Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240703 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240703

the prime suspect confessing today. first tonight, president biden in israel, saying, you are not alone. but the president also with a warning not to make the mistake the u.s. made after 9/11, with israel's potential ground offensive imminent. also, the new clues tonight after that deadly strike on that hospital in gaza. hundreds feared dead. tonight, president biden on the evidence so far, and who he believes was behind it. >> martha raddatz on this high stakes visit, and ian pannell on this new evidence, including what could be a key piece of sound just before the horror at that hospital, and you'll hear it. also tonight, the growing tensions across the region what our reporter witnessed outside the u.s. embassy in beirut. >> security forces pushing protestors back from the u.s. embassy here. >> the violent clash between protesters and lebanese soldiers. from beirut to the west bank tonight -- >> people telling me here, the time for peace is over. >> mola lenghi and matt gutman on the anger buildings. here in the u.s. tonight, the new intelligence bulletin late today from the fbi. from new york city to chicago to los angeles, what has authorities concerned. aaron katersky standing by. in other news, nearly two decades after the disappearance of natalee holloway, the prime suspect at the center of the case and that stunning moment, confessing, revealing how he did it, and apologizing. tonight, you will hear from natalee holloway's mother. on capitol hill, a second vote now on congressman jim jordan, getting fewer votes than the first one for house speaker. a third vote coming. and tonight, we have new reporting here. the behind the scenes pressure campaign. members of congress and their personal numbers being posted. rachel scott reporting. the major storm moving across the country. heavy rain, winds gusting up to 75 miles per hour. when this moves into the northeast. rob marciano timing it out. in new york city, the startling moment at former president trump's civil trial. the horrific crash in malibu. the driver who struck and killed four young women standing along the pacific coast highway, and what we've learned tonight. also, the earthquake in california tonight, and where it's been felt. good evening and we begin tonight with president biden in israel. the high stakes visit. his message to israel, you are not alone. but his warning to israel, too. the president tonight on air force one coming home, saying he was, quote, very blunt with the israelis about any potential ground offensive, and where this goes from here. and he warned of mistakes made by the u.s. after 9/11. the president saying late today he got virtually no push-back from the israelis. prime minister net ya hue meeting the president on the tarmac before president biden then met with the israeli war cabinet. but the president alwaso talked about the suffering in gaza, saying most palestinians are not hamas. and he spoke of the horror at that hospital, hundreds feared dead. new video circulating online, the moment of that hospital blast, hundreds of displaced palestinians were, of course, taking shelter there. the president says the evidence he's been shown so far indicates it was an errant rocket by a terrorist group inside gaza. the badly damaged area of the hospi hospital, burned vehicles, but military experts say tonight, so far, no significant structural damage that would be consistent with an air strike from israel. but many across the region do not believe that. anger growing tonight. the alarming scene outside the u.s. embassy in beirut, lebanon, condemning israel, condemning the u.s., as well. we'll take you to beirut tonight. there's also news this evening on aid to the palestinian civilians caught in this. tonight, after his meetings and calls with other leaders, president biden now saying that israel and egypt's president have agreed to allow aid to cross into gaza through egypt. so, tonight, when does this aid get there? and what really happened at that hospital? ian pannell standing by to break down what we know so far. but we begin tonight with our chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz leading us off from tel aviv. >> reporter: tonight, while air raid sirens reverberate across israel, president biden's message remains clear and steadfast. >> i come to israel with a single message. you're not alone. you are not alone. >> reporter: the president arriving in israel just hours after that deadly hospital explosion in gaza that killed hundreds. authorities there blaming the explosion on an israeli air strike, but israel providing what it says was proof it was a misfired robert from palestinian islamic jihad. and president biden agreed. >> based on the information we've seen to date, it appears the result of an errant rocket fired by a terrorist group in gaza. >> reporter: the president spent more than eight hours on the ground in israel, meeting prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his war cabinet, vowing to ask congress for an unprecedented aid package. while the president shared emotional moments with first responders and families. biden invoking the holocaust, saying it brought back painful memories. >> the world watched then, it knew, and the world did nothing. we will not stand by and do nothing again. >> reporter: but as israel defense forces poise for a ground assault in gaza, biden's embrace of the israelis came with a gentle warning -- learn from the mistakes america made after 9/11. >> justice must be done, but caution this, while you feel that rage, don't be consumed by it. after 9/11, we were enraged in the united states. while we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes. >> reporter: the president concerned about the possibility of even more civilian casualties. >> the vast majority of palestinians are not hamas. hamas does not represent the palestinian people. >> reporter: and tonight, president biden speaki iing wit the egyptian president by phone, saying egypt will open the border crossing with gaza to allow up to 20 trucks with humanitarian aid inside, likely by friday. and pledging $100 million in aid to the palestinians. but this was more than a diplomatic mission for