Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170907 : comparemela

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170907

the bay bridge that's an easy at the minimum typical for this morning and no backup at the toll plaza right now. back to you. 5:00 right now and we're tracking hurricane irma this morning. the monstrous storm is ripping its way through the atlantic leaving behind a path of death and destruction. right now the massive system is on its way to the dominican republic and cuba and eventually florida. but this hurricane's wrath is already being felt throughout the caribbean. we're showing the devastation in barbuda this morning, that's where nearly every building on the island is just damaged, many are destroyed. this storm continues to churn through the atlantic. >> and within days hurricane irma may have florida in its sight. this morning monitoring evacuations, they're under way right now in the keys right there. now, right now millions of people are scrambling to get to higher ground. and we have team coverage to get up to speed on this deadly hurricane. >> meteorologist kari hall tracking that but let's start out with rick boone who's live there this morning. good morning, rick. >> kwlee. >> morning to you too. it's going to be devastating fact what irma's expected to do to the state of florida along the atlantic coast. that's why today it is packing day for some 100 pg&e workers system wide, nine members from this location here, they're all heading to florida. when they get on the ground in florida they're going to be supporting florida power. after the hurricane moves on, heading to south florida will be pg&e line workers, equipment operators, support staff. they'll be heading to florida actually tomorrow. so today they pack, tomorrow me fly over there. they're going to bring some equipment with them but they'll be using florida power trucks do the repair work as irma moves on. this isn't the first time that the pg&e crews have helped out during a florida disaster. they assisted last year during hurricane matthew put may be wondering if pg aep e crews or on the ground in houston right now. answer to that is no. the reason why is that pg&e says they're ready they just haven't received the alert go yet. so as soon as they get it, they'll go to houston if needed. but in the the meantime the mission is florida helping clean up what irma will leave poind behind. live in hayward, rick boone, today in the bay. >> as kari hall continues our coverage this morning or hurricane irma. >> what's the storm's current path right now? >> right now it is just north of the dominican republic and haiti. we can see how large this storm is and overnight the wind speeds have come down about 5 miles an hour, but it's still a very powerful category five. and the forward speed has picked up as well as it interacts with some of these islands we're seeing the storm not as symmetrical ands with we go into the next couple of days it still will not nak weaken anymore. it will be a category five as it moves north of cuba and the storm track does take it into south florida at this point as a category four on saturday night. we can start to see the winds picking up by friday and you have to keep in mind that with this storm path you cannot focus on one little area. this whole hurricane is about 600 miles wide and then as it continues to move up the atlantic side of florida, it could make landfall around the savannah area as a category 1 by tuesday of next week. so the span and the swath of the damage from hurricane irma is going to be very extensive. and we have not only this but two other hurricanes out there in the atlantic basin. i'll talk more about that coming up a little bit later. thanks, kari. 5:04. of course stay up to date on hurricane irma by following us on social media. kari hall's been tweeting updates about the storm all week long. you can follow all of us, we're all on twitter at nbc bay area. meantime a menlo park rescue team is heading home today after helping with hurricane harvey damage. did i some digging speaking with the fire chief at menlo park fire department and says the crew just returning from assisting victims of hurricane harvey in texas had a few days off before returning home. he says that if fema calls, the teem e team will be ready to head to florida to offer help wherever it's needed. here at home the department is using its force fax. this requires all emergency crew members not helping in that disaster area to come in and work. the chief says that their home base is always the first priority, so they only send a certain amount of the department's 93-member team to assist with disasters outside of our area. we have new details to share with you this morning on response times during the heat wave this past weekend. fire department says it responded to nearly double the amount of emergency assistance calls. still, officials say average response times for emergency vehicles was under seven minutes, cl is normal. blansz showed up in under 11 minutes for non-life-threatening cases ambulances arrived under 18 minutes. three elderly people sadly died during the record heat. now there's some finger pointing going on at city hall. supervisor aaron pes kin says he has called for a hearing about how the city prepared for the heat wave. >> the fact that we were not able to put protocols in place to prevent that from happening whether it was city employees looking after elderly folks or the city issuing warnings so that neighbors would check on neighbors, i sadly feel that san francisco was caught flat footed. >> medical examiner's office is waiting for results on death-related cases so that number could go up. to see our exclusive story head to and alcoholic on the investigations tab. new this morning, preparing for an influx of students. mountain view's school district is reportedly looking at its options as thousands of new housing units popped up in the city. >> today in the bay kris sanchez live with what school officials are planning to do as the city continues to expand. good mrng, kris. >> reporter: good morning to you laura and markus. we usually come out here to nasa for space stories but this one is about classroom space. moffett field is just beyond our cameraman here this morning, you can't see it so i'm going to show you a video from sky ranger. this is where there's a lot of high density housing in the works. 1900 units here alone, but add to that other planned housing elsewhere in mountain view and we're talking about a significant population boom, particularly for the area's school. now i dug up this morning information from the mountain view school direct agenda revealing that some of that new construction could bring in more than 2,300 newspaper students. that's about a 50% increase over the current population of 5,100. these are transitional kindergarten through eighth grade students on ten different campuses in the is likely to come up in public comments at the school board meeting tonight but the superintendent did tell the mercury news while this will be a challenge it presents an opportunity. that board meeting is tonight at 7:00. i will link to you that agenda through my twitter feed. let me know what you think about the increase in public school population in mountain view, kris sanchez today in the bay. it is coming up on 5:09 on this thursday morning. if you're up early and packing the lunches and about to get the kids ready to head out to school, as they walk to school there may be a few sprinkles on the way either during that drive on the bus ride or walking. and at recess they'll have mostly cloudy skies but it will be comfortable. it will most likely be all right, just wearing light long sleeves. then as we head through 1:00 there will be times of sunshine and breezy heading out of the classroom. i'll have a look at today's temperature trend coming up. mike as a look at the roadways. things are moving pretty smoothly for most of our sensors. kari, we're still tracking this, looking over here toward east 580 to north 238, that corrector right over there, not a heavily traveled route but may still be affected by the crash reportedly original originally blocking one lane. chp is in the middle of a shift change so we'll get more details in a few minutes. we do e over here we see the slowing continuing to ease up west 80 passing willow that crash is over on the shoulder. took a few minutes and that's why there was a build up. this is a good popular route. it's holding up steady there. add about three or four minutes. a smooth drive across the by north bay 101 and highway 37 no delay out of vallejo right now. back to you. it's 5:10. foogt the bill. the reason taxpayers may be paying for the 2028 olympics in california. >> facebook the middle of the russian investigation we'll tell you all about it when today in the bay continues. the bay continues. it is 5:13 on this thursday morning. we wake up with a few more clouds as we take a live look outside in san jose. don't be surprised if there's a little light rain to make the car extra dirty. we'll be in the upper 60s throughout much of the morning and seeing those highs up to 78 degrees which is cooler than where we should be for this time of year. we'll take a look ahead to the weekend and also an update on hurricane irma in about five minutes. and right now we're looking at an easy drive. there's a little buildup out of the altamont pass. it's 5:13 right now. new this morning a deal to sell the famous half moon bay area surf contest has hit a stalemate. the mavericks surf contest has been in limbboy bow since its current organizer filed for bankruptcy. in august they asked the court to approve the sale of the world suffer league. in court pay oerz found on wednesday a texas company objected saying the sale would not be in the best interest of the bankruptcy of the estate. new this morning, california lawmakers are working to pay for the 2028 olympics. the new assembly proposed would guarantee that the state pay up to 270 million $ to fund overbudget costs for the los angeles games. "the l.a. times" estimates that the games will cost more than $5 billion most of k48 be covered by sponsorship and ticket sales. the new rules for airbnb users that comes with a settlement with san francisco. the short-term rental company launched a new registration this week that will, i hosts to prove they have registered with the city. they say many airbnb hosts were not permanent residents of the city and were trying to list rental units on the site. face sbook now squarely in the milled of the russian investigation. >> a new report says the company is turning business records over to special counsel robert mueller this morning. >> reporter: facebook's own security team has figured out a shoud doey russian group bought $100,000 worth of advertising during the presidential campaign. little ads on your facebook page that didn't push candidates fwhauz would be illegal for a foreign power, but