Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir

cecilia vega tonight with late reporting. the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin, charged in george floyd's death. a major security presence today and what halted jury selection. at this hour, meghan and harry's bombshell interview with oprah airing in the uk. after airing in the u.s. last acng t wt meghan revealed about her healthal health, her suicidal thoughts and the most explosive allegation involving race. questions over what baby archie would look like. alleged conversations about how dark his skin might be. and today, oprah winfrey revealing more about what prince harry told her about that. james longman standing by live in london. the harrowing moments here in new york city. several new york city police officers answering a call. the shootout on theta officers wounded. and on this international women's day, the messages from so many moms and front line workers who hope you'll watch right here tonight. good evening and it's great to have you with us here as we start another week together. and we begin tonight with that news from the cdc and perhaps a first glimpse of life as we inch closer to the other side of this. the cdc now issuing new guidance for people who are fully vaccinated. easing some of the restrictions we've been living with for the past year now. today, the director of the cdc calling it an important first step, but also issuing a warning that we remain in the midst of a serious pandemic with the virus still rampant, with variants here in the u.s. and with millions, of course, still unvaccinated. but tonight, the numbers are slowly going up. look at this. 59,945,000 adults have received at least one dose, t ofdus coun and tonight, the cdc now saying two weeks after being fully vaccinated, that people can gather indoors in small groups with others who are fully vaccinated, without masks or social distancing. and if grandparents are vaccinated, they can visit and hug family members who are not vaccinated as long as no one is but with so many still . unvaccinated and fatigue setting in, the crowds over the weekend from ft. lauderdale to images coming in from daytona. authorities are warning we've come this far, to remain vigilant. dr. jha standing by with your questions answered tonight, but we're going to begin here with abc's victor oquendo from miami tonight. >> reporter: tonight, that long awaited road map for millions of americans now getting the vaccine. >> with more and more people getting vaccinated each day, we are starting to turn a corner. >> reporter: new cdc guidelines say two weeks after a final oups without masks or social ri distancing. those who are vaccinated can also gather with another unvaccinated household without masks, as long as the unvaccinated group is at low risk for serious illness. >> if grandparents have been vaccinated, they can visit their daughter and her family, even if they have not been vaccinated, so long as the daughter and her severe disease. >> reporter: in miami, minerva rodriguez just got her first dose and can't wait to see her grandchildren again, but she's going to play it safe by these new guidelines. >> it's better to follow the rules than not to follow the rules. look what happens every time people don't follow the rules. things go up, you know. the cases go up, the hospitals get crowded. >> reporter: the cdc now says vaccinated people like minerva should still wear masks and practice social distancing in public. sisters adrienne jackson and first f the first things on the list. >> reporter: the cdc saying vaccinated grandparents can visit people nearby, but avoid nonessential travel. >> every time that there's a surge in travel, we have a surge of cases in this country. >> reporter: americans eager to restart their lives, but tonight new storm. spring breakers descending on beaches and bars in florida, where the uk variant is accelerating. in daytona, hundreds of motorcycles rumbling in for bike week. and in atlanta, crowds celebrating the nba all-star game. this is as more states lift restrictions and drop mask mandates. texas just the latest. >> we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, because we've spent a year battling, trying to survive, under water, suffocating, wondering do i close it, do i keep it open? >> reporter: but today essential workers protesting the lifting of the mask mandate, saying their lives are being put at risk. >> the answer is vaccinate. vaccinate first. >> reporter: the director of the cdc says they are really trying to restrain travel. dr. walensky calling this a first step. and hopes as more americans get vaccinated, there will be more guidance with the science behind what vaccinated people can do. david? >> victor oquendo right there in miami. victor, thank yo whillislld gi something to look forward to. we know many of you at home might have some questions about this new guidance, so, let's get right to dr. ashish jha. dr. jha, always great to have you with us. and we just heard the cdc director there give that example. she said that if grandparents have been vaccinated, they can visit their daughter and her family, for example, even if they have not been vaccinated, as long as the daughter and grandchildren are not high risk. so, vaccinated grandparents with the rest of the family, even if they're not vaccinated, that sounds encouraging. does it sound right to you? >> yeah, good evening, david, thank you for having me on. it does sound right to me. it's obviously a huge relief for evree key issue is tt the sk.acc folksreot hig and that' ta relatively safe gathering. so, i'm pleased to see the cdc s exactly right. >> now to the other question that a lot of people are asking about, because dr. walensky said that those that are vaccinated should be wearing masks in public. she still warned against nonessential travel, not getting on a flight somewhere. if you can be with family members who aren't vaccinated, w why can't you get on a plane? i guess there are so many questions, can people carry the virus unknowingly and spread it on a plane? >> yeah, there's still a lot we're learning. the key difference here, when you're out in public, you're in a grocery store, in a retail