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269 million americans, that's more than 80% of the population, likely to experience temperatures in the 90s or higher this week. that intense heat is contributing to fire weather alerts across the west. a fast-moving wildfire north of los angeles caused more than a thousand people to evacuate. red flag warnings there are up. wind gusts could reach 70 miles per hour tonight. zohreen shah from the fire zonoi the om.oting at a michigan splash nee woded, tf critonditi, includ-year-d bo it's just e incidents in a weekend of gun violence. dung star-studded hollywood fund-raiser, the president said the winner of the 2024 race will likely fill two seats on the high court, a court that he said "has never been as out of kilter as it is today." overseas, israel announces a daily tactical pause in the fighting to allow crucial aid ti tom soufi burridge reports from tel aviv.the sech for one missi ef finanother ifies. the latest in a string of foreigners to go missing on the islands amid oppressive heat. w some states are helping homeowners with a possible break on property taxes. the message from gordon ramsay after the celebrity chef was in iwhat he calls a serious bike accident. and america strong tonight. on this father's day, the dad who gave his son the gift of life twice. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." >> linsey: good evening, everyone. thanks so much for joining us on this father's day. i'm linsey davis. as we come on the air tonight, dangerous and potentially record-breaking heat from coast to coast. morehan on ans e under heat alertnd tha number ilikely to soar in the da ahead. tho s oppressiveeat. k,liof cntll exper tempesbove 90 degrees. and more than 20lionill faperaab a stldre is f ans, scorching thousands of acres and rcing o flee h covere tot. zohr is sty wi re on those dangerous flames. but first, abc news leads us off. somara theodore tell us about how dangerous this heat's going to be. >> linsey, you know, what makes this heat so concerning is that it will be cumulative. that means not only hot days but, rather, warm nights. take a look. we're still seeing that heat impact much of the southwest. temperatures in the triple digits there. but notice how the heat continues to expand into the central part of the country by monday afternoon and even into the southeast. we're also looking at major hea burlingtonrmon to central nnsylvania with ex watc efft for much of the great lakes. 90s ononday in e highs, we're in chag as this heat dome persists, we significant, if noonof the most sigficant, s of at we've seen in detroit in the layears. linsey. now to those menacing calirnia.e bning near a major hh more than 1,000 have been forced to evacuate and hundreds of firefighters are trying to control those fles. abc's zohreen shah is on the scene in los angeles county tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the urgent effort now under way. firefighters battling multiple blazes burning in southern california. more than 400 on the scene of the post fire near interstate 5 north of los angeles already consuming more than 12,000 acres. the aerial assault continuing through the night -- look at that mcdonald's.>> reptf oke t saturday after. how yow quick this fire came through, work thi sh say this reamrough and t out these cars in 00people evacuated. ficials describing extreme fire behavior. the wind carrying burning embers as far as three-quarters of a mile from the fire line. >> the winds are probably going to be the biggest factor in battling this blaze. it's going to make the effort much more dit.orte t natiol ngg rationrvice issuing a re strong winds and low humidity. >> today, 55-mile-per-hour gusts are possible. tonight, though, 70-mile-per-hour gusts are possible. >> reporter: meanwhile, north of san bernardino, the hesperia fire also raging. more than 000 acres burning yere. chopper behind mjust got some water from a nearby lake. ansecond right now.drop meanwhile, there's a red flag warning that goes on until tomorrow morning and a separate high wind warning. that gs on until tuesday. linsey. >> linsey: that wind and heat a bad combination. zohreen, thank you. next tonight, a violent weekend of mass shootings across the country. nine people including