Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702

parking lots. israel accuses hamas of accusing civilians as human shields. tonight, the first signs of the u.s. publicly criticizing the israeli military. secretary of state antony blinken says far too many palestinians have been killed. american diplomats in the region with a warning for the biden administration. matt gutman is in israel. president biden announces a high-stakes summit with china's president xi just days from now, and the administration warns government employees of another possible shutdown in a week. here in new york, the news breaking late today -- the fbi seizing cell phones and an ipad belonging to new york city mayor eric adams. it's part of the investigation into his top fundraiser. tonight, the mayor's response. the january 6th suspect on the run for nearly two days surrendering to police. former arizona senator martha mcsally, america's first female combat pilot reveals she was sexually assaulted while jogging in iowa. authorities say surveillance video shows the suspect moments before the attack. how she fought back. the son of a former famous hollywood agent and producer now under arrest, facing charges in a gruesome murder. the suspect's wife and in-laws all reported missing. a major blow to the undefeated university of michigan football team. the scandal now barring head coach jim harbaugh from the sidelines for the rest of the regular season. and honoring america's veterans. the abc news special. 17 years after a devastating roadside bomb nearly took his life, our bob woodruff returns to iraq. >> linsey: good evening, everyone. thanks for joining us on this friday. i'm linsey davis in for david. we begin with the war between israel and hamas. tonight, gaza's hospitals are at the center of fight, and amid the mounting civilian toll, the american diplomats in the region are warning biden administration of the growing fury in the arab world. an explosion shaking a refugee encampment in the a parking lot in gaza. palestinian officials blame israel. israel accuses hamas of using civilians as shields. gaza's hospitals are increasingly unable to provide the most basic of care. the dealt toll now more than 11,000. a mass exodus of palestinians on the move, leaving northern gaza, heading south. most on foot, most with no place to go. and secretary of state antony blinken expressing concerns, saying far too many palestinians have been killed. meantime, the urgent negotiations under way for the 239 hostages caught in the middle. abc's matt gutman leads us off tonight from israel. >> reporter: tonight, the explosions rattling gaza's main hospitals, buildings shuttering and the cries from the wounded. and cries from the wounded. by night, the sky lit up by flares and missiles. by day, israeli troops in close combat, going building to building, room to room, closing their noose on northern gaza. the hospitals' main parking lots now housing tents filled with people. the hallways crammed with refugees. gurneys bearing the wounded lining the corridors. today an explosion at gaza's main hospital, al shifa. this girl screaming, "why god, why?" israel saying the explosion was caused by a failed palestinian rocket launch. military spokesman peter lerner says hamas has turned the hospitals into their base of operations. >> they have positioned all of their capabilities in, around, and beneath hospitals. >> reporter: but there are thousands of patients who are wounded, some of them very severely, who cannot be moved. >> they can be moved. there are ambulance services that are up and running. it's a matter of deciding to move them. >> reporter: but one of al shifa's top doctors telling me it can't be done. what would happen if you did have to evacuate all the people who still remain? >> if you say evacuate these patients, it means you want me to kill at least 100 patients at one second. >> translator: tonight with the hamas-run health ministry saying the death toll is over 11,000, the strongest criticism yet by the u.s., of israel's handling of the war against hamas. >> far too many palestinians have been killed. far too many have suffered. >> reporter: but secretary of state blinken acknowledging israel has opened humanitarian corridors. thousands today fleeing south on this highway, an evacuation route designated by the israeli military. over 150,000 fleeing in just the past 2 days. the elderly often pulled along on carts, many carrying white flags. and tonight "the new york times" reporting progress is being made on a deal that could see the release of scores of the 239 hostages still held in gaza. that would include most of the women and children, including shiri bibas. that video showing her terror as she was kidnapped from her kibbutz along with her two children. kfir only 10 months old. what milestones should kfir, who's now 10 months, be meeting? >> maybe walking a few steps, recognizing faces, smiling faces. i can't -- i can't -- >> reporter: what is it like thinking that the faces he's now learning to recognize are most likely those of his captors? >> it's heartbreaking. >> reporter: linsey, israel has said that over the past 24 hours its forces have operated not just in the gaza strip, but also in the west bank along the red sea, in syria, and in lebanon where it's been fighting this low-level war with a powerful iranian-backed proxy, hezbollah. the concern is that one wrong move on either side, and that could become a major war. >> linsey: mounting fears of possible escalation. matt, thank you. now to those warnings to american diplomats abroad. selina wang joins us from the white house. sources confirm those diplomats formally warned the biden administration of the growing fury in the arab world. what can you tell us? >> reporter: exactly, linsey. these american diplomats are saying there is deep anger toward the u.s. in the arab world over america's staunch support of israel and the rising death toll in gaza. a state department official source confirming a cnn report that these diplomats are formally telling their washington counterparts that public opinion of the u.s. in the arab world could be damaged for a generation. now, a senior administration official telling me that the white house fully respects all of these strong feelings and that they'll continue to support israel as well as the people of gaza. >> linsey: the white house confirmed today that president