Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20180201 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20180201

an affair with her former head of security who is also married. she's now apologizing to her family, his family. and her constituents. >> and i am embarrassed and sorry for the pain i've caused my family and his family. >> she says she's not stepping down but her former head of security, sergeant robert forest, has abruptly retired. now, barry received a lot of national attention and support last july after an announcement that her son had died after a drug overdose. first lady michelle obama is finally revealing what was in the tiffany box. >> during an appearance on the ellen show, she explained what happened when mrs. trump unexpectedly handed her a tiffany's box on inauguration day. >> there was a gift exchange, there was a box given. >> the tiffany box. >> so what was in there? >> it was a lovely frame. >> a frame? >> it was a frame. there's all this protocol. this is like a state visit. they tell you they're going to stand here. never before do you get this gift. so i'm like, okay, what am i supposed to do with this gift? and everyone cleared out. >> because the gift was not part of that choreographed meeting, nobody was assigned to take it off mrs. obama's hands. >> i love how she's looking to turn around. >> guess who stepped in and took charge? hers, the president himself, barack obama who was still technically the president at the time. he took the box and brought it inside the white house. problem solved. >> he hasn't seen the box since. "the skinny" is next. alexa, how far is mars? >> how far is mars? how am i supposed to know? there's not even oxygen there. >> alexa, please play country music. ♪ i don't dance now i make money moves ♪ >> no, alexa, i said country. ♪ i be in and out so much ♪ skinny so skinny that's pretty funny. and that's rapper cardi b starring as alexa after the robot somehow lost her voice. >> she's among the biggest internet stars of the week including blue ivy carter, the super blue blood moon and congressman joe kennedy's lipps. >> he's now doing explaining. after the state of the union response. twitter went crazy. one person even writing, ask not what your country can drool for you, ask what you can drool for your country. >> you couldn't completely escape the curse of the state of the union response. twitter had a field day with your shiny lips. so, did you bring your chapstick this morning? >> oddly enough, i decided to go a little bit light on the chapstick, more on the coffee, light on the chapstick, which is probably a wise choice. >> so chapstick is weighing in saying he took our advice and put his lips first. it happens all the time. >> it does to the best of us. >> be careful of the territory. >> just need to color inside the lines, you know. >> i have that problem. >> because you put it everywhere. that's not where it goes. oh, boy. here we go. our makeup department just had a heart attack. >> i don't wear makeup. george clooney didn't have to leave home to find his soulmate. ♪ soulmates >> sorry. >> i think it's like. ♪ soul glow >> you got a soul glow going on. >> probably. >> so clooney is revealing that a close friend brought his now-wife amal to his house to visit. they talked all night along with george's parents. so she met the parents right away. >> i got her email address. she was going to send me pictures of my parents and we started writing. i didn't really have -- i didn't know if she wanted to go out with me. i thought we were buddies. >> who would, george? let's be frank. who really would want to go out with you? >> surprise, surprise, she did want to go out with him. they got married in 2014. they now have twins and you can stream the full interview on netflix starting next friday. >> a good series with david letterman. next to what could be the start of another romance. singer demi lovato is known for being confident and now eagle-eyed fans are revealing just how confident she is with her instagram game by going after superman actor henry cavill. >> some interestingly-timed instagram activity from lovato. she posted this photo of herself with the caption, big news coming soon. >> okay, and it seems like any other celebrity post, right? but her fans notice something right before posting that victoria secret-style shot, lovato followed cavill and liked two of his posts involving martial arts. and then the strategy paid off with cavill liking and commenting on one of lovato's photos in a martial arts uniform. revealing his kryptonite for jujitsu. don't these people know about the dm? you slide in the dm? >> you sound experienced. >> well, i just might or maybe it's the minty smell on my face. as rumors swirl who will join justin timberlake on stage, we're hearing from the infamous left shark. >> he's defending hiss dancing. saying, it wasn't flubbed choreography. he was doing his own thing. >> he admitted his choreography but he claims he went freestyle because there's no way to look cool inside a seven foot tall blue costume. and said don't take life so seriously. do you, be you. >> but you're a backup dancer and there's choreography. but you have one job, to do the choreography. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. yep, and my teeth are yellow. i mean i knew they weren't perfect, but, ugh. oh well, all hope is lost! oh thanks! clearly my whitening toothpaste is not cutting it. time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. they work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. hey, nice smile! thanks! i crushed the tissue test! yeah you did! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. okay - let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no... make every day valentine's day with k-y yours and mine. two sensations. one great way to discover new feelings together. ♪ i feel it i want it i dream it, i work hard i own it ♪ >> i own it. so a lot of us -- twirl. love beyonce of course. some of us have restraining orderses, but it's okay. judge says it will go away soon. but you combine that with jay-z, her husband, and you have a celebrity supernova. >> well, that explains why one woman was jaw dropped. the photo went viral and our boston station has now tracked that woman down and she's still in disbelief. >> i met beyonce and all i could do was go like this. >> reporter: it's the face that went viral. now the story behind the moment susan of shrewsbury, herself face to face with queen. the queen b. >> and then i turned and i'm like beyonce? and i was like frozen. >> reporter: she was in new york city this weekend with her family staying in the same hotel as a pregrammy party. she was hoping to catch a glimpse of a big star. >> i was getting tired. >> reporter: on the way to her room in the hallway, an entourage. >> this man says, do i know you? and i looked at him and said i don't think so and then i was like, uh-oh, it dawns on me. that's jay-z. and i turned. and i went -- >> she said you're never going to guess who i met and i'm like, who. jay-z and beyonce. and i go, you're right i don't believe you. >> reporter: no one except give or take 5 million or so after beyonce posted it picture on her instagram. >> i didn't even know what a meme is. what is this thing? you're a meme, you're famous. >> reporter: she has only one regret from her moment with the stars. >> i didn't think to ask her any questions. i didn't say good luck at the grammys, jay z. i didn't say anything. i was just -- i'm lost. >> i'm a mime. >> i'm a mimi. >> oh, i love her and her daughter. you're right i don't believe you. it kind of reminds us of this moment. it's 10 years old now where there you have bruno mars walking by pete wentz. when he was star struck. when he was star struck. bit there. . >> where's pete wentd? good morning. i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson with the top stories we're following this morning. more women and girls coming forward to confront former disgraced sports doctor, larry nassar. details are just ahead. president trump is facing off with the fbi and the man he personally selected to head the bureau. the fbi says it has grave concerns over the accuracy of the memo criticizing its actions in the russia investigation. but the white house is poised to release it anyway. a u.s. interceptor missile fired from hawaii has failed a test designed to simulate an attack. it's the system's second failed test in the past year. the failure is renewing concerns about how the u.s. would defend itself against an incoming missile. and reer is eveners have trained a killer whale to mimic words like, hello and good-bye. details coming up on this thursday, february 1st. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> talking orca. >> it was only awkward once she learned to say, bye, felicia. now we've gone too far with this talking whale. we do say good morning on this thursday everyone. we start on a serious note. the sexual abuse scandal that has rocked the world of gymnastics. there's more happening today. >> former team usa gymnastics doctor is facing another long-term prison sentence for sexual assault. more women and girls came forward to confront the man they say ruined their lives. >> reporter: more than 50 new victims confronting dr. larry nassar back in court. >> i forever lost a big piece of my childhood. due to hi abuse. >> reporter: the sports doctor is now facing sentencing from sex crimes when he was working at an elite gymnastics club in michigan. >> because we're ready to make sure you never see outside of prison walls again. >> reporter: last week, a different judge already sentenced nassar to essentially spend the rest of his life in prison. and the fallout has been swift. the entire board of usa gymnastics ordered to resign, complying wednesday. at michigan state the school's president and athletic director also stepped down, prompting the board of trustees to point former governor as the new interim president also on wednesday. >> excuse me, would you please -- >> reporter: which drew protests from some students. >> this is nothing more than symbolic. there has been no student or staff or faculty comment on this vote. >> reporter: meanwhile, in washington, the nassar scandal lead to new legislation, passing a bill to help future predators from abusing young athletes. >> thank you to the public servants who heard our voices and for the bipartisan support of this bill. >> reporter: now, as for this sentencing, at least 57 victims have signed up to read this statement in court and many were inspired to do so by the more than 150 women who came forward earlier. kendis and diane. >> elizabeth, thank you. >> and the tampa bay rays have fired their team physician. after sexual abuse allegations against him. the team cut ties with michael riley following allegations by 26-year-old woman in a youtube video. the woman claimed riley abused her when she was a teenager working in his office. st. petersburg, florida, police are looking into the case. riley denies the allegations of sexual abuse. and a top executive at drinksmaker, monster energy has resigned after being accused of sexually harassing two women. the woman in that relationship was fired from the company. president trump visits with republican members of congress at their annual policy retreat. in west virginia. the meeting comes a day after a deadly train collision that happened while lawmakers were on their way to that location, the gre greenbrier. safety will be an important part of their investigation. >> reporter: dozens of republican lawmakers were on board a chartered amtrak train when it slammed into a trash truck near a crossing, derailing the train and killing one. >> suddenly there's a loud bang, and things stop, lights went out. there was an acrid smell of electrical smoke. >> there was no question we hit something. >> reporter: the politicians were heading from washington to west virginia. when the collision happened. just outside of charlottesville, virginia. >> level one, train versus truck. >> reporter: upon impact, trash and debris littered the area around the tracks. north carolina representative mark walker filmed the stunning moments through the train window. lawmakers, sprang into action. offering first aid to victims. despite their best efforts the truck driver died on the scene. >> did cpr for several minutes, and then a doctor given a look like this is over, rogers. >> reporter: one person is in critical condition. but for those on the train, most of the injuries were minor. the ntsb gave an update wednesday night on the investigation. >> we're in the process of retrieving the event recorders. we expect the on-scene phase of the investigation to last several days. >> reporter: by then lawmakers were long gone on buses and the retreat was under way. minnesota congressman jason lewis has been discharged following a concussion. he's joined his colleagues at the retreat in west virginia. a judge in hawaii could hand down a verdict as soon as today in the trial of a yoga instructor charged with murdering her twin sister. prosecutors say that alexandria duval killed her sister by driving the suv off a cliff during a camping trip to maui. could see the sisters arguing in the vehicle shortly before the crash. >> the driver -- her hair being pulled. >> i can't even simulate how much it was pulling it. >> her attorneys maintain it was a terrible accident. she's pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. if convicted, she faces life in prison. students at virginia tech university are shaken but relieved after a student was arrested and charged with illegally possessing a weapon. he kept a gun in a locker not far from the site. more now from steve osunsami. >> reporter: this is the 19-year-old freshman who's in jail. he's from china and because he's not a u.s. citizen, it's against the law in virginia for him to own the assault rifle he was training with. >> it's very scary but in the end, that's why we had police. >> reporter: detectives say they were watching him for weeks. called when he removed from an ar-15 from his student locker. police said it's what breaks the law. >> as personal reaction, just it was kind of overwhelming just thinking back to what happened several years ago and that actually could be another reality. >> reporter: they report that he not only had a rifle but was also trying to buy 5,000 rounds of ammo, looking into bulletproof vests and had bought himself an old police vehicle. his attorney says there was never any threat to the community. in statements, both the university and the campus police say the same. students are much more concerned. >> we're the ones who live here. >> reporter: he as a bond hearing today. he has not yet entered a plea. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> steve, thank you. and in nashville, the mayor is admitting to an extramarital affair. in a news conference last night, she apologized to her family, his family and to her constituents. saying, she knew it was destructive but did it anyway. barry says she has no plans to resign. well, you can now get a taste of winter in your dessert. it's a new ice cream called nor'easter pothole. >> lovely. friendly's recently introduced the limited edition flavor, it's like rocky road new england style. black tar fudge and asphalt chocolate chips. chocolate overload. >> okay, sounds interesting. >> i think people would be more pleased with that kind of pothole. lots to be consumed in the meantime in minneapolis. the super bowl countdown is under way. it's just three days to go. >> it's 3 degrees outside the stadium, the site of sunday's big game. the temperature at game time is expected to be 6 degrees. better warm up. >> live picture there of minneapolis, downtown. so many people are out and about at this hour. slow down there, calm down with the partying. inside the stadium, fans will have plenty of food to keep them warm. the stadium will have 32,000 hot dogs on hand. 6500 pretzels, 26 pounds of cheese curd and 650 gallons of ketchup. yeah, popular website in the city -- because you have all these new visitors. they gave the starter kit on everything you should know about minneapolis. >> minneapolis etiquette. >> cisco has a home here. they have no idea why either. but welcome to minneapolis. coming up, meet the new anchor. the robot, but can she really lead to news better than a human? we certainly hope not. also ahead, in hawaii, an alarming and unprecedented number of snorkelers who have drowned. that stair right after the break. you're watching "world news now." you're watching a dramatic dashcam video in milwaukee. he was having a medical emergency. weaving back and forth. even losing a wheel with sparks flying. at points he reached 70 miles an hour. after two more hard slams into the concrete median, the truck pulled over. officers learned he was diabetic and called for an ambulance. after reportedly losing a satellite last month, spacexashgs has launched another one. this one looking successful and it's for the government of luxembourg. it blasted off from cape canaveral yesterday afternoon. the rocket booster splashed down into the atlantic ocean about nine minutes after the launch. >> good stuff. turning now to an alarming number of growing deaths off the coast of hawaii. >> investigators are looking into nine drowning deaths ofless than two weeks, all near the same area. here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: a dramatic spike in drowning deaths off several maui beaches that officials are calling unprecedented. nine dead in less than two weeks, and according to authorities, five of those tourists snorkeling in the picturesque waters. a 50-year-old from the bay area was snorkeling by himself in water that was just knee deep. when bystanders noticed him facedown in the water. they say 17 visitors who are snorkeling drown every year on average. >> go out with a buddy. stay close together, watch if somebody wants to dive down under water, somebody should stay on the surface. >> reporter: experts say swimmers should know their limits, take frequent breaks and get out of the water when you feel you're comfortable and experts recommend getting fitted for your snorkel and mask before vacation. oftentimes it doesn't fit properly on site. kayna whitworth, abc news, san francisco. >> good tips to know ahead of the mass vacation season. all right, coming up, what's it like to be a young girl in today's world? >> a panel of experts weighs in while their parents watch, including how they feel about boys versus girls. you're watching "world news now." whipped for instant absorption feel a light-as-air finish in a flash new olay whips ageless a lot of trump-themed books there. in the top five. >> a lot of trump-themed in the headlines. but another topic, parents raising girls have a lot of difficult issues to deal with. >> abc's deborah roberts sat down with some 7 to 10-year-old girls to find out what it really means to be a girl in today's world. >> reporter: when you say somebody is a girl, what does that mean? >> well, for the people who think boys and girls are different, i bet they would say that girls like pink and they like to wear dresses. >> is that true? >> no. >> what is it like to be princess? >> nobody's perfect. >> reporter: do you feel like boys and girls are better? what dow yo do? >> maybe i will say i don't like what he's doing and if he could stop it. >> girls are just the same as boys are. >> reporter: watching from the room next door, the girls' parents and psychologist david anderson. they had a clear sense of boys and girls being equal. >> that's something that's really interesting. for they may believe there's certain things girls can't do or boys aren't supposed to. >> reporter: girls look learning to look out for one another. if somebody was being mean to your friend, would you stand up? >> i might say can you please be nicer. i did it for my sister once. it felt good. >> when we asked boys the same question, the answer was if it comes to it, we may have to get physical. but for the girls on the panel, you didn't get a single answer that involved going to someone's space. >> reporter: in fact, guarding their personal space, that may be one of the critical rights young girls are learning at this critical age. what if somebody is giving you a hug and you don't want them to give you a hug? >> you can say, please stop. because if you can get a hug to somebody, you don't know if they have lice -- >> even when the kids mentioned lice, they say that was developmentally appropriate because they were happy that was one of the biggest threats they were thinking about. you've done a pretty good job keeping your kid protected. >> reporter: these girls are already imagining the future. what does it mean to be a powerful woman? >> maybe be strong. >> don't show off and just do it. >> it's not like there's a superhero or anything. they feel good about themselves and they -- they're just strong. >> reporter: and when their parents joined in, no embarrassment here, only pride on both sides. >> i thought it was really wonderful to just hear the girls talk about how girls are equal to boys and in my day and age if i had been interviewed, the answers would have been so across the board. >> reporter: what's the hardest thing about raising strong girls that are going to grow up to be strong, good women? >> at a younger age it's mommy and daddy. now it's more my friends are doing this. my friends are showing me this sort of thing. >> as the kids get older, parents as role models fade in power and there get to be different social pressures, which is where we want these ideals to stay strong. >> they're growing up in an era of very confident women and i think that's the biggest gift we can give to our girls. >> good lesson to be taught there. >> i could have just given you my journal growing up as a young lady. >> what it's like to be a girl. >> they kept putting it in there, oh, what's it like to be a girl? let me tell you. >> good to see strong young girls ready to turn into strong young women. coming up, weird science. can killer whales talk. a question of our time. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) jimmy's gotten used to his whole yup, he's gone noseblind. odors. he thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this... luckily there's febreze fabric refresher for all the things you can't wash. it finds odors trapped in fabrics and washes them away as it dries. and try pluggable febreze to continuously eliminate odors for up to 45 days of freshness. pluggable febreze and fabric refresher. two more ways to breathe happy. lyrics: thing's are gonna get lyricseasier.o child lyrics: ooh-oo child, lyrics: things'll get brighter. lyrics: ooh-oo child lyrics: thing's are gonna get easier. lyrics: ooh-oo child, lyrics: things'll get brighter. ♪ ♪ it's time to get weird. well, now it's weird science specifically. we're going to start things off with objects that may be taking our jobs soon, starting off with a killer whale. so, scientists have demonstrated for the first time that orcas may be able to learn how to talk. a 14-year-old female killer whale in france has learned how to say amy, bye-bye, and one, two, three. >> hello. >> really? is that what it's saying right there? >> yeah, so, it's not perfect but they say they are recognizable, especially when she says amy, which is the name of the instructor. they do point out that the words weren't taught to her in any context. she probably doesn't know what she's saying but is able to mimic the language. >> as long as she doesn't intercept any of them as i'm going to attack. those are all calming words. >> she hasn't learned to read a teleprompter yet. somebody who has, meet the lovely erica. erica's the one on the right. erica is a lifelike android anchor there in japan. she's meant to look like a 23-year-old and she may soon become the tv news anchor of the future in japan. >> oh, boy. >> erica, what say you? >> you know i can't move my arms or legs so all i can really do is sit here and look pretty. sometimes it's good to be a robot because if i do make a mistake i can blame it on my programmers, ha-ha. >> similar to us. >> she's probably got better dance moves than you do. >> that's true. we just blame it on our producers when we screw up, which is often. she can recite scripted writing and she can sit in a chair, she can look pretty and she can move around like a real anchor. >> so it's the end of days for us. but we may not be alone, my friend. the earth poles may be trying to flip. they say experts are warning reversal could cause widespread blackouts if it happens. the magnetic field has weakened by 15 .over the last 5 and that could be a sign the north and south poles are about to flip. pandemonium. >> maybe we'll be around for it and for the next time we have a blood moon. >> a super blue blood moon that is. >> these are some of the pictures we saw all around the place. that one of the super blue blood moon. the next blood moon will be in 2019. this morning on "world news now," the deadly train crash. involving members of congress. >> it slammed into a truck, tearing it into two. investigators are now on the scene and new details are just coming in. breaking overnight, new details surrounding the secret republican memo now in the president's hands. the fbi is fighting its release which could happen today. also breaking overnight, the missile intercept system meant to protect from the u.s. from a north korean attack is put to the test and failed. officials say it's like hitting a bullet with another bullet. so, what now? >> and, as we gear up for the super bowl, we're getting some help from the greatest receiver to ever play the game. two legends meeting right there. okay, it's just jerry rice. he gives us some party tips, hinting at a possible return to the nfl. and more importantly, who he thinks is the best-looking quarterback if the nfl. hard-hitting questions. it is thursday -- where did january go? >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> best looking quarterback, huh? >> and that's what happens when you send this guy to ask some football questions. it's like -- interesting. >> espn is not calling. >> no, not at all. i will not be doing "sportscenter" anytime soon. we'll break that down. we start with the situation out there in virginia and that frightening train crash. federal investigators plan to be on the scene about 125 miles southwest of washington for several days. >> the amtrak train was carrying republican members of congress to their annual policy retreat, when the train slammed into a garbage truck. abc's linzie janis reports from the scene. >> reporter: a train packed with dozens of lawmakers, their staffers and families on their way to a retreat, slamming into a truck in rural virginia, leaving one person dead. >> and all of a sudden, a big jolt. didn't know what we hit. knocked several people down. >> and then the next thing i realize is we were slowing down significantly and coming to a stop and that's when we all knew we hit something. >> reporter: their train was heading from washington to west virginia -- the impact obliterating the truck, sending debris flying, smashing in the front of the train. north carolina representative mark walker capturing the aftermath through the train window. lawmakers with medical experience, springing into action, rushing to get to the three men who were in the truck. >> we tried shocking him and just never, never could get him back, i'm afraid. >> reporter: senators jeff flake and bill cassidy helping carry this passenger away on a stretcher. five people, including minnesota congressman jason lewis, were sent to the hospital for an evaluation. one in critical condition. you can see investigators sifting through the wreckage of that garbage truck. and if you look in the distance about a quarter mile in front, you can see where the train finally came to a stop. those investigators now looking into why that garbage truck was on the tracks. the ntsb sending a go team to the site. >> reporter: most of the injured including the man who died were on that truck. congressman jason lewis was discharged from the hospital and has now joined his fellow lawmakers on that retreat. investigators still here on the scene. >> linzie, thank you. and we turn to the showdown between president trump and his handpicked fbi director over a classified memo. christopher wray signed off on a fbi statement that expressed grave concerns about the accuracy of the republican memo, said to be critical of the fbi and the justice department. the president was overheard last night saying he 100% plans to release that memo. during his confirmation hearing, wray made it clear that he's willing to challenge the president. >> you have to be willing to quit or be fired at moment's notice in order to stand up for what you think is right. >> and overnight, the ranking democrat accused devin nunes of altering the memo. congressman azam schiff said the white house was given a different version of the memo, which members did not review or approve. the spokesman dismissed it as minor changes. meantime, details have surfaced of a conversation between president trump and the man overseeing the special counsel robert mueller. a source confirmed to abc news the president asked deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, are you on my team? at the same meeting in december, he also reportedly asked him where the russia investigation was heading, taking rosenstein, we're told, by surprise. now, critics say the president's comments are a part of a pattern of demanding loyalty. an interception has failed its test in hawaii. the second failed test in the past year and it's renewing concerns of how the u.s. would defend itself against a missile attack. about half of the tests done since the system was made operational have been at least somewhat successful. one of the most powerful republicans in the house says he ready to leave politics for good. congressman trey gowdy won't seek re-election in the fall. he's a former prosecutor