Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240703 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240703

tonight, the neighbor charged in what authorities believe was a racially motivated shooting. they say he shot the mother next door, who was white, she has two black sons. what was behind this? first tonight, the storms hitting several states. the tornados striking tallahassee. massive damage. one person killed, more than 200,000 customers without power tonight. this evening, the staggering toll amid this outbreak of severe storms. in new york city tonight, donald trump's criminal trial. trump's one-time lawyer and fixer michael cohen now set to take the stand. tonight, the judge with a warning for cohen. just in tonight, the new u.s. report criticizing israel's military action inside gaza saying it is, quote, reasonable to assess that some u.s. weapons have been used in instances inconsistent with israel's obligation under international law. so what does this mean moving forward, and where are the talks tonight with hamas still holding dozens of hostages? martha raddatz standing by with this new report. here in the u.s., a mother is shot by her neighbor, authorities say they call this a hate crime. they say the neighbor shot the woman next door, mother of two. they say she has two black sons. tonight, the images we have not seen before. the newly released body cam video showing first responders racer to that collapsed bridge in baltimore and what the video reveals. tonight overseas, russia's new assault on northern ukraine. james longman reporting. here in this country, keep an eye out tonight and right into the weekend. the very rare solar storm. millions of americans could see the northern lights. but could this geomagnetic storm also bring cell phone issues, possible gps and internet disruptions? what authorities are warning tonight. this evening, the school board reinstating confederate names for two of their local schools. 50 years later, the beatles' "let it be" -- ♪ let it be let >> in a new light. our "persons of the week." a mother and daughter you won't forget along with a very friendly reminder tonight not to forget sunday. >> david: good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on a friday night. what a week it has been for millions of americans in the line of these horrific and deadly storms. tonight, the violent storms slamming several states yet again, and they've been deadly again as well. right across the gulf into the easton night, the staggering numbers here this evening. more than 125 reported tornados across 22 states this week. then this number, at least one reported or confirmed tornado every single day for the past 16 days now. tonight, the images coming in here. severe storms in wimberley, texas, between san antonio and austin, driving rain, you can see the damaging wind is, more than 65 miles an hour. in tallahassee, a family caught in a tornado right near the airport, you can hear them frantically trying to pull off the road just to survive it. damaged homes near the campus of fsu. one woman was killed when a tree fell on her home. tonight, hundreds of thousands are without power, and abc's faith abubey leading us off. she's in tallahassee with us. >> reporter: tonight, a wall of violent storms hammering the south, leaving hundreds of thousands of families without power. >> oh my god. >> reporter: gary kile jr. and his wife, tammy, caught in a radar-confirmed airport near the tallahassee airport. >> pull, pull, pull over. >> i was trying to get out of this area. i was calling you. there's a -- there's a tornado on the ground. >> reporter: a web of wires and snapped power poles draped over neighborhoods in tallahassee. from florida state university's campus to the arts district. anna epson mcbride riding out the storm in her now-damaged art gallery. >> loud. i mean, the noise is -- it's just really undescribable. >> reporter: traffic lights out across the city. trees down everywhere, crashing through homes. >> oh my gosh. >> reporter: leon county authorities say one woman was killed when a tree fell on her family's house. the storms barreling east from texas, where straight-line winds gusted to hurricane strength outside austin. the system dropping hailstones bigger than softballs. the storms, part of an epic weeks-long outbreak of severe weather. the storm prediction center confirming there's been at least one reported off confirmed tornado every day for the past 15 days. businesses in the arts district saw some of the worst damage. you can see behind me building after building with extensive damage to their roof. power lines still dangling. crews have been called in from as far away as louisiana and alabama to help. david? >> david: millions of americans caught in the path of these storms this week. faith abubey leading us off, thank you, faith. we're going to turn now to the new warning from the judge in donald trump's criminal trial. this time the warning is not aimed at the former president. instead the warning is for michael cohen, trump's one-time lawyer and fixer, who is set to take the stand. >> reporter: after repeatedly ordering donald trump to stop publicly attacking witnesses, tonight, judge juan warning michael cohen, who brokered the hush money deal with porn actress stormy daniels. cohen, who was expected to testified in, has been skewering trump online, appearing on tiktok wearing a shirt showing trump behind bars. >> trump 2024? more like trump 20 to 24 years. >> reporter: today trump's lawyer asking judge merchan to put cohen under a gag order. saying it's becoming a problem every single day that president trump is not allowed to respond to this witness. instituter josh steinglass insisting he has no control over cohen, adding, "we had repeatedly, repeatedly asked the witnesses not to do that." the judge is asking him to refrain from making any more statements from this case and