Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170921 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170921

for you and just listen. ♪ >> that's his for real daughter? >> that's his for real daughter. she played along with that perfect. >> without a doubt the best episode ever. until the next one, see you then. (dog panting) another 2am stroll, huh? i'm worried. i have this medical bill. dave, you have anthem, and they have people to talk to who are empowered to help answer any question you... (dog grunting, panting) is... is he okay? real people? living and breathing. hopefully not breathing like that. for all the things that keep you up at night, anthem blue cross has a solution. they gave each other a big hug at the raleigh durham airport. both were given up for adoption when they were very young. >> when smith's adoptive father was on his death bed, he told a north carolina man that he had a sister. bambi said she knew she was adopted and spent the last three decades looking for her brother. >> what an emotional reaction to somebody she hadn't really met. >> and we're hearing more and more of these stories. this is one of the positive effects of the internet that people are able to exchange information and sometimes you ever uncover these things. great to see they timely get to meet. >> yesterday we had the couple living next door to each other and had no idea they were long lost siblings for 50 years. >> now they're making the most of it. coming up, america's most popular wedding songs. can you guess? what are the top requested songs? believe it ovrnt, it depends on what state you live in. we'll have that ahead in "the skinny." >> please say it's not "train." no. why did we go with "train"? but first, the ballpark scare for a little girl hit in the face by a line drive fly ball. the new questions being raised again about fan safety. but first, here is a look at today's forecast. >> "world news now" weather brought to you by unitedhealthcare. . b and want more coverage. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - othese plans let you applyaarp. all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. we are closely watching we are closely watching hurricane maria for you currently brushing past the dominican republic and on a path headed for turks and caicos. the storm has left the entire island of puerto rico without power. residents there scrambling to try to recover after much rain and wind which they're still dealing with now. back here on the mainland, a young girl got the scare of her life during a day out at the ballpark. >> she was hit by a line drive foul ball at yankee stadium, reportedly flying right into her face at 105 miles per hour. abc's lindsay davis has the emotional player reaction. >> a split second after the crack of that bat -- it's clear a fan is hurt. yankees hitter todd frazier immediately shows concern. players on both sides look distraught, bowing their heads, some even crying. >> a little too graphic for us to show you. >> that injured fan, a little girl. the crowd calls for help. a medical team tends to the girl who is rushed from the stands to the hospital. her condition is unknown. a similar scene played out at yankees stadium in july when a foul ball hit a fan in the head and a young boy was struck by part of a broken bat back in may. shattered bats and foul balls injuring fans in recent years prompted some team toes extend otective netting. >> after that incident in july, the yankees said they are seriously exploring extending the netting next season. linsey davis, nbc news, new york. and todd has a 2-year-old daughter so you can understand why it was emotional for him. >> they all put themselves in that place. when we come back, those opening their hearts to those in puerto rico and mexico. and when we come back, the top wedding songs. >> nickelback. >> it's time to have a party when we come back next in "the skinny." but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. - ( snaps, clatters ) that sounds awful. ( music stops ) but a lot better than last week. ( rock music playing ) ♪ we weren't born to follow. ♪ ...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hline can help. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) ♪ skinny ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ good morning to you all. we're starting the skinny off with some hollywood celebrities supporting the victims of the earthquake in mexico and of hurricane maria. >> act receipt selma high yak is giving back to her country, pledging $100,000 to unicef and its efforts in mexico and is imploring her followers to foll her leads. beyonce is paying tribute on her instagram account with black and white images of the puerto rico y'allan and mexican flags. >> and ricky martin canceled his upcoming concert in mexico city saying my mind is with my people in puerto rico. we are strong. we will rebuild together. united. and next, two divas walk into a restaurant and the inner webs explode. >> britney spears and bumped into each other in dantanes in west hollywood. i didn't realize i needed to say it with a smug accent. spears, by the way, couldn't resist asking carey for a selfie. >> so brittany has long credited mariah as one of her greatest influence since skyrocketing to fame in 1998. >> so many people were wondering what did they eat. no confirmation yet on what carey ate, but spears shared this snap of her dinner. looks like a good steak there. >> it's not bad. dantanes, by the way southbound is four stars on yelp. it's clubby -- >> why are you read the yelp review? i'm surprised mariah said i don't know her. >> yn her b, but i'll take a photo with her. next to the music we love to hear at weddings. >> geniuses at spotify have compiled the most listeneto songs -- >> number three -- ♪ give your all to me instead. >> all of mey it's not necessarg that the bride and groom dance to, but it's overall what's popular with the dj. >> but this one sounds like it's probably requested for the bride and groom to dance to. >> yeah. >> it's a good, romantic song. >> and then this one, this is a fun song. number two -- ♪ ♪ something fun to do ♪ hey, baby i think i'm gonna marry you ♪ this one is fun. >> this is like the proposal song and marriage. >> can you guess number one? >> nickelback. >> it is not nickelback. the number one most requested wedding song -- "thinking out loud" by ed sheerhan. ♪ take me into your loving arms ♪ >> nice and romantic. it is pretty.. >> it is. >> but we have to give it up. >> it's broken down by states, as well. >> it is broke b down by states. apparently the number one song varies by where you are. and we have to give it up to indiana, kentucky, north carolina. >> of course. you do have -- >> top sock requested -- >> you know what happens at your wedding. >> oh, of course. who is this? you know it. we're going out front? come on, come on, let's do it. this, we're all doing it. back, back. >> and down. >> and now we turn. >> and now we turn. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can ot fix this teens skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil, not so much on other teen things. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer ♪ you're an overcomer ♪ you're an overcomer stay in the fight until the final round ♪ ♪ you're not going under because holding you right now ♪ >> and we here at abc news are celebrating a new chapter in the life of our work family. robin roberts is marking the fifth anniversary of her life-saving bone marrow transplant. >> happy birthday, robin. robin's match was her sister, sally. 70% of people who need a bone marrow transplant don't find it in their own family. that's where the help of strangers come in. >> he was a really healthy boy. all of a sudden in the middle of the night, he woke up with leg pain. and the following day, we had to take him to the er. >> on s fourth birthday, a.j. and his family received a life changing diagnosis. >> we found out that it was actually leukemia. >> living overseas while dad, jeff, served in the military. a.j. and his family immediately flew back to the states for agreement. >> a.j. was so sick. the treatment was so intense. >> unfortunately in the summer of 2015, a.j. relapsed. >> at that point we knew that a transplant was really his only option. >> the family turned to be the match. and thankfully, they found a.j. a match. a 22-year-old woman. that's all the family knew at the time. like a typical kid, a.j. found small moments of joy in his toys and even a.j.'s mom writing to his donor. from thank you from the very depth of my heart. >> the transplant work. a.j. was cancer free. and now, meeting his donor for the first time face-to-face. >> a.j.'s match, alex -- [ cheers and appuse ]. >> something you want to say to her? >> thank you for saving my life. >> oh, cute. >> robin asked her, what made you want to be a donor.? and her response was because it's the right thing to do. >> that's very nice. i would donate anything for you. >> really, anything? >> well, it depends on how much -- >> i thought you said anything. good morning. i'm kendis gibson. good morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm diane macedo. here are some of the top headlines we're following on "world news now." the death toll is rising in mexico where rescuers are combing through dozens of buildings toppled by an earthquake. more than 20 children are under the rubble of a school and one girl has been found alive. a hurricane his puerto rico and wiping out the entire island from power. plenty of people still in shelters and massive destruction. republicans are hoping to call a vote next week on their new health care bill, but they're still several votes short. she insist people with pre-existing conditions would be covered, but democrats and critics disagree. a teacher is being credited with saving lives in illinois. he tackled a student who allegedly started shooting inside the cafeteria. one student was injured. the accused shooter was arrested. those are some of our top stories on this thursday, september 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> a good morning to you all. we begin this half hour with the tragic earthquake in mexico where the clock is ticking for those still trapped under rubble. >> right now, more than 50 people have been rescued from dozens of buildings that collapsed in mexico city. and emergency crews are working throh second night in hopes of finding more survivors. take a look at this. this is all that's left of a school where a young girl is still trapped inside. rescuers were able to give her oxygen and water, but they're struggling to remove her from under tons of debris. abc's matt gutman on the scene. >> here under tons of brick and concrete, a race against time to save the life of a girl trapped inside the elementary school. the entire wing of the school collapsing after that devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake which struck mexico on tuesday. >> there was a three-story building and it pancaked into a one-story building. they think they hear something and they're trying to listen to see if they can hear a survivor in the rubble. officials tell abc news they believe there are at least two others trapped with her. at least 21 children, four teachers were killed. but at least 11 people from that school have been rescued. like these children. they're terrified, dusty, but alive. miraculously saved after being buried under the rubble. workers are now racing to save that little girl and whomever else may be trapped inside with her. they don't know exactly where she is inside the building. there are bucket brigades, people removing brick by brick, cinder block by cinderblock from that collapsed school. looks like they're going to send the dog in that tiny crevice between what was, i guess, the second and third story. now they're lifting the dog to the roof, again, hoping to catch a scent of whomever might be inside still. 13-year-old rodrigo was one of the lucky ones, crawling out of his collapsed school. the others who were rescued were listed on the handwritten slips of paper with their names and the hospital where they could be found. throughout central mexico, those choking clouds of dust, people packing d praying. windows slipping down buildings like sheets of ice, debris crushing vehicles. >> oh, my god. >> the u.s. is gearing up to help. this disaster assistance response team from los angeles deploying to mexico to help with the search and rescue. tuesday's earthquake is the second to strike mexico in just the past two weeks. on september 7th, close to midnight, a massive 8.1 magnitude earthquake hit off the country's southern coast. houses were toppled. the quake produced tsunami waves that sent people running into the streets in panic. that earthquake claimed the lives of at least 90 people after nearly 24 straight hours of desperate effort rescuers finally make contact with the little girl they have reportedly given her water and oxygen, but now they have to find a way to reach her and the others. still in a day and in a country that has been filled with grief, a glimmer of hope. matt gutman, abc news, mexico city. >> matt, thanks. we're closely watching those rescue efforts in mexico. we're also closely watching hurricane had maria. the storm has moved away from puerto rico. >> it left behind massive flooding. look at these scenes that we're getting there. the island is in the dark. massive power outage. thousands of people are in shelters and officials are warning that the 3.4 million residents may still face som level of danr. abc's elizabeth hur reports. >> hurricane maria's wrath, devastating puerto rico. leaving debris everywhere with roofs ripped off, windows shattered, trees toppled and power lines knocked down. the emergency management director confirming hours after maria made landfall, all of puerto rico lost power, claiming the island is destroyed. >> the wind howls and screeches, the doors rattle. >> some areas now drenched up with to 30 inches of rain, residents are scrambling to keep water out of their homes. the last time puerto rico was hit with a storm this powerful, 1928. homes are now running on generators and shelters are serving as homes for evacuees. the full extent of the damage in puerto rico, too early to tell. but this is a look from above across dominico where maria first made landfall. the devastation there being called tremendous and the country left with no running water and no electricity. elizabeth hur, abc news, new york. >> and from dominica to the dominican republic, the next country in maria's path. >> if system is expected to work its way through the dominican's east coast within hours. the forecast track shows the storm will then turn north, maintaining its category 3 status after strengthening again overnight. >> maria has weakened since residents in the d.r. aren't taking any chances. many buildings were boarded in anticipation of the storm's arrival. let's get the latest on the track, justin povick. >> good morning to you. dangerous hurricane maria continues to churn north and west. notice the eye expected strengthening as we go throughout the coming 36 hours. impacts later on tonight through tomorrow and saturday throughout the turks and caicos islands where they're expecting hurricane-force winds, a storm surge of 6 to 10 feet and heavy flooding rain. it's expected to strengthen into a category 4 storm. it will induce more so some weakening as we venture into early next week 80s encounters less favorable environment conditions. also, dangerous surf, swells, rip currents and above normal tides throughout the southeast united states. so focus on the cone as we work our way into the middle portion of next week. diane, kendis. >> we're going to keep an eye on it even though it looks as if it is going out to sea. you never know. president trump is spending his final day at the united nations general assembly with the flurry of meetings with foreign leaders. >> the president plans to sit down separately with the presidents of afghanistan, turkey, ukraine, south korea, as well as the prime minister of japan. >> so the south korean and japanese leaders will join the president for a working lunch. arguably, the most porchbt meeting following his threat to destroy north korea. and now to the russia investigation. special counsel robert mueller will now tracking down white house documents suggesting the president himself may be under secretny, particularly under his decision to fire fbi director james comey and over meeting with russian diplomates. jonathan has the details. >> reporter: the clearest indication yet special counsel robert mueller is looking into the actions of president trump himself. as the "new york times" first reported, mueller has requested white house documents surrounding the president's oval office meeting with russian officials the day after he fired fbi director james comey. trump reportedly told the russians, quote, i faced great pressure because of russia. that's taken off. the next day, he publicly acknowledged the russia investigation was on his mind when he fired comey. >> when i decided to just do it, i said to myself, i said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. >> reporter: mueller wants documents concerning the response to the news that the president's son, don jr., met with russian operatives during the campaign. at the time, the white house insisted the meeting was only about russian adoptions and the president publicly defended his son. >> my son is a wonderful young man. >> but e-mails show the meeting was set up, quote, to provide the trump campaign with some officials documents and information that would incriminate hillary. we later learned the president was directly involved in crafting that first misleading response. it's perfectly legal, but it is highly unusual if not unpress tent dented for a political party to pay the personal legal bills of the president and his family. and we're talking about $230,000 for donald trump's lawyers and another $200,000, nearly $200,000 of don jr.'s lawyers. all the more notable because in this case the president is a billionaire. jonathan carl, abc news, new york. congress to privatize the air traffic control system appears the to be losing steam. president trump has made the move a key part of his plan to boost the nation's infrastructure. but plans to bring the bill to the house floor for a vote repeatedly stalled. lawmakers from both parties expressed concerns about congress losing oversight. the in the meantime, opponents say privatization will give airlines too much power over the aviation system. a texas community is mourning the death of a college football player. 