Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

say they are on the scene. kayna whitworth live from los angeles. the breaking news on donald trump. today was the deadline for the $464 million bond. tonight an appeals court giving trump ten more days now, and now saying he can post less than half that. but if trump loses his case on appeal, he'll owe it all. and tonight the other case, the fireworks in court, the judge not happy and says trump's first criminal trial will begin three weeks from today. the severe storm threat as we come on the air tonight in several states. the tornado threat widening. multiple tornadoes already reported from the system, and this is all moving east. the new video showing russian officers chasing down a terror suspect in the woods. wanted for that deadly attack in a concert hall in moscow. tonight at least 139 people now killed in this. martha raddatz with what we know. the major shake-up at boeing amid a series of incidents including the door that came off at 16,000 feet. tonight boeing's ceo and two top executives are out. gio benitez covers aviation. a horrific tragedy at a hotel pool -- an 8-year-old girl drowning. authorities believe she was sucked into a pipe in the pool while swimming. just moments ago the highest paid player in major league baseball breaking his silence tonight. the l.a. dodgers' shohei ohtani making his first statement on the gambling scandal and what he now claims. tonight israel canceling this high-level meeting in washington set for this week after president biden urged benjamin netanyahu not to move forward with that assault in rafah. tonight, a global outpouring of support for princess catherine. king charles meeting with catherine before she went public. princess catherine writing that message herself and her hope, and sarah ferguson with her support. here in the u.s. the deadly attack, two brothers attacked by a mountain lion in california. and arnold schwarzenegger revealing news tonight about his health. >> david: good evening. it is great to have you with us on a monday night. we begin with the breaking news, the extraordinary scene late today. federal agents moving in on homes in los angeles and miami, homes belonging to music mogul sean diddy combs. the images coming in tonight federal authorities, including teams from homeland security, raiding the homes. tonight sources telling abc news it is connected to a human trafficking investigation. the aerial images right here of combs' home in the wealthy neighborhood of holmby hills, armored vehicles. two men have been detained at the property. law enforcement telling us they are his sons. he has faced allegations of sexual assault and sex trafficking, accusations he has denied. abc's kayna whitworth leading us off on the breaking news. she's in los angeles tonight. >> reporter: tonight heavily armed federal authorities raiding homes belonging to legendary rapper and entertainment mogul, sean "diddy" combs. agents from homeland security in investigations seen in fatigues and body armor seen entering his home in the wealthy l.a. enclave of holmby hills. drones flying overhead. combs' two sons reportedly detained at the scene, and more agents at his mansion in miami. the department of homeland security confirming to abc news that they “executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation. law enforcement saying it's being handled out of new york and involving human trafficking. combs had multiple lawsuits leveled against him in recent months with allegations of sexual assault and sex trafficking. allegations he denies. and, david, a lawyer for two of the alleged victims told us in a statement they welcome today's law enforcement activity, adding they hope this is the beginning of a process that will hold mr. combs responsible. david? >> kayna whitworth leading us off on the breaking news, thank you. we turn to major developments involving donald trump. today was the deadline for trump to put up a $464 million bond while an appeals court giving him ten more days now, and now saying he can post less than half that. ultimately if trump loses his appeal, he will owe it all. tonight trump appearing pleased with this decision and says he will come up with the money in ten days. new york's attorney general was preparing to take action on trump's properties in lieu of the bond. but tonight trump's efforts to further stall the first criminal case, the hush money case, did not work. the fireworks in court today, the judge not happy and saying trump's first criminal trial will begin three weeks from today. senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky outside the courthouse tonight. >> reporter: donald trump walked into court today grim-faced. it was the deadline for him to post a $464 million bond in his civil fraud trial, but his lawyers said he didn't have the money. and the new york attorney general was already putting the wheels in motion to seize his assets. trump's lawyers claimed 30 insurance companies had turned the former president down for a bond, refusing to accept his real estate as collateral. on social media, trump ranted he was being pressured to raise cash by selling off buildings like trump tower, complaining, “why should i be forced to sell my 'babies.” but today at the 11th hour, a lifeline. an appeals court reducing that bond by more than half to 175 million and giving trump an extra 10 days to pay it. >> we'll now post either $175 million in cash or bonds or security or whatever is necessary, very quickly within the 10 days. >> reporter: the reprieve coming as trump sat in a manhattan courtroom trying to convince a judge to further delay the start of another case, his first criminal trial. trump charged with trying to hide a sex scandal from voters by falsifying business records about a hush money payment to porn actress, stormy daniels. jury selection was supposed to start today but was already delayed until april 15th to give trump's team more time to review newly disclosed documents. now they were asking for even more time, accusing the district attorney's office of “widespread misconduct” and “unethical actions.” but in a heated hearing, judge juan merchan calling those claims “a far cry” from true. declaring the trial will indeed go forward on april 15th, three weeks from today. outside, trump attacking the judge. >> the judge cannot go faster. he wants to get it started so badly. >> reporter: suggesting he could take the stand in his own defense. >> i would have no problem testifying. i didn't do anything wrong. >> reporter: so trump's first criminal trial starting three weeks from tonight. and, david, he has ten days now to post that reduced bond of $175 million in the civil case. but if he loses that civil case on appeal, he's still on the hook for the whole judgment, nearly a half billion dollars. david? >> david: aaron katersky in lower manhattan tonight. aaron, thank you. we're going to turn to real tornado concern across multiple states tonight. this line of storms stretching from texas and the gulf all the way up to wisconsin. strong tornadoes possible right into the evening hours. multiple states remain under winter weather alerts tonight. extremely dangerous travel with whiteout conditions. in garden city, kansas, a tornado touching down, one of five reported tornadoes from the system already. and treacherous driving along i-70 in western kansas from the snow. chief meteorologist ginger zee tracking