Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

bowers of killing 11 people has now decided whether he should be put to death. erielle reshef on their decision. tonight, the fbi saying the woman escaped a cinder block room, the door opening from the outside. the incredible story of survival here. this evening, authorities say she escaped a serial rapist who lived in ten states, and now, they want to know if there are more victims. and the moment the suspect was found with his children in the car with him. matt gutman reporting. tonight, the hours-long deadly standoff on an ohio highway. suspects in a gun battle with officers. authorities say a man and a woman took a truck driver hostage. how this ended, and tonight, the new police video just released. in new york city, the migrant crisis. officials sounding the alarm tonight. shelters at capacity. hundreds of people sleeping on the sidewalk. outside a migrant facility. and stephanie ramos reporting. the nypd investigating the fatal stabbing of a professional dancer here in new york. was he targeted because he's gay? authorities want to know tonight if this was a hate crime. a fiery plane crash at an airport outside los angeles, killing two, shutting down the airport. also, the urgent search for a missing mother of four tonight. also, canadian prime minister justin trudeau and his wife reveal they are parting ways. and america strong tonight. a field of dreams secretly planted for his wife. >> david: good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy wednesday night. we do begin tonight with the scare at the capitol, on the eve of former president trump's arraignment in washington, d.c. the alarming moments today, a sign of the heightened security there surrounding trump's court appearance tomorrow. they are taking everything seriously. authorities say a 911 caller reporting an active shooter at senate offices. the capitol put on lockdown for a time. people scrambling through the hallways to get out. officers going floor to floor, searching for any potential threat. shaken staffers escorted out with their hands in the air. capitol police believe this was intended to cause a scare, but there was no shooter. but they're signaling they will take all threats seriously, putting up barriers tonight, with the former president set to return to washington tomorrow. abc's investigative correspondent aaron katersky leading us off from the capitol tonight. >> reporter: tonight, on the eve of donald trump's arraignment in washington, d.c., with security on high alert -- >> which way? >> out this way, down the stairs. >> reporter: evidence of how seriously authorities are taking any threat. >> which way, which way? >> out, out, out. >> reporter: a scare in the senate triggering this massive police response. hundreds of officers rushing to capitol hill. >> we could hear banging and screaming. we could hear shouting in the halls. >> reporter: authorities say it started with a concerning call, an active shooter inside a senate office building around 2:30 in the afternoon. the caller did not report hearing gunshots, but gave police a description of someone wearing body armor. >> see where the bench is? that's where you need to be. go back. >> reporter: the senate side of the capitol put on lockdown. >> we see about 20 capitol hill police running down the hall with vests on, guns drawn. >> reporter: officers searching the three senate office buildings floor-by-floor before declaring the all-clear. >> we found no confirmation that there was an active shooter, and that this may have been a bogus call. >> reporter: but tonight, authorities say they are prepared for anything with history set to play out in this city tomorrow. here at the capitol, we're told the physical barriers are going to be going up tonight, david. police have been preparing for former president trump to appear in court just down the block, and they say tonight, david, they are prepared for anything. david? >> david: aaron katersky leading us off tonight. aaron, thank you. of course, those barriers going up in advance of the former president's arraignment tomorrow. the special counsel bringing a second federal criminal indictment just 24 hours ago. this one, of course, involving january 6th. four new charges alleging donald trump knew he lost the election, but was determined to stay in power. spreading lies to keep the white house, according to the special counsel. tonight, this new indictment mentioning former vice president mike pence more than 100 times. quoting trump telling pence, "you're too honest." tonight, what mike pence is now saying about all this. and tomorrow, what will americans see when donald trump shows up to that courthouse? and who is the judge who will ultimately preside over this case? and how has she ruled in january 6th-related cases before? here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, federal court in washington preparing for an unprecedented arraignment, a former president of the united states set to be fingerprinted and formally charged with trying to keep the white house, even though he knew he lost. an alleged criminal scheme that erupted in violence on january 6th, when donald trump's supporters stormed the capitol. >> it was fueled by lies, lies by the defendant, targeted at obstructing a bedrock function of the u.s. government and the nation's process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election. >> reporter: