. trying to figure out who damaged a public menorah... set up at a brentwood shopping center. an east bay community is trying to figure out who damaged a public men or aire sent up at a shopping center. police are investigating as an act of vandalism but still gathering informing information. kristi smith live in brentwood to plain it all. kristi. >> reporter: terry there are two large menorahs in brentwood expected to be taken out this tuesday. this one near city hall and another one by a prpg shopping center. it suffered some damage recently and there are question base what could be behind it. at the streets of brentwood shopping center a metal menorah is on display this holiday season but a closer look shows damage near the lights. >> we first heard about it from people in the community researching out to us. i have to say that the -- the love and the compassion from everyone in the community is like the story of hannukkah. >> the rabbai is with the synagogue. was the menorah blown over or pushed. >> we found out it was acts of vandalism, a group of teens knocked it down. almost right away a few moments later there was a group of good samaritans that picked it up. the brentwood police is in -- in touch with the -- with the mall and they have access to the footage. >> the brentwood police are investigating its a act of vandalism but say the circumstances of what happened are unclear. they're still galgterings facts and haven't yet seen any security video. while another menorah sits at city hall with no issues. >> i hope it's an isolated incident. >> it's hard to say. i would sayuqf wait@g[ unpwp ths i mean if it'sw)l vandalized, it's -- there is knuckle hu÷ h⌜& everywhere. >> gold smith said they placed< >> yes we have to fix it. we have to get to theodur botto it. ?j]qk/ message i think be that we haveeob to spread m light. >> reporter: nowqúe;t brentwood is initial information that they were looking into is that either wind was involved or vandalism. again they are trying to get9 the bottom of it but are investigating it as a possible act of vandalism. also the mall issued a statement saying that they recently learned of this incident of what they're calling vandalism and are cooperating with law enforcement. they also add that they were saddened by what they're calling a senseless act. reporting live in brentwood, kristi smith, nbc bay area news. >> thanks. one of the men recently captured in a car charch at travis air force base. may be responsible for dozens of burglarying. officers arrested five men. they spotted them stealing lottery tickets in fairfield. and the chase ended at travis. officials are trying to determine how widespread the crime spree was. detectives believe one of the suspects could be linked to more than 40 burglaries in santa clara county just in the past six months alone. gas going from a van that helps children in need. tonight police are looking for the man who did it. this, there is the suspect. surveillance cameras caught him stealing gas from a contra costa county he walked toward this truck and drove off. the van is parked in antioch. it's used to drive children to and from family visitations. county officials say this is the tenth time this has happened this year. ten times in 12 months. the cars parked mere the van also vandalized. >> want to be a million air? of course. you have a chance do make it happen. three lottery games this we could. the potential payoff. rose plater is in front of a store known to be lucky for winners. you buy a ticket for me i'll pay you back. >> you promise to do that i'm sure. this would be a great way to kick in the new year. and folks have been coming here throughout the day and coming here because this is one of the spots that has the history of producing winners. >> the megaand super. >> if you're big on playing the lottery you've ht the mother load. >> one of each. mega, power, but only the winning numbers. >> weekend three games weather a whopping $70 oh million combined. >> i just purchased two power ball tickets as well as two megamillions. >> friday night's megamillions is worth $306 million. power ball jack pot on saturday. 84 ml. and superlotto plus worth a cool $10 million. >> i'd go for anything. anything over $100,000 would be graegt. >> and to hopefully increase chances of winning some customers are buying tickets at spots that have been lucky in the past like this chevron. >> this one here he says yeah. so it's going to be. >> reporter: they're lining up at jennifer's gift shop in san jose, a site that sold a $$648 million megamillions tick some years ago. now they are dreaming big for 2018. >> buying new cold war, pay off the house, travel, and donations. >> reporter: so real talk. i know it's a long shot. i know the odds. but as the saying goes you can't win unless you have skin in the game. i got skin. tickets for each game as both lucky locations. live in milpitas, roz plater. >> good job. we have some good news for anyone still trying to get fresh crab for new year's. the california duncaness crab has been given the all clear. the announcement made today saying toxin levels in crabs are extremely low or non-existent. the commercial crab season along the coastline has been delayed since the 13th when tested showed toxins too high. >> rob talking about the lig long weekend of forecast. and the week the holiday forecast looks good. right on schedule heading in the new year we'll see a new forecast taking shape process right now taking you outside. 50s hazy skies and unfortunately with the dry conditions this weekend, we will see spare the air days continue both tomorrow into sunday. right now pretty clear. same temperature in san jose and regionwide upper 40s now. palo alto to mountain view 51 in. livermore in 51. by tomorrow morning a similar start what we had today. but maybe more fog around the central bay during the morning hours. low to mid-30s in the coolest spots in the north by and east bay. 40s in oejd and san francisco. highs not as wrm as today. upper 50s to near 60 from san francisco to santa rosa. and low 60s around concord and antioch. overall travelwise looks great other than the patchy fog in the central valley the first part of the day. look at that sunshine out across the sierra into southern california. 70s and 80s around the valleys near l.a. sierra travel through new year's day looks good. upper 50s. but everything after monday in the seven-day forecast begins to change as early now as tuesday. it looks like right around sundown we could begin to see light rain and looks like wednesday should be the main event of the first weather system that will bring some rain into the bay area. peanutly some snow towards the sierra. then late thursday and friday more rain is possible. so you can see the changeup in the forecast right with the new year we see the rain chances inside. and the next half hour we'll show you how much rain we expect and how much snow for the sierra for the first weekend of january. we'll have that at 6:45. >> okay thank you. the uncovered iphone battery plot. next we'll introduce to you the teenager who called out apple. investigating an e-coli outbreak. there have been multiple cases happening now on the twitter feed, the cdc is investigating an e. coli outbreak. multiple cases across the country. three in california. and officials are working to see if it's tide to roe main let us. and gun high school in palo alto ranked the top high school in california. and the fifth best in the entire country. the ranking from 24/7 wall street. today was the last day to pay off the entire 2017 property tax bill in california in person. and a steady stream of people did that at the santa clara county government building. they want to deduct the entire tax bill when they do taxes in april. that's because starting next year with the pang of the new tax bill the property taxes and/or state and local tax deductions are capped at $10,000. so people from all over the south bay came by to pay the second part of their bill that's due early next year. well my husband told me that we'd save a lot of money on the taxes this year if we paid our february taxes right now. >> since the government building is now closed you can still pay the second property tax bill online through new year's eve. if you are looking to get that deduction. also a reminder you candidate pay the 2018 property taxes early in california. a warning to anyone planning to enjoy the great outdoors around the bay area this