Transcripts For KNTV Today 20240622 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20240622

minnesota dentist who killed cecil the lion as he tried to explain himself to his patients. >> and there is crying in baseball. a new york mets player crying on the field after he was told he was traded. why it was all an emotional mix-up. today, july 30th. 2015. good morning. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning. i don't usually bring a box of tissues when watching a baseball game. >> there is crying in baseball. a reference to tom hanks' famous line in "a league of their own." there is no crying in baseball. this is a touching story. >> first, let's get to the top story. what appears to be a piece of wreckage from malaysian airlines flight 370 washed ashore on a remote island off the coast of madagascar. that's 4,000 miles from the plane's last known position. nbc's tom costello has been covering this from the very beginning. what can you tell us? >> good morning. the australian command center that's been leading the search for mh370 says it's not surprised debris has washed ashore so far from the search zone. that's consistent with ocean modeling that suggests the final resting place is in the southern indian ocean. there's also a photoing out unconfirmed by nbc news of what appears to be a suitcase that may have washed up on reunion island. we don't know if it's from the missing plane and another photograph from the serial number on the piece of wreckage. they'll look at that piece closely and try to tie that serial number to the missing plane. it's a huge break in potentially solving one of the world's biggest aviation mysteries. boeing investigators have looked at this video and these photos of the debris covered in sea seashells. their conclusion, it is a wing component from a boeing 777, a flaperon. there's only one missing anywhere in the world, malaysian 370. as a press conference, the deputy prime minister of australia called it a major league. >> this is obviously a very significant development. it's the first real evidence that there's a possibility that a part of the aircraft may have been found. >> malaysian 370 contact ho chi minh good night. >> good night. 370. >> it was march 2014 when mh370 with 239 people onboard suddenly disappeared on the red eye to beijing. radar data suggested it made a mysterious u-turn into the southern indian ocean, but why? search teams have been focus odn a remote stretch of island, but the debris turned up closer to madagascar, more than 4,000 miles from the last known location south of vietnam and thousands of miles from the search zone off australia. investigators now have a single piece of wreckage, but they're still missing the rest of the plane. >> the investigators are going to look very carefully at the component, what kind of damage it sustained at impact, how it left the rest of the airplane. >> oceanographers say much of the indian ocean moved in a counterclockwise motion, so it's entirely possible the plane could be off the coast of australia or anywhere in the indian ocean. >> these large-scale ocean currents aren't very fast. and it can take months to even years for debris to go somewhere, say, from western australia, across the ocean basin, to even madagascar. >> this morning, one piece of evidence, but we still don't know where mh370 went down. >> it looks like a break, and what happened today is you could see across the team, there was a new burst of energy. >> french investigators are working with boeing, with the australians, and the malaysians to identify that piece and then begin the process of looking at the ocean flow charts to see if they can backtrack and find the rest of the plane. they'll also be examining the sealife on the wreckage to see if it gives them clues as to where the wreckage might have originated. back to you. see if it provides any clues as to the journey this piece might have taken. back to you. >> tom costello thank you. greg fife is from the nation national transportation safety board. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so the investigators have concluded that this is a piece from a boeing 777 and as tom mentioned there's only one of those missing anywhere on the planet. that is malaysian air flight 370. is it just a matter of matching numbers now? >> if the numbers do exist. all of these parts have data tags or data plates on them but being this part is in the water so long those numbers may be obliterated so they have to use other characteristics of this piece. such as build diagrams to see the metal and the shape of the structure itself. but they are confirm this i'm sure at some point. >> let me just go to what tom just referred to and let's say they do not find the rest of the plane because that is still a massive undertaking. based on that one piece of debris can they tell anything more can they glean any more information as to what might have brought that plane down? >> to answer your question no. because that one single piece isn't going to answer all the questions. but i think it will answer enough questions especially with the conspiracy theorists that said this airplane landed somewhere and and had been hidden. this will confirm that the airplane did in fact go down in the water. whether it was in a controlled manner or uncontrolled manner, you won't be able to tell that from one piece of wreckage. but the piece of wreckage is the bottom part of the wing and they can look at it and see that it may have separated during a controlled impact such as a ditching rather than a high speed impact where you have high fragmentation. >> to be clear, if they can reverse engineer and they can go back and find the rest of that wreckage those black boxes, the flight data recorder and voice recorder after all this time are they of any use at all? >> well, as we talked about months ago, if they find the cockpit voice recorder, the cockpit voice recorder may not be useful because it overwrites itself every two hours. the data flight recorder records information for 25 hours so you'd capture this event. but all that box is going to tell you is what parameters the pilot may have set into the flight management system and what the airplane was doing to get to where it ended up. but it's not going to give us the answers as to why the pilot flew the airplane to that point or why he programmed the autopilot to program it to some point that was in a controlled crash or it ran out of gas and went into the controlled event. >> all right, thank you very much. now here's savannah. philip wood was the only american on mh370 and sarah joins us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i can only imagine that mix of emotions you must have felt when this news hit yesterday. can you take me through it, what you're feeling this morning? >> well it's a bit of a roller coaster ride, but that's been going on now for almost 18 months. and i think most of the family members would feel the same way i do. until they can verify that it is indeed 370 we just can't deal with the emotional pressure of trying to make any decisions about it. >> because there have been so many false reports, so many theories over the long, long months. if this does turn out to be the wreckage of flight 370 what do you hope happens next? what do you hope gets answered? >> well, on the one hand, i hope it isn't because that means there's still a thread of hope. but if it is i hope it can at least help us to find the airplane because that might help us to understand what ultimately happened. and i think that we need to be able to trace it back to the source of the parties responsible. the malaysian government allowed this to happen. >> people use the word closure. i don't know what that means. but in terms of what you've been going through, and the hope that you have held out for your partner, what does this mean to you if authorities come to you and say, yes, this is the wreckage of flight 370 in terms of your own healing? >> well, a part of a plane is not the same as a body. so i think true closure can only come for sure when you can say good-bye properly. but for most of us life has been stuck in march 8th, so at least some verification that the flight indeed crashed would be a step forward in being able to say good-bye. >> well sarah vaijack, thank you for your time this morning. >> you're welcome. i think it's a very fine line between a sense of closure and the reopening of wounds. >> it's clear those wounds are raw as ever this morning. in other news, a university of cincinnati police officer is facing up to life in prison if he is convicted for the deadly shooting of an unarmed black man. prosecutors handing down a murder indictment in that case ten days after what began as a routine traffic stop. we are also seeing video of the incident for the first time. nbc's rehema ellis is in cincinnati. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. officer ray tensing is being arraigned here in connection with the shooting death of samuel dubose. it is that video from the officer's body camera that has become critical evidence in this case. dubose was a 33-year-old father who was reportedly going to meet up with his son and watch a movie when he was pulled over by officer ray tensing. video from tensing's body camera release by the prosecutor's office shows tensing telling dubose he was stopped for not having a front license plate. tensing asks dubose for his license several times. >> i don't have it on me. >> reporter: tensing asked dubose to step out of the car and reaches for the door handle. >> i didn't even do nothing. >> go ahead and take your seat belt off now. >> reporter: a second video posted on the cincinnati inquirer website purports to be the body camera of a fellow officer. it shows tensing on the ground and tensing said dubose took off. >> he took off on me i thought he'd run over. >> reporter: he repeats that he was dragged. >> he was just dragging me. dragging me. he's dragging me. >> it is our belief that he was not dragged. >> reporter: joseph dieters the hamilton county prosecutor said tensing's accounting nonsense and the shooting totally unwarranted. >> this is the most asinine act i have ever seen a police officer make. >> reporter: tensing's lawyer says his client has never had any discipline issues and he fired because he thought he was going to be run over. >> his defense is going to be self-defense, that he felt like his life was in danger and threatened and he was trying to save his own life. >> reporter: in cincinnati, wednesday night, there was a peaceful demonstration to protest the killing. for the dubose family dealing with the pain of their loss, the body camera is all the evidence they need. >> seeing that video let me know that my son did absolutely nothing. not -- nothing. >> reporter: 25-year-old ray tensing is the first officer in the city of cincinnati to be indicted for murder. accused of killing someone in the line of duty. matt? >> rehema ellis, thank you. let's turn to natalie. you have the latest on this frantic search for the two boys in florida. >> that's right. day six. the chances are diminishing for the two teens missing at sea. nbc's kerry sanders is in jupiter, florida, with the very latest on the search. good morning. >> reporter: well good morning. at this hour a c-130 aircraft from the coast guard is right now flying over the search area and there are several coast guard cutters on the water, all tasked with the same mission -- find the missing boys. it's now day six of the coast guard search for best friends, 14-year-old perry cohen and austin stephanos. lost at sea. >> there's been a lot of rumors that the search has been suspended. i want to refute that. the search has not been suspended. it is still active and open. >> reporter: a search but no mention now of rescue. the boys' boat capsized and even if they had life vests they likely have no drinking water. what might have helped save the boys is a epirb, an emergency positioning radio beacon. i'm going to drop in the water. now, even if i were unconscious, the salt water would activate this. we have arranged with the national oceanic atmospheric administration for a simulated emergency. >> in some cases it can be the only notification to rescuers that you're even in some trouble. >> reporter: at the noaa control center it took moments for the distress signal to show up. >> we can see that the beacon has been picked up by the system. >> reporter: a device that might have made a huge difference had it been in the boys' boat. noaa says the beacons have saved 73 lives so far, just this year. natalie? >> kerry sanders in jupiter, florida, thanks. immediate vaux evacuations are in place for an area of northern california where a fast moving wildfire has burned at least 3,000 acres. northwest of sacramento the fire started on the afternoon. air resources are being diverted from the nearby rag fire to help fight the on going blaze. the fire destroyed at least one structure. the wildfire is spreading fast because the terrain is heavy with brush and timber. a protest in port land oregon getting a lot of attention because they're dangling from the city's tallest bridge. at least 13 climber froms greenpeace are trying to prevent the shell otherwise oil icebreaker ship from leaving port where it was undergoing repairs. they're worried about the impact on the environment and the protesters plan to remain suspended from the bridge for several days. that could be very uncomfortable. well now to the city of a thief and his very unusual get away car. surveillance cameras captured the crime at a grocery store in belarus. a man is taking a seat on the winnie the pooh toy car while talking on his mobile phone. so he rides around for a while and slowly but surely just scoots the toy car outside the exit door. the police track down the culprit. he told the officers he was drunk and doesn't remember where he parked winnie the pooh. >> i believe him. >> winnie is not talking either. >> that's my car. >> oh bother. >> natalie, thank you. this would be what the third day of the heat wave? >> yeah if we get to this -- and i think we're going to hit 90 here in new york. other places it's no question, it's -- but take a look. you think of being in this heat we complain. but look at what trenton's bravest had to deal with yesterday. fighting fires, at least ten firefighters overcome by heat. had to be resuscitated. i shouldn't have resuscitated but had to take a break. fans water. it was a really grueling day. air temperatures got up into the mid 90s. of course fighting a fire with 70 pounds of equipment that's got to be difficult and no relief in sight. big area of high pressure that dome of high pressure is dominating. stays up to the north with a jet stream. so the heat is on top of us. add in the humidity on top of that, your skin can't evaporate. can't get that moisture off because of the humidity. so it feels so much warmer. it will feel like 101 in richmond today. same in charleston. tupelo, 100. new orleans, you'll feel like 107. look at the temperatures staying in the 90s right through saturday in new york city and this shifts to the west. look at the temperatures making their way into the pacific northwest. triple digits portland, med ford, redding and boise. seattle, upper 80s and low 90s into the weekend as well. we'll get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. mediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. i'm meteorologist kari hall. as you you wake up may see that the clouds are back and today temperatures will be a touch cooler in spots, but still warm in the south bay, in spots like los gatos, 92 degrees, san bruno will be 77 degrees today and the castro 75 degrees. 90 in the north bay in santa rosa and martinez at 87 degrees. livermore 99 and we may still have a spot or two hitting the triple digits like pleasanton. have a great day. that's your latest weather. >> al thank you. coming up the growing backlash against the minnesota dentist who killed sizececil the lion. the letter he sent to his patients. plus coming up in rossen reports. the controversial traffic stops. what are your rights when you're pulled over by the police? first, on a thursday morning this is "today" on nbc. e test. . coming up a sweet letter from a young tom hanks. andt new lipton sparkling iced tea. ♪ refreshing tea infused with light, crisp, tiny bubbles. for a taste that lifts you up. ♪ this isn't just the start of school this is the new year. find the styles and brands they'll love for every big moment. where? famous footwear. cottonelle cleanripple texture gets you cleaner but will it get people clean enough to go commando? did you just wipe your bum? well, i sure did. did you notice anything about the texture? it's very...functionally efficient. this is the equivalent of your muscles. it just gets a hold of everything. yeah. nothing's left behind. nothing. are you clean enough to go commando? 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i got it. walgreens has all you need to keep it all under control. from a little touch-up... come on, guys! to finding that perfect finishing touch... to making memories at the touch of a button. all without missing a beat. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. i'm ... ==anim== a final farewell to a fallen hero... a very good thursday morning to you. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a final farewell to a fallen hero. later this morning mourners will gather by the thousands to say good buy to hayward police sergeant scott lunger. he died last week after being shot during a traffic stop. the processional begins at chapel of the chimes if hayward a little before 9:00 a.m. had his body will travel to oracle arena in oakland where a memorial service will be held. later family members will hold a private ceremony. also happening today, the teenager accused of murdering eight-year-old maddy madison is expected to make his first court appearance. prosecutors are charging 15-year-old adrian gonzalez as an adult. he and maddy both lived at the same artists on claf in santa cruz. investigators say he lured maddy to his apartment, sexual assaulted her then killed her. authorities discovered her body monday in a recycling bin at the complex. firefighters spent the morning putting out a series of grass fires along the highway 24 corridor in lafayette. it's the same area where an early morning fire burned ten acres yesterday. firefighters are calling the fire suspicious and are concerned it's the work of a fire bug. another hot day ahead, let's check in with meteorologist kari hall. >> and it will be hot, especially in some spots like the tri-valley the south bay and north bay. we start out with temperatures in the lower 60s, but one thing that we are seeing this morning that we didn't see yesterday, the low clouds and fog in spots. a high of 78 degrees in the east bay, peninsula 79 degrees, san francisco will be cool you will have a hard time shaking those clouds today, but 75 degrees, 93 in the north bay, as well as the south bay and some 90s also in the tri-valley. here is a look now at traffic with mike. overall kari the bay area looking pretty good. we do have police investigation closing southbound lombard and that's not far where folks get off the golden gate bridge and take that doyle drive arrangement there and that is jamming up traffic. take highway 1 over to california, it's a longer recruit but gets you out of that jam. investigation, again, that investigation continues. expect more after 8:00 when that procession goes from hayward up to the oakland oracle arena. we will track that as well. back to you. >> another local news update in half an hour. see you then. e a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ [♪] ♪ 7:30 on a thursday morning. 29th day of july. is it the 29th? >> i thought it was the 30th. >> i think it is. we have a lot of people out on the plaza for another hot steamy day here in the northeast. we're going to have a hot concert tomorrow morning from jason aldean. he is a country superstar. if you're in the area, come on down. >> is it 2015 or 2016? back inside studio 1-a. the discovery of airplane debris. a major lead in the 16-month-old search for the malaysia airline flight 370. boeing investigators have looked at the video and photos of this wreckage and believe it is part of a wing from the boeing 777. that's the same model as the missing plane. the search for thes missing at sea remains active and open and that is according to the coast guard as the search enters its sixth full day. crews have searched some 40,000 square nautical miles from florida stretching up to south carolina. so far, they have only recovered the overturned boat. and yet another dangerous wild fire has erupted in napa county, california. it started wednesday afternoon and quickly grown to nearly five square miles. mandatory evacuations for nearby homes have been ordered as well. and coming up, an iconic birkin bag adored by celebrities with a year-long waiting list to buy one is about to get a name change. the woman who the bag is named after now says she wants no part of it. we begin with the minnesota dentist who has become a target of worldwide outrage for killing one of africa's most beloved lions. he's now apologizing in a new letter to his dental patients. kevin tibbles is following the story for us this morning. kevin, good morning to you. >> savannah, it's a story that captured the world's attention. the beloved and majestic lion by the name of cecil apparently killed for a trophy. now, the minnesota dentist who admits to taking the big cat has closed his practice and gone into hiding. >> reporter: the target of animal activists and critics angry with minnesota dentist walter palmer following his admission he killed the beloved lion named cecil earlier this month in africa. outside his closed dental office in minnesota, a memorial of stuffed animals and signs for cecil, the lion, has grown. >> had i known he was a horrible, vicious big game hunter, i wouldn't have been visiting his practice for all of these years. >> reporter: no sign of dr. palmer but in a letter to parents, he again had said he had no idea the lion hunt may have been illegal and vowed to cooperate with authorities. adding, i don't often talk about hunting with my patients because it can be a divisive and emotionally charged topic. palmer maintains he paid his guides to obtain proper permits. critics have been loud. deluging the yelp page for dr. palmer's practice with thousands of negative comments. several petitions surfaced online and one asking president obama to extradite dr. palmer to zimbabwe to face possible criminal charges. others like rocker ted nugent came to palmer's defense writing all animals reproduce every year and would run out of room/food to live without hunting. cecil was 13, a tourist favorite. fitted with a tracking collar and studied by researchers. >> the lion cecil was a remarkable individual. remarkable particularly because we have studied him for so long. >> reporter: experts say cecil's killing could endanger the safety of his many cubs. >> we have a situation where outside of young males, might try to take over the pride. if they are successful in taking over they could kill all of the young from the previous dominate mael. male. >> reporter: and yesterday at least one of palmer's guides was charged with poaching in zimbabwe, and guys, did you know that some 800 lions are brought into the united states each year for trophies? that's about 64% of the population of those who are killed over in africa are brought here. matt and savannah, back to you. >> this is an eye opening story for a lot of folks. kevin tibbles, thank you very much. let's speak with lisa bloom. dr. palmer is getting it from every corner. the front page of newspapers, celebrities weighing in. at this stage, is it clear if he has a legal problem or a massive pr problem? >> no one has prosecuted him yet. it would take a motivated prosecutor either in zimbabwe or the u.s. for him to face any charges. his compatriots in zimbabwe have faced charges, but not him. it if the zimbabwe officials go after him they have to get him extradited from the u.s. >> the question if there's anything to charge with him. >> poaching. >> as you alluded to, would the zimbabwe officials care about that and bring him over there when they care about tourism? >> tourism is a big part of their economy. do they want to deter other wealthy tourists from coming over and engaging in hunting? >> so far, in his statement, he said "i understand i had the proper permits. i hired professionals." is that a good defense? >> no. normally no. ignorance of the law is not a excuse here in the u.s. it's generally not acceptable. any american that goes overseas you have to bay the laws of that country and it's generally not sufficient to say i relied on the locals. >> other people are saying what about u.s. laws? is there any violation of u.s. laws? >> that's a tough one. i know authorities are looking into it. if he brought any part of the lion back and the lion was obtained illegally, that could be a crime. if any of the $50,000 he paid in zimbabwe went to pay a government official to do something illegal, that could be a problem for him. there's no evidence of that at this point. >> let's turn this on its ear for a second. i mentioned the threats, the death threats, the fact he's had to go underground. he had to close his practice. you look at the front page of some newspapers. they have basically tried and convicted him. are there laws in this country that protect this guy from that sort of thing? >> boycotts are legal. but it is not legal to criminally threaten or to harass someone. defamation is a cause of action if somebody says something that him that is not true. >> we'll see where this goes. lisa, thank you. we have mr. roker here for the weather. >> that's right. a lot of folks, over 40 million people under some sort of a heat advisory or heat warning. want to help you stay cool. we have creative ways from our friends at "time" magazine. from "time" magazine. loose, lightweight linen clothing. that helps to make you feel cool. cool the pulse points. flash water on your temples or over your water. don't eat, just graze on smaller more frequent meals. that keeps your body core temperature down. eat to sweat. certain spicy foods make you sweat but doesn't raise your body temperature. then you get e vabevaporative color on your skin. raise your body temperature. stay cool under the covers. use a water bottle with ice water or bag your sheets, toss them in the freezer for an hour or two before bed and then put them in the microwave and defrost them. no, just kidding. that's a pretty good idea. i like that! our friends in florida aren't worried about staying cool. they're worried about trying to stay dry. we have tropical moisture that keeps streaming in. some places picked up double digits amounts of moisture. it's going to continue this weekend into monday. some places picking up five inches of rain but could be locally eight inches as a stationary front sets up in northern florida. i'm meteorologist kari hall. low clouds back over san francisco and highs in the city reaching 75 degrees in the castro pacifica 66 degrees, 86 degrees in san jose and it will still be hot and a few spots like the north bay, 90 degrees in santa rosa pleasanton 100 degrees, wall mutt creek 98 degrees. a widespread in temperatures from the coast to the inland valleys and a lot of sunshine in afternoon. have a great day. and that's >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right. al, thank you very much. >> coming up next on rossen reports, what police can and cannot do during a stop. >> hi good morning to you. the traffic stop's back in the news of course this morning out of cincinnati. so what are your rights when you get pulled over by the police? they walk up to your car, they want you to get out of your car, they want to search your car. are you allowed to record the entire interaction? a lot of controversy about that. this morning, know your rights, coming up. with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu or a history of copd a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. did you leave behind something reliable? 