Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20170831 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20170831

folks here? >> reporter: i can tell you directly, kris, marcus, good morning to you both. we spoke to someone 10 or 15 minutes ago. it was a dual citizen, dual russian-american citizen who just came out here to get his passport renewed. he was here with his grandparents and now he told me, he is completely blind sided by this. he has no idea where it leaves him in terms of his travel or any other sorts of services. that's how a lot of people are feel nothing doubt. let me set the stage and tell you what's going on behind me. you see the van here, that has consulate plates on it. not sure if it's taking anyone away today. people have been coming in and out of the consulate building. folks coming down the stairs. earlier, a couple minutes ago, women with suitcases walking right out of there. they didn't offer any sort of comment. this has just been a remarkable turn of events. it staked out of these cameras here right now, you have to go back to 1986 to see this diplomatic back and forth in the height of the cold war. obviously you know the back story here, about a month ago, vladimir putin ordered 755 u.s. diplomats out of the country in retaliation for sanctions that passed congress. now today, we see that the shuddering of the san francisco consulate. unlike with president putin, they were ginn 31 days to get out. the folks here have two days. 48 hours to get out of this building. and to just close down. now it's not just here. it is also in washington and in new york. there are an exs there that are being closed. u.s. state department saying this brings parody to the situation and that now they hope tensions will be resolved. let's hear from that man daniel who was that dual russian citizen about how he feels regarding today's events. you feel beside yourself by this? you were blind sided. >> a lot of people are blind sided. and i speak for anybody that's going to do this right now. i feel like in any case you have to condemn this sort of behavior. the people who are living in your country, how can you treat them like this? >> reporter: now you know, kris and brock, eerily similar after accusations of meddling, he took action, the u.s. expelled 35 russian diplomats. some of them were working out of this office and you remember seeing the people staked out here, once again today. we're going to talk to folks like who are trying to get services how it's going to impact them. much more throughout the day and also online at reporting from san francisco, i'm sam brock. >> two days is not a lot of time. thank you, sam. sam will continue to follow this breaking story and nbc bay area will bring you the latest. in our app, we sent out alerts when we first learned about that closing, we'll do it again if anything breaks. back to our microclimate weather alert. the heat wave has arrived. we're talking about triple digit temperatures in some areas. >> it's been uncomfortable and dangerous. we're going to start with our meteorologist kerry hall. break the news to us, how hot is it going to get today? >> it is going to be a lot hotter than yesterday. now we're still feeling some fairly mild weather across the bay area. so now, and maybe the next couple of hours as the time to get out there and enjoy the last little bit of some nice weather before our temperatures heat up. right now in the mid-70s in san jose. it is 11 degrees hotter right now in santa rosa than it was yesterday at this time. most about five to eight degrees. this is where we're headed for today going to see those inland temperatures over 100 degrees. now today is the beginning of those temperatures ramping up and tomorrow, we will see some of the hottest temperatures we've had so far this summer in san jose, we could be hitting up to 104 degrees. we'll talk about the possible records that may fall as we get this hot, that's coming up a little bit later. >> all right, kerry, thank you. and we continue with our team coverage, bob redell is in the livermore live with us now. we're getting word of a power warning. >> reporter: correct, good morning to you, marcus and kris. california's independent system operator has issued within the past hour a flex alert for friday. they are asking people, urging people, not only in the tri-valley in the bay area, but throughout the states who conserve electricity between 1:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. in order to avoid power disruptions. here in livermore, the temperatures are expected to hit 105 today. which if you're like me, people who live here, that is not unusual for this time of the year. but if the forecast for tomorrow's temps of 115 is correct, that would tie a record set back in 1950. >> yeah. >> this is just nothing. >> it's nothing. >> every year this happens. come on. >> we prefer it be cooler, but that's right. >> i'm just really thankful there's air-conditioning, quite frankly, i feel like it's such al blessing. >> reporter: she's been in livermore for ten years enjoying her frozen smoothie outside before the weather started heating up. . we saw other people downtown getting their walks in downtown. you can hear them, they're running now. we have seen parents with their preschool-aged children out here trying to cool off. we spoke with dr. brian, an emergency medical physician. he unfortunately expects a number of people in his emergency room over the next 72 hours coming in with heat-related problems. now here's some symptoms of overheating. some obvious, not some as obvious. first of all, the people with the greatest risk, kids under the age of five and adults over 65, they're most at risk. if you have cramps or fatigue, that's the signs you might have heat stress. and sometimes those symptoms are subtle. you want to be paying attention to that. copious amounts of sweating, headaches, and nausea, that's he's exhaustion. seizures, your body's shutting down, that's obvious. that is very serious. that means you could be having heatstroke. the doctors reminding people, stay hydrated. get the electrolytes, lots of water, and stay inside if you can. and of course, avoid the drugs and alcohol. >> please stay away from the drugs and alcohol. at the first signs of cramps, feeling overheated, get yourself out of the heat and drink fluids and electrolytes. better yet, stay out of the heat completely. once again, this can be very serious illness. completely preventable. >> reporter: livermore's parks and recs department is announcing they're opening a cooling station tomorrow between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. that'll be at the robert livermore community center which is at 4444 east avenue. and again, i want to remind you about that flex alert. putting that up on the screen. asking you to conserve electricity tomorrow between 1:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. this again to lessen the strain on the power grid and to avoid power disruptions. i did speak to an ac repair person here in livermore. i asked him how's business? man, the phones were ringing off the hook. i asked hey, can we come back and speak with you for two minutes, no, way too busy. it's all hands on deck with people calling in needing their air-conditioning fixed as the temperatures again expected to hit 105 today here in livermore. reporting live here in livermore, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much, bob. hope you stay cool out there in livermore. now to an update on harvey. the storm is now officially a tropical depression. it's harvey no more as it moves north. the latest now, vice president pence and his wife are there on the ground touring the damage in texas. several cabinet secretaries also are on that trip. right now beaumont authorities are evacuating a hospital. this is east of houston where that storm was moving. the city lost it's water supply because of the flooding. here are the numbers as they stand right now. the number of storm-related deaths is now at 28, at least, but a lot of folks are still missing and unaccounted for and the latest word from the governor is that 32,000 people are in shelters, have no way to get home. evacuations are still in place around a chemical plant as well in crosby, texas. >> crosby is about 25 miles northeast of houston. authorities there trying to figure out thousand deal with the danger at a flood chemical plant. we are joined live with that part of the story. sarah. >> reporter: hi there, marcus. harvey still causing chaos as residents within a mile and a half of this plant are evacuated. smoke and explosion thursday morning -- >> heard some popping noise coming from that area. then gray smoke, and then followed by fire. >> reporter: at the chemical plant in crosby, texas. the company based in france warning of the potential of more explosions. >> we believe at this point that the safest thing to do is to allow the other eight containers, products in those to degrade and burn. >> reporter: they say some of their combustible chemicals require refrigeration. and the facility has been without power since sunday. >> our team on the site took extraordinary efforts to try to protect the integrity of the products that are involved. >> reporter: in east texas, scenes of more dramatic rescues following record rainfall. nursing home residents painstakingly helped to safety. a bowling alley turned into a makeshift shelter. housing about 100 people in port arthur. some 30,000 people had sought refuge in shelters. now officials shifting towards longer term plans. >> let me be clear, this mission is going to continue for multiple weeks. understanding that it takes time to mobilize people through the transitional shelter assistance program to hotels. >> reporter: as waters recede in the houston area, officials beginning a grid search for the missing. a difficult task ahead. >> been on the ground in houston. he's been tweeting out some powerful photos and videos. you can follow him on twitter and also a