Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20171025 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20171025

you can call it hottober. we watched heat records fall all over the bay area just one week from halloween. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm dion lim in for ama daetz. let's get to meteorologist sandhya patel for more on this record-breaking day. >> the heat just does not want to let go. as a matter of fact, let me show you the records for today. it was a very warm to hot day. sfo 91 today, breaking the previous record set back in 1988. oakland also a new record at 92. san jose surpassed its old record set in 1959, coming in at 94, and kentfield was a tie. movefeet field broke the record and half moon bay 92 degrees today. it was pretty hot. here are some of the other highs around the bay area. redwood city got up to 93. 9 p in napas with well. 88 in antioch. 97 in santa cruz. the wind still offshore, still downsloping tomorrow morning and then the wind will begin to switch direction. you're going to get a little more of an onshore wind wednesday afternoon. i'll let you know how that will play into your poerk. plus we'll take a look at whether this system on live doppler 7 could be bringing us some relief. dan and dion. >> sandhya, thanks so much. now, as sandhya mentioned, the south bay didn't see much relief. >> no. abc 7 news reporter katie marzullo is live in san jose with how people are dealing with these temperatures. katie? >> reporter: dan, dion, it has cooled down to a lovely 64 degrees according to the sign behind us here, which feels great. but it comes a little too late for families looking for that fall feeling at the pumpkin patch today. it may look like halloween is right around the corner. >> good job. >> but it sure did feel like fall at jacob's farm on tuesday. >> we were going to come on saturday and we thought it was too windy, too cold. so we came out today. now i'm sitting here sweating. >> reporter: tricked by mother nature when they were looking for a treat. >> it's not ideal for taking pictures and it's not ideal for a toddler because rierl hot. >> reporter: san jose reached 93 degrees breaking the previous october 24th record of 90 degrees set in 1959. a bittersweet temperature for san jose state track & field. >> we like the heat. we jump well in the heat. the sprinters run fast in the heat. it's me and the other coaches that take the beating because we're out here for four, five hours. >> reporter: no complaints, though, from parents at the solar for america ice rink next to the track. >> i have my shorts on and then i have the jacket on top. >> reporter: the vice president of shark sports and entertainment said some 250 people showed up for public skate. >> it's a great place to be when it's super hot out. >> reporter: certainly cooler than a pumpkin patch, even at closing time. >> this is actually quite hot, considering the sun's going down. >> reporter: and if it seemed too hot for halloween, how's this for haunting? decorations are in place for christmas in the park. in san jose, katie marzullo, abc 7 news. now, remember, track the heat where you live with abc 7 accuweather app. just search accuweather in your app store to download it anytime. restaurants are coming together to help raise money for victims of the north bay fires and the response tonight was simply incredible. >> it was really great to see. abc 7 news reporter leslie brinkley is live in san rafael with the story. leslie. >> reporter: dion and dan, the owners of la toscana got the ball rolling. they said everyone knows someone affected by the fires. so as you said, restaurants teamed up to help. the concept of dine and donate was popular tonight in the north bay. >> i mean, there's a line out the door and everybody's here in a good mood and wants to help support us any way they can. >> reporter: 20% of the proceeds go to the north bay fire relief fund. thanks to la toscana and a slew of other restaurants. >> it just grew exponentially. they had 46 restaurants total participating. and i think it's nine tomorrow. >> scoma sausalito also dished out seafood and donated profits. >> i think it's a wonderful idea. i think it shows how people are trying ban together and do good things for the folks up north. >> reporter: diners say they hunted down places that partnered with dine and donate. >> we were here as opposed to that restaurant, which is not doing it. so we came to this restaurant. >> reporter: many say evacuees are eating out at marin restaurants as they stay with fmily or friends. some restaurants like la toscana upped the ante, selling raffle tickets for bottles of wine with 100% going it fire victims. >> we had more phone calls today than we could ever dream of and people are just -- i mean, i'm talking about the tickets i cannot keep them fast enough. >> reporter: dine and donate comes to restaurants tomorrow in san francisco, palo alto, san jose, lafayette, and danville. you'll find a list and a link on our website at abc i'm leslie brinkley, abc 7 news. now, we have another great program we want to share