Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

event. rob marciano and zohreen shah standing by. next, the clock ticking for the trump legal team. the special counsel requesting a protective order in the january 6th case. the judge wants a response within hours. it comes after the former president's threatening post, if you go after me, i'm coming after you. and what he's now saying about the judge in the case. maryalice parks reports from the justice department. the horrific scene off italy's amalfi coast. an american executive killed when the boat she was on with her husband and children collided with a sailboat where passengers were celebrating a wedding. what we learned about the investigation. also tonight, u.s. navy destroyers dispatched off the coast of alaska after tracking russian and chinese war ships on patrol. the joint exercise raising alarm bells at the pentagon at a time of heightened tension with the two countries. new details in that alleged murder for hire scheme in the bahamas. an american mother of three accused of plotting to hire an alleged assassin to kill her estranged husband. what a court document has revealed. a dramatic rescue at sea. a man stranded on a sinking boat for a day and a half before the coast guard finally spotted him. his family speaks out tonight. a heartbreaking loss for team usa. knocked out of the world cup in their earliest exit yet. simone biles makes a triumphant return to competition. eyeballing the next olympics and she captured the attention of the world, born in the rubble of an earthquake. now that miracle baby starting her life anew. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." >> linsey: good evening, everyone. thanks so much to joining us on this sunday. i'm linsey davis. as we come on the air, millions are on alert for severe weather. forecasters say the next 24 hours are critical as large system packing powerful thunderstorms and possible tornadoes moves through the nation's heartland before taking aim at a wide swath of the east coast. that same system is spawning multiple reported tornadoes this weekend. this funnel cloud spotted near colorado springs. at the same time that heat wave is maintaining its grip from coast to coast. heat alerts stretch from california to florida. the heat and severe drought working against firefighters as they battle a 400-acre wildfire south of austin, texas, and stunning new images of a house crashing into a flooded river in alaska. the city of juneau issuing a state of emergency. some experts point to climate change. but we begin with those storms and abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano. time these storms out for us. >> reporter: this is a pretty expansive system for the middle of summer. a cluster of storms across the south and north. we had over 50 damaging storm reports with winds gusting to over 60 miles per hour. alabama, georgia. you see that watch box up there. a tornado watch out for st. louis. now a flood watch for d.c. and baltimore for the storms that will gather tonight. that will drop heavy rain through that area. through the new york area as well, and another couple pulses coming during the day tomorrow, which could be severe. from new england to new york to d.c. to all the way down into parts of georgia. very expansive. the heat also expansive. excessive heat warnings remain up for much of the south and toward the southwest as we wrap up this first week of august, which is continuing the warming trend globally that we had in july. linsey. >> rob, we know you'll be watching it all for us. thanks so much. >> linsey: now to those incredible images from alaska. at least two homes crashing into flood waters sparked by rapidly melting glaciers. several other homes now at serious risk. here is zohreen shah. >> there it goes, there it goes >> reporter: tonight, the dramatic moment a massive house, collapses into this river in alaska. >> we were watching the bank just slowly eroded. then, all of sudden, the whole roof and everything just came down. >> reporter: watch as the raging rapids of the mendenhall river erode the banks in juneau, triggering the destruction. this giant tree toppling into the rushing water before being swept downstream. officials tonight issuing an emergency declaration, blaming the flooding on the rapid melting of the mendenhall glacier. experts say alaska is warming at twice the rate compared to the rest of the country. that warming contributing to this unprecedented flooding event. >> this is a 1% to 0.2% chance of this type of flood taking place at any given time, so this is a very rare event. >> reporter: the mendenhall glacier, considered the region's crown jewel, drawing thousands of tourists each year. but right now, officials say the banks of the mendelhall river remain highly unstable tonight and they're urging people to stay away. >> we understand why, zohreen, thank you. >> linsey: former president trump and his legal team are hours away from a critical deadline. a judge in the 2020 election interference case has told trump's lawyers they must respond by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow for the special counsel's motion for the protective order. on the campaign trail, trump remaining defiant, telling his supporters i'm being indicted for you. tonight, former vice president mike pence with his clearest statement yet, saying trump was indeed asking him to overturn the election. here's abc's maryalice parks from washington. >> reporter: tonight, after a federal judge denied his request for a three-day delay, former president donald trump is less than 24 hours away from yet another crucial legal deadline. by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow, he must respond to special counsel jack smith's request for a protective order. smith's team pointing to trump's social media use and arguing trump might use it to disclose evidence or even intimidate witnesses in the january 6th case. trump, who has pleaded not guilty, remaining defiant in south carolina last night, running on the indictments. >> i consider it a great badge of honor because i'm being indicted for you. >> reporter: trump's own former vice president and current primary rival, mike pence, who could be a key witness in this case, growing more vocal about his experiences after the 2020 election. >> frankly, the day before january 6th, if memory serves, they came back, his lawyers did, and said, "we want you to reject votes outright." they were asking me to overturn the election. i had no right to overturn the election. >> reporter: on "this week," george stephanolpolous pressing trump lawyer john lauro on pence's views of trump's actions. >> he said it was wrong, never said it was criminal. you may think someone is acting inappropriately under constitutional principles, but mr. pence, who is a lawyer, never said to mr. trump, "i think what you're doing is criminal." >> reporter: part of the argument is people close to trump told him squarely he lost the election. bill barr saying today he would be willing to testify to that under oath. >> on three occasions, at least, and i -- i told him in no uncertain terms, that there was no evidence of fraud that would have changed the outcome. >> calling this third indictment a legitimate case. maryalice parks joins us now from the justice department. give us a preview of the defense strategy by trump's legal team. >> reporter: well, linsey, trump today posted on his social media accounts that he doesn't think he can get a fair trial in d.c. he wants to ask for a recusal from this judge. we'll see if his team actually makes a request like that in court. i can tell you that several other january 6th defendants have requested a change