biden -- it was personal. saying this late today aboard air force one -- >> people are looking for just something to grab, something that gives them some sense, sense of hope. and that's -- if i can do a little bit of that, then, you know, it's worth doing. >> david: let's bring in martha now. president biden saying to israel, you are not alone, pledging to help defend israel, but that warning to israel, as well, that you just reported on, with any ground invasion here, and you saw that image you just showed on air force one, the president just before we came on tonight, saying he was very blunt with israel, but of course, also siding with israel when it comes to this hospital in gaza, saying it appeared to be a militant rocket that hit the hospital from inside gaza. but martha, you and i have been talking about this, this white house knows the anger across the region, many are simply not going to believe this. >> reporter: that's exactly right, david. it is an enormous problem. the president knows that emotions are high, anger is intense, especially after the hospital blast, and the administration worries that israel's claims and intentions simply will not be believed, that there is little anyone can do about that, as civilian casualties rise. david? >> david: martha raddatz, thank you. so, what do we know so far on the horror at that hospital? what does the evidence show? here's our chief foreign correspondent ian pannell now. >> reporter: tonight, new clues into that catastrophic strike on the gaza hospital, and whether it was a militant rocket or an israeli air strike. video showing the moment of the blast. experts say the sound of the impact could provide evidence. >> that is the sound of a high speed rocket. this is not the sound of ordinance that's dropped from an airplane. this is not the sound of an air strike. >> reporter: video taken on the ground appears to show a large area badly damaged by fire. experts say potentially from a rocket's unspent fuel. and there was no large impact crater and little of the structural damage typical of recent israeli strikes. >> if it were a high explosive >> you see a puncture hole and you see burned-out cars. a high explosive air strike would create a giant crater and those cars would be blown out of the scare. >> reporter: the u.s. national security council today also saying it's preliminary assessment is that israel was "not responsible" for the explosion, citing intelligence sources. but for some, no amount of evidence will change their opinion. whatever justification, explanation you can put on it, many people are just going to conclude it's israel's fault. >> we didn't start. we have to fight. we have to fight. >> david: let's bring in ian panel, our chief foreign correspondent, also live in tel aviv tonight. regardless of what the u.s. and israel say, the anger growing, and the other very real concern, the potential of the radicalization of civilians who have witnessed all of this suffering regardless of what they're hearing from world leaders. >> reporter: yeah, it really felt like the court of public opinion made its decision instantly, and it' against a backdrop of these thousands of strikes that have been launched from israel into gaza since that october 7th attack. there is a lot of anger that's been brewing in the region, and this latest strike, in some senses, was the straw that broke the camel's back. whatever the truth of the matter, people are not in the mood to listen. tensions are rising, and it really feels, i reported on this this region for almost two decades, it really feels that it's closer to the brink than i've known it for any time. david? >> david: ian pannell with us. and of course the ripple effect being felt right here at home. in the u.s. tonight, the new intelligence bulletin late today from the fbi, from new york city to chicago to los angeles. what has authorities concerned? and here's our senior investigative reporter aaron katersky. >> reporter: tonight, a warning the war between israel and hamas is increasing the chances of violence in the united states. a new intelligence bulletin says potential targets include "individuals and institutions perceived as symbolic of or tied to the conflict." there are stepped up patrols at synagogues in los angeles. more crowd control in washington, d.c. and in new york, the nation's largest police force called in reinforcements, instructing all officers to prepare to work 12-hour shifts. >> there's a lot of tension that's taking place right now, and this can play out on our streets. >> reporter: the fbi is not aware of any organized plots, but the fear is someone acting alone, like the man charged in the murder of a 6-year-old boy near chicago. wadea al fayoume was buried this week after police said he was stabbed to death by his landlord because he was muslim. threats to muslims and jews in this country have already been increasing, and now the authorities, david, have deepening concerns spiraling violence in the mideast could make things here at moment more dangerous. david? >> david: aaron, thank you. as i mentioned off the top tonight, from beirut, the scene outside the u.s. embassy today. the fiery protests. abc's mola lenghi in beirut tonight on the clashes between protesters and lebanese soldiers there. >> reporter: in beirut tonight, we witnessed protesters rushing the american embassy, security forces pushing them back, using tear gas, water hoses, and rubber bullets. amid the chaos, we take cover. as you can see, protesters pushing back against security forces, starting by throwing rocks, launching fireworks. it's been a constant push and pull here between security and the protesters who are trying to push up against the american embassy. they say they're outraged at israel's bombardment of palestinian citizens and the u.s. support for it. across the region, fury towards the israeli government and it's ally, the united states, now at a boiling point. from iran -- to the deadly explosion at the hospital in gaza further enflaming the demonstrations. israel insisting it was not responsible. the u.s. saying intelligence backs that up. but for protesters here, that's evidence the israeli-u.s. alliance is toxic. >> america is the devil. the real devil, because it supported israel. >> reporter: in the west bank, the anger growing. in ramallah, abc's matt gutman among the protesters. >> downtown ramallah. they're rallying in support of hamas, they're rallying in support of palestinian fighters. people telling me here the time for peace is over. >> reporter: those demonstrations quickly spreading across the west bank. protesters clashing with israeli soldiers as the region smolders. david the u.s. 