to make it clear "you are communicating that on behalf of the bench." trump unsatisfied. >> everybody can say whatever they want. they can say whatever they want, but i'm not allowed to say anything about anybody. >> reporter: but trump's lawyers did notch a clear win today. the judge ruling prosecutors could not show the jury a 1999 video of trump bragging about his knowledge of campaign finance laws. >> i think nobody knows more about campaign finance than i do. >> reporter: prosecutors wanted to use to it show trump would have known cohen's hush money arrangement with daniels amounted to an illegal campaign contribution. but the. >> juju: ruled that out telling prosecutors, "you're asking the jurors to draw an inference that because mr. trump knew them in 1999, he knew them in 2016. that's a lot of speculation." michael cohen is on the witness stand here monday, david. there is no overstating the importance of his testimony. he says he was in the room with donald trump discussing the hush payment to stormy daniels at the heart of the case. the cross examination is going to be brutal. and after cohen, the prosecutors say they have only one witness left and could rest their case as soon as next week, david. >> david: you'll be back on monday. we're also following news coming in tonight, the new u.s. report criticizing israel's military action inside gaza saying inconsistent with israel's obligation under international law. what does this mean moving forward? martha raddatz with late reporting tonight on this report just out from the state department. >> reporter: tonight, a new report finding israel may have violated international humanitarian law in gaza in its use of american-supplied weapons, but lacking enough information to officially make that conclusion given the nature of the conflict in gaza. the state department report saying it is “reasonable to assess” that some u.s. weapons have been used in instances “inconsistent” with israel's obligation under international law. adding that the high levels of civilian casualties caused by those weapons “raises substantial questions as to whether the idf is using them effectively in all cases.” those international laws require foreign governments to take steps to protect civilians and allow humanitarian aid into war zones. this comes as israeli media reporting the war cabinet has voted to expand operations in rafah. the principal reason why president biden is withholding weapons and threatening to withhold more. george stephanopoulos speaking to biden's national security adviser today. >> israel's ambassador to the united states has responded to president biden's decision not to provide some offensive weapons that could be used in the rafah invasion, saying it sends the wrong message to hamas and puts israel in a corner. how do you respond to that? >> nobody has been a stronger supporter of israel than joe biden. he has sent an enormous amount of capability for israel to take on hamas. >> what would happen if they went in? >> well, first, because there's a million people there in very close quarters, who have been pushed there because of the military operations in other parts of gaza, you would have really significant civilian casualties. >> david: george right there in the situation room. martha, amid this debate over any full-scale invasion of rafah, president biden, of course, who says the u.s. will not supply the weapons for any full-scale invasion. we also know that there have been these very tense cease-fire talks. of course, dozens of hostages still being held by hamas and these talks have now essentially collapsed over this? >> reporter: exactly, david. there was a moment of hope with those talks, but they have fully broken down, hamas demanding a permanent cease-fire, israel offering only a temporary one. and of course, caught in the middle of all this, millions of palestinian civilians and more than 100 israeli hostages, including five americans. david? >> david: martha raddatz with us, martha, thank you. and we should note that george's full interview inside the situation room on "good morning america" monday morning. martha and george, we thank you both. in the meantime we move on to the shooting of a mother. authorities say this is racially motivated. they say the mother was shot by her neighbor, authorities calling it a hate crime. they say the mother, who was white, has two black sons. >> reporter: tonight, this illinois man is in vale charged with trying to kill his neighbor because he hated she had a black partner and black children. john chadbar, 70, in court federal charges including attempted murder and hate crime accused of shooting at his neighbor multiple times. 45-year-old melissa robinson remaining in the hospital in critical condition with wounds to her chest and hand. >> we were all very shocked when this happened, but honestly, sadly, we're not surprised. this has been nine years in coming. >> reporter: according to the charges, chadbar had repeatedly harassed robinson and her black children. >> we've called the cops, and he's thrown fireworks, and he's shot blanks, and -- nothing was done. and it's very unfortunate. >> reporter: if convicted, chadbar faces decades in prison. david, according to court records, ms. robinson faces permanent disability and disfigment. we turn to the dramatic images moments after the bridge collapse in baltimore. tonight, the newly released body camera video showing first responders racing to the scene. terry moran on this again tonight interior this is the moment a police marine unit first arrived on the scene of that deadly bridge collapse in baltimore. >> key bridge is down. last reported, at least several vehicles in the water, several people still unaccounted for. >> reporter: you hear an officer shouting up to the crew on the "dali," that massive cargo ship that brought the bridge down. >> is anybody hurt? just one cut to the fingers? >> reporter: in the dark of night, rescuers desperately searching for six construction workers who were on that bridge when it plunged into the water. just days after that catastrophic collapse, we got an up-close look at the wreckage. up close to it, you see the sheer scale and the violence of what happened here. how the bridge came down on the ship, destroying so much of the bow. the new video comes just days after officials announced that the body of the sixth and final victim, jose minor lopez, was recovered in the wreckage. david, maryland state lawmakers have passed legislation to provide financial help to the families of those six men, the construction workers who went down when the bridge collapsed, and nonprofit groups and churches have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars more. david? >> david: terry moran who's covered this bridge collapse from the very start for us, thank you, terry. overseas tonight and russia's new assault on northern ukraine, the u.s. rushing a new shipment of weapons to ukraine. here's our foreign correspondent james longman now. >> reporter: tonight as the u.s. confirms a new aid package to ukraine, signs of a new full-scale russian offensive in the northeast of the country. the areas attacked, a ukrainian town just three miles from the border. russian forces have been massing on that border for weeks. but after a night of heavy bombardment, early this morning, armored vehicles attempted to punch through in the direction of ukraine's second-largest city, kharkiv. the city was almost occupied when russia launched its invasion more than two years ago. and since then, it's been rocked by near-daily missile and drone attacks. the defense ministry says reserves are now deployed to repel the advance, but that fierce fighting continues. delays in much-needed aid from the west have allowed russia to build up its forces and put example significant pressure on ukrainian positions. it comes as the pentagon confirmed today that new $400 million aid package is on its way to ukraine. it includes patriot missiles, armored vehicles, and javelin anti-tank systems. we saw for ourselves the difference heavy weapons make on the battlefield. and a time frame for that aid, the u.s. has prepositioned critical equipment in the region. the idea is to get those weapons into ukraine as quickly as possible, david? >> david: james longman. james, thank you. back here in the u.s., keep an eye out for night and right into the weekend. millions of americans could actually see the northern lights as far south as alabama because of this very rare solar storm. but could this geomagnetic storm also bring possible cell phone, gps, and internet disruptions? what authorities are warning tonight. here's alex perez. >> reporter: tonight, millions of americans across the upper u.s. will potentially see the northern lights, thanks to a severe solar storm. noaa issuing the rare watch for the first time in nearly 20 years. a geomagnetic storm so strong it could possibly threaten communications and power grids here on earth. solar flares triggering “spectacular displays” of the aurora borealis. potentially as far south as alabama. the first solar flares erupting wednesday morning. directed towards earth from the sun's corona, visible from earth only during a total solar eclipse, the cosmic phenomenon americans across the country stopped to witness just a little over a month ago. astrophysicists warn the impact of this storm -- a 4 on a scale of 1-5 on earth, potentially disrupting communications, gps, and other satellite operations. >> a 80 owe mat nettic storm may not be all that troubling, but if we're not built to take it, then it could cause big problems. >> reporter: david this solar activity could continue through the weekend. the cloud coverage in the northeast and here in parts of the great lakes could keep us from seeing the northern lights tonight, but if you're anywhere from washington state all the way to wisconsin, you could have a good chance. the best opportunities will be between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. this weekend. david? >> david: all right, we'll check it out. remember, the solar eclipse, we didn't see it and a lot of people did. when we come back, the school board reinstating confederate names for its schools. schools. and the beatles' "let it if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. and it could strike at any time. think you're not at risk? wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. 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Signs , Border , Forces , Town , Bombardment , Direction , Kharkiv , Three , Drone Attacks , Missile , Advance , Reserves , Defense Ministry , Fighting , Pressure , Positions , Example , West , Delays , Pentagon , Way , Systems , Missiles , Battlefield , Difference , 00 Million , 400 Million , Idea , Region , Equipment , Frame , Cell Phone , Thanks , Time , Watch , Alex Perez , Noaa , Communications , Flares , Earth , Power Grids , Spectacular Displays , Solar Eclipse , Visible , Little , Phenomenon Americans , Cosmic , The Sun S Corona , Astrophysicists , Satellite Operations , Mat Nettic Storm May , Impact , 1 , 80 , 4 , 5 , Problems , David This Solar Activity , Coverage , Great Lakes , Chance , Opportunities , Washington State All The Way , Wisconsin , 2 , 10 , 00 , Schools , Lung Cancer , Back , Possibilities , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Adults , Immune System , Treatment , Cell Lung Cancer , Cancer , Work , Immunotherapies , Combination , Gene , Positive , Talk , Spread , Egfr , Pd L1 , Doctor , Death , Ways , Yervoy , Opdivo , Fight Cancer , Chemotherapy , Lead , Eye Problems , Changes , Stomach Pain , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Chest Pain , Breath , Shortness , Rash , Nausea , Memory Problems , Joint Pain , Muscle Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Itching , Confusion , Dizziness , Appetite , Fainting , Urine , Flushing , Weakness , Tiredness , Thirst , Cough , Side Effects , Conditions , Nervous System Problems , Fever , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Organ , Shingles , Virus , Sleeping , 99 , Risk , Albuterol Asthma Rescue Inhaler , Pharmacist , Vo , Prevention , Symptoms , Rescue , Inflammation , Dinosaur , Bit , Asthma Experts , Asthma , Rescue Inhaler , Both , Attacks , Asthma Attacks , Airsupra , Fda , Reactions , Breathing , Heart Problems , Maintenance Treatment , Life , Thrush , Infections , Asthma Rescue , Age , The School , Voting , Figures , Shenandoah County , Washington D C , Virginia , Things , Tha , Enslaved , America , Safer , Planet Cleaner , Recycling Technologies , Products , Makers , Food , Billions , Add On Treatment , Dupixent , Types , Change , Smarter Solutions , Infection , Breathing Problems , Pain , Joint Aches , Don T , Numbness , Limbs , Tingling , Specialist , Steroids , Beach Defense , Uv Rays , Vital Sun Protection , The Sun , Neutrogena , 97 , Stress , Tip , Protection , Joy , More Sun , Open Heart Surgery , Boss , Medication , Cellphone Ringing , Announcer , Phone Call , Flat Hierarchy , Flo Isn T , The Boss , Sounds Fun , 1 800 Quit Now , 800 , Sight , Nope , Cringey , Vision , Eye Pain , Eye Infection , Treatments , Hd , Test , Swelling , Eye Injections , Eye Pressure , Allergies , Retina , Redness , Blood Vessels , Separation , Increase , Eylea Hd , Eyla Hd , Don T Use , Heart Attack , Stroke , Type , Blood Clots , Cataract , Corneal Injury , Eye Floaters , Look , Injections , Eylea Hd Today , Potential , Index , Retina Specialist , Music Video Showing , Ringo Starr , George Harrison , John Lennon , Paul Mccartney , Mom , Don T Take Ozempic , Diabetes , Clips , Documentary , Mom Out , Ton , Disney Plus , Events , A1c , Weight , Cv Risk , Studies , Majority , 3 , 7 , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Disease , Needles , Share , Pens , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Isn T , 14 , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Reaction , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Type 2 Diabetes , Dehydration , Business , Payments , Sync , Journey , Inventory , Shopify , Eosinophilic Asthma , Asthma Treatments , Fasenra , 8 , Step , Flavors , Headache , Sore Throat , 0 , Child , Street Corn Shrimp , Eczema , Garlic , Shrimp Scampi , Cheddar Bays , Flavorfull , Red Lobster , Skin , Allergists , Pitch , Dermatologists , Number One , Enamel , Eczema Specialist , Astepro , Acid , Tooth , Repair , Allergy Spray , Pronamel Repair , Brushing , Ugh , Pronamel , Bro , Repair Mouthwash , 30 , Footsteps , Jennifer Decue , Military Mom , Deployment , Serving , Senior Airman , Japan , Air National Guard , Master Sergeant , Military Service , Arms , Season , Jenika , South Dakota Air National Guard , 114th Fighter Wing , 18 , 84 , 114 , Generations , Family Tradition , Lex , None , Sioux Falls , South Dakota , Base , Mother Daughter Duo , Air Force , Senior Airman Decue , George Decue , Senior Master St , Ka Dina , Moms , Fighter Aviation Package , Unit , Mother S Day , Another , Service , Campaign Events , Bay Area , Stepmoms , Fundraisers , Protesters , Fundraising , Residents , Many , Yes , Peninsula , Half , Air Force One , Seattle , Larry Biel , Julian Glover , Marina Green , Moffett Field , Trip , Donors , Silicon Valley , Portola Valley , Visit , Protestors , Supporters , Route , South Bay , Palo Alto , Abc Seven News , Zach Yeah , Reporter Zach Fuentes , Seven , Fundraising Events , Outside , Whirlwind Trip , Reception , Campaign Visit ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240703 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240703

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tonight, the neighbor charged in what authorities believe was a racially motivated shooting. they say he shot the mother next door, who was white, she has two black sons. what was behind this? first tonight, the storms hitting several states. the tornados striking tallahassee. massive damage. one person killed, more than 200,000 customers without power tonight. this evening, the staggering toll amid this outbreak of severe storms. in new york city tonight, donald trump's criminal trial. trump's one-time lawyer and fixer michael cohen now set to take the stand. tonight, the judge with a warning for cohen. just in tonight, the new u.s. report criticizing israel's military action inside gaza saying it is, quote, reasonable to assess that some u.s. weapons have been used in instances inconsistent with israel's obligation under international law. so what does this mean moving forward, and where are the talks tonight with hamas still holding dozens of hostages? martha raddatz standing by with this new report. here in the u.s., a mother is shot by her neighbor, authorities say they call this a hate crime. they say the neighbor shot the woman next door, mother of two. they say she has two black sons. tonight, the images we have not seen before. the newly released body cam video showing first responders racer to that collapsed bridge in baltimore and what the video reveals. tonight overseas, russia's new assault on northern ukraine. james longman reporting. here in this country, keep an eye out tonight and right into the weekend. the very rare solar storm. millions of americans could see the northern lights. but could this geomagnetic storm also bring cell phone issues, possible gps and internet disruptions? what authorities are warning tonight. this evening, the school board reinstating confederate names for two of their local schools. 