Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

antnay sanctions vladimir putin. ian pannell from ukraine. the system moving in tonight, the b the mild west all the way down to atlanta, up to new york. wind chills plunging to 30 below zero in some places. and then the possible nor'easter brewing for the northeast. ginger zee showing us both models tonight. the potential tracks. tonight, the u.s. navy racing to recover an f-35 stealth fighter. the pilot safely ejecting. but why the chinese could be very interested in this highly classified jet. in new york city tonight, news on the second nypd officer to die now after that deadly shootout. he was 27, on the force for four years. for the first time tonight, we will hear from capitol officer eugene goodman in his own words. what he did january 6th, the country and the world saw his bravery. your money and for the second day in a row, the stock market mruplunging, then recovering. dropping 800 points yesterday, more than 1,000 points yes yesterday, and then the comeback. what's driving this? outside new york city tonight, the urgent search for a missing mother and two young children in new jersey. authorities say her husband called police. and news on elton johns tonight. why he won't be taking the stage in dallas. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. news on ukraine and russia and what president biden is now saying about possibly sanction vladimir putin personally. thousands of u.s. troops on heightened alert. but we do begin tonight with the news on the pandemic. late today, an appeals court judge keeping new york's indur mask mandate for schools and businesses in place, at least for now. there was a lot of confusion these last 24 hours after another judge tried to halt the masks. there will now be a hearing and it mirrors the debate across this country. and all of it comes as the u.s. is still reporting 664,000 new cases a day. hospitalizations climbing in 13 states. nearly 20,000 covid patients admitted to hospitals every day across this nation. and we are still seeing about 2,000 covid deaths every day. after the supreme court shot down president biden's mandate for large businesses to require workers be vaccinated, the biden administration now officially withdrawing the business mandate today. the white house has said many large businesses have already put in place rules of their own. tonight, pfizer is now launching a human trial of its new vaccine booster specifically targeting the omicron variant. of course, the question, will it be needed, with cases coming down in parts of the country? and then, looking forward, the big question, will we see another variant that tests us like omicron? what dr. anthony fauci said about that today. abc's erielle reshef leading us off. >> reporter: tonight, that late word from an appeals court judge keeping new york state's school mask mandate in place -- for now. it comes just hours after a ruling striking down the state's indoor mask mandate sparked chaos and confusion across schools and businesses. >> we're not anti-mask, we're just anti-mandate. >> reporter: the governor had vowed to fight it, even with covid cases dropping dramatically in new york. >> the last thing i want to see is a different trend because people gave up on the masks. >> i think it's common sense, i think it's safe to have a mask. >> reporter: some schools today swiftly ditching the mask rule. others keeping the mandate in place, outraging some parents. >> that is a lie. you guys will all be sued. watch me. >> reporter: on long island, parents angry after they say their maskless kids were told to stay in the library and join their classes via zoom. >> i just think it's wrong. for one day, given these kids the opportunity to have the choice to be maskless or masked. it's their constitutional right. >> reporter: it comes as the country reports 664,000 new cases a day and hospitalizations are still climbing across 13 states. southern idaho once again activating its crisis standards of care. >> i know that everyone is tired of the pandemic. like you, i wish we could be done with the pandemic. but unfortunately, the pandemic is not done with us. >> reporter: and tonight, dr. anthony fauci calling pfizer's move to test an omicron-target vaccine a "prudent move." when asked about the back to back nature of the covid variant surges, dr. fauci saying he does not believe we will be seeing that kind of pattern indefinitely. >> even if new variants emerge, they don't take that surge effect that we've seen with the four, now five surges that we've seen since the early 2020. so i don't believe we're going to be seeing that indefinitely. i think it's going to come down and down. and quite frankly, the more people that we get vaccinated and the more people we get boosted, the less the likelihood that we'll be seeing these return variants that keep challenging us. >> reporter: nearly two weeks after the supreme court knocked down president biden's vaccine mandate for large companies, the labor department today officially withdrawing those vaccination and testing requirements. though the biden administration says 98% of federal workers are already vaccinated. and tonight, one man in boston is reportedly facing dire consequences for not getting the vaccine. the family of dj ferguson says the 31-year-old father desperately needs a heart transplant, but is now ineligible because he has not gotten the shot. the hospital saying, "like other transplant programs in the united states, the covid vaccin is one of several vaccines and life style behaviors required for transplant candidates in the mass general brigham system, in order to create both the best chance for a successful operation and also the patient's survival after transplantation." medical ethicist dr. arthur caplan says this is not about discrimination, but about your vaccination status predicting the likelihood of the transplant's success. >> a cold could kill you, covid could kill you. the organs are scarce. we're not going to distribute them to someone who has a very poor chance of living, when others who have vaccinated have a better chance post-surgery of surviving. >> erielle back with us tonight. we know this mask debate is happening all over the country with omicron having peaked in some places. hopefully peaking in other places in the coming weeks. and that news tonight on that new york appeals court judge keeping the mask mandate in effect for schools and businesses for now. after another judge had ruled against the masks. so you hmasks back for now in n york, but there's a hearing coming? >> reporter: that's right, david. it's up to the appellate court if the mandate can stand. previous judges sided with the state and governor hochul says she plans to lift the mask man date if cases continue to drop next month. david? >> erielle, thank you. we're going to turn now to russia and ukraine and u.s. military equipment now arriving there. the pictures coming in tonight. and this evening, president biden saying those 8,500 u.s. troops already put on heightened alert to be sent to the region to support nato allies, they may be moving in the nearer term, were his words today. a new shipment of american an anti-tank missiles arriving in ukraine. the russians releasing new video tonight of their troops in training exercises. and what president biden is now saying tonight about personally sanctioning vladimir putin. abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell on the ground in ukraine tonight. >> reporter: tonight, american anti-tank and bunker-busting missiles arriving in kyiv as the biden administration steps up military support for ukraine in its standoff with russia. this is the latest delivery of u.s.