'embassy here in beirut remaining open and operational. still, the u.s. state department authorizing the temporary departure of the family members of u.s. personnel stationed here. david? >> david: unsettling scene there today. mola, thank you. meantime, back here in the u.s. now, and to the other news this evening, and nearly two decades after the disappearance of natalee holloway, the prime suspect at the center of this case, and the stunning turn tonight. confessing in court documents, revealing how he did it, and apologizing. tonight, natalee holloway's mother, what this now means, and the holloway family on this apology. here's erielle reshef. >> reporter: tonight, nearly two decades after natalee holloway vanished during a school trip in aruba, the suspect at the center of her disappearance, joran van der sloot, revealing how and why he killed the alabama teen. >> joran van der sloot is no longer the suspect in my daughter's murder. he is the killer. >> reporter: holloway, last seen leaving a bar in aruba with van der sloot in may 2005. court documents show the dutch national now telling investigators the two were kissing each other on the beach. when she refused his further advances, he bludgeoned her with a cinder block laying on the beach, then disposed of her body in the ocean before walking home. in an interview today, holloway's mother beth telling abc news the family's nightmare is over. >> it's a very victorious day to reach this point in a long journey. >> reporter: van der sloot's apparent admission, part of a plea deal in a federal extortion case, accusing him of demanding $250,000 from beth holloway in 2010 in exchange for information about her daughter. before receiving his 20-year sentence in federal court today, van der sloot apologizing to holloway's family, saying in part, "i am not the same kind of person today as i was then. i have given my heart to jesus christ." but tonight, natalee's father dave holloway releasing a statement, saying van der sloot is "evil personified." and david, vandersloot will now be returned to peru, where he is serving a 28-year sentence for the murder of another woman. david? >> david: erielle, thank you. to capitol hill now, day 15, no speaker of the house. today, a second vote now for congressman jim jordan, this time, jordan getting fewer votes than in the first one. a third vote now coming, and tonight, we have new reporting here, the behind the scenes pressure campaign, members of congress saying their personal numbers are now being posted. rachel scott on the hill again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, congressman jim jordan failing again, losing even more support from republicans to become the next speaker. >> a speaker has not been elected. >> reporter: jordan taking meetings in every corner of the capitol before the vote. do you have more support or are you expecting more opposition? >> i -- i know we've picked up a couple. we'll see. but i feel good about it. >> reporter: but he did worse than yesterday, with republicans flipping against him. >> ferguson? scalise. >> reporter: he could only afford to lose four. today, he lost 22. can jordan do anything at this point to get your support? >> look, it's not a question of my support. it's a question of, do you have the votes to get to 217? and he doesn't. >> reporter: the house has been without speaker for more than two weeks, now just 29 days until a government shutdown and with president biden calling on congress to provide aid to israel. even republicans on jordan's side say it might be time to consider other options. >> the world is burning and i don't think many people we represent want us spending days upon days deciding who sits in the chair. >> reporter: jordan tonight, ready to fight for as long as it takes. so, to be clear, you're staying in this race. >> yes. >> reporter: you're not considering dropping out. >> nope. >> reporter: jordan wants another vote, and tonight, there is immense pressure on those republican holdouts, some telling me, they have been flooded with calls after right-wing activists posted their phone numbers online. one member even saying tonight she has received what she says are credible death threats, david. >> david: all right, rachel scott again tonight. rachel, thank you. in new york city tonight, a court employee is now under arrest for allegedly trying to approach former president trump during his civil trial here. authorities say she walked toward trump while he was sitting at the defense table, yelling she wanted to help him. she's now been charged with contempt of court and has been placed on administrative leave. when we come back here tonight, the horrific crash in malibu. four young women struck and killed. also, the earthquake in california, and where it's been felt tonight. and this storm set to move into the east, in a moment. roh'. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at 4 weeks. skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor for crohn's that can deliver both clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? 