but the indictment about more than trump's public statements. it was about his actions, too, including a relentless pressure campaign targeting republican officials, including his own vice president, mike pence. pence today reacting to the indictment, which mentions him and his role more than 100 times, and quotes trump telling him, "you're too honest." >> i've been very clear, i had hoped it wouldn't come to this. >> reporter: pence testified before smith's grand jury and turned over "contemporaneous notes" he took after his conversations with trump. >> for my part, i want people to know that i had no right to overturn the election. and that what the president maintained that day, and frankly, has said over and over again, over the last 2 1/2 years, is completely false. >> reporter: the former president's attorney with this line of defense. >> this is an attack on free speech and political advocacy, and there's nothing that's more protected under the first amendment. >> reporter: and tonight, we're learning more about judge tanya chutkan, who will preside over the case. an obama appointee, judge chutkan has handed down tough sentences to january 6th defendants. she also rejected trump's efforts to block the january 6th committee from obtaining his presidential records, declaring "presidents are not kings." >> david: all right, so, let's bring back in pierre thomas, with us right here in new york again tonight. we know the former president set to be arraigned tomorrow in washington, d.c., 4:00 p.m. what do we expect to see? >> reporter: he will enter a highly secure courthouse. he'll be fingerprinted and processed, and then sent up to a hearing that will last about an hour. another high stakes, high drama day, david. >> david: pierre thomas here in new york. you'll be with us as we cover this tomorrow. thank you, pierre. we turn to the other news tonight, and to pittsburgh, and the case of that horrific massacre at a pittsburgh synagogue nearly five years ago now. tonight, the jury voting unanimously that the killer, robert bowers, deserves the death penalty for what is the deadliest anti-semitic attack in u.s. history. those same jurors had already convicted him on 63 counts, including hate crimes. 11 worshippers aged 54 to 97 were killed that day. seven others injured, including five responding officers. tonight, we hear from families of the victims, and the survivors from that day. here's erielle reshef. >> reporter: tonight, the gunman who stormed that pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 in the deadliest attack on the jewish community in u.s. history, sentenced to death by a federal jury. >> he murdered them because they were jewish. >> reporter: after ten hours of deliberations, the same 12 jurors who weeks earlier found robert bowers guilty on all 63 criminal counts, voting unanimously that he should be put to death. >> hate has no place in our community. >> reporter: a judge will now decide whether to uphold that jury recommendation. prosecutors have said bowers was hunting for jews when he entered the tree of life synagogue in october 2018, gunning down congregants during sabbath prayers. the victims, ages 54 to 97. just before his deadly rampage, prosecutors say bowers posted anti-semitic and xenophobic rants on social media. at trial, rabbi jeffrey myers, seen here in this police body camera video fleeing the massacre, flanked by the s.w.a.t. team, testifying about his desperate call to 911. >> today, we received an immense embrace from the halls of justice around all of us. >> reporter: tonight, families of the victims and survivors reacting to the jury's decision. the daughter of daniel stein saying justice has been served. >> i feel like a weight has been lifted, and i can breathe a sigh of relief. may my father's light shine eternally, and his memory, along with the ten other victims, forever be a blessing. >> reporter: and david, as soon as tomorrow morning, the court could hear victim impact statements from those whose lives were forever changed that day. and then the judge will decide whether to uphold the jury's verdict of the death penalty. david? >> david: erielle reshef tonight reporting. erielle, thank you. tonight, the fbi says a woman held captive in a homemade cinder block cell in a home in oregon breaking free with her own bloodied hands. the door opening from the outside to that cell. the fbi says she has escaped a serial rapist. they're now looking for more victims across at least ten states, from california all the way to new york. here's abc's chief national correspondent matt gutman tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi says a young woman fought tooth and nail to free herself from this cinder block cell to escape from a man they allege is a serial rapist. >> the woman fought for her life, beating the doors and the walls of this cell with bloodied hands. >> reporter: the fbi naming 29-year-old negasi zuberi as the suspect, saying he had many other aliases, but whose career as an alleged predator living in plain sight began to unravel on in seattle on july 15th when he is accused of posing as a police officer. he kidnapped a prostitute. according to the complaint, he drove her 450 miles to his home in klamath falls, oregon. they say he then locked her in this makeshift cell, cinder blocks, a naked light bulb, that hard-backed chair, and some water. >> he had actually