Transcripts For KGO Right This Minute 20180128 : comparemela

Transcripts For KGO Right This Minute 20180128

web. including a good talker taking the internet by storm. >> i don't know if i can do this with you. >> little james is here to school us on stardom and all sorts of things. >> that's the first time i got told off on the internet. >> blah, blah, blah, blah. >> it's a perfect day to get out there on the snowmobile. it's in utah. they have obviously had some serious snow. look how thick that beautiful powder is. you can hear the snowmobile struggling to get up the hill. he wants to turn down. >> smooth riding. >> for now. as the person we are riding with slowly starts coming around, keep an eye on the hill they came from. see it? >> there's a crack. >> huge chunk. keep an eye on this guy. starts trying to outrun it. he is gunning it. something goes wrong. he is swept up in the avalanche. eventually, it comes to an end. he goes thumbs up. it looked like it wasn't so bad. just collapses to the ground. >> co-hahe could have been buri all of that. >> it's posted explaining where and when and why of this avalanche. >> it was triggered on the far left. you can see rocks and brush sticking out. it's likely triggered where the sl slab was thicker. you can see right here, the snow is super sugary. there's no cohesion. >> she's moving the snow out from under where it cracked. >> it's okay. this whole point of the video was to educate people in the area about how it was caused and how to avoid it happening again. >> people find themselves in trouble for other infractions after they are stopped during a routine traffic stop. that was the case for this woman in china. when they pulled her over, she's got a mask on her face. >> yeah. it's a facial mud mask. she put it on and went about her day. >> what's the issue? she doesn't have a license? >> the issue is, she has on a mask. >> what the heck? >> it's really silly. the police officer is saying she can put herself and other folks in danger by driving with this massing ing mask on. >> what's the danger? my goodness. >> one of the officers accused her of trying to save time. who doesn't try to do that? >> now this guy has the nerve to reach into her car and touch her face? get out of here. >> what is wrong with them? they are wasting time. this is literally a waste of resources. >> the entire time you will notice the male officer wagging his finger in her face. >> ironically -- >> if you think that's bad, i want to you understand the explanation that he gave. reports are he felt this was the equivalent to distracted driving. >> if she was putting on the mask while driving, yes. if she got in the car, you are talking crazy talk. >> your stupid hat is distracting me. how can you do police work safely with that dopey hat? >> it gets more ridiculous. they let her go. she could face a fine and lose three points on her driving record. >> that's so messed up. >> this is one adorable rescue in costa rica. >> the up with thione thing he was get there before the dog got the sloth. it was a baby sloth. it wasn't going to make a fast escape. this man needed to chase the dogs away. dogs were trying to get at it. >> the biggest danger is the tide coming back in. it's a sloth. the biggest danger is the tide coming back in 12 hours. >> you are right. danger no more. the person who came to rescue the sloth is the owner of an eco-lodge down there. somebody said, we were just down on the beach and we saw a sloth. he took a box and went to rescue it. saw the dogs. chased the dogs away. it's time to take the sloth to tranquility. tranquility is the name of a rescue center that will take care of it for now. >> that thing is cute. >> it's not cute. that thing is adorable. imagine how easy it would be to baby-sit. go off and make a meal and it moved three inches. >> you want to hear the sound of a baby sloth makes? >> it looks like it's beat boxing. >> they are vocalizing at the zoo. their mama's name is tasha. she's nine years old. those are her little ones making noise. hey, we want milk. a sloth walks into a bar, literally, a sloth was in this bar. this happened at cafe milagro. look for the eyes. the sloth was in the bar. it takes a long time for this thing to get up to some shenanigans. >> after a few drinks, it's going to be cute. >> as you can see, the sloth takes his time trying to climb up on the counter, grabbing at stuff. >> that's how most people look when they are leaving the bar. i'm fine. i'm fine. >> it's going to imitate. it will. oh. >> i'm sure the sloth is okay. it didn't hit the ground. in any case, it will take three seconds to clean up the mess it made. >> interesting you learn when your -- how to skip and cartwheels. i was