did push controversial political subjects, like abortion or gun control or immigration. no doubt with the attempt to try to influence voters. where it gets very serious is the success sispicion, russians voter data so they could better target their data. ads on facebook could be super targeted down to the individual. if they had that election data the question is where did they get that data and that's where special counsel mueller comes in. according to reuters, facebook turns those business records over to the special counsel. you may recall mark zuckerberg said he called a crazy idea. he said there's a profound lack of empathy in asergt the only reason somebody could have voted the way they did was because they saw fake news on facebook. stocks rose wednesday after president trump cut a deal with democrats to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling. toys "r" us says it's running out of money and the closing store gap will close hundreds of stores. amazon is going to build hundreds of headquarters in its q2 and wants to know where it should be. they taken over seattle accounting for 19% of the office space in that city. mike rosenberg at the seattle times said seattle is now the biggest company town in america. it's renting space on market near twitter, it's not space in palo alto and space in sunnyvale it bought at well. headquarters is not going to be here. >> and the store front. >> yeah, across from the old borders. >> what'd you buy. >> i did buy a book and it's kind of cool you can buy it on your phone. you buy it and take off. >> oh, wow. i can do that at home too. >> thanks, scott. well, maybe you woke up this morning with a little extra adrenalin. >> i did. >> a trivg twink until your eye. >> i don't know why. >> i can tell you why. today is game day the nfl season kicks off tonight. the new england and the only place you can see it, where else? right here, nbc bay area. the patriots and the chiefs take to the field tonight. it all starts at 5:30. also stick around after the game for a special edition of nbc bay area news. that's what it was, i don't know why i knew that this morning. all right. let's check the forecast. it is nice out there. >> it is nice and we're starting out with a few more louds this morning as you get ready to head out the door. also a little bit of some drizzle in some spots. now we'll be watching out for that throughout the day, some light rain moving through and as we get a look right in the middle of the screen at the peninsula we have temperatures now at 69 degrees. the seven-day forecast coming up at the bottom of the screen. taking a life look outside in tiburon it's 65 degrees with mostly cloudy skies. looking at high temperatures today, this is much cooler than where we should be for this time of year especially for the inland areas, looking at low 80s. 75 palo alto, also 75ed to in oakland and it's all because we will have many more clouds and also cold front moving through and it has brought a few of those spotty showers, even some thunderstorms well to the north of us and it's moving away from us. but we will still have just enough energy to produce some light rain and possibility of a little bit of wet weather across the santa cruz mountains and coastline, also in parts of the north bay. it's been picked up on our computer models but a lot of it is way too light to be picked up on radar. so just expect the possibility that there may be some showers moving through through at least 1:00 today and then things the dry out. our skies will clear and it will be a nice day with breezy winds and then another slight chance of rain tonight especially for san francisco and then moving in to parts of napa and sonoma county. other than that, we continue on with some fairly dry weather with the possibility of measuring some of that rain in a few 100s of an inch. we continue to track what's happening with our friends and family in florida and parts of the caribbean where we till have this category five hurricane irma moving off towards the west at 17 miles an hour. and then right behind that we have hurricane jose that is also going to take part of the same path as irma but then start to curve to the north. this may briefly become a major hurricane over the next few g s days. also katia, it is not moving at this point and that may aloe it to strengthen possibly to a category two before it means in eastern mexico near vera cruz over the next several days. a lot of things to watch there. here at home we have much more quiet weather. san francisco reaching into the upper 60s by the start of the weekend, mid-70s by sunday, and it will be warm to start out next week but there will be a chance of rain toward tuesday that could bring that hot weather for the middle of next week. as we head over to mike, an update on what's happening on the roads. we're looking over here, most of the sensors are showing green as we'd expect. 5:20 still just getting started for the morning commute but continuing over here. we hear about part of that connecter block you see a little build off the castro y. that's the connecter that's affected on to northbound 238. we'll check that and get more updates as chp continues to tell us about developments there. we continue to see recovery as well over here for westbound 80 coming past willow there wherethere was an earlier crash and now there's still a little bit of slowing just by the distraction. slight build off the karkinos bridge but we should sees those metering lights at the toll plaza. the slowing doesn't show up on the mapp but then we got an alert on waze. this is highway four on to southbound 242, reports of a crash over there. it's categorized as a major crash we're waiting to get more detail but we want to thank this anonymous wazer for doing that so we'll sent thanks but they're not registered in our system. i want to you register so we can thank you appropriately by name. check your profile over here, make sure you check your name and nbc bay area wazers which is our name for our team. back to you. it's 5:21 right now. coming up, an alarming new rorptd. the massive number of women who are not getting enough sleep. and what doctors say is to blame. on social media we're tall tracking hurricane irma. take a look at that that was retweeted a photo showing an empty flight from north carolina so fort lauderdale follow me at markus on nbc our team coverage continues at 5:30. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. are trying welcome back, everyone, and a good morning to you. some sonoma county nonprofits are trying to reduce food waste, that's a word from the press democrat this morning. over 45,000 tons of food goes to waste every year in sonoma county. a food recovery coalition wants to instead gift that food to hungry people. the group is working on a mapping tool to help people with extra food find a donation spot. we looked into food waste numbers overnight. the latest usda numbers are from 2010 where 31% of the food supply goes to waste. that's about 133 billion pounds of food. the epa says when the food goes into landfills it generates thej e methane which can hurt the environment. the epa and usda have set a goal to reduce food waste by half by the year 2030. 5:25 and new this morning a record percentage of americans now support same sex marriage according to an nbc news "wall street journal" social trend poll 60 percent support such unions. that's slightly up since 2015. 33% still oppose and 7% remain undecided. there's no doubt the average woman is busy working, taking care of children and doing everything else in between. what suffers is the amount of sleep they get every night. national center for health statistics says one in three women in their 40s and 50s don't get enough shut eye. many have trouble falling asleep. others say they just can't stay asleep. doctors say hormone changes leading up to and during men mow pause appear to be a major factor. sleep experts say one way to drift off is to log off long before your head hits the pillow. >> we recommend that at least half an hour before bedtime we really need to take a break from electronic devices to be able to then fall asleep naturally without using medications. >> it's recommended most adults get at least seven hours of sleep every night. preferably eight. well, coming up -- i know. coming up preparing for impact. hurricane irma is eyeing florida this morning as it continues to churn in the atlantic. the damage already left behind throughout the caribbean. we'll track where it's heading next coming up. an east bay urban saerjd rescue team just back from hurricane harvey now being deployed to irma. the preparations that are under way at this very early hour. ad lib live picture-- downtown sunnyvale -- a very good thursday morning to you. it's 5:30 right now. isn't this a lovely live look outside? that's downtown sunnyvale. the lights illuminating everything, very inviting. >> almost makes it holiday like. >> not just yet. >> too soon. too soon. >> you're pushing it, markus. it's 5:30 right now. thanks for joining us i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm marcus washington. to go with that beautiful picture, beautiful weather. >> you may have some sprinkles. >> come on, kari. >> we have a little bit of light rain this morning. it's going to be cooler and in between the rain we will have times of shine. we're looking at highs in san jose up to 79 degrees, lower 80s for the tri-valley and delta and the north bay a high of 77 in napa. as we look at the radar not a whole lot going on here. the tlan we've seen this morning has been so light it's hard being detected on the radar but our models show that there will be a chance today as this disturbance moves through. so we'll take a closer look at this and also a look ahead to the weekend coming up. mike gets us out there on the roadways with a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> the metering lights, no big sur prices turned on at 5:21 just after my last report. we're showing a backup here. nothing major as far as any slowing off the east shore freeway or the maze. we're following this crash with a tow truck and activity still on the shoulder west 80 at willow so there's a little slowing as you're approaching highway 4 and that's may be just a couple of minutes. the rest of bay nice smooth traffic. note chp said at highway 17 there's a sign up saying reduce speeds for slicker roads between the summit and los gatos. now to our hurricane irma dufr rage, the deadly storm barreling through the caribbean this morning. it's headed towards the dominican republic. new images from overnight from st. martin. that's eight former desk colony. right now thousands of homes are leveled as you see right there and although there are no reported deaths in that particular area, we're learning elsewhere at least ten people are dead and dozens of others injured in the caribbean. right now that storm continues its path towards florida. >> that's where