Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20170906 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20170906

police, ordered to the ground and restrained with such force he says he had trouble breathing. he writes all i could think was i'm going to die for no reason other than i'm black and my skin color is somehow a threat. when police realized who he was, they let him go. >> it's a tough situation for me. do i think every police officer is bad? no. do i believe there's some people that judge people on the color of their skin? i do believe that. >> bennett hired oakland base attorney and is considering filing a first of all civil rights lawsuit. >> i hope he thinks this becomes a lesson for other young people and this happens to them that they do have rights and also means, we hope, that other police officers will not be so quick to snatch someone off the street. >> what happened with michael is a classic illustration of the reality of inequalities that are demonstrated daily. >> seahawks coach said he's glad bennett is safe. they hope this incident brings about awareness and change. >> bennett refuses to stand for the national anthem to protest inequality and after this incident, he says he will continue pushing that message forward. live in the news room, abc 7 news. >> thank you. we have some breaking news just into the abc 7 news room. charles manson follower has just been granted parole. he was the youngest of the manson followers. only 19 years it's the 21st time he's appeared before a parole board. last year a similar panel granted her parole. that was overruled by governor brown. the governor has 120 days to review the decision again. a fatal shooting outside an apartment complex may have been totally random. they are looking for the gunman and asking the public to help. the shooting happened on busy story road. tiffany wilson has the latest. >> reporter: it was an uneasy morning for many families living in this apartment building off story road. >> i was surprised. >> reporter: as parents ushered their children to school, many couldn't help but discuss the violence at their doorstep last night. sbl somebody kill people. >> reporter: the shooting happened shortly after 9:00. >> it appears that th that th th wa r w was attacked randomly. >> reporter: the victim wads in his 30s. he rushed to the hospital where he died. >> me and my sister were like those are not fireworks. we assume they were shots. >> reporter: the suspect took off. >> does it make you nervous this happened so close? >> yeah. >> reporter: officers taped off a wide perimeter and blocked off part of story road. a crime scene cleaning crew scrubbed the sidewalk where it appears the victim was shot. >> the victim was not armed. we video not recovered a weapon. >> reporter: that means the suspect likely has the gun. >> we have very little information to go on. we're asking for the public to contact us with any bit of detail that they could offer that could help us solve this cri crime. >> reporter: neighbors say they have seen violence. one mer says she keeps her family safe by making sure everyone is inside by 8:00 at night. tiffany wilson, abc 7 news. federal and state authorities are looking for two inmates who just walked away from the federal prison camp in dublin. anna armstrong and irene mitchell left the minimum security facility at 7:15 on monday evening. both women were serving time on federal narcotics charges. armstrong received a five year sentence last march. mitchell was received to nine years back in 2014. a san francisco supervisor said the city's response to the record breaking heat wave last week was too slow and inadd k t inadequate. he wants to know why. >> reporter: he said he's going to find the answers when fact finding committee he meets on meets here at city hall in two weeks. every one knew it. it was going to be hot, really hot. the weather service warned on friday it would break records and the heat wave could continue saturday. >> the reality is san francisco was caught flat footed. the emergency activation center was not activated until friday night. long after we reached unprecedented temperatures. >> reporter: they want answers. among them why information about the city's cooling centers didn't go out to the public until friday night. >> they should have let people know far in advance where people could go to cool that city swimming pools were open for free. they should have done it in multiple languages. >> reporter: 911 dispatchers received more than 800 calls each of the two days. on an average day they get about 200 calls. that overwhelmed the response of balances. >> my understanding is that we had response times ranging as high as over an hour. some of them for transferring individuals from one hospital to another. some of them just to get calls for service at their place of residen residence, in excess of 20 minutes. >> reporter: mutual had was called from as far away as sacramento. they could not respond to our requests for interviews and time to meet our deadlines. a city hall source tells us the average responses for ambulances were all within acceptable timelines. it's vitally important to the people who live in san francisco who are expecting the big one. the big quake. >> thank you. what a difference a few days makes. it's unnearly as hot as it was. a live look from our mt. tam camera. it does feel a whole lot cooler. >> it felt like a hint of fall there. >> it's some falling droplets as well during the overnight hours. here is a look at live doppler 7. you can see the clouds especially thick over the south bay. there's lots of blue sky to be seen as evidenced by our kgo roof top camera looking out over the bay now. under some blue skies and partly cloudy, it's 72 in san francisco. 76 in oakland. low 80s at san jose and gilroy. check out this view from this angle. you can see some wispy little clouds moving in from the coast. it's 82 right new. napa 77. low to mid-80s in novato. here is the forecast animation. we may see a few drizzle drops overnight. note as we get into the early morning hours around the start of the morning commute we'll see a lot of moisture pushing on shore. some of it will produce some drizzle drops or light showers. mainly near the coast and the bay and over the higher elevations. i'll give you a look at the seven-day forecast in a few minutes. >> see you then. the valley bunion fire burning near homes in gilroy is 65% contained. they made significant improvement overnight. they believe it was started by kids playing with fireworks. so far it's burned 100 acres. five firefighters were hurt battling the ponderosa fire. one was hurt after inhaling hot gases. three others had various minor injuries. the fire started last week. more than 4,000 acres have burned and 32 homes were destroyed. the fire is now 93% contained. a settlement has been reached between san francisco city attorney and an immigration consulting firm that's accused of defrauding and misleading dozens of people seeking help. they will close its doors and pay $400,000 in restitution and civil penalties. in a statement city attorney said it's appalling the level of risks they placed clients in by charging excessive fees for work they could not perform. lacayo said he's been in business since 1987. he said we've been here for 31 years and never had any trouble with our clients. he's a long time leader in the san francisco republican assembly. he has said he believes the claims against him are politically motivated. the san francisco board of supervisors will hold a hearing in november on whether to rescind the controversial sale of a private street. you may remember the story. the homeowners association for residents want the city to rescind the sale of that street which was bought at auction in 2015 by a san jose couple. the association has filed a lawsuit. the homeowners became aware of the sale after they were contacted recently by the new owners. another hurricane is now heading to the florida coast. >> i've covered hurricanes for more than 25 years. this is unlike anything i've ever seen. >> the damage that's already causing the caribbean and the preparations under way right now here in the u.s. also with the bay area is doing to help people who are still suffering in the aftermath of hurricane harvey. mail thieves show up at a bay area hotel. the app just let them walk into a room. our first live look at the afternoon commute. this is the view of the skyway in downtown san francisco. oncoming traffic trying to get to the lower deck of the bay bridge. that's been jammed up. right side is arguably worse which is unusual. that's the crowd trying to get to 101 south and points beyond. a crawl this both directions. u.s. toast