Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20200212 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20200212

>> he told you that the car would drive to that same barrier? >> yes. >> the same barrier that he finally hit? >> yeah, that's why i saw the news i know. >> reporter: in this exclusive video captured in march of 2018, members of the ntsb could be seen in the aftermath of the incident collecting information. wong didn't have his hands on the steering wheel leading up to the crash and he had a game up on his mobile device during the drive, but they couldn't determine how engaged he was at the time of the collision. the federal safety agency previously rebuked cal tran saying it needed to repair safety barriers damaged by ve z vehicles. in this case the barrier had been damaged 11 days earlier. family members believe wong could still be alive if that was in place. cal tran has identified and is implementing steps to enhance monitoring and repair of highway infrastructure. these include training staff and reporting on high priority traffic safety devices. the ntsb has yet to determine who was at fault for the accident. tesla did not return our requests for comment. we do want to point out that the wong family has filed a lawsuit against both tesla and cal a woman was seriously hurt when she was hit by a car crossing the street this afternoon. the crash happened just before 1:30 this afternoon and streets were still closed off several hours later. also new at 6:00, a child was taken to the hospital after a crash near the concord pavilion just before 3:30 this afternoon.edn aie as you saw there. there's no word on what led up to the crash. abc 7 news has obtained new video of a robbery yesterday afternoon in the diamond district that took less than 30 seconds. wat watch now. the victim is washing his car and the two men come running up and put a gun to his head. there's a struggle and the victim is forced to the ground. one robber reached into the car and the other is watching. then they leave and you see one man holding the gun as they run away. the victim was not hurt. it all happened in an instant and was terrifying. coronavirus is showing no signs of slowing down. the number of dead is more than 1,100 people. >> 44,000 others have been infect infected. the cdc provided a sliver of optimi optimism. >> this outbreak is spreading quickly. the current information suggests this virus overall may be less severe. >> the virus keeps spreading on a quarantined cruise ship near japan. 39 more people have tested positive. that brings the total to 174. more than 20 americans are infected. there are 3,700 people on board. a sister ship to the diamond princess docked in san francisco today. its arrival was delayed because of a medical emergency. a passenger had a heart attack and had to be air lifted and then the ship had to refuel. we spoke with passengers this afternoon about what they thought when they heard the words medical emergency. >> there was a lot of fear that somebody had the virus. they weren't saying anything and we thought the more they're not saying, the scareyer it is. >> really scarey, but a lot of people die of the flu. there's a lot of fear. >> she seemed to take it in stride. one passenger showed him a form sent to him about with anyone who was sick. almost 200 people completed a quarantine near riverside. they threw their face masks in the air. they have been cleared of coronavirus. >> it looks like a graduation photo. as the outbreak continues, asians and asian americans, so the spreading of fear. how people are feeling targeted in a way. >> some of the fear generated by the spread of the coronavirus is being misdirected. people tell me now more than ever the asian american community needs to be supported. >> now, people are racially profiled for being asian looking and especially if you're wearing a mask. >> dr. jong is the chair at san francisco state university. he feels there are preconceived notions how sick people of of desent could be for being asian. >> more nonchinese get it. >> he says health policies have been used to discriminate against asians in the past like in 2003 and social media is only making it worse. >> i think that's made some of the racial profiling more viral. you have memes and people strong comments. >> uc berkeley received backlash. it says please recognize that experiencing any of these reactions can be normal and then lists the university says we apologize for the recent post. we regret any misunderstanding it may have caused and have updated the language in our materials. abc 7 news. >> thanks very much. there are of course a lot of questions about coronavirus. we have answers to the top seven on our website. that includes the symptoms and the best ways to protect yourself. we move on to your voice, your vote. the loss of two candidates in the race for the democratic presidential nomination. yang has suspended his campaign. >> we have touched and improved millions of lives and moved this country we love so much in t di. and while there is great work left to be done, you know i am the math guy and it is clear tonight from the numbers thate ar tohi race. i am not someone who wants to accept donations and support in a race that we will not win and so tonight i am announcing i am suspending my campaign for president. >> we love you. >> i love you too. >> just a short time ago colorado senator michael bennett announced he was ending his bid. we're down to nine candidates still in the running for the democratic presidential nomination. here is what the results look like now with less than half of the expected votes reporting. sanders at 28% right 28% right t biden at 9%. this new hampshire primary is the first one in the nation. abc 7 news reporter is live from manchester, new hampshire with a look at what the exit polling is telling us about how voters reached their decisions. >> reporter: the votes are still being counted so things could quickly change, but moments after the polls closed in the first primary here in new hampshire, we saw bernie sanders surge surge to the top spot. bernie sanders won the state primary in 2016 and going into this competition he was confident that he could win new hampshire. in fact, he became an early target for that. we saw other candidates attack him over the course of a week for saying that if bernie sanders gets the nomination, that he could hurt the entire democratic party. he says that his message will resonate across the board and for the number two spot, we're seeing former mayor pete buttigieg and senator amy klobuchar competing there. amy klobuchar's campaign reporting they had the largest turnout over the weekend after the friday debate and they say they brought in around $2 million after that debate. tonight not unfolding how senator elizabeth warren had hoped. moments ago she took the stage on her election night party and said that she wanted to to congratulate sanders. she made it clear she's in it for the long haul. we saw joe biden down play expectations. we see him now and elizabeth warren coming in around 9%. he is not in new hampshire. he's in south carolina looking forward to the other stat stat states. >> thank you for all the latest information. today was a good reminder of why it's good to live in california, blue skies, sunshine. abc 7 news today found beach goers and sun bathers. spencer christian is here. did we hit any record highs? >> let me give you a look right now. this beautiful sunny almost summer -- certainly spring like. cetino rhe t thidsec date. 80 degrees in santa rosa. 72 in livermore. all new highs for this date. there were warm readings everywhere. 81 in cloverdale. 78 in fairfield. 