Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20240622 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20240622

we can don. >> san francisco mayor ed lee lays blame on sheriff ross mirkarimi saying he should have called authorities when alleged killer francisco sanchez wound up in his custody. and he and the board of supervisors signed in 2013 designed to protect undocumented immigrants. >> something in that law prevents communication, notification, with our federal, and state law enforcement officials. >> do i need to educate someone how to pick up the phone? >> the mayor signed it into affect in october, 2013. it stipulates a notification request should not be returned unless ice provides a a court order or warrant. >> from dianne feinstein to donald trump raising questions. >> why they didn't deport this person again? >> i do believe in our policy. however, when something as terrible as what happened happens, you have to look again. >> the mayor is calling for a review. in san francisco abc7 news. >> the sheriff's office says they just signed an agreement two days ago that let's them notify the feds any time they're about to release an undocumented immigrant. >> efforts to continue on with kate steinly's generous spirit is gaining momentum. her family set up a fund raising page for funeral costs and to collect donations for charities that were important to her. there is a link on our website, so far, people donated nearly $29,000. >> this this case took center stage today on gun control. here is nancy pelosi. >> our city suffered a senseless act of gun violence and our thoughts and prayers are with the family today we must do more to prevent dangerous people from getting access to guns. >> requesting firearms checks at gun shows and online. stay with us for coverage of the pier shooting. >> turning now to our weather. drizzle, gray skies across the area. the wild weather extends to the sierra. check out the hail in tahoe. it's been rather wild outside of the bay area. we have spotty weather severe weather. and a powerful thunderstorm with lightning strikes and heavy hail. and there is a debris flow reporting mud rocks and bricks on the highway there. in this pockets of sprinkles moving into our direction. >> spencer, thank you very much. a family is taking action after a loved one was killed in an outrageous accident. the 25-year-old died in vallejo. we're live. laura? >> police here are very tight lipped about this case. they're still trying to figure out if this young woman was targeted or a victim and that is what her family wants to know, too. the grieving family of the 25-year-old told abc7 news they're frustrated with a lack of information coming from police. >> this is anything you know. please contact the police department. she was found in the driver's seat. and four pop, pop, pop, pop. >> witnesses say they heard gunshots after police s.w.a.t. team moved into the house on broadway. they used flash grenades and took two men into custody. neighbors told abc7 the house is known for drug activity. >> we justifyinged it's another senseless murder. you know? it's terrible. >> if you know anything, please, anything, the littlest bit of information will help us we want to be at rest we want to be at ease. >> in vallejo abc7 news. >> the family of a teen is demanding an apology. she says officers entered with out a warrant, and handcuffed her as they investigated her son. democrating was shot and killed at a car dealership by officer daniel after apparently attacked him. his mom says officers didn't tell her he was dead for hours while searching her home. >> a danville man accused of possessing child pornography pleated guilty today, admitting to possessing 50,000 files of minors on his personal computer. he was a teacher in danville the hearing is october 21st. >> the aunt of a 2-year-old girl killed by a hit and run driver was acquitted of felony child endangerment charges. police say she walked the girl into the middle of the street against a signal. they say she left the girl in the street and went back to the curb to get her nephew. a driver hit her without stopping. >> i think it's criminal. >> her mother says she does not blame her sister for what happened. >> the search for a suspected burglar in lafayette has been called off again. police say a man responsible for a series of crimes took off after a confrontation with police. >> dan there is a description of him he is a white male, 58 160 pounds, dark brown hair and wearing a white or gray shirt. neighbors say this is a first. police surprised many in this quiet neighborhood as they brought in dogs searching for a man running from officers >> i saw commotion. i walked up. they said there is a police dog. stay away. we've got e mails from a neighbor and have communicated through e mail. and on the phone. >> it started when police received a call about two people a man a woman sleeping in a car at community park. police arrested the woman after discovering there was a warrant for her arrest. >> she was being handcuffed by an officer and placed in the vehicle. the individual pushed himself away and the officer and subject became involved in a struggle. >> from sky 7 hd you can see police narrowing their search after a homeowner saw the man in her backyard. >> too afraid to show her face she described the moment she saw him. >> short hair short, dark hair. he had no expression toward me. >> police searched through the car. >> associate cries are in the city. police are still asking