-supplied weapons and ammunition to the ukranian government. it's meant to send a signal of support to the people of ukraine, but also a message of deterrence to the kremlin. 8,500 u.s. troops are on high alert, standing by to deploy to europe in case this crisis escalates further, and tonight, president biden saying they could be on the move sooner rather than later. >> well, it depends. what will lead to that is what's going to happen, what putin does or doesn't do. and i may be moving some of those troops in the nearer term, just because it takes time. >> reporter: more than 100,000 russian troops are now gathered on ukraine's borders with trainloads of troops and equipment moving into belarus on the northern frontier. biden now saying he'd even sanction putin if he attacks. >> if he were to move in with all those forces, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. >> reporter: the kremlin has consistently denied it plans to evade, accusing the u.s. of "hysteria." but america is taking no chances. today's 79-ton military shipment includes more than 270 javelin anti-tank missiles and over 800 shoulder-fired bunker-busting rockets. weawtank w us in training by th ukrainian military last month. the kremlin says this is american and nato interference on its doorstep. the ukrainian government has been playing down the sense of crisis here, but speaking exclusively to abc news, the acting american ambassador to ukraine, saying russia could do anything at the moment. >> and ian pannell back with us again tonight. just incredible reporting from you and the team. and i know you said today that president biden is now indicating that he would consider personalal sanctions on vladimir putin if russia invades? >> reporter: yeah, that's right, david. if putin invaded ukraine, president biden says, quote, there'd be enormous consequences, including possible sanctions against putin himself. worth remembering, though, but when u.s. senators proposed the very same idea last week, the kremlin said it would be a great mistake that would potentially cut off all relations between america and russia. david? >> ian pannell back with us again tonight. ian, thank you. we move on this tuesday night and back here at home, several states bracing for brutal cold and what could be a nor'easter now by late week. up to five inches of snow in detroit. icy roads causing accidents. wind chills 30 below tomorrow. and what the two models now say about this possible nor'easter. chief meteorologist ginger zee back with us again tonight. hey, ginger. >> reporter: hey, david. tonight, you can fee the nibble of that arctic air. that's why you see the wind chill advisories from muncy, indiana, all the way back up to st. cloud. we're talking about the longest stretch of cold this entire winter season for much of the great lakes and even parts of the northeast. so, here are the numbers. chicago with that fresh snow. even though they're in a snow deficit still, will feel like 19 below tomorrow. it will feel like 10 here in new york. philadelphia, not much warmer. 5 for boston. speaking of boston and that nor'easter, it's looking more and more likely like either way, eastern massachusetts and rhode island pick up snow in this, a lot of snow, potentially. and depending on which model comes to fruition, that european model gets closer on saturday. that would give philadelphia and new york a shot at some big-time snow. they will come into unification tomorrow and we will have a detailed forecast, david. >> all right, ginger, the wind on your mic tonight says it all, thank you. we move on to the u.s. navy tonight saying it will try to recover an f-35 stealth fighter. the pie lot safely ejecting. it went down in the south china sea. and tonight, matt gutman here on why the chinese could be very interested in this highly classified american jet. >> reporter: tonight, one of the most sophisticated pieces of military technology on the planet now at the bottom of the south china sea and up for grabs. the navy saying arrangements are already under way to recover an f-35c stealth fighter was conducting routine flight operations, when it suffered a landing mishap, crashing into the flight deck of the aircraft carrier "uss carl vinson" and then fell into the ocean. the pilot ejecting safely and later recovered by helicopter. six sailors were injured on that carrier, two of them and that pilot medevaced to the philippines. the incident, now under investigation, happened a day ago as the "uss carl vinson" carried out a nay have show of force along with the japanese navy in the south china sea, where china has recently made maritime territorial claims. >> the race is on now to get the appropriate kind of recovery gear. the chinese have it, the u.s. navy has it. both those countries are going to want to get a hold of this wreckage. >> reporter: the nearly $100 million fifth-generation stealth fighter, one of the most sophisticated as sets in the u.s. arsenal. >> it's almost invisible to radar. >> reporter: david, the u.s. navy has specialized equipment to salvage aircraft and submarines for incredible deaths. recently bringing up a helicopter from 19,000 feet. but analysts say the chinese have similar equipment, which is why they say the race is on to get to that wreckage. david? >> fascinating. we'll see who gets to it first. matt, thank you. here in new york city tonight, we have learned a second nypd officer has now died after that deadly shooting during a domestic call in harlem. wilbert mora, just 27 years old, he was a four-year veteran of the force. his partner, 22-year-old jason rive rivera, died on friday. members of the force and the community standing vigil outside the precinct. tonight, we have hering from capitol officer eugene goodman in his own words. the country, the world saw those images. video capturing him leading lie yoters away from the senate chamber on january 6th. more than a year later, he's now talking. rachel scott at the capitol. >> reporter: he's the hero officer seen directing senator mitt romney to safety, as the rioters drew even closer. today, officer eugene goodman describing that experience for the first time since insurrection. >> i was just in go mode, you know what i mean? >> reporter: on the podcast "three brothers no sense," goodman didn't even know the mob was nearly upon him, steps away from the senate chamber. >> when you see me come up the stairs and you see me look, before i had went down the stairs to look at the door people were actually out there and standing around and all that kind of stuff, so i told them i think they're downstairs. so when i went down there and i get confronted and i was like oh, they're actually in the building. i