70s all over the bay area. half moon bay had a high o71 degrees. the record warmth is coming to an end and i'll show you what lies ahead in a few minutes. >> spencer, what a day wrapping up that day of record warmth. earlier we had folks soaking in the sun on the beach and swimming in the cold bay water. here in san francisco we have students who are out and about on a school tour. they're in their shorts and short sleeves. folks are running and biking. it's a nice night to be out and about. while our warmth was high today, our deficit of rainfall continues to grow. santa rosa is closing in on seven inches below where we should be. san francisco, oakland over six inches below average. san jose is closing in on below five inches of rainfall for this time of year. when spencer comes back, he's going to give you the full forecast and see if we can find rain in the next seven days. he'll have that in a few minutes. >> thanks so much. remember the 90s? think back. what's old is new again. >> samsung debuted a new phone today. unlike the 90s phone this is a smartphone. an undercover sting operation took place in the burned out fire area. mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself . so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. we rso why not geternet the most out of it? introducing faster download speeds on xfinity internet tiers. and a smarter, more secure home wifi network. plus, you can get xfinity flex, a personalized streaming dashboard that puts all your favorites in one place. unleash the power of xfinity internet and get more value than ever. now that's simple, easy, awesome. get started for $34. 99 a month for 12 months and add a flex 4k streaming device on us. click, call or visit a store today. a mostly good day for the market today. cruise operators and travel made gains as companies brush off fears of the coronavirus. the nasdaq gained ten points. sprint stock soared a whopping 77% today after a federal judge approved a $26 billi $26 billion merger with t-mobile. t-mobile stock was up 12%. the deal would reduce the number of major carriers to three. a group of state attorneys general tried to block the deal that having one fewer phone company would cost americans billions of dollars. the judge rejected that argument. let's take you down cell phone memory lane going back almost a quarter of a century. feast your eyes on the hottest item. the first ever flip phone. it cost $1,000 and it sold millions. it was discontinued in 2007, but the idea seems to be making a comeback courtesy of samsung. the 2020 version that is not your father's flip phone. >> you're not just bending glass. you're bending the laws of physics. >> reporter: call it a glitzy comeback for the flip phone that faded in glory with the advent of the smartphone. a 6.7 inch screen, fingerprint scan and face recognition. the galaxy was the star of the show and the feature that had everybody waiting is flex mode. call it flip phone circuit 2020 with seamless glass. it is going to cost you $1,380. >> you can fold and unfold your phone over 200,000 times. the hinge isn't just hidden. it has no gaps. >> we created a layer of fibers inside that gap to keep the particles out. >> reporter: it kept this crowd huddled over the phone for hours. but foldables still have their skeptics. last year samsung introduced the galaxy fold. >> if you know anything about folds, you know probably that the device ran into issues early on. >> it's amazing to have it, but it has a lot of limits around what you can do comparing it to a regular smartphone. >> reporter: if your passion is running high, you can buy it for yourself on valentine's day. building a better bay area is improving public transit and changes last year appear to be paying off in the east bay. an increase in ridership. routes where bus frequency was increased saw more passengers. the agency made changes and saw ridership rise 11%. it provides more than 12,000 daily rides. we want to hear your ideas about building a better bay area. share them by joining our better bay area group on facebook. abc 7 news spencer christian is tracking a forecast that seems like summer. >> it really does. >> i can explain it. >> we can't understand it. >> this is worth revisiting. i want to give you a look at today's highs. we had five record highs for this date. 80 degrees in santa rosa. 79 at napa. on february 11th that is unbelievable. here is a live view on this mild evening. mid 70s at oakland. 64 at san jose and 54 at half moon blue. here is a view of clear skies. it's 71 degrees at santa rosa. livermore in the upper 60s. looking out over the calm waters of the bay, these are our forecast features, temperatures will be dropping significantly tomorrow. weather you'll love on valentine's day and then a slight chance of showers on sunday. tonight clear skies. a little fog offshore. lows will range from upper 30s to lower mid 40s. tomorrow's highs, 61 half moon bay, 62 san francisco, mid 60s around the shoreline. inland we had upper 70s to near 80 today. here is the seven day forecast. we can expect the cooling to end on thursday and temperatures start to rebound a little bit on friday, which is valentine's day. over the weekend we'll have mild weather and a few clouds on the scene. there is a slight chance of some light scattered showers sunday. it doesn't look like a big deal. monday bright skies. high temperatures in the mild range. the week will get off on a sunny and mild start next monday and tuesday. >> very nice. >> thank you. reacting in real time. a sneak peak at the topic of tonight's live episode of the conners. join michael finney tomorrow for the tax hotline. our team of experts will be here to take your questions live over the phone or social media from fisn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and he's still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. he are at 8:00 the conners will respond to the primary results. >> this is an opportunity to engage people, to bring in real news, to connect a lot of different audiences at one time. >> we're trying to deal with i just appreciate the ambition of it. >> i hope people have a good time and laugh and hopefully a few extra people go out and vote. >> you can watch the conners live tonight at 8:00 right here. later tonight catch the premiere of a brand new drama called for life. it's about a wrongfully convicted man who becomes an attorney behind bars helping other inmates while fighting to overturn his life sentence. kurtis is one of the creators. we caught up with him to talk about the show and his successful career. >> what is the secret? a lot of people know you for your music, but it has gone beyond that now. >> it's me building the right team. i believe in order for the show to connect, i have that huge audience, you have to have flow of characters that people can relate to or know someone like these actual characters on some levels and the intensity of story being a true story makes you feel like you're watching a feature film or a project from premium cable when it's on network television. >> for life premieres tonight at 10:00 right here. check it out. an east bay school is dealing with unwanted visitors. >> reading, writing and rodents. the school district responds after asked what is being done. in the trial of the when mike first became mayor, there were places where black and brown children hadn't received an education for 30 years. mike said, "those are the kids i want to give an opportunity". he increased teacher's salaries. he increased the graduation rates by 40%. he made schools safer all over this country. children aren't getting a quality education. i saw him do it in the largestl school system in america. he's going to do the same thing in this country. i'm mikelo arove isessage. but in my mind i'm still 25. that's why i take osteo bi-flex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex - now in triple strength plus magnesium. did you see that? it's a problem children should never have to deal with at school, talking about a rat infestation. >> parents and students at a high school are worried about a >> we want to know that the school district is doing to get rid of the rats and keep students safe. abc 7 news went for answers. >> we had a small rat. >> reporter: at james madison park academy it seems like almost everyone has had an encounter with rodents from students. >> i was looking for soccer balls and then i see a rat jump out. >> reporter: to parents. >> i see a lot of droppings everywhere, like so many droppings for it to be a small problem. >> reporter: inside the classroom? >> yes. it's inside of a coach's classroom. >> reporter: a volunteer of the school and three kids attend the school. >> they can carry they're contaminating everything they touch. >> reporter: the school district has known about the issue and they are taking action. >> we've added this wiring and that's going to do a lot to keep