Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20171020 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20171020

enough for the switch a roo to i happen and it's one of their friends dressed as grandmother. the best part, grandma is in on this and there comes their friend in the car that hits grandma. he does share a few choice words with everyone. problem is, he's upset with grandma, too. >> i thought you were dead! >> what does grandma have to say about all of this? >> grandma handed out licks, too, okay. >> grandma is quite the lady. that's all we have for you now in this episode. check out for lots more fun content or catch us on the all-new "rtm". and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. check this out. quick thinking by this school bus driver, prevented an injury to 16 kids aboard. the driver smelled smoke during the afternoon trip and immediately evacuated the charlotte, north carolina, high school students. the cause of the fire still under investigation. just look at the charred wreckage there. thank goodness he or she was alert. the time is up. just as the clock struck midnight. the submissions ended for cities hoping to become the home of amazon's second headquarters. >> many see this as a guaranteed economic boom and they have been giving very creative pitches moving forward. here's abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: from giant amazon boxes turning up across birmingham, alabama to this 21-foot cactus sent as a gift. >> from tucson, arizona. with the message that their community has, quote, room to grow. more than 100 cities going all out to convince amazon to make their city the second headquarters in their city and bringing with it a $5 million investment and as many as 50,000 jobs. >> i want to be clear to amazon. on day one, the second city's your first choice. >> reporter: even cities close to the online retailer's headquarters in seattle vying for a shot. >> i would be so excited to have amazon here in marysville. >> from coast to coast, the focus varying from practical incentives including tax breaks, transportation and talent. >> we have a very young population, a growing population. >> reporter: while others hoping to sell their city with some very memorable approaches. the mayor of kansas city, buying 1,000 products on amazon, and leaving not-so-subtle reviews for each. >> i live in beautiful kansas city where the average home price is just $122,000. so i know luxe living doesn't have to cost a ton. >> reporter: and speaking of mayors, that job is now offered to amazon ceo jeff sw bezos of a new city being proposed outside of atlanta if that area is chosen. they'd call it, what else, but amazon, georgia. the bidding is now closed. and amazon won't announce the decision on where the second headquarters will be built until next year. erielle and kendis, back to you. >> it will be tough to beat stonecrest indeed. >> i vote oklahoma city. i know that's shocking. the long, national nightmare is over. target has finally made it to its final state that it didn't have a location, vermont. >> the green mountain state is the one and only without a target store at this point. the retailer is coming to vermont next year, building a store that's about half the size of a typical target location. why half? go for the big. >> start out slow. when we come back, taylor swift's overnight surprise. and a simpson's super mix. "the skinny" is next. simpson's super mix. "the skinny" is next. waste that weighs me down, oves the so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. ♪ oh, ♪ oh, look what you made me do ♪ look what you made me to ♪ look what you just made me do ♪ >> what you made taylor do. is that your taylor swift dance moves? she's the lead of our skinny, because we have big, big, breaking news. she just dropped her brand-new song. >> you're going to hear it here, folks. laughing at my dance moves? >> i love your dance moves. >> she has a new album coming out next month. after teasing a midnight release yesterday, we now have that new song. it's called "gorgeous", and it has a lyric video to go with it, ♪ oceans for eyes ♪ looking in mine i feel like i might sink and crown and die ♪ ♪ you're so gorgeous >> has a good ring to it. >> here's the thing with taylor swift sonks. i never like them when they first come out and then i'm obsessed with them five minutes later. >> it's not bad. so that's not all, of course. you can bet taylor's reaching out to her swifties for "reputation" which is about to be released. >> taylor invited a select group of her super fans to rhode island to her home for a listening session. can you imagine being one of the fans? she got to listen to the new album. and the is fans writing about the experience online. some bragging rights there. >> those are some boots as well. earlier this year we saw ed sheeran play a soldier on game of thrones. and now after seeing what he's been through since, we can -- finally forgive him for ruining that episode of "game of thrones." >> curmudgeon. a loveable curmudgeon. earlier this week we found out he was in a bicycle accident. he broke his wrist, elbow and a rib, forcing him to cancel some tour dates, but we didn't know how tough he is. >> he told a british talk show host that his initial reaction was "that hurt." but he kept on pedaling all the way to the pub where he drank away the pain. he didn't realize it was actually broken until the next morning. how is that for a hangover? >> nothing a beer can't cure. >> and that's when he finally got the cast for it, so. next up, the simpson's and the voice of bart, pulling back the curtain on the show's legendary, iconic characters. >> nancy cartwright plays bart and she also brings a slew of other characters to life. and a clip of her doing seven simpson's voices on the internet now, check it out. >> your attention please, your attention please, i have an announcement to make, i'm bored. >> you think you're bored, what about all those poor suckers out there in the audience. >> yeah, they keep praying that their category is next. >> well, as long as they are praying and while we're at it, i get to anoint their feet. >> you keep your hands off me, you little twink or i'll call the cops. >> how awesome is that? >> i feel like she's going to hurt her voice. >> maybe that's why they call them voice actors, that is beautiful acting right there. >> that's strenuous. finally, let's check out how pro athletes are drive around in style. >> so last year, nfl running back alfred morris inked a $5.5 million contract with the dallas cowboy and instead of spending some of s. that major signing bonus on a sleek new ride, he's looking to get the most out of his 1991 mazda 626. he bought it for $2 from his pastor while he was in college. i love this story. >> so morris's nickname -- >> it's a fly ride. it is, as long as it runs. so he nicknamed the car bentley. and he says it helps keep him grounded. like grounded as when it breaks down. but not bad. if i can get, like a 1990 era mazda that still drives to this day, i would be all for it. >> doesn't warren buffett kind of drive around in a jalopy? >> it's not necessarily a jalopy but it's not -- you would expect -- it's not what you would expect. >> you would expect warren buffett to be driven in a chauffeured car. but also mark zuckerberg for facebook, who is worth billions and billions of dollars, of course. he drives around in an acura. >> it gets him from a to b. i drive around on the six train. the friday rewind is next. creative hacks to take care... ...of our jeans. it got weird. ahhh! i'm just airing them out! luckily we discovered tide pods plus downy. so our jeans stay in great shape. and they actually get clean. what? we can wash 'em. tide pods plus downy. super concentrated to clean, condition and keep your favorites looking great. it's got to be tide. hey(screams)t's that? get out. d-con bait station. mice eat the bait... ...then they die. guaranteed. ♪...nausea, heartburn,♪ indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. theseare heading back home.y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it's tough on grease yet gentle. i am home, i am home, i am home i'm never gonna be able i'll take a sick day tomorrow. on our daughter's birthday? moms don't take sick days... moms take nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. ♪ ♪ we're going to end this half hour as we always do on a friday, looking back at the week through the headlines. >> and with all the news rolling in, the staff here was forced to work through a haunting of the studio. here's the friday rewind. >> let's go. >> as a firestorm closed in on santa rosa, not even hospitals were safe. patients, many on gurneys, wheeled to safety. containment numbers are up and there is some rain in the forecast. as for that hospital, you can see from this melted sign just how intense the flames got. >> one of the most heinous acts we've seen in our county. >> captured. police closing in on the man involved in that shooting spree, gunning down his co-workers, going on the run, sparking a multi-state manhunt. >> the metoo movement. millions of women across the country and around the world sharing their experience with sexual harassment and abuse online. that movement took off last weekend when alyssa milano posted it on twitter writing, if you've been sexually harassed or abused, write metoo." as a reply to this tweet. >> no more. we're not going to put up with this anymore. we're going to be vocal until this stops. >> fallen soldiers fallout. president trump faces new outrage after calling the widow of a soldier, reportedly saying he knew what he signed up for. >> the president disputed that. >> had a very nice conversation with the woman, with the wife who was, sounded like a lovely woman. did not say what the congresswoman said, and most people aren't too surprised to hear that. >> commissioner roger goodell taking the debate over nfl protests head on. >> we believe that our players should stand for the national anthem. that's an important part of our game and our moment. >> but no new rules or penalties for anthem protests. it comes after the nfl reveals it didn't ask player force a commitment to stand. the president taking aim at the league, tweeting, the nfl has decided it will not force players to stand for the national anthem. total disrespect for our country. >> we ain't afraid of no ghosts. what if we just -- what if we just beat them, does that work? >> sad part is, they went to j-school. they went to journalism school. i didn't even get to see the dance moves of thor marshmallow man. whoever that was. so the world series begins on tuesday. the dodgers versus the -- >> new york yankees! yes! >> let's hope not, let's hope not. astros. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. good morning, on this friday, i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm erielle reshe good morning, on this friday, i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm erielle reshef in for diane macedo. here are some of the top headlines this morning we're following for you. after days of preparation by the university of florida, white nationali nationalist richard spencer has appeared on campus and was shouted down, walking off stage earlier than planned. president trump giving himself a 10 in response to the devastation in puerto rico. this despite criticism of the pace. the governor of the island is asking for more resources as 80% of the population there remain without power and more than a quarter with no drinking water. police in los angeles are investigating harvey weinstein after an unidentified italian actress accused him of rape. and now oscar winning actress luputa nyog'o says she's endured repeated incidents of sexual harassment by weinstein that she says made her sick. and words you haven't heard since the reagan administration. >> and the los angeles dodgers have won the pennant. >> yes, they have. they're heading to the world series. they could find out their opponent as early as tonight as the yankees try to close out against houston. those are our top stories on this friday, october 20th. from abc news, this is "world news now." we begin this half hour with a speech by a white nationalist at the university of florida, gainesville. >> officials beefed up security ahead of the speech. they wanted to make sure there wasn't a repeat of the violence in charlottesville over the summer. the governor even declared a state of emergency. nbc's abc's victor oquendo was there in the room. >> reporter: white nationalist richard spencer booed from the moment he walked on stage at the university of florida. >> so -- >> reporter: the crowd standing and shouting "go home." these students right behind me here, chanting and booing the entire time. spencer, a key figure in charlottesville. >> we'll never, we'll never back down. >> reporter: where we saw those hounting images and violent clashes. the governor declaring a state of emergency in preparation for his speech in gainesville. hundreds of protesters gathering outside the site of the speech. >> we need to show the u.s. that the state of florida condemns richard spencer and his ideology. >> reporter: the afternoon mostly peaceful, then this flare-up, the crowd surrounding this man wearing a t-shirt covered in swastikas, his mouth bloodied. law enforcement working quickly it to clear the scene. on that stage, spencer trying to speak through the noise, but the chants continuing, drowning him out. >> now it's time. for me to speak. ly i will stand here all day if i have to. >> reporter: when he walked off the stage, richard spencer thanked the university of florida. he said he was happy to be here and that he will continue his fight. victor oquendo, abc news, florida. also in florida, and this is disturbing, depp eweties searching a home for child porn found an arsenal of weapons and explosives. randall drake had maps of two schools and a water treatment plant. officials believe he was acting alone. he has so far not spoken to detectives about his intentions. drake's parents say they had no idea what was locked in that closet. and john kelly says he was stunned and also brokenhearted by law maker's criticism. of president trump's phone call to a wife of a fallen soldier. the president insisted again last night that congresswoman fred rica wilson was lying about the content of the call. that she described as disrespectful. kelly emotionally recalled the death of his own son in afghanistan and said he personally counseled the president on what to say. >> in his way, tried to express that opinion. he's a brave man, a fallen hero. he knew what he was getting himself into because he enlisted. there's no reason to enlist. he enlisted. and he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken. that was the message. that was the message that was transmitted. >> in addition to sergeant la david's widow, the president also called the families of the other three green berets killed in the ambush. the administration is under fire for waiting nearly two weeks to address the attack and not releasing more information about what went wrong. former presidents george w. bush and barack obama are back in the spotlight. obama told voters in virginia last night that efforts to divide the country and stir up racial tensions threaten our democracy. sentiments that bush revealed earlier in the day. here's abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: george w. bush has avoided politics since leaving office. the former president seemed to throw down the gauntlet, warning of the rise of quoth, bullying and prejudice in america. >> bigotry seems emboldened. our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication. we've seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty. at times it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. >> reporter: the former president never mentioned the current president, but much of the speech seemed directly aimed at the words and policies of donald trump. >> we've seen nationalism distorted into nativism. forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to america. >> reporter: and while trump has been criticized for being slow to condemn racists, bush drew a bright line. >> bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the american creed. [ applause ] >> reporter: former president obama was also making a rare public appearance, campaigning for democratic candidates in new jersey and virginia. >> hello, everybody! >> reporter: no mention of president trump, but also no mistaking his target. >> some of the politics we see, now we thought we put that to bed. it's the 21st century, not the 19th century. [ applause ] come on! >> reporter: in his speech, former president bush sounded the alarm on russian interference in the political process here, saying it amounts to, quote, a sustained attempt by a hostile power to exploit our country's divisions. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> our thanks to jonathan karl. the stock market is opening in new territory this morning. starting to sound like a broken record with that. but after a late surge the dow and s&p 500 will now open to new highs. it was actually the fifth straight day yesterday that the indexes were up. and we could see more gains today. overseas. tax cuts after the senate passed a budget resolution last night. so the soft drink industry is facing multiple class action lawsuits claiming the use of the word "diet" in marketing and advertising is false and misleading. the suits claim that those supposed diet drinks are sweetened with aspartame, which scientists say does not help the body process calories properly. a substitute teacher has been banned from a texas school for duct taping the mouths of students. after the teacher's bizarre actions, three other fifth graders put duct tape over their own mouths. all 13 children were checked out by the school nurse and allowed to return to class. the teacher was immediately removed. the use of mobile devices has taken a sharp jump among children. i know this at mother of a two 2 1/2 year old. a report from the group common sense media claims kids under 9 spend two hours a day with screen media. that's a jump of 25 minutes since 2013. the group found those kids spend 48 minutes each day on a smartphone or a tablet. that's up from 5 minutes per day six years ago. i am guilty as charged. >> well, hey, it's baby-sitting. >> hate to say it. thousands of kids in new york city won't have to pay up for library books that they haven't returned. the city's public library systems are forgiving late fees for about 160,000 children. the one-time amnesty was made possible by a $2.25 million grant dedicated to fighting poverty. many dog owners say their best friends have these adorable facial expressions, but the real question is are they reserving them for just us the owners. >> a new study looked at doggie behavior when a human is in the room and researchers found dogs used more facial expressions when they were looking at the person's pace as opposed to their backs. >> i'm looking at the video. one other thing that they discovered. the dogs did not show more facial expressions when the human was holding a treat. so it's just blatant love and affection. >> eye contact. >> eye contact. they can feel when you're looking at them and paying attention to them. i love when they do that quirky thing when they tilt their head when you ask them a question. >> it's in your mind. >> no. our pugs actually do this. >> it seems like captain obvious, you would think. >> no duh. coming up, advice that could save your life. why you should close your bedroom door before you go to sleep. and don't miss never before seen behind the scenes video of the late singer george michael. but first, let's take a look at today's temperatures. ♪ "world news now" weather, brought to you by points of light. take the olay 28 day challenge to ageless skin? see visible results day 1. by day 28? years off your skin age. but don't take it from us, take it from one of the millions of real women already in the know it's not often you can say, you know i saw results right away visible results or your money back olay. ageless there is not a friend that i have that will not own this product you're lucky you're cute. lysol max cover with 2x wider coverage kills 99.9% of bacteria. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. ayep, and my teeth are yellow.? time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. and they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. and you look amazing...lyt dates.comfortable.azing. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth... ...and strengthen fibers. so, don't half-wash it. downy and it's done. back now with a really important safety alert on how to protect yourself from a house fire. half of those happen in the middle of the night. >> so experts say one simple step could actually save your life. here's gio benitez. >> reporter: this is not a normal house fire. we are with ul which helps set safety standards for a slew of industries. now the company is creating a controlled fire to show the importance of closing your bedroom door before you go to sleep. >> when you can't get out, the most important thing you can do, close that door between you and the fire, could save your life. >> reporter: alexis king survived the corpus christi house fire that killed her parents and brother when she was just 10. the home's smoke alarm battery wasn't working. she believes closing her bedroom door saved her life. >> the door helped me to still have clean air and to really figure out a way to get out. >> reporter: now ul launching a safety campaign, "close before you doze." how much of a difference can it makes? we're about to find out. ul built this home to serve as a test facility. you're going to light the house on fire. >> for safety. >> reporter: it's wired with acceptsers and cameras to track gas levels. two bedrooms will have the doors closed, but the other -- >> we're going to leave that one open so we can see the difference. >> reporter: with the philadelphia fire department standing by, i start a fire with a candle on the living room sofa. >> let's get out. >> reporter: we return to the control center. >> wow. >> we have the fire burning in the living room. >> reporter: take a look at the bedroom with the open door. >> see the smoke beginning? >> reporter: oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. 275 degrees. >> absolutely. not survivable. >> reporter: but check out the rooms with the doors closed. the temperatures are much lower. you've got 97 degrees in one room, 67 in the other. after ten minutes, ul puts the fire out, and we look at the aftermath. here is the room with the open door. look at this. the tv melted. temperatures in the room with the open door reached 500 degrees. the carbon monoxide readings, 6,000 parts per million. an industry standard carbon monoxide alarm would go off at 70. but what a difference in the bedrooms with the doors closed. the stuffed animals, they're just fine. the bed's clear. >> reporter: this door sort of acted like a shield. >> exactly what it did. >> reporter: temperatures only got up to 100, and carbon monoxide levels were ten times lower than the open room. >> our thanks to gio there. potentially life-saving information. it seems counter intuitive. leave the door open, let it ventilate. >> you need to quickly open a door if you suspect there's fire, put your hand to the door and check the temperature there. when we come back, george michael giving fans a rare glimpse into his life, nearly ten months after his death. >> his new documentary coming up next on "world news now." i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. but at this moment, she's fighting a brain tumor. announcer: please take a moment and join st. jude in finding cures and saving children. visit ♪ tonight the music seemed so loud ♪ ♪ i wish we could lose this crowd ♪ ♪ maybe it's better this way ♪ we hurt each other with the things we want to say ♪ >> my go-to karaoke song. >> this is a guy who doesn't like puns we had to give the spotlight to now. we're paying tribute to george michael this morning with a look at the new documentary he actually directed about his own life before his untimely passing. >> it includes never before seen behind the scenes footage and interviews with celebrities who were influenced by the late singer. here's abc's t.j. holmes. ♪ wake me up >> reporter: with his unmistakable voice. ♪ baby george michael pushed the boundaries of pop. ♪ the way i danced with you even as his career was riddled with rumors of drug abuse and cut short by his death. but now a new picture is emerging, a picture george michael wanted the world to see. in a new documentary, called "george michael: freedom." it premieres this saturday on showtime. >> the number of people who come up to me and say oh, you don't know how much you helped me when i lost this person. >> reporter: his directing partner and life-long friend david austin says the george michael we knew was not the whole picture. what is it in this film people are going to get out and be surprised? >> they're going to see george in his own words. never seen before. never talked about before. you'll see a side of george that nobody's ever seen before. >> reporter: in an exclusive clip, we get a look behind the scenes of his most iconic video "freedom." >> it's something we can all look back on. and look at that with great memories. >> reporter: starring five of the most famous super models of the '90s. >> if the song comes on anywhere, in the car or at a club or whatever, i do, it like transports me back to that time. ♪ what you do what you do what you do ♪ >> reporter: why did he want that for that video? >> i think the five super models were a pretty good alternative to just one guy in a video, as he put it. it became this iconic and game changing video. >> it did. you had the mtv thing happening at the time, so it was explosive. >> reporter: that video, a career high, but also the beginning of george michael's exit from the limelight. he refused to promote his 1990 album "listen without prejudice." a choice that led to a highly publicized battle with sony. would he have been here promoting this movie? >> no. >> reporter: no. >> words to the effect of i didn't promote it the first time so why am i going to promote it now? >> reporter: he would have done it. the documentary also highlights those inspired by his music. >> he's just got that thing which is unquantifiable. >> reporter: from elton john to stevie wonder and mary j. blige, and it gives a rare glimpse at the famously private star that he was finally ready to let the world see. >> he was always a good sport, always laughed at himself. that's what people loved. ♪ somebody to -- yeah >> reporter: tflt j. holmes, abc news, new york. >> an iconic moment. right there, indeed. he was halfway through producing this documentary by the time of his death last christmas. >> hard to believe he died last christmas, almost a year. this documentary out in the uk this week. limited release, right? >> yeah, limited release. a lot of people will be able to get the intro speculative look at one of the greats. coming up, the sequel to one of the greatest movies of all time. hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of three bottles of this other liquid. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. ♪ ♪ actually, a very exciting "insomniac theater." >> counting down the days to halloween. we start with "the snowman", starring michael fast bender. as a detective. investigating whooe believes could be the resurgence of an elusive serial killer aptally named the snow man. he races against time to connect the dots between cold cases and a brutal new murder. >> i know how much you want this, but you can't force the pieces to fit. >> do you actually think he killed them? >> i don't know. i don't think either of us do for sure. >> also starring j.k. simmons and val kilmer. the critics do know for sure something. they hate this. they hate "the snowman" giving it a 66% splat on rotten tomatoes. steven dalton writing for all of its high-caliber talent, the "snowman" is a pedestrian affair. and jason soloman says, the snowman is all coal and no carrot despite a sterling crew. i hate horror movies, so -- >> a movie wishing global warming would get her quicker. speaking of horror movies, you may hate this one. not because it's a horror movie. but tyler perry's boom. a madea holiday is back. it brings back the gang. they head to haunted campground where they soon find themselves running for their lives. >> ma! >> yes! >> you still there? >> if i wasn't out here, would i be saying yes? >> all right. i won't be a long time. >> just hurry the hell up. >> all right, ma. ma, ma, ma! ma, are you still there? ma! madea. >> no, not madea. >> run, madea. >> that's enough to make her drop her wig. so this movie is likely so bad that critics have been kept far from the theater, not allowed to release their reviews. so we think it doesn't make that much of a difference. so let's call up the review for the first boo. madea remains a distinctive weirdly compelling character. maybe someday perry will make a good comedy for her. >> oh. >> but here's the thing. this is tyler perry's house. he's laughing. >> he's laughing at us for sure. >> all the way to the bank. is that in the hotlanta yeah? i think it is. >> raking in the bucks. >> man. hate all you want. hate on "boo two" all you want. >> like "nutty professor." >> or leonard part six. this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now," the white house chief of staff defending his boss. >> in a rather stunning and unexpected white house briefing, john kelly, general john kelly offering an impassioned take on the fallen soldier controversy. and two former presidents making rare appearances on the same day. george w. bush breaking his silence on what he sees in america today. and barack obama blasting the state of american politics. were their comments directed at the current a tourist killed at a famous church after a piece of the ceiling came crashing down. sometimes you have to find another calling in life, especially if you're this black lab. lulu flunked out of bomb-sniffing school because she just wasn't into it. so where is lulu now? that's ahead on this friday, october 20th. from abc news, this is "world news now." and we do say good mortgage to you on this had friday. welcome. >> thank you. >> it's been a while since -- i think it was in july. since july. but we've been looking forward to having erielle back here. >> i have missed the slow clap so much. thank you for that. >> good to have you here. we're going to start this half hour in the meantime with the white house chief of staffs and what was really an impassioned defense of his boss. >> john kelly said president trump bravely reached out to the families of the four green berets killed in niger. >> and kelly lashed out at one of the congress women who called the account of one of those calls disrespectful. >> reporter: this is john kelly, a father whose own son, robert, was killed in 2010 when he stepped on a land mine in afghanistan. kelly says he personally counseled president trump on how to call the grieving families of fallen soldiers. >> he asked me about previous presidents, and i said i can tell you that president obama, who was my commander in chief when i was on active duty did not call my family. that was not a criticism. that was just to simply say i don't believe president obama called. that's not a negative thing. >> reporter: kelly says he and president trump spoke before those calls to the families of the four special ops soldiers killed in niger. >> and he said to me, what do i say? i said to him, sir, there's nothing you can do to lighten the burden on these families. but let me tell you what i tell them. let me tell you what my best friend, joe dunford told me, because he was my casualty officer. he said kell, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. he knew what he was getting into by joining that 1%. he knew what the possibilities were. because we're at war. and when he died in the four cases we're talking about, niger, my son's case and afghanistan, when he died he was surrounded by the best men on this earth, his friends. that's what the president tried to say to four families the other day. >> reporter: the president did tell the widow of sergeant la david johnson that her husband knew what he was signing up for, but the president's message and how it was delivered did not sit well with sergeant johnson's mother who told the "washington post," president trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband. and democratic florida congresswoman frederica wilson who also listened to that call on speaker phone went public with her frustration. >> he kept referring to him as "your guy." he never called his name. so that was even more painful. >> reporter: kelly defended his boss. >> in his way, tried to express that the opinion, that he's a brave man, a fallen hero. he knew he was getting himself into because he enlisted. there's no reason to enlist. he enlisted. and he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken. that was the message. that was the message that was transmitted. >> reporter: and he lashed out at the congresswoman. >> stuns me that a member of congress would have listened in on that conversation. absolutely stuns me. and i thought, at least that was sacred. >> reporter: i'm told this was john kelly's idea to come out and talk to these cameras. he very much publicly wanted to address this. cecelia vega, abc news, the white house. >> and we need to follow up on one thing you heard the general talked about where he criticized the congresswoman for listening in to the president's conversation with johnson's widow. the congresswoman has known