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King's Highgrove gardens inspire luxury womenswear collectio
King's Highgrove gardens inspire luxury womenswear collectio
King's Highgrove gardens inspire luxury womenswear collection | Isle of Wight County Press
The 13-piece sustainable collection is the second edition of The Modern Artisan project.
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East Ayrshire ,
United Kingdom ,
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Middlesbrough ,
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Dumfries House ,
Wirral ,
Gloucestershire ,
Italian ,
British ,
Francesca Garrone ,
Charlie Urmston Yoox Neta Porter ,
Isabelle Pennington Edmead ,
Highgrove Rose Yoox Neta Porter ,
Emily Dey ,
Emma Rose Atherton ,
Highgrove Rose ,
Teesside University ,
Prince Foundation ,
Thyme Walk ,
Modern Artisan ,
Highgrove Gardens ,
Highgrove House ,
Wall Of Gifts ,
Yoox Neta Porter ,
Modern Artisans ,