these animals out. >> reporter: is it working? >> yeah. >> reporter: they confirm that their main building is safe. they believe some of the rodents are coming from the creek. the gym and these portable cassrooms are their main concerns. >> some traps to get some of these animals out of there. >> reporter: how often are those vendors coming? >> we had them here twice last week and they're going to come again to see how the progress is going. >> reporter: carr wanted notice from the school about the problem, but she saw it firsthand. >> it's their home now. they're comfortable. they made a living space there at the school. >> reporter: it's still unclear how long it will take for the problem to end, but according to the school district come september those portable classrooms will be removed and students will move into this new building. abc 7 news. students from berkeley high school took to the streets today to demand changes to a culture of rape on campus. about 1,000 students marched through the offices. the superintendent says he invited them into school board chambers. they were chanting and demanding better education about consent. >> it's also something that kids need to be learning about from sixth grade on because this was happening to me in middle school and i was unable to recognize it. >> the group is upset over the handling of a report of an attempted rape. the district has more work to do including resources and support and plans to hold a community forum about the problem. the man on trial for stabbing a woman in 2018 says he thought she and her sister were aliens about to harm his grandmother. the defendant took the stand today. his lawyer says he is mentally ill. the prosecution says he called an african-american the "n" word on a bus just after the stabbing. that shocked even family members. >> i never heard that. i watched a video. that was our first time seeing it as it was being played. we didn't know about him using the "n" word towards the young lady. >> the judge told jurors to disregard it . he said it was an interpretation of what the defendant said. the actor was indicted on six counts of disorderly conduct. the cook county state attorney's office had previously dropped all charges against him. the chicago has sued him seeking reimbursement for overtime paid to officers involved in investigating the initial report. expect delays due to construction on highway 101. work begins at 9:00 with lane closi closures until 5:30 in the morning. the project will create 22 miles of express lanes in each direction. the work will take place sunday through thursday night. it's expected to be finished 20 2022. now to new hampshire. bernie sanders is leading with 27% followed by pete buttigieg with 20%. as we mentioned earlier two candidates dropped out of the race this evening. they will support the democratic nominee no matter who it is. president trump won the republican primary against minimal opposition. >> all the attention is about to shift to california. bernie sanders is leading the field. abc 7 news spoke to the state director for his campaign today about what it's going to take to win. the focus appears to be on the bigger picture, not just taking california, but sanders camp is eying going head to head with president trump. >> the reality is who has the most trusted candidate in the field? it's our candidate. all polls have shown he's the most trusted candidate. he has the best chance to beat trump. >> california's primary has moved up from june to march 3rd this year to give the state a prominent role in the presidential race. democrats are competing for over 400 delegates. as check out chasing califoa on the abc 7 news app. you'll find episodes about several candidates and the importance of independent voters. today in the east bay, triumph was caught on camera. >> you're hear what it took for this 10-year-old girl to walk out of the hospital and what the road ahead looks like. undercover agents conduct a sting to catch unlicensed putting term limits on congress, about washington insiders went crazy. they said term limits are bad, that they'll break government. what a joke! congress is working fine for politicians and corporations, but it's not doing anything for real people on climate, health care or gun safety. the only way we get new ideas is electing new people, including a president willing to shake-up washington. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. we have a happy update to a story we first told you about last month. a 10-year-old girl is battling a rare dangerous disease that left her partially paralyzed. >> today after 12 weeks at children's hospital in oakland, she was released and sent home. >> here is more on that remarkable moment. >> reporter: it was just before thanksgiving when she first arrived by ambulance to the hospital. more than 80 days later, she's finally going home. what are you excited about? >> dogs in the house. >> reporter: the 10-year-old girl has spent the past 12 weeks battling a rare illness that left her partially paralyzed. >> five weeks ago barely walking to walking with a walker. it's been exciting. >> reporter: it began in november after a routine dental appointment. she began to lose control of her limbs. she was rushed to the emergency room and the hospital where doctors diagnosed her with afm. >> it causes nerve damage. a virus attacked her spine that caused nerve damage that affects the muscles. >> reporter: she has been doing physical therapy six days a week and doctors believe she'll soon be able to walk again, but her parents want to raise awareness. >> there's a lot who are paralyzed from the neck down. we're fortunate for her. very fortunate. >> reporter: she still has a lot of work ahead, but as she walked out today the words on her shirt you got it girl, said it all. >> you never say i'm thankful for my life or arms or hands, but once it actually happens, you need them. >> we don't say it, but life can change in an instant. just cherish what you have. cherish every day. >> reporter: she just wants to get back to normal. that means hugging her dogs and one more >> i wanted to go to taco bell for the nacho fries. >> reporter: she deserves it. >> she really does. >> good for her. forget the wind, bring on the warmth. >> after record setting our house was built in 1926. we saw the earthquake grace in bold was offering a grant program. i signed up and i was actually selected it leaves the house in tack. you now know that in the next earthquake your house will be standing and we also got a discount on our earthquake insurance. if there is an earthquake. our house has a better chance of surviving in. if there is an earthquake. ♪ ♪ ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we need someone to lean on the new xc90 available with six seats. xc90. recharged. ♪ ♪ save up to $2,000 in allowances on select new volvo models through march 2nd. visit your local volvo dealer. asprra n many o projects. >> law enforcement is cracking down on unlicensed contractors. a sting operation just took place in the camp fire area. >> nine people were arrested. michael finney is here with video of that sting operation. >> we're going to show it to you right now. the contractors state license board is warning homeowners, especially those in wildfire zones, to be on the lookout for unlicensed contractors. recently a sting was put together. here's what happened. >> does it go straight down? >> this video shows a sting about to happen with. >> when are you going to get started? >> the man with the tape measurer offers to build a fence at this burned out property in paradise. he thinks the other man is the property owner. >> really? >> he's an undercover agent. >> 5460. any job over ruires itiesaysn't he hs half the money up front, also illegal. >> i'm just a little guy. i need half down so i can get all the materials. >> contractors can't charge more than 10% down for a big project. at this point police come out. >> hi. how are you doing? this is ta state licensing boar sting. >> i'm going to check. >> i work under a license. >> you do? >> we'll explain in a second. just relax. >> the one side would be great. >> now another contractor bids on the fencing job. >> $7,000 gets it done on both sides, right? >> right. >> this is a sting. >> he didn't seem surprised