Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

accused of a killing spree at multiple locations. authorities seen evacuating people from a building. they say earlier the suspect, armed with an ar-15 style rifle, shot and killed three family members in nearby pennsylvania, ranging in age from 13 to 52, then carjacked someone, fleeing in their vehicle to trenton, new jersey. authorities releasing a photo of the 26-year-old man. residents in pennsylvania had been told to shelter in place. morgan norwood fromhe scene in new jersey with late news just coming in. millions on alert as dangerous weather slams the south, damaging winds scattered tornados and flooding all possible. our weather team tracking it all. and scenes of destruction in the midwest. days after the deadly tornado outbreak, three people killed, more than 20 tornados across seven states. on the ground in ohio with the families most fakted. the manhunt and two cross country killings. the 33 year old suspected of murdering a state trooper who stopped to help him with a flat tire. authorities now saying that suspect is also a person of interest in the killing of a paramedic in south carolina, saying he took her car and drove it to new mexico. the crackdown on spring break in florida. dramatic police body camera footage capturing the moment officers come face-to-face with an armed teenager as police across the state take a tough stand against potential threats. overseas, the push to get cease-fire talks back on track in the israel-hamas war, and the effort to save some of the youngest victims of the conflict. our team embedded with a flying hospital. celebrating the rich history of the irish in america. kicking off st. patrick's day weekend. and america strong tonight. proof you are never too old to realize your dreams. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from ange news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." >> whit: good evening. thank you for joining us on this busy saturday night. i'm whit johnson. we begin with breaking news. a suspect in a multi-state crime spree, armed with an ar-15 style rifle, allegedly shooting and killing three family members including his 13-year-old sister outside philadelphia. hours later, police and swat teams swarming a home in trenton, new jersey. this dramatic video showing officers evacuating people from that building, all of them safely removed without injury. police identifying the suspect as 26-year-old andre gordon. law enforcement surrounding that trenton home, repeatedly urging gordon to surrender, deploying tear gas at one point. authorities confirm the suspect was eventually arrested at a different location outside the perimeter. he is now in custody. abc's morgan norwood leading us off from new jersey with late details just coming in. >> reporter: tonight, dramatic video showing police rescuing people from this home in trenton, new jersey, searching for a suspect considered armed and dangerous after a crime spree across multiple states that left three of his family members dead. authorities identifying the suspect as 26-year-old andre gordon, saying he is believed to be armed with an ar-15 style assault rifle and currently homeless. gordon's alleged crime spree allegedly beginning this morning in trenton, carjacking sonia hanson and her grandson at gun point. sanson, still shaken. >> the guy started banging on my car with the back of the gun. then i jumped over the satisfy and ran. i'm so glad i'm just alive because i think he would have killed me. >> reporter: police say gordon drove the stolen car to a home in levittown, paennsylvania whee you broke in. >> where he shot and killed his 52-year-old stepmother karen gordon and 13-year-old sister cara gordon who lived at the residence. there were three other individuals at the residence, including a minor, who were able to hide and avoid being shot by gordon as he went through the house searching for them. >> reporter: gordon then traveling to a home nearby and breaking in. >> after which he shot and killed 25-year-old taylor daniel, with whom he has 2 children. at the time of the shooting there were four other individuals present inside that home, one of which was injured after being bludgeoned by gordon with the assault rifle. >> reporter: at 9:13 a.m. police say gordon carjacked someone at gunpoint in a dollar general parking lot in morrisville, driving off in this 2016 dark grey honda crv with pennsylvania registration and a namaste bumper sticker. police then finding the abandoned suv miles away in trenton. police swarming the home for hours before apprehending the suspect on a street nearby. >> whit: morgan norwood joining us from the scene in trenton. what more are you learning about the assault-style rifle and how he was taken into custody? >> reporter: well, whit, police say that he made it out of the home well before they established their perimeter. he was found just a couple of blocks away from the scene. as for that ar-15 style rifle, police still investigating how he got his hands on it in the first place. whit. >> whit: morgan, thank you. we turn now to the more than 13 million people bracing for a severe weather threat in texas. cities like austin, san antonio, houston and corpus christi all at risk for flash flooding, large hail and damaging winds and even scattered tornados. let's go to abc meteorologist somara theodore trackinged all f for us. time this out. >> reporter: whit, these thunderstorms moving through overnight which makes them dangerous. at 1 a.m. we are seeing the more robust storms hitting san antonio, texas. by 5 a.m. this is in line with corpus christi and waco. then this storm moves east. by noon tomorrow, the louisiana coastline is expected to experience heavy rain that could move to flash flooding and rain moving through central florida by monday. totals could rain from 3 to 4 inches locally in some spots. in the northeast it mass been a serene setting. however, temperatures tomorrow morning in minneapolis could be around 19 degrees. washington, d.c., headed to work monday morning at 35 degrees. whit. >> whit: okay, somara. thank you. we are getting a clear picture of the devastation after deadly tornados