Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20171130 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20171130

newly released surveillance video shows the exact moment of a deadly explosion inside a cosmetics factory in new york. investigators have figured out the blast was accidental, saying static electricity caused a flammable liquid to ignite. one worker inside the factory died in that explosion. and we're getting a look at frightening video from a traffic stop in ohio. you can hear gunshots as police approach two women in a car last tuesday morning. the bullets came from in between two nearby homes. they barely missed one of the officers. luckily, no one was hit. the gunman is still on the loose. nearly a month after the president's twitter account was shut off, the person responsible is now breaking his silence. you remember back on november 2nd, the account was deactivated for 11 minutes. there were plenty of jokes that whoever did it deserved the nobel peace prize. >> twitter blamed a contractor for the area. they say the whole thing happened on his last day of work. he's back home in germany talking to tech crunch, apologizing, saying it was not one final defiant act, but just a mistake. >> in my opinion, it was definitely a mistake. and if i'm involved in this, i really apologize if i hurt anyone, so i didn't do anything on purpose. >> so here's what he says happened. he worked on the twitter team that receives alerts when users report bad whatever. someone reported the president's account and he put the wheels in motion to deactivate it and then he left. >> hours later, he saw the news and realized what happened was, so he's speaking out now to clear the air. and he says he feels guilty, even though he did nothing wrong. and to prove that, you know, he's a nice guy and didn't mean anything wrong he wore like an american flag sweater during that interview. >> oh, was that that fashion statement? all right. coming up, beyonce and jay z's marriage therapy through music. and the real reason that prince william is very happy that his brother is getting married. "the skinny" is next. 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>> wow, put on the spot there and he nailed it. >> i like that he threw in his signature what? it was from that video, going viral, that we now have this studio version of the song. >> bravo, bravo. so reaction to the song has been fairley positive, i think, with many saying it's the christmas song we all needed, but fought all agree. we saw one headline that read just because you can doesn't mean you should. >> oh, that's not nice. >> i actually love that version. they redid it after so many decades. >> that's a different take on it that's for sure. we should mention that rudolph is so hot right now dmx isn't the only one capitalizing on this. the television special is celebrating a major victory in the television ratings war. >> so get this. the reindeer's pray? a group of scantily clad victoria's secret models who were seen later on the same network -- that's right. more people watched claymation made for tv movie from the '60s than dancing lingerie models and charlie puth, i think. oh, know, that's harry styles. >> wholesome viewing. >> cbs went forrer the low-hanging fruit and said this will be the ratings. no. >> rudolph wins again. next to one of the most-watched couples on the planet. beyonce and jay-z have a revealing new interview out where he talks about their tough times together. >> the superstars' marital rift has been well documented, mainly by the artists themselves. after jay-z's rumors of cheating, beyonce released "lemonade." album of the year to many of us. bearing her soul about the pain in their relationship. >> then earlier this year, jay-z released his album, "444," where he admitted to those transgressions and rapped about how they chose to stick it out. well, in an interview with the "new york times," executive editor, they reveal that jay-z and beyoncé originally recorded songs together as therapy before releasing those separate albums. >> most people walk away. and like divorce rate is 50% or something. because most people can't see themselves -- the hardest thing is seeing pain on someone's face that you caused and having to deal with yourself. most people don't want to do that. >> yeah. >> you don't want to look inside yourself, and so you walk away. >> okay. so we may have buried the lead there right there. beyonce and jay z apparently have a joint album that is already recorded? >> that's all we know so far, that they recorded some songs together as therapy. but many are now holding out hopes that those songs will be released in the future and we will get to hear all of that. >> yes! we have new reaction to prince harry's engagement to meghan markle. his brother, prince williams, reveals the rather selfish reason he's happy about this news. >> he started with the usual bit about being thrilled for the couple, but then got in a dig at young bro. >> wish him all the happiness, in this very exciting time. and for me personally, i. i hope he stays out of my fridge. >> i hope he stays out of my fridge! his cottage is right near william and kate's apartment, on the grounds of kensington palace and i guess harry doesn't like to get his own groceries, so he just helps himself to william's. >> i love how it's straight-faced, i hope he stays out of my fridge. no, really. >> congratulations to the happy couple. out of my fridge. no, really. >> congratulations to the happy couple. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) and that's not a tissue protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause runny noses. lysol. what it takes to protect. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. also in kids chewables. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny oh. >> got to get my shoes on for the shenanigans we have coming up. >> to get ready, a special bonus round with a group best known for bringing holiday chooer by kicking high enough to hit you in the head and give you a nose bleed and ruin christmas for all. >> no, that's not what they do. >> that's not how it goes? >> so we're learning new secrets about the famous radio city rockettes, and what life is like backstage at the radio city spectacular. >> besides having to be between 5'6" and 5'10", you must be ready to do 300 eye-high kicks. >> 300? >> 300. >> shall we give it a shot? >> yeah. >> 300. ready? >> all right. >> one, two, three. >> does that count? we made three. does that work? so they also revealed that most women take ice baths before heading home from rehearsals. >> ice baths? >> they scene keep stashes backstage of m&ms. >> 300 eye-high kicks requiring lots of hydration. they revealed that you must be a woman. >> really? oh, okay. well, maybe that explains a lot. >> so serena williams and her billionaire husband went on a breathtaking honeymoon and got paid to do it. take a look. let's look at the images here. >> they're staying at the bahamas at a pricey villa called kamalamakae. i have no idea if i said that right. instead of paying for it themselves, arranged the stay. >> >> normally would have cost them $35,000 for the week. but thanks to, it's not. i guess they, you know, money's running tight. a failed football play grabbing a lot of people's attention. i am out of breath from kicking. check out jimmy jones on the buffalo bills. >> ooh! >> wow, that diving catch, but it's overthrown. when he goes to get back