in venue. it's very rare. none of them have been granted that. linsey. >> maryalice, thank you. >> linsey: tonight, new details in the death of a publishing executive in a boating accident in italy. adrienne vaughn was on vacation in italy when their rented motor boat slammed into a larger boat throwing her into the water. italian officials are launching an investigation into the skipper of the boat she was on. here is lama hasan. >> reporter: a wedding celebration on a sailboat off italy's amalfi coast quickly turning to tragedy. >> what happened? >> reporter: a rented motorboat carrying american publishing executive adrienne vaughan and her family slamming into the much larger sailboat. passengers running to help, throwing inflatables. sections of the now-splintered motorboat drifting away. an italian prosecutor saying the 45-year-old was seated at the bow of boat, the sheer force of the collision throwing her overboard. italian media reporting that vaughan's two children were also thrown into the sea. a nearby vessel seen here bringing the children and vaughan's husband to shore. an air ambulance also rushing to the rescue. emergency workers trying to save vaughan, but she was ultimately pronounced dead at the scene. vaughan was the president of bloomsbury publishing usa and served on the board of the association of american publishers, who called her "a leader of dazzling talent and infectious passion who had a deep commitment to authors and readers." adding, "most of all she was an extraordinary human being." linsey, the driver of the motorboat is now being investigated for suspected manslaughter according to that italian officials. and tonight, the driver's lawyer telling abc news his client is describing the collision as happening like a flash and he tried to rescue adrienne vaughan. linsey. >> just so horrific. thank you. >> reporter: now to the growing tension between russia, china, and the united states. abc news confirmed the u.s. dispatched multiple destroys and an aircraft after tracking chinese and russian ships near the aleutian islands of alaska. dan sullivan calling that foreign patrol unprecedented in size. let's bring in ike ejochi in washington for us. what more are you learning tonight? >> reporter: the united states taking swift action, sending four u.s. navy war ships to the aleutian islands after senators said 11 russian and chinese ships came close to american waters. now, officials say those foreign ships were on patrol in international waters conducting a joint naval exercise. the incident highlights the growing cooperation between these two foreign powers, and it's not the first time this has happened. in september of 2022, the coast guard spotted chinese and russian ships also near the aleutian island chain. u.s. officials say the military had been expecting this chinese/russian patrol for several weeks, and north com saying in a statement that the foreign patrol stayed in international waters that was not considered a threat, but clearly, linsey, concern for the u.s. moving forward. >> and swift u.s. response there. ike, thank you. >> linsey: tensions between the u.s. and russia already high after russia's invasion of ukraine, and tonight, ukraine bringing the war home to russia. explosions could be seen in this video circulating online. two bridges in russian occupied crimea successfully hit and another attempted drone strike on moscow. abc's chief foreign correspondent ian pannell from kyiv. >> reporter: tonight, another attempted drone strike on moscow and successful ukrainian strikes on two key bridges in occupied crimea seen in video circulating online. ukraine trying to limit russia's ability to move men and military equipment to the front lines. there have now been five drone attacks on moscow in the last two weeks. some hitting a building housing russian government offices. and in the black sea, water-borne drones crippling a russian warship. then, the following day, a russian oil tanker. blaming ukraine, the kremlin vowed to retaliate. overnight and into this morning, launching 70 missiles and drones in several waves. firefighters worked for hours to put out the flames after a grain storage site was hit outside kyiv. other military and civilian targets were also struck, including this blood transfusion center, according to president zelenskyy. as the war grinds on, peace talks concluding in saudi arabia without any written statement. russia not invited. ukraine hoping to rally nations including china, india, the u.s., and european countries, to its peace plan that includes a full withdrawal of all russian forces. linsey, the kremlin pouring cold water on these talks. spokesman dimitriy peskov saying there are no grounds for a peace agreement with kyiv, and what they call 'a special military operation' will continue for the foreseeable future. linsey. >> ian, thank you. >> linsey: we turn now to the chilling new details in the alleged murder for hire plot. authorities in the bahamas are focusing on text messages from the phone of an american mother of three now charged with murder conspiracy and an alleged plot to kill her husband. here's abc's jaclyn lee. >> reporter: tonight, a court document obtained by abc news reveals the shocking text message bahamian authorities allege a georgia mother of three sent in a plot to kill her estranged husband while on vacation. "kill him" was the whatsapp message authorities say 36-year-old lindsay shiver admitted in a police interrogation to sending an alleged hitman, along with photos of her husband robert shiver, who bahamian police say became fearful for his life and the lives of his children. detectives alerted the former auburn university football player to that alleged murder plot only after lindsay's alleged lover terrance bethel became a suspect in an unrelated burglary and his phone was obtained in a search warrant. prosecutors say they discovered those text messages between lindsay, bethel and the alleged would-be hit man, farron newbold jr. all three declined our request for comment. >> it's been my experience, that people who plot to kill their spouses almost ultimately always get caught because they don't know what they're doing. >> reporter: documents show the shivers were divorcing after 13 years of marriage, with robert citing "adulterous conduct" and lindsey accusing him of "physical and mental cruelty" and "acts of domestic violence." in 2020, shiver posting on social media, "the key to a perfect marriage is having two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other." linsey, shiver is expected to be released on bail come tuesday. her two alleged coconspirators have already been released on $20,000 bail. robert shiver's family spokesperson declined to comment. >> thank you. >> linsey: next tonight, the incredible rescue at sea. charles gregory had not been heard for in more than a day. his anguished parents had just about given up hope, but the coast guard had not. crews found gregory on top of his capsized boat. the 25-year-old was dehydrated but alive. his parents say he's now recovering at home. here's abc's alex presha. >> reporter: tonight, a florida family's prayers answered in this rescue at sea caught on camera. the crew aboard this coast guard cutter able to pull charles gregory to safety 12 miles off the coast of st. augustine, florida. >> we cannot thank the coast guard, fire rescue, st. augustine, everybody, the paddle boarders, everybody, we just want to say thank you so much. >> reporter: the 25-year-old was last seen thursday night leaving in his 12-foot john boat. his family reported him missing the next day, triggering a massive search. >> not the kind of vessel you want to be in in an off-shore environment. the