Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

the east. first, donald trump criminally indicted in georgia, facing 13 counts. also, 18 alleged co-conspirators charged. rudy giuliani among them, for allegedly trying to flip joe biden's victory in that state. tonight, because this is now at the state level, what this means when it comes to pardons. why this case is so different. our chief investigative reporter aaron katersky standing by tonight. also, breaking news coming in from north korea. what they're now saying about that u.s. soldier that crossed the dmz into north korea. martha raddatz standing by with what she's learned. the haunting images from maui. the grim search for victims. and tonight, the utility now pressed on why the power wasn't cut, with red flag warnings and those high winds. their explanation, and you'll hear it. whit johnson again tonight. the severe storms at this hour set to hit the east coast from the carolinas up through washington, philadelphia, the northeast. damaging winds up to 75 miles per hour, and ginger zee is here. he's one of the highest ranking fbi agents to ever face criminal charges. once the head of counterintelligence in new york. what he pleaded not guilty to doing today to help the russians. pierre thomas reporting. tonight, the prominent judge now charged with murdering his wife. allegedly texting his court clerk and bailiff, telling them, i just lost it, i just shot my wife, i won't be in tomorrow. the blind side. tonight, the husband and wife now respond. accused of never adopting that football star at the center of the movie. what that former nfl star is accusing them of, and tonight, we now learn their response. the american tourist found drunk and sleeping in the eiffel tower. french authorities now weighing in. the tragic accident involving a former nfl star. and later tonight, america strong. we told you the race to save the pets on maui, and you have to see what's now happened tonight. good evening, as we come on the air in the west tonight, it is great to have you with us on a very busy tuesday evening. we do have breaking news coming in right now from north korea, a short time ago. what they're now saying about that u.s. soldier who crossed the dmz into north korea. but we do begin tonight with former president trump, now given ten days to show up in georgia, after this sweeping new indictment we learned about as we were on the air just before midnight last night. a grand jury in fulton county, georgia, indicting trump, accusing him of leading a, quote, criminal enterprise, to overturn joe biden's victory in that state. 18 alleged co-conspirators also charged, including rudy giuliani, and mark meadows, trump's former chief of staff. prosecutors claim the conspiracy began on election night. trump declaring he won, even though he lost by more than 7 million votes, and lost the electoral college by losing several key battleground states. part of the indictment, that famous phone call to georgia's republican secretary of state, saying, "look, i just need you to find 11,780 votes." former white house chief of staff mark meadows, who allegedly set up that call, as i said, among the indicted. rudy giuliani also charged with racketeering, a legal approach he often used as a prosecutor himself, going after the mob in new york. and when asked if she plans to prosecute them all at once, fulton county d.a. fani willis said yes. abc's senior investigative reporter aaron katersky leading us off tonight from atlanta. >> reporter: tonight, the clock is ticking for donald trump, given ten days to surrender in georgia. the former president charged with leading a "criminal organization," attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. 18 of his lawyers, aides, and associates charged alongside him. >> i am giving the defendants the opportunity to voluntarily surrender no later than noon on friday, the 25th day of august, 2023. >> reporter: fulton county district attorney fani willis charging trump's alleged "conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election," began on election night, declaring he had won, even though he trailed by millions of votes, and was losing significantly in the electoral college. >> we were getting ready to win this election. frankly, we did win this election. we did win this election. >> reporter: the sprawling racketeering indictment unspooling a relentless nine-week pressure campaign, including 11 phone calls from trump himself to republican officials. including this one to georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger. >> so look, all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> reporter: the man who allegedly set up that call, then white house chief of staff mark meadows, facing charges, too. >> mr. president, everybody is on the line. this is mark meadows, the chief of staff. >> reporter: today, raffensperger reacting to the indictment, saying, "the most basic principles of a strong democracy are accountability and respect for the constitution and rule of law. you either have it, or you don't." the pressure campaign, just one part of the alleged conspiracy. prosecutors say it included a plot to recruit bogus electors, going so far as to send false votes to washington. other defendants charged with breaching voting equipment and stealing data, including ballot images, voting equipment software, and personal voter information. trump's former lawyer rudy giuliani, who as a young prosecutor pioneered using racketeering laws to bust the mob in new york, now charged with being part of a criminal enterprise himself. the indictment pointing to his vicious personal attacks on two poll workers, ruby freeman and shaye moss, falsely claiming they were stealing ballots. >> quite obviously passing around usb ports as if they are vials of heroin or cocaine. >> reporter: today, giuliani defending himself. >> i'm indicted for being his lawyer. i never thought i'd be indicted for being a lawyer. >> reporter: district attorney willis says she wants to try this case in six months. and it could all play out in front of cameras. she was asked if she wants to try all 19 defendants at the same time. >> do i intend to try the 19 defendants in this indictment together? yes. >> david: let's bring in aaron katersky, live from atlanta tonight. aaron, when do we expect to see donald trump and the alleged co-conspirators in court? >> reporter: they've been given the deadline of noon next friday, david. trump hasn't said when he's going to show up, but when he does, it's going to be because of his own words. the indictment mentioning the 11 phone calls, trying to strong-arm republican officials. but tonight, david, the republican governor of this state emphatic, brian kemp saying the 2020 election in georgia was not stolen. >> david: saying the results were, in fact, accurate. aaron, one more quick followup before we move on here. former white house chief of staff mark meadows, late-breaking headline here, has already filed a motion tonight to try to move the case to federal court, but if they stay the course here, if this is prosecuted in georgia, we know this is a very different scenario when it comes to pardons, after any potential convictions. >> reporter: oh, sure is, david. presidential pardon would not apply to state charges, even a governor here cannot do it. in this state, it's a board of pardons and parole, and even then, a convicted felon would need to serve at least five years of a sentence before even applying. david? >> david: aaron katersky, thank you. we are also following breaking news coming in right now from north korea. what they're now saying about that u.s. soldier who crossed the dmz into north korea on his own. let's get right to abc's chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz. martha, what have you learned tonight? >> reporter: david, this is the first public statement from north korea since travis king bolted across the border on purpose in front of a crowd of tourists less than a month ago. the north koreans now saying he has expressed his willingness to seek refuge in north korea or a third country, after experiencing what they say is inhumane treatment and racial discrimination in the army. his family had told us something similar just a few weeks ago, saying he was struggling during his deployment with racism. remember, travis king also spent 47 days in jail after a fight and was facing discharge from the army. and tonight, the pentagon saying they are still trying to facilitate his safe return. david? >> david: martha raddatz with the breaking headline from washington. martha, thank you. in maui tonight, the desperate search for the missing, and the growing need there for humanitarian help. more than 2,200 properties have been destroyed. the vast majority of them are homes. only about a third have now been searched. mobile morgue trucks have arrived, as the death toll continues to rise. president biden calling the governor from air force one, promising federal aid, and a visit soon. tonight, a utility there pressed on why the power was not cut off with the red flag warnings and the winds. their explanation, and you'll hear it. abc's whit johnson from maui again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the painstaking search for victims, with hundreds of people in lahaina still unaccounted for. maui's police chief emotional, describing the grim search for the missing. >> it's not just ash on your clothing when you take it off. it's our loved ones. >> reporter: officials today identifying four of the 99 people killed, saying more than 30% of the burn area has been searched. >> only three of the bodies that we recovered had enough fingerprint to share who they were. >> reporter: families devastated. >> there are children. one car, for example, had a family of four. we can tell when it's a child, because it's a smaller body. >> reporter: among the missing, 79-year-old maurice buen, known as "uncle shadow" to his friends. >> it's -- it's very painful. >> reporter: his nephew uluwehi guerrero and brother ernest buen giving dna samples to assist authorities. >> the fire came so fast -- i don't know -- you know -- if he got away. >> reporter: the family says maurice was giving updates to his daughter in california until suddenly, communication stopped. >> you're hoping that he's somewhere safe, and yet also, too, in the back of your mind, you probably need to be prepared for the worst. >> reporter: today, president biden promising aid and a visit. >> not just our prayers, every asset -- every asset they need will be there for them. >> reporter: the utility company amid questions about why they left the power on despite the wind warnings, explaining it was needed to keep the water system working. that ultimately failed, anyway. fire hydrants running dry after the power went out. >> in lahaina, the electricity powers the pumps that provide the water. and, so, that was also a critical need during that time. there are choices that need to be made, and all of those factors play into it. >> reporter: and david, fema now has more than 400 people on the ground here in maui, but thousands of evacuees are still in desperate need of housing and resources. david? >> david: and of course we'll stay on it here. whit johnson, our thanks to you again this evening. thank you, whit. tonight, severe storms are set to hit much of the east coast at this hour, with damaging winds, potentially. let's get right to abc's chief meteorologist ginger zee tracking it again this evening for us. hi, ginger. >> reporter: hi, david. we've seen an 87-mile-per-hour gust already at columbia, south carolina. there are watches up that just got