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[growl] even if you can't see it your destination is out there. so just keep going. and you'll get there... ...200 feet at a time. the corolla. toyota. let's go places. 7:43. we're back with the new rossen report. after the latest traffic stops, what are your rights when you're pulled over? today jeff rossen is up in rochester, new york, to show you. jeff, good morning. >> hi, good morning to you. that video out of cincinnati and this latest case just so disturbing to watch and that really did get us thinking about traffic stops and your rights. what you have to say yes to. what you can say no to. look we know it's the worst feeling in the world, you see the flashing police lights. maybe you were speeding, maybe you passed somebody. they have pulled you over. the officer gets to your door. they want you to get out or they want to search your car. do you have to say yes to those questions? what can you say no to? know your rights. >> do you have your license? >> in the latest case from cincinnati -- >> what did you pull me over for? >> a routine traffic stop turning deadly. >> now, now! >> things escalate fast. the driver shot and killed. now that officer is charged with murder. >> i'm going to drag you out of here. >> you're going to drag me out of my own car? >> just weeks ago in texas, sandra bland pulled over and it got heated too. >> get out of the car! i will write you up. get out, now! >> wow. wow. >> get out of the car. >> bland trying to record it all on her phone off camera. >> get off the phone. put your phone down. >> cases showing how fast things can turn dangerous. so when a cop pulls you over, what is the officer allowed to do and what are your rights? rochester police pulling me over to show you. >> hello, sir. the very first thing is i ed a like is ask for is license, registration proof of insurance. >> i have to give you those? >> yes. and then i say, do you know why i stopped you? >> if i was speeding i don't want to admit guilt, do i have to answer the question? >> you don't have to admit to that question. you can say no, or i don't know. >> i won't get a ticket -- >> no. >> there's much more controversy about recording police. >> you can record. i may have a body camera on my myself or the car may have one. you can record. a couple of things to be careful of. don't make any sudden movements in the vehicle. last thing i want to think is it's a weapon. >> if i say officer i'm going to record this, i take my phone out, i'm pointing it at you and i'm recording. >> yes, sir. >> this is fine? >> this is fine. >> the next thing may happen, i may ask you to step out of the car. >> what if i say i don't want to get out of the car. >> you have to. >> i have to step out of the car? >> yes. >> i know myself i'd be saying this is a regular traffic stop what's the problem? >> i may tell you. or i may not. >> you don't have to? >> i do not have to, no, sir. and i say, do you mind if i search your car? >> do i have to say yes? >> no i'm asking for consent. >> even though it sounds like a command, it's a question. >> yes. >> sometimes cops say, what are you trying to hide? >> that's a tactic we use to try to elicit conversations. >> i shouldn't be bullied to say yes. >> no still a request. >> can it hurt me in court if i say no? >> no. >> what's the bottom line? >> only two things that you have to do. you have to provide your license, registration and proof of insurance. and then you have to get out of the car when we tell you to. >> that's it? >> that's it. >> of course laws can vary from state to state. city to city. but overall, no matter what, be polite to the police officer, even if you're frustrated or angry, even if they search your car, better off to fight it in court than on the scene. >> good advice. >> jeff rossen thank you. >> when i'm pulled over i keep my hands where they can see them. >> anything that will make somebody nervous. >> absolutely. what if we treated our teachers like superstar athletes? key & peele proved why we'll really miss them. and a baseball cries on the field right in the middle of the game. oh, my gosh. tamron might cry her way through this. >> very sad. t not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream. fact. advil is not only strong it's gentle on your body too. no wonder doctors and patients have trusted advil... for their tough pains for over 30 years. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. see, we've completely remodeled the kitchen. cozy. let's go check out the pantry! it's our dunkin' dream room. amazing. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. try our k-cups today. america runs on dunkin'. craving the taste of chocolate but watching calories? introducing light & fit greek with chocolate on top. so chocolatey good... you won't believe it's 100 calories. try new light & fit greek chocolate on top. some people may think subway doesn't have enough flavor. i'm here to help 'em think differently. you know that sandwich you always get? i can make it even better. you ever try this toasted with monterrey cheddar? you know what, why not. ok how about we spice this up a little bit? that sounds amazing. let's rock this sandwich together. subway. eat fresh. we're back at 7:50. the story we're talking about this morning. proof there is crying in baseball. >> this is something. a lot of people talking about it. good morning, guys. it turns out, as mentioned, there is crying in baseball. wilmer flores was in tears on citi field wednesday night after learning mid game he was going to be traded to the milwaukee brewers or was he? news of the trade started on social media and quickly spread to the stadium to flores in the game. he's been with the mets since 16. even the game's announcers bought into the twitter trend. listen. >> he's about to be traded. social media being such, they say, nobody knows what the situation is. the fans giving him a nice send off here. >> you saw fans standing up in the stands. the emotional roller coaster for flores and mets fans came to a halt when the mets manager said social media got ahead of the facts. as if that never happens. there had been talks of trade there was never a deal for flores. he would be staying with new york and there he is in the aftermath of it all in the post game interview. he said his emotions got the best of him when he thought he would have to leave his teammates. can you imagine that? he thought he was out on the field. what a sweet heart. >> that's the kind of player you want. he really wants to be with your team. >> absolutely. >> i agree. >> he's been a part of it -- >> when we were growing up guys stayed with a team their entire career. >> yeah no question. >> people didn't check social media when you were during the game. >> when we were growing up they had score boards with chalk. they didn't even have balls -- >> no. thank you. appreciate it. coming up katie couric is here with a powerful use for youtube after your local news. >> hi, katie. the thing is people think boys are loud and immature and don't care about feelings. but they're wrong. thanks. kleenex. someone needs one. i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. ♪ the goodness that goes into making a power kale chicken caesar salad is rivaled only, by the goodness felt while eating one. panera. food as it should be. this guy first roamed the earth over 65 million years ago. like our van. yeah. we need to sell it. hi. need an appraisal? yeah. we do. vo: when selling your car, start with a written offer no strings attached. carmax. start here. i'm ... ==anim== a final a good thursday morning. i'm sam brock. a final farewell to a fallen hero. later this morning mourners will gather by the thousands to say good-bye to hayward police sergeant scott lunger. he died last week after being shot during a traffic stop. the profession -- processional begins at chapel of the chimes in hayward a little bit before 9:00. his body will then travel to oracle arena in oakland where a memorial service will be held. later family members will hold a private ceremony. happening today, the teenager accused of murdering eight-year-old maddy madison is expected to make had his first court appearance. prosecutors are charging 15-year-old adrian gonzalez as an adult. he and maddy both lived at the same artist enclave in santa cruz. they say he skaulted her and killed her. police discovered her body at a recycling bin in the complex. >> we are seeing the clouds this morning and a mild start to the day. you can also feel a little bit more humidity in the air. that will continue to increase as we go into the afternoon. still warm in spots like the south bay as well as the north bay. 93 degrees, the tri-valley will also top out in the 90s and hen 70s from san francisco to the east bay, as well as the peninsula. highs reaching there into the mid to upper 70s and the next few days it gets a little bit milder. let's check traffic with mike. look at this this is visible off of the freeway, off of 880 we have these crossed ladders for the fire crew. this they are ready for officers as well as families from the hayward police department to start arriving at oracle. over the next hour we will see a lot of folks heading to the parking lot. of course 8:45 the procession will end toward that memorial. in san francisco closure southbound lombard for a police investigation into san francisco itself. thank you very much. we will be back in 25 minutes with another update. hey there fellow californians i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at ♪ it's on 8:00 "today." coming up teenage dreams. the letter from tom hanks to an oscar winning director before hanks was famous. then -- i'm gay. >> i'm gay. >> the influence of the internet. our friend katie couric is a way -- with life changing ways people are using youtube to open up about their lives in order to inspire others. plus, cooking with kass. we officially welcome sam kass former white house chef to the "today" family. he'll whip up healthy but sweet treats for "today." thursday, july 30th, 2015. ♪ ♪ >> good morning, mississippi! girls trip all the way from lafayette, new york city. -- louisiana. >> my first time in new york city! >> my mom loves the "today" show! >> it's a mother daughter trip. >> happy birthday, dad! [ cheers and applause ] >> it is 8:00 on "today." welcome back. thursday, july 30th, 2015. >> tamron? this song was appropriate. it's a great one! >> "walking on sunshine". >> you can't not smile when you sing that song. >> by the way, speaking of throwbacks, it's not that far we have natalie imbruglia here. she's going to sing for us. she's so talented. not only as a singer but an actress as well. she's going to sing "torn" for us later on. >> yes, we'll be singing along. tomorrow we'll continue the singing big country comes to the big city jason aldean is our summer concert. bring your cowboy hat and your boots. >> yeah. and next friday we have the great keith urban. he wants you to pick one of the songs. go to to vote for "long hot summer" "good thing" or "once in a lifetime." >> nice. >> we have a familiar face hanging out in studio 1-a. katie couric is back inside. we'll go to her in a few minutes. she has an interesting story about people using youtube for very personal announcements. >> we'll check in with her in a bit. let's get the top story from natalie. >> good morning. a piece of airplane wreckage may help solve the mystery of malaysian airlines flight 370. the plane that vanished 16 months ago. tom costello, good morning. >> reporter: because there's only one 777 missing anywhere in the world, that is malaysian 370 investigators are fairly confident this is, in fact, a wing flap from mh-370. it washed ashore on reunion island thousands of miles from last known position of mh-370 and the search zone and they've been focussed on. oceanographers say the ocean currents move in a counter clock wise fashion in the indian ocean. it would make sense for the plane to have gone down in the eastern indian ocean 17 months ago, yet washed ashore in the west near madagascar. also, this morning there's this photograph unconfirmed by nbc news which proports to show a suitcase that has washed ashore reunion island. investigators will have to use ocean modelling to backtrack where the debris might have originated. the australian command center still believes the flight is somewhere at the bottom of the ocean in that original search zone off australia. natalie? >> just the beginning of a very long mystery. tom costello, thank you. a court appearance today for a campus police officer now charged with murder in the killing of an unarmed black driver. university of cincinnati officer ray tensing was indicted on wednesday. prosecutors released the video from his body camera. he stopped 43-year-old samuel dubose. earlier this month for not having a front license plate. dubose allegedly resisted getting out of the car. he was eventually shot in the head. the officer said he fired because the car took off. his lawyer said ten sing thought he was going to be dragged under the car and killed. a small plane crashed and burst into flames at the milwaukee airplane wednesday evening killing both the people on board. the pilot pulled up after a first landing attempt. the plane came in for the second time with one wing tilted and it appeared to have hit the first. the newest social media sensation is earl the grumpy puppy. he's a puggle a pug and beagle mix. he has a permanently frowny face. it's so adorable. his owner posted a few pictures online and animal lovers couldn't get enough. grumpy puppy has his own instagram account. got to start following him now. back to savannah. >> do you know what that reminds me of, natalie? brf? >> yes. >> google it. i won't say it again. there's a new controversy this morning tied to one of the most iconic and fancy accessories in the world. the hermes birkin handbag. why is its name sake jane birkin saying she wants no part of it? sheinelle jones has the story. jane birkin is demanding the particular bag be remained amid concerns how the crocodiles are treated. she's not alone in her outrage. ♪ it's one of the hottest purses in the world. seen on the arms of celebrities and socialites. they can cost up to $100,000 or more with a rumored multiyear waiting list to get one. so famous it only goes by one name. >> i love it! >> the birkin bag? >> $4,000. >> "sex in the city" made it main stream, but today british singer and style icon jane birkin the behind the purse wants nothing to do with one version of it. after peta published a graphic video how crocodiles are allegedly treated before being killed. hermes responded to jane birkin with a statement. the luxury brand also claims that investigation is underway at the texas farm which was implicated in the video. any breach of rules will be rectified and sanctioned. they specify this farm does not belong to them and the crocodile skins supplied are not used for the fabrication of the bags. it's a bag many dream of owning but how does this birkin blowout affect the average consume -- consumer? >> the question of how clothes and luxury goods are made are increasingly important to customers. it's exactly this kind of episode that reminds viewers to be mindful about how their clothes are made. >> the next time you hit the mall and want to be a conscious consumers, experts advise do your research. >> if you want to be a conscious consumer, you should feel free to ask questions when you go in a store. the more they know about how clothes are made the better they can feel about the purchase. >> there are also numerous websites for consumers who want to be a conscious consumer. i've noticed people are not just worried about spending their money that will harm animals. spending money that may harm workers or the environment. that's a movement right now, for sure. >> we're in a better position to know as consumers what is going into these products. that's a good thing. sheinelle, thank you very much. coming up next "pop start" and the letter from 18-year-old tom hanks that proved he knew he would be a star. and matt? ever hear the game six degrees of katie couric? played with kevin bacon. how weird is that? first, these messages. you feel like you're one step ahead. sign up for visa checkout. visa. everywhere you want to be. i just love cherry preserves. is that your favorite? i also like strawberry boysenberry, red raspberry... with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite. apple... pineapple... grape... red currant... with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. time to be a superhero at kohl's friends and family sale. get an extra 20% off this thursday through sunday. go to and download your savings pass. plus, everyone gets $10 kohl's cash for every $50 spent. be yourself. kohl's. ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. this moment is perfect in every way. just like my kid. gooey. flakey. happy. toaster strudel ♪ hanes. a perfect fit for every body. now in colorful new styles. ♪ ♪ [announcer]when we make beyond natural dry dog and cat foods. we start with real meat as the first ingredient. we leave out corn,wheat and soy. and we own where our dry food is made-100 percent! can other brands say all that? for nutrition you can trust and your pet will enjoy... does your food go beyond? learn more at ♪ caress presents the world's first body wash with fragrance release pearls. touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. new caress love forever. ♪ lemonade, la la lemonade ♪ real strawberries real lemonade get together with the refreshing new real lemonades from mccafe. with my android from tracfone, i can... order safety goggles. play music for seedlings. post science fair projects. schedule guinea pig feedings. video chemical reactions. take pics of mr. bones. time the next launch. calm down principal jones. i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. for a limited time get the lg sunrise with a free teenage mutant ninja turtles custom case cover and one year free parental controls. look for specially marked packages. tracfone. do everything for less. available at walmart. 8:13. >> can we all agree that arguing with your partner is not a good idea. right? >> a few people say it's healthy. >> now we're going to have the argument. >> okay. >> one of the ground rules here. >> oh well. i'm glad you asked. there's a relationship expert who has laid out how to have the perfect argument with your partner. >> okay. >> we're work partners obviously. anyway. it's three steps. step one, decide who goes first. who talks first. you go by rating how upset you are. the more upset person goes first. >> you are supposed to stop and do this? >> yeah. >> whoever is a ten speaks first. step two, this is important -- listen to your partner. don't spend the time they're talking planning your attack and respond. >> guilty. >> here is the controversial one. step three, video tape the fight. >> oh no! >> say here is where you were wrong. >> and then have another fight. >> in the words of sharknado "oh hell no!" . that's a terrible idea. >> can you imagine being the person suggesting video taping it? i can see someone secretly video taping. >> i guess the idea is to say this is what you said. this is how i heard it. >> not going to work. on to a comedy bit that has gone viral. this is from key and fieldpeele. they covered teachers. take a look. >> i'm pleased to announce i'm taking my talents to new york city. thank you very much. >> apparent lily she was made an offer she couldn't refuse. now look at this. she looks left dead right. looks past the students with their arms up in the air. spots mac near the back. even though his hand isn't up he's engaged. >> see what she did there? bringing introvert into the discussion. that's teacher of the year there. >> we have things fouled up here. we talk about the athletes and stuff and teachers are important. they capture that perfectly in this bit. >> love it. anybody sleep with their mouth open? >> al. >> how do you know? >> i've seen him on a plane! >> all right, al. >> there you have it. >> let the next video be a cautionary tale for you, my friend. this is micah. when his mouth was wide open his friend saw a golden opportunity and gave him a twiz twizzle. gave him a few more. how many do you think he got stuck in there? >> six or seven. >> eleven! they start putting them in his lap only then did he wake up. he takes a bite and keeps rolling. >> every time i travel with katie she would pull something like that. >> yeah. >> seriously. that's so katie. look at her! she's laughing. that's something she would pull. >> you did that to me. >> yeah. >> remember the photo under the toilet seat? >> say more about that katie! >> i'll tell you later. >> all right. >> that was my bad, i swear. >> yeah. now on to the boy band going solo in a touching throwback letter. >> one direction star zayn malik is going solo. he said i guess i never explained why i left. it's given me the opportunity to show you who i really am. he then tweeted #realme. we got it. this is the real him. >> is that a jab at one direction? >> he's alluded to that's why he left. he was comprising himself. anyway. simon cowell congratulated zayn on twitter. simon discovered him with one direction and saying wish you the best. on to the touching letter from tom hanks. he wrote it hoping to get his big break. he wrote it when he was 18 to oscar winner director. the letter is currently on display at the beverly hills exhibit. "now right away i know what you're thinking: "who is this kid?" and ibs understand your apprehension. perfection! we're still paying to see mr. hanks and will forever. isn't that a cool letter? another pop start quiz. you didn't do great yesterday. we're going to win this win. i'm going to play a song and you guess which rock star is singing it. >> here we go. ♪ free my soul."" ♪ i know who that is. >> meryl streep. >> yeah. not a rock star but i saw the movie and she was rocking it. >> she is a rock star! >> why are we going to play a quiz -- >> what i believe, mr. roker, you can throw in a curve ball in a quiz. was that that hard? natalie got it. >> it's a movie! >> and it's great. >> yes. natalie wins today. >> congratulations! >> i didn't cheat this time. >> you saw the movie! >> katie, just like old times, right? >> oh my gosh! who sang the original matt? >> of which one? that song? >> yeah. >> say it in my ear, quickly. >> this is what katie used to do. point to her ears and she would go oh i know! that's so and so! up next katie is exploring the new power of youtube. first, al has a check of the weather. >> all right. let's show you what we've got happening now. showers and thunderstorms monsoonal moisture coming out of the southwest. we have at lot of heavy rain through florida. we're going to be watching some areas picking up five to eight inches. there's a front pushing through western new york bringing lower humidity to the northeast but not cooler temperatures. we have 80s and 90s making their way from the mid atlantic states. hundreds in texas and the southwest even into central. sheinelle sheinelle. sheinelle. i'm meteorologist kari hall. the low clouds clear out and it will give us sunshine. 