Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

shot. trump's former chief of staff, mark meadows, turning himself in today. we're tracking deadly storms. the whole system moving northeast. how will it affect the morning commute from new york to philadelphia to washington? >> the deadly mass shooting. tonight, authorities now say it was a retired officer who opened fire at a bar, hitting multiple people, killing three. they say he shot his estranged wife in the face. she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. will carr on the scene for us. tonight, after that jet fell from the sky, killing ten, including the man who led that revolt on putin, that march to moscow, well, tonight, vladimir putin now breaking his silence on the suspicious crash. after offering condolences today, putin then saying yevgeny prigozhin, that leader, made serious mistakes in life. tom soufi burridge reporting. the fireworks on stage back here at home. but donald trump not there. eight candidates taking aim at each other in the first republican debate. nearly all of them saying they would support donald trump, even if convicted, if he's the nominee. tonight, your eyesight, and the new fda warning, urging people to immediately stop using certain eye drops because of possible contamination. we're learning tonight of a parking garage collapse. several cars crushed, catching fire. also tonight, we remember a beloved star of daytime television. and another loss, an actress from "little house on the prairie. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a thursday night. we have breaking news from georgia. former president trump a short time ago surrendered, arrested, booked on felony charge there's. p it's the former president's fourth criminal indictment this year. the sharist in fulton county said that trump would be treated like any other defendant, photographed and fingerprinted. this was his plane camming d in georgia. he had until tomorrow to show up outside the jail in atlanta, they tightened security. before arriving, trump writing he will, quote, proudly be arrested. there you see him coming down the stairs of his plane shortly after landing in atlanta late today. a thumbs up to the cameras there. earlier today, we should note, his former chief of staff and one of the 18 alleged co-conspirators, mark meadows, turning himself in. his mug shot tonight. abc's senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky leading us off outside the fulton county jail tonight. >> reporter: tonight, donald trump surrendering to authorities at the fulton county jail. the former president was bookeded in three other criminal cases, this time was different. tonight he was photographed, fingerprinted and this time he was released on bond, $200,000 and a pledge won't threaten any potential witnesses including on social media. as he headed to atlanta on his private jet, the former president calling it yet another sad day in america. trump is charged with being a ringleader a criminal enterprise attempted to overturn the 2020 election. and with heading up a pressure campaign against local republican officials including that phone call with georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger. >> so, look. all i want to do is this -- i just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have. because we won the state. >> reporter: also on that call, trump's former chief of staff mark meadows. >> mr. president, everybody is on the line. and just so -- this is mark meadows, the chief of staff. >> reporter: meadows has been charged, too, and surrendered earlier today. his mug shot right here. meadows is trying to get his case transferred to federal court. so, when will these trials begin? the district attorney fani willis wants to try trump and his 18 co-defendants together, but tonight, that's in doubt. one defendant, lawyer kenneth chesebro, asked for a speedy trial, and the judge agreed, setting a date of october 23rd, less than two months from now. trump's lawyers quickly weighing in, saying that's way too early to put the former president on trial. >> fast moving developments. let's get to our senior investigative reporter in atlanta tonight. you witnessed the former president leaving the fulton county jail there a short time ago. >> i did, david. he appeared to give a thumbs up through the window as the motorcade left jail on the way back to the airport. he was in and out in under a half hour. fingerprinted and photographed. his first mug shot taken. he worked with a local bail bondsman to post the 10% of a $200,000 bond. >> aaron, thank you. we are track something severe storms on the move this hour. dangerous thunderstorms, flash flooding after hammering the great lakes, detroit included. that system moving to the northeast. the images here tonight part of i i-90 shut down near cleveland. some drivers band onning cars. more than 150 flights canceled in detroit. passengers dragging luggage through flooded airport roads. and now as the system moves east, it is set to impact the morning commute from new york city to philadelphia to washington, d.c. so, of course, let's get right to senior meteorologist rob marciano, tracking it all for us. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. the storms refiring after a really rough morning across parts of ohio. the entire great lakes region tonight is under the gun. wisconsin through michigan. back through cleveland, ohio, again, and into parts of western pennsylvania. damaging winds, large hail, isolated tornadoes. and a flood watch. and look at that explosion over detroit. then cleveland, then columbus, into the early morning hours. and then likely holding together as it heads towards the i-95 corridor, new york metro by right at the morning rush hour. now, this is going to knock down some of the heat. chicago, you hit 100 degrees today. first 100 in august since 1991. houston, you hit 109, that ties an all-time record. and look at the heat index values across dallas, houston, and through tampa. dangerous heat through at least the weekend. all right, tropical storm franklin, watching that. out into the open atlantic, but look at this troublesome area in the western caribbean. has a 60% chance into dropping into something into the eastern gulf of mexico by the beginning of next week. watching that closely. david? >> david: very active trail there already under way. rob marciano. rob, thank you. now, to new reporting tonight after that deadly mass shooting. authorities now say it was a retired police sergeant who showed up at a popular bar in orange county, california, opening fire, hitting several people, killing three, and investigators tonight say he shot his estranged wife in the face. she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, and just in tonight, how far he traveled to get there. abc's will carr on the scene in california. >> reporter: tonight, sources believe the retired police officer who opened fire at this orange county bar, killing three, was targeting his estranged wife. >> we have a significant number of patients, possibly totaling nine. >> reporter: it was just around 7:00 p.m. last night, patrons gathering at cook's corner bar to hear a live band and enjoy spaghetti night, when authorities say john snowling started shooting, striking his estranged wife, marie, in the face. she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. >> mr. snowling, the suspect, then started randomly shooting at patrons within cook's corner. >> there is a massive police presence by the orange county sheriff's department. >> reporter: sources tell abc news investigators believe when snowling was out of ammo, he ran to his vehicle. orange county sheriff's deputies had arrived on scene, confronting snowling against his truck. >> the suspect began firing multiple rounds at our deputies. multiple deputies were involved in the shooting. and we do know, and do believe, that it was a gunfire from those deputies that ultimately took the life of the individual. >> reporter: tonight, the sheriff crediting his deputies' quick response for preventing a bigger tragedy. >> undoubtedly, more individuals may have lost their lives. >> david: authorities briefing reporters just moments ago. will carr among them, now live outside the scene, and will, we learned from authorities moments ago that that former sergeant traveled across several states to get to that bar? >> reporter: that's right, david. authorities just said that snowling came from ohio to target his estranged wife, who started filing for divorce last year. her attorney says her family is shocked, and they are waiting on word for her condition tonight. david? >> david: will carr in california. will, thank you. we turn overseas tonight, and after the world saw those images, that jet falling from the sky, vladimir putin now breaking his silence on this mysterious plane crash that russian state tv reports killed yevgeny prigozhin and nine others. prigozhin leading that revolt, that march to moscow. tonight, putin expressing, quote, his sincerest condolences of the families of the victims. but of prigozhin, he said, he made serious mistakes in life. abc's tom soufi burridge in ukraine. >> reporter: tonight, vladimir putin breaking his silence, after that private jet belonging to mercenary boss yevgeny prigozhin broke up mid-air, crashing to the ground, with u.s. officials now saying it's "likely" prigozhin was killed. prigozhin and putin close allies before the mercenary boss and his men marched on moscow. putin calling that a stab in the back. today, the russian president initially offering what he called "his sincerest condolences" to the families of all ten victims onboard the plane. but then calling prigozhin someone "with a complex destiny," and making a veiled reference to that mutinous march on moscow, saying the wagner boss made, quote, serious mistakes in life. tonight, new details on what may have caused prigozhin's plane to suddenly plunge from 28,000 feet. the associated press reporting that a preliminary u.s. intelligence assessment found the crash was intentionally caused by an explosion. the pentagon not commenting on whether there was an explosion onboard, but ruling out the idea that a missile shot the plane down. >> nothing to indicate, no information to suggest that there was a surface to air missile. >> reporter: today, supporters of prigozhin laying flowers outside wagner's offices in russia. with the ukrainian official claiming wagner fighters, who moved to belarus after their failed mutiny, are now heading back into russia. ukrainian president zelenskyy saying ukraine played no part in bringing prigozhin's plane down, saying, "everyone understands who is involved." >> david: and now quite the turn tonight. tom soufi burridge joining us from ukraine. tom, ukraine now appealing to the fighters once led by yevgeny prigozhin, essentially saying, you can join ukrainian forces, join them in the fight against vladimir putin? >> reporter: yeah, david. wagner fighters were very loyal to yevgeny prigozhin. tonight, the ukrainian military appealing to those fighters who have not committed war crimes to join ukraine. and to finish their march on moscow. david? >> david: that would really be something. tom soufi burridge tonight. tom, thank you. tonight, japan has gun releasing radioactive waste water from the fukushima nuclear power plant into the pacific ocean. china immediately banning japanese seafood. more than a million tons of radioactive water has been collected in 1,000 tanks since the nuclear meltdown caused by an earthquake and tsunami, that was 12 years ago. it will take decades to release it all. china imposing that import ban over concerns of radioactive contamination. tonight, japan says it will reimburse japanese businesses for their losses. back here in the u.s. tonight, the race for the white house, and the first republican primary debate. the fireworks on stage, with donald trump not there. eight candidates taking aim at each other. nearly all of them saying they would support donald trump, even if convicted, if he's the nominee. rachel scott is there. >> reporter: even though donald trump was not in