extended in eastern north carolina until 1:00 a.m. they go all the way up to central new jersey. so, watch for some of those damaging winds in excess of 70 miles per hour. now, let's talk about the heat, because we've had a lot of it. new orleans had five days in a row, consecutive 100-plus, which breaks their old record, which they already broke this year, we know these records keep falling. pacific northwest, portland, oregon, had 108 yesterday. that's their warmest all-time august 10th on record. and denver, they did have a tie of a record low yesterday, but they'll be back into the 90s by the weekend. david? >> david: ginger zee with us tonight. ginger, thank you. we turn next here this evening to one of the highest-ranking fbi agents ever to face criminal charges. the head of counterintelligence once here in new york. a top investigator of russian oligarchs pleading guilty tonight to helping russians. abc's chief justus correspondent pierre thomas back with us here in new york tonight. and this is really something, pierre. >> reporter: david, this involves the man who held the top job as the head of fbi counterintelligence in new york. an expert on russian spying turned bad. charles mcgonigal today pleaded guilty and admitted that he had been compromised by a russian oligarch after he retired from the fbi. that oligarch, who had been sanctioned by the u.s., paid him more than $200,000 to do his bidding, including to investigate one of his russian competitors. the fbi said today that he betrayed his old and, quote, turned his back on his duty to the american people in favor of greed. to other news, and to the prominent california judge pleading not guilty to murdering his wife. prosecutors say he shot her after a drunken argument, but then texted his staff, telling them, "i just lost it, i just shot my wife. i won't be in tomorrow." the case making national headlines now. and here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: tonight, a southern california judge accused of murdering his own wife pleading not guilty in court. >> mr. ferguson, do you understand all these additional nonmonetary conditions as to your bail? >> yes, i do, your honor. >> reporter: 72-year-old jeffery ferguson was arrested earlier this month after police say he shot his wife sheryl in their home. according to the orange county district attorney's office, the judge then texted his own court clerk and bailiff, saying, "i just lost it. i just shot my wife. i won't be in tomorrow. i will be in custody. i'm so sorry." sheryl, seen here in this photo posted to facebook, wishing her husband of nearly 30 years a happy birthday. >> she was soft spoken, very nice. and i know, just, her son was her pride and joy. >> reporter: court documents allege the judge shot his wife "at close range while intoxicated," after an argument earlier in the evening. their son calling 911, trying to stabilize his mother. police say they found 47 weapons, all legally owned, including rifles, shotguns, handguns, and over 26,000 rounds of ammunition in ferguson's home. and david, ferguson remains out on a million dollars bail. he had to surrender his passport and wear a gps monitor. he's also barred from buying or consuming alcohol. and david, his lawyers claim the shooting was an accident. >> david: kayna whitworth in california. thank you, kayna. we first reported last night here on the lawsuit filed by the football star at the center of that popular movie "the blind side." well tonight here, the husband and wife now responding, after being accused of never adopting that football star. here's abc's erielle reshef. >> you have any place to stay tonight? >> reporter: it was the real life story that inspired the oscar-winning film "the blind side." a homeless teenager, taken in by a family, who went on to become a first round nfl draft pick. >> go, michael, go! >> the baltimore ravens select michael oher. offensive tackle, mississippi. >> reporter: but tonight, michael oher, the football player portrayed in the film, says he was the one blindsided by the family he says never actually adopted him. in a new petition, oher claims leigh anne and sean tuohy instead tricked him into signing a document making them his conservators, claiming the family negotiated a movie deal, profited themselves, but that he was paid nothing. oher says he only learned of the situation earlier this year. tonight, the tuohy family claims oher threatened them as "part of a shakedown," and say that the idea that they "ever sought to profit off mr. oher is not only offensive, it is transparently ridiculous." they claim the family gave him "an equal cut of every penny received from 'the blind side.'" and david, the family says that this arrangement wasn't a secret, but oher is now asking the court to end that conservatorship, and says he wants to be paid his fair share of any profits the tuohys may have made in his name. and he's also seeking unspecified punitive damages. david? >> david: erielle, thank you. when we come back here, the dead whales washing up on new york beaches and here in the northeast. what's driving this? and the former nfl star and the horrific crash, in a moment. i'm still tasting what's 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video showing a deputy racing to save a family trapped in a burning home in carver county, minnesota. the house was fully engulfed in flames, as the deputy runs to the back of the home. he first catches a 1-year-old boy dropped from a second floor window. and then he catches a 3-year-old girl. just incredible. the parents injured jumping to safety. the children were not hurt. when we come back here tonight, the tragic accident involving a former nfl star. imagine this... a mild to moderate eczema treatment... ...that helps clear skin without pills,... ...injections, or steroids. imagine using one single cream... help kick the itch. ...oh! it's not imaginary. it's opzelura. eczema treatment reimagined. opzelura is proven to help... ...clear or almost... ...clear skin... ...and significantly reduce itch—fast. imagine that. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections... ...including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections,... cancer,... ...blood clots, and low blood cell 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Families , Child , Car , Fingerprint , Example , Uluwehi Guerrero , Friends , Brother , Maurice Buen , Uncle Shadow , Ernest Buen Giving Dna Samples , 79 , Fire , Southern California , Maurice , Updates , Daughter , Communication , Back , Prayers , Somewhere Safe , Worst , Mind , Biden Promising Aid , Asset , Utility Company , Wind Warnings , Water System Working , Questions , Need , In Lahaina , Electricity , Choices , Water , Fire Hydrants , Resources , Housing , Ground , Factors , Evacuees , Thousands , Fema , 400 , Thanks , Hi , Ginger , Much , Tracking It , Lot , Some , Way , Heat , Talk , South Carolina , Eastern North Carolina , New Jersey , Columbia , 1 , 00 , 70 , 87 , Record , New Orleans , Records , Pacific Northwest , Row , August 10th On Record , Portland , Oregon , 108 , 10 , 100 , August 10th , Tie , Denver , 90 , Oligarchs , Top Investigator , Russian , Pierre , Chief Justus Correspondent , Pierre Thomas , Job , Expert , Spying , Charles Mcgonigal , Bidding , Competitors , Russian Oligarch , 00000 , 200000 , News , Argument , Staff , Greed , Favor , Duty , Jeffery Ferguson , Headlines , Kayna Whitworth , Home , Bail , Police , Honor , Orange County , Conditions , 72 , Sheryl , Facebook , Office , Custody , Photo , District Attorney , Joy , Son , Birthday , Court Documents Allege , Handguns , Rounds , Mother , Rifles , Shotguns , Weapons , Ammunition , 911 , 26000 , Gps Monitor , Passport , Shooting , Buying , Alcohol , A Million Dollars , A Million , Football Star , Lawsuit , Kayna , Michael Oher , Story , Film , Homeless Teenager , Life , Round , Draft Pick , Go , Place , Go , Erielle Reshef , Oscar , Football Player , Offensive Tackle , Blindsided , Baltimore Ravens , Mississippi , Oher Claims Leigh Anne , Conservators , Document , Movie Deal , Petition , Nothing , Sean Tuohy , Offensive , Profit , Situation , Idea , Shakedown , Claims Oher , Wasn T A Secret , Conservatorship , Cut , Penny , Share , Whales , Tuohys , Profits , Name , Damages , Erielle , Stop Taking Eliquis , Crash , Warfarin , Stroke Risk , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Bleeding , Risk , Stroke , Cases , Artificial Heart Valve , Both , Medicines , Bruising , Blood Thinner , Procedures , Announcer , Tail , Prices , More , Treats , Bone , Vase , Price , Chewy Box , Pain , Strength Lidocaine , Patch , Contours , Medicine , Otc , Salonpas , Salonpas Lidocaine Flex , Company , Spreadsheets , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Kayak , Ocean , Visit Indeed Com Hire Overseas Tonight , Security Guards , Floors , Drunk American , Paris , Firefighters , Body Camera Video , Carver County , Opening , Americans , Deputy Racing , Minnesota , House , Window , Safety , Floor , Girl , Boy , Flames , Deputy Runs , Parents , Jumping , 3 , Skin , Eczema Treatment , Pills , Cream , Steroids , Injections , Opzelura , Itch , Eczema Treatment Reimagined , Jak Inhibitors , Death , Tb , Ability , Infections , Blood Clots , Skin Cancer , Hepatitis B , Lung , Blood Cell , Cancers , Lymphoma , Events , Side Effect , Cold , Relief Reimagined , Zingers , Solution , Eczema , Jolting Pain , Sensitivity , Barrier , Sensodyne , Doors , Product , Advisor , Fidelity , Plan , Clothes , Times , Growth , Income , Triplets , Bargain Detergent , Tide , Do 3x , Hands , Little Girl , Control , Dementia , Agitation , Mouth , Fault , Behavior , Alzheimer S Dementia , Unrecognizable , Loved One , Papa , Bear , Hibernation , Nap , I M Coming Out , Agitationinalz Com , Car Insurance , Hot Dog Buns , Cooler , Hittin The Trail , Cheddar , Background , Neighbor , Rest , Mayhem , Allstate , Roar , Sfx , Cpap , Inspire Implant , Index , Safety Information , Inspiresleep Com , Whale , Humpback Whale , Scientists , Cause , Long Island , Long Beach , Jersey Shore , Alex Collins , Player , Person , Ravens , Running Back , Suv , Motorcycle , College Football , Florida , Seahawks , Arkansas , Passion , Update , 28 , Diabetes , Mounjaro , Woman , Avo , Type 2 Diabetes , Isn , 2 , Don T Take Mounjaro , Blood Sugar , Food , You , A1c , Mounjaro Lost , 7 , 4 , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stop Mounjaro , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Gallbladder Problems , Taking Mounjaro , Stomach Pain , Vision Changes , Insulin , Reaction , Neck , Swelling , Lump , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Diabetic Retinopathy , Smile , Kidney Problems , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Crest , Stain Removal , Brad , Nice , Crest 3d , Tonya , Kids , Caregiver , Worth , Kitchen Tool , Heart Failure , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now My , Neuriva , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Brain , Brain Health , Others , Multitasker , 6 , Sotyktu , Feeling , Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Psoriasis Treatment , Chance , Kind , Reactions , Finding Psoriasis , Splendor , Thighs , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Infection , Muscle Problems , Changes , Liver , Vaccine , Labs , Triglycerides , Jak Family , Risks , Find , Hiding , Dermatologist , It S Growing , Effort , Maui Last Night , Hope , Everyone , Volunteers , Aloha , Family Pets , Vulnerable , House To , Animals , Town , Need Food , Will Carr , Kitten , Tyler Stanley , Rubble , Neighbors , Groups , Group , Maui Fire Pets , Animal Shelter , Lost And Found , Pirate , Cat , Maui Fires , Crystal Aregi , Ruby , Grateful , Unscathed , Liliani , Wasn T Hurt , 8 , Guys , Heart , Stay Lahaina Strong , Maui Strong , Good Night Dan , Go Away , Lives , Strategy , Wildfires , Anyone , Hit Hawaii , Ama , Overdose Death , San Francisco , Record Setting , City Strike , Dan , Not Giving Up , Forward , Remains , Lahaina , Abc7news , Abc7 , Finding Solutions , Building A Better Bay Area , Fires , Natural Disaster , Thanks For Joining Us , Video , Personnel , Dna , Emergency Management Team , Trip , Newsom , Recovery Effort , How , Island , Customers , Pool , 2000 ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