with you. the u.s. department of agriculture just approved the state's request for cal fresh assistance. that means people impacted by the fire may be eligible for a little help paying for breakfast, lunch and dinner. the program provides debit cards to help pay for groceries and meals out. to find out if you're eligible or to sign up, that information is also on our website, tonight the city of santa rosa took quick action to help homeowners rebuild. abc 7 news reporter lisa aminute gulezian joins us now live with that story. lisa? >> reporter: dion, four urgent ordinances passed a little while ago. in fact, the last one was just an hour and a half ago. the goal was to sends a message to residents that the city of santa rosa is with them. >> your city will work with you to recover and rebuild. >> reporter: city leaders vowed to help tonight. they passed a series of urgent ordinances aimed at cutting through the red tape of rebuildi rebuilding and saving residents as much money as possible. that's why the council voted unanimously to waive permit fees for demolition and housing. they also gave the okay for homeowners to temporarily stay on their burnt properties during construction in a trailer or rv. residents are also build a smaller home like an in-law unit and live there while their house is being built. the goal just about everyone here has is to keep their community together. >> how do we take care of the t guy at the cleaning establishment who doesn't want to wait around for two years, he's going to move back to new jersey? >> we sneed to keep our citizens here and we need to give them safety and shelter, especially as the winter months come. >> reporter: the council also took up the issue of price gouging in the rental housing market. the city is calling it, quote, greedy to rent for any more than 10% of the price that was paid 30 days before the fire. it's also the state law. meantime, others here asked for a full freeze on any rent increases, at least for the next several months. in santa rosa, lisa amin gulezian, abc 7 news. now, drone view 7 gives us really an unbelievably close look at the damage left by the north bay fires. fire officials gave us permission, keep in mind, to fly above cignarello estate wineriy where the main building was destroyed. the grapes survived as did the crush pad and metal tanks. napa road is open and all evacuation orders have been lifted. the four major fires in the north bay are now 90% contained. and one more note to add tonight. metallica just announced they'll be part of a special concert november 9th. this will be at at&t park to benefit the fire victims. also playing at that concert, rapper g-easy and dave matthews. it's called band together bay area and tickets go on sale friday on ticketmaster. we have breaking news. an oakland police officer has been imgd in a hit-and-run. it happened at 96th avenue and sunnyside street. right now the area is blocked off as investigators gather evidence and talk with witnesses of course. police have not announced any arrests. one officer did tell abc 7 news he thinks the officer will be okay, thank goodness. a witness whose photos helped lead san francisco police to a suspect in the shooting death of kate steinle took the stand today in his trial. in day two of that trial a tourist testified about seeing suspect jose garcia zurate and steinle at pier 14 just would've the shooting. two other women took the stand saying they heard a gunshot and noticed everyone running toward steinle except for one person, the person who was walking away. and they identified him as garcia-zurate. police arrest a man accused of stealing checks and mail from at least 130 homes. an officer tried to stop justin rucker early sunday morning in saratoga. he took off, driving through a residence yard. rucker eventually lost control and crashed into a curb. in his car the arresting officer found mail from saratoga, san jose, and los gatos. also credit cards and $80,000 in uncashed checks. investigators will contact all of the identified victims. coming up on abc 7 news at 11:00 the naacp issuing a travel advisory against one airline. what both sides are saying tonight. and a new fee is coming for some uber passengers which you need to know before ordering your next ride. and here's a ride some bay area residents will never forget. a snake ends up on a bus. now this python can be yours. >> all that's ahead but first here's a look at what's coming up on "jimmy kimmel live" tonight right after abc 7 news at 11:00. jimmy. >> thanks, dan and dion. here's a look at what some people are calling our show. >> what kind of stuff do you forget? >> names. >> oh, people's names. yeah. have you always been good with names? >> jim (all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. an emmy award winner and prominent aids activist has died. robert guillaume starred in shows like "soap" and "benson." here's reporter george pennacchio from our sister station in los angeles. >> i still don't understand any of this. >> reporter: robert guillaume's emmy-winning presence on the sitcom "soap" was so strong