Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News 20171201 : comparemel

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News 20171201

how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. has crazy low prices. do you know how we do it? - how? - bargainomics! say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. we've got name-brand, top-quality groceries priced 40-70% off every day. bargainomics. that's our business model. and our business model is... delicious. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ reaction pouring in tonight, after a verdict in the kate steinle murder trial. . right now, a developing story. reaction pouring in tonight after a verdict in the kate steinly murder triae murder tri. >> we're on in prime-time because of thursday night baseball here in the bay area. there are new angles are a plomting president trump to respond a moment ago. there were no cameras or -- the r you saw jose and inez hugging her public attorney. another sketch as the verdict was being read. >> the injure chose not to speak after the trial. they were given the opportunity but instead they exited through the back door of the courteous. president trump responded by saying a disgrazeful verdict in the indicate steinle case. no wonder -- >> let's begin with nbc bay area sam brock who's been in the court room every day of this case. youryou're eyes and ears inside that courtroom. what was the reaction? >> obviously we've been covering this. there was an overwhelming sense yesterday that the verdict was going to come down. when it didn't, the activity just dieltd up another notch. i'll say all the people there in the laul of justice, at about 3:00 today when the verdict came out, a hush over the second floor of the hall of justice. within an hour of that we were filing into court. no family, little journalist and little emotion inside the courtroom. >> the court clerk held up a thin stack of papers and read the fate of jose garcia za ratay, who was found not guilty of murder charges and guilty of felony. >> they deliberated as a group. they heard readback testimony. >> even as matt gonzalez explained the jury's thorough approach, the defense team acknowledged the pain felt by the steinle family. >> this was an inare -- incomprehensible. >> the verdict was read. sprung up on both interviews. >> jury came back with the jury that they did. we will respect that decision. but again, this is enough. this is about the steinle family. they've showed incredible endurance. >> defense counsel hugging the defendant as all parties let the voerd soak in. -- verdict soak in. >> i was telling you as i was watching this i could only see the profile of mr. zarate's face. there was no change to his face. at one point it looked like he my cracked a little bit of a smile but really for the most part very stoic. you can see people hugging him. it did not seem celebratory. itself seemed grateful. >> ok. thank you. the steinle family did not speak publicly after the verdict was announced but they talked to the san francisco chronicle. the father who was with his daughter when she was shot said this. we're just shocked, saddenedaged shocked. he goes on to say justice was rendered but it was not herds. >> in the interview they talked about how herself death became a political issue. >> somehow or another got caught up inform immigration, trump. we have our views. but this is the death of my daughter. the mu any las vegas using her death as impetus for sanctuary cities and all we're dealing with now. to get back to brad's question, nothing's happened. nothing's changed except kate's not here. >> now, in spite of their sadness and their incredible loss, the steinles say they are happy that the trial is over. >> there are two issues at play here, the legal case and the political case. the judge was clear that they were not to consider those aspects of it. president trump zipt with his narrative, mixing politics and the legality of this. heeshs what he had to say about this case during last year's campaign. >> you saw what happenedst other day with the young lady in san francisco. it's a disgrace. >> tonight's fwreetweets echo e sentiments. >> garcia was deported five times. the senate has yet to vote on this. >> the president on the position drawing. the politics of the trial playing out on over front. ian cole joins us live in the newsroom with more. ian? >> the public defender addressing it moments later, addressing to president trump who he believed passed judgment before the trial started. >> the oerge of the united states, the president and vice president of the united states. let me remind them that they are themselves under investigation by a special prosecutor in washington, d.c. >> the attorney general jeff sessions issuing a statement shortly after saying in part -- when jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets, they put the public in danger. doesn't we talked with the chair of the political science department at san jose state, who expects the rhetoric to heat up in the next few days. >> wie been focused on other political issues, health care, tax reform. this is certainly going to put immigration back at least for the short term. >> legal analysts say this wasn't a political statement from the jury and there are procedures in place to prevent that from happening. we'll have much more on that at 11:00. >> thank you. immigration and come toms quick to react. the agency's deputy director four corners four corners. instead of releasing him back into the streets. statement goes on, today i have to work to take him into custody and deport him when san francisco releases him. >> coming up, we'll bring in our legal analyst who will have a breakdown of the case and let us know what happens to him next. >> the senate prepares to vote. rhetoric is flying from both sides of the aisle. a leading republican senator says the gop is making last-minute changes to reduce the size of its tax cuts. texas senators john cornyn is the reason is a complex trigger in the bill that would automatically have reduced tax cuts if the current cuts failed to produce more economic grope. >> we shouldn't let priks distract us and we won't. >> i believe if this will bill pass, it will be remembered as one of the worst public policy in decades. >> a new series of votes on the bill is expected tomorrow morning. >> straight ahead, getting their car window broken is only the first problem for people living in the south. the breakins having a ripple effect for one south bay community. >> next we're going to go live to pleasanton for more reaction. >> i'm chief meteorologist jeff lani laniery. when an unusual trend for the start. that's coming up just about 10 minutes. the kate steinle verdict. this is not just a local story... the legal and politcal fallout --- has reignited acrosth >> getting back to our coverage of the verdict issued late this afternoon. this is not just a local story. the legal and political fallout has renunted across the country. tonig tonight. here's a time line. steinle was shot and i would on july 1st of 2014 in pier 14 in san francisco. she was walking with her father. about an hour later the police rest. on july 8th of the blm confirms the gun used in the killing was stolen from a ranger's gun parked in downtown san francisco. in september of 2015, garcia zas ratay was formal rhode island charged with second degree murder. the trial began a couple months ago, in october of this year and the verdict teefd six days of deliberation. >> the town where indicate steinle grew up and where her family has many friends. give us the connection to the steinle family. there must be a level of disappointment. >> we heard a lot of things. but the one thing we heard was really just sorrow that they felt for kate steinle's family today. >> she went to amador valley high school. friends and family say she had more friends at the crosstown rival, too, because she wasn't one to fall into a click. they say she was a strong-willed young