Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20171215 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20171215

the solemnity of this time right now. you talk about the fact there are a lot of people who want to pay their respects. it is amazing to outline all of the people that we have seen today from former mayor willie brown, nancy pelosi expected in the next 10 or 15 minutes. the people who worked with ed lee in various different capacities from housing to neighborhood organizations in china town to people who worked at city hall for a number of years but had very little personal interaction with mayor lee, to people who knew him for decades. we've kind of seen the entire gamut out here right now. i'm going to show you the scene. these are folks waiting to stand in line. it snakes down the steps here and goes all the way around the block and out there towards m l mcalister. the capacity is 3,000. right now there are several hundred out here, as chris our photographer shows you the setup, you seat the american flag foisted above two ladders here to show just the importance of this event, but it's almost a contradiction of sorts to mayor ed lee. he was such a humble man. here there is so much pomp and circumstance and people are so moved by what he has done by the city. talking about the arrival of the casket this morning, you know, you mentioned that happened at 7:00. it was from dugan's funeral home. arrived just private to 7:00. i was speaking with members of mayor ed lee's staff joking he's always early for everything. lying in state he comes in two or three minutes early. they thought that was so signature of the kind of person he was. let's show you inside what it looks like now in the rotunda. you will see the casket wrapped in an american flag. there are honor guards surrounding it on both sides. two from the san francisco police department, two deputies from the san francisco sheriff's department. they are actually rotating every 20 minutes, that includes about 12 people there watching over his casket. you will see people coming down that line and walking around the ropes and standing in front of the casket. they've been expressing themselves in all different manners. some have been bowing, some saluting, some crying. a lot of members of the chinese american community here came and bowed three times. i'm told there is special significance to that. odd numbers in chinese culture are considered to be lucky, also because of the fact that there is one bow to acknowledge heaven and earth, one bow to acknowledge the person passed away, mayor ed lee, one bow for his family. i spoke earlier this morning with people who knew him so well. mayor willie brown being one of them. talking about this is the fact that someone who had a unique characteristic for a politician. take a listen. >> he actually had the ability to listen. most politicians cannot listen. and i suspect that people reacted because he actually looked them in the eye, he heard their name that they game him, he gave them his name and he absolutely listened to the next word they said. >> all my sense of him was how real and genuine he was. you know, even to the extent that the day that he passed, he was shopping for groceries in safeway in the neighborhood. >> reporter: you know, i spoke with some folks as well who said that they had interactions with him and they knew where he lived in glenn park and said he was just a regular guy in a normal home. i think that's kind of the one characteristic of mayor lee that sticks out above all else, besides the civil rights work he's done through his career. now to someone who can price tagmatically and did accomplish great things for the city, including affordable housingy homelessness. many numbers of areas. just the fact he was someone people can relate to. they said, you know, i grew up in public housing i was an immigrant in this country. his life experience mirrored mine and i was able to connect with him that way. this is going to be going until 7:00 this evening. that is when they officially end the lying in state. we're going to be covering it from start to finish and bring you updates throughout the day. we'll have all sorts of insights from the people who ham have come out to pay their respects to ed lee. sam brook, nbc bay area news. >> earlier this morning, mayor lee's body was driven from a funeral home in daly city to san francisco city hall, where you saw it there. the path took a stop in city's glenn park neighborhood. that's mayor lee's home, then down market street. now on the ground, silence louder than words. you can see the police officers there saluting them. very somber moment as the casket reached the doors. the fire department also raise aid giant american flag in front of city hall. you saw it in sam's live report there to honor the mayor. we will be covering this memorial all day long. go to our website if you'd like to read more about it. mayor ed lee's life and achievements. and we will certainly air his memorial sunday right here on nbc bay area. and on the television network kozy as well as online. follow nbc bay area on twitter for updates. turning now to our weekend forecast. we want to look like at san jose this morning. looking a little bit hazy. though it is almost christmas time, the bay area still facing a threat of wildfires this weekend. the national weather service issued a red flag warning starting at 10:00 tonight and will continue through 10:00 sunday morning. this is for the santa cruz mountains, the east bay hills, the north bay hills and the diablo range. >> forecasters worried low humidity and gusty winds will add to that fire danger. for that reason, do not burn anything outside. let's turn to meteorologist kari hall. what are the conditions going to be like this weekend? >> it's going to be so dry. once the winds start to make up that's going to raise our fire danger. any sparks could spread very quickly. 51 in sunol and of course we have some very dry brush because we haven't had a lot of rain recently. looking live from mt. hamilton, all the haze that's settled into the south bay. it's 57 degrees now. the high fire danger starts late tonight, continues through most of the weekend and for areas above thou feet would could have wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour. with the bay area seeing sustained winds at 15 to 20 miles per hour. all of these areas shaded in red under that red flag warning starting at 10:00 this evening. i will talk about what's ahead for the weekend as far as our temperatures and if we'll get any rain in this forecast coming up in just a few minutes. >> all right. thank you much, kari. well, we will continue to follow that red flag warning. we know you want to get back to the weather center so you can check those models as well. we're also following a different kind of breaking news this morning. a strong earthquake that struck indonesia's most pop list island of java. >> the 6.5 quake hit just before midnight local time and there are reports of death because of collapsed building. they sit on the ring of fire and have frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. back here at home for the second time in two days, again a swimmer was attacked by a sea lion in aquatic park. nbc bay area's pete suratos is there at the scene. just receiving information from the fire department about the park there. >> reporter: yeah, good morning to you guys. we saw that tweet from san francisco fire out of the golden gate -- >> we're having some trouble with your audio. it turns out there are the sea lion. we don't know if it's more than one. it could be the same one. that is attacking swimmers in golden gate national park. >> pete was telling us just in the last couple of minutes golden gate national park service decided to close the area altogether. before they were saying swimming at your own risk but closings the area altogether because of the second attack. >> boy, it's cold out there. in the two clubs going back and forth. apparently not today. in fact, we talked to a swimmer. take a listen. >> and we were talking about, you know, trying to talk to each other to swimming and without thinking too much about the sea lion and all of a sudden she said, oh, he's here. so i'm like, i don't know what you -- >> thinking pete should be asking them to get out of the water at that point. we don't know if that is the sea lion that we're talking about. but cameras were rolling when that other sea lion came very close to the swimmers at the south end of the rowing club. according to san francisco fire, an incident involved a 60-year-old swimmer who was bitten by that sea lion. that person transported to the hospital after 8:00 in the morning with non life-threatening injuries. they did know the swimmer, the folks we talked to out there and say he was bitten in the groin area. up until about an hour ago, they were planning on going back in. now the san francisco fire department saying, no, we are closing it off until we know what's going on. >> a very reasonable idea. >> speaking of sea lions, we want to tell you about that first attack yesterday afternoon. a 56-year-old man was swimming near aquatic cove near gear deli swear. .sea lion charged the man and bit him. luckily there was a boat nearby and sailors were able to rescue that man. here's what another swimmer says he saw. >> i saw a sailboat with a wounded swimmer on it who was waving and screaming at me to not go out there. and the wounded swimmer had deep puncture wounds i could tell. there was a coast guard vessel there. >> the sailboat took the man to pier 45, where the man was treated. at this point we don't know his condition. coming up, a roadblock in the republican tax plan. the problem the gop bill may face. plus, getting ready for recreational marijuana in california. the mad rush to get business licenses set up and ready to go. markets latest and welcome back here. the dow industrials and the rest of the markets industries seem back on track after a losing day yesterday. dow gaining 149. nasdaq up 79. and a successful launch for a recused rocket. spacex made history today when it launched a previously used falcon 9 rocket carrying a previously used dragon space capsule to the international space station. it's carrying