Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170901 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170901

i like them both. >> one sweet one savory. >> will you marry me? >> that's our show for today. every episode of "rtm" is brand new. see you next time. did you know that people born from 1945 through 1965 have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more. which means we use less. now we get three generations of clothes clean in one wash. has anyone seen my pants? i found 'em ellen! put those on, dad! nothing cleans better. number 1 trusted, number 1 awarded. it's got to be tide. there'in herbal essences it's bio:renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. herbal essences. let life in. you give us comfort. and we give you bare feet, backsweat, and gordo's... everything. i love you, but sometimes you stink. soft surfaces trap odors. febreze fabric refresher cleans them away for good. because the things you love the most can stink. and plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up to 45 days. breathe happy with febreze. a man trying to escape a man trying to escape police custody quickly regretting this decision. so he jumps into the ocean this north carolina after being pulled over in a traffic stop, but check that out. >> what's that? >> that is a shark ladies and gentlemen. >> he swam about 4,000 feet from the shore before police warned him about what was lurking by. >> so they did try to warn him. he just didn't want to listen for a while. it took more than three hours for police to finally catch him. he said he's happy he wasn't bitten. >> will he have to take a bite out of that bail money now, to get it paid? >> you really are filling in for kendis tonight, aren't you? complete with the bad puns and everything. >> i thought the police would say you will be sleeping with the fishes or sleeping with the sharks. >> oh, okay. >> right? i'm trying, folks. >> you are, indeed. >> it's friday. >> we'll give it to you. it's friday. and it's early. as the flooding slowly recedes, thousands are returning home to find their homes in ruin. >> and with the cleanup comes concerns with mold and several new hazards. here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: with floodwaters starting to recede, so many are anxious to salvage what's left. a small army of friends, neighbors and even strangers marching in. sifting through the soggy homes. the streets were rivers. now breeding grounds for mold and mildew which can grow 24-48 hours after contact with water. >> didn't want to wait? >> no. no waiting. no time to wait. >> we caught up with cindy who wasted no time gutting her home. >> we got here and we're like wow, where do we start? >> reporter: ripping out carpet, furniture and wet sheet rock, not much could be saved. it's messy and can be dangerous work. the government urges residents to take precautions, wearing gloves, masks and eye protection. if working in water, keep tetanus shots up to date. we had tests from another suburb of houston. they found high levels e. coli. when we come back, a player is getting a lot of attention, but it has nothing to do with his skills on the field. >> it has to do with his look. you're watching "world news now." now." do with his look. you're watching "world news now." nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. (cough) i'm never gonna i'll take a sick day tomorrow. on our daughter's birthday? moms don't take sick days & moms take nyquil severe. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold &medicine. ...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hline can help. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny we are back with the friday skinny. and maybe we should have started with the old ♪ take me out to the ball game ♪ song, because that's where we're going. >> i was going to continue. >> oh, you like that. >> i do. >> so 27-year-old davis is gaining national attention, not so much for his plays on the field but for his eye contact. >> now davis always seems to find the camera, zero in on it. some have compared him to a very famous male model. >> one who's really, really good-looking. >> derick zoolander. >> oh, yeah, baby. maybe you have heard of him in his famous blue steel. you've got a little blue steel in you, don't you? we all do. >> i like the side one better. how about magnum. remember that one? >> i'm on this show, you make me look at the camera like this. >> the only reason we're doing this story is to make you do this face. >> i like my cheeks like that. >> i forget what the third look is called. >> you would know a lot more about this. >> maybe i've seen zoo lander a few too many times. >> next up, we'll have a walk off. not really. >> i'll do that. >> but, we are glad you could be with us today. >> thank you. >> we know you have been spending a lot of time in l.a. >> yes. >> mingling among the stars, and i'm glad you are able to come down and hang out with us. >> i was working in our l.a. bureau of abc news for the past month, but i was hanging out with a-listers. i covered the mcgregor fight. it was an incredible fight in vegas. >> it's a tough gig. >> it was tough. it was tough. i spent some time on the red carpet. look -- >> just hanging out with jamie foxx. >> cedric the entertainer. oh, my goodness. that's -- william h. macy. >> you had a tough time out there, huh? >> i'm used to walking the red carpet. there's jeff gordon. >> i know, you're going to say it's all work. >> it was. >> but, you made it big time, buddy. you made it onto the jimmy kimmel show? >> if you are hanging out with celebrities, then i might as well be on the place celebrities go to talk with abc's jimmy kimmel. take a look. >> now introducing, kenneth moten! [ applause ] >> look at that. >> wow. >> sit there in the chair. >> why does it look a little different? >> everything's off. jimmy wasn't there. things were covered up. that's me on the show. i'm on the set. >> so when you said you were on the jimmy kimmel show. >> i was there. >> you just meant you were technically on the set of the jimmy -- >> yeah. yeah. >> that's about the same thing. >> you never got to hang out with jimmy? >> you know what? i did. >> what was that? >> where's the picture, my selfie with jimmy? he was very nice. >> sure. >> ah! i was sure you were making that up. >> what? what? look? who's that? look at that. who's that? jimmy's on me, i'm on jimmy. what? >> i dare say jimmy's got his arm around you. >> i come with proof. >> wow. >> jimmy and i are friends. hey, jimmy, call me, i'll be back in l.a. soon. >> jimmy, how long did he follow you around before you agreed to take this selfie? >> you know what? yes. finally, we have seen some pretty horrible wax figures in the past, remember beyonce? but, the greenland wax museum in boston may be trying to one-up m madame tussauds. can you recognize who that's supposed to be? >> that's affleck. that's obama. >> take a look at nicole kidman. this one's scary. 's scary. do i use that'sthat wgood for my teeth? .. now i don't have to choose! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. ♪ ♪ it's been a week of tough news, as harvey brought historic devastation to texas and louisiana. some of these scenes were just unimaginable. >> just incredible from the tragedy of the storm to the stories of survival. here is our weekly rewind. >> harvey barrelling toward shore as night falls friday. >> this is going to be a very major disaster. >> the center of the storm just 30 miles off the coastline. >> the landmark hurricane swept through southeastern texas, hitting the coast as a category 4 early saturday morning. >> the national weather service already calling the storm unprecedented. and here in houston, we are heading into another night of torrential rainfall. >> we have the whole family in the water. >> the water came up this high? >> this high. >> probably another four inches since i was here a couple hours ago. >> hurricane harvey slightly downgraded, but still extremely hazardous. >> the major concern right now is getting to the people who need help. >> senior citizens, some in wheelchairs trapped in the nursing home just outside houston. >> hello! everybody all right? >> we called 911. >> 911 won't help you. i'm here to help you. >> shelters at capacity as thousands of new victims pack into buses and dump trucks overnight. >> it's really bad. >> we're anticipating over 30,000 people being placed in shelters temporarily. >> tropical storm harvey appears to be moving out of the houston area, but it has left a devastating mark. >> what's the damage like is this. >> totaled. totalled. >> there's never been anything so historic in terms of damage. >> the tropical storm hitting louisiana this morning and battering parts of eastern texas. >> your house is totally? >> totally under water. ♪ we are sending love to houston ♪ ♪ we are prayin' >> the images are horrifying. but the massive rescue effort, neighbor helping neighbor is inspiring. ♪ ♪ houston ♪ keep on keeping on >> and our hearts are just with houston, but a lot of action still needs to take place. >> so do remember, as the storm moves on and the headlines move on. the people in houston and those surrounding areas will be rebuilding for a long time. please help in any way you can. >> please do. we're with you, houston, we'll good morning. i'm kenneth moten in for kendis gibson. >> i'm diane. here are some of the top headlines we are following. a new estimate from the storm zone in texas say damage will top more than $108 billion. more than 100,000 homes are damaged or destroyed. the death toll is rising with at least 39 deaths confirmed. >> president trump visits texas. unlike the visit earlier this week, he'll get a firsthand look at the damage and spend time with victims. the president has donate the $1 million to the relief effort. >> a police officer is out of a job after being caught on dash cam telling a white passenger, quote, "we only kill black people." the officer made that comment during a traffic stop when a woman says she was afraid to move her hands. and millions of muslims go for their pilgrimage at the hajj. those are some of our stories on this september 1st. this is "world news now." good morning to you all. what was hurricane harvey is now bringing heavy rain and flooding to tennessee and kentucky. >> the storm spawned reported tornadoes damaging homes and toppling trees in western alabama. >> near memphis, a television reporter stopped reporting to make news by rescuing a woman stranded in her car as the streets flooded around her. >> evacuation around the city of beaumont beginning its second day with no running water, forcing people out of the local hospital and shelters. gio benitez shows us another city now under water. >> reporter: the city you haven't seen. and the threat of texas caught in an endless flow of water. this may look like a river, but this is actually a highway. you wouldn't know it, because there is so much water. next to an overflowing bayou, between two major rivers overflowing, army rescue trucks racing in as floodwaters swallow these neighborhoods. that right there is a car. the trunk is open. they're grabbing their belongings now. we are there as volunteers rescue stranded residents, pets, livestock still in pastures covered by water. that is a boatful of people. look at that. all those children. jeff housley came from his home, three and a half hours away. you guys are every day people out here volunteering. >> yes, sir. i work at a plant. i don't do this for a living. >> reporter: our boats spot mike looking out the window. he gets on with his wife, brenda, suitcases and pet bird, taken to dry land. >> we thought it would never happen to us. we're probably like millions of other people that it's happened to, oh, it will never happen to me, but it did. >> reporter: orange county, texas. >> and this morning, more than 100,000 people in the city of beaumont, texas are still without drinking water. >> the city was especially hit hard by harvey's rainfall. flooding shut down the city's main water source. along with back up, trucks carrying supplies of bottled water are having trouble getting through because roadways are still swamped. they are hoping to fix the problem today. the lights are coming back on for houston residents with fewer than 30,000 residents now without power. the city is drying out, turning the corner and open for business. the number of people in shelters is going down and officials are consolidating those who remain. houston firefighters went door to door looking for those who waited out the floods in their homes and those who didn't make it. >> and the owners of that flooded chemical plant near houston say it is still unstable and more explosions are likely. at least two tons of the chemicals exploded yesterday, filling the air with black smoke and they blame flooding for knocking out power to the plant, saying that knocked out the refrigeration that needs to keep the chemicals cool. the chemicals are now degrading and could burn at any time. and the head of the red cross is defending their organization. after an exec frif the agency admitted he didn't know how much of every donated dollar goes to relief, red cross ceo gail mcgovern put a number at 91 cents that is unaccounted for. money donated for harvey will be spent on the storm. now while south texas cleans up from harvey, other parts of the u.s. will be dealing with severe weather this weekend. >> let's get the forecast from accuweather justin. good morning. >> good morning to you. we still have lots of heavy rain to come throughout portions of kentucky, portions of tennessee. that potential for several additional inches of rain. some areas could see even more ongoing flooding problems, and even the potential for severe weather out to the east of harvey into the afternoon with damaging winds. another hurricane out into the atlantic. this bears watching down the road. this is in the next several days as the impacts could be making their way to the northern leeward islands. it's something to watch. also, heat really cranking up in the northwest over the course of the next couple days. we are talking record high temperatures in the northwest. but meanwhile, more moisture means additional rain here into the northeast. kenneth, diane? >> justin, thanks. and vice president mike pence brought a personal touch to the storm zone as he comforted residents and thanked volunteers. >> pence kept the focus on the victims after president trump was accused of ignoring them. he rolled up his sleeves and got to work clearing debris from damaged homes in rockport where the storm made land fall. >> he made it clear that president trump will pursue funding for the border wall even as he helps with harvey recovery. >> reporter: is he going to put that threat to the side and concentrate? >> trump's made it very clear that we're going to keep our promise to the american people. we've seen great progress. >> reporter: even if that means a shutdown? >> and enforcing our law. the president's made it clear that we're going to stand firm. the priority right now for president trump and this administration is these families. >> meanwhile, the government is preparing to look at samples for the border wall. four vendors have been awarded contracts for reinforced designs and they will build a prototype. more than 30 people so far have died in a collapse in mumbai. more than 30 people died. among the victims, three children, including a baby 20 days old. south asia is battered by historic flooding. it's unclear if the rains caused this collapse. the 117-year-old building was declared unsafe years ago. and the terrifying fireworks explosion was caught on camera inside a british pizza shop. a man in a hood put a lit box of 70 fireworks inside the door and ran off. luckily, no one was hurt, but investigators believe this was a case of revenge. a shotgun pellet was found in a pizza box a few days earlier. workers think whoever fired the weapon was upset because police had been called. more troubles for wells fargo from that fake bank account scandal. the bank says it has uncovered more than a million more fake accounts bringing the number of unauthorized accounts to 