it all for us. hey, ginger. >> reporter: right through the middle of louisiana, a tornado watch for the next couple hours. we'll see this still marching through mississippi as we go into the overnight. as we know nocturnal tornadoes can be more than two times more deadly, so two ways of get warnings if you're in that line. it will still be around by tomorrow morning, but on the back side of this, it's the blizzard warnings that are in place from the high plains of western kansas right up through south dakota. those winter weather advisories from new mexico up to minnesota and wisconsin. we're going to move it to the east, and, speaking of the east, we were drenched over the weekend. providence, rhode island, more than 10 inches above average to date, for the year. a lot of places 150% above normal. >> david: that was extraordinary. ginger, thank you. new images coming in after that horrific concert attack outside moscow. graphic new video posted tonight by russian state media. you can see officers there chasing a suspect through the woods, catching him, beating him. tonight for the first time vladimir putin blaming radical islamists, but not mentioning isis, even though isis has claimed responsibility. here's martha raddatz. >> reporter: dramatic new video tonight, showing russian officers chasing down one of the men accused of the massacre in moscow, kicking him repeatedly when he is finally caught. the images posted by russian state media. he was one of four suspected isis terrorists dragged into a russian courtroom today, bruised and bloodied. one, in a wheelchair, barely conscious. russian authorities are not denying reports that the suspects were tortured. at least 139 people killed, nearly 200 more injured friday. gunmen slaughtering concert goers and shoppers. tossing explosives as they escaped. within minutes a massive fire trapping many inside, causing the roof to collapse. the u.s. warned russia just two weeks ago of an imminent risk from isis-k, specifically at a concert venue. vladmir putin tonight, saying the attack was committed by “radical islamists” but not specifically isis, pointing the finger instead at ukraine, without evidence. the ukrainians deny any involvement. russia says three of the suspects have pleaded guilty, but putin keeps implying ukraine backed the attack even though the u.s. is adamant ukraine had nothing to do with it and isis-k itself claims responsibility. david? >> david: martha raddatz reporting ton. thank you, martha. back here the major shake-up at boeing after a number of safety scares including that door plug coming off at 16,000 feet. tonight we have learned the ceo will step down. gio benitez covers aviation. >> reporter: tonight, just months after that door plug flew off an alaska airlines boeing max 9 at 16,000 feet, raising questions over boeing's quality control a major shakeup at one of the largest aerospace companies in the world. boeing ceo, dave calhoun announcing he's stepping down planning to retire at the end of the year. two other executives also leaving, including the ceo of commercial airplanes who retired today. calhoun telling cnbc this was completely his decision. that it's time. >> i've entered my fifth year. at the end of this year, i'll be close to 68 years old. >> reporter: it comes amidst increased scrutiny over boeing's production, after an investigation found that alaska airlines door plug blew out because four key bolts were missing. and an f.a.a. audit, obtained by "the new york times," finding boeing failed 33 of 89 product audits. calhoun vowing to see the company through crucial changes. >> we are at the early stages of responding to, in my view, an overexercised supply chain and an overexercised boeing factory. and we're going to calm it down. we're going to get ahead of all issues that the f.a.a., and way more importantly, that our own people bring to our attention, and we'll get ahead of it. >> reporter: david this is a major company in america. boeing has made more than half of all planes operated by the major u.s. airlines. david? >> david: gio benitez on this again tonight. thank you, gio. we are learning more about a horrific tragedy at a pool in houston. an 8-year-old girl drowned after apparently being sucked into a pipe swimming at the doubletree hotel. her family reported her missing. she was found inside a 16-inch pipe. her body recovered nearly 13 hours after she vanished. investigators are now trying to determine what went wrong with that pipe. we turn now to the gamble scandal in major league baseball just a short time ago before we came on tonight, the major league's highest paid star, the dodgers' shohei ohtani, breaking his silence after his interpreter and friend was accused of using ohtani's money to pay off more than $4 million in debts. victor oquendo from los angeles. >> reporter: for the first time tonight, shohei ohtani addressing the gambling scandal involving his former interpreter and longtime friend ippei mizuhara who's now under investigation by major league baseball and the i.r.s. ohtani did not field any questions. only reading a statement, saying he never bet on baseball or any other sports but was saddened and shocked someone he trusted lied to him. >> rips one and he gets on top of it. and shohei ohtani's first height of 2024. >> reporter: the dodgers opening their season in south korea. there's mizuhara smiling with his longtime friend. earlier mizuhara saying ohtani helped him pay off an estimated $4.5 million in gambling debt, hours later, changing his story. ohtani saying he learned of the gambling and that mizuhara stole money from his account later that day. espn says they've investigated banking information showing the two-time mvp's name on two $500,000 payments sent in september and october. the dodgers promptly fired mizuhara. so far no one has been charged with the crime. ohtani saying he will assist in all investigations. david? >> david: victor oquendo on the development developments. thank you. tonight israel canceling the high-level meeting set for washington this week after president biden urged benjamin netanyahu in recent days not to move forward with an assault in rafah. here's selena wang from the house. >> reporter: tonight, israel's prime minister netanyahu rejecting an invitation from president biden. canceling plans to send a delegation to washington for high-level talks over israel's to pave the way calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. the u.s. abstaining for the first time, after months of blocking resolutions. netanyahu saying the u.s. move at the u.n. today “harms the war effort as well as the effort to liberate the hostages.” for weeks, the u.s. has urged israel not to go into the southern city of rafah without a plan to protect the 1.3 million palestinian civilians sheltering there, who are now on the brink of famine. but, look, the white house is downplaying any rift with israel, insisting there's been no change in u.s. policy, explaining the u.s. has always supported a ceasefire deal with the release of hostages. but netanyahu disagrees saying it does not condition a ceasefire on the condition of hostages. >> david: the outpouring of support for catherine, princess of wales, after sharing her cancer diagnosis with the world. you remember from friday night that deeply personal message. abc news has learned it was written by the princess herself. catherine leaning on king charles who visited her the day before she went public. tonight sarah ferguson, the duchess of new york, revealed her own skin cancer diagnosis this year, saying she is full of admiration for catherine for speaking out. when we come back, the deadly attack. two brothers attacked by a mountain lion. one of the brothers did not survive. and the new coming in on arnold schwarzenegger revealing news on his health. lip them. it crushed my confidence. but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me. i can love my skin again. with bimzelx. only bimzelx targets and blocks il-17a plus f to calm inflammation. i can control my plaques, and start getting myself back. bimzelx helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques, to deliver clearer skin fast, for results that last. i will give myself back the freedom of shorts. dare to wear black again from head to toe. 