biden will hold a summit with china's president xi next week in san francisco. relations with china have certainly been rocky lately. president biden is expected to talk about the war in israel. what's president biden planning to push for here? >> reporter: china has close relations with iran, so president biden is expected to urge xi jinping to use that influence to try to have xi jinping push to not have the war between iran or its proxies. the purpose of this high stakes meeting is to manage tensions and try to restore military to military communications. no breakthroughs are expected given how deep the divisions are. however, the fact that this meeting is happening the all is big for stability. >> linsey: selina wang, thank you so much. now to breaking news in new york city. the fbi seized phones and electronic devices belonging to mayor eric adams. this comes one week after agents searched the home of his senior fundraiser. mayor adams says he has nothing to hide. >> reporter: that's what he says. he pledges to cooperate away ongoing investigation. at an event monday night, the fbi approached the mayor, and he handed over two phones and an ipad. he has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but the seizure of his electronic devices comes a week after the fbi searched the home of his top fundraiser as part of an investigation into whether any illegal foreign money from turkey was funneled into the mayor's campaign. again tonight in a statement, the mayor does say he has nothing to hide here. >> linsey: aaron katersky for us. thanks, aaron. next tonight, martha mcsally the first female fighter pilot fighting off an assault in iowa. surveillance video led to the arrest to the attacker overnight. but the combat victim says it's taken a toll, bringing back memories of being raped by a senior officer while she was in the service. here's faith abubey, and a warning, the details of this story may be difficult. >> reporter: tonight, the stunning revelation from former arizona senator martha mcsally, the first american woman to fly a fighter plane in combat. >> i was just assaulted while i was out running. i realize i'm still in an adrenaline state. i am okay. >> reporter: these chilling images from a surveillance video captured moments before the attack on wednesday. authorities say this is the suspect, following mcsally closely along the missouri river in iowa. >> a man came up behind me and he engulfed me in a bear hug and he molested and fondled me until i fought him off. >> reporter: mcsally says she then turned the tables, chasing him and throwing a water bottle at him before he ran off into a heavily wooded area. the suspect, 25-year-old dominic henton, arrested on a warrant overnight in nebraska for assault with intent to commit sexual abuse. >> i was preyed upon and then raped by a superior officer. >> reporter: in 2019, mcsally disclosed during a senate hearing that she is a rape survivor from her time in the air force. wednesday's attack re-opening old wounds. >> but in this case, i felt like i took my power back. he tried to take power from me, but i turned it on him and he was running from me. >> reporter: linsey, police say the suspect will be extradited back to iowa to face criminal charges. >> linsey: faith, thank you. also tonight, the january 6th suspect who ran from police is now under arrest in new jersey. the subject of a widespread manhunt. gregory yetman surrend today. he ran into the woods when the fbi arrived to arrest him on wednesday. he faces several charges, including assaulting law enforcement officers. he was a military police sargent in the new jersey army national guard at the time. next tonight, the son of a prominent hollywood executive arrested on suspicion of murder after the gruesome discovery of body parts in a dumpster. the suspect's wife and her parents are all missing. mola lenghi reports from los angeles. >> reporter: tonight, los angeles authorities are urgently searching for a woman and her parents after discovering a dismembered body in this strip mall dumpster and accusing the woman's husband of murder. >> reporter: early wednesday morning, police called to that strip mall, finding the remains inside a plastic bag. >> a dismembered female body was located. it's basically just a torso, a female torso. >> reporter: the lead investigator on the case telling abc news that torso remains unidentified, but authorities have accused 35-year-old samuel haskell of murder, and they say that haskell's wife, mei, along with her parents who live in the same house as the couple, are all missing. police say they traced the suspect using surveillance video from that strip mall and from a separate 911 call reporting suspicious bags outside his home. >> here in the house, once officers made entry, what was discovered was evidence of a crime, including some blood evidence. >> reporter: the suspect is the son of sam haskell sr., the former ceo of miss america and an ex-hollywood agent who represented stars like george clooney and dolly parton. tonight the family's shocked neighbors left fearing the worst. >> today i was crying, thinking how i'm probably never going to see her or her parents. it's a really sad thought to me. >> reporter: tonight sam haskell is being held on a $2 million bond, although no formal charge have been filed. sam haskell and his wife have three elementary school aged children together who are now in the care of other family. >> linsey: really disturbing story. mola, thank you. next to the border and the fight to keep fentanyl out of this country. we went to the arizona/mexico border where half after all fentanyl seizures happen and, where border officials say they need more funding from congress to keep up the fight. >> reporter: tonight, at the mariposa port of entry in nogales, arizona, a rare look at the fight to stop the river of fentanyl flowing into the country. >> this is a vehicle where we found the load. >> reporter: less than an hour after we arrive, agents using this high tech x-ray machine make a bust, finding more than 20 pounds of fentanyl pills, heroin, and meth hidden in a spare tire. >> in november right here, we've seized almost 300 pounds of fentanyl. that's in anything from gas tanks to quarter panels to on people. >> reporter: fentanyl is 50 times more potent than heroin, and synthetic opiates took 72,000 lives last year. just this week, officials in massachusetts