19-year-old robert grays died tuesday after suffering a neck injury during a game over the weekend. the sophomore was a quarterback at midwestern state. graves was hospitalized in wichita falls on saturday night and flown to a hospital in had houston. he's the second college football player to die this week. clayton gabe, an offensive lineman with the college of wooster died on monday. and now to your health and diet specifically. and those tempting cheat days. >> dwight a few dieters find cheat days give them the mental stamina to maintain their healthy eating the rest of the week. but new research out of australia finds they help fight against what's called adaptive therm mow genesis. that basically means they prevent the body from entering starvation mode, slowing down your metabolism and trying to hold on to every calorie it eats. >> so good news for cheat days. yes. you don't want to go into starvation mode. >> my problem with cheat days is it's a month. >> i don't think that's the study. i don't think they're advocating that. >> speaking of diet, there's a high stakes challenge this morning in the worldf fast food. the ceo of panera bread is challenging his chief executives at mcdonald's, burgers and wendy's to eat their own kids meals for an entire week. mcdonald's replied in a statement, quote, we're proud of how we've raised the bar on the food we serve. it has been broughten. >> it's a cheat day or a month. coming up, did you know bill gates reveals his one regret about something most of us use every day. but first, the growing humanitarian crisis in the asian country of myanmar. why nearly half a million people have fled the southeast asian country. but first, here is a look at today's temperatures. >> "world news now" weather brought to you by liberator medical supply. medical supply. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. and life's beautiful moments.ns get between you switch to flonase allergy relief. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. flonase helps block 6. most allergy pills only block one and 6 is greater than 1. with more complete relief you can enjoy every beautiful mont to the fullest. flonase. 6 is greater than 1 changes everything. firefighters in spain are firefighters in spain are battling a massive wildfire. hundreds of people have been evacuated. that fire is also being blamed for power outages, heat and powerful winds are fueling the flames. authorities say the fire is in the aggressive phase and has a perimeter of about 12 miles. nearly half a world away, humanitarian crises playing out in the southeast asian country of myanmar. >> more than 400,000 rohingya, considered one of the most persecuted on earth have fled in fear of torture, rape and ethnic cleansing by their country's only military. >> reporter: they are running for their lives, hoping to escape what they believe had is certain death, risking it all to cross illegally from myanmar into bangladesh. >> we are being persecuted. we are scared. they have been been killings. >> reporter: disturbing reports of a new wave of attacks being released on the rohingya, a muslim minority. there are reports of villages vountded, homes burned to the ground, torture, executions and rape. so we travel to bangladesh to speak with survivors of government attacks, attacks such as this one. rohingya visitors seen here, struck repeatedly by police. everyone we encounter wants to share their story. did you see gunfire? did you see attacks from the government? what exactly happened? this is the naff river, separating myanmar from bangladesh. just across the water is where the attacks against the rohingya are reported to be unfolding. myanmar authorities are not holding anybody accountable for the crimes being perpetrated against the civilian population. the military enjoys complete impunity. -on-san sue chee has been criticized by leaders all across the world. so far the strongest comments on this came from vice president pence saying myanmar needs to end their violence immediately and support diplomatic efforts for a long-term solution. we'll see what happens next. >> and an sang sue chee was supposed to come to the united states but decided to stay there to take care of that crisis. our thanks to bob. and the surprise revelation from eye voon ka trump. >> postpartum deexpression and the warning signs all moms need to know. that's next. warning signs all moms need to know. you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 ♪ nearly one in five new mowers suffer from the often emotionally crippling disorder known as post poured yumm depression. >> this morning, ivanka trump is surprising us all revealing that she suffered from it after the births of all three of her had children. here is abc's amy robach. >> a personal revelation from first daughter ivanka trump. >> with each of my three children, i had some level of post poured yumm. >> postpartum? >> depression. >> the 35-year-old mother of three opening up for the first time about experiencing postpartum depression on the dr. oz show. >> it was a challenging time for me because i felt like i was not living up to my potential as a parent or as an entrepreneur and an executive and i had had such easy pregnancies that in some way the juxtaposition hit me even harder. >> trump's role as an unpaid senior adviser in the white house has come under scrutiny. she spoke to me in 2015 about the challenges all new mothers face. we want to be mothers. we are sisters. we're training for marathons. we're learning how to garden. the goal is to change this narrative and to be a part of it. >>xperiencing postpartum can make going back to work even harder. trump says it's time to take her private struggle into the public steer. >> it's incredibly important. look, i consider myself a very hard charging person. i am ambitious. i'm passionate. i'm driven. but this is something that affects parents all over the the country. >> amy robach, abc news, new york. meanwhile, the field of obstetrics is fighting post par dumb depression bay making a push into awareness, screening, diagnosis, treatment and management. >> but it's particularly important, they tell us, to recognize the symptoms which include depressed mood or mood swings, excessive crying and difficulty with bonding with your child. >> red flags include withdrawing from family and friends and either loss of appetite or eating more than usual. it is good to know what to look out for.. coming up, the true reason we don't have the metric system in the u.s. we're solving some mysteries for you. ♪ did you ever know that you're my hero ♪ ♪ did you ever know that you're my hero ♪ >> did you ever know? that is a -- >> i'm your hero? >> yes. you're the wing beneath my wind. or something like that. >> i'm the wing beneath your wind. okay. this is going to end well. >> so it's our did you know segment. did you know what are the top baby names of the year? >> kendis and diane. >> little did itty. >> thank you. >> why is that not funny? >> booim because i'm hilarious. >> no, it could be real. no, they're not. so for girls, number one name is -- sous like an oscar winner. emma. >> still emma. emma has been popular for a while now. >> emma is popular in texas, all over the place, in the midwest. the ohio valley. >> emma stone. we've got emma from friends, that's what rachel names her baby. >> we have emma from pennsylvania. >> right. lots of emmas out there. for the men -- ooh, i like this one. >> noah. >> noah. and you want to know why? >> why? >> because ryan gosling played noah calhoun in "the notebook" and we all love ryan gosling. >> okay. there's a lot of -- >> that's my scientific theory. >> there's a lot of liam. no doubt, a lot of one direction fans in this country. liam is popular. >> so i've always wondered why we don't use the metric system here in the u.s. pretty easy. mostly just zeros, right? keeps everything nice and easy. apparently pirates are to blame. back in had 1793, thomas jefferson was the secretary of state and one of the big initiatives george washington put him in charge of was deciding one unit of measurement for the whole country to use. well, a french guy came over to the u.s. specifically to persuade jefferson to make it the metric system. only his boat he landed in a storm, they ended up in the caribbean. pirates captured him. never made it. by the time the french sent somebody else, there was a different secretary of state there and he did not care about measurements. >> wow. >> thanks a lot, pirates. >> and in a completely unrelated matter, "pirates of the caribbean" will soon be out on dvd. so, every time you log on to your computer or log off, you have to do something. >> control-alt-delete. >> blame this guy, bill gates. they asked him yesterday, why didn't he just pick a key? and he says, you know what? that was his biggest regret. if i could make one small edit, i would make that a single kay this morning on "world news now," hurricane maria pounds puerto rico. >> the entire island is without power, leaving over 3 million people in the dark. an official says the country has been destroyed. we have the latest details coming from the caribbean as well as the current track and whether the u.s. mainland could be impacted. and in mexico, the frantic search and rescue missions to pull earthquake survivors from the rubble. the death toll climbing there as children remain trapped under delicate heaps of steel and concrete. and residents near an airport keep finding chunks of metal littered around the neighborhood. forcing some to keep their kids and pets out of their yards. emergency landing is still causing a mess after a plane's parts rained down. and billing friends and family for the big day, a groom asked his wedding guests to pay $200 to attend, but the question is do you still get the couple a gift in addition to that? could this be a revolution in wedding etiquette or just sort of annoying? it is thursday, november 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> hi. we do say good morning to you, everybody, on this thursday. we are going to start with hurricane maria's assault on the caribbean. right now, the category 2 storm is churning off the coast of the dominican republic after pounding puerto rico. >> maria was a category 4 when it slammed into the island with 155-mile-per-hour winds. the entire island lost power. >> some areas have seen as much as 30 inches of rain. residents are being warned to stay inside to protect themselves from flash floods. >> let's look at those scenes from the island there. emergency officials say telecommunications have collapsed and the island has been destroyed. abc's victor oquendo is in san >> maria's direct hit devastating puerto rico. the first category 4 storm to strike puerto rico in 85 years, slamming ashore around sunrise. roofs peeled from buildings, debris flying. many of these homes not built to with stand any hurricane, let alone a category 4. >> we are outside of san juan in the town of guanebo. a lot of destruction to homes, downed trees and power lines, as well. now they're dealing with this, flooding in every direction. up to 30 inches of rain in some areas, engulfing whole neighborhoods. 12,000 people heeding the call to get to shelters, including our hotel's ballroom. terrified residents singing about strength during trying teams to ease the fear. i'm victor oquendo, san juan, puerto rico. and the u.s. military is stepping in to help with recovery efforts from the caribbean, as well. >> the coast guard is heading to puerto rico and the u.s. virgin islands. officials say other supplies will be delivered as needed. the coast guard is still involved in recovery efforts from hurricane irma. >> and in puerto rico, they will need the help. the island's economy has been in recession for more than a decade. earlier, i spoke with felix ortiz about the recovery. what have you heard so far in materials of how puerto ri is dog after the storm? >> puerto rico right now is 100% without power, without electricity. right now, the governor has a curfew from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. which will end on saturday. and this has been a preventive measurement as a result that we have no lights after 6:00 p.m. and also to allow people that work on the road to clean up all the tree that has collapsed, including electrical workers to ensure that all those poles, electrical poles that are hanging around on this -- on the streets will be able to be clean up. >> i mean, having been through a hurricane there before, how do you think this storm compares? >> everybody in puerto rico right now feel the same way, that this has been one of the worst hurricanes, especially the way this hurricane came through and also the magnitude mile per hour, 185 miles per hour. so -- and the eye really crossed in the middle of the island from south to north. and the devastations are just amazing. >> what was it like for you knowing this storm was hitting and knowing your family is still there? >> it was a lot of anxiety for me. it was very scary and very concerning. i'm trying to call them very often until finally we can connect with each other. >> what are you hearing in terms of the damage? my cousin's house, it's underwater right now. our house is under water. when i'm hearing from my friends and elected ofcials and at i he from my family, this has been one of the worst hurricanes in the history of puerto rico since 1928. >> thanks to assemblyman ortiz there who, happy to say, he has got ahold of his family and found out that they are okay, but their house is not so much. >> but still amazing to think over 3 million people all in the dark right now on that island. over the next few days, maria, by the way, may increase strength yet again. it could be a category 3 storm with winds of 120 miles per hour as it reaches turks and caicos. that's by monday. it will get up to the carolinas. forecasters say it's too early still to tell whether maria will directly impact the continental u.s. tropical storm jose is impacting the u.s. warnings are in effect today for southeast massachusetts. it's possible people in that area could experience some power outages. the system sustained winds of 70 miles per hour. kicked up high winds and rough surf along nantucket beaches, coastal flooding and recurrence will remain a concern throughout the day. moving on to mexico,s are curers are stepping up the search for survivors. the death toll right now, at least 230 people. >> emergency crews have made contact with a girl trapped in her school, which was destroyed. they managed to give her water and oxygen, but she is wedged under a granite table. she reportedly said two others are trapped in there with her, but she can't tell if those people are dead or alive. carlos granda has more from mexico city. >> a daunting task for first sponsor as they work there way through what was an elementary school. rescuers peeking into the debris, raising their arms above their head to silence the crowd as they listen for signs of life. now word that they've made contact with a girl still trapped inside, but alive. at least 21 children and four teachers have died there. so many of this building in ruins, yet students' backpacks hang early on their hooks. 