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two people in the car killed. trevor ault is on the scene. breaking news just coming in from israel on a possible delay in that planned cease-fire and release of dozens of hostages. 50 women and children expected to be part of the deal. a 3-year-old american girl is thought to be among those who will be freed. her family now awaiting word. late word today about the high stakes negotiations going down to the wire. and after israel claimed hamas was running a command center under gaza's biggest hospital, matt gutman with the idf, as they go inside the tunnel underneath. >> i'm not sure if that side is completely secure yet. >> linsey: was there a command center, as israel claimed? here at home, security is top of mind with millions on the move on this, the day before thanksgiving. crowded roads, packed airports, and what's expected to be the busiest day for tsa in history. gio benitez reports. the major new storm threat we're tracking, sweeping across the country just in time for sunday's big travel day. rob marciano times it all out. the urgent search for missing villagers in alaska, after a massive landslide kills at least three people. barrelling down a rain-soaked mountainside, smashing into homes, destroying everything in its path. what authorities are saying tonight. the newly released body camera video. an atlanta church deacon in his 60s pulled over for a traffic stop, dying after being tased. his death now ruled a homicide. what the family is saying tonight. and america strong. the thanksgiving foster program finding new homes for some furry friends. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight" with david muir. good evening, everyone, thank you so much for joining us on this busy wednesday night. i'm linsey davis, in for david. we begin with breaking news along the u.s./canadian border. a tense scene there after a car crashed and exploded on the rainbow bridge near niagara falls. authorities then closed all four international border crossings between western new york and canada. the chaos unfolding as tens of millions of people travel for the thanksgiving holiday. the car slammed into a secondary security checkpoint and then burst into flames. authorities say it happened on the u.s. side of the bridge. sources tell abc news the driver was speeding up to 100 miles an hour when the car crashed into the checkpoint. two people in the car were killed. buffalo airport is closed to international flights. police are checking all vehicles for possible explosives. just a short time ago, the governor of new york revealed there is no indication this was a terror attack. the white house is monitoring the situation. the incident comes as authorities across the country are in a state of heightened alert because of the israel-hamas war. abc's trevor ault leads us off from niagara falls, new york. >> reporter: this is the moment the car burst into flames. the verified video circulating online showing the deadly explosion raising alarm on both sides of the border on one of the busiest travel days of the year. >> i never seen anything like this. the car just exploded. >> reporter: it happened just before noon, near the new york entrance to the international rainbow bridge, which connects the u.s. and canada at niagara falls. the car speeding so fast, eyewitnesses say it launched into the air near one of the security checkpoints. >> i seen something airborne, i first thought it was an airplane. looked like slow motion. and i said, "my god, it's a car." >> reporter: then, a fireball. >> yo, oh my god. are they all right? >> reporter: smoke billowing high into the air. the driver and passenger dead on the scene. a border officer injured. authorities sealing the area. >> i'm going to send you over to the customs bridge for a fire that's happening. fire's already there. you're going there to block off roads. >> reporter: officials in the u.s. and canada taking no chances, quickly closing all four bridges connecting canada to western new york. >> additional measures are being contemplated and activated at all border crossings across the country. we are taking this extraordinarily seriously. >> reporter: at the airport in nearby buffalo, international flights suspended. the fbi launching an investigation. new york's governor tonight saying no explosives have been found, offering these words of reassurance. >> i want to be very, very clear, to americans and new yorkers, at this time, there is no indication of a terrorist attack. >> linsey: she's trying to really make that point clear. trevor ault joins us now from the scene in niagara falls, new york. and trevor, the governor says there's no indication this was terrorism, but she also warns the investigation could take awhile. >> reporter: that's right, linsey. and the governor revealed one of the people in this car was a