Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

investigation into the attack on the capitol. president trump's former attorney general william barr now talking to the january 6th committee, according to the committee's chairman. investigators are now pouring through hundreds of documents from the national archive. what we're learning tonight. an arctic blast targeting millions. bringing bitter cold -- but for how long? as a rare winter wildfire rages in the west. rob marciano standing by. tonight, with hospitals and staff still feeling the strain, and 80,000 confirmed covid deaths just since thanksgiving, dr. fauci today sounding more optimistic about the weeks ahead, saying omicron could peak in february. testing supplies, a tool in the fight, still hard to come by. new images tonight of that backlogged california warehouse where millions of covid tests are slowly going out for delivery. and overseas tonight, beijing olympics organizers confirming 72 positive cases with the winter games less than two weeks away. a family demands justice today for a 23-year-old connecticut woman found dead after a date. why the family intends to sue police. and a medical miracle. a heartwarming update from the family of separated conjoined twins. good evening, everyone. thanks so much for joining us on this sunday. i'm linsey davis. we'll get to the breaking story out of ukraine in a moment. but we begin with the major crackdown on illegal guns in new york and elsewhere in the northeast. late today, new york governor kathy hochul announced a partnership with the police and atf. the news comes as one of the two new york city police officers shot on friday now fights for his life. just before we came on the air, the officer transferred hospitals. he and another officer were both shot while answering a call, but one died. across the country, gun violence against civilians and police officers is on the rise. phil lipof leads us off. >> reporter: tonight, a somber show of respect on the streets of new york city for nypd officer jason rivera. killed in the line of duty. as the governor announces a new interstate task force to combat illegal guns. the governor saying we have to do everything we can to fight the scourge of illegal guns on our streets. the news coming as the body of 22-year-old rivera was transferred from the hospital to a funeral home. his partner, 27-year-old wilbert mora, critically wounded when police say they were ambushed by armed suspect lashaun mcneil in a harlem apartment. >> let me get a bus here asap. >> reporter: a third officer shooting mcneil, who is hospitalized. the nypd says mcneil fired this glock equipped with a high capacity magazine that could hold up to 40 rounds. now, mayor eric adams demanding the federal government take action, including passing president biden's build back better plan, to fund crisis programs and help curb the flow of illegal guns into big cities. >> the police department is doing their job, taking thousands of guns off the streets. yet each time you take a gun off, there's a constant flow of new guns coming here. >> reporter: the nypd bringing back a plainclothes anti-gun unit this week to target known offenders. new york city is not alone. nationwide, a sharp rise in gun violence. already this year, excluding suicides, more than 1,100 people in the u.s. have died from gun violence. and at least 17 officers have been shot. >> there's an officer got shot. >> reporter: in texas just this morning, 47-year-old corporal charles galloway, a 12-year veteran of the harris county constable's office, shot and killed during a traffic stop. >> what we are seeing on what appears to be a regular basis on the streets of harris county has got to stop. that has got to stop. >> 2021 already on pace to be the worst year in gun violence in decades. phil joins us now from new york city. what more are we learning tonight about the governor's task force? >> reporter: governor hochul says more than 50 law enforcement representatives from nine northeastern states will get together this week with police and the atf to begin to share data and resources so they can begin to figure out how to stop the flow of illegal guns. linsey? >> phil, thank you. now to our other breaking story. the state department is urging some diplomats to consider leaving now. more than 100,000 russian troops are on the border of ukraine. antony blinken warning the u.s. and its allies would take quick action if those forces come into the country. america continues to send military aid to ukraine. here's maryalice parks. >> reporter: tonight, the u.s. government officially authorizing some american diplomats in ukraine to evacuate. ordering their families to leave. the latest memo stating the security conditions are unpredictable, and can deteriorate with little notice. >> we're tracking intensely hour by hour and certainly day by day. >> reporter: our patrick reevell on the ground in ukraine's capital. >> reporter: there's no real sense of alarm here on the ground. this is not an emergency evacuation. it's more about the state department not wanting to be caught off-guard should the worst happen. >> reporter: unlike in afghanistan, americans will mostly fly out commercially. flying in, more ammunition and other military aid this week from the u.s. and partners to support ukrainian troops. exactly the kind of help ukrainians say they need in the face of a possible invasion from russia, but also the kind of hardware from the west the kremlin says is a red line. tonight, u.s. officials also weighing in on these new accusations from the british government, claims they have intelligence that russia is looking to install a pro-russian leader in ukraine. >> there will be very serious consequences if russia takes this move to try and invade but also install a puppet regime. >> reporter: the russian foreign ministry dismissing the comments as "disinformation." this weekend, president biden at camp david meeting with members of his national security team. biden again warning that there will be swift consequences should russia invade ukraine. >> we want to make sure that an invasion doesn't happen. >> reporter: on abc's "this week," senator joni ernst saying that the u.s. must fight for democracy abroad. >> it is important that we step up for our allies in europe. when democracy is stable, that means our troops, our citizens are much more safe. >> maryalice parks joins us from outside the white house. the biden administration has been negotiating for weeks at this point. how confident are they that these talks are working? >> reporter: linsey, they definitely do not seem confident. i think they're hoping that the fact that the talks are ongoing is a good sign. but today, secretary blinken admitted it's possible that putin is just going through the motions, and has already made up his mind one way or the other. linsey? >> maryalice, thank you. there's word that former attorney general bill barr has been talking to the committee investigating the january 6th