Transcripts For KGO Right This Minute 20180210 : comparemela

Transcripts For KGO Right This Minute 20180210

james. >> what? you can move out if that's what you want. >> why he needs an answer snoon do you think i have time for this? >> you are hanging out in your local sandwich shop enjoying lunch when suddenly there is a commotion outside. that's what happened to greg johnsen. sews he is a former cameraman. when he sees something going down he's going to grab his camera. >> i don't know. i probably saved a guy. >> one guy, it sound like he is on the phone with police. according to reports, that's the shop owner's truck. and the shop owner said, someone is trying to steal my truck. like right now. >> there is someone in his car? >> there is a man trying to hot wire the shop owner's truck. the other good samaritans are doing their best to try and stop this guy. >> don't have you the keys to this truck? can't you ep open it, grab the guy, and pull him out? >> that's good question but it doesn't happen in this video. maybe they are aprayed to mess with this guy. the video end there. but there is a second video. the second one is decidedly more dramatic. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> you hear the fop and the click click click of the taser and you also hear the suspect in the car, uncomfortable. now they are trying to break the back window so they can gain access. >> this is the worst. already somebody is trying to steal your truck and now the police are trashing the thing. >> you don't know what this guy will do. because anybody who will try to steal a vehicle in front of the own and the police clearly is not all there. >> hand out. >> officers are now able to get the car door open. they pull the suspect out. keep your eyes on this woman walking down sidewalk to the left. >> keep your hand out. >> that's my little brother. >> if you didn't hear her, she said that's my little brother. she is pleading with the guy on the ground to stop resisting. officers already found one knife. police found a second knife. they are able to get him under control. they believed he was under the fluchbs of drugs. he was released from the hospital into police custody. they were three weapons on him and well as ammunition. >> you see them take him down and see the knives coming off him and you feel glad you didn't get involved and try and open the door. this is back in august. the reason it's so smokey is because of the wildfires that were happening. you can seeing the effect even up in the air. it's going smooth. the guy pops into the shot in the bottom corner testimony trick unfortunately when you are on your back is you can't see below or where you are going. you can't see the direction. that's why you have to trust other people to stay out of your way. >> oh, no. >> you can understand what i'm talking about. any second now. suddenly this guy just drifts in. makes contact. and one of them goes spinning off towards the bottom. remember i said there was a guy this the bottom corner? >> yeah. >> that's the same guy. >> what was he doing? >> it looked like he was on hillary clinton back looks like. >> they say don't try pulling off moves or moves you are not certain of when you are above other people. once he was on his back he drifted accidentally and came straight through the milled. >> you can imagine how scary it must have been to see all the other buddies to see their guy get hit. you can see him get hit and just fall. >> they are. treeing 120 miles an hour zipping across the sky. even a small impact is the kind of thing that can kill you. this is one of those videos where people can learn from. i have got two fish stories. we are going to see two clown fish get operated on. s in in brazil. right there, those clown fish had tumors on their mouth. >> i thought they were eating. >> no. one of them hadn't eaten for days. they had to hand feed him for a week because he was unweight and they couldn't operate on him. they hand fed him. put him in a sterile tank. the water was exjenated and they were given anesthesia under the gills. >> i have never seen anything like this. >> these fish are expensive, they can cost $2,000. >> that explains why they are having surge lee. >> the surgery was $500 per fish. >> the cut the tumors off and they went home. the surgery took 15 minutes. this is the at the clay allen dam in washington state. this takes the fish from this reservoir over there, and moves them over into that body of water. it's 1,700 feet long. this is mechanism that moves the fish and then they go into the woosh tube itself. once they do, see how it works. >> this is for breeding. >> they want to restore biodiversity. it's for breeding and it's to help them get from one place where they used to be historic hecally that they can't access anymore. >> it scans the door. then they go in the woosh tube. >> look how fast. >> they go 22 miles per hour in that tube. it's okay. i doesn't hurt them. it takes months to put the structure together. think about if they had to build something, that would take years and years of planning and all of that. this they can deploy in a couple of months. they only have a couple working right now but they say this year they are going to really build quite a few more. and do it, chop chop. >> not me. literally, chop chop. >> rar, rar. >> oh, ywow. >> they are not trying to take