resident here in western new york, but given the size of this explosion, this is a really large scene. this investigation could continue for quite some time. linsey? >> linsey: i can imagine so. trevor, thank you. now, to the israel-hamas war, and the planned cease-fire and hostage release. late today, israel said nothing will take place before friday. the israeli military unleashing massive assaults on gaza until then. today, israel revealed what it claims is more evidence of hamas working out of al shifa hospital in gaza. our team with new images inside the tunnels under the facility and what they found underground. abc's matt gutman reports from israel. >> reporter: tonight, just hours before a planned cease-fire and release of dozens of hostage held by hamas, a senior israeli official now saying that the cease-fire and hostage release won't happen until friday. that as relentless israeli bombardment today left gaza smothered in smoke. israel unleashing a massive bombardment on a city already in ruins. israel and hamas today hammering out the final details for the release of at least 50 israeli women and children held in gaza, in exchange for a four-day cease-fire and the release of at least 150 palestinian women and minors jailed in israel. as well as increased humanitarian aid into gaza. president biden personally involved in negotiations. that as a senior u.s. official telling abc news three americans are expected to be among the first hostages released, including 3-year-old abigail mor idan. abigail was still in her father's arms when hamas terrorists shot him dead. she turns 4 on friday. >> i pray, we all pray, that this release will happen, and that abigail will actually be home to celebrate her 4th birthday. >> reporter: in gaza, word of that pause in fighting met with relief. >> it's really dangerous. >> reporter: tala and her family fled northern gaza. showing us the horrors of daily life there. >> this is what we hear. it's every minute, every hour, every second. >> reporter: tala now concerned about what comes after the cease-fire. >> i know it's good for people. i know it's good for everyone, to stop bombing, at least. but it's not enough. >> reporter: today, as we drove into gaza on those humvees -- it's hard to take in the scale of the destruction here in gaza city -- we passed the humanitarian corridor. those civilians standing still as statues, holding up i.d. cards and white flags. the idf's seventh brigade taking us to gaza's largest hospital, al shifa, and inside the tunnel complex they say proves hamas ran a command and control center right beneath the hospital. and beside the hospital's internal medicine building, we descended into that pit, squeezing into one of the tunnels there. this is the tunnel, you can see what look like electricity cables here. this, we're told, is for air. it led directly beneath that internal medicine building. calling this a really sophisticated tunnel. it's high, it's relatively broad. you can walk standing up. you can see all the outlets for electricity and others. the tunnel was vented. this appears to be a kitchenette. you can see it's even tiled here. there is a sink. we saw multiple bathrooms. >> here, you can see the room. >> reporter: and right next to it, that large room, also tiled, beds in the back. it even had an air conditioner. do we know how far this goes? >> couple hundred meters. >> reporter: couple hundred meters on the other side? >> yeah. >> reporter: i'm not sure if that side is completely secure yet. there is so much destruction. how much of it was actually militarily necessary? >> i think -- >> reporter: because a million and a half aren't going to be able to come back here. >> israel is not fighting against the gazan civilians. it's not fighting against -- it's not fighting in order to create destruction. but when you have an organization that wages its war from hospital, building tunnels underneath, we have no other alternative. we're going to defeat hamas. >> linsey: let's get right to matt gutman live in tel aviv. matt, what more you are learning about this possible delay in the release of more hostages from gaza? >> reporter: linsey, it's unclear what precipitated this change. we understand that both sides had agreed for the cease-fire to begin tomorrow morning, for hostages to be released at some point after that, and we understand that broadly, the deal is still on. about the only thing that is certain tonight is that for the families of the hostages who don't even know that their loved ones are on that list, tonight is going to be a sleepless night. linsey? >> linsey: high anxiety for sure. matt, thank you. here in the u.s., millions of americans are on the road and in the air at this hour for what stands to be the busiest thanksgiving travel week ever. a steady flow of travelers snaking through boston's logan airport today. the tsa is