ppostal inspecto in the process of returning mail. >> they were found at the hampton inn in brentwood. >> reporter: brentwood police say the mail thieves used a hilton honors digital key app to check in and get into their room without having to stop at the front desk for a key. the hilton digital key app allows people to check in and use their phones as the room key apology a bluetooth access code. >> i gave you the key when we were leaving the room. >> i gave it to you at the pool. >> did he just use his phone? >> reporter: hilton advertises the convenience at thousands of hotel. >> there's an anonymity involved if you don't have to show your face at the front counter and show any type of information that matches that identification. it could pose a problem as we're seeing here. >> reporter: on august 9th, police say hotel staff found hundreds of pieces of stolen mail stuffed into pillow cases after the ouk occupants of the roof checked out. the mail was stolen from concord addresses. brentwood police turned the case over to the u.s. postal inspector's office in oakland. ail theft is a federal offense. information leading to an arrest includes a $10,000 reward. this is the same hotel where earlier in the summer 17 cars had their passenger windows smashed and the cars were ransacked in a single night. >> i feel like people could get away with using the app because you're not up there personally talking to people. >> reporter: mail theft is not only increasing in the bay area but statewide in urban, suburban and rural areas. they urge people to report the thefts not only to their post office but to local police departments. a bart board director is calling for a full audit of a free ride benefit to an employee. board member debra allen wants a full accounting of how much the rides are costing the district and wants to rein in who gets a ride for free. bart handed out 3.5 million dollars in free rides last year. >> when you're an agency that's consistently looking for money to fill your budget and balance your budget, you have to make harder decisions and i think the free passes is a good example. >> the free rides for employees and their family are negotiated into the union contract. the algency says the free passe don't cost the system anymore money because the cost of running the trains will be the same. listen to that. hurricane irma makes its way toward florida, efforts are under way to get people and animals out of harms way. >> you're looking at video from st. marten where the eye passed over the area. >> that is a frightening sound. i had to check my ear piece. you might have heard of tony larusa's animal rescue or arf. it was founded by the former a's player. today the animal charity is preparing its walnut creek facility to receive phundreds o pets. the animals will start flying in tomorrow. the florida shelter is trying the make room for an expected onslaught of animals from people who have to flee irma but can't take their pets. they will need lots of lanrge crates, medical supplies and rooms. >> we are offering free adoption on our animals so we can make additional room and accommodations for the animals that will be coming in. >> the bay area is already home to hundreds of pets flown in from the houston area this week in the wake of hurricane harvey. they are settling in now and undergoing health checks. many will soon be available to adopt. they have this donation page up and we have a link on our website. >> nice of them to help. three bay area food banks are send to houston. they are packing up 40,000 pounds of water, canned goods and snack items. the director of food sourcing is also going to houston to help the food bank there deal with the large amount of donations it's getting. >> right now the biggest need in houston is the fact they have so many food donations coming in. that's my role here at the food bank is handling that inbound. i'm like perfectly suited for the challenges they are having right pallets of food to ship to houston. hand in hand a benefit for hurricane harvey relief airs next tuesday at 8:00. spencer christian rejoins us. they may need help from irma as well. that thing is gigantic. hour. category 5. major storm. it could wreak havoc with the east coast and as it's doing right now. here is a look at our weather. live doppler 7 showing a few clouds around the bay area. calm conditions. still a little humid out there. we may get drizzle or light showers during the overnight hours. this is the view at the golden gate bridge. these are our forecast features. showers are possible through the morning hours and even into tomorrow afternoon. the warm up begins over the weekend. inland temps hay nmay not hit 1. here is a look at the overnight conditions. we'll see showers approach the coastline. forecast shows light showers near the coastline and perhaps over the peninsula. maybe even across the bay in the early morning hours as the morning commute begins. then later in the day we'll see the showers dissipating. a few clouds will linger. highs tomorrow will range from mid-60s at the coast to low and mid-70s around the bay. we'll see a few low 80s in the warmest inland locations and the chance of showers will diminish. looking ahead to friday, it will be cooler than average. it will also be less humid so it will feel less comfortable. the warm up begins. we'll see high temperatures in the inland areas. that's better than hundreds. let's take a look at this dangerous storm. hurricane irma which has pounded many of the islands in the cr caribbean. category 5 . maximum sustained winds. still as a category 5 hurricane before turning north ward up toward miami and south florida on sunday afternoon. it will hit coastal georgia by monday afternoon and go up along the carolina coastline. that may be followed by hurricane jose which is further out to sea right now but is developing strength as well. once again chance of showers overnight. then becoming partly sunny by afternoon. not so muggy on friday. still cooler than average. warming up over the weekend. the warmth will hold through monday before it starts to taper off on tuesday and wednesday. >> all right. thank you, spencer. heading to the dance floor now. the celebrities who will be vying for that championship mirror ball trophy. spider man to the rescue. the unusual help after a crash in thailand. a new class of celebrities will put their dance skills to the test on dancing with the stars. >> reporter: it kicks off september 18th. the cups that will sashay just ve revealed there morning. they told us the competition will be fierce. >> if you think any of those young chicks have anything on me, you're mistaken. i'm going to get the sympathy vote. >> reporter: drew scott is about to get married. >> i don't want to be unkoor uncoordinated. >> reporter: already competing nick and vanessa lachay. >> every woman's guilty pleasure is to ballroom dance but with this guy. >> reporter: does he think his boy band experience will be a help? >> i never thought that. it was more of this thing. a little rocking back to this thing. >> reporter: the contestant who may take home the mirror ball for the most inspiring story. victoria after ten years in a wheelchair just began to walk a year ago. >> i really have this kind of decision i made a long tieme ag to live fiercelily. i was like i'm going to go for it. >> reporter: her partner is just inspiring. >> i want to focus on her and her journey and making this a unique experience. >> reporter: new this season, you can play along with the show with dancing first ever official fantasy league. all the details and list of the entire new cast is on abc news, new york. >> she didn't talk about the athletes. terrell owens. you have derick fisher. dancing with stars returns monday on abc 7. a paternity test has determined that salvador dali is not the father of a woman who claimed she had part to his estate. she claimed he had an affair with her mother in the late 1950s. it's happy the quote absurd claim has been resolved. preparations under way right now as the largest storm ever to form in the atlantic heads toward florida. >> gas is running out everywhere right now. >> costco sold out of water. >> the rush on food and gas and why it could be an even bigger problem as another hurricane is following right behind this one. a plan to help victims of hurricane harvey is approved but there was a surprising twist. we'll have details coming up. here are the stories making headlines at 4:30. seattle seahawks defensive end michael bennett has filed suit against the las vegas metropolitan police department accusing officers of racial profiling and excess iive force. the super bowl champ has an officer held a gun to his head for no reason. look