Suffer complications. Joining me to talk about, is former Staff Surgeon of the joint chiefs of staff, admiral chin. Good even afternoon, thanks for having me on. Huh a distinguished career in the navy. You served domestically, and internationally. And you have helped in combat situations, and absolutely, honored to have you on the program. And also, youre from San Francisco . Yeah, i am born and raised in the bay area. My family has been in the bay area for four generations and i remember watching kgo. Oh, we are honored. Where did you go to high school . All right, santa fe high school. All right. I want to launch in a question of covid19 patients. Who do we know about the percentage of those who are deemed long hauler. They recover from the initial hit but they continue to suffer complications. Is that a lot of people . Yeah, that is currently under investigation. We know a lot about the acute phases of covid19. We know in the united states, close to 9 Million People affected and 230,000 lost their lives. What they are now seeing is there a percentage of patients who are had covid, symptom, are now testing negative but they are prolonged symptoms. Weeks to months after their initial infection. So some estimates, 10 who had it, symptoms, up to 50 so its a major concern. It is. Its not a tiny percentage. What are some of the calmer, longer term complications we have seen so far . We have seven months of data so far . Right that is a great point. Were still what they are finding, is that patients these patients who are long haulers dont feel right. They may be extremely fatigued, exercising tolerance. May have severe shortness of breath and difficulty concentrating, memory problems. Its called a brain fog. So very concerning. Do we know why some people suffer lorng term effects and others bounce back quickly . We dont know why. But what we do know is that the people who may be most sus eptible are those who have very severe illness, who 4 to be hospitalized in intensive care unit, or ventilated or therapeutic, older age group, or those who are mull pl chronic busies. They are most at risk. From a medical standpoint what rlt Biggest Challenges in treating long haulers. Well, again, another great question, and there is some Exciting Research actually going on right now at New York University school of medicine. Its supported by the National Institutes of allergy and Infectious Disease and its a drug called bio300. 00. Its been developed by a company, that right now, the resornlgers in new york are looking at that. That be a prevent it in reverse. Seat belt reason, the department of defense and the National Cancer institute, they preventing the effects of radiation, whether its Radiation Therapy for people with lung cancer or the radiation in people that have been exposed to that. So its very promising research. Its on going right now, at New York University school of medicine. Yeah, you bring up the lungs. We know covid that is attacks the lungs. What are some of the long term effects of covid19 we have seen so far that we understand so far, in addition to what you just mentioned, what kelce be done to help . Yeah, so primarily in the lungs. We dont have a lot of information on that. There is a process of inflammation and scarring that may develop over time, and that is the same process in the raid occasion therapy patients thatry seeing also in the covid long haulers and that is where the study is looking at. Whetherby owe 300 can prevent or mitigate that. I always try to fold in questions from those who view us on facebook. I have one coming in right now. Randall davis wants to know, can you ask how far the virus germs can travel outdoors . We hear its safer to be outdoors but if there is a breeze or a wind . Yeah, the Current Research and guidelines from the cdc, is what they are finding is the primary method of transmission is respiratory droplets and they are looking at six feet, ten feet of distance is the primary if you are outdoors, the wind can carry it. What happens there, then those virus particles and are dispersed. And the concentrated concentration is problem. That is why its six feet or more. Here is another question coming in. Ellie rose wants to know, do people who have been exposed for a covid positive person and tested negative themselves still need to quarantine . That is the current guidelines from the Public Health community. If you are exposed to someone, you should be quarantined. And then you get the testing. And i believe its two or more negative tests perhaps youre in a better situation in terms of decreasing your ability to transmit to someone else or get it yourself. Based on lessons we have learned from covid what will doctors need to consider when preparing for the next superbug. Its coming. We dont know when. A great question. Something i have been worried about since i when i was in service. But we are going to have another pandemic. Whether or not its 100 years from now, 20, 50 year, we dont know. But its going to come. We have already seen emerging Infectious Disease strike us. Whether its hiv aids. Ebola, the original sars and now sars covid19. I think what we have to do as a country and a global community, is develop the policies and procedures so we are better prepared in. That is what we need to do in the future. All right, admiral, thank you so much for joining us today for for the great information. We appreciate your time and service. Thank you very much. I approach yapt eciate it. We