Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240709

the criminal investigation into that deadly concert horror in houston. tonight, the new and terrifying images of the chaos. the crowd surging toward the stage as travis scott performed. crushing fans against barricades. people trampled. the girl who climbs onstage, begging for help. and the police chief who spoke to travis scott before the concert about safety. tonight, the trial of kyle rittenhouse, accused of killing two people during police protests in kenosha, wisconsin. the dramatic testimony from the medic who was shot and survived. he said he thought he was going to die. tonight, the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill now passed. after years of talk and no action, now it's here. tonight, the white house says hundreds of thousands of new jobs, roads, bridges, and broadband. and tonight, some of the communities that will see the results. new subpoenas late today in the january 6th investigation. targeting several members of former president trump's inner circle. and tonight, new reporting from jonathan karl. former president trump's threat to his own party on his way out of the white house. also as we come on the air tonight, the manhunt right now after a deadly shooting outside of a target. the school bus crash. the middle school students onboard. and the injuries tonight. the hand signal seen on tiktok videos that authorities now say saved a teenage girl's life. what the sheriff is saying tonight. and we stand up for heroes, right here tonight. good evening. as we come on the air in the west, it's great to start another week with all of you at home. we begin with two major headlines, the hugs today, the thousands of reunions for the first time in at least 18 months. the u.s. lifting travel restrictions on 33 countries, including canada, mexico, and most of europe. and we learned this evening that pfizer is likely to ask for authorization for boosters for millions of americans 18 and older. and the twin flights taking off from heathrow, bound for new york city. passengers required to have proof of vaccination and a negative covid test within three days of traveling here. tonight, images of emotional reunions coming in. families together at jfk airport. a couple hugging following a flight from germany to chicago's o'hare airport. and this image near buffalo, new york. cars lining up at the canadian border, waiting to come in. and just before we came on the air, we learned of the request soon coming from pfizer. there could soon be boosters for millions more americans. stephanie ramos leads us off tonight. >> reporter: american borders reopening today for thousands of fully-vaccinated visitors from 33 countries for the first time in at least 18 months. for families and loved ones separated by the pandemic, emotional reunions. >> she was a little girl when i last saw her. she's a big girl and an adult now. >> reporter: bhavna patel finally getting to meet her grandson. >> there's no words. you can't describe -- how do you describe this feeling? you know, such a joy. >> reporter: celebrations kicking off early in the uk as crowds lined up to board planes to the u.s. twin flights taking off together from heathrow airport and getting a big welcome on arrival in the u.s. >> i feel like david beckham. it's crazy. >> reporter: those visitors 18 and older must show proof of vaccination and a negative covid test within three days of traveling. and at the u.s. border with mexico and canada, proof of vaccination only. as thousands of vaccinated travelers crowd checkpoints and airports. in los angeles today, a protest against a vaccine mandate for city workers. but in new york city, the mandate appears to be working. 93% of city workers are now vaccinated. but over the weekend, an appeals court blocking the biden administration's mandate for businesses. the owner of this hardwood company in memphis doesn't plan to enforce the new rule. >> i think it's very important to get vaccinated. however, i think the government has no right to tell you to get vaccinated. >> reporter: vaccinations of 5 to 11-year-olds this week ramping up at pharmacies, and across new york city, pop-up clinics at public schools. >> this is basically the best feeling of triumph i've had in, like, years. >> reporter: over the weekend even big bird announcing he got the vaccine, tweeting, "my wing is feeling a little sore, but it'll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy." big bird drawing praise from the president, but backlash from senator ted cruz, tweeting, "government propaganda for your 5-year-old." david, a u.s. government official tells abc news pfizer is likely to seek authorization from the fda for vaccine boosters for those 18 and older as early as this week. no word on when a decision could come down. but health officials say they expected a third shot would be necessary to boost protection. david? >> stephanie, thank you. we move on to other news this monday night. the fbi now helping in the criminal investigation into that concert tragedy in houston. at least eight people killed in the crush of the crowd at the astroworld festival. tonight, several lawsuits have been filed against travis scott and promoter live nation. new and terrifying images of the chaos. people trampled. the crowd surging toward the stage as scott performed, crushing fans against barricades. tonight, questions about crowd control. and news the police chief spoke to travis scott before the concert about safety. marcus moore now from houston. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi is now assisting in the criminal investigation into this deadly crowd surge at houston's astroworld music festival. ♪ the families of the eight killed, who range in age from 14 to 27, demanding answers. >> you go to a concert to have fun, you don't go to a concert to die. >> reporter: 50,000 fans filled nrg stadium friday for the first night of the two-day concert headlined by rapper travis scott. when scott took the stage a little after 9:00 p.m., concertgoers pushed their way forward, seen here in this apple livestream, pressing others into the barricades. quentin sauvage's brother fell and got trapped underneath a mountain of bodies for 20 minutes. once free, they made their way to event staff. >> i was like, there are people dying. like, you have to cancel the show. and the guy said, word for word, "it's a mosh pit, what do you expect?" >> reporter: at one point, the crowd heard chanting, "stop the show." by 9:30, authorities say, reports of injuries were pouring in. at 9:38, police declared the concert a mass casualty incident. still, the show went on for nearly half an hour longer. one woman saying she climbed the stage platform to beg the camera crew to help. scott appearing to acknowledge an ambulance in the crowd. >> there's an ambulance -- whoa, whoa. >> reporter: at 10:10, the show was finally stopped. today, on social media, backlash about the concert going that long. some sharing clips of other artists pausing the show so fans can get medical attention. >> everyone take a step back. >> tonight, these images show security already overwhelmed earlier in the day. masses of people storming through metal detectors and pushing through fencing. arturo sanchez among the dozens transported to the hospital. trampled, he suffered a heart attack. you felt like you were going to die. >> whenever i hit the floor and that guy was on me, i was like, this is it. this is how i'm going to go out. >> reporter: scott, along with the concert's organizer live nation, now facing a growing number of lawsuits. a day after the tragedy, the rapper taking to instagram. >> i could never imagine anything like this just happening. >> reporter: david, houston's police chief said he did meet with scott before the performance. and said he expressed his concerns about public safety. also asking scott and his team to be mindful of their messaging on social media. david, late tonight, live nation saying they'll respond to the lawsuits at the appropriate time. david? marcus moore in front of that growing memorial tonight, thank you. we're going to turn next to the trial of kyle rittenhouse. accused of killing two people during the police protests in kenosha, wisconsin. tonight, the dramatic testimony from the medic who was shot and said he thought he was going to die. here's abc's alex perez. >> reporter: in court today, jurors for the first time hearing from the man who was shot by kyle rittenhouse and survived. gaige grosskreutz testifying about when he initially came upon rittenhouse armed with a semi-automatic rifle. >> i thought the defendant was an active shooter. >> reporter: thinking rittenhouse had shot people, grosskreutz started following him that night as the teenager appeared to be running away. prosecutors playing a livestream video grosskreutz recorded. you can hear grosskreutz asking rittenhouse questions. >> hey, what are you doing? you shot somebody? who's shot? >> reporter: rittenhouse, prosecutors say, had already shot and killed joseph rosenbaum when grosskreutz says he witnessed him shoot anthony huber, who also died. armed with his own glock pistol, grosskreutz testified he pointed his weapon in rittenhouse's direction. >> what was going through your mind? >> that i was going to die. >> reporter: rittenhouse shot grosskreutz in the arm. grosskreutz testified he never intended to shoot rittenhouse, but the defense arguing rittenhouse only fired in self-defense. >> it wasn't until you pointed your gun at him that he fired, right? >> correct. >> reporter: and david, if convicted, rittenhouse could face life in prison. the prosecution could rest the case as early as tomorrow. david? >> alex, thank you. and now to the hard-fought victory for president biden, the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill finally passed. after years of talk and so-called infrastructure weeks, now it's here. the white house says hundreds of thousands of new jobs, as they fix roads and bridges, build new ones, and bring broadband to rural america. tonight, some of the communities that could see the results. here's rachel scott. >> reporter: tonight, president biden celebrating the passage of his trillion-dollar infrastructure package, something presidents have promised for years. >> we can't afford washington politics to stand in the way of america's progress. >> our infrastructure will once again be the envy of the world. >> finally, infrastructure week. i'm so happy to say that. infrastructure week. >> reporter: the bill funnels billions to upgrade public transit, improve water supply, and expand broadband internet to rural communities. it aims to put hundreds of thousands of americans to work, rebuilding roads and bridges like this one in sharkey county, mississippi. it's been completely closed off, so for farmer jeffrey mitchell, a five-minute trip to transport his crops is now over an hour. what is the cost of inaction for farmers like you? >> you know, i guess the cost of this action would be having the inefficiency and the liability of moving around to another bridge when we could just drive across that one. >> reporter: pretty easy fix? >> yeah, i just need a bridge. and we all do, you know, it's not just me. >> reporter: mississippi is expected to get $225 million for bridge repairs. and money soon to flow across the country. michigan may get $1.3 billion to help clean up the lead from its water. and new jersey could use the funding for a new tunnel to new york. today, i asked transportation secretary pete buttigieg how long it will all take. we were down in mississippi talking to farmers who have had bridges closed down in their area for two or three years. so when exactly can americans expect to see a difference in their lives? >> the short answer is as fast as many of these agencies and workforces can absorb those dollars. >> a lot of communities waiting. rachel, we know president biden is expected to sign the bill next week. and i know he wants democrats and republicans right there with him? >> reporter: yes, david, that was the president's promise all along. congress is out on recess. they will be back in town next week. as for the much larger social spending package, democrats want a vote on that by thanksgiving. they're not expecting any republican support. so the president will have to keep his entire party united. david? >> rachel scott with us again tonight. thank you, rachel. we learned late today of new subpoenas in the january 6th investigation, targeting several members of former president trump's inner circle. and tonight, new reporting by jonathan karl on trump's threats to his own party on his way out of the white house. here's jon. >> reporter: on the day donald trump left the white house for the last time, he decided that if he lost the election, he would take the republican party down with him. >> so have a good life. we will see you soon. thank you. thank you very much. >> reporter: inside, he was fuming. as i report in my