ripped through the heartland. one of the hardest hit areas is central ohio community. at least three people were killed there. homes and businesses, completely destroyed, debris scattered for miles. tonight, the families trying to pick up the pieces. in the storm zone. >> reporter: tonight, hundreds of families in need after a deadly tornado tore through logan county, ohio, an hour northwest of columbus. this high school gymnasium now a donation center giving out food, clothing, and basic necessities. we met jeremiah knighting, who rode out the storm with his 74-year-old mother. their home now completely destroyed. >> it's a blessing, man. i just can't thank god enough. i can't -- i can't thank these people enough. i can't thank, i don't know, everybody. >> reporter: people here now sifting through debris. travis gause among those salvaging what they can. >> i don't even know where to begin with my cleanup. yeah, i see people picking up out of their yards, but with mine -- >> reporter: where do you start? >> yeah. >> reporter: the cleanup effort well under way along this street. as you can see, so many of the homes here are a complete loss. that twister striking thursday -- an ef-3 with winds of at least 136 miles per hour -- claiming three lives. tonight we're learning darla williams, a grandmother, did not survive. her family telling abc "she was well loved in the community," and a "true friend to all that knew her." the tornado part of a multi-day tornado outbreak that injured dozens. meteorologists saying the winter's record warmth fueled those twisters, humidity making the air unstable -- conditions not normally present until later in the spring. tornadoes not the only kind of dangerous weather this week. this frightening scene in texas friday -- families racing for cover at rodeo houston. >> this hail is falling, and all these people are running, trying to race to a safe spot. >> reporter: that hail falling as the area was under a severe thunderstorm warning. the national weather service confirmed at least eight tornados across ohio this week, authorities saying the cleanup here is going to take some time. >> we can see all that destruction behind you. alex, thank you. next tonight, the terrifying new details about a cross country killing spree, police identifying the suspect in the murder of a new mexico state police officer as jeremy smith, authorities also linking him to the death of a female paramedic found dead in south carolina. police say he was driving her stolen vehicle when the trooper was shot and killed. here's abc's melissa aidan. >> reporter: tonight an urgent search for the suspect wanted in two cross country killings of a new mexico state police officer and a paramedic in south carolina. >> jeremy smith, we are coming for you. >> reporter: police say 33-year-old jeremy smith is a person of interest in the death of 52-year-old phonesia phonesia machado-fore in dillon county, south carolina, who was reported missing thursday. a 35-year-old officer, justin heir, dispatched to help. smith caught on dash cam video. >> when without warning the suspect pulled out a firearm and shot officer haire. smith walked to the driver's side and shot officer haire again. smith pushed officer haire into the passenger seat and drove away in officer haire's patrol unit with officer haire still inside. >> reporter: authorities say officer haire's radio distress signal went off. another officer dispatched saw haire's patrol car driving at a high rate of speed, ultimately finding the patrol cruiser empty on the side of the road and haire injured nearby. >> the last words officer haire uttered on this earth was to offer help to a man who was about to kill him. >> reporter: smith is considered armed and dangerous. >> extensive criminal history, the majority of which is in south carolina. it goes back for at least a decade. >> reporter: whit, the new mexico state police chief says there's been three officers shot and killed in the line of duty just within the last nine months alone, noting before that it had been 30 years since a state police officer was killed. whit. >> whit: truly disturbing details. melissa adan for us. next, the terrifying spring break standoff in florida. dramatic body cam footage capturing the moment police came face-to-face with a teenager. officials trying to crackdown on the chaos and violence. now reporting from miami. >> reporter: tonight. >> drop the [ bleep ] gun. >> reporter: this shocking spring break standoff between officers and a teenager seen on police body cam. a 16 year old behind bars after allegedly pulling a gun on the crowded shore of new smyrna beach in central florida, that teenager charged as an adult with multiple felonies. 24 hours later an 18 year old taken into custody. police say they spotted a handgun and marijuana during a traffic stop. law enforcement up and down the florida coast cracking down. >> there's a lot of policemen around and not so much rowdiness. >> reporter: miami beach trying to change course. >> we needed to end spring break. we are bringing bakuck law and order. >> reporter: last year two people were killed, one of those cold blooded murders caught on surveillance. this year is different, police putting in place the toughest restrictions including this message from miami beach. >> we're breaking up with you. >> reporter: whit, those restrictions include a massive police residence as well as a strict curfew which a couple of night clubs in the area tried to push back on, but still these restrictions led to smaller crowds and no arrests. white. >> whit: thank you. oversees to the israel-hamas war. the stalled cease-fire talks could resume as soon as sunday. this as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears determined to push forward with the offensive in gaza. now with a flying hospital evacuating some of gaza's wounded. >> reporter: tonight the rush to get aid into gaza via air and now by sea. the world central kitchen sending close to 200 tons of food brought by boat, now being readied for distribution. but looming are plans to attack the city of rafah, now approved by prime minister netanyahu. netanyahu promising to more the 1.4 million people displaced