Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20180224 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20180224

below. and we're coming up slowly, two to three degrees per hour now, with temperatures colder this morning. but speaking of cold, it was 5 this morning at the airport. mitt 30s there and by midday, we'll see partly cloudy skies. a few more clouds around. low to mid-50s throughout the afternoon. we will be cold for the chinese new year's parade. but earlier, the temperatures in the 50s. we'll talk about rain in a few minutes. this morning, new questions are being raised an local sheriff deputies responded to the attack at stoneman douk lass high school in florida. the sheriff tells abc news that he's investigating reports that three other deputies who responded to the scene also failed to enter the building. abc news reporter victor oquendo has the story. >> reporter: this morning, condition in scot peterson stayed outside of stoneman douglas high school. the sheriff tells abc news that he did not see others outside. >> the thing is i lost my mother a couple days ago, so, like, i'm dealing with a bunch of things right now. >> reporter: the 911 call appearing to be the voice of cruz just three months before he allegedly opened fired in the florida school. taking the lives of 17 students and educators. just moments earlier, another 911 call. this one by the woman who had taken in cruz before his mother died. >> there was a fight in my house. a kid and my son. >> okay. ma'am. >> he was punching him and i'm afraid he comes back and he had a lot of weapons. he put the gun in the head of him as well. >> reporter: they responded to cruz's former parkland home a total of 20 times, 18 of those related to cruz himself. abc news obtaining the transcript of the tipster who called fbi last month. the female caller telling the fbi cruz was, quote, going to explode. saying she was worried about him getting into a school and just shooting the place up. the fbi has admitted to failing to follow up on the tip. this wasn't the first missed sign. in february of 2016, broward sheriff office is told by anonymous caller that cruz had threatened on instagram to shoot up his school. the information sent to school resource deputy scot peterson. and peterson is fochled that cruz had been possibly suicidal and wanted to buy a gun. victory oquendo, abc news, parkland, florida. >> parkland school shooting is reigniting the debate on whether teachers should carry guns. the idea has been endorsed by the nra and president trump. but the union representing san francisco teachers is against it. and experts say carrying a gun requires proper training and judgment. abc7 has the details. >> reporter: at least eight states alawyer teachers to carry guns on campus. but the student of san francisco says no way. >> i can tell you that's a crazy idea. >> reporter: she said it's all teachers can do to teach, keep order and look out for the well-being of students without having to carry a gun and keep it a safe distance from students. >> if you're going to with books, arm us with smaller class tice and fully funded funn education. >> using one aspect is one aspect of the training but the bigger aspect is about when to use it and how to operate in a highly stressed situation. are. >> reporter: nobody says that teachers need the same training as cops. anyone who carries a gun regularly needs to carry that skill. the captain says when a new officer joins his force they mustunder go another 40 hours of firearms training. >> on top of that, officers go to the range to hone there gun skills. >> reporter: he's not taking a position on who should be armed but the richmond pd is making a key change. since the gunman tripped a fire alarm. anytime a fire alarm is tripped in richland schools, police officers will compeeking the firefighters. abc7. right now, the topic of guns is more controversial than ever falling the mass shooting in florida. east bay congressman mark desalnier spoke with abc7 news. they're not a hearing, not a vote, not accountability. so we are hearing some movement from republican colleagues that they might be interested in background checks. we hope this is a moment to do what other countries have done and have a initial decision about this. >> the representative is holding a town hall at 11:00 at stanley middle school in lafayette. if you want to take action because of what happened in florida just head over to our website. we've posted a complete list of california's 53 representatives and two senators and contact information. find it online at abc7 a growing number of questions are breaking ties with the national rifle association in response to customer feedback. mountain-view combafd symantec is no longer offering norton anti-virus discounts to members. hertz backed away from the discount. and three months ago, insurance giant chubb is dropping supervises. yes, los angeles detained martin for questioning as a result of a threatening image he posted on social media that prompted the closure of a los angeles prep school. here's the post that appeared on martin's instagram account. it shows a got shun and am institution with a quote saying when you're a bully victim and a coward, your options are suicide or revenge. the post also said, said, #harvardwestlet. that's where martin went to high school. you might recall martin received national attention for a bullying scandal in 2014 when he played for the dolphins. his post including richie incognito and mike ponte, players who harassed martin. the 28-year-old spoke to students about bullying at piedmont school in 2016. >> you're 6'3", 320 pounds at the time. that's a big person. how could these words hurt? but for me, i was always more sensitive to that. >> martin retired from the league after playing for the niners in 2014. he later admitted that he suffered from major depression disorder and anxiety. a protest in connection with the balk -- tur tur he was sentenced to six months in jail. abc7 news reporter alissa harrington has more on what the protests hope to accomplish. >> you took away my work, my privacy, my energy, my time. >> reporter: student protesters the stanford gathered at the here woman known as emily doe was assaulted back in 2015. and read passages. there were plans to install a plaque here in her honor. but protest organizer stephanie phan said the university refused to use the quote that doe requested. >> stanford decided to silence her, take away her voice and rewrite the story in away that's most convenient. >> reporter: the university chose different quotes from letter including one that said, i'm okay. everything is okay. >> stanford wanted to say it's okay, everything's okay. completely out of context. this is about a rape, not a "b" on a test. >> reporter: shortly after turner and doe left that frat house, this bim a criecame a cr scene, protesters say this does not reflect the truth of what happened here. it has not been revealed what words doe wanted in a length statement, a representative said, ms. doe's representatives had proposed two quotes that the university could not accept. they were insistent with a concontempla concontemplative. prosecutors have charged new charges against the riverside couple accused of beating and killing heir children. they will at least face three additional charges. louis turpin also faced a felony assault child. they already face 75 counts for abusing their children for decades. if convicted they could face 94 years in prison. about oakland city official says arson may be the blame for an abandoned library. sky 7 was on the scene as flames consumed the building on miller avenue yesterday afternoon. the property has been vacant since the 1970s but squatters have taken over the building. >> this morning at 9:00 a.m., there was a big fight. a physical fight that occurred on the grounds so the building and one group pushed the one group out. and they believe the other group came back and set the building on fire. >> the building has been red-flagged and considered a total lot. time now shg, 8:11, here. we're off to a cold start? >> people saying, when are we warming up, we're not used to it. well, unfortunately, we have to get a little used to it. the week ahead is not featuring warmth. 