he got his own spinoff series "benson." and took home emmy number two. >> clayton, your brand is so small you could put it in a barbie doll's naval and still have room left over for three raisinettes and a list of your important accomplishments. >> reporter: guillaume scored another tv hit in the late '90s with "sports night" but he was temporarily sidelined by a stroke. >> it did make me more away of mortality and is it sometime. >> reporter: it was not. i was on the set a few months later when guillaume returned to work. and it's work that guillaume loved. he was the voice of rafiki in "the lion king." >> simba? >> reporter: guillaume also starred on the big screen opposite morgan freeman in "lean on me." >> the fact is you're screwing up! you're alienating everybody! >> reporter: guillaume was also a powerful singer. among his credits he was the first african-american to play the title role in "phantom of the opera." he performed one of the signature songs during a motown tv special. ♪ and listen to the music of the night ♪ george pennacchio for abc 7 news. >> very talented man. the naacp is warning black travelers to be careful flying with american airlines. tonight the civil rights advocacy group issued an advisory citing a pattern of disturbing incidents. they include a man forced off a flight after an incident with two white passengers and a black woman who purchased two first-class tickets and was moved to coach while her white companion was allowed to stay in first class. american invited the naacp to meet, saying, "we are committed to having a meaningful dialogue about our airline and are ready to both listen and engage." you might have to pay a new fee the next time you get an uber ride. the san francisco company said today there's now an additional charge if it takes the driver eight minutes or more to get you to your pickup location. it's a move designed to help drivers who travel longer distances earn more money. >> and while we're talking about getting from points a to point b listen to this. an uninvited passenger on a vta bus surprised everyone else on board. a young ball python was sitting on a seat during the morning commute from san jose to palo alto last month. passengers kept their cool. someone called animal control, who picked it up. the snake is affectionately referred to as rumplesnakeskin on social media. no one was sure how it got on the bus but you can take it home. the atopgs details are on ab he seems friendly enough. firefighters say they faced several obstacles fighting this brush fire near san francisco's legion of honor. abc 7's sky 7 was overhead as flames chewed through trees and brush. crews said they debt with steep cliffs and loose rocks and even had to shut until water supplies. sky map 7 shows the fire just below the el camino del mar area. the flames burned a fourth of an acre. >> now, that fire got under control just as the sun was setting and our emeryville camera caught that beautiful sunset tonight. this is a time lapse. isn't that stunning? >> it doesn't look real. like a postcard. >> and so warm not only during the day but into the night. >> meteorologist sandhya patel standing by with a look at how long it's going to last. >> it's going to last at least for inlands areas for a few more days. along the coast you're going to get some r. leif. i do want to show you an equally beautiful time lapse from our east bay hills camera. check out the sun going down. is that spectacular or what? we had a few high clouds passing through the region. other than that fog is ab sents. and the sea breeze isn't strong, which is part of the problem as to why you haven't been getting any relief from the heat. but it is coming. i want to show you the temperature trend for walnut creek. the next couple of days it's going to be in the '90s. summer-like heat in the inlands areas. 88 by friday. look at those temperatures dropping. sunday through tuesday you're going to notice a big difference in our weather. just in time for halloween. i want to show you a live picture from our abc 7 news exploratorium camera at pier 15. great view of san francisco and the financial district. that's because when you check out live doppler 7 not much in the way of clouds. noorz sure. i want to show you some temperatures out west. it is currently 70 degrees in las vegas, 79 in phoenix. san francisco right now believe it or not is warmer than las vegas. it's 76 degrees. it's pretty warm. not all areas are very warm. some parts of the bay area have already dropped down to the 50s and the 60s. here's a live look from our mt. tamil pais camera. this is just a gorgeous view. the winds have eased as far as the hilltops are concerned. and that is going to play a role in our forecast tomorrow. the warmth holds inland through friday. gradual cooling along the coast and back to average temperaturewise sunday through tuesday. your 12-hour planner for wednesday tomorrow morning we're going to go 50s, 60s. auts autumn'll warmth by noontime. if you're eating lunch outside sun screen definitely plenty of water and you'll be feeling the heat again at least inland tomorrow afternoon with 90s showing up. overnight tonight with the long nights we are expecting pretty good cooling in most areas. warmest spot will be san francisco, 64 degrees so you can leave your jacket behind if you're going to be working in the city tomorrow morning or you're taking the kids off to school. for the rest of you some of you might need an extra layer. for the afternoon check out the temperatures. south bay 89 and san jose still hot morgan hill 92 degrees on the benesla you're looking at a warm day 84 san mateo 87 mount view temperatures near the coast upper 70s to low 80s you're not going to be in the 90s like you were today and that's because that offshore flow the downsloping wind not as strong tomorrow afternoon. 