supplies and as you see there, the booster landed perfectly on earth, its second time doing so. never before had they mated a used rocket with a used capsule. >> a twist in the gop reform for the tax reform plan and there might be opposition against the republican tax bill from within the party. earlier this morning, senator marco rubio came out against the bill, but that might be changing once again. nbc's kristen welker on the new hurdlings that have the republican tax bill back on shaky ground. >> reporter: this morning, the republican race for tax reform is hitting a roadblock with the final vote approaching next week, senator marco rubio says he'll vote against the gop bill unless the child tax credit is expanded for low-income families. the total credit in the current bill, $2,000. families paying little or no income tax would receive a refundable portion of $1,100. rubio argues that amount needs to be higher. >> unless they can figure out a way to add to the $1,100 figure, i won't support the bill. >> reporter: but president trump insists rubio will eventually get to yes. >> he's really been a great guy and very supportive. i think senator rubio will be there. we're -- >> reporter: rubio's fellow gop senator mike lee is also concerned about the child tax credit and undecided on the bill, according to a spokesman. all of it raising the stakes for republicans who can only afford to lose two votes. senator bob corker is already a likely no vote, concerned the bill will drive up the deficit, adding to the uncertainty, two republicans facing health problems. 80-year-old that cochran who has missed votes this week and senator john mccain battling brain cancer, now hospitalized at walter reed to deal with the side effects of his treatment. mccain's office saying he looks forward to returning to work as soon as possible. his close friend lindsey graham providing an update. >> he's had a heck of a senate schedule and i hope he'll take some time to regroup, do a little rehabilitation and come back and participate in the way that only senator mccain can participate. >> reporter: looming over all of it, speculation about house speaker paul ryan's future on capitol hill. citing sources close to ryan that the speaker is considering retiring after next year's midterm elections. ryan saying he's not going anywhere, yet. >> you're not quitting anytime soon? >> i'm not, no. >> that was kristen welker reporting. a san jose pot dispensary is one of the first marijuana businesses to get a license from the state of california, just 16 days before recreational pot sales are legal in this state. the bureau of cannibis control issued the first 20 licenses so far for the state and buddy's cannibis of san jose got two licenses for medicinal and adult use. kind peoples of santa cruz got six licenses, including one for distribution, as did herbal inc. of santa rosa. these are all temporary licenses good for 120 days. the state only launched its online licensing system last week, and in that time, 1,900 users registered with the bureau of cannibis control. 200 applicants submitted required documentation. this is a lot of paperwork here. folks had to submit business plans, there is financial information, labor agreements, and they had to detail how they plan to transport and inventory the marijuana as well as their plans for quality control and security. i did post those requirements in my twitter feed in case you are curious. right now only 20 licenses have been issued, but the head of the bureau said they plan to issue more ahead of january 1st. this morning, the mavericks suv contest is a go. it's gone through bankruptcy and a really difficult permitting process. >> a date has been set. january 3rd through february 28th. after the previous rights holder filed for bankruptcy. the event which used to be knowned as the titans of move risk -- the ownership change will also see women competing for the contest for the first time in its history and i say we buried the lead. >> i didn't know women didn't compete. >> no, they didn't. it was like why not? >> there you go, kari. >> you want to go out there? we're just wa waiting for the waves. all right, everyone. >> hopefully this won't be a dud this year. >> we need some storms in here to churn up the waves. we haven't had any real storms in the bay area so far this winter and we officially enter into winter next thursday. here is a live look outside in woodside. it is so hazy out there and we have these high clouds moving in filtering the sunshine and our temperatures in tiburon at 54 degrees. as we get a look at the castro, you can barely see the skyline there in the distance. we've had some low visibility and been choked out by all of the pollution that we have here that is being pushed back down towards the surface. really no good mixing here. we do have some unhealthy air quality. no wood burning allowed and it's most unhealthy in the north bay and the peninsula. we have some moderate air quality for the east bay and the south bay. if you do have breathing problems, you should limit your time outdoors. and also for people getting out and about, if you can, catch some public transportation and that may help just a little bit with our carbon emissions. our temperatures now still in the low to mid-50s. as you get ready to head out the door, a little on the cool side. low 630s and mid-70s today. cupertino, expect a high of 6 degrees. 68 in gilroy. hayward, we're looking at 66 degrees there. 69 in palo alto. and a light wind and for san francisco, 63 degrees in the marina district and 67 in novato and mill valley. seven-day forecast now up at the bottom of the screen. you'll be able to check oz out these temperatures and our rain chances. if you're going out to christmas in the park, no worries at all. it's going to be really nice. a mix of sun and clouds later on this evening. it is going to be fairly cool so make sure you have a nice warm jacket. it's also going to start to get windy, too, later on tonight and early tomorrow morning. our winds will be rushing in from the north and looking at our sustained winds from 20 to 25 miles per hour. the highest winds will be in some of the hills and those gusts picking up will also create our high fire danger that we'll have and hoisting our red flag warning. as we go into sunday, our winds will start to calm down, but we do have an upper level low moving through, that along with the high pressure that is just offshore, those pressure differences makes that air flow really fast. as we go into next week, a big change to this pattern allows for us to get at least a slight chance of rain in the forecast next thursday. until then, it's all dry. if you're going out this weekend to the raiders game on sunday, watch it right here on nbc bay area. going out to the coliseum, it's going to be nice and cool. great night for football. we will talk about more things going on around the bay area as you make those weekend plans coming up a little bit later. >> thank you very much, kari. coming up, save the date for the next royal wedding when prince harry and american actress meghan markle will tie the knot. on our homepage, we are pressing vta for answers after a light rail train struck and killed a pedestrian in san jose. this is the second time the light rail has hit someone this week. we're back in two minutes with more news. to honor san francisco )s late mayor. reaction - following ed lee )s weekend memorial. and commuters ... making people prisoners in their own homes! the action one local community is taking to stop the problem. today in the bay - monday - 4:30 to 7. sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. actress fiancee meghan markle well, save date. prince are andy and his american actress girlfriend meghan markle will be married in may and it will be the 19th. >> this coming may. it will be a wedding that will be watch add round the world. nbc's lucy cavanaugh has more from london. >> reporter: the date's been set for what looks to be the royal wedding of next year. kensington palace announcing prince harry and meghan markle will marry on may 19th. they announced their engagement last month with the prince telling reporters he knew markle was the one from the very first time they met. the couple attending their first royal event in noting ham earlier this month. earlier this week, it was revealed they will spend their first christmas as an engaged couple with the queen and other members of the family. they bucked tradition by choosing a saturday. royal weddings usually take place on a weekday. prince william and kate wed on a friday and the queen on a thursday. the may wedding will have been picked to give kate time to recover after the birth of her third child. the queen will be in attendance look with the rest of the family. prince george and princess charlotte look to take the roles of page boy and bridesmaid. lucy cavanaugh, nbc news, london. >> i remember the sleeves and all of the, you know, pomp and circumstance. it was amazing. >> it was cool. well, coming up, the city of san francisco and the entire bay area remembers former mayor ed lee. we're looking live inside the rotunda where his body is now lying in repose. the touching tributes we're seeing today. death of mayor ed lee. there )s been a long line all welcome back. we continue our coverage of the death of mayor ed lee. there has been a long line all morning outside city hall. >> thousands of folks are pay pentagon their respects after the sudden and unexpected death of mayor lee. and we've been bringing you live coverage since "today in the bay" started at 4:30 this morning. nbc bay area's sam brock is live at city ham where there has been a steady stream of people, and, sam, a lot of folks remembering kind of the humanity, the humanness that ed lee was known for. >> reporter: yeah, kris. that's exactly right. the relatability of ed lee. you mentioned there is a long line outside city hall. there still is. that's on the outside. we're back inside now at the white south court here and i'm going to tell you, there is no precedent for this kind of thing. i was just talking to members of the mayor's former staff. they're telling me this is the only time in modern political history that a sitting mayor has died. what you do do in this sort of