at this video tweeted by abc world news tonight of hurricane irma's impact in puerto rico. palm trees are bending as the powerful category 5 storm churned toward puerto rico. many airlines are adding flights out of florida in anticipation of irma's landfall. the hurricane is one of the strongest the atlantic ocean has ever seen. maggie is live with the latest. >> the national hurricane center is calling irma potentially catastrophic if those images we're seeing out of the caribbean are showing such devastation. hurricane irma is barrelling on as a category 5. one of the strongest the atlantic ocean has ever seen. the storm is bearing down on puerto rico. an island that hasn't seen this storm of magnitude in a hundred years. >> i've covered hurricanes for more than 25 years, this is unlike anything i've seen. >> reporter: they are bracing for the worst having seen the path of devastation irma already left behind in the caribbean. >> this is nature at its most fierce. >> we're on the sixth floor. the flooding is kind of amazing because the wind and rain are just bringing it through the sliding doors. >> reporter: now the u.s. is bracing for irma with florida preparing for a direct hit saturday afternoon. right now miami sits in bulls eye. desperate for supplies, they are running out of necessities. >> they told us they don't have water. i'm going pick up some other items to get prepared for the storm. >> reporter: 25% of gas stations are already out of gas. >> gas is running out everywhere right now. i'm just a little too lite trying to get it. >> reporter: lines for water are wrapping around the block. >> i went to costco, they sold out of water. >> reporter: homeowners are scrambling to board up windows. at least 150,000 are under mandatory evacuations. the latest path for irma has the storm moving up the coast after florida and slamming into the carolinas. experts stress this storm is still 48 hours or many away from hitting the u.s. so these projections are just best guesses. >> maggie, what is the governor of florida been saying? >> so far governor scott has come out again and again stressing the seriousness of the storm calling it catastrophic. urging people to pay attention and evacuate if they are asked. he even went back in time a bit reminding floridans about hurricane andrew saying 25 years ago it was one of the worst storms to hit by irma is expected to be worse. he's doing what he can. take the storm seriously. >> it could be worst than andrew. take a look at hurricane irma as seen. astronauts posted this video of the hurricane as it made landfall in the caribbean today. incredible. right behind irma is jose which just officially became a hurricane this afternoon. it's far away from land. another storm has just formed in the gulf off the coast of mexico. the number of families asking for fema money after harvey inundated southeast texas has increased to more than 573,000. the first intallment of harvey aid moved forward in congress. the overwhelm of representatives passed $8 billion in hurricane harvey disaster relief by a 419-3 vote. the package goes on to the senate. supporters hope it will reach president trump by the end of the week. the bill will contain a resolution to increase the debt ceiling until december 15th. nancy pelosi and charles schumer proposed the plan and in rare instance of bipartisan president trump announced his support while aboard air force one. >> we came to a deal and i think the deal will be very good. we had a very cordial and professional meeting. >> the agreement came during a white house meeting with congressional leaders and house speaker paul ryan blasted the democrat plan. >> i think it's ridiculous and disgraceful they want to play politics with the debt ceiling at this moment when we have fellow citizens in need to respond to these hurricanes so that we do not strand them. >> ryan and republican leaders had supported a plan to tie the aide package to a debt ceiling in crease through 2019 but conservatives refused to support that idea. now to the backlash and call to action after president trump announced an end to daca. >> 15 states and washington, d.c. have filed suit against the trump administration over the plan to end protections for young immigrants. >> reporter: protests across the country. politicians past and present condemning the move. >> it's a despicable act of political cowardess. >> reporter: it means an end of legal status for 800,000 young people brought to the u.s. as children leaving them at risk of deportation. president trump giving congress six months to come up with a solution. the democrats ready for a fight to protect the dreamers. >> if a clean dream act does not come to the floor in september. we're prepared to attach it to other items this fall until it passes. >> reporter: both sides ready to act as the future of hundreds of thousands of families hangs in the balance. >> i'm going to be sent back to kaun t a country that i've never been to. >> reporter: president trump expressed confidence in congress when it comes to daca saying i really believe they want to take care of it. donald trump junior heads to capitol hill tomorrow to answer questions about whether the trump campaigncolluded with russia. russia's foreign minister says the country will file a lawsuit over the seizure of its diplomatic properties in the u.s. including one in san francisco. facilities in new york and washington, d.c. were shut down. they are confident in the legality of the closures. police in georgia shot and killed a tiger roaming around a suburb in atlanta. several people called 911 this morning after spotting it on a highway and then in neighborhood. the tiger was a former performer in the circus that ended this year. failed entertainment that operated the service say susie was being driven from florida to tennessee. police say officers were forced to shoot after the tiger attacked a dog. take a look at this video from outside of thailand. there's a motorcyclists and then there is spider man running down the middle of the street. he's in costume. police say he's a local flower vendor who wears the spiedser man costume every day. he is still holding flowers when he ran over to check. a california highway will soon get a new name. some changes coming to an east bay bart station and could cause big problems for commuters. ask finney is just ahead. i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. just post them with the hashtag a ask finney. we see clouds getting a little bit thicker and lower in the sky now. showers might be on the way. i'll have the forecast coming up i'll have the forecast coming up as abc 7 news (con artists...) they'll try anything to get your medicare card number. so they can steal your identity, commit medicare fraud. what can you do? guard your card? guard your card? just like your credit card. nobody gets my number, unless i know they should have it. to protect your identity, new medicare cards without social security numbers will be mailed next year. visit stay sharp people! food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. state lawmakers have approved a plan to name a freeway for barack obama. the eagle rock section of l.a. will be known as the president barack h. obama highway. he used the highway to travel to classes in l.a. sarah huckabee sanders was on the view today defending president trump. she sat next to her father, former arkansas governor mike huckabee. things got heated when asked how they could support a president who made demeaning remarks about women. sanders says she's always felt respected in the president's company. she blames the media for cherry picking his statements. he said it impacts his ability to succeed. >> i think america should want him to skds. he's the president. we should be championing for his success because his success is america's success. >> you're exactly correct. >> you can watch the view weekdays at 10:00 a.m. right here on abc 7. the sun released to powerful solar flares today. it's the most powerful in more than a decade. they erupted from an active region of the sun's surface. officials say the flares resulted in radio blackouts in some areas and also degraded low frequency communications for about an hour. on the positive side, the solar storm will make the northern lights visible into the northern most u.s. states. as we get into the nighttime hours and other night we may see showers mainly near the coast. they could move beyond the coast and out over the bay into some of the higher terrain. overnight lows will be in m mid-60s. tomorrow will have lingering clouds. possibly early morning showers. it will be mild and humid near the coast especially. highs will range from mid to upper 60s at the coast