Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate from Palakkad Assembly constituency, 'Metroman' E Sreedharan on Tuesday said his party will for sure put an impressive show in the Kerala Assembly Elections adding that he will win from Palakkad with a big margin. After casting vote at a polling booth in Ponnani, E Sreedharan said, "BJP will have an impressive show this time, there is no doubt about it. I will win from the Palakkad constituency with a big margin. My entry into BJP has given a different image to the party." Sreedharan is contesting against sitting MLA Shafi Parambil of Congress and CP Pramod of CPI-M.Sreedharan, the architect of the metro rail system in the country, joining the BJP was a much-celebrated event among the BJP lovers in and out of the state. BJP hopes to get the benefit from their undeclared Chief Minister face, Sreedharan's candidature throughout the state.