situation, they're sort of crafting on the fly. i'd like to bring your attention to what's happening in the room right here. it's a memorial post people can come and actually after they've paid their respects to the casket, come and write down some notes and thoughts, reflections about mayor lee. it says on the paper there in memberorium. they have come and bowed to the casket, shed tears in many cases. all sorts of either religious or just sentimental ways to acknowledge the passing of mayor lee. they come in here now and able to write verbally their feelings as well. i'm going to take your attention to the rotunda itself behind me. we'll show you that on the top of your screen, the interior of the rotunda. and where i'm pointing just bond this door. inside is the casket wrapped in an american flag. there is a white wreath with flowers there in front of it. you will see the honor guards, two members of the san francisco police department, two members of the sheriff sheriff's department, they are all there, keeping eyes on the casket protecting mayor lee. they're swapping out every 20 minutes or so. one thing i did learn regarding the transference of mayor lee this morning, he was actually taken here to city hall by member office his security detail. the people who saw him on a daily basis, protected him and took him from event to event. a security detail that brought mayor lee in here today. right now we are watching as people are pouring out their hearts and coming out here, many of them black clothes -- knew him from the community or the things he accomplished in office. it's an incredible blend of people and community members. an ethereal quality to what we're seeing out here in the rotunda. this is going to be going on until 7:00 tonight. minority leader nancy pelosi i'm told is going to be arriving very soon. she is, apparently according to her staff heartbroken over this and here to pay her respects. we're going to be speaking to her in a matter of moments. we're keeping an eye on things here. let me send it back to kris and scott in the studio. >> sam, thank you. also today in san francisco -- nearly 70 new apartments designed for low income families. the people behind the project say they're honoring mayor ed lee's commitment to affordable housing. a nine-story building at 6th and howard in -- you can go to our website if you want to read more about mayor ed lee's life and achievements. we will stream his funeral on sunday. you can follow nbc bay area on twitter for other updates. the man charged in the deadly ghost ship fire have been ordered to stand trial. after two weeks of testimony, an alameda superior court judge says there is sufficient evidence derick almena and max harris are to blame for the fire that took 36 lives. as nbc nbc bay area's jodi hernandez reports, the ruling it a releaf for those who lost a loved one in that fire. >> they're very pleased the defendants have been held over. >> reporter: that's the reaction of at least some family members of the ghost ship fire victims. after a judge ruled there is, indeed, enough evidence for a trial. after hearing nearly two weeks of testimony from more than a dozen witnesses, judge jeffrey horner says there is strong evidence both max harris and derick almena played an integral role in the management of a death trap and are legally responsible for the 36 lives lost. >> it's a first step for them in getting the accountability and the justice. >> reporter: but the mens' attorney say they're confident they'll prove their clients aren't at fault. they say the real cup writ, the landlord and the city. >> this was a systemic malfunction on the part of the city of oakland. they allowed this to happen. the landlord allowed this to happen. >> it was orderly, it was clean. >> reporter: as the hearing wrapped up, the prosecutors read the name of each of the 36 victims, bringing tears to many in the audience. >> express every day and prayer and a continuous a -- >> reporter: defense attorney expect the trial to take place in the next six to eight months. in oakland, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> attorneys for the man acquitted in the death of kate steinle filed a motion for a new trial, jose ines garcia zarate appeared in court briefly yesterday. a sentencing date was set for january 5th. public defenders say they filed a motion seeking a new trial surrounding garcia zarate conviction for being a felon in possession of a firearm. >> he would be entitled to a trial on the single charge. he's already served his full sentence for it. so this is just an issue of whether or not he'll have this conviction on his background. >> a legal analyst said that the move is not unexpected and could help keep garcia zarate -- rather, could help garcia zarate when it comes to the federal case against him. both sides are due back in court in january. a grand jury has indicted two men accused of killing a san jose woman known as ms. flo. you probably remembered the case. prosecutors say the men beat flo avis douglas to death during a home invasion robbery last year. johnny brown jr. and zachary kuanne were indicted. willie king also charged with murder. here is what a prosecutor says about king's involvement. >> i can't discuss what happened in the grand jury, but mr. king was -- did live across the street from ms. flo and his role in what took place that day was more than simply an accomplice after the fact. >> king was arrested yesterday. three women, including the mother of one of the suspects, are also accused of assisting or harboring the specks. new information is coming to light surrounding the allegations against former "today" show anchor matt lauer. since lauer was fired by nbc, there has been enormous speculation about who made that complaint that led to his ouster. the accuser has maintained her silence, but nbc's stephanie gosk sat down with her attorney who has been working on cases of sexual misconduct for 20 years. to those searching for his client, he says please stop. he also said she's terrified. >> reporter: in his 20 years at the "today" show, matt lauer had become one of the biggest names in the media world, but it took one woman coming forward with her story, according to nbc news and roughly 24 hours he was gone. her attorney, ari spoke with us exclusively. >> she showed her face, gave her name and told her story. at the conclusion of the interview was asked, what do you want? and she said, i want you guys to dot right thing. and also i'd like you to maintain my confidentiality. >> what was it like emotionally for her? >> i think it was difficult like it is for all victims of sexual harassment. it's scary. that's why many women want to have those meetings and go home, close their door and never be heard from again. >> does she live with this fear that she's going to be found out? >> my client is terrified. and she does live in constant fear that people are going to, you know, track her down and figure out who she is. she feels badly for the many other women who are suspected of being here, who are also being hounded and harassed. >> reporter: little has been made public about his client's relationship with lauer, but according to nbc executives, the misconduct began during the 2014 sochi olympics. the attorney says nbc hasn't done enough to protect her identity. >> can you be more specific on where they've fallen short? >> i can say nbc has a duty to maintain confidentiality. that means to maintain secrecy of her name and to hold to themselves the details of her story. they have not done a good job of doing that. they know exactly what they've done and they need to stop. >> reporter: in a past statement, he wrote that nbc acted quickly and responsibly. an nbc news spokesperson said the network has president bushed the employee's anonymity all along and will continue to do so. >> there is a hunt underway to figure out who she is, and i think that's going to have a chilling effect on other women who want to come forward and share their story. >> reporter: he would not specify how nbc failed to keep his client's identity secret. >> she's been incredibly brave and she's helped protect the other women who work at nbc. she's also shined a light on the different ways women can come forward. >> do you think that we are at an inflection point right now for our society? >> i really hope so. and i hope we have the ability to go beyond outrage and beyond takedown jobs to actually fundamentally altering the way our culture works and the way that our workplace culture works. i think men need to be many steps forward. they need to start protecting women in the workplace when they see them being harassed. >> reporter: and this morning, another woman has come forward, the first to do so publicly. a former production assistant for the "today" show says she had a month-long sexual relationship with lauer in 2000, right before she was about to leave the company. she says lauer began sending her flattering messages, messages she printed out. then he invited her to his dressing room. it was a consensual encounter she first told "variety." but she was 24 and he was one of the most powerful men in the company. even though may situation with matt was consensual, i ultimately felt like a victim because of the power dynamic. nbc news declined to comment on the "variety" story. matt lauer has been terminated by nbc for inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. . >> that was stephanie gosk reporting. now, nbc news issued the following statement in response to ari. the network has protected the victim's anonymity all along and will continue to do so, as stephanie gosk reported. she also reached out to matt lauer's representatives who said he had no further comment at this point. more women are accusing dustin hoffman of sexual misconduct. an article published thursday by "variety" describes an incident 37 years ago in which a 16-year-old girl says hoffman exposed himself in a new york hotel room. she was a classmate of hoffman's daughter. said she was invited to his hotel room to wait for her mother after hoffman had dinner with both of the teens. thomas said after hoffman's daughter left the room, took a shower, came out wearing only a towel, which he told "variety" he dropped exposing himself. nbc news