and says his next job will be in the justice system. about three dozen republican members are leaving the house after this year. and the justice department has decided not to retry senator bob menendez. prosecutors dismissed the corruption charges against the new jersey democrat, allowing him to avoid a looming trial, as he runs for re-election this year. menendez was accused of using his political clout in exchange for 50s and campaign contributions. more women and girls are coming forward against former team usa gymnastics doctor larry nassar as he awaits another sentence for assault. nearly 30 women confronted nassar on day one of his sentencing hearing. detailing how they've suffered as a result of his abuse. she was 15 years old when she said her nightmare with nassar started. >> you are the most vile, disgusting creature i've ever met. scum of the earth is too high a title for you. i hope you realize that you will never have any power over anybody for the rest of your life. >> at least 30 more women and girls are set to confront nassar when the hearing resumes on friday. prosecutors say, in all, 265 victims have come forward against nassar. and usa gymnastics has said every member of its board of directors has stepped down. the resignations come less than a week after the u.s. olympic committee urged the board to quit over the widening nassar allegations. the organization plans to point an interim board later this month. most of us have been late to work once in a while. usually not a big deal. usually have an excuse, the alarm didn't go off. the cab driver took broadway instead of columbus, which we all know that broadway's lights are really, really bad. instead of just going on columbus. >> do you want to talk about it? >> no, just gave him a one rating though. >> so usually you come to work, you make your excuses, you apologize and move on. but that's not what happens in the house of lords. lord michael bates was so mortified about his lack of punctuality. he made this stunning announcement. >> i'm thoroughly ashamed for not being in my place and i should be offering my resignation. >> he's resigning because he was a few minutes late. >> so some of the members shouted no, come back. don't go, gary. others thought bates was kidding, but he wasn't. a few hours later, a spokesperson for the prime minister says that she rejected his resignation and bates is now back on the job. but don't let it happen again. >> she gave him a demerit. >> can you imagine? >> was this a ploy for sympathy? did he know she wasn't going to accept his resignation? everybody's like what a good guy. everybody started cheering. >> good riddance. >> well, i think lord bates will be on time from now on. >> don't take broadway anytime of day. >> good to know. coming up -- target begins same-day delivery service today. find out when it's coming to your town, plus this. coming up, we're with hall of famer jerry rice, or should i say second runner-up to "dancing with the stars" 2006. >> you had to hurt me. i liked you at first. i don't like you right now. >> i know how he feels. jerry, i know how you feel. and remember to find us on facebook and twitter. you're watching "world news now." facebook and twitter. you're watching "world news now." my shoulders carry more they carry my community's pride my family's pride and pride in myself because shoulders were made for greatness not dandruff ♪ do you want clean, stain free dentures? try polident. the four in one cleaning system kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria, cleans where brushing may miss. helps remove stains and prevent stain build up. use polident daily. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. also in kids chewables. this american airlines plane bound for the dominican republic forced to turn back to charlotte after a foul odor in the cabin sickened three people. >> to me it felt like motor burning up. the smell went away when we got to altitude. >> i only noticed it after they said we were turning around and coming back. it was -- you just could smell -- had a little headache. >> one flight attendant was taken to the hospital with a nonlife-threatening condition. two passengers were checked out at the gate. the plane was taken out of service for maintenance. the cause of that odor is still under investigation. >> bizarre. >> yeah. well, san francisco is clearing thousands of marijuana convictions dating back 40 years. >> recreational pot use became legal in california this year, and the new law allows anyone with low-level convictions to be thrown out. it will clear people's records of crimes that often have been barriers to employment and housing. san diego is also clearing old convictions. target is making a major push in the online grocery service. target testing out same-day delivery service. the service starts today for select stores in alabama and florida. it's expected to spread to half of its stores nationwide by easter. okay, this is a surprise and a first for facebook. users are spending less time on it and ceo mark zuckerberg says that's actually a good thing. >> the amount of time users are on facebook has declined by a whopping 59 million hours a day. that's after making changes like showing fewer viral videos. some critics say sites like facebook are addictive. zuckerberg says he wants to make sure facebook's fun to use but also, good for well being. >> it's damaging to the stock because the more time people are spending there, the more they're being exposed to advertising -- >> yes, but maybe he's looking long term. maybe if they see facebook addiction is bad, they'll stop going on the site altogether. he's trying to play the long game. >> i see what you're saying. it is spin from mark zuckerberg. coming up in our next half hour, tom brady has a plan to keep his super bowl jersey from being stolen like last year. but first, jerry rice, his message to tom brady, the greatest receiver ever telling us he's ready to play again. the super bowl party is next on "world news now." he's ready to play again. the super bowl party is next on "world news now." a breakthroughr delightfully whipped for instant absorption feel a light-as-air finish in a flash new olay whips ageless ♪ ♪ ♪ not annoying at all. >> hello, everybody. super bowl party time. and if you're talking about the greatest football players of all time, jerry rice is on that list but he also knows how to throw a party. >> yes, he does. sort of. i caught up with the nfl legend to see if he's really thinking about a return and if he's still got the moves. >> on the ballroom. >> reporter: with the big game just days away. who better to talk super bowl than three-time champ jerry rice. >> rice, what an incredible star he has become. >> reporter: starting with the one thing the hall of famer is best known for. >> you know, you got veggies, you got pigskin in a blanket. >> what are those again? >> reporter: jerry teaming up with heluva good dip, inspiring this fanny pack. if i'm at home and trying to put together my own super bowl party, i've got my heluva good fanny pack. >> yeah, you got that. the no fumble fanny pack. then you put your chips right in here. then you got your beer here. then you got your dip right here. >> okay. and i put my hand and you dip, we dip, we dip. >> right, you got to go with the chips here. >> my celery in there. some chicken wings. >> now you're ready to just kick back and really enjoy. >> we just need some ham hocks. >> what you know about ham hocks? you don't know anything about ham hocks. you know i'm from mississippi i know about that. you put hot sauce on them, man. >> there's nothing you can't dip. >> it's finger licking good, man. >> reporter: all right, let's really talk about what jerry is best known for. ♪ celebrate good time >> reporter: the 2006 season of "dancing with the stars," of course, where he was second runner-up. >> drew and cheryl! >> were you robbed? >> yeah, i don't like coming in second. drew lachey, we're going to have a dance-off. he already knew how to dance. he knew about, you know, how to comprehend music -- >> i've interviewed them. they have one move. >> almost like a fish out of water. >> reporter: he may be a football hall of famer, but in his recent years, it's his dancing that's still getting attention. >> people think that i'm this expert dancer now. they want to take a picture of me because of "dancing with the stars." >> forget the hall of fame, forget the super bowl rings. it's like "dancing with the stars." >> so, they want to get twirled. and they want to get dipped. >> reporter: but seriously, as one of the greatest of all time, he knows football. who's going to win? >> i don't know. i have to be honest with you. i think with experience, it goes to the patriots, but i think with philadelphia they didn't luck up just to get to the super bowl. it's like whenever i pick someone i always end up losing. >> reporter: jerry making headlines lately by saying he has thought about making a return to the sport. would you have loved to have gotten a pass from tom brady? >> oh, yeah, i can still do it. >> you can still get a pass from tom brady? >> i still got maybe 80 catches in me. so, tom, if you really need a good receiver, hey, i'm your guy. >> reporter: and finally, settling the age-old argument, is joe montana or tom brady the greatest of all time? >> it's a whole different era. what he has accomplished is amazing. because we're talking -- he's got five rings right now. he's going for number six and he still wants to continue to play. i would love to see if he was able to do what he's doing now back when i played. >> reporter: and as for that other quarterback controversy, 49ers are looking good with jimmy. >> i call him jimmy gq. >> he's a good-looking man, right. who's better looking, jimmy or tom brady? >> that one just flew over me. >> that's a tough one. >> i do love your sports question almost as much as i love this snack belt. >> here's a snack belt. you put it over and you attach and you're able to put all of your snacks here. >> oh, i figured it out. i didn't need your help. >> i can tell. you can strap it on -- >> i got it. >> and you can expand it as the game gets worse or your belly gets bigger. >> did jerry teach you how to dance? >> he taught me how to twirl. but since we're talking dips, we did a different sort of song. i put my hand up on my hip when i dip, you dip, we dip. >> wait. >> so, he wouldn't say who he has for the big game. he wouldn't say who he has for the big game. >> i put my hand upon your hip. touchdown. touchdown. fredget in, fred!thing for his daughter. even if it means being the back half of a unicorn. fear not fred, the front half washed his shirt with gain flings! and that smell puts the giddy in giddy up. that's because one gain flings pac has more freshness than a whole bottle of the other guy. gain. seriously good scent. okay - let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no... make every day valentine's day with k-y yours and mine. two sensations. one great way to discover new feelings together. great, more food. >> it is time now for "the mix." i still got my snack belt going. and i have good news everybody. >> pizza. >> yes, it turns out pizza is a healthier breakfast than breakfast cereal. i'll tell you why. >> tell us why. >> it doesn't matter what type of pie is on your plate, pizza. probably healthier than a bowl of cereal. because average slice of pizza with your cereal plus whole milk, same amount of calories. but the pizza has way more protein. that will keep you full throughout the morning. and it has more fat and less sugar than most cereals. so you won't get the quick sugar crash that you get. >> so healthier to have pizza as your breakfast. >> yeah. >> okay, so, what's been it problem. why this haterade on pizza? >> not necessarily that pizza is healthier, just healthier than a bowl of cereal. so here's one guy who probably had way too much pizza and was just trying to run it off. just an average day in phoenix. this is obviously at a golf tournament and there's always a brad. there's always a brad. there goes brad streaking. i don't know if his name is brad. >> silly brad, naked brad. >> this is at the pro-am there. he even got to the sand trap and tried to do a lebron james sort of thing where he tosses the chalk. it took him five minutes. he was running around for quite a bit. >> wow, he went all out. >> twirling and twerking. >> i wonder if brad was texting after that. because researchers at the university of alberta would say we likely would not have a healthy relationship. so apparently they looked at various couples who sext, it shows that they're insecure and they have less healthy relationships. >> couples sext each other? >> i guess so. >> i thought -- >> they say couples need to put the phone down and have good old-fashioned conversations and spend time together, instead of short cutting with sexting trying to get -- >> why would your send a sext message to your significant other? >> i think pizza helps a relationship, and that's just me, not science. okay, bacon makes you fall asleep. did you know there's a popular -- >> bacon? you have bacon? >> bacon. people got bacon. there's a popular youtube channel that proves that studies have shown that the natural sounds there of bacon cooking has put people to sleep. >> so just the sound of it? >> just the sound of it. >> so we don't have bacon? this morning on "world news now," the president's showdown with his own fbi over that secret republican memo. a congressional committee voted to release it and then it was changed. new questions emerging overnight. deadly flu epidemic. new concerns over the supply of that rapid test used to diagnose patients. plus, a family is blaming tamiflu for their son's suicide. one of the biggest mysteries of the trump administration is now out. >> former first lady michelle obama for the first time is revealing what was in that tiffany box from the new first lady. and george clooney reveals yet another reason why he's a very lucky man, describing his first encounter with his wife, amal, and why he didn't have to go very far to meet her. we're feeling the love in "the skinny" on this thursday, february 1st. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." it is the month of love, after all, valentine's day coming up. >> i know, february has arrived. it is your birth month. >> it is. >> it is. >> another reason the month of love. >> and a good reason why it's the shortest month. >> all right. we're going to start things off with the public clash over a secret memo pitting the president against his handpicked fbi director. >> the fbi is urging the white house not to make the memo public, citing grave concerns. and overnight, a top democrat says his committee's vote to release it is invalid. the republicans secretly changed the memo after that vote. jon karl explains what the memo is about. >> reporter: it's a showdown between the president and the man he chose to lead the fbi. at issue -- the controversial classified memo accusing the justice department of political bias. as he left the state of the union address, the president was caught on camera telling a republican congressman that he would allow the memo to be made public. >> reporter: chief of staff john kelly told fox news it will happen soon. >> did you see it? >> i did. >> what did you think? >> it will be released here pretty quick i think. >> reporter: hours later the fbi released an extraordinary statement, directly challenging the president and his chief of staff, saying the fbi had been given only a limited chance to review the memo and, quote, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy. the memo was written by republicans on the house intelligence committee. chaired by california republican devin nunes. a close ally of president trump. sources briefed on the memo tell abc news it accuses the justice department of acting inappropriately when it obtained a surveillance warrant for a former trump campaign adviser. suspected of become an agent. >> there may have been malfeasance by people at the fbi. >> reporter: but the democrats say the memo is misleading, because it cherry picks the facts. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein and fbi director christopher wray met with chief of staff john kelly earlier this month, to urge the memo not be released. wray made it clear in his confirmation hearing that he is willing to stand up to the president. >> you have to be willing to quit or be fired at a moment's notice in order to stand up for what you think is right. >> reporter: although there's no indication that wray would be willing to resign, people close to the president take him at his word about what he said at his confirmation hearing about being willing to step down. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> okay, also from the white house, the president does seem bent on releasing the memo, even as soon as today. but democratic congressman adam schiff was given a different version of the document, which means members didn't approve that, making it invalid. federal investigators will be working at a deadly train site for several days. the amtrak train was carrying dozens of republican members of congress to their annual retreat when it slammed into a garbage truck. many lawmakers got to work assisting at the scene. one of the men in truck was killed. two others suffered serious injuries. four people on the train suffered mostly minor injuries. one member of congress had a concussion. >> suddenly there's a loud bang, things stopped, lights went out. there was an acrid smell of electrical smoke. >> no question we hit something. we just didn't know what at that point. >> investigators will be looking at the safety equipment at where the crossing took place. the crossing arms were known to malfunction. at the republican retreat last night, house speaker paul ryan said it's a reminder of how fragile life can be. a state official in florida says this season's flu season has several weeks to go before it's over. in the meantime in the northeast, flu-fighting resources are being strained. doctors say tests that help diagnose the virus quickly are in sport supply. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: hospitals and clinics across the country now trying to stave off what they call one of the worst flu seasons in nearly a decade with the best defense possible, free flu shots. in new york -- would you characterize it as a severe flu season? >> yeah, it's severe now. it's certainly severe now. >> reporter: nearly 8,000 confirmed cases of the flu last week in new york state. close to 2,000 patients hospitalized. this doctor tells us those rapid tests used to quickly diagnose the flu are in short supply. in the new york area. >> most urgent care centers don't have them and the major suppliers can't provide them right now. >> just feeling exhausted. i still got achy pains right now. >> reporter: ronald townsend was just diagnosed with the flu. >> i got the flu shot this year. and i caught the flu. >> reporter: one of the latest victims, this 38-year-old mother of four from new hampshire. >> she was just getting rest and fluids and doing everything she thought was right. >> reporter: her family says she didn't take antiviral medication because she was worried about side effects. two days later she got sicker. she died on the way to the hospital. doctors say, even when the flu shot doesn't prevent the flu, it can still lessen the severity and keep you out of the hospital. linsey davis, abc news, new york. and an indiana family is blaming their son's flu treatment for causing his suicide. the family of this 16-year-old said he had never shown signs of depression. he was happy all the time. within 24 hours of taking tamiflu he was dead. the maker of tamiflu says patients should be closely monitored for behavioral changes. his funeral is today. in the midst of the worst flu epidemic in more than a decade, the cdc has abruptly lost its director. brenda fitzgerald has resigned one day after "politico" reported she had bought tobacco stock after taking the position which conflicts with the cdc's health mission. she was already under the microscope for investing in a pharmaceutical and a health insurance company. okay, so, the super bowl is starting to come into focus and that means plenty of attention being paid to tom brady. >> the patriots quarterback is now practicing without a glove on his throwing hand, big deal. an injury to brady's right hand caused a lot of speculation ahead of the afc championship game. but he seems to have put that injury behind him. >> and brady says he has a plan to make sure his super bowl jersey doesn't get stolen again. brady says he's taking the jersey with him if they win. if they lose, the jersey's going to go in the trash. it will still be valuable, i think. and, you know, we're getting closer to the big game when animals are starting to make their selections. >> this is april, the giraffe. she's at a zoo in upstate new york. her keepers put up some signs representing the patriots and the eagles, each with a leafy green veggie top. april chose new england to win its second straight title. we got to play this game with frank. >> oh, yeah, that's true. see which one the rabbit picks. should point out she does live in upstate new york, which is almost like new england. so april is a little bias there. >> good point. good point. coming up, the big city mayor who now admits she had an affair with a member of her security team. and in "the skinny," how demi lovato's fans may have uncovered the social media's strategy. but first, here's today's forecast. but first, ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by the aspca. ught to you by the aspca. breaking overnight, firefighters are keeping a close watch on this brush fire south of phoenix. windy conditions could cause it to spread. so far, though, no structures are threatened. a former nba star and a finalist on "american idol" have been killed in car crash in california. >> rasual butler and his wife, 30-year-old r&b singer leah labelle died after their suv lost control in studio city. butler hit three parking meters and slammed into a concrete wall before flipping over twice and landing in a parking lot. investigators believe excessive speed was a factor. the city of nashville is reeling over a sex scandal involving its mayor. megan barry admitted to having an affair with her former head of security who is also married. as is she. she's now apologizing to her family, his family, and her constituents. >> and i am embarrassed and i am sad and i am so sorry for the pain i've caused my family and his family. >> barry says that she's not stepping down but her former head of security, sergeant robert forest, has abruptly retired. now, barry received a lot of national attention and support last july after the announcement that her son had died from a drug overdose. former first lady michelle obama is finally revealing what was in the tiffany box. >> during an appearance on the ellen show, mrs. obama explained what happened when mrs. trump unexpectedly handed her a tiffany box on inauguration day. >> there was a gift exchange, there was a box given. >> the tiffany box. >> so what was in there? >> it was a lovely frame. >> a frame? >> it was a frame. there's all this protocol. this is like a state visit. they tell you they're going to stand here. never before do you get this gift. so i'm like, okay, what am i supposed to do with this gift? and everyone cleared out. >> because the gift was not part of that choreographed meeting, nobody was assigned to take it off mrs. obama's hands. >> i love how she's looking to turn around. but guess who stepped in and took charge? her husband, the president himself, barack obama who was still technically the president at the time. he took the box and brought it inside the white house. problem solved. >> he hasn't seen the box since. "the skinny" is next. een the box since. "the skinny" is next. alexa, how far is mars? >> how far is mars? how am i supposed to know? i've never been there. this guy wants to go to mars. there's not even oxygen there. >> alexa, please play country music. ♪ i don't dance now i make money moves ♪ >> no, no, alexa, i said country. ♪ i be in and out so much ♪ skinny so skinny that's pretty funny. and that's rapper cardi b starring as alexa after the robot somehow lost her voice. >> so, she's among the biggest internet stars of the week including blue ivy carter, the super blue blood moon and congressman joe kennedy's lips. >> yeah, he's now doing some explaining. after the state of the union response. twitter went crazy. one person even writing, ask not what your country can drool for you, ask what you can drool for your country. >> kennedy is having a little fun with it. >> you couldn't completely escape the curse of the state of the union response. twitter had a field day with your shiny lips. so, did you bring your chapstick this morning? >> oddly enough, i decided to go a little bit light on the chapstick this morning, more on the coffee, light on the chapstick, which is probably a wise choice. >> so chapstick is weighing in, saying he took our advice and put his lips first. it happens all the time. >> it does to the best of us. >> just be careful of the territory. >> just need to color inside the lines, you know. >> i have that problem. >> because you put it everywhere. that's not where it goes. >> you can't really see it. there it goes. >> oh, boy. here we go. our makeup department just had a heart attack. >> i don't wear makeup. george clooney didn't have to leave home to find his soulmate. ♪ soulmates >> sorry. >> i think it's like. ♪ soul glow >> you got a soul glow going on. >> probably. >> no tinder back then involved. >> so clooney is revealing that a close friend brought his now-wife amal to his house to visit. they talked all night along with george's parents, who were visiting right way. so she met the parents right away. >> i got her email address. she was going to send me pictures of my parents and we started writing. i didn't really have -- i didn't know if she wanted to go out with me. i just thought we were buddies. >> who would, george? let's be frank, who really would want to go out with you? >> surprise, surprise, she did want to go out with him. they got married in 2014. they now have twins and you can stream the full interview on netflix starting next friday. >> that's been a good series with david letterman. next to what could be the start of another romance. singer demi lovato is known for being confident and now eagle-eyed fans are revealing just how confident she is with her instagram game by going after superman actor henry cavill. >> social media strategy has just been uncovered. withsome interestingly-timed instagram activity from lovato. she posted this photo of herself with the caption, big news coming soon. >> okay, and it seems like any other celebrity post, right? but her fans notice something right before posting that victoria secret-style shot, lovato followed cavill and liked two of his posts involving martial arts. and then the strategy paid off with cavill liking and commenting on one of lovato's photos in a martial arts uniform. revealing his kryptonite for jujitsu. don't these people know about the dm? you slide in the dm? >> you sound experienced. >> well, i just might or maybe it's the minty smell on my face. while rumors swirl who will join justin timberlake on stage, we're hearing from the ghost of halftime super bowl past. the infamous left shark. >> npr tracked down the backup dancer who appeared to go rogue with his own moves. he's now defending his dancing. saying, it wasn't flubbed choreography, he was doing his own thing. >> he admitted the choreography but he claims he went freestyle because there's no way to look cool inside a seven foot tall blue shark costume. the dancer also left a message to the world -- don't take life so seriously. do you, be you. >> but you're a backup dancer and there's choreography. but you have one job, to do the choreography. >> plus, npr looking into left shark? e's choreography. but you have one job, to do the choreography. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. yep, and my teeth are yellow. i mean i knew they weren't perfect, but, ugh. oh well, all hope is lost! oh thanks! clearly my whitening toothpaste is not cutting it. time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. they work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. hey, nice smile! thanks! i crushed the tissue test! yeah you did! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. okay - let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no... make every day valentine's day with k-y yours and mine. two sensations. one great way to discover new feelings together. ♪ i feel it i want it i dream it, i work hard i own it ♪ i own it. so a lot of us -- twirl. love beyonce of course. some of us are obsessed with them. some of us have restraining orders, but it's okay. judge says it will go away soon. but you combine that with jay z, her husband, and you have a celebrity supernova. >> well, that explains why one woman's jaw dropped. when the couple casually strolled by her. the photo went viral and our boston station has now tracked that woman down and she's still in disbelief. >> i met beyonce and all i could do was go like this. >> reporter: it is the face that went viral. now the story behind the moment susan of shrewsbury, found herself face to face with a queen. the queen b. >> and then i turned and i'm like beyonce? and i was like frozen. >> reporter: she was in new york city this weekend with her family staying in the same hotel as a pregrammy party. she was hoping to catch a glimpse of a big star. >> i was getting tired. so, i figured ilt go upstairs and i'll come back later. >> reporter: on the way to her room in the hallway, an entourage. >> this man says, do i know you? and i looked at him and said i don't think so, and then i was like, uh-oh, it dawns on me. that's jay-z. and i turned and i went -- >> she said you're never going to guess who i met and i'm like, who. jay-z and beyonce. and i go, you're right i don't believe you. >> i didn't take a selfie. no one is going to know. >> reporter: no one except give or take 5 million or so after beyonce posted the picture on her instagram. >> i didn't even know what a meme is. what is this thing? you're a meme, you're famous. >> reporter: she has only one regret from her moment with the stars. >> i didn't think to ask her any questions. i didn't say good luck at the grammys, jay z. you know, i didn't say anything. i was just -- i'm lost. >> i'm a mime. >> i'm a mimi. i don't know what that is. >> oh, i love her and her daughter. you're right i don't believe you. it kind of reminds us of this moment. it's 10 years old now where there you have bruno mars walking by pete wentz. when bruno mars was starstruck by pete wentz. where is pete wentz? where's pete wentd? that's what's making news in america this morning. making news in america this morning, several new developments overnight in the russia investigation.nettle eru secret memo claiming to show bias in the fbi. was it changed without approval? plus, white house aide hope hicks now in the crosshairs of the investigation. what she reportedly said about donald trump jr.'s e-mails. a train carrying republican lawmakers crashes killing the driver. this morning we have new details on the investigation and we hear from the congressman who jumped into action to treat the victims. a parenting alert about the flu. the early symptom often overlooked in children and growing concerns after a family blames tamiflu for their son's suicide. plus, the debate over whether coffee should come with a cancer warning. the new way