50 years later, the beatles' "let it be" -- ♪ let it be let >> in a new light. our "persons of the week." a mother and daughter you won't forget along with a very friendly reminder tonight not to forget sunday. >> david: good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on a friday night. what a week it has been for millions of americans in the line of these horrific and deadly storms. tonight, the violent storms slamming several states yet again, and they've been deadly again as well. right across the gulf into the easton night, the staggering numbers here this evening. more than 125 reported tornados across 22 states this week. then this number, at least one reported or confirmed tornado every single day for the past 16 days now. tonight, the images coming in here. severe storms in wimberley, texas, between san antonio and austin, driving rain, you can see the damaging wind is, more than 65 miles an hour. in tallahassee, a family caught in a tornado right near the airport, you can hear them frantically trying to pull off the road just to survive it. damaged homes near the campus of fsu. one woman was killed when a tree fell on her home. tonight, hundreds of thousands are without power, and abc's faith abubey leading us off. she's in tallahassee with us. >> reporter: tonight, a wall of violent storms hammering the south, leaving hundreds of thousands of families without power. >> oh my god. >> reporter: gary kile jr. and his wife, tammy, caught in a radar-confirmed airport near the tallahassee airport. >> pull, pull, pull over. >> i was trying to get out of this area. i was calling you. there's a -- there's a tornado on the ground. >> reporter: a web of wires and snapped power poles draped over neighborhoods in tallahassee. from florida state university's campus to the arts district. anna epson mcbride riding out the storm in her now-damaged art gallery. >> loud. i mean, the noise is -- it's just really undescribable. >> reporter: traffic lights out across the city. trees down everywhere, crashing through homes. >> oh my gosh. >> reporter: leon county authorities say one woman was killed when a tree fell on her family's house. the storms barreling east from texas, where straight-line winds gusted to hurricane strength outside austin. the system dropping hailstones bigger than softballs. the storms, part of an epic weeks-long outbreak of severe weather. the storm prediction center confirming there's been at least one reported off confirmed tornado every day for the past 15 days. businesses in the arts district saw some of the worst damage. you can see behind me building after building with extensive damage to their roof. power lines still dangling. crews have been called in from as far away as louisiana and alabama to help. david? >> david: millions of americans caught in the path of these storms this week. faith abubey leading us off, thank you, faith. we're going to turn now to the new warning from the judge in donald trump's criminal trial. this time the warning is not aimed at the former president. instead the warning is for michael cohen, trump's one-time lawyer and fixer, who is set to take the stand. >> reporter: after repeatedly ordering donald trump to stop publicly attacking witnesses, tonight, judge juan warning michael cohen, who brokered the hush money deal with porn actress stormy daniels. cohen, who was expected to testified in, has been skewering trump online, appearing on tiktok wearing a shirt showing trump behind bars. >> trump 2024? more like trump 20 to 24 years. >> reporter: today trump's lawyer asking judge merchan to put cohen under a gag order. saying it's becoming a problem every single day that president trump is not allowed to respond to this witness. instituter josh steinglass insisting he has no control over cohen, adding, "we had repeatedly, repeatedly asked the witnesses not to do that." the judge is asking him to refrain from making any more statements from this case and to make it clear "you are communicating that on behalf of the bench." trump unsatisfied. >> everybody can say whatever they want. they can say whatever they want, but i'm not allowed to say anything about anybody. >> reporter: but trump's lawyers did notch a clear win today. the judge ruling prosecutors could not show the jury a 1999 video of trump bragging about his knowledge of campaign finance laws. >> i think nobody knows more about campaign finance than i do. >> reporter: prosecutors wanted to use to it show trump would have known cohen's hush money arrangement with daniels amounted to an illegal campaign contribution. but the. >> juju: ruled that out telling prosecutors, "you're asking the jurors to draw an inference that because mr. trump knew them in 1999, he knew them in 2016. that's a lot of speculation." michael cohen is on the witness stand here monday, david. there is no overstating the importance of his testimony. he says he was in the room with donald trump discussing the hush payment to stormy daniels at the heart of the case. the cross examination is going to be brutal. and after cohen, the prosecutors say they have only one witness left and could rest their case as soon as next week, david. >> david: you'll be back on monday. we're also following news coming in tonight, the new u.s. report criticizing israel's military action inside gaza saying inconsistent with israel's obligation under international law. what does this mean moving forward? martha raddatz with late reporting tonight on this report just out from the state department. >> reporter: tonight, a new report finding israel may have violated international humanitarian law in gaza in its use of american-supplied weapons, but lacking enough information to officially make that conclusion given the nature of the conflict in gaza. the state department report saying it is “reasonable to assess” that some u.s. weapons have been used in instances “inconsistent” with israel's obligation under international law. adding that the high levels of civilian casualties caused by those weapons “raises substantial questions as to whether the idf is using them effectively in all cases.” those international laws require foreign governments to take steps to protect civilians