77 degrees in san bruno. san francisco, expect a high of 75 degrees. some 90s still popping up here on the map. like santa rosa and even triple digits in the tri-valley. pleasanton reaching 100 degrees. oakland expect a high of 78. walnut creek tops out at 98 degrees. matt and katie. >> throw back thursday. youtube recently celebrated the tenth anniversary. it's becoming a real reflection of our rapidly changing culture. our palestinian katie couric is here. >> next year i'm going to take you with me to this massive convention in anaheim, california for the youtubers and 20,000 of their adoring fans. because i want you to feel as ancient as i did there. >> yeah. >> youtube, as we know is the go too to place. one of the things i discovered was the platform is providing a new outlet for so many young people to come to terms with their sexuality and to share it with the world. >> today i'm going to be sitting down with katie couric and i'm freaking out. >> meet shane he's 27 and with nearly 7 million subscribers, hosts some of the most popular channels on youtube. ♪ ♪ >> what did you do this weekend? >> oh. >> awesome. ♪ ♪ >> but on july 7th he uploaded his most revealing video yet. >> i am bisexual and i have said it out loud once before in therapy. >> once i pushed upload and once the first few comments rolled in being like this is how i feel. nobody talked about this. that's when it hit me. it's bigger than just "hey i wanted to make this video so people stop calling me gay or whatever." this is i'm actually affecting a lot of people's lives. >> he's not the only one. other youtube stars have come out online like hannah. host of "my drunk kitchen." >> part one of the, you know, series of my experience coming out being gay. >> after i came out i remember getting these letters and e-mails from people who are, you know dads in the conservative south that were like i watch "my drunk kitchen" and you made me rethink it. joey announced it with a music video and a kiss. >> i had never seen anyone else on youtube come out through a music video. i want to do it different and fun and have a positive message. >> the trend may have been partly inspired by the "it gets better project." a place where 50,000 people gay, straight famous and not have come to share their stories about bullying. >> i attempted to kill myself. it will get better! i promise. >>s it getting better. but it's still not easy. lgbt youth account for an incredible number of homeless youth across this country. kids who have come out and their parents have literally dropped them off on the side of a highway. it's a frightening prospect for someone so young, but i do think that youtube stars coming out really gives a sense of optimism and hope to that young person who may be struggling. >> do you think people like you -- do you think they're creating an atmosphere that is allowing kids to be more accepting? >> 100%. i think the amount of teenagers that just in the last month since the video went up that i see on the street who come up to me and say that gave me the courage to come out to my parents. i showed them your video and they got it. i think it changed everything. >> i love you guys. i hope this helps, and from now on you know everything about me. >> it's easy to see the upside. isn't there a downside? sharing something so deeply personal with people who sometimes aren't supportive? >> there are haters and trolls out there, matt. for the most part the youtube stars found that being hon west their fans that makes them even more popular. they have such an intimate relationship with people and i think in a medium that values sort of unvarnished authenticity it's a boom. not everyone is going to give that kind of acceptance or adoration. so, you know i think that young kids have to have theiri'm ... ==anim== a developing story in san francisco... ==topvo== authorities this good morning to you. it's 8:26. i'm laura garcia. the developing story in san francisco. authorities are at the scene of a police altercation that they say followed a hit and run. police confirming officers arrested a suspect on lombard street, not far from where the initial incident occurred. witnesses believe the suspect may have died during the altercation with officers. so far, police are not confirming. it's creating a lot of backups in that area. for that we'll check in with traffic anchor mike. >> the closure on the southbound side of lombard has the new doyle drive basically jammed up to the scene. you can go through the presidio but that's a long way around. there's a typical build south bay and over the east bay. extra slowing past the coliseum. we're getting ready for that celebration. this is visible from the motorcade. we saw that -- arrivals at oracle arena. heading up into the area as well. plan on closures and delays. back to you. >> we will carry that procession live at 10:00 as well as follow the procession along the way. another local news update coming up in about a half an hour. 8:30 now on a thursday morning. morning, 309-th of july 2015. we have tons of people on the plaza this morning. >> new music out now after a bit of a break and we'll talk to natalie and hear from her in a little while. kevin bacon is here. we have a sneak peek at his dark new thriller. it's quite creepy. >> he looks great. >> yeah. we're officially welcoming former white house chef sam kass to our nbc family. he brought along a sweet treat for the summer. >> great! >> first, how about a check of the weather. >> we plan your weekend ahead. wet weather through the southeast florida as well. the heat continues in the pacific northwest tomorrow and also cooler weather through the great lakes. as we move into saturday looking pretty nice. the rain through the southeast, florida, again, showers through the monsoonal moisture and the pacific northwest -- i should say the southwest. on sunday we've got sunshine in the east. cooler conditions and a little less humid. the rain continues in northern florida and southwest as well. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. temperatures are now in the lower 60s and mid-60s across the bay as the skies slowly clear. we will get some sunshine this afternoon in the east bay. a high of 78 degrees. south bay 93 degrees. also 93 in the north bay. san francisco expect a high of 75 while the east bay once again in the upper 70s and our temperatures will be trending a little bit cooler as we head into the weekend. but humidity will be going up. don't forget. any time you need your weather go to the weather channel on cable or now it's time to meet some of the people on our plaza. let's go back inside guys? >> al thank you very much. kevin bacon stars in a new thriller called "cop car." he plays a sheriff whose car is taken on a joyride by two young boys and he wants it back. >> you didn't touch anything did you? a lot of dangerous equipment in my car. you didn't open the trunk, did you? >> no. >> okay. that's good. that's good. this is what i want you to do. sit yourself down in the backseat don't touch anything. anybody comes by you're saying help is on the way. you're doing a special job guarding the car for the sheriff. understand? >> okay. >> good morning! >> this is a compliment. you are such a creep in this movie. you really do the whole creep thing very, very well. >> thank you for that. i appreciate that. >> you can do the sheriff, which is not the same as saying you're a good guy. >>well no. he's not a good guy, i mean, he's a desperate man. i think he starts out probably his career thinking he's going to protect and serve, but he makes some bad choices along the way and part of what is fun about the movie is trying to have an audience kind of put their own theory together about why he might have gone down the wrong road. >> yeah. this is a script that doesn't answer every question. it kind of lets you -- leaves things to the imagination. in terms of the plot we told you the two boys steal the car. there's something of value in the trunk. >> yes. >> are we allowed to say what is in the trunk? >> no. let's not. >> there's something that the sheriff wants back. >> yeah. he wants it back really bad. they stole their own cop car. >> they're bothering the wrong sheriff. not a lot of dialogue either. >> no. when i was younger i used to read a script and say i would judge it based on how many lines i had. if i had the big scene, but, you know i think sometimes as i've gotten older i looked for some parts where you can kind of play between the lines, you know. and i think what is amazing about the film camera is that it gives you the opportunity to see things that the naked eye doesn't even see. it's an actor who has the opportunity to show some confusion, sadness, anger, and joy whatever without saying this is what i'm feeling. it's a good exercise >>well there's some part of this movie that i want to focus on it's your mustache. >> okay. >> i want to put it on the screen and admire it. i have many many questions about the mustache. first of all, did you grow it? is that your facial hair? >> this is all smoke and mirrors. we can't divulge any secrets. people say how did you get the kids driving the cop car? and the director of the film says i can't tell you that. i'm going to take his advice. >> i had all the questions. is it itchy? did you have to walk around on your off hours? >> yes. it was itchy. >> are you a fan of facial hair? have you ever had a beard? >> what is sad about that i can grow a mustache and i can grow whatever this is so i end up looking like shaggy but i can't grow anything on the side of my face. >> really? >> yeah. when i've had side burns in the past they've been glue ones. and, you know, it's a little frustrating as an actor because, you know you want to be able to sort of change your look, you know in terms of facial hair but i always say to myself listen i'm not going to complain because i have the hair on top. and at my age, i'm a very small club. let's put it that way. >> you are, of course not just an actor but a musician. i saw something cute on your twitter page. the bacon brothers were playing. a gal came dressed up as a human-sized piece of bacon. she comes up. >> we were at macguire air force base. it was a hot day and i see this -- excuse the pun sizzling piece of bacon walking across the tarmac. i said to one of our roadies, just please get her. she has to come up for the encore. it was a lot of fun. she has a lot of guts. >> i almost wore the same outfit today. >> you should have! >> kevin bacon, thank you very much. good to see you "cop car" is in theaters august 7th. it's on demand august 14th. sweet new summer tweet from the newest member of our "today" family. >> neither of us appreciated the comments about the hair -- >> my bad. anyway, about the food. we'll be back. he knows my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at . back now at 8:39 with the newest member of our "today" food team. >> i'm happy to say that sam kass is joining nbc news after advisor to the president on nutrition and white house staff. we'll talk to sam in a moment -- pretending he's not standing here. but first, how he thinks about sh nourishes us. it brings us happiness, joy, and connection to our loved wuns. the challenge of cooking is great. they say a chef's job is to not mess up great ingredients. i try to live that. fresh ingredients drive the dish. that's when pure goodness on the plate. >> all my senses are active when i'm cooking and i feel great and engaged and happy. i enjoyed my time at the white house for six and a half years. i was their chef and lead the "let's move" initiative. right now this country wastes about 40% of the food we grow. the trends we're seeing with organic and farm fresh represent a transformation in food culture in this country. you can expect me to bring stories about innovation and seeing how we feed ourself. a total revolution when it comes to food in america. from cheese makers and beer brewers to local farmers. food is my life. it's what i think about morning, noon and night. i couldn't be more excited to join the "today" show. thing are so many compelling stories and amazing people doing amazing things in is an amazing platform to tell the stories. >> welcome to the family! >> good morning! >> great to have you here. >> i'm excited to be here. >> you love great food but you care about nutrition and you know when you start to talk about nutrition, a lot of people young blah. how do you change perceptions? by telling us how we can make life better through food. we look at health sustainability technology and innovation and how it's challenging the future of our food and do it in a fun, happy, loving way. i think that's the difference we can do. >> you're going the usual cooking lessons and et. cetera. >> this is sweet week. i have to get the fruits back. i saw the ice cream sandwich. so we're supposed to get about two cups of fruit a day, if you're an average adult. that's what this looks like. this is about two cups. right now we're consuming about 40% of the fruit we need. we need to double what we're taking in every day. >> we're going to help people get more fruit in their diets. when you buy fresh fruit you have to wash it carefully. >> yep. it's probably better to wash most fruit right before you eat it. if you get your berries wet and put them away the moisture will help bring mildew and things fast per. >> some people worry about having too much fruit because the natural sugars it sugar. >> you have to worry about that with fruit juice because you're not getting the fiber. sugar is not an issue with fruit. we need to eat more fruit. you're going to jazz up a fruit salad. >> fruit salad is what everybody likes to eat. we need to give it more. i always lemon juice. >> to make the flavor of the fruit jump out more. >> it balances the sugar and sweetness in the fruit and herbs. you can add basil, mint anything you want. it picks up the flavor. >> i thought it was cute. that's the culinary term for you, sam. >> cute. >> not what i would have gone with. >> you have salt here. would you use it? >> sometimes people like a little salt. when you have sweet, salty, acidity a nice ambulance therebalance there. >> savannah is not an enormous melon fan. likes cantaloupe not honey due. >> that's a little interesting. melons i love to do some orange juice on it. you can put a little thyme or tarragon. i want to show you the fruit smoothy and slushies. >> okay. this is good are if the kids. >> if you didn't want to use juice can you use water or flavored water? >> absolutely. anything to pick it up a little bit, i think, for kids are great. >> okay. >> there's nothing better on a hot day than a fruit slushy. let me show you how we do this. you can take any fresh fruit you want and freeze it. it's best to freeze it on a sheet tray like this. >> oh so it doesn't stick together. >> yeah. you can also just buy frozen fruit. so either way that works. we're going to do a blackberry slushy. you put these in there with fruit juice or some selzer water and blend it up. >> that's what it looks like when it's done. you have cold soups here. you're going to be a great addition to the family. we're going to chow down but get healthier. >> we'll get healthier in the process. >> sam kass thank you. coming up next we have the toyota concert series on "today." brought to you by toyota. back now on a thursday. natalie imbruglia is an actress song writer, and model. perhaps best known for 1997 hit song "torn" it earned her three grammy nominations and mtv video music award. it has nearly 60 million hits on youtube. now she's back with a new album called "male." great to have you here. >> good morning. >> fun to be back in music? the acting thing is great but are you happy to have new music? >> so much fun. i've been doing live shows in eastern europe and it's incredible be. >> the album is called "male" because it pays tribute to your favorite male singers. >> that's right. i'm covering songs from my male artists some from my producers and some from neil young. >> i mentioned "torn" such a huge hit. a lot of artists try to distance themselves from songs like that so they're only seen in a new light. you embrace the song quite a bit. >> i made a promise? 1997 when all the great things that happened to me. i hate when you go to a gig and they don't play the hit song. i just decided i was going to be singing it for awhile. i might as well make friends with it. >> will you sing it for us now? >> absolutely! natalie, take it away. ♪ i thought i saw a man brought to life he was warm he came around like he was dignified ♪ ♪ he showed me what it was to cry well you couldn't be that man i adored you don't seem to know or seem to care what your heart is for i don't know him anymore ♪ ♪ there's nothing where he used to lie my conversation has run dry that's what's going on ♪ ♪ nothing's fine i'm torn ♪ ♪ i'm all out of faith this is how i feel i'm cold and i am shamed lying naked on the floor illusion never changed into something real ♪ ♪ i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn you're a little late i'm already torn ♪ ♪ so i guess the fortune teller is right and i should have seen what was there and not some holy light but you crawled beneath my veins and now i don't care i have no luck ♪ ♪ i don't miss it all that much there's just so many things ♪ ♪ i'm out of faith this is how i feel cold and i am shamed and lying naked on the floor ♪ ♪ illusion never change edd into something real i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn you're a little late i'm already torn ♪ ♪ there's nothing where he used to lie my inspiration has run dry that's what's going on nothing's right i'm torn ♪ ♪ i'm all out of faith this is how i feel i'm cold and i am shamed lying naked on the this floor ♪ ♪ illusion never changed into something real i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn i'm all out of faith this is how i feel i'm cold and i'm ashamed bound and broken on the floor you're a little late i'm already torn ♪ ♪ torn ♪ [ cheers and applause ] natalie imbruglia. natalie, thank you so much. let me remind people your new album is called "male" she'll be back to sing the first single for kathie lee and hoda in the first hour. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. s it that time of the morning to find out who is celebrating the milestone birthday. here is mr. willard scott. >> hey, new york. we love you. you're the best. happy birthday to mary williams of east north fort the great state of new york. she's 100 years old today and crazy about irish music. this is lovely. estell lrks estel estel estelle hutchins she's 100 years old and she loves to play uno! this is william moss a handsome fellow from baltimore, maryland. he's 101 years old today and loves baseball. watches it on tv and goes to the game when he can. love them baltimore orioles. this is joe cusato. he makes ss biscotti. back to new york. >> thank you, willard! coming up. >> what's happening, guys? >> our plaza's got talent. we have people from the plaza. >> you won't believe the talent i'm ... ==anim== a final farewell to a fallen officer... ==live== here's a live look insi good thursday morning. i'm sam brock. we're preparing for a final farewell to a fallen officer. here's a live look outside of oracle arena in oakland. that is where a little later this morning mourners by the thousands will say good bey to hayward police sergeant brett lunger. law enforcement lining up outside of the arena. sergeant lunger died last week after being shot during an early morning traffic stop in hayward. he was a 14-year veteran of the force and a father of two kids. the procession will begin a few moments ago at chapel of the chimes in hayward. it's going to travel along interstate 880 north to oakland. following the service, family members will hold a private ceremony. our coverage begins at 10:00. k this out. with xfinity home we get 24/7 professional monitoring and video monitoring we can watch on our own tv. that's way better than our old security system. [metal clanking] [chip crunching] [baby crying] don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers, add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus get a free security camera. call 1-800 xfinity or go online today. this morning on "today's take" mel b on what she really, really wants. then no crying in baseball. why is this guy shedding tears? a cheese curd with three ingredients. all that and more coming up now! from nbc news this is "today's take" with natalie morales, willie geist, al roker, and tamron hall. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> twhoopdwhat happened to my song? it's vanilla ice. >> oh. it's the original. >> yeah. >> see what sampling has done for my head? >> that's a better choice. >> i knew you weren't an vanilla ice. >> willie has the day off. "under pressure." the two voices together so perfect. >> how often on your play list do you play this? >> it's on my running play list. >> so that's every day. every minute of the day. it's good to have you with us this morning. we're talking about this mystery surrounding mh 370 the missing aircraft. a piece of wreckage from a boeing 777 washed ashore, and it appears to be from malaysia air flight 370. here is why they come to the conclusion rather quickly. boeing officials and experts looked at the piece of aircraft. they confirm they believe with certainty according to tom costello this is a boeing 777. there's only one missing 777 in the world ands it that malaysia flight. there's a photograph what appears to be a suitcase that may have appeared to have washed up on the same island. s it unconfirmed by nbc news. the flight disappeared march 2014 on the way to beijing. the debris turned up close to madagascar. it's more than 4,000 miles from mh 370 last known location south of vietnam. thousands of miles from the search zone of australia. with the currents, experts says it likely it would have washed up in the vicinity. you think about the intrigue from the documentaries to the news coverage for over a year regarding what happened here. we still do not know but this could be the piece of a puzzle that tells us it's crashed. you know there's a lot of conspiracy theories that the plane landed somewhere, that the people were lost like the movie "lost" now it appears we finally know that the plane crashed. >> does it get any closer to finding -- >> i think it's a very small piece of a huge puzzle that we may never really truly know, i mean as we heard our aviation expert greg was on earlier this morning and said even reconstruct -- if you get the black boxes and the flight data recording you may not be able to answer the questions. >> this broke during my news hour on msnbc. it was interesting a couple of things. you can see if you look closely at that piece you can see barnacles on it. the experts says it mh 370 because it's too much sea life. that turned to be wrong. it's to point out it's hard to come to a conclusive -- conclusion, rather to what happened here. one boeing 777 has gone down and this, according to boeing, is a piece of a 777. >> and we had the partner of one of the -- >> the only american. >> sixteen months later the emotion is there. for the families looking for closure -- >> yeah. closure is a hard word. it's really not. >> you forever don't have that -- >> she made that point in her interview. as it stands now, they're waiting for experts to get to the remote location and perhaps provide more information. usually these aircrafts have identifying numbers on each piece, but tom costello reported that because it's been missing for so long and under water, those identifying markers may not exist. >> we'll keep our eye on that. we'll switch gears on a little bit lighter note. a lot of time we have discussions over food and how they're pronounced. >> yeah. >> bringing me the tray? >> i think a lot of -- depends on where you were raised. >> certainly there's a different country. >> yeah. >> for example, this is -- by the way, the website -- what is this coffee drink? >> espresso. >> espresso. >> some people say expresso. >> because they're in the line at starbucks saying can i have my expresso. >> espresso. okay. the yummy candies. >> caramels. >> caramels. >> caramels. a lot of people say car mel. >> there's several people from the northeast -- i'll take that one if it's clean. i'll eat it. thank you. i can't resist the caramel. they say "car mel." >> this delicious appetizer. brew brusetta. i won't correct you for that. if you say expresso i'll correct you! >> this is one martha stewart has a different way of saying it. >> herb. >> we all say "herb." the culinaries exy siesy siesy sies -- culinary experts say "herbs." >> okay. >> yummy dip. >> this is the one i pronounce. hummus. >> we say hummus. truly, especially from the middle eastern pronounceunciation "hu mus." >> put a little sea salt on the caramel. there's one thing we all agree on -- >> what? >> -- take a look at the classic scene. this is a truism in baseball. >> okay. >> are you crying? >> no. >> are you crying? are you crying! there's no crying! there's no crying in baseball! >> we thought that was the case, but guess what. there is crying in baseball and it's all right! mets infielder wilmer flores was in tears after hearing a rumor in the middle of the game he was going to be traded to the milwaukee brewers. that would bring a man to his knees. >> oh! >> flores reportedly learned about the trade from fans near the dugout and news quickly spreading on social media. guess what. it's wrong! at least for now. after the game mets manager said social media got ahead of the facts. there seem to be talks of a trade but never was a deal. flores is staying in snooinew york! >> he's been on the team since he's 16 and now he's in his 20s. >> emotions got the best of him, he said. >> i want his jersey now. i'm not a baseball fan -- i don't really know a whole lot but i love him now. >> he got a standing ovation. >> what are you getting al? >> oh, yeah! it's national cheesecake day. this is no ordinary cheesecake. >> it doesn't look like an ordinary cheesecake. >> it's only got three ingredients. >> it looks fluffy like a cake. >> it looks like a cake. >> almost like a souffle. >> take a taste, first. >> you're going tell me after i eat it. >> it's actually a prank. >> i know the ingredients. >> because it's right up there. eggs white chocolate and cream cheese. >> just pretend. it's pretty good. >> no. >> it's a recipe -- >> no. >> how about this? it's had 2.6 million viewers. what if i said it wasn't a cheesecake. >> maybe that's that's whats it. if you hasn't told me -- my expectations were cheesecake. it doesn't taste like a cheesecake. i never say no -- i usually don't say i like a sweet thing. it's a psychological thing. >> the chocolate is what i like. i think i prefer the -- >> you ruined it for me. >> we'll place this on our website. okay. you try it out. >> don't tell your family it's a cheesecake. >> i like the fluffiness. >> what is it? >> first this. >> eggs. "today's" weather is brought to you by yoplait. 25% less sugar in all 25 delicious flavors. big dome of high pressure this hasn't been going anywhere. jet streams to the north. it's bringing the high heat and the humidity that humidity keeps the moisture in your skin from evaporating which cools you off. it makes you feel warmer than you are. look at the feels like temperatures. 103 in atlanta, 106 in shreveport, 108 in houston, 101 in richmond. it's going to stay hot. temperatures in the 90s from new york city, raleigh, jacksonville new orleans, and even crazier out west! this thing is moving west! it's going to be bringing the high heat to the pacific northwest. triple digits and high 90s fro good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it is warming up across the bay. a mixture of sun and clouds in the south bay at 69 degrees. 67 in the peninsula. as well as 69 in the east bay, san francisco 64 degrees. highs there topping out at 75 today. and it will still be hot in spots. you may notice a little bit more humidity in the air. 93 degrees will be the high in the north and south bays. 79 degrees in the peninsula and the east bay today reaching 78 degrees. >> and that's your latest weather. >> do you say pecan or pecan? >> thank you so much. one of our good friends mel b having some fun as "america's got talent"." >> rude! >> get to work on that puzzle! >> she's bored with you mmmmmm yoplait! ♪ oh! good news everybody! there is now 25% less sugar in yoplait original. say "adieu" to that sugar. because it still tastes good ahhhh yoplait! shopping online... as . . start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. hey nice game today. thanks. juicy fruit? sure i'll try a piec.... juicy fruit. so sweet you can't help but chew. enamel is your teeth's first line of defense. but daily eating and drinking can make it weak. try colgate enamel health. it replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. colgate enamel health. stronger, healthy enamel. ♪ ♪ you got a masterpiece...yeah ♪ we start with fresh milk from us dairy farms so you can make something amazing kraft natural cheese ♪ what do a nascar® driver... a comedian... and a professional golfer have in common? 