Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

where it's been found, and pierre thomas standing by. the monster blizzard slamming the west from california to nevada to colorado. up to 12 feet of snow possible in some places. life-threatening conditions. winds at the higher elevations well over 100 miles per hour. and where this is all headed. the same system set to bring tough conditions to texas, as those massive fires burn tonight. one fire burning more than 1 million acres now. the horrific images coming in. tonight, one day after the deadly chaos surrounding the desperately needed aid arriving in gaza, tonight president biden saying american aid drops will begin in gaza. back here in the u.s. that collision on that bridge, and then the daring rescue over the ohio river. a tractor-trailer dangling 70 feet in the air. firefighters trying to reach the woman driver who was praying. they say they began to pray with her. the future of two trials tonight involving donald trump. the classified documents case at mar-a-lago. the special counsel tonight saying there is no rule that says the trial cannot be conducted in the weeks before the election. and in georgia tonight, will the d.a. stay on the case? russians turning out to honor leading putin critic alexei navalny, an act of bravery in that country. james longman reporting. back home tonight, police need your help looking at these images. the urgent search tonight, they say what appears to be a man possibly abducting a woman and where they're searching. we have news on the duchess of york tonight after being diagnosed with skin cancer. what doctors are now saying. also the sentence for the man who shot into that car with several young women inside. they had pulled into his driveway by mistake. what the judge has decided. and the flight to newark diverted to maine because of passengers on board. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight" with david muir. >> david: good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on a friday night. and we do win with breaking news. this new discovery off the coast of alaska. fishermen finding debris and reporting it to the fbi tonight. the question this evening, could this be another spy balloon in u.s. territory? and given what the u.s. has seen, the fbi is taking this very seriously. our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas leading us off tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi investigating reports of another possible spy balloon flying in u.s. air space. the fbi becoming involved after fishermen discovered a concerning object off the coast of alaska. according to sources, the fishermen suspect it might be some kind of surveillance balloon. but tonight the fbi describing the unknown object as debris. sources telling abc news the fbi and other agencies will assess the object when it makes its way to shore this weekend, determining what, if anything, should be done next, including whether it will be flown to a government facility for further analysis. just last week over colorado, norad sending up fighter jets to intercept a high-altitude balloon flying at 43,000 to 45,000 feet. it was determined not to be a threat to national security. but president biden and the white house tracking the balloon's course. the administration keenly aware of such incidents coming just a year after a chinese spy balloon was spotted flying clear across the country. president biden ordering it shot down off the coast of south carolina. its payload alone, the size of three buses. david, you're seeing such a rapid response in part because of that massive chinese spy balloon recovered last year, which we are told had expansive surveillance capabilities. these matters are now treated seriously until an assessment can be made one way or another, period. david? >> david: not taking any chances. pierre thomas leading us off, pierre, thank you. we are also tracking a monster blizzard slamming the u.s. at this hour from california to nevada to colorado. they are warning of life-threatening conditions in some areas. snow in some places up to 5 inches an hour, up to 12 feet of snow possible. winds topping 100 miles an hour. torrential rains at lower elevations. and this all moves into colorado and texas, where it could fuel those fires. tonight, whiteout conditions. this is soda springs, california. people warned to stay inside, told to keep several days of food on hand. even ski slopes have shut down. yosemite national park closed to visitors tonight. abc's faith abubey from california now. >> reporter: tonight, rare blizzard warnings for the sierra nevada mountains as the biggest storm of the winter slams california with up to 12 feet of snow, life-threatening conditions, and impossible travel in the