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the east. first, donald trump criminally indicted in georgia, facing 13 counts. also, 18 alleged co-conspirators charged. rudy giuliani among them, for allegedly trying to flip joe biden's victory in that state. tonight, because this is now at the state level, what this means when it comes to pardons. why this case is so different. our chief investigative reporter aaron katersky standing by tonight. also, breaking news coming in from north korea. what they're now saying about that u.s. soldier that crossed the dmz into north korea. martha raddatz standing by with what she's learned. the haunting images from maui. the grim search for victims. and tonight, the utility now pressed on why the power wasn't cut, with red flag warnings and those high winds. their explanation, and you'll hear it. whit johnson again tonight. the severe storms at this hour set to hit the east coast from the carolinas up through washington, philadelphia, the northeast. damaging winds up to 75 miles per hour, and ginger zee is here. he's one of the highest ranking fbi agents to ever face criminal charges. once the head of counterintelligence in new york. what he pleaded not guilty to doing today to help the russians. pierre thomas reporting. tonight, the prominent judge now charged with murdering his wife. allegedly texting his court clerk and bailiff, telling them, i just lost it, i just shot my wife, i won't be in tomorrow. the blind side. tonight, the husband and wife now respond. accused of never adopting that football star at the center of the movie. what that former nfl star is accusing them of, and tonight, we now learn their response. the american tourist found drunk and sleeping in the eiffel tower. french authorities now weighing in. the tragic accident involving a former nfl star. and later tonight, america strong. we told you the race to save the pets on maui, and you have to see what's now happened tonight. good evening, as we come on the air in the west tonight, it is great to have you with us on a very busy tuesday evening. we do have breaking news coming in right now from north korea, a short time ago. what they're now saying about that u.s. soldier who crossed the dmz into north korea. but we do begin tonight with former president trump, now given ten days to show up in georgia, after this sweeping new indictment we learned about as we were on the air just before midnight last night. a grand jury in fulton county, georgia, indicting trump, accusing him of leading a, quote, criminal enterprise, to overturn joe biden's victory in that state. 18 alleged co-conspirators also charged, including rudy giuliani, and mark meadows, trump's former chief of staff. prosecutors claim the conspiracy began on election night. trump declaring he won, even though he lost by more than 7 million votes, and lost the electoral college by losing several key battleground states. part of the indictment, that famous phone call to georgia's republican secretary of state, saying, "look, i just need you to find 11,780 votes." former white house chief of staff mark meadows, who allegedly set up that call, as i said, among the indicted. rudy giuliani also charged with racketeering, a legal approach he often used as a prosecutor himself, going after the mob in new york. and when asked if she plans to prosecute them all at once, fulton county d.a. fani willis said yes. abc's senior investigative reporter aaron katersky leading us off tonight from atlanta. >> reporter: tonight, the clock is ticking for donald trump, given ten days to surrender in georgia. the former president charged with leading a "criminal organization," attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. 18 of his lawyers, aides, and associates charged alongside him. >> i am giving the defendants the opportunity to voluntarily surrender no later than noon on friday, the 25th day of august, 2023. >> reporter: fulton county district attorney fani willis charging trump's alleged "conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election," began on election night, declaring he had won, even though he trailed by millions of votes, and was losing significantly in the electoral college. >> we were getting ready to win this election. frankly, we did win this election. we did win this election. >> reporter: the sprawling racketeering indictment unspooling a relentless nine-week pressure campaign, including 11 phone calls from trump himself to republican officials. including this one to georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger. >> so look, all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> reporter: the man who allegedly set up that call, then white house chief of staff mark meadows, facing charges, too. >> mr. president, everybody is on the line. this is mark meadows, the chief of staff. >> reporter: today, raffensperger reacting to the indictment, saying, "the most basic principles of a strong democracy are accountability and respect for the constitution and rule of law. you either have it, or you don't." the pressure campaign, just one part of the alleged conspiracy. prosecutors say it included a plot to recruit bogus electors, going so