had reached out to hoffman for comment, he has yet to respond. >> kari, what are we thinking for our weekend forecast? it's so very hazy out there as we take a live look outside in palo alto. our air quality will improve but the winds will pick up. we'll have a high fire danger. palo alto's temperature trend for the rest of the day. still well above normal and a mix of more clouds. as we go into tonight, we'll start to feel the breezes and talk about how strong the winds get coming up next. a toy that is so hot right now, fraudsters are selling fake. where and why it's a possible danger, next. all right. finger listening -- fingerlings. they're little monkeys. fraudsters are counterfeiting the hot toy. >> consumer investigator chris chmura tells us where he found them plus the potential risks. >> one of our producers bought what looked like fingerling on and this is what she got. the packaging and toy are nearly identical, but the name fingerlings is missing on the packaging. check out how batterys is misspelled. an nbc viewer in new jersey had a similar experience. she ordered two fingerlings on walmart's website. >> the second came in not as a fingerling, but as a happy monkey, not the color, not looking like it, not the brand, nothing like it. >> what's the harm? the public interest research group said fake toys buy pass federal safety inspections, potentially putting your kids at risk. we haven't heard about any safety issues with these knock-office. walmart said it wasn't selling the fake fingerlings, it was third-party sellers. they were on its website -- after we made contact, walmart then booted those sellers off its site and gave our producer a refund. if you're in the market for authentic fingerlings, make sure you see the legitimate company's name on the packaging. real fingerlings are made by the wow-e company. visit >> silly me, he said fingerlings, i thought he was talking about potatoes. a dog that was spoeed to just be a family pet is now a top drug-sniffing dog getting a national award in florida this weekend. that's duke and his hand her sergeant ed thor of the menlo park police department. we caught up with them before they left for florida, where they are being recognized for the american kennel club for k-9 excellence. >> i returned to pick up duke, walk flood his office and his entire floor was covered with shredded cardboard and suspicious little wet stains. and i thought my job was done. i thought he was going to fire me. the dog just pea -- >> he suggested that duke train as a police dog. duke also has quite the personality and followers on instagram. we put together a gallery of our favorites up on, including the one where the sergeant finds out that duke is afraid of spiders. it is so cute. he jumps on them, right? i posted that one on my twitter feed so you can look for it there. they finally made it to florida. it's just such a -- only five in the nation. >> that's cool. let's check in with kari and get a check of your weekend. >> it is looking really good. taking the dog out for the walk, hopefully no spiders in the way. seeing some very hazy conditions. take a live look outside in dublin right now. we've also had some very unhealthy air quality. big heads up about that. also taking a live look outside in san jose. in the distance, hard to see the hills with all of this sunshine. we will see the temperatures starting to rebound, starting to warm up after a cool morning start. it's still pretty chilly, though, in santa rosa, 49 degrees. mostly some low to mid-50s elsewhere across the bay area. the seven-day forecast up at the bottom of the screen showing we will have a chance of rain but not until next thursday. in the meantime, it's going to be dry. our high temperatures reaching into the upper 60s and low 70s. gilroy, expect a high of 68 degrees. 70 in danville. oakland will be up to 65 degrees. vallejo 63 degrees there and 68 degrees in redwood city and san mateo. up to 67 today in the mission district. and in the north bay, sonoma, we're looking at a high there of 66 degrees. as we get a look at the weekend forecast and our high fire danger, the main concerns we have will be for those elevations above 1,000 feet. and that's where the winds will be highest. elsewhere, we will have sustained winds at about 15 to 25 miles per hour. and some gusts possibly at 30 to 50 miles per hour. and we know it's been so dry recently with those winds picking up low humidity, any spark that we see could spread rapidly. as we go into tonight, our winds increase. at about 4:00 a.m., you may start to hear the winds howling overnight and then also for the day tomorrow. some very strong winds throughout the day. the winds will not calm down until early sunday morning and then as we take the timeframe through 11:30 on sunday, our winds are still at about 20 miles per hour. then as we go through next week, we will be tracking a chance of rain. here we go through wednesday and thursday, there will be a cold front moving in. could possibly bring in some sierra snow. looks like computer models still back and forth with how much rain we'll get. it's pretty promising we have a slight chan of rain in this forecast. if you're kicking off the weekend with the san francisco holiday light boat parade, it's going to be nice out there at fisherman's wafharf, it's goingo be cool. los gatos, very cool with mostly clear skies and still pretty breezy. a live look outside in the sierra. still some snow on the ground and there will be a slight chance of flurries tomorrow. look at the high temperature tomorrow, very blustery and only 21 degrees. if you're going there for the weekend, make sure you have lots of extra layers. we'll take a look at our seven-day forecast coming up a little bit later. >> thank you, kari. will, coming up, a couple receiving several presents before christmas. a half dozen, in fact. here are the new parents of sex it up lets. ♪ this little home of mine, ♪ i'm gonna let it shine. ♪ it's energy saving time, ♪ i'm gonna reduce mine. ♪ californians all align ♪ to let our great state shine. ♪ let it shine, ♪ the power's ours to let it shine! ♪ unplug chargers - go, ♪ devices go off-line. turn thermostats down low, ♪ led's shine mighty fine. ♪ small actions quickly grow, ♪ to let our great state shine. ♪ energy upgrade california, will let us shine. ♪ going to need many, many more xtuple an early christmas present for a family that is going to need a lot more stockings. an alabama couple just welcomed sextuplets into the world. in case you didn't already know, six babies. >> the couple has a full house already. they had three other children. nbc's morgan radford has their story. >> reporter: three boys, three girls and each weighs less than 3 pounds. the little bundles of joy burn just under 30 weeks. >> the boys names are tag, lake and blue. and the girls' names are river, recallings and rain. >> who already has three children said the hardest part of her pregnancy was not being able to give her other kids her usual level of attention. >> it was nothing else than the challenge of trying to be still a good mom for them and growing these six babies and get them to where they needed to be. >> reporter: a team of nearly 40 medical specialists delivered the tiny tots. the group had been rehearsing for the complicated delivery. doctors say all of that practice paid off and everything went according to plan. >> there were six people there, waiting, you know, rushing delivered. they took them to their designated bed and that's where we had more team members there to help stabilize the babies. >> they say they're tired now and that's with the sextuplets still in the hospital's nicu. >> when they grow and we're actually responsible for feeding them and changing them and still taking care of our other three and trying to work and make money to raise them, that's when it's going to get real. >> reporter: six new mouths to field, six more hearts to hold. morgan radford, nbc news. >> it's going to get real, real. >> they are going to retire. this weekend, our documentary series baer ra revelation. the emerald trainingle hold to some of the world's best grown cannibis. trinity and men seen owe. growers are preparing for new regulations and say they're ready for big business coming into their small communities. >> we don't see that we're in comp tugs with any of the big pharmaceutical or tobacco or anything like that. we grow the finest cannibis in small batches. >> bay area revelations, sunday night at 10:00 right after the raiders/cowboys game. >> all right. we will be right back. sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. morning-- "star wars: the last jedi" is in theaters-- but don )or well, the force is strong this morning. "star wars" the last gentlemen di-is in theaters. >> we have been warned very sternly. ahead of the opening night for the new film. the movie already is fandango's top ticket seller of 2017 and expected to dominate the box office. early projections show the film made at least $45 million just light night, but it's officially opening today, right? >> it was midlight last night. it's already the weekend in that sense. let's get a last check of your weather. >> it's going to be great this weekend. although the winds will be bigging up, expect it to turn cooler as well. as we go into the next several days, all dry until thursday of next week. finally we might get some rain in here. >> thanks so much for joining us. our next newscast is tonight at 5:00. >> we will leave you pictures of city hall and mayor ed lee lying in repose. are ♪ we're live in five, four, three, two, one. ♪ deck the halls with boughs of folly ♪ ♪ fa la la la la la la la ♪ dawn we now our gay apparel ♪ fa la la la la la ♪ through the >> this is so exciting. >> it's our annual tradition. ♪ la la la la >> bottoms up! that was fantastic. >> we love you guys so much. it's not the holidays until they're here wit