13-year-old rodrigo barely escaped. part of the structure collapsed and blocked the exit, he says. we had to be evacuated by crawling over a wall. this school is just one of dozens of buildings flattened in central mexico when the massive 7.12 quake struck. it sent fireballs into the sky and people scrambled into the streets. some capturing and sharing video of buildings crashing around them. the shaking lasting for minutes. all around mexico city, rescuers are digging their way through the wreckage. the mayor saying more than 40 buildings have collapsed, nearly half of the city is without power. and closer to the quake's epicenter amid the rubble and ruin, the residents in the town of hahutla begin to mourn the death. and here in the central district where there has been a lot of damage, you can see a building that collapsed. there are still rescuers in there as long as they believe someone might still be alive. reporting from mexico city, carlos granda, abc news. >> and the mexican president has declared three days of national mourning. we're going to have much more from mexico in our next half hour. escalating over the new gop plan aimed at obamacare. senator bill cassidy is responding to criticism from jimmy kimmel saying kimmel doesn't understand the legislation. kimmel entered the fray after his son was born of a congenital heart defect and last night he accused caddie of lying saying he would help people with pre-existing conditions. republicans are still short of the 50 votes they need, but the president says he's optimistic. >> i do think it has a very good chance of passage and i certainly hope it passes. they'll be voting in the not too distant future. >> the legislation would repeal major portions of the affordable care act, shift money to states and give them wide latitude on come up with their own requirements. critics say there is no stipulation that coverage must remain adequate and affordable for people with pre-existing conditions. california is suing the trump administration to block the building of that border wall. it claims the plan infringes on the state's rights and violates the clean water act and other federal regulations. last week, three advocacy groups also sued the federal government to block construction of that border wall. yet another cabinet member is now under fire for use of a private jet. this time it's the health and human services secretary, tom price. now, price took private jets on five occasions. last week with american taxpayers footing the bill. the trips to maine, new hampshire and philadelphia could have been reached by commercial flights or even train or car in the case of the one in philadelphia. a spokesperson for price says that commercial travel is not always feasible. some democratic lawmakers are calling for an investigation. and the faa is investigating after parts of a spirit airlines jet rained down on suburban detroit. one of the atlanta-bound plane's engines caught fire after taking off on monday. engine pieces were found on a runway and at a number of nearby houses. some of them smashed car windshields and windows in a few homes. luckily no one was hurt. the plane returned to the airport safely. a lot of parents said they kept their kids and pets inside being afraid they might get hit by some of these pieces. >> the faa says it will cover the homeowners' damages. coming up, a whole new meaning between getting sand between your toes on your next vacation. why it's impossible to get away from the sand at this hostle. that story is ahead in had "the mix." first, the high stakes drug bust at sea. see how the submarine is increasingly becoming the vehicle of choice for cocaine smugglers. check out our behind the scenes pics on instagram @abcwnn. you're watching abc "world news now." behind the scenes pics on instagram. you're watching abc "world news now." ♪ there's nothing more important than your health. so if you're on medicare or will be soon, here's why. medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. you might want to consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any medicare supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. you could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust... or go with someone new. you're not stuck in a network... because there aren't any. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. there's a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. rates are competitive. and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. like any of these types of plans, they let you apply whenever you want. there's no enrollment window... no waiting to apply. so call now. remember, medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. hospital that accepts medicare. whether you're on medicare now or turning 65 soon, it's a good time to get your ducks in a row. duck: quack! call to request your free decision guide now. because the time to think about tomorrow is today. another march is planned for downtown st. louis tonight. officials are hoping this one will be a lot more peaceful than the last six nights. demonstrators trying to stop traffic near a major mall were stopped by officers overnight. the protest began after last week's acquittal of a white former police officer in the shooting death of a black man and many are hoping that calm will return to the streets of st. louis. over in illinois, a teacher is being praised as a hero after tackling a student who opened fire inside a high school cafeteria. one student was injured but is in stable condition. the suspect, also a student at high school. police say the teacher likely saved many lives. the high school is offering counseling services to students. and the while man accused of killing two black men in baton rouge has asked to be taken off suicide washington. kenneth gleason was in court wednesday via video feed. gleason is accused of shooting up a black family's home. she said she would defer gleason's medical attention to staff at the facility. we're getting dramatic video of a sub carrying more than 3 tons of cocaine. this is part of a growing trend as far as a record year for drug seizures on the water. here is abc's pierre thomas. watch as the dramatic high seas drug bust unfolds off the california coast. customs and border patrol officers using surveillance locking in on a tiny object, it turns out to be a submarine, operating almost completely under water to avoid detection. the suspects glowing under the infrared cameras. it's been a record year for high seas drug seizures like these. 50,000 pounds of cocaine and heroine valued at more than $500 million. >> we are facing a tremendous challenge. in 2015, we had 52,000 people die from drug overdoses in this country. numbers, the likes of which we've never, ever seen before. >> coast guard firing shots at drug smugglers who franticly throw their contraband overboard. and here, jumping on board to make arrests in a boat stocked with a ton of cocaine. >> the coast guard has intercepted a record $6 billion in drugs this fiscal year ask nearly 600 suspected traffickers have been arrested. but it's a battle that seems to have no end. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. >> and it's a battle that takes place all times of the day and night, as you can see there. >> i can't imagine trying to stop these things, but congrats to the authorities who were involved in that bust. coming up in the next half hour, the scare at the ballpark for one young fan hit by a line drive foul ball. the emotional reactions both in the stands and as you can see there, on the field. and why there still isn't more netting to protect fans. but first, the new sinkhole new jersey in florida in the wake of hurricane irma. it's threatening both homes and lives. that's next on "world news now." florida in the wake of hurricane irma. it's threatening both homes and lives. that's next on "world news now." babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. ♪ with florida still cleaning up after hurricane irma, a new danger is sprouting up across the state. >> nearly a dozen reported sinkholes have opened up in florida since irma made landfall and at least one of them has destroyed an entire home. he here's abc's gio benitez. >> this home swallowed up by a massive sinkhole that began opening late monday. >> we made it through the hurricane. we were really, really lucky. and then this. >> ellen miller and her family scrambling to salvage what they could. their oven clearly lost in the wreckage. >> i saw big, deep cracks this in the bathroom and the tub was sinking and the window was coming loose and i said, it's time to go. >> down the road, residents told to keep clear of this area behindiddle school that was washed out over the weekend. at least eight reported sinkholes opening up in florida since hurricane irma made landfall here last week. including part of this road in altamonte springs. and ac units falling into the earth. >> it has to happen at some point when you have a tremendous amount of water, like from irma, that exacerbates the situation and makes it happen much more quickly. >> experts say sinkholes are extremely common in florida, especially after a big storm. excess rainwater can wash away sand just below the surface creating an under water cave and the weight above eventually becomes too heavy. >> these things happen over thousands of years. they develop until finally they show up at the surface. the several inches of rain that happened during irma was the last straw. >> as for miller and her family, thankfully nobody was hurt. >> this is the only home i know and it's the only home my kids know. >> back here with our drone cam, you can see that sinkhole right there. the family lived here for nearly 50 years. now they're just watching that home go into the ground. now, there are some early warning signs to look for for sinkholes. if your doors and windows are sticking, if you've got cracks in the wall, if you hear those cracking and popping noises, that's when you know you need to get out and call for help. gio benitez, florida. coming up, could there be a new trend for weddings, charging your guests. and the world anticipates first hotel made entirely out of sand. >> good for exfoliating. >> that is true. "the mix" is next. mix" is next. mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from being embarassed by her parents? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ♪ all right, all right. time for "the mix." we start off with a debate. genius or cheapskate? a british couple is charging their wedding guests about $200 to attend their wedding. this is -- they're getting married in derbyshire. the wedding is taking place over the course of three nights and the groom says he came up with this whole idea of charging guests to attend before even proposing. >> oh, okay. >> so initially, my instinct was that >> oh, okay. >> so initially, my instinct was that's so sort of uncouth, it's wrong, how cheap are you. however, he says the whole cost is $200, 150 pounds, around 200 bucks and that includes a three-night stay at the hotel, access to the indoor pool, the spa, food and drink. >> i don't -- >> so he says it's more of like an all-inclusive vacation. which i'm thinking for 200 bucks, a three-night stay, all-inclusive vacation, that actually sounds pretty awesome. >> there is no way it includes the free hotel stay and -- that would be a bargain. >> they were able to book this place, this hotel last minute because they had a last minute cancellation there. but my guess is they had to book the whole place so this is how they were able to afford it. everybody stays there for the weekend, they all get a huge discount and they hold a wedding there. >> that's what you do when you book a wedding, anyway. you book the whole place. i don't mind the idea because it's just the same as giving a present. >> well, that's the thing. do you still give them a gift? >> oh, hell no. that's like those destination weddings. do you give a guest at the destination wedding? you already traveled to the wedding. >> your presence -- kendis's presence there is the gift. >> the is present you could give them. remember those cute gameboys we used to have as kids? you could play with one hand. this is not that. so there's this guy in belgium, a student who came up with his own gameboy and created it here. it's this mega gameboy. it's three feet by two feet and it holds a record for the largest gameboy in the world. >> i appreciate that he's playing tetris because it's my favorite game. but the whole point of a game boy is to be smart and portable. it's supposed to have nintendo games that you can carry with you in your pocket. >> not at all. all right. over to australia, shall we? and you will not have to complain about sand in this hotel because it is everywhere. the entire hostel is made of sand. so that's the foundation. check out what happens when you look at the after photo. sands, sand, everywhere. it's only open for two days. you can book it through the site hostel world born from 1945 through 1965 have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more. toxic chemicals and carcinogens are leaching into the environment. it's happening right where we live, work and play. everywhere. cigarette butts are toxic waste. let's stop the toxic litter. learn more at this morning on "world news now," under dark and under curfew. it's pitch black in puerto rico after hurricane maria cuts a deadly path across the island. and we're watching around the clock rescue efforts in mexico after that earthquake, including intense moments like this one. whistles call for silence. while everyone then pauses to listen for clues as they try to save school children trapped under the rubble. and new this half hour, the first lady making good on one of her promises to fight cyber bullying and does so on the world stage. >> hear from melania trump and what she says is the biggest problem facing young children right now. and divas dining out. the chance meeting of brittany and mariah at one of the hottest spots in l.a. let me tell you, a table is hard to get there. so who asked whom out on this date? what did they eat? we'll have the story ahead in the "the skinny." it is thursday, september 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we do say good morning to you everybody on this thursday. millions of americans right now suffering following hurricane maria. >> here is the latest. all of puerto rico, 100%, is without power. communications are also extremely limited. >> and damage is being assessed in the u.s. virgin islands. the department of tourism for that territory urging travelers to postpone any planned trips until officials can figure out the extent of the destruction. >> and maria will continue moving north over the next few days. right now, it's not certain whet r it will hit the u.s. mainland. >> and maria moving away from puerto rico overnight. the hurricane warning has been