41 degrees in oakland right now. it's 40 until hayward still. some 20s in the north bay. and temperatures as much as 10 degrees below average today. a little rain/snow mix tomorrow. and heavier rain in the week, stay tuned. the bay area laptop problem so bad some people are now taking matters into their own hands. and taking down a would-be bike thief. all caught on at the marine mammal center, the environment is everything. we want to do our very best for each and every animal, and we want to operate a sustainable facility. and pg&e has been a partner helping us to achieve that. we've helped the marine mammal center go solar, install electric vehicle charging stations, and become more energy efficient. pg&e has allowed us to be the most sustainable organization we can be. any time you help a customer, it's a really good feeling. it's especially so when it's a customer that's doing such good and important work for the environment. together, we're building a better california. discover organic ancient grains, like barley or quinoa. just add protein and vegetables to create delicious new flavours. new knorr one skillet meals don't just eat, discover. pstop messing with your sister! hey! hey! don't make me come back there! so? feels really good.... yeah, i'm gonna buy it. (vo) customer service that goes the extra mile. enterprise makes it easy. let's think about what goes in hoh., renee. and we think ba-blam's gonna kill the stomach flu? i'm scared to use the facilities. i don't blame you. if you want clean, your cleaner needs bleach in it. clorox means clean. (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. police have arrested another laptop thief who was targeting coffee shops at the cal campus. abc7 news report katie yudish shows us. >> reporter: berkeley police released this surveillance video to show just how quickly thieves are snatching laptops. >> students have their laptops out a lot, doing a lot of studying people know that we've we've become a target. >> reporter: more than two dozen laptop thefts in two months. he noticed a citizen's arrest friday afternoon. >> they just like stand their area. just grabbed a laptop and sprinted out. >> reporter: hot on their heels, sax's customers chased the thief down college avenue. >> like an athlete, he was pretty quick to it. >> reporter: the people held the teenager until police arrived. witnesses say the laptop thief handed off the laptop and took off down the road. so the laptop, unfortunately was not recovered. >> i have witnessed i'd guess more than five or six times by myself. >> reporter: the problem is so pervasive police are now going undercover in the coffee shops. the tactic led to the arrest of six people this weekend and police say their undercover work will continue. san francisco police want bike thieves to know their next target could be bait. take a look at this video released by the department. the potential thief at the top of the screen attempts to make off with a bait bike until officers race in and tackle him. this happened in the mission district. they say the bike was locked up properly but the thieves still tried to steal it. officers say there are steps that residents can take to protect they are bikes. >> one thing is to register their bikes. they can go to and register the bike. that helps us. we do find their bike, make sure they make a written report. >> police say the operations will continue. last year, nearly 900 bikes were stolen in san francisco. time is 8:17. heads up if you're planning to head over to san francisco today the chinese festival and parade will impact traffic. the year of the dog finishes up in chinatown. you can see the full route on your screen. abc7 news was at parade route yesterday. san francisco police will start closing off the parade route at 4:30. >> now, your accuweather forecast with lisa argen. >> it's saturday morning, everyone. showing cloud cover but it's really the cold that everybody is talking about. the extensive cold snap that we've been in with the morning lows just seem to get colder and colder. looks nice and sunny here. we had recovered from the early morning lows. 33 in mountain view, 41, half moon bay. you're at freezing there and north valleys, 27. and napa, 29. just about freezing, liver more slightly milder. and the winds are flat and that is aiding in a cold start. in fact with the lower dew points, we're looking at the colder morning this morning. tomorrow morning won't be as bad. we'll sigh dry and milder days slightly. but we will see clouds as well. and then a cold wintry mix arriving late sunday into monday. another weak system with rainfall from 0.1 to 0.2. it's a 1 on the storm impact scale. and gusty winds are possible. this happens for the monday morning commute and snow level will drop to about 2500 feet. we have a sunny sunday. then as the clouds increase, we'll see a few light snow showers at 10:00. and then the snow levels will continue to level at clear lake, with the rain/snow mix into the north. for the bay area, for the monday morning drive, it's going to be a slick one out there. even though the amounts won't be much, it doesn't take much to amount to something. maybe 0.1 in nevada. but we've been lucky with the systems that have frantranslate into powder. about a foot down by kirkwood. and anywhere from 11 inches to tahoe city. let's pick this up on wednesday night. here comes the more impressive system. you can see the scattered showers, 10:00. and by thursday morning, we've got heavier rain. we haven't seen this in such a long time. it pushes through by about 1:00. but there's scattered showers, all around us. another cold system friday, overnight, into friday morning and friday evening. we still have the showers. so, we'll track that for you. but today, you've got northwesterly breezy winds out tere. allowing for a cool afternoon, partly cloud? skies. 54 half moon bay. tonight, it's certainly going to be cold. around freezing. just not as cold. we'll take away most of those 20s, except for ukiah, ukiah, u, and the seven-day forecast allowing for a couple 60s to scum into play, late today and tomorrow. the impact scale used to the system, tuesday the mildest afternoon. and thursday and friday, you might up load that on the scale. >> the umbrella making a comeback. lisa, thanks. just ahead, a h it's just my eczema again,t. but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. ♪ they're super... ...but they can fly. ♪ united. helping superheroes fly. the pay area is packed with lunar area events. abc7 mornings teamed up with our parterer in er ier i er ier in line. >> there are a ton of events and a delicious way to welcome in the new year. >> some people say we're like like better boba. >> in their drinks you'll find organic milk instead of coffee creamer. premium leaves instead of teabags. they spent ten years in the corporate world. and they left and followed their passion with explosive success all through word of mouth and social media. the guys's most famous famous fs the strawberry. are you seeing the three separate levels? >> it's so beautiful. >> boba guys have six locations in the bay area. the best part, showing their parents leaving their safe jobs were well worth it. >> he said he was really proud of me. it's cool to show your parents this is what we're doing, this is why it's worth it. it's crazy to see how far we've come. seven year ago when we started this, we'd never think we would get this far. >> celebrate the new year with four new flavors, purple rain, ki kiwi guava and arnold palmer. and the amazing food and special performances and experiences. we have a link to rsvp. there's nothing like tradition, right? saturday at noon, the chinese spring festival and the lion dance team. head over to abc7 and we'll hook you with hoodline. >> you know the saying, home is where the heart is? for a sumatran tiger, that is here in the san francisco zoo. she lived at the zoo until last february until moved to the sacramento zoo. but over the past year, she just wasn't able to adjust to her new home. as a result, jillian was moved back to san francisco. endangered. fewer than 500 exist in the wild. still to come on abc mornings, the new fight over daca to get something done in washington. plus, it's closing time for a p refresh your home and save at ross. ross has all the home trends for kitchen, living room and bedroom for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere. for the latest home trends, at big savings - you've gotta go to ross. we have one to two fires a day and when you respond together and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. and for us the expert in gas and electric is pg&e. we run about 2,500/2,800 fire calls a year and on almost every one of those calls pg&e is responding to that call as well. and so when we show up to a fire and pg&e shows up with us it makes a tremendous team during a moment of crisis. i rely on them, the firefighters in this department rely on them, and so we have to practice safety everyday. utilizing pg&e's talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. the things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harm's way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldn't ask for a better partner. ross is going all out... all outdoors that is. you'll find everything you need to make your outdoor space your favorite place. and if you want it all for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere, you gotta go to ross. good morning, north bay. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc7 morning. good morning, thanks for being with us, i'm chris wynn. we're starting this half hour with a quick look at the weather. here's is meteorologist lisa argen. >> hi. would you believe temperatures are recovering in some spots. you slept through the coldest part, most of you on saturday morning. 40 in san jose. low 40s in oakland and half moon bay where you were at freezing. 