never able to pick that up. these guys know how to cartwheel. and sky dive. you have john woods there, the flag of bahrain, and pablo hernandez who cartwheels. >> sweet. >> and over and does a canopy touch. pulled that off very cleanly. from a number of different angles. swooped in. ab to just flip right up and over. >> like it's nothing. >> that was easy. you have to trust to pull off something like that. >> control and skill of knowing what you are doing is incredible. a videographer captured that. they are part of a team. impressive. >> this group of friends were out at the beach. getting that nice shot. it's so pretty. so quiet. >> [ bleep ]. >> this guy loses his mind. listen to him. [ screaming ] >> i got all of it! >> losing his mind. >> i love this guy sneaks up behind this group. >> [ bleep ]. >> the reaction. >> a couple is having fun hanging with the penguins. >> mr. goofy penguin is being serious. >> all the penguins were like, wish i had knees. >> ramping things up on the balcony. >> the tricks are remarkable. >> see what happens when party crashers come a knocking. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night. ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. italian generosity begins with everyday, at olive garden., start with our unlimited homemade soup or fresh signature salad and a basket of our famous never ending breadsticks. followed by plentiful portions of your favorite dishes. so many choices you'll love at everyday great prices you won't want to miss. don't wait another moment. get together with your loved ones today for generosity the italian way. only at olive garden. sfx: tsfx: feet shufflingc life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. open enrollment ends january 31st, so don't miss out. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. ♪ ♪ my husband is probably going to think i'm crazy. he thinks i'm going to see my sister! ♪ ♪ sometimes the confidence to be spontaneous starts with financial stability. once i heard it i was shocked. i just thought, i have to go get it! ♪ ♪ it's our tree! ♪ ♪ see how a personalized financial strategy and access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. closed captioning provided by -- >> why let itchy, irritated skin keep you from the fun? cortisone 10 works fast. laura and justin, they live in argentina. on this day, they are visiting with the penguins in this region. it's the last stop before actually getting to antarctica. they thought it would be cute to dress up at penguins and do this script to promote their journey. >> morgan freeman doing the voices. >> at this point, she's thinking they are recording a practice run for the project. he is reading his script. she starts acting goofy. >> will you allow me to guard your egg while you go hunt? >> how cute? >> he is improvising. >> mr. goofy penguin is actually being serious. he hands her the note. takes out a ring. >> are you serious? >> he gets down on one knee. she realizes he is proposing. >> all the other penguins were like, wish i had knees. look at that guy over there. >> she does say yes. she jumps on him and gives him a big hug. >> and they live happily ever after. >> in cold, bitter, brutal winds. >> you have terrible morgan freeman voices. >> i have to work on that. >> don't run in the house. don't play ball in the house. definitely, do not ride bicycles in the house. unless you are ryan taylor. then everything changes. ryan has built himself a quarter pipe on the balcony of this penthouse. with the potential of falling to his death. of course, that could happen. >> you have to think, no one has written a rule saying you can't. >> a precedent that sets that rule. >> the more he rides, the bigger the party gets. some of his friends join in. some of the tricks are remarkable. they really get ramped up. there's a knock at the door. >> those are police. they got a call because people down on the street saw what was happening. now, the police are paying ryan a visit. >> look at this. >> not going to let the police stop him. he busts a trip in front of them. there's another knock at the door. look, more police. >> this is unreal. >> they probably don't care. >> you are kind of right. some of them get their phones out. a lot of smiles. >> the people who called may not have been -- they might have thought there was danger because they saw a body up at the top on a bike about to fall off. >> dream killers is what they are. >> these officers killed nothing. they added to the video. my favorite part right here. >> all day. >> you are an idiot. >> there's nothing we can do about it. of course, this would not be complete without -- >> in case -- >> thanks. >> infamous now. >> i just walked in the door to