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Daly City , California , United States , Los Gatos , Alabama , New Jersey , Redwood City , Sonoma , Florida , China , Tiburon , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Mill Valley , Californians , Chinese , American , Matt Lauer , Marco Rubio , Bob Corker , Mike Lee , Meghan Markle , Willie King , Nancy Pelosi , Jodi Hernandez , Danville Oakland , Gilroy Hayward , Johnny Brown Jr , Jose Ines Garcia , Sam Brock , Morgan Radford , Max Harris , Lucy Cavanaugh , Kris Sanchez , Willie Brown , Garcia Zarate , Kristen Welker , Don Orwell , Walter Reed , John Mccain , Hall Sam , Paul Ryan ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20171215 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20171215

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the solemnity of this time right now. you talk about the fact there are a lot of people who want to pay their respects. it is amazing to outline all of the people that we have seen today from former mayor willie brown, nancy pelosi expected in the next 10 or 15 minutes. the people who worked with ed lee in various different capacities from housing to neighborhood organizations in china town to people who worked at city hall for a number of years but had very little personal interaction with mayor lee, to people who knew him for decades. we've kind of seen the entire gamut out here right now. i'm going to show you the scene. these are folks waiting to stand in line. it snakes down the steps here and goes all the way around the block and out there towards m l mcalister. the capacity is 3,000. right now there are several hundred out here, as chris our photographer shows you the setup, you seat the american flag foisted above two ladders here to show just the importance of this event, but it's almost a contradiction of sorts to mayor ed lee. he was such a humble man. here there is so much pomp and circumstance and people are so moved by what he has done by the city. talking about the arrival of the casket this morning, you know, you mentioned that happened at 7:00. it was from dugan's funeral home. arrived just private to 7:00. i was speaking with members of mayor ed lee's staff joking he's always early for everything. lying in state he comes in two or three minutes early. they thought that was so signature of the kind of person he was. let's show you inside what it looks like now in the rotunda. you will see the casket wrapped in an american flag. there are honor guards surrounding it on both sides. two from the san francisco police department, two deputies from the san francisco sheriff's department. they are actually rotating every 20 minutes, that includes about 12 people there watching over his casket. you will see people coming down that line and walking around the ropes and standing in front of the casket. they've been expressing themselves in all different manners. some have been bowing, some saluting, some crying. a lot of members of the chinese american community here came and bowed three times. i'm told there is special significance to that. odd numbers in chinese culture are considered to be lucky, also because of the fact that there is one bow to acknowledge heaven and earth, one bow to acknowledge the person passed away, mayor ed lee, one bow for his family. i spoke earlier this morning with people who knew him so well. mayor willie brown being one of them. talking about this is the fact that someone who had a unique characteristic for a politician. take a listen. >> he actually had the ability to listen. most politicians cannot listen. and i suspect that people reacted because he actually looked them in the eye, he heard their name that they game him, he gave them his name and he absolutely listened to the next word they said. >> all my sense of him was how real and genuine he was. you know, even to the extent that the day that he passed, he was shopping for groceries in safeway in the neighborhood. >> reporter: you know, i spoke with some folks as well who said that they had interactions with him and they knew where he lived in glenn park and said he was just a regular guy in a normal home. i think that's kind of the one characteristic of mayor lee that sticks out above all else, besides the civil rights work he's done through his career. now to someone who can price tagmatically and did accomplish great things for the city, including affordable housingy homelessness. many numbers of areas. just the fact he was someone people can relate to. they said, you know, i grew up in public housing i was an immigrant in this country. his life experience mirrored mine and i was able to connect with him that way. this is going to be going until 7:00 this evening. that is when they officially end the lying in state. we're going to be covering it from start to finish and bring you updates throughout the day. we'll have all sorts of insights from the people who ham have come out to pay their respects to ed lee. sam brook, nbc bay area news. >> earlier this morning, mayor lee's body was driven from a funeral home in daly city to san francisco city hall, where you saw it there. the path took a stop in city's glenn park neighborhood. that's mayor lee's home, then down market street. now on the ground, silence louder than words. you can see the police officers there saluting them. very somber moment as the casket reached the doors. the fire department also raise aid giant american flag in front of city hall. you saw it in sam's live report there to honor the mayor. we will be covering this memorial all day long. go to our website if you'd like to read more about it. mayor ed lee's life and achievements. and we will certainly air his memorial sunday right here on nbc bay area. and on the television network kozy as well as online. follow nbc bay area on twitter for updates. turning now to our weekend forecast. we want to look like at san jose this morning. looking a little bit hazy. though it is almost christmas time, the bay area still facing a threat of wildfires this weekend. the national weather service issued a red flag warning starting at 10:00 tonight and will continue through 10:00 sunday morning. this is for the santa cruz mountains, the east bay hills, the north bay hills and the diablo range. >> forecasters worried low humidity and gusty winds will add to that fire danger. for that reason, do not burn anything outside. let's turn to meteorologist kari hall. what are the conditions going to be like this weekend? >> it's going to be so dry. once the winds start to make up that's going to raise our fire danger. any sparks could spread very quickly. 51 in sunol and of course we have some very dry brush because we haven't had a lot of rain recently. looking live from mt. hamilton, all the haze that's settled into the south bay. it's 57 degrees now. the high fire danger starts late tonight, continues through most of the weekend and for areas above thou feet would could have wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour. with the bay area seeing sustained winds at 15 to 20 miles per hour. all of these areas shaded in red under that red flag warning starting at 10:00 this evening. i will talk about what's ahead for the weekend as far as our temperatures and if we'll get any rain in this forecast coming up in just a few minutes. >> all right. thank you much, kari. well, we will continue to follow that red flag warning. we know you want to get back to the weather center so you can check those models as well. we're also following a different kind of breaking news this morning. a strong earthquake that struck indonesia's most pop list island of java. >> the 6.5 quake hit just before midnight local time and there are reports of death because of collapsed building. they sit on the ring of fire and have frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. back here at home for the second time in two days, again a swimmer was attacked by a sea lion in aquatic park. nbc bay area's pete suratos is there at the scene. just receiving information from the fire department about the park there. >> reporter: yeah, good morning to you guys. we saw that tweet from san francisco fire out of the golden gate -- >> we're having some trouble with your audio. it turns out there are the sea lion. we don't know if it's more than one. it could be the same one. that is attacking swimmers in golden gate national park. >> pete was telling us just in the last couple of minutes golden gate national park service decided to close the area altogether. before they were saying swimming at your own risk but closings the area altogether because of the second attack. >> boy, it's cold out there. in the two clubs going back and forth. apparently not today. in fact, we talked to a swimmer. take a listen. >> and we were talking about, you know, trying to talk to each other to swimming and without thinking too much about the sea lion and all of a sudden she said, oh, he's here. so i'm like, i don't know what you -- >> thinking pete should be asking them to get out of the water at that point. we don't know if that is the sea lion that we're talking about. but cameras were rolling when that other sea lion came very close to the swimmers at the south end of the rowing club. according to san francisco fire, an incident involved a 60-year-old swimmer who was bitten by that sea lion. that person transported to the hospital after 8:00 in the morning with non life-threatening injuries. they did know the swimmer, the folks we talked to out there and say he was bitten in the groin area. up until about an hour ago, they were planning on going back in. now the san francisco fire department saying, no, we are closing it off until we know what's going on. >> a very reasonable idea. >> speaking of sea lions, we want to tell you about that first attack yesterday afternoon. a 56-year-old man was swimming near aquatic cove near gear deli swear. .sea lion charged the man and bit him. luckily there was a boat nearby and sailors were able to rescue that man. here's what another swimmer says he saw. >> i saw a sailboat with a wounded swimmer on it who was waving and screaming at me to not go out there. and the wounded swimmer had deep puncture wounds i could tell. there was a coast guard vessel there. >> the sailboat took the man to pier 45, where the man was treated. at this point we don't know his condition. coming up, a roadblock in the republican tax plan. the problem the gop bill may face. plus, getting ready for recreational marijuana in california. the mad rush to get business licenses set up and ready to go. markets latest and welcome back here. the dow industrials and the rest of