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(grunt) >> david: tonight authorities have identified two brothers attacked by a mountain lion in el dorado county, california, 50 miles outside sacramento. they say 21-year-old taylen brooks was killed and that his 18-year-old brother, wyatt brooks, suffered severe injuries to his face. the lion attacked while they were walking along a dirt road. authorities putting the lion down. it was the first deadly mountain lion attack in that state in two decades. when we come back here tonight, the news on arnold schwarzenegger, what he has revealed tonight. because of as? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. every march, jersey mike's turns money from subs into charitable donations. and march 27th is jersey mike's annual day of giving where 100% of sales from every sub are given back to the community. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron. i'm honored. looking good, danny. we've got subs to make, though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us this wednesday march 27th, for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. dad, i got a huge barbeque wing stain. this bottle says i need to pretreat. that stuff has way more water. a little bit of tide goes a long way, so you can save your shirt and maybe even a little money. nice! more money for nights at the...library. right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide. 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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. >> david: to the index and tonight arnold schwarzenegger has revealed he has received a pacemaker. he says he went in for a checkup, and his doctor told him he needed the pacemaker as soon as possible. he had undergone three open heart surgeries. the pace make esh was implanted last week. tonight arnold saying he had it to, quote, become more of a machine. he is a machine. when we come back here, a passing note tonight. someone you met right here on this broadcast's message moved so many of you. tonight we take you right back to where we met him. what're you? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don't like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. 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salonpas, it's good medicine. only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard — one simple member card that opens doors for what matters. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? we got you — with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. only from unitedhealthcare. >> david: finally tonight here, a note about someone we introduced you to a few years back. his story and unmistakable determination to build something to be proud of in america. tonight, saying good-bye to the suit maker from brooklyn who told us made in america meant everything. we took to you brooklyn to meet martin greenfield who had been making suits in america since 1947. up the stairs, the elevator, straight to the factory floor. how are you? >> how are you doing? >> good to see you. >> david: how martin got here was the real story. how long have you been in the factory? >> 70 years. >> david: martin was a boy when the nazis came to his village in czechoslovakia. his family was later taken to auschwitz. >> i was separated completely from my parents in auschwitz because some were sent to the left, and i was sent to the right. >> david: and you never saw your family again? >> never saw anybody again. >> david: it was there as a boy the nazis put martin to work as a tailor. >> i didn't know how to even hold a needle or how to sew. >> david: when the camp was liberated, it was general eisenhower who was right there. >> eisenhower, i shook his hand and i cried. i cried for joy. >> david: martin came to america and he told me he remembered the first time he saw the statue of liberty. >> all night i was watching. i was waiting to get to america. >> david: he would use those skills he learned while surviving, to get to work here. he would buy the factory himself. >> every day a three-piece suit. >> david: this is yours today? did you make this? >> of course. >> david: and of all of the people he would make suits for, that general who became president, president eisenhower. how important is it those three words, made in america? >> made in america for me, i love this country. i don't see colors. i only see people. >> david: tonight his two sons will now run the business. for martin, family was everything, including the family he lost. how often do you still think about your family? >> i still dream of them being alive. i see them in my dream. >> david: and will never forget the lesson from his own father who told him, never stop smiling. >> never stop smiling. >> david: even through the most difficult times. >> never stop smiling. >> david: martin was 95. his family remembering him tonight saying he survived the atrocities of the holocaust with his humanity intact. he sure did. good night. all the minimum wage has too low for too long. >> i think it's good for the people that work fast food. >> the only thing that this does is raise the cost of living and the cost of doing business. >> minimum wage for fast food workers are set to go up next week, and some health care workers walking off the job today as others prepare to strike. >> i'm cornell barnard. have you seen them? hundreds of thousands of tiny jellyfish washing ashore on bay area beaches. >> and with that, we say good afternoon. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze. today we begin with workers on strike. workers at seton medical center are striking for two days, more than 400 nursing assistants, housekeepers and medical technicians walked off the job this morning over their health care coverage. they say their current health care plan is unacceptable, claiming it cost them more and they can't find doctors who take the insurance. >> we should be able to be comfortable trying to get health care where we live for our families, for our children. >> the hospital says the union's claim is false and the health care plan remains free for employees in the south bay. >> now, thousands of nurses in santa clara county have set a date to strike after negotiations with the county failed to lead to a new deal. >> abc's have a new south bay reporter, du