this down piece by piece. they are going to go all in one big. >> it's well thought out. >> they have a plan. >> i like how the cameraman is way far away. >> he has seen earl's work before. >> sund like this dude is making good progress here. slow and steady. >> is that a tree sized hole in the roof of that building. >> that is exactly what it is. >> right down the middle like a knife. i can picture one guy holding the rope and him just going -- >> that wasn't supposed to go that way. >> tell me if this one works, ollie. they were having a day party. in australia. there was a pool. and apparently several other fellows had been taking a leak. billy decided four of them did it i'm good. i can do this. well, billy. >> oh, oh, that sound. that is horrible. >> billy, you can't do this. >> oh, wow. >> billy ain't got this. >> i hope he was drunk. >> he had a fractured rib and a bruised tailbone. >> he can't walk or sit down or lean. >> billy is not dead. >> he is not dead. i hope he is recovering well. a funny brother decides to troll his sister's baby bump. >> why do you have to do it at the worst time. >> why his cheeky attempts to feel the baby has the sweetest grand finale. >> oh! >> and explorers go below to scope out some stunning caves. >> i'm not clause troe poebic? that's creeping me out. >> how going beneath the is your sfas like stepping into another world. i'm your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... me. mayhem is everywhere. are you in good hands? the party's over, america. and today, millions of you will call in sick to work. the only problem? you'll be faking! in this home i get to teach these kids that new things can become favorite things. what matters most is made at home. on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? right now, our queen c2 mattress is only $699, save $200. ends soon. visit for a store near you. ♪ strummed guitar you can't experience the canadian rockies through a screen. you have to be here, with us. ♪ upbeat music travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing, with a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. canada's rocky mountains await. call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. at&t has a network with thousands of best-in-class security experts. which means... more of the eye balls you want watching the network... & less of the ones you don't... more experts preventing security issues & less security threats impacting our customers. more of a highly secure network with more security products available for further protection & less per month than comcast for business internet. switch to at&t internet for business. more & less - that's the power of &. trust icy hot when for powerful relief.down, [ male announcer ] the icy hot patch. goes on icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. so you're back to full speed. er closed captioning provide by -- i tell you this much. you do have to appreciate the dedicatio dedication: it's flat tummy. does he know this woman? >> this is her brother. this is next level trolling. >> dan, dan, dan, dan, dan. >> why do you have to do it at the worst time. >> doesn't matter where she is. doesn't matter if she's in the middle of the conversation. if it's the time, it's happening. now her belly is growing. sometimes she is trying to escape. he's like not today. the hand will find you. it will find you. >> that's like the third time today. >> that's super cute, i really like he is doing this. it is adorable. >> this is my favorite one. there is an audience as well and she is trying to share her frustrations. >> i hate that i hate you so much, and i say this every one of these stupid videos. >> you can't divorce your brother. >> he is going to be there forever, payback is going to be when you need him to baby-sit. >> that moment is rapidly approaching. he put these videos to the over nine months, all for this moment. >> oh. >> there is a cute little boy. >> one day, sim about -- simba. >> this is precious. i love that. >> he gets to claim he is the funny uncle. roll with it. own it, mate. one of the coolest experiences you could ever have is diving. but holy smokes, what these guys are doing in madagascar is am e amazi amazing. they are explorers. >> we are at the entrance, i'm going to go into the cave. >> there is no ocean of things trying to murder me. >> just these creepy crawlers. >> we found where they make roaches. their work factory. >> oh, no. holy cow. >> the whole place is crawling. oh, man. >> if one of those things gets in your wet suit, forget it. >> and they gear up, and boy oh, boy is it absolutely stunning. >> they have to put their tanks on the side so they can fit through. >> they are also trying to ta down there about two hours. they have to make sure that they have enough oxygen. >> you don't want to bump into any of those features, either, you don't want to break those stalactites. you don't want to go in there and cause damage. that's another layer of this expedition. >> they are very respectful. >> are those guidelines. >> that's their way in and out. >> oftentimes if you are not paying attention you can get lost. if you run out of oxygen -- >> you dead. >> the dark cavy bit, or the dark cavy bit. >> once they finish off with that cave they head to a second one. and they continue to show these absolutely stunning stunning views under