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>> good! it's had ten seasons and they're pulling out all the stops. i love being part of the show. >> it seems like the acts get more and more crazy and intry candidate. >> my special favorite when they come on stage and absolutely not good at all. and then they're like what do you mean i'm not good. you're telling me that you have talent. that's funny to me. >> i love the idea there's a puppet. >> yeah. >> that is a fan favorite. >> yeah. >> he has dreamy eyes. look how he's looking at you. that's interesting. >> he's a cute puppet. you go ah! okay. then. >> why do you think everybody loves this guy?endearing and has a sweet singing voice. i like a puppet. >> al mentioned 20th anniversary. i remember covering the spice girls' arrival in chicago and watching kids stand out -- by kids i mean myself stand outside to see you ladies make your entrance. it was a total package. how does it feel looking back at the videos and experience? >> i have so many great memories. i got to tour the world with four of my best friends. even today we all support each other. when you say it's our 20th anniversary coming up, it makes you think oh, my gosh. it has been that long. and hopefully we'll gather troops around and get to do something to celebrate next year. >> it's my plans. i don't know anybody else's. >> get a committee to get it going! >> a "today" show concert. >> yes. >> i think you shoulded do that eddo that! >> come on! >> most of you are moms and traveling and is that why it's difficult to get the band back together? >> everybody has taken their own path in certain different areas of the entertainment world. >> you're still performing. >> yeah. i mean, we like each other and that's the important part. >> are you ready to help judge out on the plaza? >> i'll be nice. >> you're going to be nice? okay. we're going to be playing our own version of "america's got talent." talent." mel will be judging some of the folks out there. we'll see if they got the talent. did you leave behind something reliable? something that felt like... home? and now you can't connect the way you used to... because you switched wireless carriers and can't get a reliable connection anymore. it's okay. we're still here for you and we'll be happy to have you back on a reliable network. come home to verizon and get 10 gigs for $80 a month plus $15 per line. only at verizon. no student's ever done the full hand raise in ap calc. but your stellar notebook gives you the gumption to reach for the sky. that's that new gear feeling. all hp ink buy one get one 50% off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. clorox knows to make a big meal, you have to make a big mess. new clorox scrub singles are pre-loaded with cleaners to scrub away stuck-on messes and even get into tough corners. it cleaned all this. good job, mom. great job, mom. real scrubbing. for your real life. we snap it. we stack it. we smoosh it. we love it. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. hershey's is mine, yours our chocolate. ♪"once there was a hushpuppy" by dan romer and ben zeitlin ♪ is man kind? 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[ male announcer ] only true match has l'oreal's technology to match your skin's unique tone and undertone. 100% guaranteed. my skin. my story. my true match. [ male announcer ] from l'oreal. why do you think the ripples make a difference? grabs more? it's the cleanripple texture. now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando? why not! how do you feel? awesome! cottonelle has cleanripple texture so you're clean enough to go commando. we are back with "america's got talent" judge mel b. we're pulled three acts from the plaza. we're going show off their talents. first up, we have jack from chapel hill north carolina! >> what is your talent? >> dance hip-hop. >> let's hit it! ♪ ♪ >> oh, my gosh! jack! ♪ ♪ >> oh! man. >> how long have you been doing this? >> a long time. since i was young. >> you're 13? >> 13, yeah. >> i love that you can pop and lock. >> and has the outfit for it, too. >> very good! we'll get casper and emily wooster from blaresville, pa. >> hi, ladies! we saw you yesterday on the plaza. >> yeah. >> what is your talent? >> a dribbling routine. >> okay. >> with basketballs? >> yeah. ladies take it away! ♪ ♪ nice! >> we're good now. ♪ ♪ >> great! >> nice. any observations? there were a few mistakes and you enjoyed and i enjoyed. that's a good skill to have. >> you pulled through in the clutch performance. we just pulled you in a plaza. >> very nice. we have a mother and daughter jenny and mary carlson from seattle, washington. >> what is your talent? >> called -- >> what is that? >> between yoga and ballet. >> very interesting. >> oh! ♪ ♪ yoga and ballet. ♪ ♪ [ laughter ] >> oh. you have seniority because you're the >> okay. that is impressive, to say the least. i'm impressed that we have these people on our plaza every day. >> did you rehearse this? >> i think so. or did you make this up? >> well, yes. >> i knew it! >> oh. very sweet. i like that it's mother and daughter together. >> mel, you're the expert. you do this for a living. >> i think they're all pretty great at what they're doing -- kind of. but i think -- >> it took guts for them to do this. >> yeah. >> unique. >> if you ask me my opinion on who i think wins i think it would have to be jack. >> jack of chapel hill! >> jack is number one. who is number two? >> boga. >> all right. >> everybody is a winner! >> thank you so much to our contestants and mel b. from "america's got talent." family. but it's hard to build a future if you can't see past today. that's why walmart is investing in the most important part of our company - our people. because a raise in pay, raises us all. from the dairy farmers of fairlife, this is our promise. we start with delicious, creamy, real milk that's then ultra filtered so fairlife has more protein and and only half the sugar. and never any artificial growth hormones. at fairlife, we believe in better. see that? jill's gobbling up our new bird's eye teriyaki broccoli. and look ben is going for more buffalo cauliflower. everybody's a veggie lover now. what do you think? mind blown. new bird's eye flavor full... so veggie goodi'm ... ==anim== a final farewell to fa a very good morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a final fairrewell to a fallen officer. we have a live look at oracle arena. that's where a short time from now mourners by the thousands will go inside to say good-bye to hayward police sergeant scott lunger. lunger died last week after being shot in an early morning traffic stop in hayward. he was a 14-year veteran of the force with two children. here's a live look from above at the processional that should be taking place. this is outside oracle arena where i mentioned it will happen. the procession itself began a little before 9:00 this morning at the chapel of the chimes in hayward. following the service today family members will hold their own private ceremony. nbc bay area will cover the public service for you starting at 10:00 this morning. new details this morning the 15-year-old suspect accused of killing 8-year-old maddy middleton in santa cruz made his first court appearance. the hearing was brief. he did not enter a plea. he's being tried as an adult. the judge then continued case until september 21st. investigators say gonzalez lured maddy into his apartment, sexually assaulted her and then killed her. authorities discovered her body monday in a recycle bin at the complex where she lived. now a look at weather and traffic after this break. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we have clouds along the coast and clearing inland. and it will still be a warm day in los gatos today reaching 92 degrees. san bruno 77 degrees. ask still cool spots like the outer sunset, 62 with a lot of clouds. 9 in north bay. walnut creek 98. more of this hot weather into the next couple of days. mike. all right, kari. either we do see most of the procession making its way. still spectators slowing by oracle arena because of the activity there. the hearse presumably there right there in front of the arena getting ready for the memorial here in san francisco. we also still have southbound lumbar lumbard closed for police investigation. a lot of slowing. the rest of your bay looking pretty calm. back to you. thank you very much. once again we will cover that memorial that is going on for sergeant scott lunger live at 10:00. taking a look at the headlines, the federal reserve on wednesday declined to raise interest rates. rates are supposed to go up later this year. a statement from the fed wants to see some further economic gains and higher inflation before raising rates. something that could happen as early as september. the federal reserve has kept interest rates near zero since late in 2008 to the low rates helped keep mortgage rates down. homeownership in america is at the lowest point since 1967. meantime a new report finds more millennial's are living with their parents now than during the recession. the report by the pugh research center found that since 2010, the percentage of 18 to 34-year-olds moving back in with their parents increased from 24% to 26%. the report doesn't say why the number is going up, but it's suggesting rising rent facing millennial's, and student loan debt could be among the reasons. amazon is making it easier for the prime members to reorder commonly used household goods with a touch of a button. starting this week it is the selling push to order dash buttons for prime members for $4.99 each. each one is product specific for things like baby formula. with a touch of the button the product will be reordered and sent to the door. up until now the button was available by invitation follow only. watching fish in an aquarium may be good for your health. the blood pressure and heart rate were significantly lower and mood improved. especially when there are more fish in the tank. this is the first study of its kind. one psychologist said it can provide calm and relaxation. let me bring in alex from boston from the plaza who was holding this sign "natalie, can i do the news with you." >> let's get a check of the weather from al. >> all right! >> you're doing weather and news. very impressive. >> thank you so much. you make a good tag team. right now for tomorrow as we look at our weekend planner wet weather through florida and the southeast. gorgeous here in the northeast. a little warm but less humid. look at the heat continuing in the pacific northwest. saturday we have the heat continuing in the pacific northwest. more rain in the southeast and florida. sunny in the northeast. although we may see a spotty shower or two. and then for sunday you are looking at a gorgeous day in the northeast. lower humidity again. the heat continues in the pacific northwest. lots of heat through texas with sunshine and sunny and hot in new orleans. sunday a high of 96. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your ne i'm meteorologist kari hall. temperatures are rising quickly across the bay. and also mixture of sun and clouds. 69 degrees in the east bay and south bay now. and the peninsula at 67 degrees. in san francisco expect a high of 75. not as hot and a little bit more cloud cover today. the e 93 in the north bay after you see those skies clearing. also 9 p in the south bay. tri-valley will be hot with highs in the 90s and the peninsula today, a high of 79 degrees. and that's your latest weather. >> thank you so much, al. if you have ever gone through a home renovation the contractor you pick makes or breaks any project. how do you find one that is skilled, trustworthy, and best fits your needs? here is a "today" contributor and host of "house smarts" john from diy and a decorator and designer. good morning to you guys. >> good morning. >> as we talked about this can be important when you have the renovation or before you get started, though. i think all of you say talk to your family and friends. get the referrals. lou, you say take it a couple of steps further. talk to the better business bureau. >> whether it's a professional organization that the contractor may be a part of, the better business bureau. the references are one of the most important things. people will get the references but won't take the time to call them. you have to do that. >> what about, john, getting bids. lots of bids. how many bids do you need? when it comes to the estimate, how close to the final price of a job should that estimate really be? >> have to get at least three bids. you probably never want to take the lowest bid. especially if it's super low. >> why? >> it doesn't fit. and you have to do your homework. you have to check the work they've done, the contractors before you hire them. listen, if you're going to trust that's the biggest mistake you can make. you have to protect yourself and everything has to be in writing. >> and so the estimate they give you -- >> should be right on the money. they give you an estimate your contract should read that exact number. >> really? >> that's never happened in my case! >> you hire many contractors as a decorator. what do you look for? what is the most important thing people should be asking. >> trust my gut, mostly. i want to know how many other projects are they working on? who is in charge of payments to subs. who pays for materials? who is cleaning up things. who has to file permits? do i have to follow anything up with the building department. you want to know what is going on and what the builder's impact is in the area. i like to pop into the local building department and get a sense who is getting permits and doing work in the area and go from there to start talking with people. >> that's a good idea. you know it's coming from the source directly. john, what about payment plan? do you talk to them about how you break it up? >> it's the only way you can protect yourself. a strong payment plan. i recommend using an aia contract. it itemizes the complete scope of work materials and installation cost. if you see flooring show up you can pay them for that. but don't pay them before you see the material show up. and that's why the aia contract is brilliant. it protects you. >> do you not pay them until the job is how you like it? >> you have to hold back at least 10% at the end of the job. never give too much of a deposit. that's a big mistake. >> aia means -- >> american institute of architects contract. >> a very standardized contract. john brings up a good point. i hear from people all the time they give the contractor too much money and then things go south. maybe it's not done the way it was supposed to be or they stop showing up and say i have given them 80% of my money and the work is not done. >> what is the recourse? >> this is the thing -- so you have to remember it's a business proposition. you want to make sure you try to take emotion out of it. this is your home so you're emotional about it. you have to go into this saying i'm hiring you to do this job. you want to stay on it. it can be overwhelming because we're talking about things people don't know about, sometimes. going with your gut, you have to make sure you can work with these people and the lines of communication are there. you want to be able to hold the cards and, you know, hopefully it goes well. because i tell people there's a handful of good contractors in every community. you need to seek out and wait for them. they're busy doing good work. >> great advice from you. thank you. coming up next, we have the travel hacks that could change your life. what you need to know before your next getaway. right after this. before and when you bundle your home and auto insurance through progressive, you'll save a bundle! 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"today's" travel is brought to you by quality hotel. get your money's worth. ever arrive at your hotel and find your shampoo, your lotion and everything leaked all over? >> never again! we have the travel hacks that will make your life easier. here to help us is the travel contributing editor mark elwood. >> save us! >> we're going it start with this. this is the lotion. very simple. to stop the leak you had, all you need is a little plastic wrap and put it over the top. >> okay. >> put the lid back on. >> okay. >> there you go. you're done. >> this is who wants dirty sneak sneakers rubbing against their clothes. put them in an old shopping bag. >> once you put them in the bag put them with the bottom because it weighs it down. >> use the collars to protect the shirt's collar. we put that in. and extra hack books. we've sworn off the digital. i'm like you. but the problem is if you put a stack of books like that it shows as an empty space and makes the tsa want to hand check your bag. you put them in a layer. >> perfect. >> to smaller things we carry around. >> i bring my own make up bag. >> i heard. >> if you're taking little trip there's a restriction on lotions and stuff. put them in an old contact lens container. moisturizer foundation. >> that would be enough for one elbow of moisturizer. but the little eye cream there. >> i got it. >> also, have you ever had your face powder crack? >> all the time. >> me too. >> all you use is cotton balls and they will act like little cushions. >> are you serious? i love that! >> and, of course, protects the razors from going dull in your bag or cutting something a binder clip. >> that's smart. put your earrings and stuff? >> take to the beach. i lot of the idea a fitted sheet and you have a great place board. >> what is worse than sand in the sandwich? >> i can't think of anything. >> it prevents this. why would you coat your cooler with freezer bags. freeze balloons and you have a game after lunch. >> water balloon fight. >> who would like to open -- >> not me! >> open the diabetes erper. >> it doesn't smell. >> we have a cell phone because who touches dirty diapers? >> nobody. >> you use that to fool people. >> keep your stuff safe. >> and put your keys in an old suntan lotion bottle. >> where +0/amy keys al? >> and a little chap stick thing to keep your money. >> okay. >> and quickly moving on to the car. you have hacks here. >> if you need to keep kids busy in the car where you put your shoes put toys and the trash in an old container so you can tid i did up -- tidy. >> i like that. you can individualize. >> you know what makes it better? >> what? >> the british accent. get ready to laugh. wildest moments in sports as we go spanning the world! my school reunion's coming fast. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro... when you go this summer, go to the new and when you stay twice get a free $50 gift card. book now at sometimes you can feel the indulgence of nature. sometimes, you can taste it. sweet granola clusters a touch of ooey gooey roasted almond butter, savory almonds, and a hint of salt. that's how nature does indulgence. nature valley sweet and salty bars. and try new sweet and spicy. nuts and dark chocolate chunks with a kick of chili. why do you think the ripples make a difference? grabs more? it's the cleanripple texture. now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando? why not! how do you feel? awesome! cottonelle has cleanripple texture so you're clean enough to go commando. hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream. if i was eating hot soup it just starts aching and it starts aching like so deep within the tooth that i couldn't handle it. i started eating on like one side of my mouth for like a whole month i was just eating on one side of my mouth and then finally i was like, i can't do this. my dentist said that i should use sensodyne. life without having to worry about what's gonna hurt my teeth if it's gonna be too hot or too cold, if it's gonna have ice in it. life without sensitivity is easier. done. anything. anywhere. anytime. anyone. spread the delicious taste you know and love. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate spreads. all the hard work... time in the service... community college... it matters. it's why we, at university of phoenix count your relevant work and college experience as credits toward your degree. learn more at there is a place where the sky is always blue. and the kids always eat their vegetables. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. come on duck! you can do it duck. hurry up duck! you can do it duck. iams. helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. so you can always look forward to what's next. ♪ ♪ you got a masterpiece...yeah ♪ we start with fresh milk from us dairy farms so you can make something amazing kraft natural cheese ♪ time to go on a wilded a venturenturen -- adventure with less than berman. are you going to be okay? >> they gave us a cracker jack. >> why do they always put us in the back row, al? >> just like when we did local news. american pharoah and serena williams and tom brady. what are the top sports stories? let's go "spanning the world." ♪ ♪ >> unbelievable! ♪ ♪ >> oh! >> on your mark kevin keiriermaier of tampa bay! oh, my goodness. a foul ball. >> can anyone top this? on a dam in tasmania. the basic basketball heave 415 feet up and -- and! swish! >> wow. >> our oops of the month. if you're a flag girl in belarus you should try not to take out the fans. . it you're on the grounds crew in pittsburgh don't get swallowed up. . a catcher in philadelphia, don't nail your own pitcher. and nobody got hurt! >> really? >> our dives some fans said let me try this. ran out there and jumps. >> this filipino guy is a real competitor. the score in singapore was a perfect zero! >> i could have done that. >> i could have done that. >> a zero. confrontation of the month. another soccer fight in brazil. they're on the same team! what do you do if you're a postman and they close the road for the tour de france? right! >> come on, al. you go postal! >> was he on steroids? >> we need a ruling. can you do this in soccer. the goalie with the kick? you can't do that. and do fight verse to empty their pockets for the match? there goes his cell phone! there's no texting in boxing. our fan of the month on the home run in san francisco and must really want a home run ball. into the river and just get it! on the homer in los angeles this was great. bobby crosby with the video selfie of himself catching the home run ball. how about that? the best catchers in chicago the fan one handed while feeding his baby a bottle. >> never drops the baby or the ball. >> and a jockey in australia wardrobe issues. gives new meaning to "bringing up the rear." >> the guy gets a little behind in his work. thank you, eleven. >> we'll be back. this is "today" on nbc. yoplait greek 100. for when you just can't make it without a protein-packed, thick and creamy, power-me-up-with-something filling taste-bud-loving, satisfaction by the spoonful, deliciously fruity dinner feels a million years away grab and go, let's take on the world with 100 calories, snack yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. i have advice for everybody coming up. >> we're on the air. [ laughter ] >> come here! come here. come here. >> it's all right! it's okay. >> nothing matters. how do we get on i'm sam brock. laura/2shot and i'm laura garcicannon.e're just minutes away good thursday morning. it's 9:56. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. we are moments away for services for fallen officer scott lunger. >> we're live outside oracle arena where that service is being held and friends and family and officers from across the state, kris are paying their respects this morning. >> reporter: as they've been filing in all morning long we know there are officers here from as far away as new york. and then of course perhaps more importantly all of the officers from around the bay area the ones that were on the clock the night that officer lunger was shot and killed by 21-year-old mark estrada. it's been nice to see them joining forces seeing each other for the first time. and mixed in with those dressed blues this morning we also saw ace jerseys, which is kind of sweet to see because officer lunger sergeant lunger was an avid ace man. in fact, he tweeted out a picture with him and his daughters at a baseball game not long ago. so it is kind of touching that his ceremony is being held just across from the coliseum here at oracle arena. and hayward p.d. has been preparing for about 10,000 people to file in here not just law enforcement agencies from around the bay area and across the nation but also so many members of the public who wanted to show up and give their thanks. we have spoken with the mayor of brentwood, which is where sergeant lunger lived with his family. we have also heard from different law enforcement agencies, fire departments also who said they wanted to show up for this man who had a reputation for being straight shooter, for doing the right thing, for doing what he was supposed to. we know congressman from the east bay eric swallow is going to present the flag that flew over the capitol. he's also going to be speaking this morning and he said he remembered that when he was in the district attorney's office he had to subpoena sergeant lunger. and he knew that his reputation preceded him as a man of great integrity. >> so many memories will probably be rehashed today as well. thank you very much, kris. another look at oracle arena this time from across interstate 880. >> yeah, it's expected to be another hot day. meteorologist kari hall slightly cooler than yesterday though right? >> and we are starting out with clouds across the bay this morning. temperatures now rising into the lower 70s for the south bay, peninsula and east bay. and san francisco it's 67 degrees. and we'll top out at 75 degrees today. once again not as hot but it will be in some spots like the north bay and south bay with a high of 93 degrees, also the tri-valley topping out in the 90s. you may also notice a little more humidity that stays with us through tomorrow. mike. all right, kari. great news for san francisco, we just got word southbound lumbard reopened. that should be recovery for new doyle drive. the rest of the bay looks calm as far as this thursday goes. smoother drive, still slow in the south bay, all the activity and spectacle going on at the arena slowing past the scene of course. again, we are just moments away now from the start of sergeant scott lunger's memorial service. our special coverage begins right now. police officer...set to begin in minutes. thousands -- including top state leaders and law enforcement agencies from across the country -- are in attendance at oakland's oracle arena. they're all here to say goodbye to sergeant scott lunger -- shot and killed during a traffic stop last week. sam/2shot good morning, and thanks for joining us for this special memorial coverage. i'm sam brock. laura/2shot and i'm laura garaannon. =laura/vo= within the pasthour -- the procession carrying sergeant scott lunger's body arrived at oracle arena. hundreds of officers cleared a path through city streets and the freeway. =mape procession started at the chapel of the chimes funeral home in hayward. it went up mission boulevard -- turned west on the procession started at the chapel of the chimes funeral home in hayward. it went up mission