80 in downtown san francisco. still warm. and in the north bay 90 in napa, 86 san rafael. east bay community 8s. hayward. this is going to be where in the 90s pretty much everywhere. you want to escape the heat the beach will be the best place to be tomorrow. santa cruz 79, 8 o'degrees in half moon bay, 77 ocean beach, warm fall day, moderate uv index but at least it's not going to be in the 90s like some of the beaches were today. here's a look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. a hot one inland, warm at the coast, 70s to 90s, warmth holds on at least inland on thursday still warm along the coast. then you're looking at cooler weather at the beaches friday. low 70s to low 90s. you'll feel it by saturday. 60s to 80s. sunday through halloween we'll bring you back closer to average. mid to upper 70s inland upper 50s to low 60s coastside. download the weather app, check out the temperatures and the all-important halloween forecast as we get closer, dan and dion. >> i'm already wearing my costume. just trying ...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hline can help. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) a very important question here. beer or wine? that's the world series bet this year between california and texas as the l.a. dodgers started their showdown against the houston astros tonight. now, if the dodgers win, texas will send a six-pack from a houston-based brewery. >> if the astros win, california is sending wine from sonoma, napa, and mendocino counties. of course both areas are dealing with devastation from the fires. governor brown says he hopes travelers will continue to visit both areas. of course they've been affected in texas by the hurricane. >> a lot going on. a win for either would be nice. >> true. and it's a feel-good series in a lot of ways. >> both areas need this certainly. the knock on clayton kershaw has been great in the regular season but not really when it counts. it really counted tonight. game 1 good evening. the dodgers had to wait 29 long years to get back to the world series, and they took the field tonight in 103 degree heat. clayton kershaw, he brought his own sizzle. yasiel puig. hair dye is also puig's friend. all dolled up there. first pitch of the game chris tail where a moon shot off dallas keuchel. that's how you want to start the world series. dodgers up 1-0 in a flash. there's a puig hug. 1-0 lead in the fourth, alex bregman evens it up off of kershaw. 1-1 game. kershaw gets angry and you won't like him when he's angry. strikes out jose altuve. and then carlos correa. look at the break on that curveball. you'll all get nothing and like it! 11 k's for kershaw in seven innings. sixth inning, big red, here it sxumz there it goes for justin turner. this guy's been amazing this postseason. two-run blast. that's your game winner. dodgers take game 1, 3-1. game 2 tomorrow in l.a., rich hill versus justin verlander. here is kershaw on turner. >> the mindsset, competitiveness, the clutchness, whatever that is. it seems like every single night he's in the right position to come up with a big hit. we're going to ride him because i don't know if there's an easy way to get him out. he's been unbelievable for us. >> jordan bell can throw the ball off the backboard and jam it home. the question for the warriors rookie is whether you should do that in a game or is it considered showboating? jordan k57d the dubs' 30-point win last night in dallas with this dunk in the final moments and the reaction from kevin durant is just fantastic. steph curry as well. steve kerr didn't like it. the code is don't show up your opponents. there's k.d. draymond green thought it was fine. and so did lebron james. >> we're all men. stop me from drunking. we're not out trying to hurt nobody. we want to play hard to the final end of the buzzer. >>

Related Keywords

Sausalito , California , United States , Sonoma , Texas , Saratoga , Oakland , Ocean Beach , Redwood City , Jordan , San Francisco , Los Gatos , Danville , Dallas , El Camino , Morgan Hill , America , American , Jimmy Kimmel , Jose Altuve , Lebron James , Los Angeles , Leslie Brinkley , Robert Guillaume Emmy , Carlos Correa , Clayton Kershaw , Steve Kerr , Justin Verlander , Dan Ashley , Jose Garcia , Robert Guillaume , Morgan Freeman ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20171025 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20171025