didn't -- i honestly didn't know that they were that far in the building. >> reporter: goodman describing how he and his fellow officers didn't want to escalate the sitd wags. >> it could have been -- easily been a blood bath, so kudos to everybody there that showed a measure of restraint with regards to deadly force, because it could have been bad. really, really bad. >> reporter: david, officer goodman has wanted to keep a low profile. he says he felt comfortable enough opening up in this podcast, noting that one of the hosts is a personal friend and fellow capitol police officer. david? >> yeah, he waited more than a year to talk. rachel, thank you. now to your money tonight and the question, what's driving these wild swings on wall street? today, the dow mringing 800 points at one point before then recovering at the end of the day. yesterday, dropping more than 1,000 points before coming back, as well. tonight, the numbers closing down just 66 points after all this, but of course, what's driving it? let's bring in our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis tonight. rebecca? >> reporter: david, traders here on wall street believe the federal reserve is on the verge of hiking interest rates in order to cool and calm down inflation. while that should make prices stabilize over the long-term, it also increases the cost of borrowing and can have an impact of slowing down the economy. most people's 401(k)s track the s&p 500, which is down this year 9%, but when you broaden out that perspective, over the last 12 months, that same stock market is up 13%. over the last five years, it's up 90%, which is why, david, it is so important to think about these things, investing and building that nest egg, over the long-term. david? >> yeah, but still heartpounding to watch. rebecca, thank you. when we come back here tonight, the urgent search outside new york city tonight for a missing mother and her two young children. a and then the news on elton john. the right plan for you. can find just like the “visit a doctor anywhere our rv takes us” plan. the “zero copays means more money for rumba lessons” plan. ♪ and the “visit my doctor while eating pancakes” plan. unitedhealthcare is the #1 medicare plan provider, so you're sure to find the right plan for you. including the only plans with the aarp name. get medicare with more. the world is full of make or break moments. iespecially if you haves postmenopausal 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ask how prolia® can help you. tonight, there is growing concern for a missing mother and two young children in new jersey. police say she and her young sons were last seen at their home on saturday. her husband reporting them missing the next day. cooperating with the investigation. authorities are concerned about their safety. when we come back tonight, news tonight on elton john and news tonight on elton john and david ortiz. once-weeozempic® cp. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever 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make gifts for americans who answered the call. his work, america strong. throughout the pandemic, we have reported here on the families in need, the food banks and those who are answering the call to help. they are america strong. in boston, furnituremaker michael mittelman has been using leftover wood to carve bowls. all of it with a purpose. >> i get a lot out of it. >> shaping, sanding and giving them a finish. >> you can see the shimmer that it had. >> mike making the bowls and posting them on his website, bowls for instead of buying them, he's asking that you help families in need. >> you can donate to any food bank or food pantry anywhere in the country. send me a picture of your donation receipt and i mail you the bowl. >> with a suggested donation of $100 to $200, he's now made 167 bowls, raising more than $25,000 for families in need. with new bowls every two to three weeks. and right here tonight -- >> hi, david. >> mike showing us his work. >> this is a cherry bowl and i have this maple bowl with a rim. >> his bowls shipped all over the country. >> hi, david. >> briana in tucson. >> thought it was a great organization and wanted to give back, so, in return, got this cool bowl that keeps little mandarins on our kitchen counter. >> and tonight, mike back at work in the shop. >> hunger, it's everywhere. and just as close by as an organization, a food bank or a food pantry that's trying to help those hungry people and would be happy to have your support. >> we love your work and your message. i have a feeling those bowls will be all over this country. and by the way, you can always download the abc news app to watch america strong and all of our reporting here at abc news. i'm david muir. from all of us here, good night. >> this is abc 7 news. >> unfortunately, we have seen in number of these hate crimes occur. >> we saw more hate crimes against our communities in san francisco here last year. it significantly more than we did a year before. >> they rise in hate crimes in the bay area. you've seen so many of these videos, that we are hearing from san francisco officials about the numbers behind these disturbing images. good afternoon and thank you for joining us. i am larry beil. larry: against asia and people in san francisco has spiked by an alarming 67%. reporter: but that figure as shocking as it is might not reflect an accurate account because some attacks go under ordered. the question is why. larry: a lawsuit filed by one victim provides a possible answer. reporter david louis looks at the problem. david: secured camera video leaves little doubt how harmful a crimes are. they put harm dutch hard facts on the table during a news conference. the number of eight -- hate crimes was eight, nine, and 60 last year, an increase of 567%. >> we will do everything we can to make those arrests, to hold perpetrators accountable. reporter: chief scott said 31 of the attacks were connected to one person. the statistics reflect only those crimes reported to police. that may reflect victims fears or a lack of prosecution confidence. >> is not up to us. what we do is we bring cases to the prosecutors and that system takes on what it is supposed to do. reporter: victims who seek justice complained of system fails them. >>