3.5 million. that's a 70% increase over the initial estimate. the fake accounts were set up by bank employees to achieve sale goals and bonuses. the bank fired more than 5,000 employees over the allegations. the trump administration is not saying whether or not it will abandon plans to put harriet tubman on the $20 bill. the obama administration had decided that andrew jackson would be replaced by tubman. but treasury secretary steve mnuchin avoided addressing it directly saying they have a lot more important issues to address. amazon's prime delivery service is working double time in some cities. they are delivering beer, wine or liquor within an hour in major areas like new york and los angeles as well as ten other locations. the service costs -- hold on. i need to write this down. i didn't realize this was available. >> one brand you won't be able to get at your door, an ancient, vintage discovered in sicily. traces were found on pottery inside a cave that dates back 6,000 years. it was thought wine production began about 3,000 years ago. >> that one's been aging quite a bit. >> i'm on >> not seeing that one on there? >> we have more show to do. >> chicago, san francisco, minneapolis. we could have it here before the show's done. it is movie time and we are heading into the "insomniac theater" to check out a star-studded thriller dodging some bombs. here hear what the critics aren't thrilled about. and dreamers who were granted protection from deportation five years ago now faced with the possibility that protection could be reversed. first, here's a look at today's high temperatures. today's high temperatures. "world news now" weather, brought to you by vista print. new deep hydrating eye gel with hyaluronic acid born to outperform the #1... prestige eye cream for better hydration. and your best look yet. olay eyes collection. ageless. because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits canoes, kayaks and now even monster trucks are coming to the rescue in texas. watch as an suv on monster truck tires pulls an army vehicle out of the floodwaters. you can hear the loud cheering as onlookers are loving the show. the truck then comes onto higher ground. >> you do what you got to do. you use what you have to use. a group of monster truck owners headed to texas to help with the rescue. >> it's a good thing they did. >> it sounds like they are at a monster truck rally. >> the military was brought in with these vehicles. it's not often you see a sight like this where it's the military vehicle in need of a rescue. >> but remember, everything is bigger in texas. >> monster trucks included i guess. >> exactly. more storm coverage later in the show. but we're going to turn to the uncertain future for the so-call the dreamers. >> they are the children who came to the u.s. under daca. or deferred action for childhood arrivals. and president trump is about to decide what happens to them. here's byron pitts with more. >> i want to know your perspective. >> reporter: for the past year, inside this middle school classroom, school lessons have taken a personal turn. >> your voices matter. your perspectives are important. >> reporter: for some, old fears have been renewed. >> oftentimes when i was little, no one asked me what i thought. >> i think as a teacher, i just want to provide a safe space for my kids and for them to know that their voices are extremely important. >> reporter: especially when some of them or their parents could be deported. hard to learn when you are worried will mom be home when you get there or dad? >> we tell our kids constantly, if you work hard, you can get anywhere in life. however, with having a status as being undocumented, that proves to be a challenge. so, we serve sixth or eighth grade. >> reporter: it's a challenge teacher ms. luna knows well, she, too, is undocumented. her status has been protected for the past five years under president obama's daca program, granting young immigrants temporary permission to stay in the u.s. nearly 800,000 so-called dreamers are protected under this order. >> this is a temporary stopgap measure that gives a relief and hope to talented, driven, patriotic young people. >> reporter: but now several state attorney generals are threatening to sue the trump administration to end it, arguing the existing policy is simply unlawful, forcing the president to make a decision before next tuesday. the fates of these dreamers, caught in the political crossfire. >> among all of these dreamers, there are some awfully bad people. >> if you think anybody who come here illegally should become a citizen, pass a law that says that. >> reporter: multiple sources tell abc news, the president is leaning toward ending the program. public outcry in support of professionals like luna growing louder, marches across the nation call to defend daca. and this week, 66 mayors from 29 states issuing a call to president trump to keep the program. the department of homeland security says they're still processing several hundred daca applications a day, many of them renewals. luna cautions, instead, it's crucial to raise voices, now more than ever. it's an idea she's teaching her students. >> dear mr. president. >> dear mr. president. >> i am writing this letter to you because i believe there is an issue you must address. the issue -- >> reporter: in their letters to the president, the students' lives are front and center. >> as an american citizen, i feel like we should all be treated the same. >> this issue is women's rights. >> police brutality. >> climate change, immigration. >> i am hispanic. >> if it was your family, how would you feel? >> reporter: if you could sit across from president trump what would you say to him? >> that is such a challenging question. it pains me to say this, but i have no respect for him and for what he's doing. and i, i know he's in a position of power. and i know that i would have to be able to, you know, persuade him. but why do i have to persuade humanity. >> reporter: luna is now desperately saving money, just in case she's forced to leave the job and the country she loves. >> there still has to be a sense of hope. you have to. i'm extremely hopeful that the future will be better. and that's what i try to tell my kids. >> raise your hand if you've ever struggled before. >> reporter: i'm byron pitts in new york. >> wow, 800,000 recipients there waiting to find out. >> all right, coming up, as the waters in texas recede, residents are going home and realizing the full scope of the damage. coming up, the challenge homeowners face as they try to get help from fema to rebuild their lives. you're watching "world news now." rebuild their lives. you're watching "world news now." bladder. ring a bell? then you have to try always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. for incredible protection... ...that's surprisingly thin. so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. also in liners. you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. ♪ ♪ ♪ thousands of harvey victims have reached out to fema, and thousands more will in the coming days. >> the agency has been inundated and says it's working as fast as it can, but tom abraham from our houston station has one woman's story. >> reporter: as is the case with so many of us this week, sue has a story to tell. >> i'm kind of like numb right now. i don't know how to feel. i've lost so much. >> reporter: she lost her home, her cars. one of her beloved dogs and nearly her life when the flood waters rose saturday night. a neighbor tried to rescue her in a boat. >> went underneath the underpass in the current, it was almost to our necks. the water was so high. and all of a sudden the boat capsized. they told me to start swimming. i was panicking, starting to go under. i was so scared and terrified. >> reporter: the coast guard did rescue her, and now living in a hotel her life begins again. she's among the thousands who have already applied for help from fema. >> they said they would help but it could take a while. >> reporter: it could take a while when you look at the scope of the damage. but fema assures us they're working as fast as they can. and the first step toward recovery is filing a claim. they are already working on housing plans and other types of long-term help. >> we will begin to help people the minute we talk to them. get them into the system. after that, the timeline is dependent upon their needs. >> reporter: sue has a lot of needs like so many of her neighbors and friends. >> you think it only happens to someone else until it happens to you. >> reporter: tom abrams, 15 eyewitness news. >> fema recommends applying as quickly as possible. they also stress that fema is for individuals. if you have a business that you need help with, contact the small business administration. >> fema's there to help. so they want people to remember that. coming up, the popcorn is popping. i can hear it. >> we have "insomniac theater" left. and the stiff meister is back with some slapstick sports. long. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. ♪ time n ♪ time now for "insomniac theater," and the pickings are pretty slim this weekend. >> yeah, so this morning we start with a crude slapstick comedy called "goon, the last of the enforcers." it's a sequel to the movie starring shawn william scott known as stickler. doug the thug is sidelined after one too many hits. with a baby on the way, he settles into life as an insurance salesman. when his nemesis is captain of the team, he comes back into action. >> i need to protect my team. >> hello, sir. will you train me? teach me to fight with my left. >> how many times do i have to tell you, just the left! >> like super mario. >> back as a highlander. >> good for you, kid. >> stuck! >> all right. so not all the critics are loving "goon." it's getting a 52% rating from rotten tomatoes. kind of in the middle. a-dub says it's a lot like the last one, just not as funny or endearing. chris hewett has a slightly better review, a movie works better than any comedy with this many nose bleeds has a right to. >> you know what? it gets better. actually, it gets worse with the next movie. "unlocked" is opening to dismal reviews despite the all-star cast. it centers around a cia agent on the run after being compromised. but oh, she has to prevent a biological attack on london. easy. >> is that all? >> that's it. >> we need you for an emergency assignment in london. we have a prisoner waiting. >> i'm already on it. >> what are you talking about? >> we haven't inform the london station. >> sir, we have been penetrated. >> and a terror strike. >> mi5's committing every available asset to this. >> i think i've unlocked a source for a terrorist. >> he has to be stopped. >> we need your skill set. we need you back on the front line. >> it's got some amazing people in it. orlando bloom, michael douglas and john malkovich. >> wow, star studded. >> but critics aren't impressed, scoring a 27% splat on rotten tomatoes. one writes, it's got all the clichés you want. i love a cliche. and one says it's a routine bourne identity clone. >> now we're talking. that's a movie. why don't this morning on "world news now." the tough road to recovery after harvey ravages texas. me evacuations east of houston after rising rivers have completely washed out communities and the floods waters remain at historic highs. rescuers work to save the most vulnerable victims. we have the latest in a live report. meanwhile, the economic impact of the storm has been felt all over the country, but in texas we're already seeing gas lines forming for blocks. we'll get a look at some of the devastation that evacuees are returning to. dash cam video catches a georgia police lieutenant telling a white driver, quote, we only kill black people. he was expected to be forced out. now he's retiring. this morning, hear the chief try to explain the comments as sartastic. tens of thousands are kept from returning to their homes in texas, one dad is getting pretty used to his interim surroundings on his daughter's college campus. we're heading back to school on this friday, the first of september. from abc news, this is "world news now." and a good morning to you all. that dad getting very comfortable there in his daughter's class. she doesn't look so happy about it. we'll get to more on that. but kenneth moten in for kendis gibson. good to have you. >> it's good to be back while kendis took some much-needed time off. the guy couldn't make it to friday. our entire team has done such a wonderful job with the images the devastation, just the information coming out of texas. >> quite a busy week, but nothing compared to the people there on the ground. we know you're heading there this weekend. we will be continuing to stay on this story. and with that, let's give you the latest on harvey. the official death toll stands at 39, although it is expected to go much higher. >> at least four of those deaths occurred in the hard-hit beaumont, texas area. the river is rising, making more flood rescues necessary. there's no word on when the city of 120,000 will have running water again. in houston, firefighters have been going door-to-door, checking for stranded residents and victims and new flooding is expected in the area as the rivers keep rising. >> the estimate the eventual damage is pegged at $108 billion. marci gonzalez joins us. good morning, marci. >> reporter: hi, guys, good morning. the mayor here in houston says the city is finally drying out. but as you mentioned, the situation is still dire in communities east of here where the water isn't expected to start receding for days. the flooding in beaumont, texas now so overwhelming this and every other shelter evacuated. >> i can bring my backpack, right? >> reporter: families who came in with so little rushed out with even less. nearby, 200 patients evacuate the from this hospital. and in homes, people still stranded with the water in east texas still rising. the coast guard hammering through this roof to free a family from their attic. rescue after rescue. from the air. >> it's time to go. >> reporter: and by boat. >> i never thought it would happen to me. it always happens to somebody else, but never to you. and now it is. >> reporter: further west in crosby, texas, officials down playing concerns that this flooded chemical plant, even though they believe more fires there are inevitable. 