find this little girl -- >> guess who got out. >> what's going on? >> see the tail wagging toss through the trail of destruction. rigging up a bouncy house for sledding fun. >> down the slope they go. >> how it makes for an epic run. ♪ sometimes we imagine things far worse than they truly are. but we, er, take a deep breath and do our taxes with turbotax. now a cpa can review your return with you, am i getting my maximum refund? i checked it, ma'am. you're good to go. see, nothing to be afraid of at all . . . shhh.. hello? intuit turbo tax. this is charlie. and this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym 12-hour. this is charlie not coughing while trying not to wake zeus. this is charlie not coughing while sitting very still. and this is charlie not coughing while getting a little too into nana's party. because he took delsym. nothing lasts longer for powerful cough relief. delsym. the joy of not coughing. and don't forget kids 4 and up. delsym is #1 pediatrician recommended. in our home we make memories. in our home we are grateful. in this family we know what matters most is made at home. has been a problem for me. mouth i'm also on a lot of medications that dry my mouth. i just drank tons of water all the time. it was never enough. i wasn't sure i was going to be able to continue singing. i saw my dentist. he suggested biotene. it feels refreshing. my mouth felt more lubricated. i use biotene rinse twice a day and then i use the spray throughout the day. it actually saved my career in a way. biotene really did make a difference. [heartbeat] promotional consideration provided by -- >> if you battle chronic back pain, turn it off with icy hot smart relief. only smart relief is indicated to relief chronic pain among leading brands. turn off pain, smart relief. you don't keep baby in a corner and apparently you don't keep puppy in a crate. >> i just walked in the door to find this little girl out of her cage. guess who got out while mama was gone. >> oh. >> wow. >> i love the look on the face. what did i do? >> wrecked that place. >> somebody had a lot of fun with a lot of stuff. there's powder on the couch. she believes that might be hot cocoa. not positive. >> all of her treats have been eaten and shredded. >> the dog had a party with other teenage dogs. >> you know, it kept itself entertained. look, there's the water bowl. easy to get to. now she's drinking out of the toilet. in the toilet you can see all my toilet tile toiletries are in there. >> this dog is a menace. >> it's figured out how to open it. you have to give it its own room and lock it. >> there's one glove on the bed. i'm thinking watching michael jackson videos. who knows. the saysers a we won't talk about what the dog left in the shoe and how it got on the counter. >> she's smart. >> is this going to be a costly trip to the vet to extract whatever johnny decided to eat? >> there's one small bit of good news. the dog is still alive? >> the dog finished the puzzle. >> my puzzle is intact. good job. >> only devin and his team can take a mundane jumping castle and make it epic. they rigged this castle with some inner tubes at the bottom to help it slide better. down the slope they go. >> you would be worried about this thinking you need an airbag. one giant airbag. you will be fine. >> they have helmets on. they are not just riding the castle down the slope. they're going to do the jenga challenge. while they are in the castle, they're going to try to play jenga. >> setting up the game in there would be impossible. >> it's still a ton of fun. especially when they hit the mounds and get knocked all over. >> you made playing a simple game into an extreme sport. >> right. >> this is the adult way to do the bouncy house. >> don't try this at home. if you have one of these at your birthday party, leave it where it is on your driveway. >> this should be an olympic sport. i can finally join the olympics. >> he is the hilarious boy whose sas has made him a viral super star. >> i need -- >> find out why little james is telling us how it is. >> you can come cook for me. >> no. i can cook for my mama. a hamster being wee. >> the old folks would say, we have been here before. james has been here before. >> i don't care. give me my keys. >> i'm the man. >> you are not about to waste my cheese. >> don't touch. >> he is making a salad. mama said so. he is like, don't touch me. >> i'm trying to cook for me. you want me to get out? >> james runs his own program all day, every day. >> you don't even know how to make a salad. >> i do. i learned myself. >> then he smiles because he knows he is cute. >> give me. >> don't start. >> he is passionate, especially about his little sister. >> close the door. >> grandma