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Questions , Livestream , World News Tonight , On The Air , Stories , Judge , Masks , Variant , New York State , Appeals Court , Dr , Omicron , New York , Mask Mandate , Anthony Fauci , Word , Businesses , Hearing , Schools , Booster , Pfizer Launching Human Trials , U S , Question , Likelihood , Ukraine , Russia , Military , Images , Way , System , Vladimir Putin , Sanctions , Ian Pannell , Wind Chills , B , Up To , Antnay , To Atlanta , 30 , Places , Stealth Fighter , Safely Ejecting , Northeast , U S Navy , Ginger Zee , Models , Tracks , Nor Easter Brewing , Racing , F 35 , Zero , 35 , News , Officer , Force , Jet , Shootout , Chinese , Second Nypd , 27 , Four , Eugene Goodman , Country , World , Words , Time , Money , Saw , Bravery , Row , January 6th , Stock Market Mruplunging , Capitol , 6 , Mother , Children , Authorities , Search , Husband , Comeback , Yes , New Jersey , 800 , Two , 1000 , Elton Johns Tonight , In Dallas , Police , Biden , Troops , Alert , Thousands , Pandemic , Place , Lot , Confusion , Indur , 24 , Cases , States , Wall , Covid , Debate , Patients , Hospitalizations Climbing , 13 , 664000 , 20000 , Administration , Workers , Mandate , Supreme Court , The Business Mandate Today , Nation , 2000 , Course , Pfizer , White House , Human Trial , Rules , Vaccine Booster , Reporter , Parts , Forward , Abc , Erielle Reshef , The Big Question , School Mask Mandate , Striking , Chaos , People , It , Thing , Governor , Trend , Common Sense , Mask , Others , Kids , Lie , Safe , Mask Rule , Parents , You Guys , Long Island , Choice , Maskless , Opportunity , Zoom , Library , Right , Classes , One , Southern Idaho , Everyone , Hospitalizations , Crisis Standards Of Care , Move , Kind , Back , Variants , Surge Effect , Nature , Pattern , Covid Variant Surges , Five , Return Variants , 2020 , Vaccine Mandate , Vaccination , Companies , Testing , Requirements , Labor Department , Family , Boston , Consequences , Vaccine , Heart Transplant , Father , Man , Dj Ferguson , 98 , 31 , Vaccines , Hospital , Saying , Shot , Transplant Candidates , Style , Behaviors , Life , Transplant Programs , Covid Vaccin , Mass General Brigham System , Chance , Order , Vaccination Status , Transplantation , Patient , Both , Survival , Operation , Medical Ethicist , Discrimination , Arthur Caplan , Cold , Someone , Transplant , Organs , Success , Living , Mask Debate , Surviving , Hopefully Peaking , Post Surgery , Erielle , David Ortiz , Appellate Court , That S Right , Effect , Hochul , Judges , Equipment , Term , Evening , Pictures , Shipment , Region , Allies , 8500 , Video , Missiles , Russians , Foreign Correspondent , Training Exercises , Support , Delivery , Standoff , Ground , Kyiv , Government , Message , Ammunition , Weapons , Deterrence , Signal , Crisis , Case , Standing , Europe , Trainloads , Borders , Doesn T , Northern Frontier , 100000 , Kremlin , Putin , Forces , Invasion , World War Ii , Chances , Military Shipment , Hysteria , Rockets , Th Ukrainian Military Last , Weawtank W , 270 , 79 , Interference , Doorstep , Nato , Sense , Acting American , Ambassador , Reporting , Anything , Team , Invades , Senators , Quote , Idea , Worth Remembering , Home , Nor Easter , Ian , Relations , Mistake , Snow , Icy Roads , Accidents , Detroit , Ginger , Wind Chill Advisories , Nibble , Fee , All The Way , Arctic Air , Indiana , Muncy , Cloud , Numbers , Stretch , Much , Season , Snow Deficit , Philadelphia , Great Lakes , Chicago , 10 , 19 , More , Eastern Massachusetts , Model , Rhode Island , Fruition , 5 , Mic Tonight , Unification , Forecast , Matt Gutman , Pie , Pieces , South China Sea , American Jet , Planet , Navy , Military Technology , Bottom , Grabs , Arrangements , F 35c , Ocean , Aircraft Carrier , Flight Operations , Landing Mishap , Flight Deck , Ejecting , Uss Carl Vinson , Investigation , Helicopter , Show , Incident , Pilot , Carrier , Sailors , Nay , Japanese Navy , Philippines , Six , Race , Wreckage , Countries , Hold , Claims , Recovery Gear , Sets , Arsenal , Radar , 00 Million , 100 Million , Deaths , Aircraft , Submarines , Feet , Analysts , 19000 , Wilbert Mora , Call , Shooting , Veteran , Fascinating , Harlem , Partner , Community , Precinct , Vigil , Members , Hering , Jason Rive Rivera , 22 , Video Capturing , Senate , Chamber On January 6th , Lie Yoters , Podcast , Mitt Romney , Safety , Rachel Scott , Experience , Insurrection , Rioters , Hero , Go Mode , Stairs , Goodman Didn T , Chamber , Mob , Three Brothers No Sense , Three , Building , Officers , Stuff , Kudos , Everybody , Restraint , Blood Bath , Regards , Sitd Wags , Measure , Police Officer , Friend , Profile , Hosts , Opening , Points , Swings , Wall Street , Dow Mringing , Rebecca Jarvis Tonight , Reserve , This , Hiking Interest Rates , Verge , Traders , 66 , S P 500 , Calm Down Inflation , Prices , Cost , Borrowing , Impact , Economy , 401 , Stock Market , Perspective , 12 , 9 , 90 , 500 , Nest Egg , Things , Urgent Search Outside , Doctor , Plan , Elton John , Rv , Copays , Rumba Lessons , Plans , Medicare Plan Provider , Name , Unitedhealthcare , Get Medicare , Eating Pancakes , Aarp , 1 , Risk , Fracture , Help , Break , Make , Osteoporosis , Iespecially , Blood , Prolia , Calcium , Blood Pressure , Trouble Breathing , Bones , Throat Tightness , Reactions , Take Xgeva , Rash , Jaw Bone Problems , Swelling , Dental Problems , Pain , Thigh Bone Fractures , Bone Fractures , Thigh , Stopping , Hives , Lip , Tongue , Face , Groin , Hip , Spine , Muscle Pain , Side Effects , Skin Problems , Bone , Hospitalization , Joint , Infections , Can , Don T Wait , Sons , Husband Reporting , Concern , Oh , Cp , Weeozempic , Adults , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Weight , 7 , Death , Heart Attack , Stroke , Events , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Isn T , Don T , 2 , Stomach Pain , Don T Take Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Pens , Endocrine 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Shaping , Finish , Food Pantry , Mike , Food Bank , Picture , Website , Buying Them , Donation Receipt , Food Com , Bowl , Donation , 5000 , 00 , 200 , 167 , 100 , 25000 , Organization , Work , Cherry Bowl , Thought , Rim , Maple Bowl , Hi , Briana In Tucson , Cool Bowl , Kitchen Counter , Mandarins , Hunger , Return , Everywhere , Shop , App , David Muir , Hate Crimes , Number , All Of Us , Officials , Videos , Communities , Many , San Francisco , Bay Area , Afternoon , Larry Beil , Asia , Attacks , Victim , Figure , Account , Lawsuit , 67 , Doubt , Problem , Crimes , News Conference , Facts , Table , Answer , Reporter David Louis , Perpetrators , Increase , Arrests , Nine , 60 , Eight , 567 , Victims , Statistics , Person , Prosecution , Lack , Chief Scott , Confidence , Prosecutors , Justice ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

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antnay sanctions vladimir putin. ian pannell from ukraine. the system moving in tonight, the b the mild west all the way down to atlanta, up to new york. wind chills plunging to 30 below zero in some places. and then the possible nor'easter brewing for the northeast. ginger zee showing us both models tonight. the potential tracks. tonight, the u.s. navy racing to recover an f-35 stealth fighter. the pilot safely ejecting. but why the chinese could be very interested in this highly classified jet. in new york city tonight, news on the second nypd officer to die now after that deadly shootout. he was 27, on the force for four years. for the first time tonight, we will hear from capitol officer eugene goodman in his own words. what he did january 6th, the country and the world saw his bravery. your money and for the second day in a row, the stock market mruplunging, then recovering. dropping 800 points yesterday, more than 1,000 points yes yesterday, and then the comeback. what's driving this? outside new york city tonight, the urgent search for a missing mother and two young children in new jersey. authorities say her husband called police. and news on elton johns tonight. why he won't be taking the stage in dallas. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. news on ukraine and russia and what president biden is now saying about possibly sanction vladimir putin personally. thousands of u.s. troops on heightened alert. but we do begin tonight with the news on the pandemic. late today, an appeals court judge keeping new york's indur mask mandate for schools and businesses in place, at least for now. there was a lot of confusion these last 24 hours after another judge tried to halt the masks. there will now be a hearing and it mirrors the debate across this country. and all of it comes as the u.s. is still reporting 664,000 new cases a day. hospitalizations climbing in 13 states. nearly 20,000 covid patients admitted to hospitals every day across this nation. and we are still seeing about 2,000 covid deaths every day. after the supreme court shot down president biden's mandate for large businesses to require workers be vaccinated, the biden administration now officially withdrawing the business mandate today. the white house has said many large businesses have already put in place rules of their own. tonight, pfizer is now launching a human trial of its new vaccine booster specifically targeting the omicron variant. of course, the question, will it be needed, with cases coming down in parts of the country? and then, looking forward, the big question, will we see another variant that tests us like omicron? what dr. anthony fauci said about that today. abc's erielle reshef leading us off. >> reporter: tonight, that late word from an appeals court judge keeping new york state's school mask mandate in place -- for now. it comes just hours after a ruling striking down the state's indoor mask mandate sparked chaos and confusion across schools and businesses. >> we're not anti-mask, we're just anti-mandate. >> reporter: the governor had vowed to fight it, even with covid cases dropping dramatically in new york. >> the last thing i want to see is a different trend because people gave up on the masks. >> i think it's common sense, i think it's safe to have a mask. >> reporter: some schools today swiftly ditching the mask rule. others keeping the mandate in place, outraging some parents. >> that is a lie. you guys will all be sued. watch me. >> reporter: on long island, parents angry after they say their maskless kids were told to stay in the library and join their classes via zoom. >> i just think it's wrong. for one day, given these kids the opportunity to have the choice to be maskless or masked. it's their constitutional right. >> reporter: it comes as the country reports 664,000 new cases a day and hospitalizations are still climbing across 13 states. southern idaho once again activating its crisis standards of care. >> i know that everyone is tired of the pandemic. like you, i wish we could be done with the pandemic. but unfortunately, the pandemic is not done with us. >> reporter: and tonight, dr. anthony fauci calling pfizer's move to test an omicron-target vaccine a "prudent move." when asked about the back to back nature of the covid variant surges, dr. fauci saying he does not believe we will be seeing that kind of pattern indefinitely. >> even if new variants emerge, they don't take that surge effect that we've seen with the four, now five surges that we've seen since the early 2020. so i don't believe we're going to be seeing that indefinitely. i think it's going to come down and down. and quite frankly, the more people that we get vaccinated and the more people we get boosted, the less the likelihood that we'll be seeing these return variants that keep challenging us. >> reporter: nearly two weeks after the supreme court knocked down president biden's vaccine mandate for large companies, the labor department today officially withdrawing those vaccination and testing requirements. though the biden administration says 98% of federal workers are already vaccinated. and tonight, one man in boston is reportedly facing dire consequences for not getting the vaccine. the family of dj ferguson says the 31-year-old father desperately needs a heart transplant, but is now ineligible because he has not gotten the shot. the hospital saying, "like other transplant programs in the united states, the covid vaccin is one of several vaccines and life style behaviors required for transplant candidates in the mass general brigham system, in order to create both the best chance for a successful operation and also the patient's survival after transplantation." medical ethicist dr. arthur caplan says this is not about discrimination, but about your vaccination status predicting the likelihood of the transplant's success. >> a cold could kill you, covid could kill you. the organs are scarce. we're not going to distribute them to someone who has a very poor chance of living, when others who have vaccinated have a better chance post-surgery of surviving. >> erielle back with us tonight. we know this mask debate is happening all over the country with omicron having peaked in some places. hopefully peaking in other places in the coming weeks. and that news tonight on that new york appeals court judge keeping the mask mandate in effect for schools and businesses for now. after another judge had ruled against the masks. so you hmasks back for now in n york, but there's a hearing coming? >> reporter: that's right, david. it's up to the appellate court if the mandate can stand. previous judges sided with the state and governor hochul says she plans to lift the mask man date if cases continue to drop next month. david? >> erielle, thank you. we're going to turn now to russia and ukraine and u.s. military equipment now arriving there. the pictures coming in tonight. and this evening, president biden saying those 8,500 u.s. troops already put on heightened alert to be sent to the region to support nato allies, they may be moving in the nearer term, were his words today. a new shipment of american an anti-tank missiles arriving in ukraine. the russians releasing new video tonight of their troops in training exercises. and what president biden is now saying tonight about personally sanctioning vladimir putin. abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell on the ground in ukraine tonight. >> reporter: tonight, american anti-tank and bunker-busting missiles arriving in kyiv as the biden administration steps up military support for ukraine in its standoff with russia. this is the latest delivery of u.s.-supplied weapons and ammunition to the ukranian government. it's meant to send a signal of support to the people of ukraine, but also a message of deterrence to the kremlin. 