announcing more than 200 pounds of fentanyl seized from a single home, including 20 pounds of pink heart-shaped pills designed to look like valentine's candy. customs and border protection seizing more than 27,000 pounds of fentanyl over 12 months, nearly double the amount from a year earlier. but it just keeps coming. is the headline here, we are struggling in this fight against fentanyl? >> the headline here is we need additional resources to continue our fight against fentanyl. >> reporter: linsey, the commissioner tells me they're asking for $14 billion for border security, but republicans say that is an absolute nonstarter unless the money can absolutely be tied to a policy that ensures a decrease in illegal immigration, and that's not easy. linsey? >> linsey: thank you. tonight, the showdown on capitol hill with government funding running out in just seven days. new house speaker mike johnson is expected to introduce a spending bill tomorrow, but if it includes republican policies on the border, abortion, or irs funding, it would go nowhere in the senate. the white house is telling federal agencies to prepare for a shutdown and warning more than 3 million federal employees including members of the military, they could have to go without pay. when we come back, a major blow to the undefeated university of michigan football team. head coach jim harbaugh banned from the sidelines for the rest of the regular season. and america's salute to its veterans. the special surprise at an elementary school. i'm not just accomplished. i am accomplishing. so i'm doing all i can to help lower my risk of breaking a bone. for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk for fracture taking calcium and vitamin d may not be enough. adding prolia® is proven to help strengthen bones and reduce spine fracture risk by 68% with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives 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[ cheers and applause ] >> over the past 17 years, we've invested more than $150 million to care for our veterans through the bob woodruff foundation. >> ladies and gentlemen, bruce springsteen. >> in part through our big fundraiser, stand up for heroes. ♪ i looked straight at her and she looked straight back ♪ >> it's important to never forget those who sacrificed themselves and served the country. >> linsey: our friend and colleague bob woodruff joins us now. bob, it's a rather emotional hour. you share your recovery along with the amazing work that you and your wife lee have been able to accomplish through the bob woodruff foundation. it's inspiring. >> i hope it's inspiring. i wanted to go back there with my son who's been wanting to go to iraq and for me to go back and see the place where we were hit and our lives changed in an instant. but i also wanted to make sure people know what veterans need, those who have served in the countries. and the sad thing is, as you reported all tonight, there are so many wars that are still there. they have not gone away. i just want to make sure it's inspirational that way. >> linsey: i think it is. bob, our thanks to you and all the soldiers and veterans this veterans day. "after the blast, the will to survive" airs on abc tonight at 8:00 eastern, streaming tomorrow on hulu. thanks soechz. thanks so much for watching. i'm linsey davis. for david and all of us here, good night.

Related Keywords

Air Strikes , Israeli , People , Northern Gaza , Hospitals , Evacuations , Hitting Hospitals , Health Officials , Crossfire , The City , Palestinian , Diplomats , Palestinians , Secretary Of State , Hamas , Parking Lots , Region , U S , Civilians , Israeli Military , Signs , Publicly , Antony Blinken , Human Shields , Biden , Warning , Administration , Summit , Matt Gutman , Shutdown , Employees , Government , China S , President Xi , Suspect , Eric Adams , Investigation , Fundraiser , Part , Ipad , Fbi , News , On The Run , Cell Phones , Response , New York , 6 , Two , January 6th , Martha Mcsally , Police , Surveillance Video , Arizona , Iowa , Combat , Pilot , Authorities , Jogging , America S First Female , Agent , Son , Wife , Murder , Attack , Arrest , Charges , Blow , Producer , Famous , Hollywood , In Laws All , University Of Michigan Football Team , Veterans , Bob Woodruff , Sidelines , Jim Harbaugh , Rest , Season , Life , Iraq , Scandal , Roadside Bomb , Abc News Special , 17 , Linsey Davis , War , Fight , Thanks , Everyone , Center , David , Toll , Explosion , Care , Officials , Fury , Arab World , Refugee Encampment , Parking Lot , Basic , Place , Most , Way , Move , Heading South , Foot , Concerns , Negotiations , 11000 , Reporter , Hostages , Cries , Explosions , Buildings , Middle , 239 , Troops , Building , Room , Missiles , Flares , Hallways , Sky , Noose , God , Hospital , Refugees , Bearing , Corridors , Girl Screaming , Al Shifa , Gurneys , Palestinian Rocket Launch , Military Spokesman Peter Lerner , Wall , Patients , Ambulance Services , Who , Some , Thousands , Operations , Base , Capabilities , Cannot Be , Running , Doctors , One , Matter , Death Toll , Criticism , Handling , Translator , Hamas Run Health Ministry , 100 , Thousands Today Fleeing South , Many , Blinken , Highway , Elderly , 2 , 150000 , Children , Women , On Carts , Deal , Release , Scores , The New York Times , Shiri Bibas , Reporting Progress , Meeting , Video , Kibbutz , Milestones , Steps , Kfir , Terror , 10 , Won T , Thinking , Faces , Smiling Faces , Captors , Forces , Gaza Strip , Syria , West Bank , Red Sea , Lebanon , 24 , Side , Concern , Warnings , Proxy , Level , Escalation , Fears , Iranian , Hezbollah , Sources , Selina Wang , White House , Source , Report , Opinion , Counterparts , Support , Cnn , State Department , Washington , Official , World , Feelings , Generation , Relations , President , Biden Planning , San Francisco , Military , Purpose , Influence , Proxies , Stakes , Tensions , Xi Jinping , Fact , Military Communications , Breaking News , Breakthroughs , Stability , Divisions , Home , Agents , Nothing , Phones , Devices , Mayor , Event , Money , Statement , Seizure , Campaign , Wrongdoing , Turkey , Assault , Aaron , Surveillance Video Led , Martha Mcsally The First Female Fighter Pilot , Aaron Katersky , Story , Service , Senior Officer , Attacker , Back , Details , Combat Victim , Memories , Faith Abubey , Adrenaline State , Fighter Plane , Former , Revelation , Man , Hug , Images , Missouri River , Dominic Henton , Area , Water Bottle , Warrant , Nebraska , Tables , 25 , Rape Survivor , Superior Officer , Hearing , Senate , Intent , Sexual Abuse , Wounds , Wednesday , Air Force , 2019 , Power , Case , Faith , Subject , New Jersey , Gregory Yetman Surrend , Law Enforcement Officers , Manhunt , Into The Woods , Parents , Suspicion , Body Parts , Dumpster , Discovery , Los Angeles , New Jersey Army National Guard , Prominent Hollywood Executive , Mola Lenghi , Military Police Sargent , Body , Husband , Strip Mall Dumpster , Torso , Strip Mall , Investigator , Plastic Bag , Lead , Abc News , 35 , Samuel Haskell , Call Reporting , House , Couple , Bags , 911 , Son Of Sam Haskell Sr , In The House , Officers , Entry , Evidence , Blood Evidence , Crime , Miss America , Tonight Sam Haskell , Family , Worst , Neighbors , Dolly Parton , Stars , George Clooney , Fentanyl , Elementary School , Border , Charge , Mola , Bond , Million , 2 Million , Three , Country , Mexico Border , Funding , Fentanyl Seizures , Border Officials , Half , Congress , Vehicle , Mariposa Port Of Entry , River , High Tech X Ray Machine , Look , Load , Bust , Nogales , Heroin , Fentanyl Pills , Tire , Meth , Anything , Gas Tanks , 300 , 20 , Times , Opiates , Massachusetts , 200 , 72000 , 50 , Pills , Candy , Amount , Valentine S , Customs And Border Protection , 27000 , 12 , Headline , Resources , Policy , Nonstarter , Commissioner , Republicans , Border Security , Decrease , Immigration , 4 Billion , 14 Billion , Mike Johnson , Policies , Government Funding , Spending Bill , The Showdown On Capitol Hill , Seven , Pay , Members , Agencies , Abortion , Irs , 3 Million , Surprise , Risk , Calcium , Bone , Osteoporosis , Fracture , Vitamin D , Help , Reactions , It , Blood , Prolia , Blood Pressure , Trouble Breathing , Spine Fracture Risk , Bones , Throat Tightness , Take Xgeva , 68 , 1 , Doctor , Pain , Tongue , Jaw Bone Problems , Problems , Swelling , Thigh Bone Fractures , Stopping , Face , Thigh , Hives , Rash , Lip , Hip , Groin , Infections , Side Effects , Skin Problems , Hospitalization , Fractures , Spine , Joint , Muscle , Dayquil Honey , Honey , Symptom , Medicine , Flu , Relief , Cold , Life Doesn T Stop , Dayquil , Honey Licious Taste , Aching , Stuffy , Stealing Investigation , Big Ten , Ten , School , Signals , Court Order , Games , Opponents , Plot , Decision , League , Students , Attacks , Slurs , Patrols , Ohio State University , Jewish , Fisher Investments Qulipta , Migraine , Dewine , Front , Student Center , Young Girl , Despicable , Pill , Plans , Worry , Look At Me Now , Kind , Frequency , Migraine Feeling , Cgrp , Zero , Don T , Money Manager , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Migraine Medicine , Market , Sleepiness , Constipation , Nausea , Investments , Clients , Commissions , Client , Commission Products , Portfolios , Aren T , Stocks , Goals , Strategies , Fiduciary , 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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702

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parking lots. israel accuses hamas of accusing civilians as human shields. tonight, the first signs of the u.s. publicly criticizing the israeli military. secretary of state antony blinken says far too many palestinians have been killed. american diplomats in the region with a warning for the biden administration. matt gutman is in israel. president biden announces a high-stakes summit with china's president xi just days from now, and the administration warns government employees of another possible shutdown in a week. here in new york, the news breaking late today -- the fbi seizing cell phones and an ipad belonging to new york city mayor eric adams. it's part of the investigation into his top fundraiser. tonight, the mayor's response. the january 6th suspect on the run for nearly two days surrendering to police. former arizona senator martha mcsally, america's first female combat pilot reveals she was sexually assaulted while jogging in iowa. authorities say surveillance video shows the suspect moments before the attack. how she fought back. the son of a former famous hollywood agent and producer now under arrest, facing charges in a gruesome murder. the suspect's wife and in-laws all reported missing. a major blow to the undefeated university of michigan football team. the scandal now barring head coach jim harbaugh from the sidelines for the rest of the regular season. and honoring america's veterans. the abc news special. 17 years after a devastating roadside bomb nearly took his life, our bob woodruff returns to iraq. >> linsey: good evening, everyone. thanks for joining us on this friday. i'm linsey davis in for david. we begin with the war between israel and hamas. tonight, gaza's hospitals are at the center of fight, and amid the mounting civilian toll, the american diplomats in the region are warning biden administration of the growing fury in the arab world. an explosion shaking a refugee encampment in the a parking lot in gaza. palestinian officials blame israel. israel accuses hamas of using civilians as shields. gaza's hospitals are increasingly unable to provide the most basic of care. the dealt toll now more than 11,000. a mass exodus of palestinians on the move, leaving northern gaza, heading south. most on foot, most with no place to go. and secretary of state antony blinken expressing concerns, saying far too many palestinians have been killed. meantime, the urgent negotiations under way for the 239 hostages caught in the middle. abc's matt gutman leads us off tonight from israel. >> reporter: tonight, the explosions rattling gaza's main hospitals, buildings shuttering and the cries from the wounded. and cries from the wounded. by night, the sky lit up by flares and missiles. by day, israeli troops in close combat, going building to building, room to room, closing their noose on northern gaza. the hospitals' main parking lots now housing tents filled with people. the hallways crammed with refugees. gurneys bearing the wounded lining the corridors. today an explosion at gaza's main hospital, al shifa. this girl screaming, "why god, why?" israel saying the explosion was caused by a failed palestinian rocket launch. military spokesman peter lerner says hamas has turned the hospitals into their base of operations. >> they have positioned all of their capabilities