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Factory , Overexercised , Supply Chain , Planes , Half , Airlines , Attention , David This , Family , Pipe Swimming , Gio , Houston , Doubletree Hotel , Old Girl , Body , Investigators , Gamble Scandal , Major League , 16 , 13 , Shohei Ohtani , Friend , Interpreter , Star , Debts , Victor Oquendo , 4 Million , Million , Ippei Mizuhara , Irs , Someone , Baseball , Sports , Top , Height , 2024 , 2024 Reporter , Season , Mizuhara Smiling , South Korea , 4 5 Million , 5 Million , Story , Espn , Gambling , Gambling Debt , Account , Banking Information , Dodgers , Payments , Mvp , Crime , Name , 00000 , 500000 , Meeting Set , Israel , Victor Oquendo On The Development Developments , Plans , Invitation , Delegation , White House , Selena Wang , Ceasefire , War Effort , Effort , Talks , Abstaining , Resolutions , Move , Gaza , U N , Civilians , Plan , City , Hostages , 1 3 Million , Famine , Change , Ceasefire Deal , Brink , Policy , Release , Rift , Friday Night , Condition , Diagnosis , Cancer , Princess Of Wales , Princess , Duchess , Skin Cancer Diagnosis , Catherine Leaning , Coming , Catherine , Admiration , Skin , Bimzelx , Will Psoriasis , Piece , Plaques , Them , Lip , Confidence , Targets , Calm Inflammation , 17 , Adults , Skin Fast , Psoriasis Control Plaques , Shorts , Moderate , Results , Freedom , Dare To Wear Black , Doctor , Side Effects , Ability , Dose , Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Liver Problems , Infections , Thoughts , Have , Behavior , Head To Toe , 100 , Vaccine , Dermatologist , Owner , Nutrition , 1 , Jersey Mike , Heart , Heart Attack , Immune System , Vo , Differences , Lifetime , Difference , Day One , Supports Charlie , In The Red , Ldl C Level , Ldl C Test , Menthol Cigarette , Ethan , Ads , 55 , Help , Soothing , Cigarette , Sootng , Vitamins , Tip , Type , Stroke , Announcer , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now , Symptoms , Action Sleep Supplement , Wellness Solutions , Nature S Bounty , Inflammation , Don T , Relief , Over The Counter , Eye Disease , Back , Eye Drops , Signs , Xiidra , Dry Eye Disease , Prescription , Vision , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Eye Irritation , 90 , Wyatt Brooks , Grunt , El Dorado County , Taylen Brooks , Sacramento , 18 , 50 , 0 , 21 , , Estate , Mountain Lion Attack , Lion , Face , Injuries , Dirt Road , Lion Down , Conditions , Breathing , Reactions , Add On Treatment , Breathing Problems , Asthma Treatments , Eosinophilic Asthma , Fasenra , Infection , Headache , Asthma , Sore Throat , March , Subs , Jersey Mike S , Giving , Donations , Community , Sales , March 27th , Peter , 27 , Apron , Dad , Make , Good , Bottle , Barbeque Wing Stain , Danny , Pretreat , Wednesday March 27th , Stuff , Nice , Bit , Tide , Water , Shirt , Bridget , The Library , Medicine , Tepezza , Thyroid Eye Disease , Ted , Camera , High Blood Pressure , Heartbeat , Infusion , Source , Infusion Reactions , Shortness , Patients , Study , Eye Bulging , Breath , Treatment , Hearing Problems , Ibd , Muscle Pain , Blood Sugar , Diabetes , Mytepezza Com , Eye Specialist , Nature , Pharmacist , Photos , Vitamin , Pacemaker , Supplement , Brand , Index , Checkup , Pace Make Esh , Open Heart Surgeries , More , Machine , Passing Note , Many , Quote , Broadcast , A Machine , Side Window Deflectors , Seat Protector , Work , Cargoliner , Weathertech , Car , Floorliners , Mud Flaps , Bumpstep , Vehicle , Protection , Pre Owned , Order , Sfx , Laundry , Bubblewrap Bubble Popped Sound , Scent , Freshness , Dyes , Perfumes , Trail , Foot , Obstructive Hcm , At Making Excuses , Taking Camzyos , Cardiologist , Medication , Camzyos , Heart Failure , Irregular Heartbeat , Death , Camzyos May , Medicines , Echocardiograms , Healthcare Provider , Wall , Program , Pregnancy , My Name Is Mike , Thing , Pieces , Lighting , Gifts , Furniture , Space , Feel , Etsy , Salonpas Lidocaine Flex , Pain , Strength Lidocaine , Patch , Contours , Otc , Salonpas , Unitedhealthcare , Medicare Advantage , Member Card , Doors , Ucard , National Provider Network , Something , Suit Maker , Note , Determination , Proud Of In America , Everything , Martin Greenfield , Making Suits , You Brooklyn , Stairs , Made In America , Elevator , Factory Floor , 1947 , Nazis , Boy , Factory , Village , Czechoslovakia , Some , Parents , Left , Right , Auschwitz , Needle , Camp , Anybody , Tailor , President Eisenhower , Joy , Hand , Statue Of Liberty , Surviving , Skills , General , Course , Suit , Words , Suits , Country , Colors , The Business , Dream , Lesson , Father , 95 , Holocaust , Atrocities , Humanity , Minimum Wage , Fast Food , Job , Cost , Health Care Workers , Fast Food Workers , Doing Business , Others , Jellyfish , Cornell Barnard , Hundreds Of Thousands , Bay Area Beaches , Health Care Plan , Workers , Technicians , Housekeepers , Health Care Coverage , Thanks , Strike , Nursing Assistants , Kristen Sze , Larry Biel , Seton Medical Center , 400 , Doctors , Health Care , Families , Insurance , Claim , Children , Hospital , Union , Negotiations , County , Thousands , Nurses , Deal , Employees , Santa Clara County , South Bay , New South Bay , Du , Abc S ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

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say they are on the scene. kayna whitworth live from los angeles. the breaking news on donald trump. today was the deadline for the $464 million bond. tonight an appeals court giving trump ten more days now, and now saying he can post less than half that. but if trump loses his case on appeal, he'll owe it all. and tonight the other case, the fireworks in court, the judge not happy and says trump's first criminal trial will begin three weeks from today. the severe storm threat as we come on the air tonight in several states. the tornado threat widening. multiple tornadoes already reported from the system, and this is all moving east. the new video showing russian officers chasing down a terror suspect in the woods. wanted for that deadly attack in a concert hall in moscow. tonight at least 139 people now killed in this. martha raddatz with what we know. the major shake-up at boeing amid a series of incidents including the door that came off at 16,000 feet. tonight boeing's ceo and two top executives are out. gio benitez covers aviation. a horrific tragedy at a hotel pool -- an 8-year-old girl drowning. authorities believe she was sucked into a pipe in the pool while swimming. just moments ago the highest paid player in major league baseball breaking his silence tonight. the l.a. dodgers' shohei ohtani making his first statement on the gambling scandal and what he now claims. tonight israel canceling this high-level meeting in washington set for this week after president biden urged benjamin netanyahu not to move forward with that assault in rafah. tonight, a global outpouring of support for princess catherine. king charles meeting with catherine before she went public. princess catherine writing that message herself and her hope, and sarah ferguson with her support. here in the u.s. the deadly attack, two brothers attacked by a mountain lion in california. and arnold schwarzenegger revealing news tonight about his health. >> david: good evening. it is great to have you with us on a monday night. we begin with the breaking news, the extraordinary scene late today. federal agents moving in on homes in los angeles and miami, homes belonging to music mogul sean diddy combs. the images coming in tonight federal authorities, including teams from homeland security, raiding the homes. tonight sources telling abc news it is connected to a human trafficking investigation. the aerial images right