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responding. breaking news from the historic australia wildfires. three americans are presumed dead as a firefighting plane crashes. plus, what would you do? a man finds a box containing $27,000 in cash left outside this atm. and from the seafoam that's higher than people's waistlines to the sudden and disturbing death of mr. peanut to the little girl tasting ice cream for the very first time, all the trending stories for your thursday morning. good thursday morning, everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm kenneth moton. >> i'm kaylee hartung in for janai norman. we begin with the mystery virus spreading in china. it's now been confirmed for the first time in hong kong. >> it comes as we learn more about the american who's being treated near seattle. doctors are now using a robot keeping the man in isolation. back in china the city where the outbreak started, a city of 11 million people has been placed on virtual lockdown with no planes or trains departing. overnight, weary travelers arriving at new york's jfk airport wearing masks were well aware of the spreading coronavirus. >> there may be someone else who caught the disease but i don't know, so i'm wearing a mask to protect myself. >> reporter: they were on the last plane to arrive from wuhan, china, before flights were canceled as experts try to determine how quickly it is spreading. it's now infected more than 500 people killing at least 17, most in wuhan. >> a lot of people i know, they were pretty panicked about the disease, so everyone on the street was wearing a mask in my city. >> reporter: overnight a troubling development. health officials confirming the first case in hong kong. it comes just hours after doctors in the u.s. confirmed they're treating a patient with the virus. the man in his 30s is living in a biocontainment room with security guards at a hospital near seattle. >> thankfully our patient is doing relatively well. >> reporter: doctors say it's a mild case. but those who have access to the room are using a specially skilled robot to limit contact with the patient. the man flew from wuhan last wwek and started showing symptoms the next day. experts know little about the new coronavirus beyond it starts with cold-like symptoms. >> put on your face mask and see a doctor as soon as possible. >> reporter: wuhan, a city of 11 million people, is essentially on lockdown today. our bob woodruff was there. >> this is the international section of the wuhan airport and there's basically almost no one here. it seems empty. >> i am in china. >> reporter: american matthew mccoy has been traveling around wuhan since 2013. he said people are being extra cautious. >> nobody is at the shopping malls and now nobody are at the movie theaters and very few people are out and about. they all have their groceries and are staying in-house as much as possible to weather the situation. >> reporter: back in this country this new flier being posted at 14 u.s. airports including the five airports where travelers are being screened warning people not to visit animal markets or touch animals in traveling to wuhan. and listing the symptoms, fever, cough and difficulty breathing. as for that patient in seattle, officials are now working on verifying the 16 people he may have had contact with since traveling home. also breaking overnight, a deadly shooting causing chaos in downtown seattle. a woman was killed and seven other people including a 9-year-old boy were injured when at least one person opened fire outside a mcdonald's. no arrests were reported overnight. witnesses say the shooting began after two men had some sort of a disagreement. >> there was panic. everyone knew to run. i mean, everyone was just running in all directions. they were running inside the macy's. they were running in every building they could get into, so it was -- it was sheer panic and there was a lot of people. there was probably 100 people running in different -- all different directions. >> the 9-year-old boy who was injured is in serious condition. this was the third shooting in downtown seattle in two days. and we turn now to president trump's impeachment trial. today is day two of opening arguments. >> democrats are making their case that president trump abused his power. they're also calling on senators to subpoena key witnesses. abc's elizabeth hur has the latest from capitol hill. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: kenneth and kaylee, good morning to you. yes, the house managers spent eight hours yesterday presenting the facts. today they say they'll move on to explaining how the law and the constitution apply to this case. democratic prosecutors gearing up for day two of their opening statements. >> the president went to extraordinary lengths to cheat in the next election. >> reporter: on day one they spent eight hours laying out their case in chronological order repeatedly reminding republicans of the need to call for additional witnesses and evidence blocked by the administration. >> would you like me to read that to you right now? i would like to read it to you right now, except i don't have it because the state department wouldn't provide it, but if you'd like me to read it to you, we can do something about that. >> reporter: democrats are accusing the president of engaging in a pressure