when police showed up to arrest him. >> just relax. >> another contractor tries bidding by the hour i job. >> i give you contract prices. i can get -- you know what i mean. i'm going to work by the hour. $1,600 or $2,000. >> he was surprised when officers arrested him. >> i don't know why you would be doing this to me. i haven't done anything. >> when you hire somebody that's not licensed, they may talk a good talk about how experienced they are, but you have no idea that they have any experience. >> rick says it's a risk to hire an unlicensed contractor. >> chances are you only have a phone number and this is a person with a cell phone and a pickup truck. if you do have a down. >> now, whether you're in a fire zone or not, check the website before you hire a contractor. it will tell you if the person is licensed and insured. in it has a list of contractors near you. never pay more than 10% down or $1,000, whichever is less. that's the law. join me tomorrow for my tax hotline. get your tax questions answered from my panel of tax experts live over the phone or via social media. you can call our special hotline or leave your questions right now on social media. >> great resource tomorrow. great information. i know people are sheepish to say i will only give you 10% if they ask for more. >> they shouldn't ask you. that's a red flag. let's turn our attention back to our july forecast. >> yes. >> july in february. that's what it was like today. it's worth taking another look. this is a look at today's high temperatures, which included five record highs for this date. you can see 80 in santa rosa, at napa. we had 70s and a couple of places that hit 80. overnight clear skies and fog offshore and overnight lows in the mid to upper 30s in the chilliest valleys. most locations will have lows in the low 40s. sunny and mild and not today. highs will reach 60s at the coast. mid 60s around the bay and upper 60s inland. now, there will be cooling over the next couple of days after tomorrow. thursday we'll see temperatures dropping off rather sharply to only mid 50s on the coast and up to maybe about 60 around the bay shoreline. temperatures will bounce back on friday, which is valentine's day and we'll see highs friday in the upper 60s inland and same pattern on saturday. here is the seven-day forecast. after a lovely day on valentine's day we get partly cloudy skies over the weekend. still mild, but there's a slight chance of light showers on sunday and then the week gets of to a bright start monday and tuesday with sunny skies and mild conditions. >> thank you. big warriors news tonight. >> we'll tell you what they are hoping to accomplish in the next couple of months and you are not going to believe what the warriors are worth. what an investment this turned out to be. if you bought apple at $7 a share. sports is next. mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. practice yet. >> jeff: yeah, just got here. took his physica good evening. the season has been like a roller coaster ride that keeps going down for the warriors. they traded away almost half the roster. 24 points, five steals in his debut on saturday. 18 points, four assists last night in the loss to miami. this is an opportunity over the final two and a half months for all the new warriors to try to build momentum heading into next year. >> how i play baseball and i'm learning. i'm learning it i elikeht no is becoming more natural. >> we feel this is a positive thing that we're getting andrew with a couple of months remaining in the season. he'll end up playing about 30 games for us and then by the end of this season and going into next, he's going to have a much better feel for what we're all about. >> forbes released the list of most valuable franchises. the warriors are worth $4.3 billion. they're third in the nba. t forbes says this is the first time that the average value of a team is over $2 billion. least valuable is memphis. they're worth $1.3 billion. that's considered to be poor. last night the warriors welcomed back one of the foundation pieces of their cha cha cha run, andre is back. rock, paper, sciss who loses and the looser would address the crowd. clay lost. andre said he was holding it together pretty well until clay started talking. >> i have a special relationship with the group. clay was more the quiet one so he didn't speak too much so hearing from him it almost got me. >> do you think andre might want to get into doing what you're doing? he has the brain. >> i mentioned how smart he is so that would indicate he would not go into coaching. spring training is upon us. they will start workouts. both teams will start working out tomorrow. former giant skipper is on the same team as henderson. they're new members of the bay l the red sox named the interim manager today hours before they officially started spring training. he was the bench coach last year. the sox say the title is interim because they're still awaiting the investigation into the sign stealing in 2018. one of the biggest upsets in sports history occurred 30 years ago today. douglas knocked out tyson in japan. very few people in the u.s. saw it live. douglas was a 42-1 underdog and then tyson didn't take him too seriously and it was too late. everybody has a plan until you get punched in the mouth. douglas ko'd tyson. minnesota fans spotted the onesie promoting the badgers. they are from wisconsin. wisc target is based in minnesota. somebody missed that. a lot of people said i love it. >> go to press. >> send it off. >> thanks. join us tonight for abc 7 news at 11:00. there's a rent strike going on at this oakland apartment buildi building. tenants haven't paid rent and they don't intend to until the landlord sells the building to them. life after being quarantined for coronavirus. we talk to the woman who is able to go home to her children. here is a quick check on the new hampshire primary with 58% of the expected reporting. bernie sanders is in the lead with 27%. pete buttigieg has picked up 1% and he's in second place with 24%. numbers are unchanged for amy klobuchar, elizabeth warren and joe biden as well. tonight on abc 7 at 8:00, a special live version of the conners with reaction to the new hampshire primary. at 8:30 it's bless this mess. and the pilot episode of for life at 10:00 which we talked about here and stay with us for the news at 11:00. stick around. jimmy kimmel live comes on at 11:35. look for breaking news whenever you like on the news app. we appreciate your time. >> for the news team, we hope you have a great evening. a former army medic, made of the we maflexibility to handle members like kate. whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hi st,he she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa and for this multitaskingon bunumber cruncher, charge. time is money. so, no more chasing sales. because at floor and decor, i get rock-bottom prices on top-quality products. and with free in-store design services, i score expert advice and project planning. not like free with purchase either, like free-free. mission accomplished. now that's time well spent. explore floor and decor in person or online at ♪ this is "jeopardy!" here are today's contestants-- an scientist from ranson, west virginia... a corporate strategist from calgary, alberta, canada... and our returning champion, a student from cambridge, massachusetts... ...whose 1-day cash winnings total... "jeopardy!"--alex trebek! thank you, johnny. yeah, folks, every once in a while in life and on the television program "jeopardy!" luck plays a part in determining the winner, and that was the case yesterday for vinny. he was in a distant third. all three players missed the final, but he left himself just enough money--$3,399. let's see if he can add to it today against kristyna and danyelle. welcome, ladies. good luck, here we go. ♪ now let's find out about the categories, shall we? first off, you're gonna deal with... next... and then, we travel. behind the iron curtain, from budapest's memento park. created to remember but not celebrate the communist era in east and central europe. and that category is followed by... i-n-n-a in quotation marks. and then... [ laughter ] all right, vinny, start. - we're gonna have fun today. - "inna," $200. - vinny. - what are innards? - good. - "inna," $600.