water. >> it's other worldly. >> can i also say they have really good flashlights. everything is lit up. >> lighting is everything. >> it is a pretty video. if you went to check out the whole thing head over the might this and you can check it out on our mobile app. for those of us who are trekkers that is the board queen, amazing digital artistry here. if i asked you what artist could possibly paint themselves to look like the borg queen, i know you would guess -- >> mariana. >> yes, and she does it free hand. >> she has a lot of talent. some people might not be into it. but resistance is futile. >> resistance to her talent is futile. when you do everything she does, paints her body, puts her hair back and makes herself bald and ds everything that alex creed had to go through in hair and makeup. >> every time it's mind blowing. >> she is into it. >> by the end of it, all this working she makes a good facsimile of the real thing. >> wow. >> yeah. >> well done, chica, again. >> hydrofoil racing is exhilarating. >> it can also be dangerous. >> how one crew survived one wild ride. >> holy cow! >> plus, the magic of rahat. >> you have two kids. >> how do you know that? >> see the mind reading trick that leads to a mind blown. >> originally from michigan? >> are you serious right now? party's over. and today, millions of you will call in sick to work. one small problem with that. you won't really be sick at all, you'll be faking it. shame on you, ameri- trapped in a man's body trapped in sheep's clothing. but hey, at least my taxes are free. intuit turbotax. progresso soups are so full of magnificient and delicious ingredients. they print the label on a blue ribbon. i don't see any other blue ribbon labels around here. except when i'm there, wearing the one i got for winning best at being the best. progresso soup you simply must taste it. new matte ink un-nude from maybelline new york. unconventional, unexpected nudes. liquid matte formula. up to 16 hour wear. go un-nude with attitude. maybelline's matte ink un-nude. only from maybelline new york. maybelline's matte ink un-nude. unlike ordinary toothpaste, colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. giving you the confidence of a healthier mouth. colgate total. be totally ready for life. be right there baby. unlike ordinary diapers pampers is the first and only diaper that distributes wetness evenly into three extra absorb channels. they stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night wishing you love, sleep and play pampers forallegra-d® helps youstion break through fast. with a non-drowsy antihistamine sthi p promotional considerations provided by -- gold bond men's lotion has skin strengthening proteins to help your skin look good. sfx - multiple screams told ya... man up! we have a couple of different angles of this incident of it is a hydrofoil boat. it has a skinny keel, the boat will come up and plane. it's like it's flying through the water. >> it reduces the drag and they can into super quick. >> until the drag gets them. watch. it goes nose heavy. then it's like hitting a brick wall. they come off has to foils, the hull goes deep down into the water. one of the guys, who is harnessed in and tied to the boat goes whipping and swinging all the way around the other side. >> 36. >> what happened. >> pushing up the boat to 50 kilometers per hour. we came unstuck there for a little while. >> technically, ollie they became a little unstuck. no injuries to the people, no injuries to the boat and you had a great piece of video out of it. watch it again. >> man, flying. >> like the boat ejected him. it looks like our boy rahat from the magic of rahat channel is up to his old tricks again. at the drive through, the money exchange. a little special sauce. >> what was that? was that electricity? >> yeah. shocked me. did it shock you. >> i felt a little pichlk but yeah that's crazy. >> that's not uncommon the get a shock from somebody. a little -- that but this i am it is a little bit different, y'all. now she wants the make sure that it's static free. >> i don't know what it is -- >> oh, my head. something is happening. >> something is taking over him. >> are you originally from michigan? >> how did you know that? >> i shocked you, and it came to me. >> i mean, what happened? >> are you serious? >> yeah. do you have two kids? >> how do you know that? >> a boy and a girl? >> how do you know that? >> she's like hold the phone. >> she's kind of air dropped her soul to him through this electric shock. >> yeah, that's exactly what happened. >> are you serious right now? i like how he's freaking out, worrying her. >> but now he is telling her all about my life. >> right now i would be thinking not so much magician, i would be thinking stalker. >> you you are telling me about my life right now and i'm trying to figure out how. >> june 1st? is that your birthday or -- >> yes. >> okay. thank you. >> okay. what's story behind that? >> nobody knows. he hasn't revealed it. >> well, james is learning an important life lesson. >> why are you saying that's not my room, mama? >> you live in the house. everything in the house is your on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? right now during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed with adjustable comfort on both sides. ends soon. visit for a store near you. >> i wasted so much