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Washington D C , Police Force , Nation , Tension , Place , Officers , Reinforcements , 12 , Death , Wadea Al Fayoume , Murder , Someone , Fear , Police , Streets , Boy , Plots , Man , Landlord , Muslim , 6 , Things , Threats , Concerns , Jews , Mideast , Clashes , Protests , Mola Lenghi In Beirut , Abc , Rubber Bullets , Cover , Tear Gas , Water Hoses , Chaos , American Embassy , Rocks , Security , Launching Fireworks , Bombardment , Citizens , Constant Push , Support , Boiling Point , Fury , Government , Rally , Iran , Demonstrations , Intelligence , Devil , Alliance , Ramallah , Fighters , Downtown Ramallah , Smolders , U S State Department , Prime Suspect , Family Members , Evening , Personnel , Mola , Unsettling Scene There Today , Departure , Family , Court Documents , Apology , School Trip , Aruba , Erielle Reshef , Joran Van Der Sloot , Daughter , Bar , Killer , Teen , Alabama , 2005 , May 2005 , Each Other , On The Beach , Advances , Ocean , Body , Investigators , Dutch , Cinder Block , Point , Part , Journey , Interview , Nightmare , Admission , Plea Deal , Extortion , The Family , Abc News , Sentence , Beth Holloway , Exchange , Federal Court , Van Der Sloot Apologizing , 50000 , 2010 , 250000 , Kind , Dave Holloway , Statement , Person , Heart , Natalee , Jesus Christ , Evil Personified , Woman , Speaker Of The House , Erielle , Peru , 15 , 28 , Jordan , Rachel Scott On The Hill , Speaker , Republicans , Capitol , Corner , Opposition , Couple , Ferguson , Question , Anything , Scalise , 22 , 217 , Side , Government Shutdown , Options , 29 , Chair , Race , Yes , Member , Activists , Pressure , Phone Numbers , Death Threats , Holdouts , Republican , Court Employee , Trump , Trial , Arrest , Defense Table , Least , Storm Set , Leave , Contempt Of Court , Roh , Control , Everything , Skyrizi , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Feel , Symptom Relief , Crohn S , Bowel Movements , Remission , Endoscopic Improvement , Il 23 , 4 , 23 , 1 , Doctor , Risk , Infections , Symptoms , Infection , Reactions , Ability , Liver Problems , Crohn S Disease , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , Mark , Center Stage , Heart Failure , Liberty , Baby Grand Piano , Save , Pay , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Breath , Serious , Shortness , Irregular Heartbeat , Picture , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Disease , Cardiologist , Rare , Teeth , Dentist , Feeling , Attr Cm , Add Power , Round Brush Head , Plaque , Tooth , Pro , Oral B Round , Oral B Brush , Superior Clean , 100 , Students , Charges , Pepperdine University , Library Book , Parts , Vehicular Manslaughter , Quake , Community , Sacramento County , San Francisco Bay Area , Earthquake Rattling , Including Berkeley , 4 2 , Agitation , Dementia Due To Alzheimer S Disease , 90 , Help , Medication , Questions , Rexulti , Fda , Side Effects , Fever , Stroke , Muscle Movements , Dementia , Confusion , Muscles , Patients , Loved One , High Blood Sugar , Dizziness , Standing , Action , Sleepiness , Seizures , Coma , Falls , Weight Gain , Urges , Cholesterol , Trouble , White Blood Cells , Asthma , More , Thanks , Breathing Problems , Du , Dupixent , Types , Breathing , Asthma Attacks , Add On Treatment , Steroids , Lung Function , Numbness , Chest Pain , Limbs , Tingling , Rash , Stop Asthma Medicines , Pain , Joint Aches , Investments , Advisor , Biologic , Investment Research , Plan , Connect , Goals , J P Morgan , Rain And Winds Gusting , Wealth Management , Philly , Whale Calling , Calf , Hair , Humpback Calf , Life Insurance , Generation , Ones , Solutions , Retirement Income , Professional , Pacific Life , Don T Take Ozempic , Weight , A1c , Power , Type 2 Diabetes , Cv Risk , Studies , 2 , 3 , Adults , Heart Disease , Events , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Pens , Share , Reuse , Needles , Isn T , 14 , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Provider , Starting Ultomiris , Treatment , Myasthenia Gravis , Receptor Antibody Positive , Gmg , Vaccines , Chance , Infusions , Freedom , Meningococcal , Immune System , 8 , Medications , Antibiotics , Conditions , Limb Discomfort , Tiredness , Larchmont Public Library , Jimmie Ellis , Stories , Youth , Novel , Left , Joseph Conrad , October 11th , Wife Kay , 1933 , 11 , October 11th 1933 , Joanie , Book , Gold , The Librarian , Hi , Carolyn Cunningham , Library , Library Cards , Attention , Fees , Zble W , Fee , Way , 5 , Effect , Heat , Beach Hazards Statement , Beach , Kristen Sze , J R , Stone , Temperatures , Look , Sandhya Patel , Surf Advisory , Waves , Rip Currents , Sneaker , Sandhya Higher , Abc7 , Everyone , Spots , Take A Look , Morgan Hill , Heat Advisory , Kristin , Sure , J R , Santa Rosa , 70 , 92 , Areas , Santa Clara County , Santa Cruz Mountains , Anybody , Sick , 60 , 00 , Start , View , San Rafael , Camera Spare , Air Alert , 80 ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240703 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240703

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the prime suspect confessing today. first tonight, president biden in israel, saying, you are not alone. but the president also with a warning not to make the mistake the u.s. made after 9/11, with israel's potential ground offensive imminent. also, the new clues tonight after that deadly strike on that hospital in gaza. hundreds feared dead. tonight, president biden on the evidence so far, and who he believes was behind it. >> martha raddatz on this high stakes visit, and ian pannell on this new evidence, including what could be a key piece of sound just before the horror at that hospital, and you'll hear it. also tonight, the growing tensions across the region what our reporter witnessed outside the u.s. embassy in beirut. >> security forces pushing protestors back from the u.s. embassy here. >> the violent clash between protesters and lebanese soldiers. from beirut to the west bank tonight -- >> people telling me here, the time for peace is over. >> mola lenghi and matt gutman on the anger buildings. here in the u.s. tonight, the new intelligence bulletin late today from the fbi. from new york city to chicago to los angeles, what has authorities concerned. aaron katersky standing by. in other news, nearly two decades after the disappearance of natalee holloway, the prime suspect at the center of the case and that stunning moment, confessing, revealing how he did it, and apologizing. tonight, you will hear from natalee holloway's mother. on capitol hill, a second vote now on congressman jim jordan, getting fewer votes than the first one for house speaker. a third vote coming. and tonight, we have new reporting here. the behind the scenes pressure campaign. members of congress and their personal numbers being posted. rachel scott reporting. the major storm moving across the country. heavy rain, winds gusting up to 75 miles per hour. when this moves into the northeast. rob marciano timing it out. in new york city, the startling moment at former president trump's civil trial. the horrific crash in malibu. the driver