upcoming book, "betrayal: the final act of the trump show," soon after boarding air force one for the very last time, trump took a call from republican party chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. according to multiple sources familiar with the conversation, trump told mcdaniel he was done with the gop. "i'm starting my own party," he said. "you cannot do that," mcdaniel told trump. "if you do, we will lose forever." "exactly. you lose forever without me," trump responded. "i don't care." republican leaders responded with a warning -- if trump left the party, they would stop paying his legal fees. and they would take control of his e-mail list of donors, which trump rents to candidates for millions of dollars. the hardball tactics worked. trump backed down. trump and mcdaniel issued statements together denying this report. those denials are a lie, and they both know the denials are a lie. this account comes from multiple high-level gop sources. here's a quote from one official who directly witnessed the call, and described to me trump's reaction when mcdaniel told him that he would cause republicans to lose forever. quote, he didn't care. it was punishment. he said exactly, you would lose forever. >> really interesting reporting. i know this is just the beginning of what you have. in the meantime, you talk about this party he was threatening to leave, threatening to start his own party. but 78% of republicans in that recent quinnipiac poll say they want him to run again and the party he was threatening to leave. >> that's why republicans calculate they absolutely need trump. they may be fearful of what he will do. but they absolutely need him. in fact, tonight, kevin mccarthy, the republican leader in the house, is having a big fund-raiser. and the headline speaker is donald trump. >> jon, thank you. state farm tonight is standing by nfl star aaron rodgers. the company says it doesn't support his controversial statements about the covid vaccine, but respects everyone's right to make a choice. rodgers missed sunday's game after testing positive. he confirmed he was not vaccinated after previously saying he had been immunized. when we come back, the manhunt under way right now after a deadly shooting outside a target. and the accused january 6th rioter, who has shown up overseas doing an interview. where he's turned up. so you don't lose sight of the big picture, even when you're focused on what's happening right now. and thinkorswim trading™ is right there with you. to help you become a smarter investor. with an innovative trading platform full of customizable tools. dedicated trade desk pros and a passionate trader community sharing strategies right on the platform. because we take trading as seriously as you do. thinkorswim trading™ from td ameritrade. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches because we take trading as seriously as you do. in your hands or feet? 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"america strong." it was 2006 in iraq and a moment we will never forget. our colleague and friend, bod woodruff, badly injured. a roadside bomb, an ied, hitting the convoy in iraq. his long road to recovery. his children helping him with his words. >> buckle. >> belt. >> buckle. >> belt buckle. you taught me! belt buckle. >> reporter: ever since, fighting for our warriors through the bob woodruff foundation with his wife, lee. and their annual "stand up for heroes." bob certainly doesn't need any help with his tie. he's done this with his team and with all of us. >> it's the most satisfying thing i've ever done in my life. >> reporter: during this pandemic, they've helped feed veterans and their families. helping to fund more than 200 veteran organizations. investing more than $80 million. partnering with organizations like craig newmark philanthropies. >> i worked with bob woodruff foundation to bring together organizations across our country. the goal was simple, get people fed, today, tomorrow, and then, for the long term. >> reporter: in killeen, texas, helping bob's foundation, along with the military family avisory network, providing more than 65,000 meals to 600 military families at ft. hood. >> thank you! >> between now and the end of the year, this collaboration will feed, will provide 1 million meals to military families. >> reporter: in queens, new york, helping the new york city department of veterans services. >> the pandemic mobilized a lot of our veterans. veterans always rise to the challenge and that's what we saw with the veterans here. >> in new york, 92-year-old jack sonshine, a korean war army veteran. citymeals on wheels is now delivering meals to jack and 1,600 veterans. in north carolina, navy veteran jessica case. >> in the middle of the pandemic, i found myself in a bad situation where i was homeless with three kids. >> reporter: jessica, helped by bob's foundation and veterans services of the carolinas. she now has a new home, and a new job at the charles george v.a. center. >> thank you bob woodruff for partnering with veterans services of the carolinas to help combat food insecurities for veterans in our area. >> reporter: and this former marine corporal, whose words we've carried with us for years now. he lost his right leg below the knee. hit with an ied in iraq. and what he once said about the extraordinary help from stand up for heroes. >> we all have our own challenges when we return home. our own mountains to climb. but we are not alone. >> to help, go to the bob woodruff foundation and stand up for heroes. we love bob and lee. good night. as the sun set on san francisco the began to fall this storm is going to get stronger as the night goes on too. we have live team coverage tonight. i'm spencer christian. it's a level two storm pushing into the bay area right now. i'll show you what to expect coming up. plus an unimaginable loss. so toddler caught in the crossfire killed while riding in his mother's car tonight his father arrives from overseas to help bury the child. he never got to meet in person. building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. this is what you need to see right now live doppler 7 is tracking the storm rain to the bay area and the strongest part is just a few hours away. look at all that green and yellow good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm on a date and i'm dan ashley. you're watching abc 7 news at six live here on abc 7 hulu live and wherever you stream we're on storm watch has rain sweeps into the bay