far as to send false votes to washington. other defendants charged with breaching voting equipment and stealing data, including ballot images, voting equipment software, and personal voter information. trump's former lawyer rudy giuliani, who as a young prosecutor pioneered using racketeering laws to bust the mob in new york, now charged with being part of a criminal enterprise himself. the indictment pointing to his vicious personal attacks on two poll workers, ruby freeman and shaye moss, falsely claiming they were stealing ballots. >> quite obviously passing around usb ports as if they are vials of heroin or cocaine. >> reporter: today, giuliani defending himself. >> i'm indicted for being his lawyer. i never thought i'd be indicted for being a lawyer. >> reporter: district attorney willis says she wants to try this case in six months. and it could all play out in front of cameras. she was asked if she wants to try all 19 defendants at the same time. >> do i intend to try the 19 defendants in this indictment together? yes. >> david: let's bring in aaron katersky, live from atlanta tonight. aaron, when do we expect to see donald trump and the alleged co-conspirators in court? >> reporter: they've been given the deadline of noon next friday, david. trump hasn't said when he's going to show up, but when he does, it's going to be because of his own words. the indictment mentioning the 11 phone calls, trying to strong-arm republican officials. but tonight, david, the republican governor of this state emphatic, brian kemp saying the 2020 election in georgia was not stolen. >> david: saying the results were, in fact, accurate. aaron, one more quick followup before we move on here. former white house chief of staff mark meadows, late-breaking headline here, has already filed a motion tonight to try to move the case to federal court, but if they stay the course here, if this is prosecuted in georgia, we know this is a very different scenario when it comes to pardons, after any potential convictions. >> reporter: oh, sure is, david. presidential pardon would not apply to state charges, even a governor here cannot do it. in this state, it's a board of pardons and parole, and even then, a convicted felon would need to serve at least five years of a sentence before even applying. david? >> david: aaron katersky, thank you. we are also following breaking news coming in right now from north korea. what they're now saying about that u.s. soldier who crossed the dmz into north korea on his own. let's get right to abc's chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz. martha, what have you learned tonight? >> reporter: david, this is the first public statement from north korea since travis king bolted across the border on purpose in front of a crowd of tourists less than a month ago. the north koreans now saying he has expressed his willingness to seek refuge in north korea or a third country, after experiencing what they say is inhumane treatment and racial discrimination in the army. his family had told us something similar just a few weeks ago, saying he was struggling during his deployment with racism. remember, travis king also spent 47 days in jail after a fight and was facing discharge from the army. and tonight, the pentagon saying they are still trying to facilitate his safe return. david? >> david: martha raddatz with the breaking headline from washington. martha, thank you. in maui tonight, the desperate search for the missing, and the growing need there for humanitarian help. more than 2,200 properties have been destroyed. the vast majority of them are homes. only about a third have now been searched. mobile morgue trucks have arrived, as the death toll continues to rise. president biden calling the governor from air force one, promising federal aid, and a visit soon. tonight, a utility there pressed on why the power was not cut off with the red flag warnings and the winds. their explanation, and you'll hear it. abc's whit johnson from maui again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the painstaking search for victims, with hundreds of people in lahaina still unaccounted for. maui's police chief emotional, describing the grim search for the missing. >> it's not just ash on your clothing when you take it off. it's our loved ones. >> reporter: officials today identifying four of the 99 people killed, saying more than 30% of the burn area has been searched. >> only three of the bodies that we recovered had enough fingerprint to share who they were. >> reporter: families devastated. >> there are children. one car, for example, had a family of four. we can tell when it's a child, because it's a smaller body. >> reporter: among the missing, 79-year-old maurice buen, known as "uncle shadow" to his friends. >> it's -- it's very painful. >> reporter: his nephew uluwehi guerrero and brother ernest buen giving dna samples to assist authorities. >> the fire came so fast -- i don't know -- you know -- if he got away. >> reporter: the family says maurice was giving updates to his daughter in california until suddenly, communication stopped. >> you're hoping that he's somewhere safe, and yet also, too, in the back of your mind, you probably need to be prepared for the worst. >> reporter: today, president biden promising aid and a visit. >> not just our prayers, every asset -- every asset they need will be there for them. >> reporter: the utility company amid questions about why they left the power on despite the wind warnings, explaining it was needed to keep the water system working. that ultimately failed, anyway. fire hydrants running dry after the power went out. >> in lahaina, the electricity powers the pumps that provide the water. and, so, that was also a critical need during that time. there are choices that need to be made, and all of those factors play into