to humanitarian enclaves with shelter, food and hospital. for injured palestinians help can't come soon enough. we were taken aboard an emirati flight, medics describing it as a flying hospital. >> here at the back of the plane they've set up beds. this one has an iv drip. they have ventilators and defibrillators, anything you would need to treat patients in fliechlt here we meet a 5 year old with his right leg gone, the other broken. a 9 year old hit with shrap them, the injury requiring surgery and several amputations. he will bear the injuries for the rest of his life. yazan telling us, i was playing with my sister. our house was shelled, she was martyred. my other sister and parents survived. a 13 year old yara, one of the most severely injured, getting six hours of reconstructive surgery. there is no food, yara says, no watter. my baby sister, we cannot get her diapers or milk. everything has become very expensive and that is if we are able to find it. doctors telling us one of the big issues now is malnutrition. a third of children under 2 years old now acutely malnourished in northern gaza according to the u.n. at least 23 children have died from malnutrition so far according to unicef. >> the food is not available. the proper medication is not available. >> reporter: with secretary of state antony blinken in the middle east tonight, a cease-fire negotiations appear set to resume in doha. the u.s. is not expected to take part in the talks but the white house says it shouldn't be taken as a signal it isn't a positive step. israel is expected to attend. >> whit: reporting tonight, thank you. tune in to this week tomorrow morning. martha raddatz with the latest from the white house national security spokesperson, john kirby, on u.s. support for israel and ukraine. and amid the civil unrest if haiti, more help could be on the way for americans there. the state department is offering a charter flight to u.s. citizens with valid passports. americans have been desperate to flee port-au-prince after weeks of deadly gang violence. u.s. authorities warning travelers to only make the journey if they can safely get to the airport. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight." this saturday the department of justice reportedly ramping up its investigation of boeing, and the mega millions jackpot is closing in on a billion dollars. my physician referred me to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. 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let's imagine that ll cool j has a bubble around him. -do we want to be inside -- ohh. -hey, i'm keith. there are some situations that young homeowners turning into their parents just can't handle. yeah, there he is. -there's my nephew. -very cool. i got a video of him, uh, playing piano. that's not how you take a selfie. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. -three, two, one. -we don't need a countdown. just take the picture. >> whit: to the index now. the number of measles cases in the u.s. is growing. at least 58 so far this year. that number already equal to the number of cases reported in all of last year. at least 17 states reporting cases now. cdc saying measles is more likely to spread and cause outbreaks where groups are unvaccinated. chicago reporting 12 cases, 10 from a migrant shelter in the city. a cdc team is on the scene to assist local authorities. well, the calendar may say march 16th but it is looking very green across the country. the annual st. patrick's day parade taking place here in new york city, the event dating back to 1762. another annual tradition in chicago, members of the plumbers union turning the chicago river green using an environmentsally friendly dye used to check pipes for leaks. down south in savannah, georgia's oldest city playing host to the south's largest st. patrick's day parade. the official holiday, of course, is tomorrow. when we come back, the 89 year old inspiring millions going back to school. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. 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( ♪ ) finally tonight, america >> whit: finally tonight, america strong. the grandfather and overnight internet sensation proving it is never too late to follow your dreams. that's 89-year-old paul hohetter on his first day back at school in more than 60 years. >> i went to university of maryland and graduated in 1960 after i served in the service for seven years. i decided at this age that you should keep your mind moving. i decided that i also want to go to college and see what i missed and see what's taken place since then. >> got my backpack. >> and he is doing just that. now a student at carroll community college in maryland, studying history. he served in the air force after world war ii as a weatherman. paul's proud granddaughter, gabby, posting this short clip on tiktok in late january to mark the occasion. that post attracting 500,000 views overnight, and since then it has been seen more than 4.3 million times. >> i am so proud of him. he's just always learning. >> paul's journey inspiring others, young and old alike. thousands responding with comments like these. it is never too late to accomplish your dreams. if he can do it, i can do it. a beloved grandfather living life to the fullest. >> i've decided in the spring i'm going to rush a fraternity. >> reporter: sharing a lesson for all of us. >> coming through the school with all of the young people mixed in, the school's great. it makes me feel young again. >> whit: 89 years young. thanks so much for watching tonight. i'm whit johnson. good night. the tiktok ban passes in the house. what is next? plus, biden and trump you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. a san francisco bus shelter. what? witnesses say they sawnd