area. once again, the north bay got wet first and here's a live look at the golden gate bridge where you can see a lights reflecting on the wet pavement and now to a live look in san francisco where the rain arrived less than ago, this is the view from the roof of our abc 7 news studio farther south. here's 101 going through san jose southbound. is that traffic on the right hand side 880 over the top south i won't see much rain from the system, but it won't be completely spared either and we have live coverage for you tonight in out in the elements and tracking what's to come we're going to abc 7 news weather anchor spencer christian spencer the storm ranks two on the storm impact scale, right? it does then that means the storm. moderate intensity although sometimes it's going to feel even heavier than moderate. here's a look at live doppler 7. you can see the heaviest of the storm heaviest elements are still offshore, but it's beginning to push inland over the north bay right now, and it's raining in other parts of the bay area as well lightly at the moment. so it's a level two storm for tonight and tomorrow morning and we can expect rain heavy at times strong gusty winds isolated thunder is possible and the most intense part of the storm is yet to

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Billion , 25 Million , Take , Pete Buttigieg , Area , Lives , Difference , Republicans , Lot , Dollars , Democrats , Answer , Workforces , Many , Agencies , Fast , Communities Waiting , Congress , Support , Spending , Promise , Package , Recess , Town , Vote , Republican , Yes , Subpoenas , United , Donald Trump , Jon , Threats , Election , Final Act Of The Trump Show , Book , Ronna Mcdaniel , Call , Sources , Conversation , Air Force One , Leaders , Trump , Warning , Fees , I Don T Care , Statements , Control , Report , Rents , E Mail List , Candidates , Donors , Hardball Tactics , Me Trump , Denials , Official , Lie , Account , Reaction , Here S A Quote From One , The Call , Beginning , Quote , Punishment , He Didn T Care , Leave , Quinnipiac Poll , 78 , Kevin Mccarthy , House , Headline Speaker , Fact , Fund Raiser , State Farm , Aaron Rodgers , Company , Game , Positive , Covid Vaccine , Doesn T Support , Choice , Nfl , Sunday , Immunized , January 6th Rioter , Interview , Back , 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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240709 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240709

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the criminal investigation into that deadly concert horror in houston. tonight, the new and terrifying images of the chaos. the crowd surging toward the stage as travis scott performed. crushing fans against barricades. people trampled. the girl who climbs onstage, begging for help. and the police chief who spoke to travis scott before the concert about safety. tonight, the trial of kyle rittenhouse, accused of killing two people during police protests in kenosha, wisconsin. the dramatic testimony from the medic who was shot and survived. he said he thought he was going to die. tonight, the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill now passed. after years of talk and no action, now it's here. tonight, the white house says hundreds of thousands of new jobs, roads, bridges, and broadband. and tonight, some of the communities that will see the results. new subpoenas late today in the january 6th investigation. targeting several members of former president trump's inner circle. and tonight, new reporting from jonathan karl. former president trump's threat to his own party on his way out of the white house. also as we come on the air tonight, the manhunt right now after a deadly shooting outside of a target. the school bus crash. the middle school students onboard. and the injuries tonight. the hand signal seen on tiktok videos that authorities now say saved a teenage girl's life. what the sheriff is saying tonight. and we stand up for heroes, right here tonight. good evening. as we come on the air in the west, it's great to start another week with all of you at home. we begin with two major headlines, the hugs today, the thousands of reunions for the first time in at least 18 months. the u.s. lifting travel restrictions on 33 countries, including canada, mexico, and most of europe. and we learned this evening that pfizer is likely to ask for authorization for boosters for millions of americans 18 and older. and the twin flights taking off from heathrow, bound for new york city. passengers required to have proof of vaccination and a negative covid test within three days of traveling here. tonight, images of emotional reunions coming in. families together at jfk airport. a couple hugging following a flight from germany to chicago's o'hare airport. and this image near buffalo, new york. cars lining up at the canadian border, waiting to come in. and just before we came on the air, we learned of the request soon coming from pfizer. there could soon be boosters for millions more americans. stephanie ramos leads us off tonight. >> reporter: american borders reopening today for thousands of fully-vaccinated visitors from 33 countries for the first time in at least 18 months. for families and loved ones separated by the pandemic, emotional reunions. >> she was a little girl when i last saw her. she's a big girl and an adult now. >> reporter: bhavna patel finally getting to meet her grandson. >> there's no words. you can't describe -- how do you describe this feeling? you know, such a joy. >> reporter: celebrations kicking off early in the uk as crowds lined up to board planes to the u.s. twin flights taking off together from heathrow airport and getting a big welcome on arrival in the u.s. >> i feel like david beckham. it's crazy. >> reporter: those visitors 18 and older must show proof of vaccination and a negative covid test within three days of traveling. and at the u.s. border with mexico and canada, proof of vaccination only. as thousands of vaccinated travelers crowd checkpoints and airports. in los angeles today, a protest against a vaccine mandate for city workers. but in new york city, the mandate appears to be working. 