the debate hall, the front-runner's presence loomed large. >> if former president trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him as your party's choice? please raise your hand if you would. >> reporter: then former new jersey governor chris christie speaking up. >> someone's got to stop normalizing this conduct. okay? now -- and -- now whether or not -- whether or not you believe that the criminal charges are right or wrong, the conduct is beneath the office of president of the united states. >> reporter: defending trump at every turn, biotech entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy. >> president trump, i believe, was the best president of the 21st century. it's a fact. >> reporter: the 38-year-old multimillionaire from ohio on his biggest stage yet. >> first, let me just address the question that is on everybody's mind at home tonight. who the heck is this skinny guy with a funny last name? >> reporter: but ramaswamy's opponents not holding back. >> i have had enough, already tonight, of a guy who sounds like chatgpt standing up here. and the last person in one of these debates who stood in the middle of the stage and said, "what is a skinny guy with an odd last name doing up here?" was barack obama, and i am afraid we are dealing with the same type of amateur. >> now is not the time for on-the-job training. >> reporter: and after ramaswamy said he would not support increased funding for ukraine -- >> you have no foreign policy experience and it shows. it shows. >> reporter: working to stay out of the line of fire, florida governor ron desantis. >> do you believe in human behavior is causing climate change? raise your hand if you do. >> look, we're not schoolchildren. let's have the debate. i mean, i'm happy to take it to start. >> reporter: desantis reluctant to take on trump. mike pence pushing him to say whether the vice president did the right thing on january 6th. >> i think the american people deserve to know whether everyone on this stage agrees that i kept my oath to the constitution that day. there is no more important duty. >> we've answered this so many times. >> so, answer the question. >> i've answered this before. why are we -- mike did his duty. i got no beef with him. but here's the thing, is this what we're going to be focusing on? >> david: rachel scott was there in milwaukee for the debate. she was in the spin room afterwards. she's now traveled to iowa. life on the campaign trail. rachel, the candidates were asked whether former vice president mike pence did the right thing on january 6th, and nearly all of them answered the same way. >> reporter: yes, david. senator tim scott said pence absolutely did the right thing on january 6th. former governors chris christie, nikki haley, saying that pence deserves credit for standing up for the constitution that day. most of the candidates defending pence, but few were willing to go after the former president for his actions on january 6th. ramaswamy saying he would pardon trump if convicted. david? >> david: rachel scott, thank you, as always. to the migrant crisis here in the u.s. of course, immigration a top issue at the debate last night. tonight, new york governor kathy hochul, a democrat, calling on president biden to help with the migrant crisis. new york has taken in more than 100,000 asylum seekers in the past year, most arriving in new york city. hochul is asking the white house to turn over more federal properties for shelter, and to speed up work permits, because she says farms, restaurants, and hotels are struggling to find help. when we come back here tonight, your eyesight. the new fda warning urging people to stop using certain eye drops because of possible contamination. they are concerned over loss of vision. and tonight here, we remember two actresses, a daytime favorite, and an actress from "little house of the prairie." king is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. now i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. bug spray works best when your family actually wears it. get odor-free 8-hour protection from mosquitoes and ticks without the ick. zevo on-body repellent. people love it. bugs hate it. type 2 diabetes? 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(woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. to the index of other news and your health tonight. the to the index of other news and your health tonight. the fda now urging people to immediately stop using two more types of eye drops because of possible fungal and bacterial contamination. health officials telling customers not to buy dr. burns msm drops, 5% solution, and light eyes msm eye drops eye repair. they say the drops could pose a serious risk to vision and health. the cdc previously warning about several other eye drop brands linked to four deaths and dozens of infections in 18 states. hundreds of people taking part in a popular obstacle race in the san francisco bay area are now complaining of various infections tonight. all of them took part in the grueling tough mudder race in sonoma raceway. it involves crawling through mud and swimming in muddy water. many are now being treated for staff and bacterial infections. their arms and legs covered in rashes. organizers, of course, say they are now investigating. we do have two passings to note tonight. we learned that nancy frangione has died. best known for her roles on "all my children" and "another world." for so many fans, she played the villain they loved to hate. she was 70 years old. and actress hersha parody has died. known to a generation of viewers as alice garvey, schoolteacher on "little house on the prairie." remembered for her strength and vibrant personality. she was 78. when we come back here tonight, a remarkable reunion. the pilot flying around the world, all for a little girl from texas. and what she lost. you're not going to believe what he found and where he found it. why didn't we do this last year? 