30 miles away in houston, this house in flames. >> we're about a hose short right now. >> reporter: firefighters diving into the flood water just to get to the hydrant. but in other communities, the water finally receding. enough for people to return home. >> i'm speechless. it's just devastating. >> reporter: help coming in from across the country, for people who have lost everything and those whose lives are now being saved. >> it didn't matter what race, religion we was. we all come together in unity. >> reporter: and an example of that unity, even though this area was so hard hit, the shelters here in houston are now taking in all of those people who are now being evacuated from the shelters in beaumont. guys, back to you. >> and marci, take us back to that chemical plant. we initially heard it could be days away from an explosion, then hours later, it actually happened. what's the latest on that? >> reporter: right, so there were fires there yesterday, as predicted. and there were several officers, deputies, who were taken to a hospital to be treated. they have since been released. but now the issue is, there are still eight trailers at that plant that have chemicals inside of them that they say it's pretty much inevitable that those, too, will catch fire. so the epa sent aircraft into the area. they did some testing of the air quality, and they say they didn't find any toxic concentrations of chemicals in the air there, so their plan for now, the safest thing is to let those trailers of chemicals catch on fire. they don't think there is as big of a threat because they have evacuated within a mile and a half of that plant and they will have first responders outside of the evacuation zone just as a precaution. >> wow, an incredible situation to keep a watch on there. and marci, to the east, the town of beaumont has been without water for 24 hours now? >> reporter: yeah, it is a really, really tough situation there. what's happening is the two main water pumps that bring water into homes and businesses that keep the regular water flowing in that community are under water. so they're not functioning at all. so they can't get clean water. they've had to evacuate 200 patients from one hospital, all of the dialysis patients from another. and they say they probably will not be able to get in to make repairs until the water recedes, and that is not happening for at least a couple of days. >> wow. >> just feels like one problem after another. abc's marci gonzalez live for us in houston. marci, thank you. and the storm has weakened. but it's still causing lots of trouble as it moves further inland. >> the remnants of harvey are now in northern alabama, georgia, tennessee and kentucky. those red and orange areas you see there are the strongest storm cells. >> the low pressure system spawned a tornado in stantonville, tennessee. no injuries or damage reported there. over in western alabama, they weren't so lucky. >> there was a damaged building there that injured four people. >> nashville and louisville will be getting rain this morning. later today, the system will be moving to the ohio valley. flooding from harvey is having an impact on the entire country. you may have noticed a spike in gas prices. operations have slowed at two major gulf coast pipelines, which is taking a toll on gas supplies in the u.s. unfortunately, the combination of those temporary shortages and the long holiday weekend has sent gas prices soaring to a two-year high, about 20 cents a gallon in some spots. the energy department has released 500,000 barrels of crude oil from an emergency stockpile to keep prices from rising further. the e.p.a. is raising concerns about shortages. texas state and federal authorities have also formed a task force to investigate and prosecute illegal activity related to hurricane harvey. those crimes include price gouging and looting, along with insurance and charity scams, task force leaders say they will use all their resources to crack down on anyone trying to take advantage of victims. one example we heard yesterday of people going to houses and pretending they were from government agencies, hoping to get them to evacuate. >> amazing people take such advantage. >> yep. vice president mike pence got a firsthand look at the devastation in texas. the vp was up close and personal with the storm survivors. he wrapped his arms around them and put on a pair of work gloves to clear away debris. pence and several trump cabinet members visited a damaged church and prayed. >> the vice president praised the victims for their strength and promised to help the state rebuild. >> you've inspired the nation by your resilience and by your courage. we just came here to commend you and to encourage you. >> and the president heads back to texas tomorrow with first lady melania trump. the white house says they plan to meet with victims in the houston area and in southern louisiana. the president is pledging to donate $1 million from his personal fortune to victims in texas and louisiana. it's one of the largest charitable donations made by a sitting president. >> the vice president is also expressing confidence in the president's pending decision on so-called dreamers. undocumented immigrants brought to the u.s. as children. the president will make the determination with, quote, big heart. abc news reported last week that trump was leaning toward ending the daca program which protects millions of dreamers from deportation. the future is still under review. the trump administration is dramatically slashing funding designated to get people to sign up for obamacare. advertising to promote enrollment will be cut from $100 million to $10 million. and workers who guide consumers through the enrollment process will be reduced by 40%. democrats say the administration is trying to sabotage the health care system after failing to repeal and replace it, but the administration says it hasn't benefited enough from obamacare advertising. obesity rates may be finally leveling off in some states. new reports show that for the first time in 14 years some states are showing obesity rates dropping and other are slowing. but still at least 20% of adults in every state are obese. the report notes half of the country had rates above 30%. to put that in perspective, in 2000, no state had reached that level. apple makes it official. our first look at the iphone 8, right now, here it is. no, it will happen on september 12th. >> i just got all excited. >> you like the abc logo? >> well done. >> that's how i now it's my work phone. >> the company sent out an announcement saying let's meet at our place in cupertino, california. apple is expected to include the launch of an iphone 7s and 7 plus. a new version of the apple watch and a new 4k apple tv. >> what's this bad boy, the iphone 4? >> that's the one before, six. yeah. i forget there's so many. >> we'll be keeping an eye for the new goodies. but coming up, we will have more images out of texas, and a group of officers trying to help in that rescue effort ended up needing to be rescued themselves. we'll show you the video as their boat capsizes. also, an officer trying to calm a nervous white driver by saying, quote, we only kill black people. the full story, ahead. >> and remember to follow on facebook at wnn you've watching abc world news now. to keep hair strong against hot styling tools, you need more than a conditioner, need a miracle. pantene 3 minute miracle daily conditioner... has a super concentrated pro-v formula... ...that makes hair stronger* in just 3 minutes. so your hair is smoother everyday. pantene 3 minute miracle daily 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this is a reminder that they are putting their own lives on the line when they go out there. >> and a veteran police officer is out of a job this morning after making an apparently sarcastic comment that cops only kill black people. >> the officer announced his retirement as the department was moving to fire him over the remarks made in a traffic stop. the police chief calling the comments inexcusable and inappropriate. richard cantu reports. >> but you're not black, remember, we only kill black people. >> reporter: now more than a year later, cobb county lieutenant greg abbott is charged with making those statements as he stood alongside a woman's car during a dui traffic stop in july of 2016. police chief, mike register, explaining that he and his staff looked at the video this past friday. >> i've known lieutenant abbott, and i've perceived him to be an honorable man. he made a mistake. i don't know what's in his heart, but i know what came out of his mouth. >> reporter: abbott, who spent nearly three decades on the force immediately put on administrative duties. >> we don't kill black people, right? all the video tapes. >> reporter: register says an internal review of the incident report purports -- >> lieutenant abbott was attempting to use that kind of dialog from a sarcastic standpoint and also as a tool to certainly address the situation as he perceived it at that time. >> reporter: abbott's attorney adding he was attempting to de-escalate a situation involving an uncooperative passenger. the driver's attorney shocked by what he heard. >> i can see how he was frustrated and responded with this sarcasm. but it's still unacceptable. like it just makes you cringe when you hear it. >> reporter: richard cantu, abc news, new york. >> and as the chief was announcing the move to terminate him, the officer apparently was sending an e-mail announcing his retirement. so it's not yet clear exactly how that move, announcing his retirement will affect the termination. >> and he said it was sarcasm, but with so many tensions between so many communities and police, you would think he would be a little more sensitive, right? >> odd comments, for sure, and his attorneys have tried to say, like the chief said, that this is an attempt to defuse the situation. even the chief said, even with that, it's just inexcusable. >> inappropriate. frightening video shows a close call for two florida sheriff's deputies. >> they're helping people involved in a three car crash when suddenly two pickup trucks collide at the same intersection. this was on florida's gulf coast. >> one of the deputies and an eyewitness from the crash was knocked about six feet back. luckily no serious injuries were reported. incredible video. wow. >> it's surprising no one got seriously injured in all of that. >> yeah. coming up in the next half hour. as the flooding slowly recedes. thousands of survivors are returning home where they're finding new dangers. but first, this table at a houston convention center is bringing victims separated by harvey together. one volunteer calls it the for missing persons. that's next on "world news now." for missing persons. that's next on "world news now." chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. there'in herbal essences it's bio:renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. herbal essences. let life in. babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. ♪ thousands of people headed for shelter at the houston convention center after harvey made landfall, evacuees are still struggling to reconnect with family and friends. >> what's called the missing persons table is now a special place for reunions. >> reporter: a worried sister is reunited with her mentally challenged brother, missing since the storm. >> my parents are sick with grief because he's the baby. and it's just, you know, it's a miracle that things fell into place. >> a missing person's table is set up at the george r. brown convention center to bring together those separated from harvey's onslaught. >> it's a long shot, there's no way i'm going find him. >> reporter: so far they found about 70% of the missing. >> i'm calling it the for missing persons. >> reporter: overall, thousands of evacuees remain. help is coming from all over, with so many giving, from clothes, to haircuts, to hugs for kids. has it been a rough few days? yeah. this high school dance group are here to spread some cheer. what's it like when you see the kids smile? >> i have a little brother, and it's like, you know, to see that smile, oh, my gosh. >> reporter: it's a nice sight to see all these volunteers getting food and clothes and everything else here, a real outpouring of support. it's also good to see the number of people here drop. at its peak, it was 9,000 people, now at 2500 people, a lot of people today starting to move out, either towards hotels or maybe possibly back into their homes. reporting live from houston, alex michaelson, abc 13, eyewitness news. >> certainly hope many of those people are making their way back home, but kind of nice to see the dancers bringing a smile to the kids' faces and the kids are bringing a smile to the dancers' faces. >> right. it's really good to see. coming up, what happens when harvey strands you at your daughter's grad school? this one you want to see. n harvey strands you at your daughter's grad school? this one you want to see. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. heads up! you know what, don't worry about it. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. it was mostly water. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. i mean, i give away water for free. i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. number one trusted. number one awarded. it's got to be tide ♪ time for "the mix". we know that the devastation of harvey has just displaced a lot of people. and people after going through something like that, they want to be with family, friends in other parts of texas. so a lighthearted moment here when a father decided to take refuge at his daughter's dorm room at college. and she's not happy about it. >> ah-oh. >> so the father ended up showing up, even in classes alongside her. in a hilarious tweet that went viral, the son shared that quote, my pops can't fly back to houston because of the hurricane, so he's going to grad school with my sister, and she's not happy. >> look at the tweets. she says get out. mommy come get him. seriously, he needs to leave. he stayed for the intro, he has a syllabus. he won't leave. he's distracting me. dad is pumped to be in class. and over to washington, we've seen the million man march, the women's march and now a new march on washington. >> which one is this one? >> about 100 demonstrators showed up at the white house dressed as inflatable dinosaurs. they're apparently trying to raise awareness about cuts to the national service budget. you want to know what's weirder than that? >> what? >> the harp polka. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ toxic chemicals and carcinogens are leaching into the environment. it's happening right where we live, work and play. everywhere. cigarette butts are toxic waste. let's stop the toxic litter. learn more at (tiffany) ask yourself what your children or cigarettes. for as long as i can remember, my mother smoked. she died from lung cancer when i was 16. i could not take the chance of continuing smoking and not being here for my daughter. i know how much i needed my mom still, and i didn't realize it until i had lost her. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. this morning on "world news now." rescue missions across east texas flood walters struggle to drain in the wake of harvey. we'll go along with matt gutman as he takes to the skies, getting victims from that massive underwater scene. >> meanwhile, people try to pick up the pieces while thousands are stuck in shelters across the city. others return home to find their homes destroyed. new this half hour, why parents are spending more on back-to-school supplies. >> it's no surprise if you have kids heading back to class. those details, just ahead. and all rise. justice sotomayor taking in a game in her hometown. she finds herself suddenly back at the office. why it's making for a strange coincidence on this friday, september 1st. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we're just going to let you digest that one for a second, see if you can figure it out. but we'll have it all for you. >>, yes will. >> but we're going to start with what's left of harvey, stuck in spreading heavy rain in kentucky. new rescues are under way in texas. >> helicopters are flying full time over the port arthur texas, using baskets and harnesses to rescue people chest deep. >> in beaumont, more than 100,000 people are without drinking water. deliveries of bottled water into the city are virtually impossible because of swamped roadways. matt gutman has the latest from beaumont. >> reporter: from the air, beaumont and port arthur, the hardest hit by harvey, besiege the with floodwaters. the sky swarming the helicopters. it's the only way in. the coast guard hammering through a roof to get families out. some 200 patients on stretchers evacuated by helicopter at baptist beaumont hospital after the local water supply failed and a nearby nursing home submerged. teams evacuating the most critical patients, lifting entire beds into boats. we teamed up with the u.s. navy aboard a rescue chopper and surveyed the water world below. then an urgent call. a nearby dam is about to overflow. we touch down at the pine forest elementary a few towns from beaumont. the first thing we see, people weeping, hands over mouths. >> apparently, a lot of people were still in fear of what's going on. all of them stranded. this is one of the few dry areas around here. basically nowhere for them to go but up. time is short. we jogged in with the navy rescuers. people everywhere, until just now, this was a shelter. the little they brought in, those bags. now they're ordered to hurry. they can take even less. we help them to scramble together their essential belongings while they hold back tears. with other rescuers carrying out dogs, they help this family take what they can. there are probably 50, maybe 100 people here trying to evacuate, pretty much nowhere for people to go here. they're taking their dogs, four team members plus four dogs pile in. these are just a few of the thousands that have needed rescue over the past few days as harvey continues to wreak havoc. that navy rescue crew comforting the families. shocked by the sudden displacement. the family grateful to have each other. >> right now we're taking them to another shelter. it is a drier area. higher ground where they're going to be safe. >> reporter: they're dropped off here at a shelter. we unload the dogs and few possessions, rushing them away from the helicopters where they thank the rescuers with hugs. then back to the helicopter. matt gutman, abc news, beaumont, texas. >> and a new warning is out about that flooded chemical plant near houston. >> the owner of the plant says more explosions are likely after power outages knocked out the refrigeration used to store dangerous chemicals and keep them cool. at least two tons of the highly unstable chemicals already exploded yesterday, sending thick, black smoke into the air. some first responders were hospitalized because of that. houston firefighters and other responders are going door-to-door looking for anyone who waited out harvey in their homes and need to be rescued. unfortunately, they probably will find some for whom help is too late. firefighters have rescued more than 7,000 people so far, working double shifts and making incredible effort. >> and while rescues continue all over the state, evacuees are in need of so much as they arrive at shelters. >> let's get to victor oquendo. he is at one of the many red cross shelters there. victor? >> reporter: at last check, there were about 5,000 people who left their homes. the evacuees here at the george r. brown evacuation center taken care of by the red cross. they have had safe shelter here, food, water, all those necessities. the shelter really isn't a long-term solution. so now fema is on the ground to help people take that next step. this is actually a long line of people, waiting to register for fema. now every single situation is different. some, the process will take longer than others. so here they're hoping to get set up with an apartment, sem -- temporary housing, a dorm, whatever it may be. >> we want to get people into safe housing as quickly as possible. staying in a shelter can be difficult. we want to get them into other housing, hotels, dormitories, neighbors or back into their own home. >> reporter: fema makes every situation is different depending on how badly their homes were damaged. this could take weeks, months, even years in some cases. kenneth? diane? >> thank you for that report. corporations have pledged least $113 million to disaster relief organizations. programs could add another $6 million. the u.s. chamber of commerce says more than 50 companies have donated $1 million or more as of yesterday afternoon. >> walmart and verizon are among the top donors with more companies signing on. moving on to the other top stories, the u.s. is forcing russia to close three diplomatic properties here in the u.s., intensifying tensions between the two countries. >> the state department announced russia has until tomorrow to shut down the consulate in san francisco and trade mission office in new york and washington, d.c. the move is retaliation for russian president vladimir putin's cut to the staff in russia by 750 employees. a judge will announce whether those in a defunct penn state fraternity will stand trial? the death of timothy, who died after a night of hazing and heavy drinking. authorities say the fraternity brothers waited for hours before calling for help for piazza who fell several times. prosecutors urged the judge to send the case to trial, but defense attorneys say this was a tragic accident, not criminal. lyft is extending services to 32 more states. that brings the ride hailing service to 40 states in total. it's the latest step in lyft's challenge to the much larger, uber. lyft has also upgraded its app. and as kids head back to school, parents are spending more money on school supplies. a new survey finds spending for back-to-school stuff averages, $1,000. that's nearly the same amount as the u.s. monthly mortgage payment. 60% of u.s. parents struggle to pay for school supplies. $1,000. >> wow, that's a lot. good news here in sports world. the first big weekend of college football is here. and there was a major upset brewing early in the hoosier state last night. >> indiana was hosting ohio state. the hoosiers were up, 7-6. cox jr. makes the touchdown grab. indiana was up, 14-6. >> then ohio state outscored their big 10 rival, 43-7 the rest of the way. it's ohio state, they win 49- 21. >> all right, all right. there was a special guest you could say. the rooting section for all-star aaron judge has this whole judge theme. >> right. >> but there in the stands. >> look at that. >> a supreme court justice, sonia sotomayor. >> she even had one of those styrofoam gavels, she wore a black robe, but it wasn't the one she uses in washington. it wasn't the same one. they hand those out to the crowd. i wonder if we should go back and have the same yankees logo on. maybe she will wear that one. >> wear that one to the supreme court. >> right. >> i like it. she's apparently a huge yankee fan. she's from the bronx and threw out a first ball in the stadium's first season in '09. now she's making her presence known. i wonder if she picked that section on purpose? >> she had to. i mean, supreme court justice. the judge. >> i was there as well. >> i love the giant, all rise behind her. just bringing it all home. >> beat them red sox. let's do it again tonight. >> let's do it, boys! coming up, a look at one of baseball's rising stars, or should we say, he's looking at us and always finding the camera. >> and right after the break, the jailhouse interview with a suspect who tried to evade police, only to be chased by some other creatures lurking under the wave. chased by some other creatures lurking under the wave. so we save by using tide. which means we use less. now we get three generations of clothes clean in one wash. has anyone seen my pants? i found 'em ellen! put those on, dad! nothing cleans better. number 1 trusted, number 1 awarded. it's got to be tide. there'in herbal essences it's bio:renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. herbal essences. let life in. you give us comfort. and we give you bare feet, backsweat, and gordo's... everything. i love you, but sometimes you stink. soft surfaces trap odors. febreze fabric refresher cleans them away for good. because the things you love the most can stink. and plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up to 45 days. breathe happy with febreze. a man trying to escape a man trying to escape police custody quickly regretting this decision. so he jumps into the ocean this north carolina after being pulled over in a traffic stop, but check that out. >> what's that? >> that is a shark ladies and gentlemen. >> he swam about 4,000 feet from the shore before police warned him about what was lurking by. >> so they did try to warn him. he just didn't want to listen for a while. it took more than three hours for police to finally catch him. he said he's happy he wasn't bitten. >> will he have to take a bite out of that bail money now, to get it paid? >> you really are filling in for kendis tonight, aren't you? complete with the bad puns and everything. >> i thought the police would say you will be sleeping with the fishes or sleeping with the sharks. >> oh, okay. >> right? i'm trying, folks. >> you are, indeed. >> it's friday. >> we'll give it to you. it's friday. and it's early. as the flooding slowly recedes, thousands are returning home to find their homes in ruin. >> and with the cleanup comes concerns with mold and several new hazards. here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: with floodwaters starting to recede, so many are anxious to salvage what's left. a small army of friends, neighbors and even strangers marching in. sifting through the soggy homes. the streets were rivers. now breeding grounds for mold and mildew which can grow 24-48 hours after contact with water. >> didn't want to wait? >> no. no waiting. no time to wait. >> we caught up with cindy who wasted no time gutting her home. >> we got here and we're like wow, where do we start? >> reporter: ripping out carpet, furniture and wet sheet rock, not much could be saved. it's messy and can be dangerous work. the government urges residents to take precautions, wearing gloves, masks and eye protection. if working in water, keep tetanus shots up to date. just a reminder of how dirty this water may be, we had a lab sample the water from a suburb of houston. they found high levels e. coli. when we come back, a player is getting a lot of attention, but it has nothing to do with his skills on the field. >> it has to do with his look. you're watching "world news now." now." do with his look. you're watching "world news now." nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. (cough) i'm never gonna i'll take a sick day tomorrow. on our daughter's birthday? moms don't take sick days & moms take nyquil severe. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold &medicine. [female narrator] foods rich in folic acid like white bread and leafy greens can help prevent some birth defects before you even know you're pregnant. ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny we are back with the friday skinny. and maybe we should have started with the old ♪ take me out to the ball game ♪ song, because that's where we're going. >> i was going to continue. >> oh, you like that. >> i do. >> so 27-year-old davis is a catcher for the cubs minor league team and he is gaining national attention, not so much for his plays on the field, but for his eye contact. >> now davis always seems to find the camera, zero in on it. some have compared him to a very famous male model. >> one who's really, really good-looking. >> derick zoolander. >> oh, yeah, baby. maybe you have heard of him in his famous blue steel. >> all right. i see it a little bit. >> you've got a little bit of a blue steel in you, don't you? >> we all do. >> i like the side one better. how about magnum. remember that one? that was another one. >> i'm on this show, you make me look at the camera like this. >> the only reason we're doing this story is to make you do this face. >> i like my cheeks like that. that's the model in me. >> there's a third one. i forget what the third look is called. >> you would know a lot more about this. >> maybe i've seen zoo lander a few too many times. >> next up, we'll have a walk off. not really. >> i'll do that. >> but, we are glad you could be with us today. >> thank you. >> we know you have been spending a lot of time in l.a. >> yes. >> mingling among the stars, and i'm glad you are able to come down and hang out with us. >> i was working in our l.a. bureau of abc news for the past month, but i was hanging out with a-listers. i covered the mcgregor fight. it was an incredible fight in vegas. >> it's a tough gig. >> it was tough. it was tough. i spent some time on the red carpet. look -- >> just hanging out with jamie foxx. >> cedric the entertainer. oh, my goodness. that's -- william h. macy. >> you had a tough time out there, huh? >> i'm used to walking the red carpet. there's jeff gordon. >> i know, you're going to say it's all work. >> it was. >> but, you made it big time, buddy. you made it onto the jimmy kimmel show? >> if you are hanging out with celebrities, then i might as well be on the place celebrities go to talk with abc's jimmy kimmel. take a look. >> now introducing, kenneth moten! [ applause ] >> look at that. >> wow. >> sit there in the chair. >> why does it look a little different? >> everything's off. jimmy wasn't there. things were covered up. that's me on the show. i'm on the set. >> so when you said you were on the jimmy kimmel show. >> i was there. >> you just meant you were technically on the set of the jimmy -- >> yeah. yeah. >> that's about the same thing. >> you never got to hang out with jimmy? >> you know what? i did. >> what was that? >> where's the picture, my selfie with jimmy? he was very nice. >> sure. >> ah! i was sure you were making that up. >> what? what? look? who's that? look at that. who's that? jimmy's on me, i'm on jimmy. what? >> i dare say jimmy's got his arm around you. >> i come with proof. >> wow. >> jimmy and i are friends. hey, jimmy, call me, i'll be back in l.a. soon. >> jimmy, how long did he follow you around before you agreed to take this selfie? >> you know what? yes. finally, we have seen some pretty horrible wax figures in the past, remember beyonce? but, the greenland wax museum in boston may be trying to one-up madame tussauds. check this out. can you recognize who that's supposed to be? >> that's affleck. >> looks just like him. >> is that me? that's obama. >> take a look at nicole kidman. this one's scary. a look at nicole kidman. this one's scary. 's scary. do i use that'sthat wgood for my teeth? .. now i don't have to choose! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. ♪ ♪ it's been a week of tough news, as harvey brought historic devastation to texas and louisiana. some of these scenes were just unimaginable. >> just incredible from the tragedy of the storm to the stories of survival. here is our weekly rewind. >> harvey barrelling toward shore as night falls friday. >> this is going to be a very major disaster. >> the center of the storm just 30 miles off the coastline. >> the landmark hurricane swept through southeastern texas, hitting the coast as a category 4 early saturday morning. >> the national weather service already calling the storm unprecedented. and here in houston, we are heading into another night of torrential rainfall. >> we have the whole family in the water. >> the water came up this high? >> this high. >> probably another four inches since i was here a couple hours ago. >> hurricane harvey slightly downgraded, but still extremely hazardous. >> the major concern right now is getting to the people who need help. >> senior citizens, some in wheelchairs trapped in the nursing home just outside houston. >> hello! everybody all right? >> we called 911. >> 911 won't help you. i'm here to help you. >> shelters at capacity as thousands of new victims pack into buses and dump trucks overnight. >> it's really bad. >> we're anticipating over 30,000 people being placed in shelters temporarily. >> tropical storm harvey appears to be moving out of the houston area, but it has left a devastating mark. >> what's the damage like? >> totaled. totalled. >> there's never been anything so historic in terms of damage. >> the tropical storm hitting louisiana this morning and battering parts of eastern texas. >> your house is totally? >> totally under water. ♪ we are sending love to houston ♪ ♪ we are prayin' >> the images are horrifying. but the massive rescue effort, neighbor helping neighbor is inspiring. ♪ ♪ houston ♪ keep on keeping on >> and our hearts are just with houston, but a lot of action still needs to take place. >> so do remember, as the storm moves on and the headlines move on. the people in houston and those surrounding areas will be rebuilding for a long time. please help in any way you can. >> please do. we're with you, houston, we'll making news in america this morning, harvey is causing more problems as it moves inland. the storm has spawned at least one tornado and it's now causing flooding in tennessee with some in need of rescue and even a news reporter jumping in. plus, see why these firefighters were forced to go underwater and what happens after a boat full of rescuers tips over in rushing waters. new this morning, the lines at gas stations in texas getting longer. a real concern for drivers as the busy travel weekend gets underway. what's being done about the gas shortage after harvey. a georgia police officer is under fire. his dash cam video shows him telling a woman not to worry because, quote, we only kill black people. what his chief is saying about the comment. and a man running from police tries to get away by