up, michael jackson style, moonwalk move. >> that's pretty cool. >> can you do that? >> no, not taking the bait. >> i just want you to get back up there. >> one twitter user wrote, jones has heard of gravity but has no use for it. he jumped on the bandwagon with a caption, when you fall down, but god has your back. >> there you go. ma good thursday morning, everyone, i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo. here are some of the top stories we're following on "world news now." the united states has delivered a tough, new warning to north korea following its latest ballistic missile test. u.s. ambassador nikki haley says the north korean regime will be utterly destroyed if war breaks out. we have more details straight ahead. nbc news has received at least two more sexual complaints against matt lauer. and co-workers are sharing shocking details. about his behavior in the workplace, including crude remarks about female subordinates. the president's son-in-law, jared kushner, has spoken to investigators in the russian probe. sources say that took place this month and focussed on the actions of former security adviser mike yag flynn. and the first family expected to take part in the annual lighting of the national christmas tree. performers at the ceremony will include the beach boys and the u.s. navy band. those are some of our top stories on this 30th of november. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> beach boys, huh? >> yeah. they're still rockin' it. >> we're going to start this half hour with tough talk by the u.s. in response to north korea's missile launch. nikki haley issued a strong warning. to the north koreans during an emergency u.n. security council meeting. >> north korea warns it could be armed with a nuclear missile. suite -- south korea has been firing missiles of its own. serena marshall with more. >> reporter: in the dead of night. south korea with offensive drills, letting north korea know they can't be intimidated. firing three missiles in the precision strike drill minutes after the latest test from their north korean neighbors. the north korean intercontinental ballistic missile flew longer and higher than any previous test. traveling a distance ten times the height of the international space station for more than 50 minutes. that would allow it to reach the u.s.'s eastern seaboard. the north korean government says it's now achieved its goal of becoming a nuclear tate. >> certainly, nuclear-free peninsula is a goal we should have. they don't have a suicide wish. they want to live. that's why they have this deterrent. they think that's the only thing that can keep them safe from u.s. intervention or attack as we've done elsewhere. >> reporter: president trump and president xi speaking by phone. the white house saying in a statement the president wanted china to put more pressure on the regime. following that call, mr. trump tweeted, additional sanctions will be imposed on north korea today. this situation will be handled. >> we're going to protect our country, whether it's north korea or any -- we're going to protect our country like never before. >> reporter: the u.n. holding a special meeting. >> north korean regime made a choice. it chose to feed its aggression. it chose to thumb its nose at the civilized world. it chose to challenge the patience of a world united against its recklessness, and with this choice comes a critical decision point for the rest of the world. >> reporter: and for the first time since the cold war. [ sirens ] >> reporter: hawaii has resumed testing its nuclear attack warning sirens. north korea warns this is a new type of missile, but u.s. officials say it could take weeks for them to confirm that. kendis, diane. yeah. they're looking at it very carefully there. thank you. turning to the other big story, long-time "today" show host, matt lauer out of a job facing even more allegation of inappropriate sexual behavior. a female colleague took her complaints to human resources. they've since received complaints we're told from at least two other women. variety magazine revealed it had been working on a story about lauer's workplace conduct for two months. the report said he once gave a colleague a sex toy along with an explicit note. and another says i called her into his office and dropped his pants. some of it happened while he was covering the olympics in russia. sources that talked to her say some of the conduct happened when lauer was right there. >> we also had a source who told us that at the london olympics, matt lauer's wife allegedly went with him because shy heard about his behavior at past olympics and knew what he was doing or heard rumblings about them so he told a producer that he wasn't going to be able to do that at those olympics because his wife would be there. >> lauer was paranoid about the press finding out about his indiscretions which the women say is one reason he preyed on women at nbc, because he had power over them. the network released a statement last night saying they were never made aware of any complaints about lauer prior to this week. an attorney for john conyers says the michigan democrat will fight tooth and nail against the sexual allegation against him. that came after another accuser came out against conyers, mary bruce reports. >> reporter: congressman conyers spotted boarding a plane to go back home. while his own party is prompting him to leave for good. >> step down. there's no question in my mind that he should. >> reporter: multiple women have accused him of sexual harassment. one of them his former deputy chief of staff. >> it was a town hall meeting. he bent down to give me a message in my left ear. and he put his hand up my dress. >> reporter: another accuser says conyers would walk around his office in his underwear. but one former top aide defends him. >> most of us have walked into his office without knocking and seen him in his underwear. big deal. that's where his closet is, he changes his clothes there. >> reporter: conyers denies the accusations but admits to paying one former staffer a $27,000 settlement. in detroit, the congressman's wife distraught. >> you all just want to kill this man who's dedicated 53 years of his life to community service. >> reporter: and the congressman defiant. his lawyer says he will not resign. now democratic aides tell us, leader pelosi is now trying to force conyers out. on twitter, she says, no matter your contribution to our country, you do not get a pass to harass or discriminate. mary bruce, abc news, capitol hill. >> and also on capitol hill, the senate has cleared the way to begin debate on that massive republican tax bill, with the vote expected this week. as republican senators try to hash out their differences, president trump traveled to st. louis in the area there to pitch the plan directly to working class voters, and he promised it would bring main street rolling back. he'll still have to convince a handful of undecided republicans. pope francis wrapped up his visit to myanmar with a mass for young people. then after a meeting with the head of myanmar's army, then the pope took off for bangladesh. tens of thousands of rohingyas have fled myanmar because of what they call ethnic cleansing. human rights groups have criticized the pope's silence on the issue. and the airport in bali is slowly getting back to normal. it was closed for more than two days because of ash from an erupting volcano. tens of thousands of people were