live report on nbc bay area at 5:00 and 6:00. >> many people have been asking how they can help. well the red skrosz taking donations right now and we made it easy for you. head over to to donate. up next at 11:00, speed through a green light. where the company is headed and expanding to. you knew about the scandal at wells fargo this morning, it seems to have grown even bigger. bring you up to speed in business and tech. lift. . who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. well we heard bob redell say a moment ago he tried to talk with an air conditioner repair person and said, i can't, right? this is how hot it is. it's dangerous. >> yeah, and we talked about this all week long. so hopefully you were using that time when temperatures were cooler to try to prepare and call people in advance. that's definitely what we have to do. and you don't to want wait until it is already starting to heat up to try to think, oh, how am i going to stay cool? right now as we take a live look outside in woodside, it's 70 degrees. we haven't had much of a marine layer today to help keep things a little bit cooler and then as we look outside, actually, a layer of some very hazy conditions and we will have some poor air quality as well. in spots like the east bay and in the tri-valley as these temperatures go up. and this is how hot it's going to be over the next several days as we get a look at that seven day forecast at the bottom of the screen. looking live from berkeley right now, feels nice. it's 76 degrees. and we've been saying during the morning hours, that's the best time to get outside. temperatures heat up very quickly. and as we take a live look outside in san jose and check out the temperature trend for willow glenn, it will already be in the low 90s by 3:00 to 4:00 this afternoon. that's when we will reach the high temperature. wait before you take the kids out to the park or taking the dog for a walk until about 7:00, right there near sunset is when it's going to feel a little bit better and it will be a little bit lower to cool down tomorrow. so looking at our high temperatures today in the south bay, we'll be up to 98 degrees in east san jose, and we'll see some more temperatures over 100 degrees through the tri-valley to the delta and up toward walnut creek. and in oakland today, expect a high of 84 degrees and 90 in redwood city. san francisco in the mission district, 78 degrees today. and 95 today in sonoma. as we get a look at what to expect as these temperatures heat up, and ways that you can stay cool if you don't have air-conditioning, keep in mind that the beaches around the bay area will be in the 70s through the 80s. or maybe you can go to the movies and call up a friend, go to the shopping mall, go walk around or go check out some of the cooling centers that will be opening, we'll have a lot more of those cooling centers opening tomorrow or call a friend with some air-conditioning to try to find a way to cool off. now for friday, we are going to have even hotter temperatures than today. look at livermore, we're expecting it to reach up to 115 degrees and that could set or at least tie the all-time hottest temperature we've ever had in livermore. san jose up to 104 degrees. we normally don't get temperatures this hot, so just a glance at some of the records that we're expecting for tomorrow and the forecast. the old record on that day in livermore is 109 degrees, set in 1952, san jose we're forecasting 104, but the record is 101. santa rosa also may see new record set, napa as well. san francisco, maybe just below that record high, also in oakland, may just be below a record high temperature. and i know it's labor day weekend, you may be making plans to get out of town. just wanted to quickly show you what the forecast will be in those high temperatures fortomorrow elsewhere across california. ville a look at the complete microclimate forecast coming up a little bit later. so this was the talk of the newsroom, did you feel it? i did not. there was light shaking in the north bay. at this point we did call and check, no reports of damage or of injury. happening now, palo alto police are searching far mountain lion. someone reported by the seeing the animal near webster street after 6:00 this morning. parents drive their kids to school rather than let them walk or standing outside. officers are patrolling the area. so far they have not confirmed whether or not there will have a mountain lion. the animals have not been spotted since the initial report. [ applause ] it is nice to see the folks from the retd cross ringing that opening bell this mortgage. we know they have been trying to collect money for the hurricane harvey relief and it's going to be a long time before things are back to normal. markets are up though despite the effects of harvey and the -- what we could expect would be higher gas prices u.s. stocksing to end on a positive note. and there you see the texas flag there above the trading floor. that's also nice. well new at 11:00, lyft is expanding to 32 more states. the ride-sharing service will now be available in a toeflt 40 states. slift looking to take markets there. controlled to about 70% of the raid-hailing market, lyft does millions of rides per year only in the u.s., uber makes 10 million trips per day nationwide. >> yep. well the scanned that will rocked san francisco base wells fargo got bigger. >> the bank now says that more customers were tricked into accounts they really didn't want. >> yeah, that's right, and keep in mind the scandal was already so big, federal investigators were involved. the bank is facing lawsuits and some executives lost their jobs and a lot of money too. but word this morning is even worse than they thought. wells fargo now says there was 70% more fake accounts than it originally admitted to. accounts that bank tellers and bank executives signed up on winning customers on accounts they did not want and in many cases they didn't even know they had. now, billionaire warren buffett who invests in wells fargo told cnbc, quote, there's never just one cockroach in the kitchen when you start looking around. wells fargo does have a long list of accusations of misbehavior with customers. including signing people up with car loans and insurance they didn't need, charging mortgage customers penalties for things that were not their fault. and dismissing employees who raised the alarm about fake accounts. kevin durant apparently does not like underarmor. the golden state warrior star who's paid hundreds of millions said shoes made by underarmor are so undesirable, kids offered scholarships at colleges who have underarmor sponsorships won't go there because they don't to want wear the shoes. he said, quote, shoe companies have a real big influence on where these kids go to college. now durant's teammate steph curry is happy with his underarmor shoes. he's paid hundreds of millions of dollars to wear those shoes, back to you. >> talk in the locker room, right? coming up, the american military's most advanced war planes fly near north korea. the new warning for that communist nation. but first, happening now, apple just announced an event for september 12th. apple will likely unveil the iphone 8. everything we know about the big announcement right now at nbc bay governors have released a bipartisan health care plan. former gop presidential candidate john kasich is the big name behind the blueprint. we're back with more news after the break. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. drills with ally south korea today. it )s a clear warning after norh korea launched a the u.s. flew their bombing drills today. clear warning off north korea launched a midrange ballistic missile designed to carry nuclear bombs over japan earlier this week. nbc's richard engel reports from south korea. >> reporter: it was a warning with aircraft. that the united states can attack north korea if it wants, when it wants, and decisively. the u.s. flying two b 1 b supersonic bombers and four f-35 fighters jets over south korea overnight. the american response coming just two days after north korea fired a ballistic missile over japan. the flexing of it's military muscle, following a tweet from president trump who declared that the u.s. has been talking to north korea and paying them extortion money for 25 years, talking is not the answer. but just hours after the president's post, his own defense secretary contradicted him. >> we're never out of diplomatic solutions. we continue to work together. >> reporter: but actions, not diplomacy are setting the pace of events now. today in south korea, u.s. marines were honing their skills. running live fire exercises under stress, 300 miles from the north korean border. >> working closely with our north korean counterparts and side by side improving technically. but there are growing concerns, the one upsmanship between president trump and kim jong-un could escalate perhaps even spill over. the u.s. military says it's a sign of solidarity, japanese and south korean fighter jets also took part in the show of force exercise. richard engel, nbc news, south korea. today state lawmakers in sacramento will vote on whether or not to support a senture of president trump. this comes after his response to those events in charlottesville. california state assembly is voting on the resolution. if approved, it would make california the first state to formerly support a krenture of the president by supremacist valleys in virginia left one woman dead. president trump said quote both sides, including anti-hate protesters were to blame. mother speaks out for the first time about the mysterious death of her little daughter. >> she was my world. she was a blessing. >> we investigate the cold case and the new action brought by local prosecutors following our questions. it )s 11:30 now - and much of te bay area is under an excessive heat warning. welcome back, it is 11:30 right now on your thursday and much of the bay area is under an excessive heat