a -old boi appears to be a random shooting in michigan. fire at a splash pad park near detroit. two le areead and several others hurt during a shooting a juneteenth celebration in te now from abc's alex presha. >> rter: tight, authorities say there are dads in a detroit suburb spen a gunm randomly opened fire at pa.ochester hills splash pad 24 hours as a nightmare. eporte authorities say nine people were injured. the youngest, a 4-year-old boy shot in the thigh, in stable it. his mothh abdoand lewo year-oldrother shot in the head. both listed in critical condition saturday. >> our focus is on, in particule faly. scene where there'ip-flopsinto and ice cream cones and dren lahinglang jt miago. >> reporter: this stroller left behind in the chaos. the city says the gunman reloaded twice, firing as many as 28 rounds from a semiautomatic handgun. law enforcement says the 42-year-old suspect barricaded himself in a nearby home he shared with his mother and later died by suicide. deputies say tfound an ar-15-stweapon on a table inside. >> we've got to get a lot better at prevention because we've gotten too damn good at -- at responding. >> reporter: the violence in oakland county mirrored in other parts of the country. two people were killed and several others injured during a juneteenth celebration saturday night in round rock, texas, police say, when shots were fired during a fight near a concert stage. >> it breaks your heart for a family that was coming out to enjoy their evening. and now their life is forever changed. >> reporter: and in methuen, sevepeople were shot, two ay injured criticly, after a pop-up party organized over in theroay there were dsgunfire. the victims range in age from late teens to authorities believe it was a targeted shooting. >> it's incredible that not more people were hurt or killed. >> linsey: there could have eaeen re casualties there. alexresha joins us live om a michig.l in rochr hills, ex, authorities say violent crime has a tendency to tick up during the summer months, but let's put this in context. what are authorities saying about crime stats so far this year? >> reporter: well,sey, thi morialust wrapped up. despite this weekend's headlis, thebi says that reported violent crime is actually down 15% for the fit the same time last year.pareto and data from the gun violce archive says that the u.s. is on pao mass shooting average since 2019. linsey. >> linsey: that would certainly. alex presha, our thanks to you. now to the race for the ent biden and former esident trp both on e campaign tra biden's team seyd $3lln at a star-studded event lyat night ere the prident blasted premurt. and p was inheey battleground state of michigan looking to woo black voters. here's abc's maryalice parks. >> reporter: psident biden warning of the dangers of a secondrump presidency, telling supporters at a star-studded los angeles fund-raiser last night that this election will have major consequences for the nation's highest court. >> the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees. two more. >> reporr:en i blunt criticism of the court, which right w includes three trump-appointed es. >> the supreme court has n en as out of kilteas it is daev. rte that e appearing to resonate.biden aig todaeysed eyeoppi $3million from the event and aling to mobilize lunteersund the ming second annersaryf th supreme court's controversial desiono end thguaranteed right to abortio wring atatement -- "americans across the country viviy remember where they were preme cojoty hen trump's overturn roe, seing women's c pug eir s inanr." onstage supporti biden, s former boss, president obama, who spoke directly to republican voters who might be disenchanted with trump. happened over thlast seval d e' behavior that used to be disqualifying. >> reporter: in michigan last g addressing his own supporters, repeating false claims that he won the 2020 election. >> we need to watch the vote. we need to guard the vote. we need to stop the steal. >> reporter: trump is currently waiting on a major decision from the supreme court on his claims of presidential immunity. it will have huge implications not only for that against trump over election interference but also for the future of the presidency. linsey. >> linse we'll be covering it all. maryalice, thank