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you can call it hottober. we watched heat records fall all over the bay area just one week from halloween. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm dion lim in for ama daetz. let's get to meteorologist sandhya patel for more on this record-breaking day. >> the heat just does not want to let go. as a matter of fact, let me show you the records for today. it was a very warm to hot day. sfo 91 today, breaking the previous record set back in 1988. oakland also a new record at 92. san jose surpassed its old record set in 1959, coming in at 94, and kentfield was a tie. movefeet field broke the record and half moon bay 92 degrees today. it was pretty hot. here are some of the other highs around the bay area. redwood city got up to 93. 9 p in napas with well. 88 in antioch. 97 in santa cruz. the wind still offshore, still downsloping tomorrow morning and then the wind will begin to switch direction. you're going to get a little more of an onshore wind wednesday afternoon. i'll let you know how that will play into your poerk. plus we'll take a look at whether this system on live doppler 7 could be bringing us some relief. dan and dion. >> sandhya, thanks so much. now, as sandhya mentioned, the south bay didn't see much relief. >> no. abc 7 news reporter katie marzullo is live in san jose with how people are dealing with these temperatures. katie? >> reporter: dan, dion, it has cooled down to a lovely 64 degrees according to the sign behind us here, which feels great. but it comes a little too late for families looking for that fall feeling at the pumpkin patch today. it may look like halloween is right around the corner. >> good job. >> but it sure did feel like fall at jacob's farm on tuesday. >> we were going to come on saturday and we thought it was too windy, too cold. so we came out today. now i'm sitting here sweating. >> reporter: tricked by mother nature when they were looking for a treat. >> it's not ideal for taking pictures and it's not ideal for a toddler because rierl hot. >> reporter: san jose reached 93 degrees breaking the previous october 24th record of 90 degrees set in 1959. a bittersweet temperature for san jose state track & field. >> we like the heat. we jump well in the heat. the sprinters run fast in the heat. it's me and the other coaches that take the beating because we're out here for four, five hours. >> reporter: no complaints, though, from parents at the solar for america ice rink next to the track. >> i have my shorts on and then i have the jacket on top. >> reporter: the vice president of shark sports and entertainment said some 250 people showed up for public skate. >> it's a great place to be when it's super hot out. >> reporter: certainly cooler than a pumpkin patch, even at closing time. >> this is actually quite hot, considering the sun's going down. >> reporter: and if it seemed too hot for halloween, how's this for haunting? decorations are in place for christmas in the park. in san jose, katie marzullo, abc 7 news. now, remember, track the heat where you live with abc 7 accuweather app. just search accuweather in your app store to download it anytime. restaurants are coming together to help raise money for victims of the north bay fires and the response tonight was simply incredible. >> it was really great to see. abc 7 news reporter leslie brinkley is live in san rafael with the story. leslie. >> reporter: dion and dan, the owners of la toscana got the ball rolling. they said everyone knows someone affected by the fires. so as you said, restaurants teamed up to help. the concept of dine and donate was popular tonight in the north bay. >> i mean, there's a line out the door and everybody's here in a good mood and wants to help support us any way they can. >> reporter: 20% of the proceeds go to the north bay fire relief fund. thanks to la toscana and a slew of other restaurants. >> it just grew exponentially. they had 46 restaurants total participating. and i think it's nine tomorrow. >> scoma sausalito also dished out seafood and donated profits. >> i think it's a wonderful idea. i think it shows how people are trying ban together and do good things for the folks up north. >> reporter: diners say they hunted down places that partnered with dine and donate. >> we were here as opposed to that restaurant, which is not doing it. so we came to this restaurant. >> reporter: many say evacuees are eating out at marin restaurants as they stay with fmily or friends. some restaurants like la toscana upped the ante, selling raffle tickets for bottles of wine with 100% going it fire victims. >> we had more phone calls today than we could ever dream of and people are just -- i mean, i'm talking about the tickets i cannot keep them fast enough. >> reporter: dine and donate comes to restaurants tomorrow in san francisco, palo alto, san jose, lafayette, and danville. you'll find a list and a link on our website at abc i'm leslie brinkley, abc 7 news. now, we have another great program we want to share with you. the