who will tai weekend. poisonous mushrooms with blooming ppt bay area home to two of the world owes most toxic. park rangers say if you eat one the symptoms could be delayed up to 12 hours. when they kick in your life could be at risk. the mushrooms typically grow near oak trees. park rangers remind to you keep an eye on your dog and make sure they doesn't eat them. his discovery trying reported a controversial controversy that put a silicon giant in the hot seat. now the teenager who figured out apple was slowing down older iphones is explaining how he put it together. the 17-year-old posted finding last week. and the news went viral. he says he first noticed his iphone 6 was slower after a recent update. he taught himself to replace the battery and noticed a big difference. >> to make sure it went placebo i ran test was the old battery and new battery. and the ol battery was about half as fast as the new battery. >> yesterday apple apologized for intentionally slowing down older phons. also lowered the cost to replace the batteries from $the 79 to $29. the company is facing multiple lawsuit over the issue. a tragic twist involving a 3-year-old child who had new york vrkts are saying likely started a deadly bronx fire. >> plus the trump presidency of course makes a list for the political stories. but oh our analyst says the rest of the list might surprise you. that's next. the nfc west in the home game the rams. the game virtually meaningless for them. they will rest some stafrters. but the nine hers not taking the bait as they try to finish upon a five-game win streak. >> you say every week you are facing the faceless opponent. you want to have the same mindset. last game of the season, first game of the season. i think we have done pretty well the last couple weeks just coming in preparing every day practicing hard going through the little critics of certain play ifs we do that we'll be good sunday. >> the red and gold spotlight on nbc bay area sponsor bid xfinity. only xfinity gives you more to stream on any extreme. your gafrt. the best in home wi-fi experience. the future of awesome. it )s the city )s deadliest accidental fire in at least a quarter century. right now at 6:30 it is the city's deadliest accidental fire in a quarter centerry. what we learn tonight about a new york city fire that killed 12 people including four children. . a toddler playing alone in the kitchen is blamed for the horrific fire thatter to through the apartment building. in the zblongs. >> a dozen people are dead and fdny say the young boy is to blame. >> we found if started in the kitchen on the first floor. it started from a young boy, 3 1/2 years old playing with the burners on the stove. >> the fire broke out in a bronx apartment building thursday night. investigators say it spread quickly to other floors when the young boy's mother left her apartment door as she skapd with children. >> fire travels up the stairway acted like a chimney. it took the fire so quickly upstairs that people had little time to react. >> the fast moving flamed forced dozens onto fire escapes and into the street enduring brutal cold as firefighters tried to rescue them. >> people on the fire escape at the front of the building on their way down now. >> joel rodriguez made it out alive. >> out the window. threw on the sofa helped my wife out. >> they spent hours balking flames, the oldest victim 56 the youngest 8 months. >> a lot of people coming out in stretchers, burned. >> excluding september 11th, it was the deadliest fire in new york city in more than 20 years. >> we have people who lost lives, lost homes, lost their everything. and we -- we grieve with them. >> reporter: firefighters arrived three minutes after the first call for help. it was already too late for many victims of this fast moving fire np nbc news new york city. president trump opening up about the investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and russia. he says he believes the investigation is bad for america but he says he has no plans to interfere with it. the nbc news wall street poll shows 38% of americans believe there was collusion between russia and the trump campaign. 35% say there wasn't. the investigation is led by robert mueller. the president said he thinks mueller treated him fairly has no plans to fire him but critics say that could change. >> his definition of fairly has evolved over time. he conditioned his support for the probe on this fair treatment, which i think he will be the ultimate judge of. >> as for the justice department, president trump said he has the absolute right to get involved, but chose not to. >> hardly a day goes by without a president trump related event making news. we asked to what extent did the president impact the political scene in 2017. >> nbc bay area political analyst larry gjerstad within thoughts on president trump and events of the pastier the president making big news every day one way or the other. >> pretty much every day one way or the other of this year. seems like a decade crammed into it. but i think there are a couple of things about the trump administration this make him the number one story. can you start with the roll back of the obama legacy. talking about regulations when he ran for office he said for every one regulation i'll take back two. actually for every one new regulation under trump he has taken back 3.4 old regulations. that is a rewrite we have to look at foreign policy. the when will idea of america first. also a means taking ourselves out of the world view. getting ourselves out of various compacts, trade agreements, even the united nations organization. this is a different direction for the united states we haven't seen in 70 years. then finally of course the word we started with early earlier, russia. it's been on the president's neck around his neck all year long. and likely to be that way for at least another year. >> okay besides trump what else made political headlines. >> women, me too, the whole idea of women finally coming forward in droves, whether hollywood, whether big business, whether it's politics, whether news, they have come forward they're now complaining about a sexual abuse from decades ago in some cases. we should have known this was happening really the day after the inauguration. why? that's the day of the women's march. 3.4 million people joined together most women many of whom by the way had placards deannouncing president trump. remember the 19 women accused him of the same thing. this country is really going through a huge change because that have. >> you got trump wsh me too one more. >> the democratic resurgence. they were dead after 2016 election. they had no energy whatsoever. you wonder what's going to happen? they were conflicted with one another. here comes a special election in off year when nobody comes out to vote. the resurgence in virginia. that's one thing. alabama, a democrat who knew there was one in alabama? and suddenly there is light, resurgence, enthusiasm and it makes won wonder as we get out of 2017 what 2018 will be about? >> all right. >> another exciting year i'm sure. larry happy new year thanks so much. >> thanks, larry. bay area cvp officer hit and killed by a suspected drunk driver will be laid to rest tomorrow. a public memoryual service for officer andrew camilleri held at the christian life center in stockton. the rookie officer was killed in a crash on 880 on krms christmas eve leaving behind a wife and three children. the suspected drunk driver is still in the hospital. kristy smith will be attending the memorial service. with will be streaming live on the chp out in force looking for other suspected suspected drunk drivers. over the weekend officers setting up checkpointing across the state. more than 750 people arrested for dui do you agree the last year's new year's weekend. about 30 people killed on california roads. >> we would really like to have that number reduced drastically. our goal would be zero. but we would like to get that number down. we don't want anybody to per ibish on the roadways. >> chp is urging revellers to designate a sober driver. they say it every year. but every year it gets ignored or if you don't have a sober driver use a ride hailing service if you plan to drink. new gun control laws taking effect in california on monday. january 1st, firearm rights advocates are setting sights on next year's election season. they say they're targeting state assembly and state senate candidates