in, around, and beneath hospitals. >> reporter: but there are thousands of patients who are wounded, some of them very severely, who cannot be moved. >> they can be moved. there are ambulance services that are up and running. it's a matter of deciding to move them. >> reporter: but one of al shifa's top doctors telling me it can't be done. what would happen if you did have to evacuate all the people who still remain? >> if you say evacuate these patients, it means you want me to kill at least 100 patients at one second. >> translator: tonight with the hamas-run health ministry saying the death toll is over 11,000, the strongest criticism yet by the u.s., of israel's handling of the war against hamas. >> far too many palestinians have been killed. far too many have suffered. >> reporter: but secretary of state blinken acknowledging israel has opened humanitarian corridors. thousands today fleeing south on this highway, an evacuation route designated by the israeli military. over 150,000 fleeing in just the past 2 days. the elderly often pulled along on carts, many carrying white flags. and tonight "the new york times" reporting progress is being made on a deal that could see the release of scores of the 239 hostages still held in gaza. that would include most of the women and children, including shiri bibas. that video showing her terror as she was kidnapped from her kibbutz along with her two children. kfir only 10 months old. what milestones should kfir, who's now 10 months, be meeting? >> maybe walking a few steps, recognizing faces, smiling faces. i can't -- i can't -- >> reporter: what is it like thinking that the faces he's now learning to recognize are most likely those of his captors? >> it's heartbreaking. >> reporter: linsey, israel has said that over the past 24 hours its forces have operated not just in the gaza strip, but also in the west bank along the red sea, in syria, and in lebanon where it's been fighting this low-level war with a powerful iranian-backed proxy, hezbollah. the concern is that one wrong move on either side, and that could become a major war. >> linsey: mounting fears of possible escalation. matt, thank you. now to those warnings to american diplomats abroad. selina wang joins us from the white house. sources confirm those diplomats formally warned the biden administration of the growing fury in the arab world. what can you tell us? >> reporter: exactly, linsey. these american diplomats are saying there is deep anger toward the u.s. in the arab world over america's staunch support of israel and the rising death toll in gaza. a state department official source confirming a cnn report that these diplomats are formally telling their washington counterparts that public opinion of the u.s. in the arab world could be damaged for a generation. now, a senior administration official telling me that the white house fully respects all of these strong feelings and that they'll continue to support israel as well as the people of gaza. >> linsey: the white house confirmed today that president biden will hold a summit with china's president xi next week in san francisco. relations with china have certainly been rocky lately. president biden is expected to talk about the war in israel. what's president biden planning to push for here? >> reporter: china has close relations with iran, so president biden is expected to urge xi jinping to use that influence to try to have xi jinping push to not have the war between iran or its proxies. the purpose of this high stakes meeting is to manage tensions and try to restore military to military communications. no breakthroughs are expected given how deep the divisions are. however, the fact that this meeting is happening the all is big for stability. >> linsey: selina wang, thank you so much. now to breaking news in new york city. the fbi seized phones and electronic devices belonging to mayor eric adams. this comes one week after agents searched the home of his senior fundraiser. mayor adams says he has nothing to hide. >> reporter: that's what he says. he pledges to cooperate away ongoing investigation. at an event monday night, the fbi approached the mayor, and he handed over two phones and an ipad. he has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but the seizure of his electronic devices comes a week after the fbi searched the home of his top fundraiser as part of an investigation into whether any illegal foreign money from turkey was funneled into the mayor's campaign. again tonight in a statement, the mayor does say he has nothing to hide here. >> linsey: aaron katersky for us. thanks, aaron. next tonight, martha mcsally the first female fighter pilot fighting off an assault in iowa. surveillance video led to the arrest to the attacker overnight. but the combat victim says it's taken a toll, bringing back memories of being raped by a senior officer while she was in the service. here's faith abubey, and a warning, the details of this story may be difficult. >> reporter: tonight, the stunning revelation from former arizona senator martha mcsally, the first american woman to fly a fighter plane in combat. >> i was just assaulted while i was out running. i realize i'm still in an adrenaline state. i am okay. >> reporter: these chilling images from a surveillance video captured moments before the attack on wednesday. authorities say this is the suspect, following mcsally closely along the missouri river in iowa. >> a man came up behind me and he engulfed me in a bear hug and he molested and fondled me until i fought him off. >> reporter: mcsally says she then turned the tables, chasing him and throwing a water bottle at him before he ran off into a heavily wooded area. the suspect, 25-year-old dominic henton, arrested on a warrant overnight in nebraska for assault with intent to commit sexual abuse. >> i was preyed upon and then raped by a superior officer. >> reporter: in 2019, mcsally disclosed during a senate hearing that she is a rape survivor from her time in the air force. wednesday's attack re-opening old wounds. >> but in this case, i felt like i took my power back. he tried to take power from me, but i turned it on him and he was running from me. >> reporter: linsey, police say the suspect will be extradited back to iowa to face criminal charges. >> linsey: faith, thank you. also tonight, the january 6th suspect who ran from police is now under arrest in new jersey. the