millions of people are fleeing this morning. this is new video from interstate-75 in pasco county in tampa bay along the coast. most of these people are heading north and the scene like this is playing out across the state. here at home a bay area task force is preparing to go where these people are actually fleeing from, right in the storm's path. bob redell joins us live in oakland this morning where rescue crews are about to take nauf a little over an hour. many had actually just come back from texas we understand, bob. >> reporter: correct, good morning. california task force who just returned from harvey earlier this week and now many of the members are being redid he employed to florida this morning. this is a search and rescue team sponsored by the oakland fire department. you can see we're hoo n an oakland maintenance facility where they're getting nare go bags, they're packing up making sure they vefrg in there and they'll be flying out at various times this morning out of oakland international later this morning around 8:30 and the 11:00 hour heading to atlanta. there's about 50 members of this team who are deplaying to the east coast and had they get to atlanta they'll be going down to the florida/georgia border and they'll be at an air force base there and they'll be getting their orders from there. about half the members have hit the road they're taking the equipment across the country and they're taking rescue boats, they've also got construction collapse gear. this is the type of gear you'd use to reput up homes and stuff that have collapsed to support the roofs and they've also got breaching and breaking equipment to break into homes that could be damaged or destroyed by irma. there's also two doctors and two civil engineers in this group. the rest of the people are members of local fire departments here in the east bay. that video you just saw was from monday when some members of the task force just returned back from texas where they were helping victims of hurricane harvey. not only rescuing people from their flooded homes but a lot of animals, including cattle and horses. again, task force 4 very busy week for them getting off deployment from texas with harvey now some of them being redeployed to florida hours from now. thanks for the update on that. as we've been reporting, millions of people are fleeing florida to get out of this storm's path. some permanent coming here to the bay area. we spoke to one man who touched down in france last night from miami. he says many people are still planning to hunker down in florida to just wait out the storm. >> buy water and buy supplies and get sandbags, just to get ready for the storm. >> hurricane irma's path is still not certain as it approaches florida, but the mayor of miami is ordering evacuations of thousands of residents along the city's coastline. our own vianey is headed to florida this morning. look for her live reports later this week. >> 5:35 in a developing story now. an escaped inmate has been spotted in the east bay. alameda county sheriff's office says eye rain mitchell and another inmate ana armstrong walked away from the federal correctional institute in dub u dublin on monday. this is a minimum security center. they were serving time for narcotics charges. they are providing meaning full of civilian oversighted for the department of corrections, mercury news say that the plan creates an office of correction and law enforcement oversight. it also calls for the creation of a civilian panel to ensure public access. it has been nearly two years since three guards beat an inmate to death at the santa clara county jail. those guards were convicted of murder earlier this year. the full board is set to look at the proposal on tuesday. it's 5:36 and new this morning surveillance cameras are coming to moraga. they plan to install cameras and license plate readers along main routes in and out of town. the roads are on your screen, you see them there. people living in moraga raised $60,000 to pay for that eemtd. it will be linked wirelessly to the police department. this follows a string of home and car break-ins. 5:36 and an east bay neighborhood is on edge this morning because rats have taken over. it's so bad that one woman had to temporarily move out of her home. that problem is being felt in north berkeley. one neighbor tells us that it's become an issue and it became an issue for her around may when she got mysterious bites all over her body. her dermatologist narrowed her problem down to rat bites. >> may take up to two months to die off on their own, to two months of going to bed every night and being eaten alive. >> wow. berkeley's environmental health department has been flooded with calls. the wet wirpt has contributed to the city's rode dent problem. also overgrown vegetation gives rats a place to live and people leaving out pet food can also draw those rats in. 5:37 this morning we have our first sense near using the new computer train. they say 47 people disembark in san rafael. the other stations saw about 10% of the riders. we're looking over here and we see most of the bay shows an easy drive just starting your typical pattern slowing out of altamont pass on 580 and that built for san jose first hit and then the real commute kicks in. over here we're look at slowing off the castro valley y off of east 580 on 238. the slowing's because the volume out of castro valley. it's actually two crashes involving a total of five cars we're waiting for tow trucks to arrive. look at the travel times, you do see 238 slows a bit, nothing dramatic but it's what we saw on the sensors of course and the drive time get over toward the bay bridge, an easy drive, 20 minutes from highway 4 down to the bay bridge toll plaza where those metering lights are on. not a surprise for anyone there. it's almost friday. >> look ahead to the weekend. >> a lot of people this week did go by pretty fast because maybe had you monday off and as we look forward to the weekend we will have some warmer temperatures than we're going to see today. so it's going to be in the low 80s for the bay. the coast at 69 degrees, not like this past weekend. and it's going to be up to 88 degrees for the inland valleys. and for sunday, looking at some hot temperatures, even hotter than saturday, 96 degrees. so think you'll be trying to find a place to cool off, maybe you'll be making plans go to the coast where it will be at 67 -- 76 degrees. if you're going on saturday to the jack-of-all-trades market we're going to have some great weather for that. starts out at 11:00 in the morning. we'll be at 65 degrees, just a few lingering clouds but clearing out and high temperatures in the low 70s right there at jack london square. as we get a look at the forecast for yosemite we talked about the nearby wildfires and the poor air quality. and this may be something that will help. we will have a chance of a few thunderstorms and maybe some lightning so we'll have to watch out for that in the forecast for friday as well as saturday with highs reaching only in the low 60s there. all of that clears out on sunday so that may be the best day to go for a hike. it will be 69 degrees. in assistant an cruz this weekend, low 70s, a few more clouds in the mix and looking at sunday's forecast will be up to 75 degrees. if you're making plans to head farther to the north at shasta lake it's going to be really hot on friday. also as we go through the weekend it does come down a few degrees. we're look at some low 90s there. so we'll talk more about what to expect here for today, our forecast and the temperature trend comes up in three minutes. >> we'll look forward to that. thank you, kari. it's 5:40 right no, i. coming up how's your drinking water? the particles lurking in tap water across the u.s. what a new report just found next. plus a son testifies about his father's campaign. we'll bring you up to speed when "today in the bay" continues. it's 5:403 and we start out with clouds and spotty light rain. we haven't seen that in san jose as we take a live look but as you head out the door we have a nice cool start. temperatures will stay in the 60ss we go through the neighborhood of evergreen will be seeing those clouds mix in. a little bit cooler than where we should be for this time of year. more on that and an update on hurricane irma coming up in five minutes. here are your north bay times. we're starting to see at the bottom of the screen -- just went from yellow to orange, a little more slowing for west 37, basically folks pausing to get across that bridge. thank you very much. it's 5:44. new this morning tap water may contain dangerous plastic fibers, at least that's what researchers from new york are saying. it says researchers tested tap water samples from five counties, continents it's supposed to say, of those 83 were contaminated with plastic. the u.s. had the highest contamination rate at 94% tap water tested came from the epa headquarters congressional buildings and even trump tower in new york. researchers say the fibers may be coming from a lot of places including dust, utensils, clothing all going through the wash. 5:44 and a follow-up now california senator diane fine stain continues to work to help an oakland nurse and her husband. feinstein introducinged a private bill on wednesday that would provide green cards specifically for the sanchez family. the couple was deported to mexico last month after spending more than 20 years in the u.s. three of their kids remain in america, including a daughter protected by daca. experts tell the us this morning that feinstein's private bill will likely fame. quart to 6:00, the president's son will be in front of the judiciary committee this morning testifying about his father's campaign. >> this is one of four active investigations into russia's influence on the election. >> that we know of. as for donald trump jr., we understand he will be at a closed-door session of the senate judiciary committee answering questions about a meeting he and jared kushner and paul manafort had with a russian lawyer in june just before the election. e-mails about that meeting are incriminating just on the face of them. the e-mails offer to set up a meeting with russians who say explicitly they have incriminating evidence against his father's political opponent hillary clinton and say explicitly it's part of the russian government support for donald trump's campaign. to which donald trump jr. responds in an e-mail, i love it. now these e-mails were not leaked. donald trump jr. tweeted them out. we expect trump junior will report to the senate judiciary committee for an open testimony later this year. reuters says special robert mueller has records from facebook after that company said it discovered a russian outfit but thousands of targeted ads during the campaign. we'll talk more about that issue coming up in our business and tech segment. other news, secretary of education betsy de voss will make an announcement today in washington in which we expect her to dial back some of the federal title 9 requirements. we often think of the title ix in the context of sports but it spells out what colleges have to adhere to about sexual assaults on campus. we think but don't know she will weaken those guidelines. if something happens to you, report it to the police. a crime say crime. we take a look at what's going on in washington every morning p. >> if you have questions about what's going on you can reach me on twitter #scott mcgrew. the yosemite national park air is bad to breathe. air quality levels. visitor's self are at an unhealthy status. facebook posted an image showing this brown haze you see right here. multiple wildfires burning nearby are lowering visibility and reducing the air quality. the national weather service say that smoky conditions should improve today. >> you need some stiff wind to blow all of that out. beautiful place there. >> and we we ever talking about that chance of forms over in yosemite over next couple of days, hopeful that i helps as well, maybe a little bit of some rain. and we're tracking rain too this morning across the bay area. any rain that we will see will be very light and spotty as well. so it's going to be more of a hit or miss variety as we take a live look outside in san francisco it's 67 degrees, mostly cloudy, and you may want to grab that umbrella just in case. we're looking at today temperatures reaching into the upper 70s to low 80s for the south bay. san jose will be up to 79 degrees. cupertino at 78 degrees. now for the east bay, hayward 78. walnut creak eight 2 degrees so it will feel much better. 