will talk about prop 16. One of the hot props on the ballot and it could make affirmative action legal again in the state of and welcome back. One of the hottest issues on the california ballot is prop 16. If it passes, it would make affirmative action legal again in the state. If it failed, it would make affirmative action banned. We want to explore the issue. Joining us today are San Francisco state assemblyman david choo who has endorsed prop 16, along with kamala and gail harriott who opposes it. Thanks being being here. Thank you. Thanks for having us on. Do you both agree that ensuring is different groups receive education and contracting is an important and worthy goal in our owe sighty . Yes, absolutely. That is not a yes or no question. Goodness sake, if it requires preferential treatment, im against it. If im for equal treatment. N that sense, sure. Regardless of race, sex, color, National Origin. Do you think we dont have parody right now . Yes or no . Absolutely. You take this moment in history where you see Racial Disparities in the pandemic, racial inequality. Protests in the streets because of racism and sexism. Gender disparities where women on the front lines are making 80 cents on the dollar. Women of color are makes 60 cents on the dollar. We dont have equality. All right, i will thak lets be very clear. Wait a second. Wait a second. We are taking about an initiative that would strike from the state constitution the following words, and i am quoting here. The state shall not discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, color, ethnicity or National Origin n the operation of p employment, Public Education or public contracting. The notion that you some how stop discrimination by deleting from the constitution that provision that bans discrimination and referential treatment, that is just utter nonsense. All right, let me ask you what you think the solution is then if were talking about goals such as getting more disadvantaged groups in the university of california or ensuring that women and Small Businesses are able to get contracts. What do you think is the solution . Current law already allows a little leg up, for example, at the university of california. They give a little leg up to people from local income backgrounds, or people whose parents didnt have a chance to go to college and they are doing that now. Absolutely now. The purpose of prop it to hire income persons who happen to be africanamerican or latino so if you are looking to benefit the disadvantage, that is already the law. Back in 2008, i believe it was, or 2007, then senator barack obama was asked whether his two daughters s should receive referential treatment when they apply for college, and he said no. And i think thats the right answer, and one that most californians agree with. But somehow, the leading in the constitution, is being packaged as helping the disadvantaged. That is not true. Prop 16 is about allowing disadvantaged to be defined in terms of race and sex. But disadvantage is a lot more complicated than that. And therefore should reject prop 16. Assemblyman, how do you respond to that . California is very progressive but the latest poll shows that prop 16 is trailing and california is one of nine states that bans affirmative action as a tool to fight discrimination so clearly now, the sentiment is not entirely with it. Do you this think is a mis misperception or tell people why they should vote for it. And what do you say to professor h harriott who says it does benefit srn people. Lets talk about the law, as she said. 24 years ago, white conservatives teamed up with White Supremacists to pass propization 209, to ban any consideration of race or gender. Lets eliminate that ban to give a new generation of californians to decide if race and gender ought to matter f structural race and Structural Racism is real. Lets take off the handcuffs and talk about who the propositions are of proposition 16. Professor harriotts partner in crime recently called white nationals super patriots he did not that is absolutely defamatory. You can see it in print. He talked about white in california. He made unbelievable comments about latinos. The opposition has been engaging in racist, genocidal language, and this is what they are defending, and i suggest, profess esch, you have debufshed the mismatched theory that black students dont belong on High Performance campuses. You are simply on the edge. Wait, that is that is utterly defamatory. Its the sort of thing that people actually sue over. The notion that prop 209 was brought on by White Supremacists is sutter nonsense and the sort of thing that defames the entire state. You know what im going to do here . Professor harriott wait a second, wait a second. I didnt get to talk as long as he did. I want to take it off the table right now. That is utterly out of bounds. I would like to take it off the table. I want the voters who are watching to still consider. Lets put Something Back on the table here for defaming californians who vote for equal opportunity. The notion that prop 209 is a plop by White Supremacists is born out of some polling that prop 16 people have done. Where they found if they blame this on White Supremacists, they have a chance to win. I dont they californians are going to buy that. That is astonishing i have to say, i dont think the direction is going is helping Voters Decide where they want to support 24. Assemblyman choorks i would like to find out f it does