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minnesota dentist who killed cecil the lion as he tried to explain himself to his patients. >> and there is crying in baseball. a new york mets player crying on the field after he was told he was traded. why it was all an emotional mix-up. today, july 30th. 2015. good morning. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning. i don't usually bring a box of tissues when watching a baseball game. >> there is crying in baseball. a reference to tom hanks' famous line in "a league of their own." there is no crying in baseball. this is a touching story. >> first, let's get to the top story. what appears to be a piece of wreckage from malaysian airlines flight 370 washed ashore on a remote island off the coast of madagascar. that's 4,000 miles from the plane's last known position. nbc's tom costello has been covering this from the very beginning. what can you tell us? >> good morning. the australian command center that's been leading the search for mh370 says it's not surprised debris has washed ashore so far from the search zone. that's consistent with ocean modeling that suggests the final resting place is in the southern indian ocean. there's also a photoing out unconfirmed by nbc news of what appears to be a suitcase that may have washed up on reunion island. we don't know if it's from the missing plane and another photograph from the serial number on the piece of wreckage. they'll look at that piece closely and try to tie that serial number to the missing plane. it's a huge break in potentially solving one of the world's biggest aviation mysteries. boeing investigators have looked at this video and these photos of the debris covered in sea seashells. their conclusion, it is a wing component from a boeing 777, a flaperon. there's only one missing anywhere in the world, malaysian 370. as a press conference, the deputy prime minister of australia called it a major league. >> this is obviously a very significant development. it's the first real evidence that there's a possibility that a part of the aircraft may have been found. >> malaysian 370 contact ho chi minh good night. >> good night. 370. >> it was march 2014 when mh370 with 239 people onboard suddenly disappeared on the red eye to beijing. radar data suggested it made a mysterious u-turn into the southern indian ocean, but why? search teams have been focus odn a remote stretch of island, but the debris turned up closer to madagascar, more than 4,000 miles from the last known location south of vietnam and thousands of miles from the search zone off australia. investigators now have a single piece of wreckage, but they're still missing the rest of the plane. >> the investigators are going to look very carefully at the component, what kind of damage it sustained at impact, how it left the rest of the airplane. >> oceanographers say much of the indian ocean moved in a counterclockwise motion, so it's entirely possible the plane could be off the coast of australia or anywhere in the indian ocean. >> these large-scale ocean currents aren't very fast. and it can take months to even years for debris to go somewhere, say, from western australia, across the ocean basin, to even madagascar. >> this morning, one piece of evidence, but we still don't know where mh370 went down. >> it looks like a break, and what happened today is you could see across the team, there was a new burst of energy. >> french investigators are working with boeing, with the australians, and the malaysians to identify that piece and then begin the process of looking at the ocean flow charts to see if they can backtrack and find the rest of the plane. they'll also be examining the sealife on the wreckage to see if it gives them clues as to where the wreckage might have originated. back to you. see if it provides any clues as to the journey this piece might have taken. back to you. >> tom costello thank you. greg fife is from the nation national transportation safety board. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so the investigators have concluded that this is a piece from a boeing 777 and as tom mentioned there's only one of those missing anywhere on the planet. that is malaysian air flight 370. is it just a matter of matching numbers now? >> if the numbers do exist. all of these parts have data tags or data plates on them but being this part is in the water so long those numbers may be obliterated so they have to use other characteristics of this piece. such as build diagrams to see the metal and the shape of the structure itself. but they are confirm this i'm sure at some point. >> let me just go to what tom just referred to and let's say they do not find the rest of the plane because that is still a massive undertaking. based on that one piece of debris can they tell anything more can they glean any more information as to what might have brought that plane down? >> to answer your question no. because that one single piece isn't going to answer all the questions. but i think it will answer enough questions especially with the conspiracy theorists that said this airplane landed somewhere and and had been hidden. this will confirm that the airplane did in fact go down in the water. whether it was in a controlled manner or uncontrolled manner, you won't be able to tell that from one piece of wreckage. but the piece of wreckage is the bottom part of the wing and they can look at it and see that it may have separated during a controlled impact such as a ditching rather than a high speed impact where you have high fragmentation. >> to be clear, if they can reverse engineer and they can go back and find the rest of that wreckage those black boxes, the flight data recorder and voice recorder after all this time are they of any use at all? >> well, as we talked about months ago, if they find the cockpit voice recorder, the cockpit voice recorder may not be useful because it overwrites itself every two hours. the data flight recorder records information for 25 hours so you'd capture this event. but all that box is going to tell you is what parameters the pilot may have set into the flight management system and what the airplane was doing to get to where it ended up. but it's not going to give us the answers as to why the pilot flew the airplane to that point or why he programmed the autopilot to program it to some point that was in a controlled crash or it ran out of gas and went into the controlled event. >> all right, thank you very much. now here's savannah. philip wood was the only american on mh370 and sarah joins us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i can only imagine that mix of emotions you must have felt when this news hit yesterday. can you take me through it, what you're feeling this morning? >> well it's a bit of a roller coaster ride, but that's been going on now for almost 18 months. and i think most of the family members would feel the same way i do. until they can verify that it is indeed 370 we just can't deal with the emotional pressure of trying to make any decisions about it. >> because there have been so many false reports, so many theories over the long, long months. if this does turn out to be the wreckage of flight 370 what do you hope happens next? what do you hope gets answered? >> well, on the one hand, i hope it isn't because that means there's still a thread of hope. but if it is i hope it can at least help us to find the airplane because that might help us to understand what ultimately happened. and i think that we need to be able to trace it back to the source of the parties responsible. the malaysian government allowed this to happen. >> people use the word closure. i don't know what that means. but in terms of what you've been going through, and the hope that you have held out for your partner, what does this mean to you if authorities come to you and say, yes, this is the wreckage of flight 370 in terms of your own healing? >> well, a part of a plane is not the same as a body. so i think true closure can only come for sure when you can say good-bye properly. but for most of us life has been stuck in march 8th, so at least some verification that the flight indeed crashed would be a step forward in being able to say good-bye. >> well sarah vaijack, thank you for your time this morning. >> you're welcome. i think it's a very fine line between a sense of closure and the reopening of wounds. >> it's clear those wounds are raw as ever this morning. in other news, a university of cincinnati police officer is facing up to life in prison if he is convicted for the deadly shooting of an unarmed black man. prosecutors handing down a murder indictment in that case ten days after what began as a routine traffic stop. we are also seeing video of the incident for the first time. nbc's rehema ellis is in cincinnati. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. officer ray tensing is being arraigned here in connection with the shooting death of samuel dubose. it is that video from the officer's body camera that has become critical evidence in this case. dubose was a 33-year-old father who was reportedly going to meet up with his son and watch a movie when he was pulled over by officer ray tensing. video from tensing's body camera release by the prosecutor's office shows tensing telling dubose he was stopped for not having a front license plate. tensing asks dubose for his license several times. >> i don't have it on me. >> reporter: tensing asked dubose to step out of the car and reaches for the door handle. >> i didn't even do nothing. >> go ahead and take your seat belt off now. >> reporter: a second video posted on the cincinnati inquirer website purports to be the body camera of a fellow officer. it shows tensing on the ground and tensing said dubose took off. >> he took off on me i thought he'd run over. >> reporter: he repeats that he was dragged. >> he was just dragging me. dragging me. he's dragging me. >> it is our belief that he was not dragged. >> reporter: joseph dieters the hamilton county prosecutor said tensing's accounting nonsense and the shooting totally unwarranted. >> this is the most asinine act i have ever seen a police officer make. >> reporter: tensing's lawyer says his client has never had any discipline issues and he fired because he thought he was going to be run over. >> his defense is going to be self-defense, that he felt like his life was in danger and threatened and he was trying to save his own life. >> reporter: in cincinnati, wednesday night, there was a peaceful demonstration to protest the killing. for the dubose family dealing with the pain of their loss, the body camera is all the evidence they need. >> seeing that video let me know that my son did absolutely nothing. not -- nothing. >> reporter: 25-year-old ray tensing is the first officer in the city of cincinnati to be indicted for murder. accused of killing someone in the line of duty. matt? >> rehema ellis, thank you. let's turn to natalie. you have the latest on this frantic search for the two boys in florida. >> that's right. day six. the chances are diminishing for the two teens missing at sea. nbc's kerry sanders is in jupiter, florida, with the very latest on the search. good morning. >> reporter: well good morning. at this hour a c-130 aircraft from the coast guard is right now flying over the search area and there are several coast guard cutters on the water, all tasked with the same mission -- find the missing boys. it's now day six of the coast guard search for best friends, 14-year-old perry cohen and austin stephanos. lost at sea. >> there's been a lot of rumors that the search has been suspended. i want to refute that. the search has not been suspended. it is still active and open. >> reporter: a search but no mention now of rescue. the boys' boat capsized and even if they had life vests they likely have no drinking water. what might have helped save the boys is a epirb, an emergency positioning radio beacon. i'm going to drop in the water. now, even if i were unconscious, the salt water would activate this. we have arranged with the national oceanic atmospheric administration for a simulated emergency. >> in some cases it can be the only notification to rescuers that you're even in some trouble. >> reporter: at the noaa control center it took moments for the distress signal to show up. >> we can see that the beacon has been picked up by the system. >> reporter: a device that might have made a huge difference had it been in the boys' boat. noaa says the beacons have saved 73 lives so far, just this year. natalie? >> kerry sanders in jupiter, florida, thanks. immediate vaux evacuations are in place for an area of northern california where a fast moving wildfire has burned at least 3,000 acres. northwest of sacramento the fire started on the afternoon. air resources are being diverted from the nearby rag fire to help fight the on going blaze. the fire destroyed at least one structure. the wildfire is spreading fast because the terrain is heavy with brush and timber. a protest in port land oregon getting a lot of attention because they're dangling from the city's tallest bridge. at least 13 climber froms greenpeace are trying to prevent the shell otherwise oil icebreaker ship from leaving port where it was undergoing repairs. they're worried about the impact on the environment and the protesters plan to remain suspended from the bridge for several days. that could be very uncomfortable. well now to the city of a thief and his very unusual get away car. surveillance cameras captured the crime at a grocery store in belarus. a man is taking a seat on the winnie the pooh toy car while talking on his mobile phone. so he rides around for a while and slowly but surely just scoots the toy car outside the exit door. the police track down the culprit. he told the officers he was drunk and doesn't remember where he parked winnie the pooh. >> i believe him. >> winnie is not talking either. >> that's my car. >> oh bother. >> natalie, thank you. this would be what the third day of the heat wave? >> yeah if we get to this -- and i think we're going to hit 90 here in new york. other places it's no question, it's -- but take a look. you think of being in this heat we complain. but look at what trenton's bravest had to deal with yesterday. fighting fires, at least ten firefighters overcome by heat. had to be resuscitated. i shouldn't have resuscitated but had to take a break. fans water. it was a really grueling day. air temperatures got up into the mid 90s. of course fighting a fire with 70 pounds of equipment that's got to be difficult and no relief in sight. big area of high pressure that dome of high pressure is dominating. stays up to the north with a jet stream. so the heat is on top of us. add in the humidity on top of that, your skin can't evaporate. can't get that moisture off because of the humidity. so it feels so much warmer. it will feel like 101 in richmond today. same in charleston. tupelo, 100. new orleans, you'll feel like 107. look at the temperatures staying in the 90s right through saturday in new york city and this shifts to the west. look at the temperatures making their way into the pacific northwest. triple digits portland, med ford, redding and boise. seattle, upper 80s and low 90s into the weekend as well. we'll get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. mediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. i'm meteorologist kari hall. as you you wake up may see that the clouds are back and today temperatures will be a touch cooler in spots, but still warm in the south bay, in spots like los gatos, 92 degrees, san bruno will be 77 degrees today and the castro 75 degrees. 90 in the north bay in santa rosa and martinez at 87 degrees. livermore 99 and we may still have a spot or two hitting the triple digits like pleasanton. have a great day. that's your latest weather. >> al thank you. coming up the growing backlash against the minnesota dentist who killed sizececil the lion. the letter he sent to his patients. plus coming up in rossen reports. the controversial traffic stops. what are your rights when you're pulled over by the police? first, on a thursday morning this is "today" on nbc. e test. . coming up a sweet letter from a young tom hanks. andt new lipton sparkling iced tea. ♪ refreshing tea infused with light, crisp, tiny bubbles. for a taste that lifts you up. ♪ this isn't just the start of school this is the new year. find the styles and brands they'll love for every big moment. where? famous footwear. cottonelle cleanripple texture gets you cleaner but will it get people clean enough to go commando? did you just wipe your bum? well, i sure did. did you notice anything about the texture? it's very...functionally efficient. this is the equivalent of your muscles. it just gets a hold of everything. yeah. nothing's left behind. nothing. are you clean enough to go commando? 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i got it. walgreens has all you need to keep it all under control. from a little touch-up... come on, guys! to finding that perfect finishing touch... to making memories at the touch of a button. all without missing a beat. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. i'm ... ==anim== a final farewell to a fallen hero... a very good thursday morning to you. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a final farewell to a fallen hero. later this morning mourners will gather by the thousands to say good buy to hayward police sergeant scott lunger. he died last week after being shot during a traffic stop. the processional begins at chapel of the chimes if hayward a little before 9:00 a.m. had his body will travel to oracle arena in oakland where a memorial service will be held. later family members will hold a private ceremony. also happening today, the teenager accused of murdering eight-year-old maddy madison is expected to make his first court appearance. prosecutors are charging 15-year-old adrian gonzalez as an adult. he and maddy both lived at the same artists on claf in santa cruz. investigators say he lured maddy to his apartment, sexual assaulted her then killed her. authorities discovered her body monday in a recycling bin at the complex. firefighters spent the morning putting out a series of grass fires along the highway 24 corridor in lafayette. it's the same area where an early morning fire burned ten acres yesterday. firefighters are calling the fire suspicious and are concerned it's the work of a fire bug. another hot day ahead, let's check in with meteorologist kari hall. >> and it will be hot, especially in some spots like the tri-valley the south bay and north bay. we start out with temperatures in the lower 60s, but one thing that we are seeing this morning that we didn't see yesterday, the low clouds and fog in spots. a high of 78 degrees in the east bay, peninsula 79 degrees, san francisco will be cool you will have a hard time shaking those clouds today, but 75 degrees, 93 in the north bay, as well as the south bay and some 90s also in the tri-valley. here is a look now at traffic with mike. overall kari the bay area looking pretty good. we do have police investigation closing southbound lombard and that's not far where folks get off the golden gate bridge and take that doyle drive arrangement there and that is jamming up traffic. take highway 1 over to california, it's a longer recruit but gets you out of that jam. investigation, again, that investigation continues. expect more after 8:00 when that procession goes from hayward up to the oakland oracle arena. we will track that as well. back to you. >> another local news update in half an hour. see you then. e a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ [♪] ♪ 7:30 on a thursday morning. 29th day of july. is it the 29th? >> i thought it was the 30th. >> i think it is. we have a lot of people out on the plaza for another hot steamy day here in the northeast. we're going to have a hot concert tomorrow morning from jason aldean. he is a country superstar. if you're in the area, come on down. >> is it 2015 or 2016? back inside studio 1-a. the discovery of airplane debris. a major lead in the 16-month-old search for the malaysia airline flight 370. boeing investigators have looked at the video and photos of this wreckage and believe it is part of a wing from the boeing 777. that's the same model as the missing plane. the search for thes missing at sea remains active and open and that is according to the coast guard as the search enters its sixth full day. crews have searched some 40,000 square nautical miles from florida stretching up to south carolina. so far, they have only recovered the overturned boat. and yet another dangerous wild fire has erupted in napa county, california. it started wednesday afternoon and quickly grown to nearly five square miles. mandatory evacuations for nearby homes have been ordered as well. and coming up, an iconic birkin bag adored by celebrities with a year-long waiting list to buy one is about to get a name change. the woman who the bag is named after now says she wants no part of it. we begin with the minnesota dentist who has become a target of worldwide outrage for killing one of africa's most beloved lions. he's now apologizing in a new letter to his dental patients. kevin tibbles is following the story for us this morning. kevin, good morning to you. >> savannah, it's a story that captured the world's attention. the beloved and majestic lion by the name of cecil apparently killed for a trophy. now, the minnesota dentist who admits to taking the big cat has closed his practice and gone into hiding. >> reporter: the target of animal activists and critics angry with minnesota dentist walter palmer following his admission he killed the beloved lion named cecil earlier this month in africa. outside his closed dental office in minnesota, a memorial of stuffed animals and signs for cecil, the lion, has grown. >> had i known he was a horrible, vicious big game hunter, i wouldn't have been visiting his practice for all of these years. >> reporter: no sign of dr. palmer but in a letter to parents, he again had said he had no idea the lion hunt may have been illegal and vowed to cooperate with authorities. adding, i don't often talk about hunting with my patients because it can be a divisive and emotionally charged topic. palmer maintains he paid his guides to obtain proper permits. critics have been loud. deluging the yelp page for dr. palmer's practice with thousands of negative comments. several petitions surfaced online and one asking president obama to extradite dr. palmer to zimbabwe to face possible criminal charges. others like rocker ted nugent came to palmer's defense writing all animals reproduce every year and would run out of room/food to live without hunting. cecil was 13, a tourist favorite. fitted with a tracking collar and studied by researchers. >> the lion cecil was a remarkable individual. remarkable particularly because we have studied him for so long. >> reporter: experts say cecil's killing could endanger the safety of his many cubs. >> we have a situation where outside of young males, might try to take over the pride. if they are successful in taking over they could kill all of the young from the previous dominate mael. male. >> reporter: and yesterday at least one of palmer's guides was charged with poaching in zimbabwe, and guys, did you know that some 800 lions are brought into the united states each year for trophies? that's about 64% of the population of those who are killed over in africa are brought here. matt and savannah, back to you. >> this is an eye opening story for a lot of folks. kevin tibbles, thank you very much. let's speak with lisa bloom. dr. palmer is getting it from every corner. the front page of newspapers, celebrities weighing in. at this stage, is it clear if he has a legal problem or a massive pr problem? >> no one has prosecuted him yet. it would take a motivated prosecutor either in zimbabwe or the u.s. for him to face any charges. his compatriots in zimbabwe have faced charges, but not him. it if the zimbabwe officials go after him they have to get him extradited from the u.s. >> the question if there's anything to charge with him. >> poaching. >> as you alluded to, would the zimbabwe officials care about that and bring him over there when they care about tourism? >> tourism is a big part of their economy. do they want to deter other wealthy tourists from coming over and engaging in hunting? >> so far, in his statement, he said "i understand i had the proper permits. i hired professionals." is that a good defense? >> no. normally no. ignorance of the law is not a excuse here in the u.s. it's generally not acceptable. any american that goes overseas you have to bay the laws of that country and it's generally not sufficient to say i relied on the locals. >> other people are saying what about u.s. laws? is there any violation of u.s. laws? >> that's a tough one. i know authorities are looking into it. if he brought any part of the lion back and the lion was obtained illegally, that could be a crime. if any of the $50,000 he paid in zimbabwe went to pay a government official to do something illegal, that could be a problem for him. there's no evidence of that at this point. >> let's turn this on its ear for a second. i mentioned the threats, the death threats, the fact he's had to go underground. he had to close his practice. you look at the front page of some newspapers. they have basically tried and convicted him. are there laws in this country that protect this guy from that sort of thing? >> boycotts are legal. but it is not legal to criminally threaten or to harass someone. defamation is a cause of action if somebody says something that him that is not true. >> we'll see where this goes. lisa, thank you. we have mr. roker here for the weather. >> that's right. a lot of folks, over 40 million people under some sort of a heat advisory or heat warning. want to help you stay cool. we have creative ways from our friends at "time" magazine. from "time" magazine. loose, lightweight linen clothing. that helps to make you feel cool. cool the pulse points. flash water on your temples or over your water. don't eat, just graze on smaller more frequent meals. that keeps your body core temperature down. eat to sweat. certain spicy foods make you sweat but doesn't raise your body temperature. then you get e vabevaporative color on your skin. raise your body temperature. stay cool under the covers. use a water bottle with ice water or bag your sheets, toss them in the freezer for an hour or two before bed and then put them in the microwave and defrost them. no, just kidding. that's a pretty good idea. i like that! our friends in florida aren't worried about staying cool. they're worried about trying to stay dry. we have tropical moisture that keeps streaming in. some places picked up double digits amounts of moisture. it's going to continue this weekend into monday. some places picking up five inches of rain but could be locally eight inches as a stationary front sets up in northern florida. i'm meteorologist kari hall. low clouds back over san francisco and highs in the city reaching 75 degrees in the castro pacifica 66 degrees, 86 degrees in san jose and it will still be hot and a few spots like the north bay, 90 degrees in santa rosa pleasanton 100 degrees, wall mutt creek 98 degrees. a widespread in temperatures from the coast to the inland valleys and a lot of sunshine in afternoon. have a great day. and that's >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right. al, thank you very much. >> coming up next on rossen reports, what police can and cannot do during a stop. >> hi good morning to you. the traffic stop's back in the news of course this morning out of cincinnati. so what are your rights when you get pulled over by the police? they walk up to your car, they want you to get out of your car, they want to search your car. are you allowed to record the entire interaction? a lot of controversy about that. this morning, know your rights, coming up. with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu or a history of copd a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. did you leave behind something reliable? 