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Israel Hamas War , Dreams , Proof , Announcer , World News Tonight , New York , Ange News World Headquarters , Crime Spree , Sister , Saturday Night , Wall , Playing Piano , Injury , Teams , Philadelphia , Swat , Andre Gordon , Law Enforcement , Point , Location , Tear Gas , Gordon To Surrender , One , Reporter , Custody , Perimeter , Details , Video Showing , Armed And Dangerous , Abc S Morgan Norwood , Assault Rifle , Sonia Hanson , Gun , Grandson , Guy , Carjacking , Back , Gun Point , Sanson , Car , Satisfy , Ran , Levittown , Cara Gordon , Residence , Karen Gordon , Individuals , Minor , Children , House Searching , Taylor Daniel , 25 , 2 , Parking Lot , Shooting , Registration , Namaste Bumper Sticker , Dollar General , Crv , Honda , Morrisville , Four , 2016 , 9 , Street , Suv , Morgan Norwood , Couple , Blocks , Texas , It , Hands , San Antonio , Threat , Cities , Houston , Corpus Christi , Austin , 13 Million , Hail , Risk , Let S Go To Abc , Flash Flooding , Theodore Trackinged , Meteorologist Somara , Line , Thunderstorms , Storms , Waco , 5 , 1 , Storm , Heavy Rain , Rain , Spots , Totals , Central Florida , Louisiana Coastline , Noon Tomorrow , 4 , 3 , Temperatures , Setting , Headed To Work , Somara , Minneapolis , Washington D C , 35 , 19 , Picture , Homes , Debris , Hit Areas , Heartland , Businesses , Central Ohio Community , Devastation , Tornado , Hundreds , Pieces , Storm Zone , Need , Logan County , Food , Man , Jeremiah Knighting , Donation Center , Clothing , High School Gymnasium , Necessities , Mother , Blessing , Columbus , Who Rode Out , God , 74 , Cleanup , Yards , Everybody , Salvaging , I Don T Know , Travis Gause , Way , Twister , Many , Loss , Cleanup Effort , Ef 3 , 136 , Darla Williams , Family , Community , Tornado Part , Friend , Lives , Spring , Conditions , Tornadoes , Air Unstable , Meteorologists , Twisters , Dozens , Winter , Humidity , Kind , Area , Falling , Spot , Thunderstorm Warning , Cover , Rodeo Houston , Running , Alex , National Weather Service , Eight , Death , Police Officer , Jeremy Smith , New Mexico State , Murder , Trooper , Search , Melissa Aidan , Phonesia , Help , Justin Heir , Dillon County , Dash Cam , Phonesia Machado Fore , Saw Haire , Side , Firearm , Driver , Radio Distress Signal , Patrol Unit , Patrol Car Driving , Passenger Seat , Speed , Rate , Cruiser , Words , Road , Earth , Majority , Criminal History , New Mexico State Police Chief , State Police Officer , Duty , Nine , 30 , Spring Break Standoff , Officials , Body Cam Footage , Violence , Chaos , Melissa Adan , Police Body Cam , Bars , Miami , Bleep , 16 , Handgun , Traffic Stop , Adult , Shore , Marijuana , New Smyrna Beach , 18 , 24 , Course , Policemen , Lot , Coast , Rowdiness , Bakuck , Miami Beach , Law And Order , Restrictions , Murders , Surveillance , Cold Blooded , Restrictions Led , Message , Night Clubs , Curfew , Benjamin Netanyahu , Arrests , Crowds , Israeli , White , World , Northern Gaza , Hair , Aid , Offensive , Flying , Rush , Sea , Kitchen , Of Rafah , City , Plans , Distribution , Prime Minister , Boat , 200 , Medics , Shelter , Flight , Enclaves , Injured Palestinians , Emirati , 1 4 Million , Plane , Iv Drip , Patients , Defibrillators , Anything , Beds , Fliechlt , House , Surgery , Yazan , Leg , Rest , Injuries , Hit , Life , Amputations , Shrap Them , Parents , Baby Sister , Reconstructive Surgery , Injured , Old Yara , No Watter , Six , Malnutrition , Doctors , Diapers , Everything , Third , Milk , Issues , Malnourished , Secretary Of State , Medication , Unicef , Antony Blinken , The Middle East , 23 , Isn T A Positive Step , Part , Talks , Cease Fire Negotiations , Shouldn T , White House , Doha , Support , Latest , Tune , Unrest , Martha Raddatz , John Kirby , Ukraine , National Security Spokesperson , Haiti , Travelers , State Department , Citizens , Passports , Gang Violence , Warning , Charter Flight , Port Au Prince , Department Of Justice , Journey , Investigation , Airport , Mega Millions Jackpot , Boeing , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Second Hand Specialist , Hand Specialist , Nonsurgical Options , Hand , Tabletop Test , Physician , Flat , Scent , Gain Flings , Findahandspecialist Com , Dupuytren S Contracture , Don T Wait , Shipping Manager , Flings , Love , Laundry Detergent , Find Themself , Steve , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Do , Hvac Business , Dan , Name , Pain , Prevagen , Commercials , Being , Neck , Amount , Purpose , Difference , Stores , Prescription , Incident , Faa , Whit , Inspection , Boeing Plane , United , 737 800 , San Francisco , Secret , Panel , Jet , Door , Portland , Jackpot , Subpoenas , Mega Millions , The New York Times , Alaska Airlines , Convening A Grand Jury , Game , Group , Level , Biggest , Winners , Prize , 1 7 Billion , 75 Million , 7 Billion , 875 Million , 22 , Cases , Measles , Number , Nonsegmental Vitiligo , Exception , Pigment , Ticket , Frazier Park , California , Skin , Opzelura , Prescription Treatment , It S Time , Choice , Fda , Infections , Hepatitis B , Cream , Counts , Skin Cancer , Lung , Blood Cell , Blood Clots , Ability , Itching , Side Effects , Acne , Cancers , Events , Lymphoma , Repigmentation , Jak Inhibitors , Action Sleep Supplement , Dermatologist , Vitamins , Refilling Opzelura , Nature S Bounty , Purina Cat Chow , Wellness Solutions , Cats , Nutrition , Vo , 50 , Asthma , More , Cat Food , Cat Chow , Feeling , Du , Dupixent , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Types , Lung Function , Asthma Attacks , Chest Pain , Rash , Reactions , Steroids , Doctor , Breath , Infection , Joint Aches , Shortness , Don T , Stop Asthma Medicines , Numbness , Tingling , Limbs , Biologic , Cheese , Bubble , Turkey , Ll Cool J , Homeowners , Selfie , Nephew , Progressive , Uh , Situations , Keith , Countdown , Auto , Index , 58 , 17 , Outbreaks , Groups , Cause , Chicago , Cdc , Migrant Shelter In The City , Unvaccinated , 12 , 10 , Patrick S Day Parade , Country , Members , Event , Tradition , Calendar , Annual St , Plumbers Union Turning , March 16th , 1762 Another , 1762 , St , Friendly , Dye , Leaks , City Playing Host , Pipes , Chicago River Green , Savannah , Georgia , Immune System , Treatment , Cancer , Lung Cancer , Back To School , Holiday , Work , Possibilities , 89 , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Cell Lung Cancer , Adults , Spread , Chemotherapy , Immunotherapies , Combination , Gene , Positive , Alk , Egfr , Pd L1 , Problems , Body , Yervoy , Opdivo , Fight Cancer , Parts , Lead , Irregular Heartbeat , Ways , Diarrhea , Cough , Eye Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Stomach Pain , Memory Problems , Changes , Confusion , Thirst , Tiredness , Dizziness , Fainting , Weakness , Flushing , Vomiting , Nausea , Fever , Appetite , Constipation , Urine , Nervous System Problems , Chest Radiation , Stem Cell Transplant , Organ , Chance , Daughter , Stabbing , Nervive , Dose , Nerve , 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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