here of combs' home in the wealthy neighborhood of holmby hills, armored vehicles. two men have been detained at the property. law enforcement telling us they are his sons. he has faced allegations of sexual assault and sex trafficking, accusations he has denied. abc's kayna whitworth leading us off on the breaking news. she's in los angeles tonight. >> reporter: tonight heavily armed federal authorities raiding homes belonging to legendary rapper and entertainment mogul, sean "diddy" combs. agents from homeland security in investigations seen in fatigues and body armor seen entering his home in the wealthy l.a. enclave of holmby hills. drones flying overhead. combs' two sons reportedly detained at the scene, and more agents at his mansion in miami. the department of homeland security confirming to abc news that they “executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation. law enforcement saying it's being handled out of new york and involving human trafficking. combs had multiple lawsuits leveled against him in recent months with allegations of sexual assault and sex trafficking. allegations he denies. and, david, a lawyer for two of the alleged victims told us in a statement they welcome today's law enforcement activity, adding they hope this is the beginning of a process that will hold mr. combs responsible. david? >> kayna whitworth leading us off on the breaking news, thank you. we turn to major developments involving donald trump. today was the deadline for trump to put up a $464 million bond while an appeals court giving him ten more days now, and now saying he can post less than half that. ultimately if trump loses his appeal, he will owe it all. tonight trump appearing pleased with this decision and says he will come up with the money in ten days. new york's attorney general was preparing to take action on trump's properties in lieu of the bond. but tonight trump's efforts to further stall the first criminal case, the hush money case, did not work. the fireworks in court today, the judge not happy and saying trump's first criminal trial will begin three weeks from today. senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky outside the courthouse tonight. >> reporter: donald trump walked into court today grim-faced. it was the deadline for him to post a $464 million bond in his civil fraud trial, but his lawyers said he didn't have the money. and the new york attorney general was already putting the wheels in motion to seize his assets. trump's lawyers claimed 30 insurance companies had turned the former president down for a bond, refusing to accept his real estate as collateral. on social media, trump ranted he was being pressured to raise cash by selling off buildings like trump tower, complaining, “why should i be forced to sell my 'babies.” but today at the 11th hour, a lifeline. an appeals court reducing that bond by more than half to 175 million and giving trump an extra 10 days to pay it. >> we'll now post either $175 million in cash or bonds or security or whatever is necessary, very quickly within the 10 days. >> reporter: the reprieve coming as trump sat in a manhattan courtroom trying to convince a judge to further delay the start of another case, his first criminal trial. trump charged with trying to hide a sex scandal from voters by falsifying business records about a hush money payment to porn actress, stormy daniels. jury selection was supposed to start today but was already delayed until april 15th to give trump's team more time to review newly disclosed documents. now they were asking for even more time, accusing the district attorney's office of “widespread misconduct” and “unethical actions.” but in a heated hearing, judge juan merchan calling those claims “a far cry” from true. declaring the trial will indeed go forward on april 15th, three weeks from today. outside, trump attacking the judge. >> the judge cannot go faster. he wants to get it started so badly. >> reporter: suggesting he could take the stand in his own defense. >> i would have no problem testifying. i didn't do anything wrong. >> reporter: so trump's first criminal trial starting three weeks from tonight. and, david, he has ten days now to post that reduced bond of $175 million in the civil case. but if he loses that civil case on appeal, he's still on the hook for the whole judgment, nearly a half billion dollars. david? >> david: aaron katersky in lower manhattan tonight. aaron, thank you. we're going to turn to real tornado concern across multiple states tonight. this line of storms stretching from texas and the gulf all the way up to wisconsin. strong tornadoes possible right into the evening hours. multiple states remain under winter weather alerts tonight. extremely dangerous travel with whiteout conditions. in garden city, kansas, a tornado touching down, one of five reported tornadoes from the system already. and treacherous driving along i-70 in western kansas from the snow. chief meteorologist ginger zee tracking it all for us. hey, ginger. >> reporter: right through the middle of louisiana, a tornado watch for the next couple hours. we'll see this still marching through mississippi as we go into the overnight. as we know nocturnal tornadoes can be more than two times more deadly, so two ways of get warnings if you're in that line. it will still be around by tomorrow morning, but on the back side of this, it's the blizzard warnings that are in place from the high plains of western kansas right up through south dakota. those winter weather advisories from new mexico up to minnesota and wisconsin. we're going to move it to the east, and, speaking of the east, we were drenched over the weekend. providence, rhode island, more than 10 inches above average to date, for the year. a lot of places 150% above normal. >> david: that was extraordinary. ginger, thank you. new images coming in after that horrific concert attack outside moscow. graphic new video posted tonight by russian state media. you can see officers there chasing a suspect through the woods, catching him, beating him. tonight for the first time vladimir putin blaming radical islamists, but not mentioning isis, even though isis has claimed responsibility. here's martha raddatz. >> reporter: dramatic new video tonight, showing russian officers chasing down one of the men accused of the massacre in moscow, kicking him repeatedly when he is finally caught. the images posted by russian state media. he was one of four suspected isis terrorists dragged into a russian courtroom today, bruised and bloodied. one, in a wheelchair, barely conscious. russian authorities are not denying reports that the suspects were tortured. at least 139 people killed, nearly 200 more injured friday. gunmen slaughtering concert goers and shoppers. tossing explosives as they escaped. within minutes a massive fire trapping many inside, causing the roof to collapse. the u.s. warned russia just two weeks ago of an imminent risk from isis-k, specifically at a concert venue. vladmir putin tonight, saying the attack was committed by “radical islamists” but not specifically isis, pointing the finger instead at ukraine, without evidence. the ukrainians deny any involvement. russia says three of the suspects have pleaded guilty, but putin keeps implying ukraine backed the attack even though the u.s. is adamant ukraine had nothing to do with it and isis-k itself claims responsibility. david? >> david: martha raddatz reporting