money getting that 99 cent pencil sharpener. >> little jane, little jane. this is a lesson we've all learned. >> do you want me to move out? >> no, i don't want you to move out. >> so why are you saying that's not my room, mama? >> because this whole house is for me. you live in the house. everything in the house is your mama's. >> you going to take her room, too. >> yeah. i mean, you don't have no job. >> don't worry. >> and we know he's real into his little sister. >> she also belongs to me because she's my daughter. >> at this point he tuned her out. >> leave her alone. >> mama, can i be loving on my baby sister, lease. >> this is my daughter. >> can i love on my baby sister, please. hey, move away from the kid. >> mama. >> what? >> do you want me to move out? >> i mean, he could move out if that's what you want. >> calm your butt -- where do you think you are going? >> do you think i have time for this? >> yes, you have time for this. >> you better. >> right, you don't have nothing but time. you are 4! >> no, i don't. >> you ain't nothing but a kid. so you have time for anything i want you to have time for. turn around. fix your face. >> okay, fine. >> i'm only going to to it halfway. >> just wait. this kid is going to keep going viral and he is going to be in his own house before you know it. really, mama. >> that's the black mama 101, you made money, i made you, it's still my house. this video has racked up millions of users. this video has racked up millions of users. >> that's our show this vi♪ strummed guitar millions of users. >> that's our show you can't experience the canadian rockies through a screen. you have to be here, with us. ♪ upbeat music travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing, with a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. canada's rocky mountains await. call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? right now during the ultimate sleep number event, our queen c2 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides is only $699, save $200. ends soon. visit for a store near you. a paid presentation from meaningful beauty by cindy crawford. 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Transcripts For KGO Right This Minute 20180210 :

Transcripts For KGO Right This Minute 20180210

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james. >> what? you can move out if that's what you want. >> why he needs an answer snoon do you think i have time for this? >> you are hanging out in your local sandwich shop enjoying lunch when suddenly there is a commotion outside. that's what happened to greg johnsen. sews he is a former cameraman. when he sees something going down he's going to grab his camera. >> i don't know. i probably saved a guy. >> one guy, it sound like he is on the phone with police. according to reports, that's the shop owner's truck. and the shop owner said, someone is trying to steal my truck. like right now. >> there is someone in his car? >> there is a man trying to hot wire the shop owner's truck. the other good samaritans are doing their best to try and stop this guy. >> don't have you the keys to this truck? can't you ep open it, grab the guy, and pull him out? >> that's good question but it doesn't happen in this video. maybe they are aprayed to mess with this guy. the video end there. but there is a second video. the second one is decidedly more dramatic. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> you hear the fop and the click click click of the taser and you also hear the suspect in the car, uncomfortable. now they are trying to break the back window so they can gain access. >> this is the worst. already somebody is trying to steal your truck and now the police are trashing the thing. >> you don't know what this guy will do. because anybody who will try to steal a vehicle in front of the own and the police clearly is not all there. >> hand out. >> officers are now able to get the car door open. they pull the suspect out. keep your eyes on this woman walking down sidewalk to the left. >> keep your hand out. >> that's my little brother. >> if you didn't hear her, she said that's my little brother. she is pleading with the guy on the ground to stop resisting. officers already found one knife. police found a second knife. they are able to get him under control. they believed he was under the fluchbs of drugs. he was released from the hospital into police custody. they were three weapons on him and well as ammunition. >> you see them take him down and see the knives coming off him and you feel glad you didn't get involved and try and open the door. this is back in august. the reason it's so smokey is because of the wildfires that were happening. you can seeing the effect even up in the air. it's going smooth. the guy pops into the shot in the bottom corner testimony trick unfortunately when you are on your back is you can't see below or where you are going. you can't see the direction. that's why you have to trust other people to stay out of your way. >> oh, no. >> you can understand what i'm talking about. any second now. suddenly this guy just drifts in. makes contact. and one of them goes spinning off towards the bottom. remember i said there was a guy this the bottom corner? >> yeah. >> that's the same guy. >> what was he doing? >> it looked like he was on hillary clinton back looks like. >> they