93% of city workers are now vaccinated. but over the weekend, an appeals court blocking the biden administration's mandate for businesses. the owner of this hardwood company in memphis doesn't plan to enforce the new rule. >> i think it's very important to get vaccinated. however, i think the government has no right to tell you to get vaccinated. >> reporter: vaccinations of 5 to 11-year-olds this week ramping up at pharmacies, and across new york city, pop-up clinics at public schools. >> this is basically the best feeling of triumph i've had in, like, years. >> reporter: over the weekend even big bird announcing he got the vaccine, tweeting, "my wing is feeling a little sore, but it'll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy." big bird drawing praise from the president, but backlash from senator ted cruz, tweeting, "government propaganda for your 5-year-old." david, a u.s. government official tells abc news pfizer is likely to seek authorization from the fda for vaccine boosters for those 18 and older as early as this week. no word on when a decision could come down. but health officials say they expected a third shot would be necessary to boost protection. david? >> stephanie, thank you. we move on to other news this monday night. the fbi now helping in the criminal investigation into that concert tragedy in houston. at least eight people killed in the crush of the crowd at the astroworld festival. tonight, several lawsuits have been filed against travis scott and promoter live nation. new and terrifying images of the chaos. people trampled. the crowd surging toward the stage as scott performed, crushing fans against barricades. tonight, questions about crowd control. and news the police chief spoke to travis scott before the concert about safety. marcus moore now from houston. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi is now assisting in the criminal investigation into this deadly crowd surge at houston's astroworld music festival. ♪ the families of the eight killed, who range in age from 14 to 27, demanding answers. >> you go to a concert to have fun, you don't go to a concert to die. >> reporter: 50,000 fans filled nrg stadium friday for the first night of the two-day concert headlined by rapper travis scott. when scott took the stage a little after 9:00 p.m., concertgoers pushed their way forward, seen here in this apple livestream, pressing others into the barricades. quentin sauvage's brother fell and got trapped underneath a mountain of bodies for 20 minutes. once free, they made their way to event staff. >> i was like, there are people dying. like, you have to cancel the show. and the guy said, word for word, "it's a mosh pit, what do you expect?" >> reporter: at one point, the crowd heard chanting, "stop the show." by 9:30, authorities say, reports of injuries were pouring in. at 9:38, police declared the concert a mass casualty incident. still, the show went on for nearly half an hour longer. one woman saying she climbed the stage platform to beg the camera crew to help. scott appearing to acknowledge an ambulance in the crowd. >> there's an ambulance -- whoa, whoa. >> reporter: at 10:10, the show was finally stopped. today, on social media, backlash about the concert going that long. some sharing clips of other artists pausing the show so fans can get medical attention. >> everyone take a step back. >> tonight, these images show security already overwhelmed earlier in the day. masses of people storming through metal detectors and pushing through fencing. arturo sanchez among the dozens transported to the hospital. trampled, he suffered a heart attack. you felt like you were going to die. >> whenever i hit the floor and that guy was on me, i was like, this is it. this is how i'm going to go out. >> reporter: scott, along with the concert's organizer live nation, now facing a growing number of lawsuits. a day after the tragedy, the rapper taking to instagram. >> i could never imagine anything like this just happening. >> reporter: david, houston's police chief said he did meet with scott before the performance. and said he expressed his concerns about public safety. also asking scott and his team to be mindful of their messaging on social media. david, late tonight, live nation saying they'll respond to the lawsuits at the appropriate time. david? marcus moore in front of that growing memorial tonight, thank you. we're going to turn next to the trial of kyle rittenhouse. accused of killing two people during the police protests in kenosha, wisconsin. tonight, the dramatic testimony from the medic who was shot and said he thought he was going to die. here's abc's alex perez. >> reporter: in court today, jurors for the first time hearing from the man who was shot by kyle rittenhouse and survived. gaige grosskreutz testifying about when he initially came upon rittenhouse armed with a semi-automatic rifle. >> i thought the defendant was an active shooter. >> reporter: thinking rittenhouse had shot people, grosskreutz started following him that night as the teenager appeared to be running away. prosecutors playing a livestream video grosskreutz recorded. you can hear grosskreutz asking rittenhouse questions. >> hey, what are you doing? you shot somebody? who's shot? >> reporter: rittenhouse, prosecutors say, had already shot and killed joseph rosenbaum when grosskreutz says he witnessed him shoot anthony huber, who also died. armed with his own glock pistol, grosskreutz testified he pointed his weapon in rittenhouse's direction. >> what was going through your mind? >> that i was going to die. >> reporter: rittenhouse shot grosskreutz in the arm. grosskreutz testified he never intended to shoot rittenhouse, but the defense arguing rittenhouse only fired in self-defense. >> it wasn't until you pointed your gun at him that he fired, right? >> correct. >> reporter: and david, if convicted, rittenhouse could face life in prison. the prosecution could rest the case as early as tomorrow. david? >> alex, thank you. and now to the hard-fought victory for president biden, the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill finally passed. after years of talk and so-called infrastructure weeks, now it's here. the white house says hundreds of thousands of new jobs, as they fix roads and bridges, build new ones, and bring broadband to rural america. tonight, some of the communities that could see the results. here's rachel scott. >> reporter: tonight, president biden celebrating the passage of his trillion-dollar infrastructure package, something presidents have promised for years. >> we can't afford washington politics to stand in the way of america's progress. >> our infrastructure will once again be the envy of the world. >> finally, infrastructure week. i'm so happy to say that. infrastructure week. >> reporter: the bill funnels billions to upgrade public transit, improve water supply, and expand broadband internet to rural communities. it aims to put hundreds of thousands of americans to work, rebuilding roads and bridges like this one in sharkey county, mississippi. it's been completely closed off, so for farmer jeffrey mitchell, a five-minute trip to transport his crops is now over an hour. what is the cost of inaction for farmers like you? >> you know, i guess the cost of this action would be having the inefficiency and the liability of moving around to another bridge when we could just drive across that one. >> reporter: pretty easy fix? >> yeah, i just need a bridge. and we all do, you know, it's not just me. >> reporter: mississippi is expected to get $225 million for bridge repairs. and money soon to flow across the country. michigan may get $1.3 billion to help clean up the lead from its water. and new jersey could use the funding for a new tunnel to new york. today, i asked transportation secretary pete buttigieg how long it will all take. we were down in mississippi talking to farmers who have had bridges closed down in their area for two or three years. so when exactly can americans expect to see a difference in their lives? >> the short answer is as fast as many of these agencies and workforces can absorb those dollars. >> a lot of communities waiting. rachel, we know president biden is expected to sign the bill next week. and i know he wants democrats and republicans right there with him? >> reporter: yes, david, that was the president's promise all along. congress is out on recess. they will be back in town next week. as for the much larger social spending package, democrats want a vote on that by thanksgiving. they're not expecting any republican support. so the president will have to keep his entire party united. david? >> rachel scott with us again tonight. thank you, rachel. we learned late today of new subpoenas in the january 6th investigation, targeting several members of former president trump's inner circle. and tonight, new reporting by jonathan karl on trump's threats to his own party on his way out of the white house. here's jon. >> reporter: on the day donald trump left the white house for the last time, he decided that if he lost the election, he would take the republican party down with him. >> so have a good life. we will see you soon. thank you. thank you very much. >> reporter: inside, he was fuming. as i report in my upcoming book, "betrayal: the final act of the trump show," soon after boarding air force one for the very last time, trump took a call from republican party chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. according to multiple sources familiar with the conversation, trump told mcdaniel he was done with the gop. "i'm starting my own party," he said. "you cannot do that," mcdaniel told trump. "if you do, we will lose forever." "exactly. you lose forever without me," trump responded. "i don't care." republican leaders responded with a warning -- if trump left the party, they would stop paying his legal fees. and they would take control of his e-mail list of donors, which trump rents to candidates for millions of dollars. the hardball tactics worked. trump backed down. trump and mcdaniel issued statements together denying this report. those denials are a lie, and they both know the denials are a lie. this account comes from multiple high-level gop sources. here's a quote from one official who directly witnessed the call, and described to me trump's reaction when mcdaniel told him that he would cause republicans to lose forever. quote, he didn't care. it was punishment. he said exactly, you would lose forever. >> really interesting reporting. i know this is just the beginning of what you have. in the meantime, you talk about this party he was threatening to leave, threatening to start his own party. but 78% of republicans in that recent quinnipiac poll say they want him to run again and the party he was threatening to leave. >> that's why republicans calculate they absolutely need trump. they may be fearful of what he will do. but they absolutely need him. in fact, tonight, kevin mccarthy, the republican leader in the house, is having a big fund-raiser. and the headline speaker is donald trump. >> jon, thank you. state farm tonight is standing by nfl star aaron rodgers. the company says it doesn't support his controversial statements about the covid vaccine, but respects everyone's right to make a choice. rodgers missed sunday's game after testing positive. he confirmed he was not vaccinated after previously saying he had been immunized. when we come back, the manhunt under way right now after a deadly shooting outside a target. and the accused january 6th rioter, who has shown up overseas doing an interview. where he's turned up. so you don't lose sight of the big picture, even when you're focused on what's happening right now. and thinkorswim trading™ is right there with you. to help you become a smarter investor. with an innovative trading platform full of customizable tools. dedicated trade desk pros and a passionate trader community sharing strategies right on the platform. because we take trading as seriously as you do. thinkorswim trading™ from td ameritrade. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches because we take trading as seriously as you do. in your hands or feet? 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"america strong." it was 2006 in iraq and a moment we will never forget. our colleague and friend, bod woodruff, badly injured. a roadside bomb, an ied, hitting the convoy in iraq. his long road to recovery. his children helping him with his words. >> buckle. >> belt. >> buckle. >> belt buckle. you taught me! belt buckle. >> reporter: ever since, fighting for our warriors through the bob woodruff foundation with his wife, lee. and their annual "stand up for heroes." bob certainly doesn't need any help with his tie. he's done this with his team and with all of us. >> it's the most satisfying thing i've ever done in my life. >> reporter: during this pandemic, they've helped feed veterans and their families. helping to fund more than 200 veteran organizations. investing more than $80 million. partnering with organizations like craig newmark philanthropies. >> i worked with bob woodruff foundation to bring together organizations across our country. the goal was simple, get people fed, today, tomorrow, and then, for the long term. >> reporter: in