insurrection. barr, who was of course a staunch defender of former president trump during his tenure, resigned in december 2020 after publicly rebuking trump's false election claims. kenneth moton is on capitol hill. >> reporter: tonight, new revelations in the congressional investigation into the attack on the capitol. the chairman of the january 6th house select committee now revealing the nation's former top law enforcement official in the trump administration, bill barr, has spoken to the panel. >> we've had conversations with the former attorney general already. >> reporter: chairman bennie thompson says in addition to barr, the committee has spoken to defense department individuals. our jonathan karl reporting months ago that barr said he investigated former president trump's false claims about the 2020 election. >> if i found something, you know, i had no motive to suppress it. but my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. it was all [ bleep ]. >> reporter: amid growing tensions with trump and after publicly stating there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud, barr resigned just weeks before trump left office. committee investigators now pouring over more than 700 newly released trump documents from the national archives after the supreme court rejected the former president's effort to stop them. the panel also focusing on the trump family in recent days, obtaining phone records from eric trump and requesting ivanka trump sit down for an interview. no word if ivanka trump will comply. the chairman of the committee says public hearings are expected to happen sometime in the spring. >> kenneth, thank you. another arctic blast sweeping across the country. targeting millions later this week. that's on top of the snow and ice some are already seeing. and chicago getting more than three inches of snow. and residents in upstate new york warned to be careful on the roads. lake effect snow making driving hazardous. let's get right to rob marciano. hi, rob. >> reporter: winter just doesn't want to end here in the east. a couple of alberta clippers coming through. with shots of cold air. pittsburgh, cleveland, snowing. winter weather advisories up again for chicago as the next one comes down. that will bring more snow for the morning rush. not a ton, but enough to slick things up. one to four inches. and lake enhanced snow in places like cleveland and pittsburgh. detroit, columbus. another shot of cold air, wednesday into thursday. this slides east on thursday. linsey? >> rob, thank you. now to the pandemic. today dr. fauci saying it appears the u.s. is headed in the right direction. and omicron cases could peak early next month. nationwide, early hot spots like the northeast are starting to see a drop in covid-19 infections. but some areas are seeing a rapid rise in people testing positive, placing enormous pressure on health care facilities and workers. and the nation's covid death toll still soaring. nearly 80,000 americans falling victim to the virus since thanksgiving. here's zohreen shah. >> reporter: tonight, even as hospitals struggle, major new signs the record-breaking omicron surge might be easing. dr. anthony fauci saying he's confident the current wave will peak by mid-february. >> things are looking good. we don't want to get overconfident but they look like they're going in the right direction. >> reporter: nationwide, new cases falling 10% in the last week. fauci saying infections already peaked and declined in the northeast and the upper midwest, but in parts of the south and west, they're still rising. in arkansas, where hospital admissions jumped 30% in the last week, four members of the smith family testing positive. 19-month-old vinny, still too young for the shot, got very sick. his family struggling to find an open bed at the local hospital. >> there didn't seem to be enough people to help everyone that needed it. >> reporter: in texas, 27-year-old mother crystal hernandez was not vaccinated when she died of covid complications less than two weeks after the birth of her sixth child. >> i wish i would have hugged her tighter and held her longer before i let her walk through those sliding doors. >> reporter: in the nation's capital tonight, thousands rallying against vaccine mandates. health officials stressing vaccines and booster shots are the best defense against severe infection from omicron. but 86 million eligible americans still haven't received one. testing demand still high. in california, new video showing tens of millions of rapid tests waiting to be shipped out of this warehouse. i-health, which has a government contract, saying omicron cases and supply chain issues making the delays worse. deliveries finally starting to catch up. we're talking about millions and millions of tests. >> correct. we hope these weapons can be delivered to the battlefield as soon as possible. >> reporter: the white house telling abc news it is helping the company get those tests out the door. and overseas in china tonight, officials in beijing confirming at least 72 covid infections among olympic personnel with the winter games now just two weeks away. here in l.a., the second largest school district has new mask guidelines. starting tomorrow, they don't want kids to wear cloth masks anymore, they want them to wear the fitted ones, even outdoors. >> zohreen, thank you. now we turn to one family's demand for justice. police say lauren smith-fields died after a date with a man she met on the app bumble. relatives say they plan to sue the police, accusing them of mishandling the investigation. here's zachary kiesch. >> reporter: tonight, lauren smith-fields' family is demanding justice. calling for an independent investigation after they say local police have dragged their heels and violated the family's civil rights. the accusations coming in a legal notice the family has filed as part of a planned lawsuit against bridgeport and the police department. >> it's not just about lauren. it's about every girl that could potentially go through something like this. we don't ever want this to happen to anybody. >> reporter: police have said the investigation is ongoing. smith-fields, a 23-year-old black woman, was found dead on december 12th after investigators say she spent a night at her apartment with a white man she met on the dating app bumble. that man telling officers the two were drinking, and that at some point she went outside to meet up with someone. she later became sick, and he carried her to bed, according to the incident report. he called police in the morning after he noticed she was unresponsive, with blood coming out of her nose. >> i just could not believe that my little -- my baby sister was gone. >> reporter: the family is now accusing police of failing to pursue evidence. and asked further questions to the man who was last at lauren's apartment. linsey, police have not responded directly to the claim. they say they're waiting for cause of death and toxicology reports. linsey? >> zachary, thank you. we turn overseas now. the u.s.