mountains. >> some of our highest peaks have seen winds in excess of 140 miles per hour. so this storm is just a monster. >> reporter: officials in truckee warning -- >> we get a lot of snow, but we don't get blizzard conditions. we don't get conditions where if somebody were to walk out of their house down to the street, be completely disoriented and not know how to get back to their house. >> reporter: the worst of the conditions expected tonight through saturday. nightmarish travel already along interstate 80 in soda springs. the highway patrol posting this video showing vehicles stuck in the whiteout over donner summit. the avalanche danger increasing with snowfall rates of up to 5 inches an hour. the high winds, relentless. this is what officials are worried about. you can see the tree down on this house. fortunately, though, no one was injured in this incident. multiple ski resorts forced to close. the national park service even shutting down yosemite to visitors. and david, conditions here are deteriorating so fast that highway officials are stopping every single vehicle except for four-wheel drives to make sure they have chains and traction devices installed on their tires. they're also warning families up and down the mountain areas to anticipate being stuck for several days. and this storm system is expected to track over colorado and texas, where it could make those wildfires even worse. david? >> david: just stunning pictures there, faith, tonight. could be the biggest storm of the season for the west. faith, thank you. as faith mentioned, authorities are watching this system because it's expected to also fuel critical fire conditions again in texas. firefighters racing to contain the largest wildfire in state history before those conditions arrive. the smokehouse creek fire now burning over 1 million acres, up to 15% contained tonight, but those strong winds and higher temperatures faith spoke of are on the way, a recipe for much more. much of canadian, texas, already a charred landscape. look at the pictures. and this evening we have learned a second person has now died in these fires. tonight, we turn overseas and to gaza. president biden announcing the u.s. will begin air-dropping food and supplies in gaza. it comes one day after that horrific scene, a deadly stampede, and israeli gunfire, just as aid trucks were arriving. abc's tom soufi burridge from the region tonight. >> reporter: just 24 hours after the israeli military opened fire amid a crush of people desperate for food aid in gaza, tonight president biden announcing the u.s. will begin air dropping supplies into the gaza strip. announcing the u.s. will begin >> people are so desperate that innocent people got caught in a terrible war unable to feed their families, and you saw the response when they tried to get aid in. >> reporter: with half a million gazans on the brink of famine, the u.n. saying at least 10 children have starved to death. jordan and other countries already airdropping aid. the president acknowledging not enough is getting in. >> innocent lives are on the line, and children's lives are on the line. >> reporter: tonight, condemnation, and calls for an investigation into what was supposed to be a humanitarian mission in northern gaza, when more than 100 palestinians were killed and hundreds more injured, according to the hamas-run health ministry. this is the moment gunfire erupted. israel saying its troops fired warning shots and only opened fire on people when they got too close to one of their tanks. adding, dozens of people were crushed to death in the chaos. but, survivors and witnesses disputing that. abdullah juha recounting the horror, saying "they attacked us. they shot at us. we don't have any food." and david, a u.s. official telling abc news the humanitarian aid drops could start as soon as tomorrow, depending on weather conditions. president biden saying the administration is also looking into ways to deliver aid by sea. david? >> david: tom soufi burridge in tel aviv, tom, thank you. back here in the u.s. tonight, there is news this evening involving the future of two trials involving donald trump. in the classified documents case at mar-a-lago, the special counsel, jack smith, arguing tonight that there is no rule that says the trial cannot be conducted in the weeks before the election. and in georgia tonight, will the d.a. stay on the case? abc's aaron katersky reporting. >> reporter: to the cheers of his supporters, donald trump arrived at a florida court hoping to convince a judge to push the federal trial over his alleged mishandling of classified documents past the november election. for the first time in nearly two months, trump coming face-to-face with special counsel jack smith. the two adversaries appearing