with track records of supporting gun cell. democrats recently lost the two thirds supermajority in the assembly. gun rights support he is say the democrats misused authority this year. >> we believe there are people in the state capital and in washington, d.c. who want to see all of america disarmed. three assembly seats previously held by democrats will be va cabinet when the state legislature reconvenes next week. leave the light show to the professionals or else. the new tool to catch people using illegal fireworks in the south bay. name of the woman hit and killed while walking on an east bay freeway to want we have learn the name of the woman hit and killed while walking on the east bay freeway this week. the alameda county coroner identified her as 29-year-old theresa selese. a car hit and killed her while she walked on the freeway. .the day after christmas. she leaves behind a 7-year-old daughter. the driver stopped, the cooperates with police no word on why she was on the freeway. >> a bid of a head scratcher. police trying to figure out how this truck ended up where it ended up on the edge of guadalupe crook. they found it empty near the intersection this morning. there is no skid marks or crash scene. no driver anywhere. police are unsure exactly how that got there. not far away an early morning car fire second a man to the hospital with second degree burns. near the san jose airport. investigators are trying to figure out how the fire started. but they say they believe the man may have been living in the car. >> with new year's eve days away people in the south bay have a new tool to file illegal fireworks. the city of designate opened up the fireworks holt line and web page just like for the fourth of july. but with one major change. residents now must provide some sort of evidence when they file a complaint such as video of someone light ago bottle rocket or maybe setting poff a roman candle something like that. nbc bay area responds first revealed how the city had fined a number of people based solely on aanonymous complaints without requiring any evidence. the city cancelled all the fines and change the policy after chris chumara did reports. councilman is urging everyone to celebrate safely. >> in the ideal world i'd like to have everybody celebrating pots and pans on new year's. we're certainly concerned about actually use of firearms because bullets do come down. >> san jose has banned all fireworks. you can see how hefty the fines are. $500 bucks for the first one. and 700 for the second. and $1,000 for the third violation. the reporting period ends january 3rd. opening again in february for the lunar new year. and again over the fourth of july. well how much are you willing to spend to bring in the new year according to wallet hub more than 80% of americans spend less than $20 of those planning to celebrate plan to ring in the new year at home. and a lot millions are going to be in new york's times square. another 20% at a friend's house. if you're still trying to figure out how you want to celebrate, just go to the website. we have an events guide showing a host of bay area new year's events. all right wherever you are on new year's eve hope you have a great safe time and the weather is cooperating. >> looks good. not too foggy. certainly rain not in the picture yet. we hope it looks like right now. in san francisco on midnight sunday. speaking of rain chances. making a comeback in the new year. we'll look at the forecast when we come back. will you be making a donation to your boss this week without realizing? it's possible. i'll show you how to avoid it. i'm consumer investigator chris chumara. nbc bay area responds next. year long from some of our viewers! we )re talking about the people who turned to "nbc bay area responds" for help solving their it's been christmas all year along for viewers. we're talking about people turning to nbc bay area responds for help. >> chris chmura has some recent success stories. >> we are talking about fsa, the accounts at work that let you stash away pretax money for medical expenses. we recently received request for help he is venious sarah and michelle had issues. we all have to know what happens to the balances at the end of the year. now, many companies require you to use it or lose it. we could only find numbers for 2010, 11 and 13. but hr analysts figure the average worker forfeited $138. that's $138 they could have spent but lost it. some companies offer grace period or a carry overto the new year. but that's not guaranteed. and it might be limited to just $500. here is the bottom line. if you have an fsa now is the time to figure out what's left in it and what happens if you don't spend it before monday. ps. here is fun fact. maybe to motivate you. if you forfeit your fsa money your employer gets to bank it. yeah, the boss. if you have a consumer complaint call us asset 1-888-996-tips or visit have a great weekend and happy new year. >> thank you chris. it's a mad dash to put the final flowers on the floats ahead of the one of the biggest parades in america. >> we have the video from the last oweses parade. hundreds of floats marching bands taking to the streets new year's day. an amazing display of color, dancing singing all kinds of stuff. the 129th year of parade. this year's theme is making a difference. "homestead high school marching band" will be among those performing in the tournament o >> more than 200 members of homestead high, the marching band among those performing in the tournament of roses parade. homestead high in cupertino is no stranger to the national stage. the group previously performed at the massy as thanksgiving day parade. most recentlily the super bowl at levi stadium. you can watch at 8:00 a.m. here on nbc bay area. >> congratulations ahead of time for all the things duffy you have done in the past. >> and dry for the parade. >> southern california looks fine. but start with the new year's day forecast but it's very interesting east of the rockies just how cold it gets in places you might not expect. let's look at the national map i'll show you. look at dallas, 30, new orleans a high of 40, 5 degrees in schi for a high. 18 in new york city. look at kansas city, 6 degrees. sue city, not even above zero for monday. arctic plunge east of the rockies. but the orange you see here in california, high pressure keeping us immune from the cold snap. look at the rain lurking off shore more on tuesday and wednesday. right now 5 in san francisco. hazy skies. spare the air continues through the smoky weekend. low 30s in sand rafael np and temperatures as we head towards the morning will be dropping out of the the 40s and 50s to low to mid-30s in the coolest spots of the north bay. again and we have to watch out patchy fog. to the afternoon temperatures running a little bit cooler than the upper 60s we saw today. mid-60s still possible around san jose and los gatos and campbell for the tri-valley highs in the low to mid-60s. and similar trend follows you across the san mateo bridge over towards designate o and palo alto. low 60s near 60 in san francisco. and highs under hazy sunshine in the low 60s for the north bay. so the changes in the forecast coming up during the weekend you'll begin to notice increasing clouds, maybe not so much for saturday but watch this hour by hour sunday. we'll see increasing high clouds heading towards midnight. it looks like a combination of high clouds above, and some patchy low clouds as we get into the evening there on sunday. then as we head beyond sunday now monday into tuesday, we begin to see bigger changes in the forecast. which includes rain showers increasing wednesday into thursday. here is one model's point of view on the weather oh pattern from wednesday to friday. the gfs has a third of inches of rain or the higher on the coastal mounen and generally .2 inch or less. the preferred long range model has been the european model which interestingly enough is the wetter of the two. you see a lot of orange on the map as it looks right now we could be seeing more than an inch of rain possible in the coastal hills and maybe down across aires in the valleys rainfall totals approaching a half inch or more. so as all of this heads up towards the sierra, starting tuesday night, wds, thursday, friday into saturday this looks bet err than 24 hours ago because if it hold up as a couple of storms come in as we go through wednesday and again early on friday, some of the sierra