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Now on america this morning. We do say good morning to you on this monday. We start with the breaking new information about irma. Moving very quickly overnight. Now battering north florida. Its powerful bands moved out of south florida but that is still getting hit with dangerous winds and a massive tornado watch ahead of the storm all the way up into brunswick, georgia. That storm surge is increasing in jacksonville. Heres the latest overnight, nearly 4. 5 million customers in florida are without power right now. That number expected to grow. All major florida airports including miamis are closed and at least 32 deaths reported from the hurricane. Most of those in the caribbean. And in lakeland east of tampa the wind and rain pounded that area overnight and matt smith of wfts shows us some of the conditions he faced. Reporter the wind is whipping harder. I can tell you the trees look like theyre bending but the good news here when those gusts stop, you can get a chance here, you can see this marriott behind me, yeah, this is actually blocking a lot of that wind and ill step to the side here and danny can take a look here. When the wind truly picks up it almost looks like a fire hydrant just busting out here around the corner. Thats what were getting is a lot of redirected wind because of the way these buildings are situated. It is good and safe for those who are inside of them. It is a dangerous situation out here and it is only getting worse. We actually keep our back to that moving forward here. You can see when the gusts kick in here, youre seeing those lines of rain actually come across. Youre seeing a lot of power behind this storm right now. Thats why were going to actually send it back to you in the studio right now because im wrapping up for the evening and well take cover the rest of the night. For now reporting in tampa, matthew smith, abc action news. Matthew, thank you. Since then luckily the wins have died down quite a bit. We want to bring in kelly ann cicalese. Were seeing it die down but other areas are starting to get the brunt. What can we expect . The worst is going to be as you move north and east of this eye wall and move into really northeastern portions of florida. Thats where were seeing that tornado watch in effect. That actually extends well into southern georgia, as well so thats the main area of concern especially jacksonville. You can see some of those bands pushing right on through. Those are the bands that will keep us with us with the Severe Threat through the Morning Hours and track that were watching and its just slightly west of northerly and will be weakening likely through the morning and especially as it moves through the afternoon hours eventually becomes a tropical depression as it makes its way toward the midsection of the country. We have wind gust, 58mileperhour wind gusts at times and extends well into georgia through this afternoon. Check out savannah, wind gusts over 60 Miles Per Hour and eventually through this evening as well seeing even atlanta, major cities seeing major impacts with the wind and the rainfall. Locally close to 15 inches of rain possible stretching right on through jacksonville, in fact, speaking of jacksonville theres several areas that are now reporting that their flood stage has been reached so thats what were seeing, a lot more flood warnings being issued for much of the state and thats now starting to extend into georgia as well. So a multistate issue in addition to the gusty winds. I can tell you the last time i ever heard of atlanta on a Tropical Storm warning, major city there. Major impact. What sort of impact will this have. The major impact for them the wind is, of course, going to be a concern because they have the likelihood of seeing it 50 Miles Per Hour at times but i have a feeling that will be the flooding and rainfall thats moving in because thats Holding Together with that track. Notice that its passing just west of atlanta as we move into the forecast later for this evening and through the Tuesday Morning time period. So likely theyre going to get some of those stronger winds during that time but rainfall really looking to hold together for them so well have to keep an eye on that even as it tracks to the tennessee valley. Kelly ann, thank you. One of the big concerns this morning will be storm surge and other causes of possible flooding. One of the big areas vulnerable to that is the city of tampa. The city layout itself makes it especially vulnerable to possible flooding. We spoke with tampas mayor as he was starting to feel the impact of the storm. We were watching this. We knew it had the capacity and certainly the size and the magnitude anything unlike weve seen as a state that we knew it had the capacity to change and so weve been staffed up for a week this is when we rise up and do what the people need us to do. Large parts are low lying like a bowl and so they hold a lot of water. Given the amount of water that will come and wind pushing it up and given the surge will occur early at the same time we will have a high tide i fully anticipate those areas will be affected to a greater degree than anyplace else. We know theres been sporadic outages. Im mostly concerned that the power to our sewer plants, our water plants, i mean we have backup generators and enough fuel to last for a couple of days. We will not be able to tell until the sun comes up to see what type of condition the power grid is. I would imagine we will have Power Outages for a few days. Yeah, over 4 million, 4. 