warning. >> this is just the beginning. in those area when which you see right there on your screen. definitely going to be a hot one out there. may see record heat in the coming days, carrie hall is tracking this alert for us. >> and we have such a nice cool start this morning. it is gradually starting to warm up by this afternoon, temperatures ramp up quickly and that's why we do have an excessive heat warning in effect for all of these areas shaded in purple and this continues through labor dau. now even the coast will be heating up, and for saturday, we will have heat advisories in effect for san francisco and all of the area beaches as we could be reaching into the upper 80s there. there is an excessive heat warning once again in effect for concord, looking at the temperature trend for today, by 3:00, we will be up to 100 degrees and eventually making it up to 106. even as you make plans to get out there this evening, it is going to be slow to cool down and after sunset, we will still be in the 80s and 90s looking at today's forecast. we will have some low 90s in san jose and palo alto, oakland up to 84 degrees, and 97 today in napa. we'll talk about the peak of the heat tomorrow coming up a little bit later. >> all right, thank you, kari. download our nbc bay area app to stay ahead of the heat. we do send out alerts when that extreme hits the bay area and with the app, you can also get a personal forecast for your neighborhood. cold case is now heating up. the death of a little girl nearly six years ago is the subject of a renewed investigation following questions from our investigative unit. >> according to a cps report, child protective services report, eden lynch was in the care of two people in the final days of her life. her father and his girlfriend. senior investigative reporter has uncovered new information and joins us now with the details. >> reporter: eden lynch's family says she was the light of their lives, funny, kind girl who loved lo play pretend. for years they've wanted answers from the last two people alone with eden. now the story of two families, two sides, and two suspects. in spring of 2011, u.s. coast guard service member jimmy barlow and his girlfriend, holly dialba were blending families. moving into this alameda home with their daughters from previous relationships. jimmy had just gotten custody of eden lynch, a month before her third birthday. >> i called all the time. >> reporter: in southern california, eden's mom, erica lynch, hit bottom. she lost custody because of a drug addiction and burglary that put her behind bars. a guard delivered news eden was in the hospital. >> he's like, your daughter is sick. and i said no she's not. she's dead. and he looked at me and asked me why did you say that? and i said because he did it. he did it. didn't he? >> reporter: erica says she's immediately suspected jimmy, claiming he had abused her during their three year relationship. what made you fear for safety of your daughter? >> my past. i know what i endured. and i don't -- i didn't want my child to endure that. >> reporter: erica was granted a special release to join her parents at children's hospital oakland. she told social workers investigating eden's injuries that jimmy quote, used to beat the crap out of me, but she didn't report the abuse to police because she was afraid of him. her claims were never documented, and an interview with cps, jimmy denied any domestic violence with erica. you believe what holly and jimmy say happened to your granddaughter? >> no. no. no, i don't. >> reporter: according to medical records and cps reports, the couple told hospital staff eden tumbled down seven to eight concrete steps in front of their home. jimmy was at work, and eden was home with holly. the cps report shows they told investigators they didn't take eden to the doctor because she seemed okay. they say, eden collapsed nine days later. holly called 911, by then, it was too late. >> she didn't protect my baby. >> reporter: eden never woke up. the coroner ruled her death a homicide. blunt force trauma to the head. >> the day that child went to the hospital is the day they should have been arrested. >> reporter: she had been in jimmy and holly's care for just four months. social workers noted that jimmy and holly severely neglected and failed to obtain medical attention for eden that could have saved her life. but the report said there was not enough evidence to determine they did anything to cause eden's head injury. weeks turned into months, then years. with no arrests, holly and jimmy moved to alaska where he served at the coast guard station. they two children and married. >> nothing's been done. >> reporter: then, a surprise. last summer, five years after eden died, prosecutors with the coast guard filed four counts of child endangerment against jimmy barlow for failing to protect and care for eden after her injuries. >> and that makes me feel like somebody cares about eden besides us. >> reporter: his attorney told us neither jimmy nor holly did anything harmful to ooeden to cause her death and that jimmy absolutely loved his daughter. the lynchs wondered, how did the coast guard come up with evidence to file charges, but alameda county prosecutors couldn't? for weeks, we asked to speak to the district attorney, the office declined saying the case was under review. >> they both had a reasonable expectation to protect that child. >> reporter: dan scott is a retired los angeles county sheriff's detective with more than 30 years of experience. he served on a blue ribbon commission to investigate crimes against children. we asked him to review eden's case. >> you look at the injury, and then you look at the explanation, and it's pretty easy to sigh when they don't fit. >> reporter: the former detective says there was enough evidence to arrest both jimmy and holly for child endangerment. whield jimmy faces charges filed by the u.s. coast guard, holly returned to the bay area with her children, facing no charges and as far as eden's family could tell, no questions. so we decided to ask her ourselves outside her mother's home in vallejo. excuse me holly, we're be nbc bay area. do you know what happened to eden? did you have anything to do with eden's death? but the day after and after weeks of asking questions about the nearly six-year-old case, the alameda county d.a. filed a felony child abuse charge against holly, with a special allegation for willful harm resulting in death. they say she was in sole care of eden and failed to seek medical help as eden's condition got worse. >> this is her favorite blanket. >> reporter: after losing eden, erica lynch is starting again. >> i've been substance-abuse free since 2013. >> reporter: and with new hope for justice, the lynch family says they can begin to heal. and we just learned the coast guard trial of jimmy barlow has been delayed from september 11th to december 4th. we will be there in alameda as it unfolds. as for holly, the d.a. filed charges, but she still hasn't been arrested. we'll continue to follow this story and bring you updates. with the investigative unit, i'm vick vickie, a wen. send us an e-mail unit. now to new developments outside of a sacramento hotel that left a deputy dead within the past 20 minutes, police have identified the second alleged gunman. his name is thomas daniel littlecloud. just finding out that he is from castro valley. littlecloud's arrest yesterday ended as the drama played out several hours before. deputies detained two women they say were driving a stolen car. they obtained a search warrant at the ra ma da inn where that suspect opened fire. littlecloud got away and was arrested after that car crashed a few miles from the hotel. police say that he is critically hurt and has life-threatening injuries. moments ago, police also released a photo of pricilla. she's one of the two women allegedly detained. she faces vehicle theft and felony evasion, she is behind bars. as for that deputy who died, he was robert frits. a 21 year veteran of the sacramento county sheriff's department. new details now including new video connected to one of the biggest bay area busts in years. involving a gang that authorities say terrorized several communities. showing a violent shooting inside a richmond convenience store that happened last august. a 15-year-old girl was shot and injured just outside of that store. now richmond police are revealing new details about the suspects now in custody as some of the many crimes that they are connected with. the crimes covered in six month span and happened in about a dozen east bay cities, including danville and stretching from livermore out to brentwood. these are seven images of suspects now in custody. and eighth suspect identified as cardale waters is still on the run. investigators say all of them are members of the swerve team, a north richld gang. those men are being tied to three murders, 14 attempted murders, carjackings, robberies, and a home invasion robbery in fremont that actually led to their arrest. security video inside that home provided the break that investigators needed in that case. police release shot spotter audio linked to the shooting of an 18-year-old richmond man in which 68 shots were fired. [ gunshots ] almost sounds like too many to be true. police say another shooting injured a board member. this newly released cell phone video shows some of the arsenal police say those gang necks used in their crimes. happening today, we expect a decision from california's supreme court and high profile case dealing with your privacy. the court is set to ash ruling about whether the public has a right to access information collected by those automated license plate readers. the devices take pictures of the license plates and then instantly check to see if that car or driver is linked to any sort of crime. at issue though is whether enforcement, law enforcement must disclose that information under the state's public records act. >> and we researched hold up police departments have