lifted the from the island there, but the dominican republic has hurricane warnings this morning. >> joe torres has more from san juan. >> reporter: on the streets of san juan, cars and trucks swerved around the snapped palm trees and downed power lines that litter the street. suleman is one of the millions of people picking up the pieces after hurricane maria ripped apart his two businesses. >> at the same time, i have two apartments. >> reporter: yes. >> also they destroyed complete. >> reporter: what will you do next? >> i don't know, man. >> reporter: in other parts of the eye legion, a different kind of destruction. flooding. look at the cars under water. rising water surrounding this restaurant and guyana, streets and roads overwhelmed by flooding as gauges indicated more than 24 inches of rain in some locations. back in san juan, natalya rodriguez of new jersey rode out the storm in an oceanside resort where workers shuddered one final door as the category 4 storm reeked havoc on the island. >> yeah. i was in had panic mode. >> reporter: were you? >> yes, oh, my gosh. i've never been through a hurricane. in new jersey, we don't experience that. >> reporter: what are your fear? what was your worry? >> that i was going to die. >> reporter: the storm's aftermath revealed why so many hunkered down in fear. we saw traffic lights dangling by a single cable, and trees, some uprooted, other severed. on wednesday, the governor issued a an island-wide curfew running from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. through saturday. the goal is to get people off the streets so that first responders, utility workers and law enforcement officers can do their job quickly and effectively. in san juan puerto rico, joe torres, abc news. and just about a 30 minute flight from where joe is standing, the u.s. virgin islands says he's praying for the strength to rebuild. authorities are still assessing the damage on st. croix, the largest island in the territory. communications there are limited due to heavy rains and flooding. tourism officials are asking potential visitors to delay any planned trips until the island ebbs can recover. >> dominica was the if first island in maria's path. at least seven people were killed on that island. one official described the country as being in a daze. >> all of dominica's public buildings are being used as shelters. but the school of medicine is evacuating its campus by boat to neighboring st. lucia. now let's get the latest on maria's path from accuweather's justin povic. >> hurricane maria is expected to strengthen for today. big impacts throughout the turks and caicos islands. rainfall amounts upwards of a foot or more. notice the bending motion more towards the north this weekend. that will produce costal flooding and rip currents throughout the southeast united stat. notice the current forecast track here, the cone is what you need to focus on over the course of the next several days. diane and kendis, back to you. >> justin, thanks. turning now to the desperate rescue operation following that earthquake that brought down dozens of buildings and killed at least 230 people in mexico. >> they're clawing through debris right now. they're struggling to free at least one girl who is trapped in a school in mexico city where 23 children have died. at any sign of life, people gathered outside are given the signal to be silent. then they make contact with the girl and realize she has two companions with her. what an ordeal there.. >> they say that girl is trapped under a granite table which is part of the reason why they're having a hard time getting her out, but that may have saved her from the impact of the rubble in this case.. let's get the latest from rafa fernandez who is in mexico city and has been following those rescue efforts for us. >> now, the case of a school, they're still pulling kids oust of the rubble. they found this girl and they said there were two other kids near her and they were trying to pull her out. so, you know, there are still students trapped under the rubble, teachers, as well. they had the death toll at 20 kids. still a lot of them missing. that's a tricky case because the entire infrastructure collapsed. a lot of rubble, a lot of rocks, a lot of concrete that needs to be broken down and carried away from the area. obviously parents are on edge to find out if it's one of their loved ones that is trapped under the rubble or if it's a body they're looking for or survivors. they're working nonstop and today we had a little bit of rain so that's always dangerous and kind of it complicates rescue efforts. so, you know, the more time passes, you know, you can have rain, you can have bad weather. but, yes, it's a tricky situation because in that case, the entire infrastructure collapsed. so they're working nonstop. but they have cleared the area completely. volunteers cannot get through or bystanders or people watching. what they're trying to do is just leave the experts to do the work and i think the military, for now, has pretty much everything under control. >> all the crews there definitely have their work cut out for them. those operating around that school say they will not leave until every victim inside the pulled out of the rubble. >> it will be a long, long road ahead. we're going to continue monitoring the earthquake and the hurricane, but right now we want to get to some of the day's other top stories. >> president trump has reached a decision on whether or not to pull out of the iran nuclear deal, but he's not really to share it with the world or even his closest advisers. secretary of state rex tillerson says the president has not informed him or others in the administration about the speech. in his u.n. speech, the president blasted the deal as one-sided and embarrassing to the u.s. the iranian president fired back describing president trump's comments as ignorant, absurd and hateful. he said his country would respond decisively to any violation of that agreement. and north korea is responding to president trump's u.n. speech. that country's foreign minister is calling the threat to destroy the north the sound of a dog barking. as for the president naming kim jong un rocketman he says, i feel sorry for his aides. first lady melania trump condemned bullying at her first speech at the united nations. the first lady was the only speaker there. she was joined by spouses of other world leaders including the wives of canada's prime minister and the president of france. she urged those in attendance of doing a better job of guiding and providing a better example for the next generation. mrs. trump called on world leaders to step up for children. >> it reminds our generation's moral imperative to take responsibility for what our children learn. we must turn our focus right now to the message and content. they exposed to on a daily basis through social media, the bullying, the experience online and in person and the growing global epidemic of drug addiction and drug overdose. >> the first lady promised in november to take on cyber bullying as a signature cause. many saw irony in that. after the speech, she was mocked on social media with some describing the president as the bully in chief. now to north carolina where the saga of siblings who hadn't seen each other for 50 years reached an emotional conclusion. >> so it might sound like you've heard this story before. that was a different story yesterday. allen smith and bambi, well, they gave each other a big hug at the raleigh durham airport. both were given up for adoption when they were very young. >> when smith's adoptive father was on his death bed, he told a north carolina man that he had a sister. bambi said she knew she was adopted and spent the last three decades looking for her brother. >> what an emotional reaction to somebody she hadn't really met. >> and we're hearing more and more of these stories. this is one of the positive effects of the internet that pep are able to exchange information and sometimes you ever uncover these things. great to see they timely get to meet. >> yesterday we had the couple living next door to each other and had no idea they were long lost siblings for 50 years. >> now they're making the most of it. coming up, america's most popular wedding songs. can you guess? what are the top requested songs? believe it or not, it depends on what state you live in. we'll have that ahead in "the skinny." >> please say it's not "train." no. why did we go with "train"? but first, the ballpark scare for a little girl hit in the face by a line drive fly ball. the new questions being raised again about fan safety. but first, here is a look at today's forecast. >> "world news now" weather brought to you by unitedhealthcare. you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. we are closely watching hurricane maria for you currently brushing past the dominican republic and on a path headed for turks and caicos. the storm has left the entire island of puerto rico without power. residents there scrambling to try to recover after much rain and wind which they're still dealing with now. back here on the mainland, a young girl got the scare of her life during a day out at the ballpark. >> she was hit by a line drive foul ball at yankee stadium, reportedly flying right into her face at 105 miles per hour. abc's linsey davis has the emotional player reaction. >> a split second after the crack of that bat -- it's clear a fan is hurt. yankees hitter todd frazier immediately shows concern. players on both sides look distraught, bowing their heads, some even crying. >> a little too graphic for us to show you. >> that injured fan, a little girl. the crowd calls for help. a medical team tends to the girl who is rushed from the stands to the hospital. her condition is unknown. a similar scene played out at yankees stadium in july when a foul ball hit a fan in the head and a young boy was struck by part of a broken bat back in may. shattered bats and foul balls injuring fans in recent years prompted some team toes extend protective netting. >> after that incident in july, the yankees said they are seriously exploring extending the netting next season. linsey davis, nbc news, new york. >> and todd frazier has a 2-year-old daughter so you can understand why it was emotional for him. >> they all put themselves in that place. > whenme b we cok, those opening their hearts to those in puerto rico and mexico. and when we come back, the top wedding songs. >> nickelback. >> it's time to have a party when we come back next in "the skinny." but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. [female narrator] foods rich in folic acid like white bread and leafy greens can help prevent some birth defects before you even know you're pregnant. ♪ skinny ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ good morning to you all. we're starting the skinny off with some hollywood celebrities supporting the victims of the earthquake in mexico and of hurricane maria. >> act receipt selma high yak is giving back to her country, pledging $100,000 to unicef and its efforts in mexico and is imploring her followers to follow her leads. >> beyonce is paying tribute on her instagram account with black and white images of the puerto rican and mexican flags. >> and ricky martin canceled his upcoming concert in mexico city saying my mind is with my people in puerto rico. we are strong. we will rebuild together. united. and next, two divas walk into a restaurant and the inner webs explode. >> britney spears and mariah carey bumped into each other in danteans in west hollywood. i didn't realize i needed to say it with a smug accent. spears, by the way, couldn't resist asking carey for a selfie. mariah as one of her greatest ed influence since skyrocketing to fame in 1998. >> so many people were wondering what did they eat. no confirmation yet on what carey ate, but spears shared this snap of her dinner. looks like a good steak there. >> it's not bad. danteans, by the way southbound is four stars on yelp. it's clubby -- >> why are you read the yelp review? i'm surprised mariah said i don't know her. >> i don't know her, but i'll take a photo with her. next to the music we love to hear at weddings. >> geniuses at spotify have compiled the most listened to songs -- >> number three -- ♪ give your all to me >> all of me by john legend. >> it's not necessarily the song that the bride and groom dance to, but it's overall what's popular with the dj. >> but this one sounds like it's probably requested for the bride and groom to dance to. >> yeah. >> it's a good, romantic song. >> and then this one, this is a fun song. number two -- ♪ ♪ something fun to do ♪ hey, baby i think i'm gonna marry you ♪ this one is fun. >> this is like the proposal song and marriage. >> can you guess nber one? nickelback. >> it is not nickelback. the number one most requested wedding song -- "thinking out loud" by ed sheerhan. ♪ take me into your loving arms ♪ >> nice and romantic. it is pretty.. >> it is. >> but we have to give it up. >> it's broken down by states, as well. >> it is broken down by states. apparently the number one song varies by where you are. and we have to give it up to indiana, kentucky, north carolina. >> of course. you do have -- >> top song requested -- >> you know what happens at your wedding. >> oh, of course. who is this? you know it. we're going out front? come on, come on, let's do it. this, we're all doing it. back, back. >> and down. >> and now we turn. >> and now we turn. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can ot fix this teens skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pill megared advanced triple absorption. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer ♪ you're an overcomer ♪ you're an overcomer stay in the fight until the final round ♪ ♪ you're not going under because holding you right now ♪ >> and we here at abc news are celebrating a new chapter in the life of our work family. robin roberts is marking the fifth anniversary of her life-saving bone marrow transplant. >> happy birthday, robin. robin's match was her sister, sally. 70% of people who need a bone marrow transplant don't find it in their own family. that's where t help of strangers come in. >> he was a really healthy boy. all of a sudden in the middle of the night, he woke up with leg pain. and the following day, we had to take him to the er. >> on his fourth birthday, a.j. and his family received a life changing diagnosis. >> we found out that it was actually leukemia. >> living overseas while dad, jeff, served in the military. a.j. and his family immediately flew back to the states for agreement. >> a.j. was so sick. the treatment was so intense. >> unfortunately in the summer of 2015, a.j. relapsed. >> at that point we knew that a transplant was really his only option. >> the family turned to be the match. and thankfully, they found a.j. a match. a 22-year-old woman. that's all the family knew at the time. like a typical kid, a.j. found small moments of joy in his toys and even dancing. a.j.'s mom writing to his donor. from thank you from the very depth of my heart. >> the transplant work. a.j. was cancer free. and now, meeting his donor for the first time face-to-face. >> a.j.'s match, alex -- [ cheers and applause ]. >> something you want to say to her? >> thank you for saving my life. >> oh, cute. >> robin asked her, what made you want to be a donor.? and r response was because it's the right thing to do. >> that's very nice. i would donate anything for you. >> really, anything? >> well, it depends on how much -- >> i thought you said anything. every year on this day. making news in america this morning, puerto rico is devastated by hurricane maria. the entire island is without power. some airs ya are underwater and the storm is strengthening again. we have the new track on where it's heading next. overnight desperation. the search in mexico city growing increasingly frantic. survivors still buried in the rubble following that powerful earthquake there. new concerns about safety following the second death of a college football player this week. his teammates in shock and another school is mourning. and another cabinet secretary under pressure forced to justify why he took five flights on a private jet in just one week.