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20200212 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20200212

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>> he told you that the car would drive to that same barrier? >> yes. >> the same barrier that he finally hit? >> yeah, that's why i saw the news i know. >> reporter: in this exclusive video captured in march of 2018, members of the ntsb could be seen in the aftermath of the incident collecting information. wong didn't have his hands on the steering wheel leading up to the crash and he had a game up on his mobile device during the drive, but they couldn't determine how engaged he was at the time of the collision. the federal safety agency previously rebuked cal tran saying it needed to repair safety barriers damaged by ve z vehicles. in this case the barrier had been damaged 11 days earlier. family members believe wong could still be alive if that was in place. cal tran has identified and is implementing steps to enhance monitoring and repair of highway infrastructure. these include training staff and reporting on high priority traffic safety devices. the ntsb has yet to determine who was at fault for the accident. tesla did not return our requests for comment. we do want to point out that the wong family has filed a lawsuit against both tesla and cal a woman was seriously hurt when she was hit by a car crossing the street this afternoon. the crash happened just before 1:30 this afternoon and streets were still closed off several hours later. also new at 6:00, a child was taken to the hospital after a crash near the concord pavilion just before 3:30 this afternoon.edn aie as you saw there. there's no word on what led up to the crash. abc 7 news has obtained new video of a robbery yesterday afternoon in the diamond district that took less than 30 seconds. wat watch now. the victim is washing his car and the two men come running up and put a gun to his head. there's a struggle and the victim is forced to the ground. one robber reached into the car and the other is watching. then they leave and you see one man holding the gun as they run away. the victim was not hurt. it all happened in an instant and was terrifying. coronavirus is showing no signs of slowing down. the number of dead is more than 1,100 people. >> 44,000 others have been infect infected. the cdc provided a sliver of optimi optimism. >> this outbreak is spreading quickly. the current information suggests this virus overall may be less severe. >> the virus keeps spreading on a quarantined cruise ship near japan. 39 more people have tested positive. that brings the total to 174. more than 20 americans are infected. there are 3,700 people on board. a sister ship to the diamond princess docked in san francisco today. its arrival was delayed because of a medical emergency. a passenger had a heart attack and had to be air lifted and then the ship had to refuel. we spoke with passengers this afternoon about what they thought when they heard the words medical emergency. >> there was a lot of fear that somebody had the virus. they weren't saying anything and we thought the more they're not saying, the scareyer it is. >> really scarey, but a lot of people die of the flu. there's a lot of fear. >> she seemed to take it in stride. one passenger showed him a form sent to him about with anyone who was sick. almost 200 people completed a quarantine near riverside. they threw their face masks in the air. they have been cleared of coronavirus. >> it looks like a graduation photo. as the outbreak continues, asians and asian americans, so the spreading of fear. how people are feeling targeted in a way. >> some of the fear generated by the spread of the coronavirus is being misdirected. people tell me now more than ever the asian american community needs to be supported. >> now, people are racially profiled for being asian looking and especially if you're wearing a mask. >> dr. jong is the chair at san francisco state university. he feels there are preconceived notions how sick people of of desent could be for being asian. >> more nonchinese get it. >> he says health policies have been used to discriminate against asians in the past like in 2003 and social media is only making it worse. >> i think that's made some of the racial profiling more viral. you have memes and people strong comments. >> uc berkeley received backlash. it says please recognize that experiencing any of these reactions can be normal and then lists the university says we apologize for the recent post. we regret any misunderstanding it may have caused and have updated the language in our materials. abc 7 news. >> thanks very much. there are of course a lot of questions about coronavirus. we have answers to the top seven on our website. that includes the symptoms and the best ways to protect yourself. we move on to your voice, your vote. the loss of two candidates in the race for the democratic presidential nomination. yang has suspended his campaign. >> we have touched and improved millions of lives and moved this country we love so much in t di. and while there is great work left to be done, you know i am the math guy and it is clear tonight from the numbers thate ar tohi race. i am not someone who wants to accept donations and support in a race that we will not win and so tonight i am announcing i am suspending my campaign for president. >> we love you. >> i love you too. >> just a short time ago colorado senator michael bennett announced he was ending his bid. we're down to nine candidates still in the running for the democratic presidential nomination. here is what the results look like now with less than half of the expected votes reporting. sanders at 28% right 28% right t biden at 9%. this new hampshire primary is the first one in the nation. abc 7 news reporter is live from manchester, new hampshire with a look at what the exit polling is telling us about how voters reached their decisions. >> reporter: the votes are still being counted so things could quickly change, but moments after the polls closed in the first primary here in new hampshire, we saw bernie sanders surge surge to the top spot. bernie sanders won the state primary in 2016 and going into this competition he was confident that he could win new hampshire. in fact, he became an early target for that. we saw other candidates attack him over the course of a week for saying that if bernie sanders gets the nomination, that he could hurt the entire democratic party. he says that his message will resonate across the board and for the number two spot, we're seeing former mayor pete buttigieg and senator amy klobuchar competing there. amy klobuchar's campaign reporting they had the largest turnout over the weekend after the friday debate and they say they brought in around $2 million after that debate. tonight not unfolding how senator elizabeth warren had hoped. moments ago she took the stage on her election night party and said that she wanted to to congratulate sanders. she made it clear she's in it for the long haul. we saw joe biden down play expectations. we see him now and elizabeth warren coming in around 9%. he is not in new hampshire. he's in south carolina looking forward to the other stat stat states. >> thank you for all the latest information. today was a good reminder of why it's good to live in california, blue skies, sunshine. abc 7 news today found beach goers and sun bathers. spencer christian is here. did we hit any record highs? >> let me give you a look right now. this beautiful sunny almost summer -- certainly spring like. cetino rhe t thidsec date. 80 degrees in santa rosa. 72 in livermore. all new highs for this date. there were warm readings everywhere. 81 in cloverdale. 78 in fairfield. 