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[growl] even if you can't see it your destination is out there. so just keep going. and you'll get there... ...200 feet at a time. the corolla. toyota. let's go places. 7:43. we're back with the new rossen report. after the latest traffic stops, what are your rights when you're pulled over? today jeff rossen is up in rochester, new york, to show you. jeff, good morning. >> hi, good morning to you. that video out of cincinnati and this latest case just so disturbing to watch and that really did get us thinking about traffic stops and your rights. what you have to say yes to. what you can say no to. look we know it's the worst feeling in the world, you see the flashing police lights. maybe you were speeding, maybe you passed somebody. they have pulled you over. the officer gets to your door. they want you to get out or they want to search your car. do you have to say yes to those questions? what can you say no to? know your rights. >> do you have your license? >> in the latest case from cincinnati -- >> what did you pull me over for? >> a routine traffic stop turning deadly. >> now, now! >> things escalate fast. the driver shot and killed. now that officer is charged with murder. >> i'm going to drag you out of here. >> you're going to drag me out of my own car? >> just weeks ago in texas, sandra bland pulled over and it got heated too. >> get out of the car! i will write you up. get out, now! >> wow. wow. >> get out of the car. >> bland trying to record it all on her phone off camera. >> get off the phone. put your phone down. >> cases showing how fast things can turn dangerous. so when a cop pulls you over, what is the officer allowed to do and what are your rights? rochester police pulling me over to show you. >> hello, sir. the very first thing is i ed a like is ask for is license, registration proof of insurance. >> i have to give you those? >> yes. and then i say, do you know why i stopped you? >> if i was speeding i don't want to admit guilt, do i have to answer the question? >> you don't have to admit to that question. you can say no, or i don't know. >> i won't get a ticket -- >> no. >> there's much more controversy about recording police. >> you can record. i may have a body camera on my myself or the car may have one. you can record. a couple of things to be careful of. don't make any sudden movements in the vehicle. last thing i want to think is it's a weapon. >> if i say officer i'm going to record this, i take my phone out, i'm pointing it at you and i'm recording. >> yes, sir. >> this is fine? >> this is fine. >> the next thing may happen, i may ask you to step out of the car. >> what if i say i don't want to get out of the car. >> you have to. >> i have to step out of the car? >> yes. >> i know myself i'd be saying this is a regular traffic stop what's the problem? >> i may tell you. or i may not. >> you don't have to? >> i do not have to, no, sir. and i say, do you mind if i search your car? >> do i have to say yes? >> no i'm asking for consent. >> even though it sounds like a command, it's a question. >> yes. >> sometimes cops say, what are you trying to hide? >> that's a tactic we use to try to elicit conversations. >> i shouldn't be bullied to say yes. >> no still a request. >> can it hurt me in court if i say no? >> no. >> what's the bottom line? >> only two things that you have to do. you have to provide your license, registration and proof of insurance. and then you have to get out of the car when we tell you to. >> that's it? >> that's it. >> of course laws can vary from state to state. city to city. but overall, no matter what, be polite to the police officer, even if you're frustrated or angry, even if they search your car, better off to fight it in court than on the scene. >> good advice. >> jeff rossen thank you. >> when i'm pulled over i keep my hands where they can see them. >> anything that will make somebody nervous. >> absolutely. what if we treated our teachers like superstar athletes? key & peele proved why we'll really miss them. and a baseball cries on the field right in the middle of the game. oh, my gosh. tamron might cry her way through this. >> very sad. t not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream. fact. advil is not only strong it's gentle on your body too. no wonder doctors and patients have trusted advil... for their tough pains for over 30 years. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. see, we've completely remodeled the kitchen. cozy. let's go check out the pantry! it's our dunkin' dream room. amazing. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. try our k-cups today. america runs on dunkin'. craving the taste of chocolate but watching calories? introducing light & fit greek with chocolate on top. so chocolatey good... you won't believe it's 100 calories. try new light & fit greek chocolate on top. some people may think subway doesn't have enough flavor. i'm here to help 'em think differently. you know that sandwich you always get? i can make it even better. you ever try this toasted with monterrey cheddar? you know what, why not. ok how about we spice this up a little bit? that sounds amazing. let's rock this sandwich together. subway. eat fresh. we're back at 7:50. the story we're talking about this morning. proof there is crying in baseball. >> this is something. a lot of people talking about it. good morning, guys. it turns out, as mentioned, there is crying in baseball. wilmer flores was in tears on citi field wednesday night after learning mid game he was going to be traded to the milwaukee brewers or was he? news of the trade started on social media and quickly spread to the stadium to flores in the game. he's been with the mets since 16. even the game's announcers bought into the twitter trend. listen. >> he's about to be traded. social media being such, they say, nobody knows what the situation is. the fans giving him a nice send off here. >> you saw fans standing up in the stands. the emotional roller coaster for flores and mets fans came to a halt when the mets manager said social media got ahead of the facts. as if that never happens. there had been talks of trade there was never a deal for flores. he would be staying with new york and there he is in the aftermath of it all in the post game interview. he said his emotions got the best of him when he thought he would have to leave his teammates. can you imagine that? he thought he was out on the field. what a sweet heart. >> that's the kind of player you want. he really wants to be with your team. >> absolutely. >> i agree. >> he's been a part of it -- >> when we were growing up guys stayed with a team their entire career. >> yeah no question. >> people didn't check social media when you were during the game. >> when we were growing up they had score boards with chalk. they didn't even have balls -- >> no. thank you. appreciate it. coming up katie couric is here with a powerful use for youtube after your local news. >> hi, katie. the thing is people think boys are loud and immature and don't care about feelings. but they're wrong. thanks. kleenex. someone needs one. i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. ♪ the goodness that goes into making a power kale chicken caesar salad is rivaled only, by the goodness felt while eating one. panera. food as it should be. this guy first roamed the earth over 65 million years ago. like our van. yeah. we need to sell it. hi. need an appraisal? yeah. we do. vo: when selling your car, start with a written offer no strings attached. carmax. start here. i'm ... ==anim== a final a good thursday morning. i'm sam brock. a final farewell to a fallen hero. later this morning mourners will gather by the thousands to say good-bye to hayward police sergeant scott lunger. he died last week after being shot during a traffic stop. the profession -- processional begins at chapel of the chimes in hayward a little bit before 9:00. his body will then travel to oracle arena in oakland where a memorial service will be held. later family members will hold a private ceremony. happening today, the teenager accused of murdering eight-year-old maddy madison is expected to make had his first court appearance. prosecutors are charging 15-year-old adrian gonzalez as an adult. he and maddy both lived at the same artist enclave in santa cruz. they say he skaulted her and killed her. police discovered her body at a recycling bin in the complex. >> we are seeing the clouds this morning and a mild start to the day. you can also feel a little bit more humidity in the air. that will continue to increase as we go into the afternoon. still warm in spots like the south bay as well as the north bay. 93 degrees, the tri-valley will also top out in the 90s and hen 70s from san francisco to the east bay, as well as the peninsula. highs reaching there into the mid to upper 70s and the next few days it gets a little bit milder. let's check traffic with mike. look at this this is visible off of the freeway, off of 880 we have these crossed ladders for the fire crew. this they are ready for officers as well as families from the hayward police department to start arriving at oracle. over the next hour we will see a lot of folks heading to the parking lot. of course 8:45 the procession will end toward that memorial. in san francisco closure southbound lombard for a police investigation into san francisco itself. thank you very much. we will be back in 25 minutes with another update. hey there fellow californians i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at ♪ it's on 8:00 "today." coming up teenage dreams. the letter from tom hanks to an oscar winning director before hanks was famous. then -- i'm gay. >> i'm gay. >> the influence of the internet. our friend katie couric is a way -- with life changing ways people are using youtube to open up about their lives in order to inspire others. plus, cooking with kass. we officially welcome sam kass former white house chef to the "today" family. he'll whip up healthy but sweet treats for "today." thursday, july 30th, 2015. ♪ ♪ >> good morning, mississippi! girls trip all the way from lafayette, new york city. -- louisiana. >> my first time in new york city! >> my mom loves the "today" show! >> it's a mother daughter trip. >> happy birthday, dad! [ cheers and applause ] >> it is 8:00 on "today." welcome back. thursday, july 30th, 2015. >> tamron? this song was appropriate. it's a great one! >> "walking on sunshine". >> you can't not smile when you sing that song. >> by the way, speaking of throwbacks, it's not that far we have natalie imbruglia here. she's going to sing for us. she's so talented. not only as a singer but an actress as well. she's going to sing "torn" for us later on. >> yes, we'll be singing along. tomorrow we'll continue the singing big country comes to the big city jason aldean is our summer concert. bring your cowboy hat and your boots. >> yeah. and next friday we have the great keith urban. he wants you to pick one of the songs. go to to vote for "long hot summer" "good thing" or "once in a lifetime." >> nice. >> we have a familiar face hanging out in studio 1-a. katie couric is back inside. we'll go to her in a few minutes. she has an interesting story about people using youtube for very personal announcements. >> we'll check in with her in a bit. let's get the top story from natalie. >> good morning. a piece of airplane wreckage may help solve the mystery of malaysian airlines flight 370. the plane that vanished 16 months ago. tom costello, good morning. >> reporter: because there's only one 777 missing anywhere in the world, that is malaysian 370 investigators are fairly confident this is, in fact, a wing flap from mh-370. it washed ashore on reunion island thousands of miles from last known position of mh-370 and the search zone and they've been focussed on. oceanographers say the ocean currents move in a counter clock wise fashion in the indian ocean. it would make sense for the plane to have gone down in the eastern indian ocean 17 months ago, yet washed ashore in the west near madagascar. also, this morning there's this photograph unconfirmed by nbc news which proports to show a suitcase that has washed ashore reunion island. investigators will have to use ocean modelling to backtrack where the debris might have originated. the australian command center still believes the flight is somewhere at the bottom of the ocean in that original search zone off australia. natalie? >> just the beginning of a very long mystery. tom costello, thank you. a court appearance today for a campus police officer now charged with murder in the killing of an unarmed black driver. university of cincinnati officer ray tensing was indicted on wednesday. prosecutors released the video from his body camera. he stopped 43-year-old samuel dubose. earlier this month for not having a front license plate. dubose allegedly resisted getting out of the car. he was eventually shot in the head. the officer said he fired because the car took off. his lawyer said ten sing thought he was going to be dragged under the car and killed. a small plane crashed and burst into flames at the milwaukee airplane wednesday evening killing both the people on board. the pilot pulled up after a first landing attempt. the plane came in for the second time with one wing tilted and it appeared to have hit the first. the newest social media sensation is earl the grumpy puppy. he's a puggle a pug and beagle mix. he has a permanently frowny face. it's so adorable. his owner posted a few pictures online and animal lovers couldn't get enough. grumpy puppy has his own instagram account. got to start following him now. back to savannah. >> do you know what that reminds me of, natalie? brf? >> yes. >> google it. i won't say it again. there's a new controversy this morning tied to one of the most iconic and fancy accessories in the world. the hermes birkin handbag. why is its name sake jane birkin saying she wants no part of it? sheinelle jones has the story. jane birkin is demanding the particular bag be remained amid concerns how the crocodiles are treated. she's not alone in her outrage. ♪ it's one of the hottest purses in the world. seen on the arms of celebrities and socialites. they can cost up to $100,000 or more with a rumored multiyear waiting list to get one. so famous it only goes by one name. >> i love it! >> the birkin bag? >> $4,000. >> "sex in the city" made it main stream, but today british singer and style icon jane birkin the behind the purse wants nothing to do with one version of it. after peta published a graphic video how crocodiles are allegedly treated before being killed. hermes responded to jane birkin with a statement. the luxury brand also claims that investigation is underway at the texas farm which was implicated in the video. any breach of rules will be rectified and sanctioned. they specify this farm does not belong to them and the crocodile skins supplied are not used for the fabrication of the bags. it's a bag many dream of owning but how does this birkin blowout affect the average consume -- consumer? >> the question of how clothes and luxury goods are made are increasingly important to customers. it's exactly this kind of episode that reminds viewers to be mindful about how their clothes are made. >> the next time you hit the mall and want to be a conscious consumers, experts advise do your research. >> if you want to be a conscious consumer, you should feel free to ask questions when you go in a store. the more they know about how clothes are made the better they can feel about the purchase. >> there are also numerous websites for consumers who want to be a conscious consumer. i've noticed people are not just worried about spending their money that will harm animals. spending money that may harm workers or the environment. that's a movement right now, for sure. >> we're in a better position to know as consumers what is going into these products. that's a good thing. sheinelle, thank you very much. coming up next "pop start" and the letter from 18-year-old tom hanks that proved he knew he would be a star. and matt? ever hear the game six degrees of katie couric? played with kevin bacon. how weird is that? first, these messages. you feel like you're one step ahead. sign up for visa checkout. visa. everywhere you want to be. i just love cherry preserves. is that your favorite? i also like strawberry boysenberry, red raspberry... with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite. apple... pineapple... grape... red currant... with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. time to be a superhero at kohl's friends and family sale. get an extra 20% off this thursday through sunday. go to and download your savings pass. plus, everyone gets $10 kohl's cash for every $50 spent. be yourself. kohl's. ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. this moment is perfect in every way. just like my kid. gooey. flakey. happy. toaster strudel ♪ hanes. a perfect fit for every body. now in colorful new styles. ♪ ♪ [announcer]when we make beyond natural dry dog and cat foods. we start with real meat as the first ingredient. we leave out corn,wheat and soy. and we own where our dry food is made-100 percent! can other brands say all that? for nutrition you can trust and your pet will enjoy... does your food go beyond? learn more at ♪ caress presents the world's first body wash with fragrance release pearls. touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. new caress love forever. ♪ lemonade, la la lemonade ♪ real strawberries real lemonade get together with the refreshing new real lemonades from mccafe. with my android from tracfone, i can... order safety goggles. play music for seedlings. post science fair projects. schedule guinea pig feedings. video chemical reactions. take pics of mr. bones. time the next launch. calm down principal jones. i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. for a limited time get the lg sunrise with a free teenage mutant ninja turtles custom case cover and one year free parental controls. look for specially marked packages. tracfone. do everything for less. available at walmart. 8:13. >> can we all agree that arguing with your partner is not a good idea. right? >> a few people say it's healthy. >> now we're going to have the argument. >> okay. >> one of the ground rules here. >> oh well. i'm glad you asked. there's a relationship expert who has laid out how to have the perfect argument with your partner. >> okay. >> we're work partners obviously. anyway. it's three steps. step one, decide who goes first. who talks first. you go by rating how upset you are. the more upset person goes first. >> you are supposed to stop and do this? >> yeah. >> whoever is a ten speaks first. step two, this is important -- listen to your partner. don't spend the time they're talking planning your attack and respond. >> guilty. >> here is the controversial one. step three, video tape the fight. >> oh no! >> say here is where you were wrong. >> and then have another fight. >> in the words of sharknado "oh hell no!" . that's a terrible idea. >> can you imagine being the person suggesting video taping it? i can see someone secretly video taping. >> i guess the idea is to say this is what you said. this is how i heard it. >> not going to work. on to a comedy bit that has gone viral. this is from key and fieldpeele. they covered teachers. take a look. >> i'm pleased to announce i'm taking my talents to new york city. thank you very much. >> apparent lily she was made an offer she couldn't refuse. now look at this. she looks left dead right. looks past the students with their arms up in the air. spots mac near the back. even though his hand isn't up he's engaged. >> see what she did there? bringing introvert into the discussion. that's teacher of the year there. >> we have things fouled up here. we talk about the athletes and stuff and teachers are important. they capture that perfectly in this bit. >> love it. anybody sleep with their mouth open? >> al. >> how do you know? >> i've seen him on a plane! >> all right, al. >> there you have it. >> let the next video be a cautionary tale for you, my friend. this is micah. when his mouth was wide open his friend saw a golden opportunity and gave him a twiz twizzle. gave him a few more. how many do you think he got stuck in there? >> six or seven. >> eleven! they start putting them in his lap only then did he wake up. he takes a bite and keeps rolling. >> every time i travel with katie she would pull something like that. >> yeah. >> seriously. that's so katie. look at her! she's laughing. that's something she would pull. >> you did that to me. >> yeah. >> remember the photo under the toilet seat? >> say more about that katie! >> i'll tell you later. >> all right. >> that was my bad, i swear. >> yeah. now on to the boy band going solo in a touching throwback letter. >> one direction star zayn malik is going solo. he said i guess i never explained why i left. it's given me the opportunity to show you who i really am. he then tweeted #realme. we got it. this is the real him. >> is that a jab at one direction? >> he's alluded to that's why he left. he was comprising himself. anyway. simon cowell congratulated zayn on twitter. simon discovered him with one direction and saying wish you the best. on to the touching letter from tom hanks. he wrote it hoping to get his big break. he wrote it when he was 18 to oscar winner director. the letter is currently on display at the beverly hills exhibit. "now right away i know what you're thinking: "who is this kid?" and ibs understand your apprehension. perfection! we're still paying to see mr. hanks and will forever. isn't that a cool letter? another pop start quiz. you didn't do great yesterday. we're going to win this win. i'm going to play a song and you guess which rock star is singing it. >> here we go. ♪ free my soul."" ♪ i know who that is. >> meryl streep. >> yeah. not a rock star but i saw the movie and she was rocking it. >> she is a rock star! >> why are we going to play a quiz -- >> what i believe, mr. roker, you can throw in a curve ball in a quiz. was that that hard? natalie got it. >> it's a movie! >> and it's great. >> yes. natalie wins today. >> congratulations! >> i didn't cheat this time. >> you saw the movie! >> katie, just like old times, right? >> oh my gosh! who sang the original matt? >> of which one? that song? >> yeah. >> say it in my ear, quickly. >> this is what katie used to do. point to her ears and she would go oh i know! that's so and so! up next katie is exploring the new power of youtube. first, al has a check of the weather. >> all right. let's show you what we've got happening now. showers and thunderstorms monsoonal moisture coming out of the southwest. we have at lot of heavy rain through florida. we're going to be watching some areas picking up five to eight inches. there's a front pushing through western new york bringing lower humidity to the northeast but not cooler temperatures. we have 80s and 90s making their way from the mid atlantic states. hundreds in texas and the southwest even into central. sheinelle sheinelle. sheinelle. i'm meteorologist kari hall. the low clouds clear out and it will give us sunshine. 