you. overseas now, and word nighthatlann to pause daytime fighting near the gaza border. let right to abc's tom soufi burridge in tel aviv for us. tom, the so-called tactical pause, it sounds rather limited. >> reporter: yes, limited to a 10 mile stretch of road, linsey, a key access route for aid ucks runng north from the ly on crossing point into southern gaza. the idf saying it will cease military operations around that road every day until further notice so aid agencies can safely move truckloads of aid sitting on the gaza side of that worlforoam warns of a deadly cocktail of acute levels of malnutrition, dehydration, and fect disses in gaza. now, this pause is not the tot cease-fire presintiden has called for. israel stressing its continue. milipeonryin raf in s night, linsey, the idf with ark wning about israel's northern border with lebanon, saying it's on e k aer escalion th both israel and iran-backed hezblah ramping up aks across that border. linsey. >> linsey: allht. tom,urhank. u.s. officell c ws that a top isileader was ed and poski ring ar ken somalia.coing to in officials, thadual has isislia and is believed to be the new global leader of the terrro. e litants died in that strike on may 31st. mike turner says the u.s. has t its, quote, ght level a poible terrorist tt. tragic endior anrican tourist in greece. the 55-yr-old who vanished last week was de beach, and now greek authorities are searching fohe american toust, a retired l.a. aa hassanith eputy. the w details coming in >> reporter: tonight, the search te an american tourist in greece. retired l.a. county shf' puty aert calibet, who went missing earlier this week aftert island of amorgos. calibet's girlfriend debbie and her oliver desteo find him, traveling to greece tlp wi the search. >> it's very harsh terrain. we're all exhausted. i mean there's not enough of us. there's not enough boots on the ground. >> reporter: five foreign visitors to the greek isles have died or gone missirece wes amid a heat wave in the region. authorities say another american tourist who vanished last tuesday was found dead today on this beach on the island of mathraki near corfu. an autopsy is under way to but cabet was frequent death. visitor to the ian exrienced hiker. greek police are studying this surveillance video obtained by mega live news that appears to show calibet before his hike. he was supposed to meet a friend for lunch afterwards but he never arrived. that friend alerting greek authorities, who launched the search, which just ended its fifth day, and still no sign of calibet. >> there's still hope. i mean, that's all i got. there's still hope right now, you know. >> reporter: linsey, authorities on the island are saying the diearance could be related to the heat, a they'ressuing urgent warning to visitors as extreme temperatures swe across greece. ey >> linsey: lama, thank you. back here at home, several states are looking to eliminate property taxes to ease the burden on cash strapped homeowners. but such a move won't be easy or cheap, and some warn it could lead to a spike in taxes on income and sales. here's abc's alexis christoforous. >> reporter: tonight, some states are looking to lend a helping hand to homeowners feeling the pinch from rising prices, elevated mortgage rates, and now soaring property taxes. this week, lawmakers in kansas will hold a special session to consider an annual cap on property taxes. >> it would be helpful because runaway property taxes.e you don't know what's coming at you. >> reporter: it will be their fourth attempt at passing the measure. but proposals to curb property taxes, which pay for things like local schools,oads, and fire departments, have frustrated homeowners across the country and will appear on many ballots this year. voters in colorado and georgia will decide to cap all property tax revenue. nebraska may take up a similar measure. idaho and michigan are considering getting rid of property taxes altogether. something experts warn could lead to a spike in income tax and sales tax. >> if you set that number too low, you are tying the hands of your local government, and you're eroding their tax base. >> reporter: years of high intey single-fme values up more than 50% nationwide since 2019. at the same time, the median