neighbors to be vigilant. abc7 news. >> still to come on abc7 news. what happened and what it means for your money and the market. >> a sighting in a place where one hasn't been seen for years. what makes this video so unusual. >> a milestone in california. growing shift in demograp latino residents surpassed caucasians. demo graphers have expected the shift. in san jose they have the report. >> you follow the path of heart and you know when you're doing right. >> sanchez was born in whittier. he would graduate from san jose state, go on to serve in the army and become one of the first latino firefighters. he's proud of his heritage, inspiring to open a restaurant after growing up in his father's can cantina. he is one of the many contributed to the fabric of the south bay. according to the most recent data available, the state has approximately 14.99 million latinos, compared to 14.9 non-hispanic whites the groups makeup the california population. >> just having sure numbers doesn't matter. if we're not engaged in our society. whether it's jobs, housing politics or civic engagement. >> he is president and ceo of the hispanic community have a lot of needs but strengths, too. >> you don't necessarily have to have blue eyes to be american. >> a reminder the u.s. is a nation of immigrants. >> donald trump is on the defensive after a washington post report revealed some workers building his new washington, d.c. hotel are undocumented. he told cnn he can't guarantee all of the construction workers are in the countly legally. >> we have 34 million from the country. i can't guarantee anything. >> he asked the post to tell him who the undocumented workers are so he can fire them. a southern california senator introduced a resolution condemning trump and calling for the state to end business relationships. >> people are keeping an eye out for a mountain lion or two. there have been five sightings in the past week or so. wayne freedman is live from inspiration point. wayne? >> that is above the presidio. it's an interesting place. you have city life and urban life. crossing over. and when it comes to mountain lions, it may have been going on quite a while. this is video never seen in public. they're two mountain lions just four months ago, near crystal springs. >> how do you get a video like this? patience. >> this archiver is probably the last person to be surprised by this home surveillance stream of a mountain lion last week. the fifth such sighting recently. an educated opinion because frankly, they didn't need reassurance. >> i go crazy living next door to my friends. >> they're excellent at hiding. if you're to see one, it's reaction might surprise you. >> probably yawn and walk the other way. >> these mountain lions are appearing because cities are expanding into the broad range land. this cat, or cats nearly looking for real estate on which to stake a claim. it's not the first nor the last. wayne freedman abc7 news. >> morgan hill police say they received a spike in rourts of sightings the sightings near spring and barnel avenues. >> a little bit of rain in the bay area. >> yes. yes. >> it's craziness. >> just call me the rain whisperer. here is a look at live doppler 7 hd. and here in the bay area, we're seeing increasing clouds and light rain showers, and drizzle. look at the outbreak that continues over into the sierra and wrapping around the northern most areas of lake county and into mendocino county as well. so we've got intense storms in that region. in the bay area flight delays now. and we've got rain drops on the lens at our sfo camera. it's raining in this location now. and is 63 in san francisco. 72 in morgan hill. no rain drops on this one. napa 66. and one more view of cloudy skies over the bay from our camera, these are the forecast features. and a dry pattern taking us into next week. low pressure system we've been tracking centered over the bay area now. and here in the bay area some spotty drizzle. that redevelop. we don't expect a dry pattern until friday or the weekend. 7:00 tomorrow morning we might see an outbreak of more thunderstorms. and ready through lake county over towards mendocino county. to the north tomorrow not likely to move into the bay area pockets of showers moving into places like northern sonoma county. overnight, thick clouds, drizzle. near the coast. and highs from mid-60s on the coast. here is the accu-weather forecast. and next week highs in upper 80s to 90s again. that will be the end of our taste of wet weather. >> thank you spencer. >> we know what caused dozens of children to get sick in a water park. we spend a lot of time online around here. but with all this speed from xfinity, it's all good. hey, why don't we do some homework for a change? gary, you too. stuff. yes! [laughs] lovin' the new design! konichiwa hirosan. five minutes... all this speed is very empowering. check out the new hardware. with the fastest internet available xfinity is perfect for people who need to get a lot done at home. and now you can go even faster. we've just increased the speeds on two of our most popular plans. abc7 news was in oakland as the bay area toll authority opened up a check point to keep the bay bridge light show going, agreeing to spend $2 million to inspect and maintain the display. but it comes back on just before 2016 super bowl. a private group raised $4 million to replace the lights. >> a popular swimming spot will be likely closed this weekend. you can see people enjoying the beach. the first attempt didn't work. so a second treatment is being scheduled. according to health services, a traded amount of pool chemicals was purpose v pumped into one of the pools. 