locked her in there for a couple hours at least, until she realized that she needed to get out of that residence, because her life was in danger. >> reporter: so, they said, she decided to fight. >> when she was trying to escape the cell, she punched it with her own hands, and she had several lacerations along her knuckles. >> through her perseverance, she broke free and waved down a passing motorist, asking for their help to call 911. >> reporter: the next day, officials capturing zuberi in this walmart parking lot in reno, nevada. the complaint saying there was a standoff, zuberi in the car with his children. >> it's actually quite common for serial offenders to become more violent as they move ong. thasy and obsession become mureer. to fulfill it, they have to become more violent. >> reporter: authorities already recovering these disturbing handwritten notes. in one, he jotted, "dig a hole straight down, 100 feet." another entitled "operation takeover" describes what appear to be best practices for a kidnapping, including, "make sure they don't have a bunch of people in their life. you don't want any type of investigation." david, investigators say the suspect has been linked to at least four other violent sexual assaults in four states. they say they know he's lived in ten states since 2016, and they fear that there might be many additional victims out there. that's why the fbi is asking anybody with information to contact them. david? >> david: just a horrific story tonight. matt gutman. matt, thank you. tonight, the hours-long deadly standoff on a highway in ohio. the two suspects, a man and a woman, in a gun battle with officers there. authorities say it began as a routine traffic stop. the two suspects running from police. the pair then highjacking a semitruck and taking the driver hostage. leading police on a 40-mile chase. police shutting down area highways, calling in hostage negotiators. at dawn, as troopers approached the cab, there was an exchange of gunfire. both suspects were killed. the hostage suffered minor injuries in that truck. here in new york city tonight, and to the migrant crisis. new york's mayor eric adams sounding the alarm tonight, pleading for federal help. shelters at capacity now. hundreds now sleeping on the sidewalk. here's stephanie ramos. >> reporter: tonight, new york city officials sounding the alarm after these concerning images. hundreds of migrants on the sidewalk in midtown manhattan. >> we need help. we need -- we need help. and it's -- it's not going to get any better. from -- from this moment on, it's downhill. >> reporter: dozens sleeping on cardboard outside the roosevelt hotel, waiting for a spot inside the intake center. police officers offering food. >> it's not a healthy position for folks to be in, especially after having such long journeys. >> reporter: new york nearing a breaking point. while crossings are down at the southern border, busloads of migrants are still arriving in the city every week. more than 95,000 asylum seekers have arrived since last spring. nearly two-thirds of them are now in the city's care. city shelters at capacity. raniel adrian came from venezuela. he's been waiting for a room at the roosevelt for two days. so many here have come from some so far away, but like raniel, they say they prefer this wait to the dangers back home. city officials said today that 2,300 asylum seekers arrived in new york city last week alone. they say there doesn't seem to be an end in sight, and they are in need of the federal government's help. david? >> david: stephanie ramos with us tonight. stephanie, thank you. now, to the war in ukraine, and tonight, russian drones targeting ukrainian port city on the danube river, near romania. of course, a member of nato. a massive fireball erupting. port operations suspended. 43,000 tons of critical grain supplies were destroyed or damaged. russia has been repeatedly hitting ukraine's ports since quitting a deal allowing safe passage for grain to reach world markets. meantime, here at home and to the economy tonight, and the stock market seeing its best rise since 1987 as of late, falling, though, today, after the u.s. government's credit rating was downgraded. the dow falling 348 points today after last week seeing that best winning streak since '87. it comes after fitch cut the u.s. credit rating from aaa to aa-plus, citing rising debt and budget gridlock here in the u.s. tonight, treasury secretary janet yellen calling it unwarranted, pointing out bipartisan agreements on the debt limit, on infrastructure, and u.s. competitiveness. when we come back tonight, authorities in new york investigating the fatal stabbing of a gay professional dancer. they want to know, was this a hate crime? and the fiery plane crash in southern california. two people dead tonight. they had to shut down the airport for a time. if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at new nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. the chase ink business premier card is made for sam who makes, everyday products, designed smarter. genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. now i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. tonight, here in new york, the nypd now investigating the stabbing of a professional dancer. they want to know if he was attacked because he was gay, and whether this was a hate crime. authorities tell abc news they want to talk