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Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170921 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170921

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for you and just listen. ♪ >> that's his for real daughter? >> that's his for real daughter. she played along with that perfect. >> without a doubt the best episode ever. until the next one, see you then. (dog panting) another 2am stroll, huh? i'm worried. i have this medical bill. dave, you have anthem, and they have people to talk to who are empowered to help answer any question you... (dog grunting, panting) is... is he okay? real people? living and breathing. hopefully not breathing like that. for all the things that keep you up at night, anthem blue cross has a solution. they gave each other a big hug at the raleigh durham airport. both were given up for adoption when they were very young. >> when smith's adoptive father was on his death bed, he told a north carolina man that he had a sister. bambi said she knew she was adopted and spent the last three decades looking for her brother. >> what an emotional reaction to somebody she hadn't really met. >> and we're hearing more and more of these stories. this is one of the positive effects of the internet that people are able to exchange information and sometimes you ever uncover these things. great to see they timely get to meet. >> yesterday we had the couple living next door to each other and had no idea they were long lost siblings for 50 years. >> now they're making the most of it. coming up, america's most popular wedding songs. can you guess? what are the top requested songs? believe it ovrnt, it depends on what state you live in. we'll have that ahead in "the skinny." >> please say it's not "train." no. why did we go with "train"? but first, the ballpark scare for a little girl hit in the face by a line drive fly ball. the new questions being raised again about fan safety. but first, here is a look at today's forecast. >> "world news now" weather brought to you by unitedhealthcare. . b and want more coverage. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - othese plans let you applyaarp. all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. we are closely watching we are closely watching hurricane maria for you currently brushing past the dominican republic and on a path headed for turks and caicos. the storm has left the entire island of puerto rico without power. residents there scrambling to try to recover after much rain and wind which they're still dealing with now. back here on the mainland, a young girl got the scare of her life during a day out at the ballpark. >> she was hit by a line drive foul ball at yankee stadium, reportedly flying right into her face at 105 miles per hour. abc's lindsay davis has the emotional player reaction. >> a split second after the crack of that bat -- it's clear a fan is hurt. yankees hitter todd frazier immediately shows concern. players on both sides look distraught, bowing their heads, some even crying. >> a little too graphic for us to show you. >> that injured fan, a little girl. the crowd calls for help. a medical team tends to the girl who is rushed from the stands to the hospital. her condition is unknown. a similar scene played out at yankees stadium in july when a foul ball hit a fan in the head and a young boy was struck by part of a broken bat back in may. shattered bats and foul balls injuring fans in recent years prompted some team toes extend otective netting. >> after that incident in july, the yankees said they are seriously exploring extending the netting next season. linsey davis, nbc news, new york. and todd has a 2-year-old daughter so you can understand why it was emotional for him. >> they all put themselves in that place. when we come back, those opening their hearts to those in puerto rico and mexico. and when we come back, the top wedding songs. >> nickelback. >> it's time to have a party when we come back next in "the skinny." but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. - ( snaps, clatters ) that sounds awful. ( music stops ) but a lot better than last week. ( rock music playing ) ♪ we weren't born to follow. ♪ ...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hline can help. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) ♪ skinny ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ good morning to you all. we're starting the skinny off with some hollywood celebrities supporting the victims of the earthquake in mexico and of hurricane maria. >> act receipt selma high yak is giving back to her country, pledging $100,000 to unicef and its efforts in mexico and is imploring her followers to foll her leads. beyonce is paying tribute on her instagram account with black and white images of the puerto rico y'allan and mexican flags. >> and ricky martin canceled his upcoming concert in mexico city saying my mind is with my people in puerto rico. we are strong. we will rebuild together. united. and next, two divas walk into a restaurant and the inner webs explode. >> britney spears and bumped into each other in dantanes in west hollywood. i didn't realize i needed to say it with a smug accent. spears, by the way, couldn't resist asking carey for a selfie. >> so brittany has long credited mariah as one of her greatest influence since skyrocketing to fame in 1998. >> so many people were wondering what did they eat. no confirmation yet on what carey ate, but spears shared this snap of her dinner. looks like a good steak there. >> it's not bad. dantanes, by the way southbound is four stars on yelp. it's clubby -- >> why are you read the yelp review? i'm surprised mariah said i don't know her. >> yn her b, but i'll take a photo with her. next to the music we love to hear at weddings. >> geniuses at spotify have compiled the most listeneto songs -- >> number three -- ♪ give your all to me instead. >> all of mey it's not necessarg that the bride and groom dance to, but it's overall what's popular with the dj. >> but this one sounds like it's probably requested for the bride and groom to dance to. >> yeah. >> it's a good, romantic song. >> and then this one, this is a fun song. number two -- ♪ ♪ something fun to do ♪ hey, baby i think i'm gonna marry you ♪ this one is fun. >> this is like the proposal song and marriage. >> can you guess number one? >> nickelback. >> it is not nickelback. the number one most requested wedding song -- "thinking out loud" by ed sheerhan. ♪ take me into your loving arms ♪ >> nice and romantic. it is pretty.. >> it is. >> but we have to give it up. >> it's broken down by states, as well. >> it is broke b down by states. apparently the number one song varies by where you are. and we have to give it up to indiana, kentucky, north carolina. >> of course. you do have -- >> top sock requested -- >> you know what happens at your wedding. >> oh, of course. who is this? you know it. we're going out front? come on, come on, let's do it. this, we're all doing it. back, back. >> and down. >> and now we turn. >> and now we turn. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can ot fix this teens skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil, not so much on other teen things. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer ♪ you're an overcomer ♪ you're an overcomer stay in the fight until the final round ♪ ♪ you're not going under because holding you right now ♪ >> and we here at abc news are celebrating a new chapter in the life of our work family. robin roberts is marking the fifth anniversary of her life-saving bone marrow transplant. >> happy birthday, robin. robin's match was her sister, sally. 70% of people who need a bone marrow transplant don't find it in their own family. that's where the help of strangers come in. >> he was a really healthy boy. all of a sudden in the middle of the night, he woke up with leg pain. and the following day, we had to take him to the er. >> on s fourth birthday, a.j. and his family received a life changing diagnosis. >> we found out that it was actually leukemia. >> living overseas while dad, jeff, served in the military. a.j. and his family immediately flew back to the states for agreement. >> a.j. was so sick. the treatment was so intense. >> unfortunately in the summer of 2015, a.j. relapsed. >> at that point we knew that a transplant was really his only option. >> the family turned to be the match. and thankfully, they found a.j. a match. a 22-year-old woman. that's all the family knew at the time. like a typical kid, a.j. found small moments of joy in his toys and even a.j.'s mom writing to his donor. from thank you from the very depth of my heart. >> the transplant work. a.j. was cancer free. and now, meeting his donor for the first time face-to-face. >> a.j.'s match, alex -- [ cheers and appuse ]. >> something you want to say to her? >> thank you for saving my life. >> oh, cute. >> robin asked her, what made you want to be a donor.? and her response was because it's the right thing to do. >> that's very nice. i would donate anything for you. >> really, anything? >> well, it depends on how much -- >> i thought you said anything. good morning. i'm kendis gibson. good morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm diane macedo. here are some of the top headlines we're following on "world news now." the death toll is rising in mexico where rescuers are combing through dozens of buildings toppled by an earthquake. more than 20 children are under the rubble of a school and one girl has been found alive. a hurricane his puerto rico and wiping out the entire island from power. plenty of people still in shelters and massive destruction. republicans are hoping to call a vote next week on their new health care bill, but they're still several votes short. she insist people with pre-existing conditions would be covered, but democrats and critics disagree. a teacher is being credited with saving lives in illinois. he tackled a student who allegedly started shooting inside the cafeteria. one student was injured. the accused shooter was arrested. those are some of our top stories on this thursday, september 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> a good morning to you all. we begin this half hour with the tragic earthquake in mexico where the clock is ticking for those still trapped under rubble. >> right now, more than 50 people have been rescued from dozens of buildings that collapsed in mexico city. and emergency crews are working throh second night in hopes of finding more survivors. take a look at this. this is all that's left of a school where a young girl is still trapped inside. rescuers were able to give her oxygen and water, but they're struggling to remove her from under tons of debris. abc's matt gutman on the scene. >> here under tons of brick and concrete, a race against time to save the life of a girl trapped inside the elementary school. the entire wing of the school collapsing after that devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake which struck mexico on tuesday. >> there was a three-story building and it pancaked into a one-story building. they think they hear something and they're trying to listen to see if they can hear a survivor in the rubble. officials tell abc news they believe there are at least two others trapped with her. at least 21 children, four teachers were killed. but at least 11 people from that school have been rescued. like these children. they're terrified, dusty, but alive. miraculously saved after being buried under the rubble. workers are now racing to save that little girl and whomever else may be trapped inside with her. they don't know exactly where she is inside the building. there are bucket brigades, people removing brick by brick, cinder block by cinderblock from that collapsed school. looks like they're going to send the dog in that tiny crevice between what was, i guess, the second and third story. now they're lifting the dog to the roof, again, hoping to catch a scent of whomever might be inside still. 13-year-old rodrigo was one of the lucky ones, crawling out of his collapsed school. the others who were rescued were listed on the handwritten slips of paper with their names and the hospital where they could be found. throughout central mexico, those choking clouds of dust, people packing d praying. windows slipping down buildings like sheets of ice, debris crushing vehicles. >> oh, my god. >> the u.s. is gearing up to help. this disaster assistance response team from los angeles deploying to mexico to help with the search and rescue. tuesday's earthquake is the second to strike mexico in just the past two weeks. on september 7th, close to midnight, a massive 8.1 magnitude earthquake hit off the country's southern coast. houses were toppled. the quake produced tsunami waves that sent people running into the streets in panic. that earthquake claimed the lives of at least 90 people after nearly 24 straight hours of desperate effort rescuers finally make contact with the little girl they have reportedly given her water and oxygen, but now they have to find a way to reach her and the others. still in a day and in a country that has been filled with grief, a glimmer of hope. matt gutman, abc news, mexico city. >> matt, thanks. we're closely watching those rescue efforts in mexico. we're also closely watching hurricane had maria. the storm has moved away from puerto rico. >> it left behind massive flooding. look at these scenes that we're getting there. the island is in the dark. massive power outage. thousands of people are in shelters and officials are warning that the 3.4 million residents may still face som level of danr. abc's elizabeth hur reports. >> hurricane maria's wrath, devastating puerto rico. leaving debris everywhere with roofs ripped off, windows shattered, trees toppled and power lines knocked down. the emergency management director confirming hours after maria made landfall, all of puerto rico lost power, claiming the island is destroyed. >> the wind howls and screeches, the doors rattle. >> some areas now drenched up with to 30 inches of rain, residents are scrambling to keep water out of their homes. the last time puerto rico was hit with a storm this powerful, 1928. homes are now running on generators and shelters are serving as homes for evacuees. the full extent of the damage in puerto rico, too early to tell. but this is a look from above across dominico where maria first made landfall. the devastation there being called tremendous and the country left with no running water and no electricity. elizabeth hur, abc news, new york. >> and from dominica to the dominican republic, the next country in maria's path. >> if system is expected to work its way through the dominican's east coast within hours. the forecast track shows the storm will then turn north, maintaining its category 3 status after strengthening again overnight. >> maria has weakened since residents in the d.r. aren't taking any chances. many buildings were boarded in anticipation of the storm's arrival. let's get the latest on the track, justin povick. >> good morning to you. dangerous hurricane maria continues to churn north and west. notice the eye expected strengthening as we go throughout the coming 36 hours. impacts later on tonight through tomorrow and saturday throughout the turks and caicos islands where they're expecting hurricane-force winds, a storm surge of 6 to 10 feet and heavy flooding rain. it's expected to strengthen into a category 4 storm. it will induce more so some weakening as we venture into early next week 80s encounters less favorable environment conditions. also, dangerous surf, swells, rip currents and above normal tides throughout the southeast united states. so focus on the cone as we work our way into the middle portion of next week. diane, kendis. >> we're going to keep an eye on it even though it looks as if it is going out to sea. you never know. president trump is spending his final day at the united nations general assembly with the flurry of meetings with foreign leaders. >> the president plans to sit down separately with the presidents of afghanistan, turkey, ukraine, south korea, as well as the prime minister of japan. >> so the south korean and japanese leaders will join the president for a working lunch. arguably, the