17 kids were taken to the hospital and released. >> major glitches lead to shut downs. >> passengers stranded across the u.s. >> and are we on the verge of another bubble about to burst? for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. stocks were slammed today after a tech glitch caused the stock exchange. the dow dropping 17%. the nasdaq fell 87 points and s and p 500 gave up 34 points. david louie is live to explain who if anyone, got hurt today. >> they say few people were off today, but there could be a major exception someone wanting to raise money quickly n a world in which seconds count, computers down nearly four hours can shake confidence in the financial markets. >> it makes you nervous so i am concerned. >> brokers started to notice some transactions weren't going through. they were told it's probably tied to a software upgrade but with buys and sells not posted it was compromising the integrity in the market. >> if someone thought this is a reason to panic, and they did, they might cause trauma without knowing what is going on. so that is why she shut it down. >> the national security advisor told the president no. >> miss monaco says there is no indication the malicious actors are involved. iet did cause the stock exchange to cancel 700,000 orders. the exchange was back in business 90 minutes before calling it a day. one finance professor doesn't believe the average person got hurt today. >> there are problems that go away, and this should be one of them. . it's unfortunate. >> hundreds of flights were delayed after the airline experienced a computer glitch. the issue impacted ability to communicate data. which is why the faa kept flights from taking off. >> when you came in the lines were long. >> united issued an apology and says thousands were working to get flights back on track. >> we have to be able to give you options to continue your journey going forward. >> this an investigation under way in south carolina into death threats against lawmakers debating a bill to remove the confederate flag. there is a large police presence today at the state house. members debated the measure that state senator as proved yesterday. >> oakland's former police chief is out. the mayor announced she fired anthony bats. bats served as oakland's police chief before resigning. >> turning to money matters microsoft announced it will eliminate 7800 positions. this is part of a major overhaul of the struggling smart phone business. apple is preparing a number of next generation iphones, asking suppliers for as many as 90 million units combined the devices are expected to be out this year. >> albert son's expects to raise $100 million. >> technology is booming in the bay area. when does that become a bubble? here is jonathan bloom. >> lots to talk about being above what is going on. >> we saw companies going public with very little revenue. business models were in flux. and they went to 0. >> some remember web bam two years after going public it was gone. >> when you look at the first bubble you had 85% of the companies going public showing no profit. >> tony perkins says silicon valley learned how to make money. >> we're not in a tech bubble >> there is no arguing there is on demand. >> that is why they're going so quickly. >> today's services have customers with smart phones. there is uber, air bnb. what comes next? >> it goes on and on. >> an entrepreneur offering an on demand garbage take out. >> they asked a question that used to be common here. >> mayor ed lee announced a step to prepare residents for earthquakes. two organizations will be given a grant to conduct safety outreach. the program will provide a hands on training and education about emergency preparedness. >> a new technique to melt fat from your chin. >> ground breaking shot, what ♪ southwest is having a sale because when there's a reunion every cent should go to a killer dress. ♪"never gonna get it" by en vogue ♪ and heels. and a blowout. mani/pedi. three weeks of tanning. facial. a backup dress. bronzer, lip gloss... book for as low as 73 dollars one-way now at medicare will counsel patients for end of life care. counselling would be voluntary. >> one of the most anticipated cosmetic treatments in years is set to become available in just weeks but one doctor is advising it has to be done carefully to avoid side affects. >> amanda davis is noticing the affect of gravity in the chin area. >> i want to change this waddle. and weight coming from my jowls. >> she turned to a technique that is about to hit the country. dr. power is mixing a solution containing a a solution that will will be injected underneath her chin. >> so the chemical breaks down fat cells. once broken down, they're removed by the body. >> she says doctors used the acid to help dissolve fat but this year a drug manufacturer made headlines when winning approval for a commercial version. and interest intensified when a cot mettic giant bought it and plans to market it world wide. and while it's considered safe, she says there are potential side affects and injections made to be precise. >> one issue seen in critical condition cal trials is some damage or injury to the nerve that runs along the jaw line here. >> they have begun training doctors in safe placement. it's expected to be available by the end of summer. brenda is hoping it will help turn back the clock. >> just that