the markets industries seem back on track after a losing day yesterday. dow gaining 149. nasdaq up 79. and a successful launch for a recused rocket. spacex made history today when it launched a previously used falcon 9 rocket carrying a previously used dragon space capsule to the international space station. it's carrying supplies and as you see there, the booster landed perfectly on earth, its second time doing so. never before had they mated a used rocket with a used capsule. >> a twist in the gop reform for the tax reform plan and there might be opposition against the republican tax bill from within the party. earlier this morning, senator marco rubio came out against the bill, but that might be changing once again. nbc's kristen welker on the new hurdlings that have the republican tax bill back on shaky ground. >> reporter: this morning, the republican race for tax reform is hitting a roadblock with the final vote approaching next week, senator marco rubio says he'll vote against the gop bill unless the child tax credit is expanded for low-income families. the total credit in the current bill, $2,000. families paying little or no income tax would receive a refundable portion of $1,100. rubio argues that amount needs to be higher. >> unless they can figure out a way to add to the $1,100 figure, i won't support the bill. >> reporter: but president trump insists rubio will eventually get to yes. >> he's really been a great guy and very supportive. i think senator rubio will be there. we're -- >> reporter: rubio's fellow gop senator mike lee is also concerned about the child tax credit and undecided on the bill, according to a spokesman. all of it raising the stakes for republicans who can only afford to lose two votes. senator bob corker is already a likely no vote, concerned the bill will drive up the deficit, adding to the uncertainty, two republicans facing health problems. 80-year-old that cochran who has missed votes this week and senator john mccain battling brain cancer, now hospitalized at walter reed to deal with the side effects of his treatment. mccain's office saying he looks forward to returning to work as soon as possible. his close friend lindsey graham providing an update. >> he's had a heck of a senate schedule and i hope he'll take some time to regroup, do a little rehabilitation and come back and participate in the way that only senator mccain can participate. >> reporter: looming over all of it, speculation about house speaker paul ryan's future on capitol hill. citing sources close to ryan that the speaker is considering retiring after next year's midterm elections. ryan saying he's not going anywhere, yet. >> you're not quitting anytime soon? >> i'm not, no. >> that was kristen welker reporting. a san jose pot dispensary is one of the first marijuana businesses to get a license from the state of california, just 16 days before recreational pot sales are legal in this state. the bureau of cannibis control issued the first 20 licenses so far for the state and buddy's cannibis of san jose got two licenses for medicinal and adult use. kind peoples of santa cruz got six licenses, including one for distribution, as did herbal inc. of santa rosa. these are all temporary licenses good for 120 days. the state only launched its online licensing system last week, and in that time, 1,900 users registered with the bureau of cannibis control. 200 applicants submitted required documentation. this is a lot of paperwork here. folks had to submit business plans, there is financial information, labor agreements, and they had to detail how they plan to transport and inventory the marijuana as well as their plans for quality control and security. i did post those requirements in my twitter feed in case you are curious. right now only 20 licenses have been issued, but the head of the bureau said they plan to issue more ahead of january 1st. this morning, the mavericks suv contest is a go. it's gone through bankruptcy and a really difficult permitting process. >> a date has been set. january 3rd through february 28th. after the previous rights holder filed for bankruptcy. the event which used to be knowned as the titans of move risk -- the ownership change will also see women competing for the contest for the first time in its history and i say we buried the lead. >> i didn't know women didn't compete. >> no, they didn't. it was like why not? >> there you go, kari. >> you want to go out there? we're just wa waiting for the waves. all right, everyone. >> hopefully this won't be a dud this year. >> we need some storms in here to churn up the waves. we haven't had any real storms in the bay area so far this winter and we officially enter into winter next thursday. here is a live look outside in woodside. it is so hazy out there and we have these high clouds moving in filtering the sunshine and our temperatures in tiburon at 54 degrees. as we get a look at the castro, you can barely see the skyline there in the distance. we've had some low visibility and been choked out by all of the pollution that we have here that is being pushed back down towards the surface. really no good mixing here. we do have some unhealthy air quality. no wood burning allowed and it's most unhealthy in the north bay and the peninsula. we have some moderate air quality for the east bay and the south bay. if you do have breathing problems, you should limit your time outdoors. and also for people getting out and about, if you can, catch some public transportation and that may help just a little bit with our carbon emissions. our temperatures now still in the low to mid-50s. as you get ready to head out the door, a little on the cool side. low 630s and mid-70s today. cupertino, expect a high of 6 degrees. 68 in gilroy. hayward, we're looking at 66 degrees there. 69 in palo alto. and a light wind and for san francisco, 63 degrees in the marina district and 67 in novato and mill valley. seven-day forecast now up at the bottom of the screen. you'll be able to check oz out these temperatures and our rain chances. if you're going out to christmas in the park, no worries at all. it's going to be really nice. a mix of sun and clouds later on this evening. it is going to be fairly cool so make sure you have a nice warm jacket. it's also going to start to get windy, too, later on tonight and early tomorrow morning. our winds will be rushing in from the north and looking at our sustained winds from 20 to 25 miles per hour. the highest winds will be in some of the hills and those gusts picking up will also create our high fire danger that we'll have and hoisting our red flag warning. as we go into sunday, our winds will start to calm down, but we do have an upper level low moving through, that along with the high pressure that is just offshore, those pressure differences makes that air flow really fast. as we go into next week, a big change to this pattern allows for us to get at least a slight chance of rain in the forecast next thursday. until then, it's all dry. if you're going out this weekend to the raiders game on sunday, watch it right here on nbc bay area. going out to the coliseum, it's going to be nice and cool. great night for football. we will talk about more things going on around the bay area as you make those weekend plans coming up a little bit later. >> thank you very much, kari. coming up, save the date for the next royal wedding when prince harry and american actress meghan markle will tie the knot. on our homepage, we are pressing vta for answers after a light rail train struck and killed a pedestrian in san jose. this is the second time the light rail has hit someone this week. we're back in two minutes with more news. to honor san francisco )s late mayor. reaction - following ed lee )s weekend memorial. and commuters ... making people prisoners in their own homes! the action one local community is taking to stop the problem. today in the bay - monday - 4:30 to 7. sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. actress fiancee meghan markle well, save date. prince are andy and his american actress girlfriend meghan markle will be married in may and it will be the 19th. >> this coming may. it will be a wedding that will be watch add round the world. nbc's lucy cavanaugh has more from london. >> reporter: the date's been set for what looks to be the royal wedding of next year. kensington palace announcing prince harry and meghan markle will marry on may 19th. they announced their engagement last month with the prince telling reporters he knew markle was the one from the very first time they met. the couple attending their first royal event in noting ham earlier this month. earlier this week, it was revealed they will spend their first christmas as an engaged couple with the queen and other members of the family. they bucked tradition by choosing a saturday. royal weddings usually take place on a weekday. prince william and kate wed on a friday and the queen on a thursday. the may wedding will have been picked to give kate time to recover after the birth of her third child. the queen will be in attendance look with the rest of the family. prince george and princess charlotte look to take the roles of page boy and bridesmaid. lucy cavanaugh, nbc news, london. >> i remember the sleeves and all of the, you know, pomp and circumstance. it was amazing. >> it was cool. well, coming up, the city of san francisco and the entire bay area remembers former mayor ed lee. we're looking live inside the rotunda where his body is now lying in repose. the touching tributes we're seeing today. death of mayor ed lee. there )s been a long line all welcome back. we continue our coverage of the death of mayor ed lee. there has been a long line all morning outside city hall. >> thousands of folks are pay pentagon their respects after the sudden and unexpected death of mayor lee. and we've been bringing you live coverage since "today in the bay" started at 4:30 this morning. nbc bay area's sam brock is live at city ham where there has been a steady stream of people, and, sam, a lot of folks remembering kind of the humanity, the humanness that ed lee was known for. >> reporter: yeah, kris. that's exactly right. the relatability of ed lee. you mentioned there is a long line outside city hall. there still is. that's on