u.s. department of agriculture just approved the state's request for cal fresh assistance. that means people impacted by the fire may be eligible for a little help paying for breakfast, lunch and dinner. the program provides debit cards to help pay for groceries and meals out. to find out if you're eligible or to sign up, that information is also on our website, tonight the city of santa rosa took quick action to help homeowners rebuild. abc 7 news reporter lisa aminute gulezian joins us now live with that story. lisa? >> reporter: dion, four urgent ordinances passed a little while ago. in fact, the last one was just an hour and a half ago. the goal was to sends a message to residents that the city of santa rosa is with them. >> your city will work with you to recover and rebuild. >> reporter: city leaders vowed to help tonight. they passed a series of urgent ordinances aimed at cutting through the red tape of rebuildi rebuilding and saving residents as much money as possible. that's why the council voted unanimously to waive permit fees for demolition and housing. they also gave the okay for homeowners to temporarily stay on their burnt properties during construction in a trailer or rv. residents are also build a smaller home like an in-law unit and live there while their house is being built. the goal just about everyone here has is to keep their community together. >> how do we take care of the t guy at the cleaning establishment who doesn't want to wait around for two years, he's going to move back to new jersey? >> we sneed to keep our citizens here and we need to give them safety and shelter, especially as the winter months come. >> reporter: the council also took up the issue of price gouging in the rental housing market. the city is calling it, quote, greedy to rent for any more than 10% of the price that was paid 30 days before the fire. it's also the state law. meantime, others here asked for a full freeze on any rent increases, at least for the next several months. in santa rosa, lisa amin gulezian, abc 7 news. now, drone view 7 gives us really an unbelievably close look at the damage left by the north bay fires. fire officials gave us permission, keep in mind, to fly above cignarello estate wineriy where the main building was destroyed. the grapes survived as did the crush pad and metal tanks. napa road is open and all evacuation orders have been lifted. the four major fires in the north bay are now 90% contained. and one more note to add tonight. metallica just announced they'll be part of a special concert november 9th. this will be at at&t park to benefit the fire victims. also playing at that concert, rapper g-easy and dave matthews. it's called band together bay area and tickets go on sale friday on ticketmaster. we have breaking news. an oakland police officer has been imgd in a hit-and-run. it happened at 96th avenue and sunnyside street. right now the area is blocked off as investigators gather evidence and talk with witnesses of course. police have not announced any arrests. one officer did tell abc 7 news he thinks the officer will be okay, thank goodness. a witness whose photos helped lead san francisco police to a suspect in the shooting death of kate steinle took the stand today in his trial. in day two of that trial a tourist testified about seeing suspect jose garcia zurate and steinle at pier 14 just would've the shooting. two other women took the stand saying they heard a gunshot and noticed everyone running toward steinle except for one person, the person who was walking away. and they identified him as garcia-zurate. police arrest a man accused of stealing checks and mail from at least 130 homes. an officer tried to stop justin rucker early sunday morning in saratoga. he took off, driving through a residence yard. rucker eventually lost control and crashed into a curb. in his car the arresting officer found mail from saratoga, san jose, and los gatos. also credit cards and $80,000 in uncashed checks. investigators will contact all of the identified victims. coming up on abc 7 news at 11:00 the naacp issuing a travel advisory against one airline. what both sides are saying tonight. and a new fee is coming for some uber passengers which you need to know before ordering your next ride. and here's a ride some bay area residents will never forget. a snake ends up on a bus. now this python can be yours. >> all that's ahead but first here's a look at what's coming up on "jimmy kimmel live" tonight right after abc 7 news at 11:00. jimmy. >> thanks, dan and dion. here's a look at what some people are calling our show. >> what kind of stuff do you forget? >> names. >> oh, people's names. yeah. have you always been good with names? >> jim (all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. an emmy award winner and prominent aids activist has died. robert guillaume starred in shows like "soap" and "benson." here's reporter george pennacchio from our sister station in los angeles. >> i still don't understand any of this. >> reporter: robert guillaume's emmy-winning presence on the sitcom "soap" was so strong he got his own