70s all over the bay area. half moon bay had a high o71 degrees. the record warmth is coming to an end and i'll show you what lies ahead in a few minutes. >> spencer, what a day wrapping up that day of record warmth. earlier we had folks soaking in the sun on the beach and swimming in the cold bay water. here in san francisco we have students who are out and about on a school tour. they're in their shorts and short sleeves. folks are running and biking. it's a nice night to be out and about. while our warmth was high today, our deficit of rainfall continues to grow. santa rosa is closing in on seven inches below where we should be. san francisco, oakland over six inches below average. san jose is closing in on below five inches of rainfall for this time of year. when spencer comes back, he's going to give you the full forecast and see if we can find rain in the next seven days. he'll have that in a few minutes. >> thanks so much. remember the 90s? think back. what's old is new again. >> samsung debuted a new phone today. unlike the 90s phone this is a smartphone. an undercover sting operation took place in the burned out fire area. mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself . so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. we rso why not geternet the most out of it? introducing faster download speeds on xfinity internet tiers. and a smarter, more secure home wifi network. plus, you can get xfinity flex, a personalized streaming dashboard that puts all your favorites in one place. unleash the power of xfinity internet and get more value than ever. now that's simple, easy, awesome. get started for $34. 99 a month for 12 months and add a flex 4k streaming device on us. click, call or visit a store today. a mostly good day for the market today. cruise operators and travel made gains as companies brush off fears of the coronavirus. the nasdaq gained ten points. sprint stock soared a whopping 77% today after a federal judge approved a $26 billi $26 billion merger with t-mobile. t-mobile stock was up 12%. the deal would reduce the number of major carriers to three. a group of state attorneys general tried to block the deal that having one fewer phone company would cost americans billions of dollars. the judge rejected that argument. let's take you down cell phone memory lane going back almost a quarter of a century. feast your eyes on the hottest item. the first ever flip phone. it cost $1,000 and it sold millions. it was discontinued in 2007, but the idea seems to be making a comeback courtesy of samsung. the 2020 version that is not your father's flip phone. >> you're not just bending glass. you're bending the laws of physics. >> reporter: call it a glitzy comeback for the flip phone that faded in glory with the advent of the smartphone. a 6.7 inch screen, fingerprint scan and face recognition. the galaxy was the star of the show and the feature that had everybody waiting is flex mode. call it flip phone circuit 2020 with seamless glass. it is going to cost you $1,380. >> you can fold and unfold your phone over 200,000 times. the hinge isn't just hidden. it has no gaps. >> we created a layer of fibers inside that gap to keep the particles out. >> reporter: it kept this crowd huddled over the phone for hours. but foldables still have their skeptics. last year samsung introduced the galaxy fold. >> if you know anything about folds, you know probably that the device ran into issues early on. >> it's amazing to have it, but it has a lot of limits around what you can do comparing it to a regular smartphone. >> reporter: if your passion is running high, you can buy it for yourself on valentine's day. building a better bay area is improving public transit and changes last year appear to be paying off in the east bay. an increase in ridership. routes where bus frequency was increased saw more passengers. the agency made changes and saw ridership rise 11%. it provides more than 12,000 daily rides. we want to hear your ideas about building a better bay area. share them by joining our better bay area group on facebook. abc 7 news spencer christian is tracking a forecast that seems like summer. >> it really does. >> i can explain it. >> we can't understand it. >> this is worth revisiting. i want to give you a look at today's highs. we had five record highs for this date. 80 degrees in santa rosa. 79 at napa. on february 11th that is unbelievable. here is a live view on this mild evening. mid 70s at oakland. 64 at san jose and 54 at half moon blue. here is a view of clear skies. it's 71 degrees at santa rosa. livermore in the upper 60s. looking out over the calm waters of the bay, these are our forecast features, temperatures will be dropping significantly tomorrow. weather you'll love on valentine's day and then a slight chance of showers on sunday. tonight clear skies. a little fog offshore. lows will range from upper 30s to lower mid 40s. tomorrow's highs, 61 half moon bay, 62 san francisco, mid 60s around the shoreline. inland we had upper 70s to near 80 today. here is the seven day forecast. we can expect the cooling to end on thursday and temperatures start to rebound a little bit on friday, which is valentine's day. over the weekend we'll have mild weather and a few clouds on the scene. there is a slight chance of some light scattered showers sunday. it doesn't look like a big deal. monday bright skies. high temperatures in the mild range. the week will get off on a sunny and mild start next monday and tuesday. >> very nice. >> thank you. reacting in real time. a sneak peak at the topic of tonight's live episode of the conners. join michael finney tomorrow for the tax hotline. our team of experts will be here to take your questions live over the phone or social media from fisn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and he's still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. he are at 8:00 the conners will respond to the primary results. >> this is an opportunity to engage people, to bring in real news, to connect a lot of different audiences at one time. >> we're trying to deal with i just appreciate the ambition of it. >> i hope people have a good time and laugh and hopefully a few extra people go out and vote. >> you can watch the conners live tonight at 8:00 right here. later tonight catch the premiere of a brand new drama called for life. it's about a wrongfully convicted man who becomes an attorney behind bars helping other inmates while fighting to overturn his life sentence. kurtis is one of the creators. we caught up with him to talk about the show and his successful career. >> what is the secret? a lot of people know you for your music, but it has gone beyond that now. >> it's me building the right team. i believe in order for the show to connect, i have that huge audience, you have to have flow of characters that people can relate to or know someone like these actual characters on some levels and the intensity of story being a true story makes you feel like you're watching a feature film or a project from premium cable when it's on network television. >> for life premieres tonight at 10:00 right here. check it out. an east bay school is dealing with unwanted visitors. >> reading, writing and rodents. the school district responds after asked what is being done. in the trial of the when mike first became mayor, there were places where black and brown children hadn't received an education for 30 years. mike said, "those are the kids i want to give an opportunity". he increased teacher's salaries. he increased the graduation rates by 40%. he made schools safer all over this country. children aren't getting a quality education. i saw him do it in the largestl school system in america. he's going to do the same thing in this country. i'm mikelo arove isessage. but in my mind i'm still 25. that's why i take osteo bi-flex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex - now in triple strength plus magnesium. did you see that? it's a problem children should never have to deal with at school, talking about a rat infestation. >> parents and students at a high school are worried about a >> we want to know that the school district is doing to get rid of the rats and keep students safe. abc 7 news went for answers. >> we had a small rat. >> reporter: at james madison park academy it seems like almost everyone has had an encounter with rodents from students. >> i was looking for soccer balls and then i see a rat jump out. >> reporter: to parents. >> i see a lot of droppings everywhere, like so many droppings for it to be a small problem. >> reporter: inside the classroom? >> yes. it's inside of a coach's classroom. >> reporter: a volunteer of the school and three kids attend the school. >> they can carry they're contaminating everything they touch. >> reporter: the school district has known about the issue and they are taking action. >> we've added this wiring and that's going to do a lot to keep