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Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170901 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170901

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i like them both. >> one sweet one savory. >> will you marry me? >> that's our show for today. every episode of "rtm" is brand new. see you next time. did you know that people born from 1945 through 1965 have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more. which means we use less. now we get three generations of clothes clean in one wash. has anyone seen my pants? i found 'em ellen! put those on, dad! nothing cleans better. number 1 trusted, number 1 awarded. it's got to be tide. there'in herbal essences it's bio:renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. herbal essences. let life in. you give us comfort. and we give you bare feet, backsweat, and gordo's... everything. i love you, but sometimes you stink. soft surfaces trap odors. febreze fabric refresher cleans them away for good. because the things you love the most can stink. and plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up to 45 days. breathe happy with febreze. a man trying to escape a man trying to escape police custody quickly regretting this decision. so he jumps into the ocean this north carolina after being pulled over in a traffic stop, but check that out. >> what's that? >> that is a shark ladies and gentlemen. >> he swam about 4,000 feet from the shore before police warned him about what was lurking by. >> so they did try to warn him. he just didn't want to listen for a while. it took more than three hours for police to finally catch him. he said he's happy he wasn't bitten. >> will he have to take a bite out of that bail money now, to get it paid? >> you really are filling in for kendis tonight, aren't you? complete with the bad puns and everything. >> i thought the police would say you will be sleeping with the fishes or sleeping with the sharks. >> oh, okay. >> right? i'm trying, folks. >> you are, indeed. >> it's friday. >> we'll give it to you. it's friday. and it's early. as the flooding slowly recedes, thousands are returning home to find their homes in ruin. >> and with the cleanup comes concerns with mold and several new hazards. here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: with floodwaters starting to recede, so many are anxious to salvage what's left. a small army of friends, neighbors and even strangers marching in. sifting through the soggy homes. the streets were rivers. now breeding grounds for mold and mildew which can grow 24-48 hours after contact with water. >> didn't want to wait? >> no. no waiting. no time to wait. >> we caught up with cindy who wasted no time gutting her home. >> we got here and we're like wow, where do we start? >> reporter: ripping out carpet, furniture and wet sheet rock, not much could be saved. it's messy and can be dangerous work. the government urges residents to take precautions, wearing gloves, masks and eye protection. if working in water, keep tetanus shots up to date. we had tests from another suburb of houston. they found high levels e. coli. when we come back, a player is getting a lot of attention, but it has nothing to do with his skills on the field. >> it has to do with his look. you're watching "world news now." now." do with his look. you're watching "world news now." nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. (cough) i'm never gonna i'll take a sick day tomorrow. on our daughter's birthday? moms don't take sick days & moms take nyquil severe. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold &medicine. ...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hline can help. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny we are back with the friday skinny. and maybe we should have started with the old ♪ take me out to the ball game ♪ song, because that's where we're going. >> i was going to continue. >> oh, you like that. >> i do. >> so 27-year-old davis is gaining national attention, not so much for his plays on the field but for his eye contact. >> now davis always seems to find the camera, zero in on it. some have compared him to a very famous male model. >> one who's really, really good-looking. >> derick zoolander. >> oh, yeah, baby. maybe you have heard of him in his famous blue steel. you've got a little blue steel in you, don't you? we all do. >> i like the side one better. how about magnum. remember that one? >> i'm on this show, you make me look at the camera like this. >> the only reason we're doing this story is to make you do this face. >> i like my cheeks like that. >> i forget what the third look is called. >> you would know a lot more about this. >> maybe i've seen zoo lander a few too many times. >> next up, we'll have a walk off. not really. >> i'll do that. >> but, we are glad you could be with us today. >> thank you. >> we know you have been spending a lot of time in l.a. >> yes. >> mingling among the stars, and i'm glad you are able to come down and hang out with us. >> i was working in our l.a. bureau of abc news for the past month, but i was hanging out with a-listers. i covered the mcgregor fight. it was an incredible fight in vegas. >> it's a tough gig. >> it was tough. it was tough. i spent some time on the red carpet. look -- >> just hanging out with jamie foxx. >> cedric the entertainer. oh, my goodness. that's -- william h. macy. >> you had a tough time out there, huh? >> i'm used to walking the red carpet. there's jeff gordon. >> i know, you're going to say it's all work. >> it was. >> but, you made it big time, buddy. you made it onto the jimmy kimmel show? >> if you are hanging out with celebrities, then i might as well be on the place celebrities go to talk with abc's jimmy kimmel. take a look. >> now introducing, kenneth moten! [ applause ] >> look at that. >> wow. >> sit there in the chair. >> why does it look a little different? >> everything's off. jimmy wasn't there. things were covered up. that's me on the show. i'm on the set. >> so when you said you were on the jimmy kimmel show. >> i was there. >> you just meant you were technically on the set of the jimmy -- >> yeah. yeah. >> that's about the same thing. >> you never got to hang out with jimmy? >> you know what? i did. >> what was that? >> where's the picture, my selfie with jimmy? he was very nice. >> sure. >> ah! i was sure you were making that up. >> what? what? look? who's that? look at that. who's that? jimmy's on me, i'm on jimmy. what? >> i dare say jimmy's got his arm around you. >> i come with proof. >> wow. >> jimmy and i are friends. hey, jimmy, call me, i'll be back in l.a. soon. >> jimmy, how long did he follow you around before you agreed to take this selfie? >> you know what? yes. finally, we have seen some pretty horrible wax figures in the past, remember beyonce? but, the greenland wax museum in boston may be trying to one-up m madame tussauds. can you recognize who that's supposed to be? >> that's affleck. that's obama. >> take a look at nicole kidman. this one's scary. 's scary. do i use that'sthat wgood for my teeth? .. now i don't have to choose! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. ♪ ♪ it's been a week of tough news, as harvey brought historic devastation to texas and louisiana. some of these scenes were just unimaginable. >> just incredible from the tragedy of the storm to the stories of survival. here is our weekly rewind. >> harvey barrelling toward shore as night falls friday. >> this is going to be a very major disaster. >> the center of the storm just 30 miles off the coastline. >> the landmark hurricane swept through southeastern texas, hitting the coast as a category 4 early saturday morning. >> the national weather service already calling the storm unprecedented. and here in houston, we are heading into another night of torrential rainfall. >> we have the whole family in the water. >> the water came up this high? >> this high. >> probably another four inches since i was here a couple hours ago. >> hurricane harvey slightly downgraded, but still extremely hazardous. >> the major concern right now is getting to the people who need help. >> senior citizens, some in wheelchairs trapped in the nursing home just outside houston. >> hello! everybody all right? >> we called 911. >> 911 won't help you. i'm here to help you. >> shelters at capacity as thousands of new victims pack into buses and dump trucks overnight. >> it's really bad. >> we're anticipating over 30,000 people being placed in shelters temporarily. >> tropical storm harvey appears to be moving out of the houston area, but it has left a devastating mark. >> what's the damage like is this. >> totaled. totalled. >> there's never been anything so historic in terms of damage. >> the tropical storm hitting louisiana this morning and battering parts of eastern texas. >> your house is totally? >> totally under water. ♪ we are sending love to houston ♪ ♪ we are prayin' >> the images are horrifying. but the massive rescue effort, neighbor helping neighbor is inspiring. ♪ ♪ houston ♪ keep on keeping on >> and our hearts are just with houston, but a lot of action still needs to take place. >> so do remember, as the storm moves on and the headlines move on. the people in houston and those surrounding areas will be rebuilding for a long time. please help in any way you can. >> please do. we're with you, houston, we'll good morning. i'm kenneth moten in for kendis gibson. >> i'm diane. here are some of the top headlines we are following. a new estimate from the storm zone in texas say damage will top more than $108 billion. more than 100,000 homes are damaged or destroyed. the death toll is rising with at least 39 deaths confirmed. >> president trump visits texas. unlike the visit earlier this week, he'll get a firsthand look at the damage and spend time with victims. the president has donate the $1 million to the relief effort. >> a police officer is out of a job after being caught on dash cam telling a white passenger, quote, "we only kill black people." the officer made that comment during a traffic stop when a woman says she was afraid to move her hands. and millions of muslims go for their pilgrimage at the hajj. those are some of our stories on this september 1st. this is "world news now." good morning to you all. what was hurricane harvey is now bringing heavy rain and flooding to tennessee and kentucky. >> the storm spawned reported tornadoes damaging homes and toppling trees in western alabama. >> near memphis, a television reporter stopped reporting to make news by rescuing a woman stranded in her car as the streets flooded around her. >> evacuation around the city of beaumont beginning its second day with no running water, forcing people out of the local hospital and shelters. gio benitez shows us another city now under water. >> reporter: the city you haven't seen. and the threat of texas caught in an endless flow of water. this may look like a river, but this is actually a highway. you wouldn't know it, because there is so much water. next to an overflowing bayou, between two major rivers overflowing, army rescue trucks racing in as floodwaters swallow these neighborhoods. that right there is a car. the trunk is open. they're grabbing their belongings now. we are there as volunteers rescue stranded residents, pets, livestock still in pastures covered by water. that is a boatful of people. look at that. all those children. jeff housley came from his home, three and a half hours away. you guys are every day people out here volunteering. >> yes, sir. i work at a plant. i don't do this for a living. >> reporter: our boats spot mike looking out the window. he gets on with his wife, brenda, suitcases and pet bird, taken to dry land. >> we thought it would never happen to us. we're probably like millions of other people that it's happened to, oh, it will never happen to me, but it did. >> reporter: orange county, texas. >> and this morning, more than 100,000 people in the city of beaumont, texas are still without drinking water. >> the city was especially hit hard by harvey's rainfall. flooding shut down the city's main water source. along with back up, trucks carrying supplies of bottled water are having trouble getting through because roadways are still swamped. they are hoping to fix the problem today. the lights are coming back on for houston residents with fewer than 30,000 residents now without power. the city is drying out, turning the corner and open for business. the number of people in shelters is going down and officials are consolidating those who remain. houston firefighters went door to door looking for those who waited out the floods in their homes and those who didn't make it. >> and the owners of that flooded chemical plant near houston say it is still unstable and more explosions are likely. at least two tons of the chemicals exploded yesterday, filling the air with black smoke and they blame flooding for knocking out power to the plant, saying that knocked out the refrigeration that needs to keep the chemicals cool. the chemicals are now degrading and could burn at any time. and the head of the red cross is defending their organization. after an exec frif the agency admitted he didn't know how much of every donated dollar goes to relief, red cross ceo gail mcgovern put a number at 91 cents that is unaccounted for. money donated for harvey will be spent on the storm. now while south texas cleans up from harvey, other parts of the u.s. will be dealing with severe weather this weekend. >> let's get the forecast from accuweather justin. good morning. >> good morning to you. we still have lots of heavy rain to come throughout portions of kentucky, portions of tennessee. that potential for several additional inches of rain. some areas could see even more ongoing flooding problems, and even the potential for severe weather out to the east of harvey into the afternoon with damaging winds. another hurricane out into the atlantic. this bears watching down the road. this is in the next several days as the impacts could be making their way to the northern leeward islands. it's something to watch. also, heat really cranking up in the northwest over the course of the next couple days. we are talking record high temperatures in the northwest. but meanwhile, more moisture means additional rain here into the northeast. kenneth, diane? >> justin, thanks. and vice president mike pence brought a personal touch to the storm zone as he comforted residents and thanked volunteers. >> pence kept the focus on the victims after president trump was accused of ignoring them. he rolled up his sleeves and got to work clearing debris from damaged homes in rockport where the storm made land fall. >> he made it clear that president trump will pursue funding for the border wall even as he helps with harvey recovery. >> reporter: is he going to put that threat to the side and concentrate? >> trump's made it very clear that we're going to keep our promise to the american people. we've seen great progress. >> reporter: even if that means a shutdown? >> and enforcing our law. the president's made it clear that we're going to stand firm. the priority right now for president trump and this administration is these families. >> meanwhile, the government is preparing to look at samples for the border wall. four vendors have been awarded contracts for reinforced designs and they will build a prototype. more than 30 people so far have died in a collapse in mumbai. more than 30 people died. among the victims, three children, including a baby 20 days old. south asia is battered by historic flooding. it's unclear if the rains caused this collapse. the 117-year-old building was declared unsafe years ago. and the terrifying fireworks explosion was caught on camera inside a british pizza shop. a man in a hood put a lit box of 70 fireworks inside the door and ran off. luckily, no one was hurt, but investigators believe this was a case of revenge. a shotgun pellet was found in a pizza box a few days earlier. workers think whoever fired the weapon was upset because police had been called. more troubles for wells fargo from that fake bank account scandal. the bank says it has uncovered more than a million more fake accounts bringing the number of