is leaving. hold on right now. >> grandma. i want more. >> he has -- >> bye. >> that's what you want? >> hey. >> my goodness. i april nm not messing with tha little kid. >> james has a lot to say. we found him live via skype right this minute. hey. james is only 4 years old. when did you realize i -- >> i am not 4 years old. >> mama told me you were 4 years old. >> okay. oh, yeah. >> why were you mad at him for using the cheese in. >> i wtried to make her a salad. don't waste my salad. i said, mama, i can cook for you. >> you can come cook for me, james. >> no. i can cook for my mama. >> that's right, baby. you only cook for my mama. >> what's it like trying to parent the little guy? he is quite the handful. >> it's a handful but it's fun. you never know what he is going to say or do. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. you are talking too much. >> what do you think about being a big viral star? everybody likes you. >> i like being on facebook. >> what do you want to do when you grow up? >> i want to be a big boy so i can help my little sister. >> you are so sweet, james. >> let me go get my grandma. >> see. i told you. you never know how kids is going to act. what he's going to say, what he's going to do. >> where did he get this personality from? >> his mom. >> i want to play for you all. >> thank you. >> that's nice. >> amen. >> you know what i think? we can end on that note. >> thank you. >> that's it for this episode. it's time to say good-bye. see you next time. thanks for watching. sfx: tsfx: feet shufflingc life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. open enrollment ends january 31st, so don't miss out. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." >> it's a virtual reality chat room when suddenly -- >> what's the matter? >> that person is having a seizure. the real life medical emergency involving people hundreds of miles apart. >> no one can help. >> a struggle in the jungle. >> two lionesses and a lion. >> over there sweating. >> it's the birthday photo shoot. >> she's posing. >> finally noticing the real main event. >> punishment for a bad parker. >> this is her predicament. >> see if you can guess the

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Italy , Bahrain , China , California , United States , Costa Rica , Argentina , Antarctica , Utah , Italian , Ryan Taylor , Morgan Freeman , John Woods ,

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Transcripts For KGO Right This Minute 20180128 :

Transcripts For KGO Right This Minute 20180128

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web. including a good talker taking the internet by storm. >> i don't know if i can do this with you. >> little james is here to school us on stardom and all sorts of things. >> that's the first time i got told off on the internet. >> blah, blah, blah, blah. >> it's a perfect day to get out there on the snowmobile. it's in utah. they have obviously had some serious snow. look how thick that beautiful powder is. you can hear the snowmobile struggling to get up the hill. he wants to turn down. >> smooth riding. >> for now. as the person we are riding with slowly starts coming around, keep an eye on the hill they came from. see it? >> there's a crack. >> huge chunk. keep an eye on this guy. starts trying to outrun it. he is gunning it. something goes wrong. he is swept up in the avalanche. eventually, it comes to an end. he goes thumbs up. it looked like it wasn't so bad. just collapses to the ground. >> co-hahe could have been buri all of that. >> it's posted explaining where and when and why of this avalanche. >> it was triggered on the far left. you can see rocks and brush sticking out. it's likely triggered where the sl slab was thicker. you can see right here, the snow is super sugary. there's no cohesion. >> she's moving the snow out from under where it cracked. >> it's okay. this whole point of the video was to educate people in the area about how it was caused and how to avoid it happening again. >> people find themselves in trouble for other infractions after they are stopped during a routine traffic stop. that was the case for this woman in china. when they pulled her over, she's got a mask on her face. >> yeah. it's a facial mud mask. she put it on and went about her day. >> what's the issue? she doesn't have a license? >> the issue is, she has on a mask. >> what the heck? >> it's really silly. the police officer is saying she can put herself and other folks in danger by driving with this massing ing mask on. >> what's the danger? my goodness. >> one of the officers accused her of trying to save time. who doesn't try to do that? >> now this guy has the nerve to reach into her car and touch her