stranded by that shutdown. flights today are bringing many australians and south koreans home. federal health officials are warning that this year's flu season could be severe. the vaccine may be mismatched, but doctors still insist it is better to get a flu shot than not getting one. and some british scientists are calling for a worldwide ban on glitter, not the mariah carey movie, it was bad. and you'd expect a ban on that. but because it's causing significant environmental damage. most of it is made from bits of aluminum and micro plastic especially damaging to the fish. >> no more glitter for you. >> but did provide a good song like the sound track. >> we should move on. it's time to find out the most popular baby names for 2017. this comes from the website, baby center. it was tough to crack the top of the list, i have to say. >> number five on the girls' list isabella, which can be shortened to bella. >> thank you for that. >> emma, and olivia. okay, the boys. you have the boys right there. >> lucas, aden, noah, liam, number one, jackson. >> i like jackson. >> i like jackson too. i like the girls' names they picked as well. >> the girls' names are beautiful. >> ava. >> number one was sophia. >> i like sophia. coming up, the shark sighting in south beach, one of the biggest predators in the ocean seen feeding right there near the shore. >> ooh, that is too close to shore. and the arrest in a string of murders, see the key piece of evidence they say links this suspect to four murders. you're watching "world news now." ay links this suspect to four murders. you're watching "world news now." my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. it was mostly water. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. i mean, i give away water for free. i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. #1 trusted. #1 awarded it's got to be tide. and for a plant-based clean, try tide purclean if parts a and bcare and want more coverage. guess what? 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case somebody gets -- >> that i didn't know. okay, i'll cross police training off my list of things to do. in tampa, a suspect is making his first court appearance in a matter of hours. >> his arrest is a relief to many in that neighborhood that was paralyzed especially during halloween. when many of the kids were fearful of going out at night. victor oquendo reports from tampa. >> the light shines. the darkness is over. this community begins the healing process. >> reporter: a sigh of relief in tampa after an arrest was made in connection to four unsolved murders that have terrorized this community for nearly two months. howell donaldson iii was picked up outside this mcdonald's. where he worked after police received a tip from a co-worker. >> he told my boss to hold his book bag for him, but he said don't go in the book bag, whatever you do, don't go in the book bag. so she went in the book bag and found the gun. after she found the gun she called police. >> that firearm was used in all four murders, as our investigation continued into the early hours this morning we were then able to gather the probable cause and charge howell donaldson with four counts of first degree murder. >> reporter: he admitted to owning the weapon which was bought legally but has not confessed to the killings. >> he was cooperative but did not tell us why he was doing this. we were really trying to find out what was driving him to do this. we don't have those answers yet. >> reporter: according to authorities, the killing spree began on october 9th, benjamin mitchell was shot while waiting alone at a bus stop. four days later, the body of 32-year-old monica hoffa was found in an empty lot, around the corner from where mitchell was killed. monica's uncle devastated. >> she left everything. her interest was community and the deaf community. she loved everybody. >> reporter: six days after hoffa's death, a third murder, that of 20-year-old anthony naiboa. >> it just sounded really close. like five minutes after that, the paramedics came. >> reporter: naiboa was a recent graduate and was killed on the way home from work. >> i won't be able to see him or talk to him anymore. >> reporter: a fourth victim, 60 year old ronald felton killed almost a month later while on his way to feed the homeless. >> i love him, but he's still going to be in me. he's going to be in in my heart. >> reporter: police point out each victims was within a half mile of each other. in each shooting, the victim was alone, but none were robbed. before donaldson's arrest, one of the main leads the were these grainy videos of who they called a suspect. community members and families of the victims welcome the arrest of the alleged killer. >> thank god we got this guy. we got this guy. >> reporter: embracing each other with cautious optimism that the dread of the past two months may finally be over. >> we call a group hug, when everybody comes together, that's a group hug, that's when everybody becomes one. letting our spirits go together. >> reporter: i'm victor oquendo in tampa, florida. >> such a bizarre case. police say the evidence against him is incredibly strong, both the cell phone information as well as getting the gun and connecting the gun to those murders, but they can't figure out a motive of what would have driven him to do this. and looking back at his criminal history, there isn't one other than traffic citations. there are no red flags coming out as far as a motive or something they missed. >> and you look at his history, he was a college basketball player, not necessarily a star at st. john's university, a walk-on there. two years ago. very strange, a lot of questions remain in tampa. coming up, a symbol of hope and resilience is back home. battered and scarred, the sphere which originally stood between the world trade center towers is making a special return to the 9/11 memorial. >> you're watching "world news now." >> you're watching "world news now." memorial. ♪ ♪ come on up ♪ come on up for the rise ♪ ♪ come on up for the rise in the night ♪ >> taking a look at one world trade there, and 16 years after the september 11 attacks, a symbol of hope has returned home. >> it is an iconic sculpture that remained in tact after the towers fell, here's joe torres. >> reporter: michael burke's 16 year mission is finally complete. >> what's in your heart? >> humility, actually. memory. >> reporter: burke's brother, fdny william burke died on 9/11. his relentless quest to bring the sphere to the world trade center site came to a conclusion as they dedicated the iconic symbol at its new and permanent home in liberty park. >> they're going to make it a permanent part of the museum. it's a very valuable thing for, particularly future generations to see. >> from this location, it will overlook the site and the memorial plaza and will allow it to come full circle from its days in the austin toba plaza to here. >> reporter: it stands 21 feet tall and weighs 25 tons. for 30 years it sat between the towers and served as a gathering place for workers and tourists and those looking for a place to reflect. when the towers came down, the sphere, beaten and bruised somehow survived and became a symbol of hope and resilience. >> the sphere stands now and provides a poetic compliment to the memorial, whose mission of remembrance, education and inspiration is echoed by its traumatic presence. >> it was an emotional rededication there in lower manhattan. >> our