Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170904 : comparemela

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170904

80s. we're starting a nice difference in those temperatures. 75 degrees in san jose. 68 for san francisco. a quick check of the 24-hour temperature change. this is the drop we've seen this hour since yesterday. about seven degrees cooler in san jose. eight degrees cooler in san francisco. in hayward seven degrees cooler. i do want to mention we are tracking the chance of seeing a few thunderstorms into tonight and that's because of tropical storm lidia. i will get into more of that in a bit. mike is tracking a crash in the peninsula. >> not much of a commute but we do have a crash southbound 280 at farmville road. reports of a crash, an overturned vehicle and a brush fire on the shoulder. four fire department vehicles are heading out as well as emergency vehicles to check for injuries. we'll track that. the brush fire is a big concern with drier, hotter conditions. the rest of the bay moves well. adjusted service. we'll outline that again coming up. back to you. >> thanks, mike. breaking news this morning the world is bracing for another missile test by north korea. south korea's defense ministry says the north appears to be planning the launch to show off its ability to target the u.s. just a day after kim jong-un detonated its largest ever. here is how the trump administration responded sunday. >> mr. president, will you attack north korea? >> we'll see. >> any threat to the united states or its territories including guam or our allies will be met with massive military response, a response effective and overwhelming. >> i will draft a package for his strong consideration that would go as far as cutting off all trade or other business. >> south korea fired missiles into the sea to simulate an attack on the north's main nuclear test site. here at home happening today, be prepared for another day of bad air quality. that smoky haze that will hang in the air isn't advisable yet from our emeryville camera but you will see it later. folks across the bay will be breathing in the smoke from wildfires burning in northern california. and 4:33. "today in the bay's" pete suratos is live with what we need to know before heading outside this labor day. pete? >> reporter: good morning to you, marcus and kris. look, the air district put out another spare the air alert as a result of the smoke we're seeing in parts of the bay area and really it comes from parts of northern california as well as oregon. i had a chance to speak to the alameda county fire chief who says that issue will continue as long as we have this unusual hot weather. >> a couple of those fires are called complexes which means multiple fires happening in the general vicinity of each other so they join them together. so you have the smoke being produced from that and you have the current weather system with high pressure is turning the smoke and just bringing it down really from northern california up north and down into the bay area. and then with the extreme heat it's just sitting here in the bay area which we're not used to. >> reporter: now it's been an issue the past few days, more towards the inland parts of the bay area. it may irritate the eyes as well as your sinuses in some cases. with that said the bay area quality district has put out another spare the air alert. first things first, limit outdoor activity to avoid any unnecessary exposure and also recirculate ac and car vent units to prevent outside air from coming inside. if possible remain indoors with the windows and doors closed. if you can't close those windows or doors due to high temperatures seek out cooling centers. the smoke will stay in parts of the bay area as long as we see the weather system. we'll continue to monitor on the ground and provide any updates as they come in. we're live in pleasanton, pete suratos for "today in the bay." developing now thousands of people in texas will spend this labor day cleaning up as floodwaters recede. a better sense of what damage was left behind from hurricane harvey. >> it could not be worse. it doesn't matter. >> save what you can save. >> and cities like beaumont, many are still without power. there are still concerns across the southeast part of texas over sewage, toxins, and health risks. top priority is to help clean up debris and find people housing. breaking news this morning out of england. >> the royal family will soon be plus one. princess kate and prince william announced they are expecting their third baby. that is the word out of kensington palace which issued an official announcement the duke and duchess of cambridge are pregnant with their third baby. apparently queen elizabeth is delighted with the news, will be fifth in line to the throne. maybe that little guy or gal can cut loose a little. coming up, ditching the brands. one startup is trying to lead to cheaper groceries. if the subway club were a club, it'd be called the subway club club. and everyone would want to get in for the turkey, black forest ham and roast beef. and dance music. ♪ turkey ham turkey ham. (high voice) roast beef. subway®. so much sandwich. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only $34.90 more per month. call today. comcast business. built for business. comcast business. ♪ i wanna destroy you ♪ business and tech news this morning. a startup company in san francisco is shaking things up in a big way by going brandless. >> they're dropping the noticeable labels you might used to see on household products you buy. this new way of doing business could save you money if you're willing to go without that brand name. >> reporter: when a new company sets up shop, so much of luring in customers is about the brand. this san francisco startup is redefining that. the ceo tina sharky co-founded brandless which shifted everything from barbecue sauce to hand lotion to customers, each item $3 or less. eliminate what the company calls the brand tax which includes advertising, retail space and distribution. >> people understood what things cost versus what people pay for them they'd be writhing in the streets. >> reporter: i see maple syrup right there. how much is that maple syrup? >> $3. >> reporter: but at the grocery store is probably twice if not more. so are you telling me that entire difference is all brand markup? >> it's not just brand markup, it's an entire system that goes from the supplier, then they have to pay a distributor to get into their retail outlet and then their retail outlet. >> reporter: many organic, gluten and gmo free. maggie heard about it from a friend who works there. she orders ahead when she has friends over. >> i think at $3 you might be worried about quality, like what am i going to get for $3, but i was really surprised. >> reporter: brandless keeps surprises down by limiting what it sells to a couple hundred products but it may not always be the better deal. at trader joe's, peanut butter, salsa and toothpaste are cheaper. the company is trying to break in as consumer tastes are changing. among the top 100 household brands, 90% lost market share including categories like frozen foods and cereal. >> consumers are much more about things that are local, that are authentic, that have a story that connects to them and that often means putting aside the traditional brands they may have heard of for years and years. >> reporter: it sounds like brandless is developing a brand of its own. >> we are just redefining what it means to be a brand. >> reporter: disrupting the future of how companies become a household name. >> generic is now a brand. coming up, i don't get what's going on with the weather. vianey? it looks like we're feeling a nice drop in temperatures already along the coastline. it's feeling more normal in the 50s. a couple spots in the 70s. we have some changes on the way including thunderstorm changes as we head later into tonight. i'll have your full forecast. and look what i found over highway 101. this caused a problem on the freeway. some debris, concrete from the overpass. i'll show you a wider look and what we found. plus, is the bay area's scorching temperature map caused by climate change? what scientists are saying. it is 4:45 right now looking live at the transamerica building in san francisco and not a lot of fog so it's still going to be warm today though not quite as hot as we were miserably used to this weekend. 4:45 and pretty much everywhere in the bay area today people will walk out their doors breathing a sigh of relief because one of the most severe heat waves ever is now over. records were broken almost everywhere. san francisco recorded an all-time high of 105 degrees. san jose and observing hit records for the month of september and it has some asking if this is a result of climate change. we looked closer in the 2000s marked the hottest decade and the amount of record breaking highs outnumbered record-breaking lows about 2 to 1 according to data collected by the group tracking climate change over the past 365 days. record highs have outside numbered record lows by a much steeper rate at nearly 4 to 1. an interesting number there. >> there is high humidity, vianey. >> it will feel muggy. we're tracking a couple of weather systems, tropical storm lidia that hit off mexico and hurricane irma which has a projected path of friday. we have a lot going on. we have that decrease in temperatures. look at the 24-hour auto change. they may turn off their acs if they live along the peninsula. look at the drop in temperatures in san jose a drop of about seven-degree difference. negative eight for san francisco, reduced down by about eight degrees. this hour yesterday in san francisco we were eight degrees warmer. i do want to pop up satellite radar. we've been talking about the chance of pop-up thunderstorms and this is actually from tropical storm lidia. these are the remnants, what brought a lot of rain for l.a. this is what will bring the chance of seeing pop-up showers. we're keeping a close eye on that. that will bring the nice drop in temperatures. 94 degrees, san jose. oakland a high of 82. san francisco and along the peninsula in the 60s and 70s. cooler than we experienced this weekend. now let's talk about some of those active storms i was mentioning. it's bringing a lot of necessary rain especially with all of the wildfires out causing all the smoky and hazy skies. poor air quality. a chance for thunderstorms over the next couple of hours. let's talk about this next projected path for irma. as of right now it looks like the biggest concern is heading into thursday and friday. the projected path is florida, a category 3 or 4 as of thursday or friday. that could bring really tragic results. a close eye on that. we'll keep muggy conditions today. look at the drop in temperatures we get rid of the 90s and then we finally start seeing some much more seasonable temperatures as of wednesday and thursday. finally into the 80s. we have a lot going on in terms of the weather. a check of traffic with mike. mike, you're tracking a traffic break. right there you see ikea, right over the over crossing a crash. that pickup truck had crashed into the guardrail and debris. that's why they had a traffic break that's cleared up. we'll see if there's any slowing remaining on our sensors, not even long enough to show up on the sensors. that's good news whatever was going on is completely clear. 