34 in gilroy, beautiful picture. sill upper 30s. looking at 40 by the daelt that. so, certainly a colder morning. when are we going to shake this? well, not anytime soon. in fact, we'll increase the clouds and be another chilly afternoon with numbers anywhere from 4 to 10 degrees below average. low to mid-50s should do it with partly cloudy skies today. another cold night tonight but not as cold. mildest days tuesday and wednesday, and heavier rain thursday and friday, chris. >> lisa, thanks. san francisco supervisor london breed will hold a community meeting today to discuss the apparent drug-related deaths of three men. the meeting starts at 11:00 this morning at the san francisco park station community room on waller street. investigators believe the men overdosed on the powerful opioid fentanyl. their bodies were found in the suburban school on paige street in sonic avenue thursday morning. police say no foul play is suspected. happening now a motorcade is transferring the body from the reverend billy graham from his home in asheville, south carolina. the motorcade just left in the past 30 minutes. graham was spiritual adviser to 12 american presidents considered the most widely held christian evangelist. a pay area assemblyman is proposing a bill that would classify gay conversion therapy as consumer fraud. gay conversion therapy aims through hypnosis and some cases shock treatment. the process has been outlined in california for minors. the new ban would extend the ban to adults. >> the american medical association and the americn psychological association has deemed this as a hurtful and harmful practice. so, in the state of california, we want to ensure that consumers are protected and they know this is considered fraud. >> proposed bill would allow people to sue for consumer broad. a number of other states including massachusetts and illinois have already passed similar bans for conversion therapy for minors. >> the immigration reform and 780,000 dreamers, a contingent of powerful ceos will descend on washington to explain how the workforce need immigrants especially since apple and google intend to add thousands of workers in the detail. the future of silicon valley is at stake. that's a message 45 executive will take to congress next week. urging to increase immigration reform. a delegation wants to impress one fact on lawmakers' minds that immigrants make up 54% of the workforce. >> they are in our colleague colleges, they're contributing members of society. very few have criminal records. this is the only country they've ever known and they are contributing mightily to the strength of america's overall economy. >> reporter: they will hold meetings of democrats and republicans and fence sitters who they believe can support daca. but at the same time, also lobbying for.b.a.r.t. extension for downtown san jose. for protecting immigration and automatic toni. president trump said it's wrong to assume that republicans are against daca. >> you know, we get the reputation that daca, it's not republican. well, let me tell, it is republican. because we want to do something about daca. >> reporter: however political observers aren't sure what republicans or democrats will do next. the delegation hopes it can make a difference. earlier they tried to use immigration amsd daca as bargaining chips to try to resolve and avert a government shutdown. it comes before congress on march 23rd. in san jose. and the city of san jose will be closing in on the city. 58 indiana stances of benzene in the drinking water from the mountain grove neighborhood. benzene is found in plastics. impacted residents had been used bottled water for all drinking and washing and food preparation. the nosh bay sapphire was put out no asing. but the recover is ongoing. caltrans released video of the cleanup ongoing. it's work that's been happening since the fires were finally knocked down in october of last year. cruises had removed more than 700 fire-damaged trees and reseeded hundreds of acres of land. >> happening today, following california's most destructive fire and disaster season, fire departments are holding a career expo. perspective candidates can take part in hands on demonstrations to test their skills. and as videos of what to expect in the fire service. the expo runs from 10:00 to 1:00 at the firefight candidate testing center on commerce way in livermore. city college is banning smoking on campus. according to the examiner, smoking and vaping and e-cigarettes will be banned. still under debate, access to mare wane. student health services would also provide resources for those who are trying to quit. it will go into effect the first day of the fall semester. the oasis beer garden has been serving up good food and memories for 60 years. you they'll be closing the doors for did. abc7 reporter visited and filed this story. >> thanks, folks. thank you. >> reporter: when you walk into the oasis, you'll find a mishmash of silicon valley workers, old alumni and generations of family. they all come for the same thing. >> just an ordinary hamburger with everything on it. >> double cheese. >> reporter: the oasis known as the "o" has been a staple some menlo park for 60 nears, stanford football memorabilia is displayed on the walls. many of them are declarations of love. >> i dated a guy at graduate school in stanford. we came here and he carved our initials on the booth. it's not the guy i ended up marrying but it's -- >> reporter: judy steinhart wants to come dot "o" before it closed. she came with her husband who was quick to hand her a pocket knife. she said it's difficult for the customers and she said it was for her, too. but she couldn't come to an agreement with her landlord on the lease. >> it's history right here. the table is covered with history. it's a nice warm funky place you feel comfortable eating at. >> reporter: it's so popular that people wanting to come here for the last time, the kitchen ran out of meat. a delivery is on the way. people love it so much, they're still waiting online. >> we've got a delivery coming so we're counting the minutes. we're doing the best we can. >> reporter: customers ordered pizza and sandwiches instead. and it's not just a place full of memories it's an institution that will soon be gone from the peninsula. the "o" closes on march 7th, in menlo park. abc7 news. still ahead on "abc7 mornings," closing in on new self-driving cars. the vote scheduled for money and what it could mean for bay area companies on the road. and here's a look at the camera. a deceiving look. be sure to (cat 2) hey, what's that? (cat 1) whoa, gravy! (cat 2) you mean extra gravy! (cat 1) what?! (cat 2) that's friskies extra gravy-chunky! (cat 1) chunky gravy purr-adise! (cat 2) purr-adise? really? (vo) feed their fantasy. friskies. actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants! mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! and country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and the same country fresh taste you love. welcome to crock country. ♪ welcome back, everyone. a live look outside from the abc7 exploratorium camera. you can see we're off to a cloudy start throughout much of the bay area. current temperature in san francisco is only 47 degrees. we'll get the full bay area forecast from lisa argen coming up. sky 7 was over the chase center construction site yesterday where you can see significant progress being made to the future home of the warriors. construction startsed in the mission bay neighborhood a little more than a year ago. if construction stays on schedule. the warriors plant to open the 2019-2020 season at the chase center. lisa is here now. you've been talking about the cold temperatures, cold conditions all morning long. >> they really vary, you said frev, we've been reading in san francisco at sfroo. at know at your house it could be different but it's cold everywhere with upper 20s to mid-40s. you can see the haze and well below average. really everything in the mix for the weekend instead of warmth. i'll be back with the seven-day forecast coming up. also ahead, it's the game you don't want to play. who has the guts for hula ball. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. good morning, everyone. a live look frouts the golden gate bridge camera. hello to our friends traveling to and from morin. some parts of the bay area woke up to freezing temperatures this morning. just how cold will it get? lisa argen anxiouses that question. in sports, saturday night in organical arena. tip offat 5:30 p.m. if you're not going to the game watch it only on abc7. stick around for toyota around 8:00 p.m. with the postgame interviews and warriors ambassador and nba analyst kerry keating. this afternoon, the giants and the g-men played their first game of spring training. larry beil has the highlights in this morning's sports report. good morning, everybody. baseball is back. spring training games began yesterday. the giants are going to show they actually do have an offense in 2018. giants and brewers, only 60 degrees in scottsdale. ooh. the giants center fielder of the future, and perhaps 2018, two-run double. giants score four early for a 4-0 lead in the second. does pablo sandovalvalvalvalval anything left? maybe so, how about that. and the moon, that's where matt olsen hits them. a young man with some power. look at the catch out here. oh, took it away from the little buy. 3-2 a's. bottom time, a's trail. anthony garcia. a walkoff two-run single will help. and a's victorious, 9-8. and sharks lost. and he chaump chomps down. the sharks turn it over in their own zone. happy birthday, nick, just turned 22. and teimo, how do they get through all of those bodies. the former goalie burns trying to keep chicago from score. and it's artem, 3-1 blackhawks your final. there's a huge scandal in college basketball. arizona head coach sean miller was recorded on fbi wiretaps talking about a 100,000 payment for a star recruit. this, according to the yahoo! sports, they broke it first. said to be the tip of the iceberg of big-name college colleges implicated in offers improper benefits. so, would you stand in front of an angry bull for $500? i didn't think so. but some people will, watch. a contest called hoola ball. you live if you stay in the hoop. whoa! that is crazy. let's watch it again. amazingly -- i can fly. she suffered only a sprained ankle. the winner was a dude in the corner, untouched. and he got 500 bucks. that's a hard way to earn $500. i'll tell you. that's a wrap on morning sports. we got warriors and okc tonight at 5:30 here on abc7. have a great weekend. i'm larry beil. good morning, everyone, starting out with hazy sunshine and still pretty cold out there. here's our tower cam where temperatures in san francisco dropped off to near 40 early on. we've had a bit of a recovery and we'll continue that team for the afternoon today and tomorrow. sort of. because we're coming up a little bit more than we did yesterday. in napa, though, the average high is 52. 57 today. then we warm up on sunday. look what happens on monday. highs in the mid-50s. another mild day on tuesday. wednesday, another system coming in. and check it out, highs barely at 50 degrees thursday and friday. right now from our roof camera, we don't see much in the way of a breeze. that's going to change. northwest winds will be picking up adding to the bite in the air. right now 35 in santa cruz, it was 32 earlier. so, we will look for another cool afternoon, 5 to 10 degrees below average. 41 in oakland. 39 in mountain view. and half moon bay at 35. not much wind. 29, santa rosa. 34 in napa. with freezing temperatures in livermore. and they're making snow here in the sierra nevada. they've picked up a good amount. the past couple of systems dropped that dry powder. once again, we're looking at dry fluffy snow with perhaps up to a foot in some spots. we'll get to that in a moment. the freezing cold and patchy frost almost behind us. we'll have winter mix coming into play monday. but late tomorrow, is when we'll see shower activity. 1 on the storm impact scale. possible hail and snow levels down to 2500 feet. so, tomorrow, we're sunny, we're milder. but increasing clouds late in the day. so you don't have to worry about it. but late sunday a few sprinkles in the north bay. it's overnight where we'll see the front march south. and clear lake could see a rain/snow mix. and you can see, by 7:00 in the morning, we still have showers from the east bay, the south bay and santa cruz mountains. and check out mt. diablo. and snowflakes there. as well. sn mateo, maybe a tenth up in kn novado. but it comes into play with significant snow. eight inches. and wednesday, wednesday night, thursday morning. heavier rain it kind of pushes through on thursday. but look at the wrap-around showers thursday night, friday morning, friday evening. that's a bonus coming our way late in the week. today, though, northwest breezy winds at 56, and napa, 57. if you're heading into the city, count on some sun at 5:00. and the seven-day forecast looking at milder highs tomorrow. a wintry mix monday. and the download the app for the temperatures to rebound the system and then bottom out again thursday, friday with more significant rain. we need a little winter. whatever we can get, right? >> thank you. you've probably seen them around the bay area, cars covered with cameras a s sensor that are the tests for the autonomous cars. we explain the new rules taking effect and what's going on behind the scenes. >> reporter: it may look like a magic trip but this could be the future. >> so, around monday, we're expecting an announcement. >> reporter: the dmv said it would also allow to take the human safety environment out of the driver's seat. >> the regulations do say we need to have remote operators. >> reporter: and that's where phantom auto comes in. they go through a training program and take over if an autonomous car needs human help. >> in the event that something goes wrong, we don't need to fully test it. >> reporter: they get it right 98% of the time but sometimes they get confused. >> the car will know when it needs help, a lot of times, if it's stuck at a construction site and just paralyzed and could not move, then it would know to ping us. >> reporter: you can see with this pan arammic view, you can see with no blind spots but arriving a car from inside an office raises questions. >> vehicle is just being driven by a human farther away. >> reporter: as for pedestrians and other drivers -- >> a lot of people are not going to know there's say human driver backup so there might be a little panic in the streets. we'll have to see. >> reporter: phantom uses public cellular networks. they're not streaming movies. they're streaming real life. >> if you press on the brake, for instance, and it takes six seconds, it could be potentially fatal outcome. >> reporter: and then there's the pedal on the right when it comes to curving a lead foot. >> how dot cops pull over a remote driver? >> your guess is as good as mine. we'll have to see. next a rare sight in the ross has all the home trends for kitchen, living room and bedroom for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere. for the latest home trends, at big savings - you've gotta go to ross. new tattoo studiofor days. brow gel from maybelline new york. just apply and blend sets in 1 minute lasts up to 2 days ...for fully defined brows maybelline's tattoo brow. only from maybelline new york. ♪ team usa to south korea! we can't fly... ...but you know who can? ♪ helping superheroes fly. united. ♪ united. they'd tell you to go to ross. because there's so much to choose from. listen to your pets. they're your best friends, so they don't want you to spend more than you have to. if you want to save big on pet accessories, you gotta go to ross. from last night's $204 million mega millions. 7, 11, 13, 19, 58, 9. nobody picked all six. the jackpot goes up to $222 million. tonight's powerbll jackpot is estimated at $269 million. residents in las vegas got just the surprise yesterday, snow. temperatures dropped to the mid-30s which made it possible for snowflakes to fall. the national weather service says the last time snow fall at mccarren international airport was christmas day 2015. yesterday snow showers missed the airport but it won't make it into the books. we had teens in san bernardino county. 56 in richmond and oakland today. breezy as well the accuweather seven-day forecast, a milder afternoon tomorrow, a slightly warmer morning. and milder weather and more rain, download the app to stay up to date. >> thank yous to you for joining us on abc7 morning. abc7 news continues at 4:30 p.m. and prime time on abc. and nba countdown between the big matchup of thurnts and warriors. and game at 5:30 at oracle arena. you can watch the game on abc7, watch with larry beil after the game. and warriors ambassador. and the nba analyst with analysis at 8:00 p.m. the news continues online, twitter, facebook and instagram. for now, we'll leave you with a live look outside our abc7 exploratorium camera. make it a great day everyone. thanks for joining us. we have one to two fires a day and when you respond together and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. and for us the expert in gas and electric is pg&e. we run about 2,500/2,800 fire calls a year and on almost every one of those calls pg&e is responding to that call as well. and so when we show up to a fire and pg&e shows up with us it makes a tremendous team during a moment of crisis. i rely on them, the firefighters in this department rely on them, and so we have to practice safety everyday. utilizing pg&e's talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. the things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harm's way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldn't ask for a better partner. announcer: "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide. jack: hi, everybody. i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to "wild countdown." most of the time, the wilderness is a peaceful place, but some creatures can become real animals if they have to defend their turf, like hotheaded hippos... robert: they're trying to establish who is dominant. jack: you're seeing something i've only seen one time. howling mad monkeys... he just about scared me out of my pants. guide: yeah. jack: and enormous elephant seals. today, we've got 6 incredibly tough territorial species. plus, my blooper of