most porchbt meeting following his threat to destroy north korea. and now to the russia investigation. special counsel robert mueller will now tracking down white house documents suggesting the president himself may be under secretny, particularly under his decision to fire fbi director james comey and over meeting with russian diplomates. jonathan has the details. >> reporter: the clearest indication yet special counsel robert mueller is looking into the actions of president trump himself. as the "new york times" first reported, mueller has requested white house documents surrounding the president's oval office meeting with russian officials the day after he fired fbi director james comey. trump reportedly told the russians, quote, i faced great pressure because of russia. that's taken off. the next day, he publicly acknowledged the russia investigation was on his mind when he fired comey. >> when i decided to just do it, i said to myself, i said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. >> reporter: mueller wants documents concerning the response to the news that the president's son, don jr., met with russian operatives during the campaign. at the time, the white house insisted the meeting was only about russian adoptions and the president publicly defended his son. >> my son is a wonderful young man. >> but e-mails show the meeting was set up, quote, to provide the trump campaign with some officials documents and information that would incriminate hillary. we later learned the president was directly involved in crafting that first misleading response. it's perfectly legal, but it is highly unusual if not unpress tent dented for a political party to pay the personal legal bills of the president and his family. and we're talking about $230,000 for donald trump's lawyers and another $200,000, nearly $200,000 of don jr.'s lawyers. all the more notable because in this case the president is a billionaire. jonathan carl, abc news, new york. congress to privatize the air traffic control system appears the to be losing steam. president trump has made the move a key part of his plan to boost the nation's infrastructure. but plans to bring the bill to the house floor for a vote repeatedly stalled. lawmakers from both parties expressed concerns about congress losing oversight. the in the meantime, opponents say privatization will give airlines too much power over the aviation system. a texas community is mourning the death of a college football player. 19-year-old robert grays died tuesday after suffering a neck injury during a game over the weekend. the sophomore was a quarterback at midwestern state. graves was hospitalized in wichita falls on saturday night and flown to a hospital in had houston. he's the second college football player to die this week. clayton gabe, an offensive lineman with the college of wooster died on monday. and now to your health and diet specifically. and those tempting cheat days. >> dwight a few dieters find cheat days give them the mental stamina to maintain their healthy eating the rest of the week. but new research out of australia finds they help fight against what's called adaptive therm mow genesis. that basically means they prevent the body from entering starvation mode, slowing down your metabolism and trying to hold on to every calorie it eats. >> so good news for cheat days. yes. you don't want to go into starvation mode. >> my problem with cheat days is it's a month. >> i don't think that's the study. i don't think they're advocating that. >> speaking of diet, there's a high stakes challenge this morning in the worldf fast food. the ceo of panera bread is challenging his chief executives at mcdonald's, burgers and wendy's to eat their own kids meals for an entire week. mcdonald's replied in a statement, quote, we're proud of how we've raised the bar on the food we serve. it has been broughten. >> it's a cheat day or a month. coming up, did you know bill gates reveals his one regret about something most of us use every day. but first, the growing humanitarian crisis in the asian country of myanmar. why nearly half a million people have fled the southeast asian country. but first, here is a look at today's temperatures. >> "world news now" weather brought to you by liberator medical supply. medical supply. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. and life's beautiful moments.ns get between you switch to flonase allergy relief. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. flonase helps block 6. most allergy pills only block one and 6 is greater than 1. with more complete relief you can enjoy every beautiful mont to the fullest. flonase. 6 is greater than 1 changes everything. firefighters in spain are firefighters in spain are battling a massive wildfire. hundreds of people have been evacuated. that fire is also being blamed for power outages, heat and powerful winds are fueling the flames. authorities say the fire is in the aggressive phase and has a perimeter of about 12 miles. nearly half a world away, humanitarian crises playing out in the southeast asian country of myanmar. >> more than 400,000 rohingya, considered one of the most persecuted on earth have fled in fear of torture, rape and ethnic cleansing by their country's only military. >> reporter: they are running for their lives, hoping to escape what they believe had is certain death, risking it all to cross illegally from myanmar into bangladesh. >> we are being persecuted. we are scared. they have been been killings. >> reporter: disturbing reports of a new wave of attacks being released on the rohingya, a muslim minority. there are reports of villages vountded, homes burned to the ground, torture, executions and rape. so we travel to bangladesh to speak with survivors of government attacks, attacks such as this one. rohingya visitors seen here, struck repeatedly by police. everyone we encounter wants to share their story. did you see gunfire? did you see attacks from the government? what exactly happened? this is the naff river, separating myanmar from bangladesh. just across the water is where the attacks against the rohingya are reported to be unfolding. myanmar authorities are not holding anybody accountable for the crimes being perpetrated against the civilian population. the military enjoys complete impunity. -on-san sue chee has been criticized by leaders all across the world. so far the strongest comments on this came from vice president pence saying myanmar needs to end their violence immediately and support diplomatic efforts for a long-term solution. we'll see what happens next. >> and an sang sue chee was supposed to come to the united states but decided to stay there to take care of that crisis. our thanks to bob. and the surprise revelation from eye voon ka trump. >> postpartum deexpression and the warning signs all moms need to know. that's next. warning signs all moms need to know. you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 hd5 ♪ nearly one in five new mowers suffer from the often emotionally crippling disorder known as post poured yumm depression. >> this morning, ivanka trump is surprising us all revealing that she suffered from it after the births of all three of her had children. here is abc's amy robach. >> a personal revelation from first daughter ivanka trump. >> with each of my three children, i had some level of post poured yumm. >> postpartum? >> depression. >> the 35-year-old mother of three opening up for the first time about experiencing postpartum depression on the dr. oz show. >> it was a challenging time for me because i felt like i was not living up to my potential as a parent or as an entrepreneur and an executive and i had had such easy pregnancies that in some way the juxtaposition hit me even harder. >> trump's role as an unpaid senior adviser in the white house has come under scrutiny. she spoke to me in 2015 about the challenges all new mothers face. we want to be mothers. we are sisters. we're training for marathons. we're learning how to garden. the goal is to change this narrative and to be a part of it. >>xperiencing postpartum can make going back to work even harder. trump says it's time to take her private struggle into the public steer. >> it's incredibly important. look, i consider myself a very hard charging person. i am ambitious. i'm passionate. i'm driven. but this is something that affects parents all over the the country. >> amy robach, abc news, new york. meanwhile, the field of obstetrics is fighting post par dumb depression bay making a push into awareness, screening, diagnosis, treatment and management. >> but it's particularly important, they tell us, to recognize the symptoms which include depressed mood or mood swings, excessive crying and difficulty with bonding with your child. >> red flags include withdrawing from family and friends and either loss of appetite or eating more than usual. it is good to know what to look out for.. coming up, the true reason we don't have the metric system in the u.s. we're solving some mysteries for you. ♪ did you ever know that you're my hero ♪ ♪ did you ever know that you're my hero ♪ >> did you ever know? that is a -- >> i'm your hero? >> yes. you're the wing beneath my wind. or something like that. >> i'm the wing beneath your wind. okay. this is going to end well. >> so it's our did you know segment. did you know what are the top baby names of the year? >> kendis and diane. >> little did itty. >> thank you. >> why is that not funny? >> booim because i'm hilarious. >> no, it could be real. no, they're not. so for girls, number one name is -- sous like an oscar winner. emma. >> still emma. emma has been popular for a while now. >> emma is popular in texas, all over the place, in the midwest. the ohio valley. >> emma stone. we've got emma from friends, that's what rachel names her baby. >> we have emma from pennsylvania. >> right. lots of emmas out there. for the men -- ooh, i like this one. >> noah. >> noah. and you want to know why? >> why? >> because ryan gosling played noah calhoun in "the notebook" and we all love ryan gosling. >> okay. there's a lot of -- >> that's my scientific theory. >> there's a lot of liam. no doubt, a lot of one direction fans in this country. liam is popular. >> so i've always wondered why we don't use the metric system here in the u.s. pretty easy. mostly just zeros, right? keeps everything nice and easy. apparently pirates are to blame. back in had 1793, thomas jefferson was the secretary of state and one of the big initiatives george washington put him in charge of was deciding one unit of measurement for the whole country to use. well, a french guy came over to the u.s. specifically to persuade jefferson to make it the metric system. only his boat he landed in a storm, they ended up in the caribbean. pirates captured him. never made it. by the time the french sent somebody else, there was a different secretary of state there and he did not care about measurements. >> wow. >> thanks a lot, pirates. >> and in a completely unrelated matter, "pirates of the caribbean" will soon be out on dvd. so, every time you log on to your computer or log off, you have to do something. >> control-alt-delete. >> blame this guy, bill gates. they asked him yesterday, why didn't he just pick a key? and he says, you know what? that was his biggest regret. if i could make one small edit, i would make that a single kay this morning on "world news now," hurricane maria pounds puerto rico. >> the entire island is without power, leaving over 3 million people in the dark. an official says the country has been destroyed. we have the latest details coming from the caribbean as well as the current track and whether the u.s. mainland could be impacted. and in mexico, the frantic search and rescue missions to pull earthquake survivors from the rubble. the death toll climbing there as children remain trapped under delicate heaps of steel and concrete. and residents near an airport keep finding chunks of metal littered around the neighborhood. forcing some to keep their kids and pets out of their yards. emergency landing is still causing a mess after a plane's parts rained down. and billing friends and family for the big day, a groom asked his wedding guests to pay $200 to attend, but the question is do you still get the couple a gift in addition to that? could this be a revolution in wedding etiquette or just sort of annoying? it is thursday, november 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> hi. we do say good morning to you, everybody, on this thursday. we are going to start with hurricane maria's assault on the caribbean. right now, the category 2 storm is churning off the coast of the dominican republic after pounding puerto rico. >> maria was a category 4 when it slammed into the island with 155-mile-per-hour winds. the entire island lost power. >> some areas have seen as much as 30 inches of rain. residents are being warned to stay inside to protect themselves from flash floods. >> let's look at those scenes from the island there. emergency officials say telecommunications have collapsed and the island has been destroyed. abc's victor oquendo is in san >> maria's direct hit devastating puerto rico. the first category 4 storm to strike puerto rico in 85 years, slamming ashore around sunrise. roofs peeled from buildings, debris flying. many of these homes not built to with stand any hurricane, let alone a category 4. >> we are outside of san juan in the town of guanebo. a lot of destruction to homes, downed trees and power lines, as well. now they're dealing with this, flooding in every direction. up to 30 inches of rain in some areas, engulfing whole neighborhoods. 12,000 people heeding the call to get to shelters, including our hotel's ballroom. terrified residents singing about strength during trying teams to ease the fear. i'm victor oquendo, san juan, puerto rico. and the u.s. military is stepping in to help with recovery efforts from the caribbean, as well. >> the coast guard is heading to puerto rico and the u.s. virgin islands. officials say other supplies will be delivered as needed. the coast guard is still involved in recovery efforts from hurricane irma. >> and in puerto rico, they will need the help. the island's economy has been in recession for more than a decade. earlier, i spoke with felix ortiz about the recovery. what have you heard so far in materials of how puerto ri is dog after the storm? >> puerto rico right now is 100% without power, without electricity. right now, the governor has a curfew from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. which will end on saturday. and this has been a preventive measurement as a result that we have no lights after 6:00 p.m. and also to allow people that work on the road to clean up all the tree that has collapsed, including electrical workers to ensure that all those poles, electrical poles that are hanging around on this -- on the streets will be able to be clean up. >> i mean, having been through a hurricane there before, how do you think this storm compares? >> everybody in puerto rico right now feel the same way, that this has been one of the worst hurricanes, especially the way this hurricane came through and also the magnitude mile per hour, 185 miles per hour. so -- and the eye really crossed in the middle of the island from south to north. and the devastations are just amazing. >> what was it like for you knowing this storm was hitting and knowing your family is still there? >> it was a lot of anxiety for me. it was very scary and very concerning. i'm trying to call them very often until finally we can connect with each other. >> what are you hearing in terms of the damage? my cousin's house, it's underwater right now. our house is under water. when i'm hearing from my friends and elected ofcials and at i he from my family, this has been one of the worst hurricanes in the history of puerto rico since 1928. >> thanks to assemblyman ortiz there who, happy to say, he has got ahold of his family and found out that they are okay, but their house is not so much. >> but still amazing to think over 3 million people all in the dark right now on that island. over the next few days, maria, by the way, may increase strength yet again. it could be a category 3 storm with winds of 120 miles per hour as it reaches turks and caicos. that's by monday. it will get up to the carolinas. forecasters say it's too early still to tell whether maria will directly impact the continental u.s. tropical storm jose is impacting the u.s. warnings are in effect today for southeast massachusetts. it's possible people in that area could experience some power outages. the system sustained winds of 70 miles per hour. kicked up high winds and rough surf along nantucket beaches, coastal flooding and recurrence will remain a concern throughout the day. moving on to mexico,s are curers are stepping up the search for survivors. the death toll right now, at least 230 people. >> emergency crews have made contact with a girl trapped in her school, which was destroyed. they managed to give her water and oxygen, but she is wedged under a granite table. she reportedly said two others are trapped in there with her, but she can't tell if those people are dead or alive. carlos granda has more from mexico city. >> a daunting task for first sponsor as they work there way through what was an elementary school. rescuers peeking into the debris, raising their arms above their head to silence the crowd as they listen for signs of life. now word that they've made contact with a girl still trapped inside, but alive. at least 21 children and four teachers have died there. so many of this building in ruins, yet students' backpacks hang early on their hooks. 