shop, you're sitting on an airplane, you might be nexto dy whoighisk w is really i r pn io are vaccinated. which is not that far away. probably six weeks or so before most high risk individuals in america are vaccinated. we've really got to keep the public health measures in place until then. >> i hear that stay vigilant message coming from you again. dr. jha, thank you. millions, meantime, waiting for economic help during this pandemic. president biden's covid relief bill now passing the senate, back in the house tonight, awaiting a final vote there before being sent to the president for his signature.,t' vega, back with us tonight. and cecilia, how soon is the president likely to see this bill on his desk? how close is the bill to what he originally asking for? >> reporter: well, david, it's pretty close, but he did have to make some concessions. let me show you what those are right out of the gate. fewer people will be eligible for those stimulus checks. if you earn $75,000 or less, you're going to get that $1,400. smaller checks for people who earn $80,000 a year or less. unemployment benefits, the white house wtehose to be about $400, they're going to be $300 a week. there is no longer that $15 an hour minimum wage in this package. not a single republican voted to support this, butem acoen they' to pass this. they say they'll get it to the president by the end of this week and the white house told me that americans can expect to see these checks in their hands by the end of the month. david, we are also finding out that the president is expected to give his very first prime time address on thursday. he will talk about the anniversary, that one-year anniversary of our country shut down due to covid. >> one year of living through this. cecilia, thank you. the other news this monday night, to minneapolis and the first day of the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin,ed in the death of george floyd. under tight security today. chauvin, of course, seen around the world kneeling on floyd's neck for more thain nine minutes in that video. he's facing manslaughter and murder charges, but what halted jury selection today? abc's alex perez from minneapolis tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the eyes of the nation on minneapolis as the trial for derek chauvin, the officer accused of killing george floyd, is set to begin. >> i'm expecting justice today. >> reporter: because of covid restrictions, only one family member allowed in the courtroom. ch in court, chauvin taking notes today. he's pleaded not guilty to second degree murder and second degree manslaughter. but before jury selection could even get started, a delay. >> we've sent all the jurors home, so, we're not going to have any jury selection today. >> reporter: the parties sparring after an appeals court said the judge should consider reinstating a third degree murder charge. >> the third degree murder charge is different than the other charges that he currently faces and that gives the prosecutor -- or would give the prosecutor, another option. >> reporourt 12 jurors and four alternates who, even though they may have seen that gut-wrenching video of floyd's last breaths as officers tried to keep bystanders back, can still imagine to remain impartible and follow jury instructions. and david, jurors will face a number of questions, including if they have ever attended a george floyd demonstration and how they feel about the pro-police movement, blue lives matter. it will depend on the ongoing appeals, but the judge hopes to get jury selection started tomorrow. david? >> alex, thank you. we should note that tonight in the uk, meghan and harry's bombshell interview with oprah now airing for the first time after airing here in the u.s. last night.fecting to what megh revealed about her mental health during that situation. her suicidal thoughts and the most explosive allegation involving race. questions over what baby archie would look like, alleged conversations about how dark his skin might be. and today, oprah winfrey revealing more about what prince harry told her about those conversations. abc's james longman tonight from london.r: tonameric the uk, the world reacting to meghan and harry, no longer silent. >> that's the sad irony of the last four years, is i've advocated for so long for women to use their voice. and then i was silent. >> were you silent or were you silenced? >> the latter. >> reporter: meghan also revealing the deep loneliness. the isolation. the thoughts of suicide. saying she asked buckingham palace for help, but there was none. >> i just didn't want to be alive anymore. and that was a very clear and ad real and frightening, constant thought. and i remember -- i remember how he just cradled me. and i was -- i went to the institution and i said that i needed to go somewhere to get help. i said that i've never felt this way before, and i need to go somewhere." and i was told that i couldn't, that it wouldn't be good for the institution. >> reporter: the most explosive allegation involving race. questions about what baby archie would look like. >> in those months when i was pregnant, all around this same time, so we have in tandem the conversation of he won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. >> what? there's a conversation with you -- >> with harry. about how dark your baby is going to be? >> potentially, would mean or look like. >> whoa. and you're not going to tell me who had the conversation? >> i think that would be very damaging to them. >> reporter: there's no way to verify these claims and the palace has yet to comment, but meghan says it was a conversation had with prince harry. oprah asking him about it. >> what was that conversation? >> that conversation i'm never going to share. but at the time -- at the time, it was awkward. i was a bit shocked. >> can you -- can you tell us what the question was? >> no. i don't -- i'm not comfortable with sharing that. >> reporter: prince harry and why he believes they had no choice but to leave. >> what i was seeing was history repeating itself, but mrr perhaps, or definitely far more dangerous because then you add race in and you add social media in and when i'm talking about history repeating itself, i'm talking about my mother. >> reporter: prince harry and meghan says they still talk with the queen, but for a time, prince charles was not talking to his son. >> my bragrandmother and i have really good relationship and an understanding and i have a deep respect for her. she's my colonel and chief. right? is he taking your calls now? >> yeah. yeah, yeah. he is. there's a lot to work through there, you know? i -- i feel really let down and this is -- and archie's his grandson. but at the same time, you know, of course i will -- i will always -- i will always love him. but there's a lot of hurt that's happened. >> and so let's get to james longman live with us outside buckingham palace. and james, oprah winfrey today revealing more about that conversation that prince harry allegedly had about what baby archie would look like, about his skin. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, david, oprah said today that harry told her that it was neither the queen nor prince philip who made that comment, but we don't know who it might have been. a lot of people asking that question tonight. no official word yet. and a lot of britons here tonight have watched that interview. there is going to be a big response. david? >> a response indeed. james longman with us tonight. james, thank you. and it was brought up in the interview and in james report there, meghan's mental health. if you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, help is available. you can call the national suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. there's support there 24 hours a day. when we come back here on this monday night, the harrowing moments here in new york city. several new york city police officers answering a call. the shootout on the stairs. officers wounded. if you have risk factors like heart disease, diabetes and raised triglycerides,... ...vascepa can give you something to celebrate. ♪ vascepa, when added to your statin,... clinically proven to provide 25% lower risk from heart attack and stroke. vascepa is clearly different. first and only fda approved. celebrate less risk. even for those with family history. ♪ don't take vascepa if you are... ...or become allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. serious side effects may occur like heart rhythm problems and bleeding. heart rhythm problems may occur in more people... ...with persistent cardiovascular risk or who have had them in the past. tell your doctor if you experience an irregular heartbeat or other heart rhythm problems. possible side effects include muscle and joint pain. celebrate less risk. added cardio protection. talk to your doctor about adding protection with vascepa. antibacterial or moisturizing body wash? 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>> tonight, 11 months after our first story on her, her students with a new message. >> hi, david! >> they are eager to learn. >> math and writing. >> we learn in a fun way. and ms. b tonight with her hope. epjoen i reallyo bievee n do anything. bye! >> hi, david. >> and opal, you'll remember her son, jeremiah, right by her side. tonight, she's back in touch with us, with a message on this international women's day. >> for all those women out there that are struggling way too much and have so much on their plate, you can keep doing it. stay in the fight. be strong. >> the moms, the teachers, the essential workers, we are indebted. >> announcer: building a bteba . >>ve andit morend more people getting vaccinated each day we are starting to corner. >> good news today from the centers for disease control as new guidelines are released for what those inoculated against covid-19 can and cannot do. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry beil. >> and i'm kristen sze. it's the first time the cdc has laid out some kind of guidance like this. >> when i say fully vaccinated, i mean people who are two weeks after their second dose of either the pfizer or moderna vaccines or two weeks after a single dose of the johnson & johnson vaccine. >> so here's a look at the recommendations. officials say indoor visits between vaccinated people who do not wear masks or physically distance are likely to be low risk. if you're vaccinated but you're visiting indoors with somebody who isn't, the level of precautions taken should be determined by the unvaccinated person's risk of severe disease. you should still wear a mask when seeing unvaccinated people for more than one other household. one thing that did not change, the cdc's travel recommendations. domestic and international travel is still discouraged. right now let's take a deeper look at this with dr. alok patel, a member of our vaccine team. dr. patel, thanks for your time today. >> thank you, kristen. >> so what do you think are the main points of the cdc guidelines today? the parts where they loosened restrictions for people who are fully vaccinated. are they on track? >> i think they are on track. and these guidelines are basically mirroring what we've seen play out in real time. the vaccines really do they may keep one another protected. we don't have the concrete data to show they prevent transmission which is why we should be careful with anyone who is unvaccinated and high risk. but as far as vaccinated people getting together or mixing with