these license plate readers and how many departments plan to get more. the fluorite 2012 showed that 71% of agencies across the country have this technology. the court says that by this year, nearly all departments nationwide expect to have them. as for the bay area specifically, we look through our archives this morning and we have done stories on the license plates readers in san mateo, danville, dublin, brentwood, and with the b.a.r.t. system. we are tracking that hit wave hitting the bay area. we are talking about the cooling centers that are opening right now, kari, you're tracking the triple digits. >> right, and that'll be in effect as we go through today. live look outside in dublin, 81 degrees, still not too hot just yet, but in afternoon, temperatures go up very quickly. we'll talk about what's ahead today and the weekend coming up next. a shipment is ensured, so getting reimbursed is easy, right? wrong. i'm consumer investigator, nbc bay area responds, next. my name is valerie decker and i'm a troubleman for pg&e. i am a first responder to emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. and talk about another one. this is the beginning of a series of 100 plus degree days. >> we've been talking about this all week reaching the peak tomorrow and this weekend through labor day and some people have the monday off, and you're making plans to hit the roads. we'll talk about all of that. let's get a look at where we are now, not too bad. take a look at san francisco and palo alto, it is 68 degrees. it was so cool this morning. we are now starting to feel those temperatures gradually making it into the upper 70s to low 80s. livermore now at 81. morgan hill at 83 degrees, and, looking at our high temperatures today, it is still going to go up. and up to 102 degrees in gilroy today. the seven day forecast is now up at the bottom of the screen, milpitas will see a high of 96 degrees. concord, 106, oakland, 84 degrees and the peninsula going to see those high temperatures in half-moon bay up to 71 and 90 in redwood city. san francisco, edgeleside at 70 degrees and napa, high of 97. so as we look outside live, in pleasanton, it shows that we're only at 81 degrees, but look at the high temperature today. it is still going to go up at least another 20 degrees today. and we'll be feeling those triple digit temperatures by 2:00 today, so we only have a couple of hours and going to see those temperatures rising significantly with all of this low humidity and dry air, up to 104 degrees at 4:00 today and even at 7:00, we're still in the 90s, that is after sunset, and into the mid-80s later on this evening. and then as we go into the day tomorrow even hotter, napa up to 103 degrees. and oakland, 95. and palo alto, we'll see a high of 101 degrees, san francisco, half-moon bay will make it into the 80s. so it is going to warm up even along the coastline. and as we look at that temperature trend for tomorrow, in san jose, we'll be up to 104 degrees which will most likely set a new record high temperature for that day and then as we go into the afternoon, if you have plans to get outside, it is still going to be unbearably hot, even into the evening. here's one thing that may break the heat, heading into labor day as we track a new tropical system about to make land fall, this is a tropical storm moving into cabo ann lucas right now over the next several days, this will remain a tropical storm and weaken as it move just to the west of san diego. but right now, 65 miles an hour. and it may maintain those wind speeds and then as it moves closer to southern california over the next several days, there will be a boost in moisture and by the time we hit into the sunday and monday, there will be some thunderstorms nearby, most likely for southern california, but we'll watch and see if it makes it into the bay area, and that lep bring down those temperatures, but it'll feel very muggy heading into early next week and san francisco expecting high temperatures for tomorrow and saturday, very hot up to 89 degrees there. and for the inland areas, it is just going to be down right dangerous with highs over 100 degrees, we could be setting some new records tomorrow, and also looking at some hot weather into at least tuesday of next weekend. we'll keep you up to date on that. chance of thunderstorms for sunday and monday. chris and marcus. >> that could be fire danger too. we'll be watching that for sure. >> thanks, kari. nbc bay area responds to a campbell man who says ups damaged a family hair loom, but wouldn't own up to it. >> chris says we delivered. >> he shipped a graph clock from his home to his parent's home. he paid $220 to pack it and ship it and he insured it for $1,000. unfortunately the clock arrived damaged. he tells us that the glass face and wooden frame were broken. michael filed a claim with ups but says he got the run around. and the company wouldn't pay up. so he reached out to us. we contacted ups and it reimbursed michael $1200. the amount of the clock was ensured for plus shipping costs. in a statement, ups said, we apologize for the damage and inconvenience. if off consumer complaint, call us 888996-tips. or log on to nbc bay coming up, it's been 20 years since princess diana's death. the way that people are remembering a life taken too soon. 20 years later -- memories of britain )s princess diana remain strong. it )s been two decades after her 20 years lairt, memories of britain's princess diana remain very strong. it's been two decades since her sudden death in a paris car crash. >> it left a hole in the hearts of millions of people. nbc's kiir simmons reports from london. >> reporter: overnight, a candle light vigil for the people's princess. >> it's very real. >> reporter: diana's boys, william and harry, retraced their steps of 20 years ago. to see the flowers left in memory of their mother. taking some themselves from the public to the gates of kensington palace, echoes two of decades ago a sea of flowers outside of the home where they lived with her until her sudden death when william was 15 and harry just 12. there were flowers in paris too where we took dr. frederick back to the fateful tunnel. he was one of the first people on the scene when diana's car crashed. the doctor did what he could to assist the injured passenger in the back seat. >> very, pretty young woman. nice hair, no blood, she didn't have any blood on her face. >> reporter: did she respond? >> she never spoke. never said anything. >> reporter: did you speak to her? >> i said, the ambulance were on their way and that everything would be all right. i'm pretty sure my words were the last words she heard. >> reporter: the days that followed rocked the royal family. this morning, two decades later, her impact still felt. >> so she had a way of connecting with people. >> reporter: most of all by her boys, determined to ensure she is not forgotten. princess william and harry spending the day in private thinking about their mom and interestingly, many people here outside kensington palace, despite the fact they are here asking the question why they are so important. maybe it's because she took this country and said, it's okay to cry. it's okay to reach out to others that you don't know and show that you care about them or even that you love them. maybe it's the way she demonstrated bringing up children and showing them real life and showing them that there were others less fortunate than them. that certainly is a lesson that you can see william and kate making for it in the way they're bringing up their children. back to you. >> we will be right back. we have a special treat for our viewers. our newest team member, marcus washington, wil so we have a special treat for our viewers, marcus is going to be singing the national anthem -- >> yes. >> not at one baseball game, but two baseball games here in the bay area. we know that you can do it because you've done it before. >> i have. ♪ for the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave [ applause ] >> i was all right. >> you were amazing. you went to college on a singing scholarship. >> i did. identify been doing this for a while. but there's no feeling like singing in front of a crowd of people in a ball park. there is no feeling like that. so i'm so excited, i hope i do the bay area and nbc bay area justice over the weekend. so, yeah, if you're around, come on. >> if you don't know his name yet, you'll be singing his braces later. that's for sure. watch marcus in person saturday, it's a day game. the giants and then on monday, labor day, also a day game, it's at 1:05 and you'll be singing at the coliseum. >> yep. >> two. >> that is exciting. >> do you get nervous? >> i'm trying not to. i'm trying not to, kris. >> oh, you will be lovely. every game, no pressure. >> and it's going to be quite warm out there this weekend. on saturday, it's going to be reaching into the upper 80s in san francisco, on monday, labor day, it is going to start to come down, but the humidity may be going up. and looking at our forecast for the weekend, tomorrow reaching the peak of the heat, it's going to be hot today, but that dangerous heat continues into at least next tuesday before it starts to come down a few degrees. >> all right. does the heat affect the vocal cords? >> it works. >> it actually works in your favor. >> that's good. thank you, kari. we'll be uncomfortable for the sake of marcus and his pipes. our next newscast is tonight at 5:00. >> stay safe out there in the heat. stand by, everyone, we are live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. stepping the pitch high and outside. look at that. >> oh. >> of course, this went viral. people sadly are going nuts over this pitch. >> oh, poor guy, 17-year-old jordan leondre, throwing out the first pitch, it was in the strike zone, unfortunately, the strike zone of the family jules. by the way, he's a high school pitcher, he said he should have warmed up a little more and the cameraman, he says he's okay. >> he is laughing about it.