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accused of a killing spree at multiple locations. authorities seen evacuating people from a building. they say earlier the suspect, armed with an ar-15 style rifle, shot and killed three family members in nearby pennsylvania, ranging in age from 13 to 52, then carjacked someone, fleeing in their vehicle to trenton, new jersey. authorities releasing a photo of the 26-year-old man. residents in pennsylvania had been told to shelter in place. morgan norwood fromhe scene in new jersey with late news just coming in. millions on alert as dangerous weather slams the south, damaging winds scattered tornados and flooding all possible. our weather team tracking it all. and scenes of destruction in the midwest. days after the deadly tornado outbreak, three people killed, more than 20 tornados across seven states. on the ground in ohio with the families most fakted. the manhunt and two cross country killings. the 33 year old suspected of murdering a state trooper who stopped to help him with a flat tire. authorities now saying that suspect is also a person of interest in the killing of a paramedic in south carolina, saying he took her car and drove it to new mexico. the crackdown on spring break in florida. dramatic police body camera footage capturing the moment officers come face-to-face with an armed teenager as police across the state take a tough stand against potential threats. overseas, the push to get cease-fire talks back on track in the israel-hamas war, and the effort to save some of the youngest victims of the conflict. our team embedded with a flying hospital. celebrating the rich history of the irish in america. kicking off st. patrick's day weekend. and america strong tonight. proof you are never too old to realize your dreams. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from ange news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." >> whit: good evening. thank you for joining us on this busy saturday night. i'm whit johnson. we begin with breaking news. a suspect in a multi-state crime spree, armed with an ar-15 style rifle, allegedly shooting and killing three family members including his 13-year-old sister outside philadelphia. hours later, police and swat teams swarming a home in trenton, new jersey. this dramatic video showing officers evacuating people from that building, all of them safely removed without injury. police identifying the suspect as 26-year-old andre gordon. law enforcement surrounding that trenton home, repeatedly urging gordon to surrender, deploying tear gas at one point. authorities confirm the suspect was eventually arrested at a different location outside the perimeter. he is now in custody. abc's morgan norwood leading us off from new jersey with late details just coming in. >> reporter: tonight, dramatic video showing police rescuing people from this home in trenton, new jersey, searching for a suspect considered armed and dangerous after a crime spree across multiple states that left three of his family members dead. authorities identifying the suspect as 26-year-old andre gordon, saying he is believed to be armed with an ar-15 style assault rifle and currently homeless. gordon's alleged crime spree allegedly beginning this morning in trenton, carjacking sonia hanson and her grandson at gun point. sanson, still shaken. >> the guy started banging on my car with the back of the gun. then i jumped over the satisfy and ran. i'm so glad i'm just alive because i think he would have killed me. >> reporter: police say gordon drove the stolen car to a home in levittown, paennsylvania whee you broke in. >> where he shot and killed his 52-year-old stepmother karen gordon and 13-year-old sister cara gordon who lived at the residence. there were three other individuals at the residence, including a minor, who were able to hide and avoid being shot by gordon as he went through the house searching for them. >> reporter: gordon then traveling to a home nearby and breaking in. >> after which he shot and killed 25-year-old taylor daniel, with whom he has 2 children. at the time of the shooting there were four other individuals present inside that home, one of which was injured after being bludgeoned by gordon with the assault rifle. >> reporter: at 9:13 a.m. police say gordon carjacked someone at gunpoint in a dollar general parking lot in morrisville, driving off in this 2016 dark grey honda crv with pennsylvania registration and a namaste bumper sticker. police then finding the abandoned suv miles away in trenton. police swarming the home for hours before apprehending the suspect on a street nearby. >> whit: morgan norwood joining us from the scene in trenton. what more are you learning about the assault-style rifle and how he was taken into custody? >> reporter: well, whit, police say that he made it out of the home well before they established their perimeter. he was found just a couple of blocks away from the scene. as for that ar-15 style rifle, police still investigating how he got his hands on it in the first place. whit. >> whit: morgan, thank you. we turn now to the more than 13 million people bracing for a severe weather threat in texas. cities like austin, san antonio, houston and corpus christi all at risk for flash flooding, large hail and damaging winds and even scattered tornados. let's go to abc meteorologist somara theodore trackinged all f for us. time this out. >> reporter: whit, these thunderstorms moving through overnight which makes them dangerous. at 1 a.m. we are seeing the more robust storms hitting san antonio, texas. by 5 a.m. this is in line with corpus christi and waco. then this storm moves east. by noon tomorrow, the