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>> very well-behaved, yes. >> david: pilot jim showing valentina 5,880 miles in all. and right here tonight. >> hi, david! >> david: valentina now holding beatrice again. >> when i lost her, i was really, really sad. but i just remembered, there's so much kindness in this world, and pilot jim came and brought her back home. i will never forget that. thank you so much. bye! >> david: incredible tale. beatrice is home. well-behaved and home. good night >> historic moments as former president donald trump was booked on charges he tried to overturn the 2020 election. see his mug shot, hear from him and abc 7 political analyst. >> hawaii electric suit for starting the deadly maui wildfires that might have been prevented >>. three months of free rent. san francisco businesses are getting a lucky break. the city of banks it will benefit even more. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> in the mysterious saga of a billion-dollar land act as isham in solano county that some say raises concerns about national security. good evening. >> thank you for joining us. the abc 7 news i team has confirmed the investment firmbes acquired nearlyll the available land surrounding travis air fase. this comes as a survey was sent out to residents prompting more questions from local officials. >> i see it has an tonight with exclusive new developments, you'll see only on seven. steph, thanks for being here. >> yes, karina

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, Gun Releasing Radioactive Waste , Pacific Ocean , Businesses , Concerns , Radioactive Contamination , Losses , Seafood , Tsunami , Meltdown , Tanks , Earthquake , Import Ban , Japanese , Radioactive Water , A Million , 12 , 1000 , Rachel Scott , Race , Each Other , Debate Hall , White House , Front Runner , Hand , Party , Court , Law , Choice , Conduct , Chris Christie , New Jersey , Vivek Ramaswamy , Charges , Office , President Of The United States , Biotech Entrepreneur , Multimillionaire , Fact , 38 , 21 , Question , Guy , Name , Mind , Heck , First , Enough , Opponents , Chatgpt , Debates , Person , Middle , Barack Obama , Foreign Policy Experience , Type , Amateur , Funding , On The Job Training , Line Of Fire , Florida , Ron Desantis , Climate Change , Human Behavior , Thing , Constitution , Vice President , January 6th , Mike Pence , Oath , 6 , Duty , Times , Beef , Yes , Spin Room , Campaign Trail , Milwaukee , Iowa , Pence , Tim Scott , Most , Governors , Credit , Few , Nikki Haley , Crisis , Actions , Immigration A Top Issue , Kathy Hochul , Biden , Democrat , Help , Vision , Shelter , Restaurants , Properties , Work Permits , Hotels , Farms , Asylum Seekers , 100000 , Skin , King , Dupixent , Actresses , Running , Moderate , Favorite , Eczema , Reactions , Doctor , Infection , Pain , Don T , Itch , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Joint Aches , Asthma , Bug Spray , Protection , Ick , Mosquitoes , 8 , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Weight , My Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Cv Risk , Bugs , Studies , On Body Repellent , Majority , Zevo , 2 , Risk , Adults , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Heart Disease , Stroke , Death , Heart Attack , Isn T , 1 , 14 , Side Effects , Pancreatitis , Lump , Reaction , Swelling , Neck , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stomach Pain , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Pens , Needles , Reuse , Stop Ozempic , Gallbladder Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Vision Problems , Changes , Health Care Provider , Provider , Ground Level , 25 , 5 , Maui County , Side , Storm , Evening , Collapse , Engineers , Lawsuit , Hawaiian Electric , Hurt , Fires , County , Power , Warnings , Power Lines , Homes , Utility , Devastating Lahaina , Red Flag , 115 , Hundreds , Sign , Concern , Broadcast , Metamucil , Fiber Gels , Blood Sugar Levels , Waste , Digestive System Isn T , Best , Trap , Cholesterol , Sugar Absorption , Challenge , Website , Tiktok , Point , House , Experience , Platform , Shower , Bulb , Goat Milk Soap , Kinda , Business , Diy , Building , Copd , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Cooking , Same , Tip , Announcer , 800 , Money Manager , Commissions , Investment Products , Trades , Fisher , Woman , Clients , Fees , Diabetes , Vo , Stop Mounjaro , Blood Sugar , Body , Food , You , 4 , 3 , Children , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Plan , Taking Mounjaro , Diabetic Retinopathy , Vision Changes , Health , Drops , Index , Health Officials , Types , Solution , Dr , Fungal , Customers , Burns Msm , Eye Drop , Eyes , Msm , Deaths , Eye Repair , Cdc , Four , Infections , Obstacle Race , Mud , Dozens , Crawling , Swimming , Sonoma Raceway , San Francisco Bay Area , Tough Mudder , Nancy Frangione , Many , Organizers , Staff , Passings , Rashes , Legs , Roles , Another World , Arms , All My Children , Alice Garvey , Fans , Personality , Parody , Generation , Viewers , Strength , Actress Hersha , Villain , 70 , Reunion , Texas , Didn T , Pilot Flying , Little Girl , 78 , Migraine , Qulipta , Plans , Kind , Attacks , Worry , Pill , Look At Me Now , Cgrp , Zero , Migraine Medicine , Constipation , Frequency , Sleepiness , Migraine Feeling , Everything , Seat Protectors , Drill Mud Flaps , Weathertech , Water Repellent , Floorliners , Amber , 128 , Golo Commercial , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Verge , Golo , Release Ay , Struggle , Inspire , Safety Information , Mask , Hose , Cpap , Protein , Blend , Blood Sugar Response , Glucerna Protein , Living , Doing , Going , 30 , Moms , Politicians , Lobbyists , Kids , Voice , Social Media Harms , Crohn S Disease Skyrizi , Safety , Remission , Ability , Il 23 , Endoscopic Improvement , Control , Abbvie , Liver Problems , Crohn S Disease , Crohn S , Vaccine , Symptoms , Gastroenterologist , Pilot , Plano , Lost And Found , Around The World , America Strong , Valentina Drawing A , Doll , Beatrice , Color Skin , Dominguez Family , Best Friend , Vacation , Photo , 9 , Somebody , Valentina S , Sad , Posting , Rudy , Jim Dannon , Friends , American Airlines , Beatrice The Doll , In Tokyo , Route , Journey , Documenting Beatrice , Flight , Pilot Jim Showing Valentina , Hugs , 5880 , Hi , Kindness , Pilot Jim , Incredible Tale , Well Behaved , Wildfires , Analyst , Rent , Hawaii Electric Suit , City , Break , Finding Solutions , Banks , Forward , Building A Better Bay Area , Mysterious Saga , Say , Solano County , Isham , Land Act , A Billion , Survey , Questions , Land , Residents , Acquired Nearlyll , Air Fase , Investment Firmbes , Thanks , Seven , Steph , Karina ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