thanks to joe torres for that report. all right, incredible drone footage coming up when "this happened." >> that's what i was going to say. this happened. there, i said it. say. this happened. there, i said it. fred would do anything for hiwell fred... ...good thing the front of this unicorn washed... ...the shirt with gain. because gain has the scent that puts the giddy in "giddyup!" i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. try digestive advantage. it is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. get the digestive advantage. my shoulders carry some i deserve others i don't but in the end hd5 hd5 ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. ♪ all right, off to a "this happened." hopefully this didn't happen at a beach near you, but it did happen in south beach, miami florida. check out the drone footage. that is a tiger shark, one of the most aggressive sharks out there. kenny melendez shot this footage with his drone after he spotted a dark figure in the water. luckily, beach goers were able to make it back to the shore without any incident. >> the first part of the video where you see the two swimmers in the water and the shark is maybe ten feet or attack distance from them. >> anywhere i can see, anywhere if my vision, a shark of any kind is too close. >> that's why it's important when you go to south -- >> dark figure that you want to avoid. >> it is the darth vader of the seas, i would say. key, when you go to south beach, stay on the beach. okay, so we've probably seen this video, but we're amazed at how many views it has now gotten. you've probably seen it. this is out of long island, a dad of two. >> look at those long island moves, woo! >> at the janet jackson concert when they decided to play a little jackson five, he decided to get down. some 33 million views now for this video. >> i love it. when people do something like this, it's usually because they're on the jumbotron. this is before the show started. the seats are practically empty. he just can't help himself. >> but it's also like he's done these moves before. >> you know his kids next to him like this, dad. over to another cringe worthy moment. this one is in australia. a creative realtor finding a new way to sell his home. listen in. ♪ i don't believe that any home can make you feel the way you do ♪ ♪ about it now >> that is realtor ben lewis who remade the song "wonder wall" using some lyrics to spotlight the home he's trying to sell. >> i wonder if the gallagher boys would like it. >> many are saying they couldn't bear to watch the whole video, but they're applauding his bravery, creativity. one viewer says cringe worthy, but unfortunately, memorable. >> i don't believe it. >> of since september 2nd. he said everybody's doing the same thing, he wanted to stand out. mission accomplish, ben. >> especially for our ears. let's button that up with a dog playing jenga. what more do i have to say? don't blow it, don't blow it, yeah! >> he's really good at that game. >> he's excellent. that's a tricky spot right there. this morning on "world news now," new fallout from the firing of matt lauer. >> more women are coming forward with complaints about the former "today" show host in the hours since he was let go by nbc. and we have graphic new details about the allegations against him. and with the senate vote looming over the republican's long-sought tax overhaul hopes, the the president gave the party's plan one final push at a pep rally in o'hare. but does he have the votes? plus, we have an alert for travelers. american airlines is scrambling as many flights are left without a pilot. the pilots union is calling it a crisis. see what the airline is doing about it. and most people on instagram show off their vacation pictures, making people jealous. >> you weren't expecting those, were you? >> no, i was not. about all the a places they've been or how far they've run. that was five miles in ottawa. but we found one that tops all those. it's all about carpet. >> oh. >> yeah, details on this thursday, november 30th. >> huh. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> just for the record, like, taken out of context, those photos -- those photos look as if i'm being braggadocious, but no. >> what's the context? >> i was being braggadocious. >> okay. >> just so you know. we do say good morning to everybody on this thursday. we, of course, are going to start with the new allegations, shocking ones, against matt lauer. >> nbc quickly fired lauer, one of the most powerful and highly-paid people in the television industry amid accusations from a colleague of inappropriate sexual behavior. now they've received two more complaints about lauer including a woman who said he called her to his office to have sex with him. >> and hours later, savannah guthrie broke the news and appeared with the other anchors here at the rockefeller christmas tree lighting. they were smiling or at least attempting to. they made no mention of lauer. abc's linsey davis on the latest. >> reporter: savannah guthrie's voice trembling at the top of the "today" show. >> good morning. making news overnight, matt lauer has been terminated from nbc news. >> reporter: and then, first moment on camera without matt lauer by her side. >> welcome to "today" and hoda is with me this morning because this is a sad morning at nbc news. moments ago, andy lack sent the following note to our organization. >> reporter: in the e-mail, lack writes, dear colleagues, on monday night we received a detailed complaint in a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by matt lauer. it represented, after serious review, a clear violation of our company's standards. as a result, we've decided to terminate his employment. while it is the first complaint about his behavior in the over 20 years he's been at nbc news, we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident. >> we just learned this moments ago, just this morning. as i am sure you can imagine we are devastated and we are still processing all of this. >> reporter: savannah guthrie and hoda kotb photographed when the cameras weren't roll being. >> we were woken up with the news kind of predawn and we're trying to process it and try to make the sense of it. >> reporter: "variety" came out with a report following a two-month investigation into lauer's behavior, including interviews with three women who identified themselves as victims of sexual harassment by lauer. according to "variety," lauer gave a sex toy to a female employee with an explicit note. he summoned another employee to his office and dropped his pants. lauer was allegedly known for making lewd comments. he had a button under his desk to allow him to lock the door from the inside without getting up. several women told "variety" their complaints to management about lauer fell on deaf ears. as for the accuser who went to nbc news monday with her attorney -- nbc news say the alleged inappropriate sexual behavior started at the 2014 olympics in sochi and continued for months after the games. the accuser's attorney saying in a statement, my client and i met with representatives from nbc's human resource and legal department at 6:00 p.m. on monday for an interview that lasted several hours. our impression at this point is that nbc acted quickly, as all companies should, when confronted with credible allegations of sexual misconduct in the workplace. as the news broke, president trump was quick to tweet. wow, matt lauer