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20170831 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20170831

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folks here? >> reporter: i can tell you directly, kris, marcus, good morning to you both. we spoke to someone 10 or 15 minutes ago. it was a dual citizen, dual russian-american citizen who just came out here to get his passport renewed. he was here with his grandparents and now he told me, he is completely blind sided by this. he has no idea where it leaves him in terms of his travel or any other sorts of services. that's how a lot of people are feel nothing doubt. let me set the stage and tell you what's going on behind me. you see the van here, that has consulate plates on it. not sure if it's taking anyone away today. people have been coming in and out of the consulate building. folks coming down the stairs. earlier, a couple minutes ago, women with suitcases walking right out of there. they didn't offer any sort of comment. this has just been a remarkable turn of events. it staked out of these cameras here right now, you have to go back to 1986 to see this diplomatic back and forth in the height of the cold war. obviously you know the back story here, about a month ago, vladimir putin ordered 755 u.s. diplomats out of the country in retaliation for sanctions that passed congress. now today, we see that the shuddering of the san francisco consulate. unlike with president putin, they were ginn 31 days to get out. the folks here have two days. 48 hours to get out of this building. and to just close down. now it's not just here. it is also in washington and in new york. there are an exs there that are being closed. u.s. state department saying this brings parody to the situation and that now they hope tensions will be resolved. let's hear from that man daniel who was that dual russian citizen about how he feels regarding today's events. you feel beside yourself by this? you were blind sided. >> a lot of people are blind sided. and i speak for anybody that's going to do this right now. i feel like in any case you have to condemn this sort of behavior. the people who are living in your country, how can you treat them like this? >> reporter: now you know, kris and brock, eerily similar after accusations of meddling, he took action, the u.s. expelled 35 russian diplomats. some of them were working out of this office and you remember seeing the people staked out here, once again today. we're going to talk to folks like who are trying to get services how it's going to impact them. much more throughout the day and also online at reporting from san francisco, i'm sam brock. >> two days is not a lot of time. thank you, sam. sam will continue to follow this breaking story and nbc bay area will bring you the latest. in our app, we sent out alerts when we first learned about that closing, we'll do it again if anything breaks. back to our microclimate weather alert. the heat wave has arrived. we're talking about triple digit temperatures in some areas. >> it's been uncomfortable and dangerous. we're going to start with our meteorologist kerry hall. break the news to us, how hot is it going to get today? >> it is going to be a lot hotter than yesterday. now we're still feeling some fairly mild weather across the bay area. so now, and maybe the next couple of hours as the time to get out there and enjoy the last little bit of some nice weather before our temperatures heat up. right now in the mid-70s in san jose. it is 11 degrees hotter right now in santa rosa than it was yesterday at this time. most about five to eight degrees. this is where we're headed for today going to see those inland temperatures over 100 degrees. now today is the beginning of those temperatures ramping up and tomorrow, we will see some of the hottest temperatures we've had so far this summer in san jose, we could be hitting up to 104 degrees. we'll talk about the possible records that may fall as we get this hot, that's coming up a little bit later. >> all right, kerry, thank you. and we continue with our team coverage, bob redell is in the livermore live with us now. we're getting word of a power warning. >> reporter: correct, good morning to you, marcus and kris. california's independent system operator has issued within the past hour a flex alert for friday. they are asking people, urging people, not only in the tri-valley in the bay area, but throughout the states who conserve electricity between 1:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. in order to avoid power disruptions. here in livermore, the temperatures are expected to hit 105 today. which if you're like me, people who live here, that is not unusual for this time of the year. but if the forecast for tomorrow's temps of 115 is correct, that would tie a record set back in 1950. >> yeah. >> this is just nothing. >> it's nothing. >> every year this happens. come on. >> we prefer it be cooler, but that's right. >> i'm just really thankful there's air-conditioning, quite frankly, i feel like it's such al blessing. >> reporter: she's been in livermore for ten years enjoying her frozen smoothie outside before the weather started heating up. . we saw other people downtown getting their walks in downtown. you can hear them, they're running now. we have seen parents with their preschool-aged children out here trying to cool off. we spoke with dr. brian, an emergency medical physician. he unfortunately expects a number of people in his emergency room over the next 72 hours coming in with heat-related problems. now here's some symptoms of overheating. some obvious, not some as obvious. first of all, the people with the greatest risk, kids under the age of five and adults over 65, they're most at risk. if you have cramps or fatigue, that's the signs you might have heat stress. and sometimes those symptoms are subtle. you want to be paying attention to that. copious amounts of sweating, headaches, and nausea, that's he's exhaustion. seizures, your body's shutting down, that's obvious. that is very serious. that means you could be having heatstroke. the doctors reminding people, stay hydrated. get the electrolytes, lots of water, and stay inside if you can. and of course, avoid the drugs and alcohol. >> please stay away from the drugs and alcohol. at the first signs of cramps, feeling overheated, get yourself out of the heat and drink fluids and electrolytes. better yet, stay out of the heat completely. once again, this can be very serious illness. completely preventable. >> reporter: livermore's parks and recs department is announcing they're opening a cooling station tomorrow between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. that'll be at the robert livermore community center which is at 4444 east avenue. and again, i want to remind you about that flex alert. putting that up on the screen. asking you to conserve electricity tomorrow between 1:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. this again to lessen the strain on the power grid and to avoid power disruptions. i did speak to an ac repair person here in livermore. i asked him how's business? man, the phones were ringing off the hook. i asked hey, can we come back and speak with you for two minutes, no, way too busy. it's all hands on deck with people calling in needing their air-conditioning fixed as the temperatures again expected to hit 105 today here in livermore. reporting live here in livermore, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much, bob. hope you stay cool out there in livermore. now to an update on harvey. the storm is now officially a tropical depression. it's harvey no more as it moves north. the latest now, vice president pence and his wife are there on the ground touring the damage in texas. several cabinet secretaries also are on that trip. right now beaumont authorities are evacuating a hospital. this is east of houston where that storm was moving. the city lost it's water supply because of the flooding. here are the numbers as they stand right now. the number of storm-related deaths is now at 28, at least, but a lot of folks are still missing and unaccounted for and the latest word from the governor is that 32,000 people are in shelters, have no way to get home. evacuations are still in place around a chemical plant as well in crosby, texas. >> crosby is about 25 miles northeast of houston. authorities there trying to figure out thousand deal with the danger at a flood chemical plant. we are joined live with that part of the story. sarah. >> reporter: hi there, marcus. harvey still causing chaos as residents within a mile and a half of this plant are evacuated. smoke and explosion thursday morning -- >> heard some popping noise coming from that area. then gray smoke, and then followed by fire. >> reporter: at the chemical plant in crosby, texas. the company based in france warning of the potential of more explosions. >> we believe at this point that the safest thing to do is to allow the other eight containers, products in those to degrade and burn. >> reporter: they say some of their combustible chemicals require refrigeration. and the facility has been without power since sunday. >> our team on the site took extraordinary efforts to try to protect the integrity of the products that are involved. >> reporter: in east texas, scenes of more dramatic rescues following record rainfall. nursing home residents painstakingly helped to safety. a bowling alley turned into a makeshift shelter. housing about 100 people in port arthur. some 30,000 people had sought refuge in shelters. now officials shifting towards longer term plans. >> let me be clear, this mission is going to continue for multiple weeks. understanding that it takes time to mobilize people through the transitional shelter assistance program to hotels. >> reporter: as waters recede in the houston area, officials beginning a grid search for the missing. a difficult task ahead. >> been on the ground in houston. he's been tweeting out some powerful photos and videos. you can follow