And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 769, mississippi steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, thats what im talking about right there. Thats a hot crowd right there. Welcome. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Ah, it makes you feel good. Welcome, everybody, welcome welcome, welcome, welcome to the tonight show. This is it, baby. [ cheers ] youre here, you made it. Thank you for being here. Hey heres what people are talking about. President trump is headed home after his trip to asia. And i saw that at one point, 2,000 protesters in philippines were shouting go home [ laughter ] while back in america 60 Million People were shouting stay there [ cheers and applause ] did you see this, trump just went on twitter and bragged about a poll showing that he has a 46 approval rating. [ light laughter ] really . Thats like posting a math quiz on the fridge where you got a a d . He goes [ laughter and applause ] i spelled my name right. I spelled my name right. Yeah, trump bragged about having a 46 approval rating. While you know what they say, some people see the glass half empty, while others say, fake glass. And you go [ laughter and applause ] thats what they say. This is this is cool, the other day Melania Trump visited the great wall of china. And after taking a tour, she signed a guest book. And check out what she wrote. Amazing to experience one of the worlds greatest wonders. Thank you. Isnt that nice . Well, i guess her husband also stopped by the great wall for a a visit of his own. Heres what he wrote in the guest book. Omg, this wall is amazing. Its even bigger than it looks the documentary i watched on my way over, mulan. how did you ever get mexico to pay for it . [ cheers and applause ] he wrote all that. Steve he wrote all of that. [ applause ] jimmy well, the last place President Trump visited on his asia tour was the philippines. And after spending time there, trump now says hes an expert on the country. He even posted some facts about the philippines on the white house website, but i think hes a little confused about a few things. Ill show you what i mean. First up for president , he put ryan phillippe. [ laughter ] thats not hes not president of the philippines. Steve thats not right. Thats not true. Jimmy for capital, he put manila. Well, thats actually thats actually true. For top export, he put manila envelopes. Steve okay. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy thats not right again. Steve no, thats not right. Jimmy i think hes hey, you guys, we have barbara bush and Jenna Bush Hager on the show tonight. [ cheers and applause ] thats right. Thats good. Im im happy theyre here. Its nice to have a president s kids answer questions without being under oath. [ laughter ] steve heyo jimmy well, Jeff Sessions testified again, as part of the russia investigation, and at one point he was questioned about his stance on marijuana. You know, cause its a little odd when a guys antiweed, but seems to forget every conversation hes every had. [ laughter ] i dont remember that. Nope. Another big story right now, is this roy moore scandal, and get this, theres apparently a a creep list of men. A creep list of men in congress known for inappropriate sexual behavior. And if youre a congressman who has to ask if youre on it, youre on it. I mean, i [ laughter and applause ] am i on the creep oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Meanwhile, joe biden said hes open to running for president if no other democrats step up. [ cheers and applause ] you know your partys in trouble when someone signs up for president the way you sign up for karaoke. [ laughter ] its like no one else . No . Im just a small town girl living in a lonely world [ cheers ] lets get to some sports here. Lebron james and his teammates took the subway, did you see that . They got on the subway before their game against the knicks last night. And they got the full new york experience. Watch what this guy says at the end. On our way back from shootaround, we decided to take a different transportation this time. Well, its good. I dont know, this dude right here. He tripping. Can you not . [ laughter ] [ applause ] jimmy can you not . To be fair, can you not is the most polite thing a new yorkers ever said on the subway. [ applause ] can you not . [ light laughter ] this is pretty big. Sweden pulled off a huge upset over italy to qualify for the world cup. Their celebration was pretty crazy. Take a look at this. [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ laughter ] jimmy it was a mixed day for sweden. cause their soccer team wins, but then an ikea desk collapses on live tv. [ laughter and applause ] and thats i dont know how to react. Yeah oh, no. [ imitating swedish ] steve darn. Jimmy and finally, amazon Just Announced that its making a lord of the rings spinoff for tv. They even have a cool name for it too. Game of thrones. [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you very much, everybody. Welcome to the tonight show. Thank you for watching. We have a fantastic show tonight. We love this guy, hes so talented and fun. Michael strahan is stopping by. Steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] come on. Jimmy we talk to him about also joining us, their new book sisters first, stories from our wild and wonderful life, is a New York Times bestseller. Jenna bush hager and barbara bush are here tonight. Steve yeah. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy sisters first. And we have great new music from tove lo, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] do not want to miss it. Big time. Guys, i want to tell you about this cool thing im doing. It is a prize im auctioning off through the fundraising website, omaze. To raise money for night of too many stars, america unites for autism program, hosted by the amazing jon stewart. [ applause ] im very excited about this. So the prize im auctioning off is, as im sure everybody knows, one of my favorite movies is sisterhood of the traveling pants. [ light laughter ] and sisterhood of the traveling pants two steve yeah. Jimmy yeah, its a a wonderful story about friendship, family, and most importantly, sharing pants. [ light laughter ] so in honor of that, im offering the chance for you to literally switch pants with me for an entire day, no matter what size or style, if you win, we swap pants, and then we meet up to discuss our experience. [ light laughter ] yeah, thats are you kidding me . Is that what youre going to do . [ cheers and applause ] well, wait. I cant do it. Jimmy Jon Stewart Jon stewart [ cheers and applause ] like, you cant do that. Jimmy that is jon stewart right there. What do you mean, you cant do this . [ cheers ] jimmy jimmy jon listen, thank you so much. I appreciate the gesture, but jimmy fallon, i told you had to take this seriously. Jimmy i am taking this [ talking over each other ] i put a lot of thought into it. Oh, you and the winner swap pants for a day . [ light laughter ] jimmy yes. Thats not a prize. Jimmy have you [ light laughter ] have you ever seen sisterhood of the traveling pants . Tch. [ laughter ] have i seen um, yes jimmy. I have seen it. And if i recall, they dont swap pants. Theres only one pair of pants, jimmy. Theres one pair of pants, and they send them to each other during their summer apart. And then lena [ laughter ] lena finds love in greece, and even though their families are sworn enemies, the jeans bring the whole group together in what is ultimately a sweet and surprisingly touching film about four teenagers journey to adulthood. But jimmy, thats just a crappy prize. Jimmy no, no, jon, jon. [ laughter ] you know what they say, you cant truly understand another person until you spend a day in their pants. [ laughter ] thats nobody has ever said that. [ laughter ] [ talking over each other ] jimmy a lot of people have said that. People have said that. [ talking over each other ] and i will prove it to you. Lets switch pants right now. [ cheers and applause ] i dont all right. Ill let me just size let me just size those. Jimmy can we can we get my modesty screen out here . [ light laughter ] thank you very no. Hey, no, for both of us. [ laughter ] no, for both of us together. All right. Jimmy here we go. All right. There we go. All right, you want to do that . Jimmy here we go. [ cheers ] if i can get mine off. Jimmy wait, wait a minute. Wait a minute. When is night of too many stars on, jon . Oh, its its on november 18th, which is this saturday. Jimmy this saturday on hbo. Its going to be its going to be amazing. Jimmy yeah, and a lot of stars. A lot of stars. Chris rock, i think we have a lot stars. Jimmy oh, we love him. One less than we thought, but its gonna be still very good. Jimmy yeah. [ cheers ] adam sandler will be there. Jimmy and its for a great cause. Its for a great cause. And its jimmy autism program. Its just a hold on a a second. Just give me [ light laughter ] jimmy oh, yeah, yeah. I got you there, i got you there. All right, thats my jimmy thats fair, no problem. All right, here we go. Are you ready . Jimmy are you ready jon . All right here we go. Ready as ill ever be. Jimmy here we go. All right. Jimmy lets reveal our pants. Lets do it. [ cheers and applause ] i feel pretty jimmy this is weird. My pants look like my pants . You wear like harry styles pants. These are unbelievably comfortable. Jimmy how do you feel i mean, do you feel like we know each other