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Time , Weekday , Stories , On The Air , Answering , Stream , Cdc Out N , 00 , 3 , People , Masks , Cdc , Distancing , Grandparents , Groups , Gui Toni Vaccinated , Two , Risk , Dr , One , Travel , Family Members , Hug , Jha Standing , Way , Questions , Biden , Help , Checks , Millions , Sete Nowho Cldteachasses , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Derek Chauvin , Jury Selection , Trial , George Floyd , Death , Reporting , Former Minneapolis , Wt Meghan , Security Presence , Cecilia Vega , Thoughts , U S , Race , Allegation , Explosive , Airing , Bombshell Interview , Prince Harry , Healthal Health , Last , Uk , Archie , Skin , Prince , Conversations , Live In London , Oprah Winfrey , James Longman Standing , Moms , Officers , Workers , Messages , Call , Women S Day , Front Line , Shootout On Theta , New York City , New York City Police , Guidance , Restrictions , News , Side , Life , Some , Glimpse , Director , Course , Warning , Pandemic , Step , Virus , Unvaccinated , Numbers , Variants , Midst , Dose , Adults , T Ofdus Coun , 59945000 , Others , Ashish Jha , Crowds , Standing , Images , Far , Authorities , Daytona , Fatigue Setting In , Reporter , Vaccine , More , Corner , Miami , Road Map , Victor Oquendo , Abc , New Cdc Guidelines Say , Household , Oups , Ri Distancing , Group , Illness , Daughter , Family , Disease , It , Guidelines , Minerva Rodriguez , Grandchildren , Rules , Things , Public , Cases , Hospitals , Minerva , Sisters Adrienne Jackson , F , List , Country , Lives , Surge , Nonessential Travel , Tonight New Storm , Spring Breakers , Variant , Nba All Star Game , Bike Week , Beaches , Bars , Hundreds , Motorcycles , Florida , Atlanta , Texas , Latest , States , Mask Mandates , Water , Suffocating , Tunnel , Walensky , Answer , Mask Mandate , Lifting , Vaccinate First , David , Hopes , Science , Thank Yo Whillislld Gi , Many , Home , Something , Example , Evree , Evening , Relief , Rest , Sound , Lot , Question , Gathering , Data , Exactly , Sk Acc Folksreot Hig , Somewhere , Aren T Vaccinated , Flight , Plane , Few , Difference , Learning , Grocery Store , Airplane , Retail Shop , Nexto Dy Whoighisk W , Ir Pn Io , Message , Health , America , Individuals , Place , Measures , Six , President , Covid Relief Bill , House , Vote , His Signature , Vega , Senate , Bill , Stimulus Checks , Desk , Gate , Concessions , 75000 , 5000 , Unemployment Benefits , Wtehose , White House , 300 , 15 , 1400 , 5 , 400 , 80000 , 0000 , Minimum Wage , Package , Single , The End , Butem Acoen , Republican , Monday Night , Anniversary , Prime Time , Address , Security , World , Neck , Kneeling , To Minneapolis , Bed , Nine , Video , Charges , Alex Perez , Murder , Manslaughter , Nation , Killing , Eyes , Family Member , Courtroom , Set , Justice , Notes , Ch In Court , Jurors , Appeals Court , Degree Murder , Degree Manslaughter , Delay , Sparring , Murder Charge , Judge , Degree , Prosecutor , Option , Reporourt , Breaths , Alternates , Bystanders , Four , 12 , Number , Jury Instructions , Movement , George Floyd Demonstration , Megh , Appeals , Fecting , Mental Health , Situation , James Longman , Irony , Tonameric The Uk , London R , Women , Voice , Suicide , None , Latter , Isolation , Buckingham Palace , Deep Loneliness , Sad , Institution , Explosive Allegation , Wouldn T Be Good , Conversation , Concerns , Title , Baby , Claims , Comment , Palace , Choice , Don T , Queen , Mother , Mrr , Social Media , Son , Bragrandmother , Calls , Respect , Prince Charles , Understanding , Chief , Colonel , Relationship , Grandson , Hurt , Philip , Interview , Response , Word , Britons , Suicide Prevention Lifeline , Shootout , Heart Disease , Support , Stairs , Risk Factors , 1 800 273 8255 , 800 , 273 , 8255 , 24 , 1 , Don T Take Vascepa , Diabetes , Statin , Stroke , Heart Attack , Triglycerides , 25 , Family History , Ingredient , Fda , Icosapent Ethyl , Side Effects , Doctor , Heart Rhythm Problems , Bleeding , Irregular Heartbeat , Joint Pain , Muscle , Moisturizer , Body Wash , Moisturizing , Cardio Protection , Protection , Both , Compromise , Bacteria , Dove Care , 99 , Zero , Performer , Anything , Distractions , Arthritis , Arthritis Pain Relief , Doubts , Head , Voltaren , Scene , Ith , Voaren It , Police Officers , Police , Stairwell , Surveillance , Fire , Body Cameras , Brooklyn Apartment Building , Confrontation , Firing , Oyo , Suspect , Vest , Arrest , Put The Gun Down , Pill , Swelling , Rinvoq , Pain , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Broadcast , Symptoms , Stiffness , Infections , Joints , Nra , Fatigue , Attack , Immune System , Ability , Rinvoq Relief , Changes , Bloodwork , Intestines , Blood Clots , Stomach , Cancers , Tuberculosis , Lab Results , Tears , Lymphoma , Medicine , Rheumatologist , Mission , Abbvie , Food , Families , Food Insecurity , Need , Schools , Company , Food Banks , Power , Amazon , 12 Million , Wonofor Urlien , Manager , Ookietfolios , Wdo , Meyanager , W Ey , Investments , Money Manager , Commissions , Needs , Client , Clients , Portfolios , Fees , Judith , Fisher Investments , Taking Eliquis , Blood Clot , Dvt , Eliquis Didn T , Patients , Another , Tape , Treatment , 98 , Numbness , Spil , Muscle Weakness , Artificial Heart Valve , Tingling , Medicines , Care , Bruising , Signs , Procedures , Combatant Commands , U S Transportation Command , Army , Generals , Biden Nominating Two , Laura Richardson , Military Career , Quote , U S Southern Command , No Door , Space , Sky , Men , Inspiration , Role Models , Energy , Trap , Cardi B , Grammy , Girls , It Doesn T , First , Chance , Beauty , Person , Business , Minerals , Protein , Nutrients , Vitamins , Oo H , Eag En , 9 , 27 , Dove Handwash , Times , Hands , Type 2 Diabetes , Everywhere , Sandpaper , Blend , Germs , Moisturizes , Soft , 2 , 40 , Stop Rybelsus , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Don T Take Rybelsus , Blood Sugar , Insulin , Sugar , Ways , A1c , Majority , Lost , 7 , 8 , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , 10 , Mothers , America Strong , Opal Foster , Jeremiah , Job , Teaching , Parenting , Down Syndrome Networks , December Of 2020 , March 2020 , 2020 , Maryland , Nicole Strauch , Work , Bit , Nursing Home , Occupational Therapist , Home Schooling , Feel , Canonsburg , Pennsylvania , Hope , Play , Garage , Shower , Wasn T Infecting My Family , Office , Home Office , Drawings , Hi , Christine Tagg , Second Grade , Imani Baucom , Students , Bedtime Stories , Teacher , Struggle , Tb , Reading , Story , Writing , Math , 11 , Opal , Epjoen I Reallyo Bievee , Stay , Touch , Plate , Essential Workers , Teachers , Fight , Announcer , Building A Bteba , Indebted , Ve Andit Morend , Thanks , Kind , Larry Beil , Kristen Sze , 19 , Vaccines , Look , Recommendations , Either , Pfizer , Johnson , Officials , Moderna , Somebody , Visits , Precautions , Unvaccinated Person , Thing , Mask , Travel Recommendations , Kristen , Alok Patel , Parts , Vaccine Team , Points , Track , Transmission , Anyone , Protected ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir

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cecilia vega tonight with late reporting. the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin, charged in george floyd's death. a major security presence today and what halted jury selection. at this hour, meghan and harry's bombshell interview with oprah airing in the uk. after airing in the u.s. last acng t wt meghan revealed about her healthal health, her suicidal thoughts and the most explosive allegation involving race. questions over what baby archie would look like. alleged conversations about how dark his skin might be. and today, oprah winfrey revealing more about what prince harry told her about that. james longman standing by live in london. the harrowing moments here in new york city. several new york city police officers answering a call. the shootout on theta officers wounded. and on this international women's day, the messages from so many moms and front line workers who hope you'll watch right here tonight. good evening and it's great to have you with us here as we start another week together. and we begin tonight with that news from the cdc and perhaps a first glimpse of life as we inch closer to the other side of this. the cdc now issuing new guidance for people who are fully vaccinated. easing some of the restrictions we've been living with for the past year now. today, the director of the cdc calling it an important first step, but also issuing a warning that we remain in the midst of a serious pandemic with the virus still rampant, with variants here in the u.s. and with millions, of course, still unvaccinated. but tonight, the numbers are slowly going up. look at this. 59,945,000 adults have received at least one dose, t ofdus coun and tonight, the cdc now saying two weeks after being fully vaccinated, that people can gather indoors in small groups with others who are fully vaccinated, without masks or social distancing. and if grandparents are vaccinated, they can visit and hug family members who are not vaccinated as long as no one is but with so many still . unvaccinated and fatigue setting in, the crowds over the weekend from ft. lauderdale to images coming in from daytona. authorities are warning we've come this far, to remain vigilant. dr. jha standing by with your questions answered tonight, but we're going to begin here with abc's victor oquendo from miami tonight. >> reporter: tonight, that long awaited road map for millions of americans now getting the vaccine. >> with more and more people getting vaccinated each day, we are starting to turn a corner. >> reporter: new cdc guidelines say two weeks after a final oups without masks or social ri distancing. those who are vaccinated can also gather with another unvaccinated household without masks, as long as the unvaccinated group is at low risk for serious illness. >> if grandparents have been vaccinated, they can visit their daughter and her family, even if they have not been vaccinated, so long as the daughter and her severe disease. >> reporter: in miami, minerva rodriguez just got her first dose and can't wait to see her grandchildren again, but she's going to play it safe by these new guidelines. >> it's better to follow the rules than not to follow the rules. look what happens every time people don't follow the rules. things go up, you know. the cases go up, the hospitals get crowded. >> reporter: the cdc now says vaccinated people like minerva should still wear masks and practice social distancing in public. sisters adrienne jackson and first f the first things on the list. >> reporter: the cdc saying vaccinated grandparents can visit people nearby, but avoid nonessential travel. >> every time that there's a surge in travel, we have a surge of cases in this country. >> reporter: americans eager to restart their lives, but tonight new storm. spring breakers descending on beaches and bars in florida, where the uk variant is accelerating. in daytona, hundreds of motorcycles rumbling in for bike week. and in atlanta, crowds celebrating the nba all-star game. this is as more states lift restrictions and drop mask mandates. texas just the latest. >> we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, because we've spent a year battling, trying to survive, under water, suffocating, wondering do i close it, do i keep it open? >> reporter: but today essential workers protesting the lifting of the mask mandate, saying their lives are being put at risk. >> the answer is vaccinate. vaccinate first. >> reporter: the director of the cdc says they are really trying to restrain travel. dr. walensky calling this a first step. and hopes as more americans get vaccinated, there will be more guidance with the science behind what vaccinated people can do. david? >> victor oquendo right there in miami. victor, thank yo whillislld gi something to look forward to. we know many of you at home might have some questions about this new guidance, so, let's get right to dr. ashish jha. dr. jha, always great to have you with us. and we just heard the cdc director there give that example. she said that if grandparents have been vaccinated, they can visit their daughter and her family, for example, even if they have not been vaccinated, as long as the daughter and grandchildren are not high risk. so, vaccinated grandparents with the rest of the family, even if they're not vaccinated, that sounds encouraging. does it sound right to you? >> yeah, good evening, david, thank you for having me on. it does sound right to me. it's obviously a huge relief for evree key issue is tt the sk.acc folksreot hig and that' ta relatively safe gathering. so, i'm pleased to see the cdc s exactly right. >> now to the other question that a lot of people are asking about, because dr. walensky said that those that are vaccinated should be wearing masks in public. she still warned against nonessential travel, not getting on a flight somewhere. if you can be with family members who aren't vaccinated, w why can't you get on a plane? i guess there are so many questions, can people carry the virus unknowingly and spread it on a plane? >> yeah, there's still a lot we're learning. the key difference here, when you're out in public, you're in a grocery store, in a retail