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Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20180201 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20180201

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an affair with her former head of security who is also married. she's now apologizing to her family, his family. and her constituents. >> and i am embarrassed and sorry for the pain i've caused my family and his family. >> she says she's not stepping down but her former head of security, sergeant robert forest, has abruptly retired. now, barry received a lot of national attention and support last july after an announcement that her son had died after a drug overdose. first lady michelle obama is finally revealing what was in the tiffany box. >> during an appearance on the ellen show, she explained what happened when mrs. trump unexpectedly handed her a tiffany's box on inauguration day. >> there was a gift exchange, there was a box given. >> the tiffany box. >> so what was in there? >> it was a lovely frame. >> a frame? >> it was a frame. there's all this protocol. this is like a state visit. they tell you they're going to stand here. never before do you get this gift. so i'm like, okay, what am i supposed to do with this gift? and everyone cleared out. >> because the gift was not part of that choreographed meeting, nobody was assigned to take it off mrs. obama's hands. >> i love how she's looking to turn around. >> guess who stepped in and took charge? hers, the president himself, barack obama who was still technically the president at the time. he took the box and brought it inside the white house. problem solved. >> he hasn't seen the box since. "the skinny" is next. alexa, how far is mars? >> how far is mars? how am i supposed to know? there's not even oxygen there. >> alexa, please play country music. ♪ i don't dance now i make money moves ♪ >> no, alexa, i said country. ♪ i be in and out so much ♪ skinny so skinny that's pretty funny. and that's rapper cardi b starring as alexa after the robot somehow lost her voice. >> she's among the biggest internet stars of the week including blue ivy carter, the super blue blood moon and congressman joe kennedy's lipps. >> he's now doing explaining. after the state of the union response. twitter went crazy. one person even writing, ask not what your country can drool for you, ask what you can drool for your country. >> you couldn't completely escape the curse of the state of the union response. twitter had a field day with your shiny lips. so, did you bring your chapstick this morning? >> oddly enough, i decided to go a little bit light on the chapstick, more on the coffee, light on the chapstick, which is probably a wise choice. >> so chapstick is weighing in saying he took our advice and put his lips first. it happens all the time. >> it does to the best of us. >> be careful of the territory. >> just need to color inside the lines, you know. >> i have that problem. >> because you put it everywhere. that's not where it goes. oh, boy. here we go. our makeup department just had a heart attack. >> i don't wear makeup. george clooney didn't have to leave home to find his soulmate. ♪ soulmates >> sorry. >> i think it's like. ♪ soul glow >> you got a soul glow going on. >> probably. >> so clooney is revealing that a close friend brought his now-wife amal to his house to visit. they talked all night along with george's parents. so she met the parents right away. >> i got her email address. she was going to send me pictures of my parents and we started writing. i didn't really have -- i didn't know if she wanted to go out with me. i thought we were buddies. >> who would, george? let's be frank. who really would want to go out with you? >> surprise, surprise, she did want to go out with him. they got married in 2014. they now have twins and you can stream the full interview on netflix starting next friday. >> a good series with david letterman. next to what could be the start of another romance. singer demi lovato is known for being confident and now eagle-eyed fans are revealing just how confident she is with her instagram game by going after superman actor henry cavill. >> some interestingly-timed instagram activity from lovato. she posted this photo of herself with the caption, big news coming soon. >> okay, and it seems like any other celebrity post, right? but her fans notice something right before posting that victoria secret-style shot, lovato followed cavill and liked two of his posts involving martial arts. and then the strategy paid off with cavill liking and commenting on one of lovato's photos in a martial arts uniform. revealing his kryptonite for jujitsu. don't these people know about the dm? you slide in the dm? >> you sound experienced. >> well, i just might or maybe it's the minty smell on my face. as rumors swirl who will join justin timberlake on stage, we're hearing from the infamous left shark. >> he's defending hiss dancing. saying, it wasn't flubbed choreography. he was doing his own thing. >> he admitted his choreography but he claims he went freestyle because there's no way to look cool inside a seven foot tall blue costume. and said don't take life so seriously. do you, be you. >> but you're a backup dancer and there's choreography. but you have one job, to do the choreography. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. yep, and my teeth are yellow. i mean i knew they weren't perfect, but, ugh. oh well, all hope is lost! oh thanks! clearly my whitening toothpaste is not cutting it. time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. they work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. hey, nice smile! thanks! i crushed the tissue test! yeah you did! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. okay - let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no... make every day valentine's day with k-y yours and mine. two sensations. one great way to discover new feelings together. ♪ i feel it i want it i dream it, i work hard i own it ♪ >> i own it. so a lot of us -- twirl. love beyonce of course. some of us have restraining orderses, but it's okay. judge says it will go away soon. but you combine that with jay-z, her husband, and you have a celebrity supernova. >> well, that explains why one woman was jaw dropped. the photo went viral and our boston station has now tracked that woman down and she's still in disbelief. >> i met beyonce and all i could do was go like this. >> reporter: it's the face that went viral. now the story behind the moment susan of shrewsbury, herself face to face with queen. the queen b. >> and then i turned and i'm like beyonce? and i was like frozen. >> reporter: she was in new york city this weekend with her family staying in the same hotel as a pregrammy party. she was hoping to catch a glimpse of a big star. >> i was getting tired. >> reporter: on the way to her room in the hallway, an entourage. >> this man says, do i know you? and i looked at him and said i don't think so and then i was like, uh-oh, it dawns on me. that's jay-z. and i turned. and i went -- >> she said you're never going to guess who i met and i'm like, who. jay-z and beyonce. and i go, you're right i don't believe you. >> reporter: no one except give or take 5 million or so after beyonce posted it picture on her instagram. >> i didn't even know what a meme is. what is this thing? you're a meme, you're famous. >> reporter: she has only one regret from her moment with the stars. >> i didn't think to ask her any questions. i didn't say good luck at the grammys, jay z. i didn't say anything. i was just -- i'm lost. >> i'm a mime. >> i'm a mimi. >> oh, i love her and her daughter. you're right i don't believe you. it kind of reminds us of this moment. it's 10 years old now where there you have bruno mars walking by pete wentz. when he was star struck. when he was star struck. bit there. . >> where's pete wentd? good morning. i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson with the top stories we're following this morning. more women and girls coming forward to confront former disgraced sports doctor, larry nassar. details are just ahead. president trump is facing off with the fbi and the man he personally selected to head the bureau. the fbi says it has grave concerns over the accuracy of the memo criticizing its actions in the russia investigation. but the white house is poised to release it anyway. a u.s. interceptor missile fired from hawaii has failed a test designed to simulate an attack. it's the system's second failed test in the past year. the failure is renewing concerns about how the u.s. would defend itself against an incoming missile. and reer is eveners have trained a killer whale to mimic words like, hello and good-bye. details coming up on this thursday, february 1st. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> talking orca. >> it was only awkward once she learned to say, bye, felicia. now we've gone too far with this talking whale. we do say good morning on this thursday everyone. we start on a serious note. the sexual abuse scandal that has rocked the world of gymnastics. there's more happening today. >> former team usa gymnastics doctor is facing another long-term prison sentence for sexual assault. more women and girls came forward to confront the man they say ruined their lives. >> reporter: more than 50 new victims confronting dr. larry nassar back in court. >> i forever lost a big piece of my childhood. due to hi abuse. >> reporter: the sports doctor is now facing sentencing from sex crimes when he was working at an elite gymnastics club in michigan. >> because we're ready to make sure you never see outside of prison walls again. >> reporter: last week, a different judge already sentenced nassar to essentially spend the rest of his life in prison. and the fallout has been swift. the entire board of usa gymnastics ordered to resign, complying wednesday. at michigan state the school's president and athletic director also stepped down, prompting the board of trustees to point former governor as the new interim president also on wednesday. >> excuse me, would you please -- >> reporter: which drew protests from some students. >> this is nothing more than symbolic. there has been no student or staff or faculty comment on this vote. >> reporter: meanwhile, in washington, the nassar scandal lead to new legislation, passing a bill to help future predators from abusing young athletes. >> thank you to the public servants who heard our voices and for the bipartisan support of this bill. >> reporter: now, as for this sentencing, at least 57 victims have signed up to read this statement in court and many were inspired to do so by the more than 150 women who came forward earlier. kendis and diane. >> elizabeth, thank you. >> and the tampa bay rays have fired their team physician. after sexual abuse allegations against him. the team cut ties with michael riley following allegations by 26-year-old woman in a youtube video. the woman claimed riley abused her when she was a teenager working in his office. st. petersburg, florida, police are looking into the case. riley denies the allegations of sexual abuse. and a top executive at drinksmaker, monster energy has resigned after being accused of sexually harassing two women. the woman in that relationship was fired from the company. president trump visits with republican members of congress at their annual policy retreat. in west virginia. the meeting comes a day after a deadly train collision that happened while lawmakers were on their way to that location, the gre greenbrier. safety will be an important part of their investigation. >> reporter: dozens of republican lawmakers were on board a chartered amtrak train when it slammed into a trash truck near a crossing, derailing the train and killing one. >> suddenly there's a loud bang, and things stop, lights went out. there was an acrid smell of electrical smoke. >> there was no question we hit something. >> reporter: the politicians were heading from washington to west virginia. when the collision happened. just outside of charlottesville, virginia. >> level one, train versus truck. >> reporter: upon impact, trash and debris littered the area around the tracks. north carolina representative mark walker filmed the stunning moments through the train window. lawmakers, sprang into action. offering first aid to victims. despite their best efforts the truck driver died on the scene. >> did cpr for several minutes, and then a doctor given a look like this is over, rogers. >> reporter: one person is in critical condition. but for those on the train, most of the injuries were minor. the ntsb gave an update wednesday night on the investigation. >> we're in the process of retrieving the event recorders. we expect the on-scene phase of the investigation to last several days. >> reporter: by then lawmakers were long gone on buses and the retreat was under way. minnesota congressman jason lewis has been discharged following a concussion. he's joined his colleagues at the retreat in west virginia. a judge in hawaii could hand down a verdict as soon as today in the trial of a yoga instructor charged with murdering her twin sister. prosecutors say that alexandria duval killed her sister by driving the suv off a cliff during a camping trip to maui. could see the sisters arguing in the vehicle shortly before the crash. >> the driver -- her hair being pulled. >> i can't even simulate how much it was pulling it. >> her attorneys maintain it was a terrible accident. she's pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. if convicted, she faces life in prison. students at virginia tech university are shaken but relieved after a student was arrested and charged with illegally possessing a weapon. he kept a gun in a locker not far from the site. more now from steve osunsami. >> reporter: this is the 19-year-old freshman who's in jail. he's from china and because he's not a u.s. citizen, it's against the law in virginia for him to own the assault rifle he was training with. >> it's very scary but in the end, that's why we had police. >> reporter: detectives say they were watching him for weeks. called when he removed from an ar-15 from his student locker. police said it's what breaks the law. >> as personal reaction, just it was kind of overwhelming just thinking back to what happened several years ago and that actually could be another reality. >> reporter: they report that he not only had a rifle but was also trying to buy 5,000 rounds of ammo, looking into bulletproof vests and had bought himself an old police vehicle. his attorney says there was never any threat to the community. in statements, both the university and the campus police say the same. students are much more concerned. >> we're the ones who live here. >> reporter: he as a bond hearing today. he has not yet entered a plea. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> steve, thank you. and in nashville, the mayor is admitting to an extramarital affair. in a news conference last night, she apologized to her family, his family and to her constituents. saying, she knew it was destructive but did it anyway. barry says she has no plans to resign. well, you can now get a taste of winter in your dessert. it's a new ice cream called nor'easter pothole. >> lovely. friendly's recently introduced the limited edition flavor, it's like rocky road new england style. black tar fudge and asphalt chocolate chips. chocolate overload. >> okay, sounds interesting. >> i think people would be more pleased with that kind of pothole. lots to be consumed in the meantime in minneapolis. the super bowl countdown is under way. it's just three days to go. >> it's 3 degrees outside the stadium, the site of sunday's big game. the temperature at game time is expected to be 6 degrees. better warm up. >> live picture there of minneapolis, downtown. so many people are out and about at this hour. slow down there, calm down with the partying. inside the stadium, fans will have plenty of food to keep them warm. the stadium will have 32,000 hot dogs on hand. 6500 pretzels, 26 pounds of cheese curd and 650 gallons of ketchup. yeah, popular website in the city -- because you have all these new visitors. they gave the starter kit on everything you should know about minneapolis. >> minneapolis etiquette. >> cisco has a home here. they have no idea why either. but welcome to minneapolis. coming up, meet the new anchor. the robot, but can she really lead to news better than a human? we certainly hope not. also ahead, in hawaii, an alarming and unprecedented number of snorkelers who have drowned. that stair right after the break. you're watching "world news now." you're watching a dramatic dashcam video in milwaukee. he was having a medical emergency. weaving back and forth. even losing a wheel with sparks flying. at points he reached 70 miles an hour. after two more hard slams into the concrete median, the truck pulled over. officers learned he was diabetic and called for an ambulance. after reportedly losing a satellite last month, spacexashgs has launched another one. this one looking successful and it's for the government of luxembourg. it blasted off from cape canaveral yesterday afternoon. the rocket booster splashed down into the atlantic ocean about nine minutes after the launch. >> good stuff. turning now to an alarming number of growing deaths off the coast of hawaii. >> investigators are looking into nine drowning deaths ofless than two weeks, all near the same area. here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: a dramatic spike in drowning deaths off several maui beaches that officials are calling unprecedented. nine dead in less than two weeks, and according to authorities, five of those tourists snorkeling in the picturesque waters. a 50-year-old from the bay area was snorkeling by himself in water that was just knee deep. when bystanders noticed him facedown in the water. they say 17 visitors who are snorkeling drown every year on average. >> go out with a buddy. stay close together, watch if somebody wants to dive down under water, somebody should stay on the surface. >> reporter: experts say swimmers should know their limits, take frequent breaks and get out of the water when you feel you're comfortable and experts recommend getting fitted for your snorkel and mask before vacation. oftentimes it doesn't fit properly on site. kayna whitworth, abc news, san francisco. >> good tips to know ahead of the mass vacation season. all right, coming up, what's it like to be a young girl in today's world? >> a panel of experts weighs in while their parents watch, including how they feel about boys versus girls. you're watching "world news now." whipped for instant absorption feel a light-as-air finish in a flash new olay whips ageless a lot of trump-themed books there. in the top five. >> a lot of trump-themed in the headlines. but another topic, parents raising girls have a lot of difficult issues to deal with. >> abc's deborah roberts sat down with some 7 to 10-year-old girls to find out what it really means to be a girl in today's world. >> reporter: when you say somebody is a girl, what does that mean? >> well, for the people who think boys and girls are different, i bet they would say that girls like pink and they like to wear dresses. >> is that true? >> no. >> what is it like to be princess? >> nobody's perfect. >> reporter: do you feel like boys and girls are better? what dow yo do? >> maybe i will say i don't like what he's doing and if he could stop it. >> girls are just the same as boys are. >> reporter: watching from the room next door, the girls' parents and psychologist david anderson. they had a clear sense of boys and girls being equal. >> that's something that's really interesting. for they may believe there's certain things girls can't do or boys aren't supposed to. >> reporter: girls look learning to look out for one another. if somebody was being mean to your friend, would you stand up? >> i might say can you please be nicer. i did it for my sister once. it felt good. >> when we asked boys the same question, the answer was if it comes to it, we may have to get physical. but for the girls on the panel, you didn't get a single answer that involved going to someone's space. >> reporter: in fact, guarding their personal space, that may be one of the critical rights young girls are learning at this critical age. what if somebody is giving you a hug and you don't want them to give you a hug? >> you can say, please stop. because if you can get a hug to somebody, you don't know if they have lice -- >> even when the kids mentioned lice, they say that was developmentally appropriate because they were happy that was one of the biggest threats they were thinking about. you've done a pretty good job keeping your kid protected. >> reporter: these girls are already imagining the future. what does it mean to be a powerful woman? >> maybe be strong. >> don't show off and just do it. >> it's not like there's a superhero or anything. they feel good about themselves and they -- they're just strong. >> reporter: and when their parents joined in, no embarrassment here, only pride on both sides. >> i thought it was really wonderful to just hear the girls talk about how girls are equal to boys and in my day and age if i had been interviewed, the answers would have been so across the board. >> reporter: what's the hardest thing about raising strong girls that are going to grow up to be strong, good women? >> at a younger age it's mommy and daddy. now it's more my friends are doing this. my friends are showing me this sort of thing. >> as the kids get older, parents as role models fade in power and there get to be different social pressures, which is where we want these ideals to stay strong. >> they're growing up in an era of very confident women and i think that's the biggest gift we can give to our girls. >> good lesson to be taught there. >> i could have just given you my journal growing up as a young lady. >> what it's like to be a girl. >> they kept putting it in there, oh, what's it like to be a girl? let me tell you. >> good to see strong young girls ready to turn into strong young women. coming up, weird science. can killer whales talk. a question of our time. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) jimmy's gotten used to his whole yup, he's gone noseblind. odors. he thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this... luckily there's febreze fabric refresher for all the things you can't wash. it finds odors trapped in fabrics and washes them away as it dries. and try pluggable febreze to continuously eliminate odors for up to 45 days of freshness. pluggable febreze and fabric refresher. two more ways to breathe happy. lyrics: thing's are gonna get lyricseasier.o child lyrics: ooh-oo child, lyrics: things'll get brighter. lyrics: ooh-oo child lyrics: thing's are gonna get easier. lyrics: ooh-oo child, lyrics: things'll get brighter. ♪ ♪ it's time to get weird. well, now it's weird science specifically. we're going to start things off with objects that may be taking our jobs soon, starting off with a killer whale. so, scientists have demonstrated for the first time that orcas may be able to learn how to talk. a 14-year-old female killer whale in france has learned how to say amy, bye-bye, and one, two, three. >> hello. >> really? is that what it's saying right there? >> yeah, so, it's not perfect but they say they are recognizable, especially when she says amy, which is the name of the instructor. they do point out that the words weren't taught to her in any context. she probably doesn't know what she's saying but is able to mimic the language. >> as long as she doesn't intercept any of them as i'm going to attack. those are all calming words. >> she hasn't learned to read a teleprompter yet. somebody who has, meet the lovely erica. erica's the one on the right. erica is a lifelike android anchor there in japan. she's meant to look like a 23-year-old and she may soon become the tv news anchor of the future in japan. >> oh, boy. >> erica, what say you? >> you know i can't move my arms or legs so all i can really do is sit here and look pretty. sometimes it's good to be a robot because if i do make a mistake i can blame it on my programmers, ha-ha. >> similar to us. >> she's probably got better dance moves than you do. >> that's true. we just blame it on our producers when we screw up, which is often. she can recite scripted writing and she can sit in a chair, she can look pretty and she can move around like a real anchor. >> so it's the end of days for us. but we may not be alone, my friend. the earth poles may be trying to flip. they say experts are warning reversal could cause widespread blackouts if it happens. the magnetic field has weakened by 15 .over the last 5 and that could be a sign the north and south poles are about to flip. pandemonium. >> maybe we'll be around for it and for the next time we have a blood moon. >> a super blue blood moon that is. >> these are some of the pictures we saw all around the place. that one of the super blue blood moon. the next blood moon will be in 2019. this morning on "world news now," the deadly train crash. involving members of congress. >> it slammed into a truck, tearing it into two. investigators are now on the scene and new details are just coming in. breaking overnight, new details surrounding the secret republican memo now in the president's hands. the fbi is fighting its release which could happen today. also breaking overnight, the missile intercept system meant to protect from the u.s. from a north korean attack is put to the test and failed. officials say it's like hitting a bullet with another bullet. so, what now? >> and, as we gear up for the super bowl, we're getting some help from the greatest receiver to ever play the game. two legends meeting right there. okay, it's just jerry rice. he gives us some party tips, hinting at a possible return to the nfl. and more importantly, who he thinks is the best-looking quarterback if the nfl. hard-hitting questions. it is thursday -- where did january go? >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> best looking quarterback, huh? >> and that's what happens when you send this guy to ask some football questions. it's like -- interesting. >> espn is not calling. >> no, not at all. i will not be doing "sportscenter" anytime soon. we'll break that down. we start with the situation out there in virginia and that frightening train crash. federal investigators plan to be on the scene about 125 miles southwest of washington for several days. >> the amtrak train was carrying republican members of congress to their annual policy retreat, when the train slammed into a garbage truck. abc's linzie janis reports from the scene. >> reporter: a train packed with dozens of lawmakers, their staffers and families on their way to a retreat, slamming into a truck in rural virginia, leaving one person dead. >> and all of a sudden, a big jolt. didn't know what we hit. knocked several people down. >> and then the next thing i realize is we were slowing down significantly and coming to a stop and that's when we all knew we hit something. >> reporter: their train was heading from washington to west virginia -- the impact obliterating the truck, sending debris flying, smashing in the front of the train. north carolina representative mark walker capturing the aftermath through the train window. lawmakers with medical experience, springing into action, rushing to get to the three men who were in the truck. >> we tried shocking him and just never, never could get him back, i'm afraid. >> reporter: senators jeff flake and bill cassidy helping carry this passenger away on a stretcher. five people, including minnesota congressman jason lewis, were sent to the hospital for an evaluation. one in critical condition. you can see investigators sifting through the wreckage of that garbage truck. and if you look in the distance about a quarter mile in front, you can see where the train finally came to a stop. those investigators now looking into why that garbage truck was on the tracks. the ntsb sending a go team to the site. >> reporter: most of the injured including the man who died were on that truck. congressman jason lewis was discharged from the hospital and has now joined his fellow lawmakers on that retreat. investigators still here