the outside. we're back inside now at the white south court here and i'm going to tell you, there is no precedent for this kind of thing. i was just talking to members of the mayor's former staff. they're telling me this is the only time in modern political history that a sitting mayor has died. what you do do in this sort of situation, they're sort of crafting on the fly. i'd like to bring your attention to what's happening in the room right here. it's a memorial post people can come and actually after they've paid their respects to the casket, come and write down some notes and thoughts, reflections about mayor lee. it says on the paper there in memberorium. they have come and bowed to the casket, shed tears in many cases. all sorts of either religious or just sentimental ways to acknowledge the passing of mayor lee. they come in here now and able to write verbally their feelings as well. i'm going to take your attention to the rotunda itself behind me. we'll show you that on the top of your screen, the interior of the rotunda. and where i'm pointing just bond this door. inside is the casket wrapped in an american flag. there is a white wreath with flowers there in front of it. you will see the honor guards, two members of the san francisco police department, two members of the sheriff sheriff's department, they are all there, keeping eyes on the casket protecting mayor lee. they're swapping out every 20 minutes or so. one thing i did learn regarding the transference of mayor lee this morning, he was actually taken here to city hall by member office his security detail. the people who saw him on a daily basis, protected him and took him from event to event. a security detail that brought mayor lee in here today. right now we are watching as people are pouring out their hearts and coming out here, many of them black clothes -- knew him from the community or the things he accomplished in office. it's an incredible blend of people and community members. an ethereal quality to what we're seeing out here in the rotunda. this is going to be going on until 7:00 tonight. minority leader nancy pelosi i'm told is going to be arriving very soon. she is, apparently according to her staff heartbroken over this and here to pay her respects. we're going to be speaking to her in a matter of moments. we're keeping an eye on things here. let me send it back to kris and scott in the studio. >> sam, thank you. also today in san francisco -- nearly 70 new apartments designed for low income families. the people behind the project say they're honoring mayor ed lee's commitment to affordable housing. a nine-story building at 6th and howard in -- you can go to our website if you want to read more about mayor ed lee's life and achievements. we will stream his funeral on sunday. you can follow nbc bay area on twitter for other updates. the man charged in the deadly ghost ship fire have been ordered to stand trial. after two weeks of testimony, an alameda superior court judge says there is sufficient evidence derick almena and max harris are to blame for the fire that took 36 lives. as nbc nbc bay area's jodi hernandez reports, the ruling it a releaf for those who lost a loved one in that fire. >> they're very pleased the defendants have been held over. >> reporter: that's the reaction of at least some family members of the ghost ship fire victims. after a judge ruled there is, indeed, enough evidence for a trial. after hearing nearly two weeks of testimony from more than a dozen witnesses, judge jeffrey horner says there is strong evidence both max harris and derick almena played an integral role in the management of a death trap and are legally responsible for the 36 lives lost. >> it's a first step for them in getting the accountability and the justice. >> reporter: but the mens' attorney say they're confident they'll prove their clients aren't at fault. they say the real cup writ, the landlord and the city. >> this was a systemic malfunction on the part of the city of oakland. they allowed this to happen. the landlord allowed this to happen. >> it was orderly, it was clean. >> reporter: as the hearing wrapped up, the prosecutors read the name of each of the 36 victims, bringing tears to many in the audience. >> express every day and prayer and a continuous a -- >> reporter: defense attorney expect the trial to take place in the next six to eight months. in oakland, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> attorneys for the man acquitted in the death of kate steinle filed a motion for a new trial, jose ines garcia zarate appeared in court briefly yesterday. a sentencing date was set for january 5th. public defenders say they filed a motion seeking a new trial surrounding garcia zarate conviction for being a felon in possession of a firearm. >> he would be entitled to a trial on the single charge. he's already served his full sentence for it. so this is just an issue of whether or not he'll have this conviction on his background. >> a legal analyst said that the move is not unexpected and could help keep garcia zarate -- rather, could help garcia zarate when it comes to the federal case against him. both sides are due back in court in january. a grand jury has indicted two men accused of killing a san jose woman known as ms. flo. you probably remembered the case. prosecutors say the men beat flo avis douglas to death during a home invasion robbery last year. johnny brown jr. and zachary kuanne were indicted. willie king also charged with murder. here is what a prosecutor says about king's involvement. >> i can't discuss what happened in the grand jury, but mr. king was -- did live across the street from ms. flo and his role in what took place that day was more than simply an accomplice after the fact. >> king was arrested yesterday. three women, including the mother of one of the suspects, are also accused of assisting or harboring the specks. new information is coming to light surrounding the allegations against former "today" show anchor matt lauer. since lauer was fired by nbc, there has been enormous speculation about who made that complaint that led to his ouster. the accuser has maintained her silence, but nbc's stephanie gosk sat down with her attorney who has been working on cases of sexual misconduct for 20 years. to those searching for his client, he says please stop. he also said she's terrified. >> reporter: in his 20 years at the "today" show, matt lauer had become one of the biggest names in the media world, but it took one woman coming forward with her story, according to nbc news and roughly 24 hours he was gone. her attorney, ari spoke with us exclusively. >> she showed her face, gave her name and told her story. at the conclusion of the interview was asked, what do you want? and she said, i want you guys to dot right thing. and also i'd like you to maintain my confidentiality. >> what was it like emotionally for her? >> i think it was difficult like it is for all victims of sexual harassment. it's scary. that's why many women want to have those meetings and go home, close their door and never be heard from again. >> does she live with this fear that she's going to be found out? >> my client is terrified. and she does live in constant fear that people are going to, you know, track her down and figure out who she is. she feels badly for the many other women who are suspected of being here, who are also being hounded and harassed. >> reporter: little has been made public about his client's relationship with lauer, but according to nbc executives, the misconduct began during the 2014 sochi olympics. the attorney says nbc hasn't done enough to protect her identity. >> can you be more specific on where they've fallen short? >> i can say nbc has a duty to maintain confidentiality. that means to maintain secrecy of her name and to hold to themselves the details of her story. they have not done a good job of doing that. they know exactly what they've done and they need to stop. >> reporter: in a past statement, he wrote that nbc acted quickly and responsibly. an nbc news spokesperson said the network has president bushed the employee's anonymity all along and will continue to do so. >> there is a hunt underway to figure out who she is, and i think that's going to have a chilling effect on other women who want to come forward and share their story. >> reporter: he would not specify how nbc failed to keep his client's identity secret. >> she's been incredibly brave and she's helped protect the other women who work at nbc. she's also shined a light on the different ways women can come forward. >> do you think that we are at an inflection point right now for our society? >> i really hope so. and i hope we have the ability to go beyond outrage and beyond takedown jobs to actually fundamentally altering the way our culture works and the way that our workplace culture works. i think men need to be many steps forward. they need to start protecting women in the workplace when they see them being harassed. >> reporter: and this morning, another woman has come forward, the first to do so publicly. a former production assistant for the "today" show says she had a month-long sexual relationship with lauer in 2000, right before she was about to leave the company. she says lauer began sending her flattering messages, messages she printed out. then he invited her to his dressing room. it was a consensual encounter she first told "variety." but she was 24 and he was one of the most powerful men in the company. even though may situation with matt was consensual, i ultimately felt like a victim because of the power dynamic. nbc news declined to comment on the "variety" story. matt lauer has been terminated by nbc for inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. . >> that was stephanie gosk reporting. now, nbc news issued the following statement in response to ari. the network has protected the victim's anonymity all along and will continue to do so, as stephanie gosk reported. she also reached out to matt lauer's representatives who said he had no further comment at this point. more women are accusing dustin hoffman of sexual misconduct. an article published thursday by "variety" describes an incident 37 years ago in which a 16-year-old girl says hoffman exposed himself in a new york