lift, every woman wants that. >> cheryl jennings, abc7 news. >> dr. powers says off label treatments have grown from $1500 to $2,000. no word on the commercial version when it becomes available late this summer. >> technology helping big up water, coming up going deep to help fight the drought. >> farme what do a nascar® driver... a comedian... and a professional golfer have in common? we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® has also been proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. i tried warfarin before, but the blood testing routine and dietary restrictions had me off my game. not this time. not with xarelto®. i'll have another arnold palmer. make mine a kevin nealon. really, brian? hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more ea sily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleedin g, unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not tak e xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any kidney liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u.s. and that number's growing. like your guys' scores. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. ♪ experience the world ofo kitty and friends at the first ever hello kitty super cute friendship festival it's a traveling party that every hello kitty fan won't want to miss see you there.hello kitty supercute friendship at oracle arena this weekend only as california's drought continues to worsen, farmers are using technology to find water. >> here, everything is dry. it's getting harder to find water. a company is using old mining technology to search here in the valley. >> we're taking guesswork out of it. >> he's mapping things out. the pulse is generated from a system hanging from the top. >> it's something a farmer can use. >> i can say there is where i need to drill. >> if not safe to drink, crocker says it can go into the system. >> this is the first flight in california. >> they've used us as a preventative measure. and are happy with what is going on out there. >> here is finding something people can't live without. >> tom selleck is in hot water. he is accused of hiring a truck to take water from a hydrant 12 times and have it delivered to his home. the district is suing selleck for $22,000. >> a little bit of moisture, water coming are from the skies today. >> it's welcome and we love it. >> we do. impressive cell there and there is a down pour that has been significant. tomorrow expect more thunderstorms northward again. here in the bay area, we'll have lingering clouds into tomorrow, high temperatures from 60s to 70s around the bay to upper 70s inland by friday we can see a chance of showers to a drier pattern. summer weather returns. a huge upset at ♪ how's it progressing with the prisoner? he'll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were... where were we? 13 serving 14! service! if your boss stops by, you act like you're working. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. giants ended a losing streak last night with the return of hunter pens. all star stuff this afternoon. eight shut out innings. and gregor blanco ten strikeouts. moves to the 9th. he knew it was gone. last night's hero, brett laurie cooling off and airing out a batting glove in humid conditions. he leads with a 2-1 lead. next inning, 21 of the year and again, to the same spot 22 of the year. men's quarter final action and this was the best one. leading in the fifth, and so he can't do it. no tie breaker. 11-9 in the fifth. he'll meet novak jokavich. he moves on to face semi final was a straight sets victory. remember, he won in 2014 and there is your winner. next up roger fedderer, what else is new. he moves on in straight sets. bad wreck here will be his second win of the race. didn't see much playing time but has game. this rory mcelroy out of the open for ankle injuries while playing pick up soccer. >> join us tonight on abc7. this teenager has a hit. how she did it. >> then at 11:00, details in the shooting death of a woman along the water front. >> and we'll be back with abc7 news at 11:00. it's jimmy kimmel live tonight. >> and use the abc7 news app it's a free down load from the app store. >> that is it for this edition of abc7 news. breaking news is on twitter. i'm ama daetz. >> i'm dan ashley. we appreciate your time. ♪ ♪ ♪ it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. but only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. this is "jeopardy!" today's contestants are a chemist from madison, wisconsin... a professor from baltimore, maryland... and our returning champion an engineering student originally from fishers, indiana... ...whose one-day cash winnings total $11,590. and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek. all right, thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. i'm feeling a little crazy today a little like that camel in those television commercials because it's hump day. and we're happy to welcome ian and jenny as the challengers to our champion, sawyer. let's see how this half-hour works out. luck. here we go. and now the categories. first off... films that didn't get an academy award best picture nomination. alex: you start us, champ. why don't we do material for $200, please. here's kelly. as you might know from a petting zoo this fiber, when twisted naturally springs back. that's why it's perfect for suits that you don't want to wrinkle. sawyer. what is wool? "wool" is right. material for $400. sawyer. what is clay? clay? no. ian. what is terra-cotta? no.