laetds from the beginning. people we talked to tonight outside the library reacted with anger and sorrow. one nan too upset to talk about it and a strong opinion of liz status as an undocumented worker. >> it's ridiculous. >> any other response? >> yeah. it shouldn't have happened. >> we're all like really feel bad about it. >> it isn't like 12 people have to agree, so, yeah, i mean, they'll have another trial. >> this is not fair for the father. i feel very sorry. >> i don't think that's fair. i think justice was not served. >> a high school friend said kate would never want her case to be a political issue. >> the one thing we heard from everybody just was overwhelming sorrow for kate steinle's family. tom jensen, nbc news. >> thank you, tom. we sent out a push alert once we got the verdict. >> a story you'll see only here. dozens of seniors in the south bay say they're being sent out in the cold, evicted by their landlord. dame mon trujillo joins us. >> the letter alived here yesterday saying the 80 seniors have 0 days to pack up, that the land lord did not renew the lease. there's a lot of anxiety and angst here. >> i'm very irritated, because my family lives here and he has nowhere to go now. >> the chateau gardens tells us the landlord told them everyone must go. in a statement they tell us the landlord is unwilling to continue to allow the building to b run as a senior living community and instead use for as another use. residents and family members are understandably upset. >> there aren't that many available in snows area. the next would be to go to walnut creek, which would really be far. >> i'm not happy about this. it's christmastime and you're putting my dad out on the street. i'm not happy. >> less than two miles from here is the new proposed google campus. family members speck hate that may be a reason why. nbc bay area news. >> first breakins. now a shooterage. the spike of cash burglaries has led to a shortage of glass to replace the broken windows. this was a long-standing problem in san francisco and now it's spreadsing to san jose. >> this is your new bmw. >> business is booming for this glass tshimanga mt and there's a reason. >> allbreakins, all vanlds lgs. it's wides spread. its does not matter what the area you live in. phones go nuts on monday morning. >> do you have enough glass to keep up? sometimes no. like this vehicle here, we're waiting. >> donovan made an extra effort to get hers replaced in two days. >> they said because there was a lot of break-ins lately. >> the sheriff's department confirmed it's bad and will get worse in the holidays. >> it takes them a second to break the window and run offer with the valuables. >> auto glass says they can more or less keep up with the demand. if breakins continue to spike, the situation is not so clear. in san jose, robert honda, nbc bay area news. >> let's bring in meteorologist jeff laniery. >> cold right now it's going to be cold -- >> cold until the studio, too. >> tomorrow morning, certainly some thirds coming into the for the and changes by did upcoming weekend. let's take a look at the forecast right now. we'll take you outside to san francisco. the city lights shining bright and some holiday colors on the skyline already as we approach december. right now, 55 in san francisco, dropping down to 53 once we hit 11 fm tonight you'll needs a jacks to starts tomorrow, temperatures in the 30s and dpoerlts. we'll have 6 in concord, 64 in napa. 60 in san francisco and right down to san jose, 65. changes again by this weekends. i want to get you that seven doi forecast. we're going to focus in on the best chance for showers coming up in about 20 minutes. what i also want you to see is dry weather from sunday through thursday of next week. i've taken a look at that long-range forecast and it's a trend. it's a little bit unusual for december. i know you guys are always interested in what's going to happen after those seven days. really, the next 14 days, the way we see it, no storming systems, a mild trend is. we have a weak la nina that could bring us rainfall into january, february, maybe into march. >> ok. thank you, jeff. an award for colin kaepernick. he's still unemployed. sports illustrated lon ords the former 49ers with quarterback. ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ quarterback )colin kaepernick ). sports ilst . he's still unemployed but a big honor nonetheless for colin kaepernick. sports illustrated named him the 2017 moll happened ali award. each year si and the ali family name somebody who embodies sportsmanship, leadership and philanthropy. 16 months ago, kaepernick started kneeling and sitting during the national anthem to make a statement about equality and social justice. >> the north way fires erupted and now crews are working to clear thousands of homes that were devastated. >> senior investigative reporter has learned what residents are not paying for right now may cost them more time and more money later. >> reporter: homeowners were told the government clean-up would be build to their insurance and they wouldn't have to pay for it. they also have to allow crews to take out their foundation. they're toxic and unsound. they say it's a one-size-fits-all is overkill. >> oh, yeah. >> do you think taxpayers will be held with a huge bill? >> they were in lake county and there will be here. >> it will cost you more. >> tonight at # 1:00, advice from the survivors of the valley fire in lake county. we'll show you the bills homeowners received. why it cost more than four times more than private contractors. we investigate tonight at 11:00. >> thank you, vickie. if you have a story, call 1-8 - 1-888-996-tips. >> still to come, we continue our coverage of the kate steinle verdict. how was the zft acquitted of all the primary charges. >> plus matt lauer reacts. the statement after being fired bid the today show. that's coming up. the verdict is in. and so is the controversy -- and confusion. we )re diving into all the reaction after the jury finds "jose ines . right now, the verdict is in. so is the controversy and confusion for many people. we're diving into all of the reacti reactionaged a jury found za ratay. >> we've been on in prime-time. >> after fleerl a week of dlik races, the jury reached decision in a case that's sparked nationwide debate. the jury convicted him of murderened manslaughter charges in the death of kailt steinle. he was found guilty of possession of a fire arm. today eats verdict already generating a lot of political reaction. >> let's bring in dean johnson. part of the confusion for people and maybe some of the shock value is how if he admitted killing her, the jury did not convict him through at least manslaughter. >> you want the long answer? >> we just want the answer. >> i think a lot of people saw it as at least voluntary manslaughter. this jury had the ability to judge the credibility of the witnesses and the strength of the evidence on those charges and i think what we're going to find out eventually is that most of these jurors said, yeah, we believe that he did something wrong. he may even have committed a crime but we don't believe the evidence was strong enough to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. >> even though the gun was shot from him, from where he was. >> that's what the evidence supports that. matt gonzalez did a terrific job of putting together a classic defense strategy just raising enough doubt about whether the gun was even fired by za ratay to place that concept of reasonable in the jurors' mind. >> what happens to him now. he's been in jail a little over two years, that counts as double time. could he potentially walk out soon? >> yeah. theoretically he could walk out the jailhouse door right now. his credit for time served rges more than equals the maximum he would serve for the one charge of which he was committed. i think he might not want to walk out of the jail. >> if we're a sanctuary -- san francisco is a sanctuary city and it's not cooperating, how