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shot. trump's former chief of staff, mark meadows, turning himself in today. we're tracking deadly storms. the whole system moving northeast. how will it affect the morning commute from new york to philadelphia to washington? >> the deadly mass shooting. tonight, authorities now say it was a retired officer who opened fire at a bar, hitting multiple people, killing three. they say he shot his estranged wife in the face. she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. will carr on the scene for us. tonight, after that jet fell from the sky, killing ten, including the man who led that revolt on putin, that march to moscow, well, tonight, vladimir putin now breaking his silence on the suspicious crash. after offering condolences today, putin then saying yevgeny prigozhin, that leader, made serious mistakes in life. tom soufi burridge reporting. the fireworks on stage back here at home. but donald trump not there. eight candidates taking aim at each other in the first republican debate. nearly all of them saying they would support donald trump, even if convicted, if he's the nominee. tonight, your eyesight, and the new fda warning, urging people to immediately stop using certain eye drops because of possible contamination. we're learning tonight of a parking garage collapse. several cars crushed, catching fire. also tonight, we remember a beloved star of daytime television. and another loss, an actress from "little house on the prairie. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a thursday night. we have breaking news from georgia. former president trump a short time ago surrendered, arrested, booked on felony charge there's. p it's the former president's fourth criminal indictment this year. the sharist in fulton county said that trump would be treated like any other defendant, photographed and fingerprinted. this was his plane camming d in georgia. he had until tomorrow to show up outside the jail in atlanta, they tightened security. before arriving, trump writing he will, quote, proudly be arrested. there you see him coming down the stairs of his plane shortly after landing in atlanta late today. a thumbs up to the cameras there. earlier today, we should note, his former chief of staff and one of the 18 alleged co-conspirators, mark meadows, turning himself in. his mug shot tonight. abc's senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky leading us off outside the fulton county jail tonight. >> reporter: tonight, donald trump surrendering to authorities at the fulton county jail. the former president was bookeded in three other criminal cases, this time was different. tonight he was photographed, fingerprinted and this time he was released on bond, $200,000 and a pledge won't threaten any potential witnesses including on social media. as he headed to atlanta on his private jet, the former president calling it yet another sad day in america. trump is charged with being a ringleader a criminal enterprise attempted to overturn the 2020 election. and with heading up a pressure campaign against local republican officials including that phone call with georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger. >> so, look. all i want to do is this -- i just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have. because we won the state. >> reporter: also on that call, trump's former chief of staff mark meadows. >> mr. president, everybody is on the line. and just so -- this is mark meadows, the chief of staff. >> reporter: meadows has been charged, too, and surrendered earlier today. his mug shot right here. meadows is trying to get his case transferred to federal court. so, when will these trials begin? the district attorney fani willis wants to try trump and his 18 co-defendants together, but tonight, that's in doubt. one defendant, lawyer kenneth chesebro, asked for a speedy trial, and the judge agreed, setting a date of october 23rd, less than two months from now. trump's lawyers quickly weighing in, saying that's way too early to put the former president on trial. >> fast moving developments. let's get to our senior investigative reporter in atlanta tonight. you witnessed the former president leaving the fulton county jail there a short time ago. >> i did, david. he appeared to give a thumbs up through the window as the motorcade left jail on the way back to the airport. he was in and out in under a half hour. fingerprinted and photographed. his first mug shot taken. he worked with a local bail bondsman to post the 10% of a $200,000 bond. >> aaron, thank you. we are track something severe storms on the move this hour. dangerous thunderstorms, flash flooding after hammering the great lakes, detroit included. that system moving to the northeast. the images here tonight part of i i-90 shut down near cleveland. some drivers band onning cars. more than 150 flights canceled in detroit. passengers dragging luggage through flooded airport roads. and now as the system moves east, it is set to impact the morning commute from new york city to philadelphia to washington, d.c. so, of course, let's get right to senior meteorologist rob marciano, tracking it all for us. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. the storms refiring after a really rough morning across parts of ohio. the entire great lakes region tonight is under the gun. wisconsin through michigan. back through cleveland, ohio, again, and into parts of western pennsylvania. damaging winds, large hail, isolated tornadoes. and a flood watch. and look at that explosion over detroit. then cleveland, then columbus, into the early morning hours. and then likely holding together as it heads towards the i-95 corridor, new york metro by right at the morning rush hour. now, this is going to knock down some of the heat. chicago, you hit 100 degrees today. first 100 in august since 1991. houston, you hit 109, that ties an all-time record. and look at the heat index values across dallas, houston, and through tampa. dangerous heat through at least the weekend. all right, tropical storm franklin, watching that. out into the open atlantic, but look at this troublesome area in the western caribbean. has a 60% chance into dropping into something into the eastern gulf of mexico by the beginning of next week. watching that closely. david? >> david: very active trail there already under way. rob marciano. rob, thank you. now, to new reporting tonight after that deadly mass shooting. authorities now say it was a retired police sergeant who showed up at a popular bar in orange county, california, opening fire, hitting several people, killing three, and investigators tonight say he shot his estranged wife in the face. she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, and just in tonight, how far he traveled to get there. abc's will carr on the scene in california. >> reporter: tonight, sources believe the retired police officer who opened fire at this orange county bar, killing three, was targeting his estranged wife. >> we have a significant number of patients, possibly totaling nine. >> reporter: it was just around 7:00 p.m. last night, patrons gathering at cook's corner bar to hear a live band and enjoy spaghetti night, when authorities say john snowling started shooting, striking his estranged wife, marie, in the face. she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. >> mr. snowling, the suspect, then started randomly shooting at patrons within cook's corner. >> there is a massive police presence by the orange county sheriff's department. >> reporter: sources tell abc news investigators believe when snowling was out of ammo, he ran to his vehicle. orange county sheriff's deputies had arrived on scene, confronting snowling against his truck. >> the suspect began firing multiple rounds at our deputies. multiple deputies were involved in the shooting. and we do know, and do believe, that it was a gunfire from those deputies that ultimately took the life of the individual. >> reporter: tonight, the sheriff crediting his deputies' quick response for preventing a bigger tragedy. >> undoubtedly, more individuals may have lost their lives. >> david: authorities briefing reporters just moments ago. will carr among them, now live outside the scene, and will, we learned from authorities moments ago that that former sergeant traveled across several states to get to that bar? >> reporter: that's right, david. authorities just said that snowling came from ohio to target his estranged wife, who started filing for divorce last year. her attorney says her family is shocked, and they are waiting on word for her condition tonight. david? >> david: will carr in california. will, thank you. we turn overseas tonight, and after the world saw those images, that jet falling from the sky, vladimir putin now breaking his silence on this mysterious plane crash that russian state tv reports killed yevgeny prigozhin and nine others. prigozhin leading that revolt, that march to moscow. tonight, putin expressing, quote, his sincerest condolences of the families of the victims. but of prigozhin, he said, he made serious mistakes in life. abc's tom soufi burridge in ukraine. >> reporter: tonight, vladimir putin breaking his silence, after that private jet belonging to mercenary boss yevgeny prigozhin broke up mid-air, crashing to the ground, with u.s. officials now saying it's "likely" prigozhin was killed. prigozhin and putin close allies before the mercenary boss and his men marched on moscow. putin calling that a stab in the back. today, the russian president initially offering what he called "his sincerest condolences" to the families of all ten victims onboard the plane. but then calling prigozhin someone "with a complex destiny," and making a veiled reference to that mutinous march on moscow, saying the wagner boss made, quote, serious mistakes in life. tonight, new details on what may have caused prigozhin's plane to suddenly plunge from 28,000 feet. the associated press reporting that a preliminary u.s. intelligence assessment found the crash was intentionally caused by an explosion. the pentagon not commenting on whether there was an explosion onboard, but ruling out the idea that a missile shot the plane down. >> nothing to indicate, no information to suggest that there was a surface to air missile. >> reporter: today, supporters of prigozhin laying flowers outside wagner's offices in russia. with the ukrainian official claiming wagner fighters, who moved to belarus after their failed mutiny, are now heading back into russia. ukrainian president zelenskyy saying ukraine played no part in bringing prigozhin's plane down, saying, "everyone understands who is involved." >> david: and now quite the turn tonight. tom soufi burridge joining us from ukraine. tom, ukraine now appealing to the fighters once led by yevgeny prigozhin, essentially saying, you can join ukrainian forces, join them in the fight against vladimir putin? >> reporter: yeah, david. wagner fighters were very loyal to yevgeny prigozhin. tonight, the ukrainian military appealing to those fighters who have not committed war crimes to join ukraine. and to finish their march on moscow. david? >> david: that would really be something. tom soufi burridge tonight. tom, thank you. tonight, japan has gun releasing radioactive waste water from the fukushima nuclear power plant into the pacific ocean. china immediately banning japanese seafood. more than a million tons of radioactive water has been collected in 1,000 tanks since the nuclear meltdown caused by an earthquake and tsunami, that was 12 years ago. it will take