better now that weve swapped pants . I feel 20 years older. [ laughter ] you know what jimmy yeah. This is what you want people to bid on . Jimmy yeah, i think this is an experience. Because we are were trying to raise money for autism services. Is there anything else you could throw in other than the pants situation . Anything else you could do . [ drum roll ] jimmy well, theres one more thing. What . Jimmy in addition to getting to swap pants with me for a day. Oh, my god. Jimmy the winner will also get two tickets to super bowl 52 in minneapolis. [ cheers and applause ] what . Jimmy that includes airfare. Hotel. And one more thing, after the game youll also be a vip guest to a live broadcast of the tonight show from minneapolis right after super bowl 52. What . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we are going to the super bowl this saturday, 8 00pm, hbo. Jimmy this saturday, 8 00pm, hbo. To enter for the chance to swap pants with me and go to the super bowl. Go to omaze. Com fallonbidbidbid. Stick around. Well be right back with more of the tonight show, baby. [ cheers and applause ] boy makes siren noise im watching that. Eew. Every christmas is memorable. But a gift from kay jewelers. Makes it unforgettable. Because its more than a gift, its a memory shell wear forever. Like these fabulous necklaces perfect for layering. Stackable bracelets and other gifts shes sure to love. At kay. The 1 memory maker in america. Every kiss begins with kay. a bushel and a peck by doris day laughing while other Insurance Companies just see a house, state farm sees the home youve worked really hard for. Fortyeight hours of protection. I dont have to reapply this, not once. Its really soft and almost velvety as you put it on. Thats like really soft. Try dove advanced care for softer, smoother underarms. Well, it turns out she doesnt. Ht i knew everything about garthbut now i do. I just finished his new book. Yes, he wrote a book. Im so proud of him. Its not a book. Its the anthology part 1 of a part 5 series. Its a. Its a book with cds in it. And stories like ive never heard before. Pictures ive never seen. In a really sweet package. I know what im getting everybody for christmas this year. announcer 240 pages, 5 albums, and hundreds of neverbeforeseen photos. Available now at target. And honey, theres some things in here that i dont think i wouldve told. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy how great. Jon stewart once again. How great. Give it up for him. Hes a good guy. This saturday, hbo. Steve love it. Jimmy i am out of breath changing my pants. Steve really . Jimmy thats how much i have to go to the gym, yeah. Go check out go to omaze. Com and please bid on that thing. That would be a great thing, great cause. Robert smigel [ cheers and applause ] Robert Smigel been doing that, yeah. For a long time weve done a a lot of stuff for a night of too many stars. So im very excited to be a part of that. Guys, the Monster Energy nascar cup series championship is this sunday right here on nbc. Its a huge event. And now at the end of the series they give out the award for the most popular driver, but they also give out awards during the series. Sort of like the ones in high school yearbooks, like most likely to succeed, class clown. Steve really . Jimmy stuff like that. Yeah, yeah. So with that in mind, its time for the tonight show superlatives. Here we go. [ cheers and applause ] tonight show superlatives jimmy our first driver is brad keselowski. He was voted most likely to have just googled how does a a person stand. [ laughter and applause ] hes doing it. Know how to stand. Our next driver is martin truex jr. He was voted most likely to be a mannequin in the nascar gift shop. [ laughter and applause ] he wont blink. He doesnt blink. Up next we have kyle busch. He was voted adult Stewie Griffin steve wow. [ laughter ] jimmy rare award. Steve rare award. Together rare. Steve wont be given out twice. Jimmy next up kevin harvick. He was voted most likely to be named sexiest man alive by supercuts magazine. Thats a [ applause ] [ talking over each other ] is this true . Steve whats that . What are you hearing . Jimmy from the control room im hearing here with a a response, ladies and gentlemen, introducing the top four drivers in the nascar cup series championship, brad keselowski, martin truex jr, kyle busch, and kevin harvick. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. Thank you for being here. [ cheers and applause ] all right. Brad, youre up first, whenever youre ready. Ha ha ha. Heres jimmy fallon. Hes the host of the tonight show. He was voted most likely to be sitting on a vibrating cell phone. [ laughter ] jimmy is that a picture of me . Thats fair. Martin martin, youre up. Up next, we have jimmy fallon. He was voted most likely to get his head stuck in a a thanksgiving turkey. [ laughter ] jimmy thats why they have those 1800 numbers. Kyle, whenever youre ready. Next up, we have jimmy fallon. Jimmy oh, my god. He was most voted most likely to be using a bidet for the first time. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy i thought the water was going to be warmer. I thought it was going to be warmer. Yeah, it was cold. Kevin, why dont you bring us home here . Finally, we have jimmy fallon. He was voted most likely to have a viagra logo on the hood of his car, even though theyre not paying him. [ applause ] jimmy there you go. Good to see you, buddy. I deserve that. Thank you, guys. Good to see you, brother. How are you doing, pal . [ cheers and applause ] good luck to all of you in this weekends race. The Monster Energy nascar cup series championship airs from miami this sunday at 3 00 p. M. On nbc. Well be right back with Michael Strahan. Come on back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] when you say you need a heart transplant. Thats a whole different ballgame. I was in shock. I am very proud of the development of drugs that can prevent the rejection and prevent the recurrence of the original disease. I never felt i was going to die. We know so much about transplantation. And were living longer. You cannot help but be inspired by the opportunities that a transplant would offer. My donors mom says you were meant to carry his story. Its the thing from the link you sent me. It. Dont shop like everybody else. Shop ebay by interest, and find a gift that gets them. I cant believe it comes in. How great this tastes vegaaaan. And organiiiic. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter in its vegan and its organic ohhhhhh, ou guess what i just got . Uh i used to be spellbound hello again. I used to be spellbound hi. I used to be spellbound thats a big phone. In your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. You built the flame that warms my heart, but lying and cheating has torn us apart and im moving on. Music laying we cantwhy . Y here terrible toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you. Charmin ultra strong. It cleans better. Its four times stronger and you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is a a Good Morning America anchor plus a super bowl champion hall of famer. Hes also the cocreator of a a terrific documentary series called religion of sports. Season two premieres tomorrow at 9pm exclusively on the at t audience network. Please welcome the multitalented and entertaining Michael Strahan. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, Michael Strahan, always good to see you buddy. [ cheers and applause ] whats up man . Jimmy welcome back. Weve got to get weve got to go golfing together. Yeah. Jimmy i want to golfing. How is your golf game . My golf games all right. Jimmy its good . Yeah, its good man. Jimmy mines no good. Mines no good, man. I keep messing my finger up. I did i messed mine up, too. It helped my game though. Jimmy it did . Yeah. Jimmy my game will probably still be awful, but i guess it helped your game . Yeah. Jimmy whatd you do . Well, i let a car down i had my car on a lift, and i let the lift down, and i had my finger under it. So the weight of the lift, and the car cut off a piece of my pinky, yeah, and then i went denzel, too. You remember training day when denzel got shot in the butt . Hes like oh, mother jimmy yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] i was cussing at myself. Jimmy really . Really . Mother you cut off your pinky. [ laughter ] jimmy but dont you kind of freak out when that accident happened . I kind of went football mode. I was like, oh maybe i can suck it up, and then i realized it was really missing, but it wasnt like a horror movie. It wasnt gushing or nothing. So i calmly got in the car, you know, drove myself to the hospital. Jimmy you did . But i get to a light, and im in new jersey, and people arent taking a right on the red, and im like of all time, take the damn right on the red. Jimmy im missing a pinky. Come on. Listen jimmy look at this. Look at this. I got it out the window like move, man. Jimmy Michael Strahan is giving us the pinky. What does that mean . Yeah, exactly. But then i get to the hospital, and they check it out. They look at it. The doctor says, hey, we can put it back on if you want, and i was look, okay, what does that mean . He goes, well were going to take the pinky. Its like an eight to tenhour surgery, youre in the hospital for five days. Jimmy yep. Yep. And i was like, well, you know first of all, i left the piece of the pinky at the garage. [ laughter ] i never once