will they know, what's going to move forward in the effort to deport him? >> a warrant for his arrest was filed with the san francisco county sheriff's department. the deserves department can't cooperate nobody can tell i.c.e. when he will leave the jailhouse. was the jury instructed don't worry about the political stuff? just worry about the legal part. so many people in the community, human nature, people will combine them. >> understand this is knots a referendum on immigration or illegal immigration. this is 12 people deciding a case on the facts and on the law. >> ok. three courts for the steinle family. we saw this in the criminal case. could this move over to a federal jurisdiction. >> absolutely. the trump administration has made this a political issue. if they think justice wasn't served, it's time to put their money where their mouth is and instruct the district attorney to prosecute him for the violation of kate steinle's civil rights. >> you've been around the game a lot. were you shocked or prized or neither snr. >> i was surprised, but the evidence is such, amounted the legal issues are so complex that pretty much any nuoutcome is noa surprise. >> thaurpgs for your insight. >> the steinle family did not speak after the verdict but they did sit down with an interview r with the san francisco chronicle. liz sullivan talked about whether or not he meant to shoot her daughter. >> i think for whatever reason, i think he did shoot toward them, which is very upsetting to me, but -- and i was hoping it wasn't aimed but unfortunately, i think that's what it was. >> you can hear the an gish in her voice. this interview is part of a five-minute interview produced by the chronicle. the family said they're heaping the trial is over. >> we spent the day with her family retracing her final steps. it wasn't easy for their parents but they relied on their faith, as they still do. here's part of the exclusive interview with kate's painchts. -- parents. >> we prayed every night. in closing i'd say close your prayers. i still do in a. i still talk to her. i have her phone. i go through her pictures. there's such solace in that we're such a close family. >> they are very close. you can see the bench at pier 14 dedicated to kate steinle. you can see it yourself." whatever's good for soul, do that" that was kate's final post on facebook before she died. >> their loss is just immeasurable. >> i think the faith part was really gotten them through. they can't get their daughter back but they're so close, it's really getting them through tonight and the last couple of years. we've been covering if verdict for the past eight hours now. we're posting reaction from across the country on our website at nbcbay area. >> matt lauer says he's ashamed and embarrassed after allegations of nbc reports now at least two more women have gone to nbc to complain about lauer. >> a day after viewers and co-workers lernlds the 20er year longs host. he expressed sorrow for the pain he's caused. to the people i hurt, i am truly sorry. while he says some of what is being said about him is not true. he writes repairing the damage will take a lot of time and soul searching and i'm committed to that effort. it is now my full-time job. >> nbc news fierds laugher about 24 hours after a female employee made an allegation of yin are appropriate sexual advances from him. two more have accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior. a former employee said he sexually assaulted her. following a two-minute investigation, variety described a pattern of alleged misconduct by laugher. a report says women say they complained to nbc executives about law ir. they alleged those complaints are ignored. they issued this statement. one of lawers former colleagues offered support. >> the courage of a colleague who did come forward. >> nbc news kwirmgs the alleged inappropriate behavior. chris palome. >> a hot target for thieves, mail, as yet another mail truck has been broken into. the truck from the st. james park station on 1st and santa clara in downtown san jose. the mail was stolen and people want to check their statements. right now fire investigators are searching for a car for a blaze that injured seven people in a san francisco high rise. it broke out on the seventh floor. around 1:30 this afternoon. firefighters say they could see flames pouring out of the windows. >> this is concerning because this individual building houses multiple elderly and disabled individuals. >> all five people were injured. all, though, are expected to survive. >> the driver accused of killing a north bay family has been charged with four counts of murder. he faces murders, dui and hit and drive charges for the crash on i-80 over chifg weekend. he had two prior dui's and had his license suspended or revoked five times. daryl horn and his 14-year-old son joe along with some extended family members, troy bitle died in the crash. the lone survivor, jared lorne, a pitcher on the baseball team. >> this is a horrific incident and we're going to to our best to get justice for the family. >> the family says they have faith that justice will be served. they tell us they're focused on healing and the wonderful memories of their loved ones. >> new sexual allegations. bloomberg reports multiple women are accused pishovar president five other women say he used his position to make unwanted skbul advances. >> up next on this special edition of nbc bay area news, not just menlo park. expanding into the east bay where facebook plans to open up shop. [drumming] one time, in new orleans, well, before it was even founded, a french teenager, bienville, scared away a british warship with just a story. and great stories kept coming. [trumpet playing] some make you move to jazz, funk and bounce. some of our stories aren't quite as straightforward. blocked by the saints! [crowd roaring] while others prove that great things can happen... even on a monday night. cause for three hundred years, great stories have started the same way. one time, in new orleans. [crowd applause] american airlines -- on damage control. america says it has not canceled . a follow-up now to a story we first reported yesterday. american airlines is on damage control. it says it's not cabsled any flights despite yuch coming holidays. thousands of flights were unassigned. merp airlines says that only a few hundred currently don't have pilots, only a few hundred current flights. that continues to decrease thanks to fights picking up those shifts. >> video from fire ranger says it lease two big office buildings near the eastern end of the dunbarton bridge. in july facebook announced plans to expand its presence in men low farc as well. >> they're jumping across the way. we'll have tesla and facebook in fremo fremont. >> the traffic! >> at least the weather's nice. >> you got it. you can see we're currently at 55 degrees dropping down to colder 40s for the morning. we're tracking a change for the weekend. that's coming up. >> plus, why city leaders say the term may be a little misleading. hi, we're alaska airlines, and we give you more than just peanuts. we give you all sorts of amazing stuff, like european biscoff cookies. hundreds of free movies and tv shows, that you can watch for free, right on your phone. and our rewarding mileage plan that gets you to over 900 mind-expanding destinations. if you want peanuts, check out our prices. alaska airlines. that's how we fly. alaska airlines. how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. leather furniture. so, if your holiday shopping incles . nbc bay area responds has hanltd several complaints about leather furniture. we have some tipts for you. not all leather is created call. here's chris kimura. >> shoppers captain assume a label that reads leather is 100% leather. there are no federal standards. so before you spend a whole bunch of money on a whole bunch of furniture, scrutinize what it's made of. go on line to nbc bay >> ok. san francisco may be ready to try something no