unauthorized accounts to 3.5 million. that's a 70% increase over the initial estimate. the fake accounts were set up by bank employees to achieve sale goals and bonuses. the bank fired more than 5,000 employees over the allegations. the trump administration is not saying whether or not it will abandon plans to put harriet tubman on the $20 bill. the obama administration had decided that andrew jackson would be replaced by tubman. but treasury secretary steve mnuchin avoided addressing it directly saying they have a lot more important issues to address. amazon's prime delivery service is working double time in some cities. they are delivering beer, wine or liquor within an hour in major areas like new york and los angeles as well as ten other locations. the service costs -- hold on. i need to write this down. i didn't realize this was available. >> one brand you won't be able to get at your door, an ancient, vintage discovered in sicily. traces were found on pottery inside a cave that dates back 6,000 years. it was thought wine production began about 3,000 years ago. >> that one's been aging quite a bit. >> i'm on >> not seeing that one on there? >> we have more show to do. >> chicago, san francisco, minneapolis. we could have it here before the show's done. it is movie time and we are heading into the "insomniac theater" to check out a star-studded thriller dodging some bombs. here hear what the critics aren't thrilled about. and dreamers who were granted protection from deportation five years ago now faced with the possibility that protection could be reversed. first, here's a look at today's high temperatures. today's high temperatures. "world news now" weather, brought to you by vista print. new deep hydrating eye gel with hyaluronic acid born to outperform the #1... prestige eye cream for better hydration. and your best look yet. olay eyes collection. ageless. because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits canoes, kayaks and now even monster trucks are coming to the rescue in texas. watch as an suv on monster truck tires pulls an army vehicle out of the floodwaters. you can hear the loud cheering as onlookers are loving the show. the truck then comes onto higher ground. >> you do what you got to do. you use what you have to use. a group of monster truck owners headed to texas to help with the rescue. >> it's a good thing they did. >> it sounds like they are at a monster truck rally. >> the military was brought in with these vehicles. it's not often you see a sight like this where it's the military vehicle in need of a rescue. >> but remember, everything is bigger in texas. >> monster trucks included i guess. >> exactly. more storm coverage later in the show. but we're going to turn to the uncertain future for the so-call the dreamers. >> they are the children who came to the u.s. under daca. or deferred action for childhood arrivals. and president trump is about to decide what happens to them. here's byron pitts with more. >> i want to know your perspective. >> reporter: for the past year, inside this middle school classroom, school lessons have taken a personal turn. >> your voices matter. your perspectives are important. >> reporter: for some, old fears have been renewed. >> oftentimes when i was little, no one asked me what i thought. >> i think as a teacher, i just want to provide a safe space for my kids and for them to know that their voices are extremely important. >> reporter: especially when some of them or their parents could be deported. hard to learn when you are worried will mom be home when you get there or dad? >> we tell our kids constantly, if you work hard, you can get anywhere in life. however, with having a status as being undocumented, that proves to be a challenge. so, we serve sixth or eighth grade. >> reporter: it's a challenge teacher ms. luna knows well, she, too, is undocumented. her status has been protected for the past five years under president obama's daca program, granting young immigrants temporary permission to stay in the u.s. nearly 800,000 so-called dreamers are protected under this order. >> this is a temporary stopgap measure that gives a relief and hope to talented, driven, patriotic young people. >> reporter: but now several state attorney generals are threatening to sue the trump administration to end it, arguing the existing policy is simply unlawful, forcing the president to make a decision before next tuesday. the fates of these dreamers, caught in the political crossfire. >> among all of these dreamers, there are some awfully bad people. >> if you think anybody who come here illegally should become a citizen, pass a law that says that. >> reporter: multiple sources tell abc news, the president is leaning toward ending the program. public outcry in support of professionals like luna growing louder, marches across the nation call to defend daca. and this week, 66 mayors from 29 states issuing a call to president trump to keep the program. the department of homeland security says they're still processing several hundred daca applications a day, many of them renewals. luna cautions, instead, it's crucial to raise voices, now more than ever. it's an idea she's teaching her students. >> dear mr. president. >> dear mr. president. >> i am writing this letter to you because i believe there is an issue you must address. the issue -- >> reporter: in their letters to the president, the students' lives are front and center. >> as an american citizen, i feel like we should all be treated the same. >> this issue is women's rights. >> police brutality. >> climate change, immigration. >> i am hispanic. >> if it was your family, how would you feel? >> reporter: if you could sit across from president trump what would you say to him? >> that is such a challenging question. it pains me to say this, but i have no respect for him and for what he's doing. and i, i know he's in a position of power. and i know that i would have to be able to, you know, persuade him. but why do i have to persuade humanity. >> reporter: luna is now desperately saving money, just in case she's forced to leave the job and the country she loves. >> there still has to be a sense of hope. you have to. i'm extremely hopeful that the future will be better. and that's what i try to tell my kids. >> raise your hand if you've ever struggled before. >> reporter: i'm byron pitts in new york. >> wow, 800,000 recipients there waiting to find out. >> all right, coming up, as the waters in texas recede, residents are going home and realizing the full scope of the damage. coming up, the challenge homeowners face as they try to get help from fema to rebuild their lives. you're watching "world news now." rebuild their lives. you're watching "world news now." bladder. ring a bell? then you have to try always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. for incredible protection... ...that's surprisingly thin. so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. also in liners. you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. ♪ ♪ ♪ thousands of harvey victims have reached out to fema, and thousands more will in the coming days. >> the agency has been inundated and says it's working as fast as it can, but tom abraham from our houston station has one woman's story. >> reporter: as is the case with so many of us this week, sue has a story to tell. >> i'm kind of like numb right now. i don't know how to feel. i've lost so much. >> reporter: she lost her home, her cars. one of her beloved dogs and nearly her life when the flood waters rose saturday night. a neighbor tried to rescue her in a boat. >> went underneath the underpass in the current, it was almost to our necks. the water was so high. and all of a sudden the boat capsized. they told me to start swimming. i was panicking, starting to go under. i was so scared and terrified. >> reporter: the coast guard did rescue her, and now living in a hotel her life begins again. she's among the thousands who have already applied for help from fema. >> they said they would help but it could take a while. >> reporter: it could take a while when you look at the scope of the damage. but fema assures us they're working as fast as they can. and the first step toward recovery is filing a claim. they are already working on housing plans and other types of long-term help. >> we will begin to help people the minute we talk to them. get them into the system. after that, the timeline is dependent upon their needs. >> reporter: sue has a lot of needs like so many of her neighbors and friends. >> you think it only happens to someone else until it happens to you. >> reporter: tom abrams, 15 eyewitness news. >> fema recommends applying as quickly as possible. they also stress that fema is for individuals. if you have a business that you need help with, contact the small business administration. >> fema's there to help. so they want people to remember that. coming up, the popcorn is popping. i can hear it. >> we have "insomniac theater" left. and the stiff meister is back with some slapstick sports. long. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. ♪ time n ♪ time now for "insomniac theater," and the pickings are pretty slim this weekend. >> yeah, so this morning we start with a crude slapstick comedy called "goon, the last of the enforcers." it's a sequel to the movie starring shawn william scott known as stickler. doug the thug is sidelined after one too many hits. with a baby on the way, he settles into life as an insurance salesman. when his nemesis is captain of the team, he comes back into action. >> i need to protect my team. >> hello, sir. will you train me? teach me to fight with my left. >> how many times do i have to tell you, just the left! >> like super mario. >> back as a highlander. >> good for you, kid. >> stuck! >> all right. so not all the critics are loving "goon." it's getting a 52% rating from rotten tomatoes. kind of in the middle. a-dub says it's a lot like the last one, just not as funny or endearing. chris hewett has a slightly better review, a movie works better than any comedy with this many nose bleeds has a right to. >> you know what? it gets better. actually, it gets worse with the next movie. "unlocked" is opening to dismal reviews despite the all-star cast. it centers around a cia agent on the run after being compromised. but oh, she has to prevent a biological attack on london. easy. >> is that all? >> that's it. >> we need you for an emergency assignment in london. we have a prisoner waiting. >> i'm already on it. >> what are you talking about? >> we haven't inform the london station. >> sir, we have been penetrated. >> and a terror strike. >> mi5's committing every available asset to this. >> i think i've unlocked a source for a terrorist. >> he has to be stopped. >> we need your skill set. we need you back on the front line. >> it's got some amazing people in it. orlando bloom, michael douglas and john malkovich. >> wow, star studded. >> but critics aren't impressed, scoring a 27% splat on rotten tomatoes. one writes, it's got all the clichés you want. i love a cliche. and one says it's a routine bourne identity clone. >> now we're talking. that's a movie. why don't this morning on "world news now." the tough road to recovery after harvey ravages texas. me evacuations east of houston after rising rivers have completely washed out communities and the floods waters remain at historic highs. rescuers work to save the most vulnerable victims. we have the latest in a live report. meanwhile, the economic impact of the storm has been felt all over the country, but in texas we're already seeing gas lines forming for blocks. we'll get a look at some of the devastation that evacuees are returning to. dash cam video catches a georgia police lieutenant telling a white driver, quote, we only kill black people. he was expected to be forced out. now he's retiring. this morning, hear the chief try to explain the comments as sartastic. tens of thousands are kept from returning to their homes in texas, one dad is getting pretty used to his interim surroundings on his daughter's college campus. we're heading back to school on this friday, the first of september. from abc news, this is "world news now." and a good morning to you all. that dad getting very comfortable there in his daughter's class. she doesn't look so happy about it. we'll get to more on that. but kenneth moten in for kendis gibson. good to have you. >> it's good to be back while kendis took some much-needed time off. the guy couldn't make it to friday. our entire team has done such a wonderful job with the images the devastation, just the information coming out of texas. >> quite a busy week, but nothing compared to the people there on the ground. we know you're heading there this weekend. we will be continuing to stay on this story. and with that, let's give you the latest on harvey. the official death toll stands at 39, although it is expected to go much higher. >> at least four of those deaths occurred in the hard-hit beaumont, texas area. the river is rising, making more flood rescues necessary. there's no word on when the city of 120,000 will have running water again. in houston, firefighters have been going door-to-door, checking for stranded residents and victims and new flooding is expected in the area as the rivers keep rising. >> the estimate the eventual damage is pegged at $108 billion. marci gonzalez joins us. good morning, marci. >> reporter: hi, guys, good morning. the mayor here in houston says the city is finally drying out. but as you mentioned, the situation is still dire in communities east of here where the water isn't expected to start receding for days. the flooding in beaumont, texas now so overwhelming this and every other shelter evacuated. >> i can bring my backpack, right? >> reporter: families who came in with so little rushed out with even less. nearby, 200 patients evacuate the from this hospital. and in homes, people still stranded with the water in east texas still rising. the coast guard hammering through this roof to free a family from their attic. rescue after rescue. from the air. >> it's time to go. >> reporter: and by boat. >> i never thought it would happen to me. it always happens to somebody else, but never to you. and now it is. >> reporter: further west in crosby, texas, officials down playing concerns that this flooded chemical plant, even though they believe more fires there are inevitable. 