101 and getting over on 84 and the dumbarton bridge is moving well. we're told no big brush fire. just smoke coming out of a vehicle that spun out. everything is okay. light traffic keeps that moving well. i'll let you know. i want to tell you about mass transit. there's that bus bridge for b.a.r.t. that continues today. we have modified schedule because labor day holiday. buses from muni are still running. back to you. new this morning at 4:50 drivers may soon have to pay to use highway 37. the north bay highway hard this past winter. it runs through marin, sonoma, solano counties. the ij reports transportation officials are considering college a $7 toll. a consultant is studying ways to finance improvements to prevent flooding. >> to expect those delays on b.a.r.t. as they do track maintenance work. lake merritt will be closed. delays may approach 30 minutes or longer if you're heading to the oakland airport. we looked at b.a.r.t.'s ridership numbers last labor day weekend when b.a.r.t. was doing the same track work. nearly 170,000 people rode the train. sunday 143,000. and monday nearly 120,000 riders took part. that was last year. and today pretending it's sunday because of the labor day holiday. both services will use a sunday schedule. >> i'll call him a jack of all trades, our own marcus washington belted out the national anthem at the giants game. ♪ o say can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ >> beautiful, marcus. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> i'm not surprised. >> i think i'm also a good luck charm because the giants pulled off the dramatic walk-off win against the cardinals. i look at myself as a good luck charm. i'm also singing the national anthem at the oakland a's game. you can catch that at 1:05. >> if you say that you might get booked for every game. >> i'm available. >> coming up, caught on camera. what cause this had driver to fly through a laundromat injuring several people. >> but first, happening now, a massive wildfire in montana, more than 42,000 acres. clearing the brush and knocking down trees to limit the amount of fuel available for those wildfires. and tens of thousands are trapped.myanmar. villages torched to the ground in clashes between myanmar. more news coming up in two minutes. my name is valerie decker and i'm a troubleman for pg&e. i am a first responder to emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. history continues to burn. this morning: the l-a fire developing the largest fire in l.a.'s history continues to burn. this morning the l.a. fire department says the blaze is 30% contained but burned more than 7,000 acres at this point. at last check those flames have destroyed homes, forced hundreds of people out of their homes and forced the closure of the 210 freeway. officials say four firefighters were also hurt in the firefight. the governor declared a state of emergency for los angeles county. 4:56 right now. a mandatory evacuation in part of madera county. a wildfire has burned nearly 700 acres. 200 structures are in danger. cal fire a says it's zero percent contained. a man died after running into flames. this morning we're learning that he was a u.s. citizen who had a home but was living in switzerland with his wife. he broke through two layers. firefighters rescued him and he was airlifted to the burn center. doctors say he wasn't under the influence and don't know why he ran into the fire. startling new video out of staten island showing that suv crashing backwards into a laundromat. it was all caught on camera. you can see it accelerate in reverse. six people were hurt and some very seriously. among them a pregnant woman. a witness describes the horror. >> i felt like it was a movie scene. >> police say that crash was, in fact, an accident. the driver has not been charged with the crime. coming up a cooldown but it comes with humidity. vianey is here with the forecast. >> indeed, cooler temperatures starting off. 70 for san jose. it's very humid. we're tracking moisture from the south. remnants could bring the chance of a few pop-up thunderstorms. >> and the bay bridge toll plaza. and good labor day morning to you this monday morning as we get on our way. traffic is moving on this labor day. people are out and still at it. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm kris sanchez on this labor day monday. it wasn't hard to come in to work. >> we're like it's fine we're working. >> and it looks like today the bay area will see a nice cooldown including the peninsula. i know a lot of folks were scrambling because of the warm-up. look at the temperatures right now, a mild start, the south bay 75. the tri-valley, 74. san francisco much more normal, 65 degrees. the east bay, 67. the north bay, 64. a quick peek at what you can expect today. we're going to see

Related Keywords

Mexico , Montana , United States , Emeryville , California , Texas , Sonoma , Florida , Madera County , Lake Merritt , South Korea , Guam , Turkey , San Francisco , Korea , Kris Sanchez , Jose Oakland , Valerie Decker , Queen Elizabeth , Mike ,