campaign for his own political gain using military aid as leverage to push ukraine to open investigations into 2020 rival joe biden. >> they're at war, and they're being told you're not getting 400 million in aid you need unless you do what the president wants. if you don't believe that is pressure -- that's $400 million worth of pressure -- i got a bridge i want to sell you. >> reporter: the president on his way back from switzerland weighing in tweeting, no pressure. that was one of more than 140 tweets on this day alone, more than any other day of his presidency. the president's lawyers say so far they heard nothing new. >> i believe without question the president of the united states will be acquitted. >> reporter: so we still don't know if any new witnesses will be called, but senate minority leader chuck schumer says any talk about a witness trade especially involving hunter biden, that is off the table. kenneth and kaylee. >> all right, elizabeth hur there on capitol hill, thank you. in southern california a small plane caught fire while taking off from a small airfield and crashed killing all four people on board. witnesses say the single engine plane was barely off the ground when it hit a fence and burst into flames. by the time fire crews arrived the plane was fully engulfed and the flames had spread to dry brush in the area. breaking overnight, an air tanker fighting the historic wildfires in australia has crashed killing three people on board. all were american firefighters. the plane was a c-130. a huge tanker similar to this one. it went down just a few miles from canberra airport in southeastern australia which is closed because of so many fires in the area. officials are warning people who live nearby to leave as soon as possible. back in this country let's take a look now at your weather for this thursday morning. good morning. we're warming up across the southeast. temperatures back into the 70s across florida. the trade-off is we've got a cold front pushing on in that will bring some heavy rain into places like new orleans where we could even have some severe thunderstorms along the gulf coast as we head through today into tonight. on the northern edge of the storm where we've got the colder air, we are talking some widespread snows that persist into tomorrow. some areas seeing three to six inches of snow and we've got more wet weather moving into the northwest yet another day. i'm accuweather meteorologist adam del rosso. coming up, a new tax cut for the middle class. what president trump is now promising. also ahead, new legal trouble for hillary clinton. why she's being sued for $50 million. plus, the definition of an emotional support animal. why the rules could soon be changing. and later, the epic storm eight years into the disease was when all the light went out. for me, it was heart-wrenching. look into the eyes of somebody with alzheimer's sometime, you just don't see -- the person's soul is, like, gone. bea: and it takes a toll on everyone. i mean, it's -- it's a depressing disease to watch unfold before your eyes. she actually thought those of us who were caring for her and who loved her most were her worst enemies. more and more responsibilities fell on my shoulders. lisa: this disease just ravages a family. it changes your life. the magnitude of it is indescribable. my mother taught me to be in the moment. we have to live in the moment with them. and i'm going to be with that person right now, in this moment, wherever she is. art: now is the moment. if we work together, we can stop this epidemic. grace: contact brightfocus and learn more. back now with a deer photobombing this 5k race in michigan. it leaps over the hood of a police car that was protecting the runners. talk about deer tracks. no word whether or not the deer finished the race. president trump is promising to announce a tax cut for the middle class, but he says there will be several conditions. the president tells "the wall street journal" the new tax cut will only take effect if he's re-elected and if republicans get control of the house and senate. he's offered no details but claims the plan will be unveiled within 90 days. some new legal trouble for hillary clinton. she's facing a defamation lawsuit from democratic presidential candidate tulsi gabbard. the suit stems from clinton's comments last fall when she suggested gabbard is a russian asset. gabbard claims she suffered substantial economic losses as a result of that comment. her lawsuit is seeking $50 million in damages. >> i will not stand quietly by as hillary clinton or anyone else tries to smear my character, and i've filed a lawsuit against her for that defamation. >> in response a spokesman for the former secretary of state called the lawsuit ridiculous. the first election in the u.s. where people can vote by smartphone is officially under way. it's in the seattle area where voters can now use their phones to elect the county board of supervisors. one security measure forces them to submit their signature before their vote is counted. voters have about three more weeks to cast ballots. and a new warning about a possible scam involving fedex. customers have been getting text messages showing a fake tracking code which prompts the user to enter their delivery preferences. the problem is those preferences take users to a fraudulent website where