could pick up more than a foot of snow heading into the first weekend of january. the seven-day forecast really is out with the old in with the new forecast. you got clouds, through new year's day. and then tuesday a chance of rain showers as early as tuesday evening around san francisco. wednesday looks to be the wettest day moderate rain at times. showers to follow thursday. and then another system later friday into saturday rolling down the coast. hopefully that's the trend that starts with the new year which will continue as we've lost three to six inches of rain this month. >> taking january to make up for the mess. >> thanks. >> the warrior get set to host the charlotte hornts. >> but charlotte's favorite son watching from the bench. a preview up next. i'm grant liveman from the exhibits sports desk. a few days removed from christmas but the warriors fans have one more gift coming their way. if all goes well steve kerr expects steph curry to return. the four-time all-star has been out since the 4th when he suffered a sprained right ankle. earlier today sean livingston addressed the impact of losing curry and his return. >> him going down cause as void. and i think as a team and the coaching staff we've been able to shore up some of those -- some of the holes, not necessarily shooting but as far as executing, getting the job done, getting a win, and then secondly, you know, any time steph curry is in the building he is a threat. so, you know, just to have that option, have that weapon again, it's like, having a nuclear missile, you know, like for real, for a country he can go off at any time. >> so while the gift all the fans are hoping for is riveting. zau zau is hoping some fans have all the presents they needed. as part of the seasons of giving campaign he hosted five families for a holiday shopping pree. he spoke on what the event meant to him. >> it's a great feeling to be involved in this kind of situation where you make the, some people happy and put the smiles on their face. it's still holiday mode. and we just had christmas and family will have a chance to go for shopping. food is a great day for all of us. they get the gift cards in target. and we help the oct and the olden state warriors here to represent our team obviously. and help them to shop just buy some stuff for their themselves and for homes. and i'm sure they're going to be happy and enjoy. >> very nice work buy zau zau. a quick reminder after the news head over to nbc sports bay area for complete coverage for the bay area against the hornets. tip i don't have for 7:30 tonight. >> coming up at 11:00. san francisco ocean beach is not a swimming beach and now more people will know that. how the nbc bay area investigation prompted swift action by the government in an effort to save lives. tonight at 11:00. >> before you go one last check of the forecast a long weekend for a lot of people. >> and the weather will be trending a little bit cooler heading into tomorrow. we'll start off at 30s and 40s. patchy fog hazy skies in the afternoon. both tomorrow and sunday unfortunately spare the air days. we'll have air quality issues for new year's eve. then the clouds fill in on tuesday. and by tuesday evening maybe around this time we'll begin to see some rain move in wednesday should see the first wave of rain come through. a few showers thursday, friday, more rain showers possible. all this means more snow in the sierra too. >> thank you very much. >> good news for us. thanks for joining us. >> see you at 11:00. >> bye. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. ♪ >> announcer: now on "extra" mariah's new year's eve redo. >> thank you darling. >> brittany ready to rock vegas. >> want to hang out with me in vegas on new year's. >> the ultimate preview with the stars from vegas to l.a. to new york. count down to the golden globes, meryl streep, denzel washington, tom hanks, and the five movie that's could take it all. >> some of the best movies out there. then america's next top model is back. >> next level fierce. >> tyra and ashley graham unveiling all of the new twists as they hug for super model. >> you never seen as many

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20171230

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technology of a clean room. employees even suit up like techies to keep the product pristine. also leave your credit cards at home. this is a cash only business. so there is beefed up security to go along with the new paint job. >> we have both external and internal security. here in san jose we are monitored by the police department 24 hours a day. >> reporter: having already serve medicinal users they are readying to main stream process. as a growth industry, caliva has hired 45 people over the last month. they still have 40 job openings. in san jose, scott budman. following up on that story, the chp getting ready to crackdown on a different type of dui. driving while high. chp putting up signs warning drivers more than 1,700 officers have been trained to recognize the physical signs of drug impairment on the roads. and expected to play a larger role in the new year. >> they will check eyes, different writing conditions. and also take pulses at three different intervals. blood pressure, as well as a series of questions. >> these officers received more than 100 hours of training out in the field and in the classroom. specifically on spotting drivers impaired by something other than alcohol. . to help you navigate the new world of legal pot we created a special section on the website. go to to read about marijuana in the golden state and beyond. we continue to follow a deadly scene in lange bech. a sister station in l.a. says someone shot and killed someone in a law office and turned the gun on himself. if you're familiar with the area this happened in the bixby knowles area. near the airport. you see video of people gathering at a hoe mel across the street. no word on the relationship between the victim and the gunman. turning to the weather, a live look at san jose this evening. we are dealing with poor air quality throughout the bay area. our meteorologist joins us now. rob, the big question, will the sky be clear for fireworks. we'll see the smoke around the bay area. that's why we have the spare the air. from the bay to the coast. in terms of viewing conditions as we approach midnight high clouds and patchy low clouds around san francisco. temperatures should be close to 50 degrees. we don't think we'll see widespread fog. that should be good news for the fireworks at midnight. on monday notice increasing clouds through the afternoon. tooling temperatures early next week. as for the rain is up near the pacific northwest makes a come back heading our direction. over the next five days we see increasing clouds over the weekend. and the rain returns midweek. what's more promising is the climate prediction center for the first time in almost a month is giving us above average rain chances for the first week of january. we'll show you the impact ahead on the seven-day forecast in ten minutes. back to you. thank you, rob. tracking any changes in the microclimate forecast for free. just download the nbc bay area app. can you get personalized updates including new weather alerts as they are issued. new details in a deadly scene in san jose. a teenager stabbed to death near guadalupe church overnight. the latest in a surge of violent crime in san jose. robert handa live at police headquarters with the latest on what's a troubling trend, robert. >> reporter: well that's right, the police department is still putting together the final crime figures for the year. but the two homicides and other violent crimes are a reminder it takes more than numbers for homeowners to regain a sense of safety. >> i grew up here, you know, 41 years here being a kid and things changing. >> san jose homicide count is down from last year but that's not comfort for friends and families of victims. police trying to find out why a 17-year-old was stabbed and died here on sunset avenue. a grieving family friend lamented to us in spanish, the boy was ready to graduate. the killing followed another unsolved homicide wednesday night when a man was shot on nearby van wingle drive. robert campos was sad but not surprised. >> scarey, like they said bullets don't have names. it could have been anybody kids. >> campos and others in the roosevelt park neighborhood had another close call on wednesday the home security