other city has tried. tens of thousands of parking meters based on supply and demands. nbc's kristy smith explains. >> in san francisco's castro distance east arn is used to hunting for parking. >> i park out of the neighborhood usually. >> it's absurd. >> they call it demand responsive parking to allow more parking and less circling the block. >> this is a gradual increase or deedecrease in the parking rate. there's almost no space available. >> many busy areas of the city already have these rates. the idea is to go citywide, places like castro where daniel is the co-owner of tub and scrub. >> i think it's going toeb a benefit for the neighborhood. there's more cars that are parking and leaving, the more turnover there is, the more opportunity there is for new people to come in and shop. >> some people who struggled to find parking in different parts of the city have their doults. one man told us, these type of rate structures for meters actually keep him away. >> i got charged a huge amount. it was like crazy. to be honest, i wouldn't -- i'd avoid taking visitors down there, because ice so expensive to bring them there. >> it's a sign of the times. a security robot is now protecting animals. it's the san francisco animal shelter's new tool to keep burglaries and vandals away. we're going to introduce you to k-9. >> it looks like a rocket. >> it does. this is the new muscle for the spca. there's been a spike in car breakins and agree feety. the robot has helped k-9th. >> the white house grounds looking more festive tonight. the tree was lit this afternoon. mr. trump wished the merry christmas. mrs. trump pushed the button to light the tree. >> we want to live in a community rich with hope and a nation blessed with faith. >> this is the 95th national criticisms tree lighting. the first took place in 1923 with president calvin coolidge. >> it looks beautiful. jeff is back with us. say we have a baseball tournament saturday. is there any rain in the bay by sunday? >> i think you'll be ok. you're not going to need the sunglasses, that's for sure. we're going to go over the weekend changes coming your way. most important thing to remember, if you have anything to do tomorrow, weather looks great. i want to give you a birds eye view. there are some things moving right now. it's just we don't have a big chance of rifle over the next two days, even though we have two systems moving in. the first one on friday will bring us some cool air. the second one writes clouds and a chance of showers. we're going to pinpoint that in a minute or so. i want to take you into the friday morning forecast. it's going to be cold. the trivalley down to 38 tomorrow under the clear skies. peninsula 44. south bay feeling the chill at 42. north bay down to an average of 37, the number one cold spot. san francisco you need the jacket at 46 degrees. you need the jacket to start but probably won't need it to finish. in south way, 65 degrees in downtown. throughout the east bay, warm. 67 in concord. redwood city coming in at 2. heading to san francisco maybe a three-day? doing a little staycation, shopping in union square. a little cooler here on the outer sun set. going up to wine country, 64 expected in napa, a relatively light wind. rain approaches on saturday. this system looks impressive. let's show it to you right now. you can see there's a lot of rainfall with it. the problem we're getting into ist storm's center is located in the pacific. we'll see a slight chance of showers on saturday. it's mainly cloud cover we're dealing with in the first part of the weekends. we may see some showers system by 6:00 a.m. things will clear outer and we'll have sunshine building in. saturday question get the clouds. little built of wind kicking in. not much of rain chances. we're seeing an increase in sunshine. all the way through thursday of next week, dry weather. temperatures in upper to low 60s in san francisco. the cloud cover on saturday, a little bit of wind and dry weather all the way into next thursday as well. not too warm here on the temperatures. even twhoef all that sunshine we'll not see the warm air move on in. that's good news. next 14 days, no big storm systems coming our way. we may have to wait until january to see this pattern kicking in. i'm not seeing any complaints there. >> we need to do a rain dance at some point. >> so many things to do. people probably ok where that. >> you're mg beaming over here. >> up nexts i heard about dirty harry, right? how about horrible harry? colin rush joins us next. ♪ the reuben is back for a limited time at subway. so much reuben. washington at dallas.. tonht . ok. did you with which right here on thursday night fable. washington at dallas. tonight's loser essentially out of the playoff race, but the cowboys certainly didn't loose. they were in control for most of the night. returns this punt 83 yards for the touchdown. a huge win for dallas. 38-14. the cowboys visit the raiders in oakland on december 17th. >> they have a big football game tomorrow at the stadium. it's stanford against usc for the pac-12 championship. >> you going to watch? >> no. >> a defy known as horrible harry. it's a good day. here's more. >> cannot escape. horrible harry 66. >> do you mind when people call you horrible harry? >> no. i have think it's kind of cool because everybody who knows me on a personal level is you're completely not horrible harry. >> there's an explanation. >> i didn't know what a catchy name to come up with and i was sitting there with my mom and she said why don't you go with horrible harry. it stuck and i guess there is a horrible harry in all my sporting events when i'm on the field during competition. >> his competition sees him that way. heading into friday night's pac-12 championship game here at levi stamd, only justin reed has more tackles. >> i just do my job and i mean as a big guy, strong, physical, that's just what the outcome is. it's a horrible disaster. i'm disruptive. >> the disruptions have been named. the rewards given to the player who exhibit characteristics. he's active in the community. >> that was more special to me because seeing thes pass runners. i've bumped into him a few times at charitable events we've been at together. so it is really cool to see what he's done with his platform and to leave an imfact. which is kpchl what i wants to do with the score. >> we are rooting for horrible harry. guess who's back in the headlines tonight? tiger woods. it's been almost a year since he's played golf competitively but that changed today. teeing off in the bahamas. he fingerished the 3 under par. he's in 18th place of 18 golfers. woods underwent back surgery and was charged with dui. >> all eyes on russia. the state kremlin palace will host the fifa world cup draw. it will determined the groups for the national teams. you can watch on our sister station beginning tomorrow morning. >> this is exciting. >> jeff, close us out here in prime-time as we go into friday. >> very nice weather. 65 degrees. by saturday, clouds increase, a little breezy, a slight chance of a shower. dry good thursday to sunday. if you're headed to lake tahoe, clouds on saturdayaged maybe a snow shower. >> skiing. >> that, i would do. >> see i back here at 11:00. >> bye-bye. eek we're in kansas city in st. joseph, missouri spending two days with nfl veteran and chiefs quarterback alex smith. >> i haven't reached my full potential. >> after a stand out college career, smith was drafted number one and tasked with turning around the struggling 49ers franchise. >> i'm down with the head coach on the sideline that's in my face and screaming at me on top of fans chanting for the back up. >> his first pro years were filled with team instability, poor play. >> there were a lot of things i wish i could have gone back and been a better friend. >> his fortunes changed when he came to the chiefs. smith invites us to sit down with him at his kansas city home along with his conversation wife