and allow humanitarian aid into war zones. this comes as israeli media reporting the war cabinet has voted to expand operations in rafah. the principal reason why president biden is withholding weapons and threatening to withhold more. george stephanopoulos speaking to biden's national security adviser today. >> israel's ambassador to the united states has responded to president biden's decision not to provide some offensive weapons that could be used in the rafah invasion, saying it sends the wrong message to hamas and puts israel in a corner. how do you respond to that? >> nobody has been a stronger supporter of israel than joe biden. he has sent an enormous amount of capability for israel to take on hamas. >> what would happen if they went in? >> well, first, because there's a million people there in very close quarters, who have been pushed there because of the military operations in other parts of gaza, you would have really significant civilian casualties. >> david: george right there in the situation room. martha, amid this debate over any full-scale invasion of rafah, president biden, of course, who says the u.s. will not supply the weapons for any full-scale invasion. we also know that there have been these very tense cease-fire talks. of course, dozens of hostages still being held by hamas and these talks have now essentially collapsed over this? >> reporter: exactly, david. there was a moment of hope with those talks, but they have fully broken down, hamas demanding a permanent cease-fire, israel offering only a temporary one. and of course, caught in the middle of all this, millions of palestinian civilians and more than 100 israeli hostages, including five americans. david? >> david: martha raddatz with us, martha, thank you. and we should note that george's full interview inside the situation room on "good morning america" monday morning. martha and george, we thank you both. in the meantime we move on to the shooting of a mother. authorities say this is racially motivated. they say the mother was shot by her neighbor, authorities calling it a hate crime. they say the mother, who was white, has two black sons. >> reporter: tonight, this illinois man is in vale charged with trying to kill his neighbor because he hated she had a black partner and black children. john chadbar, 70, in court federal charges including attempted murder and hate crime accused of shooting at his neighbor multiple times. 45-year-old melissa robinson remaining in the hospital in critical condition with wounds to her chest and hand. >> we were all very shocked when this happened, but honestly, sadly, we're not surprised. this has been nine years in coming. >> reporter: according to the charges, chadbar had repeatedly harassed robinson and her black children. >> we've called the cops, and he's thrown fireworks, and he's shot blanks, and -- nothing was done. and it's very unfortunate. >> reporter: if convicted, chadbar faces decades in prison. david, according to court records, ms. robinson faces permanent disability and disfigment. we turn to the dramatic images moments after the bridge collapse in baltimore. tonight, the newly released body camera video showing first responders racing to the scene. terry moran on this again tonight interior this is the moment a police marine unit first arrived on the scene of that deadly bridge collapse in baltimore. >> key bridge is down. last reported, at least several vehicles in the water, several people still unaccounted for. >> reporter: you hear an officer shouting up to the crew on the "dali," that massive cargo ship that brought the bridge down. >> is anybody hurt? just one cut to the fingers? >> reporter: in the dark of night, rescuers desperately searching for six construction workers who were on that bridge when it plunged into the water. just days after that catastrophic collapse, we got an up-close look at the wreckage. up close to it, you see the sheer scale and the violence of what happened here. how the bridge came down on the ship, destroying so much of the bow. the new video comes just days after officials announced that the body of the sixth and final victim, jose minor lopez, was recovered in the wreckage. david, maryland state lawmakers have passed legislation to provide financial help to the families of those six men, the construction workers who went down when the bridge collapsed, and nonprofit groups and churches have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars more. david? >> david: terry moran who's covered this bridge collapse from the very start for us, thank you, terry. overseas tonight and russia's new assault on northern ukraine, the u.s. rushing a new shipment of weapons to ukraine. here's our foreign correspondent james longman now. >> reporter: tonight as the u.s. confirms a new aid package to ukraine, signs of a new full-scale russian offensive in the northeast of the country. the areas attacked, a ukrainian town just three miles from the border. russian forces have been massing on that border for weeks. but after a night of heavy bombardment, early this morning, armored vehicles attempted to punch through in the direction of ukraine's second-largest city, kharkiv. the city was almost occupied when russia launched its invasion more than two years ago. and since then, it's been rocked by near-daily missile and drone attacks. the defense ministry says reserves are now deployed to repel the advance, but that fierce fighting continues. delays in much-needed aid from the west have allowed russia to build up its forces and put example significant pressure on ukrainian positions. it comes as the pentagon confirmed today that new $400 million aid package is on its way to ukraine. it includes patriot missiles, armored vehicles, and javelin anti-tank systems. we saw for ourselves the difference heavy weapons make on the battlefield. and a time frame for that aid, the u.s. has prepositioned