to lock eyes several times. trump's attorney argued holding a trial before the election is a mistake and should not happen. he asked judge aileen cannon, who trump appointed, to push the case until late november, so the former president isn't stuck in a courtroom when he could be campaigning. prosecutors responding, "this case can be tried this summer" accusing trump of "trying to wring out of the court" needless hearings meant to delay. and they argued holding the trial before the vote would not violate the justice department's policy against bringing politically charged cases within 60 days of an election. they say that policy only applies to bringing an indictment. but in this case, a lengthy investigation is long complete and the charges laid out, so a trial can go forward. prosecutors telling the judge, "we are in full compliance with the justice department manual." judge cannon did not issue a ruling today. in a georgia courtroom, fulton county district attorney fani willis, who is prosecuting the former president for election interference, sitting silently, trump's lawyer arguing she should be disqualified because of her romance with one of her prosecutors, nathan wade. >> now, do you have to find that wade and willis lied? no. what you need to be able to find is that there is a concern, a legitimate concern based on the evidence in this case, about their truthfulness. >> reporter: the district attorney's office arguing willis' relationship with wade did not infringe on trump or his 18 co-defendants' rights to a fair trial. >> not a single shred of evidence was produced through any of the exhibits or the witness testimony showing how their constitutional rights, their due process rights, were at all affected. >> reporter: the judge in atlanta said he would rule within the next two weeks. and here in florida, the judge gave no indication when she would set a new trial date for donald trump. prosecutors saying there's no reason to wait until after the election because their investigation is complete and holding a trial would not violate justice department policy. david? >> david: aaron, thank you. we're going to turn now to the collision on a major bridge and then the heart-stopping rescue. a truck driver dangling off the memorial bridge in louisville, kentucky. take a look at this. the truck hanging 70 feet above the ohio river. how they got to that driver. she was praying, and they prayed with her. here's erielle reshef. >> reporter: tonight, those heart-pounding moments over the ohio river. >> we're bringing you some breaking news right now. this is a picture of a truck hanging over the side of the clark memorial bridge. >> reporter: it was just after noon when the sysco 18-wheel tractor-trailer and two other vehicles crashed on louisville's clark memorial bridge, sending the truck and the female driver inside dangling over the edge some 70 feet above the water. louisville fire's highly trained rescue team racing to the scene. firefighter bryce carden lowered down to the cab of the truck, recalling the moment the driver first saw him through the truck's open window. >> thank god, that's what she kept saying, thank god. and i told her, i said, "just take a deep breath." >> reporter: firefighter carden hooking her into his harness. the two of them slowly hoisted back up onto the bridge. >> she was praying a lot, and i prayed with her. >> reporter: a delicate operation that took some 40 minutes to complete. >> all the credit goes to these folks right here. this was some really professional, well-practiced, well-trained stuff. >> reporter: david, officials are now inspecting the damage to that bridge, which will remain closed through tonight. authorities say that driver, who is a military veteran, is okay. david? >> david: we're glad she's okay, and those incredible first responders, thank you. now to russia tonight and to the emotional scene in moscow. thousands of russians turning out even amid a heavy police presence there to pay their respects to putin critic alexei navalny. here's james longman. >> reporter: tonight, they turned out by the thousands. >> [ crowd chanting ] navalny! >> reporter: russians braving putin's security state to mourn opposition icon alexei navalny. "you weren't afraid, we are not afraid either," they chanted, as navalny's coffin arrived at this suburban moscow church. >> [ crowd chanting ]. >> reporter: others in the crowd shouting, "putin is a blaming the russian leader for navalny's death in an arctic prison two weeks ago. the line around the block well over a mile long. and inside the church, navalny's open casket allowing mourners to say goodbye to the man whose ideals they hope they can keep alive. his parents looking on at their son, his body covered in roses. later at the