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News 20171201 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News 20171201

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how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. has crazy low prices. do you know how we do it? - how? - bargainomics! say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. we've got name-brand, top-quality groceries priced 40-70% off every day. bargainomics. that's our business model. and our business model is... delicious. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ reaction pouring in tonight, after a verdict in the kate steinle murder trial. . right now, a developing story. reaction pouring in tonight after a verdict in the kate steinly murder triae murder tri. >> we're on in prime-time because of thursday night baseball here in the bay area. there are new angles are a plomting president trump to respond a moment ago. there were no cameras or -- the r you saw jose and inez hugging her public attorney. another sketch as the verdict was being read. >> the injure chose not to speak after the trial. they were given the opportunity but instead they exited through the back door of the courteous. president trump responded by saying a disgrazeful verdict in the indicate steinle case. no wonder -- >> let's begin with nbc bay area sam brock who's been in the court room every day of this case. youryou're eyes and ears inside that courtroom. what was the reaction? >> obviously we've been covering this. there was an overwhelming sense yesterday that the verdict was going to come down. when it didn't, the activity just dieltd up another notch. i'll say all the people there in the laul of justice, at about 3:00 today when the verdict came out, a hush over the second floor of the hall of justice. within an hour of that we were filing into court. no family, little journalist and little emotion inside the courtroom. >> the court clerk held up a thin stack of papers and read the fate of jose garcia za ratay, who was found not guilty of murder charges and guilty of felony. >> they deliberated as a group. they heard readback testimony. >> even as matt gonzalez explained the jury's thorough approach, the defense team acknowledged the pain felt by the steinle family. >> this was an inare -- incomprehensible. >> the verdict was read. sprung up on both interviews. >> jury came back with the jury that they did. we will respect that decision. but again, this is enough. this is about the steinle family. they've showed incredible endurance. >> defense counsel hugging the defendant as all parties let the voerd soak in. -- verdict soak in. >> i was telling you as i was watching this i could only see the profile of mr. zarate's face. there was no change to his face. at one point it looked like he my cracked a little bit of a smile but really for the most part very stoic. you can see people hugging him. it did not seem celebratory. itself seemed grateful. >> ok. thank you. the steinle family did not speak publicly after the verdict was announced but they talked to the san francisco chronicle. the father who was with his daughter when she was shot said this. we're just shocked, saddenedaged shocked. he goes on to say justice was rendered but it was not herds. >> in the interview they talked about how herself death became a political issue. >> somehow or another got caught up inform immigration, trump. we have our views. but this is the death of my daughter. the mu any las vegas using her death as impetus for sanctuary cities and all we're dealing with now. to get back to brad's question, nothing's happened. nothing's changed except kate's not here. >> now, in spite of their sadness and their incredible loss, the steinles say they are happy that the trial is over. >> there are two issues at play here, the legal case and the political case. the judge was clear that they were not to consider those aspects of it. president trump zipt with his narrative, mixing politics and the legality of this. heeshs what he had to say about this case during last year's campaign. >> you saw what happenedst other day with the young lady in san francisco. it's a disgrace. >> tonight's fwreetweets echo e sentiments. >> garcia was deported five times. the senate has yet to vote on this. >> the president on the position drawing. the politics of the trial playing out on over front. ian cole joins us live in the newsroom with more. ian? >> the public defender addressing it moments later, addressing to president trump who he believed passed judgment before the trial started. >> the oerge of the united states, the president and vice president of the united states. let me remind them that they are themselves under investigation by a special prosecutor in washington, d.c. >> the attorney general jeff sessions issuing a statement shortly after saying in part -- when jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets, they put the public in danger. doesn't we talked with the chair of the political science department at san jose state, who expects the rhetoric to heat up in the next few days. >> wie been focused on other political issues, health care, tax reform. this is certainly going to put immigration back at least for the short term. >> legal analysts say this wasn't a political statement from the jury and there are procedures in place to prevent that from happening. we'll have much more on that at 11:00. >> thank you. immigration and come toms quick to react. the agency's deputy director four corners four corners. instead of releasing him back into the streets. statement goes on, today i have to work to take him into custody and deport him when san francisco releases him. >> coming up, we'll bring in our legal analyst who will have a breakdown of the case and let us know what happens to him next. >> the senate prepares to vote. rhetoric is flying from both sides of the aisle. a leading republican senator says the gop is making last-minute changes to reduce the size of its tax cuts. texas senators john cornyn is the reason is a complex trigger in the bill that would automatically have reduced tax cuts if the current cuts failed to produce more economic grope. >> we shouldn't let priks distract us and we won't. >> i believe if this will bill pass, it will be remembered as one of the worst public policy in decades. >> a new series of votes on the bill is expected tomorrow morning. >> straight ahead, getting their car window broken is only the first problem for people living in the south. the breakins having a ripple effect for one south bay community. >> next we're going to go live to pleasanton for more reaction. >> i'm chief meteorologist jeff lani laniery. when an unusual trend for the start. that's coming up just about 10 minutes. the kate steinle verdict. this is not just a local story... the legal and politcal fallout --- has reignited acrosth >> getting back to our coverage of the verdict issued late this afternoon. this is not just a local story. the legal and political fallout has renunted across the country. tonig tonight. here's a time line. steinle was shot and i would on july 1st of 2014 in pier 14 in san francisco. she was walking with her father. about an hour later the police rest. on july 8th of the blm confirms the gun used in the killing was stolen from a ranger's gun parked in downtown san francisco. in september of 2015, garcia zas ratay was formal rhode island charged with second degree murder. the trial began a couple months ago, in october of this year and the verdict teefd six days of deliberation. >> the town where indicate steinle grew up and where her family has many friends. give us the connection to the steinle family. there must be a level of disappointment. >> we heard a lot of things. but the one thing we heard was really just sorrow that they felt for kate steinle's family today. >> she went to amador valley high school. friends and family say she had more friends at the crosstown rival, too, because she wasn't one to fall into a click. they say she was a strong-willed young laetds