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Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170904 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170904

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80s. we're starting a nice difference in those temperatures. 75 degrees in san jose. 68 for san francisco. a quick check of the 24-hour temperature change. this is the drop we've seen this hour since yesterday. about seven degrees cooler in san jose. eight degrees cooler in san francisco. in hayward seven degrees cooler. i do want to mention we are tracking the chance of seeing a few thunderstorms into tonight and that's because of tropical storm lidia. i will get into more of that in a bit. mike is tracking a crash in the peninsula. >> not much of a commute but we do have a crash southbound 280 at farmville road. reports of a crash, an overturned vehicle and a brush fire on the shoulder. four fire department vehicles are heading out as well as emergency vehicles to check for injuries. we'll track that. the brush fire is a big concern with drier, hotter conditions. the rest of the bay moves well. adjusted service. we'll outline that again coming up. back to you. >> thanks, mike. breaking news this morning the world is bracing for another missile test by north korea. south korea's defense ministry says the north appears to be planning the launch to show off its ability to target the u.s. just a day after kim jong-un detonated its largest ever. here is how the trump administration responded sunday. >> mr. president, will you attack north korea? >> we'll see. >> any threat to the united states or its territories including guam or our allies will be met with massive military response, a response effective and overwhelming. >> i will draft a package for his strong consideration that would go as far as cutting off all trade or other business. >> south korea fired missiles into the sea to simulate an attack on the north's main nuclear test site. here at home happening today, be prepared for another day of bad air quality. that smoky haze that will hang in the air isn't advisable yet from our emeryville camera but you will see it later. folks across the bay will be breathing in the smoke from wildfires burning in northern california. and 4:33. "today in the bay's" pete suratos is live with what we need to know before heading outside this labor day. pete? >> reporter: good morning to you, marcus and kris. look, the air district put out another spare the air alert as a result of the smoke we're seeing in parts of the bay area and really it comes from parts of northern california as well as oregon. i had a chance to speak to the alameda county fire chief who says that issue will continue as long as we have this unusual hot weather. >> a couple of those fires are called complexes which means multiple fires happening in the general vicinity of each other so they join them together. so you have the smoke being produced from that and you have the current weather system with high pressure is turning the smoke and just bringing it down really from northern california up north and down into the bay area. and then with the extreme heat it's just sitting here in the bay area which we're not used to. >> reporter: now it's been an issue the past few days, more towards the inland parts of the bay area. it may irritate the eyes as well as your sinuses in some cases. with that said the bay area quality district has put out another spare the air alert. first things first, limit outdoor activity to avoid any unnecessary exposure and also recirculate ac and car vent units to prevent outside air from coming inside. if possible remain indoors with the windows and doors closed. if you can't close those windows or doors due to high temperatures seek out cooling centers. the smoke will stay in parts of the bay area as long as we see the weather system. we'll continue to monitor on the ground and provide any updates as they come in. we're live in pleasanton, pete suratos for "today in the bay." developing now thousands of people in texas will spend this labor day cleaning up as floodwaters recede. a better sense of what damage was left behind from hurricane harvey. >> it could not be worse. it doesn't matter. >> save what you can save. >> and cities like beaumont, many are still without power. there are still concerns across the southeast part of texas over sewage, toxins, and health risks. top priority is to help clean up debris and find people housing. breaking news this morning out of england. >> the royal family will soon be plus one. princess kate and prince william announced they are expecting their third baby. that is the word out of kensington palace which issued an official announcement the duke and duchess of cambridge are pregnant with their third baby. apparently queen elizabeth is delighted with the news, will be fifth in line to the throne. maybe that little guy or gal can cut loose a little. coming up, ditching the brands. one startup is trying to lead to cheaper groceries. if the subway club were a club, it'd be called the subway club club. and everyone would want to get in for the turkey, black forest ham and roast beef. and dance music. ♪ turkey ham turkey ham. (high voice) roast beef. subway®. so much sandwich. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only $34.90 more per month. call today. comcast business. built for business. comcast business. ♪ i wanna destroy you ♪ business and tech news this morning. a startup company in san francisco is shaking things up in a big way by going brandless. >> they're dropping the noticeable labels you might used to see on household products you buy. this new way of doing business could save you money if you're willing to go without that brand name. >> reporter: when a new company sets up shop, so much of luring in customers is about the brand. this san francisco startup is redefining that. the ceo tina sharky co-founded brandless which shifted everything from barbecue sauce to hand lotion to customers, each item $3 or less. eliminate what the company calls the brand tax which includes advertising, retail space and distribution. >> people understood what things cost versus what people pay for them they'd be writhing in the streets. >> reporter: i see maple syrup right there. how much is that maple syrup? >> $3. >> reporter: but at the grocery store is probably twice if not more. so are you telling me that entire difference is all brand markup? >> it's not just brand markup, it's an entire system that goes from the supplier, then they have to pay a distributor to get into their retail outlet and then their retail outlet. >> reporter: many organic, gluten and gmo free. maggie heard about it from a friend who works there. she orders ahead when she has friends over. >> i think at $3 you might be worried about quality, like what am i going to get for $3, but i was really surprised. >> reporter: brandless keeps surprises down by limiting what it sells to a couple hundred products but it may not always be the better deal. at trader joe's, peanut butter, salsa and toothpaste are cheaper. the company is trying to break in as consumer tastes are changing. among the top 100 household brands, 90% lost market share including categories like frozen foods and cereal. >> consumers are much more about things that are local, that are authentic, that have a story that connects to them and that often means putting aside the traditional brands they may have heard of for years and years. >> reporter: it sounds like brandless is developing a brand of its own. >> we are just redefining what it means to be a brand. >> reporter: disrupting the future of how companies become a household name. >> generic is now a brand. coming up, i don't get what's going on with the weather. vianey? it looks like we're feeling a nice drop in temperatures already along the coastline. it's feeling more normal in the 50s. a couple spots in the 70s. we have some changes on the way including thunderstorm changes as we head later into tonight. i'll have your full forecast. and look what i found over highway 101. this caused a problem on the freeway. some debris, concrete from the overpass. i'll show you a wider look and what we found. plus, is the bay area's scorching temperature map caused by climate change? what scientists are saying. it is 4:45 right now looking live at the transamerica building in san francisco and not a lot of fog so it's still going to be warm today though not quite as hot as we were miserably used to this weekend. 4:45 and pretty much everywhere in the bay area today people will walk out their doors breathing a sigh of relief because one of the most severe heat waves ever is now over. records were broken almost everywhere. san francisco recorded an all-time high of 105 degrees. san jose and observing hit records for the month of september and it has some asking if this is a result of climate change. we looked closer in the 2000s marked the hottest decade and the amount of record breaking highs outnumbered record-breaking lows about 2 to 1 according to data collected by the group tracking climate change over the past 365 days. record highs have outside numbered record lows by a much steeper rate at nearly 4 to 1. an interesting number there. >> there is high humidity, vianey. >> it will feel muggy. we're tracking a couple of weather systems, tropical storm lidia that hit off mexico and hurricane irma which has a projected path of friday. we have a lot going on. we have that decrease in temperatures. look at the 24-hour auto change. they may turn off their acs if they live along the peninsula. look at the drop in temperatures in san jose a drop of about seven-degree difference. negative eight for san francisco, reduced down by about eight degrees. this hour yesterday in san francisco we were eight degrees warmer. i do want to pop up satellite radar. we've been talking about the chance of pop-up thunderstorms and this is actually from tropical storm lidia. these are the remnants, what brought a lot of rain for l.a. this is what will bring the chance of seeing pop-up showers. we're keeping a close eye on that. that will bring the nice drop in temperatures. 94 degrees, san jose. oakland a high of 82. san francisco and along the peninsula in the 60s and 70s. cooler than we experienced this weekend. now let's talk about some of those active storms i was mentioning. it's bringing a lot of necessary rain especially with all of the wildfires out causing all the smoky and hazy skies. poor air quality. a chance for thunderstorms over the next couple of hours. let's talk about this next projected path for irma. as of right now it looks like the biggest concern is heading into thursday and friday. the projected path is florida, a category 3 or 4 as of thursday or friday. that could bring really tragic results. a close eye on that. we'll keep muggy conditions today. look at the drop in temperatures we get rid of the 90s and then we finally start seeing some much more seasonable temperatures as of wednesday and thursday. finally into the 80s. we have a lot going on in terms of the weather. a check of traffic with mike. mike, you're tracking a traffic break. right there you see ikea, right over the over crossing a crash. that pickup truck had crashed into the guardrail and debris. that's why they had a traffic break that's cleared up. we'll see if there's any slowing remaining on our sensors, not even long enough to show up on the sensors. that's good news whatever was going on is completely clear. 