critical equipment in the region. the idea is to get those weapons into ukraine as quickly as possible, david? >> david: james longman. james, thank you. back here in the u.s., keep an eye out for night and right into the weekend. millions of americans could actually see the northern lights as far south as alabama because of this very rare solar storm. but could this geomagnetic storm also bring possible cell phone, gps, and internet disruptions? what authorities are warning tonight. here's alex perez. >> reporter: tonight, millions of americans across the upper u.s. will potentially see the northern lights, thanks to a severe solar storm. noaa issuing the rare watch for the first time in nearly 20 years. a geomagnetic storm so strong it could possibly threaten communications and power grids here on earth. solar flares triggering “spectacular displays” of the aurora borealis. potentially as far south as alabama. the first solar flares erupting wednesday morning. directed towards earth from the sun's corona, visible from earth only during a total solar eclipse, the cosmic phenomenon americans across the country stopped to witness just a little over a month ago. astrophysicists warn the impact of this storm -- a 4 on a scale of 1-5 on earth, potentially disrupting communications, gps, and other satellite operations. >> a 80 owe mat nettic storm may not be all that troubling, but if we're not built to take it, then it could cause big problems. >> reporter: david this solar activity could continue through the weekend. the cloud coverage in the northeast and here in parts of the great lakes could keep us from seeing the northern lights tonight, but if you're anywhere from washington state all the way to wisconsin, you could have a good chance. the best opportunities will be between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. this weekend. david? >> david: all right, we'll check it out. remember, the solar eclipse, we didn't see it and a lot of people did. when we come back, the school board reinstating confederate names for its schools. schools. and the beatles' "let it if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. and it could strike at any time. think you're not at risk? wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur,or pharmacist because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. >> david: tonight, two virginia schools are going back to their confederate names. the school board in shenandoah county about 100 miles west of washington, d.c. voting nearly unanimously for changing the names back. the school is named after key confederate figures who owned enslaved people. when we come back here tonight, the new video for "let it be." it be." more tha ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. neutrogena beach defense blocks 97% of burning uv rays for vital sun protection. so you can get more out of all your days in the sun. more protection. more sun. more joy. neutrogena. 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[ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. call 1-800-quit-now sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss? well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. >> david: to the index tonight, more than 50 years later, a new look at the beatles' "let it be." ♪ let it be ♪ ♪ let it be yeah let it be ♪ >> david: the new music video showing john lennon, paul mccartney, george harrison, ringo starr, featuring clips from the restored documentary "let it be." it's now streaming on disney plus. when we come back here tonight, just in. the mother and daughter who sent in a message for every mom out in a message for every mom out there watching ton type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial today. ♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. 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Tornados , Numbers , Line , Gulf , Easton , 125 , Number , Austin , Texas , Driving Rain , Wimberley , San Antonio , 22 , 16 , Tallahassee , Homes , Road , Campus , Wind , 65 , Reporter , Tree , Families , Faith Abubey , South , Home , Wall , Hundreds Of Thousands , Leaving Hundreds Of Thousands , Abc , Fsu , Oh My God , Gary Kile Jr , Tammy , Pull , Wife , Tallahassee Airport , Pull Over , Storm , Anna Epson , Arts District , Area , Neighborhoods , Ground , Art Gallery , Web , Wires , Power Poles , City , Everywhere , Trees , Noise , Traffic Lights Out , Leon County , Loud , Oh My Gosh , Storms Barreling East , Part , System , Straight Line , Winds , Softballs , Hailstones , Hurricane Strength , House , Epic , Businesses , Weather , Storm Prediction Center , 15 , Alabama , Power Lines , Crews , Saw , Roof , Building , Louisiana , President , Faith , Path , Witnesses , Northern Lights Tonight , Set , Fixer , Trump , Shirt Showing , Bars , Stormy Daniels , Who , Hush Money Deal With Porn Actress , Tiktok , Problem , Gag Order , 20 , 2024 , 24 , Witness , Instituter , Josh Steinglass , Case , Statements , Bench , Behalf , Trump Unsatisfied , Everybody , Prosecutors , Anybody , Nobody , Lawyers , Campaign Finance Laws , Campaign Finance , Anything , Win , Trump Bragging , Jury , Knowledge , 1999 , Inference , Daniels , Campaign Contribution , Hush Money Arrangement , Jurors , Juju , Mr , Lot , Speculation , Room , Importance , Testimony , Hush Payment , Witness Stand Here Monday , 2016 , Left , Heart , Cross Examination , News , State Department , Reporting , Information , Conflict , Use , Conclusion , Nature , Casualties , Idf , Levels , Questions , Aid , Civilians , Laws , Steps , Cases , Governments , Joe Biden , Media , Operations , War Cabinet , War Zones , Reason , Rafah , Message , More , Security , Adviser , Decision , Ambassador , George Stephanopoulos , Rafah Invasion , First , Corner , Amount , Capability , Supporter , People , Parts , Situation Room , Quarters , Military Operations , George , A Million , Talks , Course , Invasion , Cease Fire