who struck and killed four young women standing along the pacific coast highway, and what we've learned tonight. also, the earthquake in california tonight, and where it's been felt. good evening and we begin tonight with president biden in israel. the high stakes visit. his message to israel, you are not alone. but his warning to israel, too. the president tonight on air force one coming home, saying he was, quote, very blunt with the israelis about any potential ground offensive, and where this goes from here. and he warned of mistakes made by the u.s. after 9/11. the president saying late today he got virtually no push-back from the israelis. prime minister net ya hue meeting the president on the tarmac before president biden then met with the israeli war cabinet. but the president alwaso talked about the suffering in gaza, saying most palestinians are not hamas. and he spoke of the horror at that hospital, hundreds feared dead. new video circulating online, the moment of that hospital blast, hundreds of displaced palestinians were, of course, taking shelter there. the president says the evidence he's been shown so far indicates it was an errant rocket by a terrorist group inside gaza. the badly damaged area of the hospi hospital, burned vehicles, but military experts say tonight, so far, no significant structural damage that would be consistent with an air strike from israel. but many across the region do not believe that. anger growing tonight. the alarming scene outside the u.s. embassy in beirut, lebanon, condemning israel, condemning the u.s., as well. we'll take you to beirut tonight. there's also news this evening on aid to the palestinian civilians caught in this. tonight, after his meetings and calls with other leaders, president biden now saying that israel and egypt's president have agreed to allow aid to cross into gaza through egypt. so, tonight, when does this aid get there? and what really happened at that hospital? ian pannell standing by to break down what we know so far. but we begin tonight with our chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz leading us off from tel aviv. >> reporter: tonight, while air raid sirens reverberate across israel, president biden's message remains clear and steadfast. >> i come to israel with a single message. you're not alone. you are not alone. >> reporter: the president arriving in israel just hours after that deadly hospital explosion in gaza that killed hundreds. authorities there blaming the explosion on an israeli air strike, but israel providing what it says was proof it was a misfired robert from palestinian islamic jihad. and president biden agreed. >> based on the information we've seen to date, it appears the result of an errant rocket fired by a terrorist group in gaza. >> reporter: the president spent more than eight hours on the ground in israel, meeting prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his war cabinet, vowing to ask congress for an unprecedented aid package. while the president shared emotional moments with first responders and families. biden invoking the holocaust, saying it brought back painful memories. >> the world watched then, it knew, and the world did nothing. we will not stand by and do nothing again. >> reporter: but as israel defense forces poise for a ground assault in gaza, biden's embrace of the israelis came with a gentle warning -- learn from the mistakes america made after 9/11. >> justice must be done, but caution this, while you feel that rage, don't be consumed by it. after 9/11, we were enraged in the united states. while we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes. >> reporter: the president concerned about the possibility of even more civilian casualties. >> the vast majority of palestinians are not hamas. hamas does not represent the palestinian people. >> reporter: and tonight, president biden speaki iing wit the egyptian president by phone, saying egypt will open the border crossing with gaza to allow up to 20 trucks with humanitarian aid inside, likely by friday. and pledging $100 million in aid to the palestinians. but this was more than a diplomatic mission for biden -- it was personal. saying this late today aboard air force one -- >> people are looking for just something to grab, something that gives them some sense, sense of hope. and that's -- if i can do a little bit of that, then, you know, it's worth doing. >> david: let's bring in martha now. president biden saying to israel, you are not alone, pledging to help defend israel, but that warning to israel, as well, that you just reported on, with any ground invasion here, and you saw that image you just showed on air force one, the president just before we came on tonight, saying he was very blunt with israel, but of course, also siding with israel when it comes to this hospital in gaza, saying it appeared to be a militant rocket that hit the hospital from inside gaza. but martha, you and i have been talking about this, this white house knows the anger across the region, many are simply not going to believe this. >> reporter: that's exactly right, david. it is an enormous problem. the president knows that emotions are high, anger is intense, especially after the hospital blast, and the administration worries that israel's claims and intentions simply will not be believed, that there is little anyone can do about that, as civilian casualties rise. david? >> david: martha raddatz, thank you. so, what do we know so far on the horror at that hospital? what does the evidence show? here's our chief foreign correspondent ian pannell now. >> reporter: tonight, new clues into that catastrophic strike on the gaza hospital, and whether it was a militant rocket or an israeli air strike. video showing the moment of the blast. experts say the sound of the impact could provide evidence. >> that is the sound of a high speed rocket. this is not the sound of ordinance that's dropped from an airplane. this is not the sound of an air strike. >> reporter: video taken on the ground appears to show a large area badly damaged by fire. experts say potentially from a rocket's unspent fuel. and there was no large impact crater and little of the structural damage typical of recent israeli strikes. >> if it were a high explosive >> you see a puncture hole and