was just fired from nbc for inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace, but when will the top executives at nbc and comcast be fired for putting out so much fake news. it was the president himself who, as a candidate, received accusations from more than a dozen women and said in a 2005 "access hollywood" video. >> i'm automatically attracted to beautiful, i just start kissing them. it's like a magnet. you just kiss. and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. >> reporter: to bill o'reilly, who was fired during accusations of sexual harassment, it was lauer who pressed o'reilly on the bravery of the women. >> think about those five women and what they did. they came forward and filed complaints against the biggest star at the network they worked at. think of how intimidating that must have been, how nerve-wracking that must have been. doesn't that tell you how strongly they felt about the way they were treated by you. >> not just me. those lawsuits involved many other people, fought just me. >> reporter: linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> it was surprising because of how quickly nbc acted, too. and a lot of people were saying with one allegation they were surprised to see it. andy lack -- >> the president. >> -- said in his statement that they were led it to believe that this wasn't an isolated incident, and now we're seeing two more accusers coming forward. >> and also in this day and age that they were able to keep this a secret until the start of the "today" show. there were no rumblings, you didn't hear about the anything, and then there was breaking news at the top of the "today" show. >> yes, savannah guthrie and hoda kotb said they found out in the early morning hours before going on the show. >> you could see the pain in their eyes and they knew him personally and to hear of the allegation it's shocking for many of them. >> it's difficult to reconcile when you're friends with someone and you love that person, to reconcile what you know of that person to what you're hearing about the allegations against them. so a tough time at nbc this morning and a tough time for all those at the "today" show. >> of course we feel for them. he was supposed to be at the tree lighting, supposed to host it. of course it went off without him being there. and we haven't heard from him as of yet. moving on, the senate candidate facing sexual allegations just two weeks from election day. >> alabama candidate roy moore spoke out just hours ago at a church, no less. this one near mobile. he once again vehemently denied the allegations against him and said he probably wouldn't have gotten into the race if he knew he would face what he called lies and dirty politics. >> when i got into this senatorial race, i never dreamed it would take the magnitude it has. but i'll tell you, it's watched nationally, it's watched internationally. to see where the people of this country, where the people of, particularly the state of alabama, go with the first senator who is elected after the election of donald trump. >> moore also denied knowing any of the women accusing him of misconduct. in an interview with fox news he said he did know two of the women but said he couldn't recall if he had dated or tried to date them. that special election is now 12 days away. congressman john conyers is defying a number of democrats calling on him to resign. he says he has to plans to resign and plans to fight claims that he acted inappropriately toward female staff members. conyers' former deputy chief of staff came forward claiming he put his hand up her dress. he is at home in michigan because of concerns, we're told about media coverage of his family. president trump is firing back at british prime minister theresa may over his retweets of anti-muslim videos. they claim to show muslims engaged in violence acts, and one has already been proven to be false. now the white house says trump was simply promoting border security and it doesn't matter if the videos are real because the threat is real. but theresa may says the president was wrong to have retweeted the videos. last night he responded saying don't focus on me, focus on the destructive radical islamic terrorism that is taking place in the united kingdom. we are doing just fine. the president was firing off those tweets as he hit the road to push his tax bill which the senate is voting on. he told the crowd in suburban st. louis the republican tax package would bring main street rolling back. the president claimed the bill would actually hurt the rich, but the vast majority of analysts say the corporations and the wealthy will reap the benefits. >> the beating heart of our plan is a tax cut for working families. that's what it is. we're going to make sure that you keep more of your hard-earned money. >> as many as ten republican senators have expressed concerns about the bill, and they can only afford two defectors and still pass this legislation. jared kushner has met with special counsel robert mueller's investigators looking into last year's election and russian interference. the president's son and advisers spoke with mueller earlier this month. the conversation focussed on former security adviser michael flynn. kushner also faced questions about his participation in a trump tower meeting with a russian lawyer who has ties to the kremlin. and the president's oldest son will appear before the house intelligence committee. donald trump jr. is expected to have a closed door meeting next wednesday. the focus will be his meeting with a russian lawyer last year. the panel has already spoken with jared kushner. for the small price of $250 million, you can own a piece of the texas panhandle. >> oil tycoon t. boone pickens has put his ranch up for sale for $250 million. the 65-acre paradise includes manmade lakes, a wildlife habitat even. >> it looks, actually amazing. it also has its own airport, oh, yes, of course, there it is. wow. it's paved. pickens is 89 years old and dealing with health problems. the proceeds will go to his foundation for philanthropic and educational causes. but, man, that is an amazing piece of real estate. >> thinking of all the real estate we've seen, i've never seen a private home with its own airport. coming up, pilots taking off and not the way we expected them to. >> taking off from work. why american airlines might need your help if you're handy behind a throttle. and pulling out apparent poison and drinking it. the investigation into how that happened, next. you're watching "world news now." d news now." these are the newest images from wednesday's korean missile launch. you can see kim jong un watching the launch of that missile which north korea says can strike anywhere here in the mainland u.s. here he is checking out monitors during that 53-minute flight. the missile was launched from a mobile launcher, which was likely to show north korea can launch a missile from anywhere it wants. we've seen a lot of things in courtrooms, but you this one was absolutely shocking. the end to a very long legal case here. >> a defendant was told he would likely spend the rest of his life you in prison, so there in the middle of the courtroom, he poisoned himself. abc's ian pannell has the details. >> reporter: standing silent, this hague judge tilling slobodan praljak he his 20-year sentence for war crimes during the bosnian war would be upheld. >> you may be seated. >> reporter: his response, shocking. the 72-year-old lifting a small, brown bottle to his lips, swallowing poison for all the world to see before saying calmly to the courtroom, i have taken poison. attempts to save him failed. he was convicted for his role in a campaign to drive muslims out of bosnia and create an ethnically pure croat state 100,000 died and 200 million displaced during the war. so another remarkable day in a court that's already seen its fair share of drama. as you would expect, questions now being asked about how he was able to smuggle poison into court. abc news learning security procedures are already being tightened up. ian pannell, abc news, london. >> and investigators are now asking for the public's help in the search for a missing north carolina toddler. 