that family very well for several years. she actually ran a mentoring program that la david johnson was in as a teenager. >> but the president lashed out just before 11:00 last night. in a tweet, he said the fake news is going crazy with wacky congresswoman wilson who was secretly on a very personal call and gave a total lie on content. >> so the president not ending it there. we thought that we had heard the last of it with john kelly, but not at all. we move on. that white house may soon be forced to provide more information into the ambush that left those four soldiers dead in the remote corner of niger. they were attacked by more than 50 militants. now the pentagon is facing questions over whether the unit had the proper intelligence and backup in the country. sergeant la david johnson's body was recovered two days after the attack. military officials insisted they searched for him until he was found. >> the u.s. military does not leave its troops behind, and i would just ask that you not question the actions of the troops who were caught in the fire fight and question whether or not they did everything they could in order to bring everyone out at once. and i would also ask you don't confuse your need for accurate information with our ability to provide it immediately in a situation like this. >> senator john mccain, as well as other members of congress, are demanding answers. mccain says the trump administration has not been forthcoming and he's suggesting it may take a subpoena to find out what really went wrong. former presidents george w. bush and barack obama are back in the spotlight, blasting the current state of american politics. at a voter rally in virginia last night, former president obama warned that messages of division and distraction are threatening our democracy, echoing a sentiment by former president bush earlier in the day. >> reporter: former president obama returned to the campaign trail to stump for gubernatorial candidates ahead of next month's elections. >> mr. obama, who has kept a relatively low profile since leaving the white house, came with a message of inclusiveness. >> we are rejecting a politics of division. we are rejecting a politics of fear. that we are embracing a politics that says everybody counts. >> reporter: and america's place on the world stage. >> the world counts on america having its act together. >> reporter: former president george w. bush echoed that message. he blasted the divisive state of american politics and urged americans to reject nativism, bigotry and white supremacy. >> bullying and privilege in our national life sets a tone. the only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them. >> reporter: mr. bush weighed in on america's role in the world. >> we've seen the return of isolationist sentiments, forget that american security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places. >> reporter: also warning americans to regent attempts to underplay the role of russian interference in american democracy and the undermining of the free press. >> our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication. >> reporter: both former presidents trying to change the nation's political narrative without mentioning president trump by name. aaron katersky, abc news, new york. while nationalist leader richard spencer all but eye lensed at a speech at the university of florida. demonstrators shouted chants drowning out spencer's remarks. a state of emergency had been declared prior to his visit. most of the people in the auditorium weren't there to hear him speak. >> now it's time for me to speak. i'll stand here all day if i have to. >> sensor soon giving up, heading directly into the question and answer section before leaving the stage earlier than planned. outside the auditorium, hundreds more people protested his event, two people were arrested and three sustained light injuries. and coalition forces are declaring victory after take the syrian city of raqqah from isis. but what a victory it is. as you take a look who at these scenes, most of the city reduced to rubble. and u.s. military officials warn as many as 100 militants could still be hiding in the ruins. although isis fighters are on the run, cia chief mike pompeo says they are still capable of carrying out attacks on the u.s. to italy now and a tragedy in the popular tuesday can town of florence. a tourists killed by a large piece of stone that fell more than 60 feet from the ceiling of this famous church. the basilica of santa crote is where michelangelo and galileo and machiavelli are buried. the visitor was there with his wife. the 14th century church is starting to show its age due to a lack of upkeep because of financial problems in that country. an investigation is under way. >> it really is a tragedy. moving to lighter news. a navy destroyer maid a big save in the persian gulf. >> so two rescue swimmers from the uss howard were out there and actually came encountered with a logger head sea turtle. you see it there. the big reptiles can actually grow to about 350 pounds. the turtle had become tangled up in a partially sunken fishing boat, so the sailors to the rescue. now to somebody else we were counting on. a young pup was going to be a member of the cia, but couldn't cut it. >> couldn't hack it. this is lulu. she's adorable by the way. she was part of the agency's latest training class of bomb-sniffing dogs, but lulu had had to bow-wow out. see what we did? kendis is silence. bow-wow out? >> i'm just going to let that hang out there. >> got it right. >> according to a pupdate as it's called on the cia blog, lulu was dropped from the program after losing interest. ah. >> yesterday's post reads in part, sometimes even when a pup tests well, they make it clear that being of an explosive detection canine is just not the life for them. they couldn't dim her paw to be. >> i'll just leave that out there. >> it's early morning news. i got to have fun. >> they bought lulu and found out lulu was a lemon. coming up, how you can get paid to move to italy. the town shelling out big bucks for new neighbors. details in "the mix." plus the hip restaurant using popeye's chicken in one of its dishes. oh, the humanity. jacking up the price. we're hearing more from the owner. >> nothing wrong with that. find us on facebook at and on twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." now." not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. look at that. five people were injured when that charter plane crashed onto a busy street in st. petersburg, florida. the cessna clipped two suvs as it came down. police say the pilot may have run out of gas. different angle here. you can see the shadow. >> wow. >> wow. he and his passenger and three people in the cars are expected to be okay in the end. we have new details about the critical moments just after the las vegas gunman opened fire. >> witnesses say 12 minutes felt likes hours as police tried to reach the hotel room where the killer took aim. now we're learning which teams actually got there first. abc's matt gutman with the latest. >> reporter: new details about the 12 critical minutes as police responded to the las vegas rampage. abc news has learned that there were police officers in the mandalay bay hotel securing another event when stephen paddock opened fire. but the hotel complex is so vast that police say officers who were across the street at the country music concert got there faster. running through the streets in that rain of bullets. >> one of the things that's most striking when you see this from the air is the vast distance of that suite on the 32nd floor dune to the concert venue below. by the time police arrived the shooting had stopped. 12 minutes after jesus campos was wounded and radioed for help. in his first interview, campos telling ellen degeneres that he'd been sent to investigate an open door in the stairwell. >> as that door's closing and it's so heavy, it will slam. i'm walking down this way. and i believe that's what caught the shooter's attention. as i was walking down, i heard rapid fire. >> reporter: the gunman shooting through his hotel room door, hitting campos in the leg. with that timeline better defined, the major remaining mystery is why did stephen paddock do this. police tell me he was so secretive, we may never know his motive. matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. >> still so many questions there. coming up in the next half hour, the nationwide amazon headquarters sweep stakes. it just came to an end overnight. we'll check out the wild, last-minute pitches from cities across the country hoping for a economic boom. but first, the outrageous discovery that a hip, swank, brunch destination is actually importing its fried chicken from a pop eyes down the street. an extra crispy "world news now." >> imposters. street. an extra crispy "world news now." >> im posters. ...what are you doing?? i thought you had a cold? i don't need all this. mucinex fast-max can handle pretty much every symptom. even... yea - i can read, you know. ahhh! mucinex fast-max. 9 symptoms. 1 dose. max strength. let's end this. ♪ when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. ♪ is that 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"old mcdonald"? the re-mix version? >> i should know. i sing that to a 2 all the time. >> we have the scandalous story about fried chicken. >> a brunch spot in southern california is owning up to using popeye's chicken in its chicken and waffle recipe. local foodies are crying fowl. abc's nick watt has the story. >> this is what happens when a hip store wicks it up. the haters come home to roost. feathers and chicken puns are flying. at sweet dixie kitchen, the $12.95 chicken and waffles comes from -- ♪ love that chicken from pop eyes ♪ >> reporter: locally sourced, i guess. so you're owning this. >> i am owning this. >> reporter: on the long beach foodies scene, this chicken run is blown up like madoff meats and milli vanilli. >> we saw them bring in two large buckets from pop eyes. the waiter admitted that they do in fact use popeye's. angela w. wrote, popeye's, really? it's a full-on larry david situation. >> you say the pastry shop made this? >> is oh, yes, wonderful. i got news for you, pal. this is a pepperidge farm cookie. >> i love their chicken. it's the best i've ever had. >> reporter: this is not a secret. >> no. >> honey, i carried it through the front door. >> regulars, running red. >> it comes with this habanero sauce. you pay for the ambiance. because it's kind of a boutique place. >> reporter: and listen. restaurants don't make their own bread, butter, wine, coca-cola. where do you draw the line? is it above or below fast food chicken? i can't decide. >> i think it's brilliant. >> where are the waffles from, waffle house? >> probably, yeah. you're paying for the ambiance and popeye's makes the best chicken. ♪ love that chicken from popeye's ♪ >> there you go. "the mix" is next. ♪ "the mix" is next. en. [ ♪ love that chicken from popeye's ♪ e ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, popeye's ♪ then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. ♪ okay. time for your friday "mix mix and we have an amazing offer that i daresay you would not want to refuse. this beautiful, picturesque town. >> i love it. i'm moving there. >> it's in central italy, look at this. it's beautiful there, right? so the problem with this town is people are moving out and aren't moving in. so the mayor has amazing, amazing solution. he is offering up cash for people who want to move there. so about $2300 to encourage some folks to move to the town, 800 euros or about $1,000 for singles and $1400 for couples who want to move to that beautiful town. i am gone. >> yeah. here we go. your mail might be an a little slow to arrive to that town. but here in the u.s., ups drivers joining up to show their love of the dogs they meet on their different routes. they come together with a facebook page showing all the different pups they see on their routes. it's so sweet, look at them. that's a dog gone good idea. >> awesome. here you go, brand new polka. ♪ ♪ politics and foreign wars ♪ all the weather, all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ tapes that roll in way too slow ♪ ♪ stuff you saw on coppel's show that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ it's late at night, you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance ♪ >> hey! ♪ have some fun be a pal every anchor, guy and gal and do the world news polka ♪ everybody! ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ insomniacs only ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ who cares what the bosses think, they're a goofy crew ♪ >> no clue. ♪ and if the neighbors call the cops here's all you have to do ♪ ♪ when they yell ♪ it's half past 3:00 ♪ tell them it's news to me ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ they make us work the graveyard shift ♪ ♪ that's why we go for broke ♪ so why not tune in abc and join our little joke ♪ ♪ five whole days every week ♪ we're here with a tongue-in-cheek ♪ ♪ and the world news polka ♪ it's not lip synched ♪ it's the world news polka this morning on "world news now," the defense secretary lashing out, defending the military's response to the ambush in africa that left four young americans dead. and the growing demands for details about that tragedy, and one senator says it may take legal action to get answers. and the new bombshell in the harvey weinstein scandal. the oscar-winning actress sharing her own personal story accusing weinstein of harassment. it comes as the lapd says it's investigating the disgraced movie mogul. and what a game. also ahead in this half hour, that wild night in sports. the raiders and chiefs go down to the final buzzer. it was actually an exciting thursday night football game. and that's news in itself. >> as l.a. celebrates a return to the fall classic, world series bound. so who will they face? >> and look out. ♪ what you made me do look what you made her do. taylor swift on a tear. swifty nation has been whipped up into a frenzy overnight. we're going to tell you why with this late-breaking news in "the skinny" on this friday, october 20th. from abc news, this is "world news now." and we do say good morning to everybody on this friday as we welcome erielle to the show. we're going to start this half hour with the pentagon on the defensive over this deadly ambush of the american troops in the african country of niger. >> military brass remaining tight-lipped after that attack that killed four american soldiers. the pentagon launching a full investigation but congress wants answers now. >> they want to know specifically what caused this intelligence failure, and could more have been done to protect the troops? here's abc's brian ross. >> reporter: the deadly ambush in this remote african village happened more than two weeks ago, but the pentagon is still not providing a full and cogent narrative of how four american soldiers died after being attacked by an overwhelming force of more than 50 militants. said the full investigation is still ongoing. >> subsaharan africa is a very difficult place the to operate. we'll investigate this. we'll have conclusions. those conclusions will be presented. i'm not prepared to go further. >> reporter: two key questions remain. one, did the unit have the proper advanced intelligence and backup air and ground support in case something went wrong? officials say the unit did not expect to be in combat. >> over the last six months we had conducted 29 partnered patrols in the this general area without contact of any kind. >> reporter: a second question, did sergeant la david johnson get left behind when the rest of the unit pulled out? his body was not recovered for at least 20 hours. >> took us a little while to do that. we didn't leave him behind. and we searched until we found him, and we brought him home. >> reporter: u.s. forces have been in niger for the last four years as the threat from this terror group has escalated. with this leader last year pledging allegiance to isis. >> there's a reason we have u.s. army soldiers there and not the peace corps, because we carry guns. >> reporter: as controversy swirled over the ambush in niger, the president was taking credit for u.s. victories against isis. >> i totally changed the attitudes of the military, and they have done a fantastic job. isis is now giving up. they're giving up. they're raising their hands. they're walking off. nobody's ever seen that before. >> why did that happen? >> because you didn't have trump as your president. >> reporter: brian ross, abc news, new york. senator john mccain and other members of congress have slammed the slow release of information when it comes to that ambush. mccain is the chairman of the senate armed services committee. and he says and suggests that he may need to issue a subpoena to get the answers that he needs. >> one more note