73 degrees today in redwood city. and the seven-day forecast is now up at the bottom of the screen. check out san francisco now where high temperature today will be up to 69 degrees and 75 in mill valley. we'll have 74 today in santa rosa. as you get start and getting ready for work or school, about to head out the door, grab an umbrella zbluft case once again because we will have a few spotty sprinkles. now the rain we'll see it will just enough to make the car look extra dirty so you may be making a run for the car wash tomorrow. long sleeves will also be comfortable day due to the cooler temperatures and breezy winds. walking to school this morning there will be a slight chance of rain and at recess mostly cloudy but comfortable. there will be some times of sunshine as the little bit of rain that we will see gets out of here. but the bulk of the heavier rain and lightning has been well to the north of the bay area and moving away from us. but the models still show that we will have a chance of some of those showers, especially for the coast and in the santa cruz mountains and in parts of the north bay from marin county to parts of sonoma county as well. and some of the clouds and light rain that we will see will be clearing out, but there still may be that isolated chance even through tonight, especially for the north bay. we've been keeping you updated on what's happening with hurricane irma, now it has wind speeds of 180 miles per hour. it's just north of the dominican republic and haiti and it will likely continue on as a category five and we'll have full coverage of that coming up at the top of our 6:00 newscast. here we are look at temperatures in france staying close to normal but heating up toward the end of the weekend. another chance of showers on tuesday while the inland areas will have a hot weekend, especially on sunday up to 96 degrees. and, mike, you've been tracking what's happening out there on the roadways, what's going on now? >> over all it's pretty calm around thea bay. you can see that because of all the green sensors. in castro valley where we've been following the crash, the issue is they have just cleared the two separate crashes we told you about, we learned about five cars involved and that was an issue, but right now things are moving well. and no major problems as you come down through hayward, just the build there as well as the tri-valley. that's a great throw of traffic. getting over toward the bay bridge you do have a slower drive on the upper east shore freeway. standard over there. and a nice easy ride on these transit systems. no delays for the transit systems. 49 trains on-time for bart. he'll make sure also check our popular app called waze vur it on your phone and you can make sure you know how to get there and use your profile make sure you're a member of the nbc bay area wazers and that's the team to join so we can share that information and help you adjust your way. >> a lot of running around. thanks, mike. a special tribute to one of lake tahoe's biggest fans. the reason heavenly resorts designating trees to a bhan who is still hitting the slopes. there are concerns of airline price gouging this morning ahead of hurricane irma's landfall in south florida. miami herald reports yesterday prices for flights out of south florida sky rocketed to more than $3,000 per person for domestic flights. richard branson who had been hold up in a wine cellular at hurricane irma battered his home survived the storm. his son sam says that everyone on branson's private caribbean island is okay. the virgin airline's boss hunkered down in his concrete shelter with family and staff. more for you in just two minutes. new this morning-- the salt lake city police chief is responding to the thousands of outraged emails, calls, and social media p new this morning, a salt lake city police chief is responding to the thousands of outraged e-mails, calls, and social media posts from across the nation about a viral video showing a nurse getting arested. this is video that has been making the rounds on social media. an officer tried to arrest a nurse alex wubbels after she refused to take blood from a patient without probable cause. a warrant or consent. the arresting officer and his supervising officer could now face criminal prosecution. chief mike brown says that the department made a mistake and needs to update its policy and procedure handbook. >> here's the bottom line. we -- we don't want this to happen again. we really don't. i talked to nurse wubbels on the phone and i apologized. we will do better. if mistakes were made, we will correct them. at the end of the day, this will be a better place. >> the chief also says that he should have been quicker to put the arresting officer on leave after the incident. new details this morning on mcimagine. she's the oakland teenager who was declared brain dead after a medical procedure back in 2013. they report this morning that an alameda county judge has questions about whether she currently fits the state's criteria of death. she was put on life support after she was left in the state that doctors describe as an irreversible comb pats hospital wanted to remove the teen from life support but her family moved her to new jersey where they are allowed to continue life support. the judge's line of questioning comes amid a medical mall practice suit against the hospital and could lead to a trial to decide whether she is alive. and 5:57 and new this morning me son the way for business owners in san francisco who are strug ulg bas of constant construction. according to examiner the mayor has come up with a plan to help her dhoonts lost business during the construction. it's called the construction missi mitigation program. they will have to come up with strategies to help businesses and neighbors that could be impacted by construction. take a look at this. an underground explosion in los angeles leaving shatters pieces of pavement just in the neighborhood. happened yesterday afternoon. firefighters say two manhole covers had blown off and debris was just left everywhere. you see there on the street. investigators think an underground vault caused that explosion. luckily no one was injured. and apple has report lydia struck a deal for songs from warner music. it's the tech giant's first agreement way major label since launching apple music two years ago. warner's catalog includes ed sheeran, the red hot chili peppers and bruno mars just to name a few. apple is reportedly ig a deal with sony music as well which catalog includes taylor swift and justin timberlake. new this morning a south lake tahoe man who dedicated his life to heavenly mountain resort is getting a huge honor. a piece of the mountain will carry his name. he is hitting the slopes at 96 years young. 60 years ago he started working in tahoe as a patrolman for heavenly resort. he helped carve out some of those runs that are still used today. he also replaced trees along the runs, rae planting dozens of them over the years. now a row of trees that martin saved decades ago will be named after him. >> the man, the mountain, and the legend. my life was the mountain and still is today. >> so touching. he has a lifetime pass to heavenly and he plans to hit the slopes again this season when he's 97 years old. good for him. >> just hope i'm like that at that age. >> right. so a live look here at the shark tank this morning where the team is unveiling a real 2,000 gallon shark tank today. it will be in the new chairman's [ speaking foreign language ] lounge at the sap center. and good news for shark fans, shark game tickets go on sale tomorrow for the upcoming season. the sharks kick off their preseason hosting anaheim ducks on september 19th. then the season officially starts on october 4th when the sharks host the philadelphia flyers. very cool. the death toll and destruction from hurricane irma is growing overnight as the massive storm is moving closer to the u.s. we are tracking the powerful hurricane. plus the steps rescuers and utility crews from the bay area are taking to help out once the hurricane hits florida. and student influx, the reason one bay area school district is getting ready for a major increase in students and what district officials are trying to do to prepare. today in the bay continues right now. a very good now thursday morning to you thanks so much for joining us i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm mark cause washington. as we start off this morning in a very beautiful way. isn't it nice? >> nice and cool outside. >> it is nice and we've had cooler air moving in but part of that is because we've had some light rain moving through. as you step out the door, you may have a little bit of drizzle but it will keep those temperatures down today. looking at 79 degrees in san jose, 75 in palo alto, and even lower 80s in the tri-valley and concord today. north bay 77 degrees and in san franci

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United States , Mountain View , California , Pasco County , Florida , Russia , San Francisco , Mexico , Los Gatos , Espaillat , Dominican Republic , Berkeley , Anaheim , Castro Valley , Southlake , Miami , New York , Altamont Pass , Oakland , Texas , Washington , Cuba , Mountainview School , Togo , Haiti , Mountain View School , Fort Lauderdale , Marin County , Salt Lake City , Utah , Wallstreet , Menlo Park , New Jersey , Sonoma County , Houston , Santa Cruz Mountains , France , Mill Valley , America , Russian , Russians , Scott Mcgrew , Rick Boone , Richard Branson , Bruno Mars , Jared Kushner , Kari Hall , Mike Brown , Kris Sanchez ,