-led coalition says that an attempt to break out of a prison in syria has been contained. the u.s. calling in air strikes to help syrian forces on the ground. the troops surrounding the complex, which holds thousands of isis fighters, many of whom were killed in the uprising. but some were able to escape. and still ahead, disturbing new images show the moments before a teenager's death. and a rare winter wildfire raging in california. ♪ i'm getting vaccinated with prevnar 20. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm asking about prevnar 20. because there's a chance pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you're 65 or older you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20 is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. even if you've already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, ask your doctor if prevnar 20 could help provide additional protection. don't get prevnar 20 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. that's why i chose to get vaccinated with prevnar 20. because just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated with prevnar 20 today. keeps has given me the control of my hair back. seeing the progress was awesome, seeing my hair grow back so quick. i feel great, i feel confident. i feel very happy about my journey so far with keeps and where it's going in the future. get started at we were alone when my husband had the heart attack. he's the most important thing in my life. i'm so lucky to get him back. your heart isn't just yours. protect it with bayer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. tonight, disturbing new tonight, disturbing new images show a black teenager struggling with staff at a kansas juvenile center just before they restrained him face-down for more than 30 minutes, according to the district attorney's report. 17-year-old cedric lofton later stopped breathing. he was rushed to a hospital, but then died two days later. a coroner ruled his death a homicide. officials are releasing the videos after the d.a. said that the state's stand your ground law prevented him from pressing criminal charges against the center's employees because he determined they were protecting themselves. lawmakers now say they may revisit the law. and that rare winter wildfire still raging in california. providing more evidence that climate change is affecting the state's fire season. the so-called colorado fire burning more than 1,000 acres south of monterey. highway 1 remains closed in the big sur area, with evacuation orders still in effect for hundreds of people. so far, firefighters have partially contained the fire. when we come back, news on the nfl playoffs. did tom brady just play his final game? and what oxford students can expect when they return to school tomorrow, just two months after the deadly shooting there. ? and what oxford students can to be a thriver withents can ex metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. oop, someone's not doing their job. ask your doctor about living longer okay, let's keep going. shopping for the game can be a minefield for young homeowners who have turned into their parents. can you believe how many different types of water they have in this aisle? 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Wall , U S , Stories , On The Air , Crackdown , 6 , Jason Rivera , Governor , Guns , Police Officers , Life , One , Story , Shooting , New York , Fighting , Somber Procession Today Honoring Murdered , Two , Diplomats , Ukraine , Invasion , Families , Saying , Secretary Of State , Aid , Military , Russian , Fears , Situation , Antony Blinken , Country , Putin , President , Ground , Ammunition , Team , Planning , Puppet Leader , Developments , Uk , Investigation , Rebuking Trump , Committee , Chairman , Capitol , William Barr , Attack , Documents , Investigators , Archive , Hundreds , Learning , January 6th Committee , January 6th , Cold , Hospitals , West , Winter Wildfire , Staff , Deaths , Arctic Blast Targeting Millions , Strain , Rob Marciano Standing By , Confirmed Covid , 80000 , Anthony Fauci , Dr , Millions , Omicron , Images , California Warehouse , Testing Supplies , Covid Tests , Fight , Tool , Family , Woman , Cases , Delivery , Justice , Winter Games , Overseas , Beijing Olympics , Connecticut , 23 , 72 , Twins , Miracle , Update , Conjoined , Thanks , Everyone , Linsey Davis , News , Atf , Partnership , Kathy Hochul , Police , Northeast , Elsewhere , Shot , Call , Reporter , Streets , Gun Violence , Rise , Phil Lipof , Line , Show , Respect , Nypd , Civilians , Duty , Interstate Task Force , Hospital , Everything , Scourge , Body , Rivera , 22 , Shooting Mcneil , Partner , Lashaun Mcneil , Bus , Funeral Home , Harlem Apartment , Wilbert Mora , 27 , Biden At Camp David , Action , Plan , Help , Government , Flow , Eric Adams , Magazine , Build , Capacity , Rounds , Glock , Mcneil , Crisis Programs , 40 , Police Department , Job , Gun , Thousands , Cities , People , Nationwide , Have , Unit , Offenders , Suicides , 1100 , Officers , Office , Charles Galloway , Officer , Traffic Stop , Constable , Veteran , Harris County , Texas , Got , 12 , 17 , 47 , Basis , Pace , 2021 , Law Enforcement Representatives , Nine Northeastern States , Task Force , Nine , 50 , Data , Resources , Warning , Troops , State Department , Allies , Breaking , Border , 100000 , Forces , Military Aid , Maryalice Parks , Notice , Security Conditions , Memo , Day By , Patrick Reevell , Capital , Worst , Emergency Evacuation , Sense , Alarm , Off Guard , In Afghanistan , Ukrainians , Kind , Partners , Face , Hardware , Flying In , Officials , Accusations , Intelligence , Leader , Red Line , Kremlin , Consequences , Comments , Puppet Regime , Move , Disinformation , Foreign Ministry , Security , Democracy , Doesn T , Joni Ernst , Members , Meeting , Abc , Citizens , Safe , Europe , Point , Talks , Administration , Negotiating , Sign , White House , Fact , Word , Way , Other , Mind , Motions , Secretary Blinken , January 6th Insurrection , Defender , Election Claims , Course , Tenure , December 2020 , 2020 , Nation , Panel , Law Enforcement Official , Kenneth Moton , Revelations , Conversations , January 6th House Select Committee , Capitol Hill , Claims , Reporting , Attorney General , Individuals , Election , Addition , Defense Department , Bennie Thompson , Evidence , Something , Nothing , Motive , Trump , Suspicion , Tensions , Voter Fraud , Bleep , Committee Investigators , Effort , Left , Supreme Court , The National Archives , 700 , Hearings , Phone Records , Interview , Ivanka Trump , Eric Trump , Sit , Snow , Some , Chicago , Top , Spring , Arctic Blast , Three , East , Rob Marciano , Upstate New York , Roads , Residents , Lake Effect Snow Making Driving Hazardous , Hi , Shots , Couple , Clippers , Winter Weather , Cold Air , Snowing , Cleveland , Pittsburgh , Alberta , Things , Lake , Morning Rush , Ton , Places , Detroit , Columbus , Four , Direction , Pandemic , Spots , Infections , Pressure , Areas , Workers , Positive , Drop , Health Care Facilities , Death Toll , 19 , Omicron Surge , Zohreen Shah , Virus , Victim , Good , Wave , Mid February , 10 , Parts , Hospital Admissions , The Smith Family , South , Upper Midwest , Arkansas , 30 , Bed , Vinny , There Didn T , Testing Positive , Crystal Hernandez , Sliding Doors , Child , Complications , Birth , Walk , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccines , Health Officials , Booster Shots , Defense , Infection , Haven T , Tests , I Health , Government Contract , Testing Demand , Warehouse , Video Showing Tens , 86 Million , Deliveries , Supply Chain , Delays , Issues , Correct , Company , Weapons , Door , Battlefield , Beijing , China , They Don T , School District , Personnel , Mask Guidelines , Cloth , Olympic , L A , Man , Lauren Smith Fields , App , Bumble , Ones , Demand , Zachary Kiesch , Relatives , Rights , Part , Lauren , Lawsuit , Heels , Bridgeport , Calling , Girl , Anybody , December 12th , Someone , Apartment , Dating , Drinking , Sick , Report , Blood , Little , Baby Sister , Incident , Nose , Claim , Questions , Death , Toxicology Reports , Cause , Prison , Syria , Attempt , Coalition , Complex , Fighters , Many , Air Strikes , Uprising , Isis , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Prevnar 20 , Risk , Teenager , 20 , Adults , Chance Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Strains , Bacteria , 65 , Doctor , Vaccine , Dose , Reaction , Pneumonia Vaccine , Ingredients , Protection , Side Effects , Pain , Muscle Pain , Swelling , Plans , Response , Immune Systems , Fatigue , Headache , Injection Site , Hair , Pharmacist , Progress , Control , Husband , In My Life , Journey , Heart Attack , Keeps Com Tv , It , Aspirin Regimen , Heart Isn T , Bayer Aspirin , Coroner , Breathing , District Attorney , Kansas , Cedric Lofton , Estate , Stand Your Ground Law , Center , Charges , Law , Videos , Homicide , Employees , Lawmakers , Fire Season , Evacuation Orders , Remains , Monterey , Climate Change , Colorado Fire Burning , Big Sur Area , Highway 1 , 1 , 1000 , Students , Tom Brady , Game , Effect , Fire , Firefighters , Playoffs , Oxford , Nfl , Breast Cancer , Women , Thriver Withents , Kisqali , Pill , Fulvestrant , Aromatase Inhibitor , Hr , Disease , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Chest Pain , Lung Problems , Breathing Problems , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Cough , Skin , Change , Treatment , Breastfeeding , Chills , Bleeding , Eyes , Dizziness , Rash , Appetite , Loss , Yellowing , Fever , Tiredness , Urine , Grapefruit , Bruising , Parents , Homeowners , Types , Shopping , Okay , Minefield , Water , Aisle , Blades , Oop , Kim , Football Game , Progressive , Manager , Ah , Jackpot , Variety Pack , Slice , Lot , Produce , Roger , Uh , Brian , Home , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Auto , Bit , Nope , Candidates , Find Themself , A1c , Blood Sugar , Stop Trulicity , Job Description , Daughter , Diabetesription , Visit Indeed Com Hire , 2 , Ten , Type 2 Diabetes , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Children , It Isn T , Use , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Dehydration , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Vision , Taking Trulicity , Neck , Lump , Pancreatitis , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Diabetic Retinopathy , Music , Surgery , Contracture , Option , Record , Dupuytren S Contracture , Index , Oxford High School , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Message , High School , Changes , Injured , Principal , Seven , Old Black Man , Protests , Campus , Rule , Arrest , Minneapolis , Trial , Backpacks , George Floyd , Derek Chauvin , 46 , World , Treasury , Season , Floyd , Tax Filing , Challenges , Chatter , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , 240 Million , 15000 , Retirement , Quarterback , Conjoined Twins , Teammates , Separation , Indication , Los Angeles Rams , Sources , 44 , Stop Taking Jardiance , Grilling Game , Underhand Sky Serve , Meet Ron , On Fire , Heart Disease , Weight , Jardiance May , Ketoacidosis , Urinary Tract Infections , Kidney Function , Genital Yeast , Perineum , Dialysis , Nature , Organization , Vitamins , First , Supplement , Standards , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Brand , Usp , Planning Effect , Investing Strategies , Advisor , Picture , Wealth , Salonpas , Back Pain , Relief , Stomach , Medicine , Guy , Pay , Personal Record , Limu , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu Emu Squawks , Cold Relief , Blood Pressure , Liberty , High Blood Pressure , Sneeze , Coricidin , Cold Medicines , Voya , Last Thing On My Mind , Workplace , Most , Liquid , Benefits , Solutions , In The Woods , Choice , Colon Cancer , Well Invested , Screening , Around , Dna , Stool , Cologuard , Noninvasive , Stages , Colon Cancers , Results , Provider , Yep , 45 , 92 , Lives , Lengths , Womb , Ultrasound , Dom , Kid , Maggie Altobelli , Babies , Chest , Steps , Options , Belly , Shock , Surprise , Girls , This Is It , Separating , Expertise , Philadelphia , Children S Hospital Of Philadelphia , Congratulations , Separation Surger , Addy , Lily , C Section , November 18th , 18 , November 18th 2020 , 4 2 , Each Other , Intensive Care Unit , Preparation , Wrestling , October 13th , 11 , 13 , Specialists , Time , Faith , Hope , Reminder , Inspiring , Watching , David Muir , Evening , Health , Districts , Safety , Money , In The Dark , Problems , Sides , Latest , Power Lines , Issue , North Bay , Argument , Trees , Role , Bay Area , Russian Forces , Ukraine Takeover By , Group , Step , Orders , Finding Solutions , Rally , Forward , Building A Better Bay Area , Protesters , 00 , Vaccine Requirements , Anti Vax Rally In Marin , Mandates , Mandate , Discrimination , Form , United , Civic Center Protesting Mandates , Masking , Vaccination , Lawsuit Against ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