shop, you're sitting on an airplane, you might be nexto dy whoighisk w is really i r pn io are vaccinated. which is not that far away. probably six weeks or so before most high risk individuals in america are vaccinated. we've really got to keep the public health measures in place until then. >> i hear that stay vigilant message coming from you again. dr. jha, thank you. millions, meantime, waiting for economic help during this pandemic. president biden's covid relief bill now passing the senate, back in the house tonight, awaiting a final vote there before being sent to the president for his signature.,t' vega, back with us tonight. and cecilia, how soon is the president likely to see this bill on his desk? how close is the bill to what he originally asking for? >> reporter: well, david, it's pretty close, but he did have to make some concessions. let me show you what those are right out of the gate. fewer people will be eligible for those stimulus checks. if you earn $75,000 or less, you're going to get that $1,400. smaller checks for people who earn $80,000 a year or less. unemployment benefits, the white house wtehose to be about $400, they're going to be $300 a week. there is no longer that $15 an hour minimum wage in this package. not a single republican voted to support this, butem acoen they' to pass this. they say they'll get it to the president by the end of this week and the white house told me that americans can expect to see these checks in their hands by the end of the month. david, we are also finding out that the president is expected to give his very first prime time address on thursday. he will talk about the anniversary, that one-year anniversary of our country shut down due to covid. >> one year of living through this. cecilia, thank you. the other news this monday night, to minneapolis and the first day of the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin,ed in the death of george floyd. under tight security today. chauvin, of course, seen around the world kneeling on floyd's neck for more thain nine minutes in that video. he's facing manslaughter and murder charges, but what halted jury selection today? abc's alex perez from minneapolis tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the eyes of the nation on minneapolis as the trial for derek chauvin, the officer accused of killing george floyd, is set to begin. >> i'm expecting justice today. >> reporter: because of covid restrictions, only one family member allowed in the courtroom. ch in court, chauvin taking notes today. he's pleaded not guilty to second degree murder and second degree manslaughter. but before jury selection could even get started, a delay. >> we've sent all the jurors home, so, we're not going to have any jury selection today. >> reporter: the parties sparring after an appeals court said the judge should consider reinstating a third degree murder charge. >> the third degree murder charge is different than the other charges that he currently faces and that gives the prosecutor -- or would give the prosecutor, another option. >> reporourt 12 jurors and four alternates who, even though they may have seen that gut-wrenching video of floyd's last breaths as officers tried to keep bystanders back, can still imagine to remain impartible and follow jury instructions. and david, jurors will face a number of questions, including if they have ever attended a george floyd demonstration and how they feel about the pro-police movement, blue lives matter. it will depend on the ongoing appeals, but the judge hopes to get jury selection started tomorrow. david? >> alex, thank you. we should note that tonight in the uk, meghan and harry's bombshell interview with oprah now airing for the first time after airing here in the u.s. last night.fecting to what megh revealed about her mental health during that situation. her suicidal thoughts and the most explosive allegation involving race. questions over what baby archie would look like, alleged conversations about how dark his skin might be. and today, oprah winfrey revealing more about what prince harry told her about those conversations. abc's james longman tonight from london.r: tonameric the uk, the world reacting to meghan and harry, no longer silent. >> that's the sad irony of the last four years, is i've advocated for so long for women to use their voice. and then i was silent. >> were you silent or were you silenced? >> the latter. >> reporter: meghan also revealing the deep loneliness. the isolation. the thoughts of suicide. saying she asked buckingham palace for help, but there was none. >> i just didn't want to be alive anymore. and that was a very clear and ad real and frightening, constant thought. and i remember -- i remember how he just cradled me. and i was -- i went to the institution and i said that i needed to go somewhere to get help. i said that i've never felt this way before, and i need to go somewhere." and i was told that i couldn't, that it wouldn't be good for the institution. >> reporter: the most explosive allegation involving race. questions about what baby archie would look like. >> in those months when i was pregnant, all around this same time, so we have in tandem the conversation of he won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. >> what? there's a conversation with you -- >> with harry. about how dark your baby is going to be? >> potentially, would mean or look like. >> whoa. and you're not going to tell me who had the conversation? >> i think that would be very damaging to them. >> reporter: there's no way to verify these claims and the palace has yet to comment, but meghan says it was a conversation had with prince harry. oprah asking him about it. >> what was that conversation? >> that conversation i'm never going to share. but at the time -- at the time, it was awkward. i was a bit shocked. >> can you -- can you tell us what the question was? >> no. i don't -- i'm not comfortable with sharing that. >> reporter: prince harry and why he believes they had no choice but to leave. >> what i was seeing was history repeating itself, but mrr perhaps, or definitely far more dangerous because then you add race in and you add social media in and when i'm talking about history repeating itself, i'm talking about my mother. >> reporter: prince harry and meghan says they still talk with the queen, but for a time, prince charles was not talking to his son. >> my bragrandmother and i have really good relationship and an understanding and i have a deep respect for her. she's my colonel and chief. right? is he taking your calls now? >> yeah. yeah, yeah. he is. there's a lot to work through there, you know? i -- i feel really let down and this is -- and archie's his grandson. but at the same time, you know, of course i will -- i will always -- i will always love him. but there's a lot of hurt that's happened. >> and so let's get to james longman live with us outside buckingham palace. and james, oprah winfrey today revealing more about that conversation that prince harry allegedly had about what baby archie would look like, about his skin. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, david, oprah said today that harry told her that it was neither the queen nor prince philip who made that comment, but we don't know who it might have been. a lot of people asking that question tonight. no official word yet. and a lot of britons here tonight have watched that interview. there is going to be a big response. david? >> a response indeed. james longman with us tonight. james, thank you. and it was brought up in the interview and in james report there, meghan's mental health. if you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, help is available. you can call the national suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. there's support there 24 hours a day. when we come back here on this monday night, the harrowing moments here in new york city. several new york city police officers answering a call. the shootout on the stairs. officers wounded. if you have risk factors like heart disease, diabetes and raised triglycerides,... ...vascepa can give you something to celebrate. ♪ vascepa, when added to your statin,... clinically proven to provide 25% lower risk from heart attack and stroke. vascepa is clearly different. first and only fda approved. celebrate less risk. even for those with family history. ♪ don't take vascepa if you are... ...or become allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. serious side effects may occur like heart rhythm problems and bleeding. heart rhythm problems may occur in more people... ...with persistent cardiovascular risk or who have had them in the past. tell your doctor if you experience an irregular heartbeat or other heart rhythm problems. possible side effects include muscle and joint pain. celebrate less risk. added cardio protection. talk to your doctor about adding protection with vascepa. antibacterial or moisturizing body wash? 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>> tonight, 11 months after our first story on her, her students with a new message. >> hi, david! >> they are eager to learn. >> math and writing. >> we learn in a fun way. and ms. b tonight with her hope. epjoen i reallyo bievee n do anything. bye! >> hi, david. >> and opal, you'll remember her son, jeremiah, right by her side. tonight, she's back in touch with us, with a message on this international women's day. >> for all those women out there that are struggling way too much and have so much on their plate, you can keep doing it. stay in the fight. be strong. >> the moms, the teachers, the essential workers, we are indebted. >> announcer: building a bteba . >>ve andit morend more people getting vaccinated each day we are starting to corner. >> good news today from the centers for disease control as new guidelines are released for what those inoculated against covid-19 can and cannot do. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry beil. >> and i'm kristen sze. it's the first time the cdc has laid out some kind of guidance like this. >> when i say fully vaccinated, i mean people who are two weeks after their second dose of either the pfizer or moderna vaccines or two weeks after a single dose of the johnson & johnson vaccine. >> so here's a look at the recommendations. officials say indoor visits between vaccinated people who do not wear masks or physically distance are likely to be low risk. if you're vaccinated but you're visiting indoors with somebody who isn't, the level of precautions taken should be determined by the unvaccinated person's risk of severe disease. you should still wear a mask when seeing unvaccinated people for more than one other household. one thing that did not change, the cdc's travel recommendations. domestic and international travel is still discouraged. right now let's take a deeper look at this with dr. alok patel, a member of our vaccine team. dr. patel, thanks for your time today. >> thank you, kristen. >> so what do you think are the main points of the cdc guidelines today? the parts where they loosened restrictions for people who are fully vaccinated. are they on track? >> i think they are on track. and these guidelines are basically mirroring what we've seen play out in real time. the vaccines really do they may keep one another protected. we don't have the concrete data to show they prevent transmission which is why we should be careful with anyone who is unvaccinated and high risk. but as far as vaccinated people getting together or mixing with