camera caught a possible shooting suspect armed fleeing downtown through the neighborhood right past them. >> and being close to you like this it's scarey. you know my son is right there. you don't know if a stray bullet could have came in our direction, hit one of us. >> police violent crimes for the year show a drop in homicide but increase in other categories but numbers don't mean much when crime is so close. >> the guy is running right by. so, yeah, it sends chills up your pine because he was holding onto the gun. didn't want to lose that while running away. >> reporter: now police say at this point they have not made any arrests in these recent crimes but sources say investigators do have strong leads. now the neighborhood association is also considering setting up citizen patrols if they can get guidance from the police. live in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, robert. usually mets meth is at ticket to jail. this was meth was he had he had to jail. the man was arrested for sending to fives31e millimeters. all women inzde)s&" 01[u(qq' g6ñ rearrested while in custody onx other charges. all are accused of accepting an officer virus detected the letters that led to the man in daly city. >> criminals are always looking for ways to smuggle drugs nnlds. we're constantly training and changing ways to minimize the impact that drugs have. >> deputies say there are four suspects till trying to track down. celebration on the mind of many bay area residents this evening. but with the new year's eve holiday around the corner so is is the safety. sam brock joins us live from the embarcadero in san francisco. sam with the foiled terror plot at pier 39 last week the city is trying to offer reassurance, right. >> reporter: terry good evening quite a showing today. you had the acting mayor, police chief with, five chief talking about resources deployed every member of the san francisco police force is on duty this weekend. but as important, every corner of the law enforcement community is communicating. with mass celebration in store for new year's eve, the advice from key authorities, ranging from the annual heads up >> if you want to see fireworks go to the show along the embarcadero. leave it to the professionals. >> to the acutely specific oh after a foiled terror plot on pier 39. >> there are no known credible threats to the city. however we know large events with large amounts of people we recalls are have to provide additional police support. >> that event is a good reminder the threat is real. and it's a shared responsibility for local, state and federal law enforcement to work together. >> marie space the fbi guarding against possible threats is a 24/7/365 day a year mission made possible by open channels of communication with local police and others. as the threats evolve to cut off aching or techniques like holding up in a hotel room. it's important to remember that plans don't hatch overnight. >> what he we learned from the incident in las vegas every act of violence has an process that precede it it. >> here in san francisco officials stress you are safe. officers on moot and marine units at sea are watching over revellers. be sure to report activity that seems out of the ordinary. as for some of the other nuts and bolts that are being taken care of here to help people in san francisco enjoy the holiday, the emergency operations center is being activated. there is actually a medical bus that will drive around and take care of people on-site. that's new tk÷h( year. additionally-free transportation after 8. take advantage of that. reporting live from san francisco this evening, sam brock nbc bay area news. >> thank you sam. do you have the new year's plans set. go to our webt. we listed an events guide on there for the bay area. knocked over with a light smash .search for vandals that damage in a menorah this in a bay area community. and right now 5 a degrees in san jose. dry this evening. but that may not be staying that way much longer. we have rain in the pacific northwest and with the new year comes the new weather forecast that can yous rain and sierra snow. the to my knowledge on that when with he come back. are you feeling lucky? the hundreds of millions up for grabs in separate lottery drawings this weekend. trying to figure out who damaged a public menorah... set up at a brentwood shopping center. an east bay community is trying to figure out who damaged a public men or aire sent up at a shopping center. police are investigating as an act of vandalism but still gathering informing information. kristi smith live in brentwood to plain it all. kristi. >> reporter: terry there are two large menorahs in brentwood expected to be taken out this tuesday. this one near city hall and another one by a prpg shopping center. it suffered some damage recently and there are question base what could be behind it. at the streets of brentwood shopping center a metal menorah is on display this holiday season but a closer look shows damage near the lights. >> we first heard about it from people in the community researching out to us. i have to say that the -- the love and the compassion from everyone in the community is like the story of hannukkah. >> the rabbai is with the synagogue. was the menorah blown over or pushed. >> we found out it was acts of vandalism, a group of teens knocked it down. almost right away a few moments later there was a group of good samaritans that picked it up. the brentwood police is in -- in touch with the -- with the mall and they have access to the footage. >> the brentwood police are investigating its a act of vandalism but say the circumstances of what happened are unclear. they're still galgterings facts and haven't yet seen any security video. while another menorah sits at city hall with no issues. >> i hope it's an isolated incident. >> it's hard to say. i would sayuqf wait@g[ unpwp ths i mean if it'sw)l vandalized, it's -- there is knuckle hu÷ h⌜& everywhere. >> gold smith said they placed< >> yes we have to fix it. we have to get to theodur botto it. ?j]qk/ message i think be that we haveeob to spread m light. >> reporter: nowqúe;t brentwood is initial information that they were looking into is that either wind was involved or vandalism. again they are trying to get9 the bottom of it but are investigating it as a possible act of vandalism. also the mall issued a statement saying that they recently learned of this incident of what they're calling vandalism and are cooperating with law enforcement. they also add that they were saddened by what they're calling a senseless act. reporting live in brentwood, kristi smith, nbc bay area news. >> thanks. one of the men recently captured in a car charch at travis air force base. may be responsible for dozens of burglarying. officers arrested five men. they spotted them stealing lottery tickets in fairfield. and the chase ended at travis. officials are trying to determine how widespread the crime spree was. detectives believe one of the suspects could be linked to more than 40 burglaries in santa clara county just in the past six months alone. gas going from a van that helps children in need. tonight police are looking for the man who did it. this, there is the suspect. surveillance cameras caught him stealing gas from a contra costa county he walked toward this truck and drove off. the van is parked in antioch. it's used to drive children to and from family visitations. county officials say this is the tenth time this has happened this year. ten times in 12 months. the cars parked mere the van also vandalized. >> want to be a million air? of course. you have a chance do make it happen. three lottery games this we could. the potential payoff. rose plater is in front of a store known to be lucky for winners. you buy a ticket for me i'll pay you back. >> you promise to do that i'm sure. this would be a great way to kick in the new year. and folks have been coming here throughout the day and coming here because this is one of the spots that has the history of producing winners. >> the megaand super. >> if you're big on playing the lottery you've ht the mother load. >> one of each. mega, power, but only the winning numbers. >> weekend three games weather a whopping $70 oh million combined. >> i just purchased two power ball tickets as well as two megamillions. >> friday night's megamillions is worth $306 million. power ball jack pot on saturday. 