3-year-old maria woods was last seen on sunday when the mother's boyfriend said she woke up around midnight and he told her to go back to bed. police now say a little girl seen on a walmart video is not maria woods. they're asking local residents to comb through their properties for any clues or anything out of the ordinary. and the parent of a runaway florida teen are begging their daughter to call home. >> police say 17-year-old kaitlin free zena ran off saturday night with ryan rodriguez, an assistant soccer coach at her high school. newly-released images show them at a gas station and later that day at a pawnshop in north carolina. her distraught parents say they're in shock and want her back home. >> kaitlin, if you see this, pumpkin, we just want you to know that we love you and we miss you and we need to know that you're safe. we need to know that you're okay. please call us, call somebody. let somebody know. we love you and we miss you and we're waiting here with open arms. >> police believe the two may be heading to canada where the 27-year-old rodriguez has family. and coming up in the next half hour, the man behind the president's outage on twitter. we'll hear from the german twitter employee, explaining that his pulling the plug on president trump was not politically motivated. but first, the help wanted in the sky and why american airlines has a big problem on its hands this holiday season. that's next on "world news now." on "world news now." problem on its hands this holiday season. that's next. see you at 5! seriously? protection. on "world news now." on "world n" " lysol. what it takes to protect. ...from far away. but they harryonly see his wrinkles. if only harry used some... ...bounce, to dry. he would be a less wrinkly, winning guy. ♪ ♪ ♪ dune is holding in strong there. so american airlines has a popular app, and that airline is scrambling after accidentally letting too many pilots take off during the holidays. >> the pilots union says about 15,000 flights are affected and customers with upcoming flights on american are getting nervous. michael seeden of our miami station has the details. >> reporter: the world's biggest airline is facing a major problem that could impact holiday travel for millions of people. american airlines says a computer glitch is to blame for a scheduling error that gave vacation to too many pilots over the christmas week and into the new year, potentially impacting more than 15,000 flights. >> it's a real bummer. >> reporter: to fix this problem, american is offering pilots 150% of in normal pay, but the union is calling out the airline claiming the proposed solution violates their agreement. while american is telling passengers not to panic, several frequent flyers are already concerned. some are even thinking about turning their holiday travel into a long road trip. >> it's always around holidays, you know there's tons of people flying, things go wrong, issues happen. and pilots aren't there to fly the planes nowadays. so the biggest impact on flights would be between december 17th and new year's eve. >> american says the last resort, they'll pay their reserve pilots to cover those flights. >> they say not to panic. panic. >> they say not to panic. panic. reserve pilots to cover those flight. medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. ♪ time now for the "mix." so this pilot, bill young, is becoming very popular on instagram for all the photos he posts. and they are not of all the cool aerial shots he sees from the cockpit or all the places he travels to. pilot bill young focuses his instagram account on carpets. >> like what do you mean? >> like carpets. so he goes around to all the different hotel lobbies he checks into, because he's in a lot of hotels as a pilot. >> are those the rugs at the taj mahal? >> no. he goes around in all the hotel lobbies and he takes photos of all the interesting carpets he comes across in his travels. and he points out that hotels have really interesting carpets. and people are loving this. he has 435,000 followers on instagram! he says it's crazy. he can't believe it. >> people love their carpet. >> bill, we can't, either. but they are pretty cool. >> he's on to something. >> oh. >> so this is the, this is a well-worn carpet, apparently. >> that's carpet outside kendis's office. is that your latest instagram post? >> it is. i'm hoping for 430,000 followers on instagram. >> how's that working for you? >> forget about all those running shots. that, i'm posting. >> maybe if you're in front of the carpet, like this. >> that hasn't worked. maybe after a run. >> trying a new approach. okay. so here, to this youtuber. we love our hot tubs. >> yeah, sure. why not. >> but what would happen if you get sand in your hot tub? >> that sounds bad. >> it does sound like a bad thing, but this youtuber, marc roburg, did the whole thing, it actually is mesmerizing, look what the air does to the sand. >> wait, so there's no water in that? just sand? >> no water, just complete, fine sand. and it kind of looks like a liquid. >> that is mesmerizing. >> that is awesome. probably ruined that hot tub. >> hopefully it was that guy's. that's a little bit weird. but over to some weird christmas gifts, shall we? >> yeah. >> there's a whole list out, courtesy of the "huffington post." so we picked out a few favorites. for all the insomniacs out there, there's the hat pillow. then there's this doohicky, a brush that you use to lick your cat with. >> i like it. >> skiing anyone? this is a ski shot. line up the shots, everybody does a shot at the same time right off the ski. >> fireball. >> that wrapping paper has lyrics to "baby got back." >> that is awesome. >> that i want. >> baby got back. this morning on "world news now," new complaints against matt lauer. one of the biggest names in tv news fired. this morning, women describing sex acts in the office and even a secret button he allegedly used to lock his office door. this half hour we're hearing from the reporter who broke the story. plus, there are new details coming in the this morning involving the president's son-in-law and senior adviser, jared kushner. he has met with investigators in the russia probe. hear what the investigation focused on. and new this half hour, the man behind 11 minutes of peace. >> people were shocked when the president's twitter feed was deactivated. his instant link to the world, cut off. now the former contractor who pulled the plug on the last day of twitter explains why. and it's time for that classic song. ♪ rudolph the red nosed ♪ ratings king proving that wholesome entertainment is still a draw. especially when you find out which sexy stars were beat by the little reindeer. yes. plus the song gets a rap remix, for