from the beginning. people we talked to tonight outside the library reacted with anger and sorrow. one nan too upset to talk about it and a strong opinion of liz status as an undocumented worker. >> it's ridiculous. >> any other response? >> yeah. it shouldn't have happened. >> we're all like really feel bad about it. >> it isn't like 12 people have to agree, so, yeah, i mean, they'll have another trial. >> this is not fair for the father. i feel very sorry. >> i don't think that's fair. i think justice was not served. >> a high school friend said kate would never want her case to be a political issue. >> the one thing we heard from everybody just was overwhelming sorrow for kate steinle's family. tom jensen, nbc news. >> thank you, tom. we sent out a push alert once we got the verdict. >> a story you'll see only here. dozens of seniors in the south bay say they're being sent out in the cold, evicted by their landlord. dame mon trujillo joins us. >> the letter alived here yesterday saying the 80 seniors have 0 days to pack up, that the land lord did not renew the lease. there's a lot of anxiety and angst here. >> i'm very irritated, because my family lives here and he has nowhere to go now. >> the chateau gardens tells us the landlord told them everyone must go. in a statement they tell us the landlord is unwilling to continue to allow the building to b run as a senior living community and instead use for as another use. residents and family members are understandably upset. >> there aren't that many available in snows area. the next would be to go to walnut creek, which would really be far. >> i'm not happy about this. it's christmastime and you're putting my dad out on the street. i'm not happy. >> less than two miles from here is the new proposed google campus. family members speck hate that may be a reason why. nbc bay area news. >> first breakins. now a shooterage. the spike of cash burglaries has led to a shortage of glass to replace the broken windows. this was a long-standing problem in san francisco and now it's spreadsing to san jose. >> this is your new bmw. >> business is booming for this glass tshimanga mt and there's a reason. >> allbreakins, all vanlds lgs. it's wides spread. its does not matter what the area you live in. phones go nuts on monday morning. >> do you have enough glass to keep up? sometimes no. like this vehicle here, we're waiting. >> donovan made an extra effort to get hers replaced in two days. >> they said because there was a lot of break-ins lately. >> the sheriff's department confirmed it's bad and will get worse in the holidays. >> it takes them a second to break the window and run offer with the valuables. >> auto glass says they can more or less keep up with the demand. if breakins continue to spike, the situation is not so clear. in san jose, robert honda, nbc bay area news. >> let's bring in meteorologist jeff laniery. >> cold right now it's going to be cold -- >> cold until the studio, too. >> tomorrow morning, certainly some thirds coming into the for the and changes by did upcoming weekend. let's take a look at the forecast right now. we'll take you outside to san francisco. the city lights shining bright and some holiday colors on the skyline already as we approach december. right now, 55 in san francisco, dropping down to 53 once we hit 11 fm tonight you'll needs a jacks to starts tomorrow, temperatures in the 30s and dpoerlts. we'll have 6 in concord, 64 in napa. 60 in san francisco and right down to san jose, 65. changes again by this weekends. i want to get you that seven doi forecast. we're going to focus in on the best chance for showers coming up in about 20 minutes. what i also want you to see is dry weather from sunday through thursday of next week. i've taken a look at that long-range forecast and it's a trend. it's a little bit unusual for december. i know you guys are always interested in what's going to happen after those seven days. really, the next 14 days, the way we see it, no storming systems, a mild trend is. we have a weak la nina that could bring us rainfall into january, february, maybe into march. >> ok. thank you, jeff. an award for colin kaepernick. he's still unemployed. sports illustrated lon ords the former 49ers with quarterback. ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ quarterback )colin kaepernick ). sports ilst . he's still unemployed but a big honor nonetheless for colin kaepernick. sports illustrated named him the 2017 moll happened ali award. each year si and the ali family name somebody who embodies sportsmanship, leadership and philanthropy. 16 months ago, kaepernick started kneeling and sitting during the national anthem to make a statement about equality and social justice. >> the north way fires erupted and now crews are working to clear thousands of homes that were devastated. >> senior investigative reporter has learned what residents are not paying for right now may cost them more time and more money later. >> reporter: homeowners were told the government clean-up would be build to their insurance and they wouldn't have to pay for it. they also have to allow crews to take out their foundation. they're toxic and unsound. they say it's a one-size-fits-all is overkill. >> oh, yeah. >> do you think taxpayers will be held with a huge bill? >> they were in lake county and there will be here. >> it will cost you more. >> tonight at # 1:00, advice from the survivors of the valley fire in lake county. we'll show you the bills homeowners received. why it cost more than four times more than private contractors. we investigate tonight at 11:00. >> thank you, vickie. if you have a story, call 1-8 - 1-888-996-tips. >> still to come, we continue our coverage of the kate steinle verdict. how was the zft acquitted of all the primary charges. >> plus matt lauer reacts. the statement after being fired bid the today show. that's coming up. the verdict is in. and so is the controversy -- and confusion. we )re diving into all the reaction after the jury finds "jose ines . right now, the verdict is in. so is the controversy and confusion for many people. we're diving into all of the reacti reactionaged a jury found za ratay. >> we've been on in prime-time. >> after fleerl a week of dlik races, the jury reached decision in a case that's sparked nationwide debate. the jury convicted him of murderened manslaughter charges in the death of kailt steinle. he was found guilty of possession of a fire arm. today eats verdict already generating a lot of political reaction. >> let's bring in dean johnson. part of the confusion for people and maybe some of the shock value is how if he admitted killing her, the jury did not convict him through at least manslaughter. >> you want the long answer? >> we just want the answer. >> i think a lot of people saw it as at least voluntary manslaughter. this jury had the ability to judge the credibility of the witnesses and the strength of the evidence on those charges and i think what we're going to find out eventually is that most of these jurors said, yeah, we believe that he did something wrong. he may even have committed a crime but we don't believe the evidence was strong enough to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. >> even though the gun was shot from him, from where he was. >> that's what the evidence supports that. matt gonzalez did a terrific job of putting together a classic defense strategy just raising enough doubt about whether the gun was even fired by za ratay to place that concept of reasonable in the jurors' mind. >> what happens to him now. he's been in jail a little over two years, that counts as double time. could he potentially walk out soon? >> yeah. theoretically he could walk out the jailhouse door right now. his credit for time served rges more than equals the maximum he would serve for the one charge of which he was committed. i think he might not want to walk out of the jail. >> if we're a sanctuary -- san francisco is a sanctuary city and it's not cooperating, how will they