scammers are using that information to steal customers' personal data and money. listen up when it comes to animals. the federal government wants to limit your emotional support on airplanes to only dogs. the department of transportation has imposed a new rule in part to prevent people from sneaking other animals on to flights and would allow only certain trained dogs as support animals on planes. in august the agency said it would allow cats and miniature horses and peacocks but the flight attendants union says the rule change will make flying safer. coming up, a new clue on what causes gray hair. also ahead, $27,000 in cash is left sitting outside an atm. what happened next. but first the phone hacking bombshell involving amazon's jeff bezos and the crown prince of saudi arabia. this morning the saudis respond. did they taunt bezos over his secret affair? hy there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with... increased risk of depression. oruidal thoughts esfeelin. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor 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all about knowing what's important to you the one who matters. edward jones. it's time for investing to feel individual. back now with some wild video you see here from the coast of spain where a storm left behind this scene and whipped up all of this seafoam leaving people on land to wade through several feet of foam on the sidewalks. it was higher than some people's waistlines. >> at least nine people were killed in the storm which sent waves crashing on top of three-story buildings. four other people are missing. we turn now to that bombshell report from the u.n. accusing saudi arabia's crown prince of hacking amazon's jeff bezos. >> investigators say the hacking of his phone was related to his role as owner of "the washington post," but this morning, the saudis call the allegation absurd. this morning, a stunning allegation by the united nations accusing the saudi kingdom of hacking one of the richest men in the world, amazon founder jeff bezos. >> the suspicion is that the phone of mr. bezos was hacked in relation to his role as the owner of "the washington post." >> reporter: the u.n. report, which included analysis of data collected by a firm hired by bezos, concluded the hack happened back in may 2018. in an effort to influence and possibly silence "the washington post's" critical coverage of saudi arabia, which mostly came from murdered columnist jamal khashoggi. the u.n. report says the prince sent bezos a file on whatsapp seen here in this image obtained by vice news. when opened the file allegedly allowed hackers to break into bezos' phone and download massive amounts of data. then just five months after the alleged hack, khashoggi was brutally assassinated, a killing the cia says was ordered by saudi crown prince mohammed bin salman. according to the report the crown prince also allegedly sent bezos another whatsapp message with a picture of a woman closely resembling his mistress lauren sanchez. two months later their affair would be revealed by text messages printed by "the national enquirer." this morning the saudi foreign minister is dismissing it. >> the idea that the crown prince would hack jeff bezos' phone is absolutely silly. >> reporter: in the meantime, bezos has remained silent about the accusations only tweeting this picture from khashoggi's memorial service. the justice department would not comment on the case only saying the u.s. will investigate malicious activity included if it's sponsored by a nation state. in medical news, stress has often been linked to going gray prematurely. now there's new science to back it up, at least in mice. harvard researchers say the sympathetic nervous system which activates our reaction to danger affects the stem cells that determine hair color. those cells in mice when placed under different kinds of stress were soon depleted of pigment which turned the strands a lighter color. experts say this research could lead to a better understanding of how stress affects the body. and in michigan a drive-through bank customer found a container that had $27,000 in cash. it was accidentally left behind by an armored truck guard, but instead of driving off with his lucky find, the customer did the right thing, he turned the money back in to the bank. turning to sports, eli manning is retiring from football. he spent 16 seasons as the quarterback of the giants leading the team to two super bowl wins. manning owns nearly every passing record in giants history. he's holding a news conference tomorrow to say a final good-bye to fans. new trouble for former wide receiver antonio brown. police have issued a warrant for his arrest. he's facing burglary and other charges stemming from an alleged attack on a truck driver. thezi llms made his debut with the pelicans last night. he reeled off 17 straight points against the spurs, scored 22 overall, but it wasn't enough. the spurs ended up winning. >> wearing those golden shoes, the bayou boys. >> yeah. up next in "the pulse," a cheesy story about a surprise at the library. also ahead, the sudden death of mr. peanut. will the new ad campaign backfire? plus, the scandal involving one of the most popular mascots in all of sports. it's tough to quit smoking cold turkey. so chantix can help you quit slow turkey. along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the 