84 ml. and superlotto plus worth a cool $10 million. >> i'd go for anything. anything over $100,000 would be graegt. >> and to hopefully increase chances of winning some customers are buying tickets at spots that have been lucky in the past like this chevron. >> this one here he says yeah. so it's going to be. >> reporter: they're lining up at jennifer's gift shop in san jose, a site that sold a $$648 million megamillions tick some years ago. now they are dreaming big for 2018. >> buying new cold war, pay off the house, travel, and donations. >> reporter: so real talk. i know it's a long shot. i know the odds. but as the saying goes you can't win unless you have skin in the game. i got skin. tickets for each game as both lucky locations. live in milpitas, roz plater. >> good job. we have some good news for anyone still trying to get fresh crab for new year's. the california duncaness crab has been given the all clear. the announcement made today saying toxin levels in crabs are extremely low or non-existent. the commercial crab season along the coastline has been delayed since the 13th when tested showed toxins too high. >> rob talking about the lig long weekend of forecast. and the week the holiday forecast looks good. right on schedule heading in the new year we'll see a new forecast taking shape process right now taking you outside. 50s hazy skies and unfortunately with the dry conditions this weekend, we will see spare the air days continue both tomorrow into sunday. right now pretty clear. same temperature in san jose and regionwide upper 40s now. palo alto to mountain view 51 in. livermore in 51. by tomorrow morning a similar start what we had today. but maybe more fog around the central bay during the morning hours. low to mid-30s in the coolest spots in the north by and east bay. 40s in oejd and san francisco. highs not as wrm as today. upper 50s to near 60 from san francisco to santa rosa. and low 60s around concord and antioch. overall travelwise looks great other than the patchy fog in the central valley the first part of the day. look at that sunshine out across the sierra into southern california. 70s and 80s around the valleys near l.a. sierra travel through new year's day looks good. upper 50s. but everything after monday in the seven-day forecast begins to change as early now as tuesday. it looks like right around sundown we could begin to see light rain and looks like wednesday should be the main event of the first weather system that will bring some rain into the bay area. peanutly some snow towards the sierra. then late thursday and friday more rain is possible. so you can see the changeup in the forecast right with the new year we see the rain chances inside. and the next half hour we'll show you how much rain we expect and how much snow for the sierra for the first weekend of january. we'll have that at 6:45. >> okay thank you. the uncovered iphone battery plot. next we'll introduce to you the teenager who called out apple. investigating an e-coli outbreak. there have been multiple cases happening now on the twitter feed, the cdc is investigating an e. coli outbreak. multiple cases across the country. three in california. and officials are working to see if it's tide to roe main let us. and gun high school in palo alto ranked the top high school in california. and the fifth best in the entire country. the ranking from 24/7 wall street. today was the last day to pay off the entire 2017 property tax bill in california in person. and a steady stream of people did that at the santa clara county government building. they want to deduct the entire tax bill when they do taxes in april. that's because starting next year with the pang of the new tax bill the property taxes and/or state and local tax deductions are capped at $10,000. so people from all over the south bay came by to pay the second part of their bill that's due early next year. well my husband told me that we'd save a lot of money on the taxes this year if we paid our february taxes right now. >> since the government building is now closed you can still pay the second property tax bill online through new year's eve. if you are looking to get that deduction. also a reminder you candidate pay the 2018 property taxes early in california. a warning to anyone planning to enjoy the great outdoors around the bay area this who will tai weekend. poisonous mushrooms with blooming ppt bay area home to two of the world owes most toxic. park rangers say if you eat one the symptoms could be delayed up to 12 hours. when they kick in your life could be at risk. the mushrooms typically grow near oak trees. park rangers remind to you keep an eye on your dog and make sure they doesn't eat them. his discovery trying reported a controversial controversy that put a silicon giant in the hot seat. now the teenager who figured out apple was slowing down older iphones is explaining how he put it together. the 17-year-old posted finding last week. and the news went viral. he says he first noticed his iphone 6 was slower after a recent update. he taught himself to replace the battery and noticed a big difference. >> to make sure it went placebo i ran test was the old battery and new battery. and the ol battery was about half as fast as the new battery. >> yesterday apple apologized for intentionally slowing down older phons. also lowered the cost to replace the batteries from $the 79 to $29. the company is facing multiple lawsuit over the issue. a tragic twist involving a 3-year-old child who had new york vrkts are saying likely started a deadly bronx fire. >> plus the trump presidency of course makes a list for the political stories. but oh our analyst says the rest of the list might surprise you. that's next. the nfc west in the home game the rams. the game virtually meaningless for them. they will rest some stafrters. but the nine hers not taking the bait as they try to finish upon a five-game win streak. >> you say every week you are facing the faceless opponent. you want to have the same mindset. last game of the season, first game of the season. i think we have done pretty well the last couple weeks just coming in preparing every day practicing hard going through the little critics of certain play ifs we do that we'll be good sunday. >> the red and gold spotlight on nbc bay area sponsor bid xfinity. only xfinity gives you more to stream on any extreme. your gafrt. the best in home wi-fi experience. the future of awesome. it )s the city )s deadliest accidental fire in at least a quarter century. right now at 6:30 it is the city's deadliest accidental fire in a quarter centerry. what we learn tonight about a new york city fire that killed 12 people including four children. . a toddler playing alone in the kitchen is blamed for the horrific fire thatter to through the apartment building. in the zblongs. >> a dozen people are dead and fdny say the young boy is to blame. >> we found if started in the kitchen on the first floor. it started from a young boy, 3 1/2 years old playing with the burners on the stove. >> the fire broke out in a bronx apartment building thursday night. investigators say it spread quickly to other floors when the young boy's mother left her apartment door as she skapd with children. >> fire travels up the stairway acted like a chimney. it took the fire so quickly upstairs that people had little time to react. >> the fast moving flamed forced dozens onto fire escapes and into the street enduring brutal cold as firefighters tried to rescue them. >> people on the fire escape at the front of the building on their way down now. >> joel rodriguez made it out alive. >> out the window. threw on the sofa helped my wife out. >> they spent hours balking flames, the oldest victim 56 the youngest 8 months. >> a lot of people coming out in stretchers, burned. >> excluding september 11th, it was the deadliest fire in new york city in more than 20 years. >> we have people who lost lives, lost homes, lost their everything. and we -- we grieve with them. >> reporter: firefighters arrived three minutes after the first call for help. it was already too late for many victims of this fast moving fire np nbc news new york city. president trump opening up about the investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and russia. he says he believes the investigation is bad for america but he says he has no plans to interfere with it. the nbc news wall street poll shows 38% of americans believe there was collusion between russia and the trump campaign. 