Talks , Debate , Cease Fire , This , Hope , Palestinian , Broken Down , Interview , Good Morning America , Monday Morning , Five , 100 , White , Man , John Chadbar , Children , Partner , Vale , Illinois , 70 , Charges , Melissa Robinson , Chest , Condition , Attempted Murder , Hospital , Wounds , 45 , Chadbar , Hand , The Cops , Nine , Fireworks , Nothing , Blanks , Prison , Collapse , Court Records , Disability , Body Camera , Disfigment , Terry Moran , Vehicles , Scene , Water , Police Marine Unit , Cargo Ship , In The Dark Of Night , Crew , Officer , Dali , Fingers , It , Construction Workers , Scale , Wreckage , Rescuers , Six , Body , Ship , Officials , Violence , Bow , Sixth , Victim , Minor Lopez , Help , Groups , Churches , Men , State Lawmakers , Legislation , Maryland , James Longman , Bridge Collapse , Ukraine , Thousands , Shipment , Hundreds , Aid Package , Areas , Offensive , Signs , Border , Forces , Town , Bombardment , Direction , Kharkiv , Three , Drone Attacks , Missile , Advance , Reserves , Defense Ministry , Fighting , Pressure , Positions , Example , West , Delays , Pentagon , Way , Systems , Missiles , Battlefield , Difference , 00 Million , 400 Million , Idea , Region , Equipment , Frame , Cell Phone , Thanks , Time , Watch , Alex Perez , Noaa , Communications , Flares , Earth , Power Grids , Spectacular Displays , Solar Eclipse , Visible , Little , Phenomenon Americans , Cosmic , The Sun S Corona , Astrophysicists , Satellite Operations , Mat Nettic Storm May , Impact , 1 , 80 , 4 , 5 , Problems , David This Solar Activity , Coverage , Great Lakes , Chance , Opportunities , Washington State All The Way , Wisconsin , 2 , 10 , 00 , Schools , Lung Cancer , Back , Possibilities , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Adults , Immune System , Treatment , Cell Lung Cancer , Cancer , Work , Immunotherapies , Combination , Gene , Positive , Talk , Spread , Egfr , Pd L1 , Doctor , Death , Ways , Yervoy , Opdivo , Fight Cancer , Chemotherapy , Lead , Eye Problems , Changes , Stomach Pain , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Chest Pain , Breath , Shortness , Rash , Nausea , Memory Problems , Joint Pain , Muscle Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Itching , Confusion , Dizziness , Appetite , Fainting , Urine , Flushing , Weakness , Tiredness , Thirst , Cough , Side Effects , Conditions , Nervous System Problems , Fever , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Organ , Shingles , Virus , Sleeping , 99 , Risk , Albuterol Asthma Rescue Inhaler , Pharmacist , Vo , Prevention , Symptoms , Rescue , Inflammation , Dinosaur , Bit , Asthma Experts , Asthma , Rescue Inhaler , Both , Attacks , Asthma Attacks , Airsupra , Fda , Reactions , Breathing , Heart Problems , Maintenance Treatment , Life , Thrush , Infections , Asthma Rescue , Age , The School , Voting , Figures , Shenandoah County , Washington D C , Virginia , Things , Tha , Enslaved , America , Safer , Planet Cleaner , Recycling Technologies , Products , Makers , Food , Billions , Add On Treatment , Dupixent , Types , Change , Smarter Solutions , Infection , Breathing Problems , Pain , Joint Aches , Don T , Numbness , Limbs , Tingling , Specialist , Steroids , Beach Defense , Uv Rays , Vital Sun Protection , The Sun , Neutrogena , 97 , Stress , Tip , Protection , Joy , More Sun , Open Heart Surgery , Boss , Medication , Cellphone Ringing , Announcer , Phone Call , Flat Hierarchy , Flo Isn T , The Boss , Sounds Fun , 1 800 Quit Now , 800 , Sight , Nope , Cringey , Vision , Eye Pain , Eye Infection , Treatments , Hd , Test , Swelling , Eye Injections , Eye Pressure , Allergies , Retina , Redness , Blood Vessels , Separation , Increase , Eylea Hd , Eyla Hd , Don T Use , Heart Attack , Stroke , Type , Blood Clots , Cataract , Corneal Injury , Eye Floaters , Look , Injections , Eylea Hd Today , Potential , Index , Retina Specialist , Music Video Showing , Ringo Starr , George Harrison , John Lennon , Paul Mccartney , Mom , Don T Take Ozempic , Diabetes , Clips , Documentary , Mom Out , Ton , Disney Plus , Events , A1c , Weight , Cv Risk , Studies , Majority , 3 , 7 , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Disease , Needles , Share , Pens , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Isn T , 14 , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Reaction , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Type 2 Diabetes , Dehydration , Business , Payments , Sync , Journey , Inventory , Shopify , Eosinophilic Asthma , Asthma Treatments , Fasenra , 8 , Step , Flavors , Headache , Sore Throat , 0 , Child , Street Corn Shrimp , Eczema , Garlic , Shrimp Scampi , Cheddar Bays , Flavorfull , Red Lobster , Skin , Allergists , Pitch , Dermatologists , Number One , Enamel , Eczema Specialist , Astepro , Acid , Tooth , Repair , Allergy Spray , Pronamel Repair , Brushing , Ugh , Pronamel , Bro , Repair Mouthwash , 30 , Footsteps , Jennifer Decue , Military Mom , Deployment , Serving , Senior Airman , Japan , Air National Guard , Master Sergeant , Military Service , Arms , Season , Jenika , South Dakota Air National Guard , 114th Fighter Wing , 18 , 84 , 114 , Generations , Family Tradition , Lex , None , Sioux Falls , South Dakota , Base , Mother Daughter Duo , Air Force , Senior Airman Decue , George Decue , Senior Master St , Ka Dina , Moms , Fighter Aviation Package , Unit , Mother S Day , Another , Service , Campaign Events , Bay Area , Stepmoms , Fundraisers , Protesters , Fundraising , Residents , Many , Yes , Peninsula , Half , Air Force One , Seattle , Larry Biel , Julian Glover , Marina Green , Moffett Field , Trip , Donors , Silicon Valley , Portola Valley , Visit , Protestors , Supporters , Route , South Bay , Palo Alto , Abc Seven News , Zach Yeah , Reporter Zach Fuentes , Seven , Fundraising Events , Outside , Whirlwind Trip , Reception , Campaign Visit ,

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