know, what's going to move forward in the effort to deport him? >> a warrant for his arrest was filed with the san francisco county sheriff's department. the deserves department can't cooperate nobody can tell i.c.e. when he will leave the jailhouse. was the jury instructed don't worry about the political stuff? just worry about the legal part. so many people in the community, human nature, people will combine them. >> understand this is knots a referendum on immigration or illegal immigration. this is 12 people deciding a case on the facts and on the law. >> ok. three courts for the steinle family. we saw this in the criminal case. could this move over to a federal jurisdiction. >> absolutely. the trump administration has made this a political issue. if they think justice wasn't served, it's time to put their money where their mouth is and instruct the district attorney to prosecute him for the violation of kate steinle's civil rights. >> you've been around the game a lot. were you shocked or prized or neither snr. >> i was surprised, but the evidence is such, amounted the legal issues are so complex that pretty much any nuoutcome is noa surprise. >> thaurpgs for your insight. >> the steinle family did not speak after the verdict but they did sit down with an interview r with the san francisco chronicle. liz sullivan talked about whether or not he meant to shoot her daughter. >> i think for whatever reason, i think he did shoot toward them, which is very upsetting to me, but -- and i was hoping it wasn't aimed but unfortunately, i think that's what it was. >> you can hear the an gish in her voice. this interview is part of a five-minute interview produced by the chronicle. the family said they're heaping the trial is over. >> we spent the day with her family retracing her final steps. it wasn't easy for their parents but they relied on their faith, as they still do. here's part of the exclusive interview with kate's painchts. -- parents. >> we prayed every night. in closing i'd say close your prayers. i still do in a. i still talk to her. i have her phone. i go through her pictures. there's such solace in that we're such a close family. >> they are very close. you can see the bench at pier 14 dedicated to kate steinle. you can see it yourself." whatever's good for soul, do that" that was kate's final post on facebook before she died. >> their loss is just immeasurable. >> i think the faith part was really gotten them through. they can't get their daughter back but they're so close, it's really getting them through tonight and the last couple of years. we've been covering if verdict for the past eight hours now. we're posting reaction from across the country on our website at nbcbay area. >> matt lauer says he's ashamed and embarrassed after allegations of nbc reports now at least two more women have gone to nbc to complain about lauer. >> a day after viewers and co-workers lernlds the 20er year longs host. he expressed sorrow for the pain he's caused. to the people i hurt, i am truly sorry. while he says some of what is being said about him is not true. he writes repairing the damage will take a lot of time and soul searching and i'm committed to that effort. it is now my full-time job. >> nbc news fierds laugher about 24 hours after a female employee made an allegation of yin are appropriate sexual advances from him. two more have accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior. a former employee said he sexually assaulted her. following a two-minute investigation, variety described a pattern of alleged misconduct by laugher. a report says women say they complained to nbc executives about law ir. they alleged those complaints are ignored. they issued this statement. one of lawers former colleagues offered support. >> the courage of a colleague who did come forward. >> nbc news kwirmgs the alleged inappropriate behavior. chris palome. >> a hot target for thieves, mail, as yet another mail truck has been broken into. the truck from the st. james park station on 1st and santa clara in downtown san jose. the mail was stolen and people want to check their statements. right now fire investigators are searching for a car for a blaze that injured seven people in a san francisco high rise. it broke out on the seventh floor. around 1:30 this afternoon. firefighters say they could see flames pouring out of the windows. >> this is concerning because this individual building houses multiple elderly and disabled individuals. >> all five people were injured. all, though, are expected to survive. >> the driver accused of killing a north bay family has been charged with four counts of murder. he faces murders, dui and hit and drive charges for the crash on i-80 over chifg weekend. he had two prior dui's and had his license suspended or revoked five times. daryl horn and his 14-year-old son joe along with some extended family members, troy bitle died in the crash. the lone survivor, jared lorne, a pitcher on the baseball team. >> this is a horrific incident and we're going to to our best to get justice for the family. >> the family says they have faith that justice will be served. they tell us they're focused on healing and the wonderful memories of their loved ones. >> new sexual allegations. bloomberg reports multiple women are accused pishovar president five other women say he used his position to make unwanted skbul advances. >> up next on this special edition of nbc bay area news, not just menlo park. expanding into the east bay where facebook plans to open up shop. [drumming] one time, in new orleans, well, before it was even founded, a french teenager, bienville, scared away a british warship with just a story. and great stories kept coming. [trumpet playing] some make you move to jazz, funk and bounce. some of our stories aren't quite as straightforward. blocked by the saints! [crowd roaring] while others prove that great things can happen... even on a monday night. cause for three hundred years, great stories have started the same way. one time, in new orleans. [crowd applause] american airlines -- on damage control. america says it has not canceled . a follow-up now to a story we first reported yesterday. american airlines is on damage control. it says it's not cabsled any flights despite yuch coming holidays. thousands of flights were unassigned. merp airlines says that only a few hundred currently don't have pilots, only a few hundred current flights. that continues to decrease thanks to fights picking up those shifts. >> video from fire ranger says it lease two big office buildings near the eastern end of the dunbarton bridge. in july facebook announced plans to expand its presence in men low farc as well. >> they're jumping across the way. we'll have tesla and facebook in fremo fremont. >> the traffic! >> at least the weather's nice. >> you got it. you can see we're currently at 55 degrees dropping down to colder 40s for the morning. we're tracking a change for the weekend. that's coming up. >> plus, why city leaders say the term may be a little misleading. hi, we're alaska airlines, and we give you more than just peanuts. we give you all sorts of amazing stuff, like european biscoff cookies. hundreds of free movies and tv shows, that you can watch for free, right on your phone. and our rewarding mileage plan that gets you to over 900 mind-expanding destinations. if you want peanuts, check out our prices. alaska airlines. that's how we fly. alaska airlines. how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. leather furniture. so, if your holiday shopping incles . nbc bay area responds has hanltd several complaints about leather furniture. we have some tipts for you. not all leather is created call. here's chris kimura. >> shoppers captain assume a label that reads leather is 100% leather. there are no federal standards. so before you spend a whole bunch of money on a whole bunch of furniture, scrutinize what it's made of. go on line to nbc bay >> ok. san francisco may be ready to try something no other