to low and mid-70s around the bay to low 80s in our inland area. over the next seven days we'll see a bump in temperatures especially over the weekend. here is the seven-day forecast high temperature trend for san jose. notice for the next couple of days high temperatures will be a few degrees below aver rw avera. to 90 on sunday which will be the warmest day for most of bay area in the next seven days and temperature won't drop off much on monday. here is the accuweather seven-day forecast. many locations inland will be warmer than what i showed at san jose. some locations will reach upper 90s to close to 100 on sunday and will hold in the mid to 90s. the cooling continue sbos into middle of next week. >> all right. we can handle a little bump. the post office says it's hurting. you could end up paying the price. why stamps could soon skyrocket to 60 cents a piece. if you're heading out on vacation. you might be looking at travel insurance. we'll be talking about that coming up next in ask finney. > stamp prices could be skyrocketing. the u.s. postal service is looking to boost prices by nearly 20%. the price of a first class stamp could jump from 49 cents to 60 cents. it's an effort to avoid bankruptcy and improve delivery service. this would be the biggest one time increase this the u.s. postal service history. a decision from the postal regulatory commission is expected within weeks. a new stanford university study paints an interesting picture of online shopping habits. when choosing between two products customers favor items with more reviews even if the more reviewed product is of lower quality. researchers questioned 130 people. they say the results show people seem to have a belief that popularity is good and are willing to use that as an important cue when making decisions. >> i wonder what all these people will say about this. adidas cashing in on a shoe design specifically for oktoberfest. it's marketing it as beer and vomit proof. it's called the munchin. it's labelled with the word prost which is german for cheers. seems a lot of people are buying it. the shoe costs $237. already sold out. i wonder what the reviews are. >> apparently doesn't matter. they are buying in. time for ask finney. michael finney is here answering questions sent to him through facebook and twitter. >> what people do every day. it just boggles my mind. >> charles asks i'm planning for an extended vacation and wanted to get your thoughts on travel insurance. can it worth purchasing in. >> absolutely. if you have an expensive trip planned, the coverage is important. coverage for delays and lost luggage. the really important part is getting and paying for medical attention during overseas emergencies. once you're stable, getting you home. you will lose the vacation and insurance. there will be a huge gap and get home. >> a few have asked for the last f four digits of my social security. can they do that? >> it's completely legal. it's common for businesses to ask for the last four numbers of your social security number. it helps them verify accounts to make sure you are the account holder or have permission to access the account before disseminating information or making changes. if you're worried you can ask companies. instead set up a personal identification numbers. some of them will say yes. most of the people you talk to have no idea what you're talk about. >> i'd ask them, give me your social security number and we'll talk. >> most of my doctors office when they would ask for them, i'd go it's 0000. >> kathryn from san francisco asked on facebook what level of electricity must a house hoeltd maintain to not be charged more for using less. >> that's great question. this could really save you money. with your electricity provider, pg&e where you live, the less you use, the less you pay. it offers two pricing levels or tiers. it's based on how much energy you use. the first year is called your baseline allowance. consisting of an allotment for energy based on where you live. energy use below the baseline amount is billed at a lower rate than energy used over the baseline. thank people with really big houses for that one. it's all spelled out on the pg&e website. i'll post a link. you can check it out if you want to look at it yourself. if you have a question for me, you can record a 10 to 15 second long video. share it on social media. you can reach me through facebook and on mcdonald's announced it will sell bottle mccafe gridrinks in supermarkets. they will bring flee flavors of the mccafe drinks to stores. starbucks has sold bottled frapuc frapuccinos for years. how about a new take on chocolate. it not only tastes different, it looks different. swiss scientists have invente a new chocolate called ruby. it has a reddish new chocolate comes 80 years after white chocolate was introduced to the market. bart lays the ground work for a transit hub in walnut creek. how it could mean a big inconvenience for some riders. we have what's ahead on abc 7 news at 5:00. >> new at 5:00. there's still one deer left. >> a woman cannot believe what happened to family of deer. one man is arrested. his pellet gun now held as evidence. apple allows thieves to bypass thieves checking in at the front desk. what they left behind that unleashed an investigation. a suspect slips her handcuffs in the back of a police car. the crazy incident caught on camera. primetime tonight. the goldbergs followed by speechless, modern family and american housewife. catch abc 7 news at 11:00. today unveiled aunveiled aue transit village. >> it could be a big headache for riders. abc 7 news reporter has the details. >> reporter: ask anyone at the walnut street wart station about parking and you'll hear about the need for more. >> we need more. i have to pay $8$85 a month for one of the garages neighboring the station. my husband does the same. we can't get bart parking. >> i would not be biking if they had extra parking garage for sure. that will be great for people involvement. . >> reporter: bart says relief is on the way. at a press conference bart board members described plans for a new parking garage and a new transit village. the garage will add 100 new parking spots. it will be new restaurants and shops and 600 apartment units. some computers wonder how all those people will fit on trains. >> i think the train is already crowded. unless they add more trains, more frequently, i think it will be tough for commuters of bart. >> reporter: bart says it's hard to estimate what this will do to ridership. they are still a few years out. the parking garage will be the first priority. with construction starting this weekend bart officials want to emphasize one key point to commuters. >> when the construction work begins, we're going to do everything we can to mitigate the impacts. no matter what happens we're going to have the same number of spaces available at the walnut skreek station throughout this process. >> reporter: the number that's available today will be available next month will be available next year. >> reporter: the parking garage is scheduled to be completed by the end of next year. it will be a welcome relief. this parking garage is usually full by 7:00 a.m. every >> thank you for joining us. abc 7 news at 5:00 starts right now. they're only crime was eating vegetation. >> but that vegetation was on private property and the man who owns it has a gun. he's now under arrest for killing a fawn and its mother. a noose is found outside a high school. police are called in as the hateful symbol is taken away. what was found inside three pillow cases to bring inspectors to a brentwood hotel. the youngest of charles manson followers is granted parole. a shocking crime in the north bay. >> man is in trouble after police say he shot and killed a deer and her fawn that were eating plants on his property. we have details this story tonight. >> reporter: really troubling story. we're not far from the home where it happened. a lot of neighbors understandably very upset tonight. police say the man who shot the animals is out of jail now facing possible animal cruelty charges. >> i think it's absolutely outrageous. >> reporter: linda have been taking pictures of a doe and two fawns for weeks. they believe it's one of these fawns and its mother that were shot and killed by their neighborhood on saturday. >> i think it's outrageous that a person would do that to innocent, non-harming creatures. >> we got a call from a resident about somebody described sneaking around the street with a flashlight. >> reporter: officers showed up and found a homeowner who said deer had been eating his new landscaping. a gruesome sight. >> discovered two deer. one that was dead and one that

