At 10.15am, the FBM KLCI had lost 8.66 points to 1,597.48. Market sentiment was tepid with losers leading gainers by 512 to 357, while 439 counters traded unchanged. Trading volume was 3.49 billion shares valued at RM1.45 billion. The losers included Heineken Malaysia Bhd, Malaysian Pacific Industries Bhd, Hong Leong Bank Bhd (HLB), Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd (PetChem), Pentamaster Corp Bhd, UWC Bhd, Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM), Hengyuan Refining Company Bhd and Genting Bhd. The actively traded stocks included DGB Asia Bhd, Sapura Energy Bhd, Dagang NeXchange Bhd (DNeX), AT Systematization Bhd and Dataprep Holdings Bhd. The gainers included UPA Corp Bhd, Supermax Corp Bhd, Ralco Corp Bhd, VSTECS Bhd, Genetec Technology Bhd, Grand Hoover Bhd, ViTrox Corp Bhd and Tasco Bhd.