louisiana coastline is expected to experience heavy rain that could move to flash flooding and rain moving through central florida by monday. totals could rain from 3 to 4 inches locally in some spots. in the northeast it mass been a serene setting. however, temperatures tomorrow morning in minneapolis could be around 19 degrees. washington, d.c., headed to work monday morning at 35 degrees. whit. >> whit: okay, somara. thank you. we are getting a clear picture of the devastation after deadly tornados ripped through the heartland. one of the hardest hit areas is central ohio community. at least three people were killed there. homes and businesses, completely destroyed, debris scattered for miles. tonight, the families trying to pick up the pieces. in the storm zone. >> reporter: tonight, hundreds of families in need after a deadly tornado tore through logan county, ohio, an hour northwest of columbus. this high school gymnasium now a donation center giving out food, clothing, and basic necessities. we met jeremiah knighting, who rode out the storm with his 74-year-old mother. their home now completely destroyed. >> it's a blessing, man. i just can't thank god enough. i can't -- i can't thank these people enough. i can't thank, i don't know, everybody. >> reporter: people here now sifting through debris. travis gause among those salvaging what they can. >> i don't even know where to begin with my cleanup. yeah, i see people picking up out of their yards, but with mine -- >> reporter: where do you start? >> yeah. >> reporter: the cleanup effort well under way along this street. as you can see, so many of the homes here are a complete loss. that twister striking thursday -- an ef-3 with winds of at least 136 miles per hour -- claiming three lives. tonight we're learning darla williams, a grandmother, did not survive. her family telling abc "she was well loved in the community," and a "true friend to all that knew her." the tornado part of a multi-day tornado outbreak that injured dozens. meteorologists saying the winter's record warmth fueled those twisters, humidity making the air unstable -- conditions not normally present until later in the spring. tornadoes not the only kind of dangerous weather this week. this frightening scene in texas friday -- families racing for cover at rodeo houston. >> this hail is falling, and all these people are running, trying to race to a safe spot. >> reporter: that hail falling as the area was under a severe thunderstorm warning. the national weather service confirmed at least eight tornados across ohio this week, authorities saying the cleanup here is going to take some time. >> we can see all that destruction behind you. alex, thank you. next tonight, the terrifying new details about a cross country killing spree, police identifying the suspect in the murder of a new mexico state police officer as jeremy smith, authorities also linking him to the death of a female paramedic found dead in south carolina. police say he was driving her stolen vehicle when the trooper was shot and killed. here's abc's melissa aidan. >> reporter: tonight an urgent search for the suspect wanted in two cross country killings of a new mexico state police officer and a paramedic in south carolina. >> jeremy smith, we are coming for you. >> reporter: police say 33-year-old jeremy smith is a person of interest in the death of 52-year-old phonesia phonesia machado-fore in dillon county, south carolina, who was reported missing thursday. a 35-year-old officer, justin heir, dispatched to help. smith caught on dash cam video. >> when without warning the suspect pulled out a firearm and shot officer haire. smith walked to the driver's side and shot officer haire again. smith pushed officer haire into the passenger seat and drove away in officer haire's patrol unit with officer haire still inside. >> reporter: authorities say officer haire's radio distress signal went off. another officer dispatched saw haire's patrol car driving at a high rate of speed, ultimately finding the patrol cruiser empty on the side of the road and haire injured nearby. >> the last words officer haire uttered on this earth was to offer help to a man who was about to kill him. >> reporter: smith is considered armed and dangerous. >> extensive criminal history, the majority of which is in south carolina. it goes back for at least a decade. >> reporter: whit, the new mexico state police chief says there's been three officers shot and killed in the line of duty just within the last nine months alone, noting before that it had been 30 years since a state police officer was killed. whit. >> whit: truly disturbing details. melissa adan for us. next, the terrifying spring break standoff in florida. dramatic body cam footage capturing the moment police came face-to-face with a teenager. officials trying to crackdown on the chaos and violence. now reporting from miami. >> reporter: tonight. >> drop the [ bleep ] gun. >> reporter: this shocking spring break standoff between officers and a teenager seen on police body cam. a 16 year old behind bars after allegedly pulling a gun on the crowded shore of new smyrna beach in central florida, that teenager charged as an adult with multiple felonies. 24 hours later an 18 year old taken into custody. police say they spotted a handgun and marijuana during a traffic stop. law enforcement up and down the florida coast cracking down. >> there's a lot of policemen around and not so much rowdiness. >> reporter: miami beach trying to change course. >> we needed to end spring break. we are bringing bakuck law and order. >> reporter: last year two people were killed, one of those cold blooded murders caught on surveillance. this year is different, police putting in place the toughest restrictions including this message from miami beach. >> we're breaking up with you. >> reporter: whit, those restrictions include a massive police residence as well as a strict curfew which a couple of night clubs in the area tried to push back on, but still these restrictions led to smaller crowds and no arrests. white. >> whit: thank you. oversees to the israel-hamas war. the stalled cease-fire talks could resume as soon as sunday. this