him on twitter and also a live report on nbc bay area at 5:00 and 6:00. >> many people have been asking how they can help. well the red skrosz taking donations right now and we made it easy for you. head over to to donate. up next at 11:00, speed through a green light. where the company is headed and expanding to. you knew about the scandal at wells fargo this morning, it seems to have grown even bigger. bring you up to speed in business and tech. lift. . who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. well we heard bob redell say a moment ago he tried to talk with an air conditioner repair person and said, i can't, right? this is how hot it is. it's dangerous. >> yeah, and we talked about this all week long. so hopefully you were using that time when temperatures were cooler to try to prepare and call people in advance. that's definitely what we have to do. and you don't to want wait until it is already starting to heat up to try to think, oh, how am i going to stay cool? right now as we take a live look outside in woodside, it's 70 degrees. we haven't had much of a marine layer today to help keep things a little bit cooler and then as we look outside, actually, a layer of some very hazy conditions and we will have some poor air quality as well. in spots like the east bay and in the tri-valley as these temperatures go up. and this is how hot it's going to be over the next several days as we get a look at that seven day forecast at the bottom of the screen. looking live from berkeley right now, feels nice. it's 76 degrees. and we've been saying during the morning hours, that's the best time to get outside. temperatures heat up very quickly. and as we take a live look outside in san jose and check out the temperature trend for willow glenn, it will already be in the low 90s by 3:00 to 4:00 this afternoon. that's when we will reach the high temperature. wait before you take the kids out to the park or taking the dog for a walk until about 7:00, right there near sunset is when it's going to feel a little bit better and it will be a little bit lower to cool down tomorrow. so looking at our high temperatures today in the south bay, we'll be up to 98 degrees in east san jose, and we'll see some more temperatures over 100 degrees through the tri-valley to the delta and up toward walnut creek. and in oakland today, expect a high of 84 degrees and 90 in redwood city. san francisco in the mission district, 78 degrees today. and 95 today in sonoma. as we get a look at what to expect as these temperatures heat up, and ways that you can stay cool if you don't have air-conditioning, keep in mind that the beaches around the bay area will be in the 70s through the 80s. or maybe you can go to the movies and call up a friend, go to the shopping mall, go walk around or go check out some of the cooling centers that will be opening, we'll have a lot more of those cooling centers opening tomorrow or call a friend with some air-conditioning to try to find a way to cool off. now for friday, we are going to have even hotter temperatures than today. look at livermore, we're expecting it to reach up to 115 degrees and that could set or at least tie the all-time hottest temperature we've ever had in livermore. san jose up to 104 degrees. we normally don't get temperatures this hot, so just a glance at some of the records that we're expecting for tomorrow and the forecast. the old record on that day in livermore is 109 degrees, set in 1952, san jose we're forecasting 104, but the record is 101. santa rosa also may see new record set, napa as well. san francisco, maybe just below that record high, also in oakland, may just be below a record high temperature. and i know it's labor day weekend, you may be making plans to get out of town. just wanted to quickly show you what the forecast will be in those high temperatures fortomorrow elsewhere across california. ville a look at the complete microclimate forecast coming up a little bit later. so this was the talk of the newsroom, did you feel it? i did not. there was light shaking in the north bay. at this point we did call and check, no reports of damage or of injury. happening now, palo alto police are searching far mountain lion. someone reported by the seeing the animal near webster street after 6:00 this morning. parents drive their kids to school rather than let them walk or standing outside. officers are patrolling the area. so far they have not confirmed whether or not there will have a mountain lion. the animals have not been spotted since the initial report. [ applause ] it is nice to see the folks from the retd cross ringing that opening bell this mortgage. we know they have been trying to collect money for the hurricane harvey relief and it's going to be a long time before things are back to normal. markets are up though despite the effects of harvey and the -- what we could expect would be higher gas prices u.s. stocksing to end on a positive note. and there you see the texas flag there above the trading floor. that's also nice. well new at 11:00, lyft is expanding to 32 more states. the ride-sharing service will now be available in a toeflt 40 states. slift looking to take markets there. controlled to about 70% of the raid-hailing market, lyft does millions of rides per year only in the u.s., uber makes 10 million trips per day nationwide. >> yep. well the scanned that will rocked san francisco base wells fargo got bigger. >> the bank now says that more customers were tricked into accounts they really didn't want. >> yeah, that's right, and keep in mind the scandal was already so big, federal investigators were involved. the bank is facing lawsuits and some executives lost their jobs and a lot of money too. but word this morning is even worse than they thought. wells fargo now says there was 70% more fake accounts than it originally admitted to. accounts that bank tellers and bank executives signed up on winning customers on accounts they did not want and in many cases they didn't even know they had. now, billionaire warren buffett who invests in wells fargo told cnbc, quote, there's never just one cockroach in the kitchen when you start looking around. wells fargo does have a long list of accusations of misbehavior with customers. including signing people up with car loans and insurance they didn't need, charging mortgage customers penalties for things that were not their fault. and dismissing employees who raised the alarm about fake accounts. kevin durant apparently does not like underarmor. the golden state warrior star who's paid hundreds of millions said shoes made by underarmor are so undesirable, kids offered scholarships at colleges who have underarmor sponsorships won't go there because they don't to want wear the shoes. he said, quote, shoe companies have a real big influence on where these kids go to college. now durant's teammate steph curry is happy with his underarmor shoes. he's paid hundreds of millions of dollars to wear those shoes, back to you. >> talk in the locker room, right? coming up, the american military's most advanced war planes fly near north korea. the new warning for that communist nation. but first, happening now, apple just announced an event for september 12th. apple will likely unveil the iphone 8. everything we know about the big announcement right now at nbc bay governors have released a bipartisan health care plan. former gop presidential candidate john kasich is the big name behind the blueprint. we're back with more news after the break. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. drills with ally south korea today. it )s a clear warning after norh korea launched a the u.s. flew their bombing drills today. clear warning off north korea launched a midrange ballistic missile designed to carry nuclear bombs over japan earlier this week. nbc's richard engel reports from south korea. >> reporter: it was a warning with aircraft. that the united states can attack north korea if it wants, when it wants, and decisively. the u.s. flying two b 1 b supersonic bombers and four f-35 fighters jets over south korea overnight. the american response coming just two days after north korea fired a ballistic missile over japan. the flexing of it's military muscle, following a tweet from president trump who declared that the u.s. has been talking to north korea and paying them extortion money for 25 years, talking is not the answer. but just hours after the president's post, his own defense secretary contradicted him. >> we're never out of diplomatic solutions. we continue to work together. >> reporter: but actions, not diplomacy are setting the pace of events now. today in south korea, u.s. marines were honing their skills. running live fire exercises under stress, 300 miles from the north korean border. >> working closely with our north korean counterparts and side by side improving technically. but there are growing concerns, the one upsmanship between president trump and kim jong-un could escalate perhaps even spill over. the u.s. military says it's a sign of solidarity, japanese and south korean fighter jets also took part in the show of force exercise. richard engel, nbc news, south korea. today state lawmakers in sacramento will vote on whether or not to support a senture of president trump. this comes after his response to those events in charlottesville. california state assembly is voting on the resolution. if approved, it would make california the first state to formerly support a krenture of the president by supremacist valleys in virginia left one woman dead. president trump said quote both sides, including anti-hate protesters were to blame. mother speaks out for the first time about the mysterious death of her little daughter. >> she was my world. she was a blessing. >> we investigate the cold case and the new action brought by local prosecutors following our questions. it )s 11:30 now - and much of te bay area is under an excessive heat warning. welcome back, it is 11:30 right now on your thursday and much of the bay area is under an excessive heat