killeen, texas, helping bob's foundation, along with the military family avisory network, providing more than 65,000 meals to 600 military families at ft. hood. >> thank you! >> between now and the end of the year, this collaboration will feed, will provide 1 million meals to military families. >> reporter: in queens, new york, helping the new york city department of veterans services. >> the pandemic mobilized a lot of our veterans. veterans always rise to the challenge and that's what we saw with the veterans here. >> in new york, 92-year-old jack sonshine, a korean war army veteran. citymeals on wheels is now delivering meals to jack and 1,600 veterans. in north carolina, navy veteran jessica case. >> in the middle of the pandemic, i found myself in a bad situation where i was homeless with three kids. >> reporter: jessica, helped by bob's foundation and veterans services of the carolinas. she now has a new home, and a new job at the charles george v.a. center. >> thank you bob woodruff for partnering with veterans services of the carolinas to help combat food insecurities for veterans in our area. >> reporter: and this former marine corporal, whose words we've carried with us for years now. he lost his right leg below the knee. hit with an ied in iraq. and what he once said about the extraordinary help from stand up for heroes. >> we all have our own challenges when we return home. our own mountains to climb. but we are not alone. >> to help, go to the bob woodruff foundation and stand up for heroes. we love bob and lee. good night. as the sun set on san francisco the began to fall this storm is going to get stronger as the night goes on too. we have live team coverage tonight. i'm spencer christian. it's a level two storm pushing into the bay area right now. i'll show you what to expect coming up. plus an unimaginable loss. so toddler caught in the crossfire killed while riding in his mother's car tonight his father arrives from overseas to help bury the child. he never got to meet in person. building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. this is what you need to see right now live doppler 7 is tracking the storm rain to the bay area and the strongest part is just a few hours away. look at all that green and yellow good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm on a date and i'm dan ashley. you're watching abc 7 news at six live here on abc 7 hulu live and wherever you stream we're on storm watch has rain sweeps into the bay area. once again, the north bay got wet first and here's a live look at the golden gate bridge where you can see a lights reflecting on the wet pavement and now to a live look in san francisco where the rain arrived less than ago, this is the view from the roof of our abc 7 news studio farther south. here's 101 going through san jose southbound. is that traffic on the right hand side 880 over the top south i won't see much rain from the system, but it won't be completely spared either and we have live coverage for you tonight in out in the elements and tracking what's to come we're going to abc 7 news weather anchor spencer christian spencer the storm ranks two on the storm impact scale, right? it does then that means the storm. moderate intensity although sometimes it's going to feel even heavier than moderate. here's a look at live doppler 7. you can see the heaviest of the storm heaviest elements are still offshore, but it's beginning to push inland over the north bay right now, and it's raining in other parts of the bay area as well lightly at the moment. so it's a level two storm for tonight and tomorrow morning and we can expect rain heavy at times strong gusty winds isolated thunder is possible and the most intense part of the storm is yet to

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Reunions , Thousands , On The Air , Nger , Condition , News , Everyone , Visitors , Pfizer , Boosters , Airports , U S , Travel Restrictions , Approval , 18 , Vaccination , Covid Test , Dozens , Proof , Countries , Headline , Aheadle , Three , Fbi , Case , Booster Shots , Set , Girl , Travis Scott , People , Crowd , Help , Police Chief , Stage , Barricades , Fans , Images , Chaos , Investigation , Houston , Concert Horror , Medic , Concert , Safety , Testimony , Trial , Kyle Rittenhouse , Wisconsin , Kenosha , Two , Bridges , Roads , White House , Broadband , Hundreds , Some , Talk , Jobs , Action , Infrastructure Bill , 1 Trillion , Trillion , On Trump , Reporting , Results , Members , Communities , Threat , January 6th Investigation , Former , Inner Circle , Jonathan Karl , January 6th , 6 , Way , Party , On The Air Tonight , Shooting , Target , Students , School Bus Crash , Middle School , Heroes , Life , Hand Signal , Injuries , Videos , Sheriff , Authorities , Wall , Air , Headlines , West , Evening , Authorization , Time , Mexico , Most , Lifting Travel , Canada , Europe , 33 , New York City , Passengers , Flights , Millions , Heathrow , Families , Image , Flight , Cars , Jfk Airport , O Hare Airport , Canadian Border , Germany , Chicago , Couple Hugging , Buffalo , Reporter , Stephanie Ramos , Request , American Borders Reopening Today For Thousands , Pandemic , Loved Ones , Bhavna Patel , Words , Feeling , Adult , Grandson , Joy , Celebrations , David Beckham , Crowds , Planes , Arrival , Welcome , Twin , Uk , Traveling , Travelers , Checkpoints , Biden Celebrating , City Workers , Mandate , Weekend , Protest , Vaccine Mandate , Appeals Court , Administration , Los Angeles , 93 , Government , Vaccinations , Hardwood Company , Businesses , Owner , Rule , Memphis Doesn T Plan , Schools , Pharmacies , Triumph , Big Bird , Pop Up , 5 , 11 , Backlash , Wing , Others , Boost , Tweeting , Ted Cruz , Body , Vaccine , Sore , Praise , Abc News , Vaccine Boosters , Word , Decision , Government Propaganda , Fda , Shot , Health , Protection , Officials , Monday Night , Lawsuits , Live Nation , Concert Tragedy , Crush , Astroworld Festival , Eight , Questions , Marcus Moore , Crowd Control , Surge , Astroworld Music Festival , Night , Answers , Fun , You Don T Go , Nrg Stadium , 27 , 14 , 50000 , Brother Fell , Apple Livestream , Mountain , Concertgoers , Bodies , Event Staff , Forward , Quentin Sauvage , 00 , 9 , 20 , Show , Word For , Guy , Chanting , Stop The Show , Mosh Pit , One Point , 30 , One , Woman , Police , Stage Platform , Camera Crew , Concert A Mass Casualty Incident , 38 , Ambulance , Clips , Artists , On Social Media , 10 , Step , Attention , Masses , Security , Arturo Sanchez , This Is