spinoff series "benson." and took home emmy number two. >> clayton, your brand is so small you could put it in a barbie doll's naval and still have room left over for three raisinettes and a list of your important accomplishments. >> reporter: guillaume scored another tv hit in the late '90s with "sports night" but he was temporarily sidelined by a stroke. >> it did make me more away of mortality and is it sometime. >> reporter: it was not. i was on the set a few months later when guillaume returned to work. and it's work that guillaume loved. he was the voice of rafiki in "the lion king." >> simba? >> reporter: guillaume also starred on the big screen opposite morgan freeman in "lean on me." >> the fact is you're screwing up! you're alienating everybody! >> reporter: guillaume was also a powerful singer. among his credits he was the first african-american to play the title role in "phantom of the opera." he performed one of the signature songs during a motown tv special. ♪ and listen to the music of the night ♪ george pennacchio for abc 7 news. >> very talented man. the naacp is warning black travelers to be careful flying with american airlines. tonight the civil rights advocacy group issued an advisory citing a pattern of disturbing incidents. they include a man forced off a flight after an incident with two white passengers and a black woman who purchased two first-class tickets and was moved to coach while her white companion was allowed to stay in first class. american invited the naacp to meet, saying, "we are committed to having a meaningful dialogue about our airline and are ready to both listen and engage." you might have to pay a new fee the next time you get an uber ride. the san francisco company said today there's now an additional charge if it takes the driver eight minutes or more to get you to your pickup location. it's a move designed to help drivers who travel longer distances earn more money. >> and while we're talking about getting from points a to point b listen to this. an uninvited passenger on a vta bus surprised everyone else on board. a young ball python was sitting on a seat during the morning commute from san jose to palo alto last month. passengers kept their cool. someone called animal control, who picked it up. the snake is affectionately referred to as rumplesnakeskin on social media. no one was sure how it got on the bus but you can take it home. the atopgs details are on ab he seems friendly enough. firefighters say they faced several obstacles fighting this brush fire near san francisco's legion of honor. abc 7's sky 7 was overhead as flames chewed through trees and brush. crews said they debt with steep cliffs and loose rocks and even had to shut until water supplies. sky map 7 shows the fire just below the el camino del mar area. the flames burned a fourth of an acre. >> now, that fire got under control just as the sun was setting and our emeryville camera caught that beautiful sunset tonight. this is a time lapse. isn't that stunning? >> it doesn't look real. like a postcard. >> and so warm not only during the day but into the night. >> meteorologist sandhya patel standing by with a look at how long it's going to last. >> it's going to last at least for inlands areas for a few more days. along the coast you're going to get some r. leif. i do want to show you an equally beautiful time lapse from our east bay hills camera. check out the sun going down. is that spectacular or what? we had a few high clouds passing through the region. other than that fog is ab sents. and the sea breeze isn't strong, which is part of the problem as to why you haven't been getting any relief from the heat. but it is coming. i want to show you the temperature trend for walnut creek. the next couple of days it's going to be in the '90s. summer-like heat in the inlands areas. 88 by friday. look at those temperatures dropping. sunday through tuesday you're going to notice a big difference in our weather. just in time for halloween. i want to show you a live picture from our abc 7 news exploratorium camera at pier 15. great view of san francisco and the financial district. that's because when you check out live doppler 7 not much in the way of clouds. noorz sure. i want to show you some temperatures out west. it is currently 70 degrees in las vegas, 79 in phoenix. san francisco right now believe it or not is warmer than las vegas. it's 76 degrees. it's pretty warm. not all areas are very warm. some parts of the bay area have already dropped down to the 50s and the 60s. here's a live look from our mt. tamil pais camera. this is just a gorgeous view. the winds have eased as far as the hilltops are concerned. and that is going to play a role in our forecast tomorrow. the warmth holds inland through friday. gradual cooling along the coast and back to average temperaturewise sunday through tuesday. your 12-hour planner for wednesday tomorrow morning we're going to go 50s, 60s. auts autumn'll warmth by noontime. if you're eating lunch outside sun screen definitely plenty of water and you'll be feeling the heat again at least inland tomorrow afternoon with 90s showing up. overnight tonight with the long nights we are expecting pretty good cooling in most areas. warmest spot will be san francisco, 64 degrees so you can leave your jacket behind if you're going to be working in the city tomorrow morning or you're taking the kids off to school. for the rest of you some of you might need an extra layer. for the afternoon check out the temperatures. south bay 89 and san jose still hot morgan hill 92 degrees on the benesla you're looking at a warm day 84 san mateo 87 mount view temperatures near the coast upper 70s to low 80s you're not going to be in the 90s like you were today and that's because that offshore flow the downsloping wind not as strong tomorrow afternoon. 