about all of this. white house chief of staff john kelly defending the president over comments made to the wife of one of the soldiers killed there in niger. the president accused of telling the pregnant mother of two that her husband knew what he signed up for. kelly said that he personally advised the president on what to say and he recallered how he was told about the death of his own son who was killed in afghanistan. he said he did not receive a phone call from the white house at the time. >> president obama, who was my commander in chief when i was on active duty, did not call my family. that was not a criticism. >> kelly said he was actually stunned, and in his words, broken hearted that congresswoman frederica wilson listened in on the call with the widow and labeled the president's words as disrespectful. the president also blasted the congresswoman in a late-night tweet saying she lied about the content of that call. we should point out the congresswoman was a personal family friend of the young soldier that died. now to the trump administration's relief efforts in puerto rico. members of both parties are criticizing the government's response. almost a month after hurricane maria, more than three fourths of the households in that island don't have power and many don't have clean water. when asked by a reporter to rate his administration's response, president trump gave a perfect score. >> i'd say it was a ten. it was probably the most difficult -- when you talk about relief, when you talk about search, when you talk about all the different levels, i think it was worse than katrina. it was in many ways worse than anything people have ever seen. >> the governor says the island still needs more resources and he says that's why he came to see the president. the senate is closer to tackling tax reform. it narrowly passed a massive budget deal overnight which paves the way for tax reform. the budget is estimated to add $1.5 trillion to the deficit within ten years. rand paul was the lone republican senator to vote against it. and the democratic leader, chuck schumer, called it one of the worst budgets congress has ever passed. police in los angeles have launched an investigation, a criminal one, into harvey weinstein, joining investigations already under way here in new york as well as in london. >> this is now spanning the globe. >> yep. >> detectives say they've interviewed a woman who said she was sexually assaulted by weinstein four years ago. according to the "los angeles times," that woman is an italian actress who says weinstein raped her after bullying his way into her hotel room. >> and now oscar winner lupita nyong'o is the latest actress to come forward. in a "new york times" op-ed she details repeated encounters with weinstein that she details as sexual harassment. >> in one of those incidents, nyong'o claims he was pushing her to have sex, telling me not to be so naïve. if i wanted to be an actress i had to be willing to do this sort of thing. he said he had dated famous actress x and y and look where they had gotten. >> nyong'o is one of more than 40 women accusing weinstein of sexual harassment or assault. and now to the musician, david blaine, who is also under investigation for rape by scotland yard. a former model tells "the daily beast," that she was assaulted by blaine at an address when she was 21 years old. the musician vehemently denies that he assaulted or raped any woman ever. o.j. simpson's release from prison earlier this month put a grin on his face, as you saw. the 70-year-old had another chance to smile for a camera this week as he took a photo for his nevada driver's license. simpson also took his written test. reports say he's still planning to go move to southwest florida. thursday night saw one of the nfl's most bitter rivalries and one of the coolest plays. >> kansas city was in oakland playing the raiders. alex smith there, long pass, tipped. falls right into the hands of albert wilson. that wasn't supposed to happen. >> the game had a crazy ending, also. they had to replay the final play four times because of penalties. oakland's derek carr eventually hit michael crabtree for the winning score. >> they had seven lead changes in that game. >> that's crazy. >> absolutely amazing. to baseball now and your jeopardy answer for thursday night. who is henrique hernandez. the question? what l.a. dodger wrecked the chicago cubs to clench the nl pennant? >> he hit three homers, including a grand slam and drove in seven in l.a.'s 11-1 win in game five. the dodgers end the cubs title reign and head to the world series for the first time since 1988. >> fans cheered and waved flags across the city. buildings in downtown were lit up in blue. henrique hernandez is from puerto rico and has made a delivery to the island there. he plans to go back as soon as he gets rid of some business out there in l.a. coming up, the last state without a target store is finally about to get one. >> how can this be? >> can you guess which state? and later, ed sheeran reveals what really happen after he fell off his bike and broke some bones. some calling it a proper british response. >> but first, a look at today's forecast. ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you ♪ ♪ we let the story begin "world news now" weather, brought to you by sandals. if parts a and bcare and want more coverage. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. check this out. quick thinking by this school bus driver, prevented an injury to 16 kids aboard. the driver smelled smoke during the afternoon trip and immediately evacuated the charlotte, north carolina, high school students. the cause of the fire still under investigation. just look at the charred wreckage there. thank goodness he or she was alert. the time is up. just as the clock struck midnight. the submissions ended for cities hoping to become the home of amazon's second headquarters. >> many see this as a guaranteed economic boom and they have been giving very creative pitches moving forward. here's abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: from giant amazon boxes turning up across birmingham, alabama to this 21-foot cactus sent as a gift. >> from tucson, arizona. with the message that their community has, quote, room to grow. more than 100 cities going all out to convince amazon to make their city the second headquarters in their city and bringing with it a $5 million investment and as many as 50,000 jobs. >> i want to be clear to amazon. on day one, the second city's your first choice. >> reporter: even cities close to the online retailer's headquarters in seattle vying for a shot. >> i would be so excited to have amazon here in marysville. >> from coast to coast, the focus varying from practical incentives including tax breaks, transportation and talent. >> we have a very young population, a growing population. >> reporter: while others hoping to sell their city with some very memorable approaches. the mayor of kansas city, buying 1,000 products on amazon, and leaving not-so-subtle reviews for each. >> i live in beautiful kansas city where the average home price is just $122,000. so i know luxe living doesn't have to cost a ton. >> reporter: and speaking of mayors, that job is now offered to amazon ceo jeff bezos of a new city being proposed outside of atlanta if that area is chosen. they'd call it, what else, but amazon, georgia. the bidding is now closed. and amazon won't announce the decision on where the second headquarters will be built until next year. erielle and kendis, back to you. >> it will be tough to beat stonecrest indeed. >> i vote oklahoma city. i know that's shocking. the long, national nightmare is over. target has finally made it to its final state that it didn't have a location, vermont. >> the green mountain state is the one and only without a target store at this point. the retailer is coming to vermont next year, building a store that's about half the size of a typical target location. why half? go for the big. >> start out slow. when we come back, taylor swift's overnight surprise. and a simpson's super mix. "the skinny" is next. simpson's super mix. "the skinny" is next. waste that weighs me down, oves the so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. ♪ oh, look what you made me do ♪ look what you made me to ♪ look what you just made me do ♪ ♪ look what you just made me do ♪ >> what you made taylor do. is that your taylor swift dance moves? >> i don't know what this is. it's my world news now dance moves. >> she's the lead of our skinny, because we have big, big, breaking news. she just dropped her brand-new song. >> you're going to hear it here, folks. laughing at my dance moves? >> i love your dance moves. >> she has a new album coming out next month. after teasing a midnight release yesterday, we now have that new song. it's called "gorgeous", and it has a lyric video to go with it, so take a listen. ♪ ocean blue eyes looking in mine ♪ ♪ i feel like i might sink and drown and die ♪ ♪ you're so gorgeous >> has a good ring to it. >> here's the thing with taylor swift songs. i never like them when they first come out and then i'm obsessed with them five minutes later. >> it's not bad. so that's not all, of course. you can bet taylor's reaching out to her swifties for "reputation" which is about to be released. >> taylor invited a select group of her super fans to rhode island to her home for a listening session. can you imagine being one of the fans? she got to listen to the new album. and the is fans writing about the experience online. some bragging rights there. >> those are some boots as well. earlier this year we saw ed sheeran play a soldier on game of thrones. and now after seeing what he's been through since, we can -- finally forgive him for ruining that episode of "game of thrones." >> curmudgeon. a loveable curmudgeon. earlier this week we found out he was in a bicycle accident. he broke his wrist, elbow and a rib, forcing him to cancel some tour dates, but we didn't know how tough he is. >> he told a british talk show host that his initial reaction was "that hurt." but he kept on pedaling all the way to the pub where he drank away the pain. he didn't realize it was actually broken until the next morning. how is that for a hangover? >> nothing a beer can't cure. >> and that's when he finally got the cast for it, so. next up, the simpson's and the voice of bart, pulling back the curtain on the show's legendary, iconic characters. >> nancy cartwright plays bart and she also brings a slew of other characters to life. and a clip of her doing seven simpson's voices on the internet now, check it out. >> your attention please, your attention please, i have an announcement to make, i'm bored. >> you think you're bored, what about all those poor suckers out there in the audience. >> yeah, they keep praying that their category is next. >> well, as long as they are praying and while we're at it, i get to anoint their feet. >> you keep your hands off me, you little twink or i'll call the cops. >> how awesome is that? >> i feel like she's going to hurt her voice. >> maybe that's why they call them voice actors, that is beautiful acting right there. >> that's strenuous. finally, let's check out how pro athletes are drive around in style. >> so last year, nfl running back alfred morris inked a $5.5 million contract with the dallas cowboys. and instead of spending some of that major signing bonus on a sleek new ride, he's looking to get the most out of his 1991 mazda 626. he bought it for $2 from his pastor while he was in college. i love this story. >> so morris's nickname -- >> it's a fly ride. it is, as long as it runs. so he nicknamed the car bentley. and he says it helps keep him grounded. like grounded as when it breaks down. but not bad. if i can get, like a 1990 era mazda that still drives to this day, i would be all for it. >> doesn't warren buffett kind of drive around in a jalopy? >> it's not necessarily a jalopy but it's not -- you would expect -- it's not what you would expect. >> you would expect warren buffett to be driven in a chauffeured car. but also mark zuckerberg for facebook, who is worth billions and billions of dollars, of course. he drives around in an acura. >> it gets him from a to b. i drive around on the six train. the friday rewind is next. creative hacks to take care... ey ...of our jeans. it got weird. ahhh! i'm just airing them out! luckily we discovered tide pods plus downy. so our jeans stay in great shape. and they actually get clean. what? we can wash 'em. tide pods plus downy. super concentrated to clean, condition and keep your favorites looking great. it's got to be tide. hey(screams)t's that? get out. d-con bait station. mice eat the bait... ...then they die. guaranteed. ♪...nausea, heartburn,♪ indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. theseare heading back home.y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it's tough on grease yet gentle. i am home, i am home, i am home i'm never gonna be able i'll take a sick day tomorrow. on our daughter's birthday? moms don't take sick days... moms take nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. ♪ ♪ we're going to end this half hour as we always do on a friday, looking back at the week ♪ we're going to end this half hour as we always do on a friday, looking back at the week through the headlines. >> and with all the news rolling in, the staff here was forced to work through a haunting of the studio. here's the friday rewind. >> let's go. >> as a firestorm closed in on santa rosa, not even hospitals were safe. patients, many on gurneys, wheeled to safety. containment numbers are up and there is some rain in the forecast. as for that hospital, you can see from this melted sign just how intense the flames got. >> one of the most heinous acts we've seen in our county. >> captured. police closing in on the man involved in that shooting spree, gunning down his co-workers, going on the run, sparking a multi-state manhunt. >> the metoo movement. millions of women across the country and around the world sharing their experience with sexual harassment and abuse online. that movement took off last weekend when alyssa milano posted it on twitter writing, if you've been sexually harassed or abused, write metoo as a reply to this tweet. >> no more. we're not going to put up with this anymore. we're going to be vocal until this stops. >> fallen soldiers fallout. president trump faces new outrage after calling the widow of a soldier, reportedly saying he knew what he signed up for. >> the president disputed that. >> had a very nice conversation with the woman, with the wife who was, sounded like a lovely woman. did not say what the congresswoman said, and most people aren't too surprised to hear that. >> commissioner roger goodell taking the debate over nfl protests head on. >> we believe that our players should stand for the national anthem. that's an important part of our game and our moment. >> but no new rules or penalties for anthem protests. it comes after the nfl reveals it didn't ask players for a commitment to stand. the president taking aim at the league, tweeting, the nfl has decided it will not force players to stand for the national anthem. total disrespect for our country. >> we ain't afraid of no ghosts. what if we just -- what if we just beat them, does that work? >> sad part is, they went to j-school. they went to journalism school. i didn't even get to see the dance moves of thor marshmallow man. whoever that was. so the world series begins on tuesday. the dodgers versus the -- >> new york yankees! yes! >> let's hope not, let's hope not. astros. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. making news in america this morning, getting personal. the white house chief of staff opens up about his son's death while defending the president's call to a soldier's family. >> it absolutely stuns me. and i thought at least that was sacred. >> and lashes out at the congresswoman who criticized the call. this morning new insight into why she was listening and the growing questions over that deadly ambush in africa. speaking out, former president obama and bush on the state of today's politics. >> bigotry seems emboldened. >> and a message for america. >> and the decency and good will of the american people. >> what's behind their rare reviews. shocking find. police uncover a massive pile of weapons and school maps in a

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Gainesville , Florida , United States , Charlottesville , Virginia , New York , Georgia , Alabama , Nevada , Niger , United Kingdom , North Carolina , Texas , Atlanta , Vermont , Green Mountain , New Territory , Puerto Rico , Arizona , Marysville , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Italy , Houston , Americans , America , British , American , Alex Smith , David Johnson , Steven Dalton , Cecelia Vega , George Michael , Nancy Cartwright , Victor Oquendo , Ma , Marci Gonzalez , Oakland Derek Carr , Randall Drake , Brian Ross , John Kelly , John Mccain , Elton John , Rica Wilson , Alfred Morris , Mary J Blige , Warren Buffett , Jeff Bezos , Michael Crabtree , Matt Gutman , David Blaine , Los Angeles , Joe Dunford , Ellen Degeneres , Richard Spencer , Jonathan Karl , Barack Obama , George W Bush , Las Vegas , Tyler Perry , Henrique Hernandez ,