odds were kind of against us in this case despite all of our search effort. >> reporter: but by saturday morning, they found their needle in a haystack, a coast guard plane spotting gregory sitting barely afloat in his partially submerged boat. first responders rushing him to safety and checking in on him. his father saying he's very dehydrated and sunburnt, but okay. >> there's a god up there. if you ever thought it wasn't, let your kid go missing off-shore in the ocean for 38 hours. i gave up hope. i should never give up hope. >> reporter: tonight, charlie's father says he's been discharged from the hospital and recuperating at home. the coast guard says storms in the region are often small enough to wreck smaller boats. they're urging boaters to have life jackets on board, to keep a marine grade radio, flares, and an emergency beacon locater just in case. linsey. >> essentials for boating. thank you. >> linsey: now to the heart breaker at the women's world cup. team usa is heading home. their attempt at history is now over. americans falling to sweden in an overtime shootout that went down to the wire. their earliest exit ever. the defeat wasn't the way megan rapinoe, one of the greats of the women's game, wanted to end her career, but she says she's now looking forward to the future of the sport. >> the progress that this team and so many other teams around the world have been able to make. and i feel like we've been such a huge part of that. the game is in a great place, a great place to step away. >> rapinoe playing in her fourth world cup. she first joined team usa in 2006. >> linsey: there's much more ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday. two women were killed when a boat went up in flames, and the frantic search for victims after a train went off the rails overseas. remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? 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think pink. by the end of this weekend "barbie" is projected to top $1 billion in worldwide ticket sales. only the 53rd film to do it, and the first one ever directed solely by a woman, greta gerwig. "barbie" raked in more than $350 million in just its opening weekend and shows no signs of slowing down. >> linsey: when we come back, her story touched the world. now 6 months old, we catch up with syria's miracle baby. jabb. i was diagnosed with afib. the first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldn't do things without losing my breath. i couldn't make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. every physical exertion seemed to exhaust me. and finally, i went to the hospital where i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor and told them what was happening. instead, i tried to let it pass. if you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light-headedness, you should talk to your doctor. afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times i want my experience to help others understand the symptoms of atrial fibrillation. when it comes to your health, this is no time to wait. you ever try cashbacking? it's earning 3% at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i can save on something special for a first date? wait! that's all for a first date? whoa. alright, c'mon. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? i've always had trouble falling asleep earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. and staying asleep— you know, insomnia. but then i found quviviq, an fda-approved medication for adults with insomnia. and i'm glad i found it. you wouldn't believe some of the things people suggested to help me sleep. nature sounds? ahh, no thanks. my friend's white-noise idea. nope. and i'm not counting sheep. not on the... carpet. insomnia can impact both my days and my nights. so i know how important a good night's sleep is. that's why i take quviviq nightly. maybe i should tell them how it works, taye? quviviq works differently than medications you may have taken in the past. it's thought to target one of the biological causes of insomnia: overactive wake signals. and when taken every night, studies showed sleep continued to improve over time. do not take quviviq if you have narcolepsy. don't drink alcohol while taking quviviq or drive or operate heavy machinery until you feel fully alert. quviviq may cause temporary inability to move or talk or hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up. quviviq may cause sleepiness during the day. quviviq may lead to doing activities while not fully awake that you don't remember the next day, like walking, driving and making or eating food. worsening depression, including suicidal thoughts, may occur. most common side effects are headaches and sleepiness. it's quviviq. ask your doctor if it's right for you. ♪ ♪ >> linsey: she was born under the most grueling of circumstances but tonight she's giving us reason to smile, and she is, too. her rescue captivated the world. in the wake of the devastating 7.8 earthquake in northern syria last february, this newborn was found alive, just 10 hours after she was born under the rubble of her family's home. at the time, she didn't even have a name. tragically, her parents and four siblings did not survive. while the hospital initially served as her home, she's now found her forever home. after a dna test confirmed she was related to the man who rescued her, she was released to that aunt and uncle. they named her afraa after her late mother. and they've since adopted her, raising her, right alongside their seven other children. now six months old, the happy, healthy and much loved family member is thriving. her adoptive father says "this girl is my daughter. she is exactly the same as my children." look at that smile. have a great night. >> way across the bay area, protesters taking two separate paths. and an unlikely fishing trip for police, trying to put an end to the sideshows in east bay that landed three people in the hospital. and a look ahead to tomorrow, several city services brought to a grinding stop in san jose. abc 7 news at 6:00 starts now. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> joining us. i am j.r. stone. four people have been taken to the hospitals after a water rescue in alameda. the rescue took place this afternoon near shoreline park, by the ferry terminal, and it is still unclear for -- what went wrong. all four victims were together in one watercraft which sank during the rescue. one person suffered cardiac arrest, that victim's condition is not know right now. three others were taken to a hospital for observation, but they are expected to be ok. none of the victims have been identified. hundreds of marchers from across the bay area are brave and warm weather and long distances this weekend in the name of immigration reformundocumented residents and their allies a taking part into marches, logging