hotel room. she was a classmate of hoffman's daughter. said she was invited to his hotel room to wait for her mother after hoffman had dinner with both of the teens. thomas said after hoffman's daughter left the room, took a shower, came out wearing only a towel, which he told "variety" he dropped exposing himself. nbc news had reached out to hoffman for comment, he has yet to respond. >> kari, what are we thinking for our weekend forecast? it's so very hazy out there as we take a live look outside in palo alto. our air quality will improve but the winds will pick up. we'll have a high fire danger. palo alto's temperature trend for the rest of the day. still well above normal and a mix of more clouds. as we go into tonight, we'll start to feel the breezes and talk about how strong the winds get coming up next. a toy that is so hot right now, fraudsters are selling fake. where and why it's a possible danger, next. all right. finger listening -- fingerlings. they're little monkeys. fraudsters are counterfeiting the hot toy. >> consumer investigator chris chmura tells us where he found them plus the potential risks. >> one of our producers bought what looked like fingerling on and this is what she got. the packaging and toy are nearly identical, but the name fingerlings is missing on the packaging. check out how batterys is misspelled. an nbc viewer in new jersey had a similar experience. she ordered two fingerlings on walmart's website. >> the second came in not as a fingerling, but as a happy monkey, not the color, not looking like it, not the brand, nothing like it. >> what's the harm? the public interest research group said fake toys buy pass federal safety inspections, potentially putting your kids at risk. we haven't heard about any safety issues with these knock-office. walmart said it wasn't selling the fake fingerlings, it was third-party sellers. they were on its website -- after we made contact, walmart then booted those sellers off its site and gave our producer a refund. if you're in the market for authentic fingerlings, make sure you see the legitimate company's name on the packaging. real fingerlings are made by the wow-e company. visit >> silly me, he said fingerlings, i thought he was talking about potatoes. a dog that was spoeed to just be a family pet is now a top drug-sniffing dog getting a national award in florida this weekend. that's duke and his hand her sergeant ed thor of the menlo park police department. we caught up with them before they left for florida, where they are being recognized for the american kennel club for k-9 excellence. >> i returned to pick up duke, walk flood his office and his entire floor was covered with shredded cardboard and suspicious little wet stains. and i thought my job was done. i thought he was going to fire me. the dog just pea -- >> he suggested that duke train as a police dog. duke also has quite the personality and followers on instagram. we put together a gallery of our favorites up on, including the one where the sergeant finds out that duke is afraid of spiders. it is so cute. he jumps on them, right? i posted that one on my twitter feed so you can look for it there. they finally made it to florida. it's just such a -- only five in the nation. >> that's cool. let's check in with kari and get a check of your weekend. >> it is looking really good. taking the dog out for the walk, hopefully no spiders in the way. seeing some very hazy conditions. take a live look outside in dublin right now. we've also had some very unhealthy air quality. big heads up about that. also taking a live look outside in san jose. in the distance, hard to see the hills with all of this sunshine. we will see the temperatures starting to rebound, starting to warm up after a cool morning start. it's still pretty chilly, though, in santa rosa, 49 degrees. mostly some low to mid-50s elsewhere across the bay area. the seven-day forecast up at the bottom of the screen showing we will have a chance of rain but not until next thursday. in the meantime, it's going to be dry. our high temperatures reaching into the upper 60s and low 70s. gilroy, expect a high of 68 degrees. 70 in danville. oakland will be up to 65 degrees. vallejo 63 degrees there and 68 degrees in redwood city and san mateo. up to 67 today in the mission district. and in the north bay, sonoma, we're looking at a high there of 66 degrees. as we get a look at the weekend forecast and our high fire danger, the main concerns we have will be for those elevations above 1,000 feet. and that's where the winds will be highest. elsewhere, we will have sustained winds at about 15 to 25 miles per hour. and some gusts possibly at 30 to 50 miles per hour. and we know it's been so dry recently with those winds picking up low humidity, any spark that we see could spread rapidly. as we go into tonight, our winds increase. at about 4:00 a.m., you may start to hear the winds howling overnight and then also for the day tomorrow. some very strong winds throughout the day. the winds will not calm down until early sunday morning and then as we take the timeframe through 11:30 on sunday, our winds are still at about 20 miles per hour. then as we go through next week, we will be tracking a chance of rain. here we go through wednesday and thursday, there will be a cold front moving in. could possibly bring in some sierra snow. looks like computer models still back and forth with how much rain we'll get. it's pretty promising we have a slight chan of rain in this forecast. if you're kicking off the weekend with the san francisco holiday light boat parade, it's going to be nice out there at fisherman's wafharf, it's goingo be cool. los gatos, very cool with mostly clear skies and still pretty breezy. a live look outside in the sierra. still some snow on the ground and there will be a slight chance of flurries tomorrow. look at the high temperature tomorrow, very blustery and only 21 degrees. if you're going there for the weekend, make sure you have lots of extra layers. we'll take a look at our seven-day forecast coming up a little bit later. >> thank you, kari. will, coming up, a couple receiving several presents before christmas. a half dozen, in fact. here are the new parents of sex it up lets. ♪ this little home of mine, ♪ i'm gonna let it shine. ♪ it's energy saving time, ♪ i'm gonna reduce mine. ♪ californians all align ♪ to let our great state shine. ♪ let it shine, ♪ the power's ours to let it shine! ♪ unplug chargers - go, ♪ devices go off-line. turn thermostats down low, ♪ led's shine mighty fine. ♪ small actions quickly grow, ♪ to let our great state shine. ♪ energy upgrade california, will let us shine. ♪ going to need many, many more xtuple an early christmas present for a family that is going to need a lot more stockings. an alabama couple just welcomed sextuplets into the world. in case you didn't already know, six babies. >> the couple has a full house already. they had three other children. nbc's morgan radford has their story. >> reporter: three boys, three girls and each weighs less than 3 pounds. the little bundles of joy burn just under 30 weeks. >> the boys names are tag, lake and blue. and the girls' names are river, recallings and rain. >> who already has three children said the hardest part of her pregnancy was not being able to give her other kids her usual level of attention. >> it was nothing else than the challenge of trying to be still a good mom for them and growing these six babies and get them to where they needed to be. >> reporter: a team of nearly 40 medical specialists delivered the tiny tots. the group had been rehearsing for the complicated delivery. doctors say all of that practice paid off and everything went according to plan. >> there were six people there, waiting, you know, rushing delivered. they took them to their designated bed and that's where we had more team members there to help stabilize the babies. >> they say they're tired now and that's with the sextuplets still in the hospital's nicu. >> when they grow and we're actually responsible for feeding them and changing them and still taking care of our other three and trying to work and make money to raise them, that's when it's going to get real. >> reporter: six new mouths to field, six more hearts to hold. morgan radford, nbc news. >> it's going to get real, real. >> they are going to retire. this weekend, our documentary series baer ra revelation. the emerald trainingle hold to some of the world's best grown cannibis. trinity and men seen owe. growers are preparing for new regulations and say they're ready for big business coming into their small communities. >> we don't see that we're in comp tugs with any of the big pharmaceutical or tobacco or anything like that. we grow the finest cannibis in small batches. >> bay area revelations, sunday night at 10:00 right after the raiders/cowboys game. >> all right. we will be right back. sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. morning-- "star wars: the last jedi" is in theaters-- but don )or well, the force is strong this morning. "star wars" the last gentlemen di-is in theaters. >> we have been warned very sternly. ahead of the opening night for the new film. the movie already is fandango's top ticket seller of 2017 and expected to dominate the box office. early projections show the film made at least $45 million just light night, but it's officially opening today, right? >> it was midlight last night. it's already the weekend in that sense. let's get a last check of your weather. >> it's going to be great this weekend. although the winds will be bigging up, expect it to turn cooler as well. as we go into the next several days, all dry until thursday of next week. finally we might get some rain in here. >> thanks so much for joining us. our next newscast is tonight at 5:00. >> we will leave you pictures of city hall and mayor ed lee lying in repose. are ♪ we're live in five, four, three, two, one. ♪ deck the halls with boughs of folly ♪ ♪ fa la la la la la la la ♪ dawn we now our gay apparel ♪ fa la la la la la ♪ through the >> this is so exciting. >> it's our annual tradition. ♪ la la la la >> bottoms up! that was fantastic. >> we love you guys so much. it's not the holidays until they're here wit

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