property tax bill has jumped more than 26% to nearly $3,000 a year, putting the squeeze on housold budgets. lanell griffith, a mother of two, has lived in kansas nearly her whole life. she says her family had sticker shock when the tax bill on their home went up nearly 40% in five years, which has meant less money for other things. >> it means not as many gifts at christmas time. it means not a family vacation. it means it affects our ability to pay for a college education. >> reporter: some experts say wyoming is a good example of a state striking tht bance r when it comes to property taxes. instead of an across the board cut, lawmakers there recently capped al incrses and eted aitional relief to some seniors and veterans, ensuring that those homeowners who need help the most a getting it. linsey. >> linsey: alexis, thank you. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday. celebrity chef gordon rams, why he says he's luckybe alive and his message for anyone getting on a bike. and on this father day, the father and son and the lifesaving gift that brought them even closer together. ♪ i h♪ jardianceabetet i man♪ -it's a liilwi a♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on ee isy to ♪ory to tell. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ 2 diabetes ah and known heart disease, rdiancr the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may acidinis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tra infecons. the skin of the perineum could occur. aking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may n increadmptoms of t risk for lower limb loss.s, call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the litpill with mbistory ell! ♪lood sugar. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful 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"inside out 2" is taking the box ficey orm. the pixar animatuel rad in close to $300 million globally this weekend. the biggest opening of all time for an animated film. domestically, it was the hottest opening since "barbie." pixar is part of our parent company, disney. tonight's tony awards are already making history. for the first time, four of the five best director nominees in the musicals category are women. also this year, three of five nominees for best director of a play are women. and while many nonprofit theaters around the country are struggling, their work is being recognized. all of the nominees for best new play and best new musical were developed in nonprofit theaters. when we come back, the father who gave his son the gift of life twice. the gift the gift of life twice. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me ♪ (♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. and skyrizi is proven to help deliver ng-lastiemissi at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk ofnfections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. (♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. you arbountil. your skeleton support two times your weight. youbones with ghbsption magnesium. ture's by. it's in your nature. carin is about to re her's 'g into her retirement. there's us. she raised us on her own. ten years as my roller derby wife. three. three schools she's opened. she'ther. ten years as my roller derby wife. i think we turned out alright. she's iend. our mother's could ts she may be retir but she'n. i'm never gonna stop! with prudential. otect k [♪] so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pa. >> linsey: finally tonight on this father's da dad who the send time.fe now for andrew ross and his father, david, have always been close. but their father-son bond has now been further cemented after a devastating diagnosis when he was just 8. >> we got the news that no parent wants to hear of him having stage four cancer. >> andrew's form of cancer, neuroendocrine, is rare in children. houstooffered a variety of in treatments from chemotherapy and surgery to radiati experimental, which stabilized hicancer. ■l >> it was a big, tough struggle for a lot of. >> at one point he had more than 50 tumors in his liver. but his family's unwavering support has helped carry him through. >> they've been there right next to me. >> while the treatments adicated all but two of his tuthiderious damage to his