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Mendenhall River , Water , Emergency Declaration , Flooding , Melting , Mendenhall Glacier , Place , Chance , Region , Country , Flooding Event , Flood , Rate , Rest , Type , 0 2 , 1 , People , Drawing Thousands , Tourists , Mendelhall River , Crown Jewel , Lawyers , Deadline , Election Interference Case , Motion , Campaign Trail , 2020 , Election , Vice President , Mike Pence , Statement , Ike Ejochi In Washington , Abc S Maryalice Parks , Supporters , Request , Delay , Jack Smith , Evidence , Social Media , Team Pointing , Witnesses , Indictments , Witness , Honor , Badge , Rival , Last Night , South Carolina , Votes , Experiences , Vocal , Memory Serves , John Lauro On Pence , Actions , Views , Someone , George Stephanolpolous , Part , Mr , Principles , Doing , Argument , Least , Terms , Oath , Occasions , Fraud , Outcome , Bill Barr , Accounts , Maryalice Parks , Indictment , Defense Strategy , Preview , None , Defendants , Change , Trial , Court , Recusal , Venue , Death , Motor Boat , Adrienne Vaughn , Vacation , Publishing Executive , Boating Accident , Skipper , Italian , Tragedy , Lama Hasan , A Wedding Celebration , Adrienne Vaughan , Help , Throwing Inflatables , Rented Motorboat Carrying American Publishing Executive , Collision , Prosecutor , Media Reporting , Overboard , Force , Sections , Bow , 45 , Vessel , Air Ambulance , Emergency Workers , Authors , Most , Passion , Board , Commitment , Leader , Talent , Readers , Human Being , Bloomsbury Publishing Usa , Association Of American Publishers , Client , Lawyer , Manslaughter , Flash , Ships , Russia , China , Multiple , Aircraft , Patrol , Size , Aleutian Islands , Dan Sullivan , Waters , Senators , Swift Action , 11 , Four , Incident , Time , Cooperation , Exercise , Powers , 2022 , September Of 2022 , Saying , Threat , Concern , Military , North Com , Ukraine , War , Video , Tensions , Explosions , Swift , Ike , Invasion , Drone Strike , Ian Pannell , Bridges , On Moscow , Strikes , Hit Outside Kyiv , Crimea , Ability , Drone Attacks , Men , Lines , Military Equipment , Five , Drones , Offices , Building Housing , Government , Warship , Oil Tanker , Following , Black Sea , Kremlin , Missiles , Waves , Flames , Grain Storage Site , Targets , 70 , Nations , Blood Transfusion Center , Written Statement , Peace Talks Concluding , Zelenskyy , Saudi Arabia , Dimitriy Peskov , Cold Water , Peace Plan , Forces , Withdrawal , Talks , Peace Agreement , Grounds , India , Plot , Text Messages , Authorities , Phone , Military Operation , Murder For Hire , Text Message , Murder Conspiracy , Abc S Jaclyn Lee , Bahamian , Shiver , Hit Man , Message , Police Interrogation , Whatsapp , Kill Him , 36 , Robert Shiver , Lover Terrance Bethel , Lives , Photos , Lindsay , Bahamian Police Say , Football Player , Who , Auburn University , Detectives , Prosecutors , Comment , Suspect , Burglary , Search Warrant , Bethel , Farron Newbold Jr , Experience , Documents , Spouses , Shivers , Marriage , Shiver Posting , Lindsey , Adulterous Conduct , Acts Of Domestic Violence , Physical And Mental Cruelty , 13 , Each Other , Bail , Coconspirators , Bail Come Tuesday , Family Spokesperson , 0000 , 20000 , Hope , Parents , Top , Crews , Charles Gregory , Prayers , Coast Guard Cutter , Crew , Alex Presha , Caught On Camera , 25 , Augustine , Of St , Paddle Boarders , Fire Rescue , 12 , Search , John Boat , Kind , Shore Environment , Responders , Plane , Search Effort , Haystack , Needle , Odds , Wasn T , Father , Safety , Sunburnt , Ocean , Kid , Off Shore , God , 38 , Hospital , Boats , Boaters , Life Jackets , Recuperating , Charlie , Boating , Heart Breaker , Attempt , Grade , Flares , Essentials , Radio , Women S World Cup , Emergency Beacon Locater , One , Megan Rapinoe , Game , Overtime Shootout , Women , Defeat , Career , Wire , Sport , Greats , The Way , Sweden , Teams , Progress , Rapinoe Playing , Victims , Things , Train , In Flames , Rails , Frantic Search , Sunday , 2006 , Fasenra , Asthma , Add On Treatment , Conditions , Reactions , Asthma Attacks , Breathing Problems , Eosinophils , Doctor , Infection , Breathing , Headache , Asthma Treatments , Sore Throat , Don T , Care Of , Jamie , Progressive , Protection , Secret , Round , Dream Car , Dream House , Malibu , Barbie , Astronaut , Boyfriend , Front , Theaters , Dude , Ken , Reason , Pain , Biofreeze , Doubt , Limits , No Matter What , Red Lobster , Grandpa , Crabfest , Crab , Flavors , Garlic Butter , Fun Dining , Got Flavor , Dayumm , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Find Themself , Gut , Body , Fiber , Mirafiber Gummies , Miralax , Mood , Feeling Ughh , 8 , Southern Pakistan , Rescuers , Others , Cars , 90 , 30 , Ten , Cause , Fire , Hospitals , Power Boat , Crashes , Railroads , Derailments , Box Office , History , Water Cannons , Dock , Blaze , Long Beach , Burns , Olympics , Memories , Taking Verzenio , Breast Cancer , Ones , Hr , Diarrhea , Hormone Therapy , Dehydration , Verzenio Fulvestrant , Blood Cell Counts , Signs , Trouble Breathing , Chills , Lung Inflammation , Sign , Fluids , Antidiarrheal , Fever , Breath , Blood Clots , Symptoms , Fatigue , Chest Pain , Liver Problems , Stomach Pain , Shortness , Appetite Loss , Heart Rate , Cough , Bruising , Bleeding , Swelling , Legs , Arms , Nursing , Everyday Verzenio , Immigration Record , Ancestors , Questions , Bladder Leak Pad , Pad , Time Traveler , Liquid , Eczema Treatment , Skin , Cream , Wetness , Pills , Injections , Steroids , Opzelura , Itch , Eczema Treatment Reimagined , Infections , Jak Inhibitors , Counts , Skin Cancer , Lung , Blood Cell , Hepatitis B , Tb , Events , Cancers , Eczema , Side Effect , Lymphoma , Cold , Relief Reimagined , Index , Gymnast , Triumphant Return , Mat , Championships , Eyes , Tokyo Olympics , Condition , Twisties , Ticket Sales , Film , The End , Number One , Billion , 1 Billion , 53 , Greta Gerwig , Story , Weekend , Northern Syria , 50 Million , 350 Million , Afib , Something , Inkling , Airport , Jabb , Physical Exertion , 20 , Heartbeat , Heart Racing , Light Headedness , Times , Stroke , Atrial Fibrillation , Health , Fee , Something Special , Cashbacking , Drugstores , Big , Chase Freedom Unlimited , 3 , Quviviq , Insomnia , Big With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Trouble , Some , Adults , Fda , Ahh , Friend , Idea , Counting Sheep , Carpet , Nature Sounds , Sleep , Night , Medications , Quviviq Nightly , Taye , Wake Signals , Alcohol , Narcolepsy , Studies , Don T Drink , Drive , Activities , Inability , Hallucinations , Eating , Walking , Food , Quviviq May , Machinery , Sleepiness , Thoughts , Side Effects , Headaches , Depression , Smile , Grueling , Circumstances , Wake , Newborn , 7 8 , 10 , Name , Siblings , Dna Test , Uncle , Aunt , Happy , Seven , Six , Daughter , Family Member , Girl , Paths , Protesters , Fishing , Trip , Bay Area , Sideshows , Police , Stop , City Services , Look , East Bay , San Jose , News , Water Rescue , Finding Solutions , Forward , Building A Better Bay Area , Stone , 7 , Watercraft , Shoreline Park , Ferry Terminal , Alameda , Victim , Person , Marchers , Cardiac Arrest , Observation , Hundreds , Residents , In The Name Of , Marches , Logging , Allies , Immigration Reformundocumented ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

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event. rob marciano and zohreen shah standing by. next, the clock ticking for the trump legal team. the special counsel requesting a protective order in the january 6th case. the judge wants a response within hours. it comes after the former president's threatening post, if you go after me, i'm coming after you. and what he's now saying about the judge in the case. maryalice parks reports from the justice department. the horrific scene off italy's amalfi coast. an american executive killed when the boat she was on with her husband and children collided with a sailboat where passengers were celebrating a wedding. what we learned about the investigation. also tonight, u.s. navy destroyers dispatched off the coast of alaska after tracking russian and chinese war ships on patrol. the joint exercise raising alarm bells at the pentagon at a time of heightened tension with the two countries. new details in that alleged murder for hire scheme in the bahamas. an american mother of three accused of plotting to hire an alleged assassin to kill her estranged husband. what a court document has revealed. a dramatic rescue at sea. a man stranded on a sinking boat for a day and a half before the coast guard finally spotted him. his family speaks out tonight. a heartbreaking loss for team usa. knocked out of the world cup in their earliest exit yet. simone biles makes a triumphant return to competition. eyeballing the next olympics and she captured the attention of the world, born in the rubble of an earthquake. now that miracle baby starting her life anew. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." >> linsey: good evening, everyone. thanks so much to joining us on this sunday. i'm linsey davis. as we come on the air, millions are on alert for severe weather. forecasters say the next 24 hours are critical as large system packing powerful thunderstorms and possible tornadoes moves through the nation's heartland before taking aim at a wide swath of the east coast. that same system is spawning multiple reported tornadoes this weekend. this funnel cloud spotted near colorado springs. at the same time that heat wave is maintaining its grip from coast to coast. heat alerts stretch from california to florida. the heat and severe drought working against firefighters as they battle a 400-acre wildfire south of austin, texas, and stunning new images of a house crashing into a flooded river in alaska. the city of juneau issuing a state of emergency. some experts point to climate change. but we begin with those storms and abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano. time these storms out for us. >> reporter: this is a pretty expansive system for the middle of summer. a cluster of storms across the south and north. we had over 50 damaging storm reports with winds gusting to over 60 miles per hour. alabama, georgia. you see that watch box up there. a tornado watch out for st. louis. now a flood watch for d.c. and baltimore for the storms that will gather tonight. that will drop heavy rain through that area. through the new york area as well, and another couple pulses coming during the day tomorrow, which could be severe. from new england to new york to d.c. to all the way down into parts of georgia. very expansive. the heat also expansive. excessive heat warnings remain up for much of the south and toward the southwest as we wrap up this first week of august, which is continuing the warming trend globally that we had in july. linsey. >> rob, we know you'll be watching it all for us. thanks so much. >> linsey: now to those incredible images from alaska. at least two homes crashing into flood waters sparked by rapidly melting glaciers. several other homes now at serious risk. here is zohreen shah. >> there it goes, there it goes >> reporter: tonight, the dramatic moment a massive house, collapses into this river in alaska. >> we were watching the bank just slowly eroded. then, all of sudden, the whole roof and everything just came down. >> reporter: watch as the raging rapids of the mendenhall river erode the banks in juneau, triggering the destruction. this giant tree toppling into the rushing water before being swept downstream. officials tonight issuing an emergency declaration, blaming the flooding on the rapid melting of the mendenhall glacier. experts say alaska is warming at twice the rate compared to the rest of the country. that warming contributing to this unprecedented flooding event. >> this is a 1% to 0.2% chance of this type of flood taking place at any given time, so this is a very rare event. >> reporter: the mendenhall glacier, considered the region's crown jewel, drawing thousands of tourists each year. but right now, officials say the banks of the mendelhall river remain highly unstable tonight and they're urging people to stay away. >> we understand why, zohreen, thank you. >> linsey: former president trump and his legal team are hours away from a critical deadline. a judge in the 2020 election interference case has told trump's lawyers they must respond by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow for the special counsel's motion for the protective order. on the campaign trail, trump remaining defiant, telling his supporters i'm being indicted for you. tonight, former vice president mike pence with his clearest statement yet, saying trump was indeed asking him to overturn the election. here's abc's maryalice parks from washington. >> reporter: tonight, after a federal judge denied his request for a three-day delay, former president donald trump is less than 24 hours away from yet another crucial legal deadline. by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow, he must respond to special counsel jack smith's request for a protective order. smith's team pointing to trump's social media use and arguing trump might use it to disclose evidence or even intimidate witnesses in the january 6th case. trump, who has pleaded not guilty, remaining defiant in south carolina last night, running on the indictments. >> i consider it a great badge of honor because i'm being indicted for you. >> reporter: trump's own former vice president and current primary rival, mike pence, who could be a key witness in this case, growing more vocal about his experiences after the 2020 election. >> frankly, the day before january 6th, if memory serves, they came back, his lawyers did, and said, "we want you to reject votes outright." they were asking me to overturn the election. i had no right to overturn the election. >> reporter: on "this week," george stephanolpolous pressing trump lawyer john lauro on pence's views of trump's actions. >> he said it was wrong, never said it was criminal. you may think someone is acting inappropriately under constitutional principles, but mr. pence, who is a lawyer, never said to mr. trump, "i think what you're doing is criminal." >> reporter: part of the argument is people close to trump told him squarely he lost the election. bill barr saying today he would be willing to testify to that under oath. >> on three occasions, at least, and i -- i told him in no uncertain terms, that there was no evidence of fraud that would have changed the outcome. >> calling this third indictment a legitimate case. maryalice parks joins us now from the justice department. give us a preview of the defense strategy by trump's legal team. >> reporter: well, linsey, trump today posted on his social media accounts that he doesn't think he can get a fair trial in d.c. he wants to ask for a recusal from this judge. we'll see if his team actually makes a request like that in court. i can tell you that several other january 6th defendants have requested a change in venue. it's very rare. none of them have been granted that. linsey. >> maryalice, thank you. >> linsey: tonight, new details in the death of a publishing executive in a boating accident in italy. adrienne vaughn was on vacation in italy when their rented motor boat slammed into a larger boat throwing her into the water. italian officials are launching an investigation into the skipper of the boat she was on. here is lama hasan. >> reporter: a wedding celebration on a sailboat off italy's amalfi coast quickly turning to tragedy. >> what happened? >> reporter: a rented motorboat carrying american publishing executive adrienne vaughan and her family slamming into the much larger sailboat. passengers running to help, throwing inflatables. sections of the now-splintered motorboat drifting away. an italian prosecutor saying the 45-year-old was seated at the bow of boat, the sheer force of the collision throwing her overboard. italian media reporting that vaughan's two children were also thrown into the sea. a nearby vessel seen here bringing the children and vaughan's husband to shore. an air ambulance also rushing to the rescue. emergency workers trying to save vaughan, but she was