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investigation into the attack on the capitol. president trump's former attorney general william barr now talking to the january 6th committee, according to the committee's chairman. investigators are now pouring through hundreds of documents from the national archive. what we're learning tonight. an arctic blast targeting millions. bringing bitter cold -- but for how long? as a rare winter wildfire rages in the west. rob marciano standing by. tonight, with hospitals and staff still feeling the strain, and 80,000 confirmed covid deaths just since thanksgiving, dr. fauci today sounding more optimistic about the weeks ahead, saying omicron could peak in february. testing supplies, a tool in the fight, still hard to come by. new images tonight of that backlogged california warehouse where millions of covid tests are slowly going out for delivery. and overseas tonight, beijing olympics organizers confirming 72 positive cases with the winter games less than two weeks away. a family demands justice today for a 23-year-old connecticut woman found dead after a date. why the family intends to sue police. and a medical miracle. a heartwarming update from the family of separated conjoined twins. good evening, everyone. thanks so much for joining us on this sunday. i'm linsey davis. we'll get to the breaking story out of ukraine in a moment. but we begin with the major crackdown on illegal guns in new york and elsewhere in the northeast. late today, new york governor kathy hochul announced a partnership with the police and atf. the news comes as one of the two new york city police officers shot on friday now fights for his life. just before we came on the air, the officer transferred hospitals. he and another officer were both shot while answering a call, but one died. across the country, gun violence against civilians and police officers is on the rise. phil lipof leads us off. >> reporter: tonight, a somber show of respect on the streets of new york city for nypd officer jason rivera. killed in the line of duty. as the governor announces a new interstate task force to combat illegal guns. the governor saying we have to do everything we can to fight the scourge of illegal guns on our streets. the news coming as the body of 22-year-old rivera was transferred from the hospital to a funeral home. his partner, 27-year-old wilbert mora, critically wounded when police say they were ambushed by armed suspect lashaun mcneil in a harlem apartment. >> let me get a bus here asap. >> reporter: a third officer shooting mcneil, who is hospitalized. the nypd says mcneil fired this glock equipped with a high capacity magazine that could hold up to 40 rounds. now, mayor eric adams demanding the federal government take action, including passing president biden's build back better plan, to fund crisis programs and help curb the flow of illegal guns into big cities. >> the police department is doing their job, taking thousands of guns off the streets. yet each time you take a gun off, there's a constant flow of new guns coming here. >> reporter: the nypd bringing back a plainclothes anti-gun unit this week to target known offenders. new york city is not alone. nationwide, a sharp rise in gun violence. already this year, excluding suicides, more than 1,100 people in the u.s. have died from gun violence. and at least 17 officers have been shot. >> there's an officer got shot. >> reporter: in texas just this morning, 47-year-old corporal charles galloway, a 12-year veteran of the harris county constable's office, shot and killed during a traffic stop. >> what we are seeing on what appears to be a regular basis on the streets of harris county has got to stop. that has got to stop. >> 2021 already on pace to be the worst year in gun violence in decades. phil joins us now from new york city. what more are we learning tonight about the governor's task force? >> reporter: governor hochul says more than 50 law enforcement representatives from nine northeastern states will get together this week with police and the atf to begin to share data and resources so they can begin to figure out how to stop the flow of illegal guns. linsey? >> phil, thank you. now to our other breaking story. the state department is urging some diplomats to consider leaving now. more than 100,000 russian troops are on the border of ukraine. antony blinken warning the u.s. and its allies would take quick action if those forces come into the country. america continues to send military aid to ukraine. here's maryalice parks. >> reporter: tonight, the u.s. government officially authorizing some american diplomats in ukraine to evacuate. ordering their families to leave. the latest memo stating the security conditions are unpredictable, and can deteriorate with little notice. >> we're tracking intensely hour by hour and certainly day by day. >> reporter: our patrick reevell on the ground in ukraine's capital. >> reporter: there's no real sense of alarm here on the ground. this is not an emergency evacuation. it's more about the state department not wanting to be caught off-guard should the worst happen. >> reporter: unlike in afghanistan, americans will mostly fly out commercially. flying in, more ammunition and other military aid this week from the u.s. and partners to support ukrainian troops. exactly the kind of help ukrainians say they need in the face of a possible invasion from russia, but also the kind of hardware from the west the kremlin says is a red line. tonight, u.s. officials also weighing in on these new accusations from the british government, claims they have intelligence that russia is looking to install a pro-russian leader in ukraine. >> there will be very serious consequences if russia takes this move to try and invade but also install a puppet regime. >> reporter: the russian foreign ministry dismissing the comments as "disinformation." this weekend, president biden at camp david meeting with members of his national security team. biden again warning that there will be swift consequences should russia invade ukraine. >> we want to make sure that an invasion doesn't happen. >> reporter: on abc's "this week," senator joni ernst saying that the u.s. must fight for democracy abroad. >> it is important that we step up for our allies in europe. when democracy is stable, that means our troops, our citizens are much more safe. >> maryalice parks joins us from outside the white house. the biden administration has been negotiating for weeks at this point. how confident are they that these talks are working? >> reporter: linsey, they definitely do not seem confident. i think they're hoping that the fact that the talks are ongoing is a good sign. but today, secretary blinken admitted it's possible that putin is just going through the motions, and has already made up his mind one way or the other. linsey? >> maryalice, thank you. there's word that former attorney general bill barr has been talking to the committee investigating the january 6th insurrection. barr, who was of course a staunch defender of former president trump during his tenure, resigned in december 2020 after publicly rebuking trump's false election claims. kenneth moton is on capitol hill. >> reporter: tonight, new revelations in the congressional investigation into the attack on the capitol. the chairman of the january 6th house select committee now revealing the nation's former top law enforcement official in the trump administration, bill barr, has spoken to the panel. >> we've had conversations with the former attorney general already. >> reporter: chairman bennie thompson says in addition to barr, the committee has spoken to defense department individuals. our jonathan karl reporting months ago that barr said he investigated former president trump's false claims about the 2020 election. >> if i found something, you know, i had no motive to suppress it. but my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. it was all [ bleep ]. >> reporter: amid growing tensions with trump and after publicly stating