face? get out of here. >> what is wrong with them? they are wasting time. this is literally a waste of resources. >> the entire time you will notice the male officer wagging his finger in her face. >> ironically -- >> if you think that's bad, i want to you understand the explanation that he gave. reports are he felt this was the equivalent to distracted driving. >> if she was putting on the mask while driving, yes. if she got in the car, you are talking crazy talk. >> your stupid hat is distracting me. how can you do police work safely with that dopey hat? >> it gets more ridiculous. they let her go. she could face a fine and lose three points on her driving record. >> that's so messed up. >> this is one adorable rescue in costa rica. >> the up with thione thing he was get there before the dog got the sloth. it was a baby sloth. it wasn't going to make a fast escape. this man needed to chase the dogs away. dogs were trying to get at it. >> the biggest danger is the tide coming back in. it's a sloth. the biggest danger is the tide coming back in 12 hours. >> you are right. danger no more. the person who came to rescue the sloth is the owner of an eco-lodge down there. somebody said, we were just down on the beach and we saw a sloth. he took a box and went to rescue it. saw the dogs. chased the dogs away. it's time to take the sloth to tranquility. tranquility is the name of a rescue center that will take care of it for now. >> that thing is cute. >> it's not cute. that thing is adorable. imagine how easy it would be to baby-sit. go off and make a meal and it moved three inches. >> you want to hear the sound of a baby sloth makes? >> it looks like it's beat boxing. >> they are vocalizing at the zoo. their mama's name is tasha. she's nine years old. those are her little ones making noise. hey, we want milk. a sloth walks into a bar, literally, a sloth was in this bar. this happened at cafe milagro. look for the eyes. the sloth was in the bar. it takes a long time for this thing to get up to some shenanigans. >> after a few drinks, it's going to be cute. >> as you can see, the sloth takes his time trying to climb up on the counter, grabbing at stuff. >> that's how most people look when they are leaving the bar. i'm fine. i'm fine. >> it's going to imitate. it will. oh. >> i'm sure the sloth is okay. it didn't hit the ground. in any case, it will take three seconds to clean up the mess it made. >> interesting you learn when your -- how to skip and cartwheels. i was never able to pick that up. these guys know how to cartwheel. and sky dive. you have john woods there, the flag of bahrain, and pablo hernandez who cartwheels. >> sweet. >> and over and does a canopy touch. pulled that off very cleanly. from a number of different angles. swooped in. ab to just flip right up and over. >> like it's nothing. >> that was easy. you have to trust to pull off something like that. >> control and skill of knowing what you are doing is incredible. a videographer captured that. they are part of a team. impressive. >> this group of friends were out at the beach. getting that nice shot. it's so pretty. so quiet. >> [ bleep ]. >> this guy loses his mind. listen to him. [ screaming ] >> i got all of it! >> losing his mind. >> i love this guy sneaks up behind this group. >> [ bleep ]. >> the reaction. >> a couple is having fun hanging with the penguins. >> mr. goofy penguin is being serious. >> all the penguins were like, wish i had knees. >> ramping things up on the balcony. >> the tricks are remarkable. >> see what happens when party crashers come a knocking. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night. ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. italian generosity begins with everyday, at olive garden., start with our unlimited homemade soup or fresh signature salad and a basket of our famous never ending breadsticks. followed by plentiful portions of your favorite dishes. so many choices you'll love at everyday great prices you won't want to miss. don't wait another moment. get together with your loved ones today for generosity the italian way. only at olive garden. sfx: tsfx: feet shufflingc life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. open enrollment ends january 31st, so don't miss out. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. ♪ ♪ my husband is probably going to think i'm crazy. he thinks i'm going to see my sister! ♪ ♪ sometimes the confidence to be spontaneous starts with financial stability. once i heard it i was shocked. i just thought, i have to go get it! ♪ ♪ it's our tree! ♪ ♪ see how a personalized financial strategy and access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. closed captioning provided by -- >> why let itchy, irritated skin keep you from the fun? cortisone 10 works fast. laura and justin, they live in argentina. on this day, they are visiting with the penguins in this region. it's the last stop before actually getting to antarctica. they thought it would be cute to dress up at penguins and do this script to promote their journey. >> morgan freeman doing the voices. >> at this point, she's thinking they are recording a practice run for the project. he is reading his script. she starts acting goofy. >> will you allow me to guard your egg while you go hunt? >> how cute? >> he is improvising. >> mr. goofy penguin is actually being serious. he hands her the note. takes out a ring. >> are you serious? >> he gets down on one knee. she realizes he is proposing. >> all the other penguins were like, wish i had knees. look at that guy over there. >> she does say yes. she jumps on him and gives him a big hug. >> and they live happily ever after. >> in cold, bitter, brutal winds. >> you have terrible morgan freeman voices. >> i have to work on that. >> don't run in the house. don't play ball in the house. definitely, do not ride bicycles in the house. unless you are ryan taylor. then everything changes. ryan has built himself a quarter pipe on the balcony of this penthouse. with the potential of falling to his death. of course, that could happen. >> you have to think, no one has written a rule saying you can't. >> a precedent that sets that rule. >> the more he rides, the bigger the party gets. some of his friends join in. some of the tricks are remarkable. they really get ramped up. there's a knock at the door. >> those are police. they got a call because people down on the street saw what was happening. now, the police are paying ryan a visit. >> look at this. >> not going to let the police stop him. he busts a trip in front of them. there's another knock at the door. look, more police. >> this is unreal. >> they probably don't care. >> you are kind of right. some of them get their phones out. a lot of smiles. >> the people who called may not have been -- they might have thought there was danger because they saw a body up at the top on a bike about to fall off. >> dream killers is what they are. >> these officers killed nothing. they added to the video. my favorite part right here. >> all day. >> you are an idiot. >> there's nothing we can do about it. of course, this would not be complete without -- >> in case -- >> thanks. >> infamous now. >> i just walked in the door to find this little girl -- >> guess who got out. >> what's going on? >> see the tail wagging toss through the trail of destruction. rigging up a bouncy house for sledding fun. >> down the slope they go. >> how it makes for an epic run. ♪ sometimes we imagine things far worse than they truly are. but we, er, take a deep breath and do our taxes with turbotax. now a cpa can review your return with you, am i getting my maximum refund? i checked it, ma'am. you're good to go. see, nothing to be afraid of at all . . . shhh.. hello? intuit turbo tax. this is charlie. and this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym 12-hour. this is charlie not coughing while trying not to wake zeus. this is charlie not coughing while sitting very still. and this is charlie not coughing while getting a little too into nana's party. because he took delsym. nothing lasts longer for powerful cough relief. delsym. the joy of not coughing. and don't forget kids 4 and up. delsym is #1 pediatrician recommended. in our home we make memories. in our home we are grateful. in this family we know what matters most is made at home. has been a problem for me. mouth i'm also on a lot of medications that dry my mouth. i just drank tons of water all the time. it was never enough. i wasn't sure i was going to be able to continue singing. i saw my dentist. he suggested biotene. it feels refreshing. my mouth felt more lubricated. i use biotene rinse twice a day and then i use the spray throughout the day. it actually saved my career in a way. biotene really did make a difference. [heartbeat] promotional consideration provided by -- >> if you battle chronic back pain, turn it off with icy hot smart relief. only smart relief is indicated to relief chronic pain among leading brands. turn off pain, smart relief. you don't keep baby in a corner and apparently you don't keep puppy in a crate. >> i just walked in the door to find this little girl out of her cage. guess who got out while mama was gone. >> oh. >> wow. >> i love the look on the face. what did i do? >> wrecked that place. >> somebody had a lot of fun with a lot of stuff. there's powder on the couch. she believes that might be hot cocoa. not positive. >> all of her treats have been eaten and