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20180224

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below. and we're coming up slowly, two to three degrees per hour now, with temperatures colder this morning. but speaking of cold, it was 5 this morning at the airport. mitt 30s there and by midday, we'll see partly cloudy skies. a few more clouds around. low to mid-50s throughout the afternoon. we will be cold for the chinese new year's parade. but earlier, the temperatures in the 50s. we'll talk about rain in a few minutes. this morning, new questions are being raised an local sheriff deputies responded to the attack at stoneman douk lass high school in florida. the sheriff tells abc news that he's investigating reports that three other deputies who responded to the scene also failed to enter the building. abc news reporter victor oquendo has the story. >> reporter: this morning, condition in scot peterson stayed outside of stoneman douglas high school. the sheriff tells abc news that he did not see others outside. >> the thing is i lost my mother a couple days ago, so, like, i'm dealing with a bunch of things right now. >> reporter: the 911 call appearing to be the voice of cruz just three months before he allegedly opened fired in the florida school. taking the lives of 17 students and educators. just moments earlier, another 911 call. this one by the woman who had taken in cruz before his mother died. >> there was a fight in my house. a kid and my son. >> okay. ma'am. >> he was punching him and i'm afraid he comes back and he had a lot of weapons. he put the gun in the head of him as well. >> reporter: they responded to cruz's former parkland home a total of 20 times, 18 of those related to cruz himself. abc news obtaining the transcript of the tipster who called fbi last month. the female caller telling the fbi cruz was, quote, going to explode. saying she was worried about him getting into a school and just shooting the place up. the fbi has admitted to failing to follow up on the tip. this wasn't the first missed sign. in february of 2016, broward sheriff office is told by anonymous caller that cruz had threatened on instagram to shoot up his school. the information sent to school resource deputy scot peterson. and peterson is fochled that cruz had been possibly suicidal and wanted to buy a gun. victory oquendo, abc news, parkland, florida. >> parkland school shooting is reigniting the debate on whether teachers should carry guns. the idea has been endorsed by the nra and president trump. but the union representing san francisco teachers is against it. and experts say carrying a gun requires proper training and judgment. abc7 has the details. >> reporter: at least eight states alawyer teachers to carry guns on campus. but the student of san francisco says no way. >> i can tell you that's a crazy idea. >> reporter: she said it's all teachers can do to teach, keep order and look out for the well-being of students without having to carry a gun and keep it a safe distance from students. >> if you're going to with books, arm us with smaller class tice and fully funded funn education. >> using one aspect is one aspect of the training but the bigger aspect is about when to use it and how to operate in a highly stressed situation. are. >> reporter: nobody says that teachers need the same training as cops. anyone who carries a gun regularly needs to carry that skill. the captain says when a new officer joins his force they mustunder go another 40 hours of firearms training. >> on top of that, officers go to the range to hone there gun skills. >> reporter: he's not taking a position on who should be armed but the richmond pd is making a key change. since the gunman tripped a fire alarm. anytime a fire alarm is tripped in richland schools, police officers will compeeking the firefighters. abc7. right now, the topic of guns is more controversial than ever falling the mass shooting in florida. east bay congressman mark desalnier spoke with abc7 news. they're not a hearing, not a vote, not accountability. so we are hearing some movement from republican colleagues that they might be interested in background checks. we hope this is a moment to do what other countries have done and have a initial decision about this. >> the representative is holding a town hall at 11:00 at stanley middle school in lafayette. if you want to take action because of what happened in florida just head over to our website. we've posted a complete list of california's 53 representatives and two senators and contact information. find it online at abc7 a growing number of questions are breaking ties with the national rifle association in response to customer feedback. mountain-view combafd symantec is no longer offering norton anti-virus discounts to members. hertz backed away from the discount. and three months ago, insurance giant chubb is dropping supervises. yes, los angeles detained martin for questioning as a result of a threatening image he posted on social media that prompted the closure of a los angeles prep school. here's the post that appeared on martin's instagram account. it shows a got shun and am institution with a quote saying when you're a bully victim and a coward, your options are suicide or revenge. the post also said, said, #harvardwestlet. that's where martin went to high school. you might recall martin received national attention for a bullying scandal in 2014 when he played for the dolphins. his post including richie incognito and mike ponte, players who harassed martin. the 28-year-old spoke to students about bullying at piedmont school in 2016. >> you're 6'3", 320 pounds at the time. that's a big person. how could these words hurt? but for me, i was always more sensitive to that. >> martin retired from the league after playing for the niners in 2014. he later admitted that he suffered from major depression disorder and anxiety. a protest in connection with the balk -- tur tur he was sentenced to six months in jail. abc7 news reporter alissa harrington has more on what the protests hope to accomplish. >> you took away my work, my privacy, my energy, my time. >> reporter: student protesters the stanford gathered at the here woman known as emily doe was assaulted back in 2015. and read passages. there were plans to install a plaque here in her honor. but protest organizer stephanie phan said the university refused to use the quote that doe requested. >> stanford decided to silence her, take away her voice and rewrite the story in away that's most convenient. >> reporter: the university chose different quotes from letter including one that said, i'm okay. everything is okay. >> stanford wanted to say it's okay, everything's okay. completely out of context. this is about a rape, not a "b" on a test. >> reporter: shortly after turner and doe left that frat house, this bim a criecame a cr scene, protesters say this does not reflect the truth of what happened here. it has not been revealed what words doe wanted in a length statement, a representative said, ms. doe's representatives had proposed two quotes that the university could not accept. they were insistent with a concontempla concontemplative. prosecutors have charged new charges against the riverside couple accused of beating and killing heir children. they will at least face three additional charges. louis turpin also faced a felony assault child. they already face 75 counts for abusing their children for decades. if convicted they could face 94 years in prison. about oakland city official says arson may be the blame for an abandoned library. sky 7 was on the scene as flames consumed the building on miller avenue yesterday afternoon. the property has been vacant since the 1970s but squatters have taken over the building. >> this morning at 9:00 a.m., there was a big fight. a physical fight that occurred on the grounds so the building and one group pushed the one group out. and they believe the other group came back and set the building on fire. >> the building has been red-flagged and considered a total lot. time now shg, 8:11, here. we're off to a cold start? >> people saying, when are we warming up, we're not used to it. well, unfortunately, we have to get a little used to it. the week ahead is not featuring warmth. 