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Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170907 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170907

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the bay bridge that's an easy at the minimum typical for this morning and no backup at the toll plaza right now. back to you. 5:00 right now and we're tracking hurricane irma this morning. the monstrous storm is ripping its way through the atlantic leaving behind a path of death and destruction. right now the massive system is on its way to the dominican republic and cuba and eventually florida. but this hurricane's wrath is already being felt throughout the caribbean. we're showing the devastation in barbuda this morning, that's where nearly every building on the island is just damaged, many are destroyed. this storm continues to churn through the atlantic. >> and within days hurricane irma may have florida in its sight. this morning monitoring evacuations, they're under way right now in the keys right there. now, right now millions of people are scrambling to get to higher ground. and we have team coverage to get up to speed on this deadly hurricane. >> meteorologist kari hall tracking that but let's start out with rick boone who's live there this morning. good morning, rick. >> kwlee. >> morning to you too. it's going to be devastating fact what irma's expected to do to the state of florida along the atlantic coast. that's why today it is packing day for some 100 pg&e workers system wide, nine members from this location here, they're all heading to florida. when they get on the ground in florida they're going to be supporting florida power. after the hurricane moves on, heading to south florida will be pg&e line workers, equipment operators, support staff. they'll be heading to florida actually tomorrow. so today they pack, tomorrow me fly over there. they're going to bring some equipment with them but they'll be using florida power trucks do the repair work as irma moves on. this isn't the first time that the pg&e crews have helped out during a florida disaster. they assisted last year during hurricane matthew put may be wondering if pg aep e crews or on the ground in houston right now. answer to that is no. the reason why is that pg&e says they're ready they just haven't received the alert go yet. so as soon as they get it, they'll go to houston if needed. but in the the meantime the mission is florida helping clean up what irma will leave poind behind. live in hayward, rick boone, today in the bay. >> as kari hall continues our coverage this morning or hurricane irma. >> what's the storm's current path right now? >> right now it is just north of the dominican republic and haiti. we can see how large this storm is and overnight the wind speeds have come down about 5 miles an hour, but it's still a very powerful category five. and the forward speed has picked up as well as it interacts with some of these islands we're seeing the storm not as symmetrical ands with we go into the next couple of days it still will not nak weaken anymore. it will be a category five as it moves north of cuba and the storm track does take it into south florida at this point as a category four on saturday night. we can start to see the winds picking up by friday and you have to keep in mind that with this storm path you cannot focus on one little area. this whole hurricane is about 600 miles wide and then as it continues to move up the atlantic side of florida, it could make landfall around the savannah area as a category 1 by tuesday of next week. so the span and the swath of the damage from hurricane irma is going to be very extensive. and we have not only this but two other hurricanes out there in the atlantic basin. i'll talk more about that coming up a little bit later. thanks, kari. 5:04. of course stay up to date on hurricane irma by following us on social media. kari hall's been tweeting updates about the storm all week long. you can follow all of us, we're all on twitter at nbc bay area. meantime a menlo park rescue team is heading home today after helping with hurricane harvey damage. did i some digging speaking with the fire chief at menlo park fire department and says the crew just returning from assisting victims of hurricane harvey in texas had a few days off before returning home. he says that if fema calls, the teem e team will be ready to head to florida to offer help wherever it's needed. here at home the department is using its force fax. this requires all emergency crew members not helping in that disaster area to come in and work. the chief says that their home base is always the first priority, so they only send a certain amount of the department's 93-member team to assist with disasters outside of our area. we have new details to share with you this morning on response times during the heat wave this past weekend. fire department says it responded to nearly double the amount of emergency assistance calls. still, officials say average response times for emergency vehicles was under seven minutes, cl is normal. blansz showed up in under 11 minutes for non-life-threatening cases ambulances arrived under 18 minutes. three elderly people sadly died during the record heat. now there's some finger pointing going on at city hall. supervisor aaron pes kin says he has called for a hearing about how the city prepared for the heat wave. >> the fact that we were not able to put protocols in place to prevent that from happening whether it was city employees looking after elderly folks or the city issuing warnings so that neighbors would check on neighbors, i sadly feel that san francisco was caught flat footed. >> medical examiner's office is waiting for results on death-related cases so that number could go up. to see our exclusive story head to and alcoholic on the investigations tab. new this morning, preparing for an influx of students. mountain view's school district is reportedly looking at its options as thousands of new housing units popped up in the city. >> today in the bay kris sanchez live with what school officials are planning to do as the city continues to expand. good mrng, kris. >> reporter: good morning to you laura and markus. we usually come out here to nasa for space stories but this one is about classroom space. moffett field is just beyond our cameraman here this morning, you can't see it so i'm going to show you a video from sky ranger. this is where there's a lot of high density housing in the works. 1900 units here alone, but add to that other planned housing elsewhere in mountain view and we're talking about a significant population boom, particularly for the area's school. now i dug up this morning information from the mountain view school direct agenda revealing that some of that new construction could bring in more than 2,300 newspaper students. that's about a 50% increase over the current population of 5,100. these are transitional kindergarten through eighth grade students on ten different campuses in the is likely to come up in public comments at the school board meeting tonight but the superintendent did tell the mercury news while this will be a challenge it presents an opportunity. that board meeting is tonight at 7:00. i will link to you that agenda through my twitter feed. let me know what you think about the increase in public school population in mountain view, kris sanchez today in the bay. it is coming up on 5:09 on this thursday morning. if you're up early and packing the lunches and about to get the kids ready to head out to school, as they walk to school there may be a few sprinkles on the way either during that drive on the bus ride or walking. and at recess they'll have mostly cloudy skies but it will be comfortable. it will most likely be all right, just wearing light long sleeves. then as we head through 1:00 there will be times of sunshine and breezy heading out of the classroom. i'll have a look at today's temperature trend coming up. mike as a look at the roadways. things are moving pretty smoothly for most of our sensors. kari, we're still tracking this, looking over here toward east 580 to north 238, that corrector right over there, not a heavily traveled route but may still be affected by the crash reportedly original originally blocking one lane. chp is in the middle of a shift change so we'll get more details in a few minutes. we do e over here we see the slowing continuing to ease up west 80 passing willow that crash is over on the shoulder. took a few minutes and that's why there was a build up. this is a good popular route. it's holding up steady there. add about three or four minutes. a smooth drive across the by north bay 101 and highway 37 no delay out of vallejo right now. back to you. it's 5:10. foogt the bill. the reason taxpayers may be paying for the 2028 olympics in california. >> facebook the middle of the russian investigation we'll tell you all about it when today in the bay continues. the bay continues. it is 5:13 on this thursday morning. we wake up with a few more clouds as we take a live look outside in san jose. don't be surprised if there's a little light rain to make the car extra dirty. we'll be in the upper 60s throughout much of the morning and seeing those highs up to 78 degrees which is cooler than where we should be for this time of year. we'll take a look ahead to the weekend and also an update on hurricane irma in about five minutes. and right now we're looking at an easy drive. there's a little buildup out of the altamont pass. it's 5:13 right now. new this morning a deal to sell the famous half moon bay area surf contest has hit a stalemate. the mavericks surf contest has been in limbboy bow since its current organizer filed for bankruptcy. in august they asked the court to approve the sale of the world suffer league. in court pay oerz found on wednesday a texas company objected saying the sale would not be in the best interest of the bankruptcy of the estate. new this morning, california lawmakers are working to pay for the 2028 olympics. the new assembly proposed would guarantee that the state pay up to 270 million $ to fund overbudget costs for the los angeles games. "the l.a. times" estimates that the games will cost more than $5 billion most of k48 be covered by sponsorship and ticket sales. the new rules for airbnb users that comes with a settlement with san francisco. the short-term rental company launched a new registration this week that will, i hosts to prove they have registered with the city. they say many airbnb hosts were not permanent residents of the city and were trying to list rental units on the site. face sbook now squarely in the milled of the russian investigation. >> a new