5 Million People are without power this morning and Hurricane Irma is already one of the biggest and most powerful hurricanes to ever hit florida. Storm chasers clocked winds of 117 miles an hour in the florida keys but the actual speed may have been much higher. Now, irma did not hit miami head on but it still managed to cause significant damage there to homes and other buildings. Yeah, the strong winds also bent and snapped construction cranes at three sites. Two in miami, one in ft. Lauderdale. Residents near those sites warned they were in danger because of the cranes. Abcs Stephanie Ramos is there in miami. Stephanie, good morning. Looks like its a lot calmer now than it was then. Reporter it definitely is, diane and kendis, what a weekend here in miami. Hurricane irma is now moving up floridas gulf coast as you mentioned. After hitting miami with powerful winds and rain for hours. Some streets are flooded here. Trees are down and here in Miamidade County there were so many Power Outages more than 80 of power customers are in the dark this morning. Hurricane irma, a statewide size storm is still pounding florida this morning. Miami escaping irmas center but still hammered by winds, gusts approaching 100 Miles Per Hour. The storm even producing some tornadoes. Whoa. Reporter winds so strong at least three construction cranes crashed into buildings. In downtown miami a storm surge taking over roads. Now looking more like rivers. Ahead of the monster storm millions of floridians asked to evacuate. At this shelter 1 of 500 open across the state no electricity. We were very nervous. Very scared. Millions of customers now without power across the state. The intense storm first making landfall in the florida keys. Now climbing along the west coast. Irma moving with violent winds and rain toward naples and tampa. Forecast track takes the center then into georgia tomorrow and then ultimately if the system weakens becoming a tropical depression by tuesday. Reporter and this isnt over yet. The National Weather service says these extreme storm conditions will continue today to the west and then central florida. Kendis, diane. Yeah, stephanie, indeed, a storm that will at least live with us for a couple more days. Stephanie ramos there in miami. More than 16,000 power workers from outside florida are prepared to help get electricity flowing again. Now, at one point more than 80 of their customers throughout the state had lost power. Officials say it could take weeks to get everyone back online. A pair of major cruise lines are sending ships to the caribbean to help islands devastated by Hurricane Irma as well. Norwegian cruise lines is sending a vessel to pick up stranded tour ritzs. Royal caribbean is devoting four to help throughout the region as well. When we come back, pope francis injured in colombia. A mass soting in texas during a football viewing party. Steve bannons first interview since leaving the white house. Hear what he says President Trump did. Today there is only one park for every 14,000 americans. Connection to nature is a right that the trust for public land is fighting to preserve. From boulevards to ball fields and ponds to playgrounds, together we have saved over 3 million acres of land. A park is a gift that is worth protecting. Help support the trust for public land and the gift of parks today. Were back with a developing story overnight. Police are investigating a shooting at a home in a quiet neighborhood of plano, texas, that left seven people dead. Police say officers responded to reports of shotting fired during a party and confronted the suspected shooter, one officer opened fire killing the suspect. All of the victims were adults and an investigation is under way to determine exactly what happened here. Thousands of people are expected to attend ceremonies today marking the 16th anniversary of the september 11th attacks. President trump will as a result preside over his first 9 11 ceremony as president. The first lady will join him at a commemoration later on this morning at the pentagon. The Vice President mike pence will attend a ceremony in shapgsville, pennsylvania, and here in new york city, the reading of the names and the annual tribute in light will take place at ground zero later on this evening. In his first tv interview since leaving the white house, president s former chief strategist has taken aim on what he calls the republican establishment. Appearing on 60 minutes steve bannon declared war saying they stonewalled President Trumps populist agenda. The swamp is a business model. Permanent Political Class as represented by both parties. Youre not going to drain that in eight months. Youre not going to drain it in two terms. This is going to take 10, 15, 20 years of relentlessly going after it. He also said the firing of fbi director james comey was the, quote, biggest mistake in modern political history. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is also opening up about President Trump and giving her take on her fallen bid for the white house ahead of tomorrows release of her campaign memoir clinton tells cbs she thinks prul won the election by stoking racial grievances, in her words among millions of white people. And south of the border now pope francis final day got off to a bumpy start. He cut his eyebrow and bruised his cheek when he hit his head inside the popemobile during a sudden stop in car tht hanna. He continued his full schedule of events including a mass. The whole thing celebrated with a bruise and a black eye but the pope carried on. Hes quite all right. When we come back the operation under way in the florida keys today. Housetohouse searches amid the devastation. And the new video just in from tampa. The citys football stadium getting battered. Our coverage continues next. With my moderate to severe crohns disease,. I was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i had it covered. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. But still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,. Including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. And new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. 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Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Bayer aspirin. Were back with breaking news right now. Irma is moving past tampa over land after being downgraded to a category 1. The worst part of the storm today will be hitting Daytona Beach to jacksonville and then over to gainesville with winds of up to 75 Miles Per Hour. Theres also tornado watches in effect from northeast florida to georgia. Daylight will give us answers in the keys where were waiting for more damage assessments from the keys. Irma first made landfall as a powerful category 4 and crews will conduct housetohouse searches. The militarys c130 planes will arrive in marathon key for air lift missions. Irmas strong winds also battered floridas east coast tossing debris around Melbourne Beach as you can see causing transformers to explode. Two tornadoes were confirmed in other parts of brevard county. A storm surge of one to three feet expected for the tampa bay area overnight. The wind and rain came down hard overnight. Reporter shawn daily was watching the conditions at Raymond James stadium, home to the buccaneers. First of all, look at the top of ray jay. Can you see that with the red lights up there and the rain and the wind going across . I have never seen that before. Its almost like ray jay the bull is making a stew. It looks like steam is coming out of ray jay but its just sheets and sheets of rain and wind. Talk about it. This is a lull were going through now. Guy, this is a lull. This is one of those bands dennis is talking about. The trees are still whipping pretty good but every now and then it gets really, really rough. Well try to stay up here as long as we can but its tremendous conditions and, one more thing, dennis, is that howling. The howling of the wind were hearing with more and more frequency. Almost a deep bellow. Like an angry old man. Hes yelling, you know, and its very, very chilling and its very disconcerting but well keep monitoring this, dennis and it is getting dramatic. Look at that. Dramatic reading there on the description of irma there at the stadium. In the meantime, as it rakes over florida it is leaving behind a trail of downed trees as well as crumpled buildings and plenty of flooded neighborhoods. Abcs tom llamas had a tough time staying on his feet as it hit ft. Myers. Take a look. You can see the winds. You can see the winds how powerful they are. It is going east to west and see the top of those palm trees right there and how theyre blowing. Hurricane irma shredding ft. Myers at this hour. Just behind me there was a stop sign of it was a metal stop sign. It was embedded in concrete. Its just been ripped out of the post and went flying behind me. Over here you can see its a whiteout. Very tough to see but you can see the line of the hurricane winds. Its an east to west wind. It is shredding those palm trees at this hour. Dave, i dont have a radar in front of me but i dont need one. Hurricane irma is right over us right now. We are a little more inland. Were a little more protected and a little concerned because theres a marina across from us right now and im concerned about the project ties so well move back inside but at this hour ft. Myers is getting absolutely ripped apart. Theres a curfew in effect at 8 00. It doesnt matter. You cant be in the streets right now. Tom llamas for us and ft. Myers, luckily things have caughted down. Well take you to the urgent effort to evacuate some of the most vulnerable animals in the storm zone including these flamingos. The Air National Guard couple who refused to let irma keep them from tying off their knot. How they pulled off their dream wedding next. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. 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It can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. Luckily theres powerful, 24hour, nondrowsy claritin. It provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. Live claritin clear. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Were looking at some of the power of irma captured at an Airport North of miami. Strong winds blew open a hangar and flipped a plane. Luckily no injuries reported. On floridas west coast, the hurricane pulled the water right out of tampa bay. An amazing scene. We have the scene described for us. Reporter it was really scary to see these pictures of both. Things that were underneath the water and here they were clearly exposed, people walking their dogs on what should have been and what was the bed of tampa bay. But the police did come and tell those people to get back on the sidewalk because once the wind changes direction the water comes right back in and that is where you get the actual storm surge. Yep. And it wasnt just the people who evacuated before irma struck. Some flamingo at Busch Gardens in tampa had to be relocated. You could see them marching two by two to a room where theyre riding out the storm among 12,000 animals at Busch Gardens sheltered before the storm. Receding water left a group of manatees high and dry. Wildlife officials moved them out to deeper water. Irma was no match for one couple determined to get married surrounded by soldiers and airmen from the Florida National guard. Senior airman laura and Michael Davis tied the knot at the Orange County convention center. Supposed to get hitched next week in jacksonville but decided to exchange vows while volunteering to help with response efforts. What a smart move and great theyre helping out. More news after this. 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Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications, to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. Increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur, especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners. Manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. May cause low sodium levels. The most common side effects were nausea, constipation and vomiting. Trintellix had no Significant Impact on weight in clinical trials. Ask your healthcare professional about trintellix. Good morning, bay area. This is abc 7 mornings. Youre up early on a monday coming up on 4 30, welcome. It is monday, september 11. Look who is here. It feels like ive been gone for months. Years. Back from vacation, good to see all of you guys. Welcome back. Were having a weird weather morning especially the south bay. Whats going on, mike . We have some thunderstorms that are collapsing down to our south and the air is being funneled through the valleys and its accelerating when it hits the valleys. Thats why were feeling breezy down there. Let me show you the winds over live doppler 7. Thunderstorms arent near us to give us rain but gusts at 37 at san jose. 25 in half moon bay. Theyll spread northward and slowly decelerate over the next hour or so. You can see kind of bouncing around. A look at your 12hour day planner. Another warm day on tap. 62 to 70. 70s and 80s at 9 00. 70s, 80s, and 90s at 4 00. 60s, 70s and 80s at 7 00. I dont have any watches or warnings from the Weather Service but sounds like you may have something from the police or whoever it is. Chp, yes. The official agency i think is what youre looking for, mike. They did just issue a high wind advisory for highway 17 around hamilton avenue, some pretty strong wind gusts in the area as mike was explaining, want to have both hands on the wheels if youre in a highprofile vehicle and be on lookout for debris as well hearing about small tree branches, some possible leaves and sticks and stuff like that in the area. Just be on the lookout for anything thats big you dont want to hit with your vehicle. We are hearing about Power Outages as well. We could have some dark stoplights this morning. Well take a look at drive times in a couple minutes. Thanks, alexis. We are continuing to follow Hurricane Irma. Well get to the latest in just a moment. First, more on that local weather were dealing with. Wind is knocking down trees. Mike k matt keller is live for us. Reporter very dangerous to be on the roads especially along the highway debris on the road and, in fact, we saw a lot of trees down, power lines are down, and were here on irving avenue. Theyre watching to make sure this line that was reported here in the area that was arcing is kept safe until pg e can get here and take care of it. A lot of Power Outages, as you said, 7,000 and counting here in the south bay from campbell, san jose, those are the major areas hit. Several thousand customers in those areas without power this morning. Take a look at this video from campbell. You can see they have a tree down there and they were using a tow truck to try to get that tree out of the area so when youre driving around, a lot of these crews are coming upon this type of debris in the middle of the roads talking about trees, about pine needles, piles of pine needles. Youve also got branches in the roads as well. In los gatos the winds were howling. We were on lark and 17 and a lot of debris. I saw a pg e crew out there. And a major issue as youre driving, major intersections in san jose, campbell, los gatos will be without power. You will see no lights there. A lot of times you come across it because the lights are out in the whole neighborhood that you will run right through the lights. Treat them as fourway stops and if you see traffic coming the other direction be careful. They may blow right through the stoplight so you want to be extra careful when youre driving in the south bay. Well be traveling around finding areas with trees and branches down. Just be aware you may be the first person to come across this type of debris

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