to a 17-year-old who was at the scene. he is the person wearing red shorts in surveillance video that shows the victim, o'shea sibley, and his friends dancing and then confronted by a group of men. sibley was later stabbed once in the abdomen. he died at a local hospital. his friends say they believe the attack was because he was gay. tonight, new york city police investigating the possibility of a hate crime. there is also an urgent search tonight for a missing georgia mother of four. imani roberson hasn't been heard from in more than two weeks now. authorities say her white mazda suv was last spotted in atlanta, shortly after her disappearance. that vehicle was found, later burned. roberson's father says he suspects foul play. both of her parents appealing to the public for help in bringing their daughter home. when we come back on this busy news night, the deadly small plane crash in southern california. and there is news coming in tonight on the canadian prime minister justin trudeau and his wife. they were childhood sweethearts, now ending their marriage. and what they're saying tonight. 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Vice President , Pressure , Actions , Campaign , Republican , Wouldn T , Grand Jury , Role , Conversations , Contemporaneous Notes , Smith , 2 1 , Attack , Tanya Chutkan , Defense , Nothing , Line , Advocacy , Speech , Amendment , Obama Appointee , Presidents , Efforts , Defendants , Records , Sentences , Kings , January 6th Committee , Hearing , 00 , 4 , News Tonight , Synagogue , Massacre , High Stakes , High Drama Day , Pierre , Five , Jurors , Death Penalty , Killer , Jury Voting , Worshippers , 54 , 63 , 97 , Families , Survivors , Gunman , Others , Seven , History , Jewish Community , Deliberations , Jewish , 12 , Community , Jury Recommendation , Hate , Place , Prosecutors , Hunting , Sabbath Prayers , Rampage , The Tree Of Life Synagogue , Down Congregants , 2018 , October 2018 , Rabbi Jeffrey Myers , Social Media , Police Body Camera Video , Rants , Trial , Swat Team , Justice , Daughter , Embrace , All Of Us , Daniel Stein , Weight , Father , Sigh , Relief , Memory , Light 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Injuries , Images , Stephanie Ramos , Pleading , It S , Migrants , Better , Dozens , Midtown Manhattan , Roosevelt Hotel , Police Officers , Folks , Position , Spot , Intake Center , Journeys , Food , Crossings , Breaking Point , Asylum Seekers , Care , Busloads , Spring , Southern Border , 95000 , Raniel Adrian , Some , Waiting , Roosevelt , Venezuela , Sight , Dangers , End , Need , 2300 , Ukrainian Port City , War , Drones , Member , Fireball Erupting , Ukraine , Romania , Danube River , Russian , Nato , Stock Market , Safe Passage For Grain To Reach World Markets , Supplies , Sports , Deal , Economy , Port Operations Suspended 43000 Tons Of Critical Grain , 43000 , Credit Rating , Falling , Rise , Winning Streak , Cut , Dow Falling , 87 , 1987 , 348 , Calling It Unwarranted , Janet Yellen , Competitiveness , Debt , Agreements , Budget , Debt Limit , Gridlock , Infrastructure , To Aa Plus , Aaa , Southern California , Struggle , Inspire , Safety Information , Mask , Hose , 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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

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bowers of killing 11 people has now decided whether he should be put to death. erielle reshef on their decision. tonight, the fbi saying the woman escaped a cinder block room, the door opening from the outside. the incredible story of survival here. this evening, authorities say she escaped a serial rapist who lived in ten states, and now, they want to know if there are more victims. and the moment the suspect was found with his children in the car with him. matt gutman reporting. tonight, the hours-long deadly standoff on an ohio highway. suspects in a gun battle with officers. authorities say a man and a woman took a truck driver hostage. how this ended, and tonight, the new police video just released. in new york city, the migrant crisis. officials sounding the alarm tonight. shelters at capacity. hundreds of people sleeping on the sidewalk. outside a migrant facility. and stephanie ramos reporting. the nypd investigating the fatal stabbing of a professional dancer here in new york. was he targeted because he's gay? authorities want to know tonight if this was a hate crime. a fiery plane crash at an airport outside los angeles, killing two, shutting down the airport. also, the urgent search for a missing mother of four tonight. also, canadian prime minister justin trudeau and his wife reveal they are parting ways. and america strong tonight. a field of dreams secretly planted for his wife. >> david: good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy wednesday night. we do begin tonight with the scare at the capitol, on the eve of former president trump's arraignment in washington, d.c. the alarming moments today, a sign of the heightened security there surrounding trump's court appearance tomorrow. they are taking everything seriously. authorities say a 911 caller reporting an active shooter at senate offices. the capitol put on lockdown for a time. people scrambling through the hallways to get out. officers going floor to floor, searching for any potential threat. shaken staffers escorted out with their hands in the air. capitol police believe