on the scene. >> linzie, thank you. and we turn to the showdown between president trump and his handpicked fbi director over a classified memo. christopher wray signed off on a fbi statement that expressed grave concerns about the accuracy of the republican memo, said to be critical of the fbi and the justice department. the president was overheard last night saying he 100% plans to release that memo. during his confirmation hearing, wray made it clear that he's willing to challenge the president. >> you have to be willing to quit or be fired at moment's notice in order to stand up for what you think is right. >> and overnight, the ranking democrat accused devin nunes of altering the memo. congressman azam schiff said the white house was given a different version of the memo, which members did not review or approve. the spokesman dismissed it as minor changes. meantime, details have surfaced of a conversation between president trump and the man overseeing the special counsel robert mueller. a source confirmed to abc news the president asked deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, are you on my team? at the same meeting in december, he also reportedly asked him where the russia investigation was heading, taking rosenstein, we're told, by surprise. now, critics say the president's comments are a part of a pattern of demanding loyalty. an interception has failed its test in hawaii. the second failed test in the past year and it's renewing concerns of how the u.s. would defend itself against a missile attack. about half of the tests done since the system was made operational have been at least somewhat successful. one of the most powerful republicans in the house says he ready to leave politics for good. congressman trey gowdy won't seek re-election in the fall. he's a former prosecutor and says his next job will be in the justice system. about three dozen republican members are leaving the house after this year. and the justice department has decided not to retry senator bob menendez. prosecutors dismissed the corruption charges against the new jersey democrat, allowing him to avoid a looming trial, as he runs for re-election this year. menendez was accused of using his political clout in exchange for 50s and campaign contributions. more women and girls are coming forward against former team usa gymnastics doctor larry nassar as he awaits another sentence for assault. nearly 30 women confronted nassar on day one of his sentencing hearing. detailing how they've suffered as a result of his abuse. she was 15 years old when she said her nightmare with nassar started. >> you are the most vile, disgusting creature i've ever met. scum of the earth is too high a title for you. i hope you realize that you will never have any power over anybody for the rest of your life. >> at least 30 more women and girls are set to confront nassar when the hearing resumes on friday. prosecutors say, in all, 265 victims have come forward against nassar. and usa gymnastics has said every member of its board of directors has stepped down. the resignations come less than a week after the u.s. olympic committee urged the board to quit over the widening nassar allegations. the organization plans to point an interim board later this month. most of us have been late to work once in a while. usually not a big deal. usually have an excuse, the alarm didn't go off. the cab driver took broadway instead of columbus, which we all know that broadway's lights are really, really bad. instead of just going on columbus. >> do you want to talk about it? >> no, just gave him a one rating though. >> so usually you come to work, you make your excuses, you apologize and move on. but that's not what happens in the house of lords. lord michael bates was so mortified about his lack of punctuality. he made this stunning announcement. >> i'm thoroughly ashamed for not being in my place and i should be offering my resignation. >> he's resigning because he was a few minutes late. >> so some of the members shouted no, come back. don't go, gary. others thought bates was kidding, but he wasn't. a few hours later, a spokesperson for the prime minister says that she rejected his resignation and bates is now back on the job. but don't let it happen again. >> she gave him a demerit. >> can you imagine? >> was this a ploy for sympathy? did he know she wasn't going to accept his resignation? everybody's like what a good guy. everybody started cheering. >> good riddance. >> well, i think lord bates will be on time from now on. >> don't take broadway anytime of day. >> good to know. coming up -- target begins same-day delivery service today. find out when it's coming to your town, plus this. coming up, we're with hall of famer jerry rice, or should i say second runner-up to "dancing with the stars" 2006. >> you had to hurt me. i liked you at first. i don't like you right now. >> i know how he feels. jerry, i know how you feel. and remember to find us on facebook and twitter. you're watching "world news now." facebook and twitter. you're watching "world news now." my shoulders carry more they carry my community's pride my family's pride and pride in myself because shoulders were made for greatness not dandruff ♪ do you want clean, stain free dentures? try polident. the four in one cleaning system kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria, cleans where brushing may miss. helps remove stains and prevent stain build up. use polident daily. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. also in kids chewables. this american airlines plane bound for the dominican republic forced to turn back to charlotte after a foul odor in the cabin sickened three people. >> to me it felt like motor burning up. the smell went away when we got to altitude. >> i only noticed it after they said we were turning around and coming back. it was -- you just could smell -- had a little headache. >> one flight attendant was taken to the hospital with a nonlife-threatening condition. two passengers were checked out at the gate. the plane was taken out of service for maintenance. the cause of that odor is still under investigation. >> bizarre. >> yeah. well, san francisco is clearing thousands of marijuana convictions dating back 40 years. >> recreational pot use became legal in california this year, and the new law allows anyone with low-level convictions to be thrown out. it will clear people's records of crimes that often have been barriers to employment and housing. san diego is also clearing old convictions. target is making a major push in the online grocery service. target testing out same-day delivery service. the service starts today for select stores in alabama and florida. it's expected to spread to half of its stores nationwide by easter. okay, this is a surprise and a first for facebook. users are spending less time on it and ceo mark zuckerberg says that's actually a good thing. >> the amount of time users are on facebook has declined by a whopping 59 million hours a day. that's after making changes like showing fewer viral videos. some critics say sites like facebook are addictive. zuckerberg says he wants to make sure facebook's fun to use but also, good for well being. >> it's damaging to the stock because the more time people are spending there, the more they're being exposed to advertising -- >> yes, but maybe he's looking long term. maybe if they see facebook addiction is bad, they'll stop going on the site altogether. he's trying to play the long game. >> i see what you're saying. it is spin from mark zuckerberg. coming up in our next half hour, tom brady has a plan to keep his super bowl jersey from being stolen like last year. but first, jerry rice, his message to tom brady, the greatest receiver ever telling us he's ready to play again. the super bowl party is next on "world news now." he's ready to play again. the super bowl party is next on "world news now." a breakthroughr delightfully whipped for instant absorption feel a light-as-air finish in a flash new olay whips ageless ♪ ♪ ♪ not annoying at all. >> hello, everybody. super bowl party time. and if you're talking about the greatest football players of all time, jerry rice is on that list but he also knows how to throw a party. >> yes, he does. sort of. i caught up with the nfl legend to see if he's really thinking about a return and if he's still got the moves. >> on the ballroom. >> reporter: with the big game just days away. who better to talk super bowl than three-time champ jerry rice. >> rice, what an incredible star he has become. >> reporter: starting with the one thing the hall of famer is best known for. >> you know, you got veggies, you got pigskin in a blanket. >> what are those again? >> reporter: jerry teaming up with heluva good dip, inspiring this fanny pack. if i'm at home and trying to put together my own super bowl party, i've got my heluva good fanny pack. >> yeah, you got that. the no fumble fanny pack. then you put your chips right in here. then you got your beer here. then you got your dip right here. >> okay. and i put my hand and you dip, we dip, we dip. >> right, you got to go with the chips here. >> my celery in there. some chicken wings. >> now you're ready to just kick back and really enjoy. >> we just need some ham hocks. >> what you know about ham hocks? you don't know anything about ham hocks. you know i'm from mississippi i know about that. you put hot sauce on them, man. >> there's nothing you can't dip. >> it's finger licking good, man. >> reporter: all right, let's really talk about what jerry is best known for. ♪ celebrate good time >> reporter: the 2006 season of "dancing with the stars," of course, where he was second runner-up. >> drew and cheryl! >> were you robbed? >> yeah, i don't like coming in second. drew lachey, we're going to have a dance-off. he already knew how to dance. he knew about, you know, how to comprehend music -- >> i've interviewed them. they have one move. >> almost like a fish out of water. >> reporter: he may be a football hall of famer, but in his recent years, it's his dancing that's still getting attention. >> people think that i'm this expert dancer now. they want to take a picture of me because of "dancing with the stars." >> forget the hall of fame, forget the super bowl rings. it's like "dancing with the stars." >> so, they want to get twirled. and they want to get dipped. >> reporter: but seriously, as one of the greatest of all time, he knows football. who's going to win? >> i don't know. i have to be honest with you. i think with experience, it goes to the patriots, but i think with philadelphia they didn't luck up just to get to the super bowl. it's like whenever i pick someone i always end up losing. >> reporter: jerry making headlines lately by saying he has thought about making a return to the sport. would you have loved to have gotten a pass from tom brady? >> oh, yeah, i can still do it. >> you can still get a pass from tom brady? >> i still got maybe 80 catches in me. so, tom, if you really need a good receiver, hey, i'm your guy. >> reporter: and finally, settling the age-old argument, is joe montana or tom brady the greatest of all time? >> it's a whole different era. what he has accomplished is amazing. because we're talking -- he's got five rings right now. he's going for number six and he still wants to continue to play. i would love to see if he was able to do what he's doing now back when i played. >> reporter: and as for that other quarterback controversy, 49ers are looking good with jimmy. >> i call him jimmy gq. >> he's a good-looking man, right. who's better looking, jimmy or tom brady? >> that one just flew over me. >> that's a tough one. >> i do love your sports question almost as much as i love this snack belt. >> here's a snack belt. you put it over and you attach and you're able to put all of your snacks here. >> oh, i figured it out. i didn't need your help. >> i can tell. you can strap it on -- >> i got it. >> and you can expand it as the game gets worse or your belly gets bigger. >> did jerry teach you how to dance? >> he taught me how to twirl. but since we're talking dips, we did a different sort of song. i put my hand up on my hip when i dip, you dip, we dip. >> wait. >> so, he wouldn't say who he has for the big game. he wouldn't say who he has for the big game. >> i put my hand upon your hip. touchdown. touchdown. fredget in, fred!thing for his daughter. even if it means being the back half of a unicorn. fear not fred, the front half washed his shirt with gain flings! and that smell puts the giddy in giddy up. that's because one gain flings pac has more freshness than a whole bottle of the other guy. gain. seriously good scent. okay - let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no... make every day valentine's day with k-y yours and mine. two sensations. one great way to discover new feelings together. great, more food. >> it is time now for "the mix." i still got my snack belt going. and i have good news everybody. >> pizza. >> yes, it turns out pizza is a healthier breakfast than breakfast cereal. i'll tell you why. >> tell us why. >> it doesn't matter what type of pie is on your plate, pizza. probably healthier than a bowl of cereal. because average slice of pizza with your cereal plus whole milk, same amount of calories. but the pizza has way more protein. that will keep you full throughout the morning. and it has more fat and less sugar than most cereals. so you won't get the quick sugar crash that you get. >> so healthier to have pizza as your breakfast. >> yeah. >> okay, so, what's been it problem. why this haterade on pizza? >> not necessarily that pizza is healthier, just healthier than a bowl of cereal. so here's one guy who probably had way too much pizza and was just trying to run it off. just an average day in phoenix. this is obviously at a golf tournament and there's always a brad. there's always a brad. there goes brad streaking. i don't know if his name is brad. >> silly brad, naked brad. >> this is at the pro-am there. he even got to the sand trap and tried to do a lebron james sort of thing where he tosses the chalk. it took him five minutes. he was running around for quite a bit. >> wow, he went all out. >> twirling and twerking. >> i wonder if brad was texting after that. because researchers at the university of alberta would say we likely would not have a healthy relationship. so apparently they looked at various couples who sext, it shows that they're insecure and they have less healthy relationships. >> couples sext each other? >> i guess so. >> i thought -- >> they say couples need to put the phone down and have good old-fashioned conversations and spend time together, instead of short cutting with sexting trying to get -- >> why would your send a sext message to your significant other? >> i think pizza helps a relationship, and that's just me, not science. okay, bacon makes you fall asleep. did you know there's a popular -- >> bacon? you have bacon? >> bacon. people got bacon. there's a popular youtube channel that proves that studies have shown that the natural sounds there of bacon cooking has put people to sleep. >> so just the sound of it? >> just the sound of it. >> so we don't have bacon? this morning on "world news now," the president's showdown with his own fbi over that secret republican memo. a congressional committee voted to release it and then it was changed. new questions emerging overnight. deadly flu epidemic. new concerns over the supply of that rapid test used to diagnose patients. plus, a family is blaming tamiflu for their son's suicide. one of the biggest mysteries of the trump administration is now out. >> former first lady michelle obama for the first time is revealing what was in that tiffany box from the new first lady. and george clooney reveals yet another reason why he's a very lucky man, describing his first encounter with his wife, amal, and why he didn't have to go very far to meet her. we're feeling the love in "the skinny" on this thursday, february 1st. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." it is the month of love, after all, valentine's day coming up. >> i know, february has arrived. it is your birth month. >> it is. >> it is. >> another reason the month of love. >> and a good reason why it's the shortest month. >> all right. we're going to start things off with the public clash over a secret memo pitting the president against his handpicked fbi director. >> the fbi is urging the white house not to make the memo public, citing grave concerns. and overnight, a top democrat says his committee's vote to release it is invalid. the republicans secretly changed the memo after that vote. jon karl explains what the memo is about. >> reporter: it's a showdown between the president and the man he chose to lead the fbi. at issue -- the controversial classified memo accusing the justice department of political bias. as he left the state of the union address, the president was caught on camera telling a republican congressman that he would allow the memo to be made public. >> reporter: chief of staff john kelly told fox news it will happen soon. >> did you see it? >> i did. >> what did you think? >> it will be released here pretty quick i think. >> reporter: hours later the fbi released an extraordinary statement, directly challenging the president and his chief of staff, saying the fbi had been given only a limited chance to review the memo and, quote, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy. the memo was written by republicans on the house intelligence committee. chaired by california republican devin nunes. a close ally of president trump. sources briefed on the memo tell abc news it accuses the justice department of acting inappropriately when it obtained a surveillance warrant for a former trump campaign adviser. suspected of become an agent. >> there may have been malfeasance by people at the fbi. >> reporter: but the democrats say the memo is misleading, because it cherry picks the facts. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein and fbi director christopher wray met with chief of staff john kelly earlier this month, to urge the memo not be released. wray made it clear in his confirmation hearing that he is willing to stand up to the president. >> you have to be willing to quit or be fired at a moment's notice in order to stand up for what you think is right. >> reporter: although there's no indication that wray would be willing to resign, people close to the president take him at his word about what he said at his confirmation hearing about being willing to step down. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> okay, also from the white house, the president does seem bent on releasing the memo, even as soon as today. but democratic congressman adam schiff was given a different version of the document, which means members didn't approve that, making it invalid. federal investigators will be working at a deadly train site for several days. the amtrak train was carrying dozens of republican members of congress to their annual retreat when it slammed into a garbage truck. many lawmakers got to work assisting at the scene. one of the men in truck was killed. two others suffered serious injuries. four people on the train suffered mostly minor injuries. one member of congress had a concussion. >> suddenly there's a loud bang, things stopped, lights went out. there was an acrid smell of electrical smoke. >> no question we hit something. we just didn't know what at that point. >> investigators will be looking at the safety equipment at where the crossing took place. the crossing arms were known to malfunction. at the republican retreat last night, house speaker paul ryan said it's a reminder of how fragile life can be. a state official in florida says this season's flu season has several weeks to go before it's over. in the meantime in the northeast, flu-fighting resources are being strained. doctors say tests that help diagnose the virus quickly are in sport supply. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: hospitals and clinics across the country now trying to stave off what they call one of the worst flu seasons in nearly a decade with the best defense possible, free flu shots. in new york -- would you characterize it as a severe flu season? >> yeah, it's severe now. it's certainly severe now. >> reporter: nearly 8,000 confirmed cases of the flu last week in new york state. close to 2,000 patients hospitalized. this doctor tells us those rapid tests used to quickly diagnose the flu are in short supply. in the new york area. >> most urgent care centers don't have them and the major suppliers can't provide them right now. >> just feeling exhausted. i still got achy pains right now. >> reporter: ronald townsend was just diagnosed with the flu. >> i got the flu shot this year. and i caught the flu. >> reporter: one of the latest victims, this 38-year-old mother of four from new hampshire. >> she was just getting rest and fluids and doing everything she thought was right. >> reporter: her family says she didn't take antiviral medication because she was worried about side effects. two days later she got sicker. she died on the way to the hospital. doctors say, even when the flu shot doesn't prevent the flu, it can still lessen the severity and keep you out of the hospital. linsey davis, abc news, new york. and an indiana family is blaming their son's flu treatment for causing his suicide. the family of this 16-year-old said he had never shown signs of depression. he was happy all the time. within 24 hours of taking tamiflu he was dead. the maker of tamiflu says patients should be closely monitored for behavioral changes. his funeral is today. in the midst of the worst flu epidemic in more than a decade, the cdc has abruptly lost its director. brenda fitzgerald has resigned one day after "politico" reported she had bought tobacco stock after taking the position which conflicts with the cdc's health mission. she was already under the microscope for investing in a pharmaceutical and a health insurance company. okay, so, the super bowl is starting to come into focus and that means plenty of attention being paid to tom brady. >> the patriots quarterback is now practicing without a glove on his throwing hand, big deal. an injury to brady's right hand caused a lot of speculation ahead of the afc championship game. but he seems to have put that injury behind him. >> and brady says he has a plan to make sure his super bowl jersey doesn't get stolen again. brady says he's taking the jersey with him if they win. if they lose, the jersey's going to go in the trash. it will still be valuable, i think. and, you know, we're getting closer to the big game when animals are starting to make their selections. >> this is april, the giraffe. she's at a zoo in upstate new york. her keepers put up some signs representing the patriots and the eagles, each with a leafy green veggie top. april chose new england to win its second straight title. we got to play this game with frank. >> oh, yeah, that's true. see which one the rabbit picks. should point out she does live in upstate new york, which is almost like new england. so april is a little bias there. >> good point. good point. coming up, the big city mayor who now admits she had an affair with a member of her security team. and in "the skinny," how demi lovato's fans may have uncovered the social media's strategy. but first, here's today's forecast. but first, ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by the aspca. ught to you by the aspca. breaking overnight, firefighters are keeping a close watch on this brush fire south of phoenix. windy conditions could cause it to spread. so far, though, no structures are threatened. a former nba star and a finalist on "american idol" have been killed in car crash in california. >> rasual butler and his wife, 30-year-old r&b singer leah labelle died after their suv lost control in studio city. butler hit three parking meters and slammed into a concrete wall before flipping over twice and landing in a parking lot. investigators believe excessive speed was a factor. the city of nashville is reeling over a sex scandal involving its mayor. megan barry admitted to having an affair with her former head of security who is also married. as is she. she's now apologizing to her family, his family, and her constituents. >> and i am embarrassed and i am sad and i am so sorry for the pain i've caused my family and his family. >> barry says that she's not stepping down but her former head of security, sergeant robert forest, has abruptly retired. now, barry received a lot of national attention and support last july after the announcement that her son had died from a drug overdose. former first lady michelle obama is finally revealing what was in the tiffany box. >> during an appearance on the ellen show, mrs. obama explained what happened when mrs. trump unexpectedly handed her a tiffany box on inauguration day. >> there was a gift exchange, there was a box given. >> the tiffany box. >> so what was in there? >> it was a lovely frame. >> a frame? >> it was a frame. there's all this protocol. this is like a state visit. they tell you they're going to stand here. never before do you get this gift. so i'm like, okay, what am i supposed to do with this gift? and everyone cleared out. >> because the gift was not part of that choreographed meeting, nobody was assigned to take it off mrs. obama's hands. >> i love how she's looking to turn around. but guess who stepped in and took charge? her husband, the president himself, barack obama who was still technically the president at the time. he took the box and brought it inside the white house. problem solved. >> he hasn't seen the box since. "the skinny" is next. een the box since. "the skinny" is next. alexa, how far is mars? >> how far is mars? how am i supposed to know? i've never been there. this guy wants to go to mars. there's not even oxygen there. >> alexa, please play country music. ♪ i don't dance now i make money moves ♪ >> no, no, alexa, i said country. ♪ i be in and out so much ♪ skinny so skinny that's pretty funny. and that's rapper cardi b starring as alexa after the robot somehow lost her voice. >> so, she's among the biggest internet stars of the week including blue ivy carter, the super blue blood moon and congressman joe kennedy's lips. >> yeah, he's now doing some explaining. after the state of the union response. twitter went crazy. one person even writing, ask not what your country can drool for you, ask what you can drool for your country. >> kennedy is having a little fun with it. >> you couldn't completely escape the curse of the state of the union response. twitter had a field day with your shiny lips. so, did you bring your chapstick this morning? >> oddly enough, i decided to go a little bit light on the chapstick this morning, more on the coffee, light on the chapstick, which is probably a wise choice. >> so chapstick is weighing in, saying he took our advice and put his lips first. it happens all the time. >> it does to the best of us. >> just be careful of the territory. >> just need to color inside the lines, you know. >> i have that problem. >> because you put it everywhere. that's not where it goes. >> you can't really see it. there it goes. >> oh, boy. here we go. our makeup department just had a heart attack. >> i don't wear makeup. george clooney didn't have to leave home to find his soulmate. ♪ soulmates >> sorry. >> i think it's like. ♪ soul glow >> you got a soul glow going on. >> probably. >> no tinder back then involved. >> so clooney is revealing that a close friend brought his now-wife amal to his house to visit. they talked all night along with george's parents, who were visiting right way. so she met the parents right away. >> i got her email address. she was going to send me pictures of my parents and we started writing. i didn't really have -- i didn't know if she wanted to go out with me. i just thought we were buddies. >> who would, george? let's be frank, who really would want to go out with you? >> surprise, surprise, she did want to go out with him. they got married in 2014. they now have twins and you can stream the full interview on netflix starting next friday. >> that's been a good series with david letterman. next to what could be the start of another romance. singer demi lovato is known for being confident and now eagle-eyed fans are revealing just how confident she is with her instagram game by going after superman actor henry cavill. >> social media strategy has just been uncovered. withsome interestingly-timed instagram activity from lovato. she posted this photo of herself with the caption, big news coming soon. >> okay, and it seems like any other celebrity post, right? but her fans notice something right before posting that victoria secret-style shot, lovato followed cavill and liked two of his posts involving martial arts. and then the strategy paid off with cavill liking and commenting on one of lovato's photos in a martial arts uniform. revealing his kryptonite for jujitsu. don't these people know about the dm? you slide in the dm? >> you sound experienced. >> well, i just might or maybe it's the minty smell on my face. while rumors swirl who will join justin timberlake on stage, we're hearing from the ghost of halftime super bowl past. the infamous left shark. >> npr tracked down the backup dancer who appeared to go rogue with his own moves. he's now defending his dancing. saying, it wasn't flubbed choreography, he was doing his own thing. >> he admitted the choreography but he claims he went freestyle because there's no way to look cool inside a seven foot tall blue shark costume. the dancer also left a message to the world -- don't take life so seriously. do you, be you. >> but you're a backup dancer and there's choreography. but you have one job, to do the choreography. >> plus, npr looking into left shark? e's choreography. but you have one job, to do the choreography. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. 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