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Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20171020 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20171020

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enough for the switch a roo to i happen and it's one of their friends dressed as grandmother. the best part, grandma is in on this and there comes their friend in the car that hits grandma. he does share a few choice words with everyone. problem is, he's upset with grandma, too. >> i thought you were dead! >> what does grandma have to say about all of this? >> grandma handed out licks, too, okay. >> grandma is quite the lady. that's all we have for you now in this episode. check out for lots more fun content or catch us on the all-new "rtm". and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. check this out. quick thinking by this school bus driver, prevented an injury to 16 kids aboard. the driver smelled smoke during the afternoon trip and immediately evacuated the charlotte, north carolina, high school students. the cause of the fire still under investigation. just look at the charred wreckage there. thank goodness he or she was alert. the time is up. just as the clock struck midnight. the submissions ended for cities hoping to become the home of amazon's second headquarters. >> many see this as a guaranteed economic boom and they have been giving very creative pitches moving forward. here's abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: from giant amazon boxes turning up across birmingham, alabama to this 21-foot cactus sent as a gift. >> from tucson, arizona. with the message that their community has, quote, room to grow. more than 100 cities going all out to convince amazon to make their city the second headquarters in their city and bringing with it a $5 million investment and as many as 50,000 jobs. >> i want to be clear to amazon. on day one, the second city's your first choice. >> reporter: even cities close to the online retailer's headquarters in seattle vying for a shot. >> i would be so excited to have amazon here in marysville. >> from coast to coast, the focus varying from practical incentives including tax breaks, transportation and talent. >> we have a very young population, a growing population. >> reporter: while others hoping to sell their city with some very memorable approaches. the mayor of kansas city, buying 1,000 products on amazon, and leaving not-so-subtle reviews for each. >> i live in beautiful kansas city where the average home price is just $122,000. so i know luxe living doesn't have to cost a ton. >> reporter: and speaking of mayors, that job is now offered to amazon ceo jeff sw bezos of a new city being proposed outside of atlanta if that area is chosen. they'd call it, what else, but amazon, georgia. the bidding is now closed. and amazon won't announce the decision on where the second headquarters will be built until next year. erielle and kendis, back to you. >> it will be tough to beat stonecrest indeed. >> i vote oklahoma city. i know that's shocking. the long, national nightmare is over. target has finally made it to its final state that it didn't have a location, vermont. >> the green mountain state is the one and only without a target store at this point. the retailer is coming to vermont next year, building a store that's about half the size of a typical target location. why half? go for the big. >> start out slow. when we come back, taylor swift's overnight surprise. and a simpson's super mix. "the skinny" is next. simpson's super mix. "the skinny" is next. waste that weighs me down, oves the so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. ♪ oh, ♪ oh, look what you made me do ♪ look what you made me to ♪ look what you just made me do ♪ >> what you made taylor do. is that your taylor swift dance moves? she's the lead of our skinny, because we have big, big, breaking news. she just dropped her brand-new song. >> you're going to hear it here, folks. laughing at my dance moves? >> i love your dance moves. >> she has a new album coming out next month. after teasing a midnight release yesterday, we now have that new song. it's called "gorgeous", and it has a lyric video to go with it, ♪ oceans for eyes ♪ looking in mine i feel like i might sink and crown and die ♪ ♪ you're so gorgeous >> has a good ring to it. >> here's the thing with taylor swift sonks. i never like them when they first come out and then i'm obsessed with them five minutes later. >> it's not bad. so that's not all, of course. you can bet taylor's reaching out to her swifties for "reputation" which is about to be released. >> taylor invited a select group of her super fans to rhode island to her home for a listening session. can you imagine being one of the fans? she got to listen to the new album. and the is fans writing about the experience online. some bragging rights there. >> those are some boots as well. earlier this year we saw ed sheeran play a soldier on game of thrones. and now after seeing what he's been through since, we can -- finally forgive him for ruining that episode of "game of thrones." >> curmudgeon. a loveable curmudgeon. earlier this week we found out he was in a bicycle accident. he broke his wrist, elbow and a rib, forcing him to cancel some tour dates, but we didn't know how tough he is. >> he told a british talk show host that his initial reaction was "that hurt." but he kept on pedaling all the way to the pub where he drank away the pain. he didn't realize it was actually broken until the next morning. how is that for a hangover? >> nothing a beer can't cure. >> and that's when he finally got the cast for it, so. next up, the simpson's and the voice of bart, pulling back the curtain on the show's legendary, iconic characters. >> nancy cartwright plays bart and she also brings a slew of other characters to life. and a clip of her doing seven simpson's voices on the internet now, check it out. >> your attention please, your attention please, i have an announcement to make, i'm bored. >> you think you're bored, what about all those poor suckers out there in the audience. >> yeah, they keep praying that their category is next. >> well, as long as they are praying and while we're at it, i get to anoint their feet. >> you keep your hands off me, you little twink or i'll call the cops. >> how awesome is that? >> i feel like she's going to hurt her voice. >> maybe that's why they call them voice actors, that is beautiful acting right there. >> that's strenuous. finally, let's check out how pro athletes are drive around in style. >> so last year, nfl running back alfred morris inked a $5.5 million contract with the dallas cowboy and instead of spending some of s. that major signing bonus on a sleek new ride, he's looking to get the most out of his 1991 mazda 626. he bought it for $2 from his pastor while he was in college. i love this story. >> so morris's nickname -- >> it's a fly ride. it is, as long as it runs. so he nicknamed the car bentley. and he says it helps keep him grounded. like grounded as when it breaks down. but not bad. if i can get, like a 1990 era mazda that still drives to this day, i would be all for it. >> doesn't warren buffett kind of drive around in a jalopy? >> it's not necessarily a jalopy but it's not -- you would expect -- it's not what you would expect. >> you would expect warren buffett to be driven in a chauffeured car. but also mark zuckerberg for facebook, who is worth billions and billions of dollars, of course. he drives around in an acura. >> it gets him from a to b. i drive around on the six train. the friday rewind is next. creative hacks to take care... ...of our jeans. it got weird. ahhh! i'm just airing them out! luckily we discovered tide pods plus downy. so our jeans stay in great shape. and they actually get clean. what? we can wash 'em. tide pods plus downy. super concentrated to clean, condition and keep your favorites looking great. it's got to be tide. hey(screams)t's that? get out. d-con bait station. mice eat the bait... ...then they die. guaranteed. ♪...nausea, heartburn,♪ indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. theseare heading back home.y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it's tough on grease yet gentle. i am home, i am home, i am home i'm never gonna be able i'll take a sick day tomorrow. on our daughter's birthday? moms don't take sick days... moms take nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. ♪ ♪ we're going to end this half hour as we always do on a friday, looking back at the week through the headlines. >> and with all the news rolling in, the staff here was forced to work through a haunting of the studio. here's the friday rewind. >> let's go. >> as a firestorm closed in on santa rosa, not even hospitals were safe. patients, many on gurneys, wheeled to safety. containment numbers are up and there is some rain in the forecast. as for that hospital, you can see from this melted sign just how intense the flames got. >> one of the most heinous acts we've seen in our county. >> captured. police closing in on the man involved in that shooting spree, gunning down his co-workers, going on the run, sparking a multi-state manhunt. >> the metoo movement. millions of women across the country and around the world sharing their experience with sexual harassment and abuse online. that movement took off last weekend when alyssa milano posted it on twitter writing, if you've been sexually harassed or abused, write metoo." as a reply to this tweet. >> no more. we're not going to put up with this anymore. we're going to be vocal until this stops. >> fallen soldiers fallout. president trump faces new outrage after calling the widow of a soldier, reportedly saying he knew what he signed up for. >> the president disputed that. >> had a very nice conversation with the woman, with the wife who was, sounded like a lovely woman. did not say what the congresswoman said, and most people aren't too surprised to hear that. >> commissioner roger goodell taking the debate over nfl protests head on. >> we believe that our players should stand for the national anthem. that's an important part of our game and our moment. >> but no new rules or penalties for anthem protests. it comes after the nfl reveals it didn't ask player force a commitment to stand. the president taking aim at the league, tweeting, the nfl has decided it will not force players to stand for the national anthem. total disrespect for our country. >> we ain't afraid of no ghosts. what if we just -- what if we just beat them, does that work? >> sad part is, they went to j-school. they went to journalism school. i didn't even get to see the dance moves of thor marshmallow man. whoever that was. so the world series begins on tuesday. the dodgers versus the -- >> new york yankees! yes! >> let's hope not, let's hope not. astros. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. good morning, on this friday, i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm erielle reshe good morning, on this friday, i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm erielle reshef in for diane macedo. here are some of the top headlines this morning we're following for you. after days of preparation by the university of florida, white nationali nationalist richard spencer has appeared on campus and was shouted down, walking off stage earlier than planned. president trump giving himself a 10 in response to the devastation in puerto rico. this despite criticism of the pace. the governor of the island is asking for more resources as 80% of the population there remain without power and more than a quarter with no drinking water. police in los angeles are investigating harvey weinstein after an unidentified italian actress accused him of rape. and now oscar winning actress luputa nyog'o says she's endured repeated incidents of sexual harassment by weinstein that she says made her sick. and words you haven't heard since the reagan administration. >> and the los angeles dodgers have won the pennant. >> yes, they have. they're heading to the world series. they could find out their opponent as early as tonight as the yankees try to close out against houston. those are our top stories on this friday, october 20th. from abc news, this is "world news now." we begin this half hour with a speech by a white nationalist at the university of florida, gainesville. >> officials beefed up security ahead of the speech. they wanted to make sure there wasn't a repeat of the violence in charlottesville over the summer. the governor even declared a state of emergency. nbc's abc's victor oquendo was there in the room. >> reporter: white nationalist richard spencer booed from the moment he walked on stage at the university of florida. >> so -- >> reporter: the crowd standing and shouting "go home." these students right behind me here, chanting and booing the entire time. spencer, a key figure in charlottesville. >> we'll never, we'll never back down. >> reporter: where we saw those hounting images and violent clashes. the governor declaring a state of emergency in preparation for his speech in gainesville. hundreds of protesters gathering outside the site of the speech. >> we need to show the u.s. that the state of florida condemns richard spencer and his ideology. >> reporter: the afternoon mostly peaceful, then this flare-up, the crowd surrounding this man wearing a t-shirt covered in swastikas, his mouth bloodied. law enforcement working quickly it to clear the scene. on that stage, spencer trying to speak through the noise, but the chants continuing, drowning him out. >> now it's time. for me to speak. ly i will stand here all day if i have to. >> reporter: when he walked off the stage, richard spencer thanked the university of florida. he said he was happy to be here and that he will continue his fight. victor oquendo, abc news, florida. also in florida, and this is disturbing, depp eweties searching a home for child porn found an arsenal of weapons and explosives. randall drake had maps of two schools and a water treatment plant. officials believe he was acting alone. he has so far not spoken to detectives about his intentions. drake's parents say they had no idea what was locked in that closet. and john kelly says he was stunned and also brokenhearted by law maker's criticism. of president trump's phone call to a wife of a fallen soldier. the president insisted again last night that congresswoman fred rica wilson was lying about the content of the call. that she described as disrespectful. kelly emotionally recalled the death of his own son in afghanistan and said he personally counseled the president on what to say. >> in his way, tried to express that opinion. he's a brave man, a fallen hero. he knew what he was getting himself into because he enlisted. there's no reason to enlist. he enlisted. and he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken. that was the message. that was the message that was transmitted. >> in addition to sergeant la david's widow, the president also called the families of the other three green berets killed in the ambush. the administration is under fire for waiting nearly two weeks to address the attack and not releasing more information about what went wrong. former presidents george w. bush and barack obama are back in the spotlight. obama told voters in virginia last night that efforts to divide the country and stir up racial tensions threaten our democracy. sentiments that bush revealed earlier in the day. here's abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: george w. bush has avoided politics since leaving office. the former president seemed to throw down the gauntlet, warning of the rise of quoth, bullying and prejudice in america. >> bigotry seems emboldened. our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication. we've seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty. at times it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. >> reporter: the former president never mentioned the current president, but much of the speech seemed directly aimed at the words and policies of donald trump. >> we've seen nationalism distorted into nativism. forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to america. >> reporter: and while trump has been criticized for being slow to condemn racists, bush drew a bright line. >> bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the american creed. [ applause ] >> reporter: former president obama was also making a rare public appearance, campaigning for democratic candidates in new jersey and virginia. >> hello, everybody! >> reporter: no mention of president trump, but also no mistaking his target. >> some of the politics we see, now we thought we put that to bed. it's the 21st century, not the 19th century. [ applause ] come on! >> reporter: in his speech, former president bush sounded the alarm on russian interference in the political process here, saying it amounts to, quote, a sustained attempt by a hostile power to exploit our country's divisions. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> our thanks to jonathan karl. the stock market is opening in new territory this morning. starting to sound like a broken record with that. but after a late surge the dow and s&p 500 will now open to new highs. it was actually the fifth straight day yesterday that the indexes were up. and we could see more gains today. overseas. tax cuts after the senate passed a budget resolution last night. so the soft drink industry is facing multiple class action lawsuits claiming the use of the word "diet" in marketing and advertising is false and misleading. the suits claim that those supposed diet drinks are sweetened with aspartame, which scientists say does not help the body process calories properly. a substitute teacher has been banned from a texas school for duct taping the mouths of students. after the teacher's bizarre actions, three other fifth graders put duct tape over their own mouths. all 13 children were checked out by the school nurse and allowed to return to class. the teacher was immediately removed. the use of mobile devices has taken a sharp jump among children. i know this at mother of a two 2 1/2 year old. a report from the group common sense media claims kids under 9 spend two hours a day with screen media. that's a jump of 25 minutes since 2013. the group found those kids spend 48 minutes each day on a smartphone or a tablet. that's up from 5 minutes per day six years ago. i am guilty as charged. >> well, hey, it's baby-sitting. >> hate to say it. thousands of kids in new york city won't have to pay up for library books that they haven't returned. the city's public library systems are forgiving late fees for about 160,000 children. the one-time amnesty was made possible by a $2.25 million grant dedicated to fighting poverty. many dog owners say their best friends have these adorable facial expressions, but the real question is are they reserving them for just us the owners. >> a new study looked at doggie behavior when a human is in the room and researchers found dogs used more facial expressions when they were looking at the person's pace as opposed to their backs. >> i'm looking at the video. one other thing that they discovered. the dogs did not show more facial expressions when the human was holding a treat. so it's just blatant love and affection. >> eye contact. >> eye contact. they can feel when you're looking at them and paying attention to them. i love when they do that quirky thing when they tilt their head when you ask them a question. >> it's in your mind. >> no. our pugs actually do this. >> it seems like captain obvious, you would think. >> no duh. coming up, advice that could save your life. why you should close your bedroom door before you go to sleep. and don't miss never before seen behind the scenes video of the late singer george michael. but first, let's take a look at today's temperatures. ♪ "world news now" weather, brought to you by points of light. take the olay 28 day challenge to ageless skin? see visible results day 1. by day 28? years off your skin age. but don't take it from us, take it from one of the millions of real women already in the know it's not often you can say, you know i saw results right away visible results or your money back olay. ageless there is not a friend that i have that will not own this product you're lucky you're cute. lysol max cover with 2x wider coverage kills 99.9% of bacteria. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. ayep, and my teeth are yellow.? time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. and they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. and you look amazing...lyt dates.comfortable.azing. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth... ...and strengthen fibers. so, don't half-wash it. downy and it's done. back now with a really important safety alert on how to protect yourself from a house fire. half of those happen in the middle of the night. >> so experts say one simple step could actually save your life. here's gio benitez. >> reporter: this is not a normal house fire. we are with ul which helps set safety standards for a slew of industries. now the company is creating a controlled fire to show the importance of closing your bedroom door before you go to sleep. >> when you can't get out, the most important thing you can do, close that door between you and the fire, could save your life. >> reporter: alexis king survived the corpus christi house fire that killed her parents and brother when she was just 10. the home's smoke alarm battery wasn't working. she believes closing her bedroom door saved her life. >> the door helped me to still have clean air and to really figure out a way to get out. >> reporter: now ul launching a safety campaign, "close before you doze." how much of a difference can it makes? we're about to find out. ul built this home to serve as a test facility. you're going to light the house on fire. >> for safety. >> reporter: it's wired with acceptsers and cameras to track gas levels. two bedrooms will have the doors closed, but the other -- >> we're going to leave that one open so we can see the difference. >> reporter: with the philadelphia fire department standing by, i start a fire with a candle on the living room sofa. >> let's get out. >> reporter: we return to the control center. >> wow. >> we have the fire burning in the living room. >> reporter: take a look at the bedroom with the open door. >> see the smoke beginning? >> reporter: oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. 275 degrees. >> absolutely. not survivable. >> reporter: but check out the rooms with the doors closed. the temperatures are much lower. you've got 97 degrees in one room, 67 in the other. after ten minutes, ul puts the fire out, and we look at the aftermath. here is the room with the open door. look at this. the tv melted. temperatures in the room with the open door reached 500 degrees. the carbon monoxide readings, 6,000 parts per million. an industry standard carbon monoxide alarm would go off at 70. but what a difference in the bedrooms with the doors closed. the stuffed animals, they're just fine. the bed's clear. >> reporter: this door sort of acted like a shield. >> exactly what it did. >> reporter: temperatures only got up to 100, and carbon monoxide levels were ten times lower than the open room. >> our thanks to gio there. potentially life-saving information. it seems counter intuitive. leave the door open, let it ventilate. >> you need to quickly open a door if you suspect there's fire, put your hand to the door and check the temperature there. when we come back, george michael giving fans a rare glimpse into his life, nearly ten months after his death. >> his new documentary coming up next on "world news now." i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. but at this moment, she's fighting a brain tumor. announcer: please take a moment and join st. jude in finding cures and saving children. visit ♪ tonight the music seemed so loud ♪ ♪ i wish we could lose this crowd ♪ ♪ maybe it's better this way ♪ we hurt each other with the things we want to say ♪ >> my go-to karaoke song. >> this is a guy who doesn't like puns we had to give the spotlight to now. we're paying tribute to george michael this morning with a look at the new documentary he actually directed about his own life before his untimely passing. >> it includes never before seen behind the scenes footage and interviews with celebrities who were influenced by the late singer. here's abc's t.j. holmes. ♪ wake me up >> reporter: with his unmistakable voice. ♪ baby george michael pushed the boundaries of pop. ♪ the way i danced with you even as his career was riddled with rumors of drug abuse and cut short by his death. but now a new picture is emerging, a picture george michael wanted the world to see. in a new documentary, called "george michael: freedom." it premieres this saturday on showtime. >> the number of people who come up to me and say oh, you don't know how much you helped me when i lost this person. >> reporter: his directing partner and life-long friend david austin says the george michael we knew was not the whole picture. what is it in this film people are going to get out and be surprised? >> they're going to see george in his own words. never seen before. never talked about before. you'll see a side of george that nobody's ever seen before. >> reporter: in an exclusive clip, we get a look behind the scenes of his most iconic video "freedom." >> it's something we can all look back on. and look at that with great memories. >> reporter: starring five of the most famous super models of the '90s. >> if the song comes on anywhere, in the car or at a club or whatever, i do, it like transports me back to that time. ♪ what you do what you do what you do ♪ >> reporter: why did he want that for that video? >> i think the five super models were a pretty good alternative to just one guy in a video, as he put it. it became this iconic and game changing video. >> it did. you had the mtv thing happening at the time, so it was explosive. >> reporter: that video, a career high, but also the beginning of george michael's exit from the limelight. he refused to promote his 1990 album "listen without prejudice." a choice that led to a highly publicized battle with sony. would he have been here promoting this movie? >> no. >> reporter: no. >> words to the effect of i didn't promote it the first time so why am i going to promote it now? >> reporter: he would have done it. the documentary also highlights those inspired by his music. >> he's just got that thing which is unquantifiable. >> reporter: from elton john to stevie wonder and mary j. blige, and it gives a rare glimpse at the famously private star that he was finally ready to let the world see. >> he was always a good sport, always laughed at himself. that's what people loved. ♪ somebody to -- yeah >> reporter: tflt j. holmes, abc news, new york. >> an iconic moment. right there, indeed. he was halfway through producing this documentary by the time of his death last christmas. >> hard to believe he died last christmas, almost a year. this documentary out in the uk this week. limited release, right? >> yeah, limited release. a lot of people will be able to get the intro speculative look at one of the greats. coming up, the sequel to one of the greatest movies of all time. hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of three bottles of this other liquid. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. ♪ ♪ actually, a very exciting "insomniac theater." >> counting down the days to halloween. we start with "the snowman", starring michael fast bender. as a detective. investigating whooe believes could be the resurgence of an elusive serial killer aptally named the snow man. he races against time to connect the dots between cold cases and a brutal new murder. >> i know how much you want this, but you can't force the pieces to fit. >> do you actually think he killed them? >> i don't know. i don't think either of us do for sure. >> also starring j.k. simmons and val kilmer. the critics do know for sure something. they hate this. they hate "the snowman" giving it a 66% splat on rotten tomatoes. steven dalton writing for all of its high-caliber talent, the "snowman" is a pedestrian affair. and jason soloman says, the snowman is all coal and no carrot despite a sterling crew. i hate horror movies, so -- >> a movie wishing global warming would get her quicker. speaking of horror movies, you may hate this one. not because it's a horror movie. but tyler perry's boom. a madea holiday is back. it brings back the gang. they head to haunted campground where they soon find themselves running for their lives. >> ma! >> yes! >> you still there? >> if i wasn't out here, would i be saying yes? >> all right. i won't be a long time. >> just hurry the hell up. >> all right, ma. ma, ma, ma! ma, are you still there? ma! madea. >> no, not madea. >> run, madea. >> that's enough to make her drop her wig. so this movie is likely so bad that critics have been kept far from the theater, not allowed to release their reviews. so we think it doesn't make that much of a difference. so let's call up the review for the first boo. madea remains a distinctive weirdly compelling character. maybe someday perry will make a good comedy for her. >> oh. >> but here's the thing. this is tyler perry's house. he's laughing. >> he's laughing at us for sure. >> all the way to the bank. is that in the hotlanta yeah? i think it is. >> raking in the bucks. >> man. hate all you want. hate on "boo two" all you want. >> like "nutty professor." >> or leonard part six. this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now," the white house chief of staff defending his boss. >> in a rather stunning and unexpected white house briefing, john kelly, general john kelly offering an impassioned take on the fallen soldier controversy. and two former presidents making rare appearances on the same day. george w. bush breaking his silence on what he sees in america today. and barack obama blasting the state of american politics. were their comments directed at the current a tourist killed at a famous church after a piece of the ceiling came crashing down. sometimes you have to find another calling in life, especially if you're this black lab. lulu flunked out of bomb-sniffing school because she just wasn't into it. so where is lulu now? that's ahead on this friday, october 20th. from abc news, this is "world news now." and we do say good mortgage to you on this had friday. welcome. >> thank you. >> it's been a while since -- i think it was in july. since july. but we've been looking forward to having erielle back here. >> i have missed the slow clap so much. thank you for that. >> good to have you here. we're going to start this half hour in the meantime with the white house chief of staffs and what was really an impassioned defense of his boss. >> john kelly said president trump bravely reached out to the families of the four green berets killed in niger. >> and kelly lashed out at one of the congress women who called the account of one of those calls disrespectful. >> reporter: this is john kelly, a father whose own son, robert, was killed in 2010 when he stepped on a land mine in afghanistan. kelly says he personally counseled president trump on how to call the grieving families of fallen soldiers. >> he asked me about previous presidents, and i said i can tell you that president obama, who was my commander in chief when i was on active duty did not call my family. that was not a criticism. that was just to simply say i don't believe president obama called. that's not a negative thing. >> reporter: kelly says he and president trump spoke before those calls to the families of the four special ops soldiers killed in niger. >> and he said to me, what do i say? i said to him, sir, there's nothing you can do to lighten the burden on these families. but let me tell you what i tell them. let me tell you what my best friend, joe dunford told me, because he was my casualty officer. he said kell, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. he knew what he was getting into by joining that 1%. he knew what the possibilities were. because we're at war. and when he died in the four cases we're talking about, niger, my son's case and afghanistan, when he died he was surrounded by the best men on this earth, his friends. that's what the president tried to say to four families the other day. >> reporter: the president did tell the widow of sergeant la david johnson that her husband knew what he was signing up for, but the president's message and how it was delivered did not sit well with sergeant johnson's mother who told the "washington post," president trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband. and democratic florida congresswoman frederica wilson who also listened to that call on speaker phone went public with her frustration. >> he kept referring to him as "your guy." he never called his name. so that was even more painful. >> reporter: kelly defended his boss. >> in his way, tried to express that the opinion, that he's a brave man, a fallen hero. he knew he was getting himself into because he enlisted. there's no reason to enlist. he enlisted. and he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken. that was the message. that was the message that was transmitted. >> reporter: and he lashed out at the congresswoman. >> stuns me that a member of congress would have listened in