warning. >> this is just the beginning. in those area when which you see right there on your screen. definitely going to be a hot one out there. may see record heat in the coming days, carrie hall is tracking this alert for us. >> and we have such a nice cool start this morning. it is gradually starting to warm up by this afternoon, temperatures ramp up quickly and that's why we do have an excessive heat warning in effect for all of these areas shaded in purple and this continues through labor dau. now even the coast will be heating up, and for saturday, we will have heat advisories in effect for san francisco and all of the area beaches as we could be reaching into the upper 80s there. there is an excessive heat warning once again in effect for concord, looking at the temperature trend for today, by 3:00, we will be up to 100 degrees and eventually making it up to 106. even as you make plans to get out there this evening, it is going to be slow to cool down and after sunset, we will still be in the 80s and 90s looking at today's forecast. we will have some low 90s in san jose and palo alto, oakland up to 84 degrees, and 97 today in napa. we'll talk about the peak of the heat tomorrow coming up a little bit later. >> all right, thank you, kari. download our nbc bay area app to stay ahead of the heat. we do send out alerts when that extreme hits the bay area and with the app, you can also get a personal forecast for your neighborhood. cold case is now heating up. the death of a little girl nearly six years ago is the subject of a renewed investigation following questions from our investigative unit. >> according to a cps report, child protective services report, eden lynch was in the care of two people in the final days of her life. her father and his girlfriend. senior investigative reporter has uncovered new information and joins us now with the details. >> reporter: eden lynch's family says she was the light of their lives, funny, kind girl who loved lo play pretend. for years they've wanted answers from the last two people alone with eden. now the story of two families, two sides, and two suspects. in spring of 2011, u.s. coast guard service member jimmy barlow and his girlfriend, holly dialba were blending families. moving into this alameda home with their daughters from previous relationships. jimmy had just gotten custody of eden lynch, a month before her third birthday. >> i called all the time. >> reporter: in southern california, eden's mom, erica lynch, hit bottom. she lost custody because of a drug addiction and burglary that put her behind bars. a guard delivered news eden was in the hospital. >> he's like, your daughter is sick. and i said no she's not. she's dead. and he looked at me and asked me why did you say that? and i said because he did it. he did it. didn't he? >> reporter: erica says she's immediately suspected jimmy, claiming he had abused her during their three year relationship. what made you fear for safety of your daughter? >> my past. i know what i endured. and i don't -- i didn't want my child to endure that. >> reporter: erica was granted a special release to join her parents at children's hospital oakland. she told social workers investigating eden's injuries that jimmy quote, used to beat the crap out of me, but she didn't report the abuse to police because she was afraid of him. her claims were never documented, and an interview with cps, jimmy denied any domestic violence with erica. you believe what holly and jimmy say happened to your granddaughter? >> no. no. no, i don't. >> reporter: according to medical records and cps reports, the couple told hospital staff eden tumbled down seven to eight concrete steps in front of their home. jimmy was at work, and eden was home with holly. the cps report shows they told investigators they didn't take eden to the doctor because she seemed okay. they say, eden collapsed nine days later. holly called 911, by then, it was too late. >> she didn't protect my baby. >> reporter: eden never woke up. the coroner ruled her death a homicide. blunt force trauma to the head. >> the day that child went to the hospital is the day they should have been arrested. >> reporter: she had been in jimmy and holly's care for just four months. social workers noted that jimmy and holly severely neglected and failed to obtain medical attention for eden that could have saved her life. but the report said there was not enough evidence to determine they did anything to cause eden's head injury. weeks turned into months, then years. with no arrests, holly and jimmy moved to alaska where he served at the coast guard station. they two children and married. >> nothing's been done. >> reporter: then, a surprise. last summer, five years after eden died, prosecutors with the coast guard filed four counts of child endangerment against jimmy barlow for failing to protect and care for eden after her injuries. >> and that makes me feel like somebody cares about eden besides us. >> reporter: his attorney told us neither jimmy nor holly did anything harmful to ooeden to cause her death and that jimmy absolutely loved his daughter. the lynchs wondered, how did the coast guard come up with evidence to file charges, but alameda county prosecutors couldn't? for weeks, we asked to speak to the district attorney, the office declined saying the case was under review. >> they both had a reasonable expectation to protect that child. >> reporter: dan scott is a retired los angeles county sheriff's detective with more than 30 years of experience. he served on a blue ribbon commission to investigate crimes against children. we asked him to review eden's case. >> you look at the injury, and then you look at the explanation, and it's pretty easy to sigh when they don't fit. >> reporter: the former detective says there was enough evidence to arrest both jimmy and holly for child endangerment. whield jimmy faces charges filed by the u.s. coast guard, holly returned to the bay area with her children, facing no charges and as far as eden's family could tell, no questions. so we decided to ask her ourselves outside her mother's home in vallejo. excuse me holly, we're be nbc bay area. do you know what happened to eden? did you have anything to do with eden's death? but the day after and after weeks of asking questions about the nearly six-year-old case, the alameda county d.a. filed a felony child abuse charge against holly, with a special allegation for willful harm resulting in death. they say she was in sole care of eden and failed to seek medical help as eden's condition got worse. >> this is her favorite blanket. >> reporter: after losing eden, erica lynch is starting again. >> i've been substance-abuse free since 2013. >> reporter: and with new hope for justice, the lynch family says they can begin to heal. and we just learned the coast guard trial of jimmy barlow has been delayed from september 11th to december 4th. we will be there in alameda as it unfolds. as for holly, the d.a. filed charges, but she still hasn't been arrested. we'll continue to follow this story and bring you updates. with the investigative unit, i'm vick vickie, a wen. send us an e-mail unit. now to new developments outside of a sacramento hotel that left a deputy dead within the past 20 minutes, police have identified the second alleged gunman. his name is thomas daniel littlecloud. just finding out that he is from castro valley. littlecloud's arrest yesterday ended as the drama played out several hours before. deputies detained two women they say were driving a stolen car. they obtained a search warrant at the ra ma da inn where that suspect opened fire. littlecloud got away and was arrested after that car crashed a few miles from the hotel. police say that he is critically hurt and has life-threatening injuries. moments ago, police also released a photo of pricilla. she's one of the two women allegedly detained. she faces vehicle theft and felony evasion, she is behind bars. as for that deputy who died, he was robert frits. a 21 year veteran of the sacramento county sheriff's department. new details now including new video connected to one of the biggest bay area busts in years. involving a gang that authorities say terrorized several communities. showing a violent shooting inside a richmond convenience store that happened last august. a 15-year-old girl was shot and injured just outside of that store. now richmond police are revealing new details about the suspects now in custody as some of the many crimes that they are connected with. the crimes covered in six month span and happened in about a dozen east bay cities, including danville and stretching from livermore out to brentwood. these are seven images of suspects now in custody. and eighth suspect identified as cardale waters is still on the run. investigators say all of them are members of the swerve team, a north richld gang. those men are being tied to three murders, 14 attempted murders, carjackings, robberies, and a home invasion robbery in fremont that actually led to their arrest. security video inside that home provided the break that investigators needed in that case. police release shot spotter audio linked to the shooting of an 18-year-old richmond man in which 68 shots were fired. [ gunshots ] almost sounds like too many to be true. police say another shooting injured a board member. this newly released cell phone video shows some of the arsenal police say those gang necks used in their crimes. happening today, we expect a decision from california's supreme court and high profile case dealing with your privacy. the court is set to ash ruling about whether the public has a right to access information collected by those automated license plate readers. the devices take pictures of the license plates and then instantly check to see if that car or driver is linked to any sort of crime. at issue though is whether enforcement, law enforcement must disclose that information under the state's public records act. >> and we researched hold up police departments have these license plate readers