8,500 u.s. troops are on high alert, standing by to deploy to europe in case this crisis escalates further, and tonight, president biden saying they could be on the move sooner rather than later. >> well, it depends. what will lead to that is what's going to happen, what putin does or doesn't do. and i may be moving some of those troops in the nearer term, just because it takes time. >> reporter: more than 100,000 russian troops are now gathered on ukraine's borders with trainloads of troops and equipment moving into belarus on the northern frontier. biden now saying he'd even sanction putin if he attacks. >> if he were to move in with all those forces, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. >> reporter: the kremlin has consistently denied it plans to evade, accusing the u.s. of "hysteria." but america is taking no chances. today's 79-ton military shipment includes more than 270 javelin anti-tank missiles and over 800 shoulder-fired bunker-busting rockets. weawtank w us in training by th ukrainian military last month. the kremlin says this is american and nato interference on its doorstep. the ukrainian government has been playing down the sense of crisis here, but speaking exclusively to abc news, the acting american ambassador to ukraine, saying russia could do anything at the moment. >> and ian pannell back with us again tonight. just incredible reporting from you and the team. and i know you said today that president biden is now indicating that he would consider personalal sanctions on vladimir putin if russia invades? >> reporter: yeah, that's right, david. if putin invaded ukraine, president biden says, quote, there'd be enormous consequences, including possible sanctions against putin himself. worth remembering, though, but when u.s. senators proposed the very same idea last week, the kremlin said it would be a great mistake that would potentially cut off all relations between america and russia. david? >> ian pannell back with us again tonight. ian, thank you. we move on this tuesday night and back here at home, several states bracing for brutal cold and what could be a nor'easter now by late week. up to five inches of snow in detroit. icy roads causing accidents. wind chills 30 below tomorrow. and what the two models now say about this possible nor'easter. chief meteorologist ginger zee back with us again tonight. hey, ginger. >> reporter: hey, david. tonight, you can fee the nibble of that arctic air. that's why you see the wind chill advisories from muncy, indiana, all the way back up to st. cloud. we're talking about the longest stretch of cold this entire winter season for much of the great lakes and even parts of the northeast. so, here are the numbers. chicago with that fresh snow. even though they're in a snow deficit still, will feel like 19 below tomorrow. it will feel like 10 here in new york. philadelphia, not much warmer. 5 for boston. speaking of boston and that nor'easter, it's looking more and more likely like either way, eastern massachusetts and rhode island pick up snow in this, a lot of snow, potentially. and depending on which model comes to fruition, that european model gets closer on saturday. that would give philadelphia and new york a shot at some big-time snow. they will come into unification tomorrow and we will have a detailed forecast, david. >> all right, ginger, the wind on your mic tonight says it all, thank you. we move on to the u.s. navy tonight saying it will try to recover an f-35 stealth fighter. the pie lot safely ejecting. it went down in the south china sea. and tonight, matt gutman here on why the chinese could be very interested in this highly classified american jet. >> reporter: tonight, one of the most sophisticated pieces of military technology on the planet now at the bottom of the south china sea and up for grabs. the navy saying arrangements are already under way to recover an f-35c stealth fighter was conducting routine flight operations, when it suffered a landing mishap, crashing into the flight deck of the aircraft carrier "uss carl vinson" and then fell into the ocean. the pilot ejecting safely and later recovered by helicopter. six sailors were injured on that carrier, two of them and that pilot medevaced to the philippines. the incident, now under investigation, happened a day ago as the "uss carl vinson" carried out a nay have show of force along with the japanese navy in the south china sea, where china has recently made maritime territorial claims. >> the race is on now to get the appropriate kind of recovery gear. the chinese have it, the u.s. navy has it. both those countries are going to want to get a hold of this wreckage. >> reporter: the nearly $100 million fifth-generation stealth fighter, one of the most sophisticated as sets in the u.s. arsenal. >> it's almost invisible to radar. >> reporter: david, the u.s. navy has specialized equipment to salvage aircraft and submarines for incredible deaths. recently bringing up a helicopter from 19,000 feet. but analysts say the chinese have similar equipment, which is why they say the race is on to get to that wreckage. david? >> fascinating. we'll see who gets to it first. matt, thank you. here in new york city tonight, we have learned a second nypd officer has now died after that deadly shooting during a domestic call in harlem. wilbert mora, just 27 years old, he was a four-year veteran of the force. his partner, 22-year-old jason rive rivera, died on friday. members of the force and the community standing vigil outside the precinct. tonight, we have hering from capitol officer eugene goodman in his own words. the country, the world saw those images. video capturing him leading lie yoters away from the senate chamber on january 6th. more than a year later, he's now talking. rachel scott at the capitol. >> reporter: he's the hero officer seen directing senator mitt romney to safety, as the rioters drew even closer. today, officer eugene goodman describing that experience for the first time since insurrection. >> i was just in go mode, you know what i mean? >> reporter: on the podcast "three brothers no sense," goodman didn't even know the mob was nearly upon him, steps away from the senate chamber. >> when you see me come up the stairs and you see me look, before i had went down the stairs to look at the door people were actually out there and standing around and all that kind of stuff, so i told them i think they're downstairs. so when i went down there and i get confronted and i was like oh, they're actually in the building. i didn't -- i honestly didn't know that they were that far in the building. >> reporter: goodman describing how he and his fellow officers didn't want to escalate the sitd wags. >> it could have been -- easily been a blood bath, so kudos to everybody there that showed a measure of restraint with regards to deadly force, because it could have been bad. really, really bad. >> reporter: david, officer goodman has wanted to keep a low profile. he says he felt comfortable enough opening up in this podcast, noting that one of the hosts is a personal friend and fellow capitol police officer. david? >> yeah, he waited more than a year to talk. rachel, thank you. now to your money tonight and the question, what's driving these wild swings on wall street? today, the dow mringing 800 points at one point before then recovering at the end of the day. yesterday, dropping more than 1,000 points before coming back, as well. tonight, the numbers closing down just 66 points after all this, but of course, what's driving it? let's bring in our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis tonight. rebecca? >> reporter: david, traders here on wall street believe the federal reserve is on the verge of hiking interest rates in order