41 degrees in oakland right now. it's 40 until hayward still. some 20s in the north bay. and temperatures as much as 10 degrees below average today. a little rain/snow mix tomorrow. and heavier rain in the week, stay tuned. the bay area laptop problem so bad some people are now taking matters into their own hands. and taking down a would-be bike thief. all caught on at the marine mammal center, the environment is everything. we want to do our very best for each and every animal, and we want to operate a sustainable facility. and pg&e has been a partner helping us to achieve that. we've helped the marine mammal center go solar, install electric vehicle charging stations, and become more energy efficient. pg&e has allowed us to be the most sustainable organization we can be. any time you help a customer, it's a really good feeling. it's especially so when it's a customer that's doing such good and important work for the environment. together, we're building a better california. discover organic ancient grains, like barley or quinoa. just add protein and vegetables to create delicious new flavours. new knorr one skillet meals don't just eat, discover. pstop messing with your sister! hey! hey! don't make me come back there! so? feels really good.... yeah, i'm gonna buy it. (vo) customer service that goes the extra mile. enterprise makes it easy. let's think about what goes in hoh., renee. and we think ba-blam's gonna kill the stomach flu? i'm scared to use the facilities. i don't blame you. if you want clean, your cleaner needs bleach in it. clorox means clean. (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. police have arrested another laptop thief who was targeting coffee shops at the cal campus. abc7 news report katie yudish shows us. >> reporter: berkeley police released this surveillance video to show just how quickly thieves are snatching laptops. >> students have their laptops out a lot, doing a lot of studying people know that we've we've become a target. >> reporter: more than two dozen laptop thefts in two months. he noticed a citizen's arrest friday afternoon. >> they just like stand their area. just grabbed a laptop and sprinted out. >> reporter: hot on their heels, sax's customers chased the thief down college avenue. >> like an athlete, he was pretty quick to it. >> reporter: the people held the teenager until police arrived. witnesses say the laptop thief handed off the laptop and took off down the road. so the laptop, unfortunately was not recovered. >> i have witnessed i'd guess more than five or six times by myself. >> reporter: the problem is so pervasive police are now going undercover in the coffee shops. the tactic led to the arrest of six people this weekend and police say their undercover work will continue. san francisco police want bike thieves to know their next target could be bait. take a look at this video released by the department. the potential thief at the top of the screen attempts to make off with a bait bike until officers race in and tackle him. this happened in the mission district. they say the bike was locked up properly but the thieves still tried to steal it. officers say there are steps that residents can take to protect they are bikes. >> one thing is to register their bikes. they can go to and register the bike. that helps us. we do find their bike, make sure they make a written report. >> police say the operations will continue. last year, nearly 900 bikes were stolen in san francisco. time is 8:17. heads up if you're planning to head over to san francisco today the chinese festival and parade will impact traffic. the year of the dog finishes up in chinatown. you can see the full route on your screen. abc7 news was at parade route yesterday. san francisco police will start closing off the parade route at 4:30. >> now, your accuweather forecast with lisa argen. >> it's saturday morning, everyone. showing cloud cover but it's really the cold that everybody is talking about. the extensive cold snap that we've been in with the morning lows just seem to get colder and colder. looks nice and sunny here. we had recovered from the early morning lows. 33 in mountain view, 41, half moon bay. you're at freezing there and north valleys, 27. and napa, 29. just about freezing, liver more slightly milder. and the winds are flat and that is aiding in a cold start. in fact with the lower dew points, we're looking at the colder morning this morning. tomorrow morning won't be as bad. we'll sigh dry and milder days slightly. but we will see clouds as well. and then a cold wintry mix arriving late sunday into monday. another weak system with rainfall from 0.1 to 0.2. it's a 1 on the storm impact scale. and gusty winds are possible. this happens for the monday morning commute and snow level will drop to about 2500 feet. we have a sunny sunday. then as the clouds increase, we'll see a few light snow showers at 10:00. and then the snow levels will continue to level at clear lake, with the rain/snow mix into the north. for the bay area, for the monday morning drive, it's going to be a slick one out there. even though the amounts won't be much, it doesn't take much to amount to something. maybe 0.1 in nevada. but we've been lucky with the systems that have frantranslate into powder. about a foot down by kirkwood. and anywhere from 11 inches to tahoe city. let's pick this up on wednesday night. here comes the more impressive system. you can see the scattered showers, 10:00. and by thursday morning, we've got heavier rain. we haven't seen this in such a long time. it pushes through by about 1:00. but there's scattered showers, all around us. another cold system friday, overnight, into friday morning and friday evening. we still have the showers. so, we'll track that for you. but today, you've got northwesterly breezy winds out tere. allowing for a cool afternoon, partly cloud? skies. 54 half moon bay. tonight, it's certainly going to be cold. around freezing. just not as cold. we'll take away most of those 20s, except for ukiah, ukiah, u, and the seven-day forecast allowing for a couple 60s to scum into play, late today and tomorrow. the impact scale used to the system, tuesday the mildest afternoon. and thursday and friday, you might up load that on the scale. >> the umbrella making a comeback. lisa, thanks. just ahead, a h it's just my eczema again,t. but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. ♪ they're super... ...but they can fly. ♪ united. helping superheroes fly. the pay area is packed with lunar area events. abc7 mornings teamed up with our parterer in er ier i er ier in line. >> there are a ton of events and a delicious way to welcome in the new year. >> some people say we're like like better boba. >> in their drinks you'll find organic milk instead of coffee creamer. premium leaves instead of teabags. they spent ten years in the corporate world. and they left and followed their passion with explosive success all through word of mouth and social media. the guys's most famous famous fs the strawberry. are you seeing the three separate levels? >> it's so beautiful. >> boba guys have six locations in the bay area. the best part, showing their parents leaving their safe jobs were well worth it. >> he said he was really proud of me. it's cool to show your parents this is what we're doing, this is why it's worth it. it's crazy to see how far we've come. seven year ago when we started this, we'd never think we would get this far. >> celebrate the new year with four new flavors, purple rain, ki kiwi guava and arnold palmer. and the amazing food and special performances and experiences. we have a link to rsvp. there's nothing like tradition, right? saturday at noon, the chinese spring festival and the lion dance team. head over to abc7 and we'll hook you with hoodline. >> you know the saying, home is where the heart is? for a sumatran tiger, that is here in the san francisco zoo. she lived at the zoo until last february until moved to the sacramento zoo. but over the past year, she just wasn't able to adjust to her new home. as a result, jillian was moved back to san francisco. endangered. fewer than 500 exist in the wild. still to come on abc mornings, the new fight over daca to get something done in washington. plus, it's closing time for a p refresh your home and save at ross. ross has all the home trends for kitchen, living room and bedroom for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere. for the latest home trends, at big savings - you've gotta go to ross. we have one to two fires a day and when you respond together and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. and for us the expert in gas and electric is pg&e. we run about 2,500/2,800 fire calls a year and on almost every one of those calls pg&e is responding to that call as well. and so when we show up to a fire and pg&e shows up with us it makes a tremendous team during a moment of crisis. i rely on them, the firefighters in this department rely on them, and so we have to practice safety everyday. utilizing pg&e's talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. the things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harm's way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldn't ask for a better partner. ross is going all out... all outdoors that is. you'll find everything you need to make your outdoor space your favorite place. and if you want it all for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere, you gotta go to ross. good morning, north bay. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc7 morning. good morning, thanks for being with us, i'm chris wynn. we're starting this half hour with a quick look at the weather. here's is meteorologist lisa argen. >> hi. would you believe temperatures are recovering in some spots. you slept through the coldest part, most of you on saturday morning. 40 in san jose. low 40s in oakland and half moon bay where you were at freezing. 