and how many departments plan to get more. the fluorite 2012 showed that 71% of agencies across the country have this technology. the court says that by this year, nearly all departments nationwide expect to have them. as for the bay area specifically, we look through our archives this morning and we have done stories on the license plates readers in san mateo, danville, dublin, brentwood, and with the b.a.r.t. system. we are tracking that hit wave hitting the bay area. we are talking about the cooling centers that are opening right now, kari, you're tracking the triple digits. >> right, and that'll be in effect as we go through today. live look outside in dublin, 81 degrees, still not too hot just yet, but in afternoon, temperatures go up very quickly. we'll talk about what's ahead today and the weekend coming up next. a shipment is ensured, so getting reimbursed is easy, right? wrong. i'm consumer investigator, nbc bay area responds, next. my name is valerie decker and i'm a troubleman for pg&e. i am a first responder to emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. and talk about another one. this is the beginning of a series of 100 plus degree days. >> we've been talking about this all week reaching the peak tomorrow and this weekend through labor day and some people have the monday off, and you're making plans to hit the roads. we'll talk about all of that. let's get a look at where we are now, not too bad. take a look at san francisco and palo alto, it is 68 degrees. it was so cool this morning. we are now starting to feel those temperatures gradually making it into the upper 70s to low 80s. livermore now at 81. morgan hill at 83 degrees, and, looking at our high temperatures today, it is still going to go up. and up to 102 degrees in gilroy today. the seven day forecast is now up at the bottom of the screen, milpitas will see a high of 96 degrees. concord, 106, oakland, 84 degrees and the peninsula going to see those high temperatures in half-moon bay up to 71 and 90 in redwood city. san francisco, edgeleside at 70 degrees and napa, high of 97. so as we look outside live, in pleasanton, it shows that we're only at 81 degrees, but look at the high temperature today. it is still going to go up at least another 20 degrees today. and we'll be feeling those triple digit temperatures by 2:00 today, so we only have a couple of hours and going to see those temperatures rising significantly with all of this low humidity and dry air, up to 104 degrees at 4:00 today and even at 7:00, we're still in the 90s, that is after sunset, and into the mid-80s later on this evening. and then as we go into the day tomorrow even hotter, napa up to 103 degrees. and oakland, 95. and palo alto, we'll see a high of 101 degrees, san francisco, half-moon bay will make it into the 80s. so it is going to warm up even along the coastline. and as we look at that temperature trend for tomorrow, in san jose, we'll be up to 104 degrees which will most likely set a new record high temperature for that day and then as we go into the afternoon, if you have plans to get outside, it is still going to be unbearably hot, even into the evening. here's one thing that may break the heat, heading into labor day as we track a new tropical system about to make land fall, this is a tropical storm moving into cabo ann lucas right now over the next several days, this will remain a tropical storm and weaken as it move just to the west of san diego. but right now, 65 miles an hour. and it may maintain those wind speeds and then as it moves closer to southern california over the next several days, there will be a boost in moisture and by the time we hit into the sunday and monday, there will be some thunderstorms nearby, most likely for southern california, but we'll watch and see if it makes it into the bay area, and that lep bring down those temperatures, but it'll feel very muggy heading into early next week and san francisco expecting high temperatures for tomorrow and saturday, very hot up to 89 degrees there. and for the inland areas, it is just going to be down right dangerous with highs over 100 degrees, we could be setting some new records tomorrow, and also looking at some hot weather into at least tuesday of next weekend. we'll keep you up to date on that. chance of thunderstorms for sunday and monday. chris and marcus. >> that could be fire danger too. we'll be watching that for sure. >> thanks, kari. nbc bay area responds to a campbell man who says ups damaged a family hair loom, but wouldn't own up to it. >> chris says we delivered. >> he shipped a graph clock from his home to his parent's home. he paid $220 to pack it and ship it and he insured it for $1,000. unfortunately the clock arrived damaged. he tells us that the glass face and wooden frame were broken. michael filed a claim with ups but says he got the run around. and the company wouldn't pay up. so he reached out to us. we contacted ups and it reimbursed michael $1200. the amount of the clock was ensured for plus shipping costs. in a statement, ups said, we apologize for the damage and inconvenience. if off consumer complaint, call us 888996-tips. or log on to nbc bay coming up, it's been 20 years since princess diana's death. the way that people are remembering a life taken too soon. 20 years later -- memories of britain )s princess diana remain strong. it )s been two decades after her 20 years lairt, memories of britain's princess diana remain very strong. it's been two decades since her sudden death in a paris car crash. >> it left a hole in the hearts of millions of people. nbc's kiir simmons reports from london. >> reporter: overnight, a candle light vigil for the people's princess. >> it's very real. >> reporter: diana's boys, william and harry, retraced their steps of 20 years ago. to see the flowers left in memory of their mother. taking some themselves from the public to the gates of kensington palace, echoes two of decades ago a sea of flowers outside of the home where they lived with her until her sudden death when william was 15 and harry just 12. there were flowers in paris too where we took dr. frederick back to the fateful tunnel. he was one of the first people on the scene when diana's car crashed. the doctor did what he could to assist the injured passenger in the back seat. >> very, pretty young woman. nice hair, no blood, she didn't have any blood on her face. >> reporter: did she respond? >> she never spoke. never said anything. >> reporter: did you speak to her? >> i said, the ambulance were on their way and that everything would be all right. i'm pretty sure my words were the last words she heard. >> reporter: the days that followed rocked the royal family. this morning, two decades later, her impact still felt. >> so she had a way of connecting with people. >> reporter: most of all by her boys, determined to ensure she is not forgotten. princess william and harry spending the day in private thinking about their mom and interestingly, many people here outside kensington palace, despite the fact they are here asking the question why they are so important. maybe it's because she took this country and said, it's okay to cry. it's okay to reach out to others that you don't know and show that you care about them or even that you love them. maybe it's the way she demonstrated bringing up children and showing them real life and showing them that there were others less fortunate than them. that certainly is a lesson that you can see william and kate making for it in the way they're bringing up their children. back to you. >> we will be right back. we have a special treat for our viewers. our newest team member, marcus washington, wil so we have a special treat for our viewers, marcus is going to be singing the national anthem -- >> yes. >> not at one baseball game, but two baseball games here in the bay area. we know that you can do it because you've done it before. >> i have. ♪ for the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave [ applause ] >> i was all right. >> you were amazing. you went to college on a singing scholarship. >> i did. identify been doing this for a while. but there's no feeling like singing in front of a crowd of people in a ball park. there is no feeling like that. so i'm so excited, i hope i do the bay area and nbc bay area justice over the weekend. so, yeah, if you're around, come on. >> if you don't know his name yet, you'll be singing his braces later. that's for sure. watch marcus in person saturday, it's a day game. the giants and then on monday, labor day, also a day game, it's at 1:05 and you'll be singing at the coliseum. >> yep. >> two. >> that is exciting. >> do you get nervous? >> i'm trying not to. i'm trying not to, kris. >> oh, you will be lovely. every game, no pressure. >> and it's going to be quite warm out there this weekend. on saturday, it's going to be reaching into the upper 80s in san francisco, on monday, labor day, it is going to start to come down, but the humidity may be going up. and looking at our forecast for the weekend, tomorrow reaching the peak of the heat, it's going to be hot today, but that dangerous heat continues into at least next tuesday before it starts to come down a few degrees. >> all right. does the heat affect the vocal cords? >> it works. >> it actually works in your favor. >> that's good. thank you, kari. we'll be uncomfortable for the sake of marcus and his pipes. our next newscast is tonight at 5:00. >> stay safe out there in the heat. stand by, everyone, we are live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. stepping the pitch high and outside. look at that. >> oh. >> of course, this went viral. people sadly are going nuts over this pitch. >> oh, poor guy, 17-year-old jordan leondre, throwing out the first pitch, it was in the strike zone, unfortunately, the strike zone of the family jules. by the way, he's a high school pitcher, he said he should have warmed up a little more and the cameraman, he says he's okay. >> he is laughing about it.

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