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20170906

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police, ordered to the ground and restrained with such force he says he had trouble breathing. he writes all i could think was i'm going to die for no reason other than i'm black and my skin color is somehow a threat. when police realized who he was, they let him go. >> it's a tough situation for me. do i think every police officer is bad? no. do i believe there's some people that judge people on the color of their skin? i do believe that. >> bennett hired oakland base attorney and is considering filing a first of all civil rights lawsuit. >> i hope he thinks this becomes a lesson for other young people and this happens to them that they do have rights and also means, we hope, that other police officers will not be so quick to snatch someone off the street. >> what happened with michael is a classic illustration of the reality of inequalities that are demonstrated daily. >> seahawks coach said he's glad bennett is safe. they hope this incident brings about awareness and change. >> bennett refuses to stand for the national anthem to protest inequality and after this incident, he says he will continue pushing that message forward. live in the news room, abc 7 news. >> thank you. we have some breaking news just into the abc 7 news room. charles manson follower has just been granted parole. he was the youngest of the manson followers. only 19 years it's the 21st time he's appeared before a parole board. last year a similar panel granted her parole. that was overruled by governor brown. the governor has 120 days to review the decision again. a fatal shooting outside an apartment complex may have been totally random. they are looking for the gunman and asking the public to help. the shooting happened on busy story road. tiffany wilson has the latest. >> reporter: it was an uneasy morning for many families living in this apartment building off story road. >> i was surprised. >> reporter: as parents ushered their children to school, many couldn't help but discuss the violence at their doorstep last night. sbl somebody kill people. >> reporter: the shooting happened shortly after 9:00. >> it appears that th that th th wa r w was attacked randomly. >> reporter: the victim wads in his 30s. he rushed to the hospital where he died. >> me and my sister were like those are not fireworks. we assume they were shots. >> reporter: the suspect took off. >> does it make you nervous this happened so close? >> yeah. >> reporter: officers taped off a wide perimeter and blocked off part of story road. a crime scene cleaning crew scrubbed the sidewalk where it appears the victim was shot. >> the victim was not armed. we video not recovered a weapon. >> reporter: that means the suspect likely has the gun. >> we have very little information to go on. we're asking for the public to contact us with any bit of detail that they could offer that could help us solve this cri crime. >> reporter: neighbors say they have seen violence. one mer says she keeps her family safe by making sure everyone is inside by 8:00 at night. tiffany wilson, abc 7 news. federal and state authorities are looking for two inmates who just walked away from the federal prison camp in dublin. anna armstrong and irene mitchell left the minimum security facility at 7:15 on monday evening. both women were serving time on federal narcotics charges. armstrong received a five year sentence last march. mitchell was received to nine years back in 2014. a san francisco supervisor said the city's response to the record breaking heat wave last week was too slow and inadd k t inadequate. he wants to know why. >> reporter: he said he's going to find the answers when fact finding committee he meets on meets here at city hall in two weeks. every one knew it. it was going to be hot, really hot. the weather service warned on friday it would break records and the heat wave could continue saturday. >> the reality is san francisco was caught flat footed. the emergency activation center was not activated until friday night. long after we reached unprecedented temperatures. >> reporter: they want answers. among them why information about the city's cooling centers didn't go out to the public until friday night. >> they should have let people know far in advance where people could go to cool that city swimming pools were open for free. they should have done it in multiple languages. >> reporter: 911 dispatchers received more than 800 calls each of the two days. on an average day they get about 200 calls. that overwhelmed the response of balances. >> my understanding is that we had response times ranging as high as over an hour. some of them for transferring individuals from one hospital to another. some of them just to get calls for service at their place of residen residence, in excess of 20 minutes. >> reporter: mutual had was called from as far away as sacramento. they could not respond to our requests for interviews and time to meet our deadlines. a city hall source tells us the average responses for ambulances were all within acceptable timelines. it's vitally important to the people who live in san francisco who are expecting the big one. the big quake. >> thank you. what a difference a few days makes. it's unnearly as hot as it was. a live look from our mt. tam camera. it does feel a whole lot cooler. >> it felt like a hint of fall there. >> it's some falling droplets as well during the overnight hours. here is a look at live doppler 7. you can see the clouds especially thick over the south bay. there's lots of blue sky to be seen as evidenced by our kgo roof top camera looking out over the bay now. under some blue skies and partly cloudy, it's 72 in san francisco. 76 in oakland. low 80s at san jose and gilroy. check out this view from this angle. you can see some wispy little clouds moving in from the coast. it's 82 right new. napa 77. low to mid-80s in novato. here is the forecast animation. we may see a few drizzle drops overnight. note as we get into the early morning hours around the start of the morning commute we'll see a lot of moisture pushing on shore. some of it will produce some drizzle drops or light showers. mainly near the coast and the bay and over the higher elevations. i'll give you a look at the seven-day forecast in a few minutes. >> see you then. the valley bunion fire burning near homes in gilroy is 65% contained. they made significant improvement overnight. they believe it was started by kids playing with fireworks. so far it's burned 100 acres. five firefighters were hurt battling the ponderosa fire. one was hurt after inhaling hot gases. three others had various minor injuries. the fire started last week. more than 4,000 acres have burned and 32 homes were destroyed. the fire is now 93% contained. a settlement has been reached between san francisco city attorney and an immigration consulting firm that's accused of defrauding and misleading dozens of people seeking help. they will close its doors and pay $400,000 in restitution and civil penalties. in a statement city attorney said it's appalling the level of risks they placed clients in by charging excessive fees for work they could not perform. lacayo said he's been in business since 1987. he said we've been here for 31 years and never had any trouble with our clients. he's a long time leader in the san francisco republican assembly. he has said he believes the claims against him are politically motivated. the san francisco board of supervisors will hold a hearing in november on whether to rescind the controversial sale of a private street. you may remember the story. the homeowners association for residents want the city to rescind the sale of that street which was bought at auction in 2015 by a san jose couple. the association has filed a lawsuit. the homeowners became aware of the sale after they were contacted recently by the new owners. another hurricane is now heading to the florida coast. >> i've covered hurricanes for more than 25 years. this is unlike anything i've ever seen. >> the damage that's already causing the caribbean and the preparations under way right now here in the u.s. also with the bay area is doing to help people who are still suffering in the aftermath of hurricane harvey. mail thieves show up at a bay area hotel. the app just let them walk into a room. our first live look at the afternoon commute. this is the view of the skyway in downtown san francisco. oncoming traffic trying to get to the lower deck of the bay bridge. that's been jammed up. right side is arguably worse which is unusual. that's the crowd trying to get to 101 south and points beyond. a crawl this both directions. u.s. toast ppostal inspecto in the