reals. it's in "the skinny" on this thursday, november 30th. ♪ rudolph the red nosed reindeer ♪ ♪ had a very shiny nose from abc news, this is "world news now." ♪ like a light bulb >> i like that we had that there, it gives you a little wholesomeness. >> we could use it this morning. we really could. >> "the new york post" going with the whole "dirty rock" headline here. >> papers are not treating matt lauer favorably, suffice it to say. >> today's perv. on the "new york daily news." there are so many memes of course, since all this came out. but the long-time "today" show host, matt lauer brought down in the recent wave of sexual misconduct allegations. >> nbc received at least two new complaints within hours after he was fired. one came from a former employee who says he summoned her to his office, locked the door and had sex with her. sources say he could lock the door while pressing a button sitting at his desk. you have to have a special button to be able to do that. >> this morning, we're getting stunning new details about lauer's behavior. >> matt lauer has been terminated from nbc news. >> reporter: her voice trembling, savannah guthrie releasing the news. >> our chairman has released a statement saying a colleague had come forward reporting behavior in violation of our company's standards. how do you reconcile your love for someone with the revelation that they have behaved badly. >> there have been rumblings for some time that a story was in the works about lauer. but for many, many people, including many nbc staffers, this was a huge shock. >> reporter: nbc now confirms that two new employees have come forward with complaints against lauer, adding to reports by "variety" against lauer detailing a two-month investigation into his behavior, citing interviews with at least three women who identified themselves as victims of sexual harassment by lauer. >> he had so much power no one wanted to speak up. >> reporter: in the report, "variety" claims lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy and included an explicit note. another says he summoned her to his office and dropped his pants. he was allegedly known for making lewd comments, verbally and over text messages. as for the accuser who went to nbc news monday with her attorney, nbc news says the alleged inappropriate sexual behavior started at the 2014 olympics in sochi and continued for months after the games. lauer's firing comes one week after another network tv anchor, charlie rose, was fired when several women came forward with allegations of sexual harassment. diane and kendis? >> maggie, thank you. and another well-known permit has been fired after accusations of sexual misconduct, as well. garrison keillor. >> keillor hints there is more to the story claiming he mistakenly put his hand on the bareback of an upset coworker while trying to console her. he said that he actually apologized. an attorney for john conyers says the michigan democrat has no intention of resigning. he is facing growing calls from within his own party to step aside after several women made sexual harassment claims against him. the newest woman to come forward is conyer's 77-year-old she says conyers put his hand up former deputy chief of staff. her dress at a town hall meeting. and the allegations against conyers sparked a vote by house lawmakers who unanimously approved a measure requiring annual anti-harassment training for lawmakers, aides as well as interns without specifically naming conyers. nancy pelosi said congress will not tolerate any kind of abuse. despite one's legacy, speaker paul ryan called any hostile work environment on capitol hill a disgrace. to other news in washington now, the gop tax bill is now one step closer to a vote by the full senate after they agreed along party lines to start a debate. but republicans are still looking for common ground. senators marco rubio and mike lee have proposed increasing the child tax credit and scaling back the corporate tax rate to 22% instead of 20%. president trump traveled to st. charles, missouri, to sell the overhaul to voters. several republicans have not yet committed to voting for the bill. meanwhile, the "new york times" is reporting that president trump was pushing for an even tax cut for the rich but his daughter ivanka sided with senate republicans looking to help the middle class and she managed to get him to change his mind. all of that said, the president over-shadowed his own push for cuts with a batch of anti-muslim retweets. the white house, though, is refusing to back down and the president is now in a twitter spat with the british prime minister, of all people. abc's jonathan karl covering it all from the white house. >> reporter: the president avoided questions about the extremist videos he retweeted. videos that have provoked an international backlash. >> mr. president, why have you been retweeting anti-muslim videos? >> reporter: three videos were originally posted by a tiny anti-islam ultra nationalist party called britain first, a group known for hate-filled incitement. they purport to show muslims involved in violent acts. in a blunt statement, theresa may, perhaps america's closest ally, condemned the president for his tweets saying the group, britain first, seeks to divide communities through their use of hateful narratives which peddle lies and stoke tensions. it is wrong for the president to have done this. but the white house press secretary sarah sanders defended the tweets. >> it's important to talk about national security and national security threats. >> reporter: the white house insists this is about strong borders. one of the videos claims to show a muslim migrant beating a dutch boy. but the embassy of the netherlands says that's not true. they say the attacker was actually dutch tweeting facts do matter. still, the white house says it doesn't matter if videos the president tweets are accurate. >> look, again, whether it's a real video, the threat is real, and that is what the president is is talking about. >> reporter: kkk leader david duke tweeted, thank god for trump. that's why we love him. >> our thanks to jonathan. the president fired back at the prime minister last night, mistakenly tweeting to a different theresa may. don't focus on me, focus on the destructive, radical terrorism that is taking place within the united kingdom. we are doing just fine. jared kushner has personally answered questions from robert mueller's russia probe. the president's son-in-law spoke with special counsel staff earlier this month. sources say the conversation focussed on activities of michael flynn. kushner was reportedly also asked about a trump tower meeting with a russian lawyer who has ties to the kremlin. the u.s. had a tough warning in response to north korea's nuclear threat. during an emergency u.n. meeting, nikki haley said if a war follow the acts of aggression like north korea's missile launch, that the north korean regime will be utterly destroyed. the u.n. meeting came hours after north korea said its new missile could reach anywhere in the mainland u.s. the trump administration is threatening new sanctions in response to that launch. and if you can fly a passenger jet, you may want to give american airlines a call. >> i can fly one of your model ones. i don't think that counts, though, right? >> that's about it. >> so the nation's largest airline needs pilots for the holidays because many of its own pilots will be on vacation. a scheduling glitch has left about 15,000 flights without a pilot, a co-captain or both. >> and you're saying we need both of those? >> ideally, yes. >> american plans to avoid cancellations by paying overtime or using reserve or on-call pilots. do you want an on-call pilot or reserve pilot? >> i'm working on my paper airplane. i don't know if those skills apply, but i'm getting pretty good. >> really awesome. coming up, the gravity defying wide receiver. see why everyone wants to know if moonwalking is now part of nfl training. and then what happened was the performer worker at twitter who cut off the president's account explains for the first time what went wrong. but first, a look at today's forecast. "world news now" weather, brought to you by points of light. light. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. try digestive advantage. it is tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. get the digestive advantage. kelp is on the way! with herbal essences bio:renew made with active antioxidants that work from the inside out... to help animate lifeless hair. let life in with herbal essences bio:renew. newly released s newly released surveillance video shows the exact moment of a deadly explosion inside a cosmetics factory in new york. investigators have figured out the blast was accidental, saying static electricity caused a flammable liquid to ignite. one worker inside the factory died in that explosion. and we're getting a look at frightening video from a traffic stop in ohio. you can hear gunshots as police approach two women in a car last tuesday morning. the bullets came from in between two nearby homes. they barely missed one of the officers. luckily, no one was hit. the gunman is still on the loose. nearly a month after the president's twitter account was shut off, the person responsible is now breaking his silence. you remember back on november 2nd, the account was deactivated for 11 minutes. there were plenty of jokes that whoever did it deserved the nobel peace prize. >> twitter blamed a contractor for the area. they say the whole thing happened on his last day of work. he's back home in germany talking to tech crunch, apologizing, saying it was not one final defiant act, but just a mistake. >> in my opinion, it was definitely a mistake. and if i'm involved in this, i really apologize if i hurt anyone, so i didn't do anything on purpose. >> so here's what he says happened. he worked on the twitter team that receives alerts when users report bad whatever. someone reported the president's account and he put the wheels in motion to deactivate it and then he left. >> hours later, he saw the news and realized what happened was, so he's speaking out now to clear the air. and he says he feels guilty, even though he did nothing wrong. and to prove that, you know, he's a nice guy and didn't mean anything wrong he wore like an american flag sweater during that interview. >> oh, was that that fashion statement? all right. coming up, beyonce and jay-z's marriage therapy through music. and the real reason that prince william is very happy that his brother is getting married. "the skinny" is next. "the skinny" is next. it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. ♪ come on ♪ come on ♪ rudolph the red nosed reindeer ♪ ♪ had a very shiny nose ♪ like a light bulb >> it's an instant christmas classic, you should say. >> that's right, dmx, everybody's got dmx on their christmas play list, right? this is the just released version of "rudolph the red nosed reindeer." >> i really like it, dmx, >> it's part of spotify's new holiday playlist promising to get things lit and little rudy there and his roughriders. >> if dmx's roughriders seems a little too random for you, there's a backstory to this track. while on a radio show five years a the rapper was asked to perform a christmas song. the rest is now history. take a look. ♪ then all the reindeers loved him ♪ ♪ and he shouted out with glee ♪ rudolph the red nosed reindeer ♪ ♪ you'll go down in history ♪ ♪ forever ♪ you'll go down in history ♪ what? >> wow, put on the spot there and he nailed it. >> i like that he threw in his signature what? it was from that video, going viral, that we now have this studio version of the song. >> bravo, bravo. so reaction to the song has been fairley positive, i think, with many saying it's the christmas song we all needed, but fought all agree. we saw one headline that read just because you can doesn't mean you should. >> oh, that's not nice. >> i actually love that version. they redid it after so many decades. >> that's a different take on it that's for sure. we should mention that rudolph is so hot right now dmx isn't the only one capitalizing on this. the television special is celebrating a major victory in the television ratings war. >> so get this. the reindeer's pray? a group of scantily clad victoria's secret models who were seen later on the same network -- that's right. more people watched claymation made for tv movie from the '60s than dancing lingerie models and charlie puth, i think. oh, know, that's harry styles. >> wholesome viewing. >> cbs went forrer the low-hanging fruit and said this will be the ratings. no. >> rudolph wins again. next to one of the most-watched couples on the planet. beyonce and jay-z have a revealing new interview out where he talks about their tough times together. >> the superstars' marital rift has been well documented, mainly by the artists themselves. after jay-z's rumors of cheating, beyonce released "lemonade." album of the year to many of us. bearing her soul about the pain in their relationship. >> then earlier this year, jay-z released his album, "444," where he admitted to those transgressions and rapped about how they chose to stick it out. well, in an interview with the "new york times," executive editor, they reveal that jay-z and beyoncé originally recorded songs together as therapy before releasing those separate albums. >> most people walk away. and like divorce rate is 50% or something. because most people can't see themselves -- the hardest thing is seeing pain on someone's face that you caused and having to deal with yourself. most people don't want to do that. >> yeah. >> you don't want to look inside yourself, and so you walk away. >> okay. so we may have buried the lead there right there. beyonce and jay z apparently have a joint album that is already recorded? >> that's all we know so far, that they recorded some songs together as therapy. but many are now holding out hopes that those songs will be released in the future and we will get to hear all of that. >> yes! we have new reaction to prince harry's engagement to meghan markle. his brother, prince williams, reveals the rather selfish reason he's happy about this news. >> he started with the usual bit about being thrilled for the couple, but then got in a dig at young bro. >> wish him all the happiness, in this very exciting time. and for me personally, i. i hope he stays out of my fridge. >> i hope he stays out of my fridge! his cottage is right near william and kate's apartment, on the grounds of kensington palace and i guess harry doesn't like to get his own groceries, so he just helps himself to william's. >> i love how it's straight-faced, i hope he stays out of my fridge. no, really. >> congratulations to the happy couple. my fridge. no, really. >> congratulations to the happy couple. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. 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