subject of a widespread manhunt. gregory yetman surrend today. he ran into the woods when the fbi arrived to arrest him on wednesday. he faces several charges, including assaulting law enforcement officers. he was a military police sargent in the new jersey army national guard at the time. next tonight, the son of a prominent hollywood executive arrested on suspicion of murder after the gruesome discovery of body parts in a dumpster. the suspect's wife and her parents are all missing. mola lenghi reports from los angeles. >> reporter: tonight, los angeles authorities are urgently searching for a woman and her parents after discovering a dismembered body in this strip mall dumpster and accusing the woman's husband of murder. >> reporter: early wednesday morning, police called to that strip mall, finding the remains inside a plastic bag. >> a dismembered female body was located. it's basically just a torso, a female torso. >> reporter: the lead investigator on the case telling abc news that torso remains unidentified, but authorities have accused 35-year-old samuel haskell of murder, and they say that haskell's wife, mei, along with her parents who live in the same house as the couple, are all missing. police say they traced the suspect using surveillance video from that strip mall and from a separate 911 call reporting suspicious bags outside his home. >> here in the house, once officers made entry, what was discovered was evidence of a crime, including some blood evidence. >> reporter: the suspect is the son of sam haskell sr., the former ceo of miss america and an ex-hollywood agent who represented stars like george clooney and dolly parton. tonight the family's shocked neighbors left fearing the worst. >> today i was crying, thinking how i'm probably never going to see her or her parents. it's a really sad thought to me. >> reporter: tonight sam haskell is being held on a $2 million bond, although no formal charge have been filed. sam haskell and his wife have three elementary school aged children together who are now in the care of other family. >> linsey: really disturbing story. mola, thank you. next to the border and the fight to keep fentanyl out of this country. we went to the arizona/mexico border where half after all fentanyl seizures happen and, where border officials say they need more funding from congress to keep up the fight. >> reporter: tonight, at the mariposa port of entry in nogales, arizona, a rare look at the fight to stop the river of fentanyl flowing into the country. >> this is a vehicle where we found the load. >> reporter: less than an hour after we arrive, agents using this high tech x-ray machine make a bust, finding more than 20 pounds of fentanyl pills, heroin, and meth hidden in a spare tire. >> in november right here, we've seized almost 300 pounds of fentanyl. that's in anything from gas tanks to quarter panels to on people. >> reporter: fentanyl is 50 times more potent than heroin, and synthetic opiates took 72,000 lives last year. just this week, officials in massachusetts announcing more than 200 pounds of fentanyl seized from a single home, including 20 pounds of pink heart-shaped pills designed to look like valentine's candy. customs and border protection seizing more than 27,000 pounds of fentanyl over 12 months, nearly double the amount from a year earlier. but it just keeps coming. is the headline here, we are struggling in this fight against fentanyl? >> the headline here is we need additional resources to continue our fight against fentanyl. >> reporter: linsey, the commissioner tells me they're asking for $14 billion for border security, but republicans say that is an absolute nonstarter unless the money can absolutely be tied to a policy that ensures a decrease in illegal immigration, and that's not easy. linsey? >> linsey: thank you. tonight, the showdown on capitol hill with government funding running out in just seven days. new house speaker mike johnson is expected to introduce a spending bill tomorrow, but if it includes republican policies on the border, abortion, or irs funding, it would go nowhere in the senate. the white house is telling federal agencies to prepare for a shutdown and warning more than 3 million federal employees including members of the military, they could have to go without pay. when we come back, a major blow to the undefeated university of michigan football team. head coach jim harbaugh banned from the sidelines for the rest of the regular season. and america's salute to its veterans. the special surprise at an elementary school. i'm not just accomplished. i am accomplishing. so i'm doing all i can to help lower my risk of breaking a bone. for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk for fracture taking calcium and vitamin d may not be enough. adding prolia® is proven to help strengthen bones and reduce spine fracture risk by 68% with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives 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[ cheers and applause ] >> over the past 17 years, we've invested more than $150 million to care for our veterans through the bob woodruff foundation. >> ladies and gentlemen, bruce springsteen. >> in part through our big fundraiser, stand up for heroes. ♪ i looked straight at her and she looked straight back ♪ >> it's important to never forget those who sacrificed themselves and served the country. >> linsey: our friend and colleague bob woodruff joins us now. bob, it's a rather emotional hour. you share your recovery along with the amazing work that you and your wife lee have been able to accomplish through the bob woodruff foundation. it's inspiring. >> i hope it's inspiring. i wanted to go back there with my son who's been wanting to go to iraq and for me to go back and see the place where we were hit and our lives changed in an instant. but i also wanted to make sure people know what veterans need, those who have served in the countries. and the sad thing is, as you reported all tonight, there are so many wars that are still there. they have not gone away. i just want to make sure it's inspirational that way. >> linsey: i think it is. bob, our thanks to you and all the soldiers and veterans this veterans day. "after the blast, the will to survive" airs on abc tonight at 8:00 eastern, streaming tomorrow on hulu. thanks soechz. thanks so much for watching. i'm linsey davis. for david and all of us here, good night.