process of returning mail. >> they were found at the hampton inn in brentwood. >> reporter: brentwood police say the mail thieves used a hilton honors digital key app to check in and get into their room without having to stop at the front desk for a key. the hilton digital key app allows people to check in and use their phones as the room key apology a bluetooth access code. >> i gave you the key when we were leaving the room. >> i gave it to you at the pool. >> did he just use his phone? >> reporter: hilton advertises the convenience at thousands of hotel. >> there's an anonymity involved if you don't have to show your face at the front counter and show any type of information that matches that identification. it could pose a problem as we're seeing here. >> reporter: on august 9th, police say hotel staff found hundreds of pieces of stolen mail stuffed into pillow cases after the ouk occupants of the roof checked out. the mail was stolen from concord addresses. brentwood police turned the case over to the u.s. postal inspector's office in oakland. ail theft is a federal offense. information leading to an arrest includes a $10,000 reward. this is the same hotel where earlier in the summer 17 cars had their passenger windows smashed and the cars were ransacked in a single night. >> i feel like people could get away with using the app because you're not up there personally talking to people. >> reporter: mail theft is not only increasing in the bay area but statewide in urban, suburban and rural areas. they urge people to report the thefts not only to their post office but to local police departments. a bart board director is calling for a full audit of a free ride benefit to an employee. board member debra allen wants a full accounting of how much the rides are costing the district and wants to rein in who gets a ride for free. bart handed out 3.5 million dollars in free rides last year. >> when you're an agency that's consistently looking for money to fill your budget and balance your budget, you have to make harder decisions and i think the free passes is a good example. >> the free rides for employees and their family are negotiated into the union contract. the algency says the free passe don't cost the system anymore money because the cost of running the trains will be the same. listen to that. hurricane irma makes its way toward florida, efforts are under way to get people and animals out of harms way. >> you're looking at video from st. marten where the eye passed over the area. >> that is a frightening sound. i had to check my ear piece. you might have heard of tony larusa's animal rescue or arf. it was founded by the former a's player. today the animal charity is preparing its walnut creek facility to receive phundreds o pets. the animals will start flying in tomorrow. the florida shelter is trying the make room for an expected onslaught of animals from people who have to flee irma but can't take their pets. they will need lots of lanrge crates, medical supplies and rooms. >> we are offering free adoption on our animals so we can make additional room and accommodations for the animals that will be coming in. >> the bay area is already home to hundreds of pets flown in from the houston area this week in the wake of hurricane harvey. they are settling in now and undergoing health checks. many will soon be available to adopt. they have this donation page up and we have a link on our website. >> nice of them to help. three bay area food banks are send to houston. they are packing up 40,000 pounds of water, canned goods and snack items. the director of food sourcing is also going to houston to help the food bank there deal with the large amount of donations it's getting. >> right now the biggest need in houston is the fact they have so many food donations coming in. that's my role here at the food bank is handling that inbound. i'm like perfectly suited for the challenges they are having right pallets of food to ship to houston. hand in hand a benefit for hurricane harvey relief airs next tuesday at 8:00. spencer christian rejoins us. they may need help from irma as well. that thing is gigantic. hour. category 5. major storm. it could wreak havoc with the east coast and as it's doing right now. here is a look at our weather. live doppler 7 showing a few clouds around the bay area. calm conditions. still a little humid out there. we may get drizzle or light showers during the overnight hours. this is the view at the golden gate bridge. these are our forecast features. showers are possible through the morning hours and even into tomorrow afternoon. the warm up begins over the weekend. inland temps hay nmay not hit 1. here is a look at the overnight conditions. we'll see showers approach the coastline. forecast shows light showers near the coastline and perhaps over the peninsula. maybe even across the bay in the early morning hours as the morning commute begins. then later in the day we'll see the showers dissipating. a few clouds will linger. highs tomorrow will range from mid-60s at the coast to low and mid-70s around the bay. we'll see a few low 80s in the warmest inland locations and the chance of showers will diminish. looking ahead to friday, it will be cooler than average. it will also be less humid so it will feel less comfortable. the warm up begins. we'll see high temperatures in the inland areas. that's better than hundreds. let's take a look at this dangerous storm. hurricane irma which has pounded many of the islands in the cr caribbean. category 5 . maximum sustained winds. still as a category 5 hurricane before turning north ward up toward miami and south florida on sunday afternoon. it will hit coastal georgia by monday afternoon and go up along the carolina coastline. that may be followed by hurricane jose which is further out to sea right now but is developing strength as well. once again chance of showers overnight. then becoming partly sunny by afternoon. not so muggy on friday. still cooler than average. warming up over the weekend. the warmth will hold through monday before it starts to taper off on tuesday and wednesday. >> all right. thank you, spencer. heading to the dance floor now. the celebrities who will be vying for that championship mirror ball trophy. spider man to the rescue. the unusual help after a crash in thailand. a new class of celebrities will put their dance skills to the test on dancing with the stars. >> reporter: it kicks off september 18th. the cups that will sashay just ve revealed there morning. they told us the competition will be fierce. >> if you think any of those young chicks have anything on me, you're mistaken. i'm going to get the sympathy vote. >> reporter: drew scott is about to get married. >> i don't want to be unkoor uncoordinated. >> reporter: already competing nick and vanessa lachay. >> every woman's guilty pleasure is to ballroom dance but with this guy. >> reporter: does he think his boy band experience will be a help? >> i never thought that. it was more of this thing. a little rocking back to this thing. >> reporter: the contestant who may take home the mirror ball for the most inspiring story. victoria after ten years in a wheelchair just began to walk a year ago. >> i really have this kind of decision i made a long tieme ag to live fiercelily. i was like i'm going to go for it. >> reporter: her partner is just inspiring. >> i want to focus on her and her journey and making this a unique experience. >> reporter: new this season, you can play along with the show with dancing first ever official fantasy league. all the details and list of the entire new cast is on abc news, new york. >> she didn't talk about the athletes. terrell owens. you have derick fisher. dancing with stars returns monday on abc 7. a paternity test has determined that salvador dali is not the father of a woman who claimed she had part to his estate. she claimed he had an affair with her mother in the late 1950s. it's happy the quote absurd claim has been resolved. preparations under way right now as the largest storm ever to form in the atlantic heads toward florida. >> gas is running out everywhere right now. >> costco sold out of water. >> the rush on food and gas and why it could be an even bigger problem as another hurricane is following right behind this one. a plan to help victims of hurricane harvey is approved but there was a surprising twist. we'll have details coming up. here are the stories making headlines at 4:30. seattle seahawks defensive end michael bennett has filed suit against the las vegas metropolitan police department accusing officers of racial profiling and excess iive force. the super bowl champ has an officer held a gun to his head for no reason. look at this video tweeted by abc