these animals out. >> reporter: is it working? >> yeah. >> reporter: they confirm that their main building is safe. they believe some of the rodents are coming from the creek. the gym and these portable cassrooms are their main concerns. >> some traps to get some of these animals out of there. >> reporter: how often are those vendors coming? >> we had them here twice last week and they're going to come again to see how the progress is going. >> reporter: carr wanted notice from the school about the problem, but she saw it firsthand. >> it's their home now. they're comfortable. they made a living space there at the school. >> reporter: it's still unclear how long it will take for the problem to end, but according to the school district come september those portable classrooms will be removed and students will move into this new building. abc 7 news. students from berkeley high school took to the streets today to demand changes to a culture of rape on campus. about 1,000 students marched through the offices. the superintendent says he invited them into school board chambers. they were chanting and demanding better education about consent. >> it's also something that kids need to be learning about from sixth grade on because this was happening to me in middle school and i was unable to recognize it. >> the group is upset over the handling of a report of an attempted rape. the district has more work to do including resources and support and plans to hold a community forum about the problem. the man on trial for stabbing a woman in 2018 says he thought she and her sister were aliens about to harm his grandmother. the defendant took the stand today. his lawyer says he is mentally ill. the prosecution says he called an african-american the "n" word on a bus just after the stabbing. that shocked even family members. >> i never heard that. i watched a video. that was our first time seeing it as it was being played. we didn't know about him using the "n" word towards the young lady. >> the judge told jurors to disregard it . he said it was an interpretation of what the defendant said. the actor was indicted on six counts of disorderly conduct. the cook county state attorney's office had previously dropped all charges against him. the chicago has sued him seeking reimbursement for overtime paid to officers involved in investigating the initial report. expect delays due to construction on highway 101. work begins at 9:00 with lane closi closures until 5:30 in the morning. the project will create 22 miles of express lanes in each direction. the work will take place sunday through thursday night. it's expected to be finished 20 2022. now to new hampshire. bernie sanders is leading with 27% followed by pete buttigieg with 20%. as we mentioned earlier two candidates dropped out of the race this evening. they will support the democratic nominee no matter who it is. president trump won the republican primary against minimal opposition. >> all the attention is about to shift to california. bernie sanders is leading the field. abc 7 news spoke to the state director for his campaign today about what it's going to take to win. the focus appears to be on the bigger picture, not just taking california, but sanders camp is eying going head to head with president trump. >> the reality is who has the most trusted candidate in the field? it's our candidate. all polls have shown he's the most trusted candidate. he has the best chance to beat trump. >> california's primary has moved up from june to march 3rd this year to give the state a prominent role in the presidential race. democrats are competing for over 400 delegates. as check out chasing califoa on the abc 7 news app. you'll find episodes about several candidates and the importance of independent voters. today in the east bay, triumph was caught on camera. >> you're hear what it took for this 10-year-old girl to walk out of the hospital and what the road ahead looks like. undercover agents conduct a sting to catch unlicensed putting term limits on congress, about washington insiders went crazy. they said term limits are bad, that they'll break government. what a joke! congress is working fine for politicians and corporations, but it's not doing anything for real people on climate, health care or gun safety. the only way we get new ideas is electing new people, including a president willing to shake-up washington. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. we have a happy update to a story we first told you about last month. a 10-year-old girl is battling a rare dangerous disease that left her partially paralyzed. >> today after 12 weeks at children's hospital in oakland, she was released and sent home. >> here is more on that remarkable moment. >> reporter: it was just before thanksgiving when she first arrived by ambulance to the hospital. more than 80 days later, she's finally going home. what are you excited about? >> dogs in the house. >> reporter: the 10-year-old girl has spent the past 12 weeks battling a rare illness that left her partially paralyzed. >> five weeks ago barely walking to walking with a walker. it's been exciting. >> reporter: it began in november after a routine dental appointment. she began to lose control of her limbs. she was rushed to the emergency room and the hospital where doctors diagnosed her with afm. >> it causes nerve damage. a virus attacked her spine that caused nerve damage that affects the muscles. >> reporter: she has been doing physical therapy six days a week and doctors believe she'll soon be able to walk again, but her parents want to raise awareness. >> there's a lot who are paralyzed from the neck down. we're fortunate for her. very fortunate. >> reporter: she still has a lot of work ahead, but as she walked out today the words on her shirt you got it girl, said it all. >> you never say i'm thankful for my life or arms or hands, but once it actually happens, you need them. >> we don't say it, but life can change in an instant. just cherish what you have. cherish every day. >> reporter: she just wants to get back to normal. that means hugging her dogs and one more >> i wanted to go to taco bell for the nacho fries. >> reporter: she deserves it. >> she really does. >> good for her. forget the wind, bring on the warmth. >> after record setting our house was built in 1926. we saw the earthquake grace in bold was offering a grant program. i signed up and i was actually selected it leaves the house in tack. you now know that in the next earthquake your house will be standing and we also got a discount on our earthquake insurance. if there is an earthquake. our house has a better chance of surviving in. if there is an earthquake. ♪ ♪ ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we need someone to lean on the new xc90 available with six seats. xc90. recharged. ♪ ♪ save up to $2,000 in allowances on select new volvo models through march 2nd. visit your local volvo dealer. asprra n many o projects. >> law enforcement is cracking down on unlicensed contractors. a sting operation just took place in the camp fire area. >> nine people were arrested. michael finney is here with video of that sting operation. >> we're going to show it to you right now. the contractors state license board is warning homeowners, especially those in wildfire zones, to be on the lookout for unlicensed contractors. recently a sting was put together. here's what happened. >> does it go straight down? >> this video shows a sting about to happen with. >> when are you going to get started? >> the man with the tape measurer offers to build a fence at this burned out property in paradise. he thinks the other man is the property owner. >> really? >> he's an undercover agent. >> 5460. any job over ruires itiesaysn't he hs half the money up front, also illegal. >> i'm just a little guy. i need half down so i can get all the materials. >> contractors can't charge more than 10% down for a big project. at this point police come out. >> hi. how are you doing? this is ta state licensing boar sting. >> i'm going to check. >> i work under a license. >> you do? >> we'll explain in a second. just relax. >> the one side would be great. >> now another contractor bids on the fencing job. >> $7,000 gets it done on both sides, right? >> right. >> this is a sting. >> he didn't seem surprised when police showed up to