decades to release it all. china imposing that import ban over concerns of radioactive contamination. tonight, japan says it will reimburse japanese businesses for their losses. back here in the u.s. tonight, the race for the white house, and the first republican primary debate. the fireworks on stage, with donald trump not there. eight candidates taking aim at each other. nearly all of them saying they would support donald trump, even if convicted, if he's the nominee. rachel scott is there. >> reporter: even though donald trump was not in the debate hall, the front-runner's presence loomed large. >> if former president trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him as your party's choice? please raise your hand if you would. >> reporter: then former new jersey governor chris christie speaking up. >> someone's got to stop normalizing this conduct. okay? now -- and -- now whether or not -- whether or not you believe that the criminal charges are right or wrong, the conduct is beneath the office of president of the united states. >> reporter: defending trump at every turn, biotech entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy. >> president trump, i believe, was the best president of the 21st century. it's a fact. >> reporter: the 38-year-old multimillionaire from ohio on his biggest stage yet. >> first, let me just address the question that is on everybody's mind at home tonight. who the heck is this skinny guy with a funny last name? >> reporter: but ramaswamy's opponents not holding back. >> i have had enough, already tonight, of a guy who sounds like chatgpt standing up here. and the last person in one of these debates who stood in the middle of the stage and said, "what is a skinny guy with an odd last name doing up here?" was barack obama, and i am afraid we are dealing with the same type of amateur. >> now is not the time for on-the-job training. >> reporter: and after ramaswamy said he would not support increased funding for ukraine -- >> you have no foreign policy experience and it shows. it shows. >> reporter: working to stay out of the line of fire, florida governor ron desantis. >> do you believe in human behavior is causing climate change? raise your hand if you do. >> look, we're not schoolchildren. let's have the debate. i mean, i'm happy to take it to start. >> reporter: desantis reluctant to take on trump. mike pence pushing him to say whether the vice president did the right thing on january 6th. >> i think the american people deserve to know whether everyone on this stage agrees that i kept my oath to the constitution that day. there is no more important duty. >> we've answered this so many times. >> so, answer the question. >> i've answered this before. why are we -- mike did his duty. i got no beef with him. but here's the thing, is this what we're going to be focusing on? >> david: rachel scott was there in milwaukee for the debate. she was in the spin room afterwards. she's now traveled to iowa. life on the campaign trail. rachel, the candidates were asked whether former vice president mike pence did the right thing on january 6th, and nearly all of them answered the same way. >> reporter: yes, david. senator tim scott said pence absolutely did the right thing on january 6th. former governors chris christie, nikki haley, saying that pence deserves credit for standing up for the constitution that day. most of the candidates defending pence, but few were willing to go after the former president for his actions on january 6th. ramaswamy saying he would pardon trump if convicted. david? >> david: rachel scott, thank you, as always. to the migrant crisis here in the u.s. of course, immigration a top issue at the debate last night. tonight, new york governor kathy hochul, a democrat, calling on president biden to help with the migrant crisis. new york has taken in more than 100,000 asylum seekers in the past year, most arriving in new york city. hochul is asking the white house to turn over more federal properties for shelter, and to speed up work permits, because she says farms, restaurants, and hotels are struggling to find help. when we come back here tonight, your eyesight. the new fda warning urging people to stop using certain eye drops because of possible contamination. they are concerned over loss of vision. and tonight here, we remember two actresses, a daytime favorite, and an actress from "little house of the prairie." king is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. now i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. bug spray works best when your family actually wears it. get odor-free 8-hour protection from mosquitoes and ticks without the ick. zevo on-body repellent. people love it. bugs hate it. type 2 diabetes? 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(woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. to the index of other news and your health tonight. the to the index of other news and your health tonight. the fda now urging people to immediately stop using two more types of eye drops because of possible fungal and bacterial contamination. health officials telling customers not to buy dr. burns msm drops, 5% solution, and light eyes msm eye drops eye repair. they say the drops could pose a serious risk to vision and health. the cdc previously warning about several other eye drop brands linked to four deaths and dozens of infections in 18 states. hundreds of people taking part in a popular obstacle race in the san francisco bay area are now complaining of various infections tonight. all of them took part in the grueling tough mudder race in sonoma raceway. it involves crawling through mud and swimming in muddy water. many are now being treated for staff and bacterial infections. their arms and legs covered in rashes. organizers, of course, say they are now investigating. we do have two passings to note tonight. we learned that nancy frangione has died. best known for her roles on "all my children" and "another world." for so many fans, she played the villain they loved to hate. she was 70 years old. and actress hersha parody has died. known to a generation of viewers as alice garvey, schoolteacher on "little house on the prairie." remembered for her strength and vibrant personality. she was 78. when we come back here tonight, a remarkable reunion. the pilot flying around the world, all for a little girl from texas. and what she lost. you're not going to believe what he found and where he found it. why didn't we do this last year? 