on that conversation. absolutely stuns me. and i thought, at least that was sacred. >> reporter: i'm told this was john kelly's idea to come out and talk to these cameras. he very much publicly wanted to address this. cecelia vega, abc news, the white house. >> and we need to follow up on one thing you heard the general talked about where he criticized the congresswoman for listening in to the president's conversation with johnson's widow. the congresswoman has known that family very well for several years. she actually ran a mentoring program that la david johnson was in as a teenager. >> but the president lashed out just before 11:00 last night. in a tweet, he said the fake news is going crazy with wacky congresswoman wilson who was secretly on a very personal call and gave a total lie on content. >> so the president not ending it there. we thought that we had heard the last of it with john kelly, but not at all. we move on. that white house may soon be forced to provide more information into the ambush that left those four soldiers dead in the remote corner of niger. they were attacked by more than 50 militants. now the pentagon is facing questions over whether the unit had the proper intelligence and backup in the country. sergeant la david johnson's body was recovered two days after the attack. military officials insisted they searched for him until he was found. >> the u.s. military does not leave its troops behind, and i would just ask that you not question the actions of the troops who were caught in the fire fight and question whether or not they did everything they could in order to bring everyone out at once. and i would also ask you don't confuse your need for accurate information with our ability to provide it immediately in a situation like this. >> senator john mccain, as well as other members of congress, are demanding answers. mccain says the trump administration has not been forthcoming and he's suggesting it may take a subpoena to find out what really went wrong. former presidents george w. bush and barack obama are back in the spotlight, blasting the current state of american politics. at a voter rally in virginia last night, former president obama warned that messages of division and distraction are threatening our democracy, echoing a sentiment by former president bush earlier in the day. >> reporter: former president obama returned to the campaign trail to stump for gubernatorial candidates ahead of next month's elections. >> mr. obama, who has kept a relatively low profile since leaving the white house, came with a message of inclusiveness. >> we are rejecting a politics of division. we are rejecting a politics of fear. that we are embracing a politics that says everybody counts. >> reporter: and america's place on the world stage. >> the world counts on america having its act together. >> reporter: former president george w. bush echoed that message. he blasted the divisive state of american politics and urged americans to reject nativism, bigotry and white supremacy. >> bullying and privilege in our national life sets a tone. the only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them. >> reporter: mr. bush weighed in on america's role in the world. >> we've seen the return of isolationist sentiments, forget that american security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places. >> reporter: also warning americans to regent attempts to underplay the role of russian interference in american democracy and the undermining of the free press. >> our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication. >> reporter: both former presidents trying to change the nation's political narrative without mentioning president trump by name. aaron katersky, abc news, new york. while nationalist leader richard spencer all but eye lensed at a speech at the university of florida. demonstrators shouted chants drowning out spencer's remarks. a state of emergency had been declared prior to his visit. most of the people in the auditorium weren't there to hear him speak. >> now it's time for me to speak. i'll stand here all day if i have to. >> sensor soon giving up, heading directly into the question and answer section before leaving the stage earlier than planned. outside the auditorium, hundreds more people protested his event, two people were arrested and three sustained light injuries. and coalition forces are declaring victory after take the syrian city of raqqah from isis. but what a victory it is. as you take a look who at these scenes, most of the city reduced to rubble. and u.s. military officials warn as many as 100 militants could still be hiding in the ruins. although isis fighters are on the run, cia chief mike pompeo says they are still capable of carrying out attacks on the u.s. to italy now and a tragedy in the popular tuesday can town of florence. a tourists killed by a large piece of stone that fell more than 60 feet from the ceiling of this famous church. the basilica of santa crote is where michelangelo and galileo and machiavelli are buried. the visitor was there with his wife. the 14th century church is starting to show its age due to a lack of upkeep because of financial problems in that country. an investigation is under way. >> it really is a tragedy. moving to lighter news. a navy destroyer maid a big save in the persian gulf. >> so two rescue swimmers from the uss howard were out there and actually came encountered with a logger head sea turtle. you see it there. the big reptiles can actually grow to about 350 pounds. the turtle had become tangled up in a partially sunken fishing boat, so the sailors to the rescue. now to somebody else we were counting on. a young pup was going to be a member of the cia, but couldn't cut it. >> couldn't hack it. this is lulu. she's adorable by the way. she was part of the agency's latest training class of bomb-sniffing dogs, but lulu had had to bow-wow out. see what we did? kendis is silence. bow-wow out? >> i'm just going to let that hang out there. >> got it right. >> according to a pupdate as it's called on the cia blog, lulu was dropped from the program after losing interest. ah. >> yesterday's post reads in part, sometimes even when a pup tests well, they make it clear that being of an explosive detection canine is just not the life for them. they couldn't dim her paw to be. >> i'll just leave that out there. >> it's early morning news. i got to have fun. >> they bought lulu and found out lulu was a lemon. coming up, how you can get paid to move to italy. the town shelling out big bucks for new neighbors. details in "the mix." plus the hip restaurant using popeye's chicken in one of its dishes. oh, the humanity. jacking up the price. we're hearing more from the owner. >> nothing wrong with that. find us on facebook at and on twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." now." not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. look at that. five people were injured when that charter plane crashed onto a busy street in st. petersburg, florida. the cessna clipped two suvs as it came down. police say the pilot may have run out of gas. different angle here. you can see the shadow. >> wow. >> wow. he and his passenger and three people in the cars are expected to be okay in the end. we have new details about the critical moments just after the las vegas gunman opened fire. >> witnesses say 12 minutes felt likes hours as police tried to reach the hotel room where the killer took aim. now we're learning which teams actually got there first. abc's matt gutman with the latest. >> reporter: new details about the 12 critical minutes as police responded to the las vegas rampage. abc news has learned that there were police officers in the mandalay bay hotel securing another event when stephen paddock opened fire. but the hotel complex is so vast that police say officers who were across the street at the country music concert got there faster. running through the streets in that rain of bullets. >> one of the things that's most striking when you see this from the air is the vast distance of that suite on the 32nd floor dune to the concert venue below. by the time police arrived the shooting had stopped. 12 minutes after jesus campos was wounded and radioed for help. in his first interview, campos telling ellen degeneres that he'd been sent to investigate an open door in the stairwell. >> as that door's closing and it's so heavy, it will slam. i'm walking down this way. and i believe that's what caught the shooter's attention. as i was walking down, i heard rapid fire. >> reporter: the gunman shooting through his hotel room door, hitting campos in the leg. with that timeline better defined, the major remaining mystery is why did stephen paddock do this. police tell me he was so secretive, we may never know his motive. matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. >> still so many questions there. coming up in the next half hour, the nationwide amazon headquarters sweep stakes. it just came to an end overnight. we'll check out the wild, last-minute pitches from cities across the country hoping for a economic boom. but first, the outrageous discovery that a hip, swank, brunch destination is actually importing its fried chicken from a pop eyes down the street. an extra crispy "world news now." >> imposters. street. an extra crispy "world news now." >> im posters. ...what are you doing?? i thought you had a cold? i don't need all this. mucinex fast-max can handle pretty much every symptom. even... yea - i can read, you know. ahhh! mucinex fast-max. 9 symptoms. 1 dose. max strength. let's end this. ♪ when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. ♪ is that what it is? "old mcdonald"? the re-mix version? >> i should know. i sing that to a 2 all the time. >> we have the scandalous story about fried chicken. >> a brunch spot in southern california is owning up to using popeye's chicken in its chicken and waffle recipe. local foodies are crying fowl. abc's nick watt has the story. >> this is what happens when a hip store wicks it up. the haters come home to roost. feathers and chicken puns are flying. at sweet dixie kitchen, the $12.95 chicken and waffles comes from -- ♪ love that chicken from pop eyes ♪ >> reporter: locally sourced, i guess. so you're owning this. >> i am owning this. >> reporter: on the long beach foodies scene, this chicken run is blown up like madoff meats and milli vanilli. >> we saw them bring in two large buckets from pop eyes. the waiter admitted that they do in fact use popeye's. angela w. wrote, popeye's, really? it's a full-on larry david situation. >> you say the pastry shop made this? >> is oh, yes, wonderful. i got news for you, pal. this is a pepperidge farm cookie. >> i love their chicken. it's the best i've ever had. >> reporter: this is not a secret. >> no. >> honey, i carried it through the front door. >> regulars, running red. >> it comes with this habanero sauce. you pay for the ambiance. because it's kind of a boutique place. >> reporter: and listen. restaurants don't make their own bread, butter, wine, coca-cola. where do you draw the line? is it above or below fast food chicken? i can't decide. >> i think it's brilliant. >> where are the waffles from, waffle house? >> probably, yeah. you're paying for the ambiance and popeye's makes the best chicken. ♪ love that chicken from popeye's ♪ >> there you go. "the mix" is next. ♪ "the mix" is next. en. [ ♪ love that chicken from popeye's ♪ e ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, popeye's ♪ then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. ♪ okay. time for your friday "mix mix and we have an amazing offer that i daresay you would not want to refuse. this beautiful, picturesque town. >> i love it. i'm moving there. >> it's in central italy, look at this. it's beautiful there, right? so the problem with this town is people are moving out and aren't moving in. so the mayor has amazing, amazing solution. he is offering up cash for people who want to move there. so about $2300 to encourage some folks to move to the town, 800 euros or about $1,000 for singles and $1400 for couples who want to move to that beautiful town. i am gone. >> yeah. here we go. your mail might be an a little slow to arrive to that town. but here in the u.s., ups drivers joining up to show their love of the dogs they meet on their different routes. they come together with a facebook page showing all the different pups they see on their routes. it's so sweet, look at them. that's a dog gone good idea. >> awesome. here you go, brand new polka. ♪ ♪ politics and foreign wars ♪ all the weather, all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ tapes that roll in way too slow ♪ ♪ stuff you saw on coppel's show that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ it's late at night, you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance ♪ >> hey! ♪ have some fun be a pal every anchor, guy and gal and do the world news polka ♪ everybody! ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ insomniacs only ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ who cares what the bosses think, they're a goofy crew ♪ >> no clue. ♪ and if the neighbors call the cops here's all you have to do ♪ ♪ when they yell ♪ it's half past 3:00 ♪ tell them it's news to me ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ they make us work the graveyard shift ♪ ♪ that's why we go for broke ♪ so why not tune in abc and join our little joke ♪ ♪ five whole days every week ♪ we're here with a tongue-in-cheek ♪ ♪ and the world news polka ♪ it's not lip synched ♪ it's the world news polka this morning on "world news now," the defense secretary lashing out, defending the military's response to the ambush in africa that left four young americans dead. and the growing demands for details about that tragedy, and one senator says it may take legal action to get answers. and the new bombshell in the harvey weinstein scandal. the oscar-winning actress sharing her own personal story accusing weinstein of harassment. it comes as the lapd says it's investigating the disgraced movie mogul. and what a game. also ahead in this half hour, that wild night in sports. the raiders and chiefs go down to the final buzzer. it was actually an exciting thursday night football game. and that's news in itself. >> as l.a. celebrates a return to the fall classic, world series bound. so who will they face? >> and look out. ♪ what you made me do look what you made her do. taylor swift on a tear. swifty nation has been whipped up into a frenzy overnight. we're going to tell you why with this late-breaking news in "the skinny" on this friday, october 20th. from abc news, this is "world news now." and we do say good morning to everybody on this friday as we welcome erielle to the show. we're going to start this half hour with the pentagon on the defensive over this deadly ambush of the american troops in the african country of niger. >> military brass remaining tight-lipped after that attack that killed four american soldiers. the pentagon launching a full investigation but congress wants answers now. >> they want to know specifically what caused this intelligence failure, and could more have been done to protect the troops? here's abc's brian ross. >> reporter: the deadly ambush in this remote african village happened more than two weeks ago, but the pentagon is still not providing a full and cogent narrative of how four american soldiers died after being attacked by an overwhelming force of more than 50 militants. said the full investigation is still ongoing. >> subsaharan africa is a very difficult place the to operate. we'll investigate this. we'll have conclusions. those conclusions will be presented. i'm not prepared to go further. >> reporter: two key questions remain. one, did the unit have the proper advanced intelligence and backup air and ground support in case something went wrong? officials say the unit did not expect to be in combat. >> over the last six months we had conducted 29 partnered patrols in the this general area without contact of any kind. >> reporter: a second question, did sergeant la david johnson get left behind when the rest of the unit pulled out? his body was not recovered for at least 20 hours. >> took us a little while to do that. we didn't leave him behind. and we searched until we found him, and we brought him home. >> reporter: u.s. forces have been in niger for the last four years as the threat from this terror group has escalated. with this leader last year pledging allegiance to isis. >> there's a reason we have u.s. army soldiers there and not the peace corps, because we carry guns. >> reporter: as controversy swirled over the ambush in niger, the president was taking credit for u.s. victories against isis. >> i totally changed the attitudes of the military, and they have done a fantastic job. isis is now giving up. they're giving up. they're raising their hands. they're walking off. nobody's ever seen that