there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud, barr resigned just weeks before trump left office. committee investigators now pouring over more than 700 newly released trump documents from the national archives after the supreme court rejected the former president's effort to stop them. the panel also focusing on the trump family in recent days, obtaining phone records from eric trump and requesting ivanka trump sit down for an interview. no word if ivanka trump will comply. the chairman of the committee says public hearings are expected to happen sometime in the spring. >> kenneth, thank you. another arctic blast sweeping across the country. targeting millions later this week. that's on top of the snow and ice some are already seeing. and chicago getting more than three inches of snow. and residents in upstate new york warned to be careful on the roads. lake effect snow making driving hazardous. let's get right to rob marciano. hi, rob. >> reporter: winter just doesn't want to end here in the east. a couple of alberta clippers coming through. with shots of cold air. pittsburgh, cleveland, snowing. winter weather advisories up again for chicago as the next one comes down. that will bring more snow for the morning rush. not a ton, but enough to slick things up. one to four inches. and lake enhanced snow in places like cleveland and pittsburgh. detroit, columbus. another shot of cold air, wednesday into thursday. this slides east on thursday. linsey? >> rob, thank you. now to the pandemic. today dr. fauci saying it appears the u.s. is headed in the right direction. and omicron cases could peak early next month. nationwide, early hot spots like the northeast are starting to see a drop in covid-19 infections. but some areas are seeing a rapid rise in people testing positive, placing enormous pressure on health care facilities and workers. and the nation's covid death toll still soaring. nearly 80,000 americans falling victim to the virus since thanksgiving. here's zohreen shah. >> reporter: tonight, even as hospitals struggle, major new signs the record-breaking omicron surge might be easing. dr. anthony fauci saying he's confident the current wave will peak by mid-february. >> things are looking good. we don't want to get overconfident but they look like they're going in the right direction. >> reporter: nationwide, new cases falling 10% in the last week. fauci saying infections already peaked and declined in the northeast and the upper midwest, but in parts of the south and west, they're still rising. in arkansas, where hospital admissions jumped 30% in the last week, four members of the smith family testing positive. 19-month-old vinny, still too young for the shot, got very sick. his family struggling to find an open bed at the local hospital. >> there didn't seem to be enough people to help everyone that needed it. >> reporter: in texas, 27-year-old mother crystal hernandez was not vaccinated when she died of covid complications less than two weeks after the birth of her sixth child. >> i wish i would have hugged her tighter and held her longer before i let her walk through those sliding doors. >> reporter: in the nation's capital tonight, thousands rallying against vaccine mandates. health officials stressing vaccines and booster shots are the best defense against severe infection from omicron. but 86 million eligible americans still haven't received one. testing demand still high. in california, new video showing tens of millions of rapid tests waiting to be shipped out of this warehouse. i-health, which has a government contract, saying omicron cases and supply chain issues making the delays worse. deliveries finally starting to catch up. we're talking about millions and millions of tests. >> correct. we hope these weapons can be delivered to the battlefield as soon as possible. >> reporter: the white house telling abc news it is helping the company get those tests out the door. and overseas in china tonight, officials in beijing confirming at least 72 covid infections among olympic personnel with the winter games now just two weeks away. here in l.a., the second largest school district has new mask guidelines. starting tomorrow, they don't want kids to wear cloth masks anymore, they want them to wear the fitted ones, even outdoors. >> zohreen, thank you. now we turn to one family's demand for justice. police say lauren smith-fields died after a date with a man she met on the app bumble. relatives say they plan to sue the police, accusing them of mishandling the investigation. here's zachary kiesch. >> reporter: tonight, lauren smith-fields' family is demanding justice. calling for an independent investigation after they say local police have dragged their heels and violated the family's civil rights. the accusations coming in a legal notice the family has filed as part of a planned lawsuit against bridgeport and the police department. >> it's not just about lauren. it's about every girl that could potentially go through something like this. we don't ever want this to happen to anybody. >> reporter: police have said the investigation is ongoing. smith-fields, a 23-year-old black woman, was found dead on december 12th after investigators say she spent a night at her apartment with a white man she met on the dating app bumble. that man telling officers the two were drinking, and that at some point she went outside to meet up with someone. she later became sick, and he carried her to bed, according to the incident report. he called police in the morning after he noticed she was unresponsive, with blood coming out of her nose. >> i just could not believe that my little -- my baby sister was gone. >> reporter: the family is now accusing police of failing to pursue evidence. and asked further questions to the man who was last at lauren's apartment. linsey, police have not responded directly to the claim. they say they're waiting for cause of death and toxicology reports. linsey? >> zachary, thank you. we turn overseas now. the u.s.-led coalition says that an attempt to break out of a prison in syria has been contained. the u.s. calling in air strikes to help syrian forces on the ground. the troops surrounding the complex, which holds thousands of isis fighters, many of whom were killed in the uprising. but some were able to escape. and still ahead, disturbing new images show the moments before a teenager's death. and a rare winter wildfire raging in california. ♪ i'm getting vaccinated with prevnar 20. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm asking about prevnar 20. because there's a chance pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you're 65 or older you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20 is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. even if you've already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, ask your doctor if prevnar 20 could help provide additional protection. don't get prevnar 20 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. that's why i chose to get vaccinated with prevnar 20. because just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated with prevnar 20 today. keeps has given me the control of my hair back. seeing the progress was awesome, seeing my hair grow back so quick. i feel great, i feel confident. i feel very happy about my journey so far with keeps and where it's going in the future. get started at we were alone when my husband had the heart attack. he's the most important thing in my life. i'm so lucky to get him back. your heart isn't just yours. protect it with bayer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. tonight, disturbing new tonight, disturbing new images show a black teenager struggling with staff at a kansas juvenile center just before they restrained him face-down for more than 30 minutes, according to the district attorney's report. 17-year-old cedric lofton later stopped breathing. he was rushed to a hospital, but then died two days later. a coroner ruled his death a homicide. officials are releasing the videos after the d.a. said that the state's stand your ground law prevented him from pressing criminal charges against the center's employees because he determined they were protecting themselves. lawmakers now say they may revisit the law. and that rare winter wildfire still raging in california. providing more evidence that climate change is affecting the state's fire season. the so-called colorado fire burning more than 1,000 acres south of monterey. highway 1 remains closed in the big sur area, with evacuation orders still in effect for hundreds of people. so far, firefighters have partially contained the fire. when we come back, news on the nfl playoffs. did tom brady just play his final game? and what oxford students can expect when they return to school tomorrow, just two months after the deadly shooting there. ? and what oxford students can to be a thriver withents can ex metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. oop, someone's not doing their job. ask your doctor about living longer okay, let's keep going. shopping for the game can be a minefield for young homeowners who have turned into their parents. can you believe how many different types of water they have in this aisle? 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[upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started. to to the "index" tonight. oxford high school students are bracing to return to school tomorrow just two months after the shooting there left four dead and seven injured. their principal released this welcome back message today. >> we are reopening our high school. we're reclaiming our high school back. >> and they will be returning to some changes, like a renovated campus, ramped up security, and a new rule requiring clear backpacks. the federal trial begins tomorrow for the three other former minneapolis police officers who were involved with derek chauvin in the deadly arrest of george floyd. the 46-year-old black man whose death sparked protests around the world. the officers charged with depriving floyd of his civil rights. the new tax filing season starts tomorrow. the treasury is warning people to brace for challenges. treasury officials say there are less than 15,000 people to field the more than 240 million calls that they receive. and there's chatter among the tampa bay buccaneers that tom brady may have played in his last game after tampa bay lost to the los angeles rams. the 44-year-old quarterback has given no such indication. but sources say his teammates are bracing for his imminent retirement. when we come back, a medical miracle. the separation of conjoined twins, and an update tonight from the family. meet ron. that man is always on. and he's on it with jardiance for type 2 diabetes. his underhand sky serve? on fire. his grilling game? on point. and his a1c? ron is on it. with the once-daily pill, jardiance. jardiance not only lowers a1c... it goes beyond to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease. and jardiance may help you lose some weight. jardiance may cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. a once-daily pill that goes beyond lowering a1c? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. for back pain, designed to help you keep more of what you earn. i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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Wall , U S , Stories , On The Air , Crackdown , 6 , Jason Rivera , Governor , Guns , Police Officers , Life , One , Story , Shooting , New York , Fighting , Somber Procession Today Honoring Murdered , Two , Diplomats , Ukraine , Invasion , Families , Saying , Secretary Of State , Aid , Military , Russian , Fears , Situation , Antony Blinken , Country , Putin , President , Ground , Ammunition , Team , Planning , Puppet Leader , Developments , Uk , Investigation , Rebuking Trump , Committee , Chairman , Capitol , William Barr , Attack , Documents , Investigators , Archive , Hundreds , Learning , January 6th Committee , January 6th , Cold , Hospitals , West , Winter Wildfire , Staff , Deaths , Arctic Blast Targeting Millions , Strain , Rob Marciano Standing By , Confirmed Covid , 80000 , Anthony Fauci , Dr , Millions , Omicron , Images , California Warehouse , Testing Supplies , Covid Tests , Fight , Tool , Family , Woman , Cases , Delivery , Justice , Winter Games , Overseas , Beijing Olympics , Connecticut , 23 , 72 , Twins , Miracle , Update , Conjoined , Thanks , Everyone , Linsey Davis , News , Atf , Partnership , Kathy Hochul , Police , Northeast , Elsewhere , Shot , Call , Reporter , Streets , Gun Violence , Rise , Phil Lipof , Line , Show , Respect , Nypd , Civilians , Duty , Interstate Task Force , Hospital , Everything , Scourge , Body , Rivera , 22 , Shooting Mcneil , Partner , Lashaun Mcneil , Bus , Funeral Home , Harlem Apartment , Wilbert Mora , 27 , Biden At Camp David , Action , Plan , Help , Government , Flow , Eric Adams , Magazine , Build , Capacity , Rounds , Glock , Mcneil , Crisis Programs , 40 , Police Department , Job , Gun , Thousands , Cities , People , Nationwide , Have , Unit , Offenders , Suicides , 1100 , Officers , Office , Charles Galloway , Officer , Traffic Stop , Constable , Veteran , Harris County , Texas , Got , 12 , 17 , 47 , Basis , Pace , 2021 , Law Enforcement Representatives , Nine Northeastern States , Task Force , Nine , 50 , Data , Resources , Warning , Troops , State Department , Allies , Breaking , Border , 100000 , Forces , Military Aid , Maryalice Parks , Notice , Security Conditions , Memo , Day By , Patrick Reevell , Capital , Worst , Emergency Evacuation , Sense , Alarm , Off Guard , In Afghanistan , Ukrainians , Kind , Partners , Face , Hardware , Flying In , Officials , Accusations , Intelligence , Leader , Red Line , Kremlin , Consequences , Comments , Puppet Regime , Move , Disinformation , Foreign Ministry , Security , Democracy , Doesn T , Joni Ernst , Members , Meeting , Abc , Citizens , Safe , Europe , Point , Talks , Administration , Negotiating , Sign , White House , Fact , Word , Way , Other , Mind , Motions , Secretary Blinken , January 6th Insurrection , Defender , Election Claims , Course , Tenure , December 2020 , 2020 , Nation , Panel , Law Enforcement Official , Kenneth Moton , Revelations , Conversations , January 6th House Select Committee , Capitol Hill , Claims , Reporting , Attorney General , Individuals , Election , Addition , Defense Department , Bennie Thompson , Evidence , Something , Nothing , Motive , Trump , Suspicion , Tensions , Voter Fraud , Bleep , Committee Investigators , Effort , Left , Supreme Court , The National Archives , 700 , Hearings , Phone Records , Interview , Ivanka Trump , Eric Trump , Sit , Snow , Some , Chicago , Top , Spring , Arctic Blast , Three , East , Rob Marciano , Upstate New York , Roads , Residents , Lake Effect Snow Making Driving Hazardous , Hi , Shots , Couple , Clippers , Winter Weather , Cold Air , Snowing , Cleveland , Pittsburgh , Alberta , Things , Lake , Morning Rush , Ton , Places , Detroit , Columbus , Four , Direction , Pandemic , Spots , Infections , Pressure , Areas , Workers , Positive , Drop , Health Care Facilities , Death Toll , 19 , Omicron Surge , Zohreen Shah , Virus , Victim , Good , Wave , Mid February , 10 , Parts , Hospital Admissions , The Smith Family , South , Upper Midwest , Arkansas , 30 , Bed , Vinny , There Didn T , Testing Positive , Crystal Hernandez , Sliding Doors , Child , Complications , Birth , Walk , Vaccine Mandates , Vaccines , Health Officials , Booster Shots , Defense , Infection , Haven T , Tests , I Health , Government Contract , Testing Demand , Warehouse , Video Showing Tens , 86 Million , Deliveries , Supply Chain , Delays , Issues , Correct , Company , Weapons , Door , Battlefield , Beijing , China , They Don T , School District , Personnel , Mask Guidelines , Cloth , Olympic , L A , Man , Lauren Smith Fields , App , Bumble , Ones , Demand , Zachary Kiesch , Relatives , Rights , Part , Lauren , Lawsuit , Heels , Bridgeport , Calling , Girl , Anybody , December 12th , Someone , Apartment , Dating , Drinking , Sick , Report , Blood , Little , Baby Sister , Incident , Nose , Claim , Questions , Death , Toxicology Reports , Cause , Prison , Syria , Attempt , Coalition , Complex , Fighters , Many , Air Strikes , Uprising , Isis , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Prevnar 20 , Risk , Teenager , 20 , Adults , Chance Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Strains , Bacteria , 65 , Doctor , Vaccine , Dose , Reaction , Pneumonia Vaccine , Ingredients , Protection , Side Effects , Pain , Muscle Pain , Swelling , Plans , Response , Immune Systems , Fatigue , Headache , Injection Site , Hair , Pharmacist , Progress , Control , Husband , In My Life , Journey , Heart Attack , Keeps Com Tv , It , Aspirin Regimen , Heart Isn T , Bayer Aspirin , Coroner , Breathing , District Attorney , Kansas , Cedric Lofton , Estate , Stand Your Ground Law , Center , Charges , Law , Videos , Homicide , Employees , Lawmakers , Fire Season , Evacuation Orders , Remains , Monterey , Climate Change , Colorado Fire Burning , Big Sur Area , Highway 1 , 1 , 1000 , Students , Tom Brady , Game , Effect , Fire , Firefighters , Playoffs , Oxford , Nfl , Breast Cancer , Women , Thriver Withents , Kisqali , Pill , Fulvestrant , Aromatase Inhibitor , Hr , Disease , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Chest Pain , Lung Problems , Breathing Problems , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Cough , Skin , Change , Treatment , Breastfeeding , Chills , Bleeding , Eyes , Dizziness , Rash , Appetite , Loss , Yellowing , Fever , Tiredness , Urine , Grapefruit , Bruising , Parents , Homeowners , Types , Shopping , Okay , Minefield , Water , Aisle , Blades , Oop , Kim , Football Game , Progressive , Manager , Ah , Jackpot , Variety Pack , Slice , Lot , Produce , Roger , Uh , Brian , Home , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Auto , Bit , Nope , Candidates , Find Themself , A1c , Blood Sugar , Stop Trulicity , Job Description , Daughter , Diabetesription , Visit Indeed Com Hire , 2 , Ten , Type 2 Diabetes , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Children , It Isn T , Use , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Dehydration , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Vision , Taking Trulicity , Neck , Lump , Pancreatitis , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Diabetic Retinopathy , Music , Surgery , Contracture , Option , Record , Dupuytren S Contracture , Index , Oxford High School , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Message , High School , Changes , Injured , Principal , Seven , Old Black Man , Protests , Campus , Rule , Arrest , Minneapolis , Trial , Backpacks , George Floyd , Derek Chauvin , 46 , World , Treasury , Season , Floyd , Tax Filing , Challenges , Chatter , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , 240 Million , 15000 , Retirement , Quarterback , Conjoined Twins , Teammates , Separation , Indication , Los Angeles Rams , Sources , 44 , Stop Taking Jardiance , Grilling Game , Underhand Sky Serve , Meet Ron , On Fire , Heart Disease , Weight , Jardiance May , Ketoacidosis , Urinary Tract Infections , Kidney Function , Genital Yeast , Perineum , Dialysis , Nature , Organization , Vitamins , First , Supplement , Standards , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Brand , Usp , Planning Effect , Investing Strategies , Advisor , Picture , Wealth , Salonpas , Back Pain , Relief , Stomach , Medicine , Guy , Pay , Personal Record , Limu , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu Emu Squawks , Cold Relief , Blood Pressure , Liberty , High Blood Pressure , Sneeze , Coricidin , Cold Medicines , Voya , Last Thing On My Mind , Workplace , Most , Liquid , Benefits , Solutions , In The Woods , Choice , Colon Cancer , Well Invested , Screening , Around , Dna , Stool , Cologuard , Noninvasive , Stages , Colon Cancers , Results , Provider , Yep , 45 , 92 , Lives , Lengths , Womb , Ultrasound , Dom , Kid , Maggie Altobelli , Babies , Chest , Steps , Options , Belly , Shock , Surprise , Girls , This Is It , Separating , Expertise , Philadelphia , Children S Hospital Of Philadelphia , Congratulations , Separation Surger , Addy , Lily , C Section , November 18th , 18 , November 18th 2020 , 4 2 , Each Other , Intensive Care Unit , Preparation , Wrestling , October 13th , 11 , 13 , Specialists , Time , Faith , Hope , Reminder , Inspiring , Watching , David Muir , Evening , Health , Districts , Safety , Money , In The Dark , Problems , Sides , Latest , Power Lines , Issue , North Bay , Argument , Trees , Role , Bay Area , Russian Forces , Ukraine Takeover By , Group , Step , Orders , Finding Solutions , Rally , Forward , Building A Better Bay Area , Protesters , 00 , Vaccine Requirements , Anti Vax Rally In Marin , Mandates , Mandate , Discrimination , Form , United , Civic Center Protesting Mandates , Masking , Vaccination , Lawsuit Against ,

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