shredded. >> the dog had a party with other teenage dogs. >> you know, it kept itself entertained. look, there's the water bowl. easy to get to. now she's drinking out of the toilet. in the toilet you can see all my toilet tile toiletries are in there. >> this dog is a menace. >> it's figured out how to open it. you have to give it its own room and lock it. >> there's one glove on the bed. i'm thinking watching michael jackson videos. who knows. the saysers a we won't talk about what the dog left in the shoe and how it got on the counter. >> she's smart. >> is this going to be a costly trip to the vet to extract whatever johnny decided to eat? >> there's one small bit of good news. the dog is still alive? >> the dog finished the puzzle. >> my puzzle is intact. good job. >> only devin and his team can take a mundane jumping castle and make it epic. they rigged this castle with some inner tubes at the bottom to help it slide better. down the slope they go. >> you would be worried about this thinking you need an airbag. one giant airbag. you will be fine. >> they have helmets on. they are not just riding the castle down the slope. they're going to do the jenga challenge. while they are in the castle, they're going to try to play jenga. >> setting up the game in there would be impossible. >> it's still a ton of fun. especially when they hit the mounds and get knocked all over. >> you made playing a simple game into an extreme sport. >> right. >> this is the adult way to do the bouncy house. >> don't try this at home. if you have one of these at your birthday party, leave it where it is on your driveway. >> this should be an olympic sport. i can finally join the olympics. >> he is the hilarious boy whose sas has made him a viral super star. >> i need -- >> find out why little james is telling us how it is. >> you can come cook for me. >> no. i can cook for my mama. a hamster being wee. >> the old folks would say, we have been here before. james has been here before. >> i don't care. give me my keys. >> i'm the man. >> you are not about to waste my cheese. >> don't touch. >> he is making a salad. mama said so. he is like, don't touch me. >> i'm trying to cook for me. you want me to get out? >> james runs his own program all day, every day. >> you don't even know how to make a salad. >> i do. i learned myself. >> then he smiles because he knows he is cute. >> give me. >> don't start. >> he is passionate, especially about his little sister. >> close the door. >> grandma is leaving. hold on right now. >> grandma. i want more. >> he has -- >> bye. >> that's what you want? >> hey. >> my goodness. i april nm not messing with tha little kid. >> james has a lot to say. we found him live via skype right this minute. hey. james is only 4 years old. when did you realize i -- >> i am not 4 years old. >> mama told me you were 4 years old. >> okay. oh, yeah. >> why were you mad at him for using the cheese in. >> i wtried to make her a salad. don't waste my salad. i said, mama, i can cook for you. >> you can come cook for me, james. >> no. i can cook for my mama. >> that's right, baby. you only cook for my mama. >> what's it like trying to parent the little guy? he is quite the handful. >> it's a handful but it's fun. you never know what he is going to say or do. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. you are talking too much. >> what do you think about being a big viral star? everybody likes you. >> i like being on facebook. >> what do you want to do when you grow up? >> i want to be a big boy so i can help my little sister. >> you are so sweet, james. >> let me go get my grandma. >> see. i told you. you never know how kids is going to act. what he's going to say, what he's going to do. >> where did he get this personality from? >> his mom. >> i want to play for you all. >> thank you. >> that's nice. >> amen. >> you know what i think? we can end on that note. >> thank you. >> that's it for this episode. it's time to say good-bye. see you next time. thanks for watching. sfx: tsfx: feet shufflingc life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. open enrollment ends january 31st, so don't miss out. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." >> it's a virtual reality chat room when suddenly -- >> what's the matter? >> that person is having a seizure. the real life medical emergency involving people hundreds of miles apart. >> no one can help. >> a struggle in the jungle. >> two lionesses and a lion. >> over there sweating. >> it's the birthday photo shoot. >> she's posing. >> finally noticing the real main event. >> punishment for a bad parker. >> this is her predicament. >> see if you can guess the

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