35% say there wasn't. the investigation is led by robert mueller. the president said he thinks mueller treated him fairly has no plans to fire him but critics say that could change. >> his definition of fairly has evolved over time. he conditioned his support for the probe on this fair treatment, which i think he will be the ultimate judge of. >> as for the justice department, president trump said he has the absolute right to get involved, but chose not to. >> hardly a day goes by without a president trump related event making news. we asked to what extent did the president impact the political scene in 2017. >> nbc bay area political analyst larry gjerstad within thoughts on president trump and events of the pastier the president making big news every day one way or the other. >> pretty much every day one way or the other of this year. seems like a decade crammed into it. but i think there are a couple of things about the trump administration this make him the number one story. can you start with the roll back of the obama legacy. talking about regulations when he ran for office he said for every one regulation i'll take back two. actually for every one new regulation under trump he has taken back 3.4 old regulations. that is a rewrite we have to look at foreign policy. the when will idea of america first. also a means taking ourselves out of the world view. getting ourselves out of various compacts, trade agreements, even the united nations organization. this is a different direction for the united states we haven't seen in 70 years. then finally of course the word we started with early earlier, russia. it's been on the president's neck around his neck all year long. and likely to be that way for at least another year. >> okay besides trump what else made political headlines. >> women, me too, the whole idea of women finally coming forward in droves, whether hollywood, whether big business, whether it's politics, whether news, they have come forward they're now complaining about a sexual abuse from decades ago in some cases. we should have known this was happening really the day after the inauguration. why? that's the day of the women's march. 3.4 million people joined together most women many of whom by the way had placards deannouncing president trump. remember the 19 women accused him of the same thing. this country is really going through a huge change because that have. >> you got trump wsh me too one more. >> the democratic resurgence. they were dead after 2016 election. they had no energy whatsoever. you wonder what's going to happen? they were conflicted with one another. here comes a special election in off year when nobody comes out to vote. the resurgence in virginia. that's one thing. alabama, a democrat who knew there was one in alabama? and suddenly there is light, resurgence, enthusiasm and it makes won wonder as we get out of 2017 what 2018 will be about? >> all right. >> another exciting year i'm sure. larry happy new year thanks so much. >> thanks, larry. bay area cvp officer hit and killed by a suspected drunk driver will be laid to rest tomorrow. a public memoryual service for officer andrew camilleri held at the christian life center in stockton. the rookie officer was killed in a crash on 880 on krms christmas eve leaving behind a wife and three children. the suspected drunk driver is still in the hospital. kristy smith will be attending the memorial service. with will be streaming live on the chp out in force looking for other suspected suspected drunk drivers. over the weekend officers setting up checkpointing across the state. more than 750 people arrested for dui do you agree the last year's new year's weekend. about 30 people killed on california roads. >> we would really like to have that number reduced drastically. our goal would be zero. but we would like to get that number down. we don't want anybody to per ibish on the roadways. >> chp is urging revellers to designate a sober driver. they say it every year. but every year it gets ignored or if you don't have a sober driver use a ride hailing service if you plan to drink. new gun control laws taking effect in california on monday. january 1st, firearm rights advocates are setting sights on next year's election season. they say they're targeting state assembly and state senate candidates with track records of supporting gun cell. democrats recently lost the two thirds supermajority in the assembly. gun rights support he is say the democrats misused authority this year. >> we believe there are people in the state capital and in washington, d.c. who want to see all of america disarmed. three assembly seats previously held by democrats will be va cabinet when the state legislature reconvenes next week. leave the light show to the professionals or else. the new tool to catch people using illegal fireworks in the south bay. name of the woman hit and killed while walking on an east bay freeway to want we have learn the name of the woman hit and killed while walking on the east bay freeway this week. the alameda county coroner identified her as 29-year-old theresa selese. a car hit and killed her while she walked on the freeway. .the day after christmas. she leaves behind a 7-year-old daughter. the driver stopped, the cooperates with police no word on why she was on the freeway. >> a bid of a head scratcher. police trying to figure out how this truck ended up where it ended up on the edge of guadalupe crook. they found it empty near the intersection this morning. there is no skid marks or crash scene. no driver anywhere. police are unsure exactly how that got there. not far away an early morning car fire second a man to the hospital with second degree burns. near the san jose airport. investigators are trying to figure out how the fire started. but they say they believe the man may have been living in the car. >> with new year's eve days away people in the south bay have a new tool to file illegal fireworks. the city of designate opened up the fireworks holt line and web page just like for the fourth of july. but with one major change. residents now must provide some sort of evidence when they file a complaint such as video of someone light ago bottle rocket or maybe setting poff a roman candle something like that. nbc bay area responds first revealed how the city had fined a number of people based solely on aanonymous complaints without requiring any evidence. the city cancelled all the fines and change the policy after chris chumara did reports. councilman is urging everyone to celebrate safely. >> in the ideal world i'd like to have everybody celebrating pots and pans on new year's. we're certainly concerned about actually use of firearms because bullets do come down. >> san jose has banned all fireworks. you can see how hefty the fines are. $500 bucks for the first one. and 700 for the second. and $1,000 for the third violation. the reporting period ends january 3rd. opening again in february for the lunar new year. and again over the fourth of july. well how much are you willing to spend to bring in the new year according to wallet hub more than 80% of americans spend less than $20 of those planning to celebrate plan to ring in the new year at home. and a lot millions are going to be in new york's times square. another 20% at a friend's house. if you're still trying to figure out how you want to celebrate, just go to the website. we have an events guide showing a host of bay area new year's events. all right wherever you are on new year's eve hope you have a great safe time and the weather is cooperating. >> looks good. not too foggy. certainly rain not in the picture yet. we hope it looks like right now. in san francisco on midnight sunday. speaking of rain chances. making a comeback in the new year. we'll look at the forecast when we come back. will you be making a donation to your boss this week without realizing? it's possible. i'll show you how to avoid it. i'm consumer investigator chris chumara. nbc bay area responds next. year long from some of our viewers! we )re talking about the people who turned to "nbc bay area responds" for help solving their it's been christmas all year along for viewers. we're talking about people turning to nbc bay area responds for help. >> chris chmura has some recent success stories. >> we are talking about fsa, the accounts at work that let you stash away pretax money for medical expenses. we recently received request for help he is venious sarah and michelle had issues. we all have to know what happens