ultimately pronounced dead at the scene. vaughan was the president of bloomsbury publishing usa and served on the board of the association of american publishers, who called her "a leader of dazzling talent and infectious passion who had a deep commitment to authors and readers." adding, "most of all she was an extraordinary human being." linsey, the driver of the motorboat is now being investigated for suspected manslaughter according to that italian officials. and tonight, the driver's lawyer telling abc news his client is describing the collision as happening like a flash and he tried to rescue adrienne vaughan. linsey. >> just so horrific. thank you. >> reporter: now to the growing tension between russia, china, and the united states. abc news confirmed the u.s. dispatched multiple destroys and an aircraft after tracking chinese and russian ships near the aleutian islands of alaska. dan sullivan calling that foreign patrol unprecedented in size. let's bring in ike ejochi in washington for us. what more are you learning tonight? >> reporter: the united states taking swift action, sending four u.s. navy war ships to the aleutian islands after senators said 11 russian and chinese ships came close to american waters. now, officials say those foreign ships were on patrol in international waters conducting a joint naval exercise. the incident highlights the growing cooperation between these two foreign powers, and it's not the first time this has happened. in september of 2022, the coast guard spotted chinese and russian ships also near the aleutian island chain. u.s. officials say the military had been expecting this chinese/russian patrol for several weeks, and north com saying in a statement that the foreign patrol stayed in international waters that was not considered a threat, but clearly, linsey, concern for the u.s. moving forward. >> and swift u.s. response there. ike, thank you. >> linsey: tensions between the u.s. and russia already high after russia's invasion of ukraine, and tonight, ukraine bringing the war home to russia. explosions could be seen in this video circulating online. two bridges in russian occupied crimea successfully hit and another attempted drone strike on moscow. abc's chief foreign correspondent ian pannell from kyiv. >> reporter: tonight, another attempted drone strike on moscow and successful ukrainian strikes on two key bridges in occupied crimea seen in video circulating online. ukraine trying to limit russia's ability to move men and military equipment to the front lines. there have now been five drone attacks on moscow in the last two weeks. some hitting a building housing russian government offices. and in the black sea, water-borne drones crippling a russian warship. then, the following day, a russian oil tanker. blaming ukraine, the kremlin vowed to retaliate. overnight and into this morning, launching 70 missiles and drones in several waves. firefighters worked for hours to put out the flames after a grain storage site was hit outside kyiv. other military and civilian targets were also struck, including this blood transfusion center, according to president zelenskyy. as the war grinds on, peace talks concluding in saudi arabia without any written statement. russia not invited. ukraine hoping to rally nations including china, india, the u.s., and european countries, to its peace plan that includes a full withdrawal of all russian forces. linsey, the kremlin pouring cold water on these talks. spokesman dimitriy peskov saying there are no grounds for a peace agreement with kyiv, and what they call 'a special military operation' will continue for the foreseeable future. linsey. >> ian, thank you. >> linsey: we turn now to the chilling new details in the alleged murder for hire plot. authorities in the bahamas are focusing on text messages from the phone of an american mother of three now charged with murder conspiracy and an alleged plot to kill her husband. here's abc's jaclyn lee. >> reporter: tonight, a court document obtained by abc news reveals the shocking text message bahamian authorities allege a georgia mother of three sent in a plot to kill her estranged husband while on vacation. "kill him" was the whatsapp message authorities say 36-year-old lindsay shiver admitted in a police interrogation to sending an alleged hitman, along with photos of her husband robert shiver, who bahamian police say became fearful for his life and the lives of his children. detectives alerted the former auburn university football player to that alleged murder plot only after lindsay's alleged lover terrance bethel became a suspect in an unrelated burglary and his phone was obtained in a search warrant. prosecutors say they discovered those text messages between lindsay, bethel and the alleged would-be hit man, farron newbold jr. all three declined our request for comment. >> it's been my experience, that people who plot to kill their spouses almost ultimately always get caught because they don't know what they're doing. >> reporter: documents show the shivers were divorcing after 13 years of marriage, with robert citing "adulterous conduct" and lindsey accusing him of "physical and mental cruelty" and "acts of domestic violence." in 2020, shiver posting on social media, "the key to a perfect marriage is having two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other." linsey, shiver is expected to be released on bail come tuesday. her two alleged coconspirators have already been released on $20,000 bail. robert shiver's family spokesperson declined to comment. >> thank you. >> linsey: next tonight, the incredible rescue at sea. charles gregory had not been heard for in more than a day. his anguished parents had just about given up hope, but the coast guard had not. crews found gregory on top of his capsized boat. the 25-year-old was dehydrated but alive. his parents say he's now recovering at home. here's abc's alex presha. >> reporter: tonight, a florida family's prayers answered in this rescue at sea caught on camera. the crew aboard this coast guard cutter able to pull charles gregory to safety 12 miles off the coast of st. augustine, florida. >> we cannot thank the coast guard, fire rescue, st. augustine, everybody, the paddle boarders, everybody, we just want to say thank you so much. >> reporter: the 25-year-old was last seen thursday night leaving in his 12-foot john boat. his family reported him missing the next day, triggering a massive search. >> not the kind of vessel you want to be in in an off-shore environment. the odds were kind of against us in this case despite all of our search effort. >> reporter: but by saturday morning, they found their needle in a haystack, a coast guard plane spotting gregory sitting barely afloat in his partially submerged boat. first responders rushing him to safety and checking in on him. his father saying he's very dehydrated and sunburnt, but okay. >> there's a god up there. if you ever thought it wasn't, let your kid go missing off-shore in the ocean for 38 hours. i gave up hope. i should never give up hope. >> reporter: tonight, charlie's father says he's been discharged from the hospital and recuperating at home. the coast guard says storms in the region are often small enough to wreck smaller boats. they're urging boaters to have life jackets on board, to keep a marine grade radio, flares, and an emergency beacon locater just in case. linsey. >> essentials for boating. thank you. >> linsey: now to the heart breaker at the women's world cup. team usa is heading home. their attempt at history is now over. americans falling to sweden in an overtime shootout that went down to the wire. their earliest exit ever. the defeat wasn't the way megan rapinoe, one of the greats of the women's game, wanted to end her career, but she says she's now looking forward to the future of the sport. >> the progress that this team and so many other teams around the world have been able to make. and i feel like we've been such a huge part of that. the game is in a great place, a great place to step away. >> rapinoe playing in her fourth world cup. she first joined team usa in 2006. >> linsey: there's much more ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday. two women were killed when a boat went up in flames, and the frantic search for victims after a train went off the rails overseas. remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? 