you see burned-out cars. a high explosive air strike would create a giant crater and those cars would be blown out of the scare. >> reporter: the u.s. national security council today also saying it's preliminary assessment is that israel was "not responsible" for the explosion, citing intelligence sources. but for some, no amount of evidence will change their opinion. whatever justification, explanation you can put on it, many people are just going to conclude it's israel's fault. >> we didn't start. we have to fight. we have to fight. >> david: let's bring in ian panel, our chief foreign correspondent, also live in tel aviv tonight. regardless of what the u.s. and israel say, the anger growing, and the other very real concern, the potential of the radicalization of civilians who have witnessed all of this suffering regardless of what they're hearing from world leaders. >> reporter: yeah, it really felt like the court of public opinion made its decision instantly, and it' against a backdrop of these thousands of strikes that have been launched from israel into gaza since that october 7th attack. there is a lot of anger that's been brewing in the region, and this latest strike, in some senses, was the straw that broke the camel's back. whatever the truth of the matter, people are not in the mood to listen. tensions are rising, and it really feels, i reported on this this region for almost two decades, it really feels that it's closer to the brink than i've known it for any time. david? >> david: ian pannell with us. and of course the ripple effect being felt right here at home. in the u.s. tonight, the new intelligence bulletin late today from the fbi, from new york city to chicago to los angeles. what has authorities concerned? and here's our senior investigative reporter aaron katersky. >> reporter: tonight, a warning the war between israel and hamas is increasing the chances of violence in the united states. a new intelligence bulletin says potential targets include "individuals and institutions perceived as symbolic of or tied to the conflict." there are stepped up patrols at synagogues in los angeles. more crowd control in washington, d.c. and in new york, the nation's largest police force called in reinforcements, instructing all officers to prepare to work 12-hour shifts. >> there's a lot of tension that's taking place right now, and this can play out on our streets. >> reporter: the fbi is not aware of any organized plots, but the fear is someone acting alone, like the man charged in the murder of a 6-year-old boy near chicago. wadea al fayoume was buried this week after police said he was stabbed to death by his landlord because he was muslim. threats to muslims and jews in this country have already been increasing, and now the authorities, david, have deepening concerns spiraling violence in the mideast could make things here at moment more dangerous. david? >> david: aaron, thank you. as i mentioned off the top tonight, from beirut, the scene outside the u.s. embassy today. the fiery protests. abc's mola lenghi in beirut tonight on the clashes between protesters and lebanese soldiers there. >> reporter: in beirut tonight, we witnessed protesters rushing the american embassy, security forces pushing them back, using tear gas, water hoses, and rubber bullets. amid the chaos, we take cover. as you can see, protesters pushing back against security forces, starting by throwing rocks, launching fireworks. it's been a constant push and pull here between security and the protesters who are trying to push up against the american embassy. they say they're outraged at israel's bombardment of palestinian citizens and the u.s. support for it. across the region, fury towards the israeli government and it's ally, the united states, now at a boiling point. from iran -- to the deadly explosion at the hospital in gaza further enflaming the demonstrations. israel insisting it was not responsible. the u.s. saying intelligence backs that up. but for protesters here, that's evidence the israeli-u.s. alliance is toxic. >> america is the devil. the real devil, because it supported israel. >> reporter: in the west bank, the anger growing. in ramallah, abc's matt gutman among the protesters. >> downtown ramallah. they're rallying in support of hamas, they're rallying in support of palestinian fighters. people telling me here the time for peace is over. >> reporter: those demonstrations quickly spreading across the west bank. protesters clashing with israeli soldiers as the region smolders. david the u.s. 'embassy here in beirut remaining open and operational. still, the u.s. state department authorizing the temporary departure of the family members of u.s. personnel stationed here. david? >> david: unsettling scene there today. mola, thank you. meantime, back here in the u.s. now, and to the other news this evening, and nearly two decades after the disappearance of natalee holloway, the prime suspect at the center of this case, and the stunning turn tonight. confessing in court documents, revealing how he did it, and apologizing. tonight, natalee holloway's mother, what this now means, and the holloway family on this apology. here's erielle reshef. >> reporter: tonight, nearly two decades after natalee holloway vanished during a school trip in aruba, the suspect at the center of her disappearance, joran van der sloot, revealing how and why he killed the alabama teen. >> joran van der sloot is no longer the suspect in my daughter's murder. he is the killer. >> reporter: holloway, last seen leaving a bar in aruba with van der sloot in may 2005. court documents show the dutch national now telling investigators the two were kissing each other on the beach. when she refused his further advances, he bludgeoned her with a cinder block laying on the beach, then disposed of her body in the ocean before walking home. in an interview today, holloway's mother beth telling abc news the family's nightmare is over. >> it's a very victorious day to reach this point in a long journey. >> reporter: van der sloot's apparent admission, part of a plea deal in a federal extortion case, accusing him of demanding $250,000 from beth holloway in 2010 in exchange for information about her daughter. before receiving his 20-year sentence in federal court today, van der sloot