it. >> reporter: and david, fema now has more than 400 people on the ground here in maui, but thousands of evacuees are still in desperate need of housing and resources. david? >> david: and of course we'll stay on it here. whit johnson, our thanks to you again this evening. thank you, whit. tonight, severe storms are set to hit much of the east coast at this hour, with damaging winds, potentially. let's get right to abc's chief meteorologist ginger zee tracking it again this evening for us. hi, ginger. >> reporter: hi, david. we've seen an 87-mile-per-hour gust already at columbia, south carolina. there are watches up that just got extended in eastern north carolina until 1:00 a.m. they go all the way up to central new jersey. so, watch for some of those damaging winds in excess of 70 miles per hour. now, let's talk about the heat, because we've had a lot of it. new orleans had five days in a row, consecutive 100-plus, which breaks their old record, which they already broke this year, we know these records keep falling. pacific northwest, portland, oregon, had 108 yesterday. that's their warmest all-time august 10th on record. and denver, they did have a tie of a record low yesterday, but they'll be back into the 90s by the weekend. david? >> david: ginger zee with us tonight. ginger, thank you. we turn next here this evening to one of the highest-ranking fbi agents ever to face criminal charges. the head of counterintelligence once here in new york. a top investigator of russian oligarchs pleading guilty tonight to helping russians. abc's chief justus correspondent pierre thomas back with us here in new york tonight. and this is really something, pierre. >> reporter: david, this involves the man who held the top job as the head of fbi counterintelligence in new york. an expert on russian spying turned bad. charles mcgonigal today pleaded guilty and admitted that he had been compromised by a russian oligarch after he retired from the fbi. that oligarch, who had been sanctioned by the u.s., paid him more than $200,000 to do his bidding, including to investigate one of his russian competitors. the fbi said today that he betrayed his old and, quote, turned his back on his duty to the american people in favor of greed. to other news, and to the prominent california judge pleading not guilty to murdering his wife. prosecutors say he shot her after a drunken argument, but then texted his staff, telling them, "i just lost it, i just shot my wife. i won't be in tomorrow." the case making national headlines now. and here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: tonight, a southern california judge accused of murdering his own wife pleading not guilty in court. >> mr. ferguson, do you understand all these additional nonmonetary conditions as to your bail? >> yes, i do, your honor. >> reporter: 72-year-old jeffery ferguson was arrested earlier this month after police say he shot his wife sheryl in their home. according to the orange county district attorney's office, the judge then texted his own court clerk and bailiff, saying, "i just lost it. i just shot my wife. i won't be in tomorrow. i will be in custody. i'm so sorry." sheryl, seen here in this photo posted to facebook, wishing her husband of nearly 30 years a happy birthday. >> she was soft spoken, very nice. and i know, just, her son was her pride and joy. >> reporter: court documents allege the judge shot his wife "at close range while intoxicated," after an argument earlier in the evening. their son calling 911, trying to stabilize his mother. police say they found 47 weapons, all legally owned, including rifles, shotguns, handguns, and over 26,000 rounds of ammunition in ferguson's home. and david, ferguson remains out on a million dollars bail. he had to surrender his passport and wear a gps monitor. he's also barred from buying or consuming alcohol. and david, his lawyers claim the shooting was an accident. >> david: kayna whitworth in california. thank you, kayna. we first reported last night here on the lawsuit filed by the football star at the center of that popular movie "the blind side." well tonight here, the husband and wife now responding, after being accused of never adopting that football star. here's abc's erielle reshef. >> you have any place to stay tonight? >> reporter: it was the real life story that inspired the oscar-winning film "the blind side." a homeless teenager, taken in by a family, who went on to become a first round nfl draft pick. >> go, michael, go! >> the baltimore ravens select michael oher. offensive tackle, mississippi. >> reporter: but tonight, michael oher, the football player portrayed in the film, says he was the one blindsided by the family he says never actually adopted him. in a new petition, oher claims leigh anne and sean tuohy instead tricked him into signing a document making them his conservators, claiming the family negotiated a movie deal, profited themselves, but that he was paid nothing. oher says he only learned of the situation earlier this year. tonight, the tuohy family claims oher threatened them as "part of a shakedown," and say that the idea that they "ever sought to profit off mr. oher is not only offensive, it is transparently ridiculous." they claim the family gave him "an equal cut of every penny received from 'the blind side.'" and david, the family says that this arrangement wasn't a secret, but oher is now asking the court to end that conservatorship, and says he wants to be paid his fair share of any profits the tuohys may have made in his name. and he's also seeking unspecified punitive damages. david? >> david: erielle, thank you. when we come back here, the dead whales washing up on new york beaches and here in the northeast. what's driving this? and the former nfl star and the horrific crash, in a moment. i'm still tasting what's 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video showing a deputy racing to save a family trapped in a burning home in carver county, minnesota. the house was fully engulfed in flames, as the deputy runs to the back of the home. he first catches a 1-year-old boy dropped from a second floor window. and then he catches a 3-year-old girl. just incredible. the parents injured jumping to safety. the children were not hurt. when we come back here tonight, the tragic accident involving a former nfl star. imagine this... a mild to moderate eczema treatment... ...that helps clear skin without pills,... ...injections, or steroids. imagine using one single cream... help kick the itch. ...oh! it's not imaginary. it's opzelura. eczema treatment reimagined. opzelura is proven to help... ...clear or almost... ...clear skin... ...and significantly reduce itch—fast. imagine that. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections... ...including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections,... cancer,... ...blood clots, and low blood cell 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(sfx: family screams in background) that new neighbor is hot! that's my husband... it's the inspire implant. he's not struggling with cpap anymore. all that rest is working wonders for him. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at to the index of other news and authorities are now investigating three dead whales in the new york area in the last four days alone. two whales found on long island, including a 25-foot humpback whale washing up on long beach. another whale found along the jersey shore. scientists are now trying to determine the cause of death. and news tonight of a horrific crash involving former nfl player and college football star alex collins. police say he was killed when his motorcycle ran into the back of an suv in florida. collins played for the seahawks and ravens. he was a star running back for arkansas. the ravens tonight calling him a genuinely kind person who carried a special joy and passion. he was just 28. when we come back here tonight, an extraordinary update. we told you last night about the race to save the pets. what's now happening tonight, and the images you have to see here, in a moment. images (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? 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(avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (avo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. ♪ (laughing) nice smile, brad. nice! thanks? crest 3d white. 100% more stain removal. crest. (tonya) because i smoked, i have heart failure. i went from me being their caregiver to the husband and kids being mine. (announcer) the people you love are worth quitting for. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. finally tonight here, we told you about the effort to save the pets in maui last night. well tonight, it's growing, and so many beloved pets have now been found. america strong. tonight, across maui, so many determined to help, to do whatever they can. helping the most vulnerable, including the family pets. >> aloha, everyone! >> david: the volunteers going house to house, looking for them. >> we're going to keep trying to find people's pets. >> aloha! >> david: there is hope and need. >> there are a lot of animals still in lahaina that need water, need food. >> animals are alive. i want to bring hope to everyone that has pets in lahaina town. >> david: our will carr with maui resident tyler stanley. tyler lost his home in the fire, and even so, he is now trying to save his neighbors' pets. just rescuing this kitten. >> it was just walking around in the rubble. >> just walking around in the rubble? and you just pulled it out? >> pulled it out. we're just trying to grab all the animals we can. >> david: tonight, we learned tyler was able to get that kitten to the animal shelter, that kitten is okay. tonight, the lost pets across maui now being posted on facebook groups, including maui fire pets help group, and lost and found animals of maui fires. among them, pirate, a lost 4-year-old cat. tonight, thanks to those groups, pirate has been found unharmed. >> hi, david! >> david: crystal aregi and 8-year-old liliani, 7-year-old ruby, they're all grateful. >> we're lucky enough he came out unscathed and wasn't hurt. our animals are surviving and they're coming out and they will be -- >> okay. >> okay. >> okay. >> we love you guys and stay maui strong, stay lahaina strong. we've got this guys. >> yeah. >> david: so much heart in maui. and the pets finding their homes. good night dan: could california's strategy be used to prevent wildfires that saved lives in hawaii. what we may be doing right. >> we don't give up on anyone. if people say, thank you, go away, we don't want your help today. you say how about a different day? ama: not giving up, even as san francisco faces what could the a record setting year for overdose death. dan: how a city strike was averted at the last moment. abc7 news at 6:00 starts now. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions this is abc7 news.. this is abc7news. ama: smoke still rises from the burned remains of lahaina, one week after fires destroyed the town. ama: thanks for joining us. dan: these fires are the deadliest natural disaster to hit hawaii, claiming 99 lives so far. only four victims have been identified using dna. ama: governor newsom announced california is sending additional resources to help with the recovery effort, including an emergency management team. more than 100 personnel made the trip. dan: we got new video taken by tourists who jumped into a pool, is the fire in lahaina burned around them. they made it out ok. the how is back on. the 2000 customers on the island still have no electricity. all

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