this was intended to cause a scare, but there was no shooter. but they're signaling they will take all threats seriously, putting up barriers tonight, with the former president set to return to washington tomorrow. abc's investigative correspondent aaron katersky leading us off from the capitol tonight. >> reporter: tonight, on the eve of donald trump's arraignment in washington, d.c., with security on high alert -- >> which way? >> out this way, down the stairs. >> reporter: evidence of how seriously authorities are taking any threat. >> which way, which way? >> out, out, out. >> reporter: a scare in the senate triggering this massive police response. hundreds of officers rushing to capitol hill. >> we could hear banging and screaming. we could hear shouting in the halls. >> reporter: authorities say it started with a concerning call, an active shooter inside a senate office building around 2:30 in the afternoon. the caller did not report hearing gunshots, but gave police a description of someone wearing body armor. >> see where the bench is? that's where you need to be. go back. >> reporter: the senate side of the capitol put on lockdown. >> we see about 20 capitol hill police running down the hall with vests on, guns drawn. >> reporter: officers searching the three senate office buildings floor-by-floor before declaring the all-clear. >> we found no confirmation that there was an active shooter, and that this may have been a bogus call. >> reporter: but tonight, authorities say they are prepared for anything with history set to play out in this city tomorrow. here at the capitol, we're told the physical barriers are going to be going up tonight, david. police have been preparing for former president trump to appear in court just down the block, and they say tonight, david, they are prepared for anything. david? >> david: aaron katersky leading us off tonight. aaron, thank you. of course, those barriers going up in advance of the former president's arraignment tomorrow. the special counsel bringing a second federal criminal indictment just 24 hours ago. this one, of course, involving january 6th. four new charges alleging donald trump knew he lost the election, but was determined to stay in power. spreading lies to keep the white house, according to the special counsel. tonight, this new indictment mentioning former vice president mike pence more than 100 times. quoting trump telling pence, "you're too honest." tonight, what mike pence is now saying about all this. and tomorrow, what will americans see when donald trump shows up to that courthouse? and who is the judge who will ultimately preside over this case? and how has she ruled in january 6th-related cases before? here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, federal court in washington preparing for an unprecedented arraignment, a former president of the united states set to be fingerprinted and formally charged with trying to keep the white house, even though he knew he lost. an alleged criminal scheme that erupted in violence on january 6th, when donald trump's supporters stormed the capitol. >> it was fueled by lies, lies by the defendant, targeted at obstructing a bedrock function of the u.s. government and the nation's process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election. >> reporter: but the indictment about more than trump's public statements. it was about his actions, too, including a relentless pressure campaign targeting republican officials, including his own vice president, mike pence. pence today reacting to the indictment, which mentions him and his role more than 100 times, and quotes trump telling him, "you're too honest." >> i've been very clear, i had hoped it wouldn't come to this. >> reporter: pence testified before smith's grand jury and turned over "contemporaneous notes" he took after his conversations with trump. >> for my part, i want people to know that i had no right to overturn the election. and that what the president maintained that day, and frankly, has said over and over again, over the last 2 1/2 years, is completely false. >> reporter: the former president's attorney with this line of defense. >> this is an attack on free speech and political advocacy, and there's nothing that's more protected under the first amendment. >> reporter: and tonight, we're learning more about judge tanya chutkan, who will preside over the case. an obama appointee, judge chutkan has handed down tough sentences to january 6th defendants. she also rejected trump's efforts to block the january 6th committee from obtaining his presidential records, declaring "presidents are not kings." >> david: all right, so, let's bring back in pierre thomas, with us right here in new york again tonight. we know the former president set to be arraigned tomorrow in washington, d.c., 4:00 p.m. what do we expect to see? >> reporter: he will enter a highly secure courthouse. he'll be fingerprinted and processed, and then sent up to a hearing that will last about an hour. another high stakes, high drama day, david. >> david: pierre thomas here in new york. you'll be with us as we cover this tomorrow. thank you, pierre. we turn to the other news tonight, and to pittsburgh, and the case of that horrific massacre at a pittsburgh synagogue nearly five years ago now. tonight, the jury voting unanimously that the killer, robert bowers, deserves the death penalty for what is the deadliest anti-semitic attack in u.s. history. those same jurors had already convicted him on 63 counts, including hate crimes. 