say don't try pulling off moves or moves you are not certain of when you are above other people. once he was on his back he drifted accidentally and came straight through the milled. >> you can imagine how scary it must have been to see all the other buddies to see their guy get hit. you can see him get hit and just fall. >> they are. treeing 120 miles an hour zipping across the sky. even a small impact is the kind of thing that can kill you. this is one of those videos where people can learn from. i have got two fish stories. we are going to see two clown fish get operated on. s in in brazil. right there, those clown fish had tumors on their mouth. >> i thought they were eating. >> no. one of them hadn't eaten for days. they had to hand feed him for a week because he was unweight and they couldn't operate on him. they hand fed him. put him in a sterile tank. the water was exjenated and they were given anesthesia under the gills. >> i have never seen anything like this. >> these fish are expensive, they can cost $2,000. >> that explains why they are having surge lee. >> the surgery was $500 per fish. >> the cut the tumors off and they went home. the surgery took 15 minutes. this is the at the clay allen dam in washington state. this takes the fish from this reservoir over there, and moves them over into that body of water. it's 1,700 feet long. this is mechanism that moves the fish and then they go into the woosh tube itself. once they do, see how it works. >> this is for breeding. >> they want to restore biodiversity. it's for breeding and it's to help them get from one place where they used to be historic hecally that they can't access anymore. >> it scans the door. then they go in the woosh tube. >> look how fast. >> they go 22 miles per hour in that tube. it's okay. i doesn't hurt them. it takes months to put the structure together. think about if they had to build something, that would take years and years of planning and all of that. this they can deploy in a couple of months. they only have a couple working right now but they say this year they are going to really build quite a few more. and do it, chop chop. >> not me. literally, chop chop. >> rar, rar. >> oh, ywow. >> they are not trying to take this down piece by piece. they are going to go all in one big. >> it's well thought out. >> they have a plan. >> i like how the cameraman is way far away. >> he has seen earl's work before. >> sund like this dude is making good progress here. slow and steady. >> is that a tree sized hole in the roof of that building. >> that is exactly what it is. >> right down the middle like a knife. i can picture one guy holding the rope and him just going -- >> that wasn't supposed to go that way. >> tell me if this one works, ollie. they were having a day party. in australia. there was a pool. and apparently several other fellows had been taking a leak. billy decided four of them did it i'm good. i can do this. well, billy. >> oh, oh, that sound. that is horrible. >> billy, you can't do this. >> oh, wow. >> billy ain't got this. >> i hope he was drunk. >> he had a fractured rib and a bruised tailbone. >> he can't walk or sit down or lean. >> billy is not dead. >> he is not dead. i hope he is recovering well. a funny brother decides to troll his sister's baby bump. >> why do you have to do it at the worst time. >> why his cheeky attempts to feel the baby has the sweetest grand finale. >> oh! >> and explorers go below to scope out some stunning caves. >> i'm not clause troe poebic? that's creeping me out. >> how going beneath the is your sfas like stepping into another world. i'm your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... me. mayhem is everywhere. are you in good hands? the party's over, america. and today, millions of you will call in sick to work. the only problem? you'll be faking! in this home i get to teach these kids that new things can become favorite things. what matters most is made at home. on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? right now, our queen c2 mattress is only $699, save $200. ends soon. visit for a store near you. ♪ strummed guitar you can't experience the canadian rockies through a screen. you have to be here, with us. ♪ upbeat music travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing, with a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. canada's rocky mountains await. call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. at&t has a network with thousands of best-in-class security experts. which means... more of the eye balls you want watching the network... & less of the ones you don't... more experts preventing security issues & less security threats impacting our customers. more of a highly secure network with more security products available for further protection & less per month than comcast for business internet. switch to at&t internet for business. more & less - that's the power of &. trust icy hot when for powerful relief.down, [ male announcer ] the icy hot patch. goes on icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. so you're back to full speed. er closed captioning provide by -- i tell you this much. you do have to appreciate the dedicatio dedication: it's flat tummy. does he know this woman? >> this is her brother. this is next level trolling. >> dan, dan, dan, dan, dan. >> why do you have to do it at the worst