cemetery, his mother giving him a final kiss goodbye. the 47-year-old was buried to frank sinatra's song. "my way," and music from his favorite movie, "terminator 2," a last joke said to be typical of his humor. it was largely a peaceful day. at least 90 arrests reported so far at commemorations across the country. but putin's eyes are everywhere in russia, and recriminations may yet come. and tonight, in an emotional tribute, his wife yulia posting, "thank you for 26 years of absolute happiness. i will try to make you proud." they only closed the cemetery a few hours ago, david, but huge crowds remained outside chanting navalny's name. they call him russia's hero. david? >> david: extraordinary images and an act of bravery there today in russia. james, thank you. back here at home tonight, the urgent search for the two people phoenix authorities have seen in this video. they're alarmed by this surveillance. take a look. a possible abduction near phoenix. surveillance from a gas station showing a woman leaving an suv, starting to run away. the driver then shown dragging her back and driving away. here's kayna whitworth tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a desperate search for two people in this chilling video showing a possible abduction. a man grabbing a woman and forcing her into a car in buckeye, arizona. police need the public's help. >> help provide us with information so we can identify them and help and see if that woman is okay. >> reporter: you can see a car pull up to the gas pump. a woman gets out and starts running toward the store. the driver then drags her back and pushes her inside. the man then jumps into the car and speeds off. >> it is scary, you know, not knowing necessarily what their situation is. >> reporter: the surveillance video released nearly a week after it happened last friday night at a circle k gas station just off i-10 west of phoenix. >> we don't know if these individuals were local. we don't know if they were just passing through arizona on i-10. >> reporter: police can't make out the license plate but think it's a gray 2021-'23 nissan rogue. >> someone who interacted with this vehicle maybe noticed something unique about it. characteristics that we can't see in that circle k video, but maybe can help us kind of narrow down. >> reporter: and david, police say they don't know if this was a domestic argument but add, their primary goal is to find this woman and make sure she's okay. they're hoping that people in the area with security cameras can help out. david? >> david: kayna whitworth reporting tonight, kayna, thank you. when we come back here, you'll remember the case. the man who shot into that car with several young women, killing one of them. they had pulled into his driveway by mistake. the sentence now in tonight. what the judge has decided. and the flight to newark diverted to maine because of the passengers in a moment. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years mainly because i just love helping people. as i got older, it was just a natural part of aging, i felt that my memory was beginning to decline and that's when i started looking for something that would help. when i first started taking prevagen, i noticed my memory was so much better. just stuff seemed to come together and fit like a jigsaw puzzle in my mind. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. 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"america strong." tonight in pittsfield, massachusetts, the incredible gift. the treasure a grandmother has just given to her granddaughter. >> i love you, grandma. >> david: for years now, that grandmother, joan johnson, has been secretly saving the voice messages her granddaughter, pailey, had been leaving her. pailey overwhelmed and overjoyed when her grandmother shared the voicemails she had saved all these years. >> 18 old messages. >> david: this is pailey in preschool. >> it's me, grandma. i mean, my -- me, pailey. and i just got a new scooter, and it's pretty. i love it. so if you get this message, call me back, all right? mwah! >> david: this is pailey at 6. >> grandma, the thought maybe you could come over and watch "g-force" with me. you come over if you want, okay? >> david: at 7. >> i'm not sure if you are at home. if you get this message, tell my mom that i love her, okay? bye. >> david: there are 14 years of messages. this is pailey when she was 13. >> hi, grandma, it's me, pailey. i just wanted to say good night. i love you, and i miss you. >> david: pailey sharing her milestones with her grandmother. her first job. >> you know, i got the job. i got the job on the spot. i just had this interview at subway, and i just got the job. i'm just really happy. >> david: and right here tonight -- >> hi, david. >> david: pailey and her grandmother, joan. >> it's the little things in life that we can stitch together to make our life so cherished. >> the memories we overlook the most tend to be the memories that we appreciate later on in life. >> david: tonight here, grandma joan is already preparing for a message she hopes to get from pailey, and soon. >> that i end up getting my degree in school. i think that would be the best message to leave her. >> i can't wait for it. >> david: grandma joan. that's a gift. don't you wish we all had those voicemails? i'll see you monday. good night. and we are on storm watch and you can see why. live doppler seven is lit up with everything the storm is bringing to california. we'r downpours, even thunder storms gusty winds could hit dangerous speeds. >> it's dumping snow in the sierra. we may see new records set. all of this part of the strongest storm of the week, with more wet weather through the weekend. good evening. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> we have live team coverage on this storm's impact here in the bay area and in the sierra. >> but let's begin with the expert abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel, tracking where the worst is right now. sandhya >> absolutely. and dan and amna, let's take a look at live doppler seven because it's an active picture up and down the state of california. numerous lightning strikes not just here locally but we've had thunderstorms in northern california and in the sierra. thunder snow uh- reported tornado in madera county. it was initially reported as a funnel cloud north of madera, but it has been confirmed that it was a tornado. as you take a look at live doppler seven, right now, we are seeing more thunderstorms developing. first, we're going to show you the view from the south bay where they have been getting some heavy rain as we go in closer from sunnyvale to cupertino, you will notice street level radar into mountain view. getting those downpours. also seeing some heavy rain from fremont to newark across 680. not exactly an

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Lot , Truckee Warning , The Street , Somebody , Vehicles , Whiteout , Video Showing , Summit , Highway Patrol , Rates , Avalanche Danger , Interstate 80 , Nightmarish Travel , 80 , No One , Incident , Tree , Ski Resorts , National Park Service , Highway Officials , Vehicle , Families , Traction , Mountain , Tires , Devices , Chains , Four , Faith , Pictures , Storm System , Season , Wildfires , Estate , System , Authorities , Wildfire , More , Smokehouse Creek Fire , Temperatures , Recipe , Landscape , Second Person , Canadian , 15 , Scene , Supplies , Gunfire , Food Aid , Tom Soufi Burridge , Military , Stampede , Region , Crush , Aid Trucks , Israeli , 24 , War , Air Dropping , Gaza Strip , Death , Line , Children , Lives , Gazans , Famine , Condemnation , Countries , Brink , Calls , U N , Jordan , 10 , A Million , Investigation , Hundreds , Injured , Palestinians , Mission , Hamas Run Health Ministry , Survivors , Witnesses , Troops , Tanks , Warning Shots , Dozens , Abdullah Juha Recounting , Drops , Weather Conditions , Official , Horror , Trials , Sea , Ways , Tel Aviv , Special Counsel , Aaron Katersky Reporting , Jack Smith , Court , Supporters , Time , Mishandling , Cheers , Florida , Face To , Eyes , Aileen Cannon , Times , Adversaries , Attorney , Trump , Courtroom , Isn T , Prosecutors , Hearings , Summer , Campaigning , Trying To Wring Out Of The Court , Who Trump Appointed , Policy , Cases , Charges , Indictment , Vote , Justice Department , 60 , Fani Willis , President , Election Interference , Fulton County , Ruling , Compliance , Georgia , Justice Department Manual , Sitting Silently , Concern , Romance , Nathan Wade , Co Defendants , Evidence , Rights , Truthfulness , Relationship , Shred , Office Arguing Willis , 18 , Due Process Rights , Any , Exhibits , Testimony , Atlanta , Indication , Reason , Justice Department Policy , Aaron , Look , Truck Driver , Louisville , Kentucky , Driver , Picture , Side , Truck Hanging , Clark Memorial Bridge , Erielle Reshef , Louisville Fire , Over The Edge , Water , On Louisville S Clark Memorial Bridge , 18 Wheel Tractor Trailer , Inside Dangling , Sysco , Bryce Carden , God , Window , Rescue Team Racing , Cab , Saying , Firefighter Carden Hooking , Operation , Credit , Harness , Folks , Take A Deep Breath , The Bridge , 40 , Military Veteran , Damage , Stuff , Well Practiced , Thousands , Russia , Responders , Presence , Respects , James Longman , Moscow , Security State , Crowd Chanting , Russians Braving Putin , Opposition Icon , You Weren T Afraid , Crowd , Coffin , Others , Suburban Moscow Church , Putin , Parents , Leader , Mourners , Church , Goodbye , Casket , Block , Ideals , Arctic Prison , My Way , Cemetery , Body , Kiss Goodbye , Roses , Son , Mother , Song , Humor , Music , Movie , Joke , Frank Sinatra , Terminator 2 , 47 , 2 , Everywhere , Yulia , Posting , Recriminations , Commemorations , Tribute , Happiness , Arrests , 90 , 26 , Name , Crowds , Fact , Bravery , Hero , Chanting Navalny , Video , Search , Abduction , Suv , Gas Station , Home , Take A Look , People Phoenix , Public , Kayna Whitworth , Arizona , Buckeye , Store , Starts , Information , Gas Pump , Inside , Surveillance Video , Situation , Circle K Gas Station , Last Friday Night , I 10 , License Plate , Individuals , Something , Characteristics , Someone , Down , Circle K , Nissan Rogue , 23 , 2021 , Security Cameras , Kayna Whitworth Reporting Tonight , Area , Goal , Add , Argument , Kayna , Pharmacist , My Name Is David , 44 , Memory , Aging , Prevagen , Prescription , Skin , Jessie , Mystery , Stores , Playing Detective , Mind , Jigsaw Puzzle , Fit , Gentle , Tide Pods , Chest Congestion , Bye Cough , Bye , Residues , Safer Choice Certified , Doesn T Leave , Relief , Mucinex Dm , Cough , Comeback Season , Sore Throat , Investment Research , J P Morgan , Mucinex Instasoothe , Ads , Investments , Plan , Advisor , Goals , Connect , Ethan , Menthol Cigarettes , Guys , Tip , Wealth Management , Nothing , Body Deodorant , Stroke , Smoking , Armpits , Wanna , 1 800 Quit Now , 800 , 1 , Okay , Human , Girl , Odor Protection , 4 5 , 72 , Member Card , Ucard , Plans , Pits , Bits , Unitedhealthcare , Spraying , Medicare Advantage , Heartburn , Doors , Antacid , Pharmacy , Prilosec Otc , All In One Ucard , Yes , Huh That , Heartburn Relief , Zero Heartburn , Zero , Prison , Riding , Murder , Kaylin Gillis , Kevin Monahan , 25 , 28 , Passenger , Say Gillis , Plane , Friends , Friend , Behavior , Airline , Bangor , London , The Abortion Pill , Fergie , Walgreens , Rsv , Announcement , News C , Involving Carrying Mifepristone , Health , Cvs , Wall , Vaccine , Don T , Reaction , Respiratory Disease , Immune System , Everyone , Ingredients , Abrysvo , Pfizer , Pain , Headache , Side Effects , Muscle Pain , World , Breath Matters , Zzzquil , Tiredness , Sleep Aid Brand , Jonah Wrestles , Check , It , Rinvoq , Feeling , Rest , Best , Ulcerative Colitis , Forming Zzzquil , Uc , Damage Rinvoq , Symptom Relief , Remission , Results , Leave Bathroom , Urgency , Ability , Infections , Chance , Colon Lining , Reactions , Cancers , Risks , Lymphoma , Intestines , Stomach , Tears , Fatal , Blood Clots , Heart Attack , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Tb , 50 , Doctor , Abbvie , Gastroenterologist , Psoriasis Treatment , Supplement , Brand , Nature , Vitamin , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Back , Finding Psoriasis , Thighs , Splendor , Pill , Better , Infection , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Changes , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Liver , Labs , Triglycerides , Find , Hiding , One Sotyktu , Jak Inhibitors , Dispensing Mifepristone , David , Index , Prognosis , Abortion , Form , Rules , Melanoma , Supreme Court , The Move , Fda , Daily Mail , Sarah Ferguson , Joan Johnson , Inflammation , Granddaughter , Over The Counter , Eye Drops , Screenings , Incredible Gifa , Symptoms , Discomfort , Eye Disease , Vision , Signs , Eye Irritation , Xiidra , Dry Eye Disease , Place , Taste Sensation , Grunt , Obstructive Hcm , 0 , , Breath , Cardiologist , Trail , Foot , At Making Excuses , Taking Camzyos , Camzyos , Medication , Adults , Risk , Heart Failure , Irregular Heartbeat , Medicines , Dose , Healthcare Provider , Camzyos May , Treatment , Program , Echocardiograms , My Name Is Mike , Pregnancy , Job , No Other , Bladder Leak Underwear , Biofreeze , Core , Gush , Leaks , Protection , Arthritis , Voltaren , Always Discreet , Asthma , Things , Breathing , Fasenra , Add On Treatment , Asthma Treatments , Eosinophilic Asthma , Breathing Problems , 8 , Grandma , Grandmother , Gift , Treasure , I Love You , America Strong , Massachusetts , Pittsfield , Pailey , Messages , Voicemails , Scooter , Preschool , My , Thought , G Force , Mwah , 6 , 7 , Hi , Mom , I Miss You , 14 , 13 , Milestones , Interview , Spot , Subway , Life , Memories , Most , Grandma Joan , Degree , School , Storm Watch , Doppler , Everything , Thunder Storms , We R Downpours , Seven , Weekend , Dumping Snow , Weather , Speeds , Records Set , Sandhya Patel , Tracking , Team , Impact , Bay Area , Dan Ashley , Ama Daetz , Expert Abc7 , Amna , Thunderstorms , Tornado , Madera County , Lightning Strikes , Thunder Snow , View , North , Funnel Cloud , Rain , Downpours , Street Level , Heavy Rain , South Bay , Mountain View , Sunnyvale To Cupertino , 680 ,

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