world news tonight of hurricane irma's impact in puerto rico. palm trees are bending as the powerful category 5 storm churned toward puerto rico. many airlines are adding flights out of florida in anticipation of irma's landfall. the hurricane is one of the strongest the atlantic ocean has ever seen. maggie is live with the latest. >> the national hurricane center is calling irma potentially catastrophic if those images we're seeing out of the caribbean are showing such devastation. hurricane irma is barrelling on as a category 5. one of the strongest the atlantic ocean has ever seen. the storm is bearing down on puerto rico. an island that hasn't seen this storm of magnitude in a hundred years. >> i've covered hurricanes for more than 25 years, this is unlike anything i've seen. >> reporter: they are bracing for the worst having seen the path of devastation irma already left behind in the caribbean. >> this is nature at its most fierce. >> we're on the sixth floor. the flooding is kind of amazing because the wind and rain are just bringing it through the sliding doors. >> reporter: now the u.s. is bracing for irma with florida preparing for a direct hit saturday afternoon. right now miami sits in bulls eye. desperate for supplies, they are running out of necessities. >> they told us they don't have water. i'm going pick up some other items to get prepared for the storm. >> reporter: 25% of gas stations are already out of gas. >> gas is running out everywhere right now. i'm just a little too lite trying to get it. >> reporter: lines for water are wrapping around the block. >> i went to costco, they sold out of water. >> reporter: homeowners are scrambling to board up windows. at least 150,000 are under mandatory evacuations. the latest path for irma has the storm moving up the coast after florida and slamming into the carolinas. experts stress this storm is still 48 hours or many away from hitting the u.s. so these projections are just best guesses. >> maggie, what is the governor of florida been saying? >> so far governor scott has come out again and again stressing the seriousness of the storm calling it catastrophic. urging people to pay attention and evacuate if they are asked. he even went back in time a bit reminding floridans about hurricane andrew saying 25 years ago it was one of the worst storms to hit by irma is expected to be worse. he's doing what he can. take the storm seriously. >> it could be worst than andrew. take a look at hurricane irma as seen. astronauts posted this video of the hurricane as it made landfall in the caribbean today. incredible. right behind irma is jose which just officially became a hurricane this afternoon. it's far away from land. another storm has just formed in the gulf off the coast of mexico. the number of families asking for fema money after harvey inundated southeast texas has increased to more than 573,000. the first intallment of harvey aid moved forward in congress. the overwhelm of representatives passed $8 billion in hurricane harvey disaster relief by a 419-3 vote. the package goes on to the senate. supporters hope it will reach president trump by the end of the week. the bill will contain a resolution to increase the debt ceiling until december 15th. nancy pelosi and charles schumer proposed the plan and in rare instance of bipartisan president trump announced his support while aboard air force one. >> we came to a deal and i think the deal will be very good. we had a very cordial and professional meeting. >> the agreement came during a white house meeting with congressional leaders and house speaker paul ryan blasted the democrat plan. >> i think it's ridiculous and disgraceful they want to play politics with the debt ceiling at this moment when we have fellow citizens in need to respond to these hurricanes so that we do not strand them. >> ryan and republican leaders had supported a plan to tie the aide package to a debt ceiling in crease through 2019 but conservatives refused to support that idea. now to the backlash and call to action after president trump announced an end to daca. >> 15 states and washington, d.c. have filed suit against the trump administration over the plan to end protections for young immigrants. >> reporter: protests across the country. politicians past and present condemning the move. >> it's a despicable act of political cowardess. >> reporter: it means an end of legal status for 800,000 young people brought to the u.s. as children leaving them at risk of deportation. president trump giving congress six months to come up with a solution. the democrats ready for a fight to protect the dreamers. >> if a clean dream act does not come to the floor in september. we're prepared to attach it to other items this fall until it passes. >> reporter: both sides ready to act as the future of hundreds of thousands of families hangs in the balance. >> i'm going to be sent back to kaun t a country that i've never been to. >> reporter: president trump expressed confidence in congress when it comes to daca saying i really believe they want to take care of it. donald trump junior heads to capitol hill tomorrow to answer questions about whether the trump campaigncolluded with russia. russia's foreign minister says the country will file a lawsuit over the seizure of its diplomatic properties in the u.s. including one in san francisco. facilities in new york and washington, d.c. were shut down. they are confident in the legality of the closures. police in georgia shot and killed a tiger roaming around a suburb in atlanta. several people called 911 this morning after spotting it on a highway and then in neighborhood. the tiger was a former performer in the circus that ended this year. failed entertainment that operated the service say susie was being driven from florida to tennessee. police say officers were forced to shoot after the tiger attacked a dog. take a look at this video from outside of thailand. there's a motorcyclists and then there is spider man running down the middle of the street. he's in costume. police say he's a local flower vendor who wears the spiedser man costume every day. he is still holding flowers when he ran over to check. a california highway will soon get a new name. some changes coming to an east bay bart station and could cause big problems for commuters. ask finney is just ahead. i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. just post them with the hashtag a ask finney. we see clouds getting a little bit thicker and lower in the sky now. showers might be on the way. i'll have the forecast coming up i'll have the forecast coming up as abc 7 news (con artists...) they'll try anything to get your medicare card number. so they can steal your identity, commit medicare fraud. what can you do? guard your card? guard your card? just like your credit card. nobody gets my number, unless i know they should have it. to protect your identity, new medicare cards without social security numbers will be mailed next year. visit stay sharp people! food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. state lawmakers have approved a plan to name a freeway for barack obama. the eagle rock section of l.a. will be known as the president barack h. obama highway. he used the highway to travel to classes in l.a. sarah huckabee sanders was on the view today defending president trump. she sat next to her father, former arkansas governor mike huckabee. things got heated when asked how they could support a president who made demeaning remarks about women. sanders says she's always felt respected in the president's company. she blames the media for cherry picking his statements. he said it impacts his ability to succeed. >> i think america should want him to skds. he's the president. we should be championing for his success because his success is america's success. >> you're exactly correct. >> you can watch the view weekdays at 10:00 a.m. right here on abc 7. the sun released to powerful solar flares today. it's the most powerful in more than a decade. they erupted from an active region of the sun's surface. officials say the flares resulted in radio blackouts in some areas and also degraded low frequency communications for about an hour. on the positive side, the solar storm will make the northern lights visible into the northern most u.s. states. as we get into the nighttime hours and other night we may see showers mainly near the coast. they could move beyond the coast and out over the bay into some of the higher terrain. overnight lows will be in m mid-60s. tomorrow will have lingering clouds. possibly early morning showers. it will be mild and humid near the coast especially. highs will range from mid to upper 60s at the coast to low and mid-70s around the