Related Keywords

Air Strikes , Israeli , People , Northern Gaza , Hospitals , Evacuations , Hitting Hospitals , Health Officials , Crossfire , The City , Palestinian , Diplomats , Palestinians , Secretary Of State , Hamas , Parking Lots , Region , U S , Civilians , Israeli Military , Signs , Publicly , Antony Blinken , Human Shields , Biden , Warning , Administration , Summit , Matt Gutman , Shutdown , Employees , Government , China S , President Xi , Suspect , Eric Adams , Investigation , Fundraiser , Part , Ipad , Fbi , News , On The Run , Cell Phones , Response , New York , 6 , Two , January 6th , Martha Mcsally , Police , Surveillance Video , Arizona , Iowa , Combat , Pilot , Authorities , Jogging , America S First Female , Agent , Son , Wife , Murder , Attack , Arrest , Charges , Blow , Producer , Famous , Hollywood , In Laws All , University Of Michigan Football Team , Veterans , Bob Woodruff , Sidelines , Jim Harbaugh , Rest , Season , Life , Iraq , Scandal , Roadside Bomb , Abc News Special , 17 , Linsey Davis , War , Fight , Thanks , Everyone , Center , David , Toll , Explosion , Care , Officials , Fury , Arab World , Refugee Encampment , Parking Lot , Basic , Place , Most , Way , Move , Heading South , Foot , Concerns , Negotiations , 11000 , Reporter , Hostages , Cries , Explosions , Buildings , Middle , 239 , Troops , Building , Room , Missiles , Flares , Hallways , Sky , Noose , God , Hospital , Refugees , Bearing , Corridors , Girl Screaming , Al Shifa , Gurneys , Palestinian Rocket Launch , Military Spokesman Peter Lerner , Wall , Patients , Ambulance Services , Who , Some , Thousands , Operations , Base , Capabilities , Cannot Be , Running , Doctors , One , Matter , Death Toll , Criticism , Handling , Translator , Hamas Run Health Ministry , 100 , Thousands Today Fleeing South , Many , Blinken , Highway , Elderly , 2 , 150000 , Children , Women , On Carts , Deal , Release , Scores , The New York Times , Shiri Bibas , Reporting Progress , Meeting , Video , Kibbutz , Milestones , Steps , Kfir , Terror , 10 , Won T , Thinking , Faces , Smiling Faces , Captors , Forces , Gaza Strip , Syria , West Bank , Red Sea , Lebanon , 24 , Side , Concern , Warnings , Proxy , Level , Escalation , Fears , Iranian , Hezbollah , Sources , Selina Wang , White House , Source , Report , Opinion , Counterparts , Support , Cnn , State Department , Washington , Official , World , Feelings , Generation , Relations , President , Biden Planning , San Francisco , Military , Purpose , Influence , Proxies , Stakes , Tensions , Xi Jinping , Fact , Military Communications , Breaking News , Breakthroughs , Stability , Divisions , Home , Agents , Nothing , Phones , Devices , Mayor , Event , Money , Statement , Seizure , Campaign , Wrongdoing , Turkey , Assault , Aaron , Surveillance Video Led , Martha Mcsally The First Female Fighter Pilot , Aaron Katersky , Story , Service , Senior Officer , Attacker , Back , Details , Combat Victim , Memories , Faith Abubey , Adrenaline State , Fighter Plane , Former , Revelation , Man , Hug , Images , Missouri River , Dominic Henton , Area , Water Bottle , Warrant , Nebraska , Tables , 25 , Rape Survivor , Superior Officer , Hearing , Senate , Intent , Sexual Abuse , Wounds , Wednesday , Air Force , 2019 , Power , Case , Faith , Subject , New Jersey , Gregory Yetman Surrend , Law Enforcement Officers , Manhunt , Into The Woods , Parents , Suspicion , Body Parts , Dumpster , Discovery , Los Angeles , New Jersey Army National Guard , Prominent Hollywood Executive , Mola Lenghi , Military Police Sargent , Body , Husband , Strip Mall Dumpster , Torso , Strip Mall , Investigator , Plastic Bag , Lead , Abc News , 35 , Samuel Haskell , Call Reporting , House , Couple , Bags , 911 , Son Of Sam Haskell Sr , In The House , Officers , Entry , Evidence , Blood Evidence , Crime , Miss America , Tonight Sam Haskell , Family , Worst , Neighbors , Dolly Parton , Stars , George Clooney , Fentanyl , Elementary School , Border , Charge , Mola , Bond , Million , 2 Million , Three , Country , Mexico Border , Funding , Fentanyl Seizures , Border Officials , Half , Congress , Vehicle , Mariposa Port Of Entry , River , High Tech X Ray Machine , Look , Load , Bust , Nogales , Heroin , Fentanyl Pills , Tire , Meth , Anything , Gas Tanks , 300 , 20 , Times , Opiates , Massachusetts , 200 , 72000 , 50 , Pills , Candy , Amount , Valentine S , Customs And Border Protection , 27000 , 12 , Headline , Resources , Policy , Nonstarter , Commissioner , Republicans , Border Security , Decrease , Immigration , 4 Billion , 14 Billion , Mike Johnson , Policies , Government Funding , Spending Bill , The Showdown On Capitol Hill , Seven , Pay , Members , Agencies , Abortion , Irs , 3 Million , Surprise , Risk , Calcium , Bone , Osteoporosis , Fracture , Vitamin D , Help , Reactions , It , Blood , Prolia , Blood Pressure , Trouble Breathing , Spine Fracture Risk , Bones , Throat Tightness , Take Xgeva , 68 , 1 , Doctor , Pain , Tongue , Jaw Bone Problems , Problems , Swelling , Thigh Bone Fractures , Stopping , Face , Thigh , Hives , Rash , Lip , Hip , Groin , Infections , Side Effects , Skin Problems , Hospitalization , Fractures , Spine , Joint , Muscle , Dayquil Honey , Honey , Symptom , Medicine , Flu , Relief , Cold , Life Doesn T Stop , Dayquil , Honey Licious Taste , Aching , Stuffy , Stealing Investigation , Big Ten , Ten , School , Signals , Court Order , Games , Opponents , Plot , Decision , League , Students , Attacks , Slurs , Patrols , Ohio State University , Jewish , Fisher Investments Qulipta , Migraine , Dewine , Front , Student Center , Young Girl , Despicable , Pill , Plans , Worry , Look At Me Now , Kind , Frequency , Migraine Feeling , Cgrp , Zero , Don T , Money Manager , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Migraine Medicine , Market , Sleepiness , Constipation , Nausea , Investments , Clients , Commissions , Client , Commission Products , Portfolios , Aren T , Stocks , Goals , Strategies , Fiduciary , Thing , Interest , Kayaking , Yep , Skin , Moderate , Doesn T , Eczema , Pitch , Inflammation , Passion , Dupixent Works On The Inside , Infection , Vision , Asthma , Eye Pain , Eye Problems , Joint Aches , Healing , Child , Eczema Specialist , Record , Dupuytren S Contracture , Contracture , Option , Surgery , Sleep , Nope , Treatment , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Things , Dream , Progressive , Age , Auto , Business , Breztri , Wait , Copd , Breathing , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Thrush , Pneumonia , Heart Condition , Chest Pain , Eye , Vision Changes , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Veterans Day , Men , Faust Elementary , Hollywood Elementary , Owensborough , Kentucky , Index , Tributes , Four , Kayla , Veterans Day Surprise , Nation , Ceremony , Citizens , Long Beach , California , Assignment , Deployment , Ink Business , Products , Premier , Borders , Genius , Breakthrough Card , Beans , Coffee Grinder , Smarter , More , Cash , Purchases , Ink Business Premier Card , Reality , Spending Potential , Ideas , Chase For Business , 5000 , 000 , 02 5 , Hair , Hair Thinning , Bounty Hair Growth , Nature , Hair Complex , Love , Nature S Bounty , Stop Taking Jardiance , Type 2 Diabetes , Day S Staaart , Sugar , Heart Disease , A1c , Adults , Seee , 24 7 , Ketoacidosis , Urinary Tract Infections , Death , Dehydration , Genital Yeast , Kidney Function , Perineum , Jardiance May , Symptoms , Reaction , Blood Sugar , Dialysis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Liberty , Baby Grand Piano , Save , Mustache , Mark , Center Stage , Liberty Bibberty , Protein , Energy , Vitamins , Nutrients , Minerals , Ahh , Woo Hoo , 30 , Crohn S Disease Skyrizi , Health , Damage , Remission , Ability , Intestinal Lining , Il 23 , 23 , Everything , Control , Liver Problems , Abbvie , Crohn S Disease , Crohn S , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , Bruce Springsteen , Rock N Roll , Hit , Experience , Blast Hit , Human , Injured , Ied , Name , Convoy , Mind , Cameraman , Get , Soul , Guilt , Journey , Mac , Right , Girl , Dad , Cheers , Applause , I Love You , Huh , Heroes , Bob Woodruff Foundation , Ladies And Gentlemen , Stand Up , 50 Million , 150 Million , Recovery , Friend , Work , Lee , Countries , Lives , Instant , On Abc , Wars , Blast , Soldiers , Will , 00 , 8 , All Of Us , Watching , Hulu , Thanks Soechz ,

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