arrest him. >> just relax. >> another contractor tries bidding by the hour i job. >> i give you contract prices. i can get -- you know what i mean. i'm going to work by the hour. $1,600 or $2,000. >> he was surprised when officers arrested him. >> i don't know why you would be doing this to me. i haven't done anything. >> when you hire somebody that's not licensed, they may talk a good talk about how experienced they are, but you have no idea that they have any experience. >> rick says it's a risk to hire an unlicensed contractor. >> chances are you only have a phone number and this is a person with a cell phone and a pickup truck. if you do have a down. >> now, whether you're in a fire zone or not, check the website before you hire a contractor. it will tell you if the person is licensed and insured. in it has a list of contractors near you. never pay more than 10% down or $1,000, whichever is less. that's the law. join me tomorrow for my tax hotline. get your tax questions answered from my panel of tax experts live over the phone or via social media. you can call our special hotline or leave your questions right now on social media. >> great resource tomorrow. great information. i know people are sheepish to say i will only give you 10% if they ask for more. >> they shouldn't ask you. that's a red flag. let's turn our attention back to our july forecast. >> yes. >> july in february. that's what it was like today. it's worth taking another look. this is a look at today's high temperatures, which included five record highs for this date. you can see 80 in santa rosa, at napa. we had 70s and a couple of places that hit 80. overnight clear skies and fog offshore and overnight lows in the mid to upper 30s in the chilliest valleys. most locations will have lows in the low 40s. sunny and mild and not today. highs will reach 60s at the coast. mid 60s around the bay and upper 60s inland. now, there will be cooling over the next couple of days after tomorrow. thursday we'll see temperatures dropping off rather sharply to only mid 50s on the coast and up to maybe about 60 around the bay shoreline. temperatures will bounce back on friday, which is valentine's day and we'll see highs friday in the upper 60s inland and same pattern on saturday. here is the seven-day forecast. after a lovely day on valentine's day we get partly cloudy skies over the weekend. still mild, but there's a slight chance of light showers on sunday and then the week gets of to a bright start monday and tuesday with sunny skies and mild conditions. >> thank you. big warriors news tonight. >> we'll tell you what they are hoping to accomplish in the next couple of months and you are not going to believe what the warriors are worth. what an investment this turned out to be. if you bought apple at $7 a share. sports is next. mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. practice yet. >> jeff: yeah, just got here. took his physica good evening. the season has been like a roller coaster ride that keeps going down for the warriors. they traded away almost half the roster. 24 points, five steals in his debut on saturday. 18 points, four assists last night in the loss to miami. this is an opportunity over the final two and a half months for all the new warriors to try to build momentum heading into next year. >> how i play baseball and i'm learning. i'm learning it i elikeht no is becoming more natural. >> we feel this is a positive thing that we're getting andrew with a couple of months remaining in the season. he'll end up playing about 30 games for us and then by the end of this season and going into next, he's going to have a much better feel for what we're all about. >> forbes released the list of most valuable franchises. the warriors are worth $4.3 billion. they're third in the nba. t forbes says this is the first time that the average value of a team is over $2 billion. least valuable is memphis. they're worth $1.3 billion. that's considered to be poor. last night the warriors welcomed back one of the foundation pieces of their cha cha cha run, andre is back. rock, paper, sciss who loses and the looser would address the crowd. clay lost. andre said he was holding it together pretty well until clay started talking. >> i have a special relationship with the group. clay was more the quiet one so he didn't speak too much so hearing from him it almost got me. >> do you think andre might want to get into doing what you're doing? he has the brain. >> i mentioned how smart he is so that would indicate he would not go into coaching. spring training is upon us. they will start workouts. both teams will start working out tomorrow. former giant skipper is on the same team as henderson. they're new members of the bay l the red sox named the interim manager today hours before they officially started spring training. he was the bench coach last year. the sox say the title is interim because they're still awaiting the investigation into the sign stealing in 2018. one of the biggest upsets in sports history occurred 30 years ago today. douglas knocked out tyson in japan. very few people in the u.s. saw it live. douglas was a 42-1 underdog and then tyson didn't take him too seriously and it was too late. everybody has a plan until you get punched in the mouth. douglas ko'd tyson. minnesota fans spotted the onesie promoting the badgers. they are from wisconsin. wisc target is based in minnesota. somebody missed that. a lot of people said i love it. >> go to press. >> send it off. >> thanks. join us tonight for abc 7 news at 11:00. there's a rent strike going on at this oakland apartment buildi building. tenants haven't paid rent and they don't intend to until the landlord sells the building to them. life after being quarantined for coronavirus. we talk to the woman who is able to go home to her children. here is a quick check on the new hampshire primary with 58% of the expected reporting. bernie sanders is in the lead with 27%. pete buttigieg has picked up 1% and he's in second place with 24%. numbers are unchanged for amy klobuchar, elizabeth warren and joe biden as well. tonight on abc 7 at 8:00, a special live version of the conners with reaction to the new hampshire primary. at 8:30 it's bless this mess. and the pilot episode of for life at 10:00 which we talked about here and stay with us for the news at 11:00. stick around. jimmy kimmel live comes on at 11:35. look for breaking news whenever you like on the news app. we appreciate your time. >> for the news team, we hope you have a great evening. a former army medic, made of the we maflexibility to handle members like kate. whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hi st,he she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa and for this multitaskingon bunumber cruncher, charge. time is money. so, no more chasing sales. because at floor and decor, i get rock-bottom prices on top-quality products. and with free in-store design services, i score expert advice and project planning. not like free with purchase either, like free-free. mission accomplished. now that's time well spent. explore floor and decor in person or online at ♪ this is "jeopardy!" here are today's contestants-- an scientist from ranson, west virginia... a corporate strategist from calgary, alberta, canada... and our returning champion, a student from cambridge, massachusetts... ...whose 1-day cash winnings total... "jeopardy!"--alex trebek! thank you, johnny. yeah, folks, every once in a while in life and on the television program "jeopardy!" luck plays a part in determining the winner, and that was the case yesterday for vinny. he was in a distant third. all three players missed the final, but he left himself just enough money--$3,399. let's see if he can add to it today against kristyna and danyelle. welcome, ladies. good luck, here we go. ♪ now let's find out about the categories, shall we? first off, you're gonna deal with... next... and then, we travel. behind the iron curtain, from budapest's memento park. created to remember but not celebrate the communist era in east and central europe. and that category is followed by... i-n-n-a in quotation marks. and then... [ laughter ] all right, vinny, start. - we're gonna have fun today. - "inna," $200. - vinny. - what are innards? - good. - "inna," $600.

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