report says the company is turning business records over to special counsel robert mueller this morning. >> reporter: facebook's own security team has figured out a shoud doey russian group bought $100,000 worth of advertising during the presidential campaign. little ads on your facebook page that didn't push candidates fwhauz would be illegal for a foreign power, but did push controversial political subjects, like abortion or gun control or immigration. no doubt with the attempt to try to influence voters. where it gets very serious is the success sispicion, russians voter data so they could better target their data. ads on facebook could be super targeted down to the individual. if they had that election data the question is where did they get that data and that's where special counsel mueller comes in. according to reuters, facebook turns those business records over to the special counsel. you may recall mark zuckerberg said he called a crazy idea. he said there's a profound lack of empathy in asergt the only reason somebody could have voted the way they did was because they saw fake news on facebook. stocks rose wednesday after president trump cut a deal with democrats to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling. toys "r" us says it's running out of money and the closing store gap will close hundreds of stores. amazon is going to build hundreds of headquarters in its q2 and wants to know where it should be. they taken over seattle accounting for 19% of the office space in that city. mike rosenberg at the seattle times said seattle is now the biggest company town in america. it's renting space on market near twitter, it's not space in palo alto and space in sunnyvale it bought at well. headquarters is not going to be here. >> and the store front. >> yeah, across from the old borders. >> what'd you buy. >> i did buy a book and it's kind of cool you can buy it on your phone. you buy it and take off. >> oh, wow. i can do that at home too. >> thanks, scott. well, maybe you woke up this morning with a little extra adrenalin. >> i did. >> a trivg twink until your eye. >> i don't know why. >> i can tell you why. today is game day the nfl season kicks off tonight. the new england and the only place you can see it, where else? right here, nbc bay area. the patriots and the chiefs take to the field tonight. it all starts at 5:30. also stick around after the game for a special edition of nbc bay area news. that's what it was, i don't know why i knew that this morning. all right. let's check the forecast. it is nice out there. >> it is nice and we're starting out with a few more louds this morning as you get ready to head out the door. also a little bit of some drizzle in some spots. now we'll be watching out for that throughout the day, some light rain moving through and as we get a look right in the middle of the screen at the peninsula we have temperatures now at 69 degrees. the seven-day forecast coming up at the bottom of the screen. taking a life look outside in tiburon it's 65 degrees with mostly cloudy skies. looking at high temperatures today, this is much cooler than where we should be for this time of year especially for the inland areas, looking at low 80s. 75 palo alto, also 75ed to in oakland and it's all because we will have many more clouds and also cold front moving through and it has brought a few of those spotty showers, even some thunderstorms well to the north of us and it's moving away from us. but we will still have just enough energy to produce some light rain and possibility of a little bit of wet weather across the santa cruz mountains and coastline, also in parts of the north bay. it's been picked up on our computer models but a lot of it is way too light to be picked up on radar. so just expect the possibility that there may be some showers moving through through at least 1:00 today and then things the dry out. our skies will clear and it will be a nice day with breezy winds and then another slight chance of rain tonight especially for san francisco and then moving in to parts of napa and sonoma county. other than that, we continue on with some fairly dry weather with the possibility of measuring some of that rain in a few 100s of an inch. we continue to track what's happening with our friends and family in florida and parts of the caribbean where we till have this category five hurricane irma moving off towards the west at 17 miles an hour. and then right behind that we have hurricane jose that is also going to take part of the same path as irma but then start to curve to the north. this may briefly become a major hurricane over the next few g s days. also katia, it is not moving at this point and that may aloe it to strengthen possibly to a category two before it means in eastern mexico near vera cruz over the next several days. a lot of things to watch there. here at home we have much more quiet weather. san francisco reaching into the upper 60s by the start of the weekend, mid-70s by sunday, and it will be warm to start out next week but there will be a chance of rain toward tuesday that could bring that hot weather for the middle of next week. as we head over to mike, an update on what's happening on the roads. we're looking over here, most of the sensors are showing green as we'd expect. 5:20 still just getting started for the morning commute but continuing over here. we hear about part of that connecter block you see a little build off the castro y. that's the connecter that's affected on to northbound 238. we'll check that and get more updates as chp continues to tell us about developments there. we continue to see recovery as well over here for westbound 80 coming past willow there wherethere was an earlier crash and now there's still a little bit of slowing just by the distraction. slight build off the karkinos bridge but we should sees those metering lights at the toll plaza. the slowing doesn't show up on the mapp but then we got an alert on waze. this is highway four on to southbound 242, reports of a crash over there. it's categorized as a major crash we're waiting to get more detail but we want to thank this anonymous wazer for doing that so we'll sent thanks but they're not registered in our system. i want to you register so we can thank you appropriately by name. check your profile over here, make sure you check your name and nbc bay area wazers which is our name for our team. back to you. it's 5:21 right now. coming up, an alarming new rorptd. the massive number of women who are not getting enough sleep. and what doctors say is to blame. on social media we're tall tracking hurricane irma. take a look at that that was retweeted a photo showing an empty flight from north carolina so fort lauderdale follow me at markus on nbc our team coverage continues at 5:30. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. are trying welcome back, everyone, and a good morning to you. some sonoma county nonprofits are trying to reduce food waste, that's a word from the press democrat this morning. over 45,000 tons of food goes to waste every year in sonoma county. a food recovery coalition wants to instead gift that food to hungry people. the group is working on a mapping tool to help people with extra food find a donation spot. we looked into food waste numbers overnight. the latest usda numbers are from 2010 where 31% of the food supply goes to waste. that's about 133 billion pounds of food. the epa says when the food goes into landfills it generates thej e methane which can hurt the environment. the epa and usda have set a goal to reduce food waste by half by the year 2030. 5:25 and new this morning a record percentage of americans now support same sex marriage according to an nbc news "wall street journal" social trend poll 60 percent support such unions. that's slightly up since 2015. 33% still oppose and 7% remain undecided. there's no doubt the average woman is busy working, taking care of children and doing everything else in between. what suffers is the amount of sleep they get every night. national center for health statistics says one in three women in their 40s and 50s don't get enough shut eye. many have trouble falling asleep. others say they just can't stay asleep. doctors say hormone changes leading up to and during men mow pause appear to be a major factor. sleep experts say one way to drift off is to log off long before your head hits the pillow. >> we recommend that at least half an hour before bedtime we really need to take a break from electronic devices to be able to then fall asleep naturally without using medications. >> it's recommended most adults get at least seven hours of sleep every night. preferably eight. well, coming up -- i know. coming up preparing for impact. hurricane irma is eyeing florida this morning as it continues to churn in the atlantic. the damage already left behind throughout the caribbean. we'll track where it's heading next coming up. an east bay urban saerjd rescue team just back from hurricane harvey now being deployed to irma. the preparations that are under way at this very early hour. ad lib live picture-- downtown sunnyvale -- a very good thursday morning to you. it's 5:30 right now. isn't this a lovely live look outside? that's downtown sunnyvale. the lights illuminating everything, very inviting. >> almost makes it holiday like. >> not just yet. >> too soon. too soon. >> you're pushing it, markus. it's 5:30 right now. thanks for joining us i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm marcus washington. to go with that beautiful picture, beautiful weather. >> you may have some sprinkles. >> come on, kari. >> we have a little bit of light rain this morning. it's going to be cooler and in between the rain we will have times of shine. we're looking at highs in san jose up to 79 degrees, lower 80s for the tri-valley and delta and the north bay a high of 77 in napa. as we look at the radar not a whole lot going on here. the tlan we've seen this morning has been so light it's hard being detected on the radar but our models show that there will be a chance today as this disturbance moves through. so we'll take a closer look at this and also a look ahead to the weekend coming up. mike gets us out there on the roadways with a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> the metering lights, no big sur prices turned on at 5:21 just after my last report. we're showing a backup here. nothing major as far as any slowing off the east shore freeway or the maze. we're following this crash with a tow truck and activity still on the shoulder west 80 at willow so there's a little slowing as you're approaching highway 4 and that's may be just a couple of minutes. the rest of bay nice smooth traffic. note chp said at highway 17 there's a sign up saying reduce speeds for slicker roads between the summit and los gatos. now to our hurricane irma dufr rage, the deadly storm barreling through the caribbean this morning. it's headed towards the dominican republic. new images from