34 in gilroy, beautiful picture. sill upper 30s. looking at 40 by the daelt that. so, certainly a colder morning. when are we going to shake this? well, not anytime soon. in fact, we'll increase the clouds and be another chilly afternoon with numbers anywhere from 4 to 10 degrees below average. low to mid-50s should do it with partly cloudy skies today. another cold night tonight but not as cold. mildest days tuesday and wednesday, and heavier rain thursday and friday, chris. >> lisa, thanks. san francisco supervisor london breed will hold a community meeting today to discuss the apparent drug-related deaths of three men. the meeting starts at 11:00 this morning at the san francisco park station community room on waller street. investigators believe the men overdosed on the powerful opioid fentanyl. their bodies were found in the suburban school on paige street in sonic avenue thursday morning. police say no foul play is suspected. happening now a motorcade is transferring the body from the reverend billy graham from his home in asheville, south carolina. the motorcade just left in the past 30 minutes. graham was spiritual adviser to 12 american presidents considered the most widely held christian evangelist. a pay area assemblyman is proposing a bill that would classify gay conversion therapy as consumer fraud. gay conversion therapy aims through hypnosis and some cases shock treatment. the process has been outlined in california for minors. the new ban would extend the ban to adults. >> the american medical association and the americn psychological association has deemed this as a hurtful and harmful practice. so, in the state of california, we want to ensure that consumers are protected and they know this is considered fraud. >> proposed bill would allow people to sue for consumer broad. a number of other states including massachusetts and illinois have already passed similar bans for conversion therapy for minors. >> the immigration reform and 780,000 dreamers, a contingent of powerful ceos will descend on washington to explain how the workforce need immigrants especially since apple and google intend to add thousands of workers in the detail. the future of silicon valley is at stake. that's a message 45 executive will take to congress next week. urging to increase immigration reform. a delegation wants to impress one fact on lawmakers' minds that immigrants make up 54% of the workforce. >> they are in our colleague colleges, they're contributing members of society. very few have criminal records. this is the only country they've ever known and they are contributing mightily to the strength of america's overall economy. >> reporter: they will hold meetings of democrats and republicans and fence sitters who they believe can support daca. but at the same time, also lobbying for.b.a.r.t. extension for downtown san jose. for protecting immigration and automatic toni. president trump said it's wrong to assume that republicans are against daca. >> you know, we get the reputation that daca, it's not republican. well, let me tell, it is republican. because we want to do something about daca. >> reporter: however political observers aren't sure what republicans or democrats will do next. the delegation hopes it can make a difference. earlier they tried to use immigration amsd daca as bargaining chips to try to resolve and avert a government shutdown. it comes before congress on march 23rd. in san jose. and the city of san jose will be closing in on the city. 58 indiana stances of benzene in the drinking water from the mountain grove neighborhood. benzene is found in plastics. impacted residents had been used bottled water for all drinking and washing and food preparation. the nosh bay sapphire was put out no asing. but the recover is ongoing. caltrans released video of the cleanup ongoing. it's work that's been happening since the fires were finally knocked down in october of last year. cruises had removed more than 700 fire-damaged trees and reseeded hundreds of acres of land. >> happening today, following california's most destructive fire and disaster season, fire departments are holding a career expo. perspective candidates can take part in hands on demonstrations to test their skills. and as videos of what to expect in the fire service. the expo runs from 10:00 to 1:00 at the firefight candidate testing center on commerce way in livermore. city college is banning smoking on campus. according to the examiner, smoking and vaping and e-cigarettes will be banned. still under debate, access to mare wane. student health services would also provide resources for those who are trying to quit. it will go into effect the first day of the fall semester. the oasis beer garden has been serving up good food and memories for 60 years. you they'll be closing the doors for did. abc7 reporter visited and filed this story. >> thanks, folks. thank you. >> reporter: when you walk into the oasis, you'll find a mishmash of silicon valley workers, old alumni and generations of family. they all come for the same thing. >> just an ordinary hamburger with everything on it. >> double cheese. >> reporter: the oasis known as the "o" has been a staple some menlo park for 60 nears, stanford football memorabilia is displayed on the walls. many of them are declarations of love. >> i dated a guy at graduate school in stanford. we came here and he carved our initials on the booth. it's not the guy i ended up marrying but it's -- >> reporter: judy steinhart wants to come dot "o" before it closed. she came with her husband who was quick to hand her a pocket knife. she said it's difficult for the customers and she said it was for her, too. but she couldn't come to an agreement with her landlord on the lease. >> it's history right here. the table is covered with history. it's a nice warm funky place you feel comfortable eating at. >> reporter: it's so popular that people wanting to come here for the last time, the kitchen ran out of meat. a delivery is on the way. people love it so much, they're still waiting online. >> we've got a delivery coming so we're counting the minutes. we're doing the best we can. >> reporter: customers ordered pizza and sandwiches instead. and it's not just a place full of memories it's an institution that will soon be gone from the peninsula. the "o" closes on march 7th, in menlo park. abc7 news. still ahead on "abc7 mornings," closing in on new self-driving cars. the vote scheduled for money and what it could mean for bay area companies on the road. and here's a look at the camera. a deceiving look. be sure to (cat 2) hey, what's that? (cat 1) whoa, gravy! (cat 2) you mean extra gravy! (cat 1) what?! (cat 2) that's friskies extra gravy-chunky! (cat 1) chunky gravy purr-adise! (cat 2) purr-adise? really? (vo) feed their fantasy. friskies. actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants! mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! and country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and the same country fresh taste you love. welcome to crock country. ♪ welcome back, everyone. a live look outside from the abc7 exploratorium camera. you can see we're off to a cloudy start throughout much of the bay area. current temperature in san francisco is only 47 degrees. we'll get the full bay area forecast from lisa argen coming up. sky 7 was over the chase center construction site yesterday where you can see significant progress being made to the future home of the warriors. construction startsed in the mission bay neighborhood a little more than a year ago. if construction stays on schedule. the warriors plant to open the 2019-2020 season at the chase center. lisa is here now. you've been talking about the cold temperatures, cold conditions all morning long. >> they really vary, you said frev, we've been reading in san francisco at sfroo. at know at your house it could be different but it's cold everywhere with upper 20s to mid-40s. you can see the haze and well below average. really everything in the mix for the weekend instead of warmth. i'll be back with the seven-day forecast coming up. also ahead, it's the game you don't want to play. who has the guts for hula ball. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. good morning, everyone. a live look frouts the golden gate bridge camera. hello to our friends traveling to and from morin. some parts of the bay area woke up to freezing temperatures this morning. just how cold will it get? lisa argen anxiouses that question. in sports, saturday night in organical arena. tip offat 5:30 p.m. if you're not going to the game watch it only on abc7. stick around for toyota around 8:00 p.m. with the postgame interviews and warriors ambassador and nba analyst kerry keating. this afternoon, the giants and the g-men played their first game of spring training. larry beil has the highlights in this morning's sports report. good morning, everybody. baseball is back. spring training games began yesterday. the giants are going to show they actually do have an offense in 2018. giants and brewers, only 60 degrees in scottsdale. ooh. the giants center fielder of the future, and perhaps 2018, two-run double. giants score four early for a 4-0 lead in the second. does pablo sandovalvalvalvalval anything left? maybe so, how about that. and the moon, that's where matt olsen hits them. a young man with some power. look at the catch out here. oh, took it away from the little buy. 3-2 a's. bottom time, a's trail. anthony garcia. a walkoff two-run single will help. and a's victorious, 9-8. and sharks lost. and he chaump chomps down. the sharks turn it over in their own zone. happy birthday, nick, just turned 22. and teimo, how do they get through all of those bodies. the former goalie burns trying to keep chicago from score. and it's artem, 3-1 blackhawks your final. there's a huge scandal in college basketball. arizona head coach sean miller was recorded on fbi wiretaps talking about a 100,000 payment for a star recruit. this, according to the yahoo! sports, they broke it first. said to be the tip of the iceberg of big-name college colleges implicated in offers improper benefits. so, would you stand in front of an angry bull for $500? i didn't think so. but some people will, watch. a contest called hoola ball. you live if you stay in the hoop. whoa! that is crazy. let's watch it again. amazingly -- i can fly. she suffered only a sprained ankle. the winner was a dude in the corner, untouched. and he got 500 bucks. that's a hard way to earn $500. i'll tell you. that's a wrap on morning sports. we got warriors and okc tonight at 5:30 here on abc7. have a great weekend. i'm larry beil. good morning, everyone, starting out with hazy sunshine and still pretty cold out there. here's our tower cam where temperatures in san francisco dropped off to near 40 early on. we've had a bit of a recovery and we'll continue that team for the afternoon today and tomorrow. sort of. because we're coming up a little bit more than we did yesterday. in napa, though, the average high is 52. 57 today. then we warm up on sunday. look what happens on monday. highs in the mid-50s. another mild day on tuesday. wednesday, another system coming in. and check it out, highs barely at 50 degrees thursday and friday. right now from our roof camera, we don't see much in the way of a breeze. that's going to change. northwest winds will be picking up adding to the bite in the air. right now 35 in santa cruz, it was 32 earlier. so, we will look for another cool afternoon, 5 to 10 degrees below average. 41 in oakland. 39 in mountain view. and half moon bay at 35. not much wind. 29, santa rosa. 34 in napa. with freezing temperatures in livermore. and they're making snow here in the sierra nevada. they've picked up a good amount. the past couple of systems dropped that dry powder. once again, we're looking at dry fluffy snow with perhaps up to a foot in some spots. we'll get to that in a moment. the freezing cold and patchy frost almost behind us. we'll have winter mix coming into play monday. but late tomorrow, is when we'll see shower activity. 1 on the storm impact scale. possible hail and snow levels down to 2500 feet. so, tomorrow, we're sunny, we're milder. but increasing clouds late in the day. so you don't have to worry about it. but late sunday a few sprinkles in the north bay. it's overnight where we'll see the front march south. and clear lake could see a rain/snow mix. and you can see, by 7:00 in the morning, we still have showers from the east bay, the south bay and santa cruz mountains. and check out mt. diablo. and snowflakes there. as well. sn mateo, maybe a tenth up in kn novado. but it comes into play with significant snow. eight inches. and wednesday, wednesday night, thursday morning. heavier rain it kind of pushes through on thursday. but look at the wrap-around showers thursday night, friday morning, friday evening. that's a bonus coming our way late in the week. today, though, northwest breezy winds at 56, and napa, 57. if you're heading into the city, count on some sun at 5:00. and the seven-day forecast looking at milder highs tomorrow. a wintry mix monday. and the download the app for the temperatures to rebound the system and then bottom out again thursday, friday with more significant rain. we need a little winter. whatever we can get, right? >> thank you. you've probably seen them around the bay area, cars covered with cameras a s sensor that are the tests for the autonomous cars. we explain the new rules taking effect and what's going on behind the scenes. >> reporter: it may look like a magic trip but this could be the future. >> so, around monday, we're expecting an announcement. >> reporter: the dmv said it would also allow to take the human safety environment out of the driver's seat. >> the regulations do say we need to have remote operators. >> reporter: and that's where phantom auto comes in. they go through a training program and take over if an autonomous car needs human help. >> in the event that something goes wrong, we don't need to fully test it. >> reporter: they get it right 98% of the time but sometimes they get confused. >> the car will know when it needs help, a lot of times, if it's stuck at a construction site and just paralyzed and could not move, then it would know to ping us. >> reporter: you can see with this pan arammic view, you can see with no blind spots but arriving a car from inside an office raises questions. >> vehicle is just being driven by a human farther away. >> reporter: as for pedestrians and other drivers -- >> a lot of people are not going to know there's say human driver backup so there might be a little panic in the streets. we'll have to see. >> reporter: phantom uses public cellular networks. they're not streaming movies. they're streaming real life. >> if you press on the brake, for instance, and it takes six seconds, it could be potentially fatal outcome. >> reporter: and then there's the pedal on the right when it comes to curving a lead foot. >> how dot cops pull over a remote driver? >> your guess is as good as mine. we'll have to see. next a rare sight in the ross has all the home trends for kitchen, living room and bedroom for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere. for the latest home trends, at big savings - you've gotta go to ross. new tattoo studiofor days. brow gel from maybelline new york. just apply and blend sets in 1 minute lasts up to 2 days ...for fully defined brows maybelline's tattoo brow. only from maybelline new york. ♪ team usa to south korea! we can't fly... ...but you know who can? ♪ helping superheroes fly. united. ♪ united. they'd tell you to go to ross. because there's so much to choose from. listen to your pets. they're your best friends, so they don't want you to spend more than you have to. if you want to save big on pet accessories, you gotta go to ross. from last night's $204 million mega millions. 7, 11, 13, 19, 58, 9. nobody picked all six. the jackpot goes up to $222 million. tonight's powerbll jackpot is estimated at $269 million. residents in las vegas got just the surprise yesterday, snow. temperatures dropped to the mid-30s which made it possible for snowflakes to fall. the national weather service says the last time snow fall at mccarren international airport was christmas day 2015. yesterday snow showers missed the airport but it won't make it into the books. we had teens in san bernardino county. 56 in richmond and oakland today. breezy as well the accuweather seven-day forecast, a milder afternoon tomorrow, a slightly warmer morning. and milder weather and more rain, download the app to stay up to date. >> thank yous to you for joining us on abc7 morning. abc7 news continues at 4:30 p.m. and prime time on abc. and nba countdown between the big matchup of thurnts and warriors. and game at 5:30 at oracle arena. you can watch the game on abc7, watch with larry beil after the game. and warriors ambassador. and the nba analyst with analysis at 8:00 p.m. the news continues online, twitter, facebook and instagram. for now, we'll leave you with a live look outside our abc7 exploratorium camera. make it a great day everyone. thanks for joining us. we have one to two fires a day and when you respond together and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. and for us the expert in gas and electric is pg&e. we run about 2,500/2,800 fire calls a year and on almost every one of those calls pg&e is responding to that call as well. and so when we show up to a fire and pg&e shows up with us it makes a tremendous team during a moment of crisis. i rely on them, the firefighters in this department rely on them, and so we have to practice safety everyday. utilizing pg&e's talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. the things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harm's way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldn't ask for a better partner. announcer: "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide. jack: hi, everybody. i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to "wild countdown." most of the time, the wilderness is a peaceful place, but some creatures can become real animals if they have to defend their turf, like hotheaded hippos... robert: they're trying to establish who is dominant. jack: you're seeing something i've only seen one time. howling mad monkeys... he just about scared me out of my pants. guide: yeah. jack: and enormous elephant seals. today, we've got 6 incredibly tough territorial species. plus, my blooper of

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