101 and getting over on 84 and the dumbarton bridge is moving well. we're told no big brush fire. just smoke coming out of a vehicle that spun out. everything is okay. light traffic keeps that moving well. i'll let you know. i want to tell you about mass transit. there's that bus bridge for b.a.r.t. that continues today. we have modified schedule because labor day holiday. buses from muni are still running. back to you. new this morning at 4:50 drivers may soon have to pay to use highway 37. the north bay highway hard this past winter. it runs through marin, sonoma, solano counties. the ij reports transportation officials are considering college a $7 toll. a consultant is studying ways to finance improvements to prevent flooding. >> to expect those delays on b.a.r.t. as they do track maintenance work. lake merritt will be closed. delays may approach 30 minutes or longer if you're heading to the oakland airport. we looked at b.a.r.t.'s ridership numbers last labor day weekend when b.a.r.t. was doing the same track work. nearly 170,000 people rode the train. sunday 143,000. and monday nearly 120,000 riders took part. that was last year. and today pretending it's sunday because of the labor day holiday. both services will use a sunday schedule. >> i'll call him a jack of all trades, our own marcus washington belted out the national anthem at the giants game. ♪ o say can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ >> beautiful, marcus. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> i'm not surprised. >> i think i'm also a good luck charm because the giants pulled off the dramatic walk-off win against the cardinals. i look at myself as a good luck charm. i'm also singing the national anthem at the oakland a's game. you can catch that at 1:05. >> if you say that you might get booked for every game. >> i'm available. >> coming up, caught on camera. what cause this had driver to fly through a laundromat injuring several people. >> but first, happening now, a massive wildfire in montana, more than 42,000 acres. clearing the brush and knocking down trees to limit the amount of fuel available for those wildfires. and tens of thousands are trapped.myanmar. villages torched to the ground in clashes between myanmar. more news coming up in two minutes. my name is valerie decker and i'm a troubleman for pg&e. i am a first responder to emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. history continues to burn. this morning: the l-a fire developing the largest fire in l.a.'s history continues to burn. this morning the l.a. fire department says the blaze is 30% contained but burned more than 7,000 acres at this point. at last check those flames have destroyed homes, forced hundreds of people out of their homes and forced the closure of the 210 freeway. officials say four firefighters were also hurt in the firefight. the governor declared a state of emergency for los angeles county. 4:56 right now. a mandatory evacuation in part of madera county. a wildfire has burned nearly 700 acres. 200 structures are in danger. cal fire a says it's zero percent contained. a man died after running into flames. this morning we're learning that he was a u.s. citizen who had a home but was living in switzerland with his wife. he broke through two layers. firefighters rescued him and he was airlifted to the burn center. doctors say he wasn't under the influence and don't know why he ran into the fire. startling new video out of staten island showing that suv crashing backwards into a laundromat. it was all caught on camera. you can see it accelerate in reverse. six people were hurt and some very seriously. among them a pregnant woman. a witness describes the horror. >> i felt like it was a movie scene. >> police say that crash was, in fact, an accident. the driver has not been charged with the crime. coming up a cooldown but it comes with humidity. vianey is here with the forecast. >> indeed, cooler temperatures starting off. 70 for san jose. it's very humid. we're tracking moisture from the south. remnants could bring the chance of a few pop-up thunderstorms. >> and the bay bridge toll plaza. and good labor day morning to you this monday morning as we get on our way. traffic is moving on this labor day. people are out and still at it. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm kris sanchez on this labor day monday. it wasn't hard to come in to work. >> we're like it's fine we're working. >> and it looks like today the bay area will see a nice cooldown including the peninsula. i know a lot of folks were scrambling because of the warm-up. look at the temperatures right now, a mild start, the south bay 75. the tri-valley, 74. san francisco much more normal, 65 degrees. the east bay, 67. the north bay, 64. a quick peek at what you can expect today. we're going to see

Related Keywords

Mexico , Montana , United States , Emeryville , California , Texas , Sonoma , Florida , Madera County , Lake Merritt , South Korea , Guam , Turkey , San Francisco , Korea , Kris Sanchez , Jose Oakland , Valerie Decker , Queen Elizabeth , Mike ,

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