13-year-old rodrigo barely escaped. part of the structure collapsed and blocked the exit, he says. we had to be evacuated by crawling over a wall. this school is just one of dozens of buildings flattened in central mexico when the massive 7.12 quake struck. it sent fireballs into the sky and people scrambled into the streets. some capturing and sharing video of buildings crashing around them. the shaking lasting for minutes. all around mexico city, rescuers are digging their way through the wreckage. the mayor saying more than 40 buildings have collapsed, nearly half of the city is without power. and closer to the quake's epicenter amid the rubble and ruin, the residents in the town of hahutla begin to mourn the death. and here in the central district where there has been a lot of damage, you can see a building that collapsed. there are still rescuers in there as long as they believe someone might still be alive. reporting from mexico city, carlos granda, abc news. >> and the mexican president has declared three days of national mourning. we're going to have much more from mexico in our next half hour. escalating over the new gop plan aimed at obamacare. senator bill cassidy is responding to criticism from jimmy kimmel saying kimmel doesn't understand the legislation. kimmel entered the fray after his son was born of a congenital heart defect and last night he accused caddie of lying saying he would help people with pre-existing conditions. republicans are still short of the 50 votes they need, but the president says he's optimistic. >> i do think it has a very good chance of passage and i certainly hope it passes. they'll be voting in the not too distant future. >> the legislation would repeal major portions of the affordable care act, shift money to states and give them wide latitude on come up with their own requirements. critics say there is no stipulation that coverage must remain adequate and affordable for people with pre-existing conditions. california is suing the trump administration to block the building of that border wall. it claims the plan infringes on the state's rights and violates the clean water act and other federal regulations. last week, three advocacy groups also sued the federal government to block construction of that border wall. yet another cabinet member is now under fire for use of a private jet. this time it's the health and human services secretary, tom price. now, price took private jets on five occasions. last week with american taxpayers footing the bill. the trips to maine, new hampshire and philadelphia could have been reached by commercial flights or even train or car in the case of the one in philadelphia. a spokesperson for price says that commercial travel is not always feasible. some democratic lawmakers are calling for an investigation. and the faa is investigating after parts of a spirit airlines jet rained down on suburban detroit. one of the atlanta-bound plane's engines caught fire after taking off on monday. engine pieces were found on a runway and at a number of nearby houses. some of them smashed car windshields and windows in a few homes. luckily no one was hurt. the plane returned to the airport safely. a lot of parents said they kept their kids and pets inside being afraid they might get hit by some of these pieces. >> the faa says it will cover the homeowners' damages. coming up, a whole new meaning between getting sand between your toes on your next vacation. why it's impossible to get away from the sand at this hostle. that story is ahead in had "the mix." first, the high stakes drug bust at sea. see how the submarine is increasingly becoming the vehicle of choice for cocaine smugglers. check out our behind the scenes pics on instagram @abcwnn. you're watching abc "world news now." behind the scenes pics on instagram. you're watching abc "world news now." ♪ there's nothing more important than your health. so if you're on medicare or will be soon, here's why. medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. you might want to consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any medicare supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. you could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust... or go with someone new. you're not stuck in a network... because there aren't any. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. there's a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. rates are competitive. and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. like any of these types of plans, they let you apply whenever you want. there's no enrollment window... no waiting to apply. so call now. remember, medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. hospital that accepts medicare. whether you're on medicare now or turning 65 soon, it's a good time to get your ducks in a row. duck: quack! call to request your free decision guide now. because the time to think about tomorrow is today. another march is planned for downtown st. louis tonight. officials are hoping this one will be a lot more peaceful than the last six nights. demonstrators trying to stop traffic near a major mall were stopped by officers overnight. the protest began after last week's acquittal of a white former police officer in the shooting death of a black man and many are hoping that calm will return to the streets of st. louis. over in illinois, a teacher is being praised as a hero after tackling a student who opened fire inside a high school cafeteria. one student was injured but is in stable condition. the suspect, also a student at high school. police say the teacher likely saved many lives. the high school is offering counseling services to students. and the while man accused of killing two black men in baton rouge has asked to be taken off suicide washington. kenneth gleason was in court wednesday via video feed. gleason is accused of shooting up a black family's home. she said she would defer gleason's medical attention to staff at the facility. we're getting dramatic video of a sub carrying more than 3 tons of cocaine. this is part of a growing trend as far as a record year for drug seizures on the water. here is abc's pierre thomas. watch as the dramatic high seas drug bust unfolds off the california coast. customs and border patrol officers using surveillance locking in on a tiny object, it turns out to be a submarine, operating almost completely under water to avoid detection. the suspects glowing under the infrared cameras. it's been a record year for high seas drug seizures like these. 50,000 pounds of cocaine and heroine valued at more than $500 million. >> we are facing a tremendous challenge. in 2015, we had 52,000 people die from drug overdoses in this country. numbers, the likes of which we've never, ever seen before. >> coast guard firing shots at drug smugglers who franticly throw their contraband overboard. and here, jumping on board to make arrests in a boat stocked with a ton of cocaine. >> the coast guard has intercepted a record $6 billion in drugs this fiscal year ask nearly 600 suspected traffickers have been arrested. but it's a battle that seems to have no end. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. >> and it's a battle that takes place all times of the day and night, as you can see there. >> i can't imagine trying to stop these things, but congrats to the authorities who were involved in that bust. coming up in the next half hour, the scare at the ballpark for one young fan hit by a line drive foul ball. the emotional reactions both in the stands and as you can see there, on the field. and why there still isn't more netting to protect fans. but first, the new sinkhole new jersey in florida in the wake of hurricane irma. it's threatening both homes and lives. that's next on "world news now." florida in the wake of hurricane irma. it's threatening both homes and lives. that's next on "world news now." babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. ♪ with florida still cleaning up after hurricane irma, a new danger is sprouting up across the state. >> nearly a dozen reported sinkholes have opened up in florida since irma made landfall and at least one of them has destroyed an entire home. he here's abc's gio benitez. >> this home swallowed up by a massive sinkhole that began opening late monday. >> we made it through the hurricane. we were really, really lucky. and then this. >> ellen miller and her family scrambling to salvage what they could. their oven clearly lost in the wreckage. >> i saw big, deep cracks this in the bathroom and the tub was sinking and the window was coming loose and i said, it's time to go. >> down the road, residents told to keep clear of this area behindiddle school that was washed out over the weekend. at least eight reported sinkholes opening up in florida since hurricane irma made landfall here last week. including part of this road in altamonte springs. and ac units falling into the earth. >> it has to happen at some point when you have a tremendous amount of water, like from irma, that exacerbates the situation and makes it happen much more quickly. >> experts say sinkholes are extremely common in florida, especially after a big storm. excess rainwater can wash away sand just below the surface creating an under water cave and the weight above eventually becomes too heavy. >> these things happen over thousands of years. they develop until finally they show up at the surface. the several inches of rain that happened during irma was the last straw. >> as for miller and her family, thankfully nobody was hurt. >> this is the only home i know and it's the only home my kids know. >> back here with our drone cam, you can see that sinkhole right there. the family lived here for nearly 50 years. now they're just watching that home go into the ground. now, there are some early warning signs to look for for sinkholes. if your doors and windows are sticking, if you've got cracks in the wall, if you hear those cracking and popping noises, that's when you know you need to get out and call for help. gio benitez, florida. coming up, could there be a new trend for weddings, charging your guests. and the world anticipates first hotel made entirely out of sand. >> good for exfoliating. >> that is true. "the mix" is next. mix" is next. mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from being embarassed by her parents? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ♪ all right, all right. time for "the mix." we start off with a debate. genius or cheapskate? a british couple is charging their wedding guests about $200 to attend their wedding. this is -- they're getting married in derbyshire. the wedding is taking place over the course of three nights and the groom says he came up with this whole idea of charging guests to attend before even proposing. >> oh, okay. >> so initially, my instinct was that >> oh, okay. >> so initially, my instinct was that's so sort of uncouth, it's wrong, how cheap are you. however, he says the whole cost is $200, 150 pounds, around 200 bucks and that includes a three-night stay at the hotel, access to the indoor pool, the spa, food and drink. >> i don't -- >> so he says it's more of like an all-inclusive vacation. which i'm thinking for 200 bucks, a three-night stay, all-inclusive vacation, that actually sounds pretty awesome. >> there is no way it includes the free hotel stay and -- that would be a bargain. >> they were able to book this place, this hotel last minute because they had a last minute cancellation there. but my guess is they had to book the whole place so this is how they were able to afford it. everybody stays there for the weekend, they all get a huge discount and they hold a wedding there. >> that's what you do when you book a wedding, anyway. you book the whole place. i don't mind the idea because it's just the same as giving a present. >> well, that's the thing. do you still give them a gift? >> oh, hell no. that's like those destination weddings. do you give a guest at the destination wedding? you already traveled to the wedding. >> your presence -- kendis's presence there is the gift. >> the is present you could give them. remember those cute gameboys we used to have as kids? you could play with one hand. this is not that. so there's this guy in belgium, a student who came up with his own gameboy and created it here. it's this mega gameboy. it's three feet by two feet and it holds a record for the largest gameboy in the world. >> i appreciate that he's playing tetris because it's my favorite game. but the whole point of a game boy is to be smart and portable. it's supposed to have nintendo games that you can carry with you in your pocket. >> not at all. all right. over to australia, shall we? and you will not have to complain about sand in this hotel because it is everywhere. the entire hostel is made of sand. so that's the foundation. check out what happens when you look at the after photo. sands, sand, everywhere. it's only open for two days. you can book it through the site hostel world born from 1945 through 1965 have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more. toxic chemicals and carcinogens are leaching into the environment. it's happening right where we live, work and play. everywhere. cigarette butts are toxic waste. let's stop the toxic litter. learn more at this morning on "world news now," under dark and under curfew. it's pitch black in puerto rico after hurricane maria cuts a deadly path across the island. and we're watching around the clock rescue efforts in mexico after that earthquake, including intense moments like this one. whistles call for silence. while everyone then pauses to listen for clues as they try to save school children trapped under the rubble. and new this half hour, the first lady making good on one of her promises to fight cyber bullying and does so on the world stage. >> hear from melania trump and what she says is the biggest problem facing young children right now. and divas dining out. the chance meeting of brittany and mariah at one of the hottest spots in l.a. let me tell you, a table is hard to get there. so who asked whom out on this date? what did they eat? we'll have the story ahead in the "the skinny." it is thursday, september 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we do say good morning to you everybody on this thursday. millions of americans right now suffering following hurricane maria. >> here is the latest. all of puerto rico, 100%, is without power. communications are also extremely limited. >> and damage is being assessed in the u.s. virgin islands. the department of tourism for that territory urging travelers to postpone any planned trips until officials can figure out the extent of the destruction. >> and maria will continue moving north over the next few days. right now, it's not certain whet r it will hit the u.s. mainland. >> and maria moving away from puerto rico overnight. the hurricane warning has been lifted the from