80 in downtown san francisco. still warm. and in the north bay 90 in napa, 86 san rafael. east bay community 8s. hayward. this is going to be where in the 90s pretty much everywhere. you want to escape the heat the beach will be the best place to be tomorrow. santa cruz 79, 8 o'degrees in half moon bay, 77 ocean beach, warm fall day, moderate uv index but at least it's not going to be in the 90s like some of the beaches were today. here's a look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. a hot one inland, warm at the coast, 70s to 90s, warmth holds on at least inland on thursday still warm along the coast. then you're looking at cooler weather at the beaches friday. low 70s to low 90s. you'll feel it by saturday. 60s to 80s. sunday through halloween we'll bring you back closer to average. mid to upper 70s inland upper 50s to low 60s coastside. download the weather app, check out the temperatures and the all-important halloween forecast as we get closer, dan and dion. >> i'm already wearing my costume. just trying ...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hline can help. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) a very important question here. beer or wine? that's the world series bet this year between california and texas as the l.a. dodgers started their showdown against the houston astros tonight. now, if the dodgers win, texas will send a six-pack from a houston-based brewery. >> if the astros win, california is sending wine from sonoma, napa, and mendocino counties. of course both areas are dealing with devastation from the fires. governor brown says he hopes travelers will continue to visit both areas. of course they've been affected in texas by the hurricane. >> a lot going on. a win for either would be nice. >> true. and it's a feel-good series in a lot of ways. >> both areas need this certainly. the knock on clayton kershaw has been great in the regular season but not really when it counts. it really counted tonight. game 1 good evening. the dodgers had to wait 29 long years to get back to the world series, and they took the field tonight in 103 degree heat. clayton kershaw, he brought his own sizzle. yasiel puig. hair dye is also puig's friend. all dolled up there. first pitch of the game chris tail where a moon shot off dallas keuchel. that's how you want to start the world series. dodgers up 1-0 in a flash. there's a puig hug. 1-0 lead in the fourth, alex bregman evens it up off of kershaw. 1-1 game. kershaw gets angry and you won't like him when he's angry. strikes out jose altuve. and then carlos correa. look at the break on that curveball. you'll all get nothing and like it! 11 k's for kershaw in seven innings. sixth inning, big red, here it sxumz there it goes for justin turner. this guy's been amazing this postseason. two-run blast. that's your game winner. dodgers take game 1, 3-1. game 2 tomorrow in l.a., rich hill versus justin verlander. here is kershaw on turner. >> the mindsset, competitiveness, the clutchness, whatever that is. it seems like every single night he's in the right position to come up with a big hit. we're going to ride him because i don't know if there's an easy way to get him out. he's been unbelievable for us. >> jordan bell can throw the ball off the backboard and jam it home. the question for the warriors rookie is whether you should do that in a game or is it considered showboating? jordan k57d the dubs' 30-point win last night in dallas with this dunk in the final moments and the reaction from kevin durant is just fantastic. steph curry as well. steve kerr didn't like it. the code is don't show up your opponents. there's k.d. draymond green thought it was fine. and so did lebron james. >> we're all men. stop me from drunking. we're not out trying to hurt nobody. we want to play hard to the final end of the buzzer. >>

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Sausalito , California , United States , Sonoma , Texas , Saratoga , Oakland , Ocean Beach , Redwood City , Jordan , San Francisco , Los Gatos , Danville , Dallas , El Camino , Morgan Hill , America , American , Jimmy Kimmel , Jose Altuve , Lebron James , Los Angeles , Leslie Brinkley , Robert Guillaume Emmy , Carlos Correa , Clayton Kershaw , Steve Kerr , Justin Verlander , Dan Ashley , Jose Garcia , Robert Guillaume , Morgan Freeman ,

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