time. >> doesn't matter where she is. doesn't matter if she's in the middle of the conversation. if it's the time, it's happening. now her belly is growing. sometimes she is trying to escape. he's like not today. the hand will find you. it will find you. >> that's like the third time today. >> that's super cute, i really like he is doing this. it is adorable. >> this is my favorite one. there is an audience as well and she is trying to share her frustrations. >> i hate that i hate you so much, and i say this every one of these stupid videos. >> you can't divorce your brother. >> he is going to be there forever, payback is going to be when you need him to baby-sit. >> that moment is rapidly approaching. he put these videos to the over nine months, all for this moment. >> oh. >> there is a cute little boy. >> one day, sim about -- simba. >> this is precious. i love that. >> he gets to claim he is the funny uncle. roll with it. own it, mate. one of the coolest experiences you could ever have is diving. but holy smokes, what these guys are doing in madagascar is am e amazi amazing. they are explorers. >> we are at the entrance, i'm going to go into the cave. >> there is no ocean of things trying to murder me. >> just these creepy crawlers. >> we found where they make roaches. their work factory. >> oh, no. holy cow. >> the whole place is crawling. oh, man. >> if one of those things gets in your wet suit, forget it. >> and they gear up, and boy oh, boy is it absolutely stunning. >> they have to put their tanks on the side so they can fit through. >> they are also trying to ta down there about two hours. they have to make sure that they have enough oxygen. >> you don't want to bump into any of those features, either, you don't want to break those stalactites. you don't want to go in there and cause damage. that's another layer of this expedition. >> they are very respectful. >> are those guidelines. >> that's their way in and out. >> oftentimes if you are not paying attention you can get lost. if you run out of oxygen -- >> you dead. >> the dark cavy bit, or the dark cavy bit. >> once they finish off with that cave they head to a second one. and they continue to show these absolutely stunning stunning views under water. >> it's other worldly. >> can i also say they have really good flashlights. everything is lit up. >> lighting is everything. >> it is a pretty video. if you went to check out the whole thing head over the might this and you can check it out on our mobile app. for those of us who are trekkers that is the board queen, amazing digital artistry here. if i asked you what artist could possibly paint themselves to look like the borg queen, i know you would guess -- >> mariana. >> yes, and she does it free hand. >> she has a lot of talent. some people might not be into it. but resistance is futile. >> resistance to her talent is futile. when you do everything she does, paints her body, puts her hair back and makes herself bald and ds everything that alex creed had to go through in hair and makeup. >> every time it's mind blowing. >> she is into it. >> by the end of it, all this working she makes a good facsimile of the real thing. >> wow. >> yeah. >> well done, chica, again. >> hydrofoil racing is exhilarating. >> it can also be dangerous. >> how one crew survived one wild ride. >> holy cow! >> plus, the magic of rahat. >> you have two kids. >> how do you know that? >> see the mind reading trick that leads to a mind blown. >> originally from michigan? >> are you serious right now? party's over. and today, millions of you will call in sick to work. one small problem with that. you won't really be sick at all, you'll be faking it. shame on you, ameri- trapped in a man's body trapped in sheep's clothing. but hey, at least my taxes are free. intuit turbotax. progresso soups are so full of magnificient and delicious ingredients. they print the label on a blue ribbon. i don't see any other blue ribbon labels around here. except when i'm there, wearing the one i got for winning best at being the best. progresso soup you simply must taste it. new matte ink un-nude from maybelline new york. unconventional, unexpected nudes. liquid matte formula. up to 16 hour wear. go un-nude with attitude. maybelline's matte ink un-nude. only from maybelline new york. maybelline's matte ink un-nude. unlike ordinary toothpaste, colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. giving you the confidence of a healthier mouth. colgate total. be totally ready for life. be right there baby. unlike ordinary diapers pampers is the first and only diaper that distributes wetness evenly into three extra absorb channels. they stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night wishing you love, sleep and play pampers forallegra-d® helps youstion break through fast. with a non-drowsy antihistamine sthi p promotional considerations provided by -- gold bond men's lotion has skin strengthening proteins to help your skin look good. sfx - multiple screams told ya... man up! we have a couple of different angles of this incident of it is a hydrofoil boat. it has a skinny keel, the boat will come up and plane. it's like it's flying through the water. >> it reduces the drag and they can into super quick. >> until the drag gets them. watch. it goes nose heavy. then it's like hitting a brick wall. they come off has to foils, the hull goes