11 worshippers aged 54 to 97 were killed that day. seven others injured, including five responding officers. tonight, we hear from families of the victims, and the survivors from that day. here's erielle reshef. >> reporter: tonight, the gunman who stormed that pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 in the deadliest attack on the jewish community in u.s. history, sentenced to death by a federal jury. >> he murdered them because they were jewish. >> reporter: after ten hours of deliberations, the same 12 jurors who weeks earlier found robert bowers guilty on all 63 criminal counts, voting unanimously that he should be put to death. >> hate has no place in our community. >> reporter: a judge will now decide whether to uphold that jury recommendation. prosecutors have said bowers was hunting for jews when he entered the tree of life synagogue in october 2018, gunning down congregants during sabbath prayers. the victims, ages 54 to 97. just before his deadly rampage, prosecutors say bowers posted anti-semitic and xenophobic rants on social media. at trial, rabbi jeffrey myers, seen here in this police body camera video fleeing the massacre, flanked by the s.w.a.t. team, testifying about his desperate call to 911. >> today, we received an immense embrace from the halls of justice around all of us. >> reporter: tonight, families of the victims and survivors reacting to the jury's decision. the daughter of daniel stein saying justice has been served. >> i feel like a weight has been lifted, and i can breathe a sigh of relief. may my father's light shine eternally, and his memory, along with the ten other victims, forever be a blessing. >> reporter: and david, as soon as tomorrow morning, the court could hear victim impact statements from those whose lives were forever changed that day. and then the judge will decide whether to uphold the jury's verdict of the death penalty. david? >> david: erielle reshef tonight reporting. erielle, thank you. tonight, the fbi says a woman held captive in a homemade cinder block cell in a home in oregon breaking free with her own bloodied hands. the door opening from the outside to that cell. the fbi says she has escaped a serial rapist. they're now looking for more victims across at least ten states, from california all the way to new york. here's abc's chief national correspondent matt gutman tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi says a young woman fought tooth and nail to free herself from this cinder block cell to escape from a man they allege is a serial rapist. >> the woman fought for her life, beating the doors and the walls of this cell with bloodied hands. >> reporter: the fbi naming 29-year-old negasi zuberi as the suspect, saying he had many other aliases, but whose career as an alleged predator living in plain sight began to unravel on in seattle on july 15th when he is accused of posing as a police officer. he kidnapped a prostitute. according to the complaint, he drove her 450 miles to his home in klamath falls, oregon. they say he then locked her in this makeshift cell, cinder blocks, a naked light bulb, that hard-backed chair, and some water. >> he had actually locked her in there for a couple hours at least, until she realized that she needed to get out of that residence, because her life was in danger. >> reporter: so, they said, she decided to fight. >> when she was trying to escape the cell, she punched it with her own hands, and she had several lacerations along her knuckles. >> through her perseverance, she broke free and waved down a passing motorist, asking for their help to call 911. >> reporter: the next day, officials capturing zuberi in this walmart parking lot in reno, nevada. the complaint saying there was a standoff, zuberi in the car with his children. >> it's actually quite common for serial offenders to become more violent as they move ong. thasy and obsession become mureer. to fulfill it, they have to become more violent. >> reporter: authorities already recovering these disturbing handwritten notes. in one, he jotted, "dig a hole straight down, 100 feet." another entitled "operation takeover" describes what appear to be best practices for a kidnapping, including, "make sure they don't have a bunch of people in their life. you don't want any type of investigation." david, investigators say the suspect has been linked to at least four other violent sexual assaults in four states. they say they know he's lived in ten states since 2016, and they fear that there might be many additional victims out there. that's why the fbi is asking anybody with information to contact them. david? >> david: just a horrific story tonight. matt gutman. matt, thank you. tonight, the hours-long deadly standoff on a highway in ohio. the two suspects, a man and a woman, in a gun battle with officers there. authorities say it began as a routine traffic stop. the two suspects running from police. the pair then highjacking a semitruck and taking the driver hostage. leading police on a 40-mile chase. police shutting down area highways, calling in hostage negotiators. at dawn, as troopers approached the cab, there was an exchange of gunfire. both suspects were killed. the hostage suffered minor injuries in that truck. here in new york city tonight, and to the migrant crisis. new