city has tried. tens of thousands of parking meters based on supply and demands. nbc's kristy smith explains. >> in san francisco's castro distance east arn is used to hunting for parking. >> i park out of the neighborhood usually. >> it's absurd. >> they call it demand responsive parking to allow more parking and less circling the block. >> this is a gradual increase or deedecrease in the parking rate. there's almost no space available. >> many busy areas of the city already have these rates. the idea is to go citywide, places like castro where daniel is the co-owner of tub and scrub. >> i think it's going toeb a benefit for the neighborhood. there's more cars that are parking and leaving, the more turnover there is, the more opportunity there is for new people to come in and shop. >> some people who struggled to find parking in different parts of the city have their doults. one man told us, these type of rate structures for meters actually keep him away. >> i got charged a huge amount. it was like crazy. to be honest, i wouldn't -- i'd avoid taking visitors down there, because ice so expensive to bring them there. >> it's a sign of the times. a security robot is now protecting animals. it's the san francisco animal shelter's new tool to keep burglaries and vandals away. we're going to introduce you to k-9. >> it looks like a rocket. >> it does. this is the new muscle for the spca. there's been a spike in car breakins and agree feety. the robot has helped k-9th. >> the white house grounds looking more festive tonight. the tree was lit this afternoon. mr. trump wished the merry christmas. mrs. trump pushed the button to light the tree. >> we want to live in a community rich with hope and a nation blessed with faith. >> this is the 95th national criticisms tree lighting. the first took place in 1923 with president calvin coolidge. >> it looks beautiful. jeff is back with us. say we have a baseball tournament saturday. is there any rain in the bay by sunday? >> i think you'll be ok. you're not going to need the sunglasses, that's for sure. we're going to go over the weekend changes coming your way. most important thing to remember, if you have anything to do tomorrow, weather looks great. i want to give you a birds eye view. there are some things moving right now. it's just we don't have a big chance of rifle over the next two days, even though we have two systems moving in. the first one on friday will bring us some cool air. the second one writes clouds and a chance of showers. we're going to pinpoint that in a minute or so. i want to take you into the friday morning forecast. it's going to be cold. the trivalley down to 38 tomorrow under the clear skies. peninsula 44. south bay feeling the chill at 42. north bay down to an average of 37, the number one cold spot. san francisco you need the jacket at 46 degrees. you need the jacket to start but probably won't need it to finish. in south way, 65 degrees in downtown. throughout the east bay, warm. 67 in concord. redwood city coming in at 2. heading to san francisco maybe a three-day? doing a little staycation, shopping in union square. a little cooler here on the outer sun set. going up to wine country, 64 expected in napa, a relatively light wind. rain approaches on saturday. this system looks impressive. let's show it to you right now. you can see there's a lot of rainfall with it. the problem we're getting into ist storm's center is located in the pacific. we'll see a slight chance of showers on saturday. it's mainly cloud cover we're dealing with in the first part of the weekends. we may see some showers system by 6:00 a.m. things will clear outer and we'll have sunshine building in. saturday question get the clouds. little built of wind kicking in. not much of rain chances. we're seeing an increase in sunshine. all the way through thursday of next week, dry weather. temperatures in upper to low 60s in san francisco. the cloud cover on saturday, a little bit of wind and dry weather all the way into next thursday as well. not too warm here on the temperatures. even twhoef all that sunshine we'll not see the warm air move on in. that's good news. next 14 days, no big storm systems coming our way. we may have to wait until january to see this pattern kicking in. i'm not seeing any complaints there. >> we need to do a rain dance at some point. >> so many things to do. people probably ok where that. >> you're mg beaming over here. >> up nexts i heard about dirty harry, right? how about horrible harry? colin rush joins us next. ♪ the reuben is back for a limited time at subway. so much reuben. washington at dallas.. tonht . ok. did you with which right here on thursday night fable. washington at dallas. tonight's loser essentially out of the playoff race, but the cowboys certainly didn't loose. they were in control for most of the night. returns this punt 83 yards for the touchdown. a huge win for dallas. 38-14. the cowboys visit the raiders in oakland on december 17th. >> they have a big football game tomorrow at the stadium. it's stanford against usc for the pac-12 championship. >> you going to watch? >> no. >> a defy known as horrible harry. it's a good day. here's more. >> cannot escape. horrible harry 66. >> do you mind when people call you horrible harry? >> no. i have think it's kind of cool because everybody who knows me on a personal level is you're completely not horrible harry. >> there's an explanation. >> i didn't know what a catchy name to come up with and i was sitting there with my mom and she said why don't you go with horrible harry. it stuck and i guess there is a horrible harry in all my sporting events when i'm on the field during competition. >> his competition sees him that way. heading into friday night's pac-12 championship game here at levi stamd, only justin reed has more tackles. >> i just do my job and i mean as a big guy, strong, physical, that's just what the outcome is. it's a horrible disaster. i'm disruptive. >> the disruptions have been named. the rewards given to the player who exhibit characteristics. he's active in the community. >> that was more special to me because seeing thes pass runners. i've bumped into him a few times at charitable events we've been at together. so it is really cool to see what he's done with his platform and to leave an imfact. which is kpchl what i wants to do with the score. >> we are rooting for horrible harry. guess who's back in the headlines tonight? tiger woods. it's been almost a year since he's played golf competitively but that changed today. teeing off in the bahamas. he fingerished the 3 under par. he's in 18th place of 18 golfers. woods underwent back surgery and was charged with dui. >> all eyes on russia. the state kremlin palace will host the fifa world cup draw. it will determined the groups for the national teams. you can watch on our sister station beginning tomorrow morning. >> this is exciting. >> jeff, close us out here in prime-time as we go into friday. >> very nice weather. 65 degrees. by saturday, clouds increase, a little breezy, a slight chance of a shower. dry good thursday to sunday. if you're headed to lake tahoe, clouds on saturdayaged maybe a snow shower. >> skiing. >> that, i would do. >> see i back here at 11:00. >> bye-bye. eek we're in kansas city in st. joseph, missouri spending two days with nfl veteran and chiefs quarterback alex smith. >> i haven't reached my full potential. >> after a stand out college career, smith was drafted number one and tasked with turning around the struggling 49ers franchise. >> i'm down with the head coach on the sideline that's in my face and screaming at me on top of fans chanting for the back up. >> his first pro years were filled with team instability, poor play. >> there were a lot of things i wish i could have gone back and been a better friend. >> his fortunes changed when he came to the chiefs. smith invites us to sit down with him at his kansas city home along with his conversation wife

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