deep down into the water. one of the guys, who is harnessed in and tied to the boat goes whipping and swinging all the way around the other side. >> 36. >> what happened. >> pushing up the boat to 50 kilometers per hour. we came unstuck there for a little while. >> technically, ollie they became a little unstuck. no injuries to the people, no injuries to the boat and you had a great piece of video out of it. watch it again. >> man, flying. >> like the boat ejected him. it looks like our boy rahat from the magic of rahat channel is up to his old tricks again. at the drive through, the money exchange. a little special sauce. >> what was that? was that electricity? >> yeah. shocked me. did it shock you. >> i felt a little pichlk but yeah that's crazy. >> that's not uncommon the get a shock from somebody. a little -- that but this i am it is a little bit different, y'all. now she wants the make sure that it's static free. >> i don't know what it is -- >> oh, my head. something is happening. >> something is taking over him. >> are you originally from michigan? >> how did you know that? >> i shocked you, and it came to me. >> i mean, what happened? >> are you serious? >> yeah. do you have two kids? >> how do you know that? >> a boy and a girl? >> how do you know that? >> she's like hold the phone. >> she's kind of air dropped her soul to him through this electric shock. >> yeah, that's exactly what happened. >> are you serious right now? i like how he's freaking out, worrying her. >> but now he is telling her all about my life. >> right now i would be thinking not so much magician, i would be thinking stalker. >> you you are telling me about my life right now and i'm trying to figure out how. >> june 1st? is that your birthday or -- >> yes. >> okay. thank you. >> okay. what's story behind that? >> nobody knows. he hasn't revealed it. >> well, james is learning an important life lesson. >> why are you saying that's not my room, mama? >> you live in the house. everything in the house is your on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? right now during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed with adjustable comfort on both sides. ends soon. visit for a store near you. >> i wasted so much money getting that 99 cent pencil sharpener. >> little jane, little jane. this is a lesson we've all learned. >> do you want me to move out? >> no, i don't want you to move out. >> so why are you saying that's not my room, mama? >> because this whole house is for me. you live in the house. everything in the house is your mama's. >> you going to take her room, too. >> yeah. i mean, you don't have no job. >> don't worry. >> and we know he's real into his little sister. >> she also belongs to me because she's my daughter. >> at this point he tuned her out. >> leave her alone. >> mama, can i be loving on my baby sister, lease. >> this is my daughter. >> can i love on my baby sister, please. hey, move away from the kid. >> mama. >> what? >> do you want me to move out? >> i mean, he could move out if that's what you want. >> calm your butt -- where do you think you are going? >> do you think i have time for this? >> yes, you have time for this. >> you better. >> right, you don't have nothing but time. you are 4! >> no, i don't. >> you ain't nothing but a kid. so you have time for anything i want you to have time for. turn around. fix your face. >> okay, fine. >> i'm only going to to it halfway. >> just wait. this kid is going to keep going viral and he is going to be in his own house before you know it. really, mama. >> that's the black mama 101, you made money, i made you, it's still my house. this video has racked up millions of users. this video has racked up millions of users. >> that's our show this vi♪ strummed guitar millions of users. >> that's our show you can't experience the canadian rockies through a screen. you have to be here, with us. ♪ upbeat music travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing, with a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. canada's rocky mountains await. call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? right now during the ultimate sleep number event, our queen c2 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides is only $699, save $200. ends soon. visit for a store near you. a paid presentation from meaningful beauty by cindy crawford. (female announcer) with special appearances from some of your tv favorites sharing their number one skin saving secrets. (male announcer) plus, a stunning before and after story from today's special guest, lori loughlin. (female announcer) at age 52, the star of full house and much more says her skin seems to be looking not older but younger thanks to friend and supermodel cindy crawford. (lori) i really do feel like my skin has been restored and i've traveled back in time. (male announcer) could it be the fountain of youth we've been waiting for? stay tuned to find out. (soft music) (cindy) what's important about beauty is that idea of confidence and how you communicate yourself. ♪ and when you do feel like your skin looks beautiful,

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Brazil , Australia , New York , United States , Canada , Washington , Madagascar , America , Borg Queen , Cindy Crawford , Cindy Crawford Lori , Lori Loughlin ,

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