ton. thank you, martha. back here the major shake-up at boeing after a number of safety scares including that door plug coming off at 16,000 feet. tonight we have learned the ceo will step down. gio benitez covers aviation. >> reporter: tonight, just months after that door plug flew off an alaska airlines boeing max 9 at 16,000 feet, raising questions over boeing's quality control a major shakeup at one of the largest aerospace companies in the world. boeing ceo, dave calhoun announcing he's stepping down planning to retire at the end of the year. two other executives also leaving, including the ceo of commercial airplanes who retired today. calhoun telling cnbc this was completely his decision. that it's time. >> i've entered my fifth year. at the end of this year, i'll be close to 68 years old. >> reporter: it comes amidst increased scrutiny over boeing's production, after an investigation found that alaska airlines door plug blew out because four key bolts were missing. and an f.a.a. audit, obtained by "the new york times," finding boeing failed 33 of 89 product audits. calhoun vowing to see the company through crucial changes. >> we are at the early stages of responding to, in my view, an overexercised supply chain and an overexercised boeing factory. and we're going to calm it down. we're going to get ahead of all issues that the f.a.a., and way more importantly, that our own people bring to our attention, and we'll get ahead of it. >> reporter: david this is a major company in america. boeing has made more than half of all planes operated by the major u.s. airlines. david? >> david: gio benitez on this again tonight. thank you, gio. we are learning more about a horrific tragedy at a pool in houston. an 8-year-old girl drowned after apparently being sucked into a pipe swimming at the doubletree hotel. her family reported her missing. she was found inside a 16-inch pipe. her body recovered nearly 13 hours after she vanished. investigators are now trying to determine what went wrong with that pipe. we turn now to the gamble scandal in major league baseball just a short time ago before we came on tonight, the major league's highest paid star, the dodgers' shohei ohtani, breaking his silence after his interpreter and friend was accused of using ohtani's money to pay off more than $4 million in debts. victor oquendo from los angeles. >> reporter: for the first time tonight, shohei ohtani addressing the gambling scandal involving his former interpreter and longtime friend ippei mizuhara who's now under investigation by major league baseball and the i.r.s. ohtani did not field any questions. only reading a statement, saying he never bet on baseball or any other sports but was saddened and shocked someone he trusted lied to him. >> rips one and he gets on top of it. and shohei ohtani's first height of 2024. >> reporter: the dodgers opening their season in south korea. there's mizuhara smiling with his longtime friend. earlier mizuhara saying ohtani helped him pay off an estimated $4.5 million in gambling debt, hours later, changing his story. ohtani saying he learned of the gambling and that mizuhara stole money from his account later that day. espn says they've investigated banking information showing the two-time mvp's name on two $500,000 payments sent in september and october. the dodgers promptly fired mizuhara. so far no one has been charged with the crime. ohtani saying he will assist in all investigations. david? >> david: victor oquendo on the development developments. thank you. tonight israel canceling the high-level meeting set for washington this week after president biden urged benjamin netanyahu in recent days not to move forward with an assault in rafah. here's selena wang from the house. >> reporter: tonight, israel's prime minister netanyahu rejecting an invitation from president biden. canceling plans to send a delegation to washington for high-level talks over israel's to pave the way calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. the u.s. abstaining for the first time, after months of blocking resolutions. netanyahu saying the u.s. move at the u.n. today “harms the war effort as well as the effort to liberate the hostages.” for weeks, the u.s. has urged israel not to go into the southern city of rafah without a plan to protect the 1.3 million palestinian civilians sheltering there, who are now on the brink of famine. but, look, the white house is downplaying any rift with israel, insisting there's been no change in u.s. policy, explaining the u.s. has always supported a ceasefire deal with the release of hostages. but netanyahu disagrees saying it does not condition a ceasefire on the condition of hostages. >> david: the outpouring of support for catherine, princess of wales, after sharing her cancer diagnosis with the world. you remember from friday night that deeply personal message. abc news has learned it was written by the princess herself. catherine leaning on king charles who visited her the day before she went public. tonight sarah ferguson, the duchess of new york, revealed her own skin cancer diagnosis this year, saying she is full of admiration for catherine for speaking out. when we come back, the deadly attack. two brothers attacked by a mountain lion. one of the brothers did not survive. and the new coming in on arnold schwarzenegger revealing news on his health. lip them. it crushed my confidence. but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me. i can love my skin again. with bimzelx. only bimzelx targets and blocks il-17a plus f to calm inflammation. i can control my plaques, and start getting myself back. bimzelx helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques, to deliver clearer skin fast, for results that last. i will give myself back the freedom of shorts. dare to wear black again from head to toe. (♪) most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections and lowered ability to fight them, liver problems, and inflammatory bowel disease, have occurred. tell your doctor if these happen or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. (♪) start to get yourself back, with bimzelx. ask your dermatologist about bimzelx today. (owner) purina one... we switched and wow! from day 1, its proven natural nutrition start to get yourself back, with bimzelx. supports charlie's strong immune system... and ginger's healthy heart. (vo) healthy differences today and for a lifetime. purina one. a difference from day one. mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. 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(grunt) >> david: tonight authorities have identified two brothers attacked by a mountain lion in el dorado county, california, 50 miles outside sacramento. they say 21-year-old taylen brooks was killed and that his 18-year-old brother, wyatt brooks, suffered severe injuries to his face. the lion attacked while they were walking along a dirt road. authorities putting the lion down. it was the first deadly mountain lion attack in that state in two decades. when we come back here tonight, the news on arnold schwarzenegger, what he has revealed tonight. because of as? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. every march, jersey mike's turns money from subs into charitable donations. and march 27th is jersey mike's annual day of giving where 100% of sales from every sub are given back to the community. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron. i'm honored. looking good, danny. we've got subs to make, though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us this wednesday march 27th, for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. dad, i got a huge barbeque wing stain. this bottle says i need to pretreat. that stuff has way more water. a little bit of tide goes a long way, so you can save your shirt and maybe even a little money. nice! more money for nights at the...library. right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide. 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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. >> david: to the index and tonight arnold schwarzenegger has revealed he has received a pacemaker. he says he went in for a checkup, and his doctor told him he needed the pacemaker as soon as possible. he had undergone three open heart surgeries. the pace make esh was implanted last week. tonight arnold saying he had it to, quote, become more of a machine. he is a machine. when we come back here, a passing note tonight. someone you met right here on this broadcast's message moved so many of you. tonight we take you right back to where we met him. what're you? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don't like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ ) nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm. so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm. camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. camzyos may cause serious side effects, including heart failure that can lead to death. a risk that's increased if you develop a serious infection or irregular heartbeat or when taking certain other medicines. so do not stop, start or change medicines or the dose without telling your healthcare provider. you must have echocardiograms before and during treatment. seek help if you experience new or worsening symptoms of heart failure. because of this risk, camzyos is only available through a restricted program. before taking camzyos, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including current or planned pregnancy. today with camzyos, i don't lose my breath as often. my symptoms have improved, helping me go from expecting less to experiencing more. my name is mike. and this is my camzyos moment. call your cardiologist today and see if a camzyos moment may be in your future too. shop etsy until april 15th and get up to and see if a camzyos moment 30% off thoughtful pieces made by real people to brighten your home. save on lighting, furniture, gifts and more. when you need 'just the thing' to make your space feel like new... etsy has it. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard — one simple member card that opens doors for what matters. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? we got you — with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. only from unitedhealthcare. >> david: finally tonight here, a note about someone we introduced you to a few years back. his story and unmistakable determination to build something to be proud of in america. tonight, saying good-bye to the suit maker from brooklyn who told us made in america meant everything. we took to you brooklyn to meet martin greenfield who had been making suits in america since 1947. up the stairs, the elevator, straight to the factory floor. how are you? >> how are you doing? >> good to see you. >> david: how martin got here was the real story. how long have you been in the factory? >> 70 years. >> david: martin was a boy when the nazis came to his village in czechoslovakia. his family was later taken to auschwitz. >> i was separated completely from my parents in auschwitz because some were sent to the left, and i was sent to the right. >> david: and you never saw your family again? >> never saw anybody again. >> david: it was there as a boy the nazis put martin to work as a tailor. >> i didn't know how to even hold a needle or how to sew. >> david: when the camp was liberated, it was general eisenhower who was right there. >> eisenhower, i shook his hand and i cried. i cried for joy. >> david: martin came to america and he told me he remembered the first time he saw the statue of liberty. >> all night i was watching. i was waiting to get to america. >> david: he would use those skills he learned while surviving, to get to work here. he would buy the factory himself. >> every day a three-piece suit. >> david: this is yours today? did you make this? >> of course. >> david: and of all of the people he would make suits for, that general who became president, president eisenhower. how important is it those three words, made in america? >> made in america for me, i love this country. i don't see colors. i only see people. >> david: tonight his two sons will now run the business. for martin, family was everything, including the family he lost. how often do you still think about your family? >> i still dream of them being alive. i see them in my dream. >> david: and will never forget the lesson from his own father who told him, never stop smiling. >> never stop smiling. >> david: even through the most difficult times. >> never stop smiling. >> david: martin was 95. his family remembering him tonight saying he survived the atrocities of the holocaust with his humanity intact. he sure did. good night. all the minimum wage has too low for too long. >> i think it's good for the people that work fast food. >> the only thing that this does is raise the cost of living and the cost of doing business. >> minimum wage for fast food workers are set to go up next week, and some health care workers walking off the job today as others prepare to strike. >> i'm cornell barnard. have you seen them? hundreds of thousands of tiny jellyfish washing ashore on bay area beaches. >> and with that, we say good afternoon. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze. today we begin with workers on strike. workers at seton medical center are striking for two days, more than 400 nursing assistants, housekeepers and medical technicians walked off the job this morning over their health care coverage. they say their current health care plan is unacceptable, claiming it cost them more and they can't find doctors who take the insurance. >> we should be able to be comfortable trying to get health care where we live for our families, for our children. >> the hospital says the union's claim is false and the health care plan remains free for employees in the south bay. >> now, thousands of nurses in santa clara county have set a date to strike after negotiations with the county failed to lead to a new deal. >> abc's have a new south bay reporter, du