as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears determined to push forward with the offensive in gaza. now with a flying hospital evacuating some of gaza's wounded. >> reporter: tonight the rush to get aid into gaza via air and now by sea. the world central kitchen sending close to 200 tons of food brought by boat, now being readied for distribution. but looming are plans to attack the city of rafah, now approved by prime minister netanyahu. netanyahu promising to more the 1.4 million people displaced to humanitarian enclaves with shelter, food and hospital. for injured palestinians help can't come soon enough. we were taken aboard an emirati flight, medics describing it as a flying hospital. >> here at the back of the plane they've set up beds. this one has an iv drip. they have ventilators and defibrillators, anything you would need to treat patients in fliechlt here we meet a 5 year old with his right leg gone, the other broken. a 9 year old hit with shrap them, the injury requiring surgery and several amputations. he will bear the injuries for the rest of his life. yazan telling us, i was playing with my sister. our house was shelled, she was martyred. my other sister and parents survived. a 13 year old yara, one of the most severely injured, getting six hours of reconstructive surgery. there is no food, yara says, no watter. my baby sister, we cannot get her diapers or milk. everything has become very expensive and that is if we are able to find it. doctors telling us one of the big issues now is malnutrition. a third of children under 2 years old now acutely malnourished in northern gaza according to the u.n. at least 23 children have died from malnutrition so far according to unicef. >> the food is not available. the proper medication is not available. >> reporter: with secretary of state antony blinken in the middle east tonight, a cease-fire negotiations appear set to resume in doha. the u.s. is not expected to take part in the talks but the white house says it shouldn't be taken as a signal it isn't a positive step. israel is expected to attend. >> whit: reporting tonight, thank you. tune in to this week tomorrow morning. martha raddatz with the latest from the white house national security spokesperson, john kirby, on u.s. support for israel and ukraine. and amid the civil unrest if haiti, more help could be on the way for americans there. the state department is offering a charter flight to u.s. citizens with valid passports. americans have been desperate to flee port-au-prince after weeks of deadly gang violence. u.s. authorities warning travelers to only make the journey if they can safely get to the airport. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight." this saturday the department of justice reportedly ramping up its investigation of boeing, and the mega millions jackpot is closing in on a billion dollars. my physician referred me to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. 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let's imagine that ll cool j has a bubble around him. -do we want to be inside -- ohh. -hey, i'm keith. there are some situations that young homeowners turning into their parents just can't handle. yeah, there he is. -there's my nephew. -very cool. i got a video of him, uh, playing piano. that's not how you take a selfie. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. -three, two, one. -we don't need a countdown. just take the picture. >> whit: to the index now. the number of measles cases in the u.s. is growing. at least 58 so far this year. that number already equal to the number of cases reported in all of last year. at least 17 states reporting cases now. cdc saying measles is more likely to spread and cause outbreaks where groups are unvaccinated. chicago reporting 12 cases, 10 from a migrant shelter in the city. a cdc team is on the scene to assist local authorities. well, the calendar may say march 16th but it is looking very green across the country. the annual st. patrick's day parade taking place here in new york city, the event dating back to 1762. another annual tradition in chicago, members of the plumbers union turning the chicago river green using an environmentsally friendly dye used to check pipes for leaks. down south in savannah, georgia's oldest city playing host to the south's largest st. patrick's day parade. the official holiday, of course, is tomorrow. when we come back, the 89 year old inspiring millions going back to school. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. 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( ♪ ) finally tonight, america >> whit: finally tonight, america strong. the grandfather and overnight internet sensation proving it is never too late to follow your dreams. that's 89-year-old paul hohetter on his first day back at school in more than 60 years. >> i went to university of maryland and graduated in 1960 after i served in the service for seven years. i decided at this age that you should keep your mind moving. i decided that i also want to go to college and see what i missed and see what's taken place since then. >> got my backpack. >> and he is doing just that. now a student at carroll community college in maryland, studying history. he served in the air force after world war ii as a weatherman. paul's proud granddaughter, gabby, posting this short clip on tiktok in late january to mark the occasion. that post attracting 500,000 views overnight, and since then it has been seen more than 4.3 million times. >> i am so proud of him. he's just always learning. >> paul's journey inspiring others, young and old alike. thousands responding with comments like these. it is never too late to accomplish your dreams. if he can do it, i can do it. a beloved grandfather living life to the fullest. >> i've decided in the spring i'm going to rush a fraternity. >> reporter: sharing a lesson for all of us. >> coming through the school with all of the young people mixed in, the school's great. it makes me feel young again. >> whit: 89 years young. thanks so much for watching tonight. i'm whit johnson. good night. the tiktok ban passes in the house. what is next? plus, biden and trump you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. a san francisco bus shelter. what? witnesses say they sawnd