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replace. ♪ ♪ time to check "the pulse," and we need something a little bit more somber because we begin with tragic news. mr. peanut has passed away at the age of 104. >> he spent his entire life as the mascot of planter's snack foods companies serving faithfully since 1916. the company shared this video of his untimely demise. >> matt, let go. >> no, you let go. >> hey, mr. peanut, no, you don't. don't do it. mr. peanut. no! >> maybe he'll be all right. maybe not. >> no! gone too soon. it's all part of planter's super bowl ad when the company plans to kill off its iconic mascot. fans pay tribute to mr. peanut on twitter. one person wanted to know open or closed shell funeral. >> oh, goodness. and friends of mr. peanut's also weighed in. mr. clean tweeted, always classy, always crunchy, always cleaned up nicely, we'll miss him. #restinpeanut. >> do you know what, he a good life. >> he did. do you need a tissue? >> he satisfied a lot of people. >> are you okay? >> i'm okay. next another story that could have a tragic ending. a lovable mascot is being accused of assault. >> the philadelphia flyers introduced gritty two years ago and he's been a huge hit with the fans, but now gritty is accused of punching a 13-year-old boy. >> chris greenwell says his son seen there patted gritty on the head and walked away during an event. that's when he says gritty took a running start and punched his son in the back. greenwell wants the team to pay the $300 hospital bill. >> but the flyers say they found no evidence to support the claim and fans are flocking to gritty's defense with the #freegritty trending on twitter. police are now investigating. >> this is an open and active police investigation. >> it really is. right now it's he said/it said. next to something strange at the library. >> librarians are politely asking readers never ever to do this again. someone in a library in the uk picked up a book, and this slice of cheese fell out. >> ew. >> someone was apparently using the cheese as a bookmark. >> it's still wrapped, though. >> at least. >> the library posted the picture and it quickly promptly people on twitter to reveal the other kinds of foods they've used as bookmarks including a slice of bacon, even a piece of toast with butter. >> with butter. look at the butter stain on the page. >> don't waste your butter, your toast or your bacon. >> definitely not your bacon. and finally a little girl is showing us what love at first sight is all about. >> take a look at little blakely taking her first ever bite of ice cream. her eyes light up when she gets a good taste. it was just what she needed. >> she's not wasting a bite of that. >> huh-uh. >> she grabbed the cone right out of mom's hands and everyone enjoyed that. >> that is a true ice cream lover right there. on it! dimitri thinks he's doing all he can to manage his type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but is his treatment doing enough to lower his heart risk? 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[ deep inhale] freshen up. don't cover up. febreze. hey, you wanna shoot me one? steady the elbow. ♪ oooh. amateur. someone show him how it's done. ♪ ♪ ahh boom shaka laka. feisty. ♪ ahh dangerously cheesy. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shhhh. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too. and last 12 hours. 12 hours? who studies that long?! mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours with 2 medicines in 1 pill. 5:00 p.m. that work will happen through march. at the bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are not on, but cash lanes are stacking up. happening today, the b.a.r.t. board sees if it's on board with adding a new bus lane to the bay bridge. >> adding a bus lane means subtracting a car lane. amy hollyfield has more on this. amy? >> good morning. this idea is gaining momentum. the ac board of transit directors voted in favor of a resolution to get rid of one lane of traffic and dedicate it just to buses. they like the idea. they voted in favor of it. the ac transit says their ridership is up 10%. they think that's because b.a.r.t. is so crowded. people are looking for an alternative. now they are looking for a way to help those buses find a faster way across the bridge. drivers we talked to do not like this idea. >> it's going to cause more traffic. it's going to cause more late to work. >> no matter what we do, it's still going to be backed backed >> reporter: b.a.r.t. will take up the issue. the board will vote on it today. these resolutions are only symbolic. the idea would need approval from caltrans. supporters are excited about the attention this idea is getting saying traffic is only going to get worse and that something needs to be done. reporting live from the bay bridge, amy hollyfield, abc7 ne news. thank you. we want to hear your ideas about building a better bay area. share them by joining our better bay area group on facebook. the time is 4:30. if you're just joining us, getting a quick update of weather and traffic where you live starting with mike. >> a look at the fog. it's thick around fairfield and possibly sin city, otherwise it's still on the outskirts. there is a little bit of a breeze blowing offshore. some o

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