77 degrees in san bruno. san francisco, expect a high of 75 degrees. some 90s still popping up here on the map. like santa rosa and even triple digits in the tri-valley. pleasanton reaching 100 degrees. oakland expect a high of 78. walnut creek tops out at 98 degrees. matt and katie. >> throw back thursday. youtube recently celebrated the tenth anniversary. it's becoming a real reflection of our rapidly changing culture. our palestinian katie couric is here. >> next year i'm going to take you with me to this massive convention in anaheim, california for the youtubers and 20,000 of their adoring fans. because i want you to feel as ancient as i did there. >> yeah. >> youtube, as we know is the go too to place. one of the things i discovered was the platform is providing a new outlet for so many young people to come to terms with their sexuality and to share it with the world. >> today i'm going to be sitting down with katie couric and i'm freaking out. >> meet shane he's 27 and with nearly 7 million subscribers, hosts some of the most popular channels on youtube. ♪ ♪ >> what did you do this weekend? >> oh. >> awesome. ♪ ♪ >> but on july 7th he uploaded his most revealing video yet. >> i am bisexual and i have said it out loud once before in therapy. >> once i pushed upload and once the first few comments rolled in being like this is how i feel. nobody talked about this. that's when it hit me. it's bigger than just "hey i wanted to make this video so people stop calling me gay or whatever." this is i'm actually affecting a lot of people's lives. >> he's not the only one. other youtube stars have come out online like hannah. host of "my drunk kitchen." >> part one of the, you know, series of my experience coming out being gay. >> after i came out i remember getting these letters and e-mails from people who are, you know dads in the conservative south that were like i watch "my drunk kitchen" and you made me rethink it. joey announced it with a music video and a kiss. >> i had never seen anyone else on youtube come out through a music video. i want to do it different and fun and have a positive message. >> the trend may have been partly inspired by the "it gets better project." a place where 50,000 people gay, straight famous and not have come to share their stories about bullying. >> i attempted to kill myself. it will get better! i promise. >>s it getting better. but it's still not easy. lgbt youth account for an incredible number of homeless youth across this country. kids who have come out and their parents have literally dropped them off on the side of a highway. it's a frightening prospect for someone so young, but i do think that youtube stars coming out really gives a sense of optimism and hope to that young person who may be struggling. >> do you think people like you -- do you think they're creating an atmosphere that is allowing kids to be more accepting? >> 100%. i think the amount of teenagers that just in the last month since the video went up that i see on the street who come up to me and say that gave me the courage to come out to my parents. i showed them your video and they got it. i think it changed everything. >> i love you guys. i hope this helps, and from now on you know everything about me. >> it's easy to see the upside. isn't there a downside? sharing something so deeply personal with people who sometimes aren't supportive? >> there are haters and trolls out there, matt. for the most part the youtube stars found that being hon west their fans that makes them even more popular. they have such an intimate relationship with people and i think in a medium that values sort of unvarnished authenticity it's a boom. not everyone is going to give that kind of acceptance or adoration. so, you know i think that young kids have to have theiri'm ... ==anim== a developing story in san francisco... ==topvo== authorities this good morning to you. it's 8:26. i'm laura garcia. the developing story in san francisco. authorities are at the scene of a police altercation that they say followed a hit and run. police confirming officers arrested a suspect on lombard street, not far from where the initial incident occurred. witnesses believe the suspect may have died during the altercation with officers. so far, police are not confirming. it's creating a lot of backups in that area. for that we'll check in with traffic anchor mike. >> the closure on the southbound side of lombard has the new doyle drive basically jammed up to the scene. you can go through the presidio but that's a long way around. there's a typical build south bay and over the east bay. extra slowing past the coliseum. we're getting ready for that celebration. this is visible from the motorcade. we saw that -- arrivals at oracle arena. heading up into the area as well. plan on closures and delays. back to you. >> we will carry that procession live at 10:00 as well as follow the procession along the way. another local news update coming up in about a half an hour. 8:30 now on a thursday morning. morning, 309-th of july 2015. we have tons of people on the plaza this morning. >> new music out now after a bit of a break and we'll talk to natalie and hear from her in a little while. kevin bacon is here. we have a sneak peek at his dark new thriller. it's quite creepy. >> he looks great. >> yeah. we're officially welcoming former white house chef sam kass to our nbc family. he brought along a sweet treat for the summer. >> great! >> first, how about a check of the weather. >> we plan your weekend ahead. wet weather through the southeast florida as well. the heat continues in the pacific northwest tomorrow and also cooler weather through the great lakes. as we move into saturday looking pretty nice. the rain through the southeast, florida, again, showers through the monsoonal moisture and the pacific northwest -- i should say the southwest. on sunday we've got sunshine in the east. cooler conditions and a little less humid. the rain continues in northern florida and southwest as well. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. temperatures are now in the lower 60s and mid-60s across the bay as the skies slowly clear. we will get some sunshine this afternoon in the east bay. a high of 78 degrees. south bay 93 degrees. also 93 in the north bay. san francisco expect a high of 75 while the east bay once again in the upper 70s and our temperatures will be trending a little bit cooler as we head into the weekend. but humidity will be going up. don't forget. any time you need your weather go to the weather channel on cable or now it's time to meet some of the people on our plaza. let's go back inside guys? >> al thank you very much. kevin bacon stars in a new thriller called "cop car." he plays a sheriff whose car is taken on a joyride by two young boys and he wants it back. >> you didn't touch anything did you? a lot of dangerous equipment in my car. you didn't open the trunk, did you? >> no. >> okay. that's good. that's good. this is what i want you to do. sit yourself down in the backseat don't touch anything. anybody comes by you're saying help is on the way. you're doing a special job guarding the car for the sheriff. understand? >> okay. >> good morning! >> this is a compliment. you are such a creep in this movie. you really do the whole creep thing very, very well. >> thank you for that. i appreciate that. >> you can do the sheriff, which is not the same as saying you're a good guy. >>well no. he's not a good guy, i mean, he's a desperate man. i think he starts out probably his career thinking he's going to protect and serve, but he makes some bad choices along the way and part of what is fun about the movie is trying to have an audience kind of put their own theory together about why he might have gone down the wrong road. >> yeah. this is a script that doesn't answer every question. it kind of lets you -- leaves things to the imagination. in terms of the plot we told you the two boys steal the car. there's something of value in the trunk. >> yes. >> are we allowed to say what is in the trunk? >> no. let's not. >> there's something that the sheriff wants back. >> yeah. he wants it back really bad. they stole their own cop car. >> they're bothering the wrong sheriff. not a lot of dialogue either. >> no. when i was younger i used to read a script and say i would judge it based on how many lines i had. if i had the big scene, but, you know i think sometimes as i've gotten older i looked for some parts where you can kind of play between the lines, you know. and i think what is amazing about the film camera is that it gives you the opportunity to see things that the naked eye doesn't even see. it's an actor who has the opportunity to show some confusion, sadness, anger, and joy whatever without saying this is what i'm feeling. it's a good exercise >>well there's some part of this movie that i want to focus on it's your mustache. >> okay. >> i want to put it on the screen and admire it. i have many many questions about the mustache. first of all, did you grow it? is that your facial hair? >> this is all smoke and mirrors. we can't divulge any secrets. people say how did you get the kids driving the cop car? and the director of the film says i can't tell you that. i'm going to take his advice. >> i had all the questions. is it itchy? did you have to walk around on your off hours? >> yes. it was itchy. >> are you a fan of facial hair? have you ever had a beard? >> what is sad about that i can grow a mustache and i can grow whatever this is so i end up looking like shaggy but i can't grow anything on the side of my face. >> really? >> yeah. when i've had side burns in the past they've been glue ones. and, you know, it's a little frustrating as an actor because, you know you want to be able to sort of change your look, you know in terms of facial hair but i always say to myself listen i'm not going to complain because i have the hair on top. and at my age, i'm a very small club. let's put it that way. >> you are, of course not just an actor but a musician. i saw something cute on your twitter page. the bacon brothers were playing. a gal came dressed up as a human-sized piece of bacon. she comes up. >> we were at macguire air force base. it was a hot day and i see this -- excuse the pun sizzling piece of bacon walking across the tarmac. i said to one of our roadies, just please get her. she has to come up for the encore. it was a lot of fun. she has a lot of guts. >> i almost wore the same outfit today. >> you should have! >> kevin bacon, thank you very much. good to see you "cop car" is in theaters august 7th. it's on demand august 14th. sweet new summer tweet from the newest member of our "today" family. >> neither of us appreciated the comments about the hair -- >> my bad. anyway, about the food. we'll be back. he knows my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at . back now at 8:39 with the newest member of our "today" food team. >> i'm happy to say that sam kass is joining nbc news after advisor to the president on nutrition and white house staff. we'll talk to sam in a moment -- pretending he's not standing here. but first, how he thinks about sh nourishes us. it brings us happiness, joy, and connection to our loved wuns. the challenge of cooking is great. they say a chef's job is to not mess up great ingredients. i try to live that. fresh ingredients drive the dish. that's when pure goodness on the plate. >> all my senses are active when i'm cooking and i feel great and engaged and happy. i enjoyed my time at the white house for six and a half years. i was their chef and lead the "let's move" initiative. right now this country wastes about 40% of the food we grow. the trends we're seeing with organic and farm fresh represent a transformation in food culture in this country. you can expect me to bring stories about innovation and seeing how we feed ourself. a total revolution when it comes to food in america. from cheese makers and beer brewers to local farmers. food is my life. it's what i think about morning, noon and night. i couldn't be more excited to join the "today" show. thing are so many compelling stories and amazing people doing amazing things in is an amazing platform to tell the stories. >> welcome to the family! >> good morning! >> great to have you here. >> i'm excited to be here. >> you love great food but you care about nutrition and you know when you start to talk about nutrition, a lot of people young blah. how do you change perceptions? by telling us how we can make life better through food. we look at health sustainability technology and innovation and how it's challenging the future of our food and do it in a fun, happy, loving way. i think that's the difference we can do. >> you're going the usual cooking lessons and et. cetera. >> this is sweet week. i have to get the fruits back. i saw the ice cream sandwich. so we're supposed to get about two cups of fruit a day, if you're an average adult. that's what this looks like. this is about two cups. right now we're consuming about 40% of the fruit we need. we need to double what we're taking in every day. >> we're going to help people get more fruit in their diets. when you buy fresh fruit you have to wash it carefully. >> yep. it's probably better to wash most fruit right before you eat it. if you get your berries wet and put them away the moisture will help bring mildew and things fast per. >> some people worry about having too much fruit because the natural sugars it sugar. >> you have to worry about that with fruit juice because you're not getting the fiber. sugar is not an issue with fruit. we need to eat more fruit. you're going to jazz up a fruit salad. >> fruit salad is what everybody likes to eat. we need to give it more. i always lemon juice. >> to make the flavor of the fruit jump out more. >> it balances the sugar and sweetness in the fruit and herbs. you can add basil, mint anything you want. it picks up the flavor. >> i thought it was cute. that's the culinary term for you, sam. >> cute. >> not what i would have gone with. >> you have salt here. would you use it? >> sometimes people like a little salt. when you have sweet, salty, acidity a nice ambulance therebalance there. >> savannah is not an enormous melon fan. likes cantaloupe not honey due. >> that's a little interesting. melons i love to do some orange juice on it. you can put a little thyme or tarragon. i want to show you the fruit smoothy and slushies. >> okay. this is good are if the kids. >> if you didn't want to use juice can you use water or flavored water? >> absolutely. anything to pick it up a little bit, i think, for kids are great. >> okay. >> there's nothing better on a hot day than a fruit slushy. let me show you how we do this. you can take any fresh fruit you want and freeze it. it's best to freeze it on a sheet tray like this. >> oh so it doesn't stick together. >> yeah. you can also just buy frozen fruit. so either way that works. we're going to do a blackberry slushy. you put these in there with fruit juice or some selzer water and blend it up. >> that's what it looks like when it's done. you have cold soups here. you're going to be a great addition to the family. we're going to chow down but get healthier. >> we'll get healthier in the process. >> sam kass thank you. coming up next we have the toyota concert series on "today." brought to you by toyota. back now on a thursday. natalie imbruglia is an actress song writer, and model. perhaps best known for 1997 hit song "torn" it earned her three grammy nominations and mtv video music award. it has nearly 60 million hits on youtube. now she's back with a new album called "male." great to have you here. >> good morning. >> fun to be back in music? the acting thing is great but are you happy to have new music? >> so much fun. i've been doing live shows in eastern europe and it's incredible be. >> the album is called "male" because it pays tribute to your favorite male singers. >> that's right. i'm covering songs from my male artists some from my producers and some from neil young. >> i mentioned "torn" such a huge hit. a lot of artists try to distance themselves from songs like that so they're only seen in a new light. you embrace the song quite a bit. >> i made a promise? 1997 when all the great things that happened to me. i hate when you go to a gig and they don't play the hit song. i just decided i was going to be singing it for awhile. i might as well make friends with it. >> will you sing it for us now? >> absolutely! natalie, take it away. ♪ i thought i saw a man brought to life he was warm he came around like he was dignified ♪ ♪ he showed me what it was to cry well you couldn't be that man i adored you don't seem to know or seem to care what your heart is for i don't know him anymore ♪ ♪ there's nothing where he used to lie my conversation has run dry that's what's going on ♪ ♪ nothing's fine i'm torn ♪ ♪ i'm all out of faith this is how i feel i'm cold and i am shamed lying naked on the floor illusion never changed into something real ♪ ♪ i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn you're a little late i'm already torn ♪ ♪ so i guess the fortune teller is right and i should have seen what was there and not some holy light but you crawled beneath my veins and now i don't care i have no luck ♪ ♪ i don't miss it all that much there's just so many things ♪ ♪ i'm out of faith this is how i feel cold and i am shamed and lying naked on the floor ♪ ♪ illusion never change edd into something real i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn you're a little late i'm already torn ♪ ♪ there's nothing where he used to lie my inspiration has run dry that's what's going on nothing's right i'm torn ♪ ♪ i'm all out of faith this is how i feel i'm cold and i am shamed lying naked on the this floor ♪ ♪ illusion never changed into something real i'm wide awake and i can see the perfect sky is torn i'm all out of faith this is how i feel i'm cold and i'm ashamed bound and broken on the floor you're a little late i'm already torn ♪ ♪ torn ♪ [ cheers and applause ] natalie imbruglia. natalie, thank you so much. let me remind people your new album is called "male" she'll be back to sing the first single for kathie lee and hoda in the first hour. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. s it that time of the morning to find out who is celebrating the milestone birthday. here is mr. willard scott. >> hey, new york. we love you. you're the best. happy birthday to mary williams of east north fort the great state of new york. she's 100 years old today and crazy about irish music. this is lovely. estell lrks estel estel estelle hutchins she's 100 years old and she loves to play uno! this is william moss a handsome fellow from baltimore, maryland. he's 101 years old today and loves baseball. watches it on tv and goes to the game when he can. love them baltimore orioles. this is joe cusato. he makes ss biscotti. back to new york. >> thank you, willard! coming up. >> what's happening, guys? >> our plaza's got talent. we have people from the plaza. >> you won't believe the talent i'm ... ==anim== a final farewell to a fallen officer... ==live== here's a live look insi good thursday morning. i'm sam brock. we're preparing for a final farewell to a fallen officer. here's a live look outside of oracle arena in oakland. that is where a little later this morning mourners by the thousands will say good bey to hayward police sergeant brett lunger. law enforcement lining up outside of the arena. sergeant lunger died last week after being shot during an early morning traffic stop in hayward. he was a 14-year veteran of the force and a father of two kids. the procession will begin a few moments ago at chapel of the chimes in hayward. it's going to travel along interstate 880 north to oakland. following the service, family members will hold a private ceremony. our coverage begins at 10:00. k this out. with xfinity home we get 24/7 professional monitoring and video monitoring we can watch on our own tv. that's way better than our old security system. [metal clanking] [chip crunching] [baby crying] don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers, add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus get a free security camera. call 1-800 xfinity or go online today. this morning on "today's take" mel b on what she really, really wants. then no crying in baseball. why is this guy shedding tears? a cheese curd with three ingredients. all that and more coming up now! from nbc news this is "today's take" with natalie morales, willie geist, al roker, and tamron hall. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> twhoopdwhat happened to my song? it's vanilla ice. >> oh. it's the original. >> yeah. >> see what sampling has done for my head? >> that's a better choice. >> i knew you weren't an vanilla ice. >> willie has the day off. "under pressure." the two voices together so perfect. >> how often on your play list do you play this? >> it's on my running play list. >> so that's every day. every minute of the day. it's good to have you with us this morning. we're talking about this mystery surrounding mh 370 the missing aircraft. a piece of wreckage from a boeing 777 washed ashore, and it appears to be from malaysia air flight 370. here is why they come to the conclusion rather quickly. boeing officials and experts looked at the piece of aircraft. they confirm they believe with certainty according to tom costello this is a boeing 777. there's only one missing 777 in the world ands it that malaysia flight. there's a photograph what appears to be a suitcase that may have appeared to have washed up on the same island. s it unconfirmed by nbc news. the flight disappeared march 2014 on the way to beijing. the debris turned up close to madagascar. it's more than 4,000 miles from mh 370 last known location south of vietnam. thousands of miles from the search zone of australia. with the currents, experts says it likely it would have washed up in the vicinity. you think about the intrigue from the documentaries to the news coverage for over a year regarding what happened here. we still do not know but this could be the piece of a puzzle that tells us it's crashed. you know there's a lot of conspiracy theories that the plane landed somewhere, that the people were lost like the movie "lost" now it appears we finally know that the plane crashed. >> does it get any closer to finding -- >> i think it's a very small piece of a huge puzzle that we may never really truly know, i mean as we heard our aviation expert greg was on earlier this morning and said even reconstruct -- if you get the black boxes and the flight data recording you may not be able to answer the questions. >> this broke during my news hour on msnbc. it was interesting a couple of things. you can see if you look closely at that piece you can see barnacles on it. the experts says it mh 370 because it's too much sea life. that turned to be wrong. it's to point out it's hard to come to a conclusive -- conclusion, rather to what happened here. one boeing 777 has gone down and this, according to boeing, is a piece of a 777. >> and we had the partner of one of the -- >> the only american. >> sixteen months later the emotion is there. for the families looking for closure -- >> yeah. closure is a hard word. it's really not. >> you forever don't have that -- >> she made that point in her interview. as it stands now, they're waiting for experts to get to the remote location and perhaps provide more information. usually these aircrafts have identifying numbers on each piece, but tom costello reported that because it's been missing for so long and under water, those identifying markers may not exist. >> we'll keep our eye on that. we'll switch gears on a little bit lighter note. a lot of time we have discussions over food and how they're pronounced. >> yeah. >> bringing me the tray? >> i think a lot of -- depends on where you were raised. >> certainly there's a different country. >> yeah. >> for example, this is -- by the way, the website -- what is this coffee drink? >> espresso. >> espresso. >> some people say expresso. >> because they're in the line at starbucks saying can i have my expresso. >> espresso. okay. the yummy candies. >> caramels. >> caramels. >> caramels. a lot of people say car mel. >> there's several people from the northeast -- i'll take that one if it's clean. i'll eat it. thank you. i can't resist the caramel. they say "car mel." >> this delicious appetizer. brew brusetta. i won't correct you for that. if you say expresso i'll correct you! >> this is one martha stewart has a different way of saying it. >> herb. >> we all say "herb." the culinaries exy siesy siesy sies -- culinary experts say "herbs." >> okay. >> yummy dip. >> this is the one i pronounce. hummus. >> we say hummus. truly, especially from the middle eastern pronounceunciation "hu mus." >> put a little sea salt on the caramel. there's one thing we all agree on -- >> what? >> -- take a look at the classic scene. this is a truism in baseball. >> okay. >> are you crying? >> no. >> are you crying? are you crying! there's no crying! there's no crying in baseball! >> we thought that was the case, but guess what. there is crying in baseball and it's all right! mets infielder wilmer flores was in tears after hearing a rumor in the middle of the game he was going to be traded to the milwaukee brewers. that would bring a man to his knees. >> oh! >> flores reportedly learned about the trade from fans near the dugout and news quickly spreading on social media. guess what. it's wrong! at least for now. after the game mets manager said social media got ahead of the facts. there seem to be talks of a trade but never was a deal. flores is staying in snooinew york! >> he's been on the team since he's 16 and now he's in his 20s. >> emotions got the best of him, he said. >> i want his jersey now. i'm not a baseball fan -- i don't really know a whole lot but i love him now. >> he got a standing ovation. >> what are you getting al? >> oh, yeah! it's national cheesecake day. this is no ordinary cheesecake. >> it doesn't look like an ordinary cheesecake. >> it's only got three ingredients. >> it looks fluffy like a cake. >> it looks like a cake. >> almost like a souffle. >> take a taste, first. >> you're going tell me after i eat it. >> it's actually a prank. >> i know the ingredients. >> because it's right up there. eggs white chocolate and cream cheese. >> just pretend. it's pretty good. >> no. >> it's a recipe -- >> no. >> how about this? it's had 2.6 million viewers. what if i said it wasn't a cheesecake. >> maybe that's that's whats it. if you hasn't told me -- my expectations were cheesecake. it doesn't taste like a cheesecake. i never say no -- i usually don't say i like a sweet thing. it's a psychological thing. >> the chocolate is what i like. i think i prefer the -- >> you ruined it for me. >> we'll place this on our website. okay. you try it out. >> don't tell your family it's a cheesecake. >> i like the fluffiness. >> what is it? >> first this. >> eggs. "today's" weather is brought to you by yoplait. 25% less sugar in all 25 delicious flavors. big dome of high pressure this hasn't been going anywhere. jet streams to the north. it's bringing the high heat and the humidity that humidity keeps the moisture in your skin from evaporating which cools you off. it makes you feel warmer than you are. look at the feels like temperatures. 103 in atlanta, 106 in shreveport, 108 in houston, 101 in richmond. it's going to stay hot. temperatures in the 90s from new york city, raleigh, jacksonville new orleans, and even crazier out west! this thing is moving west! it's going to be bringing the high heat to the pacific northwest. triple digits and high 90s fro good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it is warming up across the bay. a mixture of sun and clouds in the south bay at 69 degrees. 67 in the peninsula. as well as 69 in the east bay, san francisco 64 degrees. highs there topping out at 75 today. and it will still be hot in spots. you may notice a little bit more humidity in the air. 93 degrees will be the high in the north and south bays. 79 degrees in the peninsula and the east bay today reaching 78 degrees. >> and that's your latest weather. >> do you say pecan or pecan? >> thank you so much. one of our good friends mel b having some fun as "america's got talent"." >> rude! >> get to work on that puzzle! >> she's bored with you mmmmmm yoplait! ♪ oh! good news everybody! there is now 25% less sugar in yoplait original. say "adieu" to that sugar. because it still tastes good ahhhh yoplait! shopping online... as . . start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. hey nice game today. thanks. juicy fruit? sure i'll try a piec.... juicy fruit. so sweet you can't help but chew. enamel is your teeth's first line of defense. but daily eating and drinking can make it weak. try colgate enamel health. it replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. colgate enamel health. stronger, healthy enamel. ♪ ♪ you got a masterpiece...yeah ♪ we start with fresh milk from us dairy farms so you can make something amazing kraft natural cheese ♪ what do a nascar® driver... a comedian... and a professional golfer have in common? 