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New Washington , Indiana , United States , Lake County , California , Oakland , New School , Wisconsin , Washington , District Of Columbia , Reunion , San Francisco , South Carolina , Danville , Sonoma County , Maryland , Morgan Hill , Monaco , Baltimore , American , Brett Laurie , Wayne Freedman , David Louie , Rory Mcelroy , Gregor Blanco , Amanda Davis , Arnold Palmer , Jimmy Kimmel , Francisco Sanchez , Cheryl Jennings , Nancy Pelosi , Tim Morehouse , Tony Perkins , Ross Mirkarimi , A Kevin Nealon , Dan Ashley , Tom Selleck ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20240622 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20240622

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we can don. >> san francisco mayor ed lee lays blame on sheriff ross mirkarimi saying he should have called authorities when alleged killer francisco sanchez wound up in his custody. and he and the board of supervisors signed in 2013 designed to protect undocumented immigrants. >> something in that law prevents communication, notification, with our federal, and state law enforcement officials. >> do i need to educate someone how to pick up the phone? >> the mayor signed it into affect in october, 2013. it stipulates a notification request should not be returned unless ice provides a a court order or warrant. >> from dianne feinstein to donald trump raising questions. >> why they didn't deport this person again? >> i do believe in our policy. however, when something as terrible as what happened happens, you have to look again. >> the mayor is calling for a review. in san francisco abc7 news. >> the sheriff's office says they just signed an agreement two days ago that let's them notify the feds any time they're about to release an undocumented immigrant. >> efforts to continue on with kate steinly's generous spirit is gaining momentum. her family set up a fund raising page for funeral costs and to collect donations for charities that were important to her. there is a link on our website, so far, people donated nearly $29,000. >> this this case took center stage today on gun control. here is nancy pelosi. >> our city suffered a senseless act of gun violence and our thoughts and prayers are with the family today we must do more to prevent dangerous people from getting access to guns. >> requesting firearms checks at gun shows and online. stay with us for coverage of the pier shooting. >> turning now to our weather. drizzle, gray skies across the area. the wild weather extends to the sierra. check out the hail in tahoe. it's been rather wild outside of the bay area. we have spotty weather severe weather. and a powerful thunderstorm with lightning strikes and heavy hail. and there is a debris flow reporting mud rocks and bricks on the highway there. in this pockets of sprinkles moving into our direction. >> spencer, thank you very much. a family is taking action after a loved one was killed in an outrageous accident. the 25-year-old died in vallejo. we're live. laura? >> police here are very tight lipped about this case. they're still trying to figure out if this young woman was targeted or a victim and that is what her family wants to know, too. the grieving family of the 25-year-old told abc7 news they're frustrated with a lack of information coming from police. >> this is anything you know. please contact the police department. she was found in the driver's seat. and four pop, pop, pop, pop. >> witnesses say they heard gunshots after police s.w.a.t. team moved into the house on broadway. they used flash grenades and took two men into custody. neighbors told abc7 the house is known for drug activity. >> we justifyinged it's another senseless murder. you know? it's terrible. >> if you know anything, please, anything, the littlest bit of information will help us we want to be at rest we want to be at ease. >> in vallejo abc7 news. >> the family of a teen is demanding an apology. she says officers entered with out a warrant, and handcuffed her as they investigated her son. democrating was shot and killed at a car dealership by officer daniel after apparently attacked him. his mom says officers didn't tell her he was dead for hours while searching her home. >> a danville man accused of possessing child pornography pleated guilty today, admitting to possessing 50,000 files of minors on his personal computer. he was a teacher in danville the hearing is october 21st. >> the aunt of a 2-year-old girl killed by a hit and run driver was acquitted of felony child endangerment charges. police say she walked the girl into the middle of the street against a signal. they say she left the girl in the street and went back to the curb to get her nephew. a driver hit her without stopping. >> i think it's criminal. >> her mother says she does not blame her sister for what happened. >> the search for a suspected burglar in lafayette has been called off again. police say a man responsible for a series of crimes took off after a confrontation with police. >> dan there is a description of him he is a white male, 58 160 pounds, dark brown hair and wearing a white or gray shirt. neighbors say this is a first. police surprised many in this quiet neighborhood as they brought in dogs searching for a man running from officers >> i saw commotion. i walked up. they said there is a police dog. stay away. we've got e mails from a neighbor and have communicated through e mail. and on the phone. >> it started when police received a call about two people a man a woman sleeping in a car at community park. police arrested the woman after discovering there was a warrant for her arrest. >> she was being handcuffed by an officer and placed in the vehicle. the individual pushed himself away and the officer and subject became involved in a struggle. >> from sky 7 hd