30 miles away in houston, this house in flames. >> we're about a hose short right now. >> reporter: firefighters diving into the flood water just to get to the hydrant. but in other communities, the water finally receding. enough for people to return home. >> i'm speechless. it's just devastating. >> reporter: help coming in from across the country, for people who have lost everything and those whose lives are now being saved. >> it didn't matter what race, religion we was. we all come together in unity. >> reporter: and an example of that unity, even though this area was so hard hit, the shelters here in houston are now taking in all of those people who are now being evacuated from the shelters in beaumont. guys, back to you. >> and marci, take us back to that chemical plant. we initially heard it could be days away from an explosion, then hours later, it actually happened. what's the latest on that? >> reporter: right, so there were fires there yesterday, as predicted. and there were several officers, deputies, who were taken to a hospital to be treated. they have since been released. but now the issue is, there are still eight trailers at that plant that have chemicals inside of them that they say it's pretty much inevitable that those, too, will catch fire. so the epa sent aircraft into the area. they did some testing of the air quality, and they say they didn't find any toxic concentrations of chemicals in the air there, so their plan for now, the safest thing is to let those trailers of chemicals catch on fire. they don't think there is as big of a threat because they have evacuated within a mile and a half of that plant and they will have first responders outside of the evacuation zone just as a precaution. >> wow, an incredible situation to keep a watch on there. and marci, to the east, the town of beaumont has been without water for 24 hours now? >> reporter: yeah, it is a really, really tough situation there. what's happening is the two main water pumps that bring water into homes and businesses that keep the regular water flowing in that community are under water. so they're not functioning at all. so they can't get clean water. they've had to evacuate 200 patients from one hospital, all of the dialysis patients from another. and they say they probably will not be able to get in to make repairs until the water recedes, and that is not happening for at least a couple of days. >> wow. >> just feels like one problem after another. abc's marci gonzalez live for us in houston. marci, thank you. and the storm has weakened. but it's still causing lots of trouble as it moves further inland. >> the remnants of harvey are now in northern alabama, georgia, tennessee and kentucky. those red and orange areas you see there are the strongest storm cells. >> the low pressure system spawned a tornado in stantonville, tennessee. no injuries or damage reported there. over in western alabama, they weren't so lucky. >> there was a damaged building there that injured four people. >> nashville and louisville will be getting rain this morning. later today, the system will be moving to the ohio valley. flooding from harvey is having an impact on the entire country. you may have noticed a spike in gas prices. operations have slowed at two major gulf coast pipelines, which is taking a toll on gas supplies in the u.s. unfortunately, the combination of those temporary shortages and the long holiday weekend has sent gas prices soaring to a two-year high, about 20 cents a gallon in some spots. the energy department has released 500,000 barrels of crude oil from an emergency stockpile to keep prices from rising further. the e.p.a. is raising concerns about shortages. texas state and federal authorities have also formed a task force to investigate and prosecute illegal activity related to hurricane harvey. those crimes include price gouging and looting, along with insurance and charity scams, task force leaders say they will use all their resources to crack down on anyone trying to take advantage of victims. one example we heard yesterday of people going to houses and pretending they were from government agencies, hoping to get them to evacuate. >> amazing people take such advantage. >> yep. vice president mike pence got a firsthand look at the devastation in texas. the vp was up close and personal with the storm survivors. he wrapped his arms around them and put on a pair of work gloves to clear away debris. pence and several trump cabinet members visited a damaged church and prayed. >> the vice president praised the victims for their strength and promised to help the state rebuild. >> you've inspired the nation by your resilience and by your courage. we just came here to commend you and to encourage you. >> and the president heads back to texas tomorrow with first lady melania trump. the white house says they plan to meet with victims in the houston area and in southern louisiana. the president is pledging to donate $1 million from his personal fortune to victims in texas and louisiana. it's one of the largest charitable donations made by a sitting president. >> the vice president is also expressing confidence in the president's pending decision on so-called dreamers. undocumented immigrants brought to the u.s. as children. the president will make the determination with, quote, big heart. abc news reported last week that trump was leaning toward ending the daca program which protects millions of dreamers from deportation. the future is still under review. the trump administration is dramatically slashing funding designated to get people to sign up for obamacare. advertising to promote enrollment will be cut from $100 million to $10 million. and workers who guide consumers through the enrollment process will be reduced by 40%. democrats say the administration is trying to sabotage the health care system after failing to repeal and replace it, but the administration says it hasn't benefited enough from obamacare advertising. obesity rates may be finally leveling off in some states. new reports show that for the first time in 14 years some states are showing obesity rates dropping and other are slowing. but still at least 20% of adults in every state are obese. the report notes half of the country had rates above 30%. to put that in perspective, in 2000, no state had reached that level. apple makes it official. our first look at the iphone 8, right now, here it is. no, it will happen on september 12th. >> i just got all excited. >> you like the abc logo? >> well done. >> that's how i now it's my work phone. >> the company sent out an announcement saying let's meet at our place in cupertino, california. apple is expected to include the launch of an iphone 7s and 7 plus. a new version of the apple watch and a new 4k apple tv. >> what's this bad boy, the iphone 4? >> that's the one before, six. yeah. i forget there's so many. >> we'll be keeping an eye for the new goodies. but coming up, we will have more images out of texas, and a group of officers trying to help in that rescue effort ended up needing to be rescued themselves. we'll show you the video as their boat capsizes. also, an officer trying to calm a nervous white driver by saying, quote, we only kill black people. the full story, ahead. >> and remember to follow on facebook at wnn you've watching abc world news now. to keep hair strong against hot styling tools, you need more than a conditioner, need a miracle. pantene 3 minute miracle daily conditioner... has a super concentrated pro-v formula... ...that makes hair stronger* in just 3 minutes. so your hair is smoother everyday. pantene 3 minute miracle daily 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this is a reminder that they are putting their own lives on the line when they go out there. >> and a veteran police officer is out of a job this morning after making an apparently sarcastic comment that cops only kill black people. >> the officer announced his retirement as the department was moving to fire him over the remarks made in a traffic stop. the police chief calling the comments inexcusable and inappropriate. richard cantu reports. >> but you're not black, remember, we only kill black people. >> reporter: now more than a year later, cobb county lieutenant greg abbott is charged with making those statements as he stood alongside a woman's car during a dui traffic stop in july of 2016. police chief, mike register, explaining that he and his staff looked at the video this past friday. >> i've known lieutenant abbott, and i've perceived him to be an honorable man. he made a mistake. i don't know what's in his heart, but i know what came out of his mouth. >> reporter: abbott, who spent nearly three decades on the force immediately put on administrative duties. >> we don't kill black people, right? all the video tapes. >> reporter: register says an internal review of the incident report purports -- >> lieutenant abbott was attempting to use that kind of dialog from a sarcastic standpoint and also as a tool to certainly address the situation as he perceived it at that time. >> reporter: abbott's attorney adding he was attempting to de-escalate a situation involving an uncooperative passenger. the driver's attorney shocked by what he heard. >> i can see how he was frustrated and responded with this sarcasm. but it's still unacceptable. like it just makes you cringe when you hear it. >> reporter: richard cantu, abc news, new york. >> and as the chief was announcing the move to terminate him, the officer apparently was sending an e-mail announcing his retirement. so it's not yet clear exactly how that move, announcing his retirement will affect the termination. >> and he said it was sarcasm, but with so many tensions between so many communities and police, you would think he would be a little more sensitive, right? >> odd comments, for sure, and his attorneys have tried to say, like the chief said, that this is an attempt to defuse the situation. even the chief said, even with that, it's just inexcusable. >> inappropriate. frightening video shows a close call for two florida sheriff's deputies. >> they're helping people involved in a three car crash when suddenly two pickup trucks collide at the same intersection. this was on florida's gulf coast. >> one of the deputies and an eyewitness from the crash was knocked about six feet back. luckily no serious injuries were reported. incredible video. wow. >> it's surprising no one got seriously injured in all of that. >> yeah. coming up in the next half hour. as the flooding slowly recedes. thousands of survivors are returning home where they're finding new dangers. but first, this table at a houston convention center is bringing victims separated by harvey together. one volunteer calls it the for missing persons. that's next on "world news now." for missing persons. that's next on "world news now." chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. there'in herbal essences it's bio:renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. herbal essences. let life in. babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait. ♪ thousands of people headed for shelter at the houston convention center after harvey made landfall, evacuees are still struggling to reconnect with family and friends. >> what's called the missing persons table is now a special place for reunions. >> reporter: a worried sister is reunited with her mentally challenged brother, missing since the storm. >> my parents are sick with grief because he's the baby. and it's just, you know, it's a miracle that things fell into place. >> a missing person's table is set up at the george r. brown convention center to bring together those separated from harvey's onslaught. >> it's a long shot, there's no way i'm going find him. >> reporter: so far they found about 70% of the missing. >> i'm calling it the for missing persons. >> reporter: overall, thousands of evacuees remain. help is coming from all over, with so many giving, from clothes, to haircuts, to hugs for kids. has it been a rough few days? yeah. this high school dance group are here to spread some cheer. what's it like when you see the kids smile? >> i have a little brother, and it's like, you know, to see that smile, oh, my gosh. >> reporter: it's a nice sight to see all these volunteers getting food and clothes and everything else here, a real outpouring of support. it's also good to see the number of people here drop. at its peak, it was 9,000 people, now at 2500 people, a lot of people today starting to move out, either towards hotels or maybe possibly back into their homes. reporting live from houston, alex michaelson, abc 13, eyewitness news. >> certainly hope many of those people are making their way back home, but kind of nice to see the dancers bringing a smile to the kids' faces and the kids are bringing a smile to the dancers' faces. >> right. it's really good to see. coming up, what happens when harvey strands you at your daughter's grad school? this one you want to see. n harvey strands you at your daughter's grad school? this one you want to see. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. heads up! you know what, don't worry about it. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. it was mostly water. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. i mean, i give away water for free. i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. number one trusted. number one awarded. it's got to be tide ♪ time for "the mix". we know that the devastation of harvey has just displaced a lot of people. and people after going through something like that, they want to be with family, friends in other parts of texas. so a lighthearted moment here when a father decided to take refuge at his daughter's dorm room at college. and she's not happy about it. >> ah-oh. >> so the father ended up showing up, even in classes alongside her. in a hilarious tweet that went viral, the son shared that quote, my pops can't fly back to houston because of the hurricane, so he's going to grad school with my sister, and she's not happy. >> look at the tweets. she says get out. mommy come get him. seriously, he needs to leave. he stayed for the intro, he has a syllabus. he won't leave. he's distracting me. dad is pumped to be in class. and over to washington, we've seen the million man march, the women's march and now a new march on washington. >> which one is this one? >> about 100 demonstrators showed up at the white house dressed as inflatable dinosaurs. they're apparently trying to raise awareness about cuts to the national service budget. you want to know what's weirder than that? >> what? >> the harp polka. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ toxic chemicals and carcinogens are leaching into the environment. it's happening right where we live, work and play. everywhere. cigarette butts are toxic waste. let's stop the toxic litter. learn more at (tiffany) ask yourself what your children or cigarettes. for as long as i can remember, my mother smoked. she died from lung cancer when i was 16. i could not take the chance of continuing smoking and not being here for my daughter. i know how much i needed my mom still, and i didn't realize it until i had lost her. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. this morning on "world news now." rescue missions across east texas flood walters struggle to drain in the wake of harvey. we'll go along with matt gutman as he takes to the skies, getting victims from that massive underwater scene. >> meanwhile, people try to pick up the pieces while thousands are stuck in shelters across the city. others return home to find their homes destroyed. new this half hour, why parents are spending more on back-to-school supplies. >> it's no surprise if you have kids heading back to class. those details, just ahead. and all rise. justice sotomayor taking in a game in her hometown. she finds herself suddenly back at the office. why it's making for a strange coincidence on this friday, september 1st. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we're just going to let you digest that one for a second, see if you can figure it out. but we'll have it all for you. >>, yes will. >> but we're going to start with what's left of harvey, stuck in spreading heavy rain in kentucky. new rescues are under way in texas. >> helicopters are flying full time over the port arthur texas, using baskets and harnesses to rescue people chest deep. >> in beaumont, more than 100,000 people are without drinking water. deliveries of bottled water into the city are virtually impossible because of swamped roadways. matt gutman has the latest from beaumont. >> reporter: from the air, beaumont and port arthur, the hardest hit by harvey, besiege the with floodwaters. the sky swarming the helicopters. it's the only way in. the coast guard hammering through a roof to get families out. some 200 patients on stretchers evacuated by helicopter at baptist beaumont hospital after the local water supply failed and a nearby nursing home submerged. teams evacuating the most critical patients, lifting entire beds into boats. we teamed up with the u.s. navy aboard a rescue chopper and surveyed the water world below. then an urgent call. a nearby dam is about to overflow. we touch down at the pine forest elementary a few towns from beaumont. the first thing we see, people weeping, hands over mouths. >> apparently, a lot of people were still in fear of what's going on. all of them stranded. this is one of the few dry areas around here. basically nowhere for them to go but up. time is short. we jogged in with the navy rescuers. people everywhere, until just now, this was a shelter. the little they brought in, those bags. now they're ordered to hurry. they can take even less. we help them to scramble together their essential belongings while they hold back tears. with other rescuers carrying out dogs, they help this family take what they can. there are probably 50, maybe 100 people here trying to evacuate, pretty much nowhere for people to go here. they're taking their dogs, four team members plus four dogs pile in. these are just a few of the thousands that have needed rescue over the past few days as harvey continues to wreak havoc. that navy rescue crew comforting the families. shocked by the sudden displacement. the family grateful to have each other. >> right now we're taking them to another shelter. it is a drier area. higher ground where they're going to be safe. >> reporter: they're dropped off here at a shelter. we unload the dogs and few possessions, rushing them away from the helicopters where they thank the rescuers with hugs. then back to the helicopter. matt gutman, abc news, beaumont, texas. >> and a new warning is out about that flooded chemical plant near houston. >> the owner of the plant says more explosions are likely after power outages knocked out the refrigeration used to store dangerous chemicals and keep them cool. at least two tons of the highly unstable chemicals already exploded yesterday, sending thick, black smoke into the air. some first responders were hospitalized because of that. houston firefighters and other responders are going door-to-door looking for anyone who waited out harvey in their homes and need to be rescued. unfortunately, they probably will find some for whom help is too late. firefighters have rescued more than 7,000 people so far, working double shifts and making incredible effort. >> and while rescues continue all over the state, evacuees are in need of so much as they arrive at shelters. >> let's get to victor oquendo. he is at one of the many red cross shelters there. victor? >> reporter: at last check, there were about 5,000 people who left their homes. the evacuees here at the george r. brown evacuation center taken care of by the red cross. they have had safe shelter here, food, water, all those necessities. the shelter really isn't a long-term solution. so now fema is on the ground to help people take that next step. this is actually a long line of people, waiting to register for fema. now every single situation is different. some, the process will take longer than others. so here they're hoping to get set up with an apartment, sem -- temporary housing, a dorm, whatever it may be. >> we want to get people into safe housing as quickly as possible. staying in a shelter can be difficult. we want to get them into other housing, hotels, dormitories, neighbors or back into their own home. >> reporter: fema makes every situation is different depending on how badly their homes were damaged. this could take weeks, months, even years in some cases. kenneth? diane? >> thank you for that report. corporations have pledged least $113 million to disaster relief organizations. programs could add another $6 million. the u.s. chamber of commerce says more than 50 companies have donated $1 million or more as of yesterday afternoon. >> walmart and verizon are among the top donors with more companies signing on. moving on to the other top stories, the u.s. is forcing russia to close three diplomatic properties here in the u.s., intensifying tensions between the two countries. >> the state department announced russia has until tomorrow to shut down the consulate in san francisco and trade mission office in new york and washington, d.c. the move is retaliation for russian president vladimir putin's cut to the staff in russia by 750 employees. a judge will announce whether those in a defunct penn state fraternity will stand trial? the death of timothy, who died after a night of hazing and heavy drinking. authorities say the fraternity brothers waited for hours before calling for help for piazza who fell several times. prosecutors urged the judge to send the case to trial, but defense attorneys say this was a tragic accident, not criminal. lyft is extending services to 32 more states. that brings the ride hailing service to 40 states in total. it's the latest step in lyft's challenge to the much larger, uber. lyft has also upgraded its app. and as kids head back to school, parents are spending more money on school supplies. a new survey finds spending for back-to-school stuff averages, $1,000. that's nearly the same amount as the u.s. monthly mortgage payment. 60% of u.s. parents struggle to pay for school supplies. $1,000. >> wow, that's a lot. good news here in sports world. the first big weekend of college football is here. and there was a major upset brewing early in the hoosier state last night. >> indiana was hosting ohio state. the hoosiers were up, 7-6. cox jr. makes the touchdown grab. indiana was up, 14-6. >> then ohio state outscored their big 10 rival, 43-7 the rest of the way. it's ohio state, they win 49- 21. >> all right, all right. there was a special guest you could say. the rooting section for all-star aaron judge has this whole judge theme. >> right. >> but there in the stands. >> look at that. >> a supreme court justice, sonia sotomayor. >> she even had one of those styrofoam gavels, she wore a black robe, but it wasn't the one she uses in washington. it wasn't the same one. they hand those out to the crowd. i wonder if we should go back and have the same yankees logo on. maybe she will wear that one. >> wear that one to the supreme court. >> right. >> i like it. she's apparently a huge yankee fan. she's from the bronx and threw out a first ball in the stadium's first season in '09. now she's making her presence known. i wonder if she picked that section on purpose? >> she had to. i mean, supreme court justice. the judge. >> i was there as well. >> i love the giant, all rise behind her. just bringing it all home. >> beat them red sox. let's do it again tonight. >> let's do it, boys! coming up, a look at one of baseball's rising stars, or should we say, he's looking at us and always finding the camera. >> and right after the break, the jailhouse interview with a suspect who tried to evade police, only to be chased by some other creatures lurking under the wave. chased by some other creatures lurking under the wave. so we save by using tide. which means we use less. now we get three generations of clothes clean in one wash. has anyone seen my pants? i found 'em ellen! put those on, dad! nothing cleans better. number 1 trusted, number 1 awarded. it's got to be tide. there'in herbal essences it's bio:renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. herbal essences. let life in. you give us comfort. and we give you bare feet, backsweat, and gordo's... everything. i love you, but sometimes you stink. soft surfaces trap odors. febreze fabric refresher cleans them away for good. because the things you love the most can stink. and plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up to 45 days. breathe happy with febreze. a man trying to escape a man trying to escape police custody quickly regretting this decision. so he jumps into the ocean this north carolina after being pulled over in a traffic stop, but check that out. >> what's that? >> that is a shark ladies and gentlemen. >> he swam about 4,000 feet from the shore before police warned him about what was lurking by. >> so they did try to warn him. he just didn't want to listen for a while. it took more than three hours for police to finally catch him. he said he's happy he wasn't bitten. >> will he have to take a bite out of that bail money now, to get it paid? >> you really are filling in for kendis tonight, aren't you? complete with the bad puns and everything. >> i thought the police would say you will be sleeping with the fishes or sleeping with the sharks. >> oh, okay. >> right? i'm trying, folks. >> you are, indeed. >> it's friday. >> we'll give it to you. it's friday. and it's early. as the flooding slowly recedes, thousands are returning home to find their homes in ruin. >> and with the cleanup comes concerns with mold and several new hazards. here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: with floodwaters starting to recede, so many are anxious to salvage what's left. a small army of friends, neighbors and even strangers marching in. sifting through the soggy homes. the streets were rivers. now breeding grounds for mold and mildew which can grow 24-48 hours after contact with water. >> didn't want to wait? >> no. no waiting. no time to wait. >> we caught up with cindy who wasted no time gutting her home. >> we got here and we're like wow, where do we start? >> reporter: ripping out carpet, furniture and wet sheet rock, not much could be saved. it's messy and can be dangerous work. the government urges residents to take precautions, wearing gloves, masks and eye protection. if working in water, keep tetanus shots up to date. just a reminder of how dirty this water may be, we had a lab sample the water from a suburb of houston. they found high levels e. coli. when we come back, a player is getting a lot of attention, but it has nothing to do with his skills on the field. >> it has to do with his look. you're watching "world news now." now." do with his look. you're watching "world news now." nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. (cough) i'm never gonna i'll take a sick day tomorrow. on our daughter's birthday? moms don't take sick days & moms take nyquil severe. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold &medicine. [female narrator] foods rich in folic acid like white bread and leafy greens can help prevent some birth defects before you even know you're pregnant. ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny we are back with the friday skinny. and maybe we should have started with the old ♪ take me out to the ball game ♪ song, because that's where we're going. >> i was going to continue. >> oh, you like that. >> i do. >> so 27-year-old davis is a catcher for the cubs minor league team and he is gaining national attention, not so much for his plays on the field, but for his eye contact. >> now davis always seems to find the camera, zero in on it. some have compared him to a very famous male model. >> one who's really, really good-looking. >> derick zoolander. >> oh, yeah, baby. maybe you have heard of him in his famous blue steel. >> all right. i see it a little bit. >> you've got a little bit of a blue steel in you, don't you? >> we all do. >> i like the side one better. how about magnum. remember that one? that was another one. >> i'm on this show, you make me look at the camera like this. >> the only reason we're doing this story is to make you do this face. >> i like my cheeks like that. that's the model in me. >> there's a third one. i forget what the third look is called. >> you would know a lot more about this. >> maybe i've seen zoo lander a few too many times. >> next up, we'll have a walk off. not really. >> i'll do that. >> but, we are glad you could be with us today. >> thank you. >> we know you have been spending a lot of time in l.a. >> yes. >> mingling among the stars, and i'm glad you are able to come down and hang out with us. >> i was working in our l.a. bureau of abc news for the past month, but i was hanging out with a-listers. i covered the mcgregor fight. it was an incredible fight in vegas. >> it's a tough gig. >> it was tough. it was tough. i spent some time on the red carpet. look -- >> just hanging out with jamie foxx. >> cedric the entertainer. oh, my goodness. that's -- william h. macy. >> you had a tough time out there, huh? >> i'm used to walking the red carpet. there's jeff gordon. >> i know, you're going to say it's all work. >> it was. >> but, you made it big time, buddy. you made it onto the jimmy kimmel show? >> if you are hanging out with celebrities, then i might as well be on the place celebrities go to talk with abc's jimmy kimmel. take a look. >> now introducing, kenneth moten! [ applause ] >> look at that. >> wow. >> sit there in the chair. >> why does it look a little different? >> everything's off. jimmy wasn't there. things were covered up. that's me on the show. i'm on the set. >> so when you said you were on the jimmy kimmel show. >> i was there. >> you just meant you were technically on the set of the jimmy -- >> yeah. yeah. >> that's about the same thing. >> you never got to hang out with jimmy? >> you know what? i did. >> what was that? >> where's the picture, my selfie with jimmy? he was very nice. >> sure. >> ah! i was sure you were making that up. >> what? what? look? who's that? look at that. who's that? jimmy's on me, i'm on jimmy. what? >> i dare say jimmy's got his arm around you. >> i come with proof. >> wow. >> jimmy and i are friends. hey, jimmy, call me, i'll be back in l.a. soon. >> jimmy, how long did he follow you around before you agreed to take this selfie? >> you know what? yes. finally, we have seen some pretty horrible wax figures in the past, remember beyonce? but, the greenland wax museum in boston may be trying to one-up madame tussauds. check this out. can you recognize who that's supposed to be? >> that's affleck. >> looks just like him. >> is that me? that's obama. >> take a look at nicole kidman. this one's scary. a look at nicole kidman. this one's scary. 's scary. do i use that'sthat wgood for my teeth? .. now i don't have to choose! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. ♪ ♪ it's been a week of tough news, as harvey brought historic devastation to texas and louisiana. some of these scenes were just unimaginable. >> just incredible from the tragedy of the storm to the stories of survival. here is our weekly rewind. >> harvey barrelling toward shore as night falls friday. >> this is going to be a very major disaster. >> the center of the storm just 30 miles off the coastline. >> the landmark hurricane swept through southeastern texas, hitting the coast as a category 4 early saturday morning. >> the national weather service already calling the storm unprecedented. and here in houston, we are heading into another night of torrential rainfall. >> we have the whole family in the water. >> the water came up this high? >> this high. >> probably another four inches since i was here a couple hours ago. >> hurricane harvey slightly downgraded, but still extremely hazardous. >> the major concern right now is getting to the people who need help. >> senior citizens, some in wheelchairs trapped in the nursing home just outside houston. >> hello! everybody all right? >> we called 911. >> 911 won't help you. i'm here to help you. >> shelters at capacity as thousands of new victims pack into buses and dump trucks overnight. >> it's really bad. >> we're anticipating over 30,000 people being placed in shelters temporarily. >> tropical storm harvey appears to be moving out of the houston area, but it has left a devastating mark. >> what's the damage like? >> totaled. totalled. >> there's never been anything so historic in terms of damage. >> the tropical storm hitting louisiana this morning and battering parts of eastern texas. >> your house is totally? >> totally under water. ♪ we are sending love to houston ♪ ♪ we are prayin' >> the images are horrifying. but the massive rescue effort, neighbor helping neighbor is inspiring. ♪ ♪ houston ♪ keep on keeping on >> and our hearts are just with houston, but a lot of action still needs to take place. >> so do remember, as the storm moves on and the headlines move on. the people in houston and those surrounding areas will be rebuilding for a long time. please help in any way you can. >> please do. we're with you, houston, we'll making news in america this morning, harvey is causing more problems as it moves inland. the storm has spawned at least one tornado and it's now causing flooding in tennessee with some in need of rescue and even a news reporter jumping in. plus, see why these firefighters were forced to go underwater and what happens after a boat full of rescuers tips over in rushing waters. new this morning, the lines at gas stations in texas getting longer. a real concern for drivers as the busy travel weekend gets underway. what's being done about the gas shortage after harvey. a georgia police officer is under fire. his dash cam video shows him telling a woman not to worry because, quote, we only kill black people. what his chief is saying about the comment. and a man running from police tries to get away by

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