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>> good! it's had ten seasons and they're pulling out all the stops. i love being part of the show. >> it seems like the acts get more and more crazy and intry candidate. >> my special favorite when they come on stage and absolutely not good at all. and then they're like what do you mean i'm not good. you're telling me that you have talent. that's funny to me. >> i love the idea there's a puppet. >> yeah. >> that is a fan favorite. >> yeah. >> he has dreamy eyes. look how he's looking at you. that's interesting. >> he's a cute puppet. you go ah! okay. then. >> why do you think everybody loves this guy?endearing and has a sweet singing voice. i like a puppet. >> al mentioned 20th anniversary. i remember covering the spice girls' arrival in chicago and watching kids stand out -- by kids i mean myself stand outside to see you ladies make your entrance. it was a total package. how does it feel looking back at the videos and experience? >> i have so many great memories. i got to tour the world with four of my best friends. even today we all support each other. when you say it's our 20th anniversary coming up, it makes you think oh, my gosh. it has been that long. and hopefully we'll gather troops around and get to do something to celebrate next year. >> it's my plans. i don't know anybody else's. >> get a committee to get it going! >> a "today" show concert. >> yes. >> i think you shoulded do that eddo that! >> come on! >> most of you are moms and traveling and is that why it's difficult to get the band back together? >> everybody has taken their own path in certain different areas of the entertainment world. >> you're still performing. >> yeah. i mean, we like each other and that's the important part. >> are you ready to help judge out on the plaza? >> i'll be nice. >> you're going to be nice? okay. we're going to be playing our own version of "america's got talent." talent." mel will be judging some of the folks out there. we'll see if they got the talent. did you leave behind something reliable? something that felt like... home? and now you can't connect the way you used to... because you switched wireless carriers and can't get a reliable connection anymore. it's okay. we're still here for you and we'll be happy to have you back on a reliable network. come home to verizon and get 10 gigs for $80 a month plus $15 per line. only at verizon. no student's ever done the full hand raise in ap calc. but your stellar notebook gives you the gumption to reach for the sky. that's that new gear feeling. all hp ink buy one get one 50% off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. clorox knows to make a big meal, you have to make a big mess. new clorox scrub singles are pre-loaded with cleaners to scrub away stuck-on messes and even get into tough corners. it cleaned all this. good job, mom. great job, mom. real scrubbing. for your real life. we snap it. we stack it. we smoosh it. we love it. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. hershey's is mine, yours our chocolate. ♪"once there was a hushpuppy" by dan romer and ben zeitlin ♪ is man kind? 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[ male announcer ] only true match has l'oreal's technology to match your skin's unique tone and undertone. 100% guaranteed. my skin. my story. my true match. [ male announcer ] from l'oreal. why do you think the ripples make a difference? grabs more? it's the cleanripple texture. now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando? why not! how do you feel? awesome! cottonelle has cleanripple texture so you're clean enough to go commando. we are back with "america's got talent" judge mel b. we're pulled three acts from the plaza. we're going show off their talents. first up, we have jack from chapel hill north carolina! >> what is your talent? >> dance hip-hop. >> let's hit it! ♪ ♪ >> oh, my gosh! jack! ♪ ♪ >> oh! man. >> how long have you been doing this? >> a long time. since i was young. >> you're 13? >> 13, yeah. >> i love that you can pop and lock. >> and has the outfit for it, too. >> very good! we'll get casper and emily wooster from blaresville, pa. >> hi, ladies! we saw you yesterday on the plaza. >> yeah. >> what is your talent? >> a dribbling routine. >> okay. >> with basketballs? >> yeah. ladies take it away! ♪ ♪ nice! >> we're good now. ♪ ♪ >> great! >> nice. any observations? there were a few mistakes and you enjoyed and i enjoyed. that's a good skill to have. >> you pulled through in the clutch performance. we just pulled you in a plaza. >> very nice. we have a mother and daughter jenny and mary carlson from seattle, washington. >> what is your talent? >> called -- >> what is that? >> between yoga and ballet. >> very interesting. >> oh! ♪ ♪ yoga and ballet. ♪ ♪ [ laughter ] >> oh. you have seniority because you're the >> okay. that is impressive, to say the least. i'm impressed that we have these people on our plaza every day. >> did you rehearse this? >> i think so. or did you make this up? >> well, yes. >> i knew it! >> oh. very sweet. i like that it's mother and daughter together. >> mel, you're the expert. you do this for a living. >> i think they're all pretty great at what they're doing -- kind of. but i think -- >> it took guts for them to do this. >> yeah. >> unique. >> if you ask me my opinion on who i think wins i think it would have to be jack. >> jack of chapel hill! >> jack is number one. who is number two? >> boga. >> all right. >> everybody is a winner! >> thank you so much to our contestants and mel b. from "america's got talent." family. but it's hard to build a future if you can't see past today. that's why walmart is investing in the most important part of our company - our people. because a raise in pay, raises us all. from the dairy farmers of fairlife, this is our promise. we start with delicious, creamy, real milk that's then ultra filtered so fairlife has more protein and and only half the sugar. and never any artificial growth hormones. at fairlife, we believe in better. see that? jill's gobbling up our new bird's eye teriyaki broccoli. and look ben is going for more buffalo cauliflower. everybody's a veggie lover now. what do you think? mind blown. new bird's eye flavor full... so veggie goodi'm ... ==anim== a final farewell to fa a very good morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a final fairrewell to a fallen officer. we have a live look at oracle arena. that's where a short time from now mourners by the thousands will go inside to say good-bye to hayward police sergeant scott lunger. lunger died last week after being shot in an early morning traffic stop in hayward. he was a 14-year veteran of the force with two children. here's a live look from above at the processional that should be taking place. this is outside oracle arena where i mentioned it will happen. the procession itself began a little before 9:00 this morning at the chapel of the chimes in hayward. following the service today family members will hold their own private ceremony. nbc bay area will cover the public service for you starting at 10:00 this morning. new details this morning the 15-year-old suspect accused of killing 8-year-old maddy middleton in santa cruz made his first court appearance. the hearing was brief. he did not enter a plea. he's being tried as an adult. the judge then continued case until september 21st. investigators say gonzalez lured maddy into his apartment, sexually assaulted her and then killed her. authorities discovered her body monday in a recycle bin at the complex where she lived. now a look at weather and traffic after this break. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we have clouds along the coast and clearing inland. and it will still be a warm day in los gatos today reaching 92 degrees. san bruno 77 degrees. ask still cool spots like the outer sunset, 62 with a lot of clouds. 9 in north bay. walnut creek 98. more of this hot weather into the next couple of days. mike. all right, kari. either we do see most of the procession making its way. still spectators slowing by oracle arena because of the activity there. the hearse presumably there right there in front of the arena getting ready for the memorial here in san francisco. we also still have southbound lumbar lumbard closed for police investigation. a lot of slowing. the rest of your bay looking pretty calm. back to you. thank you very much. once again we will cover that memorial that is going on for sergeant scott lunger live at 10:00. taking a look at the headlines, the federal reserve on wednesday declined to raise interest rates. rates are supposed to go up later this year. a statement from the fed wants to see some further economic gains and higher inflation before raising rates. something that could happen as early as september. the federal reserve has kept interest rates near zero since late in 2008 to the low rates helped keep mortgage rates down. homeownership in america is at the lowest point since 1967. meantime a new report finds more millennial's are living with their parents now than during the recession. the report by the pugh research center found that since 2010, the percentage of 18 to 34-year-olds moving back in with their parents increased from 24% to 26%. the report doesn't say why the number is going up, but it's suggesting rising rent facing millennial's, and student loan debt could be among the reasons. amazon is making it easier for the prime members to reorder commonly used household goods with a touch of a button. starting this week it is the selling push to order dash buttons for prime members for $4.99 each. each one is product specific for things like baby formula. with a touch of the button the product will be reordered and sent to the door. up until now the button was available by invitation follow only. watching fish in an aquarium may be good for your health. the blood pressure and heart rate were significantly lower and mood improved. especially when there are more fish in the tank. this is the first study of its kind. one psychologist said it can provide calm and relaxation. let me bring in alex from boston from the plaza who was holding this sign "natalie, can i do the news with you." >> let's get a check of the weather from al. >> all right! >> you're doing weather and news. very impressive. >> thank you so much. you make a good tag team. right now for tomorrow as we look at our weekend planner wet weather through florida and the southeast. gorgeous here in the northeast. a little warm but less humid. look at the heat continuing in the pacific northwest. saturday we have the heat continuing in the pacific northwest. more rain in the southeast and florida. sunny in the northeast. although we may see a spotty shower or two. and then for sunday you are looking at a gorgeous day in the northeast. lower humidity again. the heat continues in the pacific northwest. lots of heat through texas with sunshine and sunny and hot in new orleans. sunday a high of 96. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your ne i'm meteorologist kari hall. temperatures are rising quickly across the bay. and also mixture of sun and clouds. 69 degrees in the east bay and south bay now. and the peninsula at 67 degrees. in san francisco expect a high of 75. not as hot and a little bit more cloud cover today. the e 93 in the north bay after you see those skies clearing. also 9 p in the south bay. tri-valley will be hot with highs in the 90s and the peninsula today, a high of 79 degrees. and that's your latest weather. >> thank you so much, al. if you have ever gone through a home renovation the contractor you pick makes or breaks any project. how do you find one that is skilled, trustworthy, and best fits your needs? here is a "today" contributor and host of "house smarts" john from diy and a decorator and designer. good morning to you guys. >> good morning. >> as we talked about this can be important when you have the renovation or before you get started, though. i think all of you say talk to your family and friends. get the referrals. lou, you say take it a couple of steps further. talk to the better business bureau. >> whether it's a professional organization that the contractor may be a part of, the better business bureau. the references are one of the most important things. people will get the references but won't take the time to call them. you have to do that. >> what about, john, getting bids. lots of bids. how many bids do you need? when it comes to the estimate, how close to the final price of a job should that estimate really be? >> have to get at least three bids. you probably never want to take the lowest bid. especially if it's super low. >> why? >> it doesn't fit. and you have to do your homework. you have to check the work they've done, the contractors before you hire them. listen, if you're going to trust that's the biggest mistake you can make. you have to protect yourself and everything has to be in writing. >> and so the estimate they give you -- >> should be right on the money. they give you an estimate your contract should read that exact number. >> really? >> that's never happened in my case! >> you hire many contractors as a decorator. what do you look for? what is the most important thing people should be asking. >> trust my gut, mostly. i want to know how many other projects are they working on? who is in charge of payments to subs. who pays for materials? who is cleaning up things. who has to file permits? do i have to follow anything up with the building department. you want to know what is going on and what the builder's impact is in the area. i like to pop into the local building department and get a sense who is getting permits and doing work in the area and go from there to start talking with people. >> that's a good idea. you know it's coming from the source directly. john, what about payment plan? do you talk to them about how you break it up? >> it's the only way you can protect yourself. a strong payment plan. i recommend using an aia contract. it itemizes the complete scope of work materials and installation cost. if you see flooring show up you can pay them for that. but don't pay them before you see the material show up. and that's why the aia contract is brilliant. it protects you. >> do you not pay them until the job is how you like it? >> you have to hold back at least 10% at the end of the job. never give too much of a deposit. that's a big mistake. >> aia means -- >> american institute of architects contract. >> a very standardized contract. john brings up a good point. i hear from people all the time they give the contractor too much money and then things go south. maybe it's not done the way it was supposed to be or they stop showing up and say i have given them 80% of my money and the work is not done. >> what is the recourse? >> this is the thing -- so you have to remember it's a business proposition. you want to make sure you try to take emotion out of it. this is your home so you're emotional about it. you have to go into this saying i'm hiring you to do this job. you want to stay on it. it can be overwhelming because we're talking about things people don't know about, sometimes. going with your gut, you have to make sure you can work with these people and the lines of communication are there. you want to be able to hold the cards and, you know, hopefully it goes well. because i tell people there's a handful of good contractors in every community. you need to seek out and wait for them. they're busy doing good work. >> great advice from you. thank you. coming up next, we have the travel hacks that could change your life. what you need to know before your next getaway. right after this. before and when you bundle your home and auto insurance through progressive, you'll save a bundle! 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"today's" travel is brought to you by quality hotel. get your money's worth. ever arrive at your hotel and find your shampoo, your lotion and everything leaked all over? >> never again! we have the travel hacks that will make your life easier. here to help us is the travel contributing editor mark elwood. >> save us! >> we're going it start with this. this is the lotion. very simple. to stop the leak you had, all you need is a little plastic wrap and put it over the top. >> okay. >> put the lid back on. >> okay. >> there you go. you're done. >> this is who wants dirty sneak sneakers rubbing against their clothes. put them in an old shopping bag. >> once you put them in the bag put them with the bottom because it weighs it down. >> use the collars to protect the shirt's collar. we put that in. and extra hack books. we've sworn off the digital. i'm like you. but the problem is if you put a stack of books like that it shows as an empty space and makes the tsa want to hand check your bag. you put them in a layer. >> perfect. >> to smaller things we carry around. >> i bring my own make up bag. >> i heard. >> if you're taking little trip there's a restriction on lotions and stuff. put them in an old contact lens container. moisturizer foundation. >> that would be enough for one elbow of moisturizer. but the little eye cream there. >> i got it. >> also, have you ever had your face powder crack? >> all the time. >> me too. >> all you use is cotton balls and they will act like little cushions. >> are you serious? i love that! >> and, of course, protects the razors from going dull in your bag or cutting something a binder clip. >> that's smart. put your earrings and stuff? >> take to the beach. i lot of the idea a fitted sheet and you have a great place board. >> what is worse than sand in the sandwich? >> i can't think of anything. >> it prevents this. why would you coat your cooler with freezer bags. freeze balloons and you have a game after lunch. >> water balloon fight. >> who would like to open -- >> not me! >> open the diabetes erper. >> it doesn't smell. >> we have a cell phone because who touches dirty diapers? >> nobody. >> you use that to fool people. >> keep your stuff safe. >> and put your keys in an old suntan lotion bottle. >> where +0/amy keys al? >> and a little chap stick thing to keep your money. >> okay. >> and quickly moving on to the car. you have hacks here. >> if you need to keep kids busy in the car where you put your shoes put toys and the trash in an old container so you can tid i did up -- tidy. >> i like that. you can individualize. >> you know what makes it better? >> what? >> the british accent. get ready to laugh. wildest moments in sports as we go spanning the world! my school reunion's coming fast. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro... when you go this summer, go to the new and when you stay twice get a free $50 gift card. book now at sometimes you can feel the indulgence of nature. sometimes, you can taste it. sweet granola clusters a touch of ooey gooey roasted almond butter, savory almonds, and a hint of salt. that's how nature does indulgence. nature valley sweet and salty bars. and try new sweet and spicy. nuts and dark chocolate chunks with a kick of chili. why do you think the ripples make a difference? grabs more? it's the cleanripple texture. now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando? why not! how do you feel? awesome! cottonelle has cleanripple texture so you're clean enough to go commando. hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream. if i was eating hot soup it just starts aching and it starts aching like so deep within the tooth that i couldn't handle it. i started eating on like one side of my mouth for like a whole month i was just eating on one side of my mouth and then finally i was like, i can't do this. my dentist said that i should use sensodyne. life without having to worry about what's gonna hurt my teeth if it's gonna be too hot or too cold, if it's gonna have ice in it. life without sensitivity is easier. done. anything. anywhere. anytime. anyone. spread the delicious taste you know and love. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate spreads. all the hard work... time in the service... community college... it matters. it's why we, at university of phoenix count your relevant work and college experience as credits toward your degree. learn more at there is a place where the sky is always blue. and the kids always eat their vegetables. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. come on duck! you can do it duck. hurry up duck! you can do it duck. iams. helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. so you can always look forward to what's next. ♪ ♪ you got a masterpiece...yeah ♪ we start with fresh milk from us dairy farms so you can make something amazing kraft natural cheese ♪ time to go on a wilded a venturenturen -- adventure with less than berman. are you going to be okay? >> they gave us a cracker jack. >> why do they always put us in the back row, al? >> just like when we did local news. american pharoah and serena williams and tom brady. what are the top sports stories? let's go "spanning the world." ♪ ♪ >> unbelievable! ♪ ♪ >> oh! >> on your mark kevin keiriermaier of tampa bay! oh, my goodness. a foul ball. >> can anyone top this? on a dam in tasmania. the basic basketball heave 415 feet up and -- and! swish! >> wow. >> our oops of the month. if you're a flag girl in belarus you should try not to take out the fans. . it you're on the grounds crew in pittsburgh don't get swallowed up. . a catcher in philadelphia, don't nail your own pitcher. and nobody got hurt! >> really? >> our dives some fans said let me try this. ran out there and jumps. >> this filipino guy is a real competitor. the score in singapore was a perfect zero! >> i could have done that. >> i could have done that. >> a zero. confrontation of the month. another soccer fight in brazil. they're on the same team! what do you do if you're a postman and they close the road for the tour de france? right! >> come on, al. you go postal! >> was he on steroids? >> we need a ruling. can you do this in soccer. the goalie with the kick? you can't do that. and do fight verse to empty their pockets for the match? there goes his cell phone! there's no texting in boxing. our fan of the month on the home run in san francisco and must really want a home run ball. into the river and just get it! on the homer in los angeles this was great. bobby crosby with the video selfie of himself catching the home run ball. how about that? the best catchers in chicago the fan one handed while feeding his baby a bottle. >> never drops the baby or the ball. >> and a jockey in australia wardrobe issues. gives new meaning to "bringing up the rear." >> the guy gets a little behind in his work. thank you, eleven. >> we'll be back. this is "today" on nbc. yoplait greek 100. for when you just can't make it without a protein-packed, thick and creamy, power-me-up-with-something filling taste-bud-loving, satisfaction by the spoonful, deliciously fruity dinner feels a million years away grab and go, let's take on the world with 100 calories, snack yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. i have advice for everybody coming up. >> we're on the air. [ laughter ] >> come here! come here. come here. >> it's all right! it's okay. >> nothing matters. how do we get on i'm sam brock. laura/2shot and i'm laura garcicannon.e're just minutes away good thursday morning. it's 9:56. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. we are moments away for services for fallen officer scott lunger. >> we're live outside oracle arena where that service is being held and friends and family and officers from across the state, kris are paying their respects this morning. >> reporter: as they've been filing in all morning long we know there are officers here from as far away as new york. and then of course perhaps more importantly all of the officers from around the bay area the ones that were on the clock the night that officer lunger was shot and killed by 21-year-old mark estrada. it's been nice to see them joining forces seeing each other for the first time. and mixed in with those dressed blues this morning we also saw ace jerseys, which is kind of sweet to see because officer lunger sergeant lunger was an avid ace man. in fact, he tweeted out a picture with him and his daughters at a baseball game not long ago. so it is kind of touching that his ceremony is being held just across from the coliseum here at oracle arena. and hayward p.d. has been preparing for about 10,000 people to file in here not just law enforcement agencies from around the bay area and across the nation but also so many members of the public who wanted to show up and give their thanks. we have spoken with the mayor of brentwood, which is where sergeant lunger lived with his family. we have also heard from different law enforcement agencies, fire departments also who said they wanted to show up for this man who had a reputation for being straight shooter, for doing the right thing, for doing what he was supposed to. we know congressman from the east bay eric swallow is going to present the flag that flew over the capitol. he's also going to be speaking this morning and he said he remembered that when he was in the district attorney's office he had to subpoena sergeant lunger. and he knew that his reputation preceded him as a man of great integrity. >> so many memories will probably be rehashed today as well. thank you very much, kris. another look at oracle arena this time from across interstate 880. >> yeah, it's expected to be another hot day. meteorologist kari hall slightly cooler than yesterday though right? >> and we are starting out with clouds across the bay this morning. temperatures now rising into the lower 70s for the south bay, peninsula and east bay. and san francisco it's 67 degrees. and we'll top out at 75 degrees today. once again not as hot but it will be in some spots like the north bay and south bay with a high of 93 degrees, also the tri-valley topping out in the 90s. you may also notice a little more humidity that stays with us through tomorrow. mike. all right, kari. great news for san francisco, we just got word southbound lumbard reopened. that should be recovery for new doyle drive. the rest of the bay looks calm as far as this thursday goes. smoother drive, still slow in the south bay, all the activity and spectacle going on at the arena slowing past the scene of course. again, we are just moments away now from the start of sergeant scott lunger's memorial service. our special coverage begins right now. police officer...set to begin in minutes. thousands -- including top state leaders and law enforcement agencies from across the country -- are in attendance at oakland's oracle arena. they're all here to say goodbye to sergeant scott lunger -- shot and killed during a traffic stop last week. sam/2shot good morning, and thanks for joining us for this special memorial coverage. i'm sam brock. laura/2shot and i'm laura garaannon. =laura/vo= within the pasthour -- the procession carrying sergeant scott lunger's body arrived at oracle arena. hundreds of officers cleared a path through city streets and the freeway. =mape procession started at the chapel of the chimes funeral home in hayward. it went up mission boulevard -- turned west on the procession started at the chapel of the chimes funeral home in hayward. it went up mission

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