apologizing to holloway's family, saying in part, "i am not the same kind of person today as i was then. i have given my heart to jesus christ." but tonight, natalee's father dave holloway releasing a statement, saying van der sloot is "evil personified." and david, vandersloot will now be returned to peru, where he is serving a 28-year sentence for the murder of another woman. david? >> david: erielle, thank you. to capitol hill now, day 15, no speaker of the house. today, a second vote now for congressman jim jordan, this time, jordan getting fewer votes than in the first one. a third vote now coming, and tonight, we have new reporting here, the behind the scenes pressure campaign, members of congress saying their personal numbers are now being posted. rachel scott on the hill again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, congressman jim jordan failing again, losing even more support from republicans to become the next speaker. >> a speaker has not been elected. >> reporter: jordan taking meetings in every corner of the capitol before the vote. do you have more support or are you expecting more opposition? >> i -- i know we've picked up a couple. we'll see. but i feel good about it. >> reporter: but he did worse than yesterday, with republicans flipping against him. >> ferguson? scalise. >> reporter: he could only afford to lose four. today, he lost 22. can jordan do anything at this point to get your support? >> look, it's not a question of my support. it's a question of, do you have the votes to get to 217? and he doesn't. >> reporter: the house has been without speaker for more than two weeks, now just 29 days until a government shutdown and with president biden calling on congress to provide aid to israel. even republicans on jordan's side say it might be time to consider other options. >> the world is burning and i don't think many people we represent want us spending days upon days deciding who sits in the chair. >> reporter: jordan tonight, ready to fight for as long as it takes. so, to be clear, you're staying in this race. >> yes. >> reporter: you're not considering dropping out. >> nope. >> reporter: jordan wants another vote, and tonight, there is immense pressure on those republican holdouts, some telling me, they have been flooded with calls after right-wing activists posted their phone numbers online. one member even saying tonight she has received what she says are credible death threats, david. >> david: all right, rachel scott again tonight. rachel, thank you. in new york city tonight, a court employee is now under arrest for allegedly trying to approach former president trump during his civil trial here. authorities say she walked toward trump while he was sitting at the defense table, yelling she wanted to help him. she's now been charged with contempt of court and has been placed on administrative leave. when we come back here tonight, the horrific crash in malibu. four young women struck and killed. also, the earthquake in california, and where it's been felt tonight. and this storm set to move into the east, in a moment. roh'. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at 4 weeks. skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor for crohn's that can deliver both clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? 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ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. ultomiris is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody positive. it is lasting control over your gmg symptoms. and, ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with 8 weeks of freedom between infusions. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious, life-threatening meningococcal and other types of infections. if not vaccinated, you must receive meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris and if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive 2 weeks of antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is here. ask your doctor about managing your generalized myasthenia gravis with ultomiris. finally tonight here, the overdue library book. really overdue. tonight, at the larchmont public library, in larchmont, new york, just outside new york city, this library book has been returned 90 years late. the novel, "youth and two other stories" by joseph conrad was checked out and had a due date of october 11th, 1933. jimmie ellis, there on the left with his wife kay, they signed out the book. his stepdaughter joanie was going through his old belongs when she discovered the overdue book. telling us tonight, she was determined to get it back to, quote, where it ought to be. >> hi, david. >> david: the librarian, carolyn cunningham. zble w >> we are so excited about all the attention this is bringing to the library and we hope more people sign up for library cards. >> david: it turns out the library caps late fees at $5. and by the way -- they waved that $5 fee for the family, too. >> thanks, david! >> david: glad they waved the fee. i'll see you tomorrow. good night. good afternoon. i'm kristen sze. >> and i'm j.r. stone. a warning if you're heading to the beach to avoid the heat beach hazards statement is in effect, which makes an increased risk of rip currents and sneaker waves. a high surf advisory will be in effect tomorrow from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. >> all right. and let's get to abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel for a look at that. and also what kind of temperatures as we are expecting. sandhya higher than today, that's for sure. >> kristin and j.r, let's take a look at the temperatures right now. good afternoon, everyone. just about everyone in the 70s to 90s range some of our hot spots right now 92 in santa rosa, 90 in morgan hill. as we take a look at the heat advisory, it's up for the santa cruz mountains and the santa clara county area. already it will remain in effect until tomorrow night. tonight at 11 p.m. all other areas shaded in orange will go under that advisory and that will be in effect until the same time period. now, the concern here is anybody who's sensitive to the heat can get sick from the kind of heat we are expecting as we head into tomorrow. so we go hour by hour, 5:00 tonight. still pretty warm if you want to get outside 7 p.m. numbers ranging from the 60s to the 80s as we head towards tomorrow morning. it's a mild start for many of you and it's going to warm up quickly. so we are looking at high temperatures that will come in higher than today. a live view from san rafael. camera spare. the air alert has been issued for thursday