overnight from st. martin. that's eight former desk colony. right now thousands of homes are leveled as you see right there and although there are no reported deaths in that particular area, we're learning elsewhere at least ten people are dead and dozens of others injured in the caribbean. right now that storm continues its path towards florida. >> that's where millions of people are fleeing this morning. this is new video from interstate-75 in pasco county in tampa bay along the coast. most of these people are heading north and the scene like this is playing out across the state. here at home a bay area task force is preparing to go where these people are actually fleeing from, right in the storm's path. bob redell joins us live in oakland this morning where rescue crews are about to take nauf a little over an hour. many had actually just come back from texas we understand, bob. >> reporter: correct, good morning. california task force who just returned from harvey earlier this week and now many of the members are being redid he employed to florida this morning. this is a search and rescue team sponsored by the oakland fire department. you can see we're hoo n an oakland maintenance facility where they're getting nare go bags, they're packing up making sure they vefrg in there and they'll be flying out at various times this morning out of oakland international later this morning around 8:30 and the 11:00 hour heading to atlanta. there's about 50 members of this team who are deplaying to the east coast and had they get to atlanta they'll be going down to the florida/georgia border and they'll be at an air force base there and they'll be getting their orders from there. about half the members have hit the road they're taking the equipment across the country and they're taking rescue boats, they've also got construction collapse gear. this is the type of gear you'd use to reput up homes and stuff that have collapsed to support the roofs and they've also got breaching and breaking equipment to break into homes that could be damaged or destroyed by irma. there's also two doctors and two civil engineers in this group. the rest of the people are members of local fire departments here in the east bay. that video you just saw was from monday when some members of the task force just returned back from texas where they were helping victims of hurricane harvey. not only rescuing people from their flooded homes but a lot of animals, including cattle and horses. again, task force 4 very busy week for them getting off deployment from texas with harvey now some of them being redeployed to florida hours from now. thanks for the update on that. as we've been reporting, millions of people are fleeing florida to get out of this storm's path. some permanent coming here to the bay area. we spoke to one man who touched down in france last night from miami. he says many people are still planning to hunker down in florida to just wait out the storm. >> buy water and buy supplies and get sandbags, just to get ready for the storm. >> hurricane irma's path is still not certain as it approaches florida, but the mayor of miami is ordering evacuations of thousands of residents along the city's coastline. our own vianey is headed to florida this morning. look for her live reports later this week. >> 5:35 in a developing story now. an escaped inmate has been spotted in the east bay. alameda county sheriff's office says eye rain mitchell and another inmate ana armstrong walked away from the federal correctional institute in dub u dublin on monday. this is a minimum security center. they were serving time for narcotics charges. they are providing meaning full of civilian oversighted for the department of corrections, mercury news say that the plan creates an office of correction and law enforcement oversight. it also calls for the creation of a civilian panel to ensure public access. it has been nearly two years since three guards beat an inmate to death at the santa clara county jail. those guards were convicted of murder earlier this year. the full board is set to look at the proposal on tuesday. it's 5:36 and new this morning surveillance cameras are coming to moraga. they plan to install cameras and license plate readers along main routes in and out of town. the roads are on your screen, you see them there. people living in moraga raised $60,000 to pay for that eemtd. it will be linked wirelessly to the police department. this follows a string of home and car break-ins. 5:36 and an east bay neighborhood is on edge this morning because rats have taken over. it's so bad that one woman had to temporarily move out of her home. that problem is being felt in north berkeley. one neighbor tells us that it's become an issue and it became an issue for her around may when she got mysterious bites all over her body. her dermatologist narrowed her problem down to rat bites. >> may take up to two months to die off on their own, to two months of going to bed every night and being eaten alive. >> wow. berkeley's environmental health department has been flooded with calls. the wet wirpt has contributed to the city's rode dent problem. also overgrown vegetation gives rats a place to live and people leaving out pet food can also draw those rats in. 5:37 this morning we have our first sense near using the new computer train. they say 47 people disembark in san rafael. the other stations saw about 10% of the riders. we're looking over here and we see most of the bay shows an easy drive just starting your typical pattern slowing out of altamont pass on 580 and that built for san jose first hit and then the real commute kicks in. over here we're look at slowing off the castro valley y off of east 580 on 238. the slowing's because the volume out of castro valley. it's actually two crashes involving a total of five cars we're waiting for tow trucks to arrive. look at the travel times, you do see 238 slows a bit, nothing dramatic but it's what we saw on the sensors of course and the drive time get over toward the bay bridge, an easy drive, 20 minutes from highway 4 down to the bay bridge toll plaza where those metering lights are on. not a surprise for anyone there. it's almost friday. >> look ahead to the weekend. >> a lot of people this week did go by pretty fast because maybe had you monday off and as we look forward to the weekend we will have some warmer temperatures than we're going to see today. so it's going to be in the low 80s for the bay. the coast at 69 degrees, not like this past weekend. and it's going to be up to 88 degrees for the inland valleys. and for sunday, looking at some hot temperatures, even hotter than saturday, 96 degrees. so think you'll be trying to find a place to cool off, maybe you'll be making plans go to the coast where it will be at 67 -- 76 degrees. if you're going on saturday to the jack-of-all-trades market we're going to have some great weather for that. starts out at 11:00 in the morning. we'll be at 65 degrees, just a few lingering clouds but clearing out and high temperatures in the low 70s right there at jack london square. as we get a look at the forecast for yosemite we talked about the nearby wildfires and the poor air quality. and this may be something that will help. we will have a chance of a few thunderstorms and maybe some lightning so we'll have to watch out for that in the forecast for friday as well as saturday with highs reaching only in the low 60s there. all of that clears out on sunday so that may be the best day to go for a hike. it will be 69 degrees. in assistant an cruz this weekend, low 70s, a few more clouds in the mix and looking at sunday's forecast will be up to 75 degrees. if you're making plans to head farther to the north at shasta lake it's going to be really hot on friday. also as we go through the weekend it does come down a few degrees. we're look at some low 90s there. so we'll talk more about what to expect here for today, our forecast and the temperature trend comes up in three minutes. >> we'll look forward to that. thank you, kari. it's 5:40 right no, i. coming up how's your drinking water? the particles lurking in tap water across the u.s. what a new report just found next. plus a son testifies about his father's campaign. we'll bring you up to speed when "today in the bay" continues. it's 5:403 and we start out with clouds and spotty light rain. we haven't seen that in san jose as we take a live look but as you head out the door we have a nice cool start. temperatures will stay in the 60ss we go through the neighborhood of evergreen will be seeing those clouds mix in. a little bit cooler than where we should be for this time of year. more on that and an update on hurricane irma coming up in five minutes. here are your north bay times. we're starting to see at the bottom of the screen -- just went from yellow to orange, a little more slowing for west 37, basically folks pausing to get across that bridge. thank you very much. it's 5:44. new this morning tap water may contain dangerous plastic fibers, at least that's what researchers from new york are saying. it says researchers tested tap water samples from five counties, continents it's supposed to say, of those 83 were contaminated with plastic. the u.s. had the highest contamination rate at 94% tap water tested came from the epa headquarters congressional buildings and even trump tower in new york. researchers say the fibers may be coming from a lot of places including dust, utensils, clothing all going through the wash. 5:44 and a follow-up now california senator diane fine stain continues to work to help an oakland nurse and her husband. feinstein introducinged a private bill on wednesday that would provide green cards specifically for the sanchez family. the couple was deported to mexico last month after spending more than 20 years in the u.s. three of their kids remain in america, including a daughter protected by daca. experts tell the us this morning that feinstein's private bill will likely fame. quart to 6:00, the president's son will be in front of the judiciary committee this morning testifying about his father's campaign. >> this is one of four active investigations into russia's influence on the election. >> that we know of. as for donald trump jr., we understand he will be at a closed-door session of the senate judiciary committee answering questions about a meeting he and jared kushner and paul manafort had with a russian lawyer in june just before the election. e-mails about that meeting are incriminating just on the face of them. the e-mails offer to set up a meeting with russians who say explicitly they have incriminating evidence against his father's political opponent hillary clinton and say explicitly it's part of the russian government support for donald trump's campaign. to which donald trump jr. responds in an e-mail, i love it. now these e-mails were not leaked. donald trump jr. tweeted them out. we expect trump junior will report to the senate judiciary committee for