before. >> why did that happen? >> because you didn't have trump as your president. >> reporter: brian ross, abc news, new york. senator john mccain and other members of congress have slammed the slow release of information when it comes to that ambush. mccain is the chairman of the senate armed services committee. and he says and suggests that he may need to issue a subpoena to get the answers that he needs. >> one more note about all of this. white house chief of staff john kelly defending the president over comments made to the wife of one of the soldiers killed there in niger. the president accused of telling the pregnant mother of two that her husband knew what he signed up for. kelly said that he personally advised the president on what to say and he recallered how he was told about the death of his own son who was killed in afghanistan. he said he did not receive a phone call from the white house at the time. >> president obama, who was my commander in chief when i was on active duty, did not call my family. that was not a criticism. >> kelly said he was actually stunned, and in his words, broken hearted that congresswoman frederica wilson listened in on the call with the widow and labeled the president's words as disrespectful. the president also blasted the congresswoman in a late-night tweet saying she lied about the content of that call. we should point out the congresswoman was a personal family friend of the young soldier that died. now to the trump administration's relief efforts in puerto rico. members of both parties are criticizing the government's response. almost a month after hurricane maria, more than three fourths of the households in that island don't have power and many don't have clean water. when asked by a reporter to rate his administration's response, president trump gave a perfect score. >> i'd say it was a ten. it was probably the most difficult -- when you talk about relief, when you talk about search, when you talk about all the different levels, i think it was worse than katrina. it was in many ways worse than anything people have ever seen. >> the governor says the island still needs more resources and he says that's why he came to see the president. the senate is closer to tackling tax reform. it narrowly passed a massive budget deal overnight which paves the way for tax reform. the budget is estimated to add $1.5 trillion to the deficit within ten years. rand paul was the lone republican senator to vote against it. and the democratic leader, chuck schumer, called it one of the worst budgets congress has ever passed. police in los angeles have launched an investigation, a criminal one, into harvey weinstein, joining investigations already under way here in new york as well as in london. >> this is now spanning the globe. >> yep. >> detectives say they've interviewed a woman who said she was sexually assaulted by weinstein four years ago. according to the "los angeles times," that woman is an italian actress who says weinstein raped her after bullying his way into her hotel room. >> and now oscar winner lupita nyong'o is the latest actress to come forward. in a "new york times" op-ed she details repeated encounters with weinstein that she details as sexual harassment. >> in one of those incidents, nyong'o claims he was pushing her to have sex, telling me not to be so naïve. if i wanted to be an actress i had to be willing to do this sort of thing. he said he had dated famous actress x and y and look where they had gotten. >> nyong'o is one of more than 40 women accusing weinstein of sexual harassment or assault. and now to the musician, david blaine, who is also under investigation for rape by scotland yard. a former model tells "the daily beast," that she was assaulted by blaine at an address when she was 21 years old. the musician vehemently denies that he assaulted or raped any woman ever. o.j. simpson's release from prison earlier this month put a grin on his face, as you saw. the 70-year-old had another chance to smile for a camera this week as he took a photo for his nevada driver's license. simpson also took his written test. reports say he's still planning to go move to southwest florida. thursday night saw one of the nfl's most bitter rivalries and one of the coolest plays. >> kansas city was in oakland playing the raiders. alex smith there, long pass, tipped. falls right into the hands of albert wilson. that wasn't supposed to happen. >> the game had a crazy ending, also. they had to replay the final play four times because of penalties. oakland's derek carr eventually hit michael crabtree for the winning score. >> they had seven lead changes in that game. >> that's crazy. >> absolutely amazing. to baseball now and your jeopardy answer for thursday night. who is henrique hernandez. the question? what l.a. dodger wrecked the chicago cubs to clench the nl pennant? >> he hit three homers, including a grand slam and drove in seven in l.a.'s 11-1 win in game five. the dodgers end the cubs title reign and head to the world series for the first time since 1988. >> fans cheered and waved flags across the city. buildings in downtown were lit up in blue. henrique hernandez is from puerto rico and has made a delivery to the island there. he plans to go back as soon as he gets rid of some business out there in l.a. coming up, the last state without a target store is finally about to get one. >> how can this be? >> can you guess which state? and later, ed sheeran reveals what really happen after he fell off his bike and broke some bones. some calling it a proper british response. >> but first, a look at today's forecast. ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you ♪ ♪ we let the story begin "world news now" weather, brought to you by sandals. if parts a and bcare and want more coverage. guess what? 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just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. check this out. quick thinking by this school bus driver, prevented an injury to 16 kids aboard. the driver smelled smoke during the afternoon trip and immediately evacuated the charlotte, north carolina, high school students. the cause of the fire still under investigation. just look at the charred wreckage there. thank goodness he or she was alert. the time is up. just as the clock struck midnight. the submissions ended for cities hoping to become the home of amazon's second headquarters. >> many see this as a guaranteed economic boom and they have been giving very creative pitches moving forward. here's abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: from giant amazon boxes turning up across birmingham, alabama to this 21-foot cactus sent as a gift. >> from tucson, arizona. with the message that their community has, quote, room to grow. more than 100 cities going all out to convince amazon to make their city the second headquarters in their city and bringing with it a $5 million investment and as many as 50,000 jobs. >> i want to be clear to amazon. on day one, the second city's your first choice. >> reporter: even cities close to the online retailer's headquarters in seattle vying for a shot. >> i would be so excited to have amazon here in marysville. >> from coast to coast, the focus varying from practical incentives including tax breaks, transportation and talent. >> we have a very young population, a growing population. >> reporter: while others hoping to sell their city with some very memorable approaches. the mayor of kansas city, buying 1,000 products on amazon, and leaving not-so-subtle reviews for each. >> i live in beautiful kansas city where the average home price is just $122,000. so i know luxe living doesn't have to cost a ton. >> reporter: and speaking of mayors, that job is now offered to amazon ceo jeff bezos of a new city being proposed outside of atlanta if that area is chosen. they'd call it, what else, but amazon, georgia. the bidding is now closed. and amazon won't announce the decision on where the second headquarters will be built until next year. erielle and kendis, back to you. >> it will be tough to beat stonecrest indeed. >> i vote oklahoma city. i know that's shocking. the long, national nightmare is over. target has finally made it to its final state that it didn't have a location, vermont. >> the green mountain state is the one and only without a target store at this point. the retailer is coming to vermont next year, building a store that's about half the size of a typical target location. why half? go for the big. >> start out slow. when we come back, taylor swift's overnight surprise. and a simpson's super mix. "the skinny" is next. simpson's super mix. "the skinny" is next. waste that weighs me down, oves the so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. ♪ oh, look what you made me do ♪ look what you made me to ♪ look what you just made me do ♪ ♪ look what you just made me do ♪ >> what you made taylor do. is that your taylor swift dance moves? >> i don't know what this is. it's my world news now dance moves. >> she's the lead of our skinny, because we have big, big, breaking news. she just dropped her brand-new song. >> you're going to hear it here, folks. laughing at my dance moves? >> i love your dance moves. >> she has a new album coming out next month. after teasing a midnight release yesterday, we now have that new song. it's called "gorgeous", and it has a lyric video to go with it, so take a listen. ♪ ocean blue eyes looking in mine ♪ ♪ i feel like i might sink and drown and die ♪ ♪ you're so gorgeous >> has a good ring to it. >> here's the thing with taylor swift songs. i never like them when they first come out and then i'm obsessed with them five minutes later. >> it's not bad. so that's not all, of course. you can bet taylor's reaching out to her swifties for "reputation" which is about to be released. >> taylor invited a select group of her super fans to rhode island to her home for a listening session. can you imagine being one of the fans? she got to listen to the new album. and the is fans writing about the experience online. some bragging rights there. >> those are some boots as well. earlier this year we saw ed sheeran play a soldier on game of thrones. and now after seeing what he's been through since, we can -- finally forgive him for ruining that episode of "game of thrones." >> curmudgeon. a loveable curmudgeon. earlier this week we found out he was in a bicycle accident. he broke his wrist, elbow and a rib, forcing him to cancel some tour dates, but we didn't know how tough he is. >> he told a british talk show host that his initial reaction was "that hurt." but he kept on pedaling all the way to the pub where he drank away the pain. he didn't realize it was actually broken until the next morning. how is that for a hangover? >> nothing a beer can't cure. >> and that's when he finally got the cast for it, so. next up, the simpson's and the voice of bart, pulling back the curtain on the show's legendary, iconic characters. >> nancy cartwright plays bart and she also brings a slew of other characters to life. and a clip of her doing seven simpson's voices on the internet now, check it out. >> your attention please, your attention please, i have an announcement to make, i'm bored. >> you think you're bored, what about all those poor suckers out there in the audience. >> yeah, they keep praying that their category is next. >> well, as long as they are praying and while we're at it, i get to anoint their feet. >> you keep your hands off me, you little twink or i'll call the cops. >> how awesome is that? >> i feel like she's going to hurt her voice. >> maybe that's why they call them voice actors, that is beautiful acting right there. >> that's strenuous. finally, let's check out how pro athletes are drive around in style. >> so last year, nfl running back alfred morris inked a $5.5 million contract with the dallas cowboys. and instead of spending some of that major signing bonus on a sleek new ride, he's looking to get the most out of his 1991 mazda 626. he bought it for $2 from his pastor while he was in college. i love this story. >> so morris's nickname -- >> it's a fly ride. it is, as long as it runs. so he nicknamed the car bentley. and he says it helps keep him grounded. like grounded as when it breaks down. but not bad. if i can get, like a 1990 era mazda that still drives to this day, i would be all for it. >> doesn't warren buffett kind of drive around in a jalopy? >> it's not necessarily a jalopy but it's not -- you would expect -- it's not what you would expect. >> you would expect warren buffett to be driven in a chauffeured car. but also mark zuckerberg for facebook, who is worth billions and billions of dollars, of course. he drives around in an acura. >> it gets him from a to b. i drive around on the six train. the friday rewind is next. creative hacks to take care... ey ...of our jeans. it got weird. ahhh! i'm just airing them out! luckily we discovered tide pods plus downy. so our jeans stay in great shape. and they actually get clean. what? we can wash 'em. tide pods plus downy. super concentrated to clean, condition and keep your favorites looking great. it's got to be tide. hey(screams)t's that? get out. d-con bait station. mice eat the bait... ...then they die. guaranteed. ♪...nausea, heartburn,♪ indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. theseare heading back home.y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it's tough on grease yet gentle. i am home, i am home, i am home i'm never gonna be able i'll take a sick day tomorrow. on our daughter's birthday? moms don't take sick days... moms take nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. ♪ ♪ we're going to end this half hour as we always do on a friday, looking back at the week ♪ we're going to end this half hour as we always do on a friday, looking back at the week through the headlines. >> and with all the news rolling in, the staff here was forced to work through a haunting of the studio. here's the friday rewind. >> let's go. >> as a firestorm closed in on santa rosa, not even hospitals were safe. patients, many on gurneys, wheeled to safety. containment numbers are up and there is some rain in the forecast. as for that hospital, you can see from this melted sign just how intense the flames got. >> one of the most heinous acts we've seen in our county. >> captured. police closing in on the man involved in that shooting spree, gunning down his co-workers, going on the run, sparking a multi-state manhunt. >> the metoo movement. millions of women across the country and around the world sharing their experience with sexual harassment and abuse online. that movement took off last weekend when alyssa milano posted it on twitter writing, if you've been sexually harassed or abused, write metoo as a reply to this tweet. >> no more. we're not going to put up with this anymore. we're going to be vocal until this stops. >> fallen soldiers fallout. president trump faces new outrage after calling the widow of a soldier, reportedly saying he knew what he signed up for. >> the president disputed that. >> had a very nice conversation with the woman, with the wife who was, sounded like a lovely woman. did not say what the congresswoman said, and most people aren't too surprised to hear that. >> commissioner roger goodell taking the debate over nfl protests head on. >> we believe that our players should stand for the national anthem. that's an important part of our game and our moment. >> but no new rules or penalties for anthem protests. it comes after the nfl reveals it didn't ask players for a commitment to stand. the president taking aim at the league, tweeting, the nfl has decided it will not force players to stand for the national anthem. total disrespect for our country. >> we ain't afraid of no ghosts. what if we just -- what if we just beat them, does that work? >> sad part is, they went to j-school. they went to journalism school. i didn't even get to see the dance moves of thor marshmallow man. whoever that was. so the world series begins on tuesday. the dodgers versus the -- >> new york yankees! yes! >> let's hope not, let's hope not. astros. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. making news in america this morning, getting personal. the white house chief of staff opens up about his son's death while defending the president's call to a soldier's family. >> it absolutely stuns me. and i thought at least that was sacred. >> and lashes out at the congresswoman who criticized the call. this morning new insight into why she was listening and the growing questions over that deadly ambush in africa. speaking out, former president obama and bush on the state of today's politics. >> bigotry seems emboldened. >> and a message for america. >> and the decency and good will of the american people. >> what's behind their rare reviews. shocking find. police uncover a massive pile of weapons and school maps in a

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