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>> very well-behaved, yes. >> david: pilot jim showing valentina 5,880 miles in all. and right here tonight. >> hi, david! >> david: valentina now holding beatrice again. >> when i lost her, i was really, really sad. but i just remembered, there's so much kindness in this world, and pilot jim came and brought her back home. i will never forget that. thank you so much. bye! >> david: incredible tale. beatrice is home. well-behaved and home. good night >> historic moments as former president donald trump was booked on charges he tried to overturn the 2020 election. see his mug shot, hear from him and abc 7 political analyst. >> hawaii electric suit for starting the deadly maui wildfires that might have been prevented >>. three months of free rent. san francisco businesses are getting a lucky break. the city of banks it will benefit even more. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> in the mysterious saga of a billion-dollar land act as isham in solano county that some say raises concerns about national security. good evening. >> thank you for joining us. the abc 7 news i team has confirmed the investment firmbes acquired nearlyll the available land surrounding travis air fase. this comes as a survey was sent out to residents prompting more questions from local officials. >> i see it has an tonight with exclusive new developments, you'll see only on seven. steph, thanks for being here. >> yes, karina

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Nikki Haley , Crisis , Actions , Immigration A Top Issue , Kathy Hochul , Biden , Democrat , Help , Vision , Shelter , Restaurants , Properties , Work Permits , Hotels , Farms , Asylum Seekers , 100000 , Skin , King , Dupixent , Actresses , Running , Moderate , Favorite , Eczema , Reactions , Doctor , Infection , Pain , Don T , Itch , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Joint Aches , Asthma , Bug Spray , Protection , Ick , Mosquitoes , 8 , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Weight , My Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Cv Risk , Bugs , Studies , On Body Repellent , Majority , Zevo , 2 , Risk , Adults , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Heart Disease , Stroke , Death , Heart Attack , Isn T , 1 , 14 , Side Effects , Pancreatitis , Lump , Reaction , Swelling , Neck , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stomach Pain , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Pens , Needles , Reuse , Stop Ozempic , Gallbladder Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Vision Problems , Changes , Health Care Provider , Provider , Ground Level , 25 , 5 , Maui County , Side , Storm , Evening , Collapse , Engineers , Lawsuit , Hawaiian Electric , Hurt , Fires , County , Power , Warnings , Power Lines , Homes , Utility , Devastating Lahaina , Red Flag , 115 , Hundreds , Sign , Concern , Broadcast , Metamucil , Fiber Gels , Blood Sugar Levels , Waste , Digestive System Isn T , Best , Trap , Cholesterol , Sugar Absorption , Challenge , Website , Tiktok , Point , House , Experience , Platform , Shower , Bulb , Goat Milk Soap , Kinda , Business , Diy , Building , Copd , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Cooking , Same , Tip , Announcer , 800 , Money Manager , Commissions , Investment Products , Trades , Fisher , Woman , Clients , Fees , Diabetes , Vo , Stop Mounjaro , Blood Sugar , Body , Food , You , 4 , 3 , Children , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Plan , Taking Mounjaro , Diabetic Retinopathy , Vision Changes , Health , Drops , Index , Health Officials , Types , Solution , Dr , Fungal , Customers , Burns Msm , Eye Drop , Eyes , Msm , Deaths , Eye Repair , Cdc , Four , Infections , Obstacle Race , Mud , Dozens , Crawling , Swimming , Sonoma Raceway , San Francisco Bay Area , Tough Mudder , Nancy Frangione , Many , Organizers , Staff , Passings , Rashes , Legs , Roles , Another World , Arms , All My Children , Alice Garvey , Fans , Personality , Parody , Generation , Viewers , Strength , Actress Hersha , Villain , 70 , Reunion , Texas , Didn T , Pilot Flying , Little Girl , 78 , Migraine , Qulipta , Plans , Kind , Attacks , Worry , Pill , Look At Me Now , Cgrp , Zero , Migraine Medicine , Constipation , Frequency , Sleepiness , Migraine Feeling , Everything , Seat Protectors , Drill Mud Flaps , Weathertech , Water Repellent , Floorliners , Amber , 128 , Golo Commercial , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Verge , Golo , Release Ay , Struggle , Inspire , Safety Information , Mask , Hose , Cpap , Protein , Blend , Blood Sugar Response , Glucerna Protein , Living , Doing , Going , 30 , Moms , Politicians , Lobbyists , Kids , Voice , Social Media Harms , Crohn S Disease Skyrizi , Safety , Remission , Ability , Il 23 , Endoscopic Improvement , Control , Abbvie , Liver Problems , Crohn S Disease , Crohn S , Vaccine , Symptoms , Gastroenterologist , Pilot , Plano , Lost And Found , Around The World , America Strong , Valentina Drawing A , Doll , Beatrice , Color Skin , Dominguez Family , Best Friend , Vacation , Photo , 9 , Somebody , Valentina S , Sad , Posting , Rudy , Jim Dannon , Friends , American Airlines , Beatrice The Doll , In Tokyo , Route , Journey , Documenting Beatrice , Flight , Pilot Jim Showing Valentina , Hugs , 5880 , Hi , Kindness , Pilot Jim , Incredible Tale , Well Behaved , Wildfires , Analyst , Rent , Hawaii Electric Suit , City , Break , Finding Solutions , Banks , Forward , Building A Better Bay Area , Mysterious Saga , Say , Solano County , Isham , Land Act , A Billion , Survey , Questions , Land 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