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, Washington , Benjamin Netanyahu , Rafah , U S , Sarah Ferguson , Message , Brothers , Public , Mountain Lion , Writing , Hope , California , Health , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Images , Homeland Security , Teams , On Homes , On A Monday Night , Abc News , Sources , Human Trafficking Investigation , Men , Vehicles , Neighborhood , Holmby Hills , Law Enforcement , Sons , Sex Trafficking , Sexual Assault , Allegations , Property , Accusations , Reporter , Investigations , Rapper , Body Armor , Fatigues , Entertainment Mogul , Combs , Law Enforcement Actions , Drones , Mansion , Part , L A Enclave , Department Of Homeland Security , Investigation , New York , Human Trafficking , Lawsuits , Statement , Victims , Law Enforcement Activity , Beginning , Process , Mr , Developments , Money , Tonight Trump , Attorney General , Decision , Action , Hush Money Case , Efforts , Properties , Lieu , Aaron Katersky , Lawyers , Courthouse , Civil Fraud Trial , Grim Faced , Cash , President , Insurance Companies , Wheels , On Social Media , Assets , Motion , Real Estate , Collateral , Buildings , 30 , 11th Hour , Babies , Complaining , Trump Tower , 10 , 175 Million , 11 , Courtroom , Bonds , Security , Whatever , Start , Reprieve , Trump Sat In A Manhattan , 75 Million , Jury Selection , Sex Scandal , Hush Money Payment , Business Records , Voters , Stormy Daniels , Porn Actress , Hearing , Actions , Office , Team , Misconduct , Documents , District Attorney , Merchan , 15 , April 15th , Outside , Cannot Go Faster , True , Far Cry , Anything , Problem , Stand , Defense , So Trump S First Criminal Trial , Line , Tornado , Judgment , Concern , Hook , Lower Manhattan , Way , Winter Weather , Storms , Whiteout Conditions , Gulf , Wisconsin , Garden City , Texas , Purina One , Ginger , Ginger Zee Tracking It , System , Driving , Snow , Chief Meteorologist , Western Kansas , Tornado Touching Down , I 70 , 70 , One , Five , Times , Get Warnings , Tornado Watch , Middle , Ways , Louisiana , Mississippi , Blizzard Warnings , Place , Back Side , Up To , High Plains , South Dakota , Minnesota , New Mexico , Weekend , Places , Lot , Rhode Island , Providence , 150 , Time , Islamists , Suspect , Outside Moscow , Woods , Russian State Media , Vladimir Putin , Responsibility , Isis , Massacre In Moscow , State Media , Terrorists , Wheelchair , Bruised , Four , Suspects , Reports , Gunmen Slaughtering Concert Goers , 200 , Shoppers , Tossing Explosives , Inside , Fire Trapping , Roof , Risk , Ukraine , Concert Venue , Finger , Isis K , Ukrainians , Putin , Evidence , Involvement , Nothing , Number , Scares , Safety , Martha Raddatz Reporting Ton , Alaska Airlines , World , Questions , Dave Calhoun , Planning , Companies , Quality Control , Aerospace , Commercial Airplanes , 9 , Cnbc , Production , It S Time , Scrutiny , 68 , Company , Audit , Finding Boeing , Product Audits , The New York Times , Faa , Bolts , 33 , 89 , Issues , Changes , View , Stages , Overexercised Boeing Factory , Overexercised , Supply Chain , Planes , Half , Airlines , Attention , David This , Family , Pipe Swimming , Gio , Houston , Doubletree Hotel , Old Girl , Body , Investigators , Gamble Scandal , Major League , 16 , 13 , Shohei Ohtani , Friend , Interpreter , Star , Debts , Victor Oquendo , 4 Million , Million , Ippei Mizuhara , Irs , Someone , Baseball , Sports , Top , Height , 2024 , 2024 Reporter , Season , Mizuhara Smiling , South Korea , 4 5 Million , 5 Million , Story , Espn , Gambling , Gambling Debt , Account , Banking Information , Dodgers , Payments , Mvp , Crime , Name , 00000 , 500000 , Meeting Set , Israel , Victor Oquendo On The Development Developments , Plans , Invitation , Delegation , White House , Selena Wang , Ceasefire , War Effort , Effort , Talks , Abstaining , Resolutions , Move , Gaza , U N , Civilians , Plan , City , Hostages , 1 3 Million , Famine , Change , Ceasefire Deal , Brink , Policy , Release , Rift , Friday Night , Condition , Diagnosis , Cancer , Princess Of Wales , Princess , Duchess , Skin Cancer Diagnosis , Catherine Leaning , Coming , Catherine , Admiration , Skin , Bimzelx , Will Psoriasis , Piece , Plaques , Them , Lip , Confidence , Targets , Calm Inflammation , 17 , Adults , Skin Fast , Psoriasis Control Plaques , Shorts , Moderate , Results , Freedom , Dare To Wear Black , Doctor , Side Effects , Ability , Dose , Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Liver Problems , Infections , Thoughts , Have , Behavior , Head To Toe , 100 , Vaccine , Dermatologist , Owner , Nutrition , 1 , Jersey Mike , Heart , Heart Attack , Immune System , Vo , Differences , Lifetime , Difference , Day One , Supports Charlie , In The Red , Ldl C Level , Ldl C Test , Menthol Cigarette , Ethan , Ads , 55 , Help , Soothing , Cigarette , Sootng , Vitamins , Tip , Type , Stroke , Announcer , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now , Symptoms , Action Sleep Supplement , Wellness Solutions , Nature S Bounty , Inflammation , Don T , Relief , Over The Counter , Eye Disease , Back , Eye Drops , Signs , Xiidra , Dry Eye Disease , Prescription , Vision , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Eye Irritation , 90 , Wyatt Brooks , Grunt , El Dorado County , Taylen Brooks , Sacramento , 18 , 50 , 0 , 21 , , Estate , Mountain Lion Attack , Lion , Face , Injuries , Dirt Road , Lion Down , Conditions , Breathing , Reactions , Add On Treatment , Breathing Problems , Asthma Treatments , Eosinophilic Asthma , Fasenra , Infection , Headache , Asthma , Sore Throat , March , Subs , Jersey Mike S , Giving , Donations , Community , Sales , March 27th , Peter , 27 , Apron , Dad , Make , Good , Bottle , Barbeque Wing Stain , Danny , Pretreat , Wednesday March 27th , Stuff , Nice , Bit , Tide , Water , Shirt , Bridget , The Library , Medicine , Tepezza , Thyroid Eye Disease , Ted , Camera , High Blood Pressure , Heartbeat , Infusion , Source , Infusion Reactions , Shortness , Patients , Study , Eye Bulging , Breath , Treatment , Hearing Problems , Ibd , Muscle Pain , Blood Sugar , Diabetes , Mytepezza Com , Eye Specialist , Nature , Pharmacist , Photos , Vitamin , Pacemaker , Supplement , Brand , Index , Checkup , Pace Make Esh , Open Heart Surgeries , More , Machine , Passing Note , Many , Quote , Broadcast , A Machine , Side Window Deflectors , Seat Protector , Work , Cargoliner , Weathertech , Car , Floorliners , Mud Flaps , Bumpstep , Vehicle , Protection , Pre Owned , Order , Sfx , Laundry , Bubblewrap Bubble Popped Sound , Scent , Freshness , Dyes , Perfumes , Trail , Foot , Obstructive Hcm , At Making Excuses , Taking Camzyos , Cardiologist , Medication , Camzyos , Heart Failure , Irregular Heartbeat , Death , Camzyos May , Medicines , Echocardiograms , Healthcare Provider , Wall , Program , Pregnancy , My Name Is Mike , Thing , Pieces , Lighting , Gifts , Furniture , Space , Feel , Etsy , Salonpas Lidocaine Flex , Pain , Strength Lidocaine , Patch , Contours , Otc , Salonpas , Unitedhealthcare , Medicare Advantage , Member Card , Doors , Ucard , National Provider Network , Something , Suit Maker , Note , Determination , Proud Of In America , Everything , Martin Greenfield , Making Suits , You Brooklyn , Stairs , Made In America , Elevator , Factory Floor , 1947 , Nazis , Boy , Factory , Village , Czechoslovakia , Some , Parents , Left , Right , Auschwitz , Needle , Camp , Anybody , Tailor , President Eisenhower , Joy , Hand , Statue Of Liberty , Surviving , Skills , General , Course , Suit , Words , Suits , Country , Colors , The Business , Dream , Lesson , Father , 95 , Holocaust , Atrocities , Humanity , Minimum Wage , Fast Food , Job , Cost , Health Care Workers , Fast Food Workers , Doing Business , Others , Jellyfish , Cornell Barnard , Hundreds Of Thousands , Bay Area Beaches , Health Care Plan , Workers , Technicians , Housekeepers , Health Care Coverage , Thanks , Strike , Nursing Assistants , Kristen Sze , Larry Biel , Seton Medical Center , 400 , Doctors , Health Care , Families , Insurance , Claim , Children , Hospital , Union , Negotiations , County , Thousands , Nurses , Deal , Employees , Santa Clara County , South Bay , New South Bay , Du , Abc S ,

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