to cool and calm down inflation. while that should make prices stabilize over the long-term, it also increases the cost of borrowing and can have an impact of slowing down the economy. most people's 401(k)s track the s&p 500, which is down this year 9%, but when you broaden out that perspective, over the last 12 months, that same stock market is up 13%. over the last five years, it's up 90%, which is why, david, it is so important to think about these things, investing and building that nest egg, over the long-term. david? >> yeah, but still heartpounding to watch. rebecca, thank you. when we come back here tonight, the urgent search outside new york city tonight for a missing mother and her two young children. a and then the news on elton john. the right plan for you. can find just like the “visit a doctor anywhere our rv takes us” plan. the “zero copays means more money for rumba lessons” plan. ♪ and the “visit my doctor while eating pancakes” plan. unitedhealthcare is the #1 medicare plan provider, so you're sure to find the right plan for you. including the only plans with the aarp name. get medicare with more. the world is full of make or break moments. iespecially if you haves postmenopausal 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ask how prolia® can help you. tonight, there is growing concern for a missing mother and two young children in new jersey. police say she and her young sons were last seen at their home on saturday. her husband reporting them missing the next day. cooperating with the investigation. authorities are concerned about their safety. when we come back tonight, news tonight on elton john and news tonight on elton john and david ortiz. once-weeozempic® cp. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever 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hall of fame. making it in his first year on the ballot. three-time world series champion and, of course, beloved in boston. when we come back, made in america. the furnituremaker with a gift, if you answer his call. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. your skin isn't just skin. it's a beautiful reflection of everything you've been through. dove body wash, with 5 skin conditioning ingredients, boosts skin's ceramides renewal for hydrated, visibly moisturized skin. renew the love with dove body wash. ♪ ♪ just two pills for v all day pain aleve it, and 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make gifts for americans who answered the call. his work, america strong. throughout the pandemic, we have reported here on the families in need, the food banks and those who are answering the call to help. they are america strong. in boston, furnituremaker michael mittelman has been using leftover wood to carve bowls. all of it with a purpose. >> i get a lot out of it. >> shaping, sanding and giving them a finish. >> you can see the shimmer that it had. >> mike making the bowls and posting them on his website, bowls for instead of buying them, he's asking that you help families in need. >> you can donate to any food bank or food pantry anywhere in the country. send me a picture of your donation receipt and i mail you the bowl. >> with a suggested donation of $100 to $200, he's now made 167 bowls, raising more than $25,000 for families in need. with new bowls every two to three weeks. and right here tonight -- >> hi, david. >> mike showing us his work. >> this is a cherry bowl and i have this maple bowl with a rim. >> his bowls shipped all over the country. >> hi, david. >> briana in tucson. >> thought it was a great organization and wanted to give back, so, in return, got this cool bowl that keeps little mandarins on our kitchen counter. >> and tonight, mike back at work in the shop. >> hunger, it's everywhere. and just as close by as an organization, a food bank or a food pantry that's trying to help those hungry people and would be happy to have your support. >> we love your work and your message. i have a feeling those bowls will be all over this country. and by the way, you can always download the abc news app to watch america strong and all of our reporting here at abc news. i'm david muir. from all of us here, good night. >> this is abc 7 news. >> unfortunately, we have seen in number of these hate crimes occur. >> we saw more hate crimes against our communities in san francisco here last year. it significantly more than we did a year before. >> they rise in hate crimes in the bay area. you've seen so many of these videos, that we are hearing from san francisco officials about the numbers behind these disturbing images. good afternoon and thank you for joining us. i am larry beil. larry: against asia and people in san francisco has spiked by an alarming 67%. reporter: but that figure as shocking as it is might not reflect an accurate account because some attacks go under ordered. the question is why. larry: a lawsuit filed by one victim provides a possible answer. reporter david louis looks at the problem. david: secured camera video leaves little doubt how harmful a crimes are. they put harm dutch hard facts on the table during a news conference. the number of eight -- hate crimes was eight, nine, and 60 last year, an increase of 567%. >> we will do everything we can to make those arrests, to hold perpetrators accountable. reporter: chief scott said 31 of the attacks were connected to one person. the statistics reflect only those crimes reported to police. that may reflect victims fears or a lack of prosecution confidence. >> is not up to us. what we do is we bring cases to the prosecutors and that system takes on what it is supposed to do. reporter: victims who seek justice complained of system fails them. >>

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Questions , Livestream , World News Tonight , On The Air , Stories , Judge , Masks , Variant , New York State , Appeals Court , Dr , Omicron , New York , Mask Mandate , Anthony Fauci , Word , Businesses , Hearing , Schools , Booster , Pfizer Launching Human Trials , U S , Question , Likelihood , Ukraine , Russia , Military , Images , Way , System , Vladimir Putin , Sanctions , Ian Pannell , Wind Chills , B , Up To , Antnay , To Atlanta , 30 , Places , Stealth Fighter , Safely Ejecting , Northeast , U S Navy , Ginger Zee , Models , Tracks , Nor Easter Brewing , Racing , F 35 , Zero , 35 , News , Officer , Force , Jet , Shootout , Chinese , Second Nypd , 27 , Four , Eugene Goodman , Country , World , Words , Time , Money , Saw , Bravery , Row , January 6th , Stock Market Mruplunging , Capitol , 6 , Mother , Children , Authorities , Search , Husband , Comeback , Yes , New Jersey , 800 , Two , 1000 , Elton Johns Tonight , In Dallas , Police , Biden , Troops , Alert , Thousands , Pandemic , Place , Lot , Confusion , Indur , 24 , Cases , States , Wall , Covid , Debate , Patients , Hospitalizations Climbing , 13 , 664000 , 20000 , Administration , Workers , Mandate , Supreme Court , The Business Mandate Today , Nation , 2000 , Course , Pfizer , White House , Human Trial , Rules , Vaccine Booster , Reporter , Parts , Forward , Abc , Erielle Reshef , The Big Question , School Mask Mandate , Striking , Chaos , People , It , Thing , Governor , Trend , Common Sense , Mask , Others , Kids , Lie , Safe , Mask Rule , Parents , You Guys , Long Island , Choice , Maskless , Opportunity , Zoom , Library , Right , Classes , One , Southern Idaho , Everyone , Hospitalizations , Crisis Standards Of Care , Move , Kind , Back , Variants , Surge Effect , Nature , Pattern , Covid Variant Surges , Five , Return Variants , 2020 , Vaccine Mandate , Vaccination , Companies , Testing , Requirements , Labor Department , Family , Boston , Consequences , Vaccine , Heart Transplant , Father , Man , Dj Ferguson , 98 , 31 , Vaccines , Hospital , Saying , Shot , Transplant Candidates , Style , Behaviors , Life , Transplant Programs , Covid Vaccin , Mass General Brigham System , Chance , Order , Vaccination Status , Transplantation , Patient , Both , Survival , Operation , Medical Ethicist , Discrimination , Arthur Caplan , Cold , Someone , Transplant , Organs , Success , Living , Mask Debate , Surviving , Hopefully Peaking , Post Surgery , Erielle , David Ortiz , Appellate Court , That S Right , Effect , Hochul , Judges , Equipment , Term , Evening , Pictures , Shipment , Region , Allies , 8500 , Video , Missiles , Russians , Foreign Correspondent , Training Exercises , Support , Delivery , Standoff , Ground , Kyiv , Government , Message , Ammunition , Weapons , Deterrence , Signal , Crisis , Case , Standing , Europe , Trainloads , Borders , Doesn T , Northern Frontier , 100000 , Kremlin , Putin , Forces , Invasion , World War Ii , Chances , Military Shipment , Hysteria , Rockets , Th Ukrainian Military Last , Weawtank W , 270 , 79 , Interference , Doorstep , Nato , Sense , Acting American , Ambassador , Reporting , Anything , Team , Invades , Senators , Quote , Idea , Worth Remembering , Home , Nor Easter , Ian , Relations , Mistake , Snow , Icy Roads , Accidents , Detroit , Ginger , Wind Chill Advisories , Nibble , Fee , All The Way , Arctic Air , Indiana , Muncy , Cloud , Numbers , Stretch , Much , Season , Snow Deficit , Philadelphia , Great Lakes , Chicago , 10 , 19 , More , Eastern Massachusetts , Model , Rhode Island , Fruition , 5 , Mic Tonight , Unification , Forecast , Matt Gutman , Pie , Pieces , South China Sea , American Jet , Planet , Navy , Military Technology , Bottom , Grabs , Arrangements , F 35c , Ocean , Aircraft Carrier , Flight Operations , Landing Mishap , Flight Deck , Ejecting , Uss Carl Vinson , Investigation , Helicopter , Show , Incident , Pilot , Carrier , Sailors , Nay , Japanese Navy , Philippines , Six , Race , Wreckage , Countries , Hold , Claims , Recovery Gear , Sets , Arsenal , Radar , 00 Million , 100 Million , Deaths , Aircraft , Submarines , Feet , Analysts , 19000 , Wilbert Mora , Call , Shooting , Veteran , Fascinating , Harlem , Partner , Community , Precinct , Vigil , Members , Hering , Jason Rive Rivera , 22 , Video Capturing , Senate , Chamber On January 6th , Lie Yoters , Podcast , Mitt Romney , Safety , Rachel Scott , Experience , Insurrection , Rioters , Hero , Go Mode , Stairs , Goodman Didn T , Chamber , Mob , Three Brothers No Sense , Three , Building , Officers , Stuff , Kudos , Everybody , Restraint , Blood Bath , Regards , Sitd Wags , Measure , Police Officer , Friend , Profile , Hosts , Opening , Points , Swings , Wall Street , Dow Mringing , Rebecca Jarvis Tonight , Reserve , This , Hiking Interest Rates , Verge , Traders , 66 , S P 500 , Calm Down Inflation , Prices , Cost , Borrowing , Impact , Economy , 401 , Stock Market , Perspective , 12 , 9 , 90 , 500 , Nest Egg , Things , Urgent Search Outside , Doctor , Plan , Elton John , Rv , Copays , Rumba Lessons , Plans , Medicare Plan Provider , Name , Unitedhealthcare , Get Medicare , Eating Pancakes , Aarp , 1 , Risk , Fracture , Help , Break , Make , Osteoporosis , Iespecially , Blood , Prolia , Calcium , Blood Pressure , Trouble Breathing , Bones , Throat Tightness , Reactions , Take Xgeva , Rash , Jaw Bone Problems , Swelling , Dental Problems , Pain , Thigh Bone Fractures , Bone Fractures , Thigh , Stopping , Hives , Lip , Tongue , Face , Groin , Hip , Spine , Muscle Pain , Side Effects , Skin Problems , Bone , Hospitalization , Joint , Infections , Can , Don T Wait , Sons , Husband Reporting , Concern , Oh , Cp , Weeozempic , Adults , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Weight , 7 , Death , Heart Attack , Stroke , Events , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Isn T , Don T , 2 , Stomach Pain , Don T Take Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Changes , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Provider , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Health Care Provider , Type 2 Diabetes , Hygienist , Prescription , Cleans , Round Head , Oral B , 25 , 3 , Asthma , Cleaning , Wow , Dupixent , Du , Teamwork , Walks , Yardwork , Treatment , Types , Breathing Problems , Asthma Attacks , Add On , Lung Function , Bn , Chest Pain , Breath , Shortness , Steroids , Numbness , Icsget Help , Infection , Don T Change , Tingling , Limbs , Asthma Treatments , Asthma Specialist , Index , Symptoms , On Hold , Postponing Concerts In Dallas , Farewell Tour , Arkansas , Red Sox , Furnituremaker , Champion , Ballot , Beloved , World Series , Made In America , Baseball Hall Of Fame , In The Woods , Gift , Nothing , Around , Stages , Colon Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Screening , Stool , Dna , Noninvasive , Yep , 92 , 45 , Skin , Everything , Results , Reflection , Dove Body Wash , Renewal , Skin Conditioning Ingredients , Company , Alevex Topical Pain Relief , Love , Pills , Day Pain Relief In , Aleve , Kayak , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Spreadsheets , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Immunotherapies , Combination , Cell Lung Cancer , Gene , Spread , Alk , Positive , Egfr , Pd L1 , Immune System , Yervoy , Response , Opdivo , Cancer , Ways , Problems , Eye Problems , Irregular Heartbeat , Appetite , Body , Constipation , Lead , Dizziness , Fainting , Urine , Tiredness , Thirst , Cough , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Joint Pain , Stem Cell Transplant , Organ , Conditions , Weakness , Fever , Flushing , Itching , Chest Radiation , Americans , Leftover Wood , Purpose , Trials , Something , Station Wcbv , Carving , Gifts , The Call , Families , Need , America Strong , Food Banks , Furnituremaker Michael Mittelman , Bowls , Shimmer , Sanding , Shaping , Finish , Food Pantry , Mike , Food Bank , Picture , Website , Buying Them , Donation Receipt , Food Com , Bowl , Donation , 5000 , 00 , 200 , 167 , 100 , 25000 , Organization , Work , Cherry Bowl , Thought , Rim , Maple Bowl , Hi , Briana In Tucson , Cool Bowl , Kitchen Counter , Mandarins , Hunger , Return , Everywhere , Shop , App , David Muir , Hate Crimes , Number , All Of Us , Officials , Videos , Communities , Many , San Francisco , Bay Area , Afternoon , Larry Beil , Asia , Attacks , Victim , Figure , Account , Lawsuit , 67 , Doubt , Problem , Crimes , News Conference , Facts , Table , Answer , Reporter David Louis , Perpetrators , Increase , Arrests , Nine , 60 , Eight , 567 , Victims , Statistics , Person , Prosecution , Lack , Chief Scott , Confidence , Prosecutors , Justice ,

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