kidneys, which then required andrew to go on dialysis. >> we didn't realize it would even be a possibility for him to have a transplant. the doctors were very supportive of once he got to two years of no growth in his cancer at all. >> as soon as those two years passed, david was tested, found to be a good match, and did not hesitate to donate one of his kidneys to his son. >> as a dad, you want to do anything you can to be able to take away any type of pain your was a through.plant st >> this year i played soccer for my high school, doing normal kids stuff. >> on this father's day, this father and son duo have so much to be grateful for. >> gratefulness that he's my dad, that he would be willing to give me his kidney to change my life forever. >> so meaningful. happy father's day to all th ds out the thanks so much for watching. i'm linsey davis. david muir right back here tomorrow night. the area is now under a red flag warning and a carjacking suspect shot by police today in fremont. the department now talking about what happened. >> you are graduating into a broken world, but it is community that rebuilds things. >> words of encouragement today from melinda french gates during stanford's commencement address. but hundreds of students didn't get her message. abc seven news starts now. >> from abc seven live. breaking news and that breaking news is out of the north bay. >> this wildfire in sonoma county, northwest of healdsburg is a big concern right now. this new video is showing firefighters working to protect a home that's been surrounded by flames. and those flames are being fanned by some very strong winds and have rapidly spread over the past few hours. an estimated 300 acres have been charred since the fire started about 1230. it's 15% contained, but there are evacuation orders in place from fall creek roado stewarts point, skaggs spring road to west dry creek road. let's get a better idea of where th fire is burning. cal fire is named it the point fire. you see, it's burning sspngs roa so it's pretty close to joining us. i'm zach fuentes. before that fire ignited,

Related Keywords

Where Th Fire , Breaking News , Winds , Flames , Concern , Gusts , Wildfire , North Bay , Sonoma County , 200 , Healdsburg , Li Report Abc Seven Ne Allhe Te , 15 , 1230 , Seven , Heat , Country , Abc , Los Angeles , Seven News , Alert , Majority , Linsey , Chris , Spencer , Five , Hasntial Tomo Impactful , Splash Pad , Michigan , Random S , Wave , Ent Weekd , Caps , Heat Foy , Temperatures , Americans , Wildfire North , West , Population , Weather , 80 , 269 Million , A Thousand , 90 , People , Splash Nee Woded , Zohreen Shah , Warnings , Wind Gusts , Miles Per Hour , Red Flag , Om Oting , Zonoi Out Ng , 70 , Weekend , Gun Violence , Incidents , Bo , Tf Critonditi , Includ , Dung Star Studded Hollywood Fund Raiser , Supreme Court , President , Winner , Overseas , Race , Kilter , Seats , High Court , Ark Wning About Israel , 2024 , Two , Ti Tom Soufi Burridge Reports , Pause , Fighting , Tel Aviv , Finanother Ifies , Ef , The Sech , One , Property Taxes , Gordon Ramsay , States , Homeowners , Celebrity Chef , Message , Break , Islands , String , Foreigners , Latest , Serious Bike Accident , Iwhat , Dad , Son , Life , Gift , Father S Day , Abc News , Announcer , World Headquarters , New York , Linsey Davis , On The Air Tonight , Thanks , Everyone , Coast To , Ans E , World News Tonight , Morehan , Otect K , Exper Tempesbove , Da Ahead , Ilikely , Tho S Oppressiveeat , Liof Cntll , 20lionill Faperaab A Stldre , 20 , Fans , Zohr , Scorching Thousands Of Acres , Rcing O , Flee H Covere Tot , Take A Look , Somara Theodore , Notice , Part , Southwest , Southeast , Heat Impact , Digits , Monday Afternoon , Hea Burlingtonrmon , Watc Efft , Highs , Great Lakes , Central Nnsylvania , 90s Ononday , We Significant , Noonof , Firefighters , Hundreds , Detroit , Layears , Sigficant , Menacing Calirnia E Bning , 1000 , Reporter , Way , Scene , Effort , Blazes , Los Angeles County , Post , Southern California , Fles , 400 , Assault , Interstate 5 , Reptf Oke T Saturday , , 12000 , 5 , Cars , 00people , Ficials Describing Extreme Fire Behavior , Work Thi Sh , 00 , Wind , Blaze , Fire Line , Members , Factor , Orte T Natiol , Ngg Rationrvice , Three , Hesperia Fire , Humidity , San Bernardino , 55 , Red Flag Warning , Chopper , Lake , Mjust , Water , Yere , Ansecond , 000 , Shooting , High Wind Warning , Shootings , Combination , Boi , Nine , Authorities , Others , Fire , Alex Presha , Shooting A Juneteenth Celebration In Te , Splash Pad Park , Le Areead , Rter , Dads , Boy , Nightmare , Suburb , Pa Ochester , Eporte , 24 , 4 , Injured Criticly , It , Head , Focus , Both , Thigh , Mothh Abdoand Lewo , Oldrother , Gunman , Stroller , Rounds , Chaos , Firing , City , Particule Faly , Jt Miago , There Ip Flopsinto , Ice Cream Cones , Dren Lahinglang , 28 , Home , Suspect , Lot , Mother , Semiautomatic Handgun , Suicide , Law Enforcement , Ar 15 Stweapon , On A Table Inside , Deputies , 42 , Shots , Parts , Violence , Oakland County , Juneteenth Celebration Saturday Night , Police Say , Round Rock , Texas , Family , Heart , Fight , Evening , Concert Stage , Sevepeople , Methuen , Pop Up Party , Two Ay , Dsgunfire , Theroay , Victims , Casualties , Eaeen Re , Teens , Crime , Context , Crime Stats , Tendency , Alexresha , Sex , Rochr Hills , Michig L , Live Om , Last , Fit , Data , Headlis , Year Pareto , Thi Morialust , Is On Pao Mass Shooting Average , Gun Violce Archive , Thebi , Sey , Toronto Maple Leafs , Trp , Campaign , Ent Biden , Tra Biden , 2019 , 2019 Linsey , Voters , Event , Battleground State , P , Dangers , Night Ere , Psident Biden Warning , Abc S Maryalice Parks , Blasted Premurt , Prident , Inheey , 3 , More , Presidency , Election , Nominees , Supporters , Nation , Consequences , Secondrump , Reporr , Which Right W , Daev , Supreme Court Has N En , Kilteas , Appointed , Yes , Rte , Biden Aig , Desiono End Thguaranteed , Aling , Ming Second Annersaryf Th Supreme Court , Abortio Wring Atatement , Todaeysed Eyeoppi , 3million , Million , Onstage Supporti Biden , Former , Roe , C Pug Eir S Inanr , Viviy , Boss , Preme Cojoty Hen Trump , Seing Women S , President Obama , Trump , Behavior , Thlast Seval De , Republican , Vote , Claims , Disqualifying , Steal , Michigan Last G , 2020 , Linse , Interference , Maryalice , Immunity , Decision , Implications , Nighthatlann , Word , Tom Soufi Burridge , Gaza Border , Idf , Road , Aid Agencies , Operations , Truckloads , Ly On Crossing Point Into Southern Gaza , A Key Access Route For Aid Ucks Runng North , 10 , Dehydration , Cease Fire Presintiden , Levels , Malnutrition , Cocktail , Worlforoam , Gaza Side , Fect Disses In Gaza , Tot , Border , Its , Milipeonryin Raf In S Night , Ek Aer Escalion Th , Iran , Lebanon , Officials , Up Aks , Officell C Ws , Ken Somalia Coing To , Thadual , Ring Ar , Hezblah , Allht , Urhank , Poski , Top Isileader , Bed , Terrorist Tt , Terrro , Strike , Leader , T Its , Isislia , E Litants , May 31st , Quote , Ght , Mike Turner , 31 , Tourist , 55 Yr Old , Greece , Poible , Tragic Endior Anrican , Hassanith Eputy , Retired L A Aa , Fohe American Toust , De Beach , Details , Aert Calibet , Search Te An American , Aftert Island , Puty , Retired L A County Shf , Calibet , Ground , Girlfriend , Terrain , Boots , Him , The Search , Tlp Wi , Amorgos , Oliver Desteo , Visitors , Island , Autopsy , Heat Wave , Beach , Region , Isles , Missirece , Last Tuesday , Mathraki , Corfu , Death , Mega Live News , Friend , Visitor , Hike , Surveillance Video , Cabet , Lunch , Police , Greek , Exrienced Hiker , Friend Alerting Greek Authorities , Search , Sign , Oday , Hope , Ey Linsey , Warning , Diearance , Lama , Spike , Taxes , Some , Cash , Move , Helping Hand , Income , Burden , Sales , Pinch , Alexis Christoforous , Lawmakers , Special Session , Mortgage Rates , Prices , Cap , Runaway Property Taxes E , Kansas , Things , Measure , Schools , Proposals , Fire Departments , Attempt , Pay , Ballots , You Don T Know What , Oads , Idaho , Property Tax Revenue , Nebraska , Colorado , Georgia , Something Experts , Sales Tax , Income Tax , Number , Hands , Government , Tax Base , Years Of High Intey , Lanell Griffith , Property Tax , Values , Single , Budgets , Squeeze , Housold , 3000 , 50 , 26 , Tax Bill , Gifts , Sticker Shock , Money , 40 , Ability , Example , State Striking , Family Vacation , College Education , Board Cut , Wyoming , Experts , Most , Veterans , Seniors , Al Incrses , Eted Aitional , Sunday , Father , Bike , Anyone , Gordon Rams , Ih Jardianceabetet I Man It S A Liilwi Big Story , Day S Staaart , Ee Isy To Ory , Risk , Side Effects , Rdiancr , A1c , Diabetes Ah , 2 , Infection , Symptoms , Doctor , Ketoacidosis , Reaction , Skin , Genital Yeast , Kidney Function , Perineum , Limb , Tra Infecons , Increadmptoms Of T , Aking Jardiance , Relief , Blood Sugar , Taking Jardiance , Legs , Feet , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Lood Sugar , Mbistory Ell , Litpill , Spain , Ingredients , Pain Reliever , Contact , Srce , Advil , 8 , Ay Ne De The 1 Pharmacist Recommended N , Leme B Ay Ne De , 1 , Depression , Lift , Vraylar , Antidepressant , Antidepressa , Isnicay Prov , Weight , Antidepressants , Stroke , Changes , Impact , Thoughts , Studies , Saw , Demeatientshave Incrd , Vrayl , Angh , High Blood Sugar , Muscle Movements , Weight Gain , Cholesterol , Scle , Coma , Restlessness , Crenand Young A Port Fever , Moment Dysfunction , Abbvie , Treatment , Issues , Fatigue , Sleep , Appetite , Stomach , Homes , Oman , Standoff , Officers , Roof , Auburn , Maine , Bike Accident , Human Remains , Wreckage , Parole , Pre , Connecticut , Doctors , Helmet , Helm , Nurses , Hospital , Urging , Ridea Bike , Inram , World , Vabysmo , Sight , Booffice , Little Sequel Th , Wet Amd , Treatments , Chance , Vision , Fda , Eye Infection , Eye Injection , Causes , Eye Swelling , Retinal Detachment , Blood Vessels , Eye Pressure , Eye , Swelling , Increase , Injection , Heart Attack , Blood Clots , Cataract , Anything , Kitchen , Decal , Coverage Options , Good , Stuff , Ghost , Up Overpayg , Homequote Explorer , Second , Strength Lidocaine , Contours , Body , Otc , Patch , Salonpas Lidocaine Flex , Game , Milk , Medicine , Lactose , Nothing , Cold One , Salonpas , Lactaid , My Old Friend , Delicious Too , Kevin , 100 , Stop Taking Farxiga , Chronic Kidney Disease , Thy Beere E , Reduc Urwi , Yeast Infections , Doctor Righaway , Genital , Urinary Tract , Call Yo , Rineu , Card , Sound System , Cashback Like A Pro Withhase Freedom Unlimited , Cashbac O , Gonna , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Caaaaaah , My Name Is David , Customers , Pharmacist , Something , Memory , Ruirecommend Prevagen , Number One , 44 , David Muir , Prescription , Edmonton Oilers , Stores , Panthers , Stanleyup Final , Four , Deficit , Odds , Stanley Cup , 1942 , 0 , Opening , Rad , Film , Inside Out 2 , Pixar Animatuel , Ficey Orm , The Box , 00 Million , 300 Million , Women , Disney , Time , Best Director Nominees , History , Musicals , Barbie , Category , Tony Awards , Wall , Play , Theaters , Best , Back , Best Director , Musical , Struggling , Work , Skyrizi , Crohn S Disease , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Everything To Me , Control , Everything , Bowel Movements , Abdominal Pain , Symptom Relief , Remission , Il 23 , 23 , Reactions , Help , Risk Ofnfections , Ng Lastiemissi , Crohn S , Liver Problems , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , Times , Skeleton , You Arbountil , Youbones , Ghbsption Magnesium , Carin , Wife , Retirement , G , Nature , Ture S , Roller Derby , Ten , Retir , She Ther , She N , Iend , Formulns , Care , Bond , Age , Prudential , Shopify , It Ino , Orders Big , Person , Moisturizers Anvi , Erynlin , Go Big , 7 , A Million , Arthritis Pain , First , Stage , Players , Day Back , Businesses , It Everything , Tylenol , Arthritis Pa , Father Son Bond , Fe , Diagnosis , Father S Da Dad , Andrew Ross , Cancer , Houstooffered , Neuroendocrine , Parent , News , Children , Variety , Chemotherapy , Support , Big , Liver , Point , Struggle , Surgery , Tumors , Radiati Experimental , Hicancer , Kidneys , Damage , Dialysis , Tuthiderious , Growth , Possibility , Match , Transplant , High School , Type , Kids , Soccer , Duo , Ccess Ng Through Plant St , Watching , Kidney , Gratefulness , Th Ds , Area , Community , Police Today In Fremont , Department , Carjacking , Words , Students , Encouragement , Stanford , Commencement Address , Melinda French Gates , Video , Evacuation Orders , Place , Skaggs Spring Road , Fall Creek Roado , Stewarts Point , 300 , Cal Fire , Point Fire , Idea , West Dry Creek Road , Burning Sspngs Roa , Zach Fuentes , Fire Ignited ,

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