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Time , Weekday , Stories , On The Air , Answering , Stream , Cdc Out N , 00 , 3 , People , Masks , Cdc , Distancing , Grandparents , Groups , Gui Toni Vaccinated , Two , Risk , Dr , One , Travel , Family Members , Hug , Jha Standing , Way , Questions , Biden , Help , Checks , Millions , Sete Nowho Cldteachasses , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Derek Chauvin , Jury Selection , Trial , George Floyd , Death , Reporting , Former Minneapolis , Wt Meghan , Security Presence , Cecilia Vega , Thoughts , U S , Race , Allegation , Explosive , Airing , Bombshell Interview , Prince Harry , Healthal Health , Last , Uk , Archie , Skin , Prince , Conversations , Live In London , Oprah Winfrey , James Longman Standing , Moms , Officers , Workers , Messages , Call , Women S Day , Front Line , Shootout On Theta , New York City , New York City Police , Guidance , Restrictions , News , Side , Life , Some , Glimpse , Director , Course , Warning , Pandemic , Step , Virus , Unvaccinated , Numbers , Variants , Midst , Dose , Adults , T Ofdus Coun , 59945000 , Others , Ashish Jha , Crowds , Standing , Images , Far , Authorities , Daytona , Fatigue Setting In , Reporter , Vaccine , More , Corner , Miami , Road Map , Victor Oquendo , Abc , New Cdc Guidelines Say , Household , Oups , Ri Distancing , Group , Illness , Daughter , Family , Disease , It , Guidelines , Minerva Rodriguez , Grandchildren , Rules , Things , Public , Cases , Hospitals , Minerva , Sisters Adrienne Jackson , F , List , Country , Lives , Surge , Nonessential Travel , Tonight New Storm , Spring Breakers , Variant , Nba All Star Game , Bike Week , Beaches , Bars , Hundreds , Motorcycles , Florida , Atlanta , Texas , Latest , States , Mask Mandates , Water , Suffocating , Tunnel , Walensky , Answer , Mask Mandate , Lifting , Vaccinate First , David , Hopes , Science , Thank Yo Whillislld Gi , Many , Home , Something , Example , Evree , Evening , Relief , Rest , Sound , Lot , Question , Gathering , Data , Exactly , Sk Acc Folksreot Hig , Somewhere , Aren T Vaccinated , Flight , Plane , Few , Difference , Learning , Grocery Store , Airplane , Retail Shop , Nexto Dy Whoighisk W , Ir Pn Io , Message , Health , America , Individuals , Place , Measures , Six , President , Covid Relief Bill , House , Vote , His Signature , Vega , Senate , Bill , Stimulus Checks , Desk , Gate , Concessions , 75000 , 5000 , Unemployment Benefits , Wtehose , White House , 300 , 15 , 1400 , 5 , 400 , 80000 , 0000 , Minimum Wage , Package , Single , The End , Butem Acoen , Republican , Monday Night , Anniversary , Prime Time , Address , Security , World , Neck , Kneeling , To Minneapolis , Bed , Nine , Video , Charges , Alex Perez , Murder , Manslaughter , Nation , Killing , Eyes , Family Member , Courtroom , Set , Justice , Notes , Ch In Court , Jurors , Appeals Court , Degree Murder , Degree Manslaughter , Delay , Sparring , Murder Charge , Judge , Degree , Prosecutor , Option , Reporourt , Breaths , Alternates , Bystanders , Four , 12 , Number , Jury Instructions , Movement , George Floyd Demonstration , Megh , Appeals , Fecting , Mental Health , Situation , James Longman , Irony , Tonameric The Uk , London R , Women , Voice , Suicide , None , Latter , Isolation , Buckingham Palace , Deep Loneliness , Sad , Institution , Explosive Allegation , Wouldn T Be Good , Conversation , Concerns , Title , Baby , Claims , Comment , Palace , Choice , Don T , Queen , Mother , Mrr , Social Media , Son , Bragrandmother , Calls , Respect , Prince Charles , Understanding , Chief , Colonel , Relationship , Grandson , Hurt , Philip , Interview , Response , Word , Britons , Suicide Prevention Lifeline , Shootout , Heart Disease , Support , Stairs , Risk Factors , 1 800 273 8255 , 800 , 273 , 8255 , 24 , 1 , Don T Take Vascepa , Diabetes , Statin , Stroke , Heart Attack , Triglycerides , 25 , Family History , Ingredient , Fda , Icosapent Ethyl , Side Effects , Doctor , Heart Rhythm Problems , Bleeding , Irregular Heartbeat , Joint Pain , Muscle , Moisturizer , Body Wash , Moisturizing , Cardio Protection , Protection , Both , Compromise , Bacteria , Dove Care , 99 , Zero , Performer , Anything , Distractions , Arthritis , Arthritis Pain Relief , Doubts , Head , Voltaren , Scene , Ith , Voaren It , Police Officers , Police , Stairwell , Surveillance , Fire , Body Cameras , Brooklyn Apartment Building , Confrontation , Firing , Oyo , Suspect , Vest , Arrest , Put The Gun Down , Pill , Swelling , Rinvoq , Pain , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Broadcast , Symptoms , Stiffness , Infections , Joints , Nra , Fatigue , Attack , Immune System , Ability , Rinvoq Relief , Changes , Bloodwork , Intestines , Blood Clots , Stomach , Cancers , Tuberculosis , Lab Results , Tears , Lymphoma , Medicine , Rheumatologist , Mission , Abbvie , Food , Families , Food Insecurity , Need , Schools , Company , Food Banks , Power , Amazon , 12 Million , Wonofor Urlien , Manager , Ookietfolios , Wdo , Meyanager , W Ey , Investments , Money Manager , Commissions , Needs , Client , Clients , Portfolios , Fees , Judith , Fisher Investments , Taking Eliquis , Blood Clot , Dvt , Eliquis Didn T , Patients , Another , Tape , Treatment , 98 , Numbness , Spil , Muscle Weakness , Artificial Heart Valve , Tingling , Medicines , Care , Bruising , Signs , Procedures , Combatant Commands , U S Transportation Command , Army , Generals , Biden Nominating Two , Laura Richardson , Military Career , Quote , U S Southern Command , No Door , Space , Sky , Men , Inspiration , Role Models , Energy , Trap , Cardi B , Grammy , Girls , It Doesn T , First , Chance , Beauty , Person , Business , Minerals , Protein , Nutrients , Vitamins , Oo H , Eag En , 9 , 27 , Dove Handwash , Times , Hands , Type 2 Diabetes , Everywhere , Sandpaper , Blend , Germs , Moisturizes , Soft , 2 , 40 , Stop Rybelsus , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Don T Take Rybelsus , Blood Sugar , Insulin , Sugar , Ways , A1c , Majority , Lost , 7 , 8 , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , 10 , Mothers , America Strong , Opal Foster , Jeremiah , Job , Teaching , Parenting , Down Syndrome Networks , December Of 2020 , March 2020 , 2020 , Maryland , Nicole Strauch , Work , Bit , Nursing Home , Occupational Therapist , Home Schooling , Feel , Canonsburg , Pennsylvania , Hope , Play , Garage , Shower , Wasn T Infecting My Family , Office , Home Office , Drawings , Hi , Christine Tagg , Second Grade , Imani Baucom , Students , Bedtime Stories , Teacher , Struggle , Tb , Reading , Story , Writing , Math , 11 , Opal , Epjoen I Reallyo Bievee , Stay , Touch , Plate , Essential Workers , Teachers , Fight , Announcer , Building A Bteba , Indebted , Ve Andit Morend , Thanks , Kind , Larry Beil , Kristen Sze , 19 , Vaccines , Look , Recommendations , Either , Pfizer , Johnson , Officials , Moderna , Somebody , Visits , Precautions , Unvaccinated Person , Thing , Mask , Travel Recommendations , Kristen , Alok Patel , Parts , Vaccine Team , Points , Track , Transmission , Anyone , Protected ,

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