the island there, but the dominican republic has hurricane warnings this morning. >> joe torres has more from san juan. >> reporter: on the streets of san juan, cars and trucks swerved around the snapped palm trees and downed power lines that litter the street. suleman is one of the millions of people picking up the pieces after hurricane maria ripped apart his two businesses. >> at the same time, i have two apartments. >> reporter: yes. >> also they destroyed complete. >> reporter: what will you do next? >> i don't know, man. >> reporter: in other parts of the eye legion, a different kind of destruction. flooding. look at the cars under water. rising water surrounding this restaurant and guyana, streets and roads overwhelmed by flooding as gauges indicated more than 24 inches of rain in some locations. back in san juan, natalya rodriguez of new jersey rode out the storm in an oceanside resort where workers shuddered one final door as the category 4 storm reeked havoc on the island. >> yeah. i was in had panic mode. >> reporter: were you? >> yes, oh, my gosh. i've never been through a hurricane. in new jersey, we don't experience that. >> reporter: what are your fear? what was your worry? >> that i was going to die. >> reporter: the storm's aftermath revealed why so many hunkered down in fear. we saw traffic lights dangling by a single cable, and trees, some uprooted, other severed. on wednesday, the governor issued a an island-wide curfew running from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. through saturday. the goal is to get people off the streets so that first responders, utility workers and law enforcement officers can do their job quickly and effectively. in san juan puerto rico, joe torres, abc news. and just about a 30 minute flight from where joe is standing, the u.s. virgin islands says he's praying for the strength to rebuild. authorities are still assessing the damage on st. croix, the largest island in the territory. communications there are limited due to heavy rains and flooding. tourism officials are asking potential visitors to delay any planned trips until the island ebbs can recover. >> dominica was the if first island in maria's path. at least seven people were killed on that island. one official described the country as being in a daze. >> all of dominica's public buildings are being used as shelters. but the school of medicine is evacuating its campus by boat to neighboring st. lucia. now let's get the latest on maria's path from accuweather's justin povic. >> hurricane maria is expected to strengthen for today. big impacts throughout the turks and caicos islands. rainfall amounts upwards of a foot or more. notice the bending motion more towards the north this weekend. that will produce costal flooding and rip currents throughout the southeast united stat. notice the current forecast track here, the cone is what you need to focus on over the course of the next several days. diane and kendis, back to you. >> justin, thanks. turning now to the desperate rescue operation following that earthquake that brought down dozens of buildings and killed at least 230 people in mexico. >> they're clawing through debris right now. they're struggling to free at least one girl who is trapped in a school in mexico city where 23 children have died. at any sign of life, people gathered outside are given the signal to be silent. then they make contact with the girl and realize she has two companions with her. what an ordeal there.. >> they say that girl is trapped under a granite table which is part of the reason why they're having a hard time getting her out, but that may have saved her from the impact of the rubble in this case.. let's get the latest from rafa fernandez who is in mexico city and has been following those rescue efforts for us. >> now, the case of a school, they're still pulling kids oust of the rubble. they found this girl and they said there were two other kids near her and they were trying to pull her out. so, you know, there are still students trapped under the rubble, teachers, as well. they had the death toll at 20 kids. still a lot of them missing. that's a tricky case because the entire infrastructure collapsed. a lot of rubble, a lot of rocks, a lot of concrete that needs to be broken down and carried away from the area. obviously parents are on edge to find out if it's one of their loved ones that is trapped under the rubble or if it's a body they're looking for or survivors. they're working nonstop and today we had a little bit of rain so that's always dangerous and kind of it complicates rescue efforts. so, you know, the more time passes, you know, you can have rain, you can have bad weather. but, yes, it's a tricky situation because in that case, the entire infrastructure collapsed. so they're working nonstop. but they have cleared the area completely. volunteers cannot get through or bystanders or people watching. what they're trying to do is just leave the experts to do the work and i think the military, for now, has pretty much everything under control. >> all the crews there definitely have their work cut out for them. those operating around that school say they will not leave until every victim inside the pulled out of the rubble. >> it will be a long, long road ahead. we're going to continue monitoring the earthquake and the hurricane, but right now we want to get to some of the day's other top stories. >> president trump has reached a decision on whether or not to pull out of the iran nuclear deal, but he's not really to share it with the world or even his closest advisers. secretary of state rex tillerson says the president has not informed him or others in the administration about the speech. in his u.n. speech, the president blasted the deal as one-sided and embarrassing to the u.s. the iranian president fired back describing president trump's comments as ignorant, absurd and hateful. he said his country would respond decisively to any violation of that agreement. and north korea is responding to president trump's u.n. speech. that country's foreign minister is calling the threat to destroy the north the sound of a dog barking. as for the president naming kim jong un rocketman he says, i feel sorry for his aides. first lady melania trump condemned bullying at her first speech at the united nations. the first lady was the only speaker there. she was joined by spouses of other world leaders including the wives of canada's prime minister and the president of france. she urged those in attendance of doing a better job of guiding and providing a better example for the next generation. mrs. trump called on world leaders to step up for children. >> it reminds our generation's moral imperative to take responsibility for what our children learn. we must turn our focus right now to the message and content. they exposed to on a daily basis through social media, the bullying, the experience online and in person and the growing global epidemic of drug addiction and drug overdose. >> the first lady promised in november to take on cyber bullying as a signature cause. many saw irony in that. after the speech, she was mocked on social media with some describing the president as the bully in chief. now to north carolina where the saga of siblings who hadn't seen each other for 50 years reached an emotional conclusion. >> so it might sound like you've heard this story before. that was a different story yesterday. allen smith and bambi, well, they gave each other a big hug at the raleigh durham airport. both were given up for adoption when they were very young. >> when smith's adoptive father was on his death bed, he told a north carolina man that he had a sister. bambi said she knew she was adopted and spent the last three decades looking for her brother. >> what an emotional reaction to somebody she hadn't really met. >> and we're hearing more and more of these stories. this is one of the positive effects of the internet that pep are able to exchange information and sometimes you ever uncover these things. great to see they timely get to meet. >> yesterday we had the couple living next door to each other and had no idea they were long lost siblings for 50 years. >> now they're making the most of it. coming up, america's most popular wedding songs. can you guess? what are the top requested songs? believe it or not, it depends on what state you live in. we'll have that ahead in "the skinny." >> please say it's not "train." no. why did we go with "train"? but first, the ballpark scare for a little girl hit in the face by a line drive fly ball. the new questions being raised again about fan safety. but first, here is a look at today's forecast. >> "world news now" weather brought to you by unitedhealthcare. you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. we are closely watching hurricane maria for you currently brushing past the dominican republic and on a path headed for turks and caicos. the storm has left the entire island of puerto rico without power. residents there scrambling to try to recover after much rain and wind which they're still dealing with now. back here on the mainland, a young girl got the scare of her life during a day out at the ballpark. >> she was hit by a line drive foul ball at yankee stadium, reportedly flying right into her face at 105 miles per hour. abc's linsey davis has the emotional player reaction. >> a split second after the crack of that bat -- it's clear a fan is hurt. yankees hitter todd frazier immediately shows concern. players on both sides look distraught, bowing their heads, some even crying. >> a little too graphic for us to show you. >> that injured fan, a little girl. the crowd calls for help. a medical team tends to the girl who is rushed from the stands to the hospital. her condition is unknown. a similar scene played out at yankees stadium in july when a foul ball hit a fan in the head and a young boy was struck by part of a broken bat back in may. shattered bats and foul balls injuring fans in recent years prompted some team toes extend protective netting. >> after that incident in july, the yankees said they are seriously exploring extending the netting next season. linsey davis, nbc news, new york. >> and todd frazier has a 2-year-old daughter so you can understand why it was emotional for him. >> they all put themselves in that place. > whenme b we cok, those opening their hearts to those in puerto rico and mexico. and when we come back, the top wedding songs. >> nickelback. >> it's time to have a party when we come back next in "the skinny." but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. [female narrator] foods rich in folic acid like white bread and leafy greens can help prevent some birth defects before you even know you're pregnant. ♪ skinny ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ good morning to you all. we're starting the skinny off with some hollywood celebrities supporting the victims of the earthquake in mexico and of hurricane maria. >> act receipt selma high yak is giving back to her country, pledging $100,000 to unicef and its efforts in mexico and is imploring her followers to follow her leads. >> beyonce is paying tribute on her instagram account with black and white images of the puerto rican and mexican flags. >> and ricky martin canceled his upcoming concert in mexico city saying my mind is with my people in puerto rico. we are strong. we will rebuild together. united. and next, two divas walk into a restaurant and the inner webs explode. >> britney spears and mariah carey bumped into each other in danteans in west hollywood. i didn't realize i needed to say it with a smug accent. spears, by the way, couldn't resist asking carey for a selfie. mariah as one of her greatest ed influence since skyrocketing to fame in 1998. >> so many people were wondering what did they eat. no confirmation yet on what carey ate, but spears shared this snap of her dinner. looks like a good steak there. >> it's not bad. danteans, by the way southbound is four stars on yelp. it's clubby -- >> why are you read the yelp review? i'm surprised mariah said i don't know her. >> i don't know her, but i'll take a photo with her. next to the music we love to hear at weddings. >> geniuses at spotify have compiled the most listened to songs -- >> number three -- ♪ give your all to me >> all of me by john legend. >> it's not necessarily the song that the bride and groom dance to, but it's overall what's popular with the dj. >> but this one sounds like it's probably requested for the bride and groom to dance to. >> yeah. >> it's a good, romantic song. >> and then this one, this is a fun song. number two -- ♪ ♪ something fun to do ♪ hey, baby i think i'm gonna marry you ♪ this one is fun. >> this is like the proposal song and marriage. >> can you guess nber one? nickelback. >> it is not nickelback. the number one most requested wedding song -- "thinking out loud" by ed sheerhan. ♪ take me into your loving arms ♪ >> nice and romantic. it is pretty.. >> it is. >> but we have to give it up. >> it's broken down by states, as well. >> it is broken down by states. apparently the number one song varies by where you are. and we have to give it up to indiana, kentucky, north carolina. >> of course. you do have -- >> top song requested -- >> you know what happens at your wedding. >> oh, of course. who is this? you know it. we're going out front? come on, come on, let's do it. this, we're all doing it. back, back. >> and down. >> and now we turn. >> and now we turn. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can ot fix this teens skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pill megared advanced triple absorption. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer ♪ you're an overcomer ♪ you're an overcomer stay in the fight until the final round ♪ ♪ you're not going under because holding you right now ♪ >> and we here at abc news are celebrating a new chapter in the life of our work family. robin roberts is marking the fifth anniversary of her life-saving bone marrow transplant. >> happy birthday, robin. robin's match was her sister, sally. 70% of people who need a bone marrow transplant don't find it in their own family. that's where t help of strangers come in. >> he was a really healthy boy. all of a sudden in the middle of the night, he woke up with leg pain. and the following day, we had to take him to the er. >> on his fourth birthday, a.j. and his family received a life changing diagnosis. >> we found out that it was actually leukemia. >> living overseas while dad, jeff, served in the military. a.j. and his family immediately flew back to the states for agreement. >> a.j. was so sick. the treatment was so intense. >> unfortunately in the summer of 2015, a.j. relapsed. >> at that point we knew that a transplant was really his only option. >> the family turned to be the match. and thankfully, they found a.j. a match. a 22-year-old woman. that's all the family knew at the time. like a typical kid, a.j. found small moments of joy in his toys and even dancing. a.j.'s mom writing to his donor. from thank you from the very depth of my heart. >> the transplant work. a.j. was cancer free. and now, meeting his donor for the first time face-to-face. >> a.j.'s match, alex -- [ cheers and applause ]. >> something you want to say to her? >> thank you for saving my life. >> oh, cute. >> robin asked her, what made you want to be a donor.? and r response was because it's the right thing to do. >> that's very nice. i would donate anything for you. >> really, anything? >> well, it depends on how much -- >> i thought you said anything. every year on this day. making news in america this morning, puerto rico is devastated by hurricane maria. the entire island is without power. some airs ya are underwater and the storm is strengthening again. we have the new track on where it's heading next. overnight desperation. the search in mexico city growing increasingly frantic. survivors still buried in the rubble following that powerful earthquake there. new concerns about safety following the second death of a college football player this week. his teammates in shock and another school is mourning. and another cabinet secretary under pressure forced to justify why he took five flights on a private jet in just one week.

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