pass, then what . Does a commission get set up to decide how its run . What would you tell people who are worried . Does it meanly be become disadvantaged . How their viewpoints will be considered . Let me lay out a little be the of the challenges. After proposition 209 passed, minority owned businesses lost over a billion dollars a year on contracts. When it comes to employment, we have so many fields that need greater diversity. If we had more black plifrs. Would covid be spregd as much as right now in the Latino Community if if we had latino doctors. When it comes to the Asian American community, we dont have bilingual educators. There are so many things we can do. But it will be up to every city and county, state agency, any Governmental Agency to decide in every field what is appropriate. There would not be a one sized fits all. It would decide in the area of contract what makes sense. In the area of employment and in the area of education. We want to leave it up to the public to decide whether race and jernd ought to matter and whether its the best. And race and gender can never be the overriding consideration. It can only be one of the factors considered and there are many of white house believe that race matters. Jen gender matters. Racism is real. Sexism is read. All right, well, process esch, i will give you 15 seconds and were out of time. Well, just about everything the assemblyman just said is false. First, this language does not ban affirmative action. That is not just me saying it. The california courts have said that. So thats just nonsense. There are types of affirmative action, lo so long as they dont discriminate based on race, sex, color, religion or National Origin. That is put aside. That is all the time. We have prorks fesser harriott and assemblyman choo, thank you for coming on. You can tell this is a heated debate and an issue that is complex. We advise you to study the nonpartisan voter guide before you make a choice. We will take a break. You can safety enjoy a concert humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. 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And welcome back. Going out safely is something some people want to do right now, and one Company Wants to make it happen. Joining us now to talk about a drivein Concert Series is ceo robbie cool. How are you doing . Doing great. Were up and running and looking forward to i think we might have b having signal issues. Robbie, tell me what is that behind you . That looks to be a oh, folks, this is awkward. I think were having signal issues. Folks, we are going let our happen. All right, welcome back. We solved our little technical issue. Joining us now to talk about a drivein Concert Series is ceo of hush concerts, robbie coal. Robbie, what are hush concerts . Well, hush concerts are what we are doing for 15 years, finding different ways for people to enjoy concerts. We are best known for wireless head 230e7bs but we have been doing a lot of work with fm. Enabling people have driveins and we have been looking for a venue in the bay area, and we found one at the berlin game golf center that we turned in the bay shore drivein for three weeks of concerts, music and comedy started last weekend and we are going to next week. This is at coyote point. Just looking at the virtual background behind you. Tell me how it works. People pull up in their cars and then what . We have the cars spaced out. We are asking people to stay in or on their cars but we have concessions and rest rooms so they can leave to do those things. In general, one of the nice things about the bay area, is everybody in the community is very interested in taking care of one another. So supreme been compliant, using masks at all times. And the primary considerations is everybodys safety, getting the Community Together and also getting production professionals back to work. As you know, this community of Event Professionals has been hurting very badly. We were the first to shut down in february and march, and many, many people are out of work. We have been trying to do a small part to help with that. A Live Performance f you move your head, i can see the stage there, there you go, and people are in their cars. They contindont come out. Are you going to do more of these . We have a show tonight. Tomorrow night, there is a 3d movie being shown. Saturday and sunday, we have tickets and next weekend w regoing two shows on saturday. A comedian, he has a netflix special right now and friday night, another show that is about to be announce entered were going shut it down for winter and probably be back in spring with special stuff. The goal here was troo to try to get something going. So we have 20 seconds left. I want to ask you for the web address, and approximate cost, range. Bay shore drive in. Com. And the aapproximate cost is between 100 to 350 defending where you are going to be and that is for the car. All right, thank you so much for sharing the concerts with us. We will be right back, actually that is the end of the show. Thanks for joining us today on getting answers. We will see you back here tomorrow at 3 00. Tonight, the race to the finish. Five days until election day and this evening, President Trump and joe biden both in florida. It comes as the u. S. Sets a grim record. More than 85,000 new indications of covid in the last 24 hours. The president with the first lady trying to appeal to suburban women. The president pointing to record growth in the Third Quarter