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miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. >> linsey: next tonight, a horrific scene in southern pakistan where a train went off the tracks today. at least 30 people were killed. 90 others injured. rescuers worked for hours to locate victims. authorities say in all, ten cars derailed. the cause is under investigation. the derailments and crashes are common in pakistan where the railroads are poorly maintained. here at home a fire on a power boat turned deadly in southern california. two women were killed and three others taken to hospitals with burns. the victims all in their 60s. the fire broke out near a fueling dock in long beach. firefighters used water cannons to knock down the blaze. the cause is under investigation. >> linsey: when we come back, "barbie" makes history at the box office. and simone biles is back and aiming for another olympics. living with metastatic breast cancer means i cherish my memories. but i don't just look back on them, i look forward to the chance to make new ones every day with verzenio. verzenio is proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant. verzenio + fulvestrant is for hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i'm making future memories every day with verzenio. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. we always had questions. who do we belong to? 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think pink. by the end of this weekend "barbie" is projected to top $1 billion in worldwide ticket sales. only the 53rd film to do it, and the first one ever directed solely by a woman, greta gerwig. "barbie" raked in more than $350 million in just its opening weekend and shows no signs of slowing down. >> linsey: when we come back, her story touched the world. now 6 months old, we catch up with syria's miracle baby. jabb. i was diagnosed with afib. the first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldn't do things without losing my breath. i couldn't make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. every physical exertion seemed to exhaust me. and finally, i went to the hospital where i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor and told them what was happening. instead, i tried to let it pass. if you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light-headedness, you should talk to your doctor. afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times i want my experience to help others understand the symptoms of atrial fibrillation. when it comes to your health, this is no time to wait. you ever try cashbacking? it's earning 3% at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i can save on something special for a first date? wait! that's all for a first date? whoa. alright, c'mon. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? i've always had trouble falling asleep earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. and staying asleep— you know, insomnia. but then i found quviviq, an fda-approved medication for adults with insomnia. and i'm glad i found it. you wouldn't believe some of the things people suggested to help me sleep. nature sounds? ahh, no thanks. my friend's white-noise idea. nope. and i'm not counting sheep. not on the... carpet. insomnia can impact both my days and my nights. so i know how important a good night's sleep is. that's why i take quviviq nightly. maybe i should tell them how it works, taye? quviviq works differently than medications you may have taken in the past. it's thought to target one of the biological causes of insomnia: overactive wake signals. and when taken every night, studies showed sleep continued to improve over time. do not take quviviq if you have narcolepsy. don't drink alcohol while taking quviviq or drive or operate heavy machinery until you feel fully alert. quviviq may cause temporary inability to move or talk or hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up. quviviq may cause sleepiness during the day. quviviq may lead to doing activities while not fully awake that you don't remember the next day, like walking, driving and making or eating food. worsening depression, including suicidal thoughts, may occur. most common side effects are headaches and sleepiness. it's quviviq. ask your doctor if it's right for you. ♪ ♪ >> linsey: she was born under the most grueling of circumstances but tonight she's giving us reason to smile, and she is, too. her rescue captivated the world. in the wake of the devastating 7.8 earthquake in northern syria last february, this newborn was found alive, just 10 hours after she was born under the rubble of her family's home. at the time, she didn't even have a name. tragically, her parents and four siblings did not survive. while the hospital initially served as her home, she's now found her forever home. after a dna test confirmed she was related to the man who rescued her, she was released to that aunt and uncle. they named her afraa after her late mother. and they've since adopted her, raising her, right alongside their seven other children. now six months old, the happy, healthy and much loved family member is thriving. her adoptive father says "this girl is my daughter. she is exactly the same as my children." look at that smile. have a great night. >> way across the bay area, protesters taking two separate paths. and an unlikely fishing trip for police, trying to put an end to the sideshows in east bay that landed three people in the hospital. and a look ahead to tomorrow, several city services brought to a grinding stop in san jose. abc 7 news at 6:00 starts now. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> joining us. i am j.r. stone. four people have been taken to the hospitals after a water rescue in alameda. the rescue took place this afternoon near shoreline park, by the ferry terminal, and it is still unclear for -- what went wrong. all four victims were together in one watercraft which sank during the rescue. one person suffered cardiac arrest, that victim's condition is not know right now. three others were taken to a hospital for observation, but they are expected to be ok. none of the victims have been identified. hundreds of marchers from across the bay area are brave and warm weather and long distances this weekend in the name of immigration reformundocumented residents and their allies a taking part into marches, logging