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20 , Something , , Sense , Grab , Hope , David , Martha , Bit , Doing , Well , Invasion , Image , Danger , White House , Hospital , Problem , Administration , Anyone , Claims , Emotions , Intentions , Ian Pannell , Blast , Gaza Hospital , Impact , Experts , Fire , Speed , Ordinance , Airplane , Strikes , Cars , Explosive , Impact Crater , Puncture Hole , Fuel , Little , Assessment , Crater , Scare , U S National Security Council , Some , Fault , Justification , Explanation , Opinion , Amount , Sources , We Didn T Start , Wall , Concern , Israel Say , Foreign Correspondent , Panel , Potential , Radicalization , Backdrop , World Leaders , Thousands , Decision , Court Of Public Opinion , Lot , Rising , Straw , Attack , Senses , Matter , Brewing , Mood , Truth , The Camel S Back , October 7th , 7 , Home , Brink , Ripple Effect Being , Aaron Katersky , Violence , Chances , War , Crowd Control , Intelligence Bulletin , Targets , Conflict , Individuals , Institutions , Patrols , Synagogues , Washington D C , Police Force , Nation , Tension , Place , Officers , Reinforcements , 12 , Death , Wadea Al Fayoume , Murder , Someone , Fear , Police , Streets , Boy , Plots , Man , Landlord , Muslim , 6 , Things , Threats , Concerns , Jews , Mideast , Clashes , Protests , Mola Lenghi In Beirut , Abc , Rubber Bullets , Cover , Tear Gas , Water Hoses , Chaos , American Embassy , Rocks , Security , Launching Fireworks , Bombardment , Citizens , Constant Push , Support , Boiling Point , Fury , Government , Rally , Iran , Demonstrations , Intelligence , Devil , Alliance , Ramallah , Fighters , Downtown Ramallah , Smolders , U S State Department , Prime Suspect , Family Members , Evening , Personnel , Mola , Unsettling Scene There Today , Departure , Family , Court Documents , Apology , School Trip , Aruba , Erielle Reshef , Joran Van Der Sloot , Daughter , Bar , Killer , Teen , Alabama , 2005 , May 2005 , Each Other , On The Beach , Advances , Ocean , Body , Investigators , Dutch , Cinder Block , Point , Part , Journey , Interview , Nightmare , Admission , Plea Deal , Extortion , The Family , Abc News , Sentence , Beth Holloway , Exchange , Federal Court , Van Der Sloot Apologizing , 50000 , 2010 , 250000 , Kind , Dave Holloway , Statement , Person , Heart , Natalee , Jesus Christ , Evil Personified , Woman , Speaker Of The House , Erielle , Peru , 15 , 28 , Jordan , Rachel Scott On The Hill , Speaker , Republicans , Capitol , Corner , Opposition , Couple , Ferguson , Question , Anything , Scalise , 22 , 217 , Side , Government Shutdown , Options , 29 , Chair , Race , Yes , Member , Activists , Pressure , Phone Numbers , Death Threats , Holdouts , Republican , Court Employee , Trump , Trial , Arrest , Defense Table , Least , Storm Set , Leave , Contempt Of Court , Roh , Control , Everything , Skyrizi , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Feel , Symptom Relief , Crohn S , Bowel Movements , Remission , Endoscopic Improvement , Il 23 , 4 , 23 , 1 , Doctor , Risk , Infections , Symptoms , Infection , Reactions , Ability , Liver Problems , Crohn S Disease , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , Mark , Center Stage , Heart Failure , Liberty , Baby Grand Piano , Save , Pay , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Breath , Serious , Shortness , Irregular Heartbeat , Picture , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Disease , Cardiologist , Rare , Teeth , Dentist , Feeling , Attr Cm , Add Power , Round Brush Head , Plaque , Tooth , Pro , Oral B Round , Oral B Brush , Superior Clean , 100 , Students , Charges , Pepperdine University , Library Book , Parts , Vehicular Manslaughter , Quake , Community , Sacramento County , San Francisco Bay Area , Earthquake Rattling , Including Berkeley , 4 2 , Agitation , Dementia Due To Alzheimer S Disease , 90 , Help , Medication , Questions , Rexulti , Fda , Side Effects , Fever , Stroke , Muscle Movements , Dementia , Confusion , Muscles , Patients , Loved One , High Blood Sugar , Dizziness , Standing , Action , Sleepiness , Seizures , Coma , Falls , Weight Gain , Urges , Cholesterol , Trouble , White Blood Cells , Asthma , More , Thanks , Breathing Problems , Du , Dupixent , Types , Breathing , Asthma Attacks , Add On Treatment , Steroids , Lung Function , Numbness , Chest Pain , Limbs , Tingling , Rash , Stop Asthma Medicines , Pain , Joint Aches , Investments , Advisor , Biologic , Investment Research , Plan , Connect , Goals , J P Morgan , Rain And Winds Gusting , Wealth Management , Philly , Whale Calling , Calf , Hair , Humpback Calf , Life Insurance , Generation , Ones , Solutions , Retirement Income , Professional , Pacific Life , Don T Take Ozempic , Weight , A1c , Power , Type 2 Diabetes , Cv Risk , Studies , 2 , 3 , Adults , Heart Disease , Events , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Pens , Share , Reuse , Needles , Isn T , 14 , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Provider , Starting Ultomiris , Treatment , Myasthenia Gravis , Receptor Antibody Positive , Gmg , Vaccines , Chance , Infusions , Freedom , Meningococcal , Immune System , 8 , Medications , Antibiotics , Conditions , Limb Discomfort , Tiredness , Larchmont Public Library , Jimmie Ellis , Stories , Youth , Novel , Left , Joseph Conrad , October 11th , Wife Kay , 1933 , 11 , October 11th 1933 , Joanie , Book , Gold , The Librarian , Hi , Carolyn Cunningham , Library , Library Cards , Attention , Fees , Zble W , Fee , Way , 5 , Effect , Heat , Beach Hazards Statement , Beach , Kristen Sze , J R , Stone , Temperatures , Look , Sandhya Patel , Surf Advisory , Waves , Rip Currents , Sneaker , Sandhya Higher , Abc7 , Everyone , Spots , Take A Look , Morgan Hill , Heat Advisory , Kristin , Sure , J R , Santa Rosa , 70 , 92 , Areas , Santa Clara County , Santa Cruz Mountains , Anybody , Sick , 60 , 00 , Start , View , San Rafael , Camera Spare , Air Alert , 80 ,

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