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Running , Alex , National Weather Service , Eight , Death , Police Officer , Jeremy Smith , New Mexico State , Murder , Trooper , Search , Melissa Aidan , Phonesia , Help , Justin Heir , Dillon County , Dash Cam , Phonesia Machado Fore , Saw Haire , Side , Firearm , Driver , Radio Distress Signal , Patrol Unit , Patrol Car Driving , Passenger Seat , Speed , Rate , Cruiser , Words , Road , Earth , Majority , Criminal History , New Mexico State Police Chief , State Police Officer , Duty , Nine , 30 , Spring Break Standoff , Officials , Body Cam Footage , Violence , Chaos , Melissa Adan , Police Body Cam , Bars , Miami , Bleep , 16 , Handgun , Traffic Stop , Adult , Shore , Marijuana , New Smyrna Beach , 18 , 24 , Course , Policemen , Lot , Coast , Rowdiness , Bakuck , Miami Beach , Law And Order , Restrictions , Murders , Surveillance , Cold Blooded , Restrictions Led , Message , Night Clubs , Curfew , Benjamin Netanyahu , Arrests , Crowds , Israeli , White , World , Northern Gaza , Hair , Aid , Offensive , Flying , Rush , Sea , Kitchen , Of Rafah , City , Plans , Distribution , Prime Minister , Boat , 200 , Medics , Shelter , Flight , Enclaves , Injured Palestinians , Emirati , 1 4 Million , Plane , Iv Drip , Patients , Defibrillators , Anything , Beds , Fliechlt , House , Surgery , Yazan , Leg , Rest , Injuries , Hit , Life , Amputations , Shrap Them , Parents , Baby Sister , Reconstructive Surgery , Injured , Old Yara , No Watter , Six , Malnutrition , Doctors , Diapers , Everything , Third , Milk , Issues , Malnourished , Secretary Of State , Medication , Unicef , Antony Blinken , The Middle East , 23 , Isn T A Positive Step , Part , Talks , Cease Fire Negotiations , Shouldn T , White House , Doha , Support , Latest , Tune , Unrest , Martha Raddatz , John Kirby , Ukraine , National Security Spokesperson , Haiti , Travelers , State Department , Citizens , Passports , Gang Violence , Warning , Charter Flight , Port Au Prince , Department Of Justice , Journey , Investigation , Airport , Mega Millions Jackpot , Boeing , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Second Hand Specialist , Hand Specialist , Nonsurgical Options , Hand , Tabletop Test , Physician , Flat , Scent , Gain Flings , Findahandspecialist Com , Dupuytren S Contracture , Don T Wait , Shipping Manager , Flings , Love , Laundry Detergent , Find Themself , Steve , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Do , Hvac Business , Dan , Name , Pain , Prevagen , Commercials , Being , Neck , Amount , Purpose , Difference , Stores , Prescription , Incident , Faa , Whit , Inspection , Boeing Plane , United , 737 800 , San Francisco , Secret , Panel , Jet , Door , Portland , Jackpot , Subpoenas , Mega Millions , The New York Times , Alaska Airlines , Convening A Grand Jury , Game , Group , Level , Biggest , Winners , Prize , 1 7 Billion , 75 Million , 7 Billion , 875 Million , 22 , Cases , Measles , Number , Nonsegmental Vitiligo , Exception , Pigment , Ticket , Frazier Park , California , Skin , Opzelura , Prescription Treatment , It S Time , Choice , Fda , Infections , Hepatitis B , Cream , Counts , Skin Cancer , Lung , Blood Cell , Blood Clots , Ability , Itching , Side Effects , Acne , Cancers , Events , Lymphoma , Repigmentation , Jak Inhibitors , Action Sleep Supplement , Dermatologist , Vitamins , Refilling Opzelura , Nature S Bounty , Purina Cat Chow , Wellness Solutions , Cats , Nutrition , Vo , 50 , Asthma , More , Cat Food , Cat Chow , Feeling , Du , Dupixent , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Types , Lung Function , Asthma Attacks , Chest Pain , Rash , Reactions , Steroids , Doctor , Breath , Infection , Joint Aches , Shortness , Don T , Stop Asthma Medicines , Numbness , Tingling , Limbs , Biologic , Cheese , Bubble , Turkey , Ll Cool J , Homeowners , Selfie , Nephew , Progressive , Uh , Situations , Keith , Countdown , Auto , Index , 58 , 17 , Outbreaks , Groups , Cause , Chicago , Cdc , Migrant Shelter In The City , Unvaccinated , 12 , 10 , Patrick S Day Parade , Country , Members , Event , Tradition , Calendar , Annual St , Plumbers Union Turning , March 16th , 1762 Another , 1762 , St , Friendly , Dye , Leaks , City Playing Host , Pipes , Chicago River Green , Savannah , Georgia , Immune System , Treatment , Cancer , Lung Cancer , Back To School , Holiday , Work , Possibilities , 89 , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Cell Lung Cancer , Adults , Spread , Chemotherapy , Immunotherapies , Combination , Gene , Positive , Alk , Egfr , Pd L1 , Problems , Body , Yervoy , Opdivo , Fight Cancer , Parts , Lead , Irregular Heartbeat , Ways , Diarrhea , Cough , Eye Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Stomach Pain , Memory Problems , Changes , Confusion , Thirst , Tiredness , Dizziness , Fainting , Weakness , Flushing , Vomiting , Nausea , Fever , Appetite , Constipation , Urine , Nervous System Problems , Chest Radiation , Stem Cell Transplant , Organ , Chance , Daughter , Stabbing , Nervive , Dose , Nerve , Ala , Discomfort , Investment Research , J P Morgan , David , 14 , Eczema , Plan , Investments , Advisor , Connect , Goals , Wealth Management , Itch , Dermatologists , Number One , Reasons , Allergists , Source , Inflammation , Relief , 90 , Vision , Eye Pain , Eczema Specialist , Power , Osteo Bi Flex , Improvement , Comfort , 7 , America Whit , School , Paul Hohetter , Sensation , Grandfather , Internet , America Strong , 60 , Service , College , Mind , University Of Maryland , 1960 , Student , Weatherman , Backpack , World War Ii , Carroll Community College , Maryland , Air Force , Gabby , Tiktok , Times , Occasion , Views , Post , Paul S , 500000 , 4 3 Million , Others , Thousands , Comments , The School , Lesson , Fullest , Fraternity , Beloved Grandfather Living Life , Plus , Thanks , Ban , Biden , Money , Customers , Bullfighter , Save , Human Cannonball , Xfinity Mobile , Safer , 5g Network , Stuntman , Intro , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , Bus Shelter , Witnesses ,

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