expecting a record number of people to be screened at the airports. traffic on the highways at its peak over the last 24 hours. nearly 50 million people driving over this holiday. sunday is expected to be the busiest travel day of the entire week. abc's gio benitez covers transportation. >> reporter: tonight, fueled by the lowest gas prices in years, millions of americans are hitting the road for thanksgiving. >> we stopped at annapolis, we stopped in new jersey. next stop is rhode island, and then massachusetts. >> reporter: overnight in los angeles, a sea of red and white lights, as drivers faced gridlock on the 405 freeway. while in the east, drivers faced powerful storms. this tornado spotted in hartford, alabama. this crash in huntsville killing two and injuring five. high winds taking down trees in new york city. the system even blanketing parts of new england in snow. at the airports, massive crowds. >> it's a lot busier. i have never seen, like, this many people. >> reporter: and we are inside the united control tower here at newark, and i just want you to take a look at that tarmac, because you see all of those planes there. it is very, very busy. 4,100 flights for united today. that's three flights every minute. so far, minimal delays, but sunday could break the tsa's record for the most travelers ever. and linsey, right now is the tail end of the busiest time on the roads here in the northeast, so, now our attention turns to the ride home. the busiest times, according to experts, between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on sunday. linsey? >> linsey: all right, note to self there. gio, thank you. here in the u.s., we're tracking a new cross-country storm sweeping its way east over the thanksgiving weekend. heavy snow in some areas, including in the northeast, sunday into monday, which is the busiest travel time of the entire holiday, as we just said. let's get right to abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, linsey. yeah, we're bookending with storms this holiday weekend, just as the cold air pours in. this next storm is already in the rockies. so, let's talk about the cold for tomorrow morning. we're going to see wind chills below freezing as far south as huntsville, alabama. the winds will be blowing around thanksgiving day parade, as well, so, that could be an issue. everybody's in the cold. it's cold enough for snow in the rockies. we've got winter storm warnings and watches that are posted for the northern rockies here. we could see 6 to 12 inches of snow piling up during the day tomorrow and into the morning on friday. and then pushing across the corn belt, through iowa and in through chicago and st. louis. could see maybe 1 to 3 inches of snow during the evening saturday into sunday morning there, and then pushing into the northeast, with more in the way of rain and, so, late in the day on sunday, so, that's where we could see more in the way of travel delays at those airports. and as both you and gio mentioned, it's likely to be, according to tsa, the busiest travel day at american airports on record. linsey? >> linsey: could be a rough ride home from grandma's house. rob, thank you. next tonight, the deadly avalanche in southeast alaska. search and rescue teams are looking for victims caught in the massive landslide. at least three people killed, several more missing. the slide, about 450 feet wide, slamming into homes and cutting off a highway leading to the small remote town. here's abc's jaclyn lee. >> reporter: tonight, an urgent search by land and by air, after a massive landslide struck this remote community in alaska, southeast of anchorage. >> we are estimating it was about just a little under 500 feet across, at the -- where it crossed the road. >> reporter: the debris field barrelling down this mountain and into the pacific ocean on monday night, after a storm brought heavy rain and wind to the area. governor mike dunleavy issuing a disaster declaration. officials in wrangell say at least three people were killed and three remain missing, including two under the age of 18. a woman pulled from the debris is now recovering. >> that female lived in one of the residences that was on the mountain side of the highway. >> reporter: the landslide destroying at least three homes and cutting off the community's only highway into town. dozens of residents also displaced or without power. and linsey, officials warn about the possibility of additional landslides, as another storm is set to roll through the area tonight into tomorrow. linsey? >> linsey: all right, jaclyn, thank you. tonight, authorities have released disturbing body camera video of a deadly police altercation in atlanta. a deacon died after being tased by an officer following a traffic accident. the georgia bureau of investigation has launched its own independent probe. here's abc's erielle reshef. >> sign