you can see police narrowing their search after a homeowner saw the man in her backyard. >> too afraid to show her face she described the moment she saw him. >> short hair short, dark hair. he had no expression toward me. >> police searched through the car. >> associate cries are in the city. police are still asking neighbors to be vigilant. abc7 news. >> still to come on abc7 news. what happened and what it means for your money and the market. >> a sighting in a place where one hasn't been seen for years. what makes this video so unusual. >> a milestone in california. growing shift in demograp latino residents surpassed caucasians. demo graphers have expected the shift. in san jose they have the report. >> you follow the path of heart and you know when you're doing right. >> sanchez was born in whittier. he would graduate from san jose state, go on to serve in the army and become one of the first latino firefighters. he's proud of his heritage, inspiring to open a restaurant after growing up in his father's can cantina. he is one of the many contributed to the fabric of the south bay. according to the most recent data available, the state has approximately 14.99 million latinos, compared to 14.9 non-hispanic whites the groups makeup the california population. >> just having sure numbers doesn't matter. if we're not engaged in our society. whether it's jobs, housing politics or civic engagement. >> he is president and ceo of the hispanic community have a lot of needs but strengths, too. >> you don't necessarily have to have blue eyes to be american. >> a reminder the u.s. is a nation of immigrants. >> donald trump is on the defensive after a washington post report revealed some workers building his new washington, d.c. hotel are undocumented. he told cnn he can't guarantee all of the construction workers are in the countly legally. >> we have 34 million from the country. i can't guarantee anything. >> he asked the post to tell him who the undocumented workers are so he can fire them. a southern california senator introduced a resolution condemning trump and calling for the state to end business relationships. >> people are keeping an eye out for a mountain lion or two. there have been five sightings in the past week or so. wayne freedman is live from inspiration point. wayne? >> that is above the presidio. it's an interesting place. you have city life and urban life. crossing over. and when it comes to mountain lions, it may have been going on quite a while. this is video never seen in public. they're two mountain lions just four months ago, near crystal springs. >> how do you get a video like this? patience. >> this archiver is probably the last person to be surprised by this home surveillance stream of a mountain lion last week. the fifth such sighting recently. an educated opinion because frankly, they didn't need reassurance. >> i go crazy living next door to my friends. >> they're excellent at hiding. if you're to see one, it's reaction might surprise you. >> probably yawn and walk the other way. >> these mountain lions are appearing because cities are expanding into the broad range land. this cat, or cats nearly looking for real estate on which to stake a claim. it's not the first nor the last. wayne freedman abc7 news. >> morgan hill police say they received a spike in rourts of sightings the sightings near spring and barnel avenues. >> a little bit of rain in the bay area. >> yes. yes. >> it's craziness. >> just call me the rain whisperer. here is a look at live doppler 7 hd. and here in the bay area, we're seeing increasing clouds and light rain showers, and drizzle. look at the outbreak that continues over into the sierra and wrapping around the northern most areas of lake county and into mendocino county as well. so we've got intense storms in that region. in the bay area flight delays now. and we've got rain drops on the lens at our sfo camera. it's raining in this location now. and is 63 in san francisco. 72 in morgan hill. no rain drops on this one. napa 66. and one more view of cloudy skies over the bay from our camera, these are the forecast features. and a dry pattern taking us into next week. low pressure system we've been tracking centered over the bay area now. and here in the bay area some spotty drizzle. that redevelop. we don't expect a dry pattern until friday or the weekend. 7:00 tomorrow morning we might see an outbreak of more thunderstorms. and ready through lake county over towards mendocino county. to the north tomorrow not likely to move into the bay area pockets of showers moving into places like northern sonoma county. overnight, thick clouds, drizzle. near the coast. and highs from mid-60s on the coast. here is the accu-weather forecast. and next week highs in upper 80s to 90s again. that will be the end of our taste of wet weather. >> thank you spencer. >> we know what caused dozens of children to get sick in a water park. we spend a lot of time online around here. but with all this speed from xfinity, it's all good. hey, why don't we do some homework for a change? gary, you too. stuff. yes! [laughs] lovin' the new design! konichiwa hirosan. five minutes... all this speed is very empowering. check out the new hardware. with the fastest internet available xfinity is perfect for people who need to get a lot done at home. and now you can go even faster. we've just increased the speeds on two of our most popular plans. abc7 news was in oakland as the bay area toll authority opened up a check point to keep the bay bridge light show going, agreeing to spend $2 million to inspect and maintain the display. but it comes back on just before 2016 super bowl. a private group raised $4 million to replace the lights. >> a popular swimming spot will be likely closed this weekend. you can see people enjoying the beach. the first attempt didn't work. so a second treatment is being scheduled. according to health services, a traded amount of pool chemicals was purpose v pumped into one of the pools. 