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Miracle Baby , Rubble , Exit , Attention , Competition , Return , Eyeballing The Next Olympics , World Cup , Linsey Davis , Abc News , Thanks , Life , Everyone , On The Air , New York , Announcer , World News Tonight , World Headquarters , System , Heartland , Alert , Nation , Aim , Thunderstorms , Swath , Forecasters , Heat , Heat Wave , Coast To , Heat Alerts , Spawning , Grip , Drought , Colorado Springs , Funnel Cloud , Florida , Southern California , Firefighters , Experts , State Of Emergency , City , House Crashing , Juneau , Wildfire South , Climate Change , Austin , Texas , 400 , Reporter , South , Storm Reports , North , Summer , Middle , Cluster , D C , Area , Tornado , Watch Box , Georgia , Winds Gusting , Alabama , Louis , Flood Watch , Rain , Baltimore , 60 , Way , Heat Warnings , Parts , Pulses , New England , Homes , Warming , Southwest , August , House , Risk , Flood Waters , Glaciers , Zohreen Shah , Wall , Everything , Banks , Bank , Rapids , Destruction , Roof , Mendenhall River , Water , Emergency Declaration , Flooding , Melting , Mendenhall Glacier , Place , Chance , Region , Country , Flooding Event , Flood , Rate , Rest , Type , 0 2 , 1 , People , Drawing Thousands , Tourists , Mendelhall River , Crown Jewel , Lawyers , Deadline , Election Interference Case , Motion , Campaign Trail , 2020 , Election , Vice President , Mike Pence , Statement , Ike Ejochi In Washington , Abc S Maryalice Parks , Supporters , Request , Delay , Jack Smith , Evidence , Social Media , Team Pointing , Witnesses , Indictments , Witness , Honor , Badge , Rival , Last Night , South Carolina , Votes , Experiences , Vocal , Memory Serves , John Lauro On Pence , Actions , Views , Someone , George Stephanolpolous , Part , Mr , Principles , Doing , Argument , Least , Terms , Oath , Occasions , Fraud , Outcome , Bill Barr , Accounts , Maryalice Parks , Indictment , Defense Strategy , Preview , None , Defendants , Change , Trial , Court , Recusal , Venue , Death , Motor Boat , Adrienne Vaughn , Vacation , Publishing Executive , Boating Accident , Skipper , Italian , Tragedy , Lama Hasan , A Wedding Celebration , Adrienne Vaughan , Help , Throwing Inflatables , Rented Motorboat Carrying American Publishing Executive , Collision , Prosecutor , Media Reporting , Overboard , Force , Sections , Bow , 45 , Vessel , Air Ambulance , Emergency Workers , Authors , Most , Passion , Board , Commitment , Leader , Talent , Readers , Human Being , Bloomsbury Publishing Usa , Association Of American Publishers , Client , Lawyer , Manslaughter , Flash , Ships , Russia , China , Multiple , Aircraft , Patrol , Size , Aleutian Islands , Dan Sullivan , Waters , Senators , Swift Action , 11 , Four , Incident , Time , Cooperation , Exercise , Powers , 2022 , September Of 2022 , Saying , Threat , Concern , Military , North Com , Ukraine , War , Video , Tensions , Explosions , Swift , Ike , Invasion , Drone Strike , Ian Pannell , Bridges , On Moscow , Strikes , Hit Outside Kyiv , Crimea , Ability , Drone Attacks , Men , Lines , Military Equipment , Five , Drones , Offices , Building Housing , Government , Warship , Oil Tanker , Following , Black Sea , Kremlin , Missiles , Waves , Flames , Grain Storage Site , Targets , 70 , Nations , Blood Transfusion Center , Written Statement , Peace Talks Concluding , Zelenskyy , Saudi Arabia , Dimitriy Peskov , Cold Water , Peace Plan , Forces , Withdrawal , Talks , Peace Agreement , Grounds , India , Plot , Text Messages , Authorities , Phone , Military Operation , Murder For Hire , Text Message , Murder Conspiracy , Abc S Jaclyn Lee , Bahamian , Shiver , Hit Man , Message , Police Interrogation , Whatsapp , Kill Him , 36 , Robert Shiver , Lover Terrance Bethel , Lives , Photos , Lindsay , Bahamian Police Say , Football Player , Who , Auburn University , Detectives , Prosecutors , Comment , Suspect , Burglary , Search Warrant , Bethel , Farron Newbold Jr , Experience , Documents , Spouses , Shivers , Marriage , Shiver Posting , Lindsey , Adulterous Conduct , Acts Of Domestic Violence , Physical And Mental Cruelty , 13 , Each Other , Bail , Coconspirators , Bail Come Tuesday , Family Spokesperson , 0000 , 20000 , Hope , Parents , Top , Crews , Charles Gregory , Prayers , Coast Guard Cutter , Crew , Alex Presha , Caught On Camera , 25 , Augustine , Of St , Paddle Boarders , Fire Rescue , 12 , Search , John Boat , Kind , Shore Environment , Responders , Plane , Search Effort , Haystack , Needle , Odds , Wasn T , Father , Safety , Sunburnt , Ocean , Kid , Off Shore , God , 38 , Hospital , Boats , Boaters , Life Jackets , Recuperating , Charlie , Boating , Heart Breaker , Attempt , Grade , Flares , Essentials , Radio , Women S World Cup , Emergency Beacon Locater , One , Megan Rapinoe , Game , Overtime Shootout , Women , Defeat , Career , Wire , Sport , Greats , The Way , Sweden , Teams , Progress , Rapinoe Playing , Victims , Things , Train , In Flames , Rails , Frantic Search , Sunday , 2006 , Fasenra , Asthma , Add On Treatment , Conditions , Reactions , Asthma Attacks , Breathing Problems , Eosinophils , Doctor , Infection , Breathing , Headache , Asthma Treatments , Sore Throat , Don T , Care Of , Jamie , Progressive , Protection , Secret , Round , Dream Car , Dream House , Malibu , Barbie , Astronaut , Boyfriend , Front , Theaters , Dude , Ken , Reason , Pain , Biofreeze , Doubt , Limits , No Matter What , Red Lobster , Grandpa , Crabfest , Crab , Flavors , Garlic Butter , Fun Dining , Got Flavor , Dayumm , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Find Themself , Gut , Body , Fiber , Mirafiber Gummies , Miralax , Mood , Feeling Ughh , 8 , Southern Pakistan , Rescuers , Others , Cars , 90 , 30 , Ten , Cause , Fire , Hospitals , Power Boat , Crashes , Railroads , Derailments , Box Office , History , Water Cannons , Dock , Blaze , Long Beach , Burns , Olympics , Memories , Taking Verzenio , Breast Cancer , Ones , Hr , Diarrhea , Hormone Therapy , Dehydration , Verzenio Fulvestrant , Blood Cell Counts , Signs , Trouble Breathing , Chills , Lung Inflammation , Sign , Fluids , Antidiarrheal , Fever , Breath , Blood Clots , Symptoms , Fatigue , Chest Pain , Liver Problems , Stomach Pain , Shortness , Appetite Loss , Heart Rate , Cough , Bruising , Bleeding , Swelling , Legs , Arms , Nursing , Everyday Verzenio , Immigration Record , Ancestors , Questions , Bladder Leak Pad , Pad , Time Traveler , Liquid , Eczema Treatment , Skin , Cream , Wetness , Pills , Injections , Steroids , Opzelura , Itch , Eczema Treatment Reimagined , Infections , Jak Inhibitors , Counts , Skin Cancer , Lung , Blood Cell , Hepatitis B , Tb , Events , Cancers , Eczema , Side Effect , Lymphoma , Cold , Relief Reimagined , Index , Gymnast , Triumphant Return , Mat , Championships , Eyes , Tokyo Olympics , Condition , Twisties , Ticket Sales , Film , The End , Number One , Billion , 1 Billion , 53 , Greta Gerwig , Story , Weekend , Northern Syria , 50 Million , 350 Million , Afib , Something , Inkling , Airport , Jabb , Physical Exertion , 20 , Heartbeat , Heart Racing , Light Headedness , Times , Stroke , Atrial Fibrillation , Health , Fee , Something Special , Cashbacking , Drugstores , Big , Chase Freedom Unlimited , 3 , Quviviq , Insomnia , Big With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Trouble , Some , Adults , Fda , Ahh , Friend , Idea , Counting Sheep , Carpet , Nature Sounds , Sleep , Night , Medications , Quviviq Nightly , Taye , Wake Signals , Alcohol , Narcolepsy , Studies , Don T Drink , Drive , Activities , Inability , Hallucinations , Eating , Walking , Food , Quviviq May , Machinery , Sleepiness , Thoughts , Side Effects , Headaches , Depression , Smile , Grueling , Circumstances , Wake , Newborn , 7 8 , 10 , Name , Siblings , Dna Test , Uncle , Aunt , Happy , Seven , Six , Daughter , Family Member , Girl , Paths , Protesters , Fishing , Trip , Bay Area , Sideshows , Police , Stop , City Services , Look , East Bay , San Jose , News , Water Rescue , Finding Solutions , Forward , Building A Better Bay Area , Stone , 7 , Watercraft , Shoreline Park , Ferry Terminal , Alameda , Victim , Person , Marchers , Cardiac Arrest , Observation , Hundreds , Residents , In The Name Of , Marches , Logging , Allies , Immigration Reformundocumented ,

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