the ticket. >> you trying to -- >> sign the ticket. >> reporter: tonight, calls for justice, after the release of this disturbing body camera video showing the tense moments that led to the tasing death of an atlanta deacon. >> sign the ticket! i'm going to tase you, put your arms behind your back. put your arms behind your back. >> reporter: according to the family, deacon johnny hollman was on his way home from bible study on the night of august 10th, when he was hit by another driver. hollman calling 911. >> somebody ran into my truck right here. >> reporter: officer kiran kimbrough informs hollman he was found at fault. but hollman asserts his innocence, refusing to sign the traffic ticket. >> i didn't do nothing. i didn't do nothing, sir. >> reporter: the officer attempts to take the 62-year-old into custody, struggling for several minutes. >> i can't breathe. i can't breathe. >> put your hands behind your back. >> i can't breathe. >> reporter: he then deploys a taser. >> put your hands behind your back! >> reporter: hollman unresponsive. emts called to the scene. the deacon transported to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. the medical examiner ruling hollman's death a homicide, saying he died due to the shock from the taser. tonight, hollman's family calling for officer kimbrough to be charged. >> we need him jailed. we need him prosecuted to the fullest extent. >> reporter: linsey, that officer was terminated for violating department procedure. his attorney says he denies any wrongdoing and has appealed his firing. linsey? >> linsey: erielle, thank you. when we come back, the fiery plane crash in texas. what we're now learning. and the legal battle lines are drawn between one of the most iconic duos in rock history, hall & oates. p you havr attacks and relieve your asthma symptoms. tezspire is an add on treatment for people 12 and over. it is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions may occur and can be serious. rash or eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint, and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire today -when you bundle your home or renters with your auto, progressive provides protection for almost everything you own. -but do you really need... -my weighted hoop? it's for my snatched waist. foot treadmill. purse that says purse. my tuesday chalice. lake making kit. mushroom humidifier. futuristic coat rack. tells you how many coats are on it. two. 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the '70s pop duo, one of the most successful in history, is battling it out in court. daryl hall is asking for a retraining order against john oates, which the judge has granted. details of the case remain sealed. hall & oates were inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame in 2013. when we come back, the animal shelter bringing its residents a home for the holidays. 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[♪] how you feel can be affected by the bacteria in your gut. try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating, plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion. try align probiotic. finally tonight, america strong. the animal shelter that is getting some a home just in time for the holidays. on this thanksgiving eve, some families in richmond, virginia, are serving up an extra helping of gratitude to their four-legged friends in need. this week, richmond animal care and control kicked off their thanksgiving foster program. now nine years strong. their goal is to find a home for them all, just in time for the holidays. and every thanksgiving, the shelter's population is reduced by as much as 75%. the first official adoption of the thanksgiving program, ice cream cake, and her family, the garners. >> we'd like to thank the team at richmond animal care and control for introducing us to the new member of our family. >> linsey: joy comes in all sizes, and for that, they are pawsitively thankful. emma jones and her daughters taking home the pit bull hotel transylvania. >> he is going to be happy. >> very sweet dog. >> linsey: many of these furry friends already feel right at home even before they hit the doorstep. and tonight, director christy peters on what the program means for the staff. >> it's just a really incredible morale boost. it's so nice to see a really happy ending time and time and time again. >> linsey: emptying out this shelter is a blessing, and nothing quite shows their gratitude like a good lick on the ear. that puppy love. thank you so much for watching, and happy thanksgiving. i'm linsey davis. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. for david and all of us, good night. charges to plea deals that are putting him back out on the street and see how much money it will take to keep san francisco shoppers safe this holiday season. >> i'm meteorologist sandyha patel. a holiday warm-up is on the way. we'll take a look at the forecast coming up. abc7 news at 6:00 starts right now. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news and explosion at the border between canada and the united states with deadly consequence is leaving many with concern and questions. >> thanks for joining us. i'm j.r. stone. good evening. >> i'm dan ashley. this happened on the united states side of the crossing in niagara falls. surveillance video captured the car speeding, hitting something and then launching into the air. it crashed and exploded, sending debris, as you can see, just everywhere. this led to the rainbow international bridge being shut down for the rest of the day. three other bridges in the area were briefly closed out of precaution. one man saw the whole thing. listen. >> he hit the concrete barrier, probably right at the signal. god knows how many thousands of feet before the bridge. it went airborne. as the vehicle began to turn sideways and went under something overhead. and then it hit something over there. then all of a sudden, i saw black smoke and then fire new york's governor says this was not terrorism and that the driver and a passenger died in the wreck. >> investigators do know the identity of at least one of the victims, six. he was heightened at buffalo's airport and all international flights were halted. this is

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Breaking News , U S , Plan , Israel , Holiday , Explosion , Move , Millions , Canada , On The Air , Hostages , Border Crossing , First , Flames , Side , Mercedes , Bridges , Rainbow Bridge , Countries , Concrete Barrier , Region , 100 , Four , Two , Car , Release , Cease Fire , People , Scene , Trevor Ault , Children , Deal , Women , Dozens , Delay , Part , 50 , Hospital , Family , Al Shifa Hospital In Gaza , Command Center , Word , Hamas , Negotiations , Stakes , Wire , American Girl , 3 , Linsey Davis , Home , Idf , Matt Gutman , Security , Mind , Tunnel Underneath , Airports , Country , Rob Marciano , Roads , History , Tsa , Gio Benitez Reports , Big Travel Day , Tracking , Storm Threat , Everything , Authorities , Landslide , Homes , Barrelling Down A Rain Soaked Mountainside , Body Camera Video , Search , Villagers , Path , Southeast Alaska , Three , Church Deacon , Death , Homicide , Traffic Stop , America Strong , Thanksgiving Foster Program Finding New Homes , Atlanta , 60 , Friends , Abc News , David Muir , New York , World News Tonight , Announcer , World Headquarters , Everyone , Niagara Falls , Canadian Border , Western New York , Security Checkpoint , Border Crossings , Tens , Chaos , Flights , Police , Buffalo Airport , Checkpoint , The Bridge , Vehicles , The Driver , Sources , Governor , Indication , Explosives , Terror Attack , Estate , Incident , Situation , Alert , Israel Hamas War , White House , Reporter , One , Border , Sides , Video , Explosion Raising , Alarm , Anything , Something , Car Speeding , Airplane , Fireball , Hair , Security Checkpoints , Eyewitnesses , God , Slow Motion , Area , Fire , Passenger , Oh My God , Driver , Customs Bridge , Border Officer Injured , Smoke Billowing , Officials , Chances , Measures , Investigation , Airport , Words , Fbi , Terrorist Attack , Reassurance , Point Clear , Terrorism , That S Right , President , Nothing , Hostage , Place , Size , Team , Tunnels , Images , Evidence , Assaults , Military , Facility , Working Out , Smoke , Official , Bombardment , Details , City , Ruins , Hammering , Exchange , Biden , Aid , Senior , Minors , 150 , Abigail , Arms , Father , Terrorists , Spray , Idan , 4 , Relief , Tala , Birthday , Fighting , Pause , The Horrors , Daily Life , Northern Gaza , Second , Bombing , Humvees , Destruction , Civilians , Statues , Cards , Corridor , Scale , Flags , Holding Up I D , Control , Tunnel , Command , Center , Medicine , Building , To Gaza , Ran A , Seventh Brigade , Pit , It Led , Electricity Cables , Internal Medicine Building , Electricity , Others , Outlets , Kitchenette , Back , Room , Air Conditioner , Sink , It , Bathrooms , Beds , Aren T , A Million , Building Tunnels Underneath , Organization , Against , Order , Gazan , Alternative , Learning , Tel Aviv , Point , Change , Thing , Families , Don T , On The Road , List , High Anxiety , Loved Ones , Sleepless Night , Travelers , Record Number , Logan Airport , Flow , Boston , Traffic , On Sunday , Highways , Peak , Gas Prices , Gio Benitez Covers Transportation , 50 Million , 24 , Drivers , Road , Stop , Gridlock , Freeway , Rhode Island , Sea Of Red And White , New Jersey , At Annapolis , Massachusetts , Los Angeles , 405 , Storms , Winds , Trees , Crash , Least , Tornado , Alabama , Hartford , Huntsville Killing Two , Five , Snow , Look , Lot , System , Parts , Crowds , Tarmac , New England , Newark , United Control Tower , Wall , Record , Planes , Linsey , Delays , United , 4100 , Times , Northeast , Gio , Note , Attention , Tail End , Experts , Ride Home , 5 , 00 , Way , Storm , Areas , Cold , Rockies , Wind Chills , Talk , Huntsville , Everybody , Winter Storm Warnings , Issue , Well , Northern Rockies , Thanksgiving Day Parade , Corn Belt , 12 , 6 , More , Rain , Sunday Morning , Iowa , Chicago , Louis , 1 , Travel Delays , Avalanche , Grandma S House , Rough Ride , Victims , Town , Teams , Highway Leading , Slide , Search And Rescue , Abc S Jaclyn Lee , 450 , Feet , Community , Anchorage , Urgent Search By Land , 500 , Mountain , Disaster Declaration , Wind , Heavy Rain , Pacific Ocean , Wrangell , Debris Field Barrelling , Mike Dunleavy , Debris , Highway , Residences , Cutting , Woman , Age , 18 , Residents , Landslides , Power , Possibility , Deacon , Officer , Georgia Bureau Of Investigation , Probe , Body Camera , Altercation , Traffic Accident , Ticket , Led , Justice , Calls , Erielle Reshef , Johnny Hollman , Somebody , Hit , Truck , Hollman Calling 911 , 10 , August 10th , 911 , Kiran Kimbrough , Officer Attempts , Traffic Ticket , Fault , Innocence , Sir , Hollman He , Taser , Hands , Breathe , Custody , 62 , Examiner , Shock , Hollman Unresponsive , Emts , Ruling Hollman , Family Calling , Extent , Attorney , Department Procedure , Plane Crash , Battle Lines , Iconic Duos In Rock History , Wrongdoing , Hall Oates , Firing , Erielle , Texas , Tezspire , Reactions , Allergy , Rescue Medication , Asthma Symptoms , Attacks , Add , Treatment , Eye , Doctor , Asthma , Infection , Matter , Sore Throat , Back Pain , Vaccines , Tezspire Today , Joint , Asthma Specialist , Carolers , Husband , Coats , Purse , Progressive , Renters , Auto , Hoop , Waist , Chalice , Kit , Coat Rack , Protection , Foot Treadmill , Lake Making , Mushroom Humidifier , 15 , Condition , Wreck , Ipad , Iphone , Dad , Verizon , Apple , Black Friday , Soloist , Titanium , Value , 700 , 1700 , Things , Symptom Relief , Crohn S Disease , Crohn , Skyrizi , Remission , Abdominal Pain , Bowel Movements , Feel , Damage , Majority , Il 23 , Intestinal Lining , 23 , Risk , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Infections , Vaccine , Ability , Crohn S , Gastroenterologist , Person , Warning , Pilot , Plano , Ntsb , Faa , 87 , John F Kennedy Park For Hope , Plane , Shopping Center Parking Lot , Assassination , Aircraft , Ground , Anniversary , Dallas , Engine Cessna , News , Healing , Generations , Heroes , Parkland Hospital , November 22nd , Secret Service , 22 , 1963 , November 22nd 1963 , Animal Shelter , Holiday Season , Finding Homes , Tree , Holidays , Joy , Fudge , Slush , Salt , Needle Catastrophes , Cargoliners , Weathertech , Floorliners , Risks , Type 2 Diabetes , Someone , Gift , Front , 2 , Stroke , Heart Attack , Goal , A1c , Getrealaboutdiabetes Com , Sam , Ways , Health Care Provider , Products , Premier , Genius , Cash , Reality , Purchases , Smart Ideas , Smarter , Chase For Business , 000 , 5000 , 02 5 , Afib , Kareem Abdul Jabbar , Breath , Inkling , 20 , 30 , Physical Exertion , Heartbeat , Chest Pain , Fatigue , Shortness , Heart Racing , Light Headedness , Hair Thinning , Health , Experience , Atrial Fibrillation , Nutrafol , Birth , Stress , Formulations , Hair Growth Supplement , Dermatologist , Rigor , Trials , Hair Growth Journey , Thicker , Retraining Order , Fans , Daryl Hall , Pop Duo , Court , Judge , Case , John Oates , 70 , The Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame , 2013 , Dripping , Dude , Sneeze , Style , Fast Cough Relief , Gel Flex Grid , Rejuvenated , Purple Mattresses , Plop , Alka Seltzer , Store , Pressure , Purple , Instantly , Amber , Visit Purple Com , Golo , 00 Dollars , 128 , 900 , Golo Commercial , Verge , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Bond , Terms , Retinol , Fast Working Crepe Corrector , Skin , Body , Benefits , Gut , Bacteria , Probiotic , Relief Plus , Vitamin B12 , Food Digestion , Aid Digestion , Gratitude , Helping , Richmond , Virginia , Program , Need , Foster , Animal Care , Nine , Shelter , Population , Adoption , Ice Cream Cake , Richmond Animal Care , 75 , Emma Jones , Sizes , Member , Daughters , Hotel Transylvania , Pit Bull , Many , Christy Peters On , Dog , Doorstep , Staff , Blessing , Emptying , Morale Boost , Lick , All Of Us , Watching , Ear , Puppy Love , Good Night , Plea , Street , Money , Charges , San Francisco , Warm Up , Forward , Seven News , Forecast , Finding Solutions , Building A Better Bay Area , Meteorologist Sandyha Patel , Abc7 , Seven , Thanks , Questions , Concern , Consequence , J R , Stone , Dan Ashley , Crossing , Everywhere , Surveillance Video , Rest , Rainbow International Bridge Being , Bridge , Signal , Thousands , Precaution , Oman , All Of A Sudden , Vehicle , Identity , Investigators , Buffalo , Six ,

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