an open testimony later this year. reuters says special robert mueller has records from facebook after that company said it discovered a russian outfit but thousands of targeted ads during the campaign. we'll talk more about that issue coming up in our business and tech segment. other news, secretary of education betsy de voss will make an announcement today in washington in which we expect her to dial back some of the federal title 9 requirements. we often think of the title ix in the context of sports but it spells out what colleges have to adhere to about sexual assaults on campus. we think but don't know she will weaken those guidelines. if something happens to you, report it to the police. a crime say crime. we take a look at what's going on in washington every morning p. >> if you have questions about what's going on you can reach me on twitter #scott mcgrew. the yosemite national park air is bad to breathe. air quality levels. visitor's self are at an unhealthy status. facebook posted an image showing this brown haze you see right here. multiple wildfires burning nearby are lowering visibility and reducing the air quality. the national weather service say that smoky conditions should improve today. >> you need some stiff wind to blow all of that out. beautiful place there. >> and we we ever talking about that chance of forms over in yosemite over next couple of days, hopeful that i helps as well, maybe a little bit of some rain. and we're tracking rain too this morning across the bay area. any rain that we will see will be very light and spotty as well. so it's going to be more of a hit or miss variety as we take a live look outside in san francisco it's 67 degrees, mostly cloudy, and you may want to grab that umbrella just in case. we're looking at today temperatures reaching into the upper 70s to low 80s for the south bay. san jose will be up to 79 degrees. cupertino at 78 degrees. now for the east bay, hayward 78. walnut creak eight 2 degrees so it will feel much better. 73 degrees today in redwood city. and the seven-day forecast is now up at the bottom of the screen. check out san francisco now where high temperature today will be up to 69 degrees and 75 in mill valley. we'll have 74 today in santa rosa. as you get start and getting ready for work or school, about to head out the door, grab an umbrella zbluft case once again because we will have a few spotty sprinkles. now the rain we'll see it will just enough to make the car look extra dirty so you may be making a run for the car wash tomorrow. long sleeves will also be comfortable day due to the cooler temperatures and breezy winds. walking to school this morning there will be a slight chance of rain and at recess mostly cloudy but comfortable. there will be some times of sunshine as the little bit of rain that we will see gets out of here. but the bulk of the heavier rain and lightning has been well to the north of the bay area and moving away from us. but the models still show that we will have a chance of some of those showers, especially for the coast and in the santa cruz mountains and in parts of the north bay from marin county to parts of sonoma county as well. and some of the clouds and light rain that we will see will be clearing out, but there still may be that isolated chance even through tonight, especially for the north bay. we've been keeping you updated on what's happening with hurricane irma, now it has wind speeds of 180 miles per hour. it's just north of the dominican republic and haiti and it will likely continue on as a category five and we'll have full coverage of that coming up at the top of our 6:00 newscast. here we are look at temperatures in france staying close to normal but heating up toward the end of the weekend. another chance of showers on tuesday while the inland areas will have a hot weekend, especially on sunday up to 96 degrees. and, mike, you've been tracking what's happening out there on the roadways, what's going on now? >> over all it's pretty calm around thea bay. you can see that because of all the green sensors. in castro valley where we've been following the crash, the issue is they have just cleared the two separate crashes we told you about, we learned about five cars involved and that was an issue, but right now things are moving well. and no major problems as you come down through hayward, just the build there as well as the tri-valley. that's a great throw of traffic. getting over toward the bay bridge you do have a slower drive on the upper east shore freeway. standard over there. and a nice easy ride on these transit systems. no delays for the transit systems. 49 trains on-time for bart. he'll make sure also check our popular app called waze vur it on your phone and you can make sure you know how to get there and use your profile make sure you're a member of the nbc bay area wazers and that's the team to join so we can share that information and help you adjust your way. >> a lot of running around. thanks, mike. a special tribute to one of lake tahoe's biggest fans. the reason heavenly resorts designating trees to a bhan who is still hitting the slopes. there are concerns of airline price gouging this morning ahead of hurricane irma's landfall in south florida. miami herald reports yesterday prices for flights out of south florida sky rocketed to more than $3,000 per person for domestic flights. richard branson who had been hold up in a wine cellular at hurricane irma battered his home survived the storm. his son sam says that everyone on branson's private caribbean island is okay. the virgin airline's boss hunkered down in his concrete shelter with family and staff. more for you in just two minutes. new this morning-- the salt lake city police chief is responding to the thousands of outraged emails, calls, and social media p new this morning, a salt lake city police chief is responding to the thousands of outraged e-mails, calls, and social media posts from across the nation about a viral video showing a nurse getting arested. this is video that has been making the rounds on social media. an officer tried to arrest a nurse alex wubbels after she refused to take blood from a patient without probable cause. a warrant or consent. the arresting officer and his supervising officer could now face criminal prosecution. chief mike brown says that the department made a mistake and needs to update its policy and procedure handbook. >> here's the bottom line. we -- we don't want this to happen again. we really don't. i talked to nurse wubbels on the phone and i apologized. we will do better. if mistakes were made, we will correct them. at the end of the day, this will be a better place. >> the chief also says that he should have been quicker to put the arresting officer on leave after the incident. new details this morning on mcimagine. she's the oakland teenager who was declared brain dead after a medical procedure back in 2013. they report this morning that an alameda county judge has questions about whether she currently fits the state's criteria of death. she was put on life support after she was left in the state that doctors describe as an irreversible comb pats hospital wanted to remove the teen from life support but her family moved her to new jersey where they are allowed to continue life support. the judge's line of questioning comes amid a medical mall practice suit against the hospital and could lead to a trial to decide whether she is alive. and 5:57 and new this morning me son the way for business owners in san francisco who are strug ulg bas of constant construction. according to examiner the mayor has come up with a plan to help her dhoonts lost business during the construction. it's called the construction missi mitigation program. they will have to come up with strategies to help businesses and neighbors that could be impacted by construction. take a look at this. an underground explosion in los angeles leaving shatters pieces of pavement just in the neighborhood. happened yesterday afternoon. firefighters say two manhole covers had blown off and debris was just left everywhere. you see there on the street. investigators think an underground vault caused that explosion. luckily no one was injured. and apple has report lydia struck a deal for songs from warner music. it's the tech giant's first agreement way major label since launching apple music two years ago. warner's catalog includes ed sheeran, the red hot chili peppers and bruno mars just to name a few. apple is reportedly ig a deal with sony music as well which catalog includes taylor swift and justin timberlake. new this morning a south lake tahoe man who dedicated his life to heavenly mountain resort is getting a huge honor. a piece of the mountain will carry his name. he is hitting the slopes at 96 years young. 60 years ago he started working in tahoe as a patrolman for heavenly resort. he helped carve out some of those runs that are still used today. he also replaced trees along the runs, rae planting dozens of them over the years. now a row of trees that martin saved decades ago will be named after him. >> the man, the mountain, and the legend. my life was the mountain and still is today. >> so touching. he has a lifetime pass to heavenly and he plans to hit the slopes again this season when he's 97 years old. good for him. >> just hope i'm like that at that age. >> right. so a live look here at the shark tank this morning where the team is unveiling a real 2,000 gallon shark tank today. it will be in the new chairman's [ speaking foreign language ] lounge at the sap center. and good news for shark fans, shark game tickets go on sale tomorrow for the upcoming season. the sharks kick off their preseason hosting anaheim ducks on september 19th. then the season officially starts on october 4th when the sharks host the philadelphia flyers. very cool. the death toll and destruction from hurricane irma is growing overnight as the massive storm is moving closer to the u.s. we are tracking the powerful hurricane. plus the steps rescuers and utility crews from the bay area are taking to help out once the hurricane hits florida. and student influx, the reason one bay area school district is getting ready for a major increase in students and what district officials are trying to do to prepare. today in the bay continues right now. a very good now thursday morning to you thanks so much for joining us i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm mark cause washington. as we start off this morning in a very beautiful way. isn't it nice? >> nice and cool outside. >> it is nice and we've had cooler air moving in but part of that is because we've had some light rain moving through. as you step out the door, you may have a little bit of drizzle but it will keep those temperatures down today. looking at 79 degrees in san jose, 75 in palo alto, and even lower 80s in the tri-valley and concord today. north bay 77 degrees and in san franci

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