bay to low 80s in our inland area. over the next seven days we'll see a bump in temperatures especially over the weekend. here is the seven-day forecast high temperature trend for san jose. notice for the next couple of days high temperatures will be a few degrees below aver rw avera. to 90 on sunday which will be the warmest day for most of bay area in the next seven days and temperature won't drop off much on monday. here is the accuweather seven-day forecast. many locations inland will be warmer than what i showed at san jose. some locations will reach upper 90s to close to 100 on sunday and will hold in the mid to 90s. the cooling continue sbos into middle of next week. >> all right. we can handle a little bump. the post office says it's hurting. you could end up paying the price. why stamps could soon skyrocket to 60 cents a piece. if you're heading out on vacation. you might be looking at travel insurance. we'll be talking about that coming up next in ask finney. > stamp prices could be skyrocketing. the u.s. postal service is looking to boost prices by nearly 20%. the price of a first class stamp could jump from 49 cents to 60 cents. it's an effort to avoid bankruptcy and improve delivery service. this would be the biggest one time increase this the u.s. postal service history. a decision from the postal regulatory commission is expected within weeks. a new stanford university study paints an interesting picture of online shopping habits. when choosing between two products customers favor items with more reviews even if the more reviewed product is of lower quality. researchers questioned 130 people. they say the results show people seem to have a belief that popularity is good and are willing to use that as an important cue when making decisions. >> i wonder what all these people will say about this. adidas cashing in on a shoe design specifically for oktoberfest. it's marketing it as beer and vomit proof. it's called the munchin. it's labelled with the word prost which is german for cheers. seems a lot of people are buying it. the shoe costs $237. already sold out. i wonder what the reviews are. >> apparently doesn't matter. they are buying in. time for ask finney. michael finney is here answering questions sent to him through facebook and twitter. >> what people do every day. it just boggles my mind. >> charles asks i'm planning for an extended vacation and wanted to get your thoughts on travel insurance. can it worth purchasing in. >> absolutely. if you have an expensive trip planned, the coverage is important. coverage for delays and lost luggage. the really important part is getting and paying for medical attention during overseas emergencies. once you're stable, getting you home. you will lose the vacation and insurance. there will be a huge gap and get home. >> a few have asked for the last f four digits of my social security. can they do that? >> it's completely legal. it's common for businesses to ask for the last four numbers of your social security number. it helps them verify accounts to make sure you are the account holder or have permission to access the account before disseminating information or making changes. if you're worried you can ask companies. instead set up a personal identification numbers. some of them will say yes. most of the people you talk to have no idea what you're talk about. >> i'd ask them, give me your social security number and we'll talk. >> most of my doctors office when they would ask for them, i'd go it's 0000. >> kathryn from san francisco asked on facebook what level of electricity must a house hoeltd maintain to not be charged more for using less. >> that's great question. this could really save you money. with your electricity provider, pg&e where you live, the less you use, the less you pay. it offers two pricing levels or tiers. it's based on how much energy you use. the first year is called your baseline allowance. consisting of an allotment for energy based on where you live. energy use below the baseline amount is billed at a lower rate than energy used over the baseline. thank people with really big houses for that one. it's all spelled out on the pg&e website. i'll post a link. you can check it out if you want to look at it yourself. if you have a question for me, you can record a 10 to 15 second long video. share it on social media. you can reach me through facebook and on mcdonald's announced it will sell bottle mccafe gridrinks in supermarkets. they will bring flee flavors of the mccafe drinks to stores. starbucks has sold bottled frapuc frapuccinos for years. how about a new take on chocolate. it not only tastes different, it looks different. swiss scientists have invente a new chocolate called ruby. it has a reddish new chocolate comes 80 years after white chocolate was introduced to the market. bart lays the ground work for a transit hub in walnut creek. how it could mean a big inconvenience for some riders. we have what's ahead on abc 7 news at 5:00. >> new at 5:00. there's still one deer left. >> a woman cannot believe what happened to family of deer. one man is arrested. his pellet gun now held as evidence. apple allows thieves to bypass thieves checking in at the front desk. what they left behind that unleashed an investigation. a suspect slips her handcuffs in the back of a police car. the crazy incident caught on camera. primetime tonight. the goldbergs followed by speechless, modern family and american housewife. catch abc 7 news at 11:00. today unveiled aunveiled aue transit village. >> it could be a big headache for riders. abc 7 news reporter has the details. >> reporter: ask anyone at the walnut street wart station about parking and you'll hear about the need for more. >> we need more. i have to pay $8$85 a month for one of the garages neighboring the station. my husband does the same. we can't get bart parking. >> i would not be biking if they had extra parking garage for sure. that will be great for people involvement. . >> reporter: bart says relief is on the way. at a press conference bart board members described plans for a new parking garage and a new transit village. the garage will add 100 new parking spots. it will be new restaurants and shops and 600 apartment units. some computers wonder how all those people will fit on trains. >> i think the train is already crowded. unless they add more trains, more frequently, i think it will be tough for commuters of bart. >> reporter: bart says it's hard to estimate what this will do to ridership. they are still a few years out. the parking garage will be the first priority. with construction starting this weekend bart officials want to emphasize one key point to commuters. >> when the construction work begins, we're going to do everything we can to mitigate the impacts. no matter what happens we're going to have the same number of spaces available at the walnut skreek station throughout this process. >> reporter: the number that's available today will be available next month will be available next year. >> reporter: the parking garage is scheduled to be completed by the end of next year. it will be a welcome relief. this parking garage is usually full by 7:00 a.m. every >> thank you for joining us. abc 7 news at 5:00 starts right now. they're only crime was eating vegetation. >> but that vegetation was on private property and the man who owns it has a gun. he's now under arrest for killing a fawn and its mother. a noose is found outside a high school. police are called in as the hateful symbol is taken away. what was found inside three pillow cases to bring inspectors to a brentwood hotel. the youngest of charles manson followers is granted parole. a shocking crime in the north bay. >> man is in trouble after police say he shot and killed a deer and her fawn that were eating plants on his property. we have details this story tonight. >> reporter: really troubling story. we're not far from the home where it happened. a lot of neighbors understandably very upset tonight. police say the man who shot the animals is out of jail now facing possible animal cruelty charges. >> i think it's absolutely outrageous. >> reporter: linda have been taking pictures of a doe and two fawns for weeks. they believe it's one of these fawns and its mother that were shot and killed by their neighborhood on saturday. >> i think it's outrageous that a person would do that to innocent, non-harming creatures. >> we got a call from a resident about somebody described sneaking around the street with a flashlight. >> reporter: officers showed up and found a homeowner who said deer had been eating his new landscaping. a gruesome sight. >> discovered two deer. one that was dead and one that

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