york's mayor eric adams sounding the alarm tonight, pleading for federal help. shelters at capacity now. hundreds now sleeping on the sidewalk. here's stephanie ramos. >> reporter: tonight, new york city officials sounding the alarm after these concerning images. hundreds of migrants on the sidewalk in midtown manhattan. >> we need help. we need -- we need help. and it's -- it's not going to get any better. from -- from this moment on, it's downhill. >> reporter: dozens sleeping on cardboard outside the roosevelt hotel, waiting for a spot inside the intake center. police officers offering food. >> it's not a healthy position for folks to be in, especially after having such long journeys. >> reporter: new york nearing a breaking point. while crossings are down at the southern border, busloads of migrants are still arriving in the city every week. more than 95,000 asylum seekers have arrived since last spring. nearly two-thirds of them are now in the city's care. city shelters at capacity. raniel adrian came from venezuela. he's been waiting for a room at the roosevelt for two days. so many here have come from some so far away, but like raniel, they say they prefer this wait to the dangers back home. city officials said today that 2,300 asylum seekers arrived in new york city last week alone. they say there doesn't seem to be an end in sight, and they are in need of the federal government's help. david? >> david: stephanie ramos with us tonight. stephanie, thank you. now, to the war in ukraine, and tonight, russian drones targeting ukrainian port city on the danube river, near romania. of course, a member of nato. a massive fireball erupting. port operations suspended. 43,000 tons of critical grain supplies were destroyed or damaged. russia has been repeatedly hitting ukraine's ports since quitting a deal allowing safe passage for grain to reach world markets. meantime, here at home and to the economy tonight, and the stock market seeing its best rise since 1987 as of late, falling, though, today, after the u.s. government's credit rating was downgraded. the dow falling 348 points today after last week seeing that best winning streak since '87. it comes after fitch cut the u.s. credit rating from aaa to aa-plus, citing rising debt and budget gridlock here in the u.s. tonight, treasury secretary janet yellen calling it unwarranted, pointing out bipartisan agreements on the debt limit, on infrastructure, and u.s. competitiveness. when we come back tonight, authorities in new york investigating the fatal stabbing of a gay professional dancer. they want to know, was this a hate crime? and the fiery plane crash in southern california. two people dead tonight. they had to shut down the airport for a time. if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at new nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. the chase ink business premier card is made for sam who makes, everyday products, designed smarter. genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. now i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. tonight, here in new york, the nypd now investigating the stabbing of a professional dancer. they want to know if he was attacked because he was gay, and whether this was a hate crime. authorities tell abc news they want to talk to a 17-year-old who was at the scene. he is the person wearing red shorts in surveillance video that shows the victim, o'shea sibley, and his friends dancing and then confronted by a group of men. sibley was later stabbed once in the abdomen. he died at a local hospital. his friends say they believe the attack was because he was gay. tonight, new york city police investigating the possibility of a hate crime. there is also an urgent search tonight for a missing georgia mother of four. imani roberson hasn't been heard from in more than two weeks now. authorities say her white mazda suv was last spotted in atlanta, shortly after her disappearance. that vehicle was found, later burned. roberson's father says he suspects foul play. both of her parents appealing to the public for help in bringing their daughter home. when we come back on this busy news night, the deadly small plane crash in southern california. and there is news coming in tonight on the canadian prime minister justin trudeau and his wife. they were childhood sweethearts, now ending their marriage. and what they're saying tonight. 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Vice President , Pressure , Actions , Campaign , Republican , Wouldn T , Grand Jury , Role , Conversations , Contemporaneous Notes , Smith , 2 1 , Attack , Tanya Chutkan , Defense , Nothing , Line , Advocacy , Speech , Amendment , Obama Appointee , Presidents , Efforts , Defendants , Records , Sentences , Kings , January 6th Committee , Hearing , 00 , 4 , News Tonight , Synagogue , Massacre , High Stakes , High Drama Day , Pierre , Five , Jurors , Death Penalty , Killer , Jury Voting , Worshippers , 54 , 63 , 97 , Families , Survivors , Gunman , Others , Seven , History , Jewish Community , Deliberations , Jewish , 12 , Community , Jury Recommendation , Hate , Place , Prosecutors , Hunting , Sabbath Prayers , Rampage , The Tree Of Life Synagogue , Down Congregants , 2018 , October 2018 , Rabbi Jeffrey Myers , Social Media , Police Body Camera Video , Rants , Trial , Swat Team , Justice , Daughter , Embrace , All Of Us , Daniel Stein , Weight , Father , Sigh , Relief , Memory , Light Shine Eternally , Victim , Lives , Blessing , Impact , Verdict , Cell , Home , Erielle Reshef Tonight Reporting , Door , Oregon , Captive , California All The Way , Tooth And Nail , Life , Man , Walls , Doors , Negasi Zuberi , 29 , Predator Living In Plain Sight , Police Officer , Career , Posing , Aliases , Seattle , July 15th , 15 , Complaint , Water , Cinder Blocks , Prostitute , Chair , Klamath Falls , Naked Light Bulb , 450 , Residence , Danger , Help , Zuberi , Perseverance , Parking Lot , Lacerations , Knuckles , Passing Motorist , The Next Day , Nevada , Reno , Offenders , Obsession , Thasy , Mureer , Feet , Operation Takeover , Notes , Hole , Best Practices , Investigation , Type , Kidnapping , Assaults , Bunch , Investigators , 2016 , Highway , Just A Horrific Story Tonight , Information , Anybody , Area , Driver Hostage , Traffic Stop , Gun Battle , Semitruck , Pair , 40 , Eric Adams , Hostage , Highways , Truck , Cab , Hostage Negotiators , Troopers , Exchange , Gunfire , Injuries , Images , Stephanie Ramos , Pleading , It S , Migrants , Better , Dozens , Midtown Manhattan , Roosevelt Hotel , Police Officers , Folks , Position , Spot , Intake Center , Journeys , Food , Crossings , Breaking Point , Asylum Seekers , Care , Busloads , Spring , Southern Border , 95000 , Raniel Adrian , Some , Waiting , Roosevelt , Venezuela , Sight , Dangers , End , Need , 2300 , Ukrainian Port City , War , Drones , Member , Fireball Erupting , Ukraine , Romania , Danube River , Russian , Nato , Stock Market , Safe Passage For Grain To Reach World Markets , Supplies , Sports , Deal , Economy , Port Operations Suspended 43000 Tons Of Critical Grain , 43000 , Credit Rating , Falling , Rise , Winning Streak , Cut , Dow Falling , 87 , 1987 , 348 , Calling It Unwarranted , Janet Yellen , Competitiveness , Debt , Agreements , Budget , Debt Limit , Gridlock , Infrastructure , To Aa Plus , Aaa , Southern California , Struggle , Inspire , Safety Information , Mask , Hose , Inspiresleep Com New Nature S Bounty Hair Growth , Cpap , Hair Complex , Hair Thinning , Love , Nature S Bounty , More , Ink Business , Sam , Premier , Products , Genius , Cash , Reality , Purchases , Smart Ideas , Chase For Business , Smarter , 000 , 2 5 , 5000 , Skin , Dupixent , Reactions , Thing , Running , Kayaking , Eczema , Moderate , Itch , Doctor , Don T , Pain , Vision , Asthma , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Joint Aches , Infection , Gay , 17 , Scene , O Shea Sibley , Shorts , Person , Friends Dancing , Surveillance Video , Men , Group , Abdomen , Hospital , Friends , Imani Roberson , Possibility , Hasn T , Georgia , Mazda , Parents , Both , Disappearance , Suv , Vehicle , Play , Public , Atlanta , Childhood Sweethearts , News , News Night , Plane Crash , Scrolling Content , Phone , Marriage , Ambience , Crickets , School , Videos , Gut , Plan , Feeling , Body , Cpa , Fiber , Mirafiber Gummies , Miralax , Mood , 8 , Company , Bug Spray , Step , Small Business , Bugs , Tax Refund , Innovation Refunds , Tax Attorneys , Team , Sound , Erc , Safe , Zevo , Book Report , Kill , Sprays , Pets , Use , Dad , Cool , Friendly , Bond , Flea , Best , Brother , Pet Pharmacy , Season , A Walk In The Woods , Chewy , 1 , Mom , Retinol , Fast Working Crepe Corrector , Liberty Mutual , Terms , Benefits , Car Insurance , Switching , Reminder , Top , Pile , Pay , 00 Dollars , 700 , Copd , Won T , Breathing , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Things , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Breztri , Swelling , Eye , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Risk , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Tongue , Mouth , Problems Urinating , Night Manager , Ands , Birthday Cake Baker , Student , Whole , National University , Plane , Index , Flames , Van Nuys Airport , Witnesses , Couple , Sky , Sport Cruiser , South Carolina , Statement , Storms , Mrs , Relationship , Quote , On , 18 , Jackpot , Mega Millions Jackpot Now , Kids , Winner , Environment , Loving , Husband , Drawing , There Hasn T , Last Night , April 18th , World News Tonight , America Strong , Horizon Therapeutics , Spreadsheets , Kayak , Ocean , Nutrition , Everyone , Mission , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Protein , Muscle , Support Immune , Heart Health , Vitamins , Minerals , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Pill , Me Rybelsus , Family , Goal , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Gallbladder Problems , Lump , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , 10 , 0 , Locks , Equipment , Oakland , Planting , Something Special , South Side , The Field Of Dreams , Pratt , Outside Wichita , Kansas , 50 , 50th Wedding Anniversary , Sunflowers , Over , Field , Renee , Guy , Gal , Lot , Will Lee , 1 2 Million , 80 , Couldn T , May , Sunflowers Per Acre , 15000 , Roller Skating Party , High School Sweethearts , Dating , Question , Gift , 16th Birthday , 16 , Fun , Somebody Else S , 51 , Breaking News , Hazmat Problem , Homes , Hazmat System , Graders , San Pablo , East Bay , Resilience , Class , Laptops , Responders , Hazmat Situation , Evacuation , Robot , Materials , Look , House At Stanton Avenue Near Giant Highway , Backyard Shed , Situation , Crew , Suiting Up , Richmond Parkway , Containment , Containers , Shed , Residents , Chemist , Evacuation Zone ,

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