17 kids were taken to the hospital and released. >> major glitches lead to shut downs. >> passengers stranded across the u.s. >> and are we on the verge of another bubble about to burst? for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. stocks were slammed today after a tech glitch caused the stock exchange. the dow dropping 17%. the nasdaq fell 87 points and s and p 500 gave up 34 points. david louie is live to explain who if anyone, got hurt today. >> they say few people were off today, but there could be a major exception someone wanting to raise money quickly n a world in which seconds count, computers down nearly four hours can shake confidence in the financial markets. >> it makes you nervous so i am concerned. >> brokers started to notice some transactions weren't going through. they were told it's probably tied to a software upgrade but with buys and sells not posted it was compromising the integrity in the market. >> if someone thought this is a reason to panic, and they did, they might cause trauma without knowing what is going on. so that is why she shut it down. >> the national security advisor told the president no. >> miss monaco says there is no indication the malicious actors are involved. iet did cause the stock exchange to cancel 700,000 orders. the exchange was back in business 90 minutes before calling it a day. one finance professor doesn't believe the average person got hurt today. >> there are problems that go away, and this should be one of them. . it's unfortunate. >> hundreds of flights were delayed after the airline experienced a computer glitch. the issue impacted ability to communicate data. which is why the faa kept flights from taking off. >> when you came in the lines were long. >> united issued an apology and says thousands were working to get flights back on track. >> we have to be able to give you options to continue your journey going forward. >> this an investigation under way in south carolina into death threats against lawmakers debating a bill to remove the confederate flag. there is a large police presence today at the state house. members debated the measure that state senator as proved yesterday. >> oakland's former police chief is out. the mayor announced she fired anthony bats. bats served as oakland's police chief before resigning. >> turning to money matters microsoft announced it will eliminate 7800 positions. this is part of a major overhaul of the struggling smart phone business. apple is preparing a number of next generation iphones, asking suppliers for as many as 90 million units combined the devices are expected to be out this year. >> albert son's expects to raise $100 million. >> technology is booming in the bay area. when does that become a bubble? here is jonathan bloom. >> lots to talk about being above what is going on. >> we saw companies going public with very little revenue. business models were in flux. and they went to 0. >> some remember web bam two years after going public it was gone. >> when you look at the first bubble you had 85% of the companies going public showing no profit. >> tony perkins says silicon valley learned how to make money. >> we're not in a tech bubble >> there is no arguing there is on demand. >> that is why they're going so quickly. >> today's services have customers with smart phones. there is uber, air bnb. what comes next? >> it goes on and on. >> an entrepreneur offering an on demand garbage take out. >> they asked a question that used to be common here. >> mayor ed lee announced a step to prepare residents for earthquakes. two organizations will be given a grant to conduct safety outreach. the program will provide a hands on training and education about emergency preparedness. >> a new technique to melt fat from your chin. >> ground breaking shot, what ♪ southwest is having a sale because when there's a reunion every cent should go to a killer dress. ♪"never gonna get it" by en vogue ♪ and heels. and a blowout. mani/pedi. three weeks of tanning. facial. a backup dress. bronzer, lip gloss... book for as low as 73 dollars one-way now at medicare will counsel patients for end of life care. counselling would be voluntary. >> one of the most anticipated cosmetic treatments in years is set to become available in just weeks but one doctor is advising it has to be done carefully to avoid side affects. >> amanda davis is noticing the affect of gravity in the chin area. >> i want to change this waddle. and weight coming from my jowls. >> she turned to a technique that is about to hit the country. dr. power is mixing a solution containing a a solution that will will be injected underneath her chin. >> so the chemical breaks down fat cells. once broken down, they're removed by the body. >> she says doctors used the acid to help dissolve fat but this year a drug manufacturer made headlines when winning approval for a commercial version. and interest intensified when a cot mettic giant bought it and plans to market it world wide. and while it's considered safe, she says there are potential side affects and injections made to be precise. >> one issue seen in critical condition cal trials is some damage or injury to the nerve that runs along the jaw line here. >> they have begun training doctors in safe placement. it's expected to be available by the end of summer. brenda is hoping it will help turn back the clock. >> just that lift, every woman wants that. >> cheryl jennings, abc7 news. >> dr. powers says off label treatments have grown from $1500 to $2,000. no word on the commercial version when it becomes available late this summer. >> technology helping big up water, coming up going deep to help fight the drought. >> farme what do a nascar® driver... a comedian... and a professional golfer have in common? we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® has also been proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. i tried warfarin before, but the blood testing routine and dietary restrictions had me off my game. not this time. not with xarelto®. i'll have another arnold palmer. make mine a kevin nealon. really, brian? hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more ea sily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleedin g, unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not tak e xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any kidney liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u.s. and that number's growing. like your guys' scores. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. ♪ experience the world ofo kitty and friends at the first ever hello kitty super cute friendship festival it's a traveling party that every hello kitty fan won't want to miss see you there.hello kitty supercute friendship at oracle arena this weekend only as california's drought continues to worsen, farmers are using technology to find water. >> here, everything is dry. it's getting harder to find water. a company is using old mining technology to search here in the valley. >> we're taking guesswork out of it. >> he's mapping things out. the pulse is generated from a system hanging from the top. >> it's something a farmer can use. >> i can say there is where i need to drill. >> if not safe to drink, crocker says it can go into the system. >> this is the first flight in california. >> they've used us as a preventative measure. and are happy with what is going on out there. >> here is finding something people can't live without. >> tom selleck is in hot water. he is accused of hiring a truck to take water from a hydrant 12 times and have it delivered to his home. the district is suing selleck for $22,000. >> a little bit of moisture, water coming are from the skies today. >> it's welcome and we love it. >> we do. impressive cell there and there is a down pour that has been significant. tomorrow expect more thunderstorms northward again. here in the bay area, we'll have lingering clouds into tomorrow, high temperatures from 60s to 70s around the bay to upper 70s inland by friday we can see a chance of showers to a drier pattern. summer weather returns. a huge upset at ♪ how's it progressing with the prisoner? he'll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were... where were we? 13 serving 14! service! if your boss stops by, you act like you're working. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. giants ended a losing streak last night with the return of hunter pens. all star stuff this afternoon. eight shut out innings. and gregor blanco ten strikeouts. moves to the 9th. he knew it was gone. last night's hero, brett laurie cooling off and airing out a batting glove in humid conditions. he leads with a 2-1 lead. next inning, 21 of the year and again, to the same spot 22 of the year. men's quarter final action and this was the best one. leading in the fifth, and so he can't do it. no tie breaker. 11-9 in the fifth. he'll meet novak jokavich. he moves on to face semi final was a straight sets victory. remember, he won in 2014 and there is your winner. next up roger fedderer, what else is new. he moves on in straight sets. bad wreck here will be his second win of the race. didn't see much playing time but has game. this rory mcelroy out of the open for ankle injuries while playing pick up soccer. >> join us tonight on abc7. this teenager has a hit. how she did it. >> then at 11:00, details in the shooting death of a woman along the water front. >> and we'll be back with abc7 news at 11:00. it's jimmy kimmel live tonight. >> and use the abc7 news app it's a free down load from the app store. >> that is it for this edition of abc7 news. breaking news is on twitter. i'm ama daetz. >> i'm dan ashley. we appreciate your time. ♪ ♪ ♪ it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. but only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. this is "jeopardy!" today's contestants are a chemist from madison, wisconsin... a professor from baltimore, maryland... and our returning champion an engineering student originally from fishers, indiana... ...whose one-day cash winnings total $11,590. and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek. all right, thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. i'm feeling a little crazy today a little like that camel in those television commercials because it's hump day. and we're happy to welcome ian and jenny as the challengers to our champion, sawyer. let's see how this half-hour works out. luck. here we go. and now the categories. first off... films that didn't get an academy award best picture nomination. alex: you start us, champ. why don't we do material for $200, please. here's kelly. as you might know from a petting zoo this fiber, when twisted naturally springs back. that's why it's perfect for suits that you don't want to wrinkle. sawyer. what is wool? "wool" is right. material for $400. sawyer. what is clay? clay? no. ian. what is terra-cotta? no.

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New Washington , Indiana , United States , Lake County , California , Oakland , New School , Wisconsin , Washington , District Of Columbia , Reunion , San Francisco , South Carolina , Danville , Sonoma County , Maryland , Morgan Hill , Monaco , Baltimore , American , Brett Laurie , Wayne Freedman , David Louie , Rory Mcelroy , Gregor Blanco , Amanda Davis , Arnold Palmer , Jimmy Kimmel , Francisco Sanchez , Cheryl Jennings , Nancy Pelosi , Tim Morehouse , Tony Perkins , Ross Mirkarimi , A Kevin Nealon , Dan Ashley , Tom Selleck ,

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