to the balances at the end of the year. now, many companies require you to use it or lose it. we could only find numbers for 2010, 11 and 13. but hr analysts figure the average worker forfeited $138. that's $138 they could have spent but lost it. some companies offer grace period or a carry overto the new year. but that's not guaranteed. and it might be limited to just $500. here is the bottom line. if you have an fsa now is the time to figure out what's left in it and what happens if you don't spend it before monday. ps. here is fun fact. maybe to motivate you. if you forfeit your fsa money your employer gets to bank it. yeah, the boss. if you have a consumer complaint call us asset 1-888-996-tips or visit have a great weekend and happy new year. >> thank you chris. it's a mad dash to put the final flowers on the floats ahead of the one of the biggest parades in america. >> we have the video from the last oweses parade. hundreds of floats marching bands taking to the streets new year's day. an amazing display of color, dancing singing all kinds of stuff. the 129th year of parade. this year's theme is making a difference. "homestead high school marching band" will be among those performing in the tournament o >> more than 200 members of homestead high, the marching band among those performing in the tournament of roses parade. homestead high in cupertino is no stranger to the national stage. the group previously performed at the massy as thanksgiving day parade. most recentlily the super bowl at levi stadium. you can watch at 8:00 a.m. here on nbc bay area. >> congratulations ahead of time for all the things duffy you have done in the past. >> and dry for the parade. >> southern california looks fine. but start with the new year's day forecast but it's very interesting east of the rockies just how cold it gets in places you might not expect. let's look at the national map i'll show you. look at dallas, 30, new orleans a high of 40, 5 degrees in schi for a high. 18 in new york city. look at kansas city, 6 degrees. sue city, not even above zero for monday. arctic plunge east of the rockies. but the orange you see here in california, high pressure keeping us immune from the cold snap. look at the rain lurking off shore more on tuesday and wednesday. right now 5 in san francisco. hazy skies. spare the air continues through the smoky weekend. low 30s in sand rafael np and temperatures as we head towards the morning will be dropping out of the the 40s and 50s to low to mid-30s in the coolest spots of the north bay. again and we have to watch out patchy fog. to the afternoon temperatures running a little bit cooler than the upper 60s we saw today. mid-60s still possible around san jose and los gatos and campbell for the tri-valley highs in the low to mid-60s. and similar trend follows you across the san mateo bridge over towards designate o and palo alto. low 60s near 60 in san francisco. and highs under hazy sunshine in the low 60s for the north bay. so the changes in the forecast coming up during the weekend you'll begin to notice increasing clouds, maybe not so much for saturday but watch this hour by hour sunday. we'll see increasing high clouds heading towards midnight. it looks like a combination of high clouds above, and some patchy low clouds as we get into the evening there on sunday. then as we head beyond sunday now monday into tuesday, we begin to see bigger changes in the forecast. which includes rain showers increasing wednesday into thursday. here is one model's point of view on the weather oh pattern from wednesday to friday. the gfs has a third of inches of rain or the higher on the coastal mounen and generally .2 inch or less. the preferred long range model has been the european model which interestingly enough is the wetter of the two. you see a lot of orange on the map as it looks right now we could be seeing more than an inch of rain possible in the coastal hills and maybe down across aires in the valleys rainfall totals approaching a half inch or more. so as all of this heads up towards the sierra, starting tuesday night, wds, thursday, friday into saturday this looks bet err than 24 hours ago because if it hold up as a couple of storms come in as we go through wednesday and again early on friday, some of the sierra could pick up more than a foot of snow heading into the first weekend of january. the seven-day forecast really is out with the old in with the new forecast. you got clouds, through new year's day. and then tuesday a chance of rain showers as early as tuesday evening around san francisco. wednesday looks to be the wettest day moderate rain at times. showers to follow thursday. and then another system later friday into saturday rolling down the coast. hopefully that's the trend that starts with the new year which will continue as we've lost three to six inches of rain this month. >> taking january to make up for the mess. >> thanks. >> the warrior get set to host the charlotte hornts. >> but charlotte's favorite son watching from the bench. a preview up next. i'm grant liveman from the exhibits sports desk. a few days removed from christmas but the warriors fans have one more gift coming their way. if all goes well steve kerr expects steph curry to return. the four-time all-star has been out since the 4th when he suffered a sprained right ankle. earlier today sean livingston addressed the impact of losing curry and his return. >> him going down cause as void. and i think as a team and the coaching staff we've been able to shore up some of those -- some of the holes, not necessarily shooting but as far as executing, getting the job done, getting a win, and then secondly, you know, any time steph curry is in the building he is a threat. so, you know, just to have that option, have that weapon again, it's like, having a nuclear missile, you know, like for real, for a country he can go off at any time. >> so while the gift all the fans are hoping for is riveting. zau zau is hoping some fans have all the presents they needed. as part of the seasons of giving campaign he hosted five families for a holiday shopping pree. he spoke on what the event meant to him. >> it's a great feeling to be involved in this kind of situation where you make the, some people happy and put the smiles on their face. it's still holiday mode. and we just had christmas and family will have a chance to go for shopping. food is a great day for all of us. they get the gift cards in target. and we help the oct and the olden state warriors here to represent our team obviously. and help them to shop just buy some stuff for their themselves and for homes. and i'm sure they're going to be happy and enjoy. >> very nice work buy zau zau. a quick reminder after the news head over to nbc sports bay area for complete coverage for the bay area against the hornets. tip i don't have for 7:30 tonight. >> coming up at 11:00. san francisco ocean beach is not a swimming beach and now more people will know that. how the nbc bay area investigation prompted swift action by the government in an effort to save lives. tonight at 11:00. >> before you go one last check of the forecast a long weekend for a lot of people. >> and the weather will be trending a little bit cooler heading into tomorrow. we'll start off at 30s and 40s. patchy fog hazy skies in the afternoon. both tomorrow and sunday unfortunately spare the air days. we'll have air quality issues for new year's eve. then the clouds fill in on tuesday. and by tuesday evening maybe around this time we'll begin to see some rain move in wednesday should see the first wave of rain come through. a few showers thursday, friday, more rain showers possible. all this means more snow in the sierra too. >> thank you very much. >> good news for us. thanks for joining us. >> see you at 11:00. >> bye. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. ♪ >> announcer: now on "extra" mariah's new year's eve redo. >> thank you darling. >> brittany ready to rock vegas. >> want to hang out with me in vegas on new year's. >> the ultimate preview with the stars from vegas to l.a. to new york. count down to the golden globes, meryl streep, denzel washington, tom hanks, and the five movie that's could take it all. >> some of the best movies out there. then america's next top model is back. >> next level fierce. >> tyra and ashley graham unveiling all of the new twists as they hug for super model. >> you never seen as many

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