It , Organizer , Heart Attack , Number , Metal Detectors , Fencing , Hospital , Floor , Tragedy , Anything , Performance , Instagram , Team , Social Media , Concerns , Messaging , Front , Police Protests , Memorial Tonight , Gaige Grosskreutz , Man , Hearing , Alex Perez , Jurors , Rifle , Court Today , Rittenhouse Armed , Prosecutors , Defendant , Shooter , Thinking Rittenhouse , Teenager , Livestream , Video , Rittenhouse , Somebody , Joseph Rosenbaum , Anthony Huber , Weapon , Direction , Mind , Arm , Rittenhouse Shot Grosskreutz , Glock Pistol , It Wasn T , Self Defense , Defense , Gun , Correct , Prosecution , Victory , Prison , Infrastructure Weeks , Rachel Scott , Rural America , Build New Ones , Something , Passage , President , Presidents , Politics , Infrastructure Package , Washington , America S Progress , Bill , Infrastructure , World , Billions , Water Supply , Transit , Envy , Hundreds Of Thousands Americans , Farmer Jeffrey Mitchell , Broadband Internet , Mississippi , Trip , Sharkey County , Five , Farmers , Cost , Crops , Inaction , Inefficiency , Liability , Bridge , Do , Fix , Lead , Country , Water , Funding , Bridge Repairs , Money , Michigan , New Jersey , 1 3 Billion , 225 Million , 3 Billion , 25 Million , Take , Pete Buttigieg , Area , Lives , Difference , Republicans , Lot , Dollars , Democrats , Answer , Workforces , Many , Agencies , Fast , Communities Waiting , Congress , Support , Spending , Promise , Package , Recess , Town , Vote , Republican , Yes , Subpoenas , United , Donald Trump , Jon , Threats , Election , Final Act Of The Trump Show , Book , Ronna Mcdaniel , Call , Sources , Conversation , Air Force One , Leaders , Trump , Warning , Fees , I Don T Care , Statements , Control , Report , Rents , E Mail List , Candidates , Donors , Hardball Tactics , Me Trump , Denials , Official , Lie , Account , Reaction , Here S A Quote From One , The Call , Beginning , Quote , Punishment , He Didn T Care , Leave , Quinnipiac Poll , 78 , Kevin Mccarthy , House , Headline Speaker , Fact , Fund Raiser , State Farm , Aaron Rodgers , Company , Game , Positive , Covid Vaccine , Doesn T Support , Choice , Nfl , Sunday , Immunized , January 6th Rioter , Interview , Back , Smarter Investor , Trade Desk Pros , Trading Platform , Sight , Tools , Trader Community Sharing Strategies , Thinkorswim Tradingtm , The Big Picture , Trading , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Hands , Platform , Td Ameritrade , Feet , Nervive , Nerve Care Company , Weakness , Discomfort , Smoking , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Nicorette , 1 , Cold Turkey , Soothing Vicks , Vapors , Vicks Vapostick , Family , Vapor , Mess , Dries , Overseas , Interview Airing , Asylum , Evan Newman , Belarus , Wanted , Home , The American , Victim , Charges , Media , Officers , Persecution , Entry , Witnesses , Store , Gunman Shot , Shoppers , Manhunt , Entrance , Suspect , Road , School Bus , Tiktok , Skin , Touch , Brand , Baby , Pediatrician , First , Pampers , Asthma , Dupixent , Du , Teamwork , What , Yardwork , Breathing Problems , Asthma Attacks , Walks , Asthmareatment , Steroids , Breathing , Reactions , Lung Function , Ofe , Doctor , Chest Pain , Infection , Rash , More , Breath , Numbness , Asthma Treatments , Anaphylaxis , Shortness , Limbs , Tingling , Don T Change , Protein , Energy , Asthma Specialist , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Parts , Sugar , Dreams , Nutrients , Parent , Important , Life Insurance , Ones , Pacific Life , Strength , Stability , Ths , Generations , Futures , Body Wash , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay , 3 , News Tonight , Index , Olay Body , School Bus Los , Driver , Bus , Pennsylvania , Easton , Hurt , Car , Thumb , North Carolina , Hand Gestures , Rescue , She Wasn T Safe , Kentucky , Investigators , Deputies , 911 , 16 , Bob Woodruff , Lee , Old Man , Stand Up , Fingers , Forth , Imprisonment , Feelind , Incredible , Four , 61 , Metamucil , Isn T Working , Waste , Sign , Blood Sugar Levels , Fiber , Trap , Gels , Cholesterol , Sugar Absorption , Metamucil Fiber Thins , Tasting , Energetic Metamucil , Books , Someone , Bookkeeper , Business Stands , Accounts , Expenses , Live Bookkeeping , Intuit Quickbooks , Yep , Achoo , Plans , Viruses , Lysol Protection , Bacteria , Germs Protection Lysol , The Go , Covid 19 Viru , Aarp Medicare Advantage , 99 9 , 19 , Care , Advantage , Unitedhealthcare , Uh Huh , 0 , , Heart , Everything , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Breast Cancer , Thriver , Aromatase Inhibitor , Kisqali , Premenopausal Women With Hr , Pill , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , A , Nonsteroidal , Blood Cell , Disease Progression Versus , It Cs , Iver Pro , Symptoms , Loss , Infections , Change , Chills , Pain , Yellowing , Appetite , Cough , Tiredness , Urine , Bleeding , Fever , Eyes , Dizziness , Bruising , Breastfeeding , Treatment , Grapefruit , Use , Tamoxifen , Bob Finally Tonight , Mission , Iraq , America Strong , 2006 , Bod Woodruff , Buckle , Ied , Colleague , Children , Belt , Convoy , Friend , Roadside Bomb , Recovery , Bob Woodruff Foundation , Doesn T , Fighting , Warriors , Tie , Belt Buckle , Stand Up For Heroes , In My Life , Feed Veterans , Thing , Veteran Organizations , All Of Us , 200 , 80 Million , 0 Million , Organizations , Goal , Philanthropies , Craig Newmark , People Fed , Meals , In Killeen , Foundation , Collaboration , Term , End , Helping Bob S , Family Avisory Network , Texas , Hood , 65000 , 600 , Veterans , Services , Challenge , Department , Queens , 1 Million , Korean War Army Veteran , Citymeals On Wheels , Middle , Veteran Jessica Case , Old Jack Sonshine , Navy , 92 , 1600 , Jessica , Kids , Situation , Carolinas , Partnering , Job , Center , Combat Food Insecurities , Corporal , Leg , Charles , George V A , Mountains , Challenges , Knee , Hit , Storm , San Francisco , Sun Set , Toddler , Level , Bay Area , Coverage , Spencer Christian , Solutions , Child , Person , Father , Mother , Crossfire , Riding , Building A Better Bay Area , 7 , Part , Storm Rain